#he deserves a small fluffy skirt that poofs up
daylesspax · 2 months
If you're looking for a challenge, IDW Fortress Maximus or IDW Overlord (they're both super cool but complicated to draw in my experience) :) It'd be cute to see Max shy or pouty, or Overlord would absolutely kill a sexy pose! Also, in love with the Jet Twins you did, they're so cute!
Me: reading this post a few days ago Why… why, Anon… WHYYYYY!!!
Anyway, I’m glad you loved my Jet Twins pin up!
Here is a lovely, blushy Fort Max ;)
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This took so much longer than I thought it would… there were so many last minute stuff I had to put, lol
Anyway! Fort Max is very shy and has energon-pink lipstick he borrowed from Overlord…
I don’t know what possessed me to choose a pose where their head is parallel to their shoulder and chose one of the only Transformers with LITERAL HORNS ON THE SIDES OF THEIR HEAD (just pretend it makes sense for the cuteness…)
But I really hope you like this big cutie as much as I enjoyed making him!
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