#he does this every conversation and then complains that im 'always fact checking him'
saja-star · 1 year
I was just reminded of a time a friend of mine called me and asked what I was up to so I said I was having tea. And he said, "oh, I just read about how you should use different temperatures of water for black tea vs green tea." And I said "oh cool, I didn't know that." He said "which are you drinking." I said "neither, it's mint tea." He said "so green?" I said, "no, there's no green tea in this. It's just dried mint leaves." He continued to insist it must be either black or green, and I continued to try to explain that "green tea" doesn't just refer to the color it refers a drink made from the actual tea plant, and my mint tea is literally green but it doesn't contain any leaves from a tea plant. To which he got annoyed at me for "refusing to answer."
I am totally sympathetic to the fact that the terminology is counter-intuitive. It is! It's super confusing! But he acts like I'm making things hard on purpose because he doesn't understand something.
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spitdrunken · 2 years
man :( i may need to dust off a sfw blog to write a longer fic version of this but im thinking about rollo man... 
becoming friends with rollo when you’re both first-years. he’s not the most expressive, and he’s often the tallest in the class already, but contrary to his appearance he’s kind and thoughtful. he’s also clearly a very gifted mage, and you are very average, but this doesn’t influence the way he interacts with you at all. rollo never hesitates to share his notes and happily tutors others in his free time, including you, if you ask, and always seems to be helping out others in one way or another. his love for noble bell college and the entire city is palpable, and if given the chance, he’ll happily rattle off facts about its history. you think he’d do charity for all of the citizens, if he could. a hint of a smile plays around his lips when he does so. he overworks himself, while telling you to avoid doing exactly that all the while. 
more than anything else though, rollo loves his family. he goes home to visit them every break, always with gifts. his mood before leaving and after returning is significantly improved, and he talks about his younger brother quite a bit as well. rollo isn’t the type to complain much, but he speaks of his brother’s irresponsible behaviour and the trouble he causes from time to time, though never with much bite. 
a week before everything changes, rollo asks you a question. how do you save someone who doesn’t want to be saved? there’s a heaviness clinging to his mood, to the eyes that seem to stare right through you. from the bits and pieces he lets go at your prodding, you figure his brother has either gotten involved with a wrong crowd, or is pushing his magic to the point it’s wearing him down entirely. it seems incredibly difficult for him to talk about. 
he leaves, for a while. when you see him again, you are both second-years. you don’t need to be told what’s happened. when rollo returns, he looks hollowed out. there are deep bags underneath his eyes, and his skin is paler than ever. he’s distracted whenever you speak to him, no longer as attentive as he used to be. his expressions have shifted from calm, to blank. he no longer tutors other students or helps them practice their spells, instead isolating himself in his room to ‘study’. often, you see him scrawling away in a book he always carries on him. he eats less, sleeps even worse. though he was never the most talkative, he enjoyed sitting down with other students and listening in, hearing what was going on all around the school. now, he no longer shows up. with noble bell being relatively small, everyone knew everyone, and word always spread fast. so do the rumours about rollo and his health, but no one who goes in to check on him succeeds in breaking through his hell. your words don’t seem to get through to him, either.
one day, he sits you down, and rollo asks you a question. how do you feel about magic? you must not have given the right answer because, at the end of your conversation, he simply tells you that he’s sorry for you. one day, you’ll understand. then, he will come to you again. after that, while rollo never grows unkind, is never mean or dismissive to you, there’s a distance. a gap you simply cannot bridge. as he moves up in the ranks of the school ever further, climbing up to the rank of council president, you are left below.
when you are both third-years, you only observe rollo from a distance. he carries the bell around his neck and the staff in his hand like a burden. he has grown taller, yet skinnier. to you, he has become unrecognizable. the rough lines of the person he was are still there, at his core, he’s still the same, but the details- the way he carries himself, the way his expressions shift, the way he speaks to others... have been altered. looking at him hurts, but your efforts have long since been futile. when you speak of him, you no longer call him by his name, but rather refer to him as the president.
how do you save someone who doesn’t want to be saved?
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hyuniepot · 4 years
the butterfly effect. || chapter 2
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chapter word count || 3,513
genre || thriller, angst, drama
members || mark lee, na jaemin, lee jeno, huang renjun, lee donghyuck, zhong chenle, park jisung
warnings || mentions of death, implications of depression
pairing || fem!reader x jaemin || slight fem!reader x mark
synopsis || you never thought you’d be able to play with fate so easily, especially not through some shady app. but you suddenly must say goodbye to what you know and hello to a new world where everything seems perfect.
taglist || @gothboyjisung​ @jeongyoonohs​ @doiewonu
previous chapter
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Your eyes open at the sound of a knock at your door. You lift your head and see Jisung.
Your eyes open at the sound of a knock at your door. You lift your head and see Jisung.
Your eyes open at the sound of a knock at your door. You lift your head and see Jisung.
“Are you coming downstairs? Your breakfast is gonna get cold.” he says.
You blink, confused. Jisung wasn’t the type to wake you up or check in on you, so why was he telling you this? And what was this talk about breakfast? You never made breakfast, and your mom was too busy to stop and make breakfast before you left. You usually just grabbed a granola bar.
Then you remember your conversation with ButterFly.
“Um, yeah. I’ll be down in a second.” you try to stabilize your voice.
Jisung nods, closing your door. You jump out of bed, grabbing your phone. It was only a bit earlier than the usual time you woke up. You opened your phone.
We hope you are satisfied with your decision.
You swallow hard. You instinctively go to call Jaemin, but his contact is gone. In fact, nearly everyone’s contact is.
No Jaemin.
No Jeno.
No Renjun.
No Jiwoo.
No Naeun.
No Sungyeon.
You felt relieved when you saw Hyuck’s. And your heart started pounding when you saw Mark’s. You stared at your phone for what felt like minutes. Your brain couldn’t comprehend the fact that ButterFly has actually worked — and you were seeing the proof. You snapped out of your daze at the sound of a door shutting downstairs. You left your room and went downstairs. Jisung sat at the table, eating his breakfast. Your mother was doing the dishes.
You sat down at the table across from Jisung. You had absolutely no appetite, so you took a few nibbles from your food and tried not to think about how weird everything was right now.
“Oh, sweetie,” your mom said. You look back at her. “Your uniform is still in my room. Don’t forget to grab it before you leave.”
“Okay.” you reply. After a few more minutes of staring at your food, you get up. “I’m gonna go get ready.”
“Wait,” your mother stops you. “You barely ate.”
“Yeah… I’m really not hungry today.” you tell her.
“Hmm… okay. Just make sure to eat your lunch, okay? I don’t need you being fatigued or anything… Jisung, honey, do you want what she didn’t eat?” she asks.
Jisung excitedly nods, grabbing your plate and eating the food. At least his appetite stayed the same…
You go back upstairs, entering your mother’s room. When she said uniform, you thought she meant your school’s uniform. Not a volleyball jersey and shorts. You sighed and picked it up, putting it in your bookbag. You picked your phone up.
im omw over !! :)
It suddenly hit you that you’d be seeing Mark soon. Of course you would. You realize you’re completely unprepared to see him. You had no idea how to feel. The thought was exciting and terrifying all at the same time.
Your eyes immediately start watering at the thought of him; you had to pause and take a deep breath to calm yourself down. It had been nearly 4 years since he passed away. Would he be different? It was hard to imagine Mark as a 17-year-old.
You still find yourself blaming yourself for his death. Everyone told you it wasn’t, but you still couldn’t shake the feeling that you didn’t do anything.
You were both 13, Hyuck was 12, not that it mattered, but it was the only thing that could soothe your guilt. You were practically a child, what were you supposed to do? It was summer, and you all went swimming in a lake nearby despite being told not to. In your eyes, the lake was just nature’s pool. None of you expected it to be so deep. It just happened so fast, you could barely recall how it happened. Mark jumped in and didn’t come back up.
After so long you panicked and ran back home as fast as you could, telling your mother what happened. She called the police and Mark’s parents. She didn’t let you go back outside all day. You just remember sitting in your room, confused and scared. You cried yourself to sleep in your mother’s arms when your mother broke the news to you.
You should’ve known better.
You hated thinking about that day. You had never fully recovered. You were traumatized, but you didn’t want anyone to worry about you more than they already did. Whenever your mother asked, you’d tell her you were okay and try to quickly change the subject. But every time you looked at yourself in the mirror, there was something missing. It was the face of someone who would never forgive themself.
You take a deep breath. You didn’t have any more time to waste. Looking at yourself in the mirror, the tiredness that usually plagued you was gone. Your dark circles were gone as well. You run a brush through your hair and put on your school uniform, grabbing your bag and going back downstairs to wait for Mark. Jisung had finished what remained of your food and had gotten ready as you were upstairs. He was sitting in the living room.
Your phone buzzes. You pull it out.
here! let jisung know chenle is here too.
You feel relief knowing Jisung still knew Chenle. Maybe it would help things feel normal. You couldn’t imagine Jisung without his other half.
“Okay, let’s go.” you tell Jisung. “Uh… Mark just got here,” the words feel weird leaving your mouth. “And Chenle is here too.”
Jisung gets up and follows you outside. You spot Chenle first. He looked how he usually did; brown, somewhat disheveled hair and eyes full of excitement no matter what. That was Chenle. He smiled as you made your way to him. You gave him a small smile as well.
And then you see Mark standing at the end of your driveway, staring at something. You’re surprised when you see him, he looks so much like his younger self. It almost made you feel nauseous.
“Oh, hey!” he says, jogging to where you were standing. “Sorry, I was looking at that bush… for some reason. Well, I saw something moving under it and I thought maybe an animal was under there, and…”
You just nod slowly as he talks, taking a deep breath.
“Are you okay?”
You remember that staring at someone with your mouth slightly open isn’t normal. You clear your throat. “Yeah, sorry. I’m just really tired.” you say.
“I assumed,” he says as you both start walking down the sidewalk. “You didn’t respond to any of my texts.” You feel a pang of guilt. You didn’t respond because you had no idea how.
You hear footsteps behind you. You look back and see Jisung and Chenle following you, still deep in conversation.
“By any chance, have you heard from Hyuck?” Mark asks.
You keep looking forward to the sidewalk. “I haven’t. Why do you ask?”
“I just haven’t heard from him at all, that’s why. We usually text each other every morning to talk about if he’s gonna join us on our walk to school. But all I got was radio silence on his end,” Mark tells you. “It’s not like him to oversleep or anything.”
You couldn’t get yourself to look at Mark. You pull out your phone and click on Hyuck’s contact, trying not to feel sad at Jaemin’s absence in your contacts list. You call Hyuck, needing something familiar to ground you.
“Hello?” Hyuck’s voice is hoarse.
“Hey,” your voice is shaky. You clear your throat in an attempt to stable it. “Uh… where are you?” you suddenly feel like an idiot for calling Hyuck. You were unsure of what to say.
“Sorry. I overslept. I slept like shit last night. I saw Mark blew up my phone,” he says, nearly unintelligible from his yawning. “Don’t worry about me.”
“Alright. I was just wondering.” you say. “I’ll see you at school.”
“Yeah. See ya.” he hangs up.
You put your phone down. “He’s awake now,”
Mark chuckles. “You didn’t have to call him.”
You shrug. “Well, it’s a good thing I did. He was still sleeping.”
“He’s always been like this. Kid loves to sleep,” Mark says, sighing. “Probably from his busy schedule… It’s no surprise he gets so exhausted.”
You nod. For once, you were feeling thankful that you lived so close to school. Soon, you’d be able to collect your thoughts. Talking to Mark was almost too much. You couldn’t look him in the eye.
You turn and see Jisung. He’s smiling. When was the last time you had seen a smile so genuine from him?
“I’ll see you later. You have practice after school, right?” Jisung asks.
You feel your eyes filling up with tears. You try your best to discreetly wipe them away. “Yeah. I’ll see you when I get home.”
Jisung smiles before turning away with Chenle, and they continue their walk. You turn back to Mark.
“Well, even though Hyuck didn’t walk to school with us, he’ll probably walk home with us. We both have practice after school, too. What time does yours end?” he asks.
Shit. “Uh... “ you quickly try to think of a time. You forgot what sport you even played in this universe or whatever this was. Then you remembered Naeun played volleyball and was always complaining about practice. “6:00.”
“Good. Ours ends at 6 too.” Mark responds.
You sigh in relief. You both walk through the entrance doors. Finally, something else that remained the same. The familiarity of school was almost comforting. You went to the right and Mark went to the left. You said a quick goodbye before basically running to your locker.
You open it and throw your bag inside, pulling out your phone. You went to delete the ButterFly app. You weren’t even sure if that was the best idea; maybe it would make things worse. But you didn’t care. You just wanted this stupid app out of your life. It wasn’t even supposed to work, anyways. But no matter how many times you tapped the little X in the corner of the app, it refused to go away. You felt your eyes filling with tears again, this time out of frustration. You shut your phone off.
You see something in the corner of your eye — it’s a schedule that had been taped to the inside of your locker. You thanked your old self for putting it there. Luckily, only 2 of your classes were different from normal. You grabbed your books and went to your new first class of the day.
You froze when you saw them. Renjun and Jeno, sitting next to each other in the back of the room. They looked the same. The only thing that was different was Renjun’s hairstyle. You wanted to talk to them so badly, but you knew things were different here. Neither of them didn’t bat an eye at your presence.
“Hello, earth to (y/n)!” you heard a voice say. You turn and see a girl with her hand on your shoulder. You recognized her — you think her name is Suhyun. You only saw her around school, but it seems you’re pretty good friends with her in this universe.
“Oh, hey,” you say, nervously laughing.
“Why are you staring so hard?” she moves her head to try and see what you were looking at. She shrugs and takes a bite of a granola bar in her hand. “Come on.” she grabs your wrist and leads you to two desks near the left side of the classroom next to some windows. She sits down at one and you sit at the other, hoping it was the correct seat.
“Did you do the homework?” she asks.
You nod. You hoped your past self had done it.
“Good. Everytime I called you, you were busy hanging out with Mark and Hyuck. Are you forgetting you’re still a student?” she scolds.
You smile. “Sorry,” you say nonchalantly, starting to get worried that your past self ended up not doing the homework. After some searching you found it in a folder, finished.
A bell rang, signaling the classes to begin. You were thankful that your first class was just a lecture after turning in the homework. It gave you plenty of time to think. And you realized this is what your life was now. There’s no fixing it, so you might as well get used to it. You tried to ignore Renjun and Jeno in your peripheral and focused on trying to seem like you belonged here.
[6:09 p.m.]
The rest of the school day was much easier. You ate lunch with a new group of friends. They were great, but you missed your old friends. However, you’d see Naeun at volleyball practice, although you had no idea if you were close to her or not. You were on a team together, so surely you were friends of some sort.
You were thankful you were actually good at volleyball, so practice was a breeze. You stopped being interested in sports after middle school, but it was interesting to see that you had continued playing into highschool in this universe.
You go to change out of your uniform after practice when you feel an arm around your shoulder.
“You wanna come with us to get some food?” one of your teammates, Jungeun, asks. She uses her other free hand to pull the hair tie out of her hair, her brown hair flowing down.
“Oh, I’d love to… but I promised I’d walk home with my friends…” you reply.
“Let me guess, Mark?” she giggles. “God, will you two just date already?”
You choke on your own saliva. “What? No, no, no… he’s my best friend, no way!” you reply.
She smiles. “I’m just teasing. And it’s okay, just promise me you’ll come with us someday.” she says, slinging her bag over her shoulder.
“I promise,” you say, nodding.
“Good,” Jungeun gently pulls her hair out from under her bag. “I’ll see you later.” she flashes you another smile before heading out of the locker room.
You change out of your uniform and take a seat on one of the locker room benches to breathe for a second. Your feet were killing you. You hear footsteps approaching, and moments later, Naeun appears. She gives you a grin as she opens her locker. “You’re not going either?”
You shake your head. “I already made plans.”
“Don’t let it get to you. Jungeun might start giving you shit, just ignore her. I remember when I started dating Jaemin, she was so pissed because I was hanging out with him and not the team. I mean, I still love the team, but he’s my boyfriend, you know? Obviously I wanna spend time with him.” she explains, looking at herself in a mirror, trying to make her hair look less like a sweaty mess.
You stared forward. Jaemin? And Naeun? You felt sick to your stomach. “Yeah.” you breathe, trying to make sure Naeun didn’t notice your sudden change in demeanor.
“I cracked the code though,” she says, shutting the locker room door. “If you hang out with the team after practice at least twice a month, she’ll shut up.” she shoots you a wink, making her way to the exit. “You coming?”
You look in her direction and shake your head. You suddenly couldn’t bear the thought of being around her. Especially not now, when Jaemin could appear at any second. “Um… I’m just gonna stay back for a bit longer.” your voice is on the verge of breaking.
Luckily, Naeun is oblivious. “Alright. Have a good night!” the locker room is quiet once again.
You run your hands through your hair. You felt horrible. You hadn’t seen Jaemin at school at all, so you were relieved. But now you knew he was there and there was no chance you’d ever be able to have him in this universe. Naeun was beautiful, and as much as you loved Jaemin, you could never try to take him away from her. It was one of the many sacrifices you’d have to make here, but it was definitely the one that hurt the most. The thought of having to watch Jaemin be in love with someone else gave you the worst feeling in your heart.
You suddenly remember that Mark and Hyuck are probably waiting for you. You were thankful that the walk home would be quick. Soon you’d be able to go home and cry, because the pressure in your head was telling you you needed to. You take a deep breath to collect yourself before standing up and exiting the gym. A cool breeze hit you.
“Hey, over here!” you look in the direction of the voice which was undoubtedly Mark’s. Hyuck is standing next to him, his hands in his hoodie pocket.
You jog over to him, forcing a smile. Seeing Mark and Hyuck instantly made you feel a little bit better. “Hey! How was practice?”
“Fine as always,” Mark replies. You start making your way off school grounds.
“How was your day, Hyuck?” you ask. It feels awkward to be speaking to him like this, almost like he was a stranger. He was usually just… always around you.
Hyuck looks at you for a moment before smiling. “Good. How about you?”
“It got better. Mark probably knows but I was so exhausted this morning,” you tell him. “I couldn’t sleep at all.”
“Really?” Hyuck asks. “That makes two of us, I guess.”
“That sucks for you guys,” Mark groans, stretching. “I slept like a baby. And I probably will again tonight,”
Hyuck rolls his eyes. “Lucky you,”
You laugh. “Well, let’s just hope tonight is different.”
The walk home felt somewhat normal, and you started to feel better. It still kind of felt as if you were just an actress, just reciting your poorly-memorized lines to two actors, but you knew it would take some time before it really sunk in that this was all real.
You say goodbye to Mark and Hyuck as you reach your house. You head inside and see Jisung in the kitchen, drinking a can of soda. He waves as you walk in.
“Hey, punk,” you say, playfully hitting him.
He grins and hits you back. “Hey.”
It was something about this -- Jisung being so different, so happy in this universe, that made you happy to stay. You weren’t exactly sure why Jisung was so unhappy in your old life; Maybe your sadness rubbed off on him. Maybe it was something else. You tried to spend as much time as possible with him, but it never seemed to work. It never made him any happier. It was rare to see him genuinely happy, and you hated it. You hated it because you knew exactly how it felt. He was still a kid. He deserved to be happy. You were just thankful he had someone like Chenle who was such a good friend to him.
“Did you eat dinner?” you ask, opening the fridge. You spot a box of pizza.
“Mmhmm,” Jisung says, taking another sip from the can in his hands. “You might need to warm it up, though.”
You shrug and decide to just eat the pizza cold. It didn’t bother you. After eating, you took a shower and then spent some time with your mom and Jisung before doing your homework and going to bed.
You laid in your bed on your phone for a while texting Mark about your day at school and practice when you realized how bizarre all of this was. Your best friend had practically come back from the dead and you were trying to act like it was normal. You pinched yourself a few times. Maybe this was all a dream. (You were slightly relieved when you didn’t wake up in your old room.)
The only thing you couldn’t get over was Jaemin. Throughout the night, thoughts of him crept into your mind. There was no denying that you were jealous. You were missing him so badly. You had never been away from him, and the fact that you had to go to school with him without him even acknowledging your existence and dating someone else hurt much more than you expected it to. You thought maybe the universe would be nice to you and let you still be with him; but deep down you knew that was asking far too much.
You set your phone aside and curl up underneath the covers. Your heart sinks when you recognize the familiar feeling of falling asleep upset, practically dreading having to deal with the wrenches life was surely going to throw at you. You squeezed your eyes shut as if it would rid your mind of the bad thoughts. You felt thankful that you had such a busy day; it made you fall asleep quickly.
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shhhlikeme · 4 years
Hiiii! I have a request! So if you write for tanaka, can you do one with the reader being really smart and getting pestered by the third years to tutor tanaka. So she does and he catches feeling ( so does she ) but,,,, can it somehow lead to them kissing ( maybe making out 😳 ). Sorry if this is confusing. Love your writing so far btw😘😘
Tanaka x Uber Intelligent Tutor 🤓🔥
Thank you sooo much! So I actually added yours with another request I received because it’s uncanny how similar they are.
This is the other request in my inbox that will remain anon: hey im kinda shy about sending asks without anon on so if you could write something about the reader being really smart and having a crush on (doesn't matter who but i guess just one of the guys that need help in canon) and getting assigned to tutor them, I would absolutely love you forever 💙
I hope you both enjoy it!!!!
Tanaka was going to kill his best friend Nishinoya.
At the moment, he was whispering all of the evil ways he was going to kill him for this.
Tanaka was hiding in his sister Saeko’s bathroom on the opposite end of his house. He had checked that he was alone twice before shutting the door and instantly dialing his libero friend’s number on FaceTime. He was going to kill him.
Back at Nishinoya’s house, he was bubbling over in laughter in his room at his friend’s expense. He kicked up his feet onto the wooden table in front of him that his mom always yells at him for putting his feet on.
“Now, Now, Ryu.....you and I both know that death by your teddy bear is not even possible.” He smiled that wide smile that took up his whole face.
Tanaka growled, “Wanna bet?!”
Ok, sure, granted. Maybe Nishinoya should have warned his best friend that the person the 3rd years convinced to tutor him was Y/N......one of the most gorgeous girls in school.....so that Tanaka could have been better equipped for their study sessions......but where was the fun in that?
“I told you that [Your Last Name] was your tutor. I didn’t lie!”
Tanaka settled down a bit because Nishi was right. He did say that [Your Last Name] would be his tutor. But that didn’t make him any less of a little shit. Because Nishinoya knew Tanaka well enough to know that he would hear that last name and think of Y/N’s little brother who was in their year. It would make more sense for that butt-wad of a hall monitor to be his tutor over his nerdy-hottie of an older sister. She isn’t even in our year!
Nishinoya explained that in his defense, he didn’t know either, until he eavesdropped on his upperclassmen’s conversation with the beautiful merit scholar. And no Nishinoya was totally not skipping class to see where Kiyoko was heading stalker ass
Flashback ———-
You held your books close to your chest as your fellow classmates Asahi, Sugawara, Daichi, and Kiyoko surrounded you at your locker.
“It would be just this once.” Daichi explained desperately.
“Is there anything we can do to repay you? Have an aunt that needs help moving?” Sugawara chirped.
Asahi nodded. “We could do your homework.....while you help him? Please.” The tallest boy smiled.
You moved away from the three boys because they were unknowingly crowding your claustrophobic self. You could feel a panic coming on and you really wished you were back in the library with your books.
Kiyoko stretched her hand in front of the 3 boys and hissed at them to step back and give you space in her sweet but monotone voice. They did so immediately and you caught your breath. Kiyoko was so nice! She was great at corralling those volleyball boys it was almost admirable. They were quite the bunch.
Kiyoko gave you a sweet smile as she turned her gaze to you. She explained to you sweetly that Tanaka, one of Karasuno’s starting wing spikers, was about to fail Biology and since you were a student teacher in another Biology class for the second years you’d be a perfect tutor for him. If you had time. She added that they would realllly appreciate it.
Tanaka? You thought to yourself. You vaguely remember hearing your little brother complain at the dinner table about the amount of hall passes he had to give to this shaved-head boy named Tanaka. Yes, and that he was on the volleyball team. So that must be him.
As you began to recall the face, you definitely recalled the body. This one time you were leaving school from grading papers and the team ran by you. The only shirtless one caught your eye, because he was lean and all muscle. You had to hide your drool behind one of your books and scurry home before you jumped on his back for a piggyback ride.
You were smart .... not a horny-less teenage girl
Snapping you out of your head, Kiyoko took your hands between both of hers and asked if you could “pretty please” help him because they needed him in the next game.
Sugawara couldn’t resist but say yes to Kiyoko’s “pretty please” and Daichi pestered him because obviously the beautiful Kiyoko wasn’t talking to him!
Stunned, you nodded. You did have the time. And you wanted to help. You were a student teacher for the subject anyway, so what’s one more student right? Asahi, Daichi, and Suga have been so sweet to you during your 3 years with them and who could say no to Kiyoko anyway?
You agreed. And just like that the following Saturday you headed over to Tanaka’s house for tutoring.
End of Flashback ———-
When Tanaka opened the door, looking like a slob because he couldn’t care less what his enemy hall monitor thought of his looks— his jaw dropped to the FLOOOOOOR
A stuttering mess, he asked you what you were doing here.
You shook the stack of biology books in your hand in front of his face to remind him and you blushed.
He looked homeless and cute to you!
He slapped his forehead with his hand and moved so you could come in.
Tanaka awkwardly made you wait outside his shut bedroom door while he rummaged through everything and cleaned to the best of his ability at “rolling thunder” speed, stuffing everything into his closet and using all his strength to push it closed. He sprayed a few spritz of his favourite cologne around the room before he swung the door back open and tried to play it cool.
“Uhh, sorry about that — I had to....uh....study.”
You laughed. “Study? Without me? Isn’t that why I’m here?” You pushed the books into his chest for him to hold as you walked into the room.
Tanaka rushed to reason. “It’s always good to study.....before......you....study. It’s like stretching before a volleyball game right? Ha-ha.”
You stifled a giggle.
He rubbed the back of his head. “I think saw it on Dr. Phil or something.” He finished.
You threw your head back and laughed even harder. Tanaka cursed himself and Nishinoya in his mind for leading him to embarrass himself like this. Once he was done that he couldn’t help but admire how whimsical your laugh was. Fuck....were you gorgeous as ever. You had that prestigious type of beauty, in which he knew you were his Senpai and soooo far out of his league but you were talking to him and it made him sweat. Also, he could very well be sweating because you were wearing a v-neck blouse and your boobs were bouncing with you as you giggled. Oh, God. Tanaka bit his bottom lip.
Excusing himself to shower, (because he wasn’t going to if it was your brother here) he grabbed his towel and made a swift exit before he sported a hard on.
How the FUCK was he going to study with Hottie-McSmarty Pants...Ette in his room ?!?!
Once he locked himself in his sister’s bathroom .... he called to threaten Nishinoya’s life and hung up on him when Nishi reminded him that Y/N tied with Kiyoko on the second years “Hot Girl List” in the boys’ bathroom. He didn’t want to be reminded of that fact when she was steps away and his Libero knew that.
Frustrated, Tanaka took a very fast and very cold shower before returning to his room.
Upon return, you looked up as he walked in and instinctively licked your lips. He only had a towel wrapped around his waist and drops of water were running down his abs slowly. Is this guy really only in second year?! With muscles like that......
“Sorry.” Tanaka snapped as he quickly grabbed some clothes and left to change in his sisters empty room. He didn’t dare look at you out of embarrassment so he didn’t catch you ogling.
3 hours into the study session, Tanaka began wishing that he did do something in the shower to ease his hormones instead of merely opting for a cold one.
You were so hot and so smart which only added to your hotness even more and you smelled good which ALSO added to your hotness even more and you kept leaning over him from behind to explain things and Tanaka couldn’t breathe. He was, however, understanding everything you were teaching him.
You both continued these tutor sessions for the next few weeks, meeting every Saturday for most of the day. Tanaka found you to be more than just good looks and brains. The fact that you could run circles around intellects twice your age turned him on, yes, but he also found you witty, kind, and funny and that laugh of yours was something he wished he could program into his phone as his ringtone. He was crushing big time.
And I mean......you were crushing too, as much as you tried to deny it. He was the funniest person on the planet and he was so protective of you and you definitely wanted to confess to him before you graduate and leave for College
One Saturday when you came over you had shut up Tanaka’s school work complaints because apparently he heard from Dr. Phil that studying is bad for your health - you gave Tanaka a practice quiz to he had to gauge his progress. As he began, you collapsed on your back on his bed, letting out a big sigh and whispering to him how comfortable his bed is.
He tried his best to turn away and focus on his quiz that you gave him but he just couldn’t. Yes, his hormones were acting up but his heart was beating more. He wanted you to sleepover and not even do anything physical. He just wanted you here, in his room, by his side, forever.
Baby boy is in looo-
You closed your eyes on the bed and basked in the scent of him that his bed captured. You were so happy just smelling him and being here. You imagine yourself sleeping in his bed overnight, imagining his strong arms holding you close to his shirtless chest and your breath hitched.
At least you thought it did.
But that wasn’t your breath. Not at all.
You quickly opened your eyes to see that Tanaka has transported on to the bed beside you, his face hovering over yours. Why wasn’t he breathing? He was just looking at you with adoring eyes as if you were the most gentle and precious thing in the world. “Ryūnosuke... what are you-“
“I’ll do the stupid test, teach....” His eyes softened as he leaned in just a little bit closer. “Just let me look at you....” He whispered to himself as his beautiful eyes scanned every part of your face.
Neither of you said anything as you stared at each other. You wanted him closer. You wanted him much closer. And although you had much more knowledge on cell duplication than romance (you hadn’t even kissed a boy yet), you used your social intelligence to read the moment and you dared a glance at his lips.
Tanaka a.k.a the VERY LOST self proclaimed babe lover—- bless his heart, did not take the hint.
So you had to be obvious.
“Tanaka...?” You called.
“Screw. The. Test.”
Even though you found it sweet that he didn’t make a move, and that he in fact did just want to look at you, you lifted your head up from off the bed just a bit so that your lips met with his.
Tanaka was shocked for a second but quickly regained his footing. He immediately sighed into the kiss and kissed you passionately. So passionately you were dizzy within the first 4 seconds. He asked for entrance and you opened your mouth to let his gracious tongue in. He skillfully French kissed you until you forgot your own name. He was undoubtedly an incredible kisser. You moaned into his mouth as you two made out and in response Tanaka slowed the kiss down. In his mind, he didn’t want you to think he was trying to make you moan and get the wrong idea about him. He didn’t want you to think anything that may jeopardize this kiss and make you stop. He had no intention of stopping and he was happy as a camper just making out.
for the record, your moan did go straight to his dick 
You figured Tanaka’s objective was to help you gain your senses back but all slowing the kiss down did was make it more sensual and pleasurable for you.
Up until now you were the tutor. You were the one in charge, you had all the answers. And just like that it only took one kiss for your relationship to surpass physical boundaries causing the roles to reverse. You followed his lead, you let him kiss you the way he wanted because it felt so damn good.
What subject were you teaching him again? You forget.
Because at the moment he was the teacher.
This was his class now...
And as Tanaka moved down to start placing the same agonizingly slow kisses on your neck..... you were hit smack in the face with the realization that class was in session.
Good thing you always enjoyed being top of the class. 
get it? 
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florencesmachine · 4 years
tell me what's going on
Why tumblr user donottearmedown/luciequeenofelfame/luciehvrondaie is an embarrassment: a Masterpost
Hi if you’re here it’s because you’ve heard that tumblr user donottearmedown is an embarrassment and you’d like to know all the details! Let me break it down. It all started with this post by @minacarstairs (Tessa (yes @minacarstairs’s name is Tessa sorry if that makes this post confusing)), in which donottearmedown originally reached out to Tessa by sending her something along the lines of “Do you ship heronstairs/herongraystairs?” And Tessa replied with something along the lines of “Yeah lmao herongraystairs rights!”
(I wanna note that Tessa was being very polite, and continues to be very polite to people who disagree with her opinions on heronstairs/herongraystairs. She even began her original conversation with dont tear me down by saying it’s a matter of personal interpretation :) it’s donottearmedown who made the conversation mean-spirited)
(Also Tessa pls correct next if I’m wrong on any of this thnx)
And then sometime later, the conversation above ensues in which donottearmedown, seemingly perfectly reasonable at first, disagrees with the ship and offers a link to look at. (She throws this link around any chance she gets. She really fucking loves this link.) I got involved because in her answer, Tessa replies back with a link from a post I made from my own blog starting back in 2018, and then continued to add to it until my account got terminated (long story). You can read through both posts and check out all the replies! But basically we realized during this interaction that donottearmedown wasn’t looking to have a friendly conversation and was, in fact, batshit crazy. They were saying some absolute brain dead shit like that people shipping heronstairs is the same as people shipping Alec x Clary. Here’s the screenshot:
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donottearmedown came back the next day to reply on several of Tessa and mine’s post which she wasn’t even tagged in, such as this one, and this one that had absolutely nothing to do with her because I make that same post every year. Here’s a screenshot from my old account last year via Instagram:
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(there are more posts she replied to but I can’t be bothered to look for them, I’m sure you can find them on their blog if you can spare the braincells)
Racism by donottearmedown:
So, Tessa received this anon which tipped us off to some of the other tomfoolery on donottearmedown’s blog. We decided to look for ourselves and lo and behold, here’s the post of donottearmedown accusing Cassandra Clare of having a “Chinese kink” for writing Jessa:
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Which, first of all, makes no sense because there’s like 2 Chinese characters in TSC total. If anything CC has a straight white boy kink lmao. But by saying this she was basically implying that the ONLY way Tessa (book!Tessa), or anybody who loves Jem, can love him is if they have a “Chinese kink”. Which donottearmedown can’t seem to be able to understand is an incredibly racist thing to say and think.
They also reblogged this BLM link and proceeded to tag it with absolute nonsense like “#smoke weed #lose weight #wessa”. I don’t know if her intentions were to mock the BLM movement but I still found this to be so incredibly disrespectful and tone deaf.
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I also feel like I should mention this ask sent to Tessa in which donottearmedown implies she ~could be~ Asian, but it’s “none of her business anyways” (as if being Asian would absolve anyone of being racist akjsksjsj), but based on the fact that she has a track record of lying and pretending to be a person she’s not (as you will soon see :)) I call bullshit lmao:
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I think that was the last of our interactions until today? Tessa and I were distracted because we have, you know, real lives.
But anyway, that brings us to today.
donottearmedown started replying to posts from mine and Tessa’s blogs which she wasn’t tagged in, again, and made several days ago. This one literally wasn’t even about her, it was about someone else that had engaged with one of Tessa’s posts. I made that post over a week ago and had already forgotten about it, but clearly donottearmedown never stops thinking about us 😳
Why? Because donottearmedown and luciequeenofelfame (now luciehervndaie) interacted on this post, as 2 seperate entities. luciequeenofelfame had also interacted with Tessa and I’s original posts at the beginning of June (you can check the replies on the posts!) coming to donottearmedown’s defense, and praising her for her opinions and other shit like that.
Here’s the screenshot. As you can see here, luciehervndaie reblogs from donottearmedown and adds on to their opinion:
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Now here’s the kicker: donottearmedown and luciehervndaie are the same person.
As in, this bitch literally made up a second blog so that she can pretend to be someone else agreeing with her own opinions and cheering herself on.
Here’s the proof:
I made this post calling out donottearmedown on their racism. I didn’t bother tagging her in the original post because I knew she was stalking my blog and would see it eventually anyway. 😌 And they took the bait, as you can see.
AND THEN I got the notification that luciequeenofelfame had replied to my post. Here’s the reply:
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Now here’s where donottearmedown/luciequeenofelfame made an oopsie! 😳
Notice where luciequeenofelfame says “1. I didn’t delete it lmao”. She’s responding to my tags on this post where I’m calling out donottearmedown on her racist post, and my tags read:
“#the fact you went and deleted this post because you KNEW you were about to get slammed #comedy”
(context: @wilhelminacarstairs looked on donottearmedown’s blog recently looking for the post I screenshotted in the link above, and he couldn’t find it so I assumed she deleted it so that I wouldn’t call her out on it. Although she claims she didn’t delete it, so! Maybe it’s still up! Feel free to look for it and let me know lmao)
Now, in the tags I am obviously talking to donottearmedown, correct? So then why is luciequeenofelfame replying that she didn’t delete anything? 🤔 AND JUST AS IM ABOUT TO REPLY-
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Wow, looks like I can’t reblog the post. Why? Because luciequeenofelfame has deleted it, and then IMMEDITALY changed her url to luciehvrondaie, hoping it would cover her tracks. Little does she know, tumblr notifications are forever:
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As you can see, donottearmedown/luciequeenofelfame/luciehervndaie realized they made an oopsie, so she deleted her first response and posted it again from the blog she actually MEANT to post it from. Damn if only she knew that @minacarstairs @wilhelminacarstairs and I keep screenshots of e v e r y t h i n g :/ Then she might have gotten away with it! 😩
But yeah lmao here are the posts I made about it immeditaly afterwards calling her out on it because I thought it was funny: X X X X
She defends herself on some of them saying shit like “wow so I’m just making up blogs for support wessa? The majority of the fandom supports Wessa so I’m all of those blogs according to you? I’m thousands of people?!” Or just trying to change the topic back to heronstairs and ignoring the allegations altogether. Like, no luv we’re not saying you’re every single Wessa blog ever. We’re just saying you’re these 2, and we’re right lmao. If you look through both their blogs they also post about the same fandoms, and more damning, make a lot of the same spelling errors. Seriously their speech pattern is exactly the same. Feel free to look through them if you want, and if they don’t start mass-deleting post trying to cover their tracks.
I don’t know how true this is, but according to @fair-but-wilde-child on this ask, donottearmedown is ALSO the infamous twitter stan that complained to CC about TLH having too many gay characters.
luciequeenofelfame/luciehvrondaie (donottearmedown’s second account 😌) is the account responsible for that wessa vs jessa comparison chart that went around a while ago LMAOOOOOOOO embarrassing
tl;dr: donottearmedown/luciequeenofelfame/luciehvrondaie is a biphobic racist who’s opinions are so bad she has to make a second account to agree with herself
🥺 tragic
Also I wanna say for the record, as @minacarstairs ans @wilhelminacarstairs will testify, I guessed a while ago these accounts were the same person when I noticed their speech patterns were eerily similar, and how luciequeenofelfame always seemed to reply to donottearmedown’s posts IMMEDITATELY after they were posted. 
So the lesson for today? Cinthia is always right. 😤
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smalltragedy · 3 years
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* justice smith, demi man + he/they | you know gabriel de leon, right? they’re twenty three, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, six years? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to 1984 (infinite jest) by the used like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole waking up in a body as heavy as the dead, emotions always on the verge of spilling over - you laugh before the punch lands, the belief that every encounter you have will be the last thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is october 31st, so they’re a scorpio, which is unsurprising, all things considered. ( james, 21, est, they/them )
hi im just reposting gabe’s intro bc its been a very long time n im starting a little fresh hehe. yes i do regret the text color bt im not going back.
mini playlist.
ghosting ;; mother mother / roam the room ;; citizen / art of doubt ;; metric / thnks fr th mmrs ;; fall out boy / heart in a cage ;; the strokes / where is my mind? ;; the pixies / flowers grow out of my grave ;; dead man’s bones / 1984 (infinite jest) ;; the used / blister in the sun ;; the violent femmes.
full name: gabriel de leon.
nickname(s): gabe.
birthday: october 31st, 1997.
zodiac: scorpio sun, scorpio moon, gemini ascending.
label: the icarian.
hometown: belleville, new jersey.
sexuality: bisexual (masc-leaning).
it’s only rly ever been gabe n his mom n the little new jersey suburbs that r always the same no matter where they go. they dn’t speak abt fathers or brothers or spain or anywhere other than the now, and how its constantly changing bt oddly the same.
his mom’s name is sonia n we love her. she worked a lot as a single mom n p much hs done everything on her own ever since leaving spain.
they dn’t talk abt spain bt we cn talk abt spain n hw sonia hd grown up partially there n partially in the states n hw she’d originally planned to live there forever bt the man she’d fallen in love with ws involved in some. high class dangerous shit n it ws safer fr them to part even if tht involved leaving everything she knew n loved <3
bt its like. ok. bc she hd gabe <3 n they dnt talk abt it so it practically nvr happened. n she tries her best as a mom n usually tht is enough.
they moved around a lot just bc sonia is a very. flighty person. anxious bt nvr seems tht way is just always. tense. gabe didnt think she ws capable of relaxing fr. a rly long time.
she wld commute 2 nyc every morning n after school gabe wld climb onto the train n by the time he got 2 her place of work she’d be just getting off n they’d get a slice of pizza n sometimes they’d go somewhere like central park or coney island (just fr the novelty) bt most of the time they just got back on the train home w/ gabe either doing homework or napping on her shoulder.
when gabe got a little older he’d sometimes skip school n take the train after sonia had already gone so he cld spend the day in nyc. he liked learning bt didnt rly like school. he nvr properly fit in bc of the amt of times they’d move so it felt like nowhere ws. right fr him.
got rly involved in. the punk scene as a young unsupervised teenager n tht led 2 a lot of like. shitty stick n pokes bt also a love of. very loud angry music n a sense of justice tht he held tightly in his fists. got mouthy towards bullies whether at school or in the scenes he involved himself in n started getting into a lot of fights bc of it.
during this, sonia ended up dating n marrying gabe’s stepdad who he calls craig sometimes bt i dnt think thats his name i wont lie to u guys. its partially a joke n partially purposeful disrespect bc gabriel does not trust a single man bt like. man. ‘craig’ is just an accountant. he’s fine he’s a good dude. they once bonded over like. the mets.
violence tw // anyways. when gabriel ws 16 he got into a super super bad fight tht ended rly. terribly n like listen. nobody died bt it ws just. it got blown up very out of proportion n gabe might’ve gotten expelled even tho he wsnt even the one who started it bt thts okay. ‘craig’, or paul, suggested tht maybe. a change of scenery wld b good fr gabe n b4 they knew it they were. moving to paul-robert’s hometown of irving, north carolina. violence end of tw //
he wld’ve complained more bt. fr sonia’s sake gabe kept it 2 himself. it made her happy 2 see them all get along anyways n like. idk he cld put forth tht little effort <3
bt honestly like. he didnt rly get into too many fights once they moved down here n even tho sometimes he ws like. ommgg. i hate this town .. its so washed up .. he still made friends n like. the only thing tht changed ws tht it ws a lil harder fr him 2 acquire illegal substances.
anyways. currently he hs a tattoo apprenticeship n is a professional piercer n like. he plays guitar n writes songs bt thts more of a hobby rn than anything else. mostly focused on paying his rent at port apartments bc as much as he. loves his mom he does not want 2 live with her forever <3 n thts okay!
personality & facts.
overall xtremely passionate person like god. feels emotions so intensely. every time he opens his mouth n talks abt an interest of theirs its just very like. u listen n ur like oh. gained 2 inspiration. thanks.
clings onto his friends p tightly bc he like. nvr rly stayed in one place fr super super long in new jersey so he nvr made very long term friends n now hes like. very clingy HLKDSHLKFSHLKDG also hates to b alone. subtle desperation behind interactions with ppl he rly wld like to be friends with.
like dnt get me wrong hes gotten into. sm fights bt thts mostly bc he cannot keep his mouth shut n he also cnt stand douchebags he like. always wants to tear them down prob bc he ws a victim of bullying. n u know what. we support him. otherwise he loves ppl bt esp if they hv similar interests 2 him.
like golden retriever who bites kind of. intensely loyal but at the same time is very skeptical. things tht good things do not last very long even though they’ve been doing already fr the last few years.
also bit of a nerd. they were nvr rly a big fan of school bt theres smth abt a good superhero comic tht draws their attention more than like. any english class evr. bt seven soldiers of victory? classic. big dc fan.
uh. very into like. hardcore music. hardcore rock. punk. if its loud n angry they r into it like so so much. hs sm tattoos is like. super covered in them its partially bc they work at a tattoo shop n partially bc they do not know hw to manage their money well.
ooohh u know what theyre. kinda moody i wont lie to u. very defensive like they dnt evr wna talk abt their past. has experienced Things n they do not wish to discuss them. will usually like. deflect frm conversations he doesnt wna hv.
in tune with nature. loves fkn taking walks. hangs out in the woods by abernathy creek n lilac ridge bc nobody rly goes there n its just. nice
tries not 2 take anything super seriously 2 the point where when he does take smth seriously its a little scary bc theyre super intense abt it. forcibly optimistic even tho on the inside he feels like a total pessimist. lots of. deep down insecurities tht he projects by attaching himself p firmly onto others. >.>
so so so energetic. can never stay still. always hs to be moving around. restless like tht. probably got it frm his mom. overly protective over the ppl he loves. probably got it frm his mom as well.
goes onto Tangents bt also divert frm those tangents n is generally all over the place.
always cold n always looks tired n like he hsnt slept in a thousand years n u know what. sometimes he just does not sleep.
oooohh theyre a vegan. totally into animal rights. devious little demi man beyond that .. loves horror n the paranormal n believes in like. every cryptic. will debate u on it.
erm not. the kindest 2 themself theyre a bit self destructive. impulsive. drives very fast n parties super hard. said i will hv my effy stonem moment. u dont hv to gabe.
bt ya! luvs oranges n reds n is maybe a short king. hs an eyebrow piercing n like. a lip ring i wont fk around here he IS living his best emo life in 2021. a little outdated on the trends bt thats okay. probably will tell u hes frm new jersey. its a personality trait. smokes the shittiest cigarettes ever.
wanted plots.
just ghosting along ,, dnt even exist 2 me ,, ;; god. firstly just the vast amt of ppl tht gabe hs like. spoken to romantically n then dropped suddenly. n then maybe like. one tht actually Hurt bt they cnt avoid each other bt theyre actively pretending each other doesnt exist n its. hurtful bc it ws like. actually smth nice bt <3 ykno FKLFSDHG
hey hey heyy c’maahn i’m just a little guy ;; n this is the vast amt of ppl tht gabe hs probably. pissed off n hs either fought or been on the verge of fighting just. unable 2 resist a good bicker-turned-duel.
just blistering in the sun ;; they cld b close friends bt also they cld also not b bt just ppl who. indulge in bad impulsive decisions with gabe. general bad influences on each other’s health n just. no good! party hard bt at what cost.
n also ;; like ... rly solid good friendships ... flings n maybe an exe or two tht either ended on good terms or just. horrendous, ppl they’ve distanced frm, ppl also frm up north, piercing customers, bt not tattoo customers bc im p sure they’d get fired if they were just tattoo’ing ppl willy nilly, etc.
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reeesea · 4 years
Something Sweet: Part Three
~sweet beginnings~
one ~ two ~ three ~ four ~ five ~ six ~ seven ~ eight ~ nine
pairing: minsung, jisung/minho
warning: mild language 
words: 2.5k ish
summary: sweet beginnings and small apartments, also Seungmin baby shows up 
a/n: Im honestly just proud of myself for posting a third chapter woo!! lemme know if you read and enjoyed <3
also the spacing got wack trying to do the text convos, so hope the bold and non bold isn't too gross to look at. Minho and Jisung
Minho wakes up to the sun streaming in through the thinly veiled curtains over his window. Thankfully he woke up to a minimal headache in spite of having gone out to the bar and an impromptu concert the night before. Rolling over in his small twin sized bed he reached for his phone to check the time and any potentially important notifications. 
9:26 am 
[ 2 new messages from Rich Boy Han Jisung ]
Minho finds himself smiling at the new messages from the boy that had stumbled upon him last night. 
2:25 am
Youre right I do hear it all the time
but it sounds pretty sweet coming from you ;} 
I'll tell J.One you thought he was amazing
9:28 am
Careful Han, your cockiness is showing
Jisungs’s cocky demeanor does nothing but make him more endearing to the older, but something gave Minho the impression that the boy already knew this. Not expecting a reply from the other this early in the morning, Minho stretched out of bed and made his way out of his small bedroom and quietly to the shared bathroom. Not a small feat in the old apartment shared by him and his roommates. Creaky floorboards, squeaky doors, and over all close proximity to each other makes being quietly courteous in the morning a frequent challenge for the boys. 
The living room at the end of the small hallway was turned into a shared bedroom for Minho's two roommates. Felix’s mattress had gotten a bed frame from some trading website a few months back when he moved in. The makeshift wall of hung shower curtains and a fold out screen gave the boys the illusion of privacy between their respective sides of the room. Even though more times than not, Minho has come home to find the lanky brunette curled up in Felix's bed instead of on his designated couch. 
Climbing over the piles of the boys’ clothes, Minho makes it to the bathroom without disturbing the other two. The two were still passed out from working their night shifts, draped over each other on the freckled boy’s bed. Neither showed signs of awakening any time in the morning hours. Minho showered quickly and changed in order to make his way out of the apartment and on his way to the studio to practice his Saturday away
Minho would have thought that the both of them would have remained in their university dorms for the summer, if they weren’t able to find apartments on their own. But, at some point after he had graduated, he had gained himself plus two of his underclassmen as roommates. He really couldn't complain though, it all made sense as all three of them were a part of the same dance studio, barely a block away, and all had reasons to be saving money. Paying a fraction of rent really helped with all that had to be saved in order to pay for school, studio fees, living, breathing, and most importantly audition fees. 
As the summer had set in, so had the wave of audition opportunities for companies and crews. Felix had mentioned needing to prepare a video audition last week for a few entertainment companies in the area. Hyunjin was busy trying to save up his money to pay for the upcoming semesters at school to graduate like Minho had. 
Entering the practice room and being welcomed by the distinctive scent of a dance studio was enough to bring Minho back to reality. Since graduating, he had been stuck in his thoughts about what to do with his future a lot. His childhood dreams of getting into the prestigious Yellow Wood Dance Academy seemed to slip farther away from him with every passing year. His audition tapes each year during university were almost always sent back, along with a ‘We are sorry to inform you…’
 It’s not like Minho couldn't keep applying, but with every year the rejection stung a little bit more, and he wasn't sure if he would be able to take another blow. No matter how confident Minho acted about his looks, when it came to dancing his ego was glass fragile. His passion for dance sometimes felt like the only thing that kept him standing, but it had been a while since he had felt rewarded for his dedication. Even when his practically broken dream haunted him a little too much, focusing back to his craft really gave him a better grasp on reality. Making his way to the front of the room to plug in his phone to pick music, a new notification popped up. 
[Rich Boy Han Jisung]
dw dw its all fake i assure you, all just a ploy to get you to like me
What you up to on this fineee saturday mornin??
Hmmm wouldnt you like to know 
i only tell boys i like so...
Minho smiled in spite of himself. Even over text the sparkly eyed boy was able to pull out and dust off his genuine smile. It had definitely been a while since Minho had found himself freely smiling, but here comes Han Jisung crash landing into his life, running amuck. After spending a moment debating whether or not just to tell the younger of his activities anyway, he came to the conclusion that mentioning dance would only result in more questions, and Minho really wasn't feeling like spilling his passions and dreams with the other already.
Haha i am only even more motivated now >:D
Dont strain yourself too much with that, 
im just enjoying my saturday before my shift later.
Queuing up some music Minho migrated to the middle of the room to casually freestyle and warm up for the day. Allowing the music to flood his ears, movements to take over his limbs, and only his feet to remind him of where he was, Minho’s mind went blank as he began to relax and give up control of his body to the steady beats of the song.
By the time Minho wrapped up his practice and was  heading home the sun was already starting to settle on the lower half of the sky. Surprisingly the day had passed him by quickly. Spending the whole day grinding out a routine he had been recently working to perfect was not usually an overall fun time, but Minho found that he was able to keep his practice productive and enjoyable. 
His smile throughout the day certainly had nothing to do with his breaks to text to Jisung. The casual banter between them felt natural, and the light conversation made him feel lighter on his feet as he moved across the floor. Even with the flirty nature of their introduction, their conversation never steered far from how anyone would expect two close friends to interact. Minho found himself smiling more throughout the day as he checked Jisung’s messages throughout the morning and afternoon. 
12:25 pm
Also for the record my capacity to flirt is honestly quite unimpressive 
I hope you aren’t talking to me for my stage charisma and charm 
To sweep you off you feet, i may be a disappointment
Usually i'm just awkward, cant flirt, doesnt leave the house, Jisung
You almost tripped over your feet walking into the bar last night
Dw im not sure id want you to sweep me off my feet with that balance
You wound me ;--;
 By talking to Jisung, he had somehow managed to satisfy all of Minho’s previous curiosities while sparking new ones. Even with Minho generally avoiding giving away his own personal interests and dreams, Jisung didn't hold those same reservations and filled their conversation with “fun facts” and lively stories. Jisung’s lively play by play of the bickering taking place between his group mates, now officially introduced as Chan and Changbin, had Minho giggling on the floor of the practice room. The way Jisung described everything brought it to life in ways that he hadn’t expected from a casual text conversation. The boy was definitely a great storyteller even just over type, and Minho found himself wondering if he would get to hear his endless stories in person.
[Rich Boy Han Jisung]
3:36 pm
Youre one interesting man Lee Minho
Han, you know almost nothing about me
On the contrary I feel like I know a good amount
Youre name is Lee Minho
You work at the fancy restaurant Menu 98
You used to work at the bar we were at last night
You have a really beautiful smile
Are you quite done
Definitely not but if i start going off about how stunning your eyes are 
you might block me
Which would be a shame please dont
What happened to awkward Jisung who cant flirt huh?
Minho returned to the small apartment to find Felix attempting to cook some ramen in the microscopic kitchen and Hyunjin sprawled across the couch watching some variety show. Felix was probably fueling up in order to spend the night gaming the weekend away before his work overtook his weekdays again. Hyunjin barely looked to be conscious but still managed to wave a greeting to Minho as he walked into the room. 
“How’d practice go?” 
“Pretty well. Finally was able to clean up that middle section I’ve been messing up.” Minho hurried into the other room to shower once again before heading to the restaurant for his evening shift. 
“Oh glad to hear it.” Felix’s voice filtered in from his place by the stove that was shoved in a corner of the room, along with a fridge and a sink that barely classified it as a kitchen unit. None of the three were complaining, the stove heated up their ramen water and the fridge kept their milk cold, what more could they ask for?
“WAIT, did you talk to that guy at the bar last night???” Hyunjin’s loud voice carried from the couch through their thin walls allowing Minho to clearly hear even if his bedroom door was closed. 
“Which one, Jinnie?? You gotta be more clear than that.” Minho had actually stacked up a few numbers from his night and received atleast ten free drinks from other patrons. Not too bad for the first night out, but of course the only phone number he had bothered messaging happened to be the one he had been texting all day.
“You know the one, the rapper one you left to go see perform.” Minho of course knew, but he wasn't gonna admit it to his roommate so easily, and just hummed in response eliciting a groan from the younger. 
“If you haven’t, you so should. 3racha is all everyone from the bar is talking about. Their concert must have been a big deal or something.” 
“WHAT, 3RACHA? You have got to be fucking kidding me.” Felix, apparently a fan, shuffles in with his ramen in hand to accompany the loud outburst.
“Hyung! One of them gave you their number?? They’re literally like the next big thing in the music scene. Which one of them was it?”  
J.One, Han Jisung, the cute pink hoodie guy
“His name is Jisung I’m pretty sure.” Minho was very sure. “I didnt know they were such a big deal” 
“J.One gave you his number? Damn hyung, you don't even know. They’ve been performing locally for years but their fan base has grown a ton in the last year. There’s rumors that they've signed with a company and are going to come out with something soon.” Felix continued spouting off information on the group to them, as Minho continued his routine of preparing for work at Menu 98. 
[Rich Boy Han Jisung]
4:35 pm
Looks like my roommate is a fan of you guys
We’re not talking the tall beautiful bartender from last night right
No that was Hyunjin, Felix is the fan
Ah atleast ill be on the good side of one of ur roomies
Yeah tall boy was pretty, but something about him made me think he didnt like me
I think it was his face, and his height
Most tall pretty boys dont take too well to a squirrel boy being in their territory ya know. 
Whats not to like about a cute squirrel boy
Im sure he likes you and youre over thinking
If his two roommates like you, he’ll have to like you by association
Did Lee Minho just admit to liking me 
Wow the development, less than 24 hours 
We love to see it
Your ridiculous
I said nothing of the sort
Sure sure hyung
Gtg now, dinner shifts starting
Have fun at work!!!!
(wait can i call you hyung???)
Minho left him on read as he walked into the restaurant, already bustling with waiters and the changing of shifts for the dinner crowd. ‘Less than 24 hours’ and Minho was already admitting indirectly that he liked the boy he had only just properly met the night before. Stranger things have happened he supposed. Minho continued to surprise himself with this one though. He was not one to seek out friendships or relationships. Anything more than the very occasional one night stand, was practically void from Minho’s social life. Other than the people he had met through dance and his roommates, there were very few others that Minho had chosen to form any kind of relationship with. Even his co-workers were mostly just faces and names he had to remember in order to do his job well. 
Well, expect Seungmin.
“You look awfully happy today, who spiked your coffee this morning?” Seungmin had been a newly inserted character in Minho’s life but they became fast friends after a few too many late night shifts without proper caffeination. 
Seungmin had been a newly hired host at Menu 98, just the average polite university student with enough experience to get hired. When Minho met him they exchanged the basic pleasantries and thought that would be the end of that, until one fated closing shift. A certain, tipsy, entitled, rich, high class asshole of a customer had held up Minho’s section for much of the night. Minho found himself being bossed around and verbally berated throughout the night, trying to serve the women who appeared to never be satisfied with the food or service Minho was offering. By the end of the night, she was their last customer and Minho saw her to the front to pay. His customer service smile, strained and barely holding up, and the woman’s complaints, even while paying, had him wanting to drop all his pleasantries and curse her out as she waltzed out the door.
    “What an absolute fucking pain in the ass of a woman”
Minho hadn’t thought he had said his thoughts aloud, but looked up to catch Seungmin, who had let the words come out in hushed tones as he held a sickening polite smile on his face. After that point the two had bonded over various pain in the ass customers and a mutual love for sarcastic backhanded insults. Minho's relationship with Seungmin was probably the closest thing to a friendship that the older had experienced in a while. 
“No spiked coffee, sadly” 
“Well something’s making your usual sad bitch face smile, so it's gotta be good. Hmm...Meet someone?” Seungmin’s signature puppy eyes were on full display, but not without the signature  mischievous glint they always held. 
“Well wouldn't you like to know Seungmo~ but me and my usually flawlessly beautiful face got to go charm our way into some extra tips.” Minho gave the boy a gentle pat on his head, that was met with a stubborn pout forming at the younger’s lips.
“You definitely met someone, you usually don't have this much self-confidence so early into the evening.” Minho did nothing but giggle at his comment and made his way to the back room to begin his shift. 
one ~ two ~ three ~ four ~ five ~ six ~ seven ~ eight ~ nine
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vanityloves · 4 years
Storm and ivy + medic
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@septemberlove i have. no excuse for how late these are but uh. thank you for sending these in 💕.
[word count: 1.8k+ with the longest 'authors note' bc im mentally ill]
sfw, mmm comfy cozy, general sick hcs,
storm - what are cozy days in with your f/o like?
Whenever I think of cozy days, my brain immediately goes to rainy/chilly weather where we can cuddle up together and my brain short fuses. I'm gonna assume this is just like a day off or something though!
How I visual them together vs how I write them is odd because they technically don't act or accept they're 'together' until after the comics but I always write them like they're in a Steady Relationship while on base. I'm always writing a slight AU if you will. Or maybe it's after they get their jobs back at Mann co - I should highkey adjust that but No ♥️. No more thinking, just content based off my idealized universe.
There's definitely a point in their relationship where it's like 'I think I have to put in a little more work here'. I'm not saying either party is slacking but they're slacking ♥️. Neither of them really take action. Chef doesn't blame him or really complain about it because that's their nature, plus they don't know how romantic relationships really work or flow, especially with a person like him. Medic doesn't see an issue with anything and continues on with his normal business. 
What I mean by slacking is, there's not a lot of quality time being spent together which would be fine if it wasn't both of their strongest Love Languages, which could help them strengthen their relationship. It's odd because they're 'romantically involved' but they don't spend a lot of time together for either of them to consider it romantic, simply because it's on company time. 
Medic goes to bed pretty late and wakes up at a fairly early hour. Chef is a late sleeper and forced to be an early riser because their Actual Job is to make at least 2 or 3 meals a day (if they want something else, they're on their own but hate when anyone messes up the kitchen and will honestly, stand there and watch said person).
There's minimal time they can spend together if they want to do their own activities - for Medic, it's tinkering around with organs or in Engie's garage, for Chef, they're typically meal prepping or trying to tend to an animal or plant of some sort.
Medic is actually more direct about wanting attention and it's never been a problem because he's cautious about it. Chef is more emotionally inclined and willing to drop hints that they want more attention. 
Chef probably has one day off where it's a complete free for all, for the rest of the team, which would be the perfect time to spend with Medic - If he wanted to stop working, that is. Just don't picture it but, Chef will literally sit in the medbay for hours just to be near the guy, but it isn't bad? The drone of machinery or the scratching of his pen is relaxing, or having his doves nearby is always sweet! Plus, he's prone to talking their ear off when he finds something interesting, so they'll chime in and have some back and forth.
But, yknow - sometimes having someone's undivided attention is nice and Chef is pretty dense when it comes to that and wonders why they feel so upset.
They swallow their pride and ask Medic if they sleep in his room one night and Medic's not as dense as Chef, he understands that they'd never ask for something so out of the blue for no reason and he promises to finish up his work early so they could head to bed together. Chef had nothing planned, they literally just needed that affection and closeness - since it was their day off Medic takes the hint and puts his work aside for the time being.
They'd probably sleep in and stay in bed a while longer before getting ready together - no uniform required. Chef isn't so talkative in the mornings, Medic's noticed, but they were happily fiddling with his buttons and tie, humming in thought before answering his questions. Medic's seen them out of uniform of course, but it's always funny seeing them in just a button up and jeans like … mom on the go vibes. Medic leaves his coat behind before making his way to the kitchen with Chef. 
The kitchen usually has a couple people loitering around, grabbing their coffee or honestly, waiting around for Chef because they always make extra and these bitches are lazy. But the kitchen has now become A Medic Supremacy Zone and he has first dibs - the benefits of being w/ Chef I guess. The two would work as if the others weren't there, keeping their conversation between each other even if that means Medic tilting his head down while Chef leans in closer to reply. There's a high possibility the other have left them to their own devices, seeing as the couple was ignoring them / knows they won't be getting anything. Breakfast isn't extraordinary but it feels special since they actually get to sit across each other and share the morning today.
It's possible that they'd go out and run some errands today, but it's a cover to window shop and walk around. I'll be honest, they probably haven't had proper dates so it's refreshing. You could ask Chef what they liked the most and they're just like :] Yes. 
Other times, they like to curl up and catch up with some reading (well, Medic at least) while Chef rests against him and skim over the words. They're not too invested in what he's reading but likes to have some idea of what he's talking about so they don't ask too many questions. (Very 'these words are big and english/german is not my first language + I can't read as fast as you can so I got lost 7 pages ago). Medic likes to watch Chef garden and tries to help them tend to whatever they're able to grow in the goddamn desert. He overwaters a cactus and looks away if it dies. Chef talks ab how they're growing mint and how it really took off while Medic's standing there like :] Oh, lets make tea with that. Because they're Old People (read: Medic is old)
ivy - how do you take care of each other when you’re sick?
Chef is easier to take care of when they're sick. They continue working until they're pretty beat but once they feel sick and a break doesn't work, they'll try to finish up what they can before turning in early. They see themselves to bed and inform whoever's near that they won't ne there at dinner and if they really cant figure it out, then come get them - other than that, they're barricading themselves in their room.
When they're sick they're REALLY sick but recovery time is usually a few days (depending on how bad it is). They basically hibernate and don't like being disturbed. They're used to not fending for themselves since they've been on their own for a while but really appreciate all the check ins Medic does w/ them, especially when they're all better. 
Medic, being...their Medic, he definitely gives them a check up when they first begin showing symptoms and he can be a stickler when it comes to drinking fluids and eating properly. Chef usually has a  finicky stomach as it is so Medic really urges them to drink soups and easy foods like bread and crackers. He checks in on them A LOT, even if that's just peeking in to see if they're asleep or not. He backs off when Chef gives him a cold stare from under the covers and minimizes his intrusions/tries to be more sneaky about it. He has colder hands and they let out a sigh when he puts his hand to their cheek or forehead to check their temperature. 
Chef doesn't hesitate to take any medication he has for them, mostly bc they aren't fully coherent but they also don't have energy to care, in fact they have the thought that if he accidentally kills them, maybe respawn will cure them. Unfortunately, Medic debunks this before they can even muster up the energy to ask.
Overall 7.5/10, very good patient. Will refuse to get up and accidently falls asleep in the shower which scares the shit out of him.
Medic on the other hand is very stubborn and doesn't like to stop working unless there's something that physically stops him (ex: vomiting, serious injuries [unlikely bc medigun], etc). If he tricked the Devil, surely the man can beat the common cold or flu! Unfortunately he gets those full body shivers and feels terrible. He can be pretty dramatic when he's sick and everyone's subjected to his bad attitude. 
It's Chefs turn to play doctor - they can tell by looks alone that he's under the weather. His face is flushed and he's a bit sloppily put together, which isn't *too uncommon* but his tie isn't tied and his glasses lamely slide down his nose. They tsk a bit while taking his temperature just to keep track of it before ushering him to his room.
He can be dragged to bed if persistent enough. Chef's firm hold on his arm is enough for him to get off his chair and have them tug him along. He doesn't have any room to argue with them as they look up at him, so he relents, stating that a short break would definitely do him good, but he'll be up and at em by tomorrow. 
Chef is doting and becomes a bit of a helicopter parent when checking on him. This mostly consists of peeking their head in but not really stepping in the room. Every so often they'll wake him up to drink water and either hand him an ice pack or offer a cold towel and move to dab at his forehead and neck.
Medic hasn't been too keen on having others taking care of him bc that's HIS job, and he often tries to shoo Chef away by saying he's more than alright now. Sometimes he's caught sitting up in bed doing work or taking notes on something bc he's a bit restless when he's sick and stationary for too long.
But he's right. He's very good at taking care of himself - when Chef offers him food he'll force himself to eat some of it and he's drinks plenty of fluids without needing reminders. He kinda bosses Chef around, telling them to grab certain medications from the Medbay. They trust his judgment on his own health and bring him what he asks for but Chef keeps a mental note of what he takes and when. Don't need the doctor accidentally taking too many pills today!
Overall 6.5/10. It's hard to get him into bed and becomes restless fairly easily. He is persistent that he's ok after one day of rest only to be found sneezing himself away in the Medbay. 
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risingmoonyue · 5 years
Batman/P5 Crossover
-Sometime before Akechi but after Futaba or Haru
-Damian is sent to Tokyo to check it out for whatever reason (maybe they had a fight, or he’s going stir crazy, or he’s just the only one they can send at the time and didn't bother with all that "you're not old enough" business)
-Dami is younger than Futaba by a year or three or four
-He is baby
-He is transferred to Shujin as a child prodigy where he also immediately joins the "outcast" community because of his attitude and intelligence
-Talia goes too, manages to cut off all his communications with the Batfam, and is planning to take him home in a month whether he likes it or not
-For whatever reason, Batfam doesn't realize this??? (Like, either she's faking reports or they're too busy (think fight or chaos in Gotham scenario maybe???))
-Anyways, obviously Dami doesn't want this
-Somehow the Phantom Thieves hear about the situation
-Maybe he was assigned to shadow Makoto for a while, and they managed to overhear a phone conversation either to Talia or Dami trying to get in touch with the Batfam and nothing really working
-And eventually they outright see him fighting with his mother with him at some point (either in person or over a phone call) mentioning that she already disowned him, he's happy with his Father's family, and that he will head her family business over his dead body—and oh would you look at that, you already managed that, care to try again Mother?
-The PT's are understandably alarmed
-The palace is basically a fortress full of assasin ninjas and clones
-Dunno what her keywords are tho
-Or her what her palace actually is
-Cognitive Bruce, Ra's, Damian, Dami clones, and Jason (maybe rest of batfam??? Idk)
-Long story short, the traps are so assassin-y that they need someone who knows the actual Talia because egads, this is the closest they have all come to actually dying
-And they didn't really want to do it and were just gonna power through
-But Dami manages to find out and get in and of course uses his background to help out whether they like it or not
(-he's slightly off put by Joker's name, but then decides to just solely call Gotham!Joker "The Clown")
-At some point they are captured by the Shadow Talia who is decked out in super fancy traditional Arab clothing and probably every conceivable hidden weapon known to man
-Talia says Damian won't and can't ever change from who he "is meant to be", referring to him as her Alexander and basically brutally addresses all of his insecurities concerning the batfam and people and society in general
-And all this is kinda killing him cause he still loves Talia despite the fact that she killed him and had a violent citywide custody battle with Batman but he also loves the batfam too even if he would absolutely never admit it (except to maybe Grayson)
-Joker does his emotional kick-start thing and/or Dami is like Makoto and just gets so mad he triggers it himself, but either way, lo and behold, Damian is now a persona user, usurping Futaba's place as the baby of the team
-The outfit is kinda inspired by his future adult league outfit with the top and bottom and gold jewelry, but has a raggedy cloak with dull gold edges, a Robin mask and gauntlets, and his main weapons are batarang-sword hybrids
---acknowledging his past and moving on with his present
-Persona: Aladdin, Tsun Zu, Ali Baba, somone else???? Need ideas plz help
-Probably the fastest member of the group
-His small body makes his hits not as strong, but hoo boy can that kid move around
-Hits a lot and dodges most
-Most of his Persona abilities are physical and have high crit and/or are status affects
-Downside is he has not a lot of SP (compared to the rest of the group)
-And he has pretty good HP
-Those good ol' “superior genetics” have to be good for something after all
-Anyways they escape to find the treasure another day
-And Dami is all smug because HA you definitely can't stop me now
-And the PTs are just resigned to keeping an eye on the extremely competent snotty assassin/vigilante child
-They do like him though so it's not too bad (comes with learning all his darkest secrets via his mother and thought processes that tends to accompany watching someone at their lowest get a persona)
(-They do manage to temper him a bit and help him adjust better to actual society too that's nice)
-As such, they also know about Batman and Robin and his whoooole family. Both sides.
-Damian decided not to tell batfam because he does agree with the whole "most adults suck" mentality that the Phantom Thieves have; despite his deep, deep respect for his father and mother and Grayson, they all do kinda suck
-And he’s rather not get pulled out as he surely would if he told them
(-On a side note, he likes Sojiro
-The man gives him coffee, curry, and leaves him mostly to his own devices
-Instant win)
-He is dubbed "Mockingbird" apon return to the metaverse because of his freaky talented vocal skills in mimicking anyone and everyone's voice
-Eventually, they beat Talia
-She doesn't publicly confess to all her sins unlike everyone else
-PTs don't realize it worked until Damian came into school with a genuine smile on his face, and more relaxed than he'd been since he got there
-PTs are confused until Damian's like, this works out because hey, don't want to have several people assassinated and draw the entire freaking league to Tokyo
(-Which was probably why Talia didn't)
-They agree
-But she does break down to tears in Dami's arms and promise to ACTUALLY TALK CIVILLY with Bruce to try and make up for everything and try to fix up the league
-He stays for the rest of p5
-But steers all his reports very much away from the Phantom Thieves
-If anything, he downplays absolutely everything, and makes it seem like it's nothing super big but he's gonna stay a while to keep and eye out because y'alls are busy and I like it here and I haven't gotten expelled so there
-The PTs like to add funny stuff on there just to see if they’ll notice
-Like, Akira likes to have Dami describe his day in excruciating detail. Like, recounting the entirety of his nine or so months to Sae during police interrogation, excruciating
-Mona is pushing for the shiny stuff
-Yusuke just likes to put in bursts of randomness (Dami once mentioned that an acquaintance made another acquaintance T-pose in a church for art lol)
-Ann loves to rant about food
-Haru is always insisting on about feelings
-Ryuji likes to complain about everything and puts in ridiculous requests
-Futaba is just putting in every gen-z thing ever
-Makoto is actually responsible and tries to get him to talk about his progress in school and his social life
-And Akechi is absolutely nowhere near any of this and doesn’t know it exists
-When they have the Tokyo/Japan-wide calling card, Batfam sees it too because let's face it, that's totally the sorta thing that they would keep an eye out for even if he didn't look at the news in the entirety of the time Dami was in Tokyo
-And they send a message to Damian (the first actual communication they've had since before Talia) saying "WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON OVER THERE????"
-And with the entirety of the Phantom Thieves looking over his shoulder, Damian's just like "Chill dudes, everything's fiiiiiiiiiine"
-And they're like "UH WHAT PART OF THIS IS FINE????" because they've dug around a bit and found every news report, and oh hey, this isn't anywhere near as calm as Damian described and he’s being super OOC and what’s going on?!?!?!?!?!
-And Damian, being egged on by the most of the PTs, just sends a winky face
-And he's smug, because it's still chaos over there so they can't actually come get him and try to pull him out because he's being super ooc
-Which means he's free to do what he wants/needs in the meantime
-Cue the end of the game
-And Dami is going with them on their summer road trip and cackling because the batfam is scrambling to find him in Tokyo but lol nope he's in a van the Japanese government tried and fail to follow
-And he found all the trackers like, a year ago
-They eventually track him down to Akira's house where they're calmly eating dinner (and they've been expecting this for the past week so Mona was keeping watch just so they could pull this off) and talking about how uneventful the school year was
-Cue mass confusion in the batfam
-As the PTs enjoy just confusing them so much
-By talking to Mona
-Talking normal then crazy then normal again
-And just generally being their normal selves lol
-They explain absolutely nothing beyond gushing about how much progress socially and academically he’s made (gotta embarrass the baby of the group somehow) and making sure that if Dami absolutely has to go home that he's able to stay in touch
(-Later, Damian forms his own hero persona outside of Batman and Robin)
(-He names it Mockingbird)
(-Batfam proceeds to have a brain aneurysm while the PTs dab their happy proud tears out of their eyes on their regularly scheduled tea time at the Wayne Manor)
(-Damian sends a private plane every week or two lol)
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(Psst if you guys have ideas for art, outfits, interactions or scenarios, let me know)
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noorengels · 4 years
reasons i am sad (friendship edition)
in year 4 my best friend invited everyone to her birthday party and not me and they all actually kept it a secret really well they almost pulled it off except she held her party in la plaza which basically is the hangout spot for families in that area i spent all my fridays there playing until midnight bc literally everyone from school would go. so i was walking home with my entire family inc grandparents and uncles and we went through la plaza and there they were! every single one of my friends at her party! apparently her mum didnt let her invite me bc apparently i hit her which i didn’t i hit another girl so her excuse is invalid and its the first time ive been so publicly excluded i cried on a bench.
in year 7 we hated this girl bc she was so fake i genuinely believe she is a psychopath like she has all the symptoms except shes in set 5 maths lol so my friend was like what if i spread a rumour about her and i was like lol do it and she did and for some reason i was blamed??? and lost all of my friends and she bullied me so hard but i didnt realise bc i was “friends” with her bc our mums were friends so shed like walk with me to lessons and talk to me while belittleing me and idk she was just a fucking bitch she made me feel so horrible like it was emotional bullying but also like telling everyone who i liked and saying lmao you literally have no friends “count how many friends you have? omg you literally cant even reach ten can you???” like in front of everyone but then shed also be really nice to me at the same time like idk it was like she was my friend but she bullied me it was so horrible saffa i hate you and the original friend who spread the rumour went on to become her best friend for like 6 years so uh hate that
managed to make friends with people not in my class in year 8! which sucked bc saffa had alienated people in my class so now they all just didnt like me i was the weird girl with no friends because of her and it was so horrible bc id always be forced to join the ready made groups between friends by the teacher  bc i didnt have a group to work with or id get paired with the weird girl like i was only the weird girl after saffa made everyone hate me this girl was weird bc she just is idk 
in year 10 they made a gc without me! i basically created that group tho like i gathered these friends i hade made in different lessons (obviously not in my main class lol) and they literally just??? decided to exclude me for no reason. and then theyd talk about what they talked about in the gc in front of me like “omg remember last night on the gc” isha ur so fucking boring no normal person talks about their gc with the same people again do u have no other conversational points smh
in year 11 it got so bad to the point where once i sat with them and they all just left! like they took their stuff and moved to the table behind me i wanted to cry so bad i did at home i think its the worst one out of all of these because it happened to my face? idk saffa was horrible too but this was just “were leaving” idk like ive never felt as horrible as i did in that moment i cant even describe how im feeling rn reliving it
its okay bc i made friends with my best friend from sciences + history bc our surnames are next to each other so we always sat together! i honestly clung to this girl after that bc i refused to spend a second longer with that other group after 3 years of enduring not even being liked by ur friends so i made friends with her friends which was easy bc yes! 
so by the first term of year 12 i had three friends! in fact one of them was like ur not having a birthday party??? im taking u out to eat so my first birthday event thing in literally years was all thanks to arun i am honestly so grateful for him he didnt even go bc he was busy and we planned it the day before my birthday but it was literally me and two friends eating pizza at zizzis and im crying so much rn but year 12 was when i found people who genuinely cared about me
we established a group of like 8 lol and were planning a holiday for the end of year 13! very skam of us! we had a gc and everything! we were gonna go to spain bc im spanish so i could speak!
this trip was unspoken of in year 13 and i was like lol kinda weird um okay but nope nothing weird about it they just created a chat without me and were still going to spain!!! one of them even sent me screenshots of their airbnb to translate its like u want me to know lol
i did complain to one of them but thats it i was just hurt on my own and coronavirus happened so it got cancelled anyways so i won really
in yr 13 i also got closer to this boy called adam! i remember my friend was like you two would get on so well idk why ur not friends and i was like idk its adam lol do i really want to and yes i did bc he is in fact the isak to my sana! but anyways i hate him but i love him we have that kinda friendship where were alwAYS trying to beat the other one up and honestly the most heart felt goodbye when schools shut was between us both bc at first we were fighting and then he just stopped and his eyes softened and i was like whats wrong with you why arent u punching me and he went come here and we hugged and its like wow despite being a dick ill miss you
anyways so uhhh quarantine we skyped often it was fun and then restrictions were lifted i went to spain and the second i land they all stop talking in the gc????? like im abroad not dead why are u creating a new one??? this gc was agressively spammed so i know for a fact theres another im not stupid
i come back from spain and theyre like can we meet!!! we meet three weeks later and theyr like i missed u so much im so happy uou came i love you and it felt really genuine like they genuinely missed me
two days later i find out through snapchat theyve all gone on holiday together!!!!!!!!!!!!! all of them and just ofc didnt invite me they went to the beach for two days and kept posting about it and im so bitter about it like bro???????? why so secretive????? like i cried so much when i saw bc they still just idk why does every single friendgroup ive ever been in exclude me like i must be the problem theres no other explanation for it i am not the kind of person people want to have around i am so funny but im a bitch and will come for ur ass because i have the inability to lie i have no filter either which i know makes them dislike me i know it does but thats the price you oay for being my friend i just say things as it is becauxe i hate secrets bc secrets are always about excluding me so i rather be honest and upfront but that clearly puts people off bc im too upfront and im not getting a personality transplant im not tryna be boring but im so sick of always being the one on her own
adam was relevant uh hews my only friend rn he checked up on me the other day so cheers adam for making sure im not completely isolated
the funny thing is that all my friends hate adam bc “hes a dick” hes not he just says things how it is were so similar so if they hate adam they hate me and im over being hated lol bye!
i start uni next week and i clearly have no social skills so im not gonna make friends im so scared of being lonely i hate being left out
this went from sad to full on angry like i was crying at some point and now im fuming like im so hot rn my blood pressure isnt doing okay
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horansqueen · 5 years
AM Conversations : chapter 45
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A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
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-one chapter is her pov, the next is his. -4k // 4.4k -im sorry, i never proofread, i hate it. -there WILL be smut. but not only smut. -this is a romance, comedy, smut story. -for the summary, check my MASTERLIST.
- if you want to be notified when this is updated, please message me or leave a comment!
- note for this chapter: just extra super fluff for this chapter. soo enjoy? i hope you like it haha! also, i know the song she sings comes out a year later buuuut yea, whatever lol! a few more cute fluff chapters before drama happens sooo yea. i hope you guys like it. i know not many ppl read this anymore and its okay. just know i love you guys for being loyal and reading this story after 45 chapters. your comments and reblogs and likes and asks make me so so so happy i cant explain! keep sending ideas youd like to read too :)
only one request for this chapter but its fluff so :P
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Chapter 45 : Her chapter
I felt myself waking up slowly but kept my eyes closed. My lips curled slightly when I heard my boyfriend’s voice from the shower and I forced myself to open my eyes. I sat up in bed and stretched but when I pushed the covers off of me, I felt a shiver run up my spine despite the fact that it was the end of june and that it was most likely very warm outside. I put my feet off the bed and moved my toes on the carpet before breathing in and getting up. The door was ajar and the closer I got, the better I could hear Niall sing. I pushed on the door slightly and leaned against the door frame, listening to his voice as the steam hit my skin and warmed me.
I had never felt so happy in my entire life with someone and even after all these months, I could barely believe we were dating. I crossed my arms on my chest and leaned my head on the frame too, staring at my boyfriend singing and dancing in the shower. After a while he turned to me and saw me staring at him. He smiled back and made a quick head movement but I shook my head slightly. He rolled his eyes with a smile and opened the glass door. His hair was full of foam and he looked cuter than ever, making me nibble on my bottom lip despite myself.
“Please?” he asked, raising his eyebrows and making me roll my eyes.
I took a few steps closer, letting my arms fall on each side of my body, and his lips curled more at my sight. When he was finally able to reach me, he grabbed the front of my shirt and pulled me his way, making me chuckle.
“No no, I took a shower last night remember?”
He smirked and raised his eyebrows at me, not letting go. “And then I fucked your brains out, remember?” he replied in a smartass tone. “Come on, you smell like good sex and sweat.”
I laughed at his words and let him pull me with him. He closed the door behind me and I held my breath as the warm water fell on me and soaked my shirt and panties. Niall smiled more and quickly moved his head back right under the stream to rinse his hair. I stared at his naked body as he closed his eyes, running his hand through his hair to make sure all the soap was gone.
Without thinking, I ran my hands on his wet chest and quickly, he moved his head up again and opened his eyes, bending down to reach my smile with his. The kiss was gentle and soft and I felt water drops fall from his hair to my cheek. A wave of well-being washed over me and I pressed my hands more on his chest.
“What were you singing?” I asked, tilting my chin up.
“Something I wrote. I’ll sing it to you when it’s done.”
I smiled and licked my lips, staring at him some more. I felt like Niall hadn’t written anything in months and I knew he was missing it. I loved watching and listening to him when he was playing guitar, or when he was sitting in front of the piano, but it hadn’t happened much until very recently. He was not the type to share and I respected that, but I was curious and interested in everything that made him happy.
“Happy Birthday petal.” he whispered against my mouth. “How does it feel to date a younger man like me?”
I laughed against his mouth and felt his lips curl against mine.
“Feels amazing.” I admitted, still amused. “Better than yesterday, for sure.”
“But not as good as tomorrow, yea, I know.”
I laughed more and felt his hands slip under my drenched shirt, reaching under my breasts slowly. I bit my bottom lip as he stared at me before kissing me again but deeper this time. I could feel my whole body throb until his thumbs brushed under my breasts. I quickly held my breath again, my heartbeats accelerating, but he just slid his hands back down to my waist.
“Mm, come on darling, take a shower, i’ll go prepare something while you do.”
“Nooo!” I complained when he took a step back. “You can’t turn me on and then leave me here alone.”
He laughed and shook his head, pushing the glass door of the shower again and getting out.
“Such a horny girl.” he just let out, clearly amused by my behavior.
I sent him puppy eyes but he just shook his head and closed the door, trapping me in the shower before blowing me a kiss and leaving.
I grimaced but decided to wash my hair and body quickly after getting undressed and when I finally got out of the shower, I grabbed a fluffy towel only to realize it was warm and I quickly wrapped it around me.
“Thanks for putting it in the dryer.” I let out with a smile when I walked back into our bedroom. “You’re perfect.”
He had put sweatpants and a t-shirt back on and I stared at his back as I tried to find a similar outfit in one of his drawers. With a sigh, I took my towel off and dressed up before rubbing the towel in my hair to dry it more. After a few minutes, he turned around and sent me a fond smile and I smiled back until he handed me something.
“This is one of your gifts.” He explained, holding out a box about as large as a book, wrapped in silver and pink paper. “The personal one.”
I felt my heart skip a few beats inside my chest and smiled as big as possible, pressing my lips together. These were the gifts coming from Niall that I preferred. Of course, I enjoyed the trips, the spa days, the jewels and the activities he gave but the gifts with a meaning meant a million times more and Niall always knew exactly what would make me happy. He gave me things I didn’t even know I needed before.
I licked my lips and grabbed it, unwrapping it very slowly as he stared at my fingers. I let the paper fall on the floor when I noticed an old picture of us in a frame. It was the one I told him to bring on his trip and my lips curled more but i noticed something at the bottom and frowned, moving the frame up to have a better look. My lips parted when I noticed what it was and I looked up in his eyes. It was a card that was part of a game Lottie had brought at the lodge. I remembered picking up that card from the “Kiss & Tell” game before rushing to the bathroom and locking myself in it. I hadn’t told anyone what was on the card except Niall. We had been laying in the dark and I had showing him right before telling him it was him I wanted to kiss, but I didn’t have the guts to. I looked down again at the card and read the words. “Kiss the person you love the most in the room.”
“I kept it and I didn’t know why. It was in my wallet all this time. I remember wondering how I would have felt if you had kissed me instead of Harry after picking up that card, you know?” he shrugged and looked down at it. “That night you said you loved me more than anyone else in the world and I said I did too. I didn’t understand back then why it was so important for me but now I do.”
He took a step closer and brought his hands to my waist, waiting until I looked up in his eyes again.
“When we fought a few months ago after my trip, I left you here to get drunk. We both went to bed mad, or at least not on good terms, and I realized how wrong it was. I want to keep this frame in our room, right next to the bed, so every time we fight or argue, we always work things out here before falling asleep. I will always kiss the person I love the most right before I fall asleep. Every single night. I promise.”
I felt myself tear up and swallowed the lump in my throat. I couldn’t talk, I knew that my voice would crack, and without thinking, I crushed my mouth against his, It hurt slightly but he didn’t say anything. He just pulled me closer and deepened the kiss. He tasted so fucking good and I felt tears fall down my face as we kept on kissing for I don’t know how long. When he pulled away, I kept my eyes closed and brushed my lips against his.
“When you said you were romantic I thought you were the type, you know, to give flowers and stuff.”
He laughed and moved his upper body back to look in my eyes.
“There’s a bouquet waiting for you int he kitchen.”
This time, i’m the one who laughed. I turned around and put the frame next to the bed on the small table and sighed as I looked at our younger faces on the picture. I wanted this house to be full of pictures of us, whether they were recent or old.
“Come, let’s go bake that cake of yours.”
I turned back to him with a frown and tilted my head.
“I gotta bake my own birthday cake?”
He laughed and grabbed my hand, pulling me with him until the kitchen and I noticed all the ingredients already out along with a big bouquets of white and purple lilacs placed in the middle of the table.
“The florist said it looked ridiculous and tried to convince me to add other flowers but I knew that’s what you wanted.” he pointed out. “Just in case though, there’s also a bouquet of roses in the living room.”
I smiled more and chuckled, loving the fact that he knew me so well, and took a step closer to him to kiss his lips.
“Aaaand maybe a few tulips next to the piano.” he grimaced before I brushed my lips on his jaw.
“How are you so perfect?”
He searched for my mouth with his and kissed me deeply again. I was not even surprised that his kisses still made butterflies hit the inside of my stomach, even after so many months. I knew it would always be like that.
“Okay, come on now, let’s bake that cake yea?” he said a little louder, getting out of my embrace and turning around to go grab the flour. “We got up late and we have a busy evening and an even busier night!”
“Niall, I said I didn’t want anything big.” I complained with a grimace, letting my head fall back on my shoulders.
“I promise on my life you’re gonna have fun! It’s just a few hours with our friends, and then i’m bringing you somewhere else just the two of us.”
I wanted to be annoyed but the truth was, I was touched and very very curious. I walked up to him as he was cracking an egg, letting it fall in a bowl and I sighed low of happiness.
“Thank you, Niall.”
He turned his head quickly to peck my lips with a light sound and I chuckled.
“Come on, read the recipe out loud will you?”
Quickly, we made the cake mix and ended up having a bit more difficulty working on the icing. I ended up a bit annoyed and searched through his fridge, taking the cream cheese out and putting it on the counter.
“We’ll just prepare the easiest icing ever and pretend we’re amazing bakers, how’s that?”
He laughed and we started working on it in silence right after putting the mix in the oven.
“Just a bit of milk.” I specified. “Do you have vanilla?”
I watched him combine everything in a bowl as I nibbled my bottom lip and added icing sugar slowly to the mix.
“You know, we’re actually a good team.” I pointed out.
I watched him dip his finger in the icing and sticking his tongue out to get a taste.
“Heyy, what about me?” I frowned jokingly before he dipped an other finger in it and wiped the icing on my cheek, making me groan.
“Come here.”
He pulled me closer and licked my cheek, making a shiver run up my spine at the contact of his tongue with my skin.
“You’re right, it tastes amazing, we’re a good team.” he admitted low. “Not just for baking.”
He took the icing again, taking more of it with his finger and putting it on my neck. I held my breath as his tongue ran on my skin and quivered again in his arms.
“I just took a shower, remember?”
“Oh shut up.” he let out, making me laugh, as he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer.
“Can I get a taste, too?”
Without answering, he brought his lips against mine and kissed me deeply but very slowly.  I closed my eyes, running my hand in his hair and letting a moan escape my lips. He swallowed it and I felt his fingers slip slightly under my shirt, on the skin of my back. I laughed against his mouth when he broke the kiss and shook my head.
“I meant you know, really taste.”
“Mmhm.” he shrugged, pulling away and taking the icing bowl. “I know that’s what you meant, but you can’t taste your cake before tonight.”
“Don’t argue!” he cut me with a smirk. “Go in the living room, i’ll join you, okay?”
I groaned and let my feet rub on the wood floor in an annoying noise as a sign of protestation. It’s only when I reached the living room that my lips curled back again. There was a literal fort made with blankets and cushions and I let out a chuckle of amazement.
“Niall?” I asked loud enough for him to hear.
“Sit down! I’m coming!”
I chuckled and got on my knees, pushing the blanket that acted as a door only to sit on the tiny mattress. I couldn’t believe he had taken the time to make a fort in his own living room and I started wondering how long it took him to plan that. He had placed his tablet on the side and when he joined me, I frowned slightly.
“Why did you bring this?” I asked, pointing it right before a smile reappeared on my face.
He handed me a bowl of ice cream and I started jumping slightly on my ass while still sitting.
“Don’t move too much, it’s not that solid.” he laughed a bit. “I thought we could watch a movie together?”
I sent him a fond smile and tilted my head again before nodding very slowly.
“Great! So I bought your favorite ice cream but added candies, chocolate syrup and caramel, the way you like it.”
“Thank you, Nee.” I let out as he sat in front of me. I moved my upper body closer to kiss him. “Thank you so fucking much.” I kissed him again. “Thank you.” Again. “Thank you.” And again.
“You also get to pick the movie.” he let out with a smile, kissing me back. “We’ll watch anything you want. It’s your day.”
I sat back and looked at him with a smirk, raising my eyebrows as his face changed.
“Now you’re scaring me.” he admitted as I laughed, grabbing his tablet. “Wait what are you doing? Isn’t the movie you want to watch on netflix?”
I held his tablet against me and raised my eyebrows at him again.
“Do you promise we’ll watch whatever I want?”
It took him a few seconds but he finally nodded.
“I promise.”
The bar was loud and crowed but we quickly found our friends waiting for us, sitting a bit further with beer and sangria pitchers. I smiled more, a bit excited, and everyone greeted us, telling me ‘happy birthday’ for the first time in person on that day. Louis was the last one and he got up to wrap his arms around me before I hugged him back.
“Happy birthday princess.” he whispered after kissing one of my cheeks and pulling me closer. “I hope your day is perfect, that’s what you deserve.”
I laughed when we pulled away and bit on my bottom lip.
“It is, I have the perfect boyfriend and he made this day perfect.”
We sat down and I felt Niall’s hand slide on my thigh. I quickly put my hand over his and intertwined our fingers, squeezing them hard.
“What did she make you watch?” Louis asked with a smirk. “Back To The Future again?”
Niall’s smile fell and he rolled his eyes, making Louis laugh.
“Which one?”
“Louis, don’t even ask.” Niall argued, shaking his head and making me smile more.
“We didn’t watch Back To The Future.” I pointed out, leaning on the table to get closer to Louis. “I made him watch This Is Us.”
Louis’ eyes moved from me to Niall then back at me and finally on Niall before he burst into laughter, making Niall growl next to me. I squeezed his fingers tighter but I couldn’t help the smile that spread on my face.
“How was it, Neil? To watch a movie with you in it with your girlfriend by your side?” Louis teased.
Niall raised his eyebrows and nose up as he leaned one of his elbow on the table, staring in his friend’s eyes.
“The worst was actually looking at you for an hour and a half, Tommo.”
Louis laughed again and shrugged.
“Guess you’re cursed, mate, because here I am again!”
I laughed and rolled my eyes at their banter until Louis grabbed a glass and poured me sangria. Niall did the same for himself with beer and he finally sighed, the left corner of his lips raising up.
“You know, I can’t really blame her though.” Niall joked. “The girl enjoys looking at me, I just give her what she needs.”
“Oh shut up.” I let out, making him laugh more. “Now what’s so special about tonight? Why are we here anyway?”
I glanced around before meeting Louis’ eyes and he smirked, raising his eyebrows. I didn’t like it and frowned, suddenly a bit scared of what was to come. Julie chuckled and it caught my attention, making me look at her.
“It’s karaoke night.” she explained with a sigh but also a smile on her lips. “And apparently, we’re all going to sing.”
I felt suddenly extremely nervous and without realizing it, I squeezed my boyfriend’s fingers hard between mine.
“Ouch, darling, watch the fingers, they’re important.” he chuckled. “For music and for… you know.. pleasure.”
“Niall.” I whispered, looking down at our hands together. “You know I hate being on a scene. I don’t like attention.”
“You did it a few years ago and you had fun.”
I sent him an annoyed look and sighed, raising my nose up in a grimace. He was right, I had sang a song a while ago at a karaoke night and we always had a lot of fun doing those in someone’s living room, but in public it was a bit different. I was already a bit shy around my friends, so to think i would do it in front of a bunch of strangers made it even worse.
“Here.” Louis let out, pushing the sangria pitcher closer. “Drink up. I’ll go first.”
I swallowed the whole glass in front of me and filled it out again as I watched Louis get on stage and grab a microphone.
“Here’s one of the best written songs in the whole world.” he only explained as the music started.
I held my breath and smiled when I recognized the oasis song and mouthed it with him.
“So Sally can wait, she knows it’s too late as she’s walking on by My soul slides away, but don’t look back in anger I heard you say.”
When he was done and the music stopped, we all got up and started clapping. Liam even whistled loud and I let out a ‘woohoo!“ when he got off stage. He hugged me and bent down to whisper in my ear.
“Do it now, it’s worth it.”
I quickly nodded and he moved away. He extended his hand and I slapped in it before bumping my fist against his.
“Come on, you can do it.” he added as I sent him a smile.
I turned to Niall and I smiled without thinking. I watched him push his glasses on his nose and a bunch of memories of us came back to my mind. I felt so lucky to have him in my life and I chuckled.
“Just for you.”
I didn’t wait for his answer and ran up the stairs as a guy walked up to me to ask me which song I wanted to sing. I told him and he chuckled before nodding and finally left after handing me the microphone.
“I dedicate this to my best friend in the whole wide world.”
The first notes started and I kept my gaze on Niall and when I started singing, I saw him start laughing hard, his mouth wide open. He let his head fall back and clapped in his hands a few times to encourage me.
“Right from the start, couldn’t pull us apart, it just works Nobody else ever gets me as well on this earth Like rock and roll, Marshall’s and telly’s Mac and cheese, PB’s and jellies Some things are better together, and that’s you and me-e
Dude, I love you, bro, I love you Man, I love you You’re my brother from another, 'nother mother You are my favorite, I’m not ashamed to admit Cause I do, dude, I do Dude, I love you, bro, I love you Man, I love you You’re my homie, no one knows me like you know me Like the sun and the moon, all the best things comes in two What would I do without a friend like you?
W-w-w-w-what would I do? Without a friend like you W-w-w-w-what would I do? Without a friend like you?”
I smiled as I sang when I noticed all my friends were standing up and dancing together and when the song stopped, I bowed down quickly and ran back to my friends without really giving them any attention. Niall bent down slightly, his arms open, and I ran to him.. He picked me up for a few seconds and put me back down before kissing me hard, laughing against my lips.
“Good song. Thank you.” he whispered, pulling away. “Now listen to mine, yea?”
I nodded and he grabbed my hand before walking to the stage. When he was far enough, my hand slipped out of his and I just stared at him as he grabbed the microphone. He cleared his throat and licked his lips, making my heart melt in my chest. I sat down but remained on the edge of my chair as he talked.
“For the love of my life.”
It took me literally one note to recognize the song and I held my breath as I felt myself tense. I tried to remember all the words of the song and something twisted in my stomach.
“You’re a falling star, you’re the get away car You’re the line in the sand when I go too far You’re the swimming pool on an August day And you’re the perfect thing to see
And you play it coy, but it’s kinda cute Oh, when you smile at me you know exactly what you do Baby, don’t pretend that you don’t know it’s true 'Cause you can see it when I look at you
And in this crazy life, and through these crazy times It’s you, it’s you; you make me sing You’re every line, you’re every word, you’re everything”
I don’t know why but slowly, I got up and walked closer to the scene as we stared at each other. Was it possible for this love story to last forever? Could this love we felt for each other never fade away or die?
“You’re a carousel, you’re a wishing well And you light me up when you ring my bell You’re a mystery, you’re from outer space You’re my every minute of my everyday
And I can’t believe, uh, that I’m your man And I get to kiss you, baby, just because I can Whatever comes our way, oh, we’ll see it through And you know that’s what our love can do
And in this crazy life, and through these crazy times It’s you, it’s you; you make me sing You’re every line, you’re every word, you’re everything
So, la, la, la, la, la, la, la So, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
And in this crazy life, and through these crazy times It’s you, it’s you; you make me sing You’re every line, you’re every word, you’re everything You’re every song, and I sing along Cause you’re my everything Yeah, yeah
So, la, la, la, la, la, la, la So, la, la, la, la, la, la-la-la, la-la-la”
I didn’t scream when he was done but I heard all our friends do it. He jumped off the stage and cupped my face the way he had done it after playing the song he had written for me and when his wet lips met mine, my eyes fluttered close.
“It’s been six moths but I love you as much as I did back then, maybe even more.” he whispered, kissing me deeply again. “Definitely more.”
“Thank you, Niall.” I breathed out, swallowing hard as I felt myself tear up for the second time that day. “This day is perfect.”
“This day is not over.” he added, smiling more, the palms of his hands warming my already burning cheeks. “Happy birthday Olivia, I love you.”
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zanecosh · 4 years
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’ ・゚ : 👽  : ・.  INTRODUCTION — Zane Wancosh  .・: 👽 :・゚ ’
⌠ CHANCE PERDOMO, TWENTY-ONE, CISMALE, HE/HIM ⌡ welcome back to gallagher academy, ZANE WANCOSH! according to their records, they’re a FIRST year, specializing in MEDICAL TRAINING; and they DID NOT go to a spy prep high school. when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of (sunglasses in every imaginable color, serenading ‘ my heart will go on ‘ loudly at 4 am, finger guns to the pals and the gals). when it’s the (aries)’s birthday on 04/18/1999, they always request their FRENCH FRIES WITH GRAVY from the school’s chefs. looks like they’re well on their way to graduation.
tw; drugs, jail/prison ??, alcohol
PAST but not rlly since i always had to mention what it did to him
- Zane was raised in Ottawa, Canada .. something he is very proud of and will mention a billion times as soon as he gets to know someone -- he will also deliberately say ‘ eh ? ‘ to let people know b ut we all know he ain’t sleek !!
- His parents had always been a loving bunch so he grew up receiving so much affection and attention that he now is a little FULL of himself but only because he seeks love and won’t stop until someone provides it for him im srry i didn’t make the law
.- So given his upbringing he’s always been the completely affectionate type, having his hands everywhere all the time and achING for hugs and small things like hand holding or just a pat  on the shoulder like he is seriously convinced that if he doesn’t get at least four hugs a day he will die a painful, lonely death
- So in addition to that, he had always been a very active, youthful and energetic kid which was pretty much something he got from his dad since he sort of kept things playful and always did the best that he could while his mom was on the stricter side but instead knew how to teach him things that were important !!
- So growing up he always made friends very easily because of how open he was ( except that time when he brought this girl home at the age of 7 because he thought she’d make a cool pet ) and because he was always vERY friendly, even if he had a tendency to be too nice at times and just got upset when people didn’t like him ?? which is honestly still the case
- Of course he loved being popular which is kind of his aspiration in most things nowadays?? he seeks to be liked so much it’s sometimes a lil sad but he will legitamately try anything to make you his friend and he wont care if ur bothered because at least then he’ll get a reaction out of you !! but yeah it’s something he never really learned bc he’s used to getting validated from his parents so he genuinely doesn’t COMPREHEND meanness ://
- It was when he was around ten ( 10 )  years old when his dad randomly moved to New York ?? which was honestly super scary to him but his mother assured him that it was for a special job which was definitely weird for him because that was the only thing she ever said when he asked her about his father and ofc zane wasn’t dumb just a little idiotic !!
- They still visited his father often where Zane was able to get to know America and New York a little better, which he definitely enjoyed even though he sort of preferred Canada always because he likes snow a lot and the fact that it kind of melts when you pee on it but anyway he was getting a bit more suspicious as he grew older
- Then on his sixteenth birthday he was able to visit his dad once more to which he then was revealed that his dad was the ring leader of a spy business !! WOW to which Zane was baffled of course bc his dad ??? who tripped over his 7th birthday cake because Zane saw a squirrel and started to chase it ?? exactly !!
- So of course, Zane wanted to start working there !! Not only because of curiosity but school was kind of boring ( ngl ) and he missed his dad a lot so while his mother was not happy about his choice at all she always believed in people doing whatever they wanted so without much time passing the male moved to New York and started working for his father !!
- it was quickly noticiable that Zane wasn’t great at spy work, considering he was incredibly clumsy and was always distracted by everything and almost shot off his left toe ONCE okay it was only onCE !! Anyway his father got a little frustrated with his chaotic energy so he gave him the jobs were he was usually with someone else so they could babysit him which was honestly better for him too bc he could make friends !!
-  So when he was around 19 that’s when he got to know his boy Landon, his main squeeze, one could even say the love of his life ( only he would say that ) but they immediately vibed with Landon being his driver even though they lowkey ended up doing stuff that completely wasn’t what his dad wanted but Zane was honestly just loving life and just doing a bit of shady stuff with his buddies was bonding ??
- HOWEVER NOT ALL THINGS CAN BE SUNSHINE AND CAKE; so they often kind of got into trouble ?? they were good at hiding and sort of running from the cops a couple of times but honestly not that much of a big deal as Zane would say but once upon a time, these assholes rlly got caught ahead of their time to which Landon then got away in time with someone from Gallagher helping while Zane honestly didn’t know what was happening n got caught ??
- To which he then ended up in jail for a year !! love carrying contraband while being high as fuck !! anyway, it was a very self reflecting time . even though he sort of learned nothing ?? anyway not even his dad could bail him out, only shorten the time if he in return joined Gallagher, a school where he would learn how to behave and use his spy knowledge to some good instead of just causing trouble !!
- Which he honestly didn’t vibe with so much because he was kind of scared of these spy kids ?? legit all of them could kill them w a look he wasn’t sure was his dad was thinking but that’s also why he chose medicial training, in order to not get hurt and if he did, he would be able to take care of himself which honestly wasn’t that much of a help when he was about to bonk this girl but ended up hitting his dick against the ground as they rolled around ?? he doesn’t wanna talk about it
- Anyway, he sort of grew into Gallagher for the most part, since he is a very adaptable person in general and was looking forward to making friends with people who were way cooler than him which was honestly a plus !! he just vibing y’all there ain’t no problem at all at all
- He’s super chaotic and all over the place, loves talking about anything and everything and sort of philophises over the most mundane things because its fun to talk about life y’all
- He has a super colorful taste in clothing and decoration and is pretty extraordinary in most things in life, whether its sunglasses or flowers on his backpack and shirts and stuff that’s way too big
- Is a slow talker and also doesn’t understand people who talk fast
- Has a habit of interrupting people mid-conversation and doesn’t realize that it could appear rude
- Loves everyone, is also super affectionate and always has an arm around his friends or will at least ask for conSENT bc that matters to him but he will most likely touch u some type of way im sorry
- Probably because he is super fidgety too, he legit has his hands everywhere all the time because he doesn’t like to stay still
- Somewhat of a class clown and certainly does not enjoy studying or any school related work so he’s kind probably always on the verge of failing ?? idk how he does it you guys
- will fist bump you but will also grab your ass
- Just wants to chill most of the time but somehow still always stressed
- Is a party ANIMAL like if there is a party, he’s there and probably drunk and high before the party even starts ?? in general i don’t think he’s been sober a day since he turned 18 who the fuck knows
- Will probably trip and fall everywhere as a drunk but he just laughs about it the second day, like he says if he doesn’t get hurt it won’t be a good party and i honestly worry about him and i’m not sure how he’s still alive
- does the peace sign way too often
- could be considered a sunny boy but since he’s from cold ass Canada he loves snow way much more and the cold for some reason
- has the biggest potty mouth like he doesn’t even realize he’s swearing
- is extremely honest like he will just stand there listening to someone complain and be like well that’s a bitch
-  also huge flirt and also catches feelings fast and will mostly say it outright when he falls for someone like boy has seriously no shame ?? he will feel the heartbreak but he believes he can deal with it better than questioning it all the time and if they feel the same he will just loVE
- he also might be polyamerous he doesn’t know it yet bc he’s never had that many chances but he just likes to love whatever
- his head is everywhere and nowhere at the same time so it’s possible that he doesn’t make sense 80% of the time
- has tattoos that don’t make sense at all, i like to refer pewdiepie or uhhhh what’s his name uhhhh kURTIS CONNER ?? im too lazy to fact check i been writing this for an hour let me be
- knows how to juggle and thinks that’s that probably the coolest skill he’s ever learned
- has two earthworms that he got during a biology project back in high school who have been in his possession for six years now ?? ( i checked they live for four to eight ) he loves them to death ok their names are Niall and Liam ....... ( yes he was an 1D stan don’t confront him about them he’ll cry )
- is very superficial, loves the horoscope and believes in like bad luck and stuff like that, will scold u if u don’t listen to him rant about unlucky things !!
/ @gallagherintro
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mxrcayong · 4 years
the avatar series: 01.13
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chapter twelve
~ flashback to 24 hours before ~
Roddie was practically imprisoned in the mayoral home. Guards were deployed all over the mansion, basically preventing her from even thinking about sneaking out past curfew, which was put at 7pm. Before, she wasn’t even done with her transit from school at 7pm. She was banned from leaving any time before 9am or after 7pm without ‘proper supervision’, making her essentially trapped in the same home as the father she despised.
It’s not like she has despised him all her life. In fact, he was an amazing father growing up. He was the one who taught her about how bending was ingrained and imperative in their culture, who taught her about the history of bending. Consequently, when he became mayor and eight years ago and his opinion rapidly changed, Roddie could practically recognized the man she called her father. Her confusion quickly changed to anger. Yes, before he was mayor – there was a mayor before who implemented the anti-pro-bending laws, but growing up; he always enthused to Roddie how much he would like to take her to one. Once he got the position of power, it seemed like he completely changed and became worse than the person before him. And when he started acting on his position of power, Roddie didn’t hesitate in separating herself from her father.
Consequently, for the last few days since the attack on the abandoned warehouse, Roddie has barely left her room. Her hopeless plans of avoiding her father initially consisted of her napping throughout the day and then working throughout the night, essentially giving her a completely different time zone from her father. However, her father was a politician. He’s practically always working. Not only that, but the staff in the home would always wake her up for meals – her mother insisting on hosting family dinners.
Being a politicians’ daughter made all eyes on them, especially now when the current news focuses on the politics of their society. Often, Roddie would use her attention to call out the government – which did nothing to repair her relationship with her father – however, this is the first time she’s been forcibly banned and censored by her parents and the staff.
Roddie cannot complain about this attention, especially if it meant that their family meals would almost always be interrupted by calls from other government officials or the press. Fortunately, this means her time with her father was interrupted.
Tonight’s dinner felt like the ordinary; a tense silence, the awkward clinking of utensils, the small conversation between her parents, and the resounding noise of chewing that took over any silence. Underneath the table, Roddie had her phone out – using her utensils with one hand and her other hand was texting her friends.
to: (glopo nerds + roddie): I actually hate this so much
to: (glopo nerds + roddie): kill me now pls
from jeyes (glopo nerds + roddie): can you just say you need to study?? we do still have an exam in a month
from lele (glopo nerds + roddie: I see why you call him a nerd now.
to (glopo nerds + roddie): excuse you you’re included
from lele (glopo nerds + roddie): I would offer to come over but I’m in a similar situation lol
One benefit from living in the mayoral estate rather than her dorms? She’s literally a street away from Chenle. Normally, she’s an elevator ride and multiple hallways away. Chenle was quite literally her neighboring home. It was why she saw him as a brother – for the last eight years, they lived next to each other.
to (glopo nerds + roddie): group call in 30??? Imma try to eat fast and get the hell outta here
from nana (glopo nerds + roddie): sorry too social for you guys 💁♀️  
from jeyes (glopo nerds + roddie) even for me??? 🥺
to glopo nerds + roddie: we literally have no other friends, shut up
from nana (glopo nerds + roddie): why you gotta expose me like that 😡  I s2g ik what parents mean when they say raising children ain’t worth it
Rolling her eyes at her friends, Roddie chewed her food faster but struggled due to the texture. She was debating asking one of the chefs to put the food aside for her to eat later, but she knew her mother would only make her finish eating now. Roddie was hungry – but her hunger couldn’t even motivate her to stay around her father longer. The anticipation to leave didn’t last long as a phone call soon brought her father away from dinner and to the other room.
Usually, he closes the doors – wanting the meetings to be private, especially if Roddie was there. She was known for calling out the government, and if she knew any of their secrets? He was certain they would be all over the news the next day.
But this time, he left the door open.
“Zhong, Amon,” His voice was faint and muffled by the door, but Roddie basically did everything she can to focus on what he was saying. “Don’t you think this is going too fast?” Robotic yelling could be heard from the phone. “Wait, what do you mean a reporter has been asking you questions?” Could he mean Tari’s so-called ‘best friend’? Roddie thought. “Why does this have to speed up-“He was interrupted…and he started walking away from the door. But, Roddie couldn’t deny the panic rising in his voice. In her eighteen years of life, Roddie has never heard her father’s voice rise in octave and spill quickly.
Her eyes widened, and this didn’t go unnoticed by her mother. “Aye, anak,” When her mother speaks in her family tribe’s native language, Roddie knows she’s about to get in trouble. “You know this is serious times. Please do not escalate things. You do not know what is going on.” Roddie remained silent, rolling her eyes. She didn’t want to be like her mother – standing idly by, being submissive to her father just because of the traditional roles she was raised to live by.
Practically stuffing her face – Roddie stopped caring about the possibility of choking. “IM DAHN.” Roddie screamed, her mouth still full of food. Ignoring her mother’s critique on her manners, she sprinted up to her room on the second floor.
As soon as she got into her room, she let her back land on the back of her door. Sliding down to a squatting position, she started texting one of her best friends.
To lele: hey hey emergency, can we meet?? Your dad isn’t there right???
From lele: he just left, why? Whatsup?
To lele: was it after a call?
From lele: ye how’d you know?
To lele: I overheard the calls…do you wanna be the Watson to my holmes?
To lele: the bess to my Nancy?
To lele: the hastings to my Poirot?
From lele: I’m in ONLY if you stop comparing us to famous detectives
From lele: the teachers in class heard you once and I think they genuinely thought my name was watson for a month
From lele: also im not always the sidekick smh 🤬 I s2g can I be appreciated more pls
From lele: whats up?
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“Are you sure it’s safe to invite them?” Chenle asked Roddie as the two waited in the foyer for their bending friends. “They’re benders… they’re more at risk than us.”
Roddie rolled her eyes, “It’s nothing. Honestly, Jeno barely bends unless in a designated area. We know him, he’s a damp towel when it comes to bending.” Chenle laughed at the joke shared between them that Jeno is nowhere at all funny. The laugh, hopefully, covered up his fears he had for the safety of his friends. “Plus, Jaemin is my partner-in-crime, the Robin to my Batman, the-“ Roddie was about to continue listing characters, but the look on Chenle face practically threatening to leave right now stopped her. “I can’t do activist shit without him.”  
“How are you expecting us to leave your house by the way?” The younger boy furrowed his brows, “I was allowed because I’m legit a minute away. My guards saw me enter your house. But how do we get out of here?” The older girl and mastermind behind the plan pulled out her best puppy dog eyes, making Chenle’s eyes practically roll to the back of his head. “What is it?” He practically growled.
Roddie started swaying, trying to act cuter. “Do you remember the old mannequins I had when I was into fashion for like a month?” Chenle nodded. “Can you help me look in the basement for them? We can say we’re sleeping over.”
“Where will our legs be?” Chenle almost yelled but hushed it to a whisper as guards started walking past them. “Your mannequins are legless.”
“Pillows?” Roddie said, more as a question.
“You didn’t think this out properly, did you?” Roddie ignored his question. “Do you even know where they have gone?”
Her eyes went wide momentarily, before she pulled put her phone. “I may or may not have taken photos of some documents I’ve seen laying around, maybe the address of the factory is in one of them.”
“Factory?” Chenle clarified. “Do you mean the factory on Bumi Boulevard?” Roddie’s eyes widened. How did he know classified information? “Listen, because you have a bad relationship with your father doesn’t mean I have one with mine!”
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After thirty minutes of rummaging through the basement for the old mannequins and some wigs that could even remotely match their hair color and some of her father’s old college shirts to put on the mannequins. Scattering the four mannequins around the room in a somewhat cohesive manner, they had two mannequins lying down on a beanbag and two on the bed – both lying down facing the opposite direction. Roddie couldn’t help but be more thankful that Jaemin had dyed his hair bright blue or else they may not have been able to find a wig.
Screaming out her room saying they’re ‘going to be studying and then ‘having a sleepover’, Roddie blasted music in the room and the three took off. Roddie knew all the secret exits, and although the house is more guarded than usual, the four are all wearing black and due to the darkness of the night, can easily be concealed. Additionally, the guarded element of her life comes from her designated guard checking in on her every hour.
Another thing Roddie couldn’t be happier for? Jeno having a driver’s license. Bumi Boulevard, although is connected to the train station, Chenle mentioned how its in more of the outskirts of the city. “You do realize I’m not some valet.” Jeno teased, climbing into the driver’s seat with Jaemin in the shotgun.
The car lifted off the ground. “Every time you invite me to go out at night, it’s either a sleepover or when you need a ride.”
“Don’t take it personally, Jeno.” Jaemin commented from beside him. “It’s just because you don’t like parties and the only time Roddie goes out at night, other than with us, is to party.”
“That’s a noble reason!” Roddie tried to convince him, “I’m respecting your preferences.”
“Whatever.” Jeno was teasing of course. As much as they say he isn’t funny, he’s quite funny and Roddie cannot deny it. “Okay, so let’s go over a game plan. We can’t just waltz in.”
“We can’t?” Roddie asked, genuinely confused. She’s pretty much used to getting access to most government buildings, unless her father has told the police to ban her from entering. That usually happened once she breaks in. She didn’t even know about the factory yet, so it’s practically impossible that she’s been banned.
“Jaemin, I can’t give her the look or else my eyes will be off the road.” Jeno groaned. “Can you glare at her with disappointment for a minute? Maybe for even twenty? Never have I heard a more stupid statement in my life.” Jeno teased. Roddie slapped the head rest of Jeno’s seat in offense. None of them expected Jaemin to actually give Roddie a disappointed look for five minutes as Chenle started brainstorming ideas.
Jaemin interrupted Chenle’s idea of ‘dressing up like barbeque delivery guys’ with even more disappointment than Jeno implied him giving. “You guys are literally their children. Does anyone-“ Jaemin let out a soft ‘ah’ when he saw Jeno with a backpack, “Just say that you have something in your bag you have to give to your dad.”
“Okay, well it’s probably best to me.” Chenle noted. “Everyone knows how much Roddie hates her dad.”
“What if they go through the bags?” Roddie asked, remembering the security checks in the government building. “Jeno, did you pack anything that can somewhat resemble a gift?”
“I think?” Jeno questioned himself, voice full of uncertainty. “I mean, at this point, because of school and stuff, I just carry the bag out of habit. I haven’t actually touched it or opened it and saw everything inside for like…a month?”
Roddie cringed in disgust. “Okay, well, as long as there are no condoms in there or snotty tissues, I can imagine it being okay.”
Unfortunately, it wasn’t okay. “Sorry to ask, but what exactly of these are you giving to your dad?” The security guard asked. Somehow, they managed to convince them that Chenle needed to bring his friends inside to reduce his anxiety about being in a government facility. Honestly, Chenle was glad this person was someone he hasn’t seen before – or else they would know Chenle basically lives in the city hall when he wasn’t with friends.
He was faced with the contents of Jeno’s bag; some lint, a beaten up water bottle, protein powder, a ‘5 free coffees’ card that expired a month ago with only three coffees being used (Jaemin scowled so hard at Jeno for not letting Jaemin use it at the sight of it), and a laptop in a casing that definitely didn’t belong to a government official.
“Oh, he left his…personal laptop at home.” Chenle lied, scratching the back of his head. “He messaged me saying he needed it…I couldn’t find his laptop case though, so I put it in…mine.” The laptop case in question? A plain white one, which had some unfortunate drawings of penises on it with sharpie (Chenle can take credit for the first penis on there- having drawn it when Jeno fell asleep during a lecture).
The security guard nodded, obviously somewhat skeptical. They sighed. “Okay, well, he’s in the meeting room with Amon so just leave it in his office. I think they’re having a private talk.” They noted, “All the guards were told to leave that floor.”
Chenle quickly nodded. The four of them nod politely and thanked them, before running to the closest map they could see inside the factory. The factory seemed to be completely made out of metal and with more levels underground than over it. Thousands of rooms surrounded the edges, but something about the factory felt like an auditorium. The floors above the very bottom floor seemed to act like balconies looking down at the center. She could see what happens on the bottom floor, which she would say is approximately 17 floors below her on ground level, from her position next to the map on the pillar. “Okay, so my dad and your dad are in the office with…Amen?”
“Amon.” Jaemin and Roddie said in-sync, remembering his name from all the news reports he’s been on.
“Right, Amon…” Chenle trailed off, before trying to understand the language on the map. It wasn’t something he’s seen before. In fact, they weren’t even words. They were numbers in some sort of sequence that doesn’t quite make sense to him, despite practically being an expert in math. “Uh…I don’t get it.”
Roddie decided to look around. Chenle and Jeno were the best at numbers. Her and Jaemin? Not so much. He once said 20 – 10 = 0 during a quickfire round of trivia. So her best bet is to observe while Jeno and Chenle analyse the plaque of the map on the pillar.
“Do you think we can find a lab coat or one of the uniforms?” Roddie asked, breaking away the trance of her friends on the plaque. “So we can get into more rooms easily.”
Jaemin snapped, grinning widely as he looked at his partner-in-crime. “Okay, I bet we can find a broom closet somewhere.” And that’s what Jaemin did. With no regards to walking into a private meeting or caught, he started trying to open any door he could see that seemed unlocked.
Behind the first door was a female bathroom, the second door was a weird test-tubey room, the third was something Roddie couldn’t even describe. It felt like some perverse and illegal version of the ‘Price is Right’ with the prices becoming more and more obscure.
Until finally, they got to a room resembling a locker room. And luckily for them, saw a cabinet labelled ‘extra uniforms’. “Thank fucking Roku.”
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It felt like they were in the metal labyrinth for hours. Their hearts were consistently racing, worried about getting caught. Roddie and Chenle eventually had to disguise themselves – many guards offering to escort them to the office, to which they would always say ‘I’m heading to the bathroom’. They couldn’t feel luckier there were only so many workers here that they haven’t come across the same one twice, or else they would look like they’re having quite serious bladder problems.
They had no sense of time. The only thing that reminded them of the time was the clocks on the walls, notifying them it was now one in the morning. They got here around 10. That means they spent three hours trying to locate their parent’s secret office.
But normally, they’d be done with their meetings by now, right? Roddie thought back to all the times her father’s meeting went over time…it’s usually when something didn’t go to plan or it’s something with more risks than they thought. Shit, Roddie started biting her lip so hard – it bled at first contact with the tip of her tooth. We’re really in trouble. But she started praying they just went home by now. I hope.
It felt like a miracle the moment they got into a room that resembled an office. It required some failed attempts at lockpicking from Roddie and Jaemin, before expertful lock-picking from Jeno, who refuses to tell anyone how he learnt it. “Maybe Jeno is cooler than you guys.” Chenle teased, sneaking in behind them into the office. But the cocky words that left his mouth were the last of the same tone.
He was full of awe. This was Roddie’s dad’s office. Around the room had photos of Roddie as a child and family photos. While he was frozen in place, everyone else went searching around the room. It wasn’t long before they opened every drawer, every file (Chenle used his hacking skills to good use to open every computer file), every potential secret entrance handle – everything was turned upside down and sideways.
Everything they saw broke their hearts. Chenle’s and Roddie’s due to the destruction of their nation and Chenle’s disillusionment of his father, but Jeno’s and Jaemin’s because they could no longer feel safe.
But one folder revealed a lot. The folder title was ‘BENDING RALLY 001 – THE INITIAL STAGE’. Dozens and dozens of files and blueprints describing an event happening in a few days fell out as soon as they opened it.
“What is this?” Chenle said, almost as if he wasn’t there himself. He wasn’t like Roddie where he believed the worst in his family, particularly his father – but the documents proved otherwise.
Plans and blueprints of technology that would remove one’s ability to bend. Plans to temporarily disable their bending in order to ‘make a safer world’. But the blueprints show a sprinkler with an ‘anti-bending’ chemical in it, bracelets that look like Apple Watches with a band comparable to a single side of a handcuff. Both were made to suspend people’s bending – although there was minimal information on the blueprints if this will be permanently or temporarily suspended. A plan was made to have a registration event, mandatory for benders to come at a certain time and pick up the tool that’ll be oppressing them. There was another note saying they have to have a backroom for Amon ‘to do his magic’. What magic?
There were thousands of lists on the desks. From names of every citizen to the city to the lists of confirmed benders forced to register their bending ability due to their profession, the duo noticed that all lists focus on potential or confirmed benders living in Sooman. But one list caught Roddie’s attention.
On the top, the list showed how the official filtered and created this list. The categories were the birth year and which tribe their family has come from, according to their social identity information.
The list contained ten people and a message on top ‘to investigate these ten immediately’ and ‘nullify their risk’. Roddie couldn’t even imagine how they will be ‘nullified’.
There was one name that shouted at her, as if the black text suddenly became bold and red and underlined a million times. There was no way, Roddie thought – trying to recall her every interaction with them. It can’t be …but they don’t know that, they might kill them. She took out her phone and texted someone who could get to the bottom of this. Only once her information is confirmed will she tell them. She didn’t want to panic them.
But even as she left, the visual of ‘Tari Kotala’ dead center in the list of identities haunted her like a devil on her shoulder.
request anything for future parts / penny for your thoughts here
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spnfanficpond · 4 years
June 2020 Pond LiveChat Recap - A Male’s Experience of Sex and Fan Fiction Part 1
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@manawhaat​ (Mana) and @superfanficnatural​ (Mert) led a lively discussion about what it’s like to have a penis and how we can all improve our writing of the male experience! Shortly after Mert first joined, we asked him if he’d be open to answering frank and personal questions about what it’s like to have a penis, since he was our only (known) member to have one. He was enthusiastic to share his experiences and we are grateful he accepted our invitation! In the time we had, we didn’t come close to answering all of the questions that folks wanted to ask, so we will be continuing this discussion in a future live chat event! (If you have questions you would like to see posed, please either send us an ask or send an IM to one of our admins!) Because the most popular questions were specific to the sexual experience and how it is described in fan fiction, we moved the chat to the softcore-nsfw channel in the discord server. If you are a minor, you might want to check with your parents before reading this, as it is a frank and graphic discussion about sex. A rundown of the chat is below the cut!
Q: Mert, can you tell us a little about yourself and how you got involved with fanfic as a dude?
A: Welp not much to me, just an 18 year old penis-owning male that has been reading fanfic for almost three years. I first found out about fanfic from a friend that suggested it to me and ever since I first started reading, I've been obsessed! I didn't start writing until around early April this year, for I was too nervous, but ended up saying to myself, "You know what? There are no male reader fics on here so I'LL write them." Poof, my blog was born!
Q: In joining the fandom and Tumblr what did you see/feel as far as the fans being mostly female?
A: I'd have to say that I wasn't too surprised, but was a bit underwhelmed. While many female-presenting people seem to be attracted to the actors, first, and the story/content of the show second, the few male fans of the show seem to be the opposite. Although I love the show and all kinds of fans, it would be nice to find some other male-presenting gay fans to gossip with about how attractive the actors are. lol
Q: Have you been in any other fandoms that have had more guys present?
A: To be honest, no. Every fandom that I’ve been in was mostly comprised of female-presenting people.
Q: What’s it like being in a space that’s dominated by so many women?
A: I think that it’s a bit intimidating. I don’t share the exact same experiences as female-presenting people, so it makes bonding a bit harder, if that makes sense?
Q: What kinds of things do you think women in fandom could do to help make men - regardless of sexual preference, already in fandom - feel more welcome? We here in the Pond like to be welcoming to fans of all types of people in all fandom spaces, not just in the Pond. How can we make our space less intimidating?
A: In my experience, it depends on the man in question. Straight men are less likely to want to talk about how attractive the actors are, and more likely to be interested in the mechanics of the show. Gay men are more open to frank discussions about both the show and the actors’ appeal. Basically, just be aware of your audience and how invested in your conversation they seem to be, like you would be with anyone.
Q: Can you describe the sensations behind having a penis, and how it feels during oral sex?
A: Oral sex feels like a warm, heated blanket being wrapped around the penis, depending on how the giver hollows their cheeks or not, Usually, the penis isn’t very sensitive during oral sex, which is why porn is really fake. If the giver uses their tongue, then the stimulation around the tip of the head is what causes pleasure. The head is really the only sensitive part of the penis.
Q: So, emphasis on licking and sucking on the head is key, and deep throating is extra?
A: Playing with the balls, fondling them, or sucking on them is VERY pleasurable. Deep throating is hot, but mostly because of how the back of the throat constricts around the head of the penis. Like I said, playing with the head is the best way to tease. In fact, if it’s a male with a beard doing the giving, rubbing their stubble across the head is EXTREMELY pleasurable.
Q: So, just sucking on the tip alone, like a popsicle or lollipop, would give a man the most pleasure?
A: It is very pleasurable, but not quite enough to bring a man to orgasm. Men jerk from the base when masturbating because of the backwards and forwards motion. Think of it like a gear. The back and forth powers the gear, making the machine begin to work, and eventually leading to orgasm.
Q: The arousal and pleasure need to be built up, then. Sucking and stroking together with some fondling on the side if deep throating isn’t an option?
A: Yes. If you can’t take it to the base, just use your hand for the remaining amount and go back and forth at the same pace as your mouth. Fondling isn’t completely necessary, though it is very pleasurable.
Q: What is one thing you wish more women knew/writers would write about in terms of the male experience?
A: As a reader, it would be nice to have more writers writing about the male experience at all. The majority of writers and readers are women, though, so it makes sense that the majority of stories would be focused on the female experience, so I can’t complain.
For those who are interested in writing more from the male’s point of view, adding more description about how everything feels would be good. For example, when describing the female orgasm and arousal, there are all kinds of metaphors, like the string snapping and fires burning. Those things are representations of the orgasm and that same build up applies to men, too. Then when it finally releases, the feeling of an orgasm cuts off their breathing, even for just a second. We feel it in our toes, and can almost feel the semen transition from the testicles to the penis. Some men like to continue jerking off or thrusting through their orgasm until it becomes too sensitive and some men prefer to stop. Generally, our hips will thrust forward with each shot, but that’s not all the time or every male.
Think of it like breathing. Each shot of ejaculate is so powerful to the man that it's like during those shots, we only have the time to take mini gasps because we are so out of breath (once more, not all the time, and not every man). Pre-ejaculate does not always leak out of our tip; it's basically the equivalence of women getting wet. If we are hard long enough and it is straining, then pre-ejaculate will eventually begin to leak out. Yes, it is also possible for more pre-ejaculate to leak out DURING intercourse, though it is hardly noticeable due to the heavy amounts of wetness everywhere and they all mingle together and yeah. 
Onto the prostate. It is possible for men to orgasm without stimulation to their penis. The stimulation of our prostate for a long period of time can lead to an orgasm, regardless of if they are jerking or not, also kind of like women who can orgasm without clit stimulation (though difficult). 
Q: Do any of the stories you’ve read that women have written come close to the male experience of an orgasm?
A: I haven’t been able to read much M/M fan fiction, but most of them have been written by women, so they aren’t able to go deep into how it feels. All they can describe are the actions taken to get to the climax and what that looks like, which is understandable. But what “pleasure” are they feeling exactly when they orgasm? That is shown in a lot of female experiences and showing it in the man’s experience is one of the focuses I want to address and give answers to with this chat.
Q: Can you describe it for us, then? What are the sensations that happen in orgasm? Is it a whole body shiver? Is it the penis twitching slightly as the orgasm hits?
A: The whole body can convulse just like a woman can, though it’s more of a strong tingle than a whole body rock, depending on how strong the orgasm is. Also, the penis does twitch and swell, and usually when men “flex” their penis, the head grows in size slightly.
Q: How does that tingle spread, and how fast does it spread?
A: Think of the orgasm like the ocean. Wave after wave. When a man is about to orgasm, they know, much like for women. Every stroke gets them closer and they get to a point where they know how many more strokes it will take.
Q: Does the pleasure then spread from the penis out to the rest of the body?
A: It’s actually kind of the opposite. In the beginning, there is a tingle through the whole body. It’s like the nerves in the whole body pulse in the direction of the penis. Then, when it gets released, it’s like a bomb. The nerves in the penis fire off and it slowly spreads back throughout the body.
Q: For some women, it starts in the vagina and radiates outward, but it sounds like for men, it starts outward and radiates to the penis.
A: Yes! And when ejaculation starts, it all reverses back out into the body. (This information is not exactly the same for every single man on earth, but probably pertains to a large percentage. All men are different as all women are different. This is my experience though.)
Q: Does that mean that outside stimulation, like playing with nipples, scratching thighs, etc, would help a man orgasm more quickly as that outside stimulation radiates pleasure toward the penis?
A: Yes. This is why in porn, one person might suck on the neck of the other to add to the influx of pleasure and make the climax feel better. One reason why men love getting their backs scratched up is because that slight pain morphs into pleasure and it helps get closer to orgasm, much like women when their nipples are pinched.
Q: Can we follow up on the breathing thing? Are you physically incapable of breathing during each wave of climax? Or is it more like a winded feeling? Or is it more like the entire brain/body is so overloaded with pleasure that it’s just not on the top of the priority list?
A: It depends on the strength of the orgasm. We can breathe, it’s just not a focus.
Q: Can you pass out?
A: No, but you can be exhausted afterwards and fall asleep.
Q: Do you get blurred vision or anything like that?
A: No blurred vision, but it’s very common to squeeze your eyes shut.
Q: Do sensations change based on the strength of the orgasm?
A: They do.
Q: Is grunting really a thing that happens, or is that just in porn?
A: Yes, grunting can happen. Either it’s so hard that breathing gets cut off, or it’s so pleasurable that you groan or grunt out in pleasure.
Q: Do you come harder if you haven’t done it for a couple of days?
A: Much like some women, the longer we go without orgasm, the easier it is to climax (at least in my case).
This is where we had to stop due to time constraints, so we will be picking this topic back up in a future chat! If you have questions you would like to see posed in a future chat about this topic, you can either send an ask to the Pond, or an IM to any of the admins!
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That’s it for this month! Don’t forget to submit your stories and your Angel Fish nominations! Want to know what’s happening in the Pond? Check the Pond Calendar to see what’s coming up! And, as always, if you have questions or suggestions, let us know! You can send us an ask, or send a private message to @manawhaat​ (Mana) or @mrswhozeewhatsis​ (Michelle) anytime!
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iamyoursinblog · 4 years
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Pairing: Park Jinyoung x Im Jaebeom ( feat. You)
Genre: fluff
Word Count: 2,4 k
Part: [ 1] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 3.5 ] [ 4 ] [ ]
POV Jaebeom
'And why did Mark insist that I go into this new coffee shop,' he thought of himself standing in the alley, looking at the black door without a sign. He checked the address again on the card to make sure he got there. Maybe Mark's just playing it. I wonder Jinyoung was here? He took the phone out of his pocket and dialed Jinyoung's number.
"What do you need?" answered the voice barely holding back the laughter.
"And for you hello too. Where are you?"
"At home, where else am I can be? Weren't we going to go to the training together?"
"We'll go. I'll be back soon. What are you laughing at?"
"Watching the movie, okay bye, because of you I miss the most interesting." Jinyoung hung up
He looked at the phone. Did Jinyoung just  hang up? He didn't even have time to ask  what he wanted. Whatever. He went to the door and opened it. Despite the fact that the sun was shining outside, it seemed that it was a deep night, and only a dim yellow light illuminated every table. Was it really a coffee shop? He saw a couple at the far table, who had a cute conversation with each other. What? Mark sent him to the coffee shop for the couples. He was approached by the waiter "Good afternoon. Are you alone or with  someone?"
"Alone" he replied, had long been since he was so embarrassing.
"Please follow me" the waiter turned around and strode and deep into the hall. He pushed the curtain, skipping him forward. It seemed here was even darker than before. It was a spacious hall on the perimeter of which were placed single soft vintage armchairs next to which were low bookcases on several shelves. At the end of the hall there was a bar. The hall was empty. Only one person at the end of the hall, read a book sitting in a armchair. Only now he noticed that near each armchair there was a small reading lamp, which stood on the coffee table.
"You can choose any place you like" said the waiter before leaving. He once again inspected the hall before choosing a seat in the corner from which the whole hall is clearly visible. He sat down on armchair and smiled. It was like a little world that only he was in. He laughed softly. Jinyoung would have liked it here. This place was unique, no wonder it was hard to find. He drew attention to the wall of the locker, which was attached to a tablet with the inscription 'To order use a tablet'. Unlocked the tablet, he chose a drink and sent an order. He heard the sound of a slight vibration from the side of the bar. The person who was reading got up from his seat and walked towards the bar. Or rather it was a girl with long dark hair. She was wearing a red trouser suit and rabbit-slippers. He could barely contain his laughter. He wondered if this girl was the reason Mark insisted on coming here. You went to the bar, because the hall was big, he couldn't see your face. A few minutes later you took a glass of his drink, and headed in his direction. His heart started beating harder. For a long time no one worried his heart, perhaps the atmosphere of the coffee shop enhances the effect of anticipation. He took a deep breath returning his composure. Your skin was white, and your bright lips were immediately conspicuous. He couldn't take his eyes off you. You looked straight into his eyes, but why did he feel like he was sitting completely naked now under your glance. You came closer and smiled.
"Here, please, your order" you said by placing a glass on the coffee table next to it.
"Thank you" he quickly replied
"Hopefully you'll fully enjoy the time, what you'll spent here" you turned around and started to leave.
"Wait..." he grabbed you by the edge of your jacket, stopping you. You turned slowly, your eyes were glued to his hand. Gently with two fingers you took the sleeve of his shirt, removing his hand from your jacket. You turned your eyes on him, but he felt like you'd slapped him. "Sorry, I just wanted to ask you something," he said quickly as you let go of his sleeve.
"For this, people have such an organ as mouth. You don't have to touch them at all." you answered, still looking into his eyes. Why did your look make him feel defenseless.
"I'm sorry. I just wanted to know, here always so empty?" he asked, pointing to an empty hall. You came closer, looking at him from head to toe.
"People come here when they are tired and want to rest. If you need an overflow coffee shop with a lot of people or you want to chat, then you clearly got the wrong address."
"No, I think I've finally come, exactly where I've been dreaming to be for so long time" he smiled broadly at you without taking his gaze off your face.
You bent down on him, resting your hands on the armrests on either side of him. He had completely to leaned back. You looked at him with a glance that he would definitely call dangerous. "You're wasting your time. Don't try to find something here that doesn't exist" you turned around and left, this time he didn't have the courage to stop you. His heart was pounding at breakneck speed, and his back was covered with sweat. What was that? The feelings were all too familiar. He mentally returned at the time that he and Jinyoung left behind and decided not to remember again. He wanted to get up and only now realized that his whole body was tense. He got up and quickly walked towards the exit. Having paid off, he went outside. A bright light blinded him up for a few minutes, his eyes aching after the dark lighting in the coffee shop.
He came to training and only then realized that he had no belongings. He went to the side of the locker room. Going inside, he saw his bag next to his locker. Jinyoung. Despite the fact that Jinyoung always complains about him, still does everything to take care of him. He smiled broadly. After quickly changing, he ran towards the field. He found Jinyoung's eyes and ran in his direction. He jumped on Jinyoung and knocked him down, causing them to fall.
"Yay, gosh! I brought him a uniform, and he knocks me down. So do good to the people after that"Jinyoung resented.
He hugged him tightly from his back, wrapping his arms and legs around Jinyoung, while they lay on the grass. "Who is this grumbler here, who cares so much about me?" he laughed loudly.
"Jaebeom, confess to me honestly. Have you gone mad?" asked Jinyoung
"Yes" he got to his feet, helping to rise Jinyoung. "Come on, the training has already started" they ran towards the team, which already warmed up.
As always they were lying on the field when everyone left. He lay with his eyes closed, and still constantly felt the look of Jinyoung. Although after that drunken night Jinyoung never crossed the border again, even when he got drunk. In his memory a moment surfaced on the river bank. When Jinyoung lead hand down his cheek. He saw the exact same look today. A dangerous look. He wasn't sure if anything was worth changing when things went back to their seats. First he wanted to tell Jinyoung about the girl he met today. But now his resolve has not been so strong. Too many questions arose in his head. But the most important thing was: why was he so excited to meet the girl Jinyoung came up with?
"Are you not going to go home?" a Jinyoung voice snatched him from his thoughts. He opened his eyes and saw Jinyoung, who was standing beside him, reaching out his hand. He got up and they went to the locker room. After taking a shower, they quickly gathered and went home. "Did something good happen today? You looked happy when you came to practice."
"Something happened, but I don't know yet whether it's good or bad." replied Jaebeom
"If I ask what it is, will you answer me?"
"I'll answer, but not today"
"Okay" Jinyoung smiled "Tell me when I can ask you. What are we going to have at dinner?
"Usually when you ask me what we're going to have at dinner, you already have the answer to that question," Jaebeom laughed.
"You're damn right, my friend."
After a few days of deliberation, Jaebeom siting on the bedroom floor after dinner, looking at the coffee shop's black card in front of him. He decided that let fate make its choice. Jinyoung went into the bedroom and sat across from him, giving him a beer. Seeing the card on the floor, he picked it up, carefully scrutinizing.
"What is this?" asked Jinyoung with interest
"The answer? Which answer?"
"On the question you wanted to ask me a few days ago"
Jinyoung turned his eyes from business card at him, and stared intently for a few minutes before looking at the business card again. "Is that the answer? And which is this answer: good or bad?"
"You'll have to tell me that later, " replied Jaebeom, taking a few more sips of beer.
"You're not coming with me?"
"No, you have to go there alone"
"I get it. I'll go when I'll have time" he smiled and put business card on the nightstands near the bed.
After drinking beer, they went to bed.
POV Jinyoung
Today he was alone. He was very bored. What's he going to do? He was lying on the bed looking through the SNS. Jaebeom went to help Mark, he had to go with them. But he didn't want to plant trees. He got up abruptly because of what hit the nightstand with his knee. Half the stuff fell to the floor. He began to lift them off the floor until a black piece of paper caught his attention. He considered it for a long time, recalling the words of Jaebeom. Think he just had plans for tonight.
Why did Jaebeom send him here? What exactly should he find the answer to? He understood nothing while standing, in a narrow unlit alley looking at the black door and painted windows. He went inside, a few couples sat at tables, and there was dim lighting in the hall. The waiter appeared before him a moment later, "Good evening. Are you alone or with a couple?"
"I'll be alone" he smiled, representing Jaebeom to a similar dating spot. He looked around while following the waiter. They went to the second hall with single armchairs. Choosing a place, he considered everything around. There were about five other people besides him. Someone read, someone looked at the phone, someone listened to music with eyes closed. What is this place? Having made an order, he curiously examined everything around. He turned his eyes to the bar and saw a girl making a cocktail. She had fair skin and dark hair. You came out from behind the bar heading in his direction. You were wearing a red urban midi dress and instead of shoes, panda slippers. Your eyes were on him. Is it? No, it can't be truth! Wild! That's the first thing he thought of when watching your every move.
"Here, please," you said, and smiled. But the smile didn't touch your eyes, they kept scanning him.
"Who are you?" he asked
You tilted your head looking at him, "Hmm, this is the first time I've got a question like this. It's interesting."
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. It slipped out. Do you work here?"
"It can say like this." said you looking around the hall
"It seems that there are not many visitors. Interesting place" he took his glass "Thank for that" he said taking a sip.
"I think I've got deja vu. Well" you looked at him with a cold glance before you turn around. You took a step, but stopped, turning your head slightly, you said "Hope you fully enjoy your time here" you quickly walk to the side of the bar.
Cold passed through his back. You is the girl he made up himself. But why now he was scared, meeting you face to face. This is what Jaebeom wanted to show him. What for? It seemed to him that they had left everything behind. Why now. How does he must react to that. Good or bad, what of this he must choose. "Jaebeom what you're up to. Why did you want me to see her?" he whispered. He drank his drink and came out of that coffee shop without turning around he went home.
He sat in a dark room, looking at the amber liquid in his glass. He heard the sound of the front door when Jaebeom returned home. He took off his shoes and went into the living room
"God, you scared me! Why are you sitting in the dark?" said Jaebeom
He got up and headed towards Jaebeom. He was making slow steps. He came close, forcing Jaebeom to back down. "What's wrong with you? Are you drunk?"
Jinyoung did not respond by taking another step and Jaebeom crashed into the wall. He went up in tight to Jaebeom, approaching his face. Jaebeom tried to shove him away, but he pressed his hands against the wall.
"What's wrong with you today?" Jaebeom's breath became quicker.
He squeezed with the force of Jaebeom's forearm, he leaned to his ear, pressing his body. "Isn't that what you expected when you sent me to that coffee shop?" he whispered.
"I’m ... No... I don't know."
"Why would you want me to see her?"
"I don't know"
"Didn't you ask me to stop, so why are you doing this now?"
"I don't know"
"Don't you think you're repeating yourself? Who then should know the answers?" he felt the tremor emanating from Jaebeom's body.
"I couldn't think of anything, when I saw her. The girl you dream up. What else was I supposed to do?"
He put his head on Jaebeom's shoulder. Now he realizes Jaebeom was just as him scared and excited the day he met you.
"We found our girl, it left just to win her heart," he said, taking a few steps back and laughing.
"Have you seen her? I think we're going to have a problem with that," chuckled Jaebeom.
"We're going to have to try," Jinyoung said, "Is the game starting to be in our favor, but the chances of winning are still zero."
Part: [ 1] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 3.5 ] [ 4 ] [ ]
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smalltragedy · 4 years
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* justice smith, demi man + he/they | you know gabriel de leon, right? they’re twenty three, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, six years? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to 1984 (infinite jest) by the used like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole waking up in a body as heavy as the dead, emotions always on the verge of spilling over - you laugh before the punch lands, the belief that every encounter you have will be the last thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is october 31st, so they’re a scorpio, which is unsurprising, all things considered. ( james, 21, est, they/them ) 
hllo this is my second child i think theyre p grand n i love them a lot. as always pls like if u’d like to plot i’d lov to interact with everybody
mini playlist.
ghosting ;; mother mother / roam the room ;; citizen / art of doubt ;; metric / thnks fr th mmrs ;; fall out boy / heart in a cage ;; the strokes / where is my mind? ;; the pixies / flowers grow out of my grave ;; dead man’s bones / 1984 (infinite jest) ;; the used / blister in the sun ;; the violent femmes.
full name: gabriel de leon.
nickname(s): gabe.
birthday: october 31st, 1997.
zodiac: scorpio sun, scorpio moon, gemini ascending.
mbti & temperament: esfp & improvisor / sanguine.
label: the icarian.
hometown: belleville, new jersey.
sexuality: homosexual.
it’s only rly ever been gabe n his mom n the little new jersey suburbs that r always the same no matter where they go. they dn’t speak abt fathers or brothers or spain or anywhere other than the now, and how its constantly changing bt oddly the same.
his mom’s name is sonia n we love her. she worked a lot as a single mom n p much hs done everything on her own ever since leaving spain.
they dn’t talk abt spain bt we cn talk abt spain n hw sonia hd grown up partially there n partially in the states n hw she’d originally planned to live there forever bt the man she’d fallen in love with ws involved in some. high class dangerous shit n it ws safer fr them to part even if tht involved leaving everything she knew n loved <3
bt its like. ok. bc she hd gabe <3 n they dnt talk abt it so it practically nvr happened. n she tries her best as a mom n usually tht is enough.
they moved around a lot just bc sonia is a very. flighty person. anxious bt nvr seems tht way is just always. tense. gabe didnt think she ws capable of relaxing fr. a rly long time.
she wld commute 2 nyc every morning n after school gabe wld climb onto the train n by the time he got 2 her place of work she’d be just getting off n they’d get a slice of pizza n sometimes they’d go somewhere like central park or coney island (just fr the novelty) bt most of the time they just got back on the train home w/ gabe either doing homework or napping on her shoulder.
when gabe got a little older he’d sometimes skip school n take the train after sonia had already gone so he cld spend the day in nyc. he liked learning bt didnt rly like school. he nvr properly fit in bc of the amt of times they’d move so it felt like nowhere ws. right fr him.
got rly involved in. the punk scene as a young unsupervised teenager n tht led 2 a lot of like. shitty stick n pokes bt also a love of. very loud angry music n a sense of justice tht he held tightly in his fists. got mouthy towards bullies whether at school or in the scenes he involved himself in n started getting into a lot of fights bc of it.
during this, sonia ended up dating n marrying gabe’s stepdad who he calls craig sometimes bt i dnt think thats his name i wont lie to u guys. its partially a joke n partially purposeful disrespect bc gabriel does not trust a single man bt like. man. ‘craig’ is just an accountant. he’s fine he’s a good dude. they once bonded over like. the mets.
violence tw // anyways. when gabriel ws 16 he got into a super super bad fight tht ended rly. terribly n like listen. nobody died bt it ws just. it got blown up very out of proportion n gabe might’ve gotten expelled even tho he wsnt even the one who started it bt thts okay. ‘craig’, or paul, suggested tht maybe. a change of scenery wld b good fr gabe n b4 they knew it they were. moving to paul-robert’s hometown of irving, north carolina. violence end of tw //
he wld’ve complained more bt. fr sonia’s sake gabe kept it 2 himself. it made her happy 2 see them all get along anyways n like. idk he cld put forth tht little effort <3
bt honestly like. he didnt rly get into too many fights once they moved down here n even tho sometimes he ws like. ommgg. i hate this town .. its so washed up .. he still made friends n like. the only thing tht changed ws tht it ws a lil harder fr him 2 acquire illegal substances. 
anyways. currently he hs a tattoo apprenticeship n is a professional piercer n like. he plays guitar n writes songs bt thts more of a hobby rn than anything else. mostly focused on paying his rent at port apartments bc as much as he. loves his mom he does not want 2 live with her forever <3 n thts okay! 
personality & facts.
overall xtremely passionate person like god. feels emotions so intensely. every time he opens his mouth n talks abt an interest of theirs its just very like. u listen n ur like oh. gained 2 inspiration. thanks.
clings onto his friends p tightly bc he like. nvr rly stayed in one place fr super super long in new jersey so he nvr made very long term friends n now hes like. very clingy HLKDSHLKFSHLKDG also hates to b alone. subtle desperation behind interactions with ppl he rly wld like to be friends with.
like dnt get me wrong hes gotten into. sm fights bt thts mostly bc he cannot keep his mouth shut n he also cnt stand douchebags he like. always wants to tear them down prob bc he ws a victim of bullying. n u know what. we support him. otherwise he loves ppl bt esp if they hv similar interests 2 him.
like golden retriever who bites kind of. intensely loyal but at the same time is very skeptical. things tht good things do not last very long even though they’ve been doing already fr the last few years. 
also bit of a nerd. they were nvr rly a big fan of school bt theres smth abt a good superhero comic tht draws their attention more than like. any english class evr. bt seven soldiers of victory? classic. big dc fan.
uh. very into like. hardcore music. hardcore rock. punk. if its loud n angry they r into it like so so much. hs sm tattoos is like. super covered in them its partially bc they work at a tattoo shop n partially bc they do not know hw to manage their money well.
ooohh u know what theyre. kinda moody i wont lie to u. very defensive like they dnt evr wna talk abt their past. has experienced Things n they do not wish to discuss them. will usually like. deflect frm conversations he doesnt wna hv.
in tune with nature. loves fkn taking walks. hangs out in the woods by abernathy creek n lilac ridge bc nobody rly goes there n its just. nice
tries not 2 take anything super seriously 2 the point where when he does take smth seriously its a little scary bc theyre super intense abt it. forcibly optimistic even tho on the inside he feels like a total pessimist. lots of. deep down insecurities tht he projects by attaching himself p firmly onto others. >.>
so so so energetic. can never stay still. always hs to be moving around. restless like tht. probably got it frm his mom. overly protective over the ppl he loves. probably got it frm his mom as well.
goes onto Tangents bt also divert frm those tangents n is generally all over the place.
always cold n always looks tired n like he hsnt slept in a thousand years n u know what. sometimes he just does not sleep.
oooohh theyre a vegan. totally into animal rights. devious little demi man beyond that .. loves horror n the paranormal n believes in like. every cryptic. will debate u on it.
erm not. the kindest 2 themself theyre a bit self destructive. impulsive. drives very fast n parties super hard. said i will hv my effy stonem moment. u dont hv to gabe. 
bt ya! luvs oranges n reds n is maybe a short king. hs an eyebrow piercing n like. a lip ring i wont fk around here he IS living his best emo life in 2021. a little outdated on the trends bt thats okay. probably will tell u hes frm new jersey. its a personality trait. smokes the shittiest cigarettes ever.
wanted plots.
just ghosting along ,, dnt even exist 2 me ,, ;; god. firstly just the vast amt of ppl tht gabe hs like. spoken to romantically n then dropped suddenly. n then maybe like. one tht actually Hurt bt they cnt avoid each other bt theyre actively pretending each other doesnt exist n its. hurtful bc it ws like. actually smth nice bt <3 ykno FKLFSDHG
hey hey heyy c’maahn i’m just a little guy ;; n this is the vast amt of ppl tht gabe hs probably. pissed off n hs either fought or been on the verge of fighting just. unable 2 resist a good bicker-turned-duel.
just blistering in the sun ;; they cld b close friends bt also they cld also not b bt just ppl who. indulge in bad impulsive decisions with gabe. general bad influences on each other’s health n just. no good! party hard bt at what cost. 
n also ;; like ... rly solid good friendships ... flings n maybe an exe or two tht either ended on good terms or just. horrendous, ppl they’ve distanced frm, ppl also frm up north, piercing customers, bt not tattoo customers bc im p sure they’d get fired if they were just tattoo’ing ppl willy nilly, etc. 
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