#he did so well!! his voice sounded incredible i had goosebumps all the time <3
minzbins · 1 year
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WOOBIN Breath (original by Park Hyo Shin) / 230708
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her-favorite · 1 year
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WARNINGS: SMUT, dom!jerome, suggestive language, possessive!jerome, descriptions of blood/dead bodies/bullet wound, dirty talk, jerome calls reader “doll” an unnecessary amount of times (i couldnt stop), use of the word ‘panties’ (more than once, i apologize)
and SMUT!!
A/N: I am so incredibly sorry for how long this took to publish 😭 my motivation is always rocky so it takes awhile for me to actually want to write. but i always want to get things out for you guys, yet i dont want to rush it because when i do, the character never seems accurate and i want you guys to enjoy it!! So thank you so much for your patience, i love you all sm 🫶🏻
TAGS: @ssnapsaurus @projectdreamwalker @l3xiluve
WORD COUNT: 8961!! (4655 of it is smut..)
SUMMARY: From the first time you met Jerome Valeska, you knew him as the son of Lila Valeska, the murder case you and Detective Gordon were working on. You had grown close, until you found out the truth. Now you know him as an Arkham escapee:
SUMMARY: You should’ve known you could never outrun Jerome Valeska. From being the Two-Faced killer you once knew to the infamous Maniax member, he never seemed to forget about you. Maybe this time he’ll show you how much he truly cares about you.. how much he truly..
“Hey, doll.”
Your blood runs cold when you hear his voice. It was like you were back in that interrogation room, questioning why he had done what he did. You felt, at that moment, like your heart truly did tear through your skin. You felt cemented to your spot, too terrified to move incase he’ll do something drastic.
A cold hand wraps around you, pressing his palm against your mouth. You knew better than to scream, a gut feeling that no one would’ve heard you anyway.. if anyone had even survived.
“I told you I’d be back for ya, doll!” His manic laugh rings through the silent room, raising goosebumps on your cold skin.
This wasn’t going to be good..
You woke up with a jump as you tried to even out your breathing. Figures faded into your vision as well as the setting. You squinted your eyes at the bright lighting as you try to adjust to the uncomfortable position you were in.
A wooden chair is perched on top of the two desks that sit on the space in front of the captain’s office. They were pushed together to become a stable holder for the piece of furniture. You try to move your arms and legs, only to struggle as you realize that you were strapped down. Your heartbeat races as your hands start to lightly shake, trying to quietly break out of the constricting rope.
Footsteps sound from several feet away, seeming to make their way to you. As you turn your head to look around and try to find who it was, the only sight you’re met with are the dead bodies that littered the once-clean floor. Pools of crimson blood soaked up their decaying corpses as seconds pass, making you immediately avert your eyes. All of your colleagues lie dead on the precinct floor as you sit on some sort of makeshift thrown, looking over everything.
The walking grows louder as it nears you, stepping up the small stairs that leads up to the desks. Your heart drops to your feet as you see ginger hair peek out through the police hat, tall legs quickly maneuvering over the bodies and sliding up towards you. He jumps up on the surface as all you see is the bottom half of his face, revealing his devilish smirk.
Quickly, he takes the hat and throws it. He stood excited as he looks at you, leaning down to take a bow. His head looks up at you from its position, sending you a wink and a smile.
“Miss me, doll?”
Jerome paces between each desk, one hand up to his chin as if he was thinking while the other is holding his elbow up. “Hm.. how do I get my doll to talk to me..” He keeps walking back and forth, fake pouting as he animatedly thinks. He stops abruptly and gasps, moving the hand from under his chin to point upwards. “I know!”
He smiles widely as he walks over to you and crouches down. You have to look down at him as he looks up at you innocently with a sweet smile on his face that felt like it could rot your teeth.
“I know how to get you to talk to me..” He stares into your eyes as his white teeth show in a sinister smile. His two fingers walk their way up the side of the chair and over to your strapped down wrist. He walks his pale pointer and middle finger over your hand as he begins talking again. “Remember that night in your kitchen?” He whispers, hoping to get a reaction out of you.
You freeze and your breath hitches in your throat. You try to not give him a reaction, but he’s already read you. Jerome smirks wide, resting an elbow on his knee and puts his head on his fist, looking up dreamily at you.
“I’ve been thinking about it ever since it happened.” He sends you teasing smile as he keeps talking, knowing that soon enough you’ll break. “The thought of your pretty lips touching mine was something I craved until now. I always wondered how pretty you’d look laying back on that counter, moaning and writhing for me. Begging me to fu-“
Jerome smiles wide, a sinister curve of his lips reaching his ears. He perks up at your outburst, happy to see where it would lead. “I think I pushed all the right buttons.” He teases. He moves up from his crouched position and folds his hands behind his back. He stood tall in front of you again, looking up at him to make eye contact. He seemed to like the advantage he had at the moment, smiling down at you with pride.
“So, Y/N..” He leans forward quickly, still standing but bending his face towards yours. He was just inches away from you now, goosebumps prickling your skin. “Have you thought about me too?” Jerome whispers, staring down at your lips, waiting for you to answer him. When you don’t, he looks back up at your eyes. An overpowering emotion overrides you as your eye contact is made again, your breath hitching in your throat. His smirk forms again as he keeps talking. “I think you have..” His voice is as low as a whisper, only just grazing your ears.
“I think you’ve spent so many nights ready for me. Lying on your bed and thinking about me.. about the things I could do to you.” Jerome inches forward, moving to whisper into your ear. A shiver passes through your body as he gets closer, just inches away from his lips touching it. “I bet you sit there as soon as it hits midnight with your hands down your cute panties, dripping with the thought of me fucking you so good.” He bit your earlobe lightly, dragging his teeth across it until it fell from his mouth.
Heat traveled down your body from his words, your eyes subconsciously closing. The closer his body got towards you made you more anxious than you were just seconds before.
He moved back slightly with the same grin as before, it never faltering once. His hands gravitated towards the arms of your chair over time, it just now dawning on you. As he moves his face in front of you again, he opens his mouth, ready to speak. Before he could, you spit forward, landing directly on his tongue.
He flinched backwards, opening and closing his mouth repeatedly, tasting and swallowing the saliva. His eyebrows furrow and he stares down at the ground, a conflicted look on his face.
He hums, “That was strangely pleasant.. Do it again.” Jerome quickly inches forward towards your face again with a sly smirk on his mouth. Without thinking, you throw your head directly im front of you, clashing it with his nose. He groans loudly as his head shoots back in pain. It sends a certain kind of electricity through your body, hitting straight down to your core.
He rises back up with a hysteric laugh and gushes of blood dripping from his nose. His body towers over you as he stands up straight, but quickly leaning down to your face. He grabs your chin roughly and pulls you towards his face.
“C’mon, doll. Don’t get hasty with me.” He says sternly, but there’s an underlying playful tone to his voice. He hasn’t let go of your chin as he glares at you. Seconds pass by until he finally tears his chilling gaze away from your eyes, down to your strapped down arms and legs. “Hm,” He hums and stands back up straight. He lets go of your chin forcefully, jostling your head lightly. He looks your body over once then meets your angry eyes. “You like bein’ tied up, doll?” He teases with a smile.
You huff and roll your eyes, looking away from him to try and search if there was someone else still alive that could help you. As your eyes scan over the cold floor littered with lifeless bodies, none of them were breathing. Your jaw clenches as you watch the gushing blood stream out of their once washed shirts, staining the polished ground.
“Hey, up here.” Jerome snaps his fingers and grabs your chin again. You sigh irritably and glare up at him. “Look at me when I’m talkin’ to ya, doll face.” He says sternly, lightly tapping your chin with his thumb. When he lets go, he turns around and looks around for something. You sit still, curious as to what the redhead was searching for.
Chills overrun your body when another man walks out from a shadow in the corner of the precinct. Robert Greenwood, ate a dozen women, Jim’s words made a shiver run down your spine. He always freaked you out.
“Here, bring that up here. Get a better angle of the room.” Jerome calls out to Greenwood. The older man was carrying a camera on his shoulder as he walks forward, climbing up on the desks next to Jerome.
The redhead walks towards you again as Greenwood films and zooms in on all of the dead bodies covering the floor. Once he gets close enough, Jerome smiles down at you. “Doesn’t my doll look so pretty?” He reaches down and lifts your chin up to look at him in the eye. He wasn’t necessarily asking anyone, or rather Greenwood, the question, more so just to put it out in the open. So when the other man growls inhumanely and nods in agreement, Jerome’s head snaps back to where the man holding the camera stood.
He took a deep breath before closing his eyes, trying to calm himself. He didn’t plan on killing Greenwood, at least not yet. So he swallowed the harsh words he was going to yell and looked back at you when he opened his eyes again.
He leans down towards you, “I bet you’d look even prettier if I used this ropes on you a different way, hm?” He whispers, just inches away from your face. You can feel his breath on you as he talks, almost like you could feel how truthful his words were. “I knew you’d like these, Y/N. I picked them out for you.” He smiles. “I know you’ve got somethin’ hidin’ in that cute head of yours. I wonder if I’ll figure it out later.” He teases, his voice just barely there.
“I’d like to see that.” Jerome snaps up and looks over towards Greenwood. His facial expression was an emotion that was stronger than anger. It held power as he glared down at the man just a few feet away, making the older man’s smile disappear. His camera had been facing the two of you, watching the interaction.
Jerome walks slowly towards him, each step that was hitting the clean desk intimidating the both of you further. His calm demeanor was threatening as he grows closer to the other. Once he stands just inches away from Greenwood, he looks down at him with a neutral expression.
“If you ever say anything about my doll again.. you won’t even have the time to think with that tiny brain of yours. Y’wanna know why?” Jerome’s voice is serious as he glares into his eyes, making the other man shake lightly. Greenwood didn’t respond, too nervous to generate a reply. “Because you’ll be dead.”
You flinch as you hear a gunshot go off, shutting your eyes tightly. You hear a body hit the floor roughly and you open your eyes to see Greenwood lying lifeless on the floor next to you. A gaping hole on the side of his head runs red with blood, dripping down his face to the once-polished desk. Your hands shake as you watch him grow cold, not being able to tear your fear-filled eyes away from him. The camera landed next to him, the red button still flashing as it never stopped recording.
“Sorry, baby, he was getting on my nerves.” Jerome shrugs and walks back over to you. The gun is still in his hands as he gets closer to you, crimson blood splattered across his face, matching with his bloody nose. A couple red dots stain his blue button up, hitting the collar of his shirt. He throws the gun out of his hand and onto the floor, coincidentally landing just inches away from the new dead body next to you.
“How ‘bout we get outta here, huh?” Jerome suggests. As nice as it sounded to get out of the now-morgue that was once the GCPD, it wasn’t like you had a choice either way. He puts his hands on his hips and thinks for a moment. You could tell when he stared down at the floor, looking towards Greenwood’s body.
“Ooo!” He shouts with a wide smile and leans down to grab the camera. The red button never stops flashing as time goes by, having the past, what feels like hours, all on film.
He manhandles it as the camera glitches slightly. He picks it up and points it towards his face. “Hello Gotham City! We’re the Maniax! And I’m Jerome, the.. shot-caller of our little gang.”
Jerome speaks to the camera with the same energy. He never seems to have a calm or ‘normal’ side to him, no matter if he’s in front of a camera or you. There’s only one side to him now.
Guess he isn’t two-faced anymore.
“We’re here to spread wisdom and hope!” Jerome carries on with his dramatics. He sways his head side to side while he talks, showing his enthusiasm. When he hears a slight moan from the side of him, he looks over to see a random police officer lying in pain. As he groans in pain, hoping to get some sort of attention for help, the ginger takes the gun that rested beside Greenwood and shot him. You flinch again, not because of the gunshot, but you saw that Jerome had zero hesitation to shoot the corpse. What if he does that to you?
“Some people have no manners.” He shook his head and looked at the camera disappointedly. Suddenly, he forcefully grabs it and brings it near his face quickly. “You’re all prisoners. What you call sanity.. it’s just a prison in your mind that stops you from seeing that you’re just tiny little cogs in a giant absurd machine.” He waves his hand behind him to add theatrics. You felt his energy reverberate throughout the vast room, eccentric flare capturing you attention.
“Wake up!” He screams, pulling the lens closer to him again. “Why be a cog? Be free! Like us! Just remember, smile!” He laughs, then goes serious once he realizes something. His head snaps toward you, blinking once. “Oh!” He clicks his tongue and starts walking in your direction. “Hey, Jimbo..” He says teasingly into the camera. “I’ve got my doll here with me, too.” He points the lens down towards you. It recorded you strapped down to the wooden chair, but with no sign of bruises or cuts. Jim will know, you thought. “How are you, doll face? You doin’ okay?” He smiles behind the camera, watching you through the lens. You nod, knowing that the opposite reaction wouldn’t help either of you. “Goodie!” He smiles and laughs. Bringing the camera back to him, his ears perk up at the sound of sirens outside.
“Well, time to go!” Jerome smiles wide and grabs the hat that sat beside Greenwood’s dead body. He put it on his head, making sure it was secure. “Don’t worry, we’ll be back very soon. Hang on to your hats, folks! ‘Cause you ain’t seen nothing yet!” He laughed hysterically into the camera and then shuts it off. His devilish smile never left his face as he struts up towards you again.
“Hmm.. we’re gonna have to figure this out quick, doll face.” He puts a finger to his chin, tapping lightly. His movements always seemed animated, almost like he was in a cartoon. As he stood there and became deep in thought, he managed to crouch back down to your level. “I’m gonna untie these ropes, doll. But you can’t run away and grab mommy and daddy.” His voice was low, almost in a disciplinary way. It shut you up fast, making goosebumps rise on your skin and your body grow tense. He leans forward to start untying the knots on your wrists. “You’re gonna follow me like a good girl and maybe..” He shrugs with a growing smirk on his face. “We’ll get to have some fun.”
His words put you in a trance as he speaks, a shiver passing down your spine lightly. You swallow the lump in your throat, not because you felt scared, but because of.. how attracted you felt to him right now.
“How does that sound, doll?” He smiles as he unties the last rope on your right ankle and stands back up. You dumbly nod, too focused on the way he looked at the moment. He stood tall in front of you, his long legs filling your vision from the position on the chair. You’ve come to like the sinister smile on his face, though it may give you the chills some times. His ginger hair grew brighter in the fluorescent lighting of the GCPD, showcasing the vibrant orange hue.
“Good.” He offers his hand out towards you politely. His menacing smile intimates you as he teases you gently.
“Care to join me for a walk, m’lady?”
Stepping foot into Theo Galavan’s house wasn’t exactly apart of your schedule today.
Walking down sidewalks and hiding in alleys on the way, wasn’t either. It was tricky trying to avoid the cops or other strangers passing by, given that you both wore GCPD uniforms and frankly, Jerome’s hair wasn’t very common in Gotham.
He made you hold his hand all the way back, saying that he ‘didn’t want to lose you.’ You weren’t sure which way to take the sentence, especially if it’s being said by a homicidal maniac. He’d squeeze your hand if someone ever got too close to you or if he heard any type of siren. He kept you close to him all the way back, either to soothe your worries or his. You weren’t sure.
“C’mon, doll face. Make yourself at home.” You’re cut out of your thoughts when you hear his energetic voice again. He smiles at you and walks towards the table in the main room. He picks at some grapes that were on display in a bowl, tearing them off the stem and throwing them up in the air and catching them in his mouth expertly.
You hesitantly wander the room, walking by the tall windows. You stop in front of one and look outside, noticing all of the police cars surrounding the precinct. Pedestrians walk to and fro, some on the phone, others talking to each other and others arguing. Seeing everything from this point of view, you noticed how sad everything looked. It was grey outside; no sun, only clouds. Smoke rose from factories into the air and sirens could be heard from anywhere in the city.
“What’cha lookin’ at, cutie?” Jerome’s voice slices the tense moment with yourself. For once, you were grateful to hear his loud tone. The blood on his face was washed off by now, the sink getting turned off just seconds before he walked over to you.
You shrug, “Outside.” You’ve learned that trying to meet Jerome’s personality level was hard, but it was worth it. To lash out or try to run away, wouldn’t be of any help. Who knows, maybe you’ll end up wanting to stay..?
He hums from behind you, slowly moving closer to you. He stood inches away from your backside, his eyes wandering the streets as well. He leans down slightly and whispers in your ear. “You seem tense, doll.” You shiver as his words pass by you and his hands start to creep up your shoulders. “What’s got you so cramped up, babydoll?” He gently massages your shoulders, hitting the perfect spots. You hold back soft moans in your throat, but your eyes flutter close against your will. He seems fine with not getting an answer.
“You like that?” It didn’t seem to be in a teasing manner, but a genuine question. You nod gently, too afraid to move too much incase he stopped. “Good.” You could almost hear the smirk on his face as he replied, inching just a little bit closer to you again.
“Y’know, when I first saw you at the circus that day,” Jerome speaks again. You had no problem listening to him as he kept touching your tense shoulders. His voice was kind of soothing. “I thought you were the prettiest little doll I’ve ever seen. I always looked at that place as some sort of hellhole, where nothing good comes out of it. But you..” He giggles. “You, doll face.. you’re somethin’ else.” He whispers and kisses your ear gently before sliding his hands down your arms. Your breathing picks up as he gets as close as possible to you now, pressing his front up against your back.
His hands mold into yours calmly, taking his time with you. He takes a whiff of your neck, your faded perfume hitting his nose. He groans softly and rests his forehead against your shoulder. He plays with your fingers without looking at them. When he lifts his head again, he leans forward and presses soft kisses to your neck.
“Let me continue. Please.” He whispers into your skin. It was almost like a plea, on the verge of begging. Your heart skips a beat and you nod eagerly, immediately falling into his touch.
He groans into your skin and grips your hips, roughly pulling you back into him. You gasp when he tugs you backwards, your head falling back on his chest. His nails dig into your hips, through the fabric of your uniform pants. His kisses on your neck never relent as he glides his left hand up your body to put under your chin. His hand cups the underside of your jaw to tilt your head away to give him more access to your neck.
Once he bites down on your skin, you flinch in surprise but you grow to like the feeling. You feel Jerome’s smirk against your sensitive skin, definitely leaving a deep mark on it. His lips hover over different spots until they lock on a certain one. When you moan gently, he smiles widely and sucks down on your skin. Your breathing gets heavy as he takes his time with your body, closing your eyes in content.
“Lets see what other noises I can get outta ya, hm?” He moves his hands away from your hip and chin, inching towards your chest. He keeps his face close to yours, as his hands unbutton a few of the top on your police shirt. You moan when he unexpectedly grabs your breasts and squeezes; not enough to hurt, but enough to make you yearn for more. Your mouth stays open in silent pleasure, still shocked at his sudden movement.
“Ooo, doll. You like me bein’ rough with ya?” Jerome smirks with a quiet laugh. “I’m not surprised. I saw the way you eyed me earlier when I untied you. I wonder what you were thinking.. hm..” He pretends to think as he gripped your boobs again, bunching up your shirt. You moan again, each surprise advance towards you shocked you. “Maybe you were wondering what it’d be like if I fucked ya, hm? Or maybe.. when I have you on your knees for me? No, no.. maybe.. when I’ll have ya beggin’ for me to touch you and play with your pretty little pussy.” Shivers go up and down your spine as electricity shoots down your body, straight to your core.
“Fuck, Jerome..” His words had an affect on you that he was very aware of. His lips curl up, forming that signature smile of his. He liked the sound of his name on your tongue, the pleading tone of your voice making his heart beat faster. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could tease you before he could touch you properly.
His right hand moves down your body quickly, straight to the waist of your pants. Without a second thought, it glides past it and feels the fabric of your underwear. He reaches down to cup it before stroking his two fingers against you. A whine erupts from your throat before you could stop it. He smirks when he feels the wet patch form under his fingers. “Already soaking. I wonder who got you this wet?” Jerome’s voice is cocky and he smiles with pride.
His fingers slip past your underwear and he immediately runs two fingers down your slit, gathering your wetness on the pads of his fingertips. He groans at the feeling and pulls his hand out of your pants, ignoring the huff that came out of your mouth. Pushing his fingers past his pink lips, sucking on the taste of you that was left on him. He moans and takes his fingers out of his mouth and puts it back on your stomach to rest there.
“Fuck, doll. I knew you’d taste good, but never in my dreams have you tasted like this.” He admits, looking down at you. Your body felt hot, whether it was from his contact or his words, it didn’t matter anymore.
Fuck, you needed him. You needed his stupid red hair, and his stupid pink lips, and his stupid body. You needed Jerome Valeska.
“Please, Jerome,” You would never go as low to beg or plead, but right now, in this moment, you felt like you could. Your head was still resting against his chest, looking up at him submissively.
He chuckles and puts his hand up to cup your jaw. “Mm, c’mon, babydoll. Let’s go up to my room. Don’t need anyone seein’ what’s mine.” He leans down and kisses you passionately, before breaking away with a teasing smirk. He grabs your hand and runs for the stairs.
Once you both make it up there, he leads you to his room and opens the door. When you walk in, you barely have time to look around until Jerome connects your lips together. He sucks on your bottom lip before licking it, wanting permission to kiss you deeper. When you playfully deny it and not open your mouth, he bites down on the soft flesh making you gasp. Automatically, your lips part and his tongue invades the space in your mouth. You don’t realize when his hand reaches up to your hair and cups the back of your head to get you as close as possible to him. He tugs your hair with force, making you pull away from the kiss. A moan escapes your throat at the sudden pressure, looking up at him, silently questioning him.
He stays quiet as he slowly lets his tight grip go. The same hand trails its way towards your jaw and lays there. His thumb swipes over your bottom lip, dragging it down gently. His green eyes never leave your lips, too entranced with the way you look right now. You looked vulnerable, powerless and Jerome loved it. It was like a predator with it’s prey, stalking it down and putting it in danger. He liked the chase.
“You look so pretty like this. So vulnerable, just for me.” Suddenly, he grabs your chin and leans down to become inches away from your face. “Lay down on the bed. I told you we were gonna have some fun.” He smiles insanely and giggles. Chills erupt on your body, but as soon as he lets go of you, you immediately rush to the bed next to you.
“Y’wearin’ too much.” He grumbles and walks over to the foot of the bed. His hands reach out for your shirt, wrinkling it under his hands. You gasp when you hear a rip course through the air, seeing tiny buttons fly away. Your shirt tears in half and he throws it across the room, somewhere he couldn’t care to look right now.
Before you could say anything, he begins talking again. “Much better.” He smiles and teases his fingers around your waist, fiddling with the top of your pants. His finger hooks in it and stretches it, smirking when it slips off his finger and slapping back down on your skin. You grow impatient as he teases you, your body starting to ache for him.
“Jerome,” You were quickly cut off by him.
“Patience, Y/N.” His voice was stern as he looked into your eyes, intimidating you. Jerome didn’t even have to say the words and he would still make you nervous; the cold stare of the psychopath sending chills down your spine. You nod obediently, knowing better than to say anything.
Once he looks away from your eyes, his fingers resume walking around your pants waistline. Quickly, he hooks two fingers on either side and pulls them down. Cold air hits your skin fast, making you shiver. Jerome smiles at your reaction. He takes them fully off and throws them in the same direction as your shirt. You lie in front of him in nothing else than a bra and underwear. You felt bare in front of him, scared or unsafe. He was right, you were vulnerable in front of him, you thought to yourself.
“Relax, doll. Let me feel you.” His rough hands slide up your legs, feeling every mark or blemish under his fingertips. His hand dips with your hips and thighs, squeezing the skin. A whine emits from your throat as his nails dig into your skin dangerously. They scratch down your legs, leaving hot red lines after his torture on your body. You feel the pain sting you, but it felt good. You felt like you needed it.
“Such a naughty girl.. liking me hurt you.” His voice is taunting and playful, excited for whatever was to come next. “I bet you’re even wetter for me.” He leans down and starts kissing around your stomach, slowly trailing down. “Fuck, doll. You’re soaking your panties.” He says breathlessly, never bringing his head up to stop kissing you. He makes his way down to your thighs, occasionally sucking and biting on the sensitive flesh. He smirks when he feels your breath get stuck in your throat when he gently kisses over the top of your underwear that was covering your slit.
Pale hands glide up your thighs and towards your hips, moving them under the hem of your underwear. Before he pulls then down fully, he looks back at you and smiles, “Told ya you had cute panties.”
Your chest rises and falls faster than before as you lay before him, completely bare. You were utterly helpless in this situation and you kind of liked it. Jerome had a sense of power of you, whether it was because of his intimidating personality or because of the utter sexual magnitude he has.
He groans when he takes them off and immediately spreads your legs further. “Look at you, my little dolly. So beautiful.. all for me.” It almost seemed like he was reassuring himself that. You and your body now belonged to the insane psychopath that has murdered several people. Anyone with a brain would realize how wrong this was; how disturbed you should be, having a maniac like Jerome Valeska between your legs. But in that moment, you didn’t care. You needed him, craved him.
“Always wanted to taste ya..” He lifts your leg up to position your foot on the bed and have your knees bent. He leans forward and lightly presses his lips against certain areas on your thigh, his devilish smile never leaving his pretty face. “Thought about it every night at Arkham. Dreamt about it. Thought about how pretty you looked in your dining room.. the way I could’ve bent you over the countertop and fucked the life outta ya.” He giggles against your skin, now just inches away from where you desperately needed him. “And as good as this is gonna feel, doll face.. I can’t wait to have you on your knees for me later.”
A loud gasp reverberates through the room as he licks up your slit, tasting all of you. He groans and wraps his arms under your thighs to pull you closer to him. He never eases up on you as he eats you out with fervor. Short fingernails mark the skin on your thighs, showing everyone who you belonged to.
This is wrong. All of this is wrong. But every part of your body was screaming that it was right. You’ve never felt like this with anyone before; the insatiable need to feel him and have him feel you. It didn’t seem like the feeling would ever stop, even while he tastes you.
Unwrapping one arm from under your thigh, his right hand moves forward and starts to rub your clit. Moans and gasps fill the room entirely, a beautiful melody in Jerome’s ears. His two fingers move down, teasing you before pushing them inside you. Clenching the bedsheet in your hand so aggressively, it felt like your knuckles were going to break. It was hard trying not to inflate his ego, but the sensations he was making you feel right now were more than you could handle.
“That feel good, baby?” Even though he was still between your legs, his voice was still loud. His signature smile never left his face, too excited to change. You nod quickly, too entranced to produce any words. He hums and tickles the skin around your thigh with kisses, while still fingering you. His red hair was bright against your skin, standing out to anyone that were to look inside the room.
Curling his fingers perfectly, they hit a certain spot inside you that made your legs twitch in pleasure. A choked out moan leaves your mouth, one of your hands that was clutching the sheet moving to his long hair. You tug on it, making him groan.
“Fuck,” Jerome’s voice was breathless, too busy to talk. He bit down on the inside of your thigh, before moving back to your clit. As his fingers move faster inside you, his lips wrap around your clit and sucks lightly.
“Jerome, I’m..” No words were comprehensible in your mind, too busy on the pleasure you were feeling. The sensation went to your head quickly, the only thing on your mind being Jerome, Jerome, Jerome.
“Mm, c’mon, doll.” His lips were wet and he looked up at you with hooded eyes and his crazy smile. If you were to just see his eyes, they would’ve been threatening, and they still are with his whole face. But something about his predatory look was so attractive. “You close?” His tone was teasing, but you were too far gone to care.
Nodding quickly was your response, your back arching slightly at Jerome’s pace. Before you realized it, he stopped. Pulling out his fingers and taking his mouth away with a smirk on his face.
“What..? Jerome,” You lean up on your elbows, trying to get a better look at him. He stands back up against the end of the bed, bringing his two used fingers to his mouth. He puts them in and sucks on them before pulling them out and wiping the corner of his mouth. A shiver went down your spine at his little show, swallowing dryly. “Why did you stop?”
Before he answered, he reaches over to start unbuttoning his shirt. Discarding it somewhere else in the room, neither of you caring where it landed. Your eyes raked over his body; his broad shoulders standing strongly, his muscles moving every time he would, his abs tightening at the cold air. He looked like he was sculpted by a god, his body mesmerizing you.
“I told you, Y/N.” He leans over you, resting his hands against the bed by your body. His face was inches away from yours, his eyes boring into yours. They were scary, almost like they were threatening you. “As good as that was gonna feel, I’m gonna have you on your knees for me.” He whispered.
Suddenly, he grabs your hands and pulls you up to him. Yelping when you land on your feet, standing in front of him, his hands securing themselves around your waist. He brings you close to him, pressing his body against yours. “You ready for me, doll face?” He whispers again, leaning down towards your ear. One of his hands slides down your leg and grips the back or your thigh.
You nod, not wanting to upset him. His wide smile was disturbing in a way that you started to get used to it.. maybe even started to like it.
“Good. Because you weren’t gonna have a choice either way.” Pushing you down onto your knees with forceful hands, your legs already starting to bruise from the harsh treatment. Gasping at his aggression, but not too shocked by it. One freckled-covered hand moves for his belt, undoing it as his other rests on the back of your head. The loud noises of his belt clinking in front of you filled the room, noticing that it was better than the silence that seemed even louder.
Unzipping his fly and letting his belt and pants lie there, his hand never leaving the back of your head. “C’mon. I shouldn’t have to tell you what to do.” His voice filled your ears, already eating at your actions. Not wanting to disappoint him, you quickly reach out for his pants and pull them down with his boxers. Swallowing dryly when you see all of him, worried you weren’t going to be able to take it all.
“What, are you scared?” Jerome’s voice cut you out of your daze, immediately looking up at him. His voice was condescending, starting to get to your brain. “You can take it, don’t worry, baby.” He brushes a hand through your hair gently, before gripping it tightly making you gasp. With your mouth open, he moves forward and slides into your mouth. Choking immediately, he smirks and stands still for a moment. Looking up at him with pleading eyes, he pouts mockingly before giving in and pulling back slightly. He lets you start moving against him, starting off slow. You take your time in the beginning, never looking away from his eyes. He likes the eye contact you keep with him, still holding a harsh grip on your hair.
Getting annoying with your pace, he starts to move his hips forward, clashing with your movements. Reaching out to stabilize yourself, your hands landing on his thighs and your nails digging into his skin painfully. He groans at the sting, starting to throat fuck you harder, not paying attention to the tears that form in your eyes. His head hits the back of your throat aggressively, his hand holding you still starting to burn your scalp. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy it.
Jerome’s eyes shut tight and he throws his head back in pleasure. His abs clenched as he kept moving, his bicep on his right arm that held you, bulging with how much strength he was using on you. It felt like he was going to pull out strands of your hair, but at this point, it didn’t even matter.
“Can you take it, huh?” Jerome’s raspy voice cut through the air, teasing you. He looked back down at you, watching a tear fall down your cheek. He groans and uses his other hand to wipe it with his thumb and bring it up to his lips to lick it. His hips never relent their abuse on your mouth, too caught up in the pleasure to realize the way he bruised the back of your throat.
Catching him by surprise when you hollow your cheeks around him, his hips stutter and he moans louder than before. “Fuck, Y/N.” His voice is breathless and it raises goosebumps on your body. “Takin’ it like the good girl you are.” His eyes lock onto yours, still moving his hips the same pace as before. When his hand manages to grip your hair even harder and his hips occasionally bucking every now and then, it signaled to you that he was close.
As much as you wanted to pull away to not give him what he wanted because of his what he did to you earlier, he wouldn’t let you move. Stilling inside your mouth as he shakes lightly, he reaches his limit and releases on your tongue. Moaning your name as he calms down, he starts to move out of your mouth. Your throat is scratchy and dry once he forces you to swallow. Your breathing was heavy as your chest rose and fell quickly, looking up at him from your knees.
His smirks widens, laughing softly while looking down at you. His hand loosens his grip and your scalp felt like it could breathe again. Slowly, he strokes your hair and moves his hand under your chin. He holds it gently, keeping you in place. “C’mere, baby.” Jerome puts his hands under your arms and brings you to your feet. Your knees are bruised badly, having to reach out to hold onto his arms tightly before your legs buckled underneath you. He laughs, quickly wrapping his arms around your waist. “You look so good, doll.” His right hand causes goosebumps in its wake as it travels up your body, sliding between your breasts and up to your neck. It rests there for a little while before starting to wrap around your throat. Your mouth opens subconsciously, giving him perfect access to run his pointer and middle finger across your bottom lip.
Your lips were swollen at this point, your mouth being molded to the shape of him. He smiles when you open your mouth just slightly wider, letting his fingers rest on your tongue. You suck on them and hollow your cheeks, watching his adams apple bob lightly. Once he pulls them out, he never takes them away and glides down your bottom lip, coating it in your spit. Bringing up his thumb, he drags the same lip down as he leans forward and meets your tongue with his. Kissing you with only the amount of passion that you weren’t sure you could even handle, sending sparks along your skin. Your hand moves behind his head, trying to push him closer to you and holding onto his hair tightly. He groans into the the mesh of lips and kisses you deeper, his hand around your throat starting to get tighter.
When he pulls away, you grab an intake of air, out of breath from the kiss and Jerome’s hand choking you. He chuckles, squeezing your throat once before letting go. His hand moves up to the back of your head and gently grabs your hair again. You sharply inhale at the pull as Jerome gets closer to you. He leans forward and whispers in your ear, “Get on the bed.” As soon as he lets you go, you follow his orders and lay back on the soft mattress. He mirrors your actions and leans his body over yours, resting his forearms beside your head. Without hesitation, he moves forward and kissed you harshly.
While you were distracted, you didn’t realize one of his hands trailing down your body. Goosebumps rise on your arms when you feel his fingers run through your folds gently. “You want it so bad, huh?” His voice is quiet against your lips, staring into your eyes. They were cold, but still had a flash of fun in them. You nodded eagerly, waiting for any sort of relief that he would give to you. “Still so wet for me.. you’re such a good girl, ya know that? Listen to me so well..” Adding more force to his fingers, your body freezing at the pressure as more heavy exhales escape your slightly parted lips. He smiles and chuckles breathlessly.
Take your hips in his hands suddenly, he grips you tight enough to leave marks as he flips himself over and sits you on his lap. You yell at the fast movement, too caught up in the way his fingers felt to realize his motive.
“Bet ya weren’t expectin’ that, were ya, doll face?” He cackles and grips your thighs strongly. You blush at his words, embarrassed having the scream escape your lips seconds ago. He raises you up your knees by moving your hips up with just enough force, your hands immediately going out to rest on his chest to hold yourself. He smiles the same smile he has been, only wider. “C’mon, you wanted it, didn’t ya?” He smacks your thigh, his dominance never leaving no matter his position.
You nod, not being able to form any words. He hums and smiles, waiting for your next move. You look down and line yourself up with him, slowly starting to sink down. He groans at the feeling as you moan from the stretch, sitting still for a moment to get used to it. “Hurry up, doll. Don’t keep me waiting.” His voice was slightly breathless, smacking your thigh again. The pleasure was getting to him as well as you started to slowly move on him. It was hard to do so, your knees still violently bruised from just minutes before.
“What, can’t do it? I thought you wanted it so badly.” His condescending tone makes you whine in embarrassment, your nails digging into the pale skin of his chest. Harsh red crescent-moon shapes painted his body, brightly contrasted with his white skin. It almost matched with his hair.
“Such a needy girl, having to make me do everything for you.” Jerome sighs and moves your hips up to pull out of you and flips your positions back over again. With you laying underneath him now and him above you, he quickly thrusts back inside you, making you cry out. He smiles widely at the noise, quickly moving his hips against yours again. He groans and never stops his pace, encouraged by your state of pleasure. You grip onto his back as your legs instinctively wrap around his waist, bringing him impossibly closer to you. One of his hands rushes down to your thigh, holding it tightly against him.
“Fuck, doll,” His voice shakes slightly as he moans, his headboard hitting the wall behind it aggressively. The sound only spurs him on more, wanting the whole world to know what the two of you were doing. He knew this was wrong, to sleep with the enemy, but every part of his body was telling him it was all he ever needed. He would’ve done anything for you in that moment, feeling more vulnerable than he’s ever had been before. He also knew that if anyone at the GCPD were to find out about this, your job was absolutely done for. But maybe that was a good thing for him, maybe he wanted that so he can keep you to himself.
“Need you to cum, baby.” Jerome whispers in your ear, his groans filling up your hearing. The sound of skin slapping skin interrupted the once silent room, mixing with the severe clashing of the headboard to the wall.
His pace and words bring you to your edge quickly, your body almost failing when the hand that was once on your thigh, inching forward to circle your clit. Moaning loudly, your nails scratch his back, leaving dark red lines in contrast to his pale skin. He responds to the delicious pain, moaning louder in your ear. Signaling to him that you were close, he thrusts faster and harder inside you. As you arch your back in pleasure, his head leans forward and rests on your shoulder. His eyes are squeezed shut in satisfaction, his mouth open in a silent plea of arousal.
“Jerome, I..” Words weren’t put together in your mind, the only thing fogging it up was the man on top of you. He hums and nods quickly, applying more pressure on your clit.
“You’re so close, doll, I can feel it.” He bites your shoulder hard before moving up and whispering in your ear again. “C’mon, I wanna see you come. I bet you look so pretty- fuck. Squeezing me so tight. You feel so good, baby.” He rambles on, opening his eyes to watch your face. Your body starts to shake as your pent up pleasure releases and you follow his orders. He smiles while he watches you, his abs constricting as he gets closer as well. Your eyes start to close tightly, before he moves against you in a particularly hard thrust. “Look at me while you come.” He demands, and you follow through immediately.
You start to grow sensitive as he keeps moving, abruptly stopping when he reaches his peak just seconds after yours. Groaning loudly in your ear, your body shivers at the overpowering noise and he starts to calm down. Both of your chests were breathing fast as you relax from the intense feelings. Once Jerome finds the energy, he pulls out of you and falls down beside you on his bed.
“Fuck, if I knew you were that good in bed, I would’a broke out sooner.” He jokes and laughs once your reach over and slap his chest. “I’m just kiddin’, doll!” His tough arms wrap around your shoulders and bring you close to him. You both lie on each other, still trying to figure out what just happened. He inhales quickly as he starts to play with your messy hair, showing you that he was debating on talking or not.
“What’s wrong?” You ask, your voice still scratchy.
He purses his lips and opens his mouth, internally question whether it would be a good idea or not to tell you. Finally, he makes a snap decision and gives in. “Y’know, when I was in Arkham.. I wrote about’cha in my diary.” He reveals, a soft red tint covering his pale cheeks. He immediately regretted it once he sees a teasing smile form on your face. He rolls his eyes and looks away from you.
“Jerome Valeska has a diary?” You smile and laugh softly, sitting up slightly. He groans with annoyance, unwrapping his arms around you. You grab his chin gently and make him look over at you. “Don’t be embarrassed,” You laugh. “I think it’s cute.” You shrug. Laughing more when he groans again, knowing you were pushing his buttons.
“Shut up, doll face.” He wrestles you over back into a position where you were underneath him again as he hovered over you. “Y’wanna know what else is in there?” Your breath hitches slightly as his voice drops down deeper. “Plans to take over Gotham. I’m gonna run this city, whether anyone likes it or not.” He leans over and whispers in your ear with a threatening voice, making a shiver go down your spine and chills raise on your body. “First, I’m gonna kill Bruce Wayne. And then, I’m gonna go and find my pathetic brother, put him on the tallest building in Gotham City and watch him fall down each floor until his lifeless body hits the ground.” His smile never leaves his face as he talks, showing you that he was excited for his plans. A lump forms in your throat as he speaks, your situation only coming to light now. “And I’d love for you to join me, doll.” He continues. “But that’s a conversation for another day.” He shrugs and gets up, his positive mood already resurfacing. He bends over and grabs his boxers and puts them on. “Why don’t we go see what Jimbo is doin’, huh? I bet he’s freaking out, knowing that I have little ol’ you with me.” Jerome laughs hysterically, throwing his head back.
Realization hits you like a truck as you lay there, on Jerome Valeska’s bed, coming to terms with the fact that you were stuck with him from now on. Living the life of a criminal on Gotham’s streets, forced to turn over a new leaf. You sit paralyzed, too terrified to truly believe it.
“Oh, this is gonna be so much fun, doll face.” Jerome looks back over at you, noticing your frozen position. He smiles maniacally, showing his sharp, white teeth to you.
This was going to be anything but fun…
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I Want My Friend Back
I have me hear an incredibly scuffed, ooc bc of Maxson being kinda emotional, I don't like to edit things cos it takes too long I got my two homies with issues Anika Laydengardr and Elder Maxson These two mfs need to work shit out and I may or may not write abt that, all you need to know is that this stays in a hard platonic state for all eternity, mainly because I want their relationship to stay that way, and also because Maxson belongs to @h3raklion's character Matryona Smirnova and I love her too much <3
[Word count: 2400]
“So, you came.” hearing her voice, which was a hollow of the pure angelic joy it once was, it gave Maxson goosebumps. He was a fool to go alone, unannounced, despite what his knights had said she was capable of. “I was told I could find you here,” realistically, he could die here without being found for a while, “I was hoping we could talk.” He wanted to reason with her, he really did. He just wanted his friend back, that was all.
“I doubt there’s much to talk about.” The smell of oil, and freshly welded metal ran thick in the air, scents that young Arthur couldn’t stomach, “Besides, shouldn’t you be off on your airship?”
“I wanted to see you.” He looked down, “Please tell me what I did wrong… Why did you abandon me?”
“Abandon you?”
It was quiet. He could hear his own heartbeat. When they were younger, she used to make it a game of him guessing what she’d say next. But this time, he couldn’t guess. He worried she’d become lost to him, become too different from her old self.
“My family just didn’t trust a sixteen year old to be in charge.” she’d stepped out, not so he could see her, but so she could face him.
“You weren’t old enough–”
“But I’m old enough now.” he was quick to cut her off. He hated when people questioned him by his age, that’s why he made sure no one did.
“You cutting me off and ensuring that you are, indicates that you’re not.” a cold and judgemental stare was given to him, piercing straight into his soul.
“Nothing’s changed about you, Arthur, you’re not more mature, you’re just got taller and grew a beard. You are twenty. No one makes rational decisions at this age. I sure as hell know I haven’t, I took over Nuka World. I was placed in charge of three raider gangs because I killed their old boss. Why did I do it? Because I wanted power. I created extensive amounts of machines because I wanted power. That, and I was lonely. No doubt you’ve become a phenomenal leader. I just don’t see you when I think of that leader. When I think of you as a leader, I think of how it was with Sarah, I know you adored her. What you turned into was someone much more closed minded. Sarah would be disappointed in you. And my sister, who you also had a soft spot for because of their similarities, Is disappointed in you. You’re not yourself.” listening to what she had to say, he paused and thought.
“Neither are you, Anika.” he hadn’t said her name in years, it felt almost foreign to him, but it also sounded welcoming, and nostalgic. Oh how he’d missed her.
“Well then, I supposed I should go back to a previous topic. If I abandoned you, why didn’t you come looking for me?” she sounded accusatory, like he just wanted to blame her for everything.
“I…” he struggled to find the words. Seeing her made him like a child again, shy, stumbling in his words. She brought that out in him.
“You don’t know? I would maybe say it was because you were too proud to admit you needed me.” that caused him to bow his head slightly, was he really that predictable? She already knew the answer why, but she wanted him to say it, and he knew that. “I- yes. I’m sorry.” he looked down again. He knew he still wasn’t out of the woods yet, she could turn hostile at any time, which put him on edge. For the first time in his life, he felt unsure of how he felt about her.
“No use apologising, Arthur. You’ve found me now.” she gave him a small, almost reassuring smile.
“Now, you wanted to have a chat. Tea?” he stood there, stunned at her sudden change in demeanour.
He wasn’t a tea drinker, but they got over that hurdle many years ago. She knew how to make tea he liked, and he knew that, because she wanted him to enjoy what she had been growing in the nursery in the citadel. She always grew tea leaves, ever since she found the necessary seeds in an old homemakers store in Washington. Tea was a unique commodity shared by the people of the prewar world, the fact that they had been able to enjoy it fresh, it was quite lovely, actually. 
It didn’t take long for the woman to guide who used to be an old friend to a kitchen, similar to the one his sentinel described in Vault one-eleven. It was practical, keeping the cooking and eating in the same room. Only a select few in the brotherhood had previously enjoyed the tea Anika grew, Maxson felt lucky to be among them. He never answered yes to her question, they just migrated to the kitchen. She knew the answer, and so did he.
“Do you remember how I liked it?” he took a seat, eyeing her carefully, though he felt he could lower his guard now, she wasn’t one to dabble in poisons. Too quick a death, she always pointed out.
“I remember you liked your berries, your tea always ended up looking more pink or red.” she gave a chuckle as she filled the kettle and set it on her stove. To ensure quality, she took immense care measuring out the ingredients. She still felt pride from when she managed to make Arthur actually enjoy some form of tea. Maxson could look past her excessive work on robots, her affiliations with raiders, because in truth, she hadn’t changed. She always spoke of wanting to become a leader herself, and govern her own people. She never specified what those people would be, but he knew all she wanted to make was a difference in the world.
“I see you got your face tattooed.” he pointed out. He rubbed his calloused fingers over his knuckles, which he soon stopped as the feeling grew unpleasant for him.
“Yeah, and before you ask, no it wasn’t because of the raiders. This was a well thought out and deeply personal decision.” he expected no less from her, she was always one for sentiment. “You always talked about the norse legends, bedtime stories your mother and sister shared with you to ease your mind. That’s why your sister was codenamed Ragnarok by Lyons. I assume the tattoo is related to that?” he was met with a nod from the woman across from him, despite her standing with her back turned to him. 
“Yes. My sister, her parting statement was always telling me to raise hell. She didn’t care if it was me or my machines actually causing it. We’re a fighting family, and I don’t have many enemies, because they’re mostly dead. So I ended up with the half skull tattoo, a depiction of the Norse goddess of the underworld, Hel.” she’d begun making the tea, which flooded his mind with nostalgic memories.
“Rings true for when my sister and I fought off that deathclaw when we went on that walk, which you took credit for, then claimed you used a combat knife. A little annoyed that no one fact checked that, my Avalon and I kept our mouths shut.” a sigh came from behind her. “I’m sorry, they just began assuming all these things when we came back, seeing that I had a visible wound and you two didn’t” “Because I’m not the idiot who wandered too close to a deathclaw nest?” she chuckled with her question, the thought entertaining her. “I know, I was a fucking idiot for thinking it’d be fine. But it was better me than you, you would’ve gotten extensive amounts of discipline. They really sugar coated everything for me, huh?”
“You’re a Maxson, the last Maxson for that matter. The entire brotherhood feels they owe a debt to your family because your ancestor founded them. It’s not really a unique name, to be honest, it literally just means ‘son of Max’, and I bet there were a lot of people named Max that had sons before the war, specifically in places like Iceland where they still had that naming system. Even so, everyone turned on Roger Maxson. He wanted the Brotherhood to remain open, work alongside the people, get a perspective from everyone before taking action on who’s naughty or nice. You’re sort of there? You need to open up a bit more, and maybe don’t destroy an entire organisation who’s machines weren’t intended to leave their homes.”
“If you’re referring to the institute, they were a cancer. Who knows what they had in store for the Commonwealth.” he was quick to defend himself. “What they had in store was FEV cure, bringing back extinct species, lowering radiation levels, hell, making the wasteland more arable. Imagine farming if the soil contained more of the nutrients the plants needed. If we unified the commonwealth, there would be no threats from within. A government would be ideal, but not a military one.” she stopped herself as she brought over the tea. It smelled and looked just how he remembered.
“You always had a strong argument, you also always made nice tea.” she gave a small laugh at that. “Maybe you’re not lost to me, Arthur.” “I thought you were lost to me.”
“I could’ve been, had we not been as close as we were, growing up. Hell, I was the only person who actually wanted to be your friend. Do you still write? I remember reading what you showed me, and I loved how creative you were.” he shook his head in response. “I sadly don’t, not anymore.” “What, giving occasional orders to people and sitting around doesn’t warrant enough time to write? Or did… Did they stamp it out of you?” her question turned serious rather quickly. She always told him to keep going with his passion no matter what, she wanted to see him happy. “I suppose… Yeah, yeah they did. I haven’t written any stories  since I became Elder, I don’t think.” it was a shame, really, she truly did enjoy the stories he wrote.
“Then I want you to do something for me when you get back, and I’m sure you know what that is.” his eyes met hers, he knew she was serious.
“If I can surround myself with my passion, then you can surround yourself with yours.”
“Writing isn’t like robotics, Anika.” “Isn’t it? Both involve a hefty amount of creativity, you create things, you create people, you depict them in certain ways, you’re a creator.” it was a unique choice of words, people, that word stewed in Maxson’s mind. “You referred to your machines as people, why?” “For a reason you’d hate, because they actually have personalities. They feel emotions because I wanted them to, they have their own likes and dislikes, they can discover things about themselves. I surely would’ve grown mad if they didn’t have those. How would you feel if I said your characters weren’t allowed to be individuals, because they weren’t real people?” “I suppose I’d feel- well I’d be annoyed, that’s for sure, I don’t want them to be dull or anything.” “You just answered your own question with that.” he closed his eyes and nodded. 
“Now look at what you did to the railroad and the institute. Even more so, how would you feel, had I been among them and died in your crusade? Rather guilty, right?” “I suppose so.” “Then don’t act like you’re not guilty now. I know you didn’t want all those innocents to die, especially when there’s children among them, and people who were just following orders.”
“I know.” he sighed, he didn’t like to admit when he was wrong. But then again, he wasn’t talking to her as Elder Maxson, he was talking to her as Arthur.
“What’ve you been up to in Nuka World?” he asked, holding the warm mug in his hands.
“Well, I killed their overboss with the help of Ava, and I replaced him. My right hand man, Gage, I like him a lot but I’d prefer my sister in that position, however she appears to have her heart set on getting back to the brotherhood. I assure you, the only person who’s been going around and chatting up enemies of yours, is me. Avalon’s fine, don’t interrogate her, she’s just been working with the Minutemen. In fact, I do believe she was due to be promoted to Paladin? And since your previous two have both left the position vacant, surely you’ll give her that well earned position, Sarah trained her hard and she’s kept up that training.”
“I’ll see how she is, remember it’s been over four years now.” “Then maybe her collection of prewar artefacts that she plans on gifting Quinlan will help? You know he had a soft spot for her, she actually went out of her way to assist field scribes, remember that. You know he’ll vouch for her.” 
Maxson sat in thought. He didn’t like this subject. He already knew Avalon would return, and what would happen. He took this time to ask the question that had been eating away at him. “What are we, Anika?” this had taken her off guard. How could she answer this? She hadn’t seen him in years, he was almost a stranger to her.
“What do you want me to be?”
“Would it be too much to ask for my friend back?” “You’ll be expecting me to give up all I’ve gained, won’t you?” she expected their rekindled friendship to come with certain conditions. “No, I just want to know that you’ll have my back when I need it.”
“Don’t worry I will. I knew you were gonna ask if we could be friends again. I could tell from the way you’re speaking to me. Because we’re not talking like grownups.”
“I get it, you have a point about me not being mature enough… Hell you were always more switched on than me. Just don’t turn your back on me for being an idiot.”
“I won’t. I know you want me to keep this conversation in confidence, hence why you came alone. Just do me a favour.” “Yes?” “Please open up to others more.” “I’ll try, Ani.”
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oye y q tal el concierto ? would you rate the performances + explanation :D ?
i made a thread on twitter so i'll start with that and then add any other thoughts / fave live performances maybe ? idk i have a very bad memory so i have no idea how much i'll be able to tell you shdsjdjsjd
so let's start with the thread:
first of all i'm so proud of the 16 !!!! they were all incredible vocally, also great performers and yeah, i'm just very proud! also they were extra emotional that night cause the wizink center which was the venue they played in is one of the most iconic concert venues in spain, and the largest in madrid (not counting the football stadiums) so it was a big deal and you could tell, they were all lovely
bea !!!!!! i'm in love with her, she's perfect and she was incredible!! i don't know if you saw it but as the resident madrileña she sung a bit of se acabó after her solo and she was just. brilliant.
cuando zarpa el amor is so beautiful... never getting over it. and salma makes it so so incredible, she's so insanely talented
cris is the most underapreciated contestant in ot history and that's just an objective fact. he was the best voice i would say, his performances were all 10/10, he was super cute and nice, just the best, i love him.
ruslana shocked me in a good way ??? like she was like more impressive live than in the concert, she had tons of magnetism and charisma, like in every performance where she was she shined brighter than the others, i cannot properly explain it but just. wow. you could see why she was top 3.
and just as an extra. you could see why the top 3 was top 3. i think they were just more polished than the others? like there was a different aura about them. an extra glow.
when the party is over !!!!! i'm still there in my mind, just wow. i always love in concerts that one song where everyone goes silent and just gets entranced with the song and performance, this was that song for ot 2023. he sounds literally perfect live, i got goosebumps and everything.
the only thing that prevented it from being my favourite performance of the night was that the people around me were being annoying lol (the girls in my same row screamed 'time to go to the bathroom' when he was announced and left their seats laughing, and the people behind me kept talking about whatever not paying attention to the performance. this was the only time they did this btw).
the songs where i had more fun were inmortal, la vida moderna, criminal and my personal favourite i drove all night (HUGE underrated performance)
during please don't go there was a mum that gave it her all and it made me very very soft <3
during dime i (of course) kept looking at paul and álvaro and i can confirm they kept looking for each other 😭
MILO J ????? it was so insane ???? THE FAST PART ????? i swear it was faster than on tv it was absolutely mental like i could not process it, everyone started screaming after it like holy shit. most insane part of the concert, paul thin the performer you are.
mía was sooooo beautiful, i almost cried with it and you could tell kiki was emotional over it as well
el patio and tómame o déjame were soooo cathartic to scream to, truly highs of the concert for me as well
LET'S GET LOUD ???? OKAY WINNER naiara just left me in shock with how good she was, she looked like a professional who had been doing this for years, absolutely slayed.
oh and also i think the otito who is much better live than on tv is definitely álex, all of his performances were SO fun and he was SO good, an icon.
so as for that; i'd say my favourite live performances were: when the party is over, cuando zarpa el amor, mía, la vida moderna, i drove all night, criminal, inmortal and milo j.
my favourite group song was quédate i think. sweet caroline was also super fun tho.
overall if i had to choose one performance to show people it'd have to be milo j, while the performance i personally enjoyed the most i think it was between la vida moderna, inmortal, or i drove all night. one of those three.
so, in the end, i really enjoyed it!!! it was very fun, as i said here after the concert, it really is like a giant karaoke orchestrated by people you've grown attached to and it's just. the best thing ever. always great to go to an ot concert.
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formulawonu · 3 years
flutters / mick schumacher
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(not my gif! creds to owner <3)
warning: kissing, getting a little touchy,, and just being flustered idk
summary: *requested by @gpiggy98​ <3* mick has just finished an intense race and you’re the only person he really wants to be around at the moment since you’re his best friend. you’ve secretly liked him for a while now and offer/give him a massage to cool down after the race and you can’t help but get flustered at the intimacy of the moment.
a/n: honestly. what would i give to have mick as my best friend. what would i give to basically have mick in my life. FOR REAL. ugh mick schumacher supremacy. anw i didnt know how to end this one properly so idk if im 100% satisfied but it was fun writing hsjakdhasd but enjoy anyway x (i’m always open to requests btw!!!!)
It’s the end of the Hungarian Grand Prix and you feel like you can finally breathe properly after a couple of hours. You’d think you’d have gotten used to going through race weekends by now but you always seem to find your breath caught in your throat and worrying over the safety of your best friend. Mick had finished in p12 - his current best finish throughout the season - and you were extremely proud of him. Despite how well he did defending from other cars on the field in the car he has, you can tell from the way his brows furrow together after removing his helmet that he’s far from satisfied. Watching him go through the procedure after each race required by the FIA from the garage, you decide to make your way back to the hospitality in order to not get into anyone’s way. You figured that you would just talk to Mick when he was free and tell him proud you are of him. What you were not expecting was Mick to show up at the hospitality earlier than you had expected, his body language clearly still tense, and motioning you with just his head to follow him up to his assigned driver’s room. He doesn’t really stop to wait for you or anything because he knows you understand that he doesn’t want to be around a lot of people right now. It leaves you feeling pleased that you’re still the one he wants to talk to. Perks of being his best friend.
“Hey, you.” You say as you enter Mick’s room, shutting the door behind you. You stand there for a while, leaning against the door as you take in Mick sitting down on the couch, his eyes shut with his head thrown back. His hair is all messy from wearing his helmet but it looks good anyway. You knew this wasn’t the right time to be thinking it, but you’d be lying to yourself if you didn’t acknowledge how Mick made looking stressed extremely attractive. Sexy, even. Mick pops open one eye as he lazily looks at you. “I’m so frustrated.” He mumbles. He then pats the space beside him, telling you to come sit beside him. You make your way to the couch and plop down beside him, trying not to mind the way your heart beats faster as the distance between you both has marginally decreased. Immediately after and without warning, Mick drops his head on your lap. You want to blame the lack of AC for the sudden rise of temperature in the room you’re both in, but you know that the heat is really just rising in your cheeks as you imagine how close Mick is to your body. “I’m so tired.” He continues, shutting his eyes again. You can’t stop the way your heart is rapidly beating inside of your chest and you wouldn’t be surprised if Mick could actually hear it. The vibrations that come from Mick’s voice run through your whole body, leaving you to slightly shift your thighs closer together. You bring your hands to run through his hair, hoping to distract yourself from your own thoughts by giving him a small massage. Mick hums in response. You rub small circles into his temples, picturing him doing the same thing to you in another area of your body. You have to stop yourself there. You seriously cannot be thinking about this while you’re trying to distract yourself from the fact that Mick, your best friend, is all hot and sweaty. Well, there’s always points for trying. 
You don’t realize you’ve stopped the small massage you were giving him until you feel Mick’s hand grip your knee. “Why’d you stop? That felt so good.” The heat rushes to your cheeks and you can feel Mick’s eyes on your face. You can’t bring yourself to meet his eyes because you’re flustered at how dirty your thoughts had gotten because of a few words Mick had muttered in passing. The fact that his hand was still on your knee also did not help your case. It was something you had come to terms with a while ago: you deeply liked your best friend - that was why you were acting like this around him. You had tried your best to ignore the fuzzy feelings that came up every time you thought of him or the way your stomach would drop whenever he was around. You tried to deny and cover it up by saying you just really appreciated him as a person, but you eventually gave in and realized it was pointless to fight your feelings. It didn’t matter anyway. Mick was still your best friend, regardless of whatever feelings you had for him. 
“Oh. Sorry.” You mutter, still refusing to look at him as you try to will the heat in your cheeks to disappear. You knew not to make eye contact with Mick because those damn eyes knew you almost better than you knew yourself so meeting them would just spell out disaster for you. He would figure out something was off immediately. You begin moving your hands again through Mick’s hair, kneading in a new pattern. Your eyes land on the hand still resting on your knee. You focus on it as you continue to massage Mick when suddenly it begins to draw circles of its own nearer your inner thigh. Your breath hitches in your throat and you accidentally tug at Mick’s hair because of your unguarded reaction to his hand. You quickly look at his face to see if he’s felt that (though surely he has) and you find yourself looking into a pair of amused eyes. There’s a hint of playfulness in them as he’s probably made the connection that you are... well... currently going through it. “You okay, there?” He whispers, raising an eyebrow at you. You try to play it off, as you usually do. “Yeah. Why wouldn’t I-” His hand moves higher up and you involuntarily pause. “-be.” You swallow and desperately try to focus on anything else but the hand that is now closer to you than you had ever imagined it to be. How white the wall is, how cool Mick’s helmet is, how comfortable the couch is. Mick suddenly shifts his position and the hand on your thigh disappears. You let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding in. The place where Mick’s hand once was now feels incredibly bare. Mick is still moving around until he’s positioned himself to be facing you, still lying down, with his head propped up by his hand. The arm propping his head up is over your legs - suddenly, you feel like you’ve fallen into a dangerous trap. 
“Hey there.” He whispers, smiling at you with those damn eyes filled with amusement. Like he knows. “Hi?” His free hand moves to trace lines up and down your arm. Goosebumps immediately come and you shiver. He smiles even wider, noting the way your body has unintentionally reacted to his touch. “Are you cold?” He continues to run a finger up and down your arm, mindlessly drawing his own patterns. His eyes never leaving yours. You know you should be answering him now, replying with anything really, but his hand has made its way back down and is now drawing circles on the part of your thigh he’s resting on. “Am- Am I what?” You ask, not remembering what he’s just said a few seconds ago. Your eyes move to glance at Mick’s hand then back to his face. Mick then fully sits up, this time lifting your legs to rest over his lap. “Something’s bothering you.” He says, gently turning your chin to have you face him. Your eyes land on his lips before you meet his eyes. “Not at all. I am just peachy.” He chuckles as you inwardly cringe, knowing full well that you didn’t sound convincing at all. What were you supposed to do when his other hand was now drawing those same distracting circles this time on your side. You had never been this close with Mick. You weren’t supposed to be this close to Mick. His eyes drop to your lips. “Can I try something to get whatever it is off your mind?” He whispers. You nod before you can think about what he’s just offered, too taken by how Mick’s face seems to be inching ever so closely to yours by the second. Your eyes flutter shut when you feel the touch of another pair of lips on yours. It starts out slow, almost shy, as if he’s checking to make sure you’re okay with what’s happening. But then you pull him closer to you, slightly parting your lips to invite him in. Your hands make their way around his neck and tugging at the ends of his hair. The pace has suddenly shifted and Mick has lifted you on top of him, letting you straddle him as he now moves his hands up and down the sides of your body. 
There was no way this was actually happening. All you wanted to do a couple of moments ago was tell Mick how proud you were of him. You push your body closer to his, trying to eliminate the almost nonexistent space between the two of you. Mick moans in your mouth, his hands gripping your waist tighter. “I’ve been wanting to kiss you for so long.” He says in between kisses. He’s trailing kisses down your jaw then your neck. “Me too. You have no idea.” You breathe into his ear. You’re about to kiss him again when suddenly you hear a knock at the door. You both pause, looking at each other wide-eyed. 
“Mick, it’s Guenther. We need to debrief quickly. Won’t take long, I swear.” You slowly move off of Mick, trying not to make noise. You were sure no one thought you guys were doing anything weird anyway but you didn’t want to be caught looking like it. Mick is still sitting next to you, both of you trying not to laugh. It’s almost like he doesn’t want Guenther to think he’s in the room. “Mick,” You hear knocks coming from the other side of the door. “The earlier we start, the quicker you can get back. Hi to Y/N, who is in there too.” You both burst out laughing, the jig obviously up. Mick finally gets up, chuckling and accepting he has to go and start debriefing. 
“I’ll see you when I get back. Still need to get that thing off of your mind.” He says, winking at you as he steps out of the room. 
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ickymichi · 4 years
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𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐝𝐬
eren jeager x reader
warnings: nsfw/dark content, monster fucking(?) -_-, swearing, female oral receiving, squirting. f!reader
summary: eren eats you out in his titan form.
note: yes i fell into the cave hole of this.😐 ty to @aramiih for inspiring my brain to think of this after reading their version :). but anyway!, if you enjoyed reblog are greatly appreciated<3
© hotboyissei 2021. please do not repost/modify or post/recommend on tiktok.
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when eren pulled your tired body away into a secluded corridor near your room you were heading to fall into your bed you were confused at first. did you do something wrong? did something happen?
“i want to try something with you, but we need to go outside.” he said lowly, his long brown locks covering parts of his once bright green eyes. looking into your own for the first time since he took hold of your arm, you could see a soft smile gracing his face. this let you knew that he’d never do anything to hurt you, he’d keep you as safe as his life would let him.
slowly, you nodded your head and smiled back at him, in which he gave a mirrored one back to you before quietly but quickly making his way outside with you holding onto his arm behind him. when he finally stopped walking you looked around at your surroundings. you were in a huge open field and you could see the building you just came from in the distance.
“eren, why are we all the way out here.” a harsh breeze cut through you making you rub your hands up and down your arms that had formed goosebumps along them. “i.., i don’t really know how to tell you so, i’ll just show you instead, okay?” he spoke so softly around you, such a durastic difference to when he was with someone like jean or connie. it made your heart swell in your chest and again you gave him a nod. he motioned for you to step back a bit so you took five steps backwards keeping your eyes on him and how beautiful he looked in the moonlight. his tall broad frame looked like a statue you’d see in a museum, you just couldn’t take your eyes off him.
but suddenly the quiet crickets and wind got taken over by a loud cracking sound to that of lighting, a bright yellow shine filled your vision and hot steam blew you back a step or two. when it finally subsided and you could take your arms away from your face, a huge familiar being stood towering above you. the way your heart dropped to your stomach was similar to the time you first saw the being expect there was less fear this time. knowing he wouldn’t harm you this time, but why would he bring you all the way out here in the dead of night just to transform? none of it was making sense to you at this moment.
“e-eren, what are you doing?” you knew he couldn’t hear you with the way you whispered, and how high above you he was. god you could barely hear yourself with how quiet your trembling voice was. slowly he slightly crouched down and placed his large hand infront of you so you, for what you were guessing, to step onto. grasping his huge index finger you climbed into his open palm with no hesitation. you wobbled a bit at first due to the wind and you letting go of his finger trying to be independent. but when he started to rise to his full height again you shot to kneel down and grasp his finger once again.
you felt a puff of air come from the direction of his face and you just knew, he was laughing at the way you tried to keep your balance. “oh don’t laugh at me you fucker, you’d be the same if you were in my position.” you ended the sentence with a laugh and softly kicked his palm as a retort, and being honest he probably didn’t feel it.
“so um, why did you want to come out here, i doubt it was to stare gaze, you don’t strike me as that romantic”. obviously, you weren’t expecting an answer but he’d find a way to tell you. he flicked his head forward slightly, silently telling you to lie down, to which you listened and lay on your back, feet planted on his palm and knees bent. laying in that position for a few seconds you were about to speak into the silence and ask what exactly you were meant to be doing. that was, until you felt his pointy nose nudge against your knees and spread them apart with the power he held, his nose just slightly poking at your clothed pussy. “eren! wha- what?. what are you doing?”. again not expecting an answer you just looked into his eyes that were burning holes between your legs.
wait, surely.., surely he wasn’t going to. how did he even think of wanting to do it? well you’ve always had this slight weird attraction to erens titan form out you never thought he’d do something like this. wanting to see what he actually had planned you complied to his actions and laid back down spreading your legs again and pushing your long skirt to rest above the bones of your hips.
On the inside eren was freaking. Thoughts upon thoughts running through his mind. Firstly, it was beyond him how you agreed to come out with him to a field in the middle of the night, secondly how easily you agreed to his crazed fantasy. But he had no time for thinking. his mind was focused on your tiny figure resting in his palm, sitting up slightly with your weight resting on your forearms, legs spread for him to delve into, eyes filled with want and need.
Not wasting a single second eren opened his mouth and let his large tongue fall out of its previous home. Bringing it closer to in between your open legs, you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. It felt like slow motion you both were thinking. But when the tip of his tongue finally met your clothed cunt all you could do was let your own mouth fall open and throw your head back. Not wanting to add to much pressure and hurt you, eren lightly dragged the hot muscle up your slit and flicked it around what felt like your clit.
Even with your panties still on you could feel everything, but it just wasn’t enough. Backing slightly away from his eager tongue you reached down to pull your panties down off your legs and threw them to the side. You felt like just having your legs slightly spread wasn’t enough so you gripped the underside of your thighs and spread them as far as you could.
Seeing your eagerness he dove straight back in, not holding back as much. “e-eren! Oh fuck yes mmh!”. The feeling of the titans hot, wet, large tongue flicking and prodding and your clit and twitching hole was quickly making the knot in your stomach grow tighter and tighter. “please, baby please, more need more!”. Your whines and begs made him pull away for a split second before pushing the tip into your small dripping hole.
You didn’t know what it would feel like but you definitely didn’t know it would feel this incredible. Thrashing your head back against his hand your eyes shot open and you saw the dark sky filled with stars and clouds. You already knew you were high above the ground, but with the growing pleasure your lover was giving you, it felt like you could reach a hand up and touch the clouds. You didn’t want it to end but you could feel your orgasm growing closer n’ closer with each thrust of his tongue against your walls.
You wanted to tell him you were getting close, you wanted to tell him how good it felt. But now words would come out of your mouth, all that came out was wanton moans and high pitched whines. But he knew, he knew by the continuous bucking of your hips, the quick rise and fall of your chest, the shaking of your legs that you were reaching your peak. Wanting to help you get there quicker he sped up his prodding muscle and switched between pushing it into your clenching hole and flicking it against your clit. ‘close, close!’ you wanted to shout out to him, even just those two words to let him know how amazing he was. But one final flick against your throbbing clit made the tight knot suddenly snap and your essence flowed from your cunt. “eren, eren, eren!”. was the words that finally escaped your throat as he didn’t show any signs of letting up when your high started to fade.
He knew what he wanted from you and he wasn’t stopping till he got it. and by the looks of it, it wouldn’t take that long. “eren please please, stop, hnngh no don’t stop!” you didn’t know what you wanted but you knew your begs weren’t enough to stop him. Nothing was when he was set on his goal. “oh fuck, i’m gonna- haaah!.” It didn’t feel like it did when he wasn’t in his titan from but he could still feel it and it was nothing short of heaven for the man. The feeling of your essence flowing from your cunt made him move his tongue to your slit. Watching your small and move from your thigh to your clit to quickly rub the small bud to try increase the pleasure made him never want to pull away. But when he saw you try and shuffle up his palm away from his assaulting tongue he knew you had enough.
Watching you breathe heavily and throw a glance to his prying eyes, he knew this wasn’t going to be a one time thing, that you and him both we’re already missing the feeling of being able to touch the clouds.
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perriewinklenerdie · 3 years
I love you (MO, 17/17, Ethan x MC)
Missed Opportunities Series, Chapter 17
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x Claire Herondale
Word count: 1070
Summary: All the times when Ethan could have told Claire he loved her but didn’t, and one time he did. Told through Ethan’s eyes.
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, minors please DNI
A/N: The finale is upon us. Welcome to the last part of the series, where we finally change the warnings and just let my two idiots be idiots in love. 
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Ethan woke up to the gentle feeling of kisses being trailed up his arm. An effortless smile tugged on the corners of his lips.
“Good morning.” Claire muttered against the skin of his chest, looking up at him with hooded eyes. His hand traced a path from her hip, up her back, finally ending with a delicate touch at the back of her neck. Using the new point of contact, he pulled her down into a kiss, humming quietly at the sensation.
“I love you.” he whispered once the kiss ended, nudging her nose with his. Claire grinned.
“I love you, too.”
The next kiss had an entirely different tone. Deep, slow, and hot, it sent them both onto the path of desire, and they soon passed the point of caution. Ethan’s hands reached beneath the fabric of the shirt she was wearing, thumbs finding her nipples.
“Ethan…” Claire breathed out, bringing him closer to her with her legs on either side of his hips and grinding slowly, her intent clear.
“How do you want me, Claire?” He tried to keep his voice level, but the way she moved against him made it incredibly difficult.
“Slowly.” She panted, rolling her hips. Not long after, she fell onto the bed and crooked her finger to beckon him closer. He followed her directions, settling himself between her legs. “Look at me when you come.”
Her words alone could have made him combust on the spot, and they haven’t even started. With no sense of urgency, they got rid of each other’s night clothes and underwear. Claire held her breath when he aligned himself with her entrance, their eyes trained on each other. He fell into her open arms, embrace providing another layer of intimacy. Ethan’s broken groan got muffled by the skin of her neck, his tiny bites causing goosebumps to cover her arms. The muscles of his back were tensing as he held back from moving just yet.
The very first ghost of a sound she made started them both on a steady rhythm, their bodies coming and going together like waves lapping up the shore.
“Oh, god.” Claire’s moan went straight to his head, stroking his ego like nothing else. She snuck her hands under his arms and up his back to grab his shoulders. That form of leverage allowed her a tad bit more control over the situation, both of them now in perfect symphony.
“Lift your hips.” He said, moving his hand away from the mattress. Claire did as he asked, creating enough space for his arm to fit into. The new angle he created kicked the air out of her lungs as it allowed him to hit the spot inside her that made her feel lightheaded.
“Ethan, I want you to- fuck- “
“What was that?” he smirked, snapping his hips a bit more powerfully. She moaned, arching her back even further. Ethan pressed her onto the mattress with his body, kissing her cheek as he repeated, voice dropping to a sultry hum. “What was that?”
Claire shot him a charged look, one of her hands reaching higher to grab his hair and pull on it. “I want you to come.”
He kissed her without any hesitation, their tongues exploring each other as though it was their first time. His words were punctuated with his needy gasps for air. “Wrap your legs around me.” He kissed her, short pecks the only thing they both could afford at that moment. She followed his directions, creating yet another angle for him to enter her at.
Ethan could already feel himself slipping, his self-control leaving him behind. He opened his eyes, staring right at her.
“Tell me you love me.”
“I love you.” she said, no hesitation, no pause. Squeezing her inner muscles, she made him stumble momentarily. She repeated it once more as she stroked his broad shoulders and the back of his neck.
“I’m never letting you go. You’re mine.” Ethan was rambling now, his mind losing any coherence it once had.
“Please.” she moaned softly right before she came, his name following closely behind as stars began to appear in her vision. He followed closely behind, staring into her eyes as his movements lost precision and he chased the feeling of ecstasy she always gave him.
Claire held onto him tightly and Ethan kept his gaze on her as he gave her one last thrust. With the last shivers of their high leaving their bodies, they kissed and caressed each other, smiling wordlessly. She stroked the side of his face.
“You look happy.”
“I am happy. Why wouldn’t I be?” he pressed a warm kiss to her hand, then placed it against his heart. “I finally am able to tell you the one thing that’s been on my mind for more than a year now.”
“A year? What took you so long?” she was very obviously joking, but her surprise was genuine and visible. Ethan simply shrugged.
“I thought that was pretty obvious. After the- “ he cut himself off, a cold shiver running down his spine. Claire nodded in understanding. “After the attack, I stopped trying to pretend like I didn’t want you. Like I didn’t need you to get through the day.” His thumb pressed onto her wrist, stroking the discolored skin shortly after. “I was fully ready to tell you after the gala.”
“Then why didn’t you?”
“The whole commotion with Leland put a wrench in our peace and my plan. And then your partner turned into a clueless idiot- don’t laugh at me, we both know I was behaving like an idiot.” He scoffed but was unable to fight a laugh of his own, especially when her shoulders shook as she hid her face in his chest for a second.
“I admit, not your brightest moments. But you did get back to normal, so I guess you’re forgiven.” She patted him on the chest, moving to sit up. Ethan had other plans – with his hand still on hers, he pulled her downwards a little, making her laughing eyes meet his again.
“You guess I’m forgiven?”
“Yes. But only because I love you.” Claire grinned, falling back onto the bed and wrapping her arms around his neck. Ethan smiled – he hoped he’d get to smile with her every day from now on. He leaned down to peck her nose playfully.
“I love you, too.”
From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for being here with me along for the ride. It’s been my pleasure to have you here, as I said goodbye to the series that carried me through my bachelors degree. 
There’s an announcement coming your way soon, as well as two fics - one that has an angsty undertone and the other that is half angst and half fluff (only the first one is written so far and all I can tell you is that it’s called Out of reach). There’s also the little thing called The Herondale Family + that I’ve been teasing for a while - that one should make appearance sometime in the future.
Thank you so much for reading and being here, see you soon (on the other side)!
Perrie <3
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This is me begging you to write a part 3 to Elain riling up Lucien <3
Well this has spun wildly out of control
Elain had to fight back her smug smirk when Feyre invited everyone—including Lucien—out to swim on the river. Lucien had clearly not expected Elain to attend, likely because she never did. Elain felt nervous, almost uncomfortable with the idea of so many eyes looking at so much bare skin, but to repay Lucien in the weird game they were playing, she’d have done much, much more.
When he strode to the bank, clad in only swimming shorts, she was already laying out on a raft near the shore in blush colored one piece. It was hardly scandalous, what with its little, ruffled skirt that hid her bottom from view and the top that tied around her neck. It was skintight and, if she was honest, gave everyone a perfect view of her nipples though the thin, opaque material.
She propped one knee up and pretended to read all the while watching Lucien, absurdly muscled and gleaming beneath the sun, stared open-mouthed in her direction.
Good. Suffer, she thought with delight. They were surrounded by Rhys and his inner circle along with both of her sisters, which meant they could only take their game so far without being caught. That was half the fun, she thought, reclining on the squashy blue raft.
Lucien splashed into the water after Feyre, crouching when he was in waist deep water and then vanishing entirely beneath the sparkling surface
A few moments later she felt her raft floating further down the river, away from her sisters and their friend as though the wind were pushing it. She sighed, setting her bookmark between her pages, and waited. Lucien sure could hold his breath for a long time, she thought wryly, wondering why no one thought it odd she was practically a spec in the distance.
A moment later the entire thing capsized, sending her flying, limbs flailing, into the warm water below. Elain kicked off the silty bottom, spluttering when her hear reached the surface. Nearby, her book bobbed alone the surface, ruined. Lucien slicked back his long, red hair, a shit-eating grin plastered on his face.
“You’re rude,” she hissed, kicking her legs beneath her, unable to fully touch the bottom.
“I’m rude? You’re rude, parading about in that little thing,” he replied, still smiling. “I’m starting to think you’re trying to get a rise out of me.”
“Sounds like your ego is out of control,” she retorted primly, tossing her book back on the raft. Lucien’s smile never slipped as he swam towards her. He could stand and he did, when he reached her, the water sluicing off his upper chest as he did.
“Am I wrong?” He asked, the one russet colored eye smoldering again. She was grateful for the water which she assumed masked the immediate arousal she felt. He was so tall, so handsome…she wanted him to kiss her so fucking bad it made her head spin.
“You are always wrong, my Lord,” she replied, her voice so breathless it betrayed her. Lucien’s grin widened into something hungry.
“Why can’t you just admit you want me?” He asked softly, his hand, hidden beneath the water, skimming the side of her body. Despite the heat, Elain was suddenly cold. She shivered beneath his touch, wishing he could touch her everywhere.
“I fear what that kind of knowledge would do to your head…if it were true. Which it’s not,” she added for good measure. Still, she couldn’t resist putting her hand on the smooth, hard muscle of his stomach just to know what he felt like. She’d only ever felt his thigh and then his erection, she she’d climbed into his lap.
“Three little words. Say them and I’ll take you out of here and give you everything you want.”
Elain’s fingers slid into the band of his swim shorts and Lucien’s eyes closed in response. “What could you possibly know about what I want?” She asked. She gasped a moment later when his arm wrapped around her body and dragged her against him. They were hidden from view thanks to the distance he’d dragged them and his much larger body shielding her from view and yet Elain still felt incredibly exposed. He held her so tightly her breasts were pressed against his chest, her friction of the wet fabric of her suit rubbing against her hard nipples. Desire was pooling between her thighs again, pure disaster given that he’d hoisted his leg between her own, nearly sitting her over his knee. Lucien rubbed, nearly shifting the thin material that kept her sex covered to the side. Did he know?
Anticipation shivered up her spine and goosebumps rippled over her body. The hand that didn’t hold her slid up her stomach to her breasts, tweaking on her straining nipples. Elain sucked air in sharply as a bolt of electricity ran down her body and settled in her clit. Lucien bent his head, his mouth inches from her own.
“Say it,” he demanded roughly, his grasp on reality just as tenuous. There was no way she was going to let him drag her out of the water in front of her family no matter how badly she might want him to.
Elain, in a moment of pure boldness, ground her palm against his erection, giving him a taste of his own medicine. A groan slipped from Lucien’s lips and Elain tabled her own need, triumphant.
“No thanks, Lucien,” she murmured, counting the words on her free hand. He released her like she’d burned him, his gold eye wide. She floated back towards her raft and her ruined book, catching the dark look on his face. She might have gotten away with her little game this time, but they were both just barely hanging on.
Next time she knew, if they were alone, she wouldn’t be able to deny him.
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mythiccheroacademia · 4 years
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A Dip in the Hot Tub
A/N: Sooooo, I wasn’t originally going to participate in kinktober in any way, but so many blogs inspired me to do something. Even if it’s one thing. So here I am sinning™️.  I wanna start writing for haikyuu, so this is my experimental fic. I wrote it with my two favs so I hope got the characters somewhat right. I hope y’all enjoy this and happy kinktober <3
Pairing: Bokuto x Fem!Reader x Kuroo Word Count: 2k Context: You’re a volleyball player (you choose the school) that caught the eye of the Fukurōdani and Nekoma volleyball team’s captains. They’ve expressed their interest, but you don’t believe it. Now they’ve cornered you and won’t leave until they’ve convinced you of their feelings in a way you can’t deny. 
All characters are 18+
Warnings: sexual content aka dry humping, fingering, threesomes without p*nis to v*gina penetration...but it is later implied, cursing
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A Dip in the Hot Tub
The private hot tub was supposed to be relaxing treat. And it was. At first.
That was until you realized you were in the water with two insanely aggravated (read: jealous) men who had recently expressed their attraction to you. And your dumb ass only believed them after seeing their reaction when they caught Oikawa flirting with you.
You admittedly had an ego boost under the power you felt in that moment. Now, with Bokuto and Kuroo sitting across from you, displeasure in their gazes, you were filled with anxiety.
Or was that excitement?
You decided to stay on your side, legs tightly bound together.
“Uhh, so the first day of camp went well,” you said, attempting to make conversation.
Wow. Okay.
“Tough crowd,” you muttered. You tried again. “Um, have any plans for the rest of the evening?”
“Not really.”
Then, it was crickets.
You nodded, giving up. You can take a hint.
“Okay, well, obviously I’m not wanted here so I’ll just take my leave—”
“No, wait.” You felt your body tense as Kuroo put his hand on your shoulder. His brown eyes were rigid, but not with anger. It was something more vulnerable. However, he looked away before you could decipher it.
“Kuroo…” you whispered.
“Stay. We didn’t mean to make you feel unwelcomed,” he said.
You stared at him for a second before looking over to Bokuto who still looked…emo…but didn’t seem to make any protest. Despite your apprehension, you let the dark-haired man slowly pull you back down into the water.
“Okay,” you breathed.
You hadn’t realized just how hurt they’d be. Your own insecurities made you believe there was no possible way both of your crushes were interested in you. However, that didn’t give you a right to mess with their feelings like you did. You were grown enough to know better.
Sucking in your pride, you apologized.
“Hey. Tetsu, Tarō. I’m sorry,” you quietly spoke. You looked down at your hands in embarrassment. “I was wrong to not take your feelings seriously. I just…I just couldn’t believe that you two liked someone like me more than a friend. Especially when I um like you two aswell. So, I’m sorry if that really turned you off. I wouldn’t blame you.”
What was said next totally caught you off guard.
“You really don’t understand how much we want you, do you?”
Your eyes snapped up to see a pair of golden irises closing in on you. You couldn’t get the chance to wonder how Bokuto got so close to you because the intensity of his gaze made you blank out.
“Huh?” you dumbly said.
His hands readily found your waist before running down your hips, fingering the laces of your bottoms before finding purchase on your thighs. “Even though I’m incredibly pissed off at you, all I can think about is how much I wanna fuck you right now.”
The way his eyes rolled down your body made goosebumps flood your skin and your pussy clench with desire. Bokuto pushed himself closer to you and you gasped at the feeling of his erection on your abdomen.
You couldn’t even comment before Kuroo came up behind you, placing wet kisses on the back of your neck. You felt his clear excitement on your back.
“I guess we’re just going to have to show you how much we like you, huh princess?” he said with a Cheshire-like smile.
You were easily feeling overwhelmed with four hands and two mouths feeling you up. You wanted it, but you couldn’t help but feel a little nervous. You’d never taken two men at the same time.
“W-wait—I’ve never…I haven’t—”
“Don’t worry. We won’t go all the way. We’ve got you babygirl,” Kuroo whispered before nipping your shoulder.
Your words turned into putty as you finally welcomed Bokuto’s lips. Despite his past seriousness, he was soft and hesitant with his kisses until he felt your arms wrap around his neck. Then his confidence shined through. You were pushed further into Kuroo’s embrace as you deepened the kiss.
You felt yourself moan as his tongue passed through your mouth, leaving no crevice unexplored. He kissed you like he couldn’t have enough of your taste, swallowing down every whimper you gave. It was almost instinct for you to wrap your legs around him and you reveled in how he grinded his hips against you. You were breathless as he positioned himself so that he was right on your clit.
“Oh, Bokuto…”
“This is how you make me feel, Y/N,” he panted. “You don’t know how many times I’ve dreamt about your legs around me.”
Bokuto’s hips continued to buck into you and it felt amazing. He was slow in his movements, his hips like sensual waves as he rutted against your sensitive nub. You moaned, hands latching onto whatever you could hold of his muscular back.
“You like that? Does it feel good, baby?” he exhaled. “Does it feel good when I pretend like I’m fucking you?”
You whined out a yes and dug your fingers in his hair. But just when you thought this was it, a pair of hands from behind untied your bikini top, letting it fall down your shoulders. Kuroo smoothed one of his hands over your breasts, teasing your nipples with his thumb and forefingers. The other hand squeezed your ass before his thick finger past your bottoms and into your slick folds.
The feeling of his fingers curling against your walls and Bokuto’s dick against your clit made your head fall back. Kuroo bit down on your neck and licked the mark before whispering in your ear, “All we’ve ever wanted was to make you feel good, kitten. There were so many nights I touched myself thinking of how you’d feel wrapped around me. So many nights I wished it were your pretty little mouth choking on my dick.”
He found satisfaction in how his words alone had such an effect on you when he felt you shiver. Meanwhile, you were on cloud nine. You closed your eyes and let a desperate whine drip from your lips as you felt Kuroo start to thrust against your ass. He then took his fingers out from your heat and lied them flat against your tongue.
“Suck,” he ordered, and you did just that, tasting yourself. A delicious moan vibrated through your body as he slowly moved his fingers in and out of your mouth.
It took a few moments, but soon, the three of you were moving in sync, chasing the orgasm you felt within their bellies. The closeness of it all was nearly overwhelming. Their grunts and moans were hot in your ears; one hand was in Kuroo’s hair while the other gripped Bokuto’s back.
“Imagine that we’re in you, filling your pretty holes up. So stuffed that you can barely tell who is who and god—you’d feel so good. Taking us like the good girl you are. So wet and hot for us as we fuck you until you can’t remember your own name,” Bokuto groaned.
Your eyes nearly rolled into the back of your head. You were trying your best to keep your voice down, but the two men against you were not on the same wave. The white and black haired man gripped the flesh of your thighs to pull you closer as his thrusts got faster and messier.
Bokuto buried his head into your neck and moaned, “Y-Y/N, baby, I’m close.”
Close? You were barely holding on. If it wasn’t for that fact that Kuroo twisted your head to swallow your moans away, you would’ve been heard through the walls of the private room.  
In your pleasure filled daze, you found it within yourself to slip your hand within his trunks and pump his dick. The extra heat from your hand and the way you stroked your thumb over the tip nearly pushed him over the edge. Kuroo let out the prettiest moan that made his face heat up. Gone was the smugness as he peered at you with desperation.
“Princess—fuck Y/N!”
You huffed out a chuckle.
Kuroo took his hand out of your mouth so he could wrap one arm around your waist and pinch your nipples. He began to urgently thrust in your hand as you pulled Bokuto’s hair back so you could also see his face.
You almost came on the spot as he gazed at you like a lovesick puppy, golden eyes begging for release.
Within both of their gazes, you could see the fondness they had been trying to express to you. That along with the overstimulation was enough to make your eyes prick with tears.
The feeling was all too much. Your stomach was coiled tight. One more thrust and you were nearly sent over the edge.
“Kuroo! Boku—ah! Oh shit!” you sung.
“Come on, sweetheart,” Bokuto growled. “You’re right there—ah! C-cum for us.”
He grabbed the ledge of tub and nearly slammed into you as Kuroo licked his lips at the sight of your open mouth gasps. The water sloshed back and forth, spilling over the edges with your movements. You looked so pretty with your tongue out and eyes fluttering between open and closed.
Kuroo’s hand wrapped around your neck and gave it a slight squeeze. “Let us hear you princess—“
Then it hit you. Your eyes blacked out from the intensity. “I’m cumming!” you screamed. A wave of pleasure shot up your belly and spread warmth hotter than the humid air throughout your shaking limbs.
It was weird how their bodies automatically followed yours. Your voices tangled in the air for a few seconds before all that was left were the sounds of your heavy breaths.
The two men slumped over, each taking a different shoulder to rest on. You leaned your head back and closed your eyes to steady yourself from that mind blowing orgasm.
There was a moment of peace as you three simmered in the afterglow. Then Bokuto broke the silence.
“Now do you believe us?” he asked.
He lifted his head and you saw that confidence of his shine behind rosy, cheeks. And although he was flushed from what occurred moments ago, his blush was more attributed to the rush of getting to be so intimate with you.
“Believe you about what?” you panted with a lazy grin.
“That we’re yours, duh,” he goofily smiled.
Kuroo kissed your cheek. “That is…if you’ll have us,” he softly spoke.
You couldn’t help but laugh at the incredulousness of the situation.
Both of them, huh?
You sighed. There was no use in denying their feelings anymore.
“You two always had a weird habit of sharing anyways,” you conceded.
“Hey! Hey! Hey! I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist our charm!” Bokuto cheered. “Now let’s head to my room do the real thing!”
You choked on your spit. “W-what!? The real thing? Aren’t you two tired!?”
“Tired?” Kuroo chuckled. “You got caught up with two A-List volleyball players and you think we’re tired after this? You’re funny.”
You squealed in surprised as Bokuto suddenly lifted you out of the tub, bridal style. They began to cheerfully walk out the room ignoring the fact that you were completely topless. You scrambled to cover your chest and cursed the two out for laughing as if someone wouldn’t see you half naked as soon you walked out of the door.
“Kuroo! Bokuto! If you dickheads don’t get my fucking bikini top—”
“Yeah yeah. You’ll be fine. You won’t need it anyways~” Bokuto chirped.
Kuroo nodded. “What are the chances that anyone will see us?”
“Uhh a lot!?”
“Welp! I guess we’ll find out!”
Just what the hell did you get yourself into?
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Touch it for Real, Part 3
Genre: Humor / Fluff / Eventual Smut
Warnings: OMG they were roommates / slice of life / slow burn / mutual pining / crude humor / cursing / virgin!baek / enemies to lovers / bug gets meta
Characters: Baekhyun X You/Female Reader
Description: You teach Baekhyun how to date. (Basically the Get You Alone M/V)
Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4
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Mia, Mia, Mia. 
Oh she was lovely. You’d been chatting with her on Baekhyun’s phone for the better part of an hour and for a moment you forgot all about the man who now laid with his head on the other end of the sofa with his feet stretched over your lap and a phone held up to his face.
He was scrolling through something, giggling and typing. 
The phone you had down in your lap vibrated with another incoming message. 
Laughing emojis, a row of them. She was sharp. Wit and charm came through in her messages and you found yourself responding with an equally long string of laughing faces. The ones with tears leaking out their eyes. She felt so damn familiar and comfortable the moment you got past the awkward introductions and you really started talking to her; the jokes were easy and the topics were something you knew enough about to fake your way though thanks to Baekhyun’s many passions and his absolute inability to shut up about them. He’d held you hostage with so many video games and anime episodes, you knew exactly what she was talking about now. You felt like a complete pseudo pro. A well-read scammer. A faker but a weirdly genuine one. 
You went back to her profile and dragged each of her pictures across the screen with the tip of your finger, switching between them all. She was pretty. She was smart. She was interesting to talk to. She was perfect. Just perfect. A steady warmth had seeped into your chest as you looked at her. It was welcome and actually felt nice at first; if not a little bit unexpected. But the longer you looked at her smile, the more intrusive that warmth felt. After too long, it was sticky and almost too warm. You struggled to breathe deeply. You were breathing normally, there was absolute nothing off about your breathing, but each breath you took suddenly failed to satiate. Why were your lungs suddenly missing oxygen? They were misbehaving without any reason to. You closed out her pictures and returned to the chat window. 
She was asking about the latest episode of an anime. Something that was in its final season. Something you were sure Baekhyun would also be watching soon if he hadn’t seen it already. You could feel her excitement in her words. Something epic must have happened.
“Baek did you watch Attack on Colossatron last night — the latest episode?”
“Not yet—no spoilers, I’ll kill you.” His response was quick and you responded in a similar fashion in text to Mia; without the death threats. You weren’t quite that comfortable with her yet. 
Baekhyun shifted and moved a foot behind you, digging it under your butt into the gap of the couch cushion. You ignored the intrusion because you were talking to Mia. His soon to be brand new girlfriend by the looks of the conversation. You caught what you were certain was subtle flirting just below the contexts. Then outright flirting. She was sending you a picture from the dating profile you’d set up for Baekhyun. She had to have saved the picture to send it. It would now be saved on the camera roll of her phone where she would likely look at it again and again, admiring how good Baekhyun looked in it. 
She was commenting on how unexpectedly handsome you were and how most of the men who shared interests with her did not look like you. 
She was asking for a picture of you—err, of Baekhyun. She was having trouble believing such an attractive man like you was real and she actually used the word catfishing, careful to insist that she wasn't accusing you of anything; just that she was sure you looked just like some celebrity she saw on twitter and one couldn’t be too careful. 
But you were quick to cooperate and to agree with her need for assuredness. As a woman, yourself, you understood her suspicions instantly.  Yes, Baekhyun did look shockingly attractive in the profile pictures you posted of him. You could see how someone might doubt that he was real and he lived only 5 miles away and was now sweeping her off her feet with his engaging conversations and hilarious jokes. You’d be sure and make him thank you well for this later. 
The pictures of him were surprising, even to you, and you lived with the guy. You saw him every single day. Yet something about seeing him in these pictures, dressed in that black button up shirt and jeans and looking at the camera with a breathtaking natural smile; one he gave you so easily that night when you told him just how good he looked all dressed up. 
“Peanut, look at you! You look so fancy.” 
“Wow, I cant believe how handsome you are.” 
It only took a couple of sincere compliments for the man to unfold before you and the results on camera pulled you into an uncomfortable and unwelcome thoughtfulness when you looked at them alone later. Of course you knew he was handsome. You just hadn’t been prepared for how very attractive he would look on camera. 
You got all his best angles and the man had taken you off guard when you’d bravely asked him to give you a sexy look. 
It happened just at the end of your little makeshift photo-shoot. You were both a little tired, you could tell with the way he slowed down with his talking and his movements. You could always tell when Baekhyun was tired. Sometimes before even he knew it. 
The sun had gone down and you’d pulled him from your room into the living room where the lights from the city shone through the floor-to-ceiling glass windows, creating a soft glow on his face. The moon was full outside. It was a chilly winter night and snowflakes drifted down to the street below. You were feeling perhaps a bit romantic. Perhaps you were a little bit grateful to be inside and warm and spending your time capturing the pretty face of your annoying best friend. 
You’d gotten a bit bold with the pictures and he’d been behaving so well, not even complaining when you asked him to lay down on the floor so you could capture the beautiful city-scape in the background of the shot. He’d gone still while you set up; moving furniture and turning on a lamp in the corner for more lighting on his features — you wondered briefly if maybe he had fallen asleep. 
You laid down beside him holding your camera up in the right spot to get something nice. His eyes had closed up and his breathing was even and slow and when you’d softly called his name with your camera acting as a barrier in between your faces, you’d expected it to act as more of a buffer than it did. 
When he heard you call him, his eyes opened and he turned his head toward the sound of your voice; the shift in his eyes was stark and breathtaking and he blinked them closed and then very slowly he opened his eyes again for you. 
“Hmm?” His lips stayed closed when he hummed a response.
What exactly were you going for here? The mood was set. The lighting and the scenery were in place. Hell, even the position of him was set —him laying beside you on the floor in the middle of the night like this when everyone knew it was much too late to be entertaining any of this nonsense. The longer you looked at him the more shades of pink you saw in his cheeks. The pinkness matched his lips and the lighting made every bit of warm flush on his face tell such a romantic story. He looked so very warm and inviting. 
You took a shot and you said it. If the picture came out well, that would be rewarding enough. 
But, you didn't actually expect a real sexy look. Not really. You’d expected something silly, or something goofy or something with an awkward smile. Maybe it was the nighttime, or the way he unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt and just let it hang open with the clear smoothness of his chest visible, but when he pulled his chin down and ran a hand through his styled hair, bringing it down just a little bit; giving it a messy and tousled look, you had to grip the camera tighter to keep from doing something dumb like accidentally dropping it. You could not understand the flash of nervousness you felt run through you. 
He lifted a single eyebrow. You had called him and it was clear from the inactivity in the camera that you weren’t taking any pictures of him. 
“Hmm?” He repeated the hum that came from the back of his throat. His eyebrow danced and it was the only movement on his face.
You inhaled a breath and you did it.
“You look incredibly sexy right now.” 
Despite the camera, despite the props you’d placed around him just so, his eyes seemed to seek out yours with purpose; one hand on the floor was within touching distance and the other hand rested over his forehead from when he’d ran it through his hair, the tips of his fingers landed over one of his eyes and it was so perfect. You felt goosebumps all over your skin.  
The moment his eyes locked into yours you gripped the camera as if your life depended on it. When his lips slowly parted with a gentle exhale and the tip of his tongue appeared between his parted lips and slowly touched against the corner of his bottom lip a surge of heat rose up the back of your throat. 
“I do?” He said with his eyes on yours as if he was looking directly at you; as if the camera did not even exist. 
You hit the button and you heard the shutter click. 
You allowed yourself a moment to look at the picture Mia had sent you. Only a moment though because she was talking again. She was instructing you to send a new picture right now, with your left hand holding your right earlobe. It was the kind of specific sort of picture that would prove that you really did exist. 
“Peanut,” you reached down and tapped his leg three times quickly, “Peanut, our new girlfriend wants a picture of you right now with your,” you held up your hands in front of your face, figuring out which was the left one, “left hand holding your right earlobe.” You held up your left hand for him to see and he pulled the phone down from his face to look at you. After a second his opposite hand was raised and he gripped his earlobe with his fingertips. 
“Is that your left hand?” You raised your left hand higher and lifted your eyebrows as you shook your head once. You felt a sense of urgency in getting this picture to Mia as fast as possible to calm her doubts. 
“It’s my left. My left is your right, stupid. Why do I have to do this?” 
You snapped the picture close enough that it would look like a selfie and sent the image to Mia. She was satisfied enough to send an emoji with heart eyes and you could feel victory at your fingertips. You could hardly believe this was working. 
“She thought you weren’t real.” You said in between messages and Baekhyun’s leg was shaking behind your back. He’d been sitting still for too long here and the nervous energy was building, you could feel it trying to escape from his limbs. He probably needed to go for a run or something or you were in for a long and noisy night of singing or dancing or whatever other shenanigans he thought you needed to suffer though. He hummed a non-response to your answer, clearly so distracted by what was happening on his screen that he couldn’t be bothered to give you any more of his attention right now. 
Baekhyun was not so quietly giggling under his breath and you looked up caught by that very particular sound of it. Something felt familiar in the sound of that giggle; more, the intentions behind it. The particular sneakiness of it maybe made you look up and it took you another second of listening to the way he stifled himself, tried to control the sounds of his laughter before a realization dawned and recognition struck you on the head. 
Baekhyun couldn’t have been giggling, laughing, texting, having a grand ol’ time on his phone because you had his phone in your hands. You had been talking to Mia for a whole damn hour, who in the hell was Baekhyun talking to and was that your phone he was using? 
“Baekhyun who are you talking to on my phone?”
His stomach bounced with stifled laugher below his shirt and he was typing again. His eyes secured on the screen of your phone and not at all looking at you. 
“Baek, who is that. What are you doing?” It wasn’t that you didn't trust him with your private conversations. He knew more about you than probably any other human being on the planet. It wasn't the problem with him knowing it. The problem was with that laughter. The problem was with what Byun Baekhyun might do with all of the things he knew about you and with whoever the hell had the misfortune of texting you at the exact moment when he had your phone.
“Ben,” Baekhyun said after a long pause and you searched through your recent memory for a person who had that name. You’d matched with some guys last week but you were certain there was no one with that name. 
“Ben? Who the hell is Ben? I don't know a Ben” You were leaning now and Baekhyun bent his legs up as soon as you moved, blocking your lean with his knobby knees. You leaned on the other side of them and he moved them to block again. 
The maneuver brought out the panic in you. He was blocking you from your own phone. He was up to something and he was now blocking you from reaching for your phone and you had just nearly murdered him in the kitchen over cheese, did he really want to do this again? 
“Give me my phone. Baek, who the shit is Ben?”
“I don't know. Some guy named Ben. Said he was some lady’s nephew or cousin or something. He knew your number and he knew your name, and wow he is—”
Oh god. Your co-worker Susie had done it. The son-of-a-bitch had actually given your phone number out this time even though you had successfully, you’d thought, dodged their high pressure tactics to set you up with some eligible bachelor who would probably be 10 years too old for you, balding, with bad teeth, or bad habits, or would be obsessed with his car or his muscles or some sports team and you’d have to make nice small talk with someone who’s interests, frankly, bored you to death until you could politely let the man down. 
And now, what was Baekhyun telling him? What kinds of horrific lies was this little gremlin giggling about over there. You tilted and reached for him again and he moved his knees again. 
“Bug, how- how do you spell hemorrhoids? Hem—hem—er—roids, no that’s not right. Let me look it up. It’s important that I represent you well. A strong, intelligent woman who can talk about her hemorrhoids.” 
You leaped then, over the stupid knees you flew and you landed hard — seated across his belly and the pained grunt he let out was satisfying to hear. He doubled up in pain while simultaneously shoving your phone underneath himself into the softness of the couch cushions and you watched it disappear somewhere below his butt where he assumed you would not dare to reach. 
“Baekhyun,” you said in as calm a voice as you could pry from your lips. Your teeth gritted together as you spoke and much of the sweetness was lost in the delivery.
Your hands were feeling the softness of the cushions that he laid on. You followed an arm that went down and disappeared behind his back and your fingers traveled to the end where you felt no phone at all, only his empty hand that you pulled up. You did the same on the other side, moving to the other hand and bringing it back empty too. On his face he wore a smug, self-satisfied smile. 
“Peanut,” your next attempt at a compromise pulled his name out in a sweeter tone and his lips turned up into a mischievous grin with teeth bared and all. To your own ears though, you really laid it on thick. This was your darling Peanut. You let your whine come through and you pulled your lips into a pouty frown.
“Bug,” he said, mimicking your overly saccharine tone with a tiny lift of an eyebrow on his face and a fake frown that didn’t touch the rabid joy in his eyes.
“Give me back my phone,” you said and your hands dug into his ribs hard as he reached for your wrists and quickly grabbed to hold you still with both of his free hands before you could do any actual damage to him. 
You struggled against his strong hands, reaching with out-stretched fingers despite his hold on you for a few more tickles before he tightened the grip and you could not connect any more attacks. 
“Give me back my phone,” he giggled back, again mocking your ineffective attempts to overpower him. You simply couldn’t do it. He was much stronger than you were.  
The childishness of this brat! You closed your eyes up tight as you forced yourself to take a deep calming breath. You could feel close to the edge again. Close to losing control. How many murder attempts did you need to commit today? Maybe you needed to enroll in anger management classes. You tried to count to ten again but gave up halfway through to threaten him again. 
“I’m going to get mad, give me my phone.” The friendly tone you had forced was gone and you could hear the actual anger in your voice now. Any reasonable person would concede. Any normal human adult would laugh it off playfully, say ‘okay, okay, I was only kidding’ and hand the thing over. A normal person would even apologize for taking it in the first place. 
Baekhyun was not a normal person.
“Ohhh, I’m going to get mad,” you heard him say in that same mocking voice and no amount of calming breaths could touch it. You could count to ten thousand and still want to destroy him. You squirmed all over and pulled at your wrists that he held in his grip and his hold tightened the more you moved until you could only lean, you could only fight back with one thing. The more you fought him, the tighter his muscles constricted and it became evident that you simply could not win this way. Your hands were useless to you. Only your head was free. You’d have to use it to your advantage, but how? 
You could headbutt him; break his nose. Break your head. Make both of you take a trip to the hospital during a global pandemic. Catch the dreaded disease. Lose your sense of taste and smell and potentially infect someone vulnerable that you loved. 
He was like a cat. Only interested in playing with something until it was dead and then losing interest after he couldn’t torture it anymore. You couldn't simply play dead. He had you trapped and you needed that phone back. 
You could bite him. Break the skin. Mean business for real. Make him bleed and make him cry. Make him pay for all of it. Give him a nasty scar on his hand, or on his neck or on his chest, maybe rip off his earlobe like Tyson did to Holyfield. Send him to the hospital during a global pandemic. Go to prison for assault charges. Get a nasty infection from a prison tattoo. Die.
Your struggle for a plan made you go physically still and you looked at his face; into his eyes and in those eyes sat all the usual bullshit and toddler behavior that you usually saw when he had latched on to something to tease you with, something he could play with and have fun with at your expense. Something he could exploit. 
You could use your mouth. 
You could use your lips.
You could use your tongue. 
What is this? Some sort of trashy rom-com? Would you really stoop so low, so early in the story? Kiss him to distract him, become a walking, talking, kissing cliché and an unoriginal failure of a human being? Get scolded and told to leave his home. Become homeless during a global pandemic. Without high speed internet access, lose your easy breezy data entry job. Get hungry and get cold. Possibly end up selling a kidney on the black market to make ends meet. Get a nasty infection from the shady surgery. Die. 
No. This wasn’t a cheesy romance story. This was your life. You’d have to live with the consequences of your choices and there was no way you would steal his first kiss just to get petty revenge.
This wasn’t enemies-to-lovers, this a violent revenge plot and you were pissed off god-dammit. How dare this idiot get you into such a compromising, such an undignified, such a frustratingly suggestive position and hold you captive like this. 
How dare he still be smiling through your entire inner monologue?
Didn't he know anything at all about women and the powers they possessed in their bodies? 
He flinched visibly when you dropped down; lowered your chest to his chest and you were face to face with the man. Your quick movement startled him and he loosened the grip around your wrists enough for you to rotate them before he tightened his hold again and watched you with wide eyes. That grin finally, finally fell from his mouth. His lips sat down-turned and pink. He’d gone positively pink with your quick movement. Your plan to move into him instead of struggling to get away clearly startled him. You felt the advantage at once. 
When you moved again it was only your eyeballs and it was to look pointedly at his lips before you pulled your eyes back up to look into his eyes. The slow movement made a bold statement, even to someone as clueless as he was. You were on top of him. He could most definitely feel the entirety of your weight on his body and your breasts were flush against his chest. And now, you had just looked down at his pink lips. 
Whatever steady and in-control breathing he had, stuttered and his body below yours went rigid with his eyes wide; obviously unsure of what you were about to do and much too on edge to take his eyes off of you. 
What became clear as you stared at his flushed face up close was that he had not thought this far ahead in his plan.
He probably didn't even have one to begin with. 
You moved closer to him and his hands released their hold on you again. You heard a gasp for air when his hand let go. You weren’t convinced he let go on purpose. There seemed to be a disconnected look inside his eyes right now. 
Instead of going straight for his earlobe and squeezing the shit out of it to teach him a lesson, you kept this going. You could not help it. You felt drunk on your own power and you didn't actually want to hurt him. You just wanted the damn phone so you could see what damage he had already done and begin cleaning up the messes. 
He swallowed and his lips opened to speak.
“W-What are you doing?” 
Nervous and trembling and uncertain; oh he was all of the above. Your free hand was moving now, traveling down the length of his arm to his flank when he moved again, this move felt much more frantic than the last. He grabbed your wrist more gently than before when you got close enough to touch him and he pulled your hand back. A feeble attempt it seemed, made by a man who had just come to his senses again after being in a daze. 
You leaned in. “Peanut,” you said directly into the space below his ear. You could smell him here. He smelled nice. Clean, and vaguely familiar. You remembered your shampoo that he still had and made a mental note to get it back from him. The scent of it on him was different than on you. The breath you took at his neck definitely smelled different. 
He was frozen stiff and when you pulled up to look at his face, his eyes were closed. He swallowed again and you reveled in the realization that you had not heard a single peep out of him since you began your counter-attack. Not a giggle, not a mocking laugh. Not a silly impression of what your voice sounded like to him. He was as quiet as a mouse. It paid to be pro-active. You felt free, as if you’d just been armed with some new very effective weapon that you had no idea would work so well. 
He had your hand again and was pulling — keeping you from reaching below his body to reach where you were certain your phone was stashed. Right here below his left butt cheek. Maybe even inside his back pocket. Either way it was there and you were centimeters away from it. 
So you went in again. This time it was a whisper. This time you went too far. You felt the softness of his neck brush against your bottom lip.
“Give it to me, while I am still being nice.” 
It was the exhale from your lips after you spoke that seemed to do it. The puff of air from your parted lips that drifted over his ear and warmed his neck, you felt him squirm below you and his hands moved releasing you all over and all at once. 
He was going now. He was leaving. You felt it happening below you. 
It was a tactic you’d used before when he tried to grab a hold of you and throw you onto your bed, or when he tried to wrestle something away from you in the kitchen. 
He went boneless. When you did it he would shout and laugh and lose his grip on you and you’d use the distraction to drop to the floor and roll out of his grip in one motion. It was much more difficult for him to do right now, being directly under you on the couch like this, but somehow he was vanishing fast. 
He moved so quickly it was like he melted from beneath you and he was pushing you off at the same time as he rolled, simply rolled from the sofa down onto the floor below in a single motion of retreat. 
You know that was where he went because you heard the rough thump of his body hitting the floor hard and you heard the grunt as he vocalized the pain of gravity having it’s final say. You were pushed with a force that made you roll onto your butt and below your legs you felt the rectangle of plastic and glass of your cell phone. 
He was moving fast. But he was also talking as he did it. 
“You are mean,” was what he said and he was halfway through the living room by the time you registered his complaint. 
Something about his fit irked you though. Was it such a big deal — so out of the question? Did he hate the idea of you kissing him, even if on accident that he had to overreact like this. 
“Oh settle down, It’s not like I was going to actually kiss you, Baekhyun.”
You’d expected to hear his bedroom door slam shut but he’d stopped with his hand on his door and turned his face in your direction. His expression was odd. 
Baekhyun was rarely upset with you, so you had very little experience with what he looked like when he was. He had been upset with others around you, but it wasn’t ever directed at you.
“I know you weren’t.” 
You could see it from where you sat and it made you stand up. Wait, was he really upset? At you? Because you pretended like you were going to steal his first kiss? Because you took something so precious to him and weaponized it against him? 
He was breathing hard and you took a step in his direction. 
“Baek, I was just—” 
“—trying to get your phone, I know.” His voice was cold and his words were short.
You suddenly felt like absolute shit. It moved fast and it overwhelmed you. You’d made a mistake and Baekhyun was upset at you. You’d acted carelessly and thoughtlessly and you’d hurt him. 
“We...we were playing around, I was just playing around, I didn’t mean it, Peanut. I’m sorry.” You could not help the thickness in your voice. You could not help how your voice cracked as you spoke up quickly, needing to get the apology out into the air before he could misunderstand any further. 
Before he could wake up and realize how low of a person you could be when you really set your mind to it. Before he could understand that maybe you didn't deserve so many chances to get your life together and get a better job, or be a better roommate, or make more money and pay more rent, or delete your facebook, or create better passwords. 
You realized you were crying when the wetness dripped down your chin and landed on your arm and as soon as you noticed you lifted both of your hands up to cover your face — before he saw, before he noticed or heard. You held your breath to keep from hiccupping or making any sort of sound at all and you closed your eyes and tried to stop the quiet gasps. 
You succeeded for the most part. 
It was the smell of him though. You did not notice that he moved, but you smelled him again, only this time it came with a warmth that enveloped you where you stood.  
“I’m not mad at you,” he whispered over your head and you inhaled through the snot that filled your nose, unable to get any air through. You gasped through your mouth instead and hiccupped through the breath. 
“You seemed mad at me,” you said into his shirt, the same shirt you’d cried into hours ago. This shirt would have so much of your messes on it by the end of the day. What in the world had gotten into you today? Maybe you were going to start your period soon. This was getting ridiculous. 
His hands rubbed slow and steady circles over your back and until the gasping stopped enough for you to lift your head and look into his face. 
“I’m not,” he said with more conviction the second time and you almost believed it. Had it not been for the strange way his eyes dropped yours so easily you would have. 
You didn't say that though. 
His lips parted once and his eyes grasped yours in that flimsy way again and his lips closed up again as he swallowed it away and didn’t say what he was about to say. 
You shook your head. He had to tell you. Whatever it was, you could work on it, do some self reflecting, or read some self help books. 
“What is it? Tell me.” Your insistence was desperate and his damn eyes refused to stick. It was making you crazy the more you noticed it. 
His mouth opened again and this time he inhaled deep enough to speak for hours and hours. 
“Peanut, what?” 
“Don't—” he began and you closed your mouth and looked into his face, dipping to catch them when his eyes dropped again and again. He noticed the dance you did and you saw the light dance inside his eyes. 
“Don't what? I’ll do it. Or I won’t do it. Whatever, just tell me.” If there was one thing you were good at, it was talking to this man. You could always pull it out. Whatever he had been sitting on, keeping from you, whatever he had deep down inside that was begging to be let out. You could talk to him. He could talk to you. It’s as part of the magic you shared with him. 
“Peanut,” you said again, refusing to let him close up again, refusing to let this go. He had to say his piece for the upset to move behind you both, so you could get past it. 
“Don't use your beauty as a weapon against me.” 
As soon as the words left so did his eyes, but that did not matter because you could not look into his face anymore after he said it either. 
Baekhyun didn’t look at you and see beauty. Impossible. You were a mess. Some days you showered. Some days you did your hair. These two events rarely happened on the same day. 
Outside you could pull off some-what put-together and even downright attractive when you wore the miracle bust enhancing bra you bought off some shady website he definitely told you not to enter any credit card info into, but inside you felt like a circus clown wearing a respectable young woman suit. Every day you worked to stuff the oversized shoes into your feet and struggled to zip them up. Every day you painted over your honking red nose with concealer in the hopes that it wouldn’t rain today and give you away. 
“It’s really shitty and really unfair to do to me.” He kept talking and you felt like maybe the ceiling had caved in on you. “I know who I am. I know my place and I know what league I am in.”
He said the word league with a whisper and you stared at his mouth as he spoke such nonsense words you hardly had any thoughts that made any sense inside of your own head. 
League? He was such an amazing person, but league? You’d heard some serious bullshit come out of his mouth in the past, but this? Seriously? 
He was a genius. He was beautiful inside and out and he was such a good person, a good person to you, a good person to his grandmother, a good person to his online friends. He was so good at whatever he wanted to do and he was really fucking sweet when he wasn’t being ridiculous. And even when he was being ridiculous it was so funny you usually didn't mind the ear deafening noise involved. He was a great dancer and an even better singer and he had so much to offer. 
He was shy. He was terribly embarrassed and debilitatingly nervous at the mere idea of talking to any other girl that wasn’t you and he took a whole lot of warming up to until he opened up to you even, but when he finally did, after tiptoeing around him for 4 months after you’d moved in and he finally grabbed a bowl of popcorn and sat beside you on the couch to watch lifetime movies with you, making fun of the writing and the acting the entire time until he was making fun of you for crying at the happy ending. 
He was reliable too. He refused to even entertain the idea of you moving out just because you could no longer afford the previously agreed upon rent after you lost your job. He searched for something to hold you over until you could get back on your feet and while the data entry thing was mind numbing, it was genuinely saving your life most days. You could at least pay your bills. You could at least force him to accept the much lower rent you started paying him again after you got your first paycheck. 
Oh god. League? 
You could feel it building again. The burning in your eyes peaked and you felt your face frowning down dramatically and the tears were flowing more freely than before. 
“You’re such an idiot.” You cried openly and his face changed at once into one of extreme concern. His hands waved over you uselessly, occasionally connecting to pat over your back in some attempt to stop this. 
“You are such a catch, you stupid idiot!” You were wailing very loudly. You could not help it. He was such an idiot. And he was such a catch. 
“Oh my god, are you yelling at me right now? After everything you’ve done to me today, now you are yelling at me and calling me names. Great. Just Great. Here, my face doesn’t hurt, why don't you punch me in the face too.” 
The sarcasm made you half laugh half choke in the middle of a particularly strong sob and you coughed with your mouth open to be able to breathe. Your nose was still useless. 
“Jesus,” he said to himself, “my mouth was open.” 
You were being steered. Your eyes were still closed and you were pushed now. You didn't really want to move but your stubborn legs saved you by taking a step instead of letting you fall flat on your face. You opened your eyes when you felt a fresh cold breeze against the wet surface of your cheeks and you saw in front of you the contents of the freezer. 
There were some frozen veggies. Some ice in a bin. Something meat-like in a freezer bag. And about six different boxes of various ice creams. Most of them chocolate. 
“Get one,” he said and his hand was pushing your elbow up and steering your hand toward the open box of chocolate popsicles. 
You grabbed with your open hand and he pulled your elbow back like you were a claw machine and he was working the lever. 
You grasped the popsicle between both of your hands with a small smile building against your will. 
“Eat it,” he said from behind your head and you were already ripping at the plastic wrapper. You didn’t even have a chance to throw away the wrapper when his hand was pushing at your elbow again. It bent upward and the chocolate plopped right into your open mouth. 
“Bite,” he said. 
You bit. He didn't have to tell you to chew and swallow. You knew how to do the rest. 
After the ice cream you were seated on the sofa next to him and he pulled out a portable game system to keep him entertained while he pressed play on the movie he’d put on the big tv on the wall. 
It was Bridget Jones's Diary. You had seen it enough times to know the entire movie by heart and still, still you laughed at every joke, swooned at every steamy look, and squealed like a piglet at every kiss scene. It literally did not get old. You could fall asleep and wake up watching this movie for the rest of your life and be as happy as ever. 
After he’d felt you’d been babied enough for him to trust you not to dissolve into a fit of disaster without him, he left you alone to finish your movie. He said something about a bug he was working on fixing and you could hear him working from behind his closed door in his room. 
He had been quiet as he worked. He usually was, save for the occasional song he sang along to, or work sounding phone call he took. 
The credits were rolling on your happy ending and you could feel the beginnings of the first few period cramps twinging inside of your abdomen. 
Everything made sense now, as it usually did whenever your period began. 
You’d just stood to head toward the kitchen for some pain medicine when Baekhyun’s bedroom door was abruptly pulled open.  
He bolted through the doorway and his phone was in his hands, his eyes were wide. Panic was written all over his face as he searched the room for you and finally made eye contact with you in the kitchen. 
You had a bottle of pain reliever in one hand and another popsicle in your other and you were trying to figure out the logistics of getting the bottle of medicine open without having to put the sticky melty treat down anywhere and things weren’t going so well. Things were getting drippy. 
Baekhyun arrived then and you beamed a wide and genuinely happy to see him smile. He would help you. He would open the pills. He would stuff you full of them to stop the pain. 
At this point you didn't even care how many. You’d take however many the Gods decided to shake free from their plastic prison. 
“Help,” he said, walking by the medicine you held out to him with his phone displayed in his hands. “Help me, she...our girlfriend, Maya, she—”
You gasped at his mispronunciation and you lifted your popsicle hand toward his face as you made the sounds with your mouth, “Mia. Like Mee-uh.”
“Mia, Maya, Moira, She is — she is talking to me.” His eyes were wide and they were crazed. 
“She’s saying things and she’s really fucking smart and clever and she’s saying things to me, Bug. She’s, oh god, -the fuck didn't you tell me she was cute. Fuck. You have to help me. She thinks I’m cute too. Oh God. What do I do? What’s next?”
He was breathless when he was done and both of your hands were still full. Your popsicle was beginning to drip down your wrist. You would have to clean it up before you got ants. You still had some medicine to take too. 
He was pacing. He thought she was cute too, it wasn’t just you who thought so. He said it himself. Although he reacted this way with nearly every girl you had seen him interact with. Hell, just last week he made you answer the door for the delivery chicken because the girl was cute and he wasn’t about to scribble his signature all over her hand by accident. 
“Baekhyun, I already laid the groundwork for you.” Maybe the day was finally catching up to you but you felt suddenly very tired and in no mood to play make-believe with him right now. 
“What does that mean?” His face betrayed his utter cluelessness and you sighed deeply, feeling much of the same melancholy mood return to you despite the chocolate and your favorite movie still fresh on your tongue. “What does that mean? I don't know what to do. You were going to help me.” 
He was right. You shouldn’t just abandon a friend in need like you’d abandoned the popsicle in the trash can just now. 
“You have a new episode of your show to watch. She also likes that show. Why don't you stream it together?” 
His eyes lit up and his smile was wide and beautiful. Then he was spinning on his heels without even so much as a glance back. He typed into his phone and had nearly reached the door of his bedroom without even acknowledging your help when at the last minute you caught the look he shot you. It was a bright smile. He was excited and his smile reached his eyes. 
“She said yes,” he said, “thanks, Bug.”
His door closed and you reached for the bottle of pills. Grabbing just two today, you downed them quickly and retreated to your room with a gloomy, lonely, little storm cloud floating stubbornly over your head. 
Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4
Tag list: @j-pping @blahblahblah-boo @his-mochi-cheeks @amyeonzing@littleflowercrown13 @baekinmylife @insta1010 @nana-banana @f4ncyvelvet@bbhbeth  @totallynerdstuff​​  @byunbabybaek​​  @beg0neth0t420
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oneofthosesimps · 3 years
Hey, just wanted to say that I love your fic “the Animal in Him”! Hope there will be a part two soon, but no pressure! Have a great day!
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The Animal in Him (Part Two)
pairing: levi x fem!reader I nsfw
word count: 1790
summary: after levi got you all dirty, it's time he got you clean again, but your asshole is just too tempting
warnings: anal, rough sex, dirtytalk, swearing, semi-public sex, sub x dom, double penetration (fingers and dick)
authors note: every time i write another story about levi, it feels like i'm coming home. i love this man, best husbando forever and i wish he would do all these things to me. anyway, i hope you like part 2 of "The Animal in Him" (and i'm glad you like the fanfic so much <3)
all credits to the artist of this pic:
unfortunately i do not know who it is from
"Spread them wider, pet".
You moan softly as your hands dig deeper into the fat of your butt and you spread your ass cheeks. The warm water puddles on your back and runs along your curves. Single drops make their way through the mounds you're pulling apart, mixing with the rest of Levi's juice still running out of your asshole.
"Mmm, that looks so good," Levi murmurs behind you, licking his lips. You look down over your shoulders at him. Crouching behind you, his wet hair sticking to his forehead, he eyes the most intimate corners of your body, surveying the rest of his work from a moment ago. His silver eyes sparkle up at you before one of his fingers finds its way to your little hole. Goosebumps overtake your body as he gently massages the brim and you bite your lip to stifle your moan. You lean your head back against the cold tiles and press your cheek against them. A long moan comes from between your lips as his finger penetrates you, starting at the first knuckle and then continuing. "Still stretched so nice for me, pet". Your tight walls twitch at his words, causing Levi to moan as well, "Fuck." His finger strokes along your insides, pushing his remaining cum deep inside you again. With an ease he slides a second finger to the other. Your legs start to shake and you try to hold onto the wall so you don't collapse. With slow movements, Levi fucks your asshole, occasionally spreading his fingers to massage your core. His hard cock drips at the sight of it and he swallows hard.
"Please ... Please fuck me." His fingers inside you feel so incredibly good, but you need more pressure. Your cunt is still swollen from the fuck a moment ago and your clit is begging for touch so your body can finally come. Your limbs tingle and your lower body throbs uncomfortably. The desire to finally be filled by him again grows and makes your head buzz.
"So you want me to fuck you, huh? Such a good pet," at these words he pulls out of you, making you moan. His big body straightens up behind you and your back pushes through. You claw into the wet wall beneath you as you present your ass to him. His eyes meet yours briefly and you see how dark they have become again. His pupils have exploded like they did earlier in the stall, making him look animalistic. His fat cock stands from him and twitches slightly, the head glistening like a pearl. He grips it and steps closer to you, rubbing along between the lips of your cunt and smearing your juice.
Just as he is about to enter you, the door to the men's washroom opens. You freeze in your movements and look at him in shock. You freeze in your movements and look at him in shock. Actually, Levi's plan had been to finish with you before the rest of the cadets got back from training, but someone threw a wrench in his works. He strains, trying to make out who it is over the splashing of your shower water, to tell them to fuck off. He meets your gaze and panic overcomes you as a smirk settles on his lips. It's convenient, of course. Footsteps move across the tiles before the curtain of the booth next to you is pulled closed and the water starts up there.
Levi leans over to you and puts his lips to your ears, "Guess who this is." A soft laugh comes from him before he pushes forward at the sound of the other shower and penetrates you, splitting you open. Your cunt sucks him up greedily and it feels like he's being sucked forward. You whimper softly and squeeze your eyes shut.
"Fuck, how can you be so tight again?" You press your hand over your mouth and moan into it as he digs forward, finally arriving at your cervix. He fits into you so perfectly, as always, as if he was made to fuck you. His thick cock fills you completely, each of his veins laying perfectly into the spongy structure inside you, and as he moves, his heavy, full balls slap against your clit at just the right angle. Each thrust from him, leaves you jerking up and moaning. Your voice and soft whimpers mix with the splashing of the shower water, forming a symphony in his ears. His big hands grip your waist to keep you in place in front of him and he increases his speed and strength. Inwardly, you hope the neighbour next door doesn't hear. Fortunately, he starts humming softly, which further overshadows your noises.
Each of Levi's thrusts is deep and hits every spot with relish. He fucks you against the cold tile wall while the blonde man showers on the other side. A knot slowly builds in your stomach and you shamelessly press against him to create more friction.
All at once, the nice feeling is gone and the familiar emptiness spreads through you. Just as you're about to complain, you feel a pressure on your asshole. Levi's cock presses into that hole, stretching it open nicely as well. "You didn't really think I wasn't going to fuck it again. Especially with Erwin on the other side of this wall," he moans in your ear, clawing into your flesh. "Fuck, it feels so good. I regret that we didn't do this sooner." His balls tighten and he clenches his teeth. So nice and tight, he's about to cum again. The still unfamiliar feeling spreads back inside you. The mixture of pleasure and the uncomfortable feeling of having to relieve form a diabolical mix that leaves your cunt dripping with envy.
"Please fuck my other hole again. Please fuck my pussy," you whisper under him, squirming back and forth. Tears form in your eyes. You desperately need to cum, your body is driving you crazy. But Levi wouldn't dream of letting your asshole go. Instead, he bends over your back and lets one of his hands wander between your legs. His long fingers find your warm hole and he presses three of his fingers into you at once. You moan loudly and roll your eyes. They dig deep into your skull as Levi finds a good rhythm to fuck both of your holes at the same time.
"Mmm, you like it when I fuck your cunt at the same time?" he murmurs behind you, watching the change in your face. Wrinkles form between your closed eyes as saliva runs from your slightly parted lips. The sight makes him moan and he hopes Erwin heard him. He presses deeper into you, "You're so dirty, no shower will help."
Your legs soften and you drop all your weight against the now warm shower wall. Again, a knot appears in your lower stomach area. The feeling of being filled like this is sinful. The stretching of your asshole blends beautifully with the massaging of your soft walls by his fingers. They keep pressing against the point below your navel and you lose your last connection to the earth.
"What were you thinking just now when we came back and my cum was squeezing out of you with every move you made?" vibrates Levi's dark voice behind you. His jaw tenses as he worships you like you're his goddess. He has to pull himself together hard to keep from cumming at the sight of you and the sounds you make because of him. "The others must have seen what a whore you are". You get a little louder at the word and squirm under him again. Once more, you hope that the shower drowns out your noises and that no one hears you. "How I wish I had told Erwin that your asshole was filled to the top with my cum. He probably would have wanted to fuck you anyway and you probably would have still let him." That thought drives you crazy. The knot inside you tightens and tightens, and the tears that have been pooling in the corners of your eyes begin to roll down your cheeks. They mix with the wetness of the water wetting your body. "Maybe I should just tell him now".
"No, you shouldn't?" you whisper, your lips trembling, your voice shaking.
"What is that supposed to be, a question?" He hit the nail on the head. In truth, you would never let Erwin touch you, but the thought brings you closer and closer to your climax. Again, your walls tighten, making Levi curse, "Fuck, tighten up even more, pet. Your walls are milking me at the thought of him shooting his cum to mine. You like that thought?" You moan under him and sob, "Should we just pull the curtain away and go to him? Should I show him what a good whore you are?"
"I'm so close to cumming, Levi." He ignores your statement and your crying and a brutal thrust hits the inside of your ass, "Look at me, pet."
Your tired body starts to move and you turn so that your eyes meet. Both of your holes flutter as you see his half-closed eyes. Deep black hits your soul and you seem to lose yourself in him. Fittingly, his dark strands spread wildly across his forehead, water dripping down from some of the tips and hitting your body. A deep sound comes from his throat as he feels your insides pulsing, "Come".
With that little word, your body explodes beneath him. He clings to your petite body beneath him and fucks you for as long as he can, through your orgasm before your hot body brings him to release as well. His cock pumps itself empty in your asshole and fills it to the brim again. Your bodies work against each other. Your voice is way too loud and Levi purposely pulls your hand away from your mouth so you can echo around the room. The humming in the booth next to you stops, but you can't stop screaming your head off. Again and again Levi's name resounds through the washroom and it fires him with pride to make you come like this next to his commander. This continues until you come down from your high. Levi pulls out of you and takes you in his arms, slithering down the wet tiles with you like this before you sit on the floor. His full lips settle on yours for a brief moment before moving to your jaw, "I'm looking forward to the next time Erwin looks at your ass." If that's the consequence, so are you.
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wrestlingbabe · 4 years
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Bolin smut that once again no one asked for but I delivered!
Bolin/Reader- Reader is always cold and Bolin is always warm, they figure out a way to deal with it.
Warnings: SMUT!, so much of it, friends becoming lovers
 I got this prompt from someone a long time ago and had it saved in my notes on my computer, if anyone knows who this belongs to please let me know and I will credit them!
 Prompt: Person A is always hot and constantly turns down the air conditioner which annoys Person B who is always cold.
“There is NO way you’re turning that down Bolin!” You looked across the room to your roommate of two years. You both moved in together after all the stuff with Korra finished and at the moment, his hand was on the thermostat and was shirtless and wearing what looked like his Nuktuk shorts. You on the other hand, had a sweater, sweatpants and socks on due to how cold your shared apartment always was, “And did you cut your pants into shorts or something?”
 Bolin stopped in his track and blushed a little, “Yeah I did. It is just so hot in this apartment and I’m really trying to keep it a temperature okay for you but it is just so damn hot!” Bolin waved his hand in front of him trying to get a little breeze.
 You huffed a little, crossed your arms and stuck your nose up some, “There is no way you’re cold, not with the temperature in here.” When he didn’t respond to you, you glanced over to him to see what he was doing and threw out your arms as you saw the broad man rushing over to you, “Wait! What are you doing?” You squealed as you felt one of his hands wrap around your wrist and pull you into a tight squeeze, “BOLIN!” You felt like you were suffocating by the heat.
 “I told you! I told you!” Bolin said as he squished you more against his chest. You would say something but you were absolutely tongue-tied. You have always wondered what it felt like to press against him like this and yeah he is your roommate and friend of many years, but you were growing attached to him. Bolin glanced down at you and grew concerned as he saw your concentration face, “Are you okay?”
 You shook yourself out of your thoughts and relaxed in his hold, “Never better.” You all but hummed as you grabbed both of Bolin’s hands and placed them on your lower back, “Can I ask you a favor?” Bolin nodded as you start to lift the bottom of your shirt just enough that his fingers grazed your skin right above your pants. You wanted nothing more than to have his skin on yours, to feel his warmth, “I know this might be weird and you can totally say no but will you please just place your hands on my back? I feel warm but still cold.” You let go of his hands and watched his face to see if his facial expression would tell you anything.
 Bolin tried his best to make his hands stop shaking, but he was so enthralled with you that it was rather hard, “Oh uh yeah I can do that.” He brought his hands to your lower back and started to inch his hands further under your shirt. He stopped when his entire hands was under your shirt.
 Your skin erupted with goosebumps but not by how cold you were but instead with the contact you had with Bolin. You hoped he couldn't feel them, “You really are warm.” You couldn’t help the sigh/moan that fell from your lips when his skin explored further up your back. His fingers dancing across your bare back and shoulder blades. Your eyes fluttered shut and you knew you were hooked, “I never want you to leave.” You murmured against Bolin’s chest.
 You heard a small chuckle above you and looked up at him, “You only like me for my warmth.” Bolin was looking at you slightly offended as you smirked at him, “I’m being serious.” That tone told you otherwise.
 “No! I like you for many other reasons.” You proclaimed as you felt him spread his fingers as far apart as he could, as if he was trying to feel all he could.
 “Oh yeah?” Bolin rested his forehead against yours as you gulped at the question. It was now or never and you felt like this was the time to just say it.
 “I like you.” You were always a blunt person and that was something Bolin liked about you, “I like your personality and how you make me smile with almost everything you do. I like the way you can’t really cook but you always try to make my favorite food. I have liked you for a while and I should of told you but I was worried about what that would do.” 
 Bolin smiled as he heard your words because everyone of them is how he felt about you. The way you were slightly grumpy in the morning but after being around him for 2 or 3 minutes your attitude would change, or how when you smile really big you get little wrinkles near your eyes, and his favorite at the moment would be how cold you always were and how it lead to this moment, “I feel the same way if not more about you.” 
 You felt like you wanted to cry some but instead you leaned forward and crashed your lips against his. You both sighed at the feel. Bolin quickly pulled you closer to him, your whole body now pressed against him. You moaned as you felt his bulge against you. You wiggled your body and got a low moan from the man, “Should we- go to the bedroom?” You smiled into the kiss and went to move away but Bolin reached down, picked you up and walked towards his bedroom, “I’ve wanted to do this for so long.” The neediness in his voice sending electricity through you.
 “Please?” You dropped your head onto his shoulder when you felt his hand squeeze your ass, “Please now!” You could feel your face getting hot by how pathetic you sounded.
 “Don’t go quiet now. I want everyone to hear you.” Bolin said as he dropped you onto the bed gently. You scurried to get your sweatpants and sweater off, “Allow me to help.” You could hear the faint chuckle as you peak out from under your sweater. Bolin grabbed the sides of it and pulled it off the rest of the way before standing back and admiring your naked body, “You weren’t wearing anything under that?”
 The confusion in his voice made you giggle, “I never do! Yeah I’m always freezing but having a bra and stuff on isn’t going to make me any warmer so I choose not to wear it.” You shrugged your shoulders as you moved towards him at the end of the bed, “Now if you could, I think it is your turn.” Bolin smirked at you before slowly removing his shorts, his only piece of clothing, “Where do you want me?” The question threw Bolin for a loop as he tried to slow his frantically beating heart.
 “Oh that was hot.” Though he was always super warm, he felt like every inch of him was on fire. He couldn’t believe this was happening, “Where do you want to be?” You all but smiled at the question before sinking to your knees in front of him, “OHMYSPIRITS!” He didn’t mean to make it that high pitch but he was dreaming. He had to be dreaming. The girl of his dreams was literally on her knees for him.
 “May I?” You asked as you wrapped your hand around the base of his cock. Bolin’s knees went weak as you squeezed you hand around him, “I want to hear you say it.” You whimpered as you slowly started moving your hand, up and down, slowly.
 “Yes! Oh please yes!” Bolin was practically begging at this time. He wanted your hands all over him and your mouth and, well other things too but he couldn’t think straight as your lips wrapped around his tip, “Oo-oh fuck.” His head tilted back as you lightly sucked his tip in and out of your mouth.
 You hummed around his thick cock as you took more of him into your mouth. Your mouth was stretched so much already and the further you went, the more you thought about how sore your jaw would be tomorrow, but the thought slipped away as you heard a string of profanity fall from Bolin’s mouth. You pulled off with a pop and looked up at him, “Am I doing good?” Bolin’s eyes looked heavy and his bottom lip was swollen from biting it so hard.
 “Yes! Spirits yes. You’re incredible! I want to fuck you so badly.” Bolin wrapped his hand around his now slick cock and pumped it a few times. Your mouth fell open a little as you saw his jaw clench while he concentrated on his strokes. His eyes fluttered shut and you saw that as your opportunity to get onto the bed.
 Bolin heard the shuffle of the sheets and opened his eyes to see you slowly get on all four and lower your chest against the bed, “What are you waiting for them?” You smiled as you looked back towards him. Doggy was your favorite position and you had a feeling it might be his too by the way he nearly sprinted onto the bed.
 Bolin got onto his knees and placed them between yours before pushing your legs out further, “Is that okay?” His concerned voice and hand running down your back, all but made you melt.
 “Yes. Please just go-” Your words were cut off by the stretch as Bolin pushed into you, “Oh Bolin!” Your hands flailed out to reach for the sheets, your hands twisting the material around as Bolin slowly thrusted into you. You felt so at ease with him and when he placed his arm underneath your chest, pulling you against you, you allowed him to do it.
 Bolin smiled at the state you were in and quickened his thrust, “You like that don’t you? You like how my thick cock stretches you out?” All you could do is moan as the ecstasy of it all started to take over. Bolin pinched one of your nipples making you sigh. You reached for one of his hands and brought it to your clit, “Oh, you want to cum?”
 You pleaded with him, begging and begging for your release. Bolin smiled against your skin before gently lowering you back onto the bed, your chest pressing up against the cool sheets. You hummed as you felt Bolin’s fingers quicken on your clit. Your walls pulsing against him, “I’m going to cum! I’m going to cum! May I please?” 
 “Oh fuck yes. You feel so good baby!” Bolin’s fingers slowed as he felt your walls clenched around him hard, “There you go baby, damn, Oh fuck!” Bolin quickly pulled out before stroking himself a few times and cumming onto your back. He bit his lip so hard that he thought he broke skin.
 The room now fell silent except for both of your breathing, “I’m cold.” You exclaimed as you caught your breath. Bolin smiled against your shoulder before kissing it.
 “Let me get something for us to wipe off with and then I’m all yours babe.” Bolin got up from the bed looking around for a towel. You on the other hand couldn’t stop smiling for the nickname, “Babe.” Yeah you could get used to that and his warmth. 
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kanene-yaaay · 3 years
Sentence Starter - Part 2
I decided to gather all my Sentence Starters in a post. This is the second round!
I know I already said thankys before but, really, thank you so much for your support, it means the world for me. <3
[Gee these covers are lumpy, better fix the covers up!]
"Gee, these covers are lumpy, better fix the covers up!" Mina wormed her hands under the giggly boy, fishing a loud shriek as she vibrated her thumb between his shoulder blades and her other hand squeezed his sides, resulting in a more desperate wiggling from her victim. "Squish, squish, squish the squirmy Ojiro to fix all the lumps!"
"Hmmm, I don't know if I am convinced," her eyes glinted when the blond arched his back and her hands immediately dashed to scratch his incredibly, horribly ticklish lower back. "I mean, why else would I find such a cute squeaky toy, oops, I mean, cover in my bed?" Bubbly squeals painted Ojiro's laughter almost as strong as the red that painted his cheeks as he shook his head, protesting.
"I ahaham not s-squeheheaky!" Mina's nails scribbled and grazed on his ribs, the quick, high pitched sounds that flied from his lips contradicting his own words. "That doesn't prove anything!" The tailed teenager managed to breath out before descending in belly laughter again.
His pink friend matched his laughter in response, slowing her silly tickly attack as tears began to form on the other's eyes, pinching and poking his tummy in order to keep the adorable giggles filling the air. The cute wiggles from him and his tail were a bonus, as well.
"Hard day?"
Ojiro nodded, a smile still plastered on his face.
"It was. Your behed is fluffyhihihi. Sorry fohohor intrudihihing."
She waved his worries off, "it's no problem! Just give me a warn next time so I won't lay on you again, okay?"
Ojiro snickered, remembering the scared screams from they both when a few minutes ago Mina decided to jump on her bed and didn't even realize the strange lump that was Ojiro sleeping under all the comforters and plushies.
"I will."
"Good." The pink haired girl then cracked her fingers, a dangerous smirk spreading on her face, probably an effect of being Bakugou's friend, and making goosebumps ran freely on Ojiro's spine.
"No no nohoho!" He shot his hands up in an a placating gesture, excited giggles already falling from his mouth. "I already agreed with you! Please!"
Mina pouted in faux empathy. "Sorry, friendo, but your squeaky squeaks and wiggly wiggley wiggles are just too much cute for me to not tickle you again!"
"Ihihi don't," a snort cut his sentence, "I don't dohoho any of that!" He says, in between his wiggles and squeaks.
"Well," She attacked his armpits, a blinding smile taking over her features as the other began to giggle and snicker non stop. "I am sure we can compromise, eventually."
[I wouldn’t say that with the position you’re in, star student]
"I wouldn't say that with the position you're in, star student." Sero grinned, the non said threat falling heavily between them.
Todoroki blinked, stopping his struggles to lay limply on the floor, still staring the black haired friend on top of him, the fake dagger pressed on his neck.
"It doesn't make sense." Sero threw his hands up, exasperated. Shoto turned to look at Momo, who signalized at Jirou to stop the filmation. "If he's just got into my house in the middle of the night to kill me how does he know about my grades?"
"Well, maybe you just look like a super genius or something!" The other actor retorted, shoving his face on his hands and then on the floor as Todoroki stared at him with an unconvinced expression.
"Or," Kaminari jumped in, ignoring his friends dramatics "he can be his archenemy, building his hate and revenge plan since Todoroki did.... Something bad at him in the school."
Todoroki piked up at the opportunity to put another conspiracy in the movies' plot. "That could make sense."
"Don't encourage him." Jirou smirked at the protesting 'hey!' shouted by the other, preparing another snarky remark before being cut by Momo's voice.
"We're not making any more changes on the plot. We will just remake this scene and then everyone can go home, okay?"
"I think Izuku would lose it if we asked for him to rewrite another part." Nods and mumbles of agreement to Sero's words filled the room as all the occupants remembered the boy's determined rant of why the dagger's blade shouldn't be completely straight nor silver. "Anyway, I still need to buy that new Fatgum's game that came out. Let's move on."
"I can't," the dual haired actor claimed, a blank face "you're sitting on top of me."
And, for a moment, as the pun sank on his friends' brain, only silence met him.
Then Jirou and Kaminari immediately broke in loud laughter, Momo hiding her own chuckles behind her hand.
"Oh my god," Sero bit his own laughter in order to try to look at least a bit serious as he attempted to glare at Shoto. "You think you are so funny, don't you?"
Smugly, Todoroki let the corner of his lips twitch.
"Let me help you to show what is funny, then!"
"Wait-" but he was too late, before the words even came out from his mouth Sero was already dancing his fingers on his sides, switching between squeezing them quickly to scribbling and prodding at his ribs, yelps and guffaws already spinning in the air. "Dohohon't! Wait, wahahahait!!"
The black haired friend laughed with him, his blinding smile and uncontrollable giggles being too much adorable to resist. "I think you actually meant 'I am very sorry for ever complaining about your great performance, my amazing friend Sero.', right?"
Todoroki shook his head, gasping and squirming harder when Sero experimented clawed at his stomach, a series of quiet nononono's and pleaseplease's spilling freely from his lips.
"Tsk. Not even close, man. But don't worry, we have aaaaall the afternoon." A snort escaped from Todoroki and he hid his face on his hands, making Jirou 'aww' and Kaminari shout a 'wait wait make he do it again!' "So take your time, OK?" And then, in a quieter voice "If I go too much far just hold my wrists and I will stop."
A barely there nod showed that the other had heard him, however, as his hands continued to hid his face, bright laughter and shy giggles still filled the studio for much more time.
[Oh yeah! I told you’d they’d win! Ha! Pay up, Midoriya!]
"Oh yeah! I told you they'd win! Ha! Pay up, Midoriya!"
"B-but this is not fair! Tokoyami bought the victory by offering to do Shoji's dishes! That is not a-!
"There is nothing against this in the rules." Tokoyami shrugged, still panting from the sparring. "And I just remembered there is Midnight-sensei's paper for tomorrow that I didn't even start."
"Sorry, Midoriya. But we will have much more training in the future, still, and your analysis really helped me! You're right, maybe starting to use some weapon, since a hand to hand combat can give my quirk some damage, will be a good advantage." The taller teenager waved at them, Dark Shadow mirroring him enthusiastically as they followed Tokoyami back at the dorms. "I should search for options before choosing. Thank you for the cheering."
Kaminari waved back before turning to Izuku, his smile getting bigger as he saw his protesting pout. "Aww, is someone angy?" He hugged him from behind, snickering when he saw a glimpse of a smile on the other's expression before an exaggerated frown took over, green eyes deviating from his teasing grin.
"I know you want to smile. ~" Denki delivered a couple of pokes on his stomach, an evil idea full of wiggly fingers and giggly squeals blossoming on his mind. "Maybe the 1-A sunshine need some cheering up after being such sore loser? ~"
Midoriya turned on his embrace, now being face to face at him, determination burning on his features.
"Maybe I do!"
And then he blew a raspberry right on that spot where his neck and collarbone met. A loud, surprised squeak answered him and he was quick to dig on Kaminari's hips, being so careful and so mindful to give plenty of attention and tickles to every sensitive inch of flesh, don't forgetting to still deliver smaller raspberries at random spots on the blond's neck, successfully ending with all his coordination to get revenge.
"Whahahahat!! That is nOT-" A snort, more bubbly giggles. "That is not fahahhair!!!"
"But you're helping me to cheer up. See, I have no more pouts and no more frowns thanks to you!"
"Then stop!"
Kaminari tried to squirm his way out of the ticklish embrace, finding that maybe bringing Midoriya to his lap when he decided to tickle-hug him wasn't his best idea.
"I don't know. I think I am still a bit grumpy..." He stopped his attack in order to gently trace that spot right on the blond's right third rib, drawing circles around it and trying to not giggle together when Denki's bubbly snickers filled the air. "Maybe you amazing laughter can help me with that!"
[You know, this fluffy duster feels a lot like your tail...]
"You know, this fluffy duster feels a lot like your tail..." Izuku said, thoughtfully, a particular idea shining on his mind that may or may not was inspired by yesterday's Great Tickle Fight.
"Really?" Ojiro, (un)fortunately, didn't notice the danger hidden on the smaller's words, petting the duster and the fluff on his tail for a bit in comparison. "It really is. But it's not stronger like mine tail!" He made a show of flexing the aforementioned, both chickling at his silliness. "Oh, are you going to clean the curtains? I can help!"
A plan formed on Izuku's mind. He controlled his features to not show the playful grin that threatened to take over his face.
"Yes. Could you hold that part right there?" He pointed to a high spot on the fabric. "I can't research it."
"No problem!" The blond smiled and did as asked, not realizing the way Midoriya stepped closer nor how his shirt exposed a small patch on his stomach with his new position. "Like this?"
"Yes!" Izuku, then, shoved the fluffly, soft, tickly duster under his shirt, instigating a loud squeak to escape from the other.
But he didn't let go of the curtain, a smile spreading on his face.
The green haired boy slightly moved the duster, quick enough to make the bristles of the feathers to barely tease the skin, but only that. Another yelp and a few giggles leading Ojiro to try to hide his red face on his shoulder.
"Don't what?" He beamed.
A small shook of head, a shy giggle. "Ihim not falling for thahat."
"Aw. But I am going to tickle you anyway!" Ojiro yelped, trying to curl on himself, however immediately regretting his decision as the movement shot light shocks across his torso, every feather following his squirms. "Yes! I am going to tickle, tickle, tickle you until all those cutes squeals and nice laughter trapped inside are free. As a future hero, it's my job to help them!"
"Dohohon't say that word." His words were in vain, especially because now Midoriya carried that determined look, thoughts racing on his mind as his hands continued to keep the duster on the same place.
"Maybe I should try to tickle his stomach first? I could start wiggling the duster there and then change to his sides and ribs or maybe I could start on his sides and ribs going up and down a few times and then tickle his stomach as I change from a side to another. The element of surprise is always a powerful tool so I should always change from going extremely soft and low to more quick attacks! I wonder if I can try it on his tail too? I could-"
"Ihihizuku, please!" The one being called snapped out of his rambling by a very flustered, giggly Ojiro, who still held the curtains as if his life depended on it. "J-juhust do it already, plehease."
And Izuku was happy to oblige.
[As nice as this is, we really should get up]
"As nice as this is, we really should get up." Tokoyami said softly, patting the green hair of the head which rested on his shoulder, - it was really as fluffy as it looked! - almost snorting when Midoriya squinted his eyes at the credit's playing on the screen. "Everyone else already went to their room."
Izuku looked around, as if he just realized all his friends decided to call it a night when President Mic - who has been called both due his good taste in movies and to keep an eye on them and their ability to cause chaos - woke up half of the class as he fell asleep in a bad position and started snoring, accidentally activating his quirk.
"It's not-" A yawn cut Izuku's words and pulled Tokoyami away from his thoughts. "It's not a movie night if we can't watch at least five movies."
"Oh no, the horrible punishments that the Universe will bought upon us after such terrible offense. What we shall do in the face of that helpless fate?"
Midoriya lightly shoved him away, a sleepy smile taking all the seriousness from his frown. "N't f'nny."
Tokoyami started to softly scribble his fingers on the other's neck, following him as he tiredly wiggled away, no real fight on his movements.
"Then why are you laughing?"
"Tohohokoyami! Naha!"
"What? Wait... Is this the punishment from the Universe?" Maybe it was because it was so rare for his friend being this playful, or because the drops of faked seriousness painting his words, but Midoriya found himself giggling harder, a bubbly tittering escaping as the tickling traveled to behind his ears. "Giggling and wiggling until we inevitably give up and decide to watch movies until the end of our brief mortal existence, oh, the pain."
"You're so sihihihilly!"
"Me, the embodiment of darkness ‘silly’? Oh, Midoriya, what have they done to you?" His tune was bathed in faux pity.
"Plehehehease!" Tokoyami decided to travel to the smaller boy's sides, scratching and poking them lightly enough to keep the flow of airy laughter and rare squeaks as a reward for the sudden, quick pinches. "It tickles! It tickles so much!"
"The Universe is tickling you? Will the cruelness ever end? Ah, the struggles someone as ticklish, so, so ticklish as you must be going through... Do not give up, Midoriya!" He did his best to not huff in amusement as the aforementioned hugged him, hiding his face oh his chest and muffling his louder laughter due the teases. "Don't let its darkness to dim your light."
His fingertips grazed the back of his ribs, Izuku only giggled harder, "Okahahay, Okay! We- no, not there! - we can go slehehehep!"
Tokoyami stopped the light tickling, waiting for the moment green eyes locked on his before proceeding, a deadly serious gaze on his face.
"Don't." Izuku warned.
"But the Universe's punishment-"
"O-oh my GOD!"
[i did not say that!]
"I did not said that!" But the giggles were already spilling out.
"Yes!!" Izuku, the traitor, couldn't be any more happy, basically sparkling as the feathers of his wings fluffed up in amusement. "You did! You did! You did! I am totally going to do that, now!"
Kirishima was quick to retrieve a pillow and prepare it to a fight, pointing it at his guardian angel with a half groan, half giggle. "That is not fair, man!! You can't ask questions when I am about to sleep, I always say the first thing that pops in my mind!"
"It wasn't really my original intention," the angel smiled sheepishly. "Humans' need to sleep are still confusing to me... But!!" He crept closer, fingers wiggling. "That only means that when you said yesterday..."
"That you likes when I-"
"No!" Big smiles, small giggles. "Come on. Shut up!"
"-that you like when I tickle you-" The rest of the sentence was a squeak as the red haired boy jumped at him, his soft weapon firm on his hands, and both dashed across the room in a chase. "I knew it!" Izuku laughed, - laughed. Not shyly giggled or awkwardly grinned, - pleased that one of his theories about his protected human (and friend) was right.
Damn, Kirishima wanted to at least fake a pout and put on a real fight, but how could he when the magical being was acting so happily? When he was so full of joy?
That didn't stop him from tackling his friend on the floor, both rolling in a playful roughhousing and playing fair until Kirishima felt something incredibly, impossibly soft on his neck, wide eyes as he realized only now how Midoriya's wings were stretched around him, almost engulfing both beings on its length.
The soft feeling came back, now scribbling all over his neck, sending tickly shocks through his body and weaking his strength, something which allowed the other launch his arms around his waist, hugging Eijirou from behind and leaving him to freely stare at some free feathers that slowly swung on his direction, aiming for his tickle spots.
Izuku felt a bit worried when the human stopped squirming.
"If I last 30 seconds without laughing you will let me go to that Parkour classes on Monday."
"But they're dangerous," Eijirou interrupted him, "you can use your magic feathers."
He could almost feel the angel thinking, analysing his options.
"Forty-five seconds."
"I will get you back and ask Shinsou to help me."
Pout. "You're mean."
A feather wriggled on his bellybutton, cutting any snark answer that the human had to that.
More feathers appeared in front of him. Adrenaline ran on Kirishima's veins at the idea of his new challenge.
Sidenote: Shinsou is Kirishima's cat. He loves to randomly lay and nap on the angel, but for some reason his purring tickles Izuku. He likes to purr a lot. Izuku is almost sure the feline knows what he is doing. Kirishima think the whole situation is hilarious.
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Be a Good Girl
Summary: After Dean finds out that you drank the last of his good whiskey, your boyfriend Sam decides he knows just how you can make it up to his brother.
Dean x Reader, slight/implied Sam x Reader (no wincest)
2215 words
Tags: NSFW, smut, kinda looks like dub-con, oral sex (male receiving), bondage, language, mild degradation, mild praise kink
A/N: I have so many more ideas for this, so please let me know if you’d like more/a sequel. <3
My Masterlist
You knew you shouldn't drink Dean's nice whiskey, even after the way it called to you. However, with the brutally long day you'd had and the boys asleep, it just looked so inviting. Admittedly, it probably had something to do with the way Dean had warned that anyone other than him who'd touched it would "seriously friggin' regret it." You knew being his brother's girlfriend allowed you some freedom from consequence but certainly not all, and part of you wondered if you could get away with it. Maybe you'd even wondered what would happen if you did get caught.
As Sam crawled under the table in the library to check the knots holding you in place, you thought to yourself that while you’d expected some sort of punishment or having to make it up to Dean, you were a bit surprised at the situation you’d found yourself in. This wasn’t the first time Sam had tied you up (and it definitely wouldn’t be the last), but the way his rope work had you spread eagle on the library table was very new. Sam emerged from under the table, satisfied that his knots would hold you in place, and stood to admire his work. Despite the chilly air, heat blossomed within you with the way he raked his eyes over your wholly exposed body. 
“You’ll be a good girl, won’t you?” Sam asked as he lightly ran his finger down the center of your chest and to your navel, leaving goosebumps in its wake.
“Yes, sir,” you answered. Before stripping you bare and positioning you as a work of art in the library, Sam had hinted at what would be happening. He’d mentioned that Dean was upset about the whiskey and that you’d be making it up to him somehow. You’d thought maybe you’d buy him a new bottle, or wash Baby, or something like that, but Sam had something much more exciting in mind. You felt yourself getting aroused at the thought, just anticipating what would happen when Dean got back.
To put the final touches on his masterpiece, Sam stuck a bow and a gift tag to your lower belly, just above your ever-so-inviting pussy. ‘Dean, take what you want. - Sam’ the tag read. Sam nudged your thighs further apart and placed the brand new bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue Label on the table between them. He smirked and pressed it firmly against you, rubbing it slowly between your lips and over your clit before he pulled it away and positioned it for display. You lifted your hips, seeking more pressure against your now-aching clit, and let out a small whine.
Sam tsked disapprovingly, reminding you that you were to be seen and not heard. “Be a good girl, Y/N,” Sam warned. “Remember that Dean’s in charge. He knows your safe words and that you’re just desperate to make it up to him for finishing his whiskey. Be good.” He placed a chaste kiss on your lips before slipping the black satin blindfold over your eyes. You groaned internally -- you wouldn’t dare do it out loud -- knowing that not being able to see would only increase your anticipation and drive you crazy.
You heard the large metal door of the bunker slam closed and your body tensed. While the likelihood that it was Dean was incredibly high, you hated not being able to see what was around you. Footsteps echoed through the library as they approached.
“Well, well, well, what have we here?” Dean’s voice asked directly behind you. Some of the nervous tension in your body relaxed, leaving only the tension of excitement and anticipation. You felt a tiny gust of air on your face and you guessed that Dean was waving his hand over you to test if you could see through the blindfold. When you didn’t react at all, there was a quiet chuckle just inches away from your right ear.
“Looks like Sammy left me quite the gift, didn’t he?” Dean continued. You knew you weren’t supposed to talk -- you were just a fuck toy today -- so you didn’t answer. You heard him approach the opposite end of the table, feeling his eyes on you as he moved. When he picked up the gift tag, you felt his warm and calloused, but somehow soft, fingertip ghost across the exposed flesh below your belly button.
“‘Take what you want’? Oh, sweetheart, you shouldn’t have.” His laugh was a bit dark and, though you couldn’t see him, you could sense his arousal. Your own excitement began to really bloom and you felt yourself getting wetter by the moment. When he picked up the bottle of whiskey between your thighs, you wondered if he could see how soaked you were, just imagining what he might do to you. You heard him open the bottle and take a couple swigs. “That’s the good stuff,” he sighed. “I wonder how well it pairs with this sweet pussy of yours, princess.” He ran his finger along the inside of your thigh before gliding it through your slick folds. You writhed in your bonds, wishing desperately that you could get more, or even just touch him, but you knew it was no use. Sam knew how to tie a knot and you weren’t going anywhere until he or Dean decided to free you.
You heard the wet ‘pop’ as he pulled his finger out of his mouth and groaned. “Shit, Y/N, that’s divine. You’re sweeter than a 15-year single malt.” You could hear the smile in his voice and fuck, you wanted him. Talent for the art of teasing must run in the family. He moved to the head of the table and you couldn’t help the pleading look you gave him when he removed the blindfold. He slid his hand gently down the side of your face and pushed your hair away so he could get a better look at you. Though you bit your lip to keep yourself from making a sound, a small devious smile made its way across your face. Dean mirrored the expression before pressing his lips against yours. It started gentle, maybe a little tentative, but didn’t take even a moment for the kiss to escalate to rough and full of want. You kissed him back hard, lifting your head off the table as much as your position would allow, and Dean slid his hand under the back of your head. Using his grip, he pressed his mouth against yours like it was the only thing he’d ever wanted. He licked into your mouth and sucked and bit your lips with such fervor that you were sure you were dripping on the table.
He pulled away with that devilish grin back on his lips. For just a moment, he paused to drag his eyes over the sight before him. Your pleading eyes staring up at him, your ruddy kiss-swollen lips, your gorgeous hard nipples… He groaned, knowing that everything before him was his for the taking. You let your eyes wander from his face down his body where you could see his erection absolutely straining against the denim containing it. You thought it looked so desperate to be freed, to be touched, that maybe it was almost as desperate as you were. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath to try to calm the lustful need bubbling up through every fiber of your being, but it didn’t do much good. 
Dean dropped his red plaid flannel to the floor and tore his t-shirt over his head. When he pulled his belt through the belt loops of his jeans, you couldn’t stop the low, desperate groan from escaping your throat. 
“What? You want this cock, sweetheart?” Dean chuckled. He dropped the belt and undid the button on his jeans, and every move he made to lower the zipper and push his pants and boxer briefs over his hips was so slow and deliberate that you tried with everything in you to press your thighs together. 
“Yes, sir. Please,” you whined, knowing any punishment for talking would be worth it at this point. You needed him and you needed him to know that. Luckily, Dean seemed to enjoy when his fuck toy replied, because he bit his lip and smirked. He dropped his jeans and underwear to the floor and stepped out of them. He wrapped one large, perfect hand over the hard, thick object of your desire and took deliberate, purposeful steps to approach you again.
“Open up, princess.” You obeyed immediately, opening your mouth and letting your jaw muscles slacken. He grinned and teased the tip of his cock around your lips, and your tongue reached out to taste him. Your tongue caressed the needy red head of his cock and lapped up the bead of precum leaking from his slit. Dean let out a low groan that came more from his chest than his throat and reached up to stroke your cheek. “Be a good girl for me,” he whispered before he thrust his hips forward to shove all of himself between your lips. Once the briefest moment of surprise passed, you greedily took him in, engulfing his throbbing cock with your wet, hot mouth. 
You hollowed your cheeks, sucking him down and running your tongue along the underside of him as he found a rhythm. It didn’t take long for him to begin truly fucking your face and you wished so much that your hands were free so you could touch yourself while he did so. With every thrust, you felt him hit the back of your throat and you couldn’t help but think how good it’d feel to have him pounding your pussy like that. Your clit throbbed and your pussy clenched around nothing, both so eager and needing to be touched. 
His grunts were sinful and you swore you could feel them in your core. He held the side of your face in place as he used you, used your mouth like he deserved to. Your mouth had been what disobeyed him, giving in to the temptation of taking something that didn’t belong to you. In return, he got to take something that didn’t belong to him. You were the prize that Sam Winchester had to offer, and you loved it. Tears escaped your eyes as Dean slammed into your throat, sliding hard and fast between your soft lips. You gagged a bit when he went deeper and you felt his rhythm falter. You hummed around him, and only you knew that it was a sound of disappointment, as you’d been wishing, despite how well he was fucking your face, that he’d slide his beautiful, throbbing, delicious cock into your pussy and thrust into you with every bit of force he could muster. 
“Just like that, baby,” Dean grunted when you hummed, “Such a good girl.” You hummed again, only this time the praise swept over you and you wanted to make him cum by any means necessary. You could be a good girl and you’d show him. You let your jaw hang slack as he slammed into your mouth, as the subtle vibrations of your humming threw him over the ledge into his climax. With one hard thrust sending him impossibly deeper into your throat, he came. His gentle hold on your face was no longer gentle as he pushed you toward him, keeping your head in place as thick ropes of his sweet release spurted down your eager throat. When he finished, he loosened his grip on you and pulled his softening cock out of your mouth slowly, like despite the post-orgasm sensitivity, he never wanted to leave the perfect warm cavern beyond your lips.
He sighed, taking a deep breath to bring himself back to Earth, and you licked your lips to get the stray cum that had smeared there when he pulled out of your mouth. He grinned and you grinned back at him. 
“Sam was right,” he started, “You really are an even better fuck toy than you are a hunter. I didn’t know that was possible.” You blushed, but couldn’t take your eyes off of him. He may have gotten his release but you were still aching and needy for yours. However, you knew that this was about making your transgressions up to Dean, so you wouldn’t say anything. This would make incredible fodder for the next time you played with yourself, or you’d think back to it when Sam took you to bed and reclaimed you later like he did after every time he’d shared you.
“Mmm,” you hummed, “Glad I could be of service. Did it make up for stealing and finishing your good whiskey?” 
“Oh we’re nowhere near finished, princess. I haven’t even gotten to feel that tight, pretty pussy squeezing around me.” He smirked and your cunt clenched, pulsing with arousal, excitement, and anticipation. 
“Are you gonna fuck me good and hard, Dean?” you asked, your expression a combination of puppy dog eyes and a sly grin. Dean ran his fingers through his hair and groaned.
“You have no idea, sweetheart. I’m gonna fuck you til you’re not sure you can cum anymore and you can’t remember your name. We’re just getting started.”
tags: @hobby27 @akshi8278 (Wanna be tagged?)
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thesightstoshowyou · 4 years
Asa Emory x AFAB Reader (NSFW)
Part 4
Read Part 3 here
Summary: Asa has a nightmare, then you have a waking one. This is a sexy little interlude with a smidgen of plot.
Warnings: Biting, creampie, Stockholm Syndrome
@little-lily-w  @quiveringdeer
             You awake with a start, your half-formed gasp dying on your tongue. You’d dreamed of bloody mouths with no teeth and…. The details are already slipping away. You will your pounding heart to slow.
            Morbid fascination overtakes you and, unable to stop yourself, you glance down at the huge, circular stain on the floor. It looks inky black in the unlit room. Asa had cleaned, disposed of the body, but the evidence is still plain to see splattered on the floor and the walls.
            You wonder who the man had been before he’d found his way here. Did he have a family? What had he done for a living?
             The mattress shifts behind you and you whip around, panic surging. Immediately, you calm, and disbelief takes the place of fear. Asa’s wide shoulders face away from you. He’s stretched out on the bed, on top of the comforter like he had laid down to rest for a moment but fell asleep instead. Can he really be asleep?
             Timidly, you push yourself to sitting and peer over Asa’s shoulder. His eyes are closed, lips parted, chest rising and falling rhythmically. He’s either asleep or a fantastic actor.
             You jump when he twitches. A quiet noise leaves his lips, like a mix between a whine and a word you can’t make out. He’s asleep, and he’s dreaming.
             Asa’s brow furrows and another pitiful noise leaves his lips along with a few shallow breaths. A nightmare, perhaps. You’re in awe; you doubt anyone else has ever seen him this vulnerable. He’d never allow it.
             You reach your hand out to wake him but you pause, fingers hovering just over his shoulder. He would be furious if he found out you’d witnessed him asleep and mid-nightmare. He’d punish you, reassert his dominance.
             Quickly, you pull your arm back to your chest. Instead, you rest your head on the pillow once more and, gingerly, you scoot toward him until you’re curled up against his broad back. You hear his breathing even out and feel his shoulders relax under your palms.
             So, he’s human after all. You were beginning to wonder if he was a monster manifested from your worst nightmares. It’s reassuring, in a strange way, to know there’s a soul in there somewhere, the wretched, twisted thing it must be.
             Asa is incredibly warm, comfortingly so. Your eyelids droop, the steady pace of his breathing lulling you. Your last thought before sleep claims you is of his childhood; who raised him? Who warped him like this? Who created the Collector?
             You startle awake to the feel of a calloused palm tracing the curve of your waist. A tiny, panicked whimper escapes you, your sluggish brain struggling to comprehend where you are.
             “Shh,” Asa whispers in your ear and you calm, relieved it’s him and not another of his creations. Teeth graze your neck and goosebumps instantly raise across your skin. Your fingers curl into the sheets when Asa’s hand dips between your legs to tease your inner thighs, and it is then you realize your hands are free. He’s never left you unrestrained before.
             You’re rolled onto your stomach and Asa rolls with you, pinning you under him with his own body. His hand sneaks between you and the mattress, slipping down your abdomen to stroke you through your already damp panties. You bite your lip when you feel his mouth curl into a grin against your ear.
             You raise your hips off the bed only for Asa to grind you back into the mattress. His hand finds your neck, fingers curling around your collar before rutting his hard, clothed cock into your ass. You whine, forcing your hips to still.
             “What do you want?” he murmurs against your ear, husky voice sending a shiver down your spine. Your cheeks burn in embarrassment. He’s going to make you say it?
             “Y-you,” you mutter, sucking in a quick breath when his fingers push your panties to the side to brush against your dripping entrance.
             A quiet chuckle, then, “You’re going to have to be more specific.” Why does he have to be so fucking talkative today?
             “You, Asa. I want…I want you to f-fuck me,” you admit, clenching your eyes shut with shame.
             “Better.” His weight leaves your back and you hear his belt clink, feel the cold metal of the buckle brush against your ass as he works his zipper open. Asa’s fingers hook into the lace of your underwear, dragging them down your legs and off before he’s climbing back over you.
             Tentatively, you lift your hips again. He allows it this time, cockhead pushing against your slippery entrance. You drop your head to the mattress and sigh when he eases into you, settling his weight against your back once more. His fingers return to your collar, the other hand bracing itself on the comforter.
             You focus on his knuckles, covered in jagged, white scares and bloody lacerations new and old. A couple of his nail beds are black, bruised from some trap or another. Is the rest of him this beat up?
             The leisurely roll of his hips pulls you from your reverie and a surprised moan leaves your throat. You were expecting to be hammered into oblivion, as usual. The way he thrusts into you now could almost be described as tender. Are you the one dreaming now?
            Asa bites back a groan. You can hear the way it strains in his throat, trying to escape, and that sends heat roiling in your belly. Your own mewl tumbles, unchecked, from your lips and Asa responds to the sound with an insistent thrust.
            The fingers in your collar move to your hip, tilting you how he wants before fucking back into your welcoming cunt. You dig your nails into the sheets, holding the angle so his hand can return to your neck. Without fail, he finds that perfect trigger within you that has you quivering and moaning your appreciation.
            “A-Asa,” you beg, letting him know that you’re quickly approaching that beautiful precipice. He growls, deep in his throat when you say his name. The sound goes straight between your legs, the possessiveness behind it making you throw your hips back against him as if you’re agreeing.
            “Fuck,” he groans, teeth sinking into your shoulder. That does it for you. You careen off the edge, tumbling into ecstasy with what you think is a, “Thank you,” on your lips, but what you say instead has your eyes flying open in horror.
            “I love you.”
            This is a dream. A nightmare. That phrase could not have left your lips.
             Asa freezes behind you. He inhales deeply, hand on your neck going to your jaw, mouth returning to your ear.
             “Say it again,” he orders, no trace of levity left in his voice. He’s all business now. Asa’s hips return to their task with gusto, now bucking fervently into you.
             You can’t say it again.
             “I-I love you,” you whisper, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes. Apparently, you can.
             With a strangled groan, Asa cums, hips erratic as he fills you with sticky warmth. He pulls out of you a few moments later, flipping you onto your back and holding your face in his hands.
             You don’t want to look at him. You’re reeling, shock, horror, and a million other emotions churning in your tumultuous mind. Asa tips your chin up so he can examine your teary, mismatched eyes.
             There’s something in his own eyes, just barely noticeable under the cool apathy. If you didn’t know him so well you doubt you would have noticed. It almost looks like….
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DIABOLIK LOVERS Do-S Kyuuketsu VERSUS II Vol.1 Ayato VS Laito [Track 4]
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Original title: 棺桶の中で
Source: Diabolik Lovers VERSUS II Vol. 1 Ayato VS Laito [CD not owned by me]
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Midorikawa Hikaru & Hirakawa Daisuke
Translator’s note: This was a long one but I somehow got through it! I’ve realized that in these VERSUS CDs, Laito’s parts always tend to be a little longer because he likes to talk a lot and ramble on about things. It was fascinating to see him struggle between the two sides of himself though, as well as his realization that the MC must be someone special to him. ...And then there’s of course the many many slurpring and gulping sounds. :’’) In the game, I usually skip through most of these, but unfortunately I don’t have that luxury with a drama CD.
Track 1 ll Track 2 ll Track 3 ll Track 4 ll Track 5 ll Track 6
Track 4: Inside the Coffin
Laito enters the torture chamber.
*Rattle rattle*
Laito: ...Bitch-chaaan~ You’re here, aren’t you?
He paces around.
Laito: Laito-kun has come for you~ ...That scary Vampire who will hurt you is gone, so won’t you show yourself? 
He finds your hiding place.
Laito: Little Red Riding Hood has been spotted...~ Nfu~ I knew the torture chamber was the right choice. ...I just had a feeling you would be hiding over here. It makes sense to start searching from the place which seems the least likely, don’t you think?
Laito: Or you might have just subconsciously chose your favorite spot. ...Your true nature which has been awakened through the strange power of the lunar ecilpse, that is. I mean, this place overflows from memories of our ‘love’, doesn’t it? Fufufu~
Laito: Come on. Grab my hand.
You hesitate.
Laito: I’ll make you feel good~
You slap away his hand.
Laito: ...Oh! ...Nfu~ So, what’s the plan swatting away my hand like that? Or are you perhaps grumpy, Bitch-chan?
You turn your head around.
Laito: Are you trying to put Ayato-kun and I to the test by pushing us around like this? Fufufu~
Laito: ...Ugh. Gotcha~ 
You try to escape his grip.
Laito: Pulling you close against your will isn’t half bad either. If you’re too obedient, it isn’t any fun, don’t you think? 
Laito: Come on...You can fight back some more. I don’t mind if you throw a fit.  You’re so very confused right now, aren’t you? You’ve been caught off guard by our slightly off behavior. That’s why you couldn’t hold back the tears. I saw you bolt out of the room earlier, you see. Not knowing what is going on just makes one want to cry, don’t you think? Fufu~
You flinch.
Laito: When that happens, the best thing to do is to retreat to a narrow, dark space. There’s a perfect example in this room as well...Come on, this way!
Laito opens the Iron Maiden.
Laito: How this spikeless one? Shall we go inside Ayato-kun’s bed?
He forces you inside.
*Rustle rustle*
Laito: Hmm~ It’s my first time inside, but it’s rather nice. Especially when I consider this is Ayato-kun’s favorite spot. It makes waves of excitement wash over me~ Nfu~ It feels as if I am sneakily taking what is his from right underneath his nose. Fufu~ Well, not that you necessarily belong to Ayato-kun or anything. I am just hypothetically speaking, okay? 
You protest.
Laito: ...Mm~ It’s the scent of blood. Did Ayato-kun do lewd things to you in here? Fufu~ 
*Rustle rustle*
Laito: Come on, don’t go hide it. It’s been crystal clear for a while. Aah~ See? There’s bite marks...All over your nape.
Laito: Haah...See? Right here. Can you tell? ...The place I’m carressing you. 
*Rustle rustle*
Laito: Does it still sting a little? Or does it feel good? ...Haah~ 
You wince in pain.
Laito: ...Woah! ...Fufu~ Sorry~ Curiosity got the best of me and I started toying with the wound. Wondering if perhaps it would start bleeding again. ...And surely enough, see? Blood has started oozing out.
Laito: Mmh...
Laito: Nn...
Laito: Haah...Lapping up the blood from your neck tainted by Ayato-kun is the pinnacle of obscenity. Mmh...Nn...
Laito: ...Ah~ ...Haah...I’m sure you’re starting to feel weird too, right? See? You’ve got goosebumps. Haahn~ Mmh...
Laito: Aahn...Mmh...
Laito: ...Ah~ I wonder what this feeling means? You belong to me, but rather than being upset knowing Ayato-kun sucked your blood from her, it is making me excited instead.
Laito: M brain doesn’t want to admit it but...Haah~ My body still reacts this way.
*Rustle rustle*
Laito: Say, Bitch-chan? You should be able to tell as well, right? 
You tilt your head to the side.
Laito: Come on, try recalling it. How did Ayato-kun suck you? Right here...Mm...
Laito: What kind of sounds did you make the moment he pierced his fangs through? Haah...
Laito: What did he do to you afterwards? Did he hard-handedly suck your blood, I wonder? Or was he perhaps gentle with you because he noticed how you seemed to be in pain? ...For one, this Iron Maiden is Ayato-kun’s favorite spot, isn’t it? So I’m sure he has sucked your blood in here before, hasn’t he? 
You avert your gaze.
Laito: Come on...Try remembering everything you did with him. While I hold you in my arms like this...
Laito: You’d recall the things you’ve done with another man. 
Laito: ...I’m sure it makes you feel incredibly guilty, no? Mmh...
Laito: Mmh...Nn...
*Rustle rustle*
Laito: Imagining you so thoroughly naughty excites me beyond belief. It’s as if a voice inside of me is telling me that I have to enjoy this situation, or I’d be missing out. That it’s the most arousing situation imaginable. You feel the same way, don’t you?
You look up at Laito.
Laito: The way Ayato-kun always talks about how he wants to claim you only for himself would only ruin this excellent situation, don’t you think? I could never comprehend him. ...Exactly, that’s what I always thought...But right now, there’s one more emotion welling up inside of me at the same time...Fufu~ That’s right...It’s jealousy. 
You seem surprised.
Laito:...Bitch-chan~ Didn’t I tell you earlier as well? It seems like I’m a little envious tonight because of the moon’s effects. ...I want to corrupt these marks so badly, so you won’t even be able to tell what they originally looked like anymore. I want to make the inside of your head go blank, so you’ll be unable of recalling any of the things Ayato-kun did to you. ...That’s what I think. In other words, this is ‘possessiveness’.  Born inside of me. I’m surprised. I had no idea I was capable of feeling this way. This almost makes it seems like I’m no different from Ayato-kun. We are brothers, but for the longest time, I thought the color of our eyes was the only thing we had in common. However, that might not be entirely true.
Laito: Along with the side of me which wants to indulge in you as something belonging to another man, a part of me also wishes to make you only mine. But you know? At first glance, it may seem as if I am contradicting myself, but that might not actually be the case. I realized, you see? ...Do you know what I mean?
He leans in.
Laito: In short, both sides of me can only exist because you are someone special in my eyes. ...Nfu~ I mean, just think about it? If I didn’t care about you, I wouldn’t be able to get such a kick out of competing over you like this.
You flush bright red.
Laito: ...Your cheeks are red? Nfu~ Did that make your heart skip a beat? Nice~ ...But you know, when you tell a girl she is special, they let you get away with anything, don’t they?
Laito suddenly bites you.
*Gulp gulp*
Laito: Aah...
*Gulp gulp gulp*
Laito: Ah~ ...Haah...~ It’s my turn to taint your neck now. Haahn...
*Gulp gulp gulp*
Laito: Aahn...
*Gulp gulp*
Laito: Mm...No good...I want more and more...I want to leave marks on your whole body, many more than Ayato-kun ever did...Haah...Aaah~
*Gulp gulp gulp*
Laito: Hahn...
*Gulp gulp gulp*
Laito: Aah...I wonder if my feelings are in disarray because of the moon after all? ...Say, Bitch-chan? Haahn...
*Gulp gulp gulp*
Laito: Ah...Not yet...It’s not enough...Tonight, rather than feeling more satisfied by drinking your blood, it is as if I am being overcome by a different kind of feeling...Haahn...
*Gulp gulp gulp*
Laito: ...Aah~ I want to drown you in me. In my marks. 
*Gulp gulp gulp*
Laito: Aah...No...That’s not it. Iーー!
*Gulp gulp gulp*
Laito: Aahn...
Laito: Oh no...This is bad...I want to feel even better together with you...
Laito: Hey, Bitch-chan? I have a favor to ask? ...Right here. My neck. Lick it.
You seem confused.
Laito: You feel good when I lick you, right? So please...Do it to me too.
Laito: Come on. Now that we’re in this kind of situation anyway, wouldn’t you want to try switching things up a little? You might just...become addicted to it as well, you know? 
Laito: Come on, go ahead? Fufu~
You lick his neck.
Laito: ...Aah~ It feels great...~ Your tongue is...Haah...~ I can’t get enough of this...Aahn~ Haah...Bitch-chan...You’re doing great...I can’t get enough of your hesitant movements...Haah~~ 
*Rustle rustle*
Laito: ...Oh? ...You’re done already? Oh no, you have to do more. Love me more thoroughly. ...Enrapture me even more? So you’d be the only one on my mind, regardless of the effects of the lunar eclipse. Okay~?
You insist you’ve reached your limit.
Laito: Hmm...Fufu~ Okay then. Let’s leave it at that then. Thank you. ...Well then, Bitch-chan. Come here now. I’ll give you a reward~
You scoot closer.
*Rustle rustle* 
Laito: You like this, don’t you? ...Pressing my lips against yours like this...Mmh...
Laito: Mm...
Laito: Nn...Hah...And embracing you gently like this.
You smile.
Laito: Fufu~ I know everything about you. Much better than Ayato-kun, okay? ...Well then, shall we feel even better? ...Whoops!
The Iron Maiden opens.
Laito: I accidentally opened the door. There goes our privacy. I honestly wouldn’t have minded to have stayed in here together, just the two of us, with nobody getting in our way. Nfu~ I’m sure you’d feel dissatisfied if we had to cut our fun short because someone intervenes, right? Well then, one more timeーー
You quickly jump out of the Iron Maiden.
Laito: ...Oh, Bitch-chan? ...What’s wrong? Come back!
You turn around.
Laito: ...Hey! ...Bitch-chan...!
You run away.
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