#he deserves to matter to someone -not begrudgingly -not conditionally -genuinely and whole heartedly
I've been turning over in my mind the scene where Nasuada yells at Murtagh to fight against Galbatorix, the way she sees him and how she confronts him. It reveals this fundamental misunderstanding of who he is. And I just think it's so sad. For Murtagh, the people he loves are what matter most to him, and in the case of Nasuada and Eragon specifically, he cares so very much about them that he consistently does everything in his power to help them. And they in return put such pitifully little effort into understanding him and caring about him. It's not that they've proven incapable, it's that, to them, Murtagh isn't worth even the effort of trying. It's so fucking sad.
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