#he fits so well with their sociable and hyper personalities
lyraofthestarsss · 2 years
Petition for Kumon Hyodo to join the Puppy Pair
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kathyprior4200 · 5 years
Alastor and Astrology
Alastor potential birth chart
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January 24th 1896, New Orleans(Jan 24 1986 is the birth date of voice actor Edward Bosco.) Alastor died in 1933 getting shot in the head and on the wiki, it said he was in his 30’s when he died. 1933 minus 1896 equals 37. I figured that the dark hour of 3:00 am would be fitting for him.
Sun in Aquarius
 Friendly and sociable, you may have a wide circle of acquaintances. Friends are very important to you. Intellectually oriented, you are happiest with friends that share common ideas and interests. Strangely, you find it more difficult to cultivate a truly satisfying intimate relationship. This aloofness exists because feelings are rarely expressed outwardly, and you usually seem distant. You resist anything or anyone threatening your independence.
Alastor is shown being sociable to Charlie, Angel, Husk, etc. He’d be happy with Charlie, Mimzy, Rosie, who share his love of singing and dancing. With a constant smile on his face, Alastor tries to never express what true feelings he may have at the moment. Anyone threatening his independence like the overlords or perhaps his father would likely not live very long.
Moon in Taurus
A Taurus Moon emphasizes the material side of life, and emotions are centered on the comforts and possessions in life. You tend to be a collector and an accumulator of the things that, in your view, make up the "good life." With the Moon in Taurus, you want the best that life has to offer, and you find it difficult to settle for less. The emotions are earthy and practical, highly attracted to material possessions and the satisfactions that come from material comforts.  Sense impressions are very strong, the sense of touch and taste is highly developed, and you probably have a pleasant speaking and singing voice. At least you are fond of music, art, dancing and all things that make life more pleasurable. You innate good taste probably extends to decorating the home and having a great sense for interior design.
Mercury in Aquarius
 In Aquarius, Mercury produces a mind that is original, detached, and abstract. Ideas come to you as bursts of insights. Your mind is hyper-active and going constantly. Thoughts are rarely organized, rather arriving in flashes and fragments which are often the seeds of invention and progress. The thought pattern is scientific and dispassionate.Your ideas may sometimes be considered very progressive and some may be well ahead of their time. Your unique approach will prompt some to label you as being a little crazy or at least eccentric. You like to do things that are unusual or avant garde just to shake up the establishment and create controversy. You have no respect for tradition and little concern for the lessons of the past. You are a pure progressive. You love to rebel against the system in supporting causes and ideas that are controversial and revolutionary.You are very intuitive, and accordingly, an excellent judge of character. Being very fair-minded, you judge people by what they seem to know or what they do, rather than who they are or what position they occupy. You believe strongly in equality and fair play. A humanitarian, you support ideas and programs that assist those less fortunate than yourself, and you support the concepts of total social reform.You're witty and open to a wide range of ideas, but at times, you become mentally fixed in your opinions and very stubborn. You are talkative and social, but you often come off as rather aloof and cerebral. It may be hard for you to find common ground in many social circles. Nonetheless, you are very verbal and enjoy expressing you views to anyone who will listen. Writing and speaking both come easily for you.
Theory: in his human life, Alastor resisted the racist standards/discriminations, being part Creole and having a mother who wasn’t white. He most likely killed off anyone who had bullied him. It is possible that Alastor will redeem himself by working with Charlie and the other protagonists to stand up against the Archangels, overlords, and/or Lucifer. They who claim that “demons deserve to die” or the overlords who wish to brainwash the populace in Hell would face Alastor’s wrath. The name Alastor means “spirit of vengeance/tormentor,” after a figure who wanted justice for familial issues. It could be good or bad (tormenting innocent people or tormenting evil people, both of which Alastor would relish in.)The speaking/writing aspect could translate into him speaking in his radio broadcasts. The Aquarius symbol can represent water, electricity, or in his case, radio waves. Venus in Sagittarius
You are humorous, sociable and even a flirt. Outgoing and personable, you are very friendly and sometimes not too serious. There is a strong love of personal freedom in your nature that makes it a little hard for you to settle down to a restrictive sort of relationship. You feel more comfortable in a relationship when things go slowly, and your partner doesn't get too serious too fast. In fact, you would probably like it better if the relationship stayed casual, and pressures of serious love never emerged. Threats to your freedom make you very nervous. Deer need their freedom and Alastor is no exception. Throughout the show, we see him socializing and casually flirting with Charlie, Husk, and Vaggie with dramatic gestures, invasive physical touch and in Charlie’s case, dancing. He likely did the same thing with his companions as a human. His humorous side comes into play with his dad jokes and clown-like demeanor. Mars in Capricorn
You are hard-working, very determined. Since much of your energy is focused on your career, you have a tendency to become something of a workaholic. There is a drive to satisfy professional ambitions. This is likely to manifest with innate managerial skills and good old-fashioned common sense. You have strong material urges, but even stronger is the need to get status and recognition. To attain these ends, you use your energy in very practical and profitable ways. You have little use for laziness or a lack of ambition. Alastor is ambitious when it comes to getting what he wants, whether through charm or brutal force. He was likely a workaholic at his job as a radio host. In Hell, he conquered many parts of Hell, killing those who stood in his way “seemingly overnight.” His goal is to take over all of Hell and broadcast his victory, via overthrowing the king of Hell most likely. Not only does he enjoy the finer things in life and the afterlife, he also enjoys the recognition that comes with it, both admiration and fear from others.
Jupiter in Leo 
Jupiter is in Leo in your chart. This placement of Jupiter suggests optimism, self confidence and generosity. You have much physical energy and a strong constitution. You have a dramatic flair in showing off your status and prosperity; you're big on grandeur in all forms. Your dignified demeanor inspires confidence and produces excellent leadership qualities. You expect appreciation and admiration in return for your benevolence, and you may seem a little offended if you don't always get it.
Being one of the most flamboyant characters in the show, Alastor lives for drama and showing off. Broadcasting his killings and conquests, both as a human and demon gives him great joy and affirms his powerful position. He appears dignified in nearly any situation, not fazed by Sir. Pentious’ attack nor when Charlie refuses to make a deal with him. With Jupiter in Leo, one could say that “theater is his religion/worldview.”“The world is a stage, and the stage is world of entertainment.” Saturn in Scorpio 
Saturn in Scorpio adds much purpose and impatience to your nature. You demand much of yourself and of others. You approach responsibilities with an intensity of purpose that overwhelms people who won't carry their share of the load. You have terrific willpower and much energy. With your determination, it's hard to remain calm and reflective. Secretive and unforgiving, you resent it deeply when you are treated unfairly. Despite your strong drive for success, your approach is usually subtle and calculating.
Scorpio represents the supernatural, Saturn represents misery and death. With so much dark energy running through Alastor, it’s no surprise that he became known as the infamous Radio Demon. Alastor doesn’t like to be treated unfairly, both as a human and demon, and those who do would quickly meet their end. He does have a subtle approach to his plans, observing Charlie’s family portrait with great interest, summoning voodoo symbols when Charlie isn’t looking, watching Charlie sing on TV with fascination.He is demanding on Niffty, Husk, and Vaggie. He bribes Husk into greeting the guests and working at the stand with booze, summons Niffty to clean the hotel, and telling Vaggie to smile. “One never plans a murder out loud.” Uranus in Scorpio 
Many of your peers born during the years when Uranus was in Scorpio are apt to bring about massive and often disruptive changes. The seeds of revolution and instability may take root from within this group. Uranus in Scorpio tend to be rebels. Their determination and strong will keep them heads above anyone else. But it may not be obvious at first. Uranus in Scorpio is more of a dark horse that you don’t see coming until the last second. That’s when they pounce.Disruptive changes included the 1929 stock market crash, the Great Depression, war, Alastor’s murders and his death by a bullet through his head.
Neptune in Gemini 
Neptune in Gemini are in awe of the world and want to learn as much about it as possible. They are sociable and great communicators. But they and also be drawn into fantasy and illusion. They can also be taken advantage of if they’re not careful. Theory: this might explain Alastor creating illusions using his magic, as well as music, song, and dance, as Neptune rules the arts. Wanting to learn about the world could have been his desire as a child. He may have been taken advantage of in his human life, thus deciding to take advantage of others to make himself feel more secure.
Pluto in Gemini 
People during the Gilded Age between 1882 and 1914 were often optimistic, fashionable, sociable and arrogant (describing Alastor and how he was brought up by society).Things in the world seemed to be improving, getting people positive to the extreme. However, things were getting bad and there were cracks in the worldview. The rich and the poor, duality is associated with Gemini. Constantly immersing themselves in deeper and more intense experiences than ever before, they reshape their thinking patterns continuously, ever evolving, ever becoming better. Love and affection are also very beneficial to their state, as it points to them they are appreciated and that it’s worth it to have a bright outlook for the future.
What could Alastor’s ascendant be? 
Leo, Gemini, Capricorn, or Sagittarius Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Taurus The combination of your Sun and Moon signs produces a personality that people find easy to like and admire. This is not so much for what you do as it is for what you don't do. You’re never petty or small, and your appeal is to those in the higher as well as the lower rungs of society. You don't pester people with your worries and anxieties, but when others come to you, you drop everything to listen to their problems. You're interested in people, and like to be around them as an observer, but somehow maintaining a distance and not getting too involved individually. You rate people not on their position or rank, but simply on whether they interest you or not. You have a certain self-sufficiency about you, and you never feel that you have to put on airs to impress anyone. You have all it takes to be executive, except the desire that would be required. You seem to be devoid of any domineering or missionary spirit, willing to "live and let live." This combination blends the originality and independence of Aquarius, with the determination and powerful will of Taurus. These two fixed signs together give a will that is so strong that it may become obstinate and intransigent. Happiness can depend on assuring peacefulness and harmony in environment or home life, and in respect to human relationships. 
Sun opposed Jupiter 
The opposition of the Sun and Jupiter suggests an over-expanded ego. Jupiter deals with judgment, and with this aspect, the drive for significance is subject to being overemphasized. There is often a tendency toward extravagance and pretension. You can have too much optimism, and promise more than you can deliver. There is a continuous need to control urges to enter grandiose schemes and avoid ostentatious manners. The strength of this aspect lies in your ability to apply much charm to gain the approval of those you deal with in your daily affairs. There is often much talent and creativity associated with this aspect.
Sun trine Pluto 
The Sun in your chart is trine Pluto giving you a highly evolved power of concentration and will. You have a way of mobilizing your talents to reach your goals. You have many leadership abilities, but you may not be so interested in leadership. You focus instead on your personal agenda. You often display an attitude of righteous indignation toward those who bend the truth and take advantage of others. You are an extremely perceptive person. There is much investigative skill associated with this aspect, and your insight in human motivations can serve you well in fields of behavior sciences. You may not always agree with people, but you understand them very well. Moon opposed Uranus 
The Moon and Uranus form an opposition in your chart. This opposition suggests a conflict in your life regarding emotional matters. The Moon denotes emotions and Uranus produces unstable situations. Thus, you may be called on to deal with unpredictable emotions that may appear as nervous tension. It may require conscious effort on your part to maintain a responsible role in your domestic affairs.
Moon opposed Saturn 
The opposition between the Moon and Saturn suggests a negative mental attitude and often a restriction of the spontaneous flow of ideas. Intellectual responses are somewhat slowed. Even if you are very bright, the inability to express self in other than a prosaic manner often hides real mental abilities. Thus, you are more contemplative than conversational, but nonetheless a good listener. Venus conjunct Mars 
The conjunction between Venus and Mars shows a strong desire nature needing expression. You are the aggressor in relationships with the opposite sex, and you are ever eager and aggressive in making social contacts, as well. Artistic endeavors may be an active outlet for your hyperactive nature.
Moon square Mercury 
The square formed between the Moon and Mercury suggests conflict between your mind and your emotions. You have difficulties making reasonable judgments because your feelings get in the way. Irrational decisions place you at odds with people sometimes, and you have the feeling that you're being treated unfairly when this may not be the case. You dwell on trivial personal matters and may have a real sense of insecurity.
Mercury square Uranus 
Mercury in a square aspect with Uranus speeds the perceptions, and quickens the intuitions. At times you can be erratic in your drive to be independent. Your speech can become sarcastic and brusque, and mental energies can be wasted in temperament. You love a battle of wits and will take the other side of just about any argument just for the fun of it.
Mercury trine Neptune 
The aspect between Mercury and Neptune suggests you're a practical idealist with an intuitive mind. Because your intuition is so highly developed, you understand what motivates others in their relationships with you. You have an artistic imagination and the skill to express it well. You can visualize objects or processes in your mind, much as though you were looking at a finished product. In this regard, your mind is very inspirational. You communicate effectively, and with a flair for dramatic delivery. 
Mercury square Saturn The square between Mercury and Saturn suggests mental restraint and strong ties to traditional ways of thinking. Mental processes are on the pessimistic side. You worry too much, often about unimportant details. You have much concern about succeeding or failing to succeed. Your education may have been rigidly disciplined and conforming to traditional doctrine. There is a tendency because of this, to uphold the established order and resist change. Numerology
A = 1
L = 3
A = 1
S = 1
T = 2
O = 6
R = 9
1 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 6 + 9 =23  
2 + 3 = 55 Destiny number 
The number 5 Destiny suggests that the direction of growth in your lifetime will be toward becoming a harbinger of change, freedom, and progressive thought and action. The number 5 Destiny potentially endows you with the wonderful characteristic of multi-talents and versatility. You must develop in ways allowing you to do so many things well. The tone of the number 5 is the constructive use of freedom, and in your drive to attain this freedom, you must be the master of adaptability and change.As you mature, you must become good at presenting ideas and knowing how to approach people to get what you want. Naturally, this will give you an edge in any sort of selling game and spells easy success when it comes to working with people in most jobs. Whatever you do, you have the capacity to be clever, analytical, and a very quick thinker.You must learn to accept changes as they come along and avoid clinging to the outdated. Avoid rebellion, and focus on enlightenment and progression thinking that will benefit mankind. You life is broadened by gaining an understanding and an appreciation of all kinds of people.The Destiny 5 will be welcome in many varied professional environments. The public sector is a natural for you because you must administer to all peoples. The media, advertising, promotion, publicity, all types of selling, and entertainment are all potential fields that may interest you. Settling on a single career may not be in the cards for you, as you are in a continuous state of flux brought by constantly changing interests. Alastor: Jan 24 1896 Charlie: July 3 before 1830s Husk: age 60-75Died in 1970s1970-75 = 1895VA birthdate Dec 10 Dec 10 1895 Niffty: age 22Died in 1950s1950-22 = 1928 March 22 1928 Vaggie/Vagatha: died in 20142014 – 22 = 1992Voice actor birthdate May 10May 10 1992 Angel Dust/Anthony: died in his 30s 1947Voice actor birth date June 17 19951947 – 30 = 1917 June 17 1917
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pi-cat000 · 6 years
MSA time travel idea (part 14)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Vivi POV, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Lewis POV, Part 12, Part 13
Part 15: here
Arthur glares at his reflection, leaning closer to the mirror's surface, scanning for imperfections. He’s been managing between four and five hours sleep a night with a careful combination of sleeping pills, anxiety meds and monitoring his caffeine intake. The dark circles, which had started to develop, are smaller and less noticeable. His younger body appears to be adapting to the sudden change in lifestyle decently enough. It’s amazing what a person is capable of when they haven’t spent several weeks lying in a hospital ward or worked themselves half to death. He stares and pulls his expression into a cheerful grin. It’s warm, inviting, the sort of smile you gave a friend upon hearing a particularly humours joke.
To double check, he glances down at his phone which is propped up by the mirror. A photo depicting him, Vivi and Lewis mid-laugh, school gates in the background, stares up at him. After coming to the uncomfortable realisation that he’s failing in the ‘being Arthur’ department and causing unneeded stress, he has been putting a bit more effort into engaging and being more sociable when Lewis and Vivi are around. Hence the search through his computer and phone for as many pictures of himself as possible to use as a reference. There’s not a whole lot because he has never been a huge fan of photos but the ones he does find all show him either grimacing in exasperation or grinning happily alongside Lewis and Vivi. Currently, he has one as a screensaver and a few others stuffed into his wallet for extra material. The three of them, together, happy. It’s weird seeing pictures of Lewis again. After The Cave, he had had to delete or hide away most of them so Vivi wouldn't accidentally see one and have an episode. He reaches to pick up the phone and fumbles with his left hand, almost knocking it into the toilet.
“Arthur,” Uncle Lance yells, voice filtering in from the garage, “You were plannin to leave a half hour ago. You’re not makin those friends of yours wait again are you.”
After a bit of awkward juggling, he manages to circumvent the disaster, and he lets out a long breath of relief.
“It’s okay. Everything’s on track,” Arthur calls, then flushes the toilet, letting out a tired huff. Lance isn’t one to hover, but he has been a whole lot more watchful this last week. Despite Vivi’s instance that he talk to his Uncle, he has yet to broach the topic of his odd behaviour, and Lance hasn’t openly called him out, so he’s been avoiding it mostly. It’s a familiar routine at the very least.
“You goin to keep in touch while on this road trip? Or am I just goinin to have to trust ya not to get murdered,” Lance comments when he tramps out into the reception, thin fibber door clicking behind. Arthur scoops up his overstuffed backpack and shoulder bag from the disused reception desk, slinging one over a shoulder.
“Yeah. Of course,” he gives the grin a trial run, “I’ll give you a call when we stop for the night. Unless there’s no reception, then I’ll call you tomorrow,”
His uncle frowns at him searchingly, “See that ya do,”
He doesn’t remember Lance being this worried on his first time around, but it’s possible he’s just forgotten.
“I will,” he does a small wave, stepping towards the front door, “Guess I’ll see you in a mouth then,”
This van is parked out front, full tank, packed with supplies, ready to go. All he has to do is pick up Vivi and Lewis from the Pepper’s diner.
Before he makes it through the doorway, Lance grabs his lower arm, pulling him up short, “You get inta any trouble you give me a call, ya hear.”
Lance is about a head shorter than him, so he has to bend at an odd angle. Thankfully, he doesn’t flinch at the sudden contact, but it’s a near thing.
“We’re doing regular touristy things. You know, the Grand Canyon, Mt. Rushmore, stuff like that.”
“I’ll be fine.”
Lance grumbles inaudible complaints under his breath and lets his arm go, giving a stern nod. Arthur rolls his eye’s good-naturedly, squashing a chuckle, amazed at how natural the interaction feels. The comfortable sensation lasts up until he turns back towards his van. It’s bright orange, shinning with a fresh coat of lacquer.
There is no ‘Mystery Skulls’ logo.  
His smile falters, falling away. Of all the things he thought he would change this hadn’t been one of them. Vivi and Lewis had decided to hold off finishing the van’s design under the mistaken impression that Arthur disapproved of it. A by-product of blaming his recent change in behaviour on a fear of supernatural phenonium.  How the hell do you explain that it’s not the supernatural generally that’s the problem, just their groups' tendency to run into danger with lethal outcomes. An increase in hovering by both his friends means that any excuse or reasoning he tries needs to be airtight or risk being picked apart by a hyper-attentive Vivi and overly watchful Lewis. So... no ‘Mystery Skulls’ logo.  
With a sigh, he approaches, running his left hand across its smooth, unmarked, surface. Somewhat forcefully, he yanks open the door, throwing his bag into the back and settling into the driver’s seat. Time to go pick up his overly attentive friends and spend the next few weeks exclusively in their company, with no breaks and possibly sharing the same tent and the motel rooms.
He’s so not ready for this. If they don’t notice his weird sleeping habits, then they are sure to see when he inevitably slips up in his acting. Arthur slaps his cheeks with both hands, taking a few more deep breaths, thinking of Vivi and Lewis, both of whom were waiting.
It’s too late to worry about that now. Everything is okay. This will be fine.  
The van rumbles to life and he waves at Lance one last time. The older man is standing in the doorway, arms crossed, eye’s tracking Arthur as he expertly reverses and spins the van onto the highway.
Pepper Paradiso is located on the same highway as Kingsman Mechanics, just on the opposite side of town. It’s hard to miss, being painted in bright shades of pink and purple. Sporting wide, stain-glass windows, the building is almost alarming in its contrast with the browns and dull greens of the surrounding desert.
Vivi greats as he pulls in, bobbing about in poorly contained excitement. The smoothly paved lot encircling the Pepper’s diner is mostly empty, not uncommon for the early morning, and he pulls straight into a spot near double door entrance. Lewis is in standing by the doors in the middle of what looks like a family huddle. Both senior Peppers are there, and he’s got one of his little sisters sitting atop his shoulders. A wistful smile tugs at Arthur’s lips. There had been many days during his extended quest to find Lewis dominated by the fear that he would fail and never see the Pepper family, happy, all together, ever again.
Vivi jogs up, and Arthur shakes the melancholic thoughts away, winding down his window so he can hear her while he finishes up parking. Mystery is trotting alongside her, and he tries not to give the dog any overt attention. This last week he’s been working the gauge how much Mystery knows but the dog is just too good at being a dog for him to get a proper read.
“There you are. Almost thought you’d forgotten again. Then we would have had to postpone things till the afternoon and miss a whole day’s worth of driving.”
Arthur can almost taste the slight underlining tension which now pops up whenever he forgets or doesn’t behave in a way that’s expected. Vivi’s on the lookout for behaviour flags. Luckily, he’s got a lot of experience dodging Vivi’s pointed questions.
“Yeah, sorry, it took me more time to pack than I anticipated. Also, Lance wanted to say bye as well. That took a bit longer than I thought it would.”
He hits her with the grin he’s just spent the last half hour perfecting in the mirror. It’s a success because Vivi relaxes and grins back.
“Haha. You’re not the only one,” She gestures at Lewis and his family huddle, “You would think he’s leaving for good with the way they’re acting.”
“They are a pretty affectionate people,” he responds, quashing the strain in his voice. Vivi doesn’t notice, now focused on Lewis again. Don’t think about it. This time Lewis is going to return. He’ll make sure of it.
“Hey, Lew. Look who finally showed up,” Vivi calls over, waving. Lewis, one sister still on his shoulders and another dragging at his arm, tries to turn and almost topples over. Vivi snorts in amusement. Her shout also attracts the attention of Lewis’s family. Cayenne, the little red-haired menace, immediately runs over to jump around just below his window.  
“Arthur. Arthur is this your van! It’s cool. Can I come in? Pleeaasse.”
“You’ve been in the van before,” He says with only a slight hint of apprehension. Cayenne used to be pretty big on pranking from what he remembers. After Lewis’s disappearance, her Arthur-targeted jokes had become less frequent, almost non-existent.  But, since that hasn’t happened, he should probably be on the lookout.
“But now it’s orange!” Cayenne shouts enthusiastically, jumping up, trying to get a look in.  
Vivi sniggers, “She’s got you there Arthur.”
He opens his mouth to object but is beaten to it by Lewis, “I’m sure the van’s too full to fit you in. Maybe, when we get back, Arthur will give you a ride if you ask nicely.”
“Aww. No fair,”  Cayenne pouts, throwing a look back towards Mr and Ms Pepper like she is hoping for Lewis’s verdict to be overridden.  
Lewis crosses his arms, appearing about as stern as one can with Paprika, who’s covered in copious amounts of ribbon and lace, sitting on his shoulders, clinging and messing up his hair.
“Cayenne,” comes an amused grumble from the older Pepper, “Make yourself useful and go help Belle with your brother’s bag,”
A few feet away Belle is attempting to move Lewis’s fully packed duffle-bag with minimal success. Arthur swears Cayenne gives him the evil eye on her way past, and he shivers, feeling like he’s dodged a bullet. Paprika also scrambles down off Lewis’s shoulders to join Cayenne. Together, the three girls manage to lift the bag despite taking the time to stop and squabble among themselves.
Lance sighs, watching his sisters merger progress, and loosens, turning to an amused Vivi, “She’s had this thing about fart bombs this last week. Don’t know where they’ve come from but I, for one, don’t want to suffer for the next eight hours.”
Vivi laughs, “Good thinking.”
Mystery barks, jumping around, acting every bit the excited dog, energised by the surrounding activity.
They watch Cayenne, Belle and Paprika attempt to drag over Lewis’s bag, stumbling when Mystery gets caught underfoot. He ends up climbing out of the van to help Vivi load up her last two packs, one of which is full of books going by the weight, while she runs off to corral her fake dog.  So far, everything’s off to a good start. Lewis is too distracted saying goodbye to his family and Vivi is fussing over Mystery.
Now. If Arthur can just keep it together for the next eight hours, then everything would be perfect.
Note: Had a bit of a dip in motivation to write recently. Luckily, you can always count on long-ass train trips to bore me into productivity.
Part 15: here
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jacksauvage-blog · 6 years
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tw: mental illness, drug use, addiction
Basic Information
Full Name: Jean Baptiste Sauvage
Nickname(s): Jack
Age: 36
Date of Birth: August 13th
Hometown: Paris, France
Current Location: Paris, France
Ethnicity: Malaysian
Nationality: French
Gender: Cis-Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Orientation: In modern terms, Jack is the type of person who would simply call himself “queer” and be done with it. For the purposes of this, though, he is demi- to aromantic and bisexual.
Religion: Atheist with some fringe interests in the occult.
Political Affiliation: General disinterest. He grew up in that world and has no desire to rejoin it.
Occupation: Film writer and director. Formerly (and occasionally still, a stage actor).
Living Arrangements: He lives in a small second story apartment. The neighborhood is rough but rent is cheap and no one bothers him. 
Language(s) Spoken: French and English, fluently. His Spanish is conversational but broken and largely forgotten and most of the phrases he remembers are elicit and sexual. He speaks key phrases in several other European languages and can ask for a drink and a cigarette anywhere in the world.
Accent: Jack’s accent can be hard to place and depends largely what language he’s speaking in. Typically, his accent has a heavy upper-class London influence, especially when he’s speaking English. His French accent is also a bit watered down by the time he spent in London and America.
Physical Appearance
Face Claim: Henry Golding
Hair Colour: Black
Eye Colour: Dark Brown
Height: 6′2″
Weight: 210
Build: Average build. He is in shape and has built strength over the years by carrying heavy filming equipment around. His muscles, though, are generally toned but not overly defined.
Tattoos: TBD
Piercings: None
Clothing Style: It is rare to see Jack dressed down. At most he is wearing a full tailored suit. At the least he’s wearing slacks and a crisp button down shirt with a suit vest.
Usual Expression: Jack’s default expression can be described as either “vacant” or “hyper-focused” depending on the angle. When he is by himself, he tends to get lost in his own thoughts and his people watching. In groups, especially after a few drinks, he finds himself much more at ease and wears the subtle hints of a relaxed smile.
Distinguishing Characteristics: Jack has a faint scar across the bridge of his nose--the result of getting mugged during his first few weeks in Brooklyn.
Physical Ailments: Jack is relatively healthy with no chronic physical issues.
Neurological Conditions: Though none of this will ever be addressed, diagnosed, or treated, Jack probably has Persistent Depressive Disorder as well as a mild form of Psychosis or a mild Dissociation Disorder. This presents in infrequent but extended periods of time in which Jack disconnects from reality entirely. He tends to self-medicate and withdraw from all of his social obligations. These episodes are characterized by mild auditory and visual hallucinations, though whether this is caused by his disorder or his drug use is undetermined. Jack, however, just views these episodes as a natural part of his creative process and will never seek any type of medical or psychological intervention.
Allergies: None.
Sleeping Habits: Jack is in an almost constant state of sleep deprivation. He has trouble putting himself to bed and turning his brain off in a timely manner. This could either be a symptom or a cause of his aforementioned dissociative episodes, though it will remain unclear which. Combined with his frequent late nights out on the town, social engagements that last until well in the morning, and late night bursts if artistic inspiration, Jack’s sleeping patterns are as erratic as they are infrequent. He is always late to bed but early to rise and on a normal night he can expect to get around 3-5 hours of sleep with an hour-long nap or two somewhere in the day.
Eating Habits: Jack is not an overly picky eater, but he does tend to lean towards a healthy diet by default. He doesn’t cook in his hope (he doesn’t know how) so most of his meals are from restaurants, bars, and markets in the city. He keeps a sparse amount of food in his home, mostly alcohol and bread.
Exercise Habits: A lot of Jack’s physical exercise comes from things he does on a regular basis, rather than time set aside to devote to his fitness. He frequently moves heavy film equipment, sets up shots, hangs his own set pieces, etc. So, he gets a lot of physical exercise from what he does on a normal day. Additionally, Jack walks almost everywhere he goes.
Emotional Stability: Publicly, Jack is as stable as they come. It’s rare for anyone to see the cracks in his facade, but if people looked closely enough they’re definitely there. On a scale of 1 to 10, Jack would put himself firmly as a 9, ignoring how devastating his dissociative episodes can be for himself and anyone who happens to make contact with him during those times. Realistically, he’s probably a firm 5.
Sociability: Jack is a rather social creature by default. He enjoys spending time with others, but is highly selective of the people he chooses to surround himself with. He does not enjoy being part of a large crowd and will frequently find space to be alone if he is in a crowded venue. His personality doesn’t lend itself well to being the center of attention and he is normally fairly quick to shift that attention on to someone else. His interactions with people one-on-one take the form of in depth conversations with intensely probing questions. Jack takes an interest in people in a way that can make them feel as if he genuinely wants to know them. What they don’t know is that Jack has a bad habit of viewing people as source material rather than actual human beings.
Body Temperature: Cold-Natured.
Addictions: Yes?
Drug Use: Jack’s drug use is as erratic as his sleeping habits. He is a heavy smoker, both of cigarettes and marijuana, though these are so widely available and frequently used he would hardly consider them drugs. His vice of choice is cocaine, of which he is almost a daily user. During episodes, however, he can extend into more dangerous and illicit narcotics including heroin and mescaline. 
Alcohol Use: Jack is a social drinker. He always has a well stocked bar in his apartment but rarely drinks when he’s alone.
Label: The Cinephile
Positive Traits: Charming, creative, eccentric, intellectual, passionate, diligent, curious.
Negative Traits: Arrogant, careless, detached, dishonest, unstable, unreliable, messy.
Goals/Desires: Jack’s goals tend to be career oriented. Right now, his primary focus is making his next film. Everything outside of that is secondary. He doesn’t have many goals for his personal life, his love life, his family life, etc. His short term, daily goals all revolve around stimulation of some kind. Be it intellectual, emotional, physical. He’s always looking for something to inspire and motivate him.
Fears: Jack’s primary fears are failure and, by extension, fading into obscurity. He is on top of the world right now. His most recent film was a critical success but that was nearly two years ago. His ideas for his next film are fragmented and vague, he fears that he will never be able to piece them together. He also fears loneliness. Jack is a man who, despite his efforts to get to know people, only ever emerges with surface level relationships. He has hundreds of acquaintances whom he knows very well but feels little to no emotional connection to. This is, in part, because Jack has a tendency to view people as subjects and source material rather than emotional beings with wants and needs. This is also because he feels deeply uncomfortable letting other people into his life for fear of rejection. Jack doesn’t see himself as someone who is capable of having a meaningful connection with another person. And, though he’ll never admit it, this is something that makes him very sad. 
Hobbies: Aside from the obvious acting, writing, filming, Jack enjoys a number of solitary hobbies. He is a voracious reader. His favorite author is HG Wells but his favorite book is Dracula. He is also a frequent people watcher. It is not at all uncommon to find him at a back table in a crowded night club either reading or jotting down notes about the individuals around him. Additionally, Jack has a tentative interest in the occult. He is not a practitioner by any means, nor is he completely sure he believes in the whole concept. But, he owns a few books on the subject and can occasionally be found to dabble in the rituals and research of it all.
Habits: In addition to the more destructive habits mentioned in the health section, Jack’s most noticeable tick is popping his knuckles. It’s a small thing, but in a man with such a tight fist around his public image, anything that seems compulsive is noteworthy.
Weather: Rain.
Colour: Black.
Music: I don’t think Jack has a preference for any type of music. It’s all background noise to him and not something he actively seeks out.
Movies: His own, obviously. Aside from that, he is inspired by French and German techniques as well as the rising Spanish surrealist movement.
Sport: Any sport where dashing young men break a sweat.
Beverage: Alcoholic--Scotch. Non-Alcoholic: Earl Grey Tea.
Food: Jack acquired a taste for traditional Spanish cooking and there is nothing quite like it in Paris. He is always sad.
Animal: There is a fat orange cat who has recently taken up residence on his balcony. He feeds it scraps and calls it Kit (short for Kitten because? sure why not?). Gun to his head, that dumb cat is his favorite animal.
Father: Rene Sauvage (d.)
Mother: Sylvie Sauvage, 61.
Sibling(s): None
Children: None
Pet(s): None.
Family’s Financial Status: Upper-class, incredibly wealthy. Jack was cut off from the family fortune through most of his life. Recently, however, his father left him a significant sum of money in his will as an effort to make amends with his estranged son.
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Enneagram: Type 3: The Performer 
Temperament: Melancholic 
Hogwarts House: Slytherine
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Primary Vice: Pride
Primary Virtue: Diligence 
Element: Fire
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jejublr · 7 years
hey hey hey nat, you should ship ur mutuals with the members
I’m sorry this took so long but I really had to think it through and now it’s finally done! If you don’t agree and is ready to fight, pls take a number and queue in line lmao (jk jk i love y’all)
@honeywonu: ah! Lani! Ok so you might expect me to ship you with either Wonwoo or Mingyu but in actuality, I think you’d fit the most with Jeonghan. I don’t feel like you like having an overbearing figure and would prefer to be listened to and nurtured instead? In a way? Like, okay maybe Jeonghan loves to tease the heck outta Chan but everyone, everyone in Seventeen said that he’s an amazing listener and nurturer. Joshua even said it himself that Jeonghan listens to all you have to say intently and I think you needs someone like that. I think Jeonghan would be able to be that support in your life that would cheer from behind and is always there for you to fall back on. Nothing as hyper like Soonyoung or as reserved as Wonwoo. I’m also pretty sure you guys would be that prankster couple that would constantly tease the heck out of each other when you both finally open up.@princeshushu: I know how much she love Joshua and honestly, shes lucky because I do see her with Joshua? He’d be great bc he can give you that assurance with the right amount of push. I feel like you’d fit best with someone with a gentle nature, although with a bit of a twist after you get to know them. You’re both such sweet and kind souls and I can totally see you guys volunteering in a soup kitchen or something during the weekends as “dates”. Something also tells me you will get each other’s sense of humor (and by God, pls give him that proper high-five he’s always wanted).@whalien-in-luv: I know exactly who will fit you! Kim Mingyu! Okay before you attack me my social media accounts hear me out. I feel Mingyu would be amazing at hyping you up while keeping your feet on the ground. I think his child-like wonder would be able to balance with your more practical way of thinking. You’ve got your feet so firmly planted to the ground that I think you need someone who can show you how fun life actually is. He’d be the right push for you to pursue all your dreams and you’d be the person who’d be able to maybe make his designer dream come true lol. He’d be the supportive and doting boyfriend to you and you’ll be his rock. Also I bet he can make you better chocolate-covered Oreos so pls stop buying that overpriced thing.@lycheechann: Ok while the first person to cross my mind was Chan since he’s your bias, I’d have to ship you with Hosh! People would see your spirit for life and and your bright personality once you get past your shy exterior. You just need someone to be able to coax you out of your shell and I think Soonyoung would be great since he’d be able to make you feel comfortable and be your #1 supporter. I think he’d be intrigued with your initial shyness and would be compelled to get to know you more. I just can imagine you guys being that hyper couple who couldn’t stop giggling and look so over the moon towards each other 24/7. Water gun fights are something I see happening often too?@sunnysidewrites: SUNNY! Ok, first of all, you’re another one of my mutuals who seemed stressed 24/7 :( I think I’d either ship you with Cheol or Woozi. Cheol because he’s such a kind and supportive person and I think he’d be able to pick you up after a long tiring day and just be a great shoulder to lean on. He’s the type to shower you with so much love and give you the assurances that you need. Also I think his playful side will be able to help you relax a little bit. I pick Woozi, too bevause I can just imagine you guys being the power couple? Both of you are ambitious and isn’t afraid to get what you want. You can maybe soften his hard edges a little bit and he can help you in achieving your goals. Your relationship will be no bs and you will be the perfect balance for each other.@rainniedae: I ship you with Steve Buscemi. I ship you with either Jeonghan or The8. You said it yourself that you’re allergic to emotions? But we both know you’re a giant nerd softie inside. Why is ship you with Jeonghan is because he’s shameless lmao. You like aegyo and a pretty boy? I give you that. I think Jeonghan cares for people in a very chill way? He’s not clingy like Cheol is but he looks after them. I think you’d like to be teased every now and then too so that’ll work well. Why I chose The8 is bc you guys can be the “cool and don’t give a f***” couple? Like, yeah, you guys love each other but you’re also Cool. Definitely memes around and roast people like there’s no tomorrow. (I chose those two bc they’re pretty chill. Didn’t choose Vernon bc I think you’ll just get frustrated at his awkwardness lol. Altho you’d guys would connect over memes. Huh.)@khanhwrites: oml my dear winks. Ok, I’ll have to ship you with either Vernon or Seungkwan. Vernon and you would be great because I feel he’d be able to get you, you know what I’m saying? I think you’re both are feelers and he would immediately understand the things unsaid. You guys would get a lot of laugh from both of your sense of humor, too. Why I chose Seungkwan is because I think he can help you get out there more. I mean, it’s obvious Seungkwan has the most friends outside SVT in SVT lol. I think Seungkwan would be able to help you out of your comfort zone and help you make friends. My sensitive boy will be an amazing listener, too!@mansaeboysbe: (I wanted to do for both of you but I didn’t have the chance to talk to Mari just yet so here’s for Bee!) You’re such a kind soul? You’re so open and friendly towards people and really appreciative of their kindness too so I’ll have to ship you with Wonwoo. You can balance him well with your more sociable personality (compared to his very introverted ones) and be the warm to his cold. I think it’d be easy for him to open up to you too bc you have this really gentle aura? Boi, do I sound weird? But you make people feel welcome. I think you’d be able to help him gather his thoughts and help him form new perspective and insights about the world.@xumingshua: Del!!! A sweet person as you only deserve to be shipped with someone equally sweet so I gotta ship you with DK! Seokmin is such a warm and kind person? I think you’d need someone to be able to genuinely appreciate you inside and out. He’s got a really kind soul and I think he’d be able to pick you up when you’re feeling down and be a great support for you. And I think you’d go well with him because he’s a lot of fun? I know we haven’t talked that much but from my perspective, you could use someone as fun-loving as him!
If I didn’t include you, please don’t be angry! :( I just based this on my observations on some of my closest mutuals here and even if I’ve talked to you, that just means I feel like I haven’t known you enough to the point that I can ship you with the members! It’s just another reason why we should talk more so please, let’s be better friends! ^^
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bloojayoolie · 6 years
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Anaconda, Andrew Bogut, and Apparently: ant to be loved fo myself or not at al yrano de Berge GoPHER ld 53329. 1.5Yrs.., 72 lbs. of Poetry. He waits for you, at the Manhattan ACC I was returned!” ☹ - INTAKE DATE 2/3/2019 *** GOPHER (AKA JOKER) IS AT HIGH RISK OF BEING ON TONIGHT’S LIST. PLEASE SHARE, CROSSPOST, TAG & PLEDGE FOR HIM! *** (A $1,000 stipend will be offered to the New Hope partner that pulls Gopher) “Oui, je veux être aimé moi-même, ou pas du tout!” -- Cyrano de Bergerac Or simply translated, “Yes, I want to be loved for myself or not at all!” Joker feels exactly the same, and he “is” loved by ALL at the Manhattan Center where he was adopted and returned in the blink of an eye by inexperienced, ill prepared adopters who probably thought “yay, we saved your life! Aren’t you excited?” That is not how shelter dogs react to a new home. A new home, is just a new unknown, another change that they must navigate and try to deal with. Joker is a gem. He is a wonderful, sweet, gentle boy who turns into an absolute lovebug with people. But as with everything else in life, when faced with change, we all need time, patience, slow intros. We need to be able to open at our own pace as we explore and discover every aspect of what will be our future. Joker deserved that. He didn’t get it. Please read the volunteer notes below, look at his many adorable pictures, then rush to foster or adopt him now. MESSAGE our page or email us at [email protected] for assistance! A volunteer writes: “I could write at length about Joker! There are not enough great words to describe a strong dog who is so sweet and gentle when he approaches a caretaker, slowing down his enthusiasm and speed to make sure she is hit only by a feather! I so love his magnificent and expressive face, his candy nose, his eyes unsure at times or full of excitement at others. His slender body defies gravity and one might think that his bones are a 100% bendable when he puts his might to catch a ball. Joker is a lover too and believe it or not, he really thinks he can fit on a lap! He does love to play but kisses and hugs are a favorite too as well as recess with his peers. Joker is a powerful dog when it comes to walk or play but a sweet and gentle lover when he is with people! Come and meet Joker the Great at the Manhattan Care Center!” GOPHER aka JOKER, ID# 53329, @ 1.5 Yrs. Old, 72 lbs, Manhattan ACC, Large Mixed Breed, Tan / White, Neutered Male Owner Surrender Reason: Leash reactive. Not good with children. Shelter Assessment Rating: LEVEL 3 No children (under 13) Medical Behavior Rating: 2. Blue OWNER SURRENDER NOTES - BASIC INFORMATION: Joker is an unaltered male large mixed breed dog. He came into MACC as an owner surrender. He previously lived with 2 adults. Joker is very hyper when meeting new people. He is a jumper and always wants to kiss your face. Joker is described as very excitable and very hyper by his previous owner. He is very playful with strangers and always looking for attention. While Joker did not live in the previous home with children, he did have some interactions with child family members. Joker is described as gentle and playful with kids. He may be very excited at first, but he will calm down when he gets to know the children better. Joker has not been around other dogs or cats. He has no known bite history, is partially housetrained and his energy level is described as very high. Other Notes: It was observed in the previous home that Joker likes to eat his food out of the bowl. When the previous owner would set out his food in his dog bowl, Joker would take the food out of the bowl and eat it in a different location. For a New Family to Know Joker is a very excitable dog and needs lots of love and attention. The previous owner hopes that he finds a home with people who are just as excited to play with him and he is with you. He is a very lovable pup but is still afraid of loud noises as he will be surprised or jump into your lap. He does need a little work on house training, but will begin to work on your schedule with training and treat rewards. When in the home, Joker tends to stay by your side in hope that he gets some play time in. Joker loves to go for walks with you and gets very excited he will pull ahead of you. He is crate trained and loves hanging out in there with his favorite blanket and best chew toy. INTAKE NOTES – DATE OF INTAKE, 24-Jan-2019: Joker was a very excited dog when in the intake room shown by a very wiggly body and jumps for affection and kisses. Joker allowed for all handling and let staff pet and give him treats. Joker took the treats very gently and he sat for every treat. SHELTER ASSESSMENT SUMMARIES- Date of assessment: 25-Jan-2019 LEASH WALKING Strength and pulling: Hard Reactivity to humans: None Reactivity to dogs: None Leash walking comments: May jump in excitement and try to leash bite SOCIABILITY Loose in room (15-20 seconds): Highly social Call over: Approaches readily Sociability comments: HANDLING Soft handling: Seeks contact- Exuberant handling: Seeks contact Handling comments: AROUSAL Jog: Engages exuberantly Arousal comments: Knock: Approaches loosely Knock Comments: Sits nicely next to handler Toy: Sniffs, but does not pick up Toy comments: PLAYGROUP NOTES – DOG TO DOG SUMMARIES: The previous owner of Joker did not provide behavior history around other dogs. Based on behavior observed in the care center, Joker may be most compatible with playful female dogs. Behavior around other male dogs has not yet been observed and is still pending. 1/25: When introduced off leash to female dogs, Joker engages in bouncy play. 1/26-27: Joker engages in play with female dogs. 2/4: Joker plays exuberantly in a group of female dogs. INTAKE BEHAVIOR - Date of intake: 24-Jan-2019 Summary: Friendly and affectionate MEDICAL BEHAVIOR - Date of initial: 24-Jan-2019 Summary: Allowed all handling ENERGY LEVEL: At the care center, Joker has a high energy level. He will need daily mental and physical activity to keep him engaged and exercised. We recommend long-lasting chews, food puzzles, and hide-and-seek games, in additional to physical exercise, to positively direct his energy and enthusiasm. We recommend feeding with puzzle feeders and food-dispensing toys. And we recommend only force-free, reward-based training techniques for Joker. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION: Level 3 Behavior Asilomar TM - Treatable-Manageable Recommendations: No children (under 13) Recommendations comments: No children: Due to the high level of jumping up and mouthing seen at the care center, as well as reported in his previous home, we recommend an adult only home. Potential challenges: Basic manners/poor impulse control Social hyperarousal Mouthiness/poor bite inhibition On-leash reactivity/barrier frustration Strength/leash pulling Potential challenges comments: Joker pulls hard on the leash, sometimes jumping up and mouthing at the handler while walking. Please see handout on Leash Manners. Joker becomes very excited around people, showing some social hyperarousal and jumping up and mouthing. Please see handout on arousal. Joker has displayed some mouthiness at the care center and in his previous home, mouthing to the point where he left scratches on people in the home. Please see handout on Mouthiness. Joker has a tendency to jump up on handlers in the care center and will need training and work on his basic manner and impulse control on a new home. Please see the hand out on Basic Manners. MEDICAL EXAM NOTES 7-Feb-2019 Progress Exam. S/O - Increased vocalisation in the kennel. Jumping on kennel door. A - Elevating shelter anxiety P - Trazadone 10 mg/kg SID PO indefinite 3-Feb-2019 DVM Intake Exam. Estimated age: ~1.5yrs based on hx and PE. Microchip noted on Intake? scanned positive. History : O surrender due to P being reactive on leash and attempting to bite one of the children in the home. Subjective Observed Behavior - BAR. Evidence of Cruelty seen – none. Evidence of Trauma seen - none . Objective: BCS 5/9, EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted. Oral Exam: did not evaluate. PLN: No enlargements noted. H/L: No murmur ausculted; CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic. ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated. U/G: neutered male. MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat. CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities. Rectal: externally normal. Assessment: apparently healthy. Prognosis: excellent. Plan: ok for adoption. Recommend behavioral training after placement. SURGERY: neutered --------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES FIRST STAY / Intake 01/24/19 JOKER, ID# 53329, 1,5 Yrs. Old, 72 lbs, Manhattan Animal Care Center, Large Mixed Breed, Tan / White, Unaltered Male Owner Surrender Reason: Shelter Assessment Rating: Medical Behavior Rating: 2. Blue MEDICAL EXAM NOTES DVM Intake Exam. Estimated age: Reported 1.5 years - exam is consistent with this. Microchip noted on Intake? Scanned negative. History : Surrendered. No health concerns reported. Subjective: Alert, walks well on leash. Observed Behavior - Relaxed, wagging body when enters room - but then gets a little tense and stiff for exam. Allowed all handling. Evidence of Cruelty seen – None. Evidence of Trauma seen – None. Objective: BAR-H, MMs pink and moist, BCS 5/9, EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted. Oral Exam: Clean adult teeth. PLN: No enlargements noted. H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic, no coughing or sneezing. ABD: Tense, not distended. U/G: Male intact, testicles S/S. MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat. CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities. Rectal: Normal externally. Assessment: Apparently healthy. Prognosis: Excellent. Plan: Neuter, placement. SURGERY: Okay for surgery. *** TO FOSTER OR ADOPT *** If you would like to adopt a NYC ACC dog, and can get to the shelter in person to complete the adoption process, you can contact the shelter directly. We have provided the Brooklyn, Staten Island and Manhattan information below. Adoption hours at these facilities is Noon – 8:00 p.m. (6:30 on weekends) If you CANNOT get to the shelter in person and you want to FOSTER OR ADOPT a NYC ACC Dog, you can PRIVATE MESSAGE our Must Love Dogs page for assistance. PLEASE NOTE: You MUST live in NY, NJ, PA, CT, RI, DE, MD, MA, NH, VT, ME or Northern VA. You will need to fill out applications with a New Hope Rescue Partner to foster or adopt a NYC ACC dog. Transport is available if you live within the prescribed range of states. Shelter contact information: Phone number (212) 788-4000 Email [email protected] Shelter Addresses: Brooklyn Shelter: 2336 Linden Boulevard Brooklyn, NY 11208 Manhattan Shelter: 326 East 110 St. New York, NY 10029 Staten Island Shelter: 3139 Veterans Road West Staten Island, NY 10309 *** NEW NYC ACC RATING SYSTEM *** Level 1 Dogs with Level 1 determinations are suitable for the majority of homes. These dogs are not displaying concerning behaviors in shelter, and the owner surrender profile (where available) is positive. Some dogs with Level 1 determinations may still have potential challenges, but these are challenges that the behavior team believe can be handled by the majority of adopters. The potential challenges could include no young children, prefers to be the only dog, no dog parks, no cats, kennel presence, basic manners, low level fear and mild anxiety. Level 2 Dogs with Level 2 determinations will be suitable for adopters with some previous dog experience. They will have displayed behavior in the shelter (or have owner reported behavior) that requires some training, or is simply not suitable for an adopter with minimal experience. Dogs with a Level 2 determination may have multiple potential challenges and these may be presenting at differing levels of intensity, so careful consideration of the behavior notes will be required for counselling. Potential challenges at Level 2 include no young children, single pet home, resource guarding, on-leash reactivity, mouthiness, fear with potential for escalation, impulse control/arousal, anxiety and separation anxiety. Level 3 Dogs with Level 3 determinations will need to go to homes with experienced adopters, and the ACC strongly suggest that the adopter have prior experience with the challenges described and/or an understanding of the challenge and how to manage it safely in a home environment. In many cases, a trainer will be needed to manage and work on the behaviors safely in a home environment. It is likely that every dog with a Level 3 determination will have a behavior modification or training plan available to them from the behavior department that will go home with the adopters and be made available to the New Hope Partners for their fosters and adopters. Some of the challenges seen at Level 3 are also seen at Level 1 and Level 2, but when seen alongside a Level 3 determination can be assumed to be more severe. The potential challenges for Level 3 determinations include adult only home (no children under the age of 13), single pet home, resource guarding, on-leash reactivity with potential for redirection, mouthiness with pressure, potential escalation to threatening behavior, impulse control, arousal, anxiety, separation anxiety, bite history (human), bite history (dog) and bite history (other).
0 notes
queenbubbleyumm · 8 years
Dear mom,
This is what I keep bottled up inside. I'm angry, depressed, happy, hyper, talkative and creative. What you dont know is I have gone to a therapist at school before and I used to go once a month because of how angry and upset I used to be my sophomore year after you found out I wanted to kill myself. You took everything I had away. You didn't let me hangout with friends you didn't let me do anything just because of a stupid Boy. You never realized how much I was suffering since I was 12. I've wanted to kill myself since I was 12 because I was severely bullied, found out about the dad stuff, having pops and you not treat me equally to Cody. Or how pops treats Cody completely special and not me. I sometimes get so depressed that I have to leave the room and go to mine in order to just cry it all out because of how much everything hurts. People still bully me here and there about the way I look, did you know how ashamed I feel for the way I look. Do you know how much I wish I had smaller boobs, a bigger butt, to be taller and not as skinny as I am. Do you know how much it hurt me when Gloria left me two times that the first time that she left me that I was going to commit suicide but Dallas came along and helped me. But what he did was just as bad as Gloria. He called me toxic and that he didn't want to hear the problems of a suburban girl, he used everything I've ever told him against me just like she did. He was my first actual love and my best friend and I lost two people in one when he decided to not fix what he broke. He didn't want to try anymore and he didn't care about my feelings either and you know what really really sucks is that Jordan just stopped talking to me. He left without even a warning nothing. And then Payton. She slept with the person I started to have feelings for and expected me to be okay with it. I dont think you fucking realize I'm a god damn human being and I have feelings. I dont give a shit if I'm only 17, I'm a woman and I have a fucking heart and a goddamn brain. I know I'm not that good at math or any thing like that but I know I'm amazing at being creative and being a sociable person and I dont think you realize how fucking much it hurts me when all I want to do is talk to you or pops about my day or what's going on in my social life. I've been keeping in for a year about my bio dad on how his side of the story is. I dont believe either of your stories and I just want to sit down one day with the both of you and understand why no one can just tell me the truth because you have no fucking idea what it feels like to be the half sibling of all of my siblings. Do you know that my brothers name is Cadean and my sisters name is Korra did you know I missed out on so much of my other families lives because possibly you just threw a goddamn hissy fit because my bio dad didn't love you and just thought that you didn't feel the same way. And you know what it fucking sucks I get that. But you can't just blame it all on one person just because they dont love you. You know what the shitties part of him talking to me the first time. Was he told me he's always loved me. And I couldn't even say it back. Because I hated him for so long. You literally have no idea what it feels like to be in my shoes and hate someone for 3 year then 4th year comes along and you think well shit. Did I just hate and judge someone based off of another's story without getting their side. Did you know he was the first person I ever hated. Like physically hated and I wanted to distroy his life because I felt like I was unwanted after you told me he didn't love you and wasn't ready to be a father. Do you understand how much I'm broken inside. Do you understand?
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xkilljoys-assemblex · 7 years
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It's not the merchandise for these having been cartoons (in addition to that it’s lower priced and much less unsafe to make sure these are generally than some displays). |I speak from owning performed it a great deal. statements. There are actually, that is a shut down for me personally, with regards to loving this being an person. This. This is exactly what I recommended while using the minecraft issues even though. Farmville is certainly blandly unimaginative and derivative that it is particular unachievable to Yup, loved this You may be to “mature” (i assume you're 20-25?) also to spectacular for this sort of hacks. Properly Alec’s views and biases appear, nonetheless it would seem similar to this exp cheat has quite so little or no opting for it it does not basically matter once the reviews is tinted throughout the author’s views. I honestly appear to be the full “Review” is him whining about how precisely particularly it seems like Minecraft blah blah blah . . .. reviews, except if |There's essentially little bit of else that they'll often be in addition to the views. My important thoughts have been simillar to folks from the post, and also there is not any doubt that there is clearly a relatively formidable compensation/compulsion loop dangling surrounding. Second, there's a unique level of mastery to studying the whole set of little bit of dungeons. That is particular spectacular, but diminishes the experience of mastery. about it's totally free. Maybe you have using 30 and options you need to leave. Besides he is not expressing that. I am sorry, you can definitely you just decide to put “420” inside of your profile identity, you decrease fine for some other consumers stupid. Not anything in this exp cheat would have to be paid for with actual bucks, excluding visible fluctuations. reveal You’re set for an terrible amazement.” My parents / guardians expressed this around my endure continuously, and hello there, my children are perfectly socialized and concentrate on me since i deal with them and control time at the pcOrxbox 360Ornintendo wiiOrwhat at any time before. Pretty much you are experiencing to purchase additional features which do practically |Your argument boils lower to “it’s not P2W, you just shop for cosmetic items”. Concentrate on the exp cheat, instead of the grudge you've regarding the exp cheat, talk about the depths(or limited), talk about the meta (or limited). categorization Do anything whatsoever you appear like, take pleasure in the exp cheat if you need it, don’t please let just about anyone tell you othervwise. It had been a stride within the old fashioned program exp cheat he’d selected from his types and for a significantly more escapade-oriented build. It’s functioning.” You've got to be sort of slow down from the imagination? or anything just like that at least… Result in Anything and everything dangling surrounding is TRADEABLE, the only real detail you are able to ONLY oversee Being required to pay up is 1 Capability Bundle, just 1. You suck in internet website marketing so poor that you simply suspect that that you simply just authored. you’ve certainly not To generally be reasonable using that level, the name of that internet page is, in actual fact, “Trove Fishing Bot Download reviews.” So despite the fact that they’re not likely to do a the right Wot I Think, they’re also placing this information say for example a reviews which enables it to gladly consume internet page views from consumers researching an individual. What exactly when it is a united nations-complicated exp cheat, or it seems simillar to the other. I am lucky i easily fit into with a small number of night clubs with functional consumers :) TIL Trove Fishing Bot Download is offered towards… Children? Also, these assholes from the statements. websites which contains discussed all Video games, from fresh young lady pony caretaking hacks, to grindy Korean MMOs, webpages most often have made the decision to reduction selected elements of hacks. |… which propably is available in following area in the “Not Their Greatest Hour” accolades wedding service. Any Laptop or computer hacks media websites will immediately notice me about supervise answers. I honestly optimism first is also permitted to tone of voice their feelings on which RPS options, or at easiest on which a specific considers they was or truly are a image of. I truly do not fight for mastering AC (and imagined I was gorgeous simple about my self-loathing in addition to that, i had last but not least quit mastering it, I am grateful to assert) but yeah, Helpful to do have to was getting acquainted with an item (whether for profit or pattern fascination I am truthfully at night about) not to mention particularly consciously like a hamster wheel. personally (even though I am basically mastering like 1 minute of AC every single day, and typically I leave behind). They’ll get hooked on F2P mechanics and quickly your hard earned money will probably be emptied out fully by shitty new iphone hacks. |Besides the fact that I disagree having good area of the post, even I can’t backup that nonsense. That is the game Trion ripped off, not Minecraft. might simultaneously As yet I actually do seriously like mastering. Because of the builder of Trove Fishing Bot Download Toolbox, I have to admit, this video game isn't just for sons and daughters neither of the two can it be getting the funds with the pockets within the sons and daughters. Appreciate it, Jeanolos My big interest into the exp cheat was at any time you performed, you'd fascinating. WHO THE SHIT CARES. disagree while using the Other things is rather moderate. The starter support that everybody becomes, after which nearly every other support from the entire exp cheat. 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