#he deserves the learning time and the grace that other drives (unless you're in the second rb seat or a williams) receive
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rereading famiglia today to heal myself after lewis' comments about max and gp ❤️🩹
aaaarrrrgggggg not to get like genuine on main or anything, but.
lewis has a point. not about the max and gp thing, but about how he and other poc/not british drivers get criticized on their radio usage. yuki especially. where other drivers being firm over the radio are treated as setting boundaries and putting their engineers in their place or whatever they're saying these days, if lewis does it (like he's been doing the last two races, because they're learning to work together), suddenly he's being rude and not appreciating what his engineer does for him.
at the same time. taking a shot at max and gp is the worst possible example to prove his point. if he wanted to discuss dysfunctional driver/race engineer dynamics... lando and will are right there. max and gp are one of the best duos because the system they have is one that works for them, and they've both spoken somewhat at length before that they're on the same page about heat of the moment and what they need- and they clearly respect each other both on and off track. it'd be like if someone started taking potshots at lewis and bono, when they'd been working together so long that implying they were dysfunctional is just ridiculous.
so yes, an extremely fair and valid point from lewis, but taking a shot at max and gp devalues that point because that's obviously what people were going to focus on from that conversation. now the discussion has become about max and gp instead of the rightful criticism of the expectations the media places on certain drivers.
...and to imply that max doesn't get insane media flack for his radio messages is just outright wrong.
my final point- this whole post is a criticism of the wording lewis used, but I'm certainly not blaming or hating on him for it. he's held to impossibly high standards both inside and outside of the sport, and he's allowed to be just as upset about things as other drivers are. he's allowed to word things in a way that doesn't come across kindly, he's allowed to take potshots at other drivers on the grid, he's allowed to say the media can be bullshit- but he's been somewhat shoehorned into this perfect socially aware and respectful paddock icon.
he deserves just as much grace as the other drivers get, he just doesn't receive it.
#might delete later#some genuine sunny thoughts#the whole thing has just rubbed me the wrong way#obviously lewis is going to have teething problems at ferrari#he deserves the learning time and the grace that other drives (unless you're in the second rb seat or a williams) receive#don't get me wrong I am not an lh44 fan#but I think he's been getting a really unfair run from the whole incident#and I respect him as both a driver and a person#I just don't want him winning lmfao
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A Thousand Lifetimes
Rated M++ for language and themes
If you recognize it--IT AIN'T MINE
Sorry for the OOC bits.
Chapter 2
Supper was finished and cleaned up with little in the way of words spoken after that. The evening saw me curling up in my bed with a coffee and the second chapter.
Jooheon PoV--
As soon as we were given our holiday leave, we were talking where we were all going to go. I had saved my days off for three months to have an entire week away. Just the same as I had saved as much as I could to be able to afford that first class ticket. Bryn had sent me half of the money, so that helped. As I packed, I called Bryn, just to verify the time I should get there.
The flight itself was really uneventful...unless you count the attendant openly flirting with me. That guy openly offered things that, umm, weren't on the menu, let's say. Now, don't get me wrong, I love flying first class, and I am used to having underwear thrown at me by western audiences, but getting an invitation to join 'The Mile High Club' by a dude, was a little much for me.
'Would be too much for me too'.
By the time the plane landed in L.A., I was thoroughly embarrassed, and a little pissed off. Then there was a two hour layover until my flight to Chicago. That flight was a lot better than the one from Seoul to L.A. No one bothered me. I was just the Asian guy in first class.
After grabbing my bag from baggage claim, I started to walk down to the pick up and drop off, where she said she would meet me. Bryn told me she has an awful time getting through security checkpoints. The machines pick up the studs on her implants. That was an interesting conversation, I learned my big sister had lost all her teeth due to a strange combination of factors. But, she had gotten it all squared away and everything had healed up a while ago.
'She has implants? Hmm.'
As I turned the corner, I heard a soft whistle followed by Bryn shouting.
"Jooheon! Over here, Lil Man."
'Little? He is at least half a foot taller than you!'
I turned towards the yell, and saw her. The buzz cut threw me for a second. "You cut it all off again," I remarked as I noticed her shoulder length hair was much shorter than our last video chat.
"Yep. Long hair is for men and babies, not ladies. Neither man nor bitch should be able to grab a handful and use it against me," she quipped as she ran her hand over the short, spunky, spikes on her pate. "Got your bag," she asked.
Long hair is for men and babies, huh.
I nodded.
"Cool. My truck is this way," she said as she tilted her head to the side. "Let's blow this pop stand."
"What," I asked, laughing as I followed.
"Let's blow this popsicle stand.'
Turning around and walking backwards, she said, "Let's blow this popsicle stand."
'See. I do know some idioms.'
Imagine my surprise when what she simply called 'my truck' was a tiny little Chevy Equinox.
As we stowed my bags in the back seat, I said, "Bryn, this isn't a truck."
"Is to me," she replied as we got into the front and buckled our safety belts. When she started up the engine, the cabin was filled with a haunted music. Then she said, as we backed out of the parking spot, "We gotta stop for gas before we hit the interstate, so, I suggest you visit the men's room before we leave. We still have a four hour drive ahead of us."
As she put it in drive, I replied with, "Are you insinuating I can't control myself?"
"No," she said, matter-of-factly. "I am straight telling you that you have a bladder the size of a walnut and you are riding with a fucking camel."
I laughed, 'I agree. That woman can make an eight hour drive with a bottle of pop and never once need to pee. There will still be soda in her bottle, too. She's a fuckin camel.'
As we pulled away from the gas station, and onto the interstate, She commented on my shirt. "That is a nice color on you, by the way."
"Thanks. I like red."
"I know. Just never had you pegged as a guy who actually looked good in maroon."
I looked down at my shirt. "It's red," I replied.
"No, Dear, it's maroon."
"Agree to disagree. How many times have I told you to just call me 'Honey'?"
"It weirds me out to call my little brother "Honey'. That's a word meant for a significant other. The closest you will EVER get is Dear. Ah! I know! Wanda," she laughed.
"Absolutely not," I laughed, "but I can see your point," I said, as I looked out the window for a minute, "How is Clark taking it?"
'Who is this Clark, guy?'
"Your visit? We got in a screaming match. It all boils down to the fact you are a guy."
"Wow," I replied then shook my head. Clark was one of those super insecure guys who saw everyone as a threat. "So it didn't and doesn't matter that the mere idea of being anything other than an adopted brother makes me want to poke my eyeballs out with a blunt object."
"Nope," she replied. "You're a dude, and dude's only think about getting 'stuff' from girls."
'Ok, so she is safe with Honey. Good to know.'
I gagged and covered my mouth, "Icky. Just the thought of that makes me want to vomit," I said then shuddered.
"Hey," she chuckled. "No pukin' in my truck," she quipped as she smacked my arm.
"Are you allowed to have gay friends?"
"He doesn't like them either. He would be completely happy if I had no friends at all."
"That is what I call possessive."
"That is what I call fucked up," she replied. "Getting a little sick of the double standards. He can have all the friends he wants, but I have lost most of mine, thanks to him."
"Well, you can't lose me. You are stuck with me now."
"Good to know."
"You know I love you, Sissie," I squealed as I laid over onto the console.
"Yeah, I know. Sadly," she replied and then smiled at me before focusing on the road.
After a few miles, I asked, "So he cost you your friends?"
Sighing, she replied, "Yeah. The only ones left are Lynn and Shayne. He tried to get rid of them, but Shayne threw a fit."
"Yeah. Shayne told him to shut up before he knocked him out. I mean, we have been friends for 33 years and nothing has ever happened. EVER. And I like Lynn."
"Shayne's wife. She is awesome!"
"So, do I get to meet the family this week?"
"Nope," she replied. "Ian, Allen, and Jason all have wives that don't like Ma...or me, much. And Los lives in Texas with his wife and their boys, so I don't get to see him much anyways. Costs a ton to board the boys for a visit"
"Los," I asked. I had heard her refer to him, but didn't really know much, other than he was the only biological brother. "I thought he couldn't have kids?"
"Carlos. Most of the family calls him Junior. Juan Carlos Jr. And he can, she can't. The boys are their pitties."
"Wow. What was his mom smoking," I asked.
Bryn smiled, "Don't know, but I wish she would have shared."
"My full name."
"What is it," I asked, mentally preparing myself for the answer.
"Bryn Markham is just the name I write under. Bryanna Ellyen Velvet Colline Brusher nee Loveland, legally. I go by either Annie or Bry, depending on who it is. My parents STILL call me by my full name," She replied, her embarrassment pinking her cheeks slightly.
I grabbed the pad and pen from beside my bed and wrote down the name quickly.
"Oh my god," I laughed.
"Could have been worse, though. If I had been a boy, my dad wanted to name me either Benjamin Abraham or Joshua Earl."
I couldn't help the snort that came out, right before I broke and laughed. I was laughing so hard I was starting to tear up a bit.
"Yeah. Haha. Laugh it up," She said as she rolled the window down a few centimeters and grabbed an ash cup from the rear cup holder. Then, Bryn grabbed the tin of smokes out of the console and lit one up.
"Hold up. You smoke?"
That explains the smell, sometimes.
"Not anymore. Used to, but I found this mix when I quit. I smoked because of my temper, and this mix helps. It's better than looking at the world through two panes of glass and chicken mesh cause I lost it and gave some dumbass what they really deserved."
I looked at her confused.
"A high five...in the face," she said as she glanced at me, "with a chair," Bryn deadpanned as she watched the road.
I snickered a little before I said, "Really?"
"Yeah. More than just a pretty face, little brother," She laughed as she playfully slapped her cheek.
As we settled in to the drive, I realized how much she looked like the girl in Kihyun's dreams. Granted, I could just be seeing what I wanted to see.
They both need someone awesome.
Bryn PoV--
We made it to the house in a little over 3 hours. As usual, Clarkie was pissed. This time cause I actually went and picked up my brother. I guess, he thought if he raised enough of a stink, I would do what he wanted. But, I had a bad habit of never staying in his happy little shell. Mostly because it felt like a cage and I hate to be hemmed in.
He has always said that I need safety and security, but his idea of it is a cage, fences to box me in. My idea was more like a safe place to bed down after a run with the moon, and the freedom to run and stretch out; to sprawl all out and wait for nightfall.
But, Hawkie, has always known its a nice place to land. But that's the way our connection worked, neither one of us had to say much, we just did and it all fit.
I couldn't help but think how wrong this Clark guy was. A spirited filly like that needed plenty of room to run, to roam, or she got stifled. She was right, my idea of security was always just having a good place to land.
As we walked inside, I said, "Look guys, Uncle Jooheon is here."
All three of my kids suddenly insisted on 'Uncle Joey' being his new name; even though I had been coaching them for weeks as to how to pronounce it the right way.
Grimacing, I said, "Sorry, Bud. It appears you have been graced with a new name. In the old ways, a new name is given at the time of adoption. So it looks like it's official. Welcome to the family."
"Hey. I don't mind. There are worse things to be called. Joey works," He chuckled as he shook his head, "At least it's close. I am honored to officially be part of the family."
"Don't get too comfy. Ma picks out middle names at random. So if you ever hear 'Joe' followed by some random Western name, just go with it. And if she whips out the right pronunciation and a random middle name, you are entirely on your own."
"If it's Ma, I would probably answer to it, just to keep her happy," He quipped back.
"It's better that way. She used to call Jamen, the ex, Lynn."
He let loose a belly laugh that had me laughing.
"Seriously," he asked as he wiped his eyes.
"Oh, Yeah. He used to get soo mad."
I laughed at Bryn and Honey and how they acted. Then, I thought about trying that name out in the morning.
As I laid there, curled up and ready to sleep, I felt her. She brushed my hair out of my eyes and whispered softly against my forehead, "You sleep, my love. I'll keep watch."
I fell asleep to her whispering something to me, soft and slow, in a language I couldn't understand. I knew it was no lullaby. It felt more like a blessing, like a prayer. I felt more at peace in that moment than I had for weeks. That night, the nightmares did not haunt me.
The next morning, as we all got around for the day, I took the chance.
"Hey, Joey."
All of the guys stopped.
Honey turned to me, "What did you call me."
"Story said she coached her kids for weeks. They all had it right, but, the minute you walked in the door it was 'Joey'."
"Really," He said as he looked kind of confused. "Joey?" He just snickered and smiled. "Babies. What can ya do," he laughed.
"If what she wrote is true, in her culture, when a person is adopted, they are given a new name. 'Joey' happens to be yours. Not to mention that 'Honey' weirds her out."
The expression on his face dropped. Confusion colored his face for a moment, then the look of understanding followed, "Ahh. Smaller and close to the original so the kids can learn it. Also, so the adults understand that with the small nickname, everything is ok, but the full version, pronounced right, means 'Shut up and listen'. Got it."
"Did you miss the adopted part? She knows!"
At almost two in the afternoon here, I heard her whisper, 'I'm off to bed.' as I felt her presence close to me. Next, came the burn on my cheek, followed by her soft, 'Goodnight, Love.'
Since I was finishing up my lunch, I decided to reach for her. 'Rest well, my queen. You have more than earned it today,' I said as I brushed her hair away from her face. She always looks so peaceful when she sleeps. I almost couldn't wait for the day when I could physically hold her again.
A/N--Still in hell.
#original writing#original fiction#twin souls#soul mates#soul connection#monsta x fic#kihyun fic#past life
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