#he doesn't have!!!! a bad side!!!!!!!! a bad angle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and its SO RUDE!!!!!!!!!!
vcrnons · 1 year
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real life prince charming or something idk
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genshingarbage · 3 years
can I have a scenario where genshin men—zhongli, diluc, kaeya and childe—witness their s/o getting cat-called? i just experienced it today and no matter how much it happens, i... keep feeling bad and uncomfortable with myself. i hope this ask doesn't disturb you!
Awe i am really sorry you have to go through that lovely ;-; But i hope this post will make you feel a bit better over it, i tried really hard on this one for you! (I hope youre okay that i try to kinda stick with their personalities on this, so like... they're not all super smooshy and lovey dovey, they show their care and protection in their own way, i wanted it to be accurate for you (: ) <3 - Mod Diluc
Those Names Sound Better From My Lips.
|| One - Shots ||
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Another day, another boring eight hours before he was free to do as he pleased basically. Kaeya isn't one to slack on his work by any means, but when you're the captain of a calvary that... doesn't exist, what does one do? There's only so many documents to be filled after all...
He was stood outside the Favonious Headquarters right now, getting a well earned stretch after having been sat on his desk chair till gone numb. He closed his eyes, a yawn escaping him, his arms reaching toward the clouds, the pull in his muscles as they finally went from taught to lax again felt good.
"Well damn! Aren't you a pretty little princess~" a faint voice echoed out somewhere of no interest to Kaeya right now.
It was soon followed by a bunch of whistles and chuckles, Kaeya merely groaned. Drunkards so early in the morning? Was he mad that they were so unshamed, or mad he couldn't be drinking alcohol right now too? Eitherway they'd already displeased him by being there and he hadn't even seen their faces yet.
He turned, hand pressing the door ajar to make his way back inside the building, as a fleeting glance he allowed his eyes to drift to where the voices came from; Y/N?
He hadn't known his body could move so fast before-
His heels turning on instinct as he began to stride down the sun bathed pathway toward the small group of drunk men and his damn girlfriend.
They dared to make such awful slurred half assed compliments to his beautiful Y/N? He was seething right now, for a cryo vision wielder, he hadn't felt more on fire in his life.
Upon reaching the scene he could see clearly now how Y/N had been trying to just walk past before being rudely stopped- the dropped bag of food from Good Hunter was clear indication of that. They'd trapped you so you were forced to listen to their drunken babbling nonsense.
Glued to your side now his arm instinctively and protectively hooked round your waist. He didn't look down at you yet, but he felt your gaze burn into him. It was relief that sunk into you upon realisation on who'd invaded your personal space just now, thank Barbatos it wasn't the latter your previously had thought upon fear.
His eyes showed nothing but malice, but he smiled nonetheless.
"Aha, how interesting~" He lowly spat, it reeked of feigned amusement to this whole ordeal.
One of the three drunk men, wobbly stepping forward, aiming a finger at he assumed himself though the swaying of its final resting spot was beyond impossible to decipher drawled out;
Complete disregard to the look of sheer uncomfortable distaste spread upon your features right now. He wanted you safe, now. Effortlessly he weaved between the bambling baboons, sliding right to your side, his foot having angled under the bag of food and swiftly heaving it up into his arm mid traverse toward you in the process.
"Hey! Back of Mr.perfect. We're jus havin' fun wif the lidl lady, nuffin s'rious."
The smile began to slowly waver, his patience had been destroyed the moment he saw it was his Y/N they were doing this too.
You felt him tense, his arm squeezing you a little tigher as the drunken man continued to slur insults to him. Worried it would escalate further you softly place your hand over his own thats tightly engulfed round your hip, and you feel his body slowly relax upon your touch. Your silent plea for him to remain calm had been acknowledged by the silver tongued devil that was your boyfriend; but he wasn't about to let them leave without being properly reprimanded.
He nonchalantly let his hand drop from your hip and extend out infront of you, a gesture for you to place your own in his, which you carefully did so. Letting his hand now encase your own gently he finally looked at you, his eyes soft upon seeing you looking at him with exhaustion of this situation, but gratitude for his interference laced in your own eyes.
Smiling at you with genuineness he began to walk away with you, allowing the drunken men to stumble pitifully behind you both, their drunken slurs growing weaker before fading entirely.
He walked you back to your shared home, bringing the bag of food inside and setting in on the kitchen counter.
You let out a deep and long exhale, a breath you hadn't previously known you'd been holding inside so long.
"Thank you Kaey-" cut off by invading lips on your own, sweet and soft, nothing but love and tenderness poured into it.
You close your eyes and return the loving kiss back to your boyfriend.
Your eyes finally open, and his face is but only an inch away from yours, his hand coming up to slowly brush your hair behind your ear.
"I love you, Y/N. Are you alright?"
You smile at him, the moment he'd appeared your tension had disappeared almost instantly, you knew once he'd shown up you were safe, and always will be with him around.
"Yes Kaeya, I am. Also, love you too." You chuckle gently in response.
He smiles more wider at you now, before slipping from your warmth almost as quickly as he'd invaded it. Heading for the door he chirps back.
"Get comfy my dear, I'll be back with with your favourite snacks real soon!" He laughs playfully as he closes the door.
A small white lie to feed you, to tie you over. For it was partly true. He would return with your favourite snacks in quick haste, riiiight after he goes and teaches those drunken dicks a lesson about justice.
After all, he's is the Calvary Captain.
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"Look at that body on you buttercup. Mmh. What's a pretty little thing like you doing working here?" He says with an obvious tone of something more indecent laying undertone.
"Just trying to do my job sir." You shakily squeak to the man whose preventing you from going back to the taverns kitchen with the dirty and used mugs.
Ignoring your words before you sigh at his yet again, repulsive and rude name calling and obscenity.
You opt to try walk around him again with the large dish of used mugs, but he steps to the side blocking you, again.
You sigh.
He chuckles.
"Where you going buttercup?" He questions with false innocence.
"Don't call me that please sir." You roll your eyes.
Unbeknownst to you, your boyfriend, and the owner of this tavern, Diluc, has been tiredly watching this unpleasant show stretch on for far too long, throwing the wipe cloth down and setting down the bottle he was previously pouring its contents into a cup to server a customer for with it.
Ignoring the displeased customers gruntled complaint he storms over, tensing immensely so.
He doesn't even care for what the man's going to try blabber to him. He's been watching it all since the moment it started.
He grabs the man by the collar of his shirt. The man yelping in surprise. You gasping in shock yourself as Diluc drags him to the taverns door and throw him out like the trash he is.
Everyone silent and awkwardly looking at the tavern owner now you place your hand on your chest, your heart fluttering for him so much. But worried everyone will now act irrationally.
"Anyone else who finds it appropriate to make a young woman feel uncomfortable with terrible name calling and harassment will be met with the same treatment. Understood?" Diluc doesn't care if people think he acts irrationally, unfairly. To him he's doing justice and that's all he cares about.
Everyone nods and throws cheers in his direction now they're clear on why the man was thrown out. He blinks, taken back a bit by the sudden positive response, clearly not use to it. But clears his throat and walks back over to Y/N.
You smile softly at him and he blushes ever so slightly. Ignoring the way you're looking at him right now.
"Are you okay my darling?" He asks sincerely.
You nod back honestly and he sighs out softly.
"I'm sorry you had to put up with him for so long." He scolds himself mentally while saying the words
"Diluc hush! Part of the job okay! It's fine, I have nothing to worry about." You coyly speak out.
He narrows his eyes to you waiting for you to finish your sentence though he's pretty sure he knows what you're about to say, and he's dreading it like always.
"I have my Knight in shining armour to always keep me safe-"
He has already turned to head back to the bar to continue serving, sternly calling out.
"Get back to work!"
You laugh to yourself before finally getting to take these stupid dirty mugs to the kitchen.
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"You have such a pretty face doll! I just can't help myself!" The guy whose been following you for the past ten minutes gleefully declares his creepy obsession to you.
You visibly cringe and audibly groan. Turning away, however you're stopped when he grabs your shoulder forcing you back to look at him.
"Come on doll! Let's just have some fun together! I'm not that baaaaad I promise heh." He winks at you so obnoxiously.
"Leave, me, alone." Your polite tone as died now, replaced with your more honest angry one.
"Don't give me attitude now tart. You're the one making this difficult." His tone also changes now, both of you showing your true colours now, his a lot more uglier in nature apparently.
Your teeth begin to gnaw at your bottom lip in sheer frustration, you're alone right now, well, you're actually surrounded by very important and highly respected individuals at a prestigious party you and your boyfriend were invited too, however he'd stepped away to get some more drinks- ten minutes ago now.
You don't want to cause such a scene, specially not when you know your boyfriend cares about his reputation so dearly, so why can't this creep just get the hint and go away? Ugh.
He steps closer and you instinctively step back.
His brows furrow and you match the same expression back, he has no right to be getting agitated with you right now.
Just when tensions grow to their thickest you feel a warm embrace on your shoulder.
"Y/N? Is everything okay my beloved?" His deep voice resonates for a moment and you close your eyes, deeply inhaling and exhaling. Thank the archons.
His burning golden-yellow eyes switch between you and the man, and seeing your relief so evident on your features is all he needs to know what's been happening during his absence.
"Ah, I see." He softly adds.
Before you can even mutter a word he's gently guiding you behind him and standing before the man.
"To behave in such a vile manner, during a party like this? Have you no shame sir?" He speaks loud, drawing the eyes of everyone in the small gathering room. Eerily silent, even the orchestra stop as his voice just demands that tone of obedience.
The man's face begins to drown in a dark red, the signs of an embarrassed fool.
"To harass a young lady, when she so politely declined your proposal? Shameful. You are aware she is a taken soul yes? Or maybe your brain lacks the intelligence to piece such things into existence." Zhongli continues to belittle the man before everyone in the room, all of them tutting and shaking their heads, groaning and sneering at the man, being exposed for the pig he is.
Finally two Milleleth come over, acting appropriately, Zhongli explains what happened and they're quick to escort the man out. Everyone chuckles and some even clap, like a villain was finally put to justice in a play before them all.
You stand there, somewhat embarrassed but mostly, you're stuck solid in admiration and love for your brave and bold boyfriend who so selflessly sticks himself out in public like this, his love for you really never stops shocking you.
He turns back to you and elegantly offers you the wine glass, you'd not even realised he'd been clasping two wine glasses delicately between his long fingers in one hand during that whole ordeal.
You accept it graciously and smile at him. Clinking your glass with his before you both take soft sips.
"I love you Zhongli." Is all you can say, as a thank you to all he does for you so often.
"And I you, Y/N." He hums contently back to you.
You both continue to finish your glasses and then embrace eachother for a slow dance, the night went on to be very enjoyable for you both, thanks to your boyfriend always being so quick to right the wrongs of those around you all.
Something about that man, he just seems to know everything.
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Why was this happening?
"Please leave me alone." You softly say, still trying to be polite with your tone. However repeating yourself for the fifth time now, you're feeling like this isn't going to end well.
You took another sharp right, snaking down another pathway, a fools hope to think the two guys tailing you would be led astray so easily.
They rounded the corner right behind you, both snickering and whispering to each other.
You just wanted to get home.
"Hey sugar~" one of the guys chuckled out before cackling with his other friend beside him. Both still uncomfortably close behind you.
Just ignore them, just get home.
You keep walking, not far now. Though the sound of their steps picking up starts to cause your heart to beat at an unsteadily faster pace.
"Yoo-hoo! Come onnnn baby girl~ we just want you to talk to us, pleaseeee?" The voice sounded different in tone, probably the friend speaking this time.
Your face scrunched in disgust. Just a talk your ass, who whistles and drools after a girl down several pathways and allys for just a talk.
Nearly there... home is so close.
Just as hope began to seep into your chest it was quickly ripped away when you felt a sudden harsh grip on your wrist- this was it... you was about to scream, until you heard his voice...
You look back, seeing the guys hand still on your wrist while the other guy was drawing in on you but was now directed toward the tall dark ginger haired man waltzing down the path behind you all, very calmly.
"You have... three seconds? Yea. Three seconds to get your hand off my girl." His girl... that's right. You couldn't help the smile that crept on your lips. He always did know how to make an entrance didn't he?
"You what? Is that suppose to be a threat? Haha! What you gonna do about it pretty boy? This one's ours! Back off loser!" The guy dusts your boyfriend aside, unbeknownst to him of course. Big mistake.
"Times up." He says, now suddenly right behind them both, having been so far down the path not only seconds ago-
They jump in shock turning fast, one going to swing a punch that he easily dodges taking a step to the left, grabbing the man's arm and twisting it fast and painfully behind his back, immobilising him in such a fast motion.
Seeing the other man still in shock he casually shoves the immobilised man at him, such impact given they both fall over. He looks down at them, utter disgust in his eyes.
Dusting his hands off slowly before continuing his casual stroll over to you, standing beside you and allowing his arm to rest over your shoulders and back of your neck, a stance of domination to the two men, a sign of claiming you as his own boldly, that you more than openly welcome.
They begin to pick themselves up, dusting themselves as best they can, though no amount of dusting will clean there broken egos and pride right now. Good
Childe doesn't even acknowledge them any further, now having his entire attention on you. His hand clasping your chin to aim your face on him, he's growing sick over the fact you've been giving them more of your time then they'll ever deserve.
"Did they hurt you Girlie? Are you okay? I told you to wait at the door for me, please don't be so impatient next time okay? Filth surround these streets like insects to a corpse." He speaks so sweetly, full of love and concern in his own Harbinger way, still being sure to show dominance in his small ministrations of care and affection to you, just so the men get it through their skulls, you're his, and his alone.
They get the picture soon enough however. His attire, his mask lazily hung at the side of his head, his attitude, his fighting skills- you'd be stupid to not know a Harbinger stood before you specially when Childe emits such authority.
They turn quietly and walk away together, rather quickly too.
His ocean blue eyes darted to their movements seeing them run, tails between their legs, the smirk on his face unable to remain hidden.
"Thank you Childe, for that... and also, sorry... for just leaving without you, I just started getting a bit home sick I guess..." You softly confess to your worried boyfriend.
His eyes burn and linger on the men for a few seconds longer before finally coming back to you, filling back up with soft admiration.
"Shh, its fine my little humming bird. My mistake for forcing you to stay out so long, Fatui business can be rather boring for outsiders. I'll walk you home if you like?" He rubs small, gentle circles against your cheek. His smile so warm and charming.
You nod back softly, a gentle smile back. He chuckled and wraps his arm playfully around your shoulders again pulling you into him. You look forward giggling and begin to pass idle chatter. But unaware to you, his face turns ever so slightly and lingers at where those men left the ally.
Its fine. He never forgets a face.
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mrskurono · 3 years
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title: Monstrous Hospitality || Naga!Makki x fem!Reader
a/n: now I’m not saying Makki brings out the worst in me I’m just saying I’d like to fuck him in every possible way including a monster au.
word count: 3.4K
tags: monsterfucking, dubcon ish (just to be safe), tail fucking, tongue fucking, size kink, cervix fucking, creampie, fingering, oral (fem receiving), mind break(?), breeding kink, unedited
character(s): Takahiro Hanamaki (hq) 
heavy nsfw undercut ⇾ ⇾ ⇾
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Roiling waves behind you. Creak of broken boards left when you found this cave dipped into the landscape of the beach. You sought shelter as much as you sought another face among the wreckage.
Your heartbeat pounded in your ears. Drowning the crashing water outside the cavern. Leaving you to not much else but your frantic thoughts.
That noise itself was trumped by the insistent drip of water from the stone walls encasing you. Each tick of the sea water into numerous puddles around you set your nerves further on edge. Even the breeze from deep in the cave sent chills skittering up and down your spine. On guard you saw something move out of the corner of your eye when there shouldn't have been anyone but you in here. Perhaps your prayers of another survivor had been answered.
Clasping a hand over your mouth to keep all incriminating noises dampened. Every fiber in your body wanted to survive but also not be alone. Breath held and teeth clenched you fixate your gaze off into the murky cavern trying to see if your eyesight was betraying you or not. 
"You're awfully far away from the shoreline...."
Your own hand over your mouth instantly gripped too hard on your own cheeks when you spun around to the unannounced voice behind you.
Immediately you gasp at the familiar sight of another human form among the rocks, "You! Are you from the other ship that cra-" 
Your celebration cut short. Regretfully, as the man once leaning into a boulder was a fleeting comfort to your frazzled nerves. It was soon stripped from you as everything from the torso up happened to be the only thing familiar to you. Instead when this stranger stood up your words choked in your throat. 
Lips curled into a smile that would be considered charming had the rest of this creature not rippled with scales when he descended down to where you were. Panicked and looking around, you took a step back. 
This wasn't a human. Face of a human but the very body of a beast. 
You couldn't tear your wide eyes from the way the massive rippling muscles of his tail-like lower half moved him to you. A slither closest to a serpent as he came winding down to you. Fixated on you and you alone as no one else could have been mistaken in this cave for an intruder. 
At first from across the cave he appeared to be comparable in size. Now though as he loomed over you with a charmed smile on his lips. You felt the stomach knotting dread fill you that this inhuman creature stood nearly three heads taller than you. For as panic stricken you certainly seemed. This cave dweller didn't say anything about your clear terror.
"You're looking for survivors?" A bend in his body. He leaned down so the two of you were eye level. Still though you couldn't bring yourself to look away from his scaly lower half. Hard not to comment on your rudeness he finally straightened back up and crossed his arms over his bare chest when you didn't answer the simple question, "That's awfully rude you know?"
"Barge into my home and then staring like I'm what doesn't belong." He moved forward. 
You, in an attempt to keep distance between the two of you, did just what your body told you to do. Which was step back. Poorly calculated as your foot slipped on the wet stone underfoot. Before you could brace for the impact of falling. You found something warm and thick curling around your waist.
Ready to scream when you saw his tail wrapped around your waist. You got put to the ground with less roughness than if you'd fallen flat. But still his gesture to set you down knocked the air out of you. Leaving you to accept it as he came to sit next to you. Reclined into the rock. And staring at you. His intent gaze making you not move.
"Were you part of all that ruckus outside my home earlier?" His thin brown brows arched up, "It's quite rude you know."
"I- I didn't-" Mouth full and like your tongue was suddenly made of lead, you couldn't form a real coherent thought. Which only seemed to amuse the scaly creature, "The crash was- I'm so sorry I didn't know this was your home- If you let me I can leave- I was just looking for others and I-"
Dribble out of your mouth really. Cute and amusing. He listened with little intent to hear what you said. Instead his narrow eyes focussed on what was your heart, beating so fast he could see the flutter of your pulse on your neck. Much quicker than the drip of the sea water off the stone walls around you two. He watched your heartbeat give your fear away as the drip around you became louder and louder.
That same tail that had caught you suddenly wasn't as gracious now. He draped his scaly lower half over your lap. Watching you squirm under his heavy tail. Your hands no place to be put but held up by your breast as you attempted to not touch him. Finally his simple smile turned into a crooked grin. 
"That was an awfully big crash outside...and in a storm like this," He shook his head with a simple click of his tongue, "Don't think it would be very safe for you to run out back into it."
A gulp. You look down at his winding tail. Watching and feeling as the tip of such a monstrous appendage came curling around your ankle. If you were to run now chances were he'd trip you instantly. Trying to calm yourself with a shaky breath. The thought of calm was dashed when his tail didn't simply just curl around your lower leg. No. Now you felt the ripple of scale covered muscles move up your leg. Encroaching on your thigh but when you looked over at him next to you all the monster had to do was offer a friendly smile at you.
"Weary little traveler...caught in storm and all alone," As his voice dipped lower, so did his tail until the tip strayed against the inner most part of your thigh. Heat from your core felt against the serpentine's tail. He leaned back into his arm right next to you and watched as you tried to avoid eye contact with him at all costs, "...big bad monsters will eat you up if you leave now...best you stay safe, with me."
For as quick as your heartbeat had threatened to pop from your chest. Now it relocated. Much to your disdain. When the tip of the creature's tail brushed up against the crotch of your panties. You'd been so focused on trying to calm yourself that when his tail finally reached its destination the contact caught you off guard with a little gasp.
Against better judgement you tried to get up with such a jolt, "I really should be-" 
"What? Going so soon?" Yanked back down. But not where you had been sat beforehand. This time the creature was not subtle in pulling you down on his lap. Even when your breath hitched in your chest it was only for a meager second, "Stay. Have a meal with me even weary traveler....It's not often I get company."
"I should really go out and help I can't-" Your weak willed reasoning fell on deaf ears.
Much like the way his tail invited itself to your body. His broad hands were doing the same thing as he kept you pinned to his lap. Causing you a shudder feeling what could only be described as one fluid ripple of his scale covered muscles moving under you. Like he simply was getting comfortable. 
"You haven't even learned my name yet...and I've been such a gracious host letting you stay here," His lips, a stark hot contrast to the cold sea air, made short work of your nerves as he brought them against your ear, "Nor do I know the name of my little guest...won't you tell me your name?"
Lump in your throat hard to swallow. You felt something else uncomfortably hard but it was dashed from your mind with the way his tail rubbed itself unabashedly against your groin. Legs forced to be splayed on his massive muscle riddled lap. And wrists being gently held to your side by his hands. You were stuck.
 "....y/n....m-my name, that's it-" You couldn't control the prickling goosebumps finding their way onto your skin with the way his breath tickled your ear. Perhaps if you played his game, then you could leave unscathed.
A grin curled on his lips. He lifted his face away from the crook of your neck but not once let go of your hands. Never mind the way his tail grinded between your legs leaving you with an ever growing fog creeping up on your mind. Your heartbeat no longer thudding in your chest.
"My name might be a little hard for a mere human to pronounce....but," His words stopped just in the same time your breath caught in your chest as the tip of his tail slipped past the fabric of your panties, "...I suppose you can call me Makki."
Clear as day what his name was. It didn't matter though when the tip of his tail slipped past your folds. Soaked as the cavern walls from the teasing, Makki's tail slid inside your cushiony walls with little resistance. Making the beast chuckle deep in his throat.
"My my," Lips finding your neck again and his grip on your wrists loosening in the same breath, "Seems like my hosting has really taken your mind off all this terrible weather and those scary monsters out there."
Nothing short of a croaking moan left your lips. Consumed by the way his tail curled up inside you at angles you weren't even familiar with even from the most skilled lovers. The smooth feeling of his scales only lending to delving deeper in your cunt as your juices coat him. A fullness like none other. Where it should have burned from the stretching sensation was quickly washed over with the way his tail swiped over your velvety walls.
"F-Fuck-" All that could make it past your gasping lips. Head tipped back into his chest and eyes half lidded. You could hardly tell it was a monster if you looked at him like this. Only his charming smile in your field of vision as his tail began moving in you once more.
"Human's feel much different than other naga," Makki grinned down at you. Watching his own tail violate your cunt as he finally let go of your arms. With the way you gripped his sides under you he had no fear of you running away anytime soon. Leaving him to explore more of your human body.
Of course the monster's hands found your breasts. Squishing and tugging at them until he began rolling your nipples between his thumb and forefinger. Quite enticed with the way the hard buds looked in his grasp. Forgetting the work of his tail until a new noise came from you. 
"Oh?" He chirped pleasantly at the sensation of muscle tightness around his tail, "Did you cum already? I wasn't watching, a shame."
Pulling his tail from your insides. Makki examined the wetness covering his scales. Giving it a sniff before flicking his tongue against the little gift you left him. What he found was more than just a palatable taste. Instead he licked his tail clean before looming over you with his hands gripping your thighs.
"A real meal!" He exclaimed with two fingers being pushed inside you before you gathered yourself or your thoughts, "This tastes much better than anything in this cave."
Still reeling from your previous orgasm. When his fingers pushed inside your cunt there was no way you could recall running away now. Instead you grabbed for something to stabilize yourself with his exuberant fingering. Finding no better handle than reaching back behind you to loop your hands around his broad neck. Beast leaned over with his bare chest pressed into your back. Holding onto him was the best you could do as every fiber in your body tingled with immeasurable pleasure.
Reverberation of his pleasant hum in his chest. Makki didn't thrust his fingers inside you much. Only dipping them down to his knuckles and twisting them around until they were soaked in juices. Just to pull them out and slather his tongue in the fresh taste. The half a dozen times he did it left you panting and thrusting your hips up into him for some kind of relief of the knot growing in your stomach once more.
Frustrated with just small tastes he was getting on his fingers. Makki finally had enough. Instead he pulled his fingers from you. Some sort of a whimper in protest but that was cut short from your end when he lifted you up from his lap. Reminded in a second how small you were in comparison when he lifted you above himself. Mouth full of teeth and wide open sent a fearful thought racing through your mind. 
"No wait please- don't eat me I-"
Quickly thrown aside when the row of teeth weren't the intent at all. No when his lips made contact with your cunt it was his tongue that quickly slipped inside you. Squeaking moans leaving past your lips as he held you above himself like it was nothing. Twisting and writhing his slippery tongue inside your cunt. Makki just refused to wait long enough to lick it off his fingers. As a guest it was only within your right to offer him something tasty in return.
"M-Makki! Makki fuck-" Forgetting even the moments before when his tail already stole one orgasm from you. With the way his tongue massaged every inch of your twitching cunt in an attempt to drink you dry meant the beast was leading you right into another orgasm. Legs twitching and fist fulls of of his short cropped brown hair. You couldn't squeeze your thighs together hard enough for him to stop. Instead the hungry beast lapped wildly at your core until suddenly your screams echoed to the back of the cave as you came once again on his tongue of all things.
His tongue only slowed when your grip loosened and your labored breathing became shallow. Makki pulled his tongue from your folds. Licking up what he could from his lips and cheek as he sat you back down on his lap. Unlike before when the smoothness of his belly scales was all that you felt. Something wet prodded the inside of your leg. In a sort of daze when your weak legs spread further apart on his lap you caught a glimpse of something red in contrast to the creamy paleness of his underbelly scales.
"My look how excited you've made me," Makki smiled down at you. Like before his tail was coming up to greet you. But unlike before you found it didn't stop at your legs. This time the broad muscly appendage recurled itself around your waist, "You took my tail so well...lets see how well humans breed."
Lifted once more. This time not higher than it took for him to adjust you on his lap. Your body still on fire even after two orgasms. Craving more and you hand no idea how when you felt as limp as could be. You could only hold onto his chest for your own sake as Makki moved you on his own whim.
The same sliminess. Now closer than just your thigh. Instead it slid up your soaked cunt lips. You gasp the second his cock head brushes against your clit. A sensation reminded after he hadn't touched your sensitive bumble once. The lewd  reaction bring on a grin to the monster's lips.
Wordlessly the enormous monster guided you onto his cock. Hotter than anything his tongue or tail could produce. Your insides felt like they were melting as the thick knot like base of his cock finally sunk down in you. The twitch of his inhuman cock against your cervix. Certain his cock was pushed all the way into your stomach at this point. You couldn't help pant and grab at the monster's chest as he let you rest on his massive cock for a second.
"You tasted so good....I see why we eat you," Makki's lips brushing against your parted ones. The pleasant fucked out look on your features were adoring. Much like a little pet. He peppered your face in kisses as his massive body began forcing you to move up and down slowly on his girthy cock.
Mind fuzzier and fuzzier with each orgasm. Now when your legs splayed apart on his lap. Cock lodged deep in you with some oddity to his knotted cock bumping your deepest parts. You felt like you were suddenly loosing your mind. Forgetting all about the ship wreck or looking for other survivors. All you could see was the charmed smile in front of your face as Makki guided you up and down on his cock.
"F-Fuck- I- I can't take it-" Your head droops down. Hardly able to keep yourself up as he does most the work and your body just tightens around him. Each time you were pulled down on his cock and it felt almost like too much. Everything was eased with the way your clit grinded against his scaly underbelly. Sending ripples of pleasures through your body and allowing you to take every inch of his cock in your little human cunt.
"Shh you're doing so well," Praise falling from the monster's lips. His own breathing quickening in pace. Coming deeper and more ragged as he moved you up and down his cock quicker. Thankful you were doing so well because he wasn't sure how careful he could be with such a little thing.
Drool leaking past your lips. All you could see was him in front of you. Forgetting the cave. Forgetting everything before this. Consumed by the feeling of Makki's cock stretching you out. Feeling like it was getting bigger and bigger. You had no idea it was as he began thrusting into you harder. Fucking you with each time he pulled you down into his lap. Adoringly your hands cupped his cheeks. Wildingly bouncing up and down on his cock unable to help it. You were loosing control once more.
"Shh not yet....shhh just- just a little more-" Makki's words law. His thrusts growing ragged and his chest heaving in short breathes. You stared up at him in fucked out bliss as his brows pinched together and he loomed over you. Suddenly he was much less scary in the moments his hips shuddered under you.
An inhuman throb inside you. Not once had you noticed how larged his cock had grown until the monster held you down on his cock and the gush of hot flooded your senses. Just the swelling sensation of his eerily hot cum spurting inside you was too much to deal with. Body trembling your legs try to close but his broad lower half keeps you spread and impaled on his cock. 
Makki knotted thrusted deep inside you as your third orgasm washes over you. Twitching and spasming around him so hard that simply the amount of cum filling you overflowed around even the bulb of his cock keeping you connected to him. Finally it was all too much. Robbed of every last ounce of energy. You drooped into him. Feeling the monster's cock pump his cum inside you. No idea how much he'd fill you with. Nor caring. 
The familiar sensation of his tail curling around you once again. This time with his hand coming down to stroke your cool cheek in an almost sweet gesture. You couldn't move. And you couldn't be bothered to move atop his enormous body. Makki had simply been right all along. It would have been too dangerous to leave the cave. You had no idea the monsters lurking out in the storm. At least in here, you understood the monsters were friendly.
469 notes · View notes
voiceless-terror · 4 years
Prompts? This is a happy day! If you wish! I'm writing something similar but I need more cakes in the flavor and you write emotions so well! But early days in the archives and Tim and Sasha are giving Jon the cold shoulder and maybe there's an accident or something Jon really needs help with but he doesn't think he can go to either of them and he doesn't know Martin. And the next day he rolls up sick, or beat to hell, or has a cast, or a black eye, and Tim and Sasha are like WAT? And then feels!
Here you are! How do you know EXACTLY what to prompt me??? This is so my speed. So here you go- I hope you like!
“You’ve survived your first month in the Archives! That’s cause for celebration, Martin. Drinks on me!”
Tim’s cheerful tones weren’t hard to miss. Perhaps he didn’t notice Jon standing in the doorway, small and timid. He realized it was the middle of a rather stressful work week, but he just needed a little bit of help with some boxes. He’d been tired and worn out for the better part of the week, and the small ladder in Document Storage was rickety at best. Martin and Tim were both much taller and stronger than him- hell, even Sasha could’ve probably gotten the job done. Just a few minutes and then they could be on their way, to wherever they planned to go. Without him. 
Sasha was the one who noticed him. “Oh- hey, Jon. Did you need something?” 
He looked at the other two, twitching with clear impatience. Martin opened his mouth to speak but Tim made some sort of hushing motion with his hand. A sinking feeling made its way through Jon’s chest and to his stomach- the thought of asking for even the smallest of favors filled him with anxiety. He didn’t think he could bear seeing their faces when they said no. 
“Er, no, just- have a good night, yeah?” His voice sounded off, even to him, but they didn’t seem to make much of it, nodding awkwardly.
“You too!” Martin called after him as Jon scurried down the hallway, biting down whatever sadness stuck in his throat. He’d be here all night most likely. 
It didn’t bother him.
Jon stared up at the boxes looming tauntingly on the shelf, filled with statements that were likely just as disorganized as the ones on the shelf below. But these were labeled with the most recent dates in the Archive, and that’s what he planned on going through for the rest of the week.
Back in research, Tim used to prank him by putting things on the highest of shelves- books he needed, tea he wanted. It irked him but Tim would always be right around the corner to lend a helping hand and a teasing word. It got Jon out of his head for a moment, something very few people could accomplish. 
Tim still put things on high shelves in their break room but it just felt cruel, now that he wasn’t comfortable enough to ask for help. Now that Tim was never around the corner.
He put a tentative foot on the step ladder, grimacing as it leaned to the side. He’d put in an order for a new one at the beginning of his tenure but Elias never responded. He felt bad bothering the man with such a petty request when he could just ask his assistants for help. What was he supposed to tell him? ‘Hey my assistants seem to hate me and I’m too scared to ask them’ didn’t inspire much confidence.
Jon took another step forward, willing the ladder to stabilize. He needed to get to the fourth step to even have a chance of reaching the box, high up as it was. Just a bit further.
He made it to the fourth when everything went to hell. As soon as he reached his hands toward the box the ladder creaked and listed dangerously to the side, throwing him wildly off balance. He flailed right off the side, landing with a yelp and a crack on the cold concrete floor of Document Storage. 
The pain emanating from his left arm was almost paralyzing-it had taken almost all his weight in the fall and was lying awkwardly across the floor. It brought tears to his eyes as he tried to move it so he just laid there for a bit, willing himself not to pass out from the pain. How ridiculous he must have looked, lying prone on the ground, defeated by a fucking stepladder. 
When he finally decided to sit up his head spun- he only got as far as scooting back and leaning his head onto a shelf, trying to control his breathing. He had his phone in his pocket. If he needed help, he could just call Sasha or Tim or even Martin. His arm didn’t feel right and he would probably have to go to a clinic or the A & E, something he hated doing. He didn’t think he could brush this one off.
But what if they didn’t answer? He thought about the three of them at the bar, laughing and talking. Tim would be regaling them with some ridiculous story, his phone would ring. He would glance down at it, see Jon’s name and flip it over, ignoring it. 
Or worse, they would come, see him huddled on the floor and laugh. They would try to hold it in at first- they weren’t that rude. But as they helped him to his feet they wouldn’t be able to contain it. How embarrassing he was, how ridiculous. Jon couldn’t bear to be laughed at.
Two weeks ago he had walked past the upstairs break room on his way back from a meeting with Elias. It was entirely unproductive; he could sense Elias’s growing frustration with his lack of progress. Jon wondered if he regretted making him his Head Archivist, if he was already thinking of suitable replacements. Jon wouldn’t blame him.
And that’s when he heard it- an odd, mocking voice that he knew belonged to Ryan from research. Ryan and Jon never got on- Ryan was talkative and prone to gossip, and every attempt he had made to talk to Jon had been shut down by his inability to carry a conversation. On the odd times they were paired together to work, Jon took the brunt of it with utter silence, unwilling to complain about the man lest he be deemed more difficult than he already was.
But the voice he put on- stuffy and posh- was a caricature of Jon’s own. And sure enough, when he glanced in the doorway he saw Ryan hunched over a table, someone else’s glasses on his face as he screwed it up in a scowl and carried on as “Jonathan Sims, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute” to his captive audience.
His captive audience which included Sasha and Tim. 
He felt his heart shatter as the group laughed at the impression. It was accurate, why shouldn’t they? God, why hadn’t he realized how much everyone hated him here? Any respect he thought he earned faded quickly with this showing. He found himself sprinting down the hallway and locking himself in his office, ignoring Martin’s concerned inquiries as he desperately tried to blink back tears.
Remembering the incident brought the shame and embarrassment back tenfold. No, he would deal with this himself. That was the best course of action.
He took fifteen minutes to properly wallow but once his heart rate lowered and the pain was at manageable, dull roar he got to his feet and staggered down the aisle, constantly searching for a handhold. He had everything he needed on him- it wasn’t so cold that he couldn’t go without a jacket, and he knew he wouldn’t get any work done this evening. 
Making his way down the hallway and up the stairs was almost tortuous; he paused several times and took deep breaths to avoid passing out and making the problem worse. By the time he got to the lobby Rosie was already gone for the day and Ed, the janitor, was idly mopping by the front door.
“‘Ave a good night, sir,” the man said without looking up. “Careful though, s’slippery over-whoa there, Sims!”
He must have looked as awful as he felt because the man dropped his mop and made his way over to his side, his face the picture of concern. Jon was holding his arm at an awkward angle so as not to jostle it. “S’fine,” he wearily started. “Have a good night, Ed.”
“Don’ look fine to me, Jonny.” Jon hated this nickname, but he never let on. He didn’t want to upset the one man who still greeted him day and night, no matter how stressed and irritable Jon looked. It was a nice, comforting routine. “Somethin’ happen?”
“Just took a fall, nothing serious,” he lied, well aware that his palm was scraped and crusted with blood. “I’ll just be going, got a train to catch-”
“Let me get you a cab, son,” he said, a paternal hand on his shoulder. “Shouldn’t be on the tube looking like that, bound to make it worse.” Jon began to voice his protest but the man was already out the door, waving and stamping in the street. He would smile at the scene if he had the energy for it. Instead he just staggered after him, wincing with every step.
“Over here!” the man shouted, standing by a cab a little ways down the road. Ed opened the door and ushered him in, hands helpful and gentle and so kind that Jon has to blink away tears. “There’s a good lad. Take ‘im to the closest A & E, will ya?” Jon watched as he shoved a pocketful of bills in the cabbies hand.
“Ed, you’ve already done enough-”
“Nonsense,” he waved Jon off, still looking at him with that mix of warmth and concern that Jon so desperately needed. “You just get that checked out, y’hear? An’ come back in one piece!” With that, he shut the door and gave him a wave, standing in place until the car was out of sight.
Jon couldn’t hold back his tears after that.
Jon comes in the next day, arm freshly broken and in a sling, medicated to the gills. He paused at first, considering not taking the pain medication but he eventually gave in as the pain progressed throughout the morning. He’s a little late and he’s going to have to march past his assistants’ desks and attempt to avoid questions. 
“Whoa there, boss! What happened?” Tim says immediately upon his arrival. Jon avoids his gaze and looks to the ground, walking as quickly as possible to his office and shutting the door. He deserves a bit of peace before the inevitable interrogation.
Of course, he would never be so lucky. All three assistants are soon hovering around the doorway, looking at him with a worry he doesn’t deserve. He sighs as he casts his eyes to the desk and slumps down in his chair.
“Took a spill yesterday, nothing serious,” he mutters in as staid a tone as he could manage. “Now, if you could please get back to work-”
“You’re not getting out of this that easily,” Sasha says, coming over to his desk, Tim not far behind. Martin stays in the doorway, ever polite. “You were fine we left!”
“It happened shortly afterwards. I advise none of you to use the stepladder for the time being.” He manages a weak smile that none of them return.
“Stepladder? Boss, I told you not to use that anymore!” Tim plops down in a chair, legs immediately going over the arm of it. Jon always imagined them talking in the office like this- a stupid fantasy he entertained when he first got the position. No one had ever sat in those chairs, they just stood in his office and counted the seconds until they could leave. ‘Why didn’t you ask us for help?”
“I-I was going to,” he begins, feeling instantly guilty at the thought of making them feel bad. “But- well, you looked like you had plans.”
Tim and Sasha exchanged a look. “You should’ve at least called us when it happened,” Sasha says, a hand on his desk. Jon aches to take it. “We were right around the corner.”
“I know,” he says. He feels out of it, vulnerable and loose and unmoored. Likely from the meds. 
“You knew and you still didn’t call?” Martin this time, his voice incredulous.
“I didn’t think you would come,” his voice is no more than a whisper and his chest aches something fierce. His hands tighten into fists at the silence that follows; he nervously starts to fill it.
“I know-look, it’s fine we’re not friends any more,” he starts, trying to keep his voice level. “But it- it just seems like you don’t want me to be your boss either?” His voice goes higher in pitch and he can’t seem to stop babbling. “I just- I need to know where I stand. So I know what’s okay to ask. I know this isn’t ideal but I- I need help sometimes. Not a lot, just...just sometimes.” 
“Jon,” Tim has a hand on his arm and an urgency in his voice. “That’s not- of course we would have come. Of course.” 
“I didn’t want you to laugh at m-me.” Christ, could he not get a handle on his emotions for five goddamn minutes? Why was he still talking?
“We would never laugh-” 
“But you did!” The words burst forward, almost a yell. “I-I saw you the other day. With Ryan- laughing at me. You know I don’t-” The breaths come quick and he can feel the tears coming down his face. God, what a mess he was. “I don’t understand where it all went wrong. If- if you don’t like me, why did you accept this job? Why are you here? What- what do I need to do better? Why were you laughing at me!” Jon dissolves into a mess of sobs as he slams his chair back from his desk, desperate to put as much space as he could between himself and his assistants.
But Jon never gets what he wants. Tim has his arms wound gently around his body, taking care to avoid the sling. And Sasha is there, a hand on his back as well.
“We- we weren’t laughing, Jon,” Tim tries, but Sasha cuts in.
“But we didn’t exactly tell him to knock it off, did we?” Her voice is angry and Jon doesn’t know who it’s aimed towards. He feels so stupid, so childish for breaking down like this but he knows what he saw. What he heard. “Ryan’s a jealous dick, he was just being mean. And...I guess we were being sort of mean, too.”
Tim takes over from there. “Look- things have gotten messy since we came down here, yeah? We’re...adjusting, that’s for sure. And I’m sorry that we made you feel like you did something wrong.”
“I- I did though, I must have-”
“No- Jon, look at me,” He hazards a glance at Sasha’s face, looking anywhere but her eyes. “You know me. Emotions aren’t particularly my forte. It’s- it’s a lot easier not to talk about things, but that doesn’t mean it’s right. It was a lot easier to hold onto my anger at being passed over, y’know?”
“If you told me- I would’ve had Elias switch us, I swear-”
“We don’t have to switch. To be honest, I don’t think I know how the fuck an Archive is supposed to be run either. At least not one like this,” She gestures to the room and Jon manages a weak smile. 
“I’m not very good when things get messy, either,” Tim admits, leaning awkwardly on a file cabinet in order to keep an arm around him. Jon hopes the gesture is genuine, and not just an attempt to placate the man having an emotional breakdown in the middle of the office. “But for what it’s worth, I’m sorry. I’ve been a right ass. So while I’m trying to make it up to you, how about you let me and Martin handle the top shelf from now on, yeah?” The joke feels familiar. This is territory Jon can manage.
“Yeah, yeah,” Jon wipes a hand across his face, finally feeling a bit more stable. “S’fine. I forgive you.” He takes the tissue Sasha offers. “Sorry for being so- er, dramatic. The pain medication is quite something, to be honest.”
“Oh God,” Sasha is suddenly all business. ‘“You shouldn’t be at work right now. Not like this- Tim’ll take you home, right?” Tim nods, tightening his arm around Jon’s shoulder.
“Yeah- you’re not going to get anything done like this, Jon. Have a rest, Sasha’ll tell Elias what’s going on, yeah?”
“Of course.”
There it is again- of course. Maybe if they keep saying that, it’ll make it true. 
Jon doesn’t argue as he’s ushered out of the Institute- whatever that was took a lot out of him, and he knows he’s useless to his team like this, dazed and unstable. Martin follows them outside- Jon had almost forgotten he was there. He had slipped out of the office during the worst of it, kindly giving them some space. He wants to thank him but he doesn’t know how. Instead he listens as Martin rattles off all the things Tim should watch out for, like a nervous mother hen.
“I got it, Martin,” Tim says patiently. “But I’ll call you if anything happens.” Martin reluctantly backs off, giving the two of them a wave as they drive out of the parking lot.
“Jon,” Tim begins, putting a special emphasis on his name. He missed being called Jon. “You know I’ll always come when you call. I promise. I’d- I’d never laugh at you, not like that.”
You know. Of course.
“Okay,” Jon responds, staring out the window. He hopes it’s true. If not, well- the words are a start, right?
ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27334912
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Jude & Jac
Jude: are you alright? Jac: Not particularly Jude: talk to me then Jac: No offense Jac: but that really isn't going to make me feel better Jude: so do it to make me feel better Jac: What do you want, Jude? Jude: idk Jude: everyone's talking but they're not saying stuff that makes sense Jac: No one knows what they're talking about Jac: they should try minding their business Jude: bit unlikely Jac: I'm not going to give you anything more to report back Jac: I've said all I know already Jude: oi! I ain't running a story for the school paper or owt like that Jude: I'm about the angle whereby you're my sister and I've known your mates for time Jude: it's personal, like Jac: It happened to Is Jac: not me, not you Jac: we can't sit around making it about us, it's not productive Jude: productive? Jac: Don't start Jude: can we get to a place where you tell me what's going on with Izzy or what? Jac: I don't know Jac: some lad creeped on her at the party last night and now her mum is on a mission about it Jude: she's your best mate, how're you not camped out on her front garden?! Jac: Oh great, make me feel bad Jac: she doesn't want to talk, I'm not going to force my presence upon her to make myself, or any of the rest of you, feel better Jude: she needs you, not her ma, what's that woman gonna do? what does she get about anything? Jac: What do you think I'm gonna do Jac: for goodness sake Jude: fuck all if you ain't there Jac: There's nothing to be done Jac: it's happened Jude: that's cold Jude: there's like comfort you could give her Jude: you could be someone that listens to her, if her ma's on such a mission Jac: Like I said, you know nothing Jac: that's all very well you proposing all these nice ideas but I told you, she doesn't want to talk Jac: so this is a pointless conversation Jude: like you heard me say, why aren't you there waiting on her for when she does? Jac: I'm not sitting outside her door Jac: I don't know what you're getting at, to be honest Jude: she'd do it for you Jude: you know that Jac: You're far too concerned with hypotheticals Jac: Like I said, I'm actually trying to be productive here Jude: nah, you're looking out for yourself Jude: being a shitty mate in the process Jac: Fine Jac: happy now? Jude: yeah that's proper cheered me up Jude: ffs Jac: Frankly, you're the least of my worries right now Jac: and that apparently suits you fine so Jac: if we're done here Jude: are you gonna keep replying like this is a business email? Jac: I've got nothing to say Jac: that I haven't already Jude: you've said nowt to me Jac: ask mum and dad Jac: I've got stuff to do Jude: what stuff? Jac: Talk to Sav, everyone else who was there Jac: see what they know Jude: it was her boyfriend's house, yeah? that bit's true? Jac: Yes Jac: it was just a normal house party Jude: did he invite that lad or did he gatecrash? Jac: He was invited Jac: he went to our school, everyone knows him Jude: do you? Jac: Yeah Jac: obviously Jude: if it's who I heard it was then I reckon I do too Jac: Who did you hear it was? Jude: Carter Murphy Jude: he used to be a massive deal far as winning shit for the basketball team but that's not why I know him Jac: I'm not going to confirm or deny Jac: not going to spread the rumours when it's already running rampant Jude: spreading rumours ain't what I'm about either, tah very much Jac: I just meant I'm not saying either way Jude: And I'm just saying if it was him I never reckoned there was anything that off about him Jude: no more than any other older lad who chats to me at parties Jude: wondering if I should've Jac: I don't know Jac: maybe there isn't Jude: but it's not like he'd be rocking a sign saying 'top at beer pong and banter but might force himself on you' at any rate Jac: Well yeah Jac: there's two sides to every story Jude: hang on, you're saying Izzy is lying? Jac: No, I'm saying it's impossible to ever know for definite in these situations Jude: it shouldn't be impossible to take her word for it, unless you've got a reason not to Jac: its hers against his Jude: why would she say he forced her if he didn't? Jude: her ma ain't THAT strict Jac: She was drunk Jac: you know you can think a thing happened one way that isn't necessarily how it was or how the other person saw it Jude: Yeah Jude: but this is a bit different from me getting pissed off at my mates for none of 'em catching me when I thought I'd told 'em I was gonna jump and I'd never Jac: I can have personal opinions Jac: it's not as if I'm talking to anyone or doing anything with it Jac: if her ma wants to take it legal then that's for her to decide Jude: I dunno, maybe you're right Jude: legally, it is her word against his Jude: add in the drink, even if she didn't have that much, it's bollocks but it's bollocks they'd still use Jac: Everyone knows it's pointless going to the police Jac: regardless if it happened or not Jac: don't need to know exact prosecution rates to know it's a waste of time Jude: poor Izzy Jude: whatever happened, everyone's gonna have a personal opinion Jude: and they'll put it about more than you Jac: It's shit Jac: it'd be a better use of time finding a decent counselor Jude: you could tell her that when she's talking to you again Jac: Yeah well Jac: maybe everyone needs to stop trying to tell her what to do Jude: alright, fair Jude: I didn't need to go off on you either Jude: my bad Jac: You aren't the first Jac: don't worry about it Jude: I am though Jude: I don't wanna go out, I don't want you to go out Jac: Come on, don't be stupid Jac: it's not as if there's a maniac on the loose Jac: a boy pushed his luck at a party, it's nothing new, nothing to be scared of Jude: a lad I reckoned was alright Jude: like I said, nobody's got a sign on Jude: everything's gone weird now Jac: People can't be trusted Jac: if you've been going around thinking they can, you're lucky nothing bad has happened to you Jude: some people Jude: you trust Sav, don't you? Jac: I know her Jac: properly Jac: she isn't some random at parties Jude: you didn't know her from birth, like Jac: nothing is ever airtight Jac: obviously Jac: but if she was anything close to what that lad was, it'd be out by now Jude: but if you knew what that lad was like why did you let Izzy go off with him? Jac: Who said I did? Jac: not trusting people as a default doesn't mean I know they aren't to be Jude: well yeah Jac: If she wants to go off with a lad, it's not my place to stop her Jac: or do a background check before she does Jude: would you let me? Jac: We would never be at the same party Jude: I'd never be at one of Sav's Jude: she's at like a 4/10 at this point Jac: I don't care what you think Jude: bit rude Jac: You are Jac: this conversation has nothing to do with her Jude: why are you being so touchy about her? Jac: because this conversation was already close to pointless so I don't need it to get any further off track Jude: I'm bringing some normality back to it Jac: I don't have time for this, seriously Jude: my bad, AGAIN Jude: come on Jac: I'm sick of it Jac: I don't want to talk about this anymore Jude: I know but it's shit when we don't talk Jac: Well Jac: there's not much else going on with me today so Jude: is there owt I can DO then? Jude: dad's camped by the kettle already, like Jac: Keep them busy Jac: I need to go somewhere Jude: no challenge in that Jude: are you going to see Sav? Jac: Tah Jac: yeah, might take a while Jude: is she alright? Jac: No, she's really upset Jac: and her family are driving her crazy Jude: I have just the thing up my sleeve to keep ours busy for time Jude: on you go Jac: Good Jac: in a bit Jude: later then Jude: [skip skip skip] Jude: is Sav still upset? Jude: cos mum and dad are driving me crazy now Jude: they're FUMING 😡🤬 Jac: It's safe to say we're past the point of you needed to distract them Jude: I've got a good work ethic Jude: if a job's worth doing Jac: Very impressive, like Jude: tah, makes one of us Jude: meant to chuck your phone 🚮 you rookie Jac: I have Jac: check the IP address if you really fancy it Jude: 🤓 Jude: how long you gonna take the piss for? Jac: It's not about that Jude: what's it about then? Jac: having time and space Jude: everyone's saying Sav broke up with her boyfriend cos of what happened to Izzy Jude: if she's chucked her phone too she won't know Jac: She broke up with him before then Jac: you can spread that if you wanna Jude: it's nowt to do with me, just saying in case you wanna warn her Jac: Well she's not there to have to listen Jac: if people are tarring Tyler with the same brush as Carter, it'd be the decent thing to do to put that out there Jude: you can't stay away forever Jude: but alright, cos they're saying bad shit about him and all his mates and I don't fuck with that Jac: People might learn to keep quiet if they realize they could be next Jude: bit unlikely Jac: not really Jac: Ty and his friends are popular Jude: not right now Jac: that's my point Jude: yeah I got that Jude: nobody thinks any of this bollocks is gonna land at their feet, that's mine Jude: everyone wants to be special, untouchable and so on Jude: 👑✨ Jac: well if the ⭐s ain't then no one is Jude: I'm here for that, fuck cliques, this ain't America Jac: Unlikely Jude: 🙄😏 Jac: I'm serious Jac: I don't care what anyone at that school thinks now Jude: you don't, your best mate might Jac: She doesn't Jac: it's way below where our concerns are Jac: or have ever been Jude: he's her well recent ex Jude: everyone knows she loved him Jac: Like I said, you can defend his innocence Jac: She dumped him Jude: alright Jude: you ain't found time or space to be less touchy, I get it Jac: I clearly don't want to talk Jac: take the hint Jude: nah Jac: Jesus Jude: you don't get to just do one so easily, take that hint Jac: well I have Jac: and I can log off any time I want Jude: this isn't how you handle shit, anyone with a clue would put money on me legging it before you Jac: then, again, you'd all be wrong Jude: it was all her idea, yeah? Jude: if her family are that relentless you know they'd let her stay Jude: it doesn't have to be some checked in to heartbreak hotel moment Jac: No, it was mine Jac: I don't want to be there Jac: I don't know how you don't get that Jude: nobody wants any of this to be happening but it is Jude: it was you who told me to face up to the fact, how long ago, like? Jac: And I told you, I had things to do Jac: This has little to nothing to do with Isabelle Jude: ❌ running off into the sunset with Savannah off your list then Jude: you ain't missed a day of school in such a properly long time that my mates had that bet running for ages and all lost, remember? Jude: you're the weirdo that goes in 😷🤒🤕🤢🤮🤧💀👻 Jac: Some things are more important Jude: what's so important you need a room with an expensive view to do it in? Jac: Staying sane Jac: not being around to listen to that bullshit and worse Jude: it'll be here when you have to come back Jude: be my sister and pull the 🩹 off Jude: none of this is Jac behaviour Jac: Maybe you don't know me as well as you thought Jude: if in your own words this has nowt to do with Izzy, it's nowt you can't handle Jude: things were bad when you fell out with Mills, you stayed sane and around for that Jac: She didn't get assaulted by nobody Jude: it wasn't your fault that Izzy did Jac: That's not how it feels Jac: or what everyone will say Jude: nobody's saying it and I'd stop it if they were Jac: I'm sick of being treated like I did something wrong Jude: massive dickheads are the only ones who'd try and 1. I'm not gonna let 'em 2. you don't care what people like that think Jude: you're stronger and braver than their bullshit Jac: It's all of you Jac: asking so many questions Jac: Sav's parents want to lock her up Jude: it's mum and dad's job to worry and lay the law down, like Jude: I could've done better with it, alright, I know Jude: but if you reckon Sav's parents are headcases now, leaving it even longer ain't a decent plan Jude: you're the family genius, come on Jac: You worry them, they start to listen Jac: instead of saying how it is and how it's going to be Jude: you're the oldest, everyone knows what that means Jac: We aren't coming back until this calms down and they're willing to be reasonable Jac: that's that Jude: running away don't calm down anything 💥🔥🌪 Jac: Then we won't be coming back any time soon Jac: they're the adults and that's what they need to be about this Jude: what about school? Jac: It doesn't matter Jac: it's not like we have exams or anything soon Jude: school's what mattered most to you since you started going 🤓 Jac: So, I'm smarter than everyone else Jac: I don't need to worry about falling behind Jude: it IS you! Jude: I'm not just talking to a drifter wearing your skin Jac: 🙄 Jude: 😜 Jac: You're an idiot Jude: you'll miss me when you've had your time and space Jac: Unlikely Jude: 💔🥶 Jude: give Sav my love cos she'll 100% miss me Jac: Hilarious Jude: I'll be here all week 🤣🎤 Jac: Sorry to hear that, like Jude: I'll live, like Jac: Would you like me to 💔? Jude: don't fake owt for me Jude: rarely works out Jac: So I hear Jude: well those of us who ain't in the top % have books to read and not like, doodle all over or make planes out of Jude: ✌️😝 Jude: you know where I'LL be if you need ME, we're only fucked on the vice versa Jac: I'd like to say that was a nice try Jude: me too but Jac: Piss poor is more like it Jude: 🥉 Jude: [skip skip skip again] Jude: I can't knock all night, our dear brother will throw his other 👟 at me Jude: you're scaring me Jude: use some big words I can't get my head round Jac: Leave Jude: Jac Jac: No Jude: what happened? Jac: Nothing Jude: something has cos you weren't this person, like, a day ago Jude: and you said you weren't coming back for ages Jac: Here I am Jude: where's Savannah? Jude: you know I'll ask her Jac: No you won't Jude: use a full sentence then Jac: Do not talk to her Jude: why won't you talk to me? Jude: what could be this bad? Jac: Just go Jac: please Jude: I'll be back tomorrow Jude: 🩹 yeah? Jude: longer you leave it Jac: Don't bother Jude: I ain't about to ignore the state you're in Jude: how did she hurt you? Jac: She didn't do anything Jude: who else did? Jac: No one Jude: Then what? Jac: I'm fine Jude: bollocks! Jac: I am Jude: nah Jude: you came in looking like you'd seen a 👻 Jac: don't want to be here Jude: did you and Sav have a fight or what? cos I don't get why you're back if you don't wanna be Jac: she had to come back Jude: do you want me to give her a ring? get her over? Jac: no Jude: you ARE mad at her then Jac: I'm not Jude: if you ain't 🗨 it's cos you're face-to-face Jude: something's off Jude: don't need to be the family genius, like Jac: she's not done anything Jude: have you? Jac: [does not reply] Jude: you can tell me Jude: I'll help you hide her body Jac: Shut up Jude: you talk and I'll listen Jude: what did you do? Jac: I can't Jude: whatever it is, it won't be as bad as it feels right now Jude: she's your best friend, she'll come back round to that Jude: she just needs to be dramatic for a bit Jac: You have no clue Jude: clue me in then Jac: I don't want to Jac: this is my business Jac: what part of this don't you get, just stop it Jude: alright Jude: you still know where I am Jac: 👍
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