#he didnt even say hes aro or asexual lmao he just wants pussy w no obligations bc men dont see women as worth anything but sex
1eos · 9 months
People on this site will call cishet men who clearly only want to own women and use them for their bodies "queer" without an ounce of irony or regret, not to be mean but the "aromantic, queerplatonic whatever" ification of cisheterosexuality in the name of "progressive " LGBTQ culture is so fucking stupid why did we let white queers take it this far? Now we got people throwing fits over how is queer that a cishet man wants to fuck without caring about the woman's feelings 😭
mention it all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! like theyre really trying to repackage how cishet men will do anything to take out genuine connection on a romantic level, friendship level, and even human level bc of misogyny and call it ~q***r~. cishet men who want to treat women like human fleshlights aren't gay or bi theyre just fucking misogynists and the fact that people from all sexualities will do symone biles routines to defend them is exactly why in 2023 cishet men as a collective have not done better as ppl in centuries. and let's unpack how seeing women as objects to manipulate into sex at the lowest effort is somehow the baseline for white ppl's lgbtism. like its weird that you saw a MAN basically do the classic i just want pussy and thought 'omg no these are our ppl!'
and it would be one thing if the guy in the texts was like hey i like you i enjoy being around you but im aromantic and these are my boundaries these idiots just make up shit and apply labels that WON'T EVEN FIT all to keep the misogyny machine going! this is why i do not support every gay! a lot of them are very dumb!!!!!
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