#he didn’t get to finsh his transformation
lameow-l · 1 year
the only good thing that happened to childe in his 4.0 comeback is that he got a new magical girl transformation animation especially the final part.. absolutely magical
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“You look like hell” MJ says as I walked into school
“I’m fine” she shakes her head at me she knows I’m lieing she always knows
“He hit you agian didn’t he” I avoid I contact with her she knows the truth she sighs “does tony know”
“No we both know if he found out” she nods her head in agreement
“Hi babe” flash says I sigh I hate him I’m just afraid to break up with him
“Hi” right then Peter and Ned show up he spits on Peter I’ve always liked Peter just always to afraid to amid it when ever I get beat up he help me I guess I lost my mind because I get right up in flashes face and smackes him “we’re done” he then hits me I hold my face
“We’re done when I say we’re done” he hits me again and again I strike back Mj and Ned hold back Peter flash dosnt get in trouble but when I hit him I get detinton and sent home
“You have five minutes to exsplain” my dad yells as he sits next to me in the principals office
Let me describe this moment in one sentence I’m screwed “flash has beeen hitting me”
“What” he yells more furious then he was before
“Today he spit in peters face I smacked him told him we were done he hit me kept hitting me I fought back but they won’t do anything about it”
“Why” he asks crossing his arms
“Because he’s the jock” he shakes his head
The principal comes back “here her work for the next two days”
“Thank you” he says to the principal then looks at me “come on kid” I stand up and throw my bag over my right shoulder the principal gives me a stare he’s never liked me never will nothing new we get outside and I don’t see the car
“Are we walking” I ask
“Yes” he says we get to the tower he hands me my homework I sit down on the sofa and take out a pincel and begin to work “if you need me I’ll be in the lab” i finsh all my work with in an hour
“Tony told me what happened” cap says taking a seat next to me
“Are you going to do something about it”
“Because I don’t want the whole school to hate me”
“You don’t want to go back do you”
“Can I ask why”
“Because Mj will go off on him then a fight Ned we’ll he can’t run very fast so he doesn’t have a chance”
“And Peter”
I blush when he siad his name “I don’t want him to get in trouble”
“You like him”
“Yes and no I won’t tell him” I thought he was going to ask why but he didn’t
Instead he says “you can’t avoid telling him forever he’s a smart boy he’s going to figure it out sooner or later”
“You’re right but I can try” he shakes his head at that then gets up and leaves I sigh what if he’s right what if everyone’s right what if We’re sapposed to be together what if I’m a loser a nobody what if the only people who care about me are dad and Peter I break down and start crying
“You kn-“ Peter begins to say but then stops next thing I know he has his arms around me and his bag next to mine I start crying into his shoulder “hey hey it’s ok it’s ok” he repeats over and over
“No Peter it’s not”
“Shhh” he whispers into my ear it helps some But not really I get out from his imbrace
“It’s not flash hates me I’m exspels just I don’t know Peter” I sigh
“You know what flash is a jerk”
“A jerk who’s my ex” I say as I wipe the tears from my face we then both start laughing
“What’s so funny kids” Clint ask as he walks in
“Nothing” we both say in unison he doesn’t say anything and grabs an apple from the kitchen
“So how was flash the rest of the day” i ask
“Angry more then usual”
“I’m sorry Peter”
“Don’t be it’s not your fault if anything you’re the one who should be apologized to by him”
“Yeah well that’s never going to happen” his eyes light up
“I’ll be right back” he says he goes to the kitchen Clint walks in
“What’s going on” he asks
“We both know dad already told you” Clint’s like a big brother yo me always making sure I’m ok
“He did” he responds Peter comes back with two spoons and chocolate ice cream and a movie
“Hey Clint want to watch transformers with us” he says as he sits down the spoons and ice cream and pops in the movie
“Alright sounds like fun” he responds Clint then sits back on the couch and waits for it to begin Peter then sits down next to me and hands me a spoon this is why I like Peter he always knows how to calm me how to make things better and on top of all that he’s pretty cute I quickly shake the thoughts from my head since I can tell I’m blushing but no one notices they are both watching the movie at the end of it me and Peter ate the whole container of ice cream
“Thanks you Peter” I tell him with a smile
“Anytime Zoe” I blush but quickly hide it he throws away the container and I put up the spoons he then leaves my guess is his room I leave the tower and walk out side
“What are you doing out here Zoe” happy asks
“I just need some fresh air away from everyone” he nods his head then goes his own way I stand there injoying the warm spring air telling me I only have a week left and No exsams saying i passed all my classes as well as done the stuff to exscuse me from the exsam and since I won’t be there tomorrow and tomorrow is Friday I’m home free i just wish I could say by to Mj and Ned tomorrow but I can’t that’s ok I’ll see them this summer I sigh then someone puts a bag over my head
“Hey hey” I yell but they don’t stop I try to fight back but there’re just too strong i then feel someone nock me out
When I wake up I’m in a cage of some sort “look who’s up” I hear in a voice I don’t reqonize
“Who are you what do you want” I yell I see out of the corner of my eye a guy shacking his head one of them hit me but not as hard as flash did
“Your mother where is she”
“She’s dead but I can tell you what cemtary right up to the grace site” he hits me again this time harder
“Where is she” he yells
“I already told you she’s dead” I scream back he hits me again this time in the stomach I feel blood rush into my mouth I spit the blood out on his shoe “sorry” I say he then storms out the room
“I know a way out” the guy in the cell next to me says “but I need your help”
“What’s the plan” I ask
“There going to take me any minute when they do im going to nock them out get you out of your cell then take you prisoner then when we get to the plane I’ll let you go then take you to the tower then home”
“Wait the avengers tower”
“Yes I need there help with something” I just now see that his arm is replaced by something else
“I’m Zoe stark Tony’s starks daughter”
“I’m Buckley” I nod my head they get him out of the cage and he nocks them out and grab the key there weapon and the hand cuffs he lets me out “these might be a little tight” he says as he puts them on he’s right they were we get to the plane he disinapples the tracker and then we head to the tower
“Don’t you think we should let them know” I ask
“Stark if we do that then they can track us”
“Who are they” i ask
“You know who”
I gasp then say “HYDRA”
“Correct” the rest of the ride was silent we get to the tower and land on top
“You do know there’s a hundred checks right”
“Yup” he responds
“Great” I mumble under my breath i start to lose my balance so he helps me walk we get in the elevator and I say “FRIDAY let my father know that I’m back and that I have a visitor but not to worry he won’t hurt anyone if he was he would have probably killed me”
“As you wish Zoe” when we get off the elevator i see all of the avengers standing there
“Buckley” cap says
“Steve” he responds
“You to know each other” I ask
“We served together” cap says he lets go to hug him and I almost fall to the ground Peter runs over and cutches me before I hit the ground
“Are you ok” he asks
“Besides the fact that I got beat up and integrated about my dead mother yeah I’m fine” I respond put of breath
He then put the back of his hand on my forehead “are you sure you feel warm” no no no it’s because I’m blushing I’m dead so dead “and your face is red”
“I’m fine” I say as I pull away almost falling to the ground again
“Ok let’s get you to the lab”
“I agreed” dad says Peter helps me to the lab then lays me down on the bed
Banner walks in and starts running tests “ow” I say as he puts a needle in my arm and I squeeze peters hand harder dad is off somewhere trying to figure out what HYDRA meant or something I don’t know
“Ow you squeeze hard” Peter complains
“You volunteered” I say
Banner sighs then says “we’ll you to please just hurry up and amit you have feelings for each other”
My face goes bright red so does Peter “uh no we don’t” we both say at the same time
“What ever you say” banner responds as he takes out my blood
Dad walks back in “any luck” I ask
“Listen kid there’s something I need to tell you”
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kevinmoyer · 7 years
Virginia Farm Wedding with the Most Spectacular Flowers :: Stephanie & Michael
Photography by Heather Payne.
When the bride is a flower farmer and co-founder of Virginia’s Sassafras Fork Farm, you had better believe the flowers for her own wedding day were going to be seriously spectacular. Everything about this gorgeous wedding was a labor of love – from a literal barn-raising (they built their ceremony and reception space right there on the property!) to putting together those flowers with the help of fellow flower growers, as well as Stephanie’s dad (and be sure to read on for that sweet story!) If you weren’t already dying to see more of this wedding, let me just leave you with the best first meeting story I think I’ve ever heard, from Stephanie’s husband Michael: “I had never met anyone like her. When she asked me, ‘wanna see my yurt?’, I was done. I knew I not only wanted to see it, but wanted to live in it with her!”
Stephanie said “I loved how my dad, who usually keeps to himself and avoids a lot of social activity played such an active part in the wedding process – in his own way of course. The flower team relied on him for all the foliage material. He spent days in the woods with his tractor and trailer ‘pruning’ trees for the floral team to use, dogwoods, maples, elm, eleagnus, wild blueberry bushes, oaks… These fall-colored branches filled urns that embraced the barn walls with a forest-like feel. This time spent foraging in the woods has led him to understand and help me with my growing floral business throughout the year. He always asks me now before any event or bouquet-making session, ‘you need me to go forage for you?’
Flowers are obviously very important to me and my main focus here at Sassafras Fork (along with helping my dad raise animals for meat and eggs). Prior to the wedding I attended an on-farm flower workshop with my mentors Erin of Floret and Sue of White Magnolia Designs, and once they found out I was planning on doing my own flowers for my wedding, they asked if they could do my flowers, remarking how difficult it is for a bride to design her own flowers! Talk about a dream come true – I actually thought they were joking. Here were two of the industry’s main leading ladies, offering to come to my farm and design my wedding flowers?! What big hearts these women have, and also what big dreams and visions. ”
The Ceremony
Why did you choose this location for your wedding? The farm was a no-brainer, it is where we live, where we met, where we got engaged and where we are building our lives together. As we began planning and researching tents, we quickly decided rather than renting a tent for a night (though we still had to rent a couple extra tents as our guest list increased!), we might as well invest in our farm and its future. We always love sharing our farm with friends and family. The idea of a permanent space to welcome folks to this good piece of life and land was appealing for our wedding and hopefully future events. We immediately began envisaging and planning for our event barn, a space designed simply enough for farm use, but elegantly enough for a one-of-a-kind authentic farm wedding. The barn was constructed by a local carpenter and salvage connoisseur, Philip Paulsen of Rusty Roof & Nail who artistically pieced together a barn that looks like it’s been here forever.
How did you go about planning your ceremony? Our ceremony was very much a reflection of Mike and I non-demoninational, centered around love and respect for each other, our families, our community and nature.
Is there anything else that you’d like to share about your wedding ceremony? We brought Mike’s dad’s old ’51 Chevy to the farm. A family friend came to pick me up in it before the ceremony along with my Mom and Dad and then couldn’t get it started, making us a little late to the ceremony!
What was your ceremony music? Nick Cave’s Into My Arms. A close friend of Stephanie’s, Ana Rasmussen, sang and played the guitar.
What was your ceremony reading? The Prophet, On Marriage by Kahlil Gibran
What was your favorite thing about your wedding ceremony? Hands down my favorite moment of the day was when I first stepped into our barn, one hand through my dad’s arm and the other in my mom’s, and felt, heart and soul the radiance of this vision come to life. I honestly never was the girl who held a particular vision for the “perfect” wedding, but knew ours had to be something soulful, something nurturing, something purely of the heart and something so in sync with this space and this time. I walked down the aisle with the two most important people in my life by my side, feeling embraced by all the friends and family snugly standing, almost embracing the aisle we walked down, and peering at my future husband waiting to take my hands and begin our shared life together here at Sassafras Fork.
What advice do you have for other couples in the midst of planning a wedding? Decide on what really matters to the two of you, as your wedding is a reflection of who you are together. Focus on bringing those things to perfection for it is those qualities that matters in the long run and comprise the essence of your wedding and the majority of your memories will be built off these pillars… otherwise the entire event can be millions of details that eventually do not matter. The planning experience was the first big project we tackled together as a couple. We learned so much about ourselves and eachother and how we work together and how important it is to focus on individual strengths that can then be brought together.
The Reception
What inspired you when you were planning your wedding? Simple, authentic farm elegance. ‘Local’ being the main foundation of our wedding. We were married in October so if any decision was made about colors, they were pulled from the natural palette in North Carolina at that time of year – deep yellows, burgundy, browns and ivory.
Are there any DIY details you’d like to tell us about? I wanted to craft many more of the wedding’s details myself, but quickly realized that running a farm, building a barn, constructing our home, and planning a wedding all in the same year were all quite big feats, so some of the finer details we skipped over. I guess some of my words of wisdoms for planning your own wedding would be to pick the three things that matter the most to you, focus on those making them the best and most memorable parts of the night while letting some other things go” Our three big themes were: the space (barn), food and flowers! The flowers were done by our amazing ‘flower brigade’, a team of rock star farmer-florists across the country. They were here at the farm beginning the Tuesday before our wedding, basically working around the clock to transform our barn…it was dripping with flowers and foliage!
How would you describe your reception? Mixed vintage plates, mixed water glasses and etched glasses with our farm’s logo (which guests could take home with them), terracotta urns of draped and piled with fresh vegetables (carrots, beets, okra, garlic, gourds) for decoration, though many guests loaded the shuttles home with bunches of beets and carrots in hand! All tables were also adorned with amazing floral arrangements filled with our farm’s and other local floral ingredients, natural yellow beeswax candles (tapers, votives), linen runners, water carafes, sparking water, silverware, and natural color flour sack napkins. What was your wedding menu? A family-style dinner, with no assigned seating was so important to us. Many folks tried to dissuade us considering the amount of guests attending, but a family style dinner was entrenched in our upbringing, encouraging conversation around food, passing of plates, talking from one end of the table to the other…we wanted to experience this beloved style of sharing food with all 300+ of our guests.
Food was one of the main pillars of our wedding, and in our lives, so it was very, very important to serve a high quality, local and sustainable farm to fork meal. Our caterers are rock stars in the local food movement in our community, Boxcarr Farms. Dani and Austin brought their food truck to the farm to prepare/finish everything before serving platters of amazingness to all thirty-two-ish tables.
Stephanie said “all the plates and glasses used at our wedding were collected over several years. I have always loved antique store finds and find delight in collecting vintage tableware.”
What type of cake or dessert did you serve? Lemon with buttercream icing from Daisy Cakes. Lemon is my favorite flavor of any cake!
Is there anything else that helps tell the story of your wedding?  We finished the night up at midnight. Mike’s Belgium family wanted it to continue another eight hours, as is typical in Belgium, but once the music stopped and the last shuttle left to return back into town only a small handful of close friends remained at the barn. We hung out around the fire pit, eating left-overs, finshing off the deserts, playing some music, singing, lighting paper lanterns that we didn’t have time to set off with everyone there, just enjoying and basking in the warmth of the fire in the early, early morning after quite an evening!
The post Virginia Farm Wedding with the Most Spectacular Flowers :: Stephanie & Michael appeared first on Snippet & Ink.
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