#he could have been a well written character if jkr wasn't a coward
some of y'all need to keep your hate for young peter pettigrew in check.
young peter was undoubtedly a good friend. he never snitched, he snuck his mates out of detention, he raided the kitchen for moony when remus was too sore to get out of bed for food, he braided sirius's hair whenever asked, he gave all 3 of his brothers love advice because they were all too stupid to act normal around their crushes, and he was always there for them when everything went tits up.
20 year old peter was afraid for his life and did things he hated just to live another day. he picked the long term poison over the short term one and there was never a day when he didn't regret it in the aftermath.
he chose to live with that regret than attempt to atone for his actions. he crossed the line of no return, he knew it, and he was too afraid to even ask for forgiveness. he knew it wouldn't come, and even if it did, he wouldn't have deserved it.
peter pettigrew was a character with multitudes and he deserved to have been explored as such.
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