#he defo gets dipper into her too
markermarkymarc · 1 month
ford headcanon: he’s a massive swiftie.
he says it’s because “her songwriting is almost poetic”
but sometimes, he secretly just blasts “you belong with me” while doing research.
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pinesofthemind · 7 years
A Means To An End [1]
Yeah idk how long this story will go on for but here it is. A story of mine with an actual plot and not incestual sexual moments, who’da thunk that? anywho rain.jpg was the one thing going through my mind writing this because of how much i mention it, but yeah stay tuned for more of this i’m feeling this story big time, i’ll defo finish this one properly.
p.s. i don’t wanna give away the plot because that would ruin nearly everything i have planned in this story so yeah have a nice read people!
[2]   [3]   [4]   [5]   [6]   [7]   [8]
The heart began to pick up its pace. His blood began flushing around his body, protecting him  during such a vulnerable stage of the day. A stage in which any person is in danger. Their sleep. Dipper felt his conscious awaken as he became aware of his current setting. His sense of touch began to creep back into the light, then his eyes started to open, peeling themselves back and finally a sound of soft patting against his window. It sounded like rain. Could it actually be rain? The registration of it took a while for him but it quickly lifted his spirits. If there was anything he loved more than mystery novels, it was the rain. It was the perfect kind of weather to match Dipper’s mood most of the time. He always related to it in strange ways, from the way it often trickled down window panes in zigzag lines, he would think to himself ‘that’s probably what i look like right now, going through life and all’. It made sense to him as to why he felt like that, the atmosphere that the rain created was unlike anything he had ever experienced.
Picking his back off the bed, he turned sideways and planted his feet at the side of it. Looking down he started to rub his eyes, his fingertips pushing against the lower angel of his socket. Letting them down he placed his hands face down and in his lap, he turned his head up and looked towards the window. He noticed the same dotted lines dribbling down the pane that he had come to love throughout his life. A cheesy grin spread wide across his face when he realised it. Finally, it had been so long since a downpour even happened. ‘This town seems to be cursed with the bloody sun’, dipper often thought to himself. But now he had the advantage of welcoming that cold blooded feeling he often craved. He stood up and began to walk over to the window, placing his feet upon the soft cushioning of his carpet felt like walking on clouds. He used his hand to push the window out and to the side letting a couple droplets of rain fall onto his ledge. The heaven that he so desired had finally come. Witnessing it all wasn’t enough for him though. He had to go one step further. Dipper stepped back and located his wardrobe. Pushing aside clothes too small or too big, he found something just right. A pair of baggy jeans and a light blue hoodie. The perfect get up for some walking in the rain.
Opening his door he slipped out of the bedroom and began walking downstairs to the kitchen. The sound of clattering dishes caused him to pick his head up, was mum already up? Actually come to think of it what time is it? Dipper thought to himself as he approached the entrance to the kitchen. There he was met with the gaze of his sister, Mabel.
‘Oh hey Dip, surprised you’re up this early’
‘Early? Wait how early am I?
‘Around 8 o’clock i think’
‘Well damn’ dipper felt his hands slowly reaching up to his head, ‘if that ain’t a record for me i don’t know what is’
‘Heh, yeah i guess you’re right’
He looked down to notice Mabel was hurriedly washing the dishes in the sink.
‘You uh...in a rush?’
‘Well duh silly, i am kinda hungry’
‘Can i just use one of the dishes you cleaned real quick?’ Dipper asked as he leaned in to one positioned on Mabel’s dish rack.
‘Sure be my guest’
Dipper grabbed the bowl and began searching the drawers below for some quick breakfast.
‘Gee, you’re real eager to get outside aren’t ya?’ Mabel quipped at him.
‘Well how’d ya guess that smarty pants?’ Dipper shot back.
‘Well for starters you only get this restless when it’s raining outside’’
Dipper paused for a second, what Mabel was saying wasn’t false. It defined a clear cut in both of their personalities. Mabel enjoyed the summer but hated winter. It was only natural since she was the clear cut positive of the two. He picked his head up from the cabinet to look at Mabel, who was still focused on cleaning the dishes.
‘Look Dipper...don’t get annoyed by this trust me, i’m not trying to push your buttons but can you answer me this?’
‘Fire away’
‘Okay...why do you exactly like the rain so much?’
‘I uh...don’t...really know myself, i guess i just like it really. I can’t explain it all that well, i don’t know why, i just can’t explain why i like things sometimes.’ Dipper sulked, maybe explaining his hobbies was something he needed to improve on.  
‘Fair enough...I can’t really hold that against you, besides you best get out there it might fade away soon!’ Dipper nodded in agreement at Mabel’s sharp reply, a small grin formed on her face. As soon as he saw it a little burst of relief went off inside him. Thank god that didn’t turn ugly real quick. He turned back his attention to the cupboard and found the cereal box. Pulling it out of the corner he placed it firmly on the worktop, grabbing the milk next and placing it right beside his meal.  
‘So...what’s planned for today then?’ Mabel asked him curiously.  
‘Same as always really, maybe i’ll head over to Greasy’s. See what they got down there’ Dipper continued to chow down on his breakfast as Mabel followed up.
‘Wait Greasy’s? You mean they got one here too?’
‘Yeah, it just opened up though. So it may have a hard time getting customers.’
‘Oh damn, see if you can bring me something back. I wanna see what they got, they’re bound to change something about their menu right?’
‘Well…’ Dipper took another bite of his meal and continued. ‘I guess it has been a while, maybe they don’t do the pancakes anymore’
Mabel turned towards Dipper with eyes full of disbelief. ‘No..you really don’t think they would do that right?’
‘It’s up to them, all i can do is cross my fingers for you’ he finished his meal with that simple remark. Took the dish and handed it to Mabel, who was almost finished with her chores.
‘Alright i’m heading out then, take care’
‘Remember to bring me back some food nerd!’ Mabel’s words trailed off as they echoed through the hallway, but Dipper could hear them loud and clear. She’s still using that nickname huh? He thought to himself, well she wasn’t always one for originality anyway.
Dipper slipped on his boots and opened up the front door, there he saw it. The front lawn and the road were soaked to the core. It was time for him to step out and enjoy the day in his own way. As he stepped out he noticed something, it came to him as a positive reception. The rain was light. It felt like the perfect mix for him, just enough to feel like a downpour but no more than a storm. It also helped that there was little wind. It meant that Dipper could bask in it without having his clothes brush up against his face. Feeling the frisk breeze against his body, he shut the door, walked along the driveway and down the road looking to head into town.
The atmosphere the rain had on an empty street felt jarring. Like a dream. Someone had to be out here right? He couldn’t be the only person in this town that enjoyed the weather. He looked around among the pristine white houses that dominated most of their block, the floods of water trickling down pipes, splashing onto the hoods of their family cars. No one was around for some reason.
‘Hey boy!’
Dipper turned to his right to see a man on the other side of the road. He was dressed in a long coat and holding a briefcase in his right hand, an umbrella in his left. Dipper noticed that the man was almost standing perfectly idle. It didn’t feel right to him. It was so out of place, he hadn’t seen anyone else coming round this side of the street and yet here this man was.
‘W-what’s up?’ Dipper replied softly.
‘You look like you’re freezing over, come here and stand under my umbrella!’ the man charmingly shouted at Dipper like a salesperson exchanging an unforgivable deal.
He didn’t even move. Dipper’s eyes tracked the man and his actions. He only ever moved his mouth. Not one part of his body even flinched. Come to think of it he didn’t even see the man blink yet. Although that would be tough enough because of the environment they were both in. The sound of the rain fell deaf upon his ears. All he noticed was the man standing opposite him. Dipper couldn’t see his face either, it made it tough to even report something like this.
‘Look...j-just what do you want?’ Dipper asked him, each second crossing by made an etching in his mind. A symbol of something, of someone. It reminded him of an object he often dreamed about, it couldn’t be a person, no one even matched the outlook of this guy. But what even was it?
‘What do i want? Well...i want you’
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