#he didnt even recognize Tilín :(
septic-salad · 1 year
I'm still stuck thinking about the fact that that is the softest voice I've ever heard Quackity speak in, especially for a long period of time.
It just. Aouuhhggh. That's all I can say.
He sounded so broken and lost and uncertain, like at first it was like he didn't really even know how to speak, or maybe he was just afraid to hear his own voice after spending so much time surrounded by the gentle quietness of the water he'd been submerged in.
I mean, imagine how much of a shock that must've been to go from pretty much complete sensory deprivation to suddenly being forced out of the calm water into a sickeningly steril environment with bright florescent lights and too-white walls.
No wonder he wanted to just stay in the water, and even when he was above he literally made a little wool cave thing to hide in :( it was so pathetic to watch and I mean that in the nicest way possible
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