#he doens't have the requirments
ancha-aus · 5 days
Ghosts & Medium AU Drabble - Research
Just a tiny little thing this time :3
Mostly what Dust can do with many ghosts following him.
Also in case you didn't notice @mikimakiboo wrote their own drabble on how Horror met the group and how he ended up joining them! Which i pretty much accepted as canon to this AU lmao. Story here.
anyway. Lets go :D
Dust turns his alarm off wiht one hand and slams his other down on Killer's face. Killer groans and Dust rolls his leg up and kicks out. Kicking him off his mattress.
Dust rubs his sockets as he mutters "Stay out of my bed."
Killer groans from the ground and Dust can hear the pout as he speaks "But Dusty~ You are so warm and it is so nice to be near you adn you smell great-" he groans.
Dust pulls his arm and hand back from where he hit Killer as he gets up "You are fucking weird as shit. also you need to socialise wiht other people." he grabs his clothes and points at the door "Out. I am getting dressed."
Killer pouts and crosses his arms "But I already saw you shower before! what is the big deal?"
Dust just keeps pointing towards the door.
eventually he grumbles and killer takes Cross's body and leaves the room.
Dust sighs and gets undressed and redressed before going to his tiny living room.
Horror floats in the kitchen waiting. Dust sighs but moves into the small kitchen area and reaches his cabinets for soemthing to eat. he doens't have a lot but it is better to at least eat something or else Horror will not shut up the whole fucking day.
Cross is lecturing Killer again. something about how he cané keep using Cross's body to be indecent. Killer just answers that Cross is just jealous he can't do it himself after which cross sputters about how he wouldn't do that.
Dust goes back to ignoring them as he finds some old cereal. he doesn't have milk but that is fine. He fills a glass with water and just munches on the dry cereal as he leans against the counter. Eating under the watchful glowing red eye of horror and the narrowed sockets of ash.
If Dust had known Horror would comment and watch his health this closely he would have put up more of a fight to not get him to go with them.
Dust finishes his meal and puts his stuff in the sink to maybe wash one day. thought probably not.
Dust goes to his couch and opens his laptop. only to see it not turn on. Ugh! out of charge. So much forchecking if any people need some exorcist. especially as the free building wifi seems to be out.
He tries to calm down but his headache is already starting. He needs to get some actual monster food and stuff to help him. He is getting low on magic and he needs money to get the right food. He needs a job.
Ash looks at him worried before shooting Cross and Killer a glare as they keep arguing and Hroror watches between them.
Dust needs a spot where he can do some reasearch. Where he has wifi to check for jobs. A place where they would be forced to be quiet but also be able to keep these ghosts busy-
Dust stands up "We are going out." and he walks towards his bag and quickly packs his laptop and charger.
The ghosts looks at him and Dust just points at the open door "We. Are. Going." at least that gets them movign and floating. Dust locks up and gets them in his van.
He parks his van in the parkign lot as he gets out "okay. ground rules." He points to Killer "No. Talking."
Killer pouts "But dusty!"
Dust glares "I am serious. I ened to do research and work and i need wifi and electricity. Which means. Library. But library requires everyone to be quiet. and sadly. because you are in an actual body you make noise."
Dust nods to horror and cross "You two and ash should be fine but please stay a bit quiet as i work."
Cross smiles "No worries." and horror nods as well.
Dust nods and takes adeep breath as he enters the library.
One of the nice ladies behind the reception looks up and smiles "Dust. It has been so long. How are you- oh! Who is your friend?"
Dust glances at killer and Killer grins as he raises a hand and waves "Name is Cross. Just here to help dusty."
Dsut makes sure to shoot him the stink eye but Killer just keeps smiling with cross's face.
The lady looks between them and gives a knowing smile. No wait! No! The lady giggles as she turns to her work "Just respect everything and please be quiet. it is a place of learning after all."
Dust considers correcting the assumption but by the proud tilt of Killer's skull Dust doubts he will just accept that without starting up the whole conversation about how they have been on a date already.
Dust walks towards the back with all the older stuff and archives. Hopefully he can either get a job soon or at least something to fix the situation with his growing number of ghosts. He takes a seat and starts to unpack his things.
Dust doesn't look up at the others as he speaks "You guys can just... search the shelves for books to read. books should be easy enough for you guys to grab and read. just make sure to leave the books on the carts around the place." he gets his laptop started and set up and gets to work on typing on the ghost formers and checking his email. a lot of spam and prank mails but he expected that much.
He rather quickly gets into a familiar routine. he sets his laptop to scan and sends out a message to hear updates before going to the archives and looking for old mysteries and strange crimes. That is usually how he finds spots where he can find more information on spells and rituals.
He reads text after text and feels his headache just get worse. Ugh. Focussing on reading as he is already getting oversensitive to all the ghost auras may have been a wrong choice after all but what else can he do?
He doesn't get any new offers for jobs. which sucks. He can't really work in many places as he dropped out at like ten years old. No matter how much you teach yourself people justdon't take you serious then.
Dust does get some inside information about a lot of cult activity. which may explain the lack of jobs as the cults are stepping in very quickly. Dust makes sure to make a few notes on the information and makes a mental note to keep his ehad down.
Meaning he will have to be even more selective in what jobs he takes and-
fuck he doens't have the fonds to be selective wiht the jobs he can get. Fucking hell.
So getting work is a bust. He tries to texts next and most of the things he already read.
Then he finds something about a circle of madness or something. dark thoughts invading people in a certain area. it destroying relationships and bonds between people-
bonds... between people...
It speaks of a being of darkness. feared by all. It seems to grow in power when near the very darkness it brings.
but it speaks of it being able to break bonds between people.
Though that may also be spekaing about other ties between poeple. Dust knows better than to believe text literally but it is still more promising than most things he read.
He goes to the copier and gets copied made of the texts he found and makes sure to return the papers to the right archives.
By the time he is finally done it is already late and nearing closing times. Dust considers leaving the ghosts once again but ends up searching them out.
Killer had just been reading comics in the kids corner while Cross had been doign his own research on religion and healing magic. Horror however had just been reading up on local and global news and information on food it seemed.
Ash had been by his own side the whole time and researching with Dust.
Dust wishes the second librarian good night but waits by the door as she locks the place up for the night. Dust returns to his van and drives home.
He will have to look more into this demon thing... iff it can break bonds between humans and monsters nad souls... maybe it can break the ghosts anchors? Or at least make the anchor between killer and cross's body break which should enable cross to get back to his own body.
Maybe things are starting to look up!
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chevelleneech · 17 days
About the military.....
I know jm and jk are capable of not having se* while on base IF they're couple or anything like that the question wasn't about if they're going to restrict or not. The question here is IF in future they come out as gay couple then the govt might investigate them as they used Buddy prgrm so the govt might wanna check if there's something they can get against jikook so they can use it to frame them just like how JTBC framed suga as they spread the false CCTV footage which wasn't even him(they're currently getting sued or something for that) They don't need to use footage or wtv where there's jm and jk IF they want they can frame them using any false evidence it doens't have to be jikook fking on base it can be anything blurry shit and ppl would belive it just like what happened with suga as JTBC broadcasted false footage on their channel cause of which suga got lots of hate when it wasn't even him. So the question was why would they take such a risk where in future things might become hard for them from govt side itself. Sk never looses any chance to shit on BTS you might have seen it with suga case and this has been happening since long time that although they use BTS's popularity for their countries' profit they never lose chance to drag them down or downplay their success and use negative pr against them. So it was all about that.
I understand that, but as corrupt as SK govt is, I do not see them choosing two of the most famous people in their country to imprison, on a blurry hunch that they had sex while on base. That is totally different than trying to make a bigger deal than necessary of Suga driving a scooter while drunk.
Suga’s incident was something they could play up in the media, because he himself admitted to drinking and riding the scooter. Then CCTV footage came out of him on the scooter (although he wasn’t nearly as drunk as they implied). So it wasn’t about framing him as doing something he never did. It was about using the first “real” scandal, and blowing it up ten times worse than what it was.
JM and JK potentially coming out after enlistment and then being framed as having had sex on base, would require undeniable proof. I can’t pretend to know exactly how corrupt their judicial system is, but blurry photos are typically inadmissible in a court of law. There has to be evidence that prove beyond a doubt that people broke the law. So with how close JM and JK are right now, and with people shipping them and thinking they’re dating, that’s all the military would have against them. Hearsay, based on their skinship and verbal affection for one another, that they were highly likely secretly dating prior to enlisting. They would then have to prove they continued a romantic relationship whilst enlisted, and that relationship included sexual activity that they engaged in whilst on military grounds.
I understand wanting to look at all possibilities and being wary, but what you all are doing is called catastrophizing. You’re looking only at negative scenarios, and in doing so are convincing yourselves that those potential future outcomes equal present day reality, and that’s not how it works.
Yes, their media has it out for them. Yes, any sort of scandal will be made into the worse thing if it concerns them, but there is no way to know their military would be willing to risk such a fucking lawsuit by trying to frame them as having broken the law likely years prior to coming out. Because that is also the most likely reality of the situation. JM and JK are not likely to come out any time soon after discharge. They’re still going to be doing group stuff, which probably won’t slow down until 2030, maybe 2033 to make it a rounded out twenty years.
Enough time post enlistment to celebrate their return, put out another two albums, tour those albums, and then call it quits as a group. And IF Jimin and Jungkook are dating and last the entire time, that’ll be when they are likely to come out. There is the possibility as I said before, they’ll glass closet the situation and just keep it unofficial, but who knows.
Point is, it is not as simple as you guys seem to think it is, to frame someone for such a huge thing. The Korean media can set them up to be investigated, but for the military to take action and investigate, there would have to be a foundation of suspicion. Particularly because Tkkrs and Jimin antis have already tried to get Jimin investigated for being a queer man entering the buddy system with JK as a means to harm him.
Then there’s also the fact that it would be, in my opinion, silly to think no one has already tried. There are bound to be people in high places who do not respect BTS nor want them to have an “easy” military experience. So in my mind, there has likely already been soldiers and officers who have sent suspicions to whatever department they have to, to try and get them investigated. Same with other idols who are hated or “act gay”.
I think it is both wishful thinking and naïveté that has people believing Jimin and Jungkook are in some unique position to be stealthy enough to never get caught, yet unlucky enough to be found guilty once they’re out. The world does not revolve around them, believe it or not, and I genuinely do not think the South Korean military is sitting around waiting and anticipating them coming out so they can prosecute them for maybe breaking the law.
Because what if they don’t come out until 2035? Do you think they’ll still be investigated for a crime they maybe committed ten years prior, and have blurry photos be enough to convict? Same if someone else tries to out them and claim they had sex, in 2027. If they only have blurry photos, what exactly do you guys think is going to happen? Because realistically, a SK outlet would have to be willing to pick the scandal up, which would require risking a lawsuit themselves. Because you can’t just out people without proof. As well, I honestly do not believe their govt will want to be viewed as heinous overlords for investigating what is truly a non-crime crime, without hard evidence.
Governments are corrupt and people are often assholes, but the whole idea that JM and JK can’t be dating because they might one day in the future be investigated for having sex on base, is rooted specifically in jealousy and hatred. Tkkrs do not like them, point blank, and are willing to spread whatever rhetoric they can to push the idea that their bond is fake/forced or that them having romantic feelings for each other is impossible, because it is illegal for them to have sex in a specific context for 18 months.
All of which again, is based on nothing. There is no undoubtably proof Jimin and Jungkook are or were involved in a romantic or sexual relationship, and if they come out some time down the line, an investigation into them would require proving they were involved in one beyond whatever timeline they give in the future. And I genuinely do not believe the SK military will bother with trying to prove two pop stars were fucking on base, just because said pop star revealed years after their discharge, they’re dating each other. They’re not important enough, I don’t think, and without hard evidence, it’s not worth being sued on a global stage.
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causesciencethatswhy · 11 months
i get what you said about jungkook's writing credits but the people who feel disappointed their feelings re valid cause they stanned a group which was small and probably the punching bag of Kpopies so the armys who have been protecting them since years has always taken pride in BTS always having their own credits in the songs. Doens't matter of it's one member or 2-3 cause they used to tell a story about them together and was also written by the people who felt those emotions. Those were grp songs and now they are solos so ppl expect the same from solos too.
Ngl jungkook has done everything that armys used to drag other grps for. The heavy push was not even recieved by BTS ever but since scooter is involved jk got that so why armys used to drag jeremy and bp?? Isn't that hypocritical?
The name of the album is "Golden" the word has been used to describe him for years, the meaning of this album name is "Golden moments of jungkook's life" so if it's his golden moments why's he not there? I expect him to be involved in atleast his title track but alas...
BTS boys lived together so they went through things together so 2-3 members writing and producing and others singing is still different than ed Sheeran who idk if ever met BTS is gonna write about jk's golden moments like does he know about jk the way members do?
I wouldn't mind 90% of the album being creditless but it's literally 100% creditless. wouldn't have mind if it didn't said"golden moments of jungkook's life"..i don't blame jk tho maybe it's the artist block he's going through but it's the comapny and their decision of this 2025 reunion which might have made him feel pressured to release something. He's young and thriving there was no need for him to go early than the age other members went...
Look I'm not saying you can’t have hoped to see more self produced/composed music from him, I say that in the post itself, but it's the way people are completely dismissing his artistry within his music because he doesn't have credits in the album.
Yes there is an immense pride to take in the fact that so much of bangtans work was written and produced by rapline, but jimin literally admitted in the suchitwa how much the vocal line depended on the rapline for lyrics and how he could understand how draining that was for them. I personally don't care for the fanwar bs with blinks and what drags shooters have used against them. The heavy push that jungkook has gotten is actually exactly what bangtan got during dynamite and butter and I don't see anything wrong with it. It aligns with the career trajectory jungkook wants to take and the music he's singing allows for that to happen.
I know that a lot of this comes from people comparing his promo to what other members recieved and all I'm going to say is that I trust the members judgements/involvement in what type of promos they wanted for their albums but each solo stan is dead set in taking away their autonomy from this process.
Which actually encapsulates my argument against "jungkook has no involvement in his album because he's not gotten writing/producing credits". It's an extremely narrow perspective to look at music/album as a whole. Promotions+ actually conveying the emotions of the lyrics+ understanding the rhythm of the music he's performing to perform his choreography+styling and so much more, all would require his direct involvement. To take away any sense of his involvement because we've made writing/prod credits as the end all be all of a performers artistry is quiet dismissive. A lot of big name artists would then be disqualified from this true artistry discussion if we were to go by that rule. (This is not even considering that golden is not even out yet and we have like zero idea on how deeply jungkook involved himself behind the concepts and performances, but knowing how busy he's been and his personality we can surely expect a lot)
Bangtan have self produced and written huge amounts of their music and it was never for the sake of earning some authenticity badge, it's because that's the music they wanted to produce, especially for rapline who started out their careers in music as primarily writers/composers because of the nature of rap music and culture. Vocal line on the other hand have always been responsible for carrying out the emotions and passions that rap line wanted to convey and are integral to the emotional core of what makes bts music so unique.
Jungkook has been talking about his album all the way back since 2018, and it's obvious that being the perfectionist he is, he isn't ready to release music he doesn't feel 100 percent confident about . If singing songs produced/written by other people who he's able to synergise with is what feels right to him, then I don't see why he shouldn't go ahead with it. I don't see how that in any way reduces his own artistry within the music. The way jimin and rapline have talked about self production ,it's obvious how much emotional labour these albums require of them and as proud as I am for each member whose showcased so many raw and vulnerable sides to fans, I also don't think each owe us this vulnerability as a rule to prove their grit as artists.
Look I'm not saying you can’t hope for him to start writing/producing more of his music in the future. I hope for it as well. Still with you is very very close to my heart. But the way people are talking about how they think jungkook is essentially selling out, and his pop music endeavors are all empty and soulless compared to the rest of the members is what gets under my nerves.
I don't feel too comfortable in commenting on whether or not he's been burnt out or there were some other issue for him not pursuing writing/producing at the moment but from everything he's talked about it seems he wants to focus on his expanding his vocal and performance genres which wouldn’t be as easy to do, if he were the one writing it without ever having dabbled/experienced them before.
As for MS, anon please get out of solo stans circles, bangtan made a collective decision and their solo careers are not limited to just before 2025 either. Jungkook has been very vocal about his plans pre and post enlistment, and I take his words as is. The group is and always will be a priority for them and I can assure you the bangtan that'll come back in chapter 3 is also not going to function exactly like they did in chapter 1, there will be plenty more opportunities for all of them in the future and trust army's will be there for all of it.
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Blooming Panic MC plays suggestive songs for the boys
Ok, so hear me out. Your boyfriend is doing their own thing. Maybe Quest is reading or writing, nightowl's on his phone, Toasty is maybe trying out a new hobby, or maybe playing a game that DOESN'T require headphones, Xyx is definitely reading (fucking nerd). You decide that you want to tease the boyfriend, just a little bit. So you set up a playlist, wander into the room and just hang out for a bit. Just long enough so that no one gets suspicious, then ask if they can turn on some music. Of course, your boyfriend agrees, no he doesn't have any suggestions. feel free to play whatever you want.
First song is Don't stop me now. Good song.
Next song is Genie in a bottle. I bet nightowl sings along to that one.
Next up is Whistle. Then Boom Boom Boom. Then CANDY SHOP.
The songs just get more and more suggestive, until their not suggestive they're just actually telling you boyfriend what you want to do.
So the question is... who breaks first?
So I think nightowl catches on pretty quick. He's a smart boy, and damn if he's not eager. It doesn't take more than a couple songs for him to drag you away.
The only reason Toasty doesn't break first is because he doesn't realize what's going on. Like, he's paying attention: he knows your playing music, and when he looks back at you, you seem to be enjoying the songs, so whatever. Hell, it's not even that he doesn't know the songs are about sex, he just doesn't really register it. But one of the times he glances back from his computer to look at you, you just give him a Look, and it clicks. and he breaks instantly. And I mean he BREAKS. Turns bright red, starts stuttering, isn't able to look you in the eye anymore. YOu have to check on him to make sure he's actually breathing, cause he just. stops. And once he's at least breathing again,you ask if he wants to stop playing his game and go do something else. He just nods and follows you.
Xyx and Quest are difficult. I'm honestly not sure who would last the longest. Quest definetly recognizes the songs, but at first, I think he would be a lot like Toasty. He just thinks that you must really like these songs, no matter what they're about. But it doens't take him nearly as long to cotton on to the fact that you're trying to get a reaction. And then it goes one of two ways. He's either going to realize what's going on, finish up where he's at in his book, set it down and sweeps you of your feet. OR. He becomes a little shit. I swear, I think that when Quest is in a teasing mood, he could put Xyx to shame. So he waits, and waits. maybe he even hums along when one he listened to when he was a kid comes on. But he just waits, watching you get frustrated. and when it become visible, he asks if your ok. Need something, Angel? Well just say the word, and it's yours. He can't deny you, but he can't read your mind. All you have to do is ask. As soon as you do, he breaks. He really can't deny you something if you really want it, and he doesn't want to be too mean. He is a gentleman after all.
Xyx starts cracking jokes from the first song. By the second song, he mentions that if you want him that badly, you should just say something. Half an hour later, Pony comes on, and he's doing a terrible magic mike impression. And you want to be mad, because you were supposed to be messing with him, dammit. But he's so damn funny that you're laughing and joking right along with him. Eventually, when the playlist runs out, he's offering up suggestions, songs you've never heard of, but god are they obscene. And now you can't be mad at him because you don't even really remember why you started listening to these stupid songs anyway. The nature of the songs change, and soon their not sexual, they're just weird. Stupid mashups that kill you. Children's songs that are just so fucking weird. parodies. And before long, you realize it's late, you both have to be somewhere in the afternoon, and you mention that you both should probably head to bed. But he grabs your hand and stops you pulling you close. You think he's going to kiss you, but he stops, just a breath from your mouth. They say that the more someone makes you laugh, the better they'll make you feel, he tells you. And you've been laughing an awful lot tonight, doll. Don't you want to put the second part of that theory to the test? That was why you were doing this, wasn't it? He laughs when you pout, but finally kisses you, and pulls you away to your bedroom.
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madara-fate · 1 year
is it necessary to have a uzumaki clan head? I don't wanna be rude but they're pretty washed up with members scattered all around the shinobi world. it didn't have a member impact in konoha other than their crest on the chunin vests so I don't see the point. especially not naruto, he knows stuff thanks to kushina but I think karin represents the clan better. she doesn't have a family but is tha required? it doens't always have to be a man to me karin fits better with the hair and adamantine chains is a better representation and lived long enough to witness what happened. could have been nagato if he didn't turn out a villain.
is it necessary to have a uzumaki clan head?
Is it necessary to have a clan head for any clan?
I don't wanna be rude but they're pretty washed up with members scattered all around the shinobi world.
They have more current members than the Uchiha clan, and they're all congregated in the same place.
it didn't have a member impact in konoha other than their crest on the chunin vests so I don't see the point.
That's a pretty damn big impact though, so I don't think it should be downplayed. They're distant blood relatives of one of the founding clans of the village, and have had a bigger impact on the village than the vast majority of the clans who currently live there.
especially not naruto, he knows stuff thanks to kushina but I think karin represents the clan better. she doesn't have a family but is that required? it doens't always have to be a man to me karin fits better with the hair and adamantine chains is a better representation and lived long enough to witness what happened.
None of that makes Karin a better choice as clan head. It's not about being a man or having certain traits that your clan is known for, it's about how suitable you actually are as a leader. Naruto is literally the leader of the Hidden Leaf village, he has earned the respect of it's inhabitants as well as those from other villages, and has proven his leadership qualities, Karin has not. That's all there is to it.
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This is gonna be very long i'm sorry
I'm gonna give an unpopular opinion harry edward styles is NOT dumb not only he's actually clever but calling him dumb is stripping him away of half of his faults. That man is not stupid at all, he was clever enough at 16 on the x factor to understand that if he wanted to be noticed he needed more than his talent, that's why he started flirting with all the female contestants around his age, and no don't say it was the x factor producers who told him to do that cause there were thousands cute young boys they had no reason to pick him, it was his idea, he was clever enough once in the band to meet producers, ceos of big labels/pr marketing and lick their asses and while it's easy to figure it out who the powerful are and where the money is at it's not easy to fall into their graces it requires and understanding of who people truly are and what they want and no morals or integrity to give it to them, harries love to say how hard working he was in the band and how much he did for them so that's why he was able to sign with the best label cause they clearly saw all his effort but it's a lie he never worked in favor of the band, he went to work reunions (even when he didn't have to, cause their pr team was taking care of it, even without the others) cause he was preparing his solo career, he was clever enough to understand since day 1 that boy bands don't last forever and don't last long so they needed to be his trampoline he used them and once he got the connection he wanted he dropped them and once out he started putting himself above them, sabotaging their images and their careers making them look like fools, look at how him and his team make sure to push the narrative of niall the second best AFTER styles, the second with more commercial succes, money, ecc but always second, look how they made sure louis didn't got the rolling stones cover he wanted for his promo even if styles had nothing to promote around that time, look how he and his team made the press talk shit about liam after he said he didn't understand the way he dressed, look how they made a fool out of zayn with the ringo joke,the unprofessional one and let's not forget having a legend like stevie nicks say that his music wasn't comparable to styles. He destroyed their images cause he knew it would take consequences on their careers and he knew he needed to get rid off competions in a sneaky way cause his talent on it's own wasn't enough. He was clever enough to never deny larries rumors (unlike louis) cause he knew they brought attention to him, they made him stand out from the others and while louis looked bad cause he kept denying and getting mad at fans while being in a serious relationship with a girl, styles looked like the poor angel victim of the mean team and of louis who wasn't brave enough to stand up for their love. So no he was never dumb he was always a machiavellian manipulator and it requires brain to do that, also he was clever enough to create this image of sweet kind guy even when he was still in the band so everything shitty he says or does is blamed on his team, tickets prices? His teams fault, not refoundimg the shows while a pandemic was going on and those money could've helped this people families? His teams fault, his inability to act? He just wanted to try something new and have fun so it's his teams faul if it went bad, being a homewrecker? Olivia's fault the list goesn on and on. That man is not dumb he's cruel and ready to sell his own mother for money and fame he knows what he's doing constantly he's not the puppet many think he is, he might not be the most cultured person in the industry but culture doens't make you clever it just make you cultured, everything is 100% his fault all the time, not his team, not the azoff, HIS.
You are giving him way more credit than he actually deserves. Yes, it's his fault in the sense that he has free will, but you're acting like he wasn't being advised along the way, especially early in his career.
Is he extremely ambitious? Yes, he absolutely is, and the people in the right positions of power saw that and used it to both their advantages. He shared in the blame, but he's not this brilliant mastermind. He was an ambitious kid willing to do whatever it took to be famous. And now he is an ambitious man willing to do whatever it takes to be famous.
And, as I have said countless times, both parties are to blame in an affair, so it wasn't just Olivia's fault. They are equally at fault. She's not innocent in this.
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cosmererambles · 27 days
Alison Wayfarer Back Story
I realized I never talked about Alison on here. I deleted the blog that had all her backstory. So here's a NOT SO SHORT post about her!
Alison was a mage studying in Dalaran at the time Khadgar was! She's around his age, only a year behind him, and so she was 15, he was 16, when they met. They met due to Alison's meddling; she noticed him in a lecture hall, noticed how incredibly beautiful he was, and had to speak to him.
She "accidently" ran into him with all her books, which led to them all toppling and the two meeting eyes as they stooped to catch them. A real hollywood meeting, but it worked. Khadgar was enraptured by her, and she found him beautiful. (I base him off the old Drew Winchester drawings from yore, which I can't post but they are very, very old.)
They quickly started courting, meeting in secret, and then out in the open. Towards the end of Khadgar's stay, they actually moved out of shared dormitories and rent a room in Dalaran proper; a tower room.
Alison is naturally gifted with Arcanogeology, and this was her choice of study. Khadgar was gifted at everything, naturally so. He required very little study, and was always sticking his nose into unwanted places.
Alison's gift with barriers and defenses actually led her to creating her own birth control, but…that's neither here nor there. :)
Khadgar is sent to apprentice. She makes him promise to write, and he does; but he letters never reach her. She writes to him as well, but her letters never reach him. Both of them are worried sick about the other, and eventually, Khadgar returns, a changed man and aged before his time.
But it's him! She recognizes those eyes! She would recognize that face, too, under any amount of line and wear. She calls after him as he pushes his way through the crowded streets. He couldn't believe she still wanted him, and offered her a chance to leave; he was an old man after all.
She wouldn't hear any of it. Khadgar was hers.
The Second War wore on, and afterwards, the pair reunited for some short respite before packing up and moving to Stormwind. Here they marry, and try for a child, but no luck. Khadgar blames it on Medivh's curse, and Alison blames it on herself, but the fact remains: They can't have children, at least not easily.
It was pretty lucky they DIDN'T have a kid, as they were thrown threw the dark portal. Khadgar tells Alison she should stay behind, and she tells him here, snarling, that she will never leave his side again.
She means it.
The pair are assumed lost for decades. Here, after the sundering of Dreanor into Outland, Khadgar falls into a deep depression where the only thing he focuses on is his work. Alison cries nightly, trapped on a doomed planet in a marriage with a man she loves but she feels doens't love her back.
He does, though. He's just…so tired of all the pain. It takes the Dreanei priestess in charge at Aldor Rise to slap some sense into him, and the pay reconcile. They gradually fall into their old ways, a pair of best friends, lovers, and husband and wife, thick as thieves and concealing nothing.
Of course, they move back to Azeroth when able, though it takes many years for them to feel comfortable doing so. Khadgar was…leery of returning. So much responsibility, so much changed. He was worried about the overwhelming reality. He had to learn about the scourge, and it's second rise to power, and Deathwings sundering of the planet once more.
But they manage. They rebuild. They are given fantastic quarters in Dalaran, and Khadgar and Alison have a sizeable fortune in gold. All seems relatively peaceful; the Pandaren conflict is so far away…they can try and raise a family.
NO DREANOR TIME. This time Khadgar WILL NOT let a second invasion happen, and he's ready for it. The pair go through with the rest of the force and settle in that tower we all know. She also learns a lot more of her craft from the local artificers.
It's in Legion, around the time of the uhhh Broken Shore Patch, that Alison finds out she's pregnant. But some…miracle, at her "advanced" age (She's like in her 40s.) she managed to finally get pregnant. Khadgar attempts to say she won't leave the city, but she shoots that down quick, and he smiles, realizing his error in trying to control his wife. They do, however, keep her pregnancy a secret with illusion spells as much as possible.
She gives birth to a baby girl, whom they name Leyla. The war with the Legion was still raging, and during this time Alison was apart from her husband during the critical moments, but not while they were on the Vindicaar. Here, she reunites with old friends. Alleria is very happy to see her baby, and Turalyon is ecstatic.
Then…the Alliance and Horde begin fighting again. And the pair fade away, wishing to retire. Khadgar and her spend some time in Karazhan, but it's no place to raise a baby girl. They rent a house in Stormwind, and Alison grows close to the former Queen Kayleigh, now Lady Kayleigh, and Leyla gets to play with her kids. Her son, Torstan, is several years older then Leyla but he enjoys messing around with her and playing in the castle grounds.
But…life moves on, and Khadgar is asked, or demanded, to rejoin the Council of 6. So he does. He again attempts to get a spot for Alison, but she refuses on grounds that two council members cannot be married. (I also don't want one of my OC's over throwing canon characters <3)
Dragonflight happens. They spend a lot of time exploring the isles, it's a rather peaceful campaign after all. Many years have passed, and Leyla is a teenager now.
And then it happens, and they both die together, leaving Leyla and orphan.
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jihef03 · 2 years
Gonna sound weird but I kind of see Peter and Hook being brothers rather than Hook being a parental figure to Peter.
I mean, Peter *was* inspired -in part- by Barrie’s own brother, who died at 13 and also happened to be their mother’s favourite. When came the time to give Peter a rival, Barrie made up a neurotic english-educated man, gave him *his* first name James, and set both characters in a competition to win the approval of their “mom” Wendy with Hook as the clear loser.
Not saying this was intentional of anything (probably a bit intentional, but no so much), but yeah this definitely influenced my view of Peter and Hook’s relationship. I’m not saying it negates the parent thing as well, it’s more about what i personally took from the works.
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edwardsvirginity · 5 years
At least your doing your grad school application I’m still struggling to write out my personal statement and I haven’t even mentioned the idea of recommendations to my professors
ok my personal statement was a fucking disaster and it only got written bc one of my reccomenders asked me for it, then i didn’t respond for like a week, and then they straight up emailed me again to be like ??? and it shamed me into finally writing it. but it was HARD. and honestly it’s just. not good.
my friends are baller and 2 of them have won fulbrights, and of those 2 one of them ALSO just got a rhodes scholarship, and then my BEST friend is doing peace corps, and another friend of mine is straight up employed as an editor. i mention this not just to brag on my friends (who are gr8) but also to say that my personal statement was bad enough that i sent it to ALL of them and was like “dear god please save me from myself and tell me how to make this presentable”. so now i’m just sititng here twiddling my thumbs (after sending the rough draft to my reccomender lol) waiting for them to get back to me bc i can’t bear to look at what i have and spend MORE hours struggling over it
i would definitely say u gotta talk to ur professors asap if the deadline for the application is within the next month. like, you have to give them AT LEAST 2 weeks notice to write something. i was hella nervous abt talking to my professors (both when i thought i was gonna apply my senior year of college, and now, 2 years later) but they were honestly super chill about it. writing reccomendations is part of their job so as long as you tell them far enough in advance i’m sure it won’t be a problem. i feel u tho. it’s terrifying. 
my deadline is the 15th (sunday) and honestly i’ve been internally screaming for the last 2 weeks (when i started the application-- i’m THAT MUCH trash) but at least after sunday it’s out of my hands. but i also know that if i don’t have rapidly approaching deadlines for things, shit doesn’t get done. so hopefully if your deadline is still pretty far out that could be a reason you’re struggling-- bc it’s not a tight enough time frame to be motivating
i wish i could give u advice on ur personal statement, but i’m applying to grad school in france and it’s a significantly different format. american grad schools want all this weird creative shit from you and it’s kinda overwhelming. i’m not dealing with any of that bullshit and i’m still like 2 minutes away from an anxiety attack at any moment. so. i do not envy you. stay strong
best of luck anon. we gonna get this bread. we gonna get into grad school and go be successful in our chosen career fields. i believe in us. 
but also anon: i will say, i tried to apply to grad school my senior year of college because i was terrified of entering the workforce and didn’t feel qualified for anything with my degree. that was a bad move. i put too much pressure on myself and straight up had multiple breakdowns. it was waaayyyy too overwhelming for me to try and do a bunch of research, apply to like 5 different places, AND do all my senior year of college stuff like write my dissertation and do well in my classes. it just was not possible for me and i should not have pretended it was. i’m really glad i waited until now (~1.5 years post-graduation) to apply, because it allowed me to get an (unglamorous) job that to my legitimate shock actually counts as really good, relevant experience on my grad school application, made me think really seriously about grad school so i don’t feel like i’m doing it just to avoid a shitty economy and workforce, proved to me that i can get a job even with just my undergrad degree, and now i know when i graduate grad school i will have ~work experience~ as well. (plus, it’s been great to be able to make some headway in paying off my undergrad loans, and save some money). and while i’m still an anxious mess about this grad school app, it’s 10x easier to apply now while i have a job than when i was in school. there’s a lot less pressure, i have more free time, i feel less overwhelmed by things generally. i know even if i don’t get in things will be ok, bc i already have a job! and i’m just applying to one grad school right now, bc i have more clarity abt what i actually want out of grad school and where i wanna be. and if i decide in the spring to apply to more grad schools, i have that option (yay for european deadlines). so i would just encourage you to think really seriously about why you’re applying now and if that’s really what you want, or if you’re just doing what me and many of my friends did and trying to avoid entering the workforce/being a real adult because you feel unprepared and scared (which is understandable!! but not a good reason to spend a bunch more money to go to grad school). even my friends who intend to pursue phds took time off between undergrad and grad school. don’t put too much pressure on yourself to have things perfectly figured out right now. if you’re struggling with your application it could be a sign. it’s always good to check in with yourself. 
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swansong-if · 3 years
I'm sorry if this was asked before but when MC and Leir were bethroted, did they need to act a certain way in front of the other nobles and ppl or were they given freedom to act the way they wanted? Like were they obliged to act as if they were into each other or was it a known thing that it was just a marriage of convenience without any love? I'm speaking specifically in the case of Leir and MC being rivals or not more than friends.
Sorry if this is spoilery. You don't have to reply.
not that spoilery, i don't mind sharing 😘 under the cut!
so, mc and Leir usually spent time in quite a 'private' setting so they weren't constantly under the eye of other nobles and the whole court; for the King, as you might have guessed from the prologue, this marriage was always a political one above else. not that he doens't care about his child's feelings, but Cadwal is actually lowkey more relaxed if Leir is not close to the mc. the mc's parents are more of the opinion that this is the best possible outcome for their child, so yes it's a political marriage but also as they see it mc should be happy about it and make the most of it?
while there aren't societal expectations for Leir and the mc to show affection towards each other (outside of like, showing conventional politeness), the mc's parents pushed them a lot to spend time together and become friends when they were younger. might be because they genuinely believed some sort of affection might blossom or because the idea made them feel less 'guilty' of deciding who the mc was gonna marry, who knows...
so basically, normally mc and Leir simply have to act civil, but mc might still get lectured by their mother who wants them to be close to Leir 😪 it's better than having to pretend all the time but it still can get pretty draining
during rare special occasions where there are important members of the court present, while pretending to be in love is still not required, mc and Leir would definitely have to show they like each other; considering they're going to rule the kingdom together it wouldn't give much hope to see them already at odds with each other 😔
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mikeellee · 3 years
Hey. I was thinking about Stripes's quirk and how AM could have helped her if he was her mentor. I said that bc it can be a translator error.
She ia buf! Good for her but...her quirk doesn't require physical strenght, right? Is just her saying your name and boom imperialism.
And yes this DOES MAKE ME THINK OF SHINSO. His quirk doesn't require him to have muscles...
But my point is...if AM really taught her...how he did? Dis he told her "Yo. Get super buff like me"? Bc it what he told to Izuku and Izuku has a quirk that has 7 quirks in total
(Never lift a finger when his bones shatter)
But he learn and adapt to help Stripe? Did he acted like a teacher and help her developed?
If so...why with Izu was ...like that? "Figure out on your own"
All Zuzu's mentors are bad...did the author notices or care for this? Nah. He just stuck Izu's abuser in the middle and make him think he is behind everyone...
Hori is a bad writing for this and many more.
I say always. HORI'S CANON IS DEAD.
In my canon: Zuzu saved Twice and his doubts with the hero system.finally clash as he leaves UA after the war...he beat up Class A1 and BK...he broke bk like he deserve.
He doens't kill him...he jusr give him a taste of his own poison.
"You! Who always like to chase the weaker than you. Think youur quirk is stronger. No Katsuki Bakugou, your quirk is not strong, your quirk is just your quirk and I defeated you quirkless...you, who suicide bait me" cues to the class A1 gasp in horror at bk " is the one who have nothing without me carring you around. Stay on.thw ground where you deserved it"
And walks away.
Shiggy is so proud.
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jojo-hut-jrs · 2 years
It's been a while since I requested any headcannons
Can you please write 25, 26, 28, 33 and 47 for Risotto?
Hope you're doing well💌
hello, nice to see you again :)
25.How do they see themselves 5 years from today?
-Risotto is a man of knowledge and understanding, he knows that his long-term goals will take time and, for the most part, is content with that. 5 years isn't that long a period, so although he wants to have a few changes in la squadra by that point, he knows that the reality will be less significant than that. In that time he sees himself still in the position of leadership over la squadra, perhaps with the ideal gain of higher pay and claimed territory, maybe spreading out la squadra into a couple sub branches on their hierarchy. His personal life sees no big changes whatsoever, though its highly likely that he would move a handful of times during those five years.
26.Do they have any plans for the future? Any contingency plans if things don’t work out?
well...his plans for the future were to gain territory and pay, and then that changed into overthrowing the boss. There were conflicting opions on weither to take the title for himself, place a puppet politican in his place so that he could control passione without the heat on his back, or simply allow passione to fall apart and become their own separate gang. Each plan had its benefits and its downfalls, and many of these were discussed with the rest of the gang and then revaulated in private. With his skills and his stand ability, he had a lot of confidence that no matter what happened, he would be able to get out of it. If worst came to worse, he would flee the country and continue to be a criminal somewhere else (he would never live the life of a civilian, he decided that a long time ago).
28.Who do they see as their best friend? Their worst enemy?
-Well his worst enemy is the boss without a doubt, even if he was initially being petty for his reasons of overthrowing him, it doubled down as a personal thing when sorbet and gelato were murdered.
-He doesn't have a best friend. Even though the entirety of la squadra attempts to keep each other at arms length, they are really the only people they tend to interact with at length, so they have become close. But that doesn't mean they know each other that well, Risotto rarely spends one on one time with any member of his gang unless its by chance or a quick conversation.
33.Concept of home and family?
-Both are important to him, even though he believes he no longer possesses either and never will again. He sees his vengence on his cousins murderer to be a sacrifice on his part, to willingly give up the rest of his family and the ability to be a normal person for the sake of revenge. He doens't think very highly of himself in this regard, but he dug his own grave by hand and is fully committed to lie in it. Other people though, he is quick and open to judge. If he had known that the boss intended to kill trish he would have stepped in as well, though its less for her well being than him being even more angry at the diavolo.
47.If they were to fall in love, who (or what) is their ideal?
-Someone quiet and timid, pretty normal and unassuming but clearly possess no threat to him. He likes that feeling of control, and his position kind of requires it, so he likes the idea of having a very openbooked partner that he knows inside and out. Of course, this is largely due to the fact that Risotto hasn't dated anyone since he joined passione, and thus he has unrealistic and unthought of desires for, what he assumes, is simply a hypothetical. What he needs, and what he will ultimately be attracted to, is someone genuinely kind, has strong morals, and is interesting to converse with. Someone that makes him think and reflect and explore ideas and things outside of his bubble is going to catch his interest, and giving him some sense of humanity is going to help stabilize his mind.
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