#he even has a ygo gx verse available !
phoenixenforcer · 4 years
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//I’m no longer here ! I’m over at @talentbloomed​​ !!
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cardrisen · 4 years
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Apologies for being largely spaced out for the last month! I’ve made it no secret this isn’t my main main blog, @sworntolight​ currently is, but July was also a month full of trauma and illness and I’ve yet to even really start recovering, hence the large radio silence. But with the start of a new month comes a desire to try and work on things, so I’ve done the following:
~Ash has been removed from the muse list! Not because I’ve lost interest in him but simply because...
~Ash now has his own blog! I’m gonna reblog the promo for it in a bit, but anyone interested in Ash, be it through a YGO verse or something unrelated, can now find him at @genierisen​! <3
~Kazumi has been moved to the secondary tier! I’ve been enjoying my portrayal of Windy’s origin and after a lot of thinking and low-key plotting with/idea bouncing off @duelrisen​, I’ve decided it’s time he came off of the tert/testing category. I have a lot in store for my windy dork and he’s gotta be a more regular muse for that to happen, which means Kazumi no longer requires request to thread with. Have at him if you’d like!
~This blog is now the main to my GX/ARC-V OC, Aoi Sakazaki. I’m trying to keep all my ygo stuff together in as few places as possible, so Aoi’s blog, @getyouraoion​, has been moved to be a side to this one. She’s getting a bit of a rehaul and facelift at the moment, but will be available to poke at in a few days. I’ll eventually be moving one of my other blogs related to her here as well, but that’s a bridge crossed when I get there. <3
I’ll be getting to actual replies in the next couple days; catching up with Mako and Kiku comes first, but things will hopefully be returning to regularly scheduled programming here soon enough. <3
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