#he does whatever the equivalent to dry boiled chicken w rice and no seasoning is honestly. maybe exactly that😭
nevarroes · 10 months
probably a weird question, but what the hell does/would cas eat? like i genuinely cannot picture him eating food besides maybe a protein shake but those don't exist so
This is justified tbh because ur really right in how u see him... Cas the type of guy that would live off of liquid meals and protein shakes as much as he can if it was an option🔥
he could not care less for food besides the nutrients he needs tbh he's the type of guy that goes "what a waste of time..." even if you serve him like a 5 course gourmet meal. With that being said though, he does need to eat so in my mind he just forces Gortash's kitchen staff to meal prep for exactly the amount he needs 2 maintain his physique
I see him at some like... 80% carnivore diet (weird ass cambion...) tbh but he wouldn't even fucking care what it is. it's really surprising no one poisoned his ass yet but I think he'd just survive and get mad🙏
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