#he can handle her paranoia he's used to family drama
ghostinthegallery · 2 months
*Stares at the Djoseras/Zultanekh AO3 tag*: I'm coming for you my dear. I promise. I promise but my brain can only write so many words plz be patient 😭
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neonnightwriting · 1 year
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i decided to make a dedicated writeblr for the series i’m working on, Neon Night.
LENGTH: it’s planned for a trilogy, but if it does well, i have plenty of material for more books; i’m trying to keep the first book around 100,000 words
POV: multiple alternating first-person perspectives, with each POV having a different vibe
PACE: this is a fast-paced story with a betrayal or a new secret or a gunfight every page turn
GENRE: it’s damn near everything: its a crime drama, its a queer romance, its a comedy
THEMES: anti-capitalism, anti-colonization, finding a reason to keep living despite everything, morally gray characters who do bad things and good things and are experts at compartmentalization
SHORT SUMMARY: Legal day jobs and illegal night lives all collide in a single summer in the beating heart of Minnesota as several strangers, friends, and enemies find their lives irreversibly entangled in Neon Night.
Xavier Campbell (26, he/him, trans, gay) has more problems and secrets than anyone ought to, and when his neighbor, Henry Townsend (39), angry about the recent death of his son, suggests they commit a scheme to steal money directly from corporate bank accounts, Xavier reluctantly agrees, falling back on old instincts he’s tried to suppress—instincts he’ll need if he’s to keep their ‘perfect scheme’ hidden, something that grows increasingly more difficult due to Henry’s recklessness, Xavier’s own altruism, and attention from organized crime syndicates.
The O’Shea and the Kinney crime families have been embroiled in a cold war for two decades, but the sudden arrest of Eamon Kinney threatens to turn the conflict into a full scale war. Upon her father’s arrest, Saoirse (20, she/her, cis, grayaroace lesbian) takes over as leader of the Kinneys. She must outsmart the FBI, untangle the mystery of who set up her father, and save her family from all-out war with the O'Sheas, all while paranoia and pagan superstition threatens to turn her against her own blood.
Macha O'Shea (22, she/her, cis, ace lesbian) and her brother Roan handle the trickiest jobs in the O'Shea family—threatening uncooperative officials, maintaining the network of underground city utility tunnels the O’Sheas use, and most recently, interpreting whether or not Macha’s vague and violent visions of the future and the past are evidence of her being a druid, or simply the result of the overactive imagination of a traumatized woman.
Camilo Ramos (26, he/him, cis, bi) and his family have been on the run from the paramilitary group known as the Mexican Liberation Front for three generations, aided by his Grandfather Rafael’s visions granted to him by Santa Muerte—visions Camilo refuses to believe in. The O'Sheas have used this information to extort the Ramoses financially, and forced medical student Camilo to work as their unlicensed surgeon. His life intersects with Xavier who works at his aunt’s restaurant and the two begin a romance beset by family secrets neither one feels they can divulge to the other.
Fun things in this story that don’t fit anywhere else: yes those tunnels are real they really exist underneath downtown St. Paul and they’re so much more extensive than I ever imagined (i have photos and maps!); POV chapters from side characters like Amelia Ngo (33, she/her, trans, bi) who inherits her mother’s mostly legitimate investment company; Lorcan O’Shea (16, they/them, nb, pan) who was definitely legally adopted and is an expert sniper; Farrah Musad (19, she/her, cis, lesbian), a hijabi biker who runs an underground medical practice primarily serving Somali immigrants as well as people on the ‘wrong’ side of the law. While not a POV character, Casey Donnegan (29, they/them, nb, aroace) is an absolute delight in every scene, being a completely feral crime family leader, talking way too loud in public about murder plans, and refusing to do a damn thing unless you buy them brunch first.
If anyone is interested in keeping up with this story, I will make a taglist. Current word count as of writing this intro post is about 30,000 words.
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mochegato · 3 years
Even the Losers
Chapter 6
Chapter 1     Chapter 5
Marinette collapsed onto the barstool and immediately motioned to the bartender, ordering a drink before Adrien had even sat down. She downed the drink as soon as it came and motioned for another.  The bartender raised an eyebrow at her.  “Want me to just leave the bottle?”
“Yes,” Marinette answered gratefully with a bright smile.
“No,” Adrien answered over her.  “Just another drink for now and a water for me, please.” The bartender looked between the two of them, waiting for her response to his interruption.  Marinette pouted and slumped in her stool, but didn’t counter him so the bartender nodded and left to pour the drinks.
“Leaving the bottle would be easier,” she commented, slightly annoyed.
“And more dangerous,” he warned.  Marinette rolled her eyes and looked away.  It wasn’t that she disagreed.  She knew it was stupid.  She knew she shouldn’t drink until she blacked out.  She knew it wasn’t safe, especially in Gotham.  But honestly, she didn’t care.  The entire day had been a clusterfuck of dark thoughts and tears, after their meeting with M. Fox, and now she just wanted to forget… everything.  She wanted to forget her day.  She wanted to forget the last twenty odd years.  She wanted to forget her feelings.  She wanted to forget how to feel.  She wanted to forget how to think.
“You might want to try something else,” Adrien tried instead.  If self-preservation wasn’t going to get through to her, maybe he could use her self-destruction against her.  “If you get the bottle, you’re committed to that liquor.  If you just go by the glass, you can try different ones.”
Marinette looked at him from the corner of her eye, knowing exactly what he was doing but unable to fault his logic.  Instead she propped her elbows on the bar and buried her face in her hands.  She mumbled a thank you to the bartender when she heard him set her drink in front of her but groaned when she heard someone sit on the stool next to her.  There were plenty of open seats around the room, plenty of seats at the bar, if that’s where the person wanted to sit.  
The only reason for the person to sit so close was because they wanted to talk to her.  And while she would normally be polite and give the person a smile and maybe talk with them before turning them down, she was utterly, completely, and in all ways, not in the mood.  So, regardless of whether the person was there to hit on her or talk to her because she was a Wayne, she had no interest in any kind of a conversation.
She moved her hands just enough to clearly enunciate, “Not even remotely interested.  Move along, please.”
The man chuckled and leaned against the bar himself. “Good to hear it.  I'm pretty sure the Press would have a field day with that.”
Adrien scowled at the men who had taken the seat by them and wouldn’t take no for an answer.  “Hey, buddy, she said not interested.  Find someone else,” he growled threateningly.  
The man shook his head.  “I only have so many sisters and the others don’t drink. Well, not with me anyway.”  He motioned to the bartender.  “Actually, the only other sibling we have that can drink, besides Cass, is Dick and he is going to be absolutely insufferable for months over this, trying to make you feel welcome in the family.  So I’m avoiding him too.”
Marinette eased her head out of her hands to look at the man.  She immediately recognized him from the gala.  Jason Todd.  One of Bruce’s sons.  She narrowed her eyes at him.  What was he doing here?  How did he find her?  “You followed me here.”
Jason shook his head with a light chuckle.  He looked up as the bartender approached. “Hey Jay, Roy.  The usual?”
Jason nodded.  “Thanks, Jack.”  He waited for the bartender to retreat to pour the drinks before turning back to her. “If anything, you followed me here.”
Marinette scoffed and turned back to her drink.  “I was just looking for some place to get drunk and forget about the whole,” she motioned to him, “drama.”  She glared down at her purse.  “Lucky me.  I chose this bar.  Sorry for the accusation.”
Jason waved her off.  “No.  I get it. Paranoia is justified in this family.  Welcome to the family.  It doesn't get better.”
Marinette groaned and dropped her head into her hands again.  She motioned to the bartender as he brought Jason and Roy their drinks.  “What do you want?  Same?”
“I don't care.  Whatever you have and make it a double… please.  Is a triple a thing?”  Her eyes brightened at the idea.  Adrien motioned no behind her, his eyes pleading with the bartender.
Bartender nodded.  “Yes, ma'am.  Double it is.”
Adrien let out a relieved breath and turned to the boys.  “Hi.  I’m Adrien,” Adrien finally cut in after a few moments of awkward silence.
“Nice to meet you.  So you’re the one schtupping my sister.”  Jason reached out to shake his hand.
Marinette wrinkled her nose in confusion.  “Schtup?  What is schtup?”  She downed the last of her drink as she waited for them to respond.
“Screwing,” Roy answered.
Adrien choked on air and Marinette spit out the whiskey she had just drank.  Marinette glared at him and shot Jack an apologetic smile.  “Sorry about that.  This one and the next are on the asshole.”  The bartender looked to Jason with a laugh and nodded.
“It was just an observation,” Jason answered with a smirk.
“Don’t be an asshole,” Marinette grunted.
“That’s a tall order for Jason,” Roy grinned.
“He’s tall.  He can handle it,” Marinette snarked with a shrug.  She turned back to Jason.  “No.  No we are not stooping.”
“Schtupping,” Jason corrected.
“Stopping…” Marinette tried again.
“Sch…toooo…ping,” he corrected again, accentuating each sound for her.
Marinette blinked a few times at him.  “Screwing,” she finally finished with a decided nod.  Roy laughed hard.  “He’s my brother Adrien.  Adrien…”
“Her other brother, Jason.”  Jason finished for her.  Marinette narrowed her eyes at him but didn’t contradict him.  “And this is my partner, Roy,” Jason continued, motioning toward Roy who gave a short wave before taking another drink.
Marinette waved back at him.  She turned back to Jason.  “Partner… is that another word for screwing too?”  
Jason sputtered and narrowed his eyes at her, frustrated that he walked into that so easily, but Roy laughed loudly again.  “I like her.  New favorite sibling… don’t tell Cass… or Dick.”  He grinned charmingly at Marinette.  “But no.  Business partner.  Not currently schtupping anyone.”
Jason rounded on him and glared.  Roy looked back at him innocently.  “Yes?”
“No,” he said warningly.
“Are you another Wayne?” Marinette asked Roy.
“No?”  He stared at her for a few seconds before realization set in.  “No.  I hang out with them a lot.  Dick and I used to be on a team together so we were around each other constantly for a while there.  Our families used to be together a lot.  They feel like family sometimes.”  He grinned at her.  “But, no. Not in any way related to you.”
Marinette nodded and looked back at her drink.  At least that’s one person in Gotham her… M. Wayne hadn’t adopted after chucking her out.  Jason glared harder at Roy and punched his shoulder.  “Sister,” he hissed.
Roy grinned back.  “Yours, not mine.  We just established that.  Keep up.”
Jason narrowed his eyes even further before relaxing them as he turned back to Marinette.  “So, how are you handling… you know, everything?”
Marinette and Adrien both stared at him with deadpan expressions.  Marinette looked pointedly around the bar and her drink.  “Oh, you know… well.”  She kept eye contact with him as she downed the rest of her drink, wincing at the feeling. She looked down at her drink critically. “Why do I drink this stuff?  I hate it.”
“Maybe you should ease off then,” Adrien offered gently.
“No.  Fuck off. I want to get drunk,” she glowered back at him.  Roy chuckled and motioned to Jack for her.
Adrien sighed and raised his hands in defeat. “Okay.  Maybe something that tastes better then?”
Marinette cocked her head in consideration. “Okay.  Excuse me, M. bartender?  Can I get something that will get me very drunk very fast and taste better than this, please?”
Jack blinked at her a few times and looked over to Jason.  Roy laughed at her response while Jason shook his head.  “She’s had a rough day.  You got anything?”
Jack grunted and shook his head as he looked around. “I’ll look.”
“Thank you, M. bartender,” Marinette chirped at him. He waved her off without looking back at her.
“I think you came to the wrong bar if you’re looking for something other than the basics,” Roy mock whispered at her.
She leaned in closer, leaning past Jason to talk to Roy. “I came to get drunk and away from reporters and forget about all this,” she motioned toward Jason.  “I came to the wrong bar for more reasons than my liquor preference.”  
She suspiciously eyed the drink Jack put in front of her with a grunt, but plastered a smile on her face.  “Thank you.”  She tentatively took a sip and wrinkled her nose in disgust.  There was no way she was going to be able to drink this slowly.  The only solution was all at once.  She removed the tiny umbrella she was pretty sure he added to mock her and downed the drink like a shot.  She gasped at the horrific sensation.  Adrien just barely missed getting his water away from her before she grabbed it to get rid of the taste.
She handed the now empty glass back to Adrien and buried her head in her hands.  “Regretting your decision?” he asked with a smirk.  Served her right for stealing his water.
Marinette groaned into her hands and nodded.  After a few seconds she leaned back in her chair, eyes unfocused.  “I should never have come here.”
“Told you so,” Roy singsonged.  “Now there’s a different bar a few streets over you might like better…”  The rest of his sentence got cut off when Jason smacked his shoulder with the back of his hand.
Jason turned to Marinette with a sympathetic smile. “I often feel that way, but usually after a few more drinks.”
Marinette shook her head.  “I knew it was stupid to come.  I knew I shouldn’t have,” she groaned pitifully.  “I could feel something bad was going to happen, I just thought that was the part before we came not… not,” she motioned all around her. “God, I was so stupid.  I should have known I wouldn’t be able to just sneak in and out.”  She leaned her head on Adrien’s shoulder, fighting the tears.
“So why did you?” Jason asked as though he didn’t know.
She looked over at him for a second without raising her head from Adrien’s shoulder before closing her eyes again.  “Friend needed a job.  Was getting sc… schtuped by the hiring committee at WE and scouted by a few other places that I didn’t trust… I mean Lexcorp gets blown up less than Palmer but then he’d have to work for M. Luthor.  And, yeah, I don’t think so.  So that leaves your dad.”
“Our dad,” Jason corrected pointedly.
“So you thought you'd use your connections to get him a job and didn't think you would get noticed?” Roy asked not even bothering to hide his amusement at the apparent stupidity of the plan.  It wasn’t often he got to enjoy how laughably bad other people’s plans were.
“So,” she countered pointedly, looking directly at him, “I thought I’d use my charismatic personality to charm M. Fox into noticing him and let him know one of his scouts is poaching ideas.  You were never supposed to know I was here.”  She squeezed her eyes shut and let out another long sigh.
“But I was so stupid and now everyone knows and once they know...” she groaned and let her head drop onto the bar top with a resounding thud.  She popped her head up quickly and rubbed her head.  “Ewww.  It’s sticky. I don’t even want to know what caused that.”  She pulled some hand sanitizer out of her purse and wiped her forehead with it.
“You approached Lucius Fox with nothing more than charisma and got him to do what you asked?” Roy asked in amazement.
“And my brains, but…” she leaned closer to him as if passing on a secret, “I can be very charming when I want to be…”  She looked down at herself and frowned.  “When I’m not,” she motioned to herself, “you know. A mess.”
Roy smiled charmingly.  “I believe that.  Even when you aren’t trying.  And if this is you as a mess, normal you must blow people away.”
Marinette scoffed and turned back to her drink.  Jason waited until her attention was on her glass and shoved Roy hard enough to knock him off his chair.  Adrien raises an amused eyebrow at them before shaking his head and looking down.  Marinette looked over at the sound.  Her brow furrowed in concern.  Jason smiled casually and motioned to Roy.  “Too much to drink.”
Roy narrowed his eyes at him and rubbed his hip. “Overprotective much?” he grumbled quietly enough for Marinette not to hear.
Marinette turned back to her drink, noting it was awfully low.  She swirled the contents and nodded distractedly.  “Lucky.”
Roy bit his tongue as he climbed back onto the stool to stop from asking if she wants to be, because there's no way asking Jason’s new sister, in front of him, if she wants to get lucky, ends well for him.
“I’ll have whatever he had, please,” Marinette called out to the bartender, motioning toward Roy.
“So what now?” Jason asked.
“Now… fuck,” she whined.  She almost dropped her head on the bartop again but stopped herself just before actually making contact.  She eyed the surface suspiciously and whimpered instead.
Roy took a long drink to keep himself from talking because “Is that an invitation?” was not going to end well for him either and he was not looking to get a black eye out of tonight.  He frowned at his drink.  What was in his drink tonight?  He didn’t usually have this much trouble keeping his comments in check.
“I don’t know.  Now everything is…” she made a jumbled motion with her hands that almost caused her to fall out of her chair.  “I haven’t even…” she whimpered and eyed the bartop again before grabbing a napkin and setting it down in front of her.  She dropped her head onto the napkin with an audible thunk.
“You know your hair is still touching the counter,” Adrien mentioned with more amusement in his tone than Marinette appreciated.  Marinette groaned and sat back up.  She pulled her hair in front of her eyes to look for traces of gunk.  “She only found out about all this a few days ago and by then we were already on our way to the gala and in mission headspace so she hasn’t even had the chance to deal with it yet,” Adrien explained, keeping his eyes on Marinette.
“You didn’t know?” Roy asked incredulously.
“Nope,” Marinette responded popping the p and nodding in gratitude to the bartender for bringing her another drink and motioned for another.
“What the fuck?” Roy grunted.  “That’s messed up.  How did you find out?”
Marinette downed the entire glass.  “Heard my maman talking on the phone and distinctly heard ‘if you would like to actually meet your daughter…’ and she wasn’t speaking with my papa.  And I just…” she shrugged, staring at the empty glass like it might have an answer for her.  “… knew. I had a friend trace the call. And then I was here the next day and…”
“I think B was expecting more time to deal with it too,” Jason nodded along.
“He’s only had 20 years.  If that wasn’t enough, I may not live to when he finally has the time he needed,” Marinette groused.
“Twenty years,” Roy mused.  “Isn’t that when…” he trailed off and his eyes got wide realizing the timing of Dick’s adoption.
“I think he was planning on doing something soon,” Jason said louder than was necessary for their close proximity, leaning forward slightly to cover Roy.  “And being able to ease into it, slowly, making sure you… and Damian, weren’t too overwhelmed and you could move at your own pace,” Jason offered, fighting down the odd feeling defending Bruce left in his chest.
Marinette stared at him, swaying slightly in her seat. “Did you come here to drink or defend your dad?”
“Our dad,” he corrected.
“Because you seem to be doing a lot of one and not the other,” she continued as though he hadn’t said anything.  
Jason shrugged.  “Easy fix for that,” he said raising up his glass and finishing the contents.  “So… you staying around or what?”
Marinette whimpered again and eyed the bartop.  “I haven’t thought that through yet.  That wasn’t the plan, but then again getting found out wasn’t the plan.  Getting drunk tonight is now the plan.”  She looked over at the hoodie Roy had thrown over the back of his chair and back at the bartop.  “Can I…” she motioned toward the hoodie and reached for it at the same time.
“Oh, are you cold?  Yeah sure,” Roy almost fell out of his chair trying to get out of the way so he could hand the hoodie to her.  She gave him a weak smile and thanked him before spreading it out on the bartop and dropping her head audibly on it again.  She sighed almost happily as she let her head stay down on the bartop. Roy watched her in amused fascination and let out an amused huff.  “Not what I was expecting, but glad you’re getting use out of it, I guess…” he chortled.
“And do you always need to have a plan?” Jason asked curiously
Marinette and Adrien snorted in sync.  “Do you have a plan,” Marinette mocked, raising her head purely so she could take another drink, but decided to keep it up to educate them. Jason looked over to Roy to see if he was as confused as Jason was.  “I have lots of plans,” Marinette continued swinging her glass around to accentuate her words.  
“I have plans.  I have contingency plans.  I have backup plans.  I have plans for plans,” she started listing off on her fingers.  She looked at her hands accusingly as she ran out of fingers and almost dropped her drink.  She set down her drink with a frown and continued counting off her plans.
“I have plans to back up backup plans.  I have plans for contingencies that the contingency plans didn’t cover.  I have plans for when things go sideways.  I have plans for when things go to shit.  I have plans for when things go exactly to plan,” She leaned over to them. “I’ve never once gotten to use one of those.  I have life plans.  I have death plans.  I have future plans.”
“That’s a lot of plans,” Roy noted, fascination laced his voice. “Any of them turn out for you?”
“No!”  She threw her hands up in exasperation.  “And then I have to make a new plan on the fly.”
“Sounds familiar,” Jason grumbled.
“If all your plans get destroyed before you can complete them, why bother making them at all?” Roy asked.
Marinette brought the fingers together in front of her face and stared at it as though she were holding something precious.  “It’s all about the illusion.”
Roy snorted and nodded.  “She’ll fit in.”
Marinette narrowed her eyes at Roy.  “Is that an insult?”
Jason laughed and Adrien dropped his head into his hands.  “Jesus, Mari,” he groaned.
She scrunched her nose at him.  “What?  He said I’d fit well with M. Wayne.”
“I meant his kids,” Roy assured her.
“Oh…” Marinette answered sheepishly.  “Sorry.”
Roy waved her off.  “Nah. It’s okay.  I get it.  I meant you’re smart, sassy,” he eyed her with an amused glint in his eyes, “short…”
Marinette rounded on him, mouth agape in insult.  She quickly closed her mouth and glared at him.  “Not too short to kick your ass.”
Roy laughed and grinned at her.  “Violent.”
Marinette scrunched up her nose and turned back to her drink. “Not like I’m out there every night beating people up.”  She took a swig of her drink, missing the glance Jason and Roy sent each other before looking back at her for any indication she had meant something more by it. “Anymore…” she muttered under her breath just loud enough for Adrien’s sensitive ears to hear it.
“But,” Adrien cut in.  He motioned toward Jason.  “Short?”
“Yeah,” Roy granted, “Jason’s the exception to the short part.”
“Damian’s the exception to the sassy part,” Jason added.
“Who’s the exception to the smart part?” Marinette asked.
“Dick,” Jason and Roy answered at the same time.
“Who’s the exception to the violent part?” Adrien asked, concern edging into his voice, because that wasn’t exactly a comforting quality to be associated with Marinette’s new family.  
Jason scoffed at the idea of any of them not being violent.  “We were hoping it was going to be her,” he motioned toward Marinette.
“But, nope,” Roy finished, popping the p.  “I mean Duke isn’t particularly violent.  He can protect himself but, like, he’s chill about it.”  Roy eyed Marinette analytically.  “Maybe you can be the exception to the emotional car crash part,” he offered.
Marinette snorted inelegantly, took a swig of her drink, and looked back at him.  “That wasn’t on the list.”
Adrien leaned past her to look at the boys.  “She wouldn’t be the exception.  She’d be leading the pack.”
Marinette shoved his shoulder.  “Like you’re any better.”
Adrien raised his glass to her.  “Never said I was, Bug.”  He eyed his glass with contempt.  “You know, this would be a lot more effective if there was alcohol in here.”
Jason ordered another round for them and raised his glass to Marinette when the drinks came.  “Well, at least now I know why you were completely uninterested at the gala. Because I'm your brother.”
Marinette scowled slightly and hunched over her drink at the bar.  “Not my brother.”
Jason looked at her curiously, a frown forming on his lips before a hurt look flashed in his eyes.  Almost immediately, the hurt turned into annoyance.  He pressed his lips together hard.  “Right, another blood child.  Another kid that thinks only blood matters. So adoption doesn't count?”
Marinette furrowed her brow in confusion. She faced toward him and pointed toward herself.  “Given away and never contacted again doesn't count.  You he cared for.  You he wanted.  You're his son, but I am not his daughter.”
Jason’s eyes softened looking at her and he nodded in understanding.  Feeling unwanted, he understood.  Feeling abandoned, he understood.  Feeling like you weren’t considered good enough, he understood.  Feeling replaced, he understood.  And the fact that Bruce had made someone else feel that too, that it wasn’t just him, pissed Jason off more than he could express.  He didn’t even bother reacting when Roy punched his shoulder.  “Maybe not. But you're still my sister,” he assured her.  “I want you.”
Marinette scoffed.  “You don’t even know me.”  Adrien gently bumped her shoulder with his and gave her a gentle warning look.
“I know you better than he did,” Jason reminded her calmly.  “I have more to base my decision on than he did, and I know enough to know you’re my sister and nobody can change that.”  He gave her a devilish smile.  “You’re stuck with me now.  Fuck the old man.  He did this to himself.”
“And,” Roy interrupted excitedly.  He raised his drink for her to clink.  “Now you get to be an official member of the Shitty Dad Club.”
“Oh,” Adrien perked up.  “Can I be a member of that club?”
Roy eyed him suspiciously.  “What are your qualifications?”
“Neglect, severe emotional abuse, and he was a supervillain who tried to kill me regularly,” Adrien rattled off nonchalantly.
Roy blinked a few times.  He looked to Marinette for confirmation.  She nodded almost imperceptibly.  He turned back to Adrien and raised his drink.  “Right.  Welcome to the club.  We meet whenever there are drinks.  We should get you one.  You deserve it.”
Chapter 7
@maribat-bdbwm @jayjayspixiepop @redscarlet95 @alice-hazelwood @deathssilentapproach-blog @unoriginalmess @alyssadeliv @emotionalsupportginger @frieddonutsweets @when-no-wings-do-broomsticks @toodaloo-kangaroo @colorfulmongerpsychicranch @iloontjeboontje @wolf-for-life @maribatserver @aespades @prettylittlebutterflie @imarivers8  @certainmuffinbagelcalzone @ritacrow-blog @unoriginalmess @demonicbusiness @kking13 @lady-bee-fechin @blur-of-colours @kittenmywaythrulife 
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thewriterowl · 3 years
Owl, your fics are wonderful and I adore them. Do you perhaps have any fun LeiaPaz or Dinluke headcanons post Little Bird? It's my favourite ❤
:D of course!! I am so glad to get this--I love Little Bird. I need to do more like that story lol
So, Din has the whole galaxy basically under his thumb now. He is seen as one of the best kings Mandalore has and though he isn't necessarily the true emperor of the galaxy, he is close enough to it. the Republic functions better with his assistances than without. Especially since now the Jedi were owned by the Mandalorians. They technically have no protection.
The Mandalorians discovered that there was a manufacturing of Clones bought by someone loyal to the former Sith and members fo the Republic. Din ceases this when he discovers they are of Mandalorian genes. Roughly a million were created and they were taken in by the Mand'alor. The clones serve him with complete loyalty. Especially when he offers them citizenship on Mandalore, Coruscant, and some other planets under his rule so they can live. Their rapid aging is also revealed and stopped so they can have a long life. They are in their mid-twenties...and won't start aging until their actual age catches up with their biological age--so basically they probably get an extra ten-twenty years to make up for how they were used.
One Clone, seen as their leader, is offered a Jedi as treaty of sorts. Commander Cody hones in on Obi-Wan instantly (we shall say he is in his late thirties and Luke is in his early twenties). Obi-Wan blames Luke because it is easier to blame a Skywalker for every bit of drama in the galaxy. (Luke finds this fair)
The Clones become some of the best warriors and many of them volunteer to live on (very nice) ships in rotations to keep the galaxy in order. Rex is Luke's top body guard. They get along great but he is very loyal to Din.
A new school/Order starts up mingling the Jedi and Mandalorians together.
Din demands domestic-ness at all times they are together. He thrives off having him alone in their wing of the palace with their children playing around, homely cooking simmering on their personal stove, hot chocolate being begged for, as Rey and Grogu have waddle races around their father's legs.
Din loves removing Luke's cuffs and having his Force sensitive family being connected together.
Din leaves the restraints on as part of the extra deal. Luke doesn't wear them all the time. He rarely has them except when Din needs some comfort to know Luke can't leave him (not as often now) or if Luke got very sassy and needed a punishment (more often than the paranoia).
Rey is a daddy's girl. She will fall on her backside and wail until Din picks her up. Din does. She has him more whipped than Grogu or Luke. She is a spoiled princess and Luke is very amused at how this big, bad, terrifying ruler of the galaxy cannot for the life of him handle his princess crying. Luke teases Din with Grogu on him being such a pushover. Din just huffs. Grogu and Luke grin.
She grows up incredibly headstrong and stubborn with a strong sense of Mandalorian pride.
She and Grogu have a mountain of toys in their shared room (they share it up until she is thirteen). They sneak out of bed past bedtime all the time to play late into the night. They think they are so sneaky. Their Force-sensitive fathers, one of them a Master Jedi, are very aware.
Luke becomes very good at knowing how to keep Din happy. He knows that is one of his biggest roles as consort. He needs to make sure that Din is kept stable and calm so he doesn't kill someone in his anger and doesn't dip into the Darkside more than he does.
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The Hero that was never meant to be
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I’m going to ask you guys a quick question. Think back to the volume 2 season finale in 2014. Or before Salem's debut. Once all of the antagonists are defeated and you're now left asking; Who's going to be the next antagonist for the series?
Before we proceed with this inquiry let's take a look at what exactly distinguishes a hero, from a villain.
Hero/Villain/Anti;who knows?
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Below are multiple examples/definitions and meanings of heroes and villains as well as their anti sub groups.
a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.
the chief character in a book, play, or movie, who is typically identified with good qualities, and with whom the reader is expected to sympathize.
“a person of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his or her brave deeds and noble qualities." Heroes come in many forms in life, ranging from one's family and friends to athletes to movie stars. A person's heroes can change over time.
(in a film, novel, or play) a character whose evil actions or motives are important to the plot.
 a cruelly malicious person who is involved in or devoted to wickedness or crime; scoundrel. 
a character in a play, novel, or the like, who constitutes an important evil agency in the plot.
a central character in a story, movie, or drama who lacks conventional heroic attributes.
is 'a central character in a story, film, or drama who lacks conventional heroic attributes'. These missing attributes include idealism, courage, and morality. Anti-heroes can sometimes do the right thing, but it is usually because it serves their interests to do so.
is the opposite of an Anti-Hero — a character with heroic goals, personality traits, and/or virtues who is ultimately the villain. Their desired ends are mostly good, but their means of getting there range from evil to undesirable.
Now that we have some measure of clarity about this let's get to the point.  Basically Ironwood is a Anti-Villain character
If you think back to the things we have learned throughout the series, all the people we have met, you will find that all of Ironwood’s traits align better with Salem, Cinder, Jacques, and Adam.  All of them have this hunger for power and/or control, all of them are trying to protect themselves and increase their control.  
All of them use a level of manipulation and none of them really cared about the damage it would do to others.  Ironwood might be a little better because, at first, it was something he kind of thought about.  Kind of. He had trouble relating to the idea that protecting more was better than protecting less, and it seems that he had been struggling to find his heart since the beginning. 
Ironwood is a well intentioned and desperate man who wants to protect Atlas against Salem, but he can reach extreme means to do so. By the end of Volume 7, he's willing to abandon both Mantle to die and throw away humanity's best chance of survival by leaving Amity Tower; he also falls far enough to shoot a teenager for comparing him to Salem.
Going hand in hand with his Never My Fault tendencies. Ironwood hates anyone bringing up how his ways don't work, with extreme annoyance being the best reaction possible. It doesn't matter if someone is simply stating the objective tangible negatives of his actions, he will not hear it. He gets into a shouting match with Nora when she calls him out on how much damage he's doing to Mantle and only stops when she points out his proposed solution to deal with the current unrest (martial law) is just going to cause far worse problems if he goes through with it.
While he demands complete loyalty from others, Ironwood has repeatedly betrayed the trust of others in the name of the greater good. If someone is an obstacle to accomplishing what he believes is necessary, he will use political or even military power to enforce his will.
Ironwood has helped Ozpin fight Salem for years but they disagreed over the best way to defend Vale; Ironwood secretly convenes a meeting of the Vale and Atlesian councils to report Ozpin's behavior, resulting in Vale removing Ozpin from overseeing the Vytal Festival security in favor of Ironwood. Qrow later tells Ironwood that he has a strange idea of showing gratitude if he responds to Ozpin bringing him into the fight against Salem by betraying him. Even after being confronted, Ironwood insists that he had no other choice.
Ironwood spends most of Volume 7 promising that the Kingdom of Atlas is safe and that Mantle can count on him to protect them. However, when he discovers Salem is arriving in person to attack Atlas, he decides to abandon Mantle to the Grimm in favour of raising the floating city of Atlas higher in the atmosphere where the Grimm can't go. When Ruby tries warning her allies about Ironwood's plan, he disables her scroll, and has Teams RWBY, JNR, Oscar and Qrow arrested.
Ironwood's a man with good intentions, but he seems to believe the best way to handle any sort of situation is if he is in full control of it. This is seen as early as Volume 2, where he both brings a large fleet (composed mainly of machines) along with students for security and later has the Vale and Atlas Councils transfer security control of the Vytal Festival from Ozpin to himself. 
After the Fall of Beacon, James continues to tighten Atlas' defenses with a Dust embargo and closing of its borders, and by the time the heroes arrive in Mantle, there are broadcasts of the general practically saying that as long as they cooperate with his laws, he can and will keep them safe. 
As Salem's forces continue to sow discord and increase his paranoia, and when he discovers that Team RWBY has consistently hidden important information from him, Ironwood decides to invoke martial law and raise Atlas out of Salem's reach, under his control. When Ruby warns the others of his plans, he shuts off her call with his own Scroll.
Ironwood is noted for being a man who never gives up pursuing his vision of how people should be protected. When his attempts to convince Ozpin that they're on the wrong path fail, he convinces the Atlesian and Vale councils to override Ozpin's authority and give him direct control of protecting the Vytal Festival Tournament. 
In Volume 7, he is willing to pursue his goal of protecting the Kingdom of Atlas against Salem no matter how bad his public reputation becomes with the citizens.
To be clear Ironwood is an Anti- Villain type character in the RWBY story. He may have good intentions but it is unknown as to their extent of what they are. His methods to achieve those methods have only made things worse.
I couldn’t let you breath, cause I didn’t wanna Die
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We all say we would die for something but do we actually mean it?
“I would die without regret I offer up my life”
It is hypothetical but not in the way you suggest. The difference between using would or will is not about whether the speaker is being disingenuous about their offer, it’s about whether the speaker knows if they are ever going to be in a position to fulfil their promise
It is hypothetical because the speaker does not know whether there will ever be a situation where they would be in a position to give their life to save you. If they were to use will, it implies they are anticipating that they will be in a position to give their life to save you 
When someone says “I would die for you if you need it,” is it just a hypothesis that's never going to happen,  the subject doesn’t want to die at all, otherwise they’ll use “will” instead of “would”?
Kill or be killed
All the weapons in rwby appeal to the audience as they have options when it comes to fighting. Ironwoods does not. His weapon is only designed to kill as a reflection of his inability to see reason. As opposed to other characters that show that when they kill it would be a last resort option.
(Think of the Jedi's preference for lightsabers instead of blasters)
Ironwood has a revolver  -  reliable, never jams. high attack power, similar to his mentality on robotics in general and how he values them focusing on the characteristics of the revolver is the important part, and you see it in another Atlesian character--Weiss Myrtenaster is a Rapier and a Revolver as well, and revolvers are still used nowadays because of their reliability. They'll never jam, and when it comes to a gun all that really matters is hitting the target on a pragmatic mindset at least, and ultimately in the show the weapons used by characters say a lot about them. For example;
Qrow has a scythe - not a weapon, a farmer's tool, alluding to the scarecrow. The actual weapon would be the sword mode, and is inspired by the grim reaper, who uses a scythe because he reaps souls like one would reap what was sown(or harvest)
Jaunes shield and sword are both offensive and defensive weapons which offers a variety of options as to handle conflict
Ozpin's cane symbolically conveys the message that it's okay to be weak and its normal to accept help and support from others
Yang's gauntlets are basically Bruise but don’t kill type weapon as such they give her  more control of the damage that is inflicted on her opponents
As ruby put it the Weapons in the show are an extension of the characters. The extent of Ironwoods weapon is that it conveys his blunt, and cold methods that he can’t or won’t embrace alternatives solutions or anyone else's ideas to problems
This can also be seen with his use of militarized Huntsmen and the use of mindless android soldiers. As I stated in I am power Ironwood’s personnel combat abilities are mediocre to non-existent with his true power stemming from the consent of the people to die for his cause instead of him since it's guaranteed that he will die instantly due to his lack of unique or special combat abilities. 
(Pretty self explanatory considering he had to sacrifice an arm to beat a nerd)
Fear of death is basic human instinct
Ironwood believes that he is this chosen savior and can’t die and he believes his life is more important than others and would instead sacrifice everyone else instead of him if it would mean victory
Now you're probably asking why does Ironwood not want to die when he said he would? As stated before he doesn’t trust anyone but himself to do the job right. His narcissism and ego prohibit him from trusting others and having faith that people besides him can win. 
This has been hinted as early as his debut in V2 where he asks Ozpin;
“Do you honestly believe that your children can win a war?”
Because of this and his Nihilism for rejecting the truth, he believes that he is the most important piece on the bored and everyone should listen and die for whatever he needs if it would mean victory
Ambitions and desires of a broken kingdom
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A character without motivation is a really boring character as opposed to one who does. But to realize what their motivation is or what it is truly is another. Ironwood is no different but what exactly is his personal motivation that is unique to him one must wonder?
That's just it, he has no real personal motivation. Like what does he have to lose? What does he have to gain? What is so important that he is willing to go to such lengths that clash with the ideas of Ozpin and the heroes? To answer Atlas. After all, what is Ironwood without Atlas?
 It is important to know the effects of a characters home and origins to better understand a character's personality. Ironwood's plans have always been in line with Atlas, whose intentions are that of Ancient Mantle. Now what exactly are the intentions of the former capital that would live through Ironwood.
Atlas as I stated before is more or less a Technocratic Conservatives society led by Authoritative totalitarians with a focus of becoming an Extreme Militaristic Oligarchy that had originally started out as a Resource driven Empire out of necessity and without restriction 
To clarify, Ironwood is a byproduct, and enforcer of Mantle’s(later Atlas) Philosophical Ideology and Culture. The effects of one's origins can have a very lasting impact on one's life. Ironwood’s life has been heavily affected by his homeland to the point that he will die for it, and sacrifice whatever he deems necessary for it. 
Because of this Ironwoods alignment is that of Lawful Evil because of his Atlas ideology
A Lawful Evil character is an evil character who either tries to impose or uphold a lawful system on others without regard for their wishes, and/or adheres to a particular code. They believe in order, but mostly because they believe it is the best way of realizing their evil wishes.
In other words Ironwood will always be the loyal son of his Kingdom and will do anything to save it.
Now that clears his main motivation and the scale of what he is willing to do to achieve it but what motivates him personally?
Well that's just it there is none. His primary motivation is pretty shared by most of the heroes and main characters and as is the common clause of save the world stories everybody knows they can’t let that happen as peter quill would say;
“Why do you want to save the Galaxy?”
“Because I'm one of the idiots who lives in it.”
So with that in mind what's in it for him that he can’t lose or let the world be destroyed?
You overstepped your boundaries
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To help understand his character it is important to understand what exactly his role in the plot was originally and how he ended up biting off more than he can chew when he broke away from it.
Essentially Ironwood was meant to be the overseer and guardian of the relic of creation as well as the trainer of the next generation of huntsman/huntresses. Meaning the only position of power that he should only have is Headmaster of Atlas academy. As I stated in I am machine Ironwood's heroism stems from a lack of trust and in doing so has burdened him with more responsibility than he can handle.
The catalyst 
All of the events and conflicts that plague remnant at the shows present can all be traced to Ironwood. An argument can be made for Salem but to me she seems more of an opportunist instead of an actual evil master mine. Being the opportunist she is she needs ammo for which she is otherwise incapable of making on her own. Thanks to Ironwood she has plenty of it to enact her plans and reach her goals 
Below is a list of events and conflicts as well as characters that have been affected by Ironwood
(Whether Directly or Indirectly)
The Schnee Dust Companies Immoral and shady practices
I know Jaques is mostly to blame for all of this but one must ask; Why didn’t anyone stop him before V7? 
It's already been established in the show that the S.D.C. and Atlas Military have a corporate alliance to mass produce Weapons and ammunition. The most prominent weapons to come out of this alliance was the paladin assault mechs. Now how important was this alliance to Ironwood?
In short, they are the best choice to provide for his needs for war. As long as he gets weapons and all that he needs to sustain a war he doesn't care what the giver has to do to meet his demand. As such Ironwood had enabled Jaques and allowed him to continue his immoral ways so long as he gets what he needs. On the other hand Jaques seems to be at least a decade older than Ironwood so there is a possibility that the corporate alliance has already been there long before Ironwood ever came to power.
But I ask again why didn’t Ironwood who was aligned with a man like Ozpin didn’t stop him? As the Volume 7 commentary stated Ironwood doesn’t care for Ozpin's rules and sees being efficient is more important than being morally good. Because of this Ironwood had been more focused on starting a war first and caring about people second thus he has only spread misery by enabling Jaques’s greed just to have his war. The crimes of the S.D.C. are also Ironwood’s 
The family strain of the Schnee family and Winters abandoning
While we’re still on the subject of the Schnee's let's talk about how essentially Ironwood made Winter the Blake to his Adam
As I stated before in “You had me with your words”  we don’t exactly know why Winter would be so loyal to Ironwood to the point of saying that her life doesn’t matter in V7 and why she would be so against her family to the point that she makes no effort to see Weiss, and Whitely included and only bothering to be apart of Weiss’s life only because she seems to be following the same path of defiance against their father. In other words she only chooses to interact with her sister only if she is rebelling against their father. If she is not, then Winter wants nothing to do with her. 
Now who or what exactly would cause Winter to have this unhealthy mindset in regards to her own personal existence and relationships?
The answer being Ironwood. 
If we were to consider Jaques words being serious than it is more than likely the truth. Ironwood did steal Winter, not just from her father but from the rest of her family. I don’t know what exactly Ironwood said or did to turn winter away from her family but it wasn’t out of the kindness of his heart. He did this  just to have a loyal subordinate with incredible power( her hereditary semblance) & status( her grandfather's legacy and accomplishments) just to give his power and status more legitimacy.
By doing so Ironwood made Winter  believe that her family as well as herself is beyond redemption due to the actions of her father thus leading her to abandon them and only believing Ironwood can redeem her hence why she values her life so little and is willing to die for whatever Ironwoods says.
I understand that winter joined the military to get away from her dad but she had options besides the military and like weiss she could have went to the other academies to get away from her dad but she didn't which i consider Winters greatest flaw is that she has no idea of an actual healthy relationship
The White Fang
This is also speculative but not unlikely as the show has clearly shown; Faunus and Atlas don’t mix. 
Same thing with the S.D.C. this can really be seen as indifference on Ironwood’s part and lack of care  but still Ironwood didn’t do anything to settle the racial inequality in Atlas even though he is allied in a secret circle that's supposed to keep the peace.
Especially when that inequality was being used to help legitimize a terrorist organization that can be used as a disposable army for Salem which it did.
Watts’s Defection & the P.E.N.N.Y. Project
Ironwood commissioned 5 scientists including Watts and Pietro to make Weapons for war.
Even though Watts is an egotistical bastard it really makes you wonder how someone as smart as him would work for a literal demon lady hell bent on conquest. The same can also be said about why he chose Penny instead of any other actual and practical projects ideal for war.
One thing to note is the possibility that Ironwood did not tell the 5 about the real reason as to why they’re making these weapons in the first place. For example would Pietro really want Penny the closest thing to an actual child that he may have had to be used as one of Ironwoods militarized assets?
We’ve seen what Pietro is like and that he really cares about Penny and if it were his choice Penny wouldn’t be in the situations that Ironwood would place her in. Ironwood had basically taken and drafted Penny without her or Pietro's consent and made her a tool for war and much more.
In semi canon sources(Amity Arena) the general consensus is that the Paladins were Watts’s idea and project. One of the misconceptions is that it was a contest for whose idea would be made but since we see both the Paladins being used and Penny that's not the case. All 5 projects were going to be used but only 1 would take top priority first before others and that project was Penny. 
This might actually explain why the paladins were ugly and incomplete in V2 as opposed to their slicker and finished versions in V3. The Penny project took both praise and priority first before the others. Once penny was finished the other projects would begin that may also explain why the Paladins weren’t first revealed until the events of V2 even though Pietro said that the commissions for the projects including the Paladins were almost a decade ago as of  V7 ep 7 
To Watts he felt insulted that his (to him) practical project was being postponed for a sad man's personal self indulgent pet project. This and due to not really knowing as to why these projects were going to be used for. Because of this and Ironwood’s lack of concern for people He had essentially driven Watts to Salem and made him one of her most valuable assets that she ever had. Salem herself even states that she should have employed his services years ago that alone tells us how valuable an asset Watts was and Ironwood discarded it. Which led to the fall of Beacon and the civil unrest in Mantle With Watts out of the way let's move to the next question
Why the Penny Project?
We all know at this point that Penny is the Pinochio for Pietro’s jopedo. So why would Ironwood approve a project that seems the least efficient and effective for war? There have been many theories as to why but two of them stand out the most; Potential vessel for the maiden powers and Espionage
It has been made clear that Ironwood has been readying for war against other people Salem specifically but how does one go about that? The first of which can be explained as Ironwood trying to make the ultimate artificial warrior with incredible power. As Ironwood has more faith in machines than people he would see Penny as the ultimate super soldier that he can use in his war
The second theory as to why he chose penny could be for spy and espionage purposes. As stated by cinder in volume 3 where this theory originates from; why would Atlas make a robot look like an innocent little girl? We know why Pietro made Penny look human but why would Ironwood go along with making a T800 complete with realistic skin and hair?  Besides Pietro there was no logical reason to make penny look as humanly as possible. Like the Terminators who were designed for infiltration and assassination missions and Ironwood being a paranoid individual who sees the world as one of two things; you’re either an asset or a threat / Penny or similar models would have been used to spy and eliminate potential threats in the other kingdoms. With the possibility as to what Ironwood would use penny for before her reveal in V3 clear let's move on to the last part of this bullet point
Why didn’t Ozpin know about Penny?
Prior to the truth of her origins being revealed via her death by Pyrah the only people who knew she was an android are cinder’s team, Ruby, Pietro, and Ironwood. The villains knew that truth after being fortunate enough to have Ironwoods scroll infected by the virus and Ruby found out by accident from penny. 
So officially the only people that were allowed to know the truth about Penny were Pietro and Ironwood. Winter and the Ace-opts don’t count as Volume 7 confirmed that they were brought into the fold after the fall of beacon along with penny so by the time of the fall of beacon they had no idea about salem or that was the sole purpose as to why penny was made.
 The same can be said for Watts too since Penny was still an idea being developed along with being assumed dead and not seen in atlas for years. Thus Watts never even knew what penny looked liked. Had he known i'm pretty sure he would’ve revealed that to Salem who would have given it to cinder for use in her mission. But as V3 shows Cinder finds out after getting access to Ironwood's personal scroll. Meaning that Ironwood kept Penny so secret that he never even bothered or considered to tell Ozpin.
By the end of PVP Ironwood sounded like a terrified child who got caught while trying to explain to a pissed off Ozpin about Penny only to be coldly told in a threatening tone to use the army that he brought to clean up his mess or else. That alone is proof enough from Ironwood that he never told Ozpin about Penny and was scared of what Ozpin would do to him for catching him on his secrets and lies.
So why didn’t Ironwood tell Ozpin about Penny? Short answer Ozpin would never approve the use of Penny. It was already established in V3 ep 6 that Atlas has been doing unethical experiments with Aura. Ozpin and most of the inner circle don’t really approve of such practices but can tolerate it  and use it if they have to. But most likely not to the extent of using it to make artificial living beings just to be soldiers.
This would be a similar moral dilemma as the clone troopers from star wars who were bred and mass produced at an accelerated rate to fight  in a war that they didn’t even understand or have a choice to fight in with the mindset and innocents of a child. The Umbara arc from season 4 of the clone wars series perfectly depicts the unhealthy amount of abuse the clones faced and the length of being taken advantage they were forced to endure
Now apply that to an army of pennies with the same childlike innocence and naivety and sentience being deployed into combat without much preparation and are expected to die just to buy time for the real heroes to win.
Now who is more likely to use a clone army without concern for the morality and ethics about making it let alone not care for the well being of those clones
A key important factor to remember is that until V7’s end Ironwood was pro war as he thought he could win against Salem if he had the largest army at his disposal. Penny was no exception and Ironwood only saw her as a potential part needed for his war machine. Because of the war centric views of Volume 2 & 3 Ironwood and lack of concern for the safety of others Ironwood had set the stage perfectly for volume 3’s finale
The Fall of Beacon
The points above actually help validate and contribute to the Fall of Beacon, but it's true Beginning for its fall started when Ironwood arrived at Beacon in Volume 2. As stated by Oz in Ironwoods first appearance Headmasters don’t usually attend the vytal festival with their students. Given what we now know about the importance of the academies, Ironwood pretty much abandoned his post and risked the safety of the relic under his charge.
All in what appears to be an effort to make a power grab against Ozpin and promote Atlas.(That’s probably speculative but not far off the bat given Ironwoods doubts and actions by the end of V2).Ever since his debut Ironwood has always been a character that contradicts the main characters that are suppose to be the heroes
He seems to only believe the best way to handle any sort of situation is if he is in full control of it. This is seen as early as Volume 2, where he both brings a large fleet (composed mainly of machines) along with students for security. Ironwood has helped Ozpin fight Salem for years but they disagreed over the best way to defend Vale; Ironwood secretly convenes a meeting of the Vale and Atlesian councils to report Ozpin's behavior, resulting in Vale removing Ozpin from overseeing the Vytal Festival security in favor of Ironwood. 
 Volume 2 also has Ironwood reveal to Glynda that he thinks Ozpin is hiding something from them. Glynda points out that he's part of the inner circle that's hiding things from the rest of the world and that he needs to stop talking about trust and learn how to trust others. Ignoring her advice, he secretly collaborates with the Vale Council to strip Ozpin of his control over the Vytal Festival security, then tells Ozpin to trust him.
This also brought up the possibility that Ozpin would be removed as Headmaster of Beacon academy. Not only was Ironwood willing to depose the leader he was following from his position of power but also remove an important ally from safeguarding one of the most important and crucial places in all of the world that also holds probably the most important relic of all of them(The Crown of Choice)  
I already talked about how Penny’s secret had contributed to the fall so I’ll be talking about how Watts contributed to it since I forgot to include in the last bullet point. Its a very small Easter egg but on Cinders scroll as she was rigging the vytal tournament for CVFY’s match and discovering Penny’s android nature there is a small cursive W at the corner of her scroll. The small W that Watts uses as a holographic icon when he calls Leo in V5. RT has said that they had WTCH in their back pocket for years until they were revealed taking that into account it is clear that the virus that infected Beacons CCT Ironwoods scroll and forcing the droid army to commit order 66 was made by Watts.
The virus and the cyber warfare aside the next final contribution on Ironwood’s part was the imprisonment of Roman Torchwick
It's pretty much been clear that Torchwicks' imprisonment was an improvised plan on the villains part to get an inside man aboard a warship. Basically it was like Heath Ledger's joker in the dark knight; he wanted to get caught. Torchwick himself said that he is where he wants to be to Ironwood at the end of V2. As V3 showed Torchwick and Neo took over what can be assumed to be Ironwood’s personal flag ship and used it to destroy the rest of the air naval section that was brought for the Vytal security team. 
This could have been avoided had Torchwick not been released into Ironwood's custody or at the very least kept somewhere else that should he escape he couldn’t have done so much damage. The Airships aside it was also possible that Roman had used the onboard artillery on the city as well that means that innocent civilians weren’t just being mowed down by hacked robots but being carpet bombed as well increasing the death toll at the fall of Beacon.
The Dust embargo and closing of borders
Since the fall of Beacon Academy, Ironwood has become increasingly unstable and paranoid, making more and more ethically questionable decisions that he repeatedly justifies as the greater good; by his own admission, he will do anything it takes to stop Salem. 
This however does not fare well with the rest of Remnant though.
As Atlas is the primary location for most of Remnants Industry as well as having a monopoly on Dust; Remnant’s most crucial resource that everyone needs in order to survive, the other  kingdoms rely heavily on Atlas for technology, resources and weapons. By placing an embargo he has cut off everyone in the world from their most valued resource. Though he did this to stop the enemies chain of supply he is still letting people suffer and die by with-holding the one thing they need to live and survive. 
Which brings us to the borders
Though it could have eased tensions after the fall of Beacon it just lasted too long as well as the fact that Ironwood had essentially turned his back on the world and refused to help the other kingdoms in their time of need. In the CFVY book spin-off all of the Beacon students either went to Haven or Shade academy to finish their training. As well as the Vale refugees going to other kingdoms as well. But due to Atlas closing its borders none of the students or the people went to Atlas for help. Basically due to Ironwood’s orders the Kingdom of Atlas was forced to not help the other kingdoms when they needed it the most.
And it has only gotten worse due to the events at Mistral in V5 as not only are the students of both Beacon and Haven going to shade, putting a strain on the academy but leaving the entirety of the worlds largest kingdom unguarded and undefended as it now lacks able huntsmen to protect it due to Ironwood’s refusal to help 
It should also be noted that when Ironwood closed the borders he had failed to inform any off his subordinates of who can and can’t enter the kingdom especially in regards to allies like Glynda or Qrow who again are allies against Salem and Ironwood made little to no effort in keeping contact with the other Oz members. This is made evident in V6 when the Argus soldiers refused to believe Qrow about being an ally to Ironwood. you could say that he was waiting on the amity project to make contact with the other members but  he had to have realized that they needed to get into atlas at some-point. But did he make it easy for them or any other ally to reach him? No he did not. 
The Mistral Huntsmen Genocide and the Battle of Haven
Second verse, same as the first, he had put them in a hearse. Another example of Ironwood’s indifference and hypocrisy that led to the death of allies and innocent people.
Due to the events of the Fall and it being broadcasted the enormous state of panic had spread throughout all of the kingdoms. The negative emotions in mass had attracted the Grimm and caused much havoc and loss throughout all of them and the worst to suffer from this mass hysteria was most likely Mistral due to its larger population and territory.
In V5 Lionheart had confirmed that Mistral losses were heavy and many of the local huntsmen including the Professors from Haven were killed in the initial grimm invasion that plagued Mistral following the fall of Beacon. After the initial panic had settled down the Mistral council had been employing Huntsmen in mass and restricted their activity to crucial and vital missions in high profile areas to ensure the safety and stability of the Kingdom.
Now the real question comes in where was Atlas?
In the world of remnants shorts  its confirmed that Mantle and Mistral have an alliance that eventually carried into Atlas. With that being said, where was Mistral’s ally during the fall out and what were they doing. We know in V5 that all Military Assets were recalled within the month prior to the battle of Haven. I know that the kingdoms are weary of Atlas at this point but given the state of the world after the fall, Mistral needed all the help they could get. As such Mistral would have to call upon the old alliance and have them honor their word and offer aid. 
Or at the very least transfer some assets over to Mistral to use it as needed. We have the base in Argus sure but that was just a forward border control base  that didn’t really help anybody. Prior to the recalling Ironwood had Winter gather intel on potential activity that would lead to a second fall of a huntsmen academy and he chose to do nothing. This is further proof of his hypocrisy and arrogance. Ironwood at this point is reading the military for war and with holding aid and support that was actually needed. 
His V4 self is a stark contrast to his V2&3 self as that version of himself was willing to manipulate and intervene in the affairs of other nations under the assumption that the ends justify the means and would see himself above the rules so long as it's for the greater good and stop the threat before it can escalate. That was exactly what Ironwood did at the end of V2 by stealing power from Oz and tried to enforce his own set of rules if it would prevent a disaster.
Now why did Ironwood not do the same thing with Mistral and try to prevent the potential fall of its academy regardless of the bad publicity that it would warrant? It's already been said by Ironwood that he doesn’t trust Leo to handle the situation at Mistral and based his dissection to close the borders on Winters report and decided to prepare for an potential attack on Atlas rather than sending a small task force to handle the threat at Mistral. 
Taking into consideration his plan for Amity it's quite possible that he wanted Leo to fail and Mistral to be ready to eat from his palm. In other words unless there is something to gain and benefit from he’s not going to do it.
Ironwood all the way till he was told the truth about Salem in V7 had a War is the Answer mentality and was hoarding everything and anything that would help sustain a long campaign as well as increasing the size of that force with the intent that  that the large numbers were enough to intimidate Salem and her faction into surrendering and eventual destruction. The only problem is that the people he needs were born in a time of relative peace.
Because of the 80 year age of peace that followed the Great War the Modern world of Remnant has had zero to no conflicts as large or damaging since that one war. There were small conflicts sure like the faunus war, the White fang terrorist cell, and the criminal underworld but they weren’t that much or a threat or concern to a majority of remnant it wasn’t until the Fall of Beacon that the foundation of this peace was shaken so intensely that the cracks started to show but it was still together if only held by a thread.
With the Peace in mind and the peoples faith still with the huntsman as their distrust for Atlas Military lingers no one in the world of remnant outside of Atlas would have any motivation or desire to mobilize for war let alone a war for a foreign leader of a foreign land that has recently come under suspicion. Ironwood was never going to be able to unite the Kingdoms and mobilize their people for his war after the fall of Beacon with Atlas being painted as the bad guy. Unless the situation went from worst to extreme.
Like if another academy were to fall with the same or greater results like Beacon. Then maybe people all around the world would consider following Ironwood’s lead and wipe out the threat before things can get even worse.
Because of this Ironwood had allowed Mistral and possibly the other Kingdoms to exhaust themselves so much that they would be unprepared for the next major Grimm invasion should they come after the next major hysteria induced panic. Panic like Ironwood’s original plan to unite the world and tell them about Salem causing the kingdoms to fall into further disarray only to be saved by the flying grace of Ironwood and his Military. And the only repayment for his help is that you join his fight.
I know this is all speculative and you can say Lionheart was the one who was responsible for mistrals problems after the fall, but remember Leo was the only Faunus on the council of a racist kingdom and only had one seat over the huntsmen and can only give out and approve mission assignments that would get them killed thus he had no real authority or power in Mistral  besides siding with the majority and even if he tried to talk the council into refusing Ironwoods help their racism wouldn’t listen to Leo and they would do the opposite and call for aid. 
But again Ironwood prior to the fall was willing to stop the threat at its source regardless of politics. But after the fall he had put all of his focus on preparing for war instead of helping people that needed his help at that moment. This may be due to his semblance(still dumb BTW) but ultimately he was focusing on his own needs first than the needs of others. Because of this he had ignored the issues of Mistral and failed to see the truth of what Lionheart was doing and had allowed Most if not all of the well trained and experienced huntsmen of that kingdom to die leaving the kingdom defenseless and unprepared for any conflict that would come.
 Like the Battle for Haven for example. Had Ironwood not recalled everyone back and had Winter and whatever Atlas personal that were with her its quite possible that the battle may never had happen, the truth about leo would have been discovered sooner and the genocide of Mistrals huntsmen wouldn’t have been as bad had Ironwood actually chose to help, Instead he  started to fall back and focus on the Amity Project and Atlas instead of spending any resource outside of them, due to a narrow focus to and putting everything on it just so he can have his Victory.
The Civil unrest in Mantle
A loved and respected leader will die by the side of his people: A feared and hated one will die by their hand. Short term closing the borders cloud have helped ease tensions between Atlas and the rest of the world but long term it had made things worse
Due to the fall of Beacon it's quite possible the initial attacks that came after can explain why Mantle's defensive wall was so destroyed and ruined by the time of V7. That means that potentially for almost over a year that wall has had no repairs or maintenance  and has had the bare minimum leaving the citizens in a state of constant peril and danger since the fall of beacon
This is further made worse when Ironwood closed off the borders and cut off the chain of supplies and trade not only to Atlas but also to Mantle as well making the kingdom suffer more than it had to. As the original capital, the rise of Atlas reduced Mantle to a shadow of its former self. Streets are run-down, technology is old, security defenses haven't been updated in years, and smog from the mines hangs heavy over the city. People struggle to eke out an existence, depend on dangerous mines for work and experience regular Grimm attacks that the city increasingly struggles to repel. Meanwhile, Atlas hangs in the sky above their heads; a constant reminder of the wealthy elite that is failing to share the wealth that Mantle creates, and a target of Mantle's growing resentment and anger at having been left so far behind.
Ironwood who is again allied with and a member of a secret circle that is supposed to keep the peace and prevent any social unrest that can cause a conflict.  Thus he should have tried to ease the tensions and made the conditions of Mantle better in order to maintain peace. Now I know it's not solely Ironwood’s fault for the state that Mantle is in as he hasn’t been in a position of power for long but still he should have focused on the people instead of preparing for a war that may have never come. A stark contrast to Ozpin’s way of preserving peace and handling threats
Because of his narrow focus and indifference he made things worse as he was only focusing on potential threats that have yet to come instead of focusing on the issues and preventing them before they escalated. After the fall, the embargo and closing of Borders Ironwood concerned himself with preparations for an assumed winnable war instead of trying to restore peace and keep the people on his side. Which is ironic as he was doing this to rally a large force and stop the threat but did not consider that he may have been pushing away potential troops and allies that he would have needed. And only stoked the people's frustrations 
This is mostly due to Ironwood never giving an estimate of time for how long the embargo and the borders would last as well as not giving a clear and believable reason as to why he was doing all of this in the first place. I know he was going to tell Mantle and the world about Salem eventually and he did in V7 but that was only because he was forced to and used it to take out potential threats by baiting them. This is also added with the fact that he really didn’t have any solid proof that would make the people believe him about Salem as well. Due to the frustration of the people it would just sound like made up propaganda and Ironwood shifting blame onto a fake enemy to drive people's attention onto something else. And yes the people believed it but remember they were being evacuated so i don’t think they were buying Ironwood's statement but were just glad that they were being saved.
And in the end it doesn’t even matter as ultimately Ironwood caved in to fear and decided to leave Mantle for dead. Which could have been avoided had Ironwood focused his attention to the needs of people rather than the needs of war. One of the constant themes of the show is that victory is not in strength or in mass numbers but within the small and willing hearts of those that will fight no matter what.
In conclusion Ironwood had played a pivotal role in contributing to all of the conflicts that plague the world of Remnant at present, even if it were minor role he nonetheless helped set the stage for the villains and Salem   
The reason why I say that; as stated in earlier sections: Despite all of his talk about the greater good for the world he really means the greater good of Atlas and by extension himself. He is prioritizing his kingdom above all else at the expense of the other kingdoms and exploits of their people for his kingdom's own personal gain. As well as with holding beneficial technology that could actually benefit and improve the living conditions and way of life of the other kingdoms.
Ironwood’s inability to trust and have faith in people and others to keep the peace ultimately led to him intervening in affairs that he had no right to and with his own belief that his way is what is best had caused the Fall of Beacon and the events and conflicts before and after it.
It was over before it started
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Now the Question must be asked what was Ironwood’s plan?
Ironwood throughout the series believed that he could win against Salem, and by the end of volume 7 he still believed that he could win, but in reality he had already lost the moment he tried to start a war.
To quote Ruby as she asked Ozpin: what was Ironwood’s plan to stop Salem if he ever had one to begin with? As far back as Volume 2 to Volume 7 Ironwood’s ideas and plans to handle Salem seemed to be; gather a large force, blitz run her stronghold, and destroy her with WMD’s. Most of his plans stem from an appeal to force and intimidation tactics via large numbers with heavy armament. In any other circumstances this could have worked had it been a different kind of villain that wasn’t immortal. As V6 has revealed Salem can’t die through traditional means such as modern warfare thus making Ironwood’s plans and solutions moot and pointless. Once he is told the truth in V7 he still continues down the same path of thinking that has not only failed but enabled the villains goals as well. So it must be asked why does Ironwood not see that his way is flawed and that he was never going to win if he continues down this path?
 Ironwood's numerous conflicts throughout the series occur because he feels he does not need to follow the standards he sets for others; He demands people trust him while showing them none in return. He forces others to sacrifice much for the cause while giving up very little in return. He insists on loyalty when he has turned on others solely because they disagreed with him.
As Volume 7 progresses, he becomes willing to commit increasingly dubious actions in order to oppose Salem. He starts off by imposing a military embargo on Mantle despite the economic hardships said embargo is causing for the civilians on the ground and diverting resources that Mantle needs to rebuild its infrastructure to build a comm tower at Amity Colosseum. By the end of the volume, he's degenerated into declaring full martial law, abandoning Mantle to die, and either attacking or having arrested anyone who opposes him.
Salem and her faction were a tumor that can only be handled with the surgical precision of a scalpel not with the bulk of a fleet or large armies. The Huntsmen were that scalpel and to be specific the Huntsmen that Oz had chosen as they were meant to protect all people and prevent conflicts without personal bias or desire. Ironwood only acted in the self interest of Atlas and the benefits that he would gain from it
Ozpin’s priority had always been the people, no matter where they came from. However, I think he was once in Ironwood’s shoes.  I am pretty sure he tried everything, including the same things Ironwood did, and saw it fail horribly. Ozpin or at least the soul, has had centuries to millennia's of experience in fighting Salem and managing the world. The delicacy of the human mind and heart are something he is well acquainted with, and I think he already knew what type of person Ironwood was, or at least was becoming.  Near as I can tell, the big reason he kept Ironwood on at this point was because Ironwood had the resources and technology he needed to keep his plan moving forward and wouldn’t relinquish them.
Ozpin worked hard to maintain the peace and goodwill of the people.  Ironwood, so far, has not.  Having robot sentries on every corner without the concept of morals and stopping trade for a kingdom that can not easily generate its own resources, as well as hoarding those resources and preventing necessary repairs and aid to those people–those actions all show that he is not keeping this important aspect of leadership. He is not making sure that the people are on his side so when he needs them because he does not consider their needs as important unless they are in line with his own
Even with the Knowledge of the truth of Salem’s immortality he is still sacrificing everyone and everything else for nothing just to keep up the illusion that he is the hero and to keep his source of power high in the clouds away from anyone who really needs it
I may have been a little harsh on Ironwood for his actions, especially V7 and I understand the circumstances that led to escalation by the end of the volume.  He was making dubious decisions but he was trying to do better, he listened at times and tried to show an extension of trust, the kids with giving them the lamp back, and later with Robyn at the dinner. These were due to the positive influences of Oz.  He just fell back to old habits hard and turned to extremes when it became clear he had non control of what was happening by V7 end. He was struggling with old habits and opening up and was doing better that first part of the night a prime example of what the creators meant if Ironwood had been more open and trusting of others but when everything went down he was pushed over the edge in the latter half of the night cementing his fall and decent into an antagonist further making the problem worse as he has always done. This is mostly due to his primary source of influence; Atlas (which we can agree has been the biggest source of conflict in the show so far) and probably his lack of understanding and planning for what comes after all is said and done.
What did you think would happen?
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The question must be asked; What happens after Salem? The fandom has pretty much each their own idea of what might happen after Salem is finally defeated. But do the characters know what happens after the war especially Ironwood? As the end of the hero’s journey goes; Nothings the same after you become a hero. And given Ironwood’s behavior and actions before his fall in Gravity, Ironwood seemed to have ambitions and plans in the works for the long run after Salem was no longer a threat. As stated before in I am Machine no one is truly altruistic to the point that they do something that doesn’t benefit them. So what exactly did Ironwood want after Salem was gone to the point that most if not all his actions and decisions were in the effort to reach and make those plans come true?
As stated in Broken Kingdom Ironwood doesn’t really have any personal desires or motivations that aren’t related to Atlas or the Heroes common goal to stop Salem. As far as we can tell Ironwood has no current family members at present and there's very little that tells us that he has anything in mind outside of either Atlas or Salem ,so what does Ironwood have to gain from this conflict?
All hail the conquering Hero
Ironwood’s biggest issue is that he has to be the center of everything, that he has to be in control. First he’s going to try and gain control with his army, while trying to wrangle anyone else back under his control. Then, when it becomes clear that anyone who has a plan that better and could work, he’s going to get competitive, come up with new and crazy superweapons to throw against the enemy in an attempt to prove that he can defeat Salem before the heroes can gather allies from across Remnant. He believes that He is strong, that He is brave, that He doesn’t need to run to anybody for help! He believes that he is the hero and is letting his self entitlement cloud his mind and it has gotten the better of him
 An In-Universe example of this false belief comes from RWBY: Amity Arena as it  gives bios to every character in the game compiled by the In-Universe developers. While many try to be objective, the ones representative of the Atlas Elite tend to demonstrate a notable bias, most prevalent with the General's. His bio is very defensive of him, calling him the "hero of our time" and that he wears the burden of the world on his shoulders, talking him up as a Hero with Bad Publicity. The bio goes as followed;
General Ironwood. The hero of our time and Atlas' greatest protector. Under the general, we have advanced to incredible heights, discovered new technologies, and created the world's first artificial intelligence. Though horrifyingly revealed at Amity Arena, Penny is our proud foray into sentient AI, and Ada is the culmination of the machine learning we have long developed in our labs.
As reviled as he was for his misguided attempt to protect Vale, how can the world fault our General when the culprits are out there? How can the victims be blamed for the sins of the perpetrators? Is incompetence somehow a greater sin than premeditated evil? Our General may have failed to protect Beacon, but he's not the one that hacked our weapons into hurting the innocent.
Yet... he wears that burden on his shoulders like he is alone in the world...
Ozpin, missing. Lionheart, dead. Theodore, uncertain. We say Atlas is the greatest, the mightiest... the city in the clouds, but what is first place when there is no competition? Yet, our kingdom and our General... we're the best chance that humanity's got... which scares us to death.
...what about it?
After reading that you can probably see through the propaganda, hypocrisy and ego that are written in the bio. A key factor to note is that this was possibly made after the main heroes arrived in Atlas and before the election night. And since there's been no contact or travel between the kingdoms and Ironwood was aware of Leo's status by worst case scenario  it tells us that the heroes have shared everything with Ironwood in regards to those events concerning Haven.
 Since Ironwood is looked up to as a god by his subordinates and since he was the one of the only few to have known about them as well as to have the status to make any key choices since the app is made by atlas scientists contracted to the military. Thus Ironwood had used it and the blind loyalty of his loyalists to make propaganda and shift the blame from himself to something else as well as try to emotionally manipulate the people by making them sympathize with him while ignoring the truth.
He is not Remnant's only hope nor is he the best choice.
This is another example of his never my fault montra and he does things right and its further shown in the bio as it not only continues to discredit the other Headmasters(I am well aware of leo) but ignores all the good and actual heroism of other people like the Faunus of Menagerie as they are to the primary reason as to why Haven didn’t become the next Beacon and as stated before in an earlier section the opportunity for the Battle of Haven was in a way created by Ironwood who had chosen to flee and protect his city instead of preventing an attack like he had originally intended with Vale.
It may also show how much Ironwood believes in his own hype as it does paint him as some sort of de facto king of Atlas. Again he views himself as the chosen savior of the chosen people and that it is his destiny to rule and change the world as he sees fit. Or as Watts puts it the Giant that stands above all
I’m the Captain now
I think it's safe to say that almost everything he does is a twisted version of Ozpin's ways as well as to place himself as Remnant's ultimate leader as he believes he is the one that can ensure a safe and secure world. Ever since his debut he has undermined everything that Ozpin has done and stood for because he believes his ways aren’t efficient ( Or beneficial) to him and has been systematically taking power and control away from him and placing himself as the new big good.
He wants to be the New warrior king and change the world as he sees fit as he only sees Ozpin as either a failure or a hindrance to him and his plans. Combine that with his Atlas ideology and a lot of things make sense. I mentioned in the False chosen one that Ironwood may have been influenced and tried to emulate the Warrior king as to better rise and gain power and correct the supposed mistakes of Ozpin. Even though that he has claimed to be doing it for the greater good of all of Remnant but  he really means only Atlas and himself
A world Reborn in my image
A major factor to consider is that Ironwood is a by-product of Atlas that was a by-product of Ancient Mantle. Ironwood is essentially a living mouthpiece for Atlas. He pretty much the living embodiment of the kingdom if it were a character. That's the sad truth of Ironwood is that he is simply an extension of this toxic environment and tricked into believing that its this ideal society when  in truth it never was.  In other words a legacy of tyranny lives on through Ironwood
We’re all aware of the origins of Atlas and its rise to prominent power. It started out as Mantle that began with a handful of people that prospered by adapting to the harsh conditions by making advanced technology faster than the rest of the world. It eventually formed a trade  alliance with Mistral trading tech for food. A grimm  incident occurs and Mantle thought being cold emotionless robots was a perfect solution. It tried to force its toxic ideology onto other civilizations and was met with mixed results. The Great war happens they lose and all of their resources are spent forcing it to rebuild its economy that eventually gives way to Atlas
Now how does this affect Ironwood?
Well Mantle through its alliance with ancient Mistral possibly adopted their ideals of imperialism and expansion as Mistral was the world's largest territorial economic empire of its time. When it comes to the rise of an empire and the type they are as well as their need for expansion it can be summed up to these 3 
Economic empire
Ideological empire
Territorial empire
Due to Mantle's lack of essential resources like food and energy, its early days were more or less focused on establishing a strong economic trade empire in order to get the essential supplies needed to sustain life in solitas. After its great depression period after the War the kingdom's economy began to grow at a rapid rate that by the time the kingdom shifted to Atlas it had Remnants largest economic empire.
This is also an important factor to consider since the sad truth of it all is that as long people can make a stable income and support themselves, they are more than likely to turn a blind eye to any shady or immoral activities so long as there's something to gain. What does this have to do with Ironwood you ask? Well as his bio card said Ironwood has pretty much been proclaimed as the kingdoms benefactor for its prosperity. This may have been due to his Corperate alliance with The Schnee’s since it was Mostly Nicolas and Jaques as far as we know being the most prominent reason as to why Atlas has prospered. 
When Ironwood formed that alliance with the SDC it gave him at least half of the power and influence of the company that was truly responsible for the kingdom's wealth and claiming it as his own. Once he had gotten some control over the economy it was time to move onto the next step and increase the empire from economic to Ideological or Political expansion.
Empires change and adapt in order to satisfies their needs now that Ironwood is the de facto head of that empire and given what we know about him and Atlas it is quite possible that he has been indoctrinated to have this desire to create an empire for Atlas as the politics and ideologies of its people have given it a false sense of entitlement and need to have everything under their control.
When looking at it from V1 to V3, it looks as if Ironwood was trying to occupy without resorting to force then you're left asking the real questions like "Why is ironwood selling the people of Vale on Atlas military Technology?" "Why is it that when a breach happens in vale, Atlas Bots rush in?" "Why did Ironwood make a power play to become the security of the Vytal Tournament?" It all seems to point to the same thing, Ironwood wanted control over Vale
A section of Lyrics from the song “When it Falls” may help reveal Ironwoods true intentions since his introduction and to be honest they seem relevant only to him and given his actions this is mostly likely the truth as they go like this; 
“They play the part of allies
Claiming peace their only goal
But once the fight for power starts
They'll eat each other whole
Their iron gloves point fingers
They'll wage a war of blame
And mankind will wilt in pain”
As of V7 aren’t those words mostly relevant to Ironwood? After all, what has he done recently? He claims to be an ally with intentions of peace but he’s really trying to control those who buy that lie and escalates the situation to the extreme for no logical reason other than to set the stage for the next part in relation to the lyrics.
After all is said and done the fight for power will start and he wants to win and consume everyone before they can consume him. And as things go wrong he points his metal hands blaming everyone but himself as he tries to gain control and power, the world suffers.
Ever since his debut he has been trying to amass  Political power which would lead to a territorial empire under Atlasian control. Playing into the theory that he does want to be a better version of Oz he wouldn’t make the same mistakes that he assumed the king  did by letting the kingdoms remain independent instead of being under the control of one.
A king has his reign and then he dies
To continue on with the theory that he is essentially a bastardized version of Oz, Ironwood may have been trying to find ways as to make himself immortal 
Another reason as to why he would see Ozpin as inferior is due to the fact that for all his power he can’t stop himself from dying, or at least maintain the same amount of world power and status from his last life. This may have given Ironwood ideas and ambitions to pursue any methods that may yield results that may make him a true immortal version of Oz hence why he most likely authorized the research and development of the aura transfer technology as a means to artificial reincarnate till proper immortality was achieved.
This could also be another reason as to why he may have chosen the Penny project. As it could lead to a way of extending his life as a means of transhumanism; immortality through technology
To reiterate Ironwood doesn’t trust anyone to do things right so he micromanages everyone under his control and makes them dependent on him. This is best seen with Winter and Clover as Winter would side with a madman as opposed to siding with her sister and clover’s inability to think for himself led to his death. 
Due to his lack of faith in people Ironwood makes them less independent and make them rely on him as  he may believe if everyone is dependent on him then the more control that he will have over them as to better determine who is a threat as the people he controls are more or less robots now without a conscious or sense individuality and are less likely to commit evil acts. Similar to ancient Mantle’s anti life policies before the war.
If he believes that to be the case and since he only trusts himself to see it through he’s going to try and find ways to make him live as long as possible until his methods become autonomous. Because of his lack of faith for others Ironwood doesn’t understand or refuses to understand the fact that he is going to die one day and everything that he has ever accomplished will be undone by the ultimate victor; TIME.
This is sadly the likely outcome as everything changes through the passage of time. As time moves so does the advancement of decay upon the world. Ironwood is already dying by aging and all that he has achieved will be undone or outdone by others that will come after him. The same thing can be said for everyone else in the show as they already lost. 
Ruby, Oz, Cinder, even Salem herself have already lost to time. Everything they have or will achieve will be undone as well and one day they will all die. It’s just a matter of how and when. 
To better explain let's take a look at Epsilon’s final speech from RVB season 13;
“There are so many stories where some brave hero decides to give their life to save the day, and because of their sacrifice, the good guys win, the survivors all cheer, and everybody lives happily ever after. But the hero... never gets to see that ending. They'll never know if their sacrifice actually made a difference. They'll never know if the day was really saved. In the end, they just have to have faith.”
Does Ironwood have faith in anyone that's not under his control? 
People only do wrong when the perceived benefits outweigh the cost in that moment. Ironwood doesn’t just see an opportunity to stop Salem he also sees an opportunity to bring the world under Atlasian control with him at the top. Since he has amassed so much power and authority he sees himself above the rules that everyone respects and follows. Because of this Ironwood tries to hold unto that power because without he is nothing and would become a lesser and weaker being which would be an affront to his perfectionist ideologies
If your nothing without it then you don’t deserve it
Take away Ruby’s Silver eyes and what is she? Someone that will continue to fight no matter what
Take away Atlas from Ironwood and what is he? Nothing but a broken man who had this coming for a long time.
As I stated in I am power Ironwood by himself has nothing to contribute to the fight against Salem. Let's face it the only thing that he had going for him was the fact that he lead the Military and as we later find out that Military isn’t going to be useful against Salem since the key concept of the show since V1 was that there is no victory in strength but in the simpler things in life that start with simple and honest souls. 
How does this concern Ironwood? 
Well that's just it Ironwood was never going to win with his methods and he was never going to get the benefits that he wanted if he followed someone else with theirs. Again Ironwood had plans and ambitions after Salem that saw him as the ruler of the world instead of her, and controlled it so that a threat like her or any threat to his power would never come again. This is probably what he thought would happen before being told of her immortality. 
Now with the knowledge that he can’t destroy her and that she’s coming he decides to cut his losses and settle with ruling the city instead and leave the rest of the world in her mercy instead of accepting the fact that he is wrong and relinquishing power to someone that can handle the situation better. Remnant doesn’t need Ironwood to survive. This is the biggest problem with Ironwood that he thinks he is the hero so long as he is in control of Atlas. Because without it he is truly nothing and has defined his whole existence around it. And will continue to make whatever plans to keep himself in power and is willing to pay the price at the expense of others.
“What if all the plans you made,
Were not worth the price they paid?
Even with the lives you stole,
Still no closer to your...
He never cooled the fire but he still incites the crowd for he can't see what he has  become a crown with no kingdom
Ironwood had only played to win and he would laugh at the ones who lose while millions are shouting out for him to stop but he Still lit the fuse
He says he wants to fight but Then he always runs because he doesn't want to die yet he Still shoots the loaded gun escalating things for the worse
His refusal to see the faults in his own actions. Ironwood continually defaults to and relies on methods and actions that have repeatedly been proven to not work because he refuses to see the error in using said methods to begin with.
This isn’t your story James
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One of the important aspects to remember is that this isn’t Ironwood’s story. His entire character and story revolves around the main protagonists and how he interacts with them and more importantly what role he played in it. Ironwood started out as a side character that ended up getting a lot of focus because the story of  Team RWBY and the show in general is to show how the last generation can fail the next and how that generation has to learn and grow so it can avoid the mistakes of the past. 
Before we delve further into Ironwood’s true character in the show let us explore whether or not he was an antagonistic or protagonistic force in the story. Keep in mind these terms are different from hero and villain. Below are several definitions and meanings for the 2 narrative characters types;
a person who actively opposes or is hostile to someone or something; an adversary.
a person who is opposed to, struggles against, or competes with another; opponent; adversary. the adversary of the hero or protagonist of a drama or other literary work
the leading character or one of the major characters in a drama, movie, novel, or other fictional text.
an advocate or champion of a particular cause or idea.
In modern literature, the protagonist drives the story forward by pursuing a goal. 
The protagonist of a story is sometimes called the main character. 
Since this is RWBY’s story and to an extent Oz’s, Ironwood(and Atlas to an extent) was always meant to be an antagonistic force in opposition to the show's true ideals of  heroism and saviors. 
The antagonist is the principal source of conflict for the protagonist. Often, the antagonist is a bad guy, a villain, but he doesn't necessarily have to be. He may just be someone who has a different agenda. Antagonists might be one person, a group, or even an animal.
Due to the beliefs that his methods are for the best even though they contradict the intentions that were thought to be shared by the heroes Ironwood was always going to become an Antagonist for the series at some point
Volume 7 slowly sees him fall into this, as his paranoia and determination to stop Salem cause him to perform increasingly questionable decisions for the greater good. While Qrow, Oscar, and Teams RWBY and JNPR support Ironwood, they increasingly debate the merit of doing so, given how concerned they're becoming with his behavior. When Cinder breaks into his office and plants a black queen, Ironwood sends Winter to forcefully take the Winter Maiden's powers, and he begins to question every decision he's made and speculate whether he's played right into Salem's hands. His confrontation with Team RWBY over their decision to leak intel to Robyn triggers the appearance of a Seer Grimm, forcing him into a verbal confrontation with Salem. With the discovery that the conflict with Watts and Tyrian distracted them from realizing they'd lost long-range sensors and that Salem is already on her way to Atlas, Ironwood snaps. He orders the arrest of Qrow, Oscar, and Teams RWBY and JNPR, and decides to abandon Mantle to die in an effort to prevent the two Relics and the Winter Maiden from falling into Salem's hands. Volume 7 ends with him and the protagonists actively opposed to each other, as his refusal to acknowledge that his methods are flawed and his opposition towards anyone who might stand in his way solidifies him as an antagonist.
The events of Volume 7 slowly but surely tear away at the positive aspects of his character as he succumbs to fear and paranoia, and questions whether Salem's strength comes from her ability to strip away her humanity. By the end of the volume, he has degenerated into a paranoid tyrant who abandons Mantle in favor of saving Atlas, is willing to kill a dying Winter Maiden to protect the Relics from Salem, and arrests the heroes for disagreeing with him. At the end of the volume, Oscar even points out that Ironwood's actions and current mentality make him no better than Salem.
 His character deconstructs the mindset of the Necessary Evil character archetype. He declares his willingness to sacrifice his reputation and humanity for the greater good by forcing others to sacrifice for his cause. Characters constantly question the morality of his choices and his own actions create consequences that later bite him in the ass. His lack of concern over his image and the negativity his actions generate serve only to assist Salem's plans and increasingly alienate him from the heroes. He appoints himself the judge of what counts as the "greater good", he neglects Mantle's security and makes it increasingly vulnerable to attack by viewing it as less important than Atlas. Oscar lampshades the deconstruction by pointing out that being willing to sacrifice all of Remnant just so "a few can live" is making him just as dangerous a threat as Salem.
In a way Salem and Ironwood are also foils to each other as they appear to be dark lords from their respective genres 
Ironwood being the syfy equivalent clad in white to convey the false message of order and peace while masking evil intentions and crimes 
Salem being the Fantasy equivalent clad in black to emanate a sense of Mystery and fear of the unknown while using it to her advantage
Discussed between Ironwood and Oscar. Ironwood spends Volume 7 utterly haunted by how Leo's fear of Salem destroyed him and endangered Mistral and Haven. He is so determined not to end up like Leo, that he doesn't realize what mistakes his own fear of Salem is causing. While Leo completely submitted to Salem and became her puppet, he has full self-awareness and knows exactly how far he's fallen and why. Ironwood cannot accept that he has any fear of Salem at all and interprets the problem as possessing "humanity". He believes Salem is a threat because she has none and speculates that the solution is to become the same. He becomes increasingly controlling over his kingdom and his allies; regardless of how much suffering his methods cause, he persists in believing it's for "the greater good". While Leo is willing to give up the Relic of Knowledge and his kingdom's Huntsmen, Ironwood is so determined to prevent Salem getting the Relics, his Huntsmen and the Winter Maiden, and thereby avoid Leo's mistakes, that he travels in the opposite direction, becoming a dangerous authoritarian instead of a spineless coward.
Ironwood has made it clear that he will use whatever means necessary to defeat Salem. When Team RWBY calls out his decision to raise Atlas out of Salem's reach, he calmly says he's aware that he is essentially damning Mantle to her wrath. He later tells Oscar that he is done letting others' opinions hold him back from doing what he thinks is right. The boy warns him that he'd become as dangerous as Salem herself like that; the general simply nods to himself but doesn't deny it.
This is who he has always been. The only difference is the more desperate he becomes, the more extremes he goes to to maintain the illusion he is strong and in control of the situation.
During Ozpin's speech, notice how this unique line of dialogue is purposely inserted over Ironwood's last scene of  Volume 7.
“Or will the person staring back at you be the very thing you should have feared from the start? I suppose we all find out... sooner or later.”
As the other parts of the speech are relevant to the other characters shown in the montage This specific line cements the Truth of Ironwood's character being a threat that was planned for a very long time. Going with the show's themes of Grey morality and the balance of light and dark, we are to learn of the possibility that with the potential to do great good also comes with the potential to do great evil. 
As we were focused on the obvious threats in the show like the grimm, the white fang, Cinder, and Salem we are tricked to neglect the obvious signs of evil intent that are hidden and growing  among the heroes. The real monsters of the world aren’t the ones with fangs and red eyes hiding under your bed, No the real monsters of the world look just like you and me. After all if we assume everyone is like us then how can we tell who the real monsters are, that are hiding in plain sight. 
Ironwood’s evil nature and antagonism  was subtle and growing under the skewed perception that he was the hero and that he was right. But this comes down to the fact that he is only in it for himself and what he has to gain from it. 
I understand that James Ironwood was a tragic character even from his introduction, and the seeds for his volume 7 turn were planted in volume 2. I eventually recognized that RT was setting up this pivotal plot point way back in the day and now they are harvesting what they had sown.  
Ironwood didn’t snap when he found out RWBY lied to him. He was content, even after he defeated Watts. He snapped as soon as he saw Cinder’s present. The Queen piece. He unraveled immediately and, sure, the discovery of RWBY’s lies didn’t help,  but it wasn’t the cause for Ironwood’s descent.
 He genuinely means well in opposing Salem and her forces, but his severe paranoia complex, exacerbated by the stress of being one of the only ones in the know about Salem and having to explain his actions to the skeptical populace and council, cause his decisions to degenerate over time. By the end of Volume 7, he becomes willing to abandon everyone in Mantle to die, violently lashes out at anyone who opposes him, and manages to undo all of the hard work he's accomplished by second-guessing his own actions.
James Ironwood is undoubtedly a fascinating character that has this certain appeal to most people. I  can understand Ironwood's viewpoint but it is not the same as forgiving or condoning as good. Sure, I thought him intervening in affairs that he had no right to was a skewed perception, but I understood where he was coming from. I thought him ignoring the concerns and advice of people was reckless, but I also kind of understood  his limitations and his upbringing. But in all honesty I was neutral about Ironwood ever since he debuted and didn’t think he had much to contribute to the story besides being the guy with an army along with the pride and arrogance that comes with.
Because of that Ironwood was always an antagonistic force in RWBY with ideals and plans that contradict the established ideals and motivations that are already shared with the world of Remnant. He just simply couldn’t fit in and when he tried he didn’t like it. When he tried to change it and take charge he only made things worse. Ironwood had potential to be good and a proper hero due the influence of Oz but his pride and ego that he got from Atlas got the better of him and now the show's true heroes will have to fix the problems that he has caused.
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bidoldaccount · 3 years
Erase All The Downsides - FOUR
Word count: 1,665
Tags: Anxiety; subspace; emotional hurt/comfort
Intro ; ONE ; TWO ; THREE
It ruins him.
Seeing her absolutely ruins him.
She lives behind his eyes. She takes up full residence in his dreams, unyielding on his brain. He finds himself driving by the shelter more times than he cares to admit, trying to catch a glimpse of her, if only for a second. It makes his skin itch when he doesn't. There's a pack of Peach gum sitting in his center console but he doesn't know which brand she gets, so they all smell slightly off. His brain hasn't been this mangled since those first few months.
When she told him that she couldn't handle being alone anymore, he didn't know what to do. He had been defensive where he should have been reassuring, he was cold where he should have been accepting, he was hurt where he should have been comforting. He was too stubborn to fight when she ended it. She was right. He knows that now. He left her messages unread for weeks before calling her when the need hit him. It wasn't fair, it was her holding their relationship together for those last few weeks.
When she was gone, the itch in his skin got so bad he was physically scratching at his arms. He couldn't leave the house without having a panic attack, he spent the entire next tour cooped up in his hotel room, trying to replicate the reassuring weight of her body with anything he could find. Most nights, Benny had to lay with him until he fell asleep otherwise he'd stay up all night scratching and crying. It was two weeks into his tour when he slept with someone else. He drank until he forgot why he was so sad, and when he woke up the world crashed down a little harder. He locked himself in the bathroom and sat in the shower for hours until the girl was gone and the hotel staff let Benny and Charlie into his room. After that, it felt impossible to call her.
Having her so far out of reach grates on his nerves for days. He refuses to touch Lisa and he snaps at everyone, it feels like backtracking.
He breaks when he shoves Sam. They were arguing over something or another, he can't even remember what. He was being combative because he could barely see in front of him with how blurry the anxiety was making his vision. Sam said something and Dean pushed him. He barely had time to register what he did before Benny was pulling him away.
"Dude, what the hell is going on?" Despite his language, his voice is soft and concerned. Dean shakes his head, his knees shaking. There was so much emotion crawling through his brain that he almost felt numb. Benny called his name over and over as he got into his car. He shouldn't be driving, he's too on edge, but it's all muscle memory at this point, and he can't stop once he has started.
It feels like a longshot, and if he is wrong he just might crack completely, but he pulls into the apartment complex with practiced ease. His feet carry him in a shuffle down the path, his fingers twitching on their own accord. He knocks on the door with rushed fervor, and nearly falls to his knees when it swings open and she's standing there, in front of him.
"Dean?" Castiel's voice is so soft and reassuring that it finally does send him to his knees. The contact with the ground hurts, but he barely feels it behind the relief that washes over him. This feels pathetic, utterly and truly pathetic, but he can't find it in himself to care because he feels lost and Cas is staring down at him.
"I'm sorry. I know it's been years and- and I don't even know if you're seeing someone, and I'm seeing someone, but I can't.... I can't... Please," he's crying and he can't stop.
"Come here, come inside," she lifts him from the ground and supports him as he stumbles forward.
"I'm having too much anxiety and I can't control it, I can't stop it!" He can't breathe.
"Alright, sweetheart, I hear you," she shushes him gently as she guides him over to the couch. "You sit and I'll be right back." He wants to whine and refuse, but most of all, he wants to be good. He sits down on her sofa, plush beneath him, and relaxed against it as best he can while she leaves the room. His stomach jumps like it wants to follow her, but he sits still. She is only gone for less than a minute before she is walking back into the room with a familiar looking weighted blanket. She set it on the couch, moved one of the pillows onto the floor, and gestured him down.
"On your knees, honey," Dean wants to roll his eyes back with a mix of pleasure and relief, but he settles for a tiny whimper as he slips down to the floor, settling his knees on the pillow. He looks up at her with wide eyes, waiting for her next instruction. She sits down in front of him, spreading her legs around him. The weighted blanket goes over his shoulders, draping down around him in a constant weight that works to ground him. Castiel sits back on the couch, her eyes trained on him.
"Lie down, honey," she pats her thigh and the strings are cut. He drops his head onto her thigh, his breath leaving him in one solid exhale. "You just sit there and breathe for me, okay? There is absolutely nothing else you need to do except sit here and be my good boy," her hands were in his hair, scratching gently at his scalp. A soft whine leaves him before he can stop it, he wiggles a bit to get comfortable, then his eyes close and it's easy to focus on her touch. The smell of citrus and firewood wraps around him almost as heavy and comforting as the blanket.
He doesn't remember falling asleep but when he opens his eyes, it's dark outside. Castiel is still sitting there, her hands still in his hair, her gaze focused on the tv. He shifts slowly, trying not to think about how numb his legs feel.
"You back with me?" She asks softly, all of her attention back on him. He blinks a few times, his head heavy. "Come up here, stretch your legs out," she scoots forward on the couch, moving the blanket off of him so it's easier to help him up. He wobbles a bit, unsteady, but her hands guide him down to the couch. She makes him bend his legs up and down, gently massaging them.
"Thank you," his voice is wrecked from sleep.
"Of course," she takes her hands off of him and he tries not to look too desperate when he reaches for her again. She takes his hand and allows him to link their fingers together as he slumps slightly, regaining his bearings.
"Cas," saying her name sends a warm thrill through his gut. "I'm really trying not to want you but It's getting really hard. I need you to tell me if you want me to leave or you don't want me too, because if you don't, I'll figure something out. I just can't keep pretending that I don't need you, that I don't miss you. I'll understand if it's been too long, or if you have someone else, I just have to try or I think I'll explode," he's rambling and he can't stop, the jitter is back in his bones.
"Dean, of course I want you. I've always wanted you, I just needed you to be as involved as I was. But, honey, it's you that has someone, not me," she said with a little, sympathetic, tilt of her head.
"I can't be with Lisa regardless of whether you take me back or not," he sighed, tilting his head down a bit. "she needs something that I can't give her and I need something she can't give me. It's too hard."
"I understand. I'll be here, Dean, whenever you're ready," she ran her thumb over the back of his hand and he fell boneless into the couch at her words.
"I'm so sorry, Cas, I shouldn't have neglected our relationship like I did. I was distracted and arrogant, and I stupidly thought that you'd always be there. You were always there for me and I was never there for you," he whispered, meeting her thumb with his own, gently pressing them together.
"That's not true, Dean," Cas said, sliding the smallest bit towards him on the couch. "You helped me through a lot of my depression, you were with me through all of my family drama, I wouldn't have made it out of that as unscathed without you there. It was just those last few months, when the paranoia of having a rockstar boyfriend doing God knows what, God knows where, with God knows who, started to creep up. I trusted you 100% but it's hard not to think about the possibilities," she said.
"I know, I want you to know that I never did anything with anyone while we were together. I wouldn't do that," Dean assured.
"I know," Cas nodded with a soft smile. "It was the perfect storm of distance, time, and arguments. I don't think either of us are to blame, but I still tear myself apart every once in a while for ending it so rash," she said.
"It's okay now," Dean whispered, looking down at their hands. "It'll be okay now." Cas leaned over their hands and pressed her forehead to his shoulder. She wouldn't do anything while Dean was still in a relationship, and he knew that. So, he settled for resting his temple on her head, closing his eyes as she breathed against his arm.
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otterplusharchive · 4 years
rey! do you have any recs for kdramas? i have never watched any, but i like lovable characters and romance ? thank you in advance!
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I DO IN FACT HAVE DRAMA RECS HII not all of these will be kdramas, but ill start with the kdramas ive watched and enjoyed and ill include all the warnings for them that i can remember off the top of my head and a brief synopsis for u!
1. weight lifting fairy kim bok joo
this was probably one of the first kdramas i saw people post about in like 2015 and i watched a little bit of it in 2016 but then only just got around to finishing it last year. the basic gist of it is its about a young sports college weight lifter, kim bok joo, centering around her navigating through her life and trying to figure out who she is and what she wants in life and what she wants to be. her romantic interest in the show is a swimmer and they have a sort of rivals to friends to lovers, he is SO in love with her and its adorable. i absolutely loved the side characters in this show theyre all so fun and kim bok joos best friends and weight lifting team are especially delightful. my main warning would be that this show addresses eating disorders and theres a lot of mention of both weight gain and weight loss, theres also a plot point early on where kim bok joo has a crush on her eventual love interests older brother but it gets resolved and the older brother literally goes "i didnt realize you had a crush on me and if i knew that i wouldnt have been so friendly with you, it would be completely innapropriate for us to be in a relationship". overall its a really sweet and emotional fun show but if you have issues with weight talk id skip this one
2. tale of the nine tailed
this one is really recent from last year and i didnt expect to be so hooked by it but boy howdy did i get attached to all the characters and the wild plot. it feels hard to explain the plot but basically a nine tailed fox named lee yeon is living in modern day seoul and is working for the underworld finding paranormal spirits/creatures/other rogue foxes that are causing havoc on the world, hes resigned himself to living this life while waiting for his girlfriend who died tragically 600 years ago to come back to life because he traded his status as a mountain god in order to ensure that her soul would one day be reincarnated. a plucky investigative journalist named nam ji ah figures out that hes not human and shenanagins ensue because she looks exactly like his dead girlfriend oooooo whatll happen. the plot beyond that gets really wild and its hard to explain and is easier to just watch. if u enjoy paranormal adventures this one is good. my one big complaint and issue with this is that the immortal mountain spirit meets his original girlfriend when shes a child and she continues to visit him off and on as she grows up which is Hm I Dont Like That! but thankfully the present time romance our female lead meets him when shes about 30 if im remembering right. also warnings for general fantasy violence, references to child abuse, animal death, and abandonment issues
3. extraordinary you
HUGE unreality warning for this. if you have issues with feeling unreal or have paranoia/delusions about not being a real person id avoid this one just because of its premise
ok i know i said tale of the nine tailed was a hard plot to explain but BOY extraordinary you is even HARDER to explain. because its so wild but so good. its about a girl who realizes that she is literally a side character in a comic book, and the story becomes her trying to change the story to save her character from dying but it becomes a lot more than that. the romance in this is literally tooth achingly sweet and the show itself is very pretty, i loved the side characters in this one and the show was engaging and interesting to watch it became really layered and meta. super reccomend this one honestly. my main issues/warnings that i can remember off the top of my head were just one character being the classic controlling boyfriend stereotype, bullying someone specifically for being poor, unreality like i mentioned before, and then at the very end there was this love interest for a side character who got reincarnated from a past piece of writing that they had been in and put in the comic but she was a student and he was the school cook which is weird but thankfully they like barely interact at all and theres no real romance he just like recognizes her and its barely a thing at the end of the show but its still weird
4. mystic pop up bar
big warning for suicide, sexual harrasment (which is framed as being bad and the guy whos harrassing the girl literally gets thrown off a roof)
i havent finished this one yet and thats mainly because im not emotionally ready because this one makes me soooo emotional. if you like found family this is a good one. its about a pop up bar run by a woman whos been tasked with solving the problems of a certain amount of people in order to atone for her crimes in the past before dying, shes able to enter the dreams of people and solve their issues using the information she gets in the dreams. paranormal shenanagins ensue, she acquires a son and a husband and it kills me its so fun and quirky and fun despite handling dark themes and peoples problems. also very sweet the found family murders me
5. kingdom (netflix original)
i literally am not going to be able to watch any other zombie media because kingdom and train to busan are the best pieces of zombie media ive ever seen. warnings for gore and violence and just general horror aspects.
i absolutely love this one its so thrilling and well done, i love the acting and the way that this show looks its absolutely gorgeous. a zombie plague breaks out in joseon period korea where the emperor has died and then was brought back to life by the queen and her father in a ploy to try and keep their family in political power, the crown prince must find answers. a lot more happens and its very dramatic and good i love the characters in this one
1. the untamed. if you follow me and you havent watched the untamed im begging you to watch the untamed. literally one of the most beautiful stories ive experienced in my life i am not joking when i say i cried multiple times over it. the main characters are canonically gay in love and have a son together please watch the untamed. handles a lot of dark themes, heres a tw guide
2. the sleuth of the ming dynasty
this is another one i havent finished but its fun so far, very gay, found family, food, and solving murder mysteries during the ming dynasty
3. hikaru no go (also known as qi hun)
havent finished this one, there is some propaganda about hong kong in the first episode but as far as i know thats the only instance of something like that in the show
this ones about the game go and so far its very sweet and fun, local boy awakens a ghost who was a master of the game of go hundreds of years ago and eventually is persuaded to learn how to play go with the aid of the ghost. im really liking this one so far its very cute and i love the characters in it. if youve watched the untamed nie huaisangs actor ji li is in this one!
4. the legend of yunqian
this ones very short and on youtube, all the episodes are about 5 minutes long and its a lesbian time travel fantasy adventure with a happy ending! funny and cute
1. cherry magic
please please please watch cherry magic. the premise sounds very much like a weird yaoi kind of thing but trust me on this. trust me. it is so heart warming and sweet and i was so emotional about it and the growth of the main character.
adachi gains the power to read peoples minds on his 30th birthday based off a urban legend that if youre a 30 year old virgin that youll become a wizard. after gaining this power he accidentally finds out that his extremely popular and handsome coworker has a crush on him, and shenanagins ensue along with adachi having blossoming feelings in return. this show was really refreshing in a lot of ways, adachi is a main character who like.. is unsure of himself and insecure in a very kind of realistic way, he closes himself off and is afraid to reach out to people and through the course of the show we see him slowly come out of his shell and realize that hes likeable and lovable and that people want to be around him and its so nice to see. my main complaint about this show is that i dont really like the background couple, but otherwise this is a very sweet and refreshing gay romance that has a happy ending!
some others that i myself havent seen but that ive seen people talk about a lot and that i want to watch eventually:
- the legend of fei (cdrama)
- the wolf (cdrama)
- gaurdian (cdrama, not the kdrama one called goblin)
- healer (kdrama, i did watch some of this one but it was in 2016 and i never finished it so i barely remember any of it but i do remember liking it)
- nobody knows (kdrama)
- its ok to not be ok (kdrama)
sorry this is so long but i hope youll be able to find a drama u enjoy!!
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beerecordings · 4 years
Sorry all I ever ask you about is MBC lol, but could you possibly tell us some more about Max, and his relationship with Jackie before things went to shit? I've been so curious about him since he was introduced! Will he be more involved again in the next chapter?
please, I love getting questions about MBC! and I love Max. I usually don’t care about most OCs, even my own, but Max is a good little man. Max came from a pretty conservative home and his mother passed away when he was a teenager. he was very close to his father but never able to come out to him. he introduced Jackie to him as his friend and always hoped to have the courage to tell him he was his boyfriend and he loved him, but his father died too soon :( when Jackie took care of Max through his grieving period, that’s when Max really fell hard for him. Max came out to his sister Millie afterwards but she was not supportive and dislikes Jackie for tempting her brother lol. he maintained a good relationship with her because he loves her kids, but when Jackie vanished and she said it was a good chance for him to start over, he cut ties. Max was a friendly guy with a lot of close buds and a very good detective. when he lost Jackie, he isolated himself, quit his job, and kind of stopped caring about anything but finding him. it wasn’t good for him.
anyway, Max was working as a detective when he first met Jackie. He was the detective who was assigned his case lol. Jackie was wanted for vigilantism and assault and things like that because of his superhero shit. there’s actually a bunch of old posts somewhere around here about Jackie having a crush on the officer who was trying to catch him... and that turned into Max! Jackie would get super flustered around Max and Max was just so done with having to chase this guy around. eventually Jackie got into some trouble and let himself be taken in because he was overwhelmed. but as Max was arresting him Jackie got overwhelmed and had a meltdown. the other officers weren’t handling him very well and Max was the only one able to calm him down. Max started to feel protective of him cause they had kind of had this frenemies/teasing archnemeses thing going on and all the other officers were being dicks. when Jackie had a chance to explain things to Max, he and Max ended up going after the bad guys together. and it fucken rocked. after that, Max was Jackie’s secret guy on the inside, breaking rules for Jackie and helping him with vigilante stuff. he and Jackie started having a lot of fun together and their favorite thing to do would be to order a ton of food after solving a case at like two in the morning. Max started coming over to Jackie’s place (which was actually Jack’s old place before Jackie was ready to introduce him to magic) and he started to get to know Jackie’s family.
Max started learning BSL the day he realized he wanted to be with Jackie as more than friends. he knew he would have to love Jackie’s brothers if he wanted to love Jackie. he and Marvin got pretty close. Chase and Henrik considered him a friend and liked doing things with him. JJ was a little wary, upset about someone new in the house because of his paranoia and a little torn because of some of his internalized issues with his own sexuality, but Max was really nice to him and they got along okay. Max always knew that Jackie was most protective of JJ, so from the beginning he promised he would be protective of JJ too and not let anything happen to him. Jackie loved feeling like someone else had his back in protecting them. it’s what made Max a part of his family. when Jackie started spending time at Max’s house, the others knew it was getting serious. Jackie likes to have his own space and be in control of it... but he was willing to share for Max. they stole each other’s hoodies and watched cop dramas together.
Jackie proposed to Max on impulse when he told him he was going undercover. Max said yes on impulse too. they laughed about how crazy it was for days afterwards. Max sent him a silver band in the mail and it was the last Jackie would hear of him for six months while Max investigated a human trafficking ring. or that was the plan.
Max had the hardest six months of his life. it left him sick of people everywhere and involved him in some really horrible things. he saved a lot of people but really hurt his heart and had to do some pretty awful stuff. he realized that being in law enforcement was really not as heroic as he thought it was and he didn’t want to be a cop anymore. he was disillusioned and dealing with some serious mental health issues. all he wanted was to go home to Jackie and his family.
but he came home and they were gone.
house burned. Marvin’s cats dead on the porch. Stacy and the kids missing and JJ’s girlfriend mysteriously killed. there was no word of them anywhere. anywhere. his family was just... gone.
Anti would have killed Max if he weren’t undercover. he hates that Jackie grew past the story Jack made for him while Anti has never been able to. and he’s jealous, too. it’s why he killed a lot of people they loved before he took them.
Max was the loose end Anti never got to tie up. and all he wanted was Jackie back. he had always been a little scared about all this insane magic shit that happened with these guys, but he decided the day he lost him that Anti would never make him scared. he had already taken everything he could from Max.
he is trying to move on but misses Jackie and his family a lot and still gets very tired and unhappy and wants them back. we’ll see if we can find him or not next chapter
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thecatmartinez · 3 years
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is there a real me?     p o p   t h e   c h a m p a g n e it hurts me just to think   𝐀 𝐍 𝐃   𝐈   𝐃 𝐎 𝐍 ' 𝐓   𝐃 𝐎   𝐏 𝐀 𝐈 𝐍
Name: Catalina Luisa Martínez Date of Birth:  6th June 1991 (30) Place of Birth: Tijuana, Mexico Ethnicity: Cuban, Spanish Gender & Pronouns: cisfemale & She/Her Occupation: Bartender at Jagged Yard
Face Claim: Ana De Armas
Catalina is a very confident person in many ways and at the same time, suffers with a lot of depression that she masks behind her demeanour. Her demeanour always airs this confident side of her that doesn't care what anyone thinks about her. She is very flirtatious even without meaning to. However, Catalina has seen a lot of things in her life that have left her scarred and broken. She struggles a lot with the thought and the guilt as well as the paranoia that has come along with her actions. Cat is mostly trying to have an easy life. She wants to get away from a life that caused her so much pain and wanting to start fresh while entirely escaping her actual problems. She does deal with her problems with alcohol a lot of the time as a means of numbing the pain. Catalina has always been the type of person who says she can handle everything herself and will never ask anyone for help as she sees it as a sign of weakness and doesn't share much about her past life. Her history according her consists of the fact that she came from Mexico. That's it. The less people who get to know her, the less people she can hurt in her eyes which is why she closes herself up. Cat is still trying to find that one thing in her life that she can find a real passion for and do for the rest of her life.
Catalina Luisa Martínez was born 6th June 1991 to Luis and Margarita Martínez. Her father was the right hand man to a leader of a drug cartel in Mexico and a pretty big cartel to begin with. This brought a lot of drama in to Catalina's life from the start. They were constantly on high alert and Cat couldn't be anywhere without some kind of security detail to keep the family safe. As a child, she never really thought about it. She knew saw them as a normalcy in her life and nothing more. She knew nothing about her family. Her dad went out to work and made a lot of money. Her dad adored Catalina. Everything he did became for her. He wanted the best for her at all times. She wanted dancing lessons? She could have them. She wanted a pet? She got them. It was an easy life - if you ignore the arguments and gunshots she heard on a regular basis. There were times where police came to the house and would arrest her dad but he'd be back in the house within 24 hours when they couldn't find evidence on her dad. He was a smart man. He was always the one to teach Catalina how to fight. She never realised how useful this would be in her life but her dad knew she'd need it one day. Her mother, on the other hand, was gentle and soft. She was the one who taught Catalina how to cook as well as she does.
At the age of 16, Catalina had been out with a friend - security detail following closely behind - as she went shopping. Within 45 seconds, her whole life changed from stability to pure chaos. A van drove by, shooting her security and dragging her and her friend in to the van. Bound, blindfolded and gagged, Catalina found herself at a mansion in a room full of men and one man in particular was very important. The ringleader of a opposing drug cartel to her father had taken her with a ransom to try and draw out her dad. Her dad's love for his daughter led him to pay the ransom and just as she was reunited with her dad at her house - herself completely unharmed - there was a moment of silence before the gun shots started. Her dad was sniped straight in to the head, killing him instantly. Catalina fell straight down to the ground to avoid the fire and instantly saw her dad's dead eyes looking at her. Her mother was shot 4 times before she bled out. The rest of the security was taken out one by one as the same cartel that had kidnapped her stormed the house. Her kidnapper was standing over her. Catalina wasn't going to go out without a fight and did everything in her power to fight him from the floor but he managed to kick her enough to make her stop, pinning her down. He dragged her out of that house. The last memory of that house being seeing the bodies of her parents dead on the floor. All the blood everywhere. Catalina vowed one day to get her revenge but that wouldn't come for a long time.
She was kept in the mansion she had been previously held in, locked in a small bedroom. The leader, Lorenzo, would come in to the room every day. Every day for two months, she would fight him or at least try through the chains on her wrists. Eventually she figured she wouldn't get far if she kept trying to fight him every time she saw him and slowly stopped fighting him. He talked to her more. She acted how he wanted her to act. He wanted her to be his 'good girl', she'd be his good girl. Over the next couple of months, he started to remove her chains and give the girl a little more time out of the room - never out of the house but out of the room with supervision. She allowed him to believe she'd given in to some level of Stockholm Syndrome. She let him believe she was falling for him because that seemed to be what he wanted. Even in all of her hatred for the man who killed her parents, she played the good girl under his control. Over the next few years until she was 18, he entered a relationship with her where she could gain more and more of his trust. At 19 years old, she was married to him. Everything tasted like venom in her mouth. Every loving word she gave him felt wrong. Every time she slept with him felt disgusting to her. It was a dark time in her life but she had to keep going.
With as much freedom as she wanted by the time she was 21, she knew she had gained his trust. He told her details about his operation. He took her with him on business trips and listened to every detail she could overhear on phone calls. During this time he gave her a security detail that she ended up actually gaining feelings for in how much time they spent together. They began an affair. She'd say she would be going out with the girls but instead be going to a hotel with her detail, Mateo. After a six month long affair with real feelings, Mateo confessed to her. He confessed that he was an undercover cop set to take down Lorenzo and anything she had that could help... Well, Cat had many details. This was her chance to escape this life and exact her revenge. Mateo set up an operation to take down Lorenzo's drug cartel. The day came and Lorenzo ended up in police custody. She had managed to get him sent down where he could no longer have any control over her. She only ever made one trip to the prison with the divorce papers and basically told him that she had won.
Now free, her and Mateo began to real relationship and Catalina began to train as a police officer. By the time she was 25, she had made it to work with the Mexican and American police to stop the drug cartels that operated. She knew these cartels better than anyone and knew how to catch them. It was during a job that Mateo was shot fatally. Catalina managed to say her goodbyes in the hospital before he passed but she was heartbroken. She adored Mateo and he inspired her. With him gone, she lost a big part of herself. She quit her job, moving to America when she was 28. Catalina bounced around a few states before settling in Colorado.
Catalina has found herself in Providence Peak to try and get that town life - something quiet where she can settle down. She has got herself an apartment with a roommate in the Downtown area and a little job as a bartender to keep her tied over. She does have a lot of money saved up from her time working as an officer so doesn't really worry about money all that much but chose a more simple lifestyle for her own sanity. A big house on her own felt like too much. As mentioned before, she doesn't really tell people much about her life as she doesn't want to dox herself too much - for safety reasons as well as simply not wanting to talk about it. She can often be found drinking when not working. She's mostly trying to find something to make her happy. She wants to be passionate about something and work how what life he wants to live and just find who she wants to be. She's trying her best to be okay but she's a little bit of a mess still.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Biggest Movie Traitors and Backstabbers in Cinema
Last week, as part of the streaming service’s ongoing plan to bring Warner Brothers’ slate of theatrical releases to audiences at home HBO Max premiered Judas and the Black Messiah on the same day it opened in theaters. Directed by Shaka King, the incendiary historical drama centers on the rise of Fred Hampton, the charismatic Black Panther Party leader, and his tragic betrayal at the hands of FBI informant William O’Neal.  Daniel Kaluuya stars as Hampton, a scorched-earth performance that attempts to recreate the magnetism and magma-like intensity of the revolutionary figure, but Kaluuya is somehow not the star of the film.
The film’s true protagonist is O’Neal, played by LaKeith Stanfield. After getting himself into some hot water, O’Neal is propositioned by FBI agent Roy Mitchell (Jesse Plemons) to either infiltrate the Black Panther Party and report back on his findings or face jail time. At first O’Neal seems to luxuriate in the kickbacks he’s given by Mitchell for his intel but he quickly learns how dangerous it is to lead a double life. O’Neal also has to try to reconcile betraying the very movement he’s spent real time and energy trying to build.
Stanfield’s performance is filled with queasy anxiety and paranoia but also cockroach-like survival tics. It’s an all-time great turncoat performance, worthy of the biblical reference in the film’s title. To honor Stanfield’s turn as “Wild” Bill O’Neil, here’s a countdown of some of cinema’s greatest backstabbers.
Fredo Corleone – The Godfather Part II (1974)
Fredo Corleone, the least intelligent and most ineffectual of Don Vito’s children, has become something of a pejorative term used against anyone deemed to be the lesser sibling in a famous family. Played with a sense of melancholy and knowing pity by esteemed character actor John Cazale, Fredo’s betrayal of his brother Michael is due more to petty jealousy than it is to Machiavellian scheming or dreams of leading the Corelone Crime Family.
As the character pathetically rages, “‘Send Fredo off to do this. Send Fredo off to do that. Let Fredo take care of some Mickey Mouse night club somewhere’… I can handle things! I’m smart! Not like everybody says!” The worst part about Fredo’s actions against his family is that it’s unclear if Fredo actually knew what was being planned against his brother or whether he was just blindly jumping at the opportunity to be important and have something for himself.
Lando Calrissian – Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Perhaps the most lovable backstabber on the list, Lando at least shows some backbone and tries to make up for his nearly unforgivable alliance with the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Vader. While serving as Baron Administrator of Cloud City in The Empire Strikes Back, Lando is visited by Vader and bounty hunter Boba Fett and told to help trap his old friend Han Solo and the Rebels seeking sanctuary in Cloud City in exchange for the safety of the city’s citizens.
After selling his friend out, Lando has a change of heart when he overhears Han being tortured and realizes that Vader and the Empire were already reneging on their promises. He helps Leia and Chewbacca escape, and is able to evacuate Cloud City before the Empire is able to retaliate. Later he participates in the near-incompressible plot to rescue Han Solo and serves as a key general in the Rebel Alliance. Still, even back when he’s on the wrong side of the fight, Billy Dee Williams is able to turn Lando an appealing character, making his eventual redemption that much sweeter.
Henry Hill – Goodfellas (1990)
Ray Liotta plays the ultimate rat. After a long and fruitful career as a capo for local boss Paulie Cicero, Henry Hill’s mafia lifestyle comes to a final, screeching halt after he’s arrested by narcotics agents while trying to facilitate unapproved drug deals with his Pittsburgh associates. Henry’s good friend Tommy jokingly posits that Henry would crack under questioning earlier in the film, but Henry’s damning testimony against his associates Jimmy Conway and Paulie is all about survival: Henry knows that if he doesn’t cover his own ass, Jimmy will have him and his wife killed.
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The Real Goodfellas: Gangsters That Inspired the Martin Scorsese Film
By Tony Sokol
The Godfather Coda: The Death of Michael Corleone Proves a Little Less is Infinitely More
By Tony Sokol
Becoming the very thing that mafioso’s hate most of all, Henry turns on his friends and is forced into the witness protection program. All Henry ever wanted was to be a gangster, but in the protection program, he’s reduced to “an average nobody. I get to live the rest of my life like a schnook.” It’s a fate that may be worse than death for him.
Mr. Orange – Reservoir Dogs (1992)
Arguably the villain of the story, depending on who’s side you’re on, Mr. Orange is actually L.A.P.D. undercover cop Freddy Newandyke. Looking to bring down crime boss Joe Cabot, Mr. Orange infiltrates his crew and takes part in diamond heist gone bad. In the ensuing chaos, Mr. Orange is shot and ends up killing an innocent civilian in retaliation. Played by Tim Roth, Mr. Orange screams and cries as he believes he’s fatally wounded, but it’s also possible that he’s airing out the guilt he feels in letting his undercover operation get so out of hand.
Without going into all of the bloodshed in the conclusion of Quentin Tarantino’s Reservoir Dogs, Mr. Orange’s double agent status is so sound that it eventually leads to the demise of almost all of Cabot’s colorful crew, and Orange then feels compelled to confess his deception, resulting in an ambiguous ending that most believe concludes with his death.
Dennis Nedry – Jurassic Park (1993)
Wayne Knight’s Dennis Nedry is probably the most cartoonish Benedict Arnold of the bunch, and if you think about it, the only human antagonist in the original Jurassic Park film, if you’re not counting short-sighted, megalomaniacal John Hammond. The slovenly Nedry is chief architect of the computer system at the fledgling Jurassic Park theme park, and he’s miffed by perceived low pay. So he decides to take an offer from Lewis Dodgson (“DODGSON, WE GOT DODGSON HERE!) of rival biotech company Biosyn to steal embryos of 15 dinosaur species in exchange for $61,500,000.
To make his grand escape with the embryos, Nedry shuts down the park’s security systems, including the electric fences surrounding the dinosaur paddocks. He also uploads a self-aggrandizing computer virus to prevent the systems from being quickly turned back on. However, a perfect combination of his own harebrained scheme and a nasty storm leaves Nedry stranded and at the mercy of a young Dilophosaurus. It does not end well.
Cypher – The Matrix (1999)
Cypher’s betrayal of the Nebuchadnezzar crew in The Matrix is pretty easy to see coming, and not just because the character is played by Joe Pantoliano, who’s portrayed many malcontents throughout his career. Cypher being a red pill dabbler and wishes he had taken the blue pill instead. He also outwardly makes his disapproval of Morpheus known throughout the movie. Using “ignorance is bliss” as his mantra, he strikes a deal with Agent Smith to return him to the Matrix and erase his memory of ever awakening from it in exchange for selling Morpheus out.
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The Matrix 4 Already Happened: Revisiting The Matrix Online
By John Saavedra
Jurassic World: Top Jurassic Park Deaths by Dinosaurs
By David Crow
After tipping Smith off to a meeting with the Oracle, Cypher goes full villain and unflinchingly kills Dozer, Apoc, and Switch before finally being stopped and killed. At least he’s free from the reality he hated so much.
“Mad Eye Moody” (aka Barty Crouch Jr.) – Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)
What’s a bigger betrayal: Death Eater Barty Crouch Jr. revealing that he’s been impersonating Alator “Mad Eye” Moody for the entirety of Harry Potter’s fourth year at Hogwarts, or Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling revealing herself to be a transphobe, betraying many of the themes of her beloved book series? We’ll leave that one to you, dear reader.
However, Barty Crouch Jr. (David Tennant before he was the Doctor) memorably betrays Harry Potter and the Hogwarts community by using the Polyjuice Potion to impersonate the former Auror and ensure that Harry would get into the Triwizard Tournament and ascend to the Third Task, which was a trap to help Lord Voldemort return to a body of his own. At least the real Mad Eye didn’t actually turn his back on those that revered him (like Rowling).
Colin Sullivan – The Departed (2006)
The biggest rat in a film full of “gnawing, cheese-eating fucking rats,” Sgt. Colin Sullivan (Matt Damon) is the criminal counterpoint to Leonardo DiCaprio’s undercover cop Billy Costigan, an undercover gangster who serves as the personal mole to Irish mob boss Frank Costello (Jack Nicholson).
Played with smarm and cowardice by Damon, Sullivan eventually double crosses the police and Costello when he discovers that Costello is an FBI informant—a rat leading rats. Scared but trying to retain his high-ranking job, Sullivan misguidedly tries to position himself as a hero and tie up all loose ends, resulting in a shocking, bloody finale that finds cocky Colin Sullivan miraculously as the last man standing. Or at least the last man standing for the moment, as a final, forgotten loose end returns to give the audience what they want; another dead rat.
Robert Ford – The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (2007)
Well, it’s all right there in the title, innit? Played with a jealous, insecure bent by a creepy (in multiple ways) Casey Affleck, Robert Ford starts off as a Jesse James fanboy, desperate to join the outlaw’s gang with his brother Charlie (Sam Rockwell). When he finally gets close to the mythical criminal (a shadowy Brad Pitt), Bob begins to resent the man, eventually brokering a deal with the Governor of Missouri to either capture or kill Jesse James in exchange for a substantial bounty and full pardon.
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Hamilton: The Real History of the Burr-Hamilton Duel
By David Crow
News of the World Review: Tom Hanks Western Has Rugged Warmth
By David Crow
Bob Ford cozies up to Jesse James even further, eventually earning the man’s complete trust, before cowardly shooting the man in the back—although in the film both carry an air of expectation that it needs to happen. Ford then lives out the rest of his days known as the coward punk that betrayed Jesse James until his eventual murder.
Aaron Burr – Hamilton (2020)
Close knit allies but ideological opposites, Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton both fought in the Continental Army for independence from the British. However, when it came time to actual govern the new country that they fought to begin, the men drifted apart.
It’s unfair to call Burr the only backstabber in this relationship, because both men betray their former friend. Burr (Leslie Odom Jr.) becomes jealous that Hamilton (Lin-Manuel Miranda) constantly has George Washington’s ear, and switches political parties to defeat Hamilton’s father-in-law in an election, ending their mutual admiration.
Burr also inadvertently pressures Hamilton to publicly reveal an affair, which strains the rivals’ relationships even further. However, when Hamilton endorses Thomas Jefferson (Daveed Diggs) in the third presidential election, a man that he doesn’t even like, to block Burr’s political malleability from the presidency, it becomes the final straw for Burr, who challenges Hamilton to a duel. In the ensuing gunfight, Hamilton throws away his shot, and Burr seals his fate to be remembered as the villain who killed Alexander Hamilton.
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calzonafan2014 · 4 years
Emmerdale: Vanity Spec + Hope
So, Covid has definitely shafted Vanity on some amazing content that I think was in store for us in 2020, likely ending in Johnny’s adoption and a wedding on their 3rd anniversary. And now we have some spoilers that are breaking a lot of hearts. I am going to assume that the writers still want to tell a positive story for Vanity that cements them as a family and ends in a wedding before more drama and thrills are to come. 
The current spoilers indicate that Vanessa is “cold” during the adoption hearing and immediately returns to her mum’s rather than heading home with Charity. Charity falls apart and is convinced that Vanessa is over her and jumps to the fairly insane conclusion that Vanessa is cheating on her. This is a soap opera and so never say never, but I think we all realize that Charity’s paranoia has reached a ridiculous height. But as a result of this, she works herself into a state and does something that she immediately regrets. The end result seems to be pretty disastrous and a likely breakup. 
But what comes next? And why has Vanessa been cold and why did she go back home to her mum’s in the first place? 
I think the show is going to play a bit fast and loose with Vanessa’s bowel cancer in order to play out more/less the original story. But Michelle obviously needs real time off and since we already got the first two months of the story, we can take how Vanessa behaved in February of 2020 when she first faced this threat and times it by ten to get to how she might react to discovering that it has returned so quickly. 
She told Manpreet that it might be easier doing it on her own after she told Charity the first time. Now, she has experienced just how badly Charity has handled this temporary separation. How might Charity handle her death? And what would that mean for Johnny? I can imagine Vanessa feeling all of these feelings during the adoption hearing, and racing away from it because she couldn’t bear to tell Charity the truth. And then? Charity goes and f’s up royally. What does Vanessa do? She is likely hurt, sad, angry and scared out of her mind. She needs to protect her son and she needs to protect herself and she needs to protect Charity and her pregnant sister. 
So she does what Vanessa does best. She decides to handle it all on her own. She has her sister get Johnny and she makes a clean break with Charity. Not because the kiss is unforgivable. It’s really not in the scheme of things. She might even have Tracy on her side to help explain how she was feeling. But if Charity can’t handle another temporary separation, there is no way she can handle what Vanessa has to handle. This way will be easier on everyone. Charity will get over her. Probably move on to the hot guy, and once she does, Johnny will be safe with her if the worst happens. 
I can understand Vanessa’s decision. Much more than if Charity hadn’t f’d up. But it will still have been the wrong call. That said, I am curious as to how long it is going to take for Charity to figure it out because more than anything, I would like her to figure it out. In February, Vanessa was kidnapped for two weeks with Charity none the wiser because Charity was convinced that Vanessa had left her. Now? Vanessa literally just planned an elaborate celebration for their anniversary. If Charity can clear her head, possibly sit with a Counselor or a friend, she might be able to accept that Vanessa truly does love her. And once she can get back to this place of acceptance, she can then go on to explore the times that Vanessa has behaved in a similar fashion. Like when her dad died. Or when she was...being tested for bowel cancer and Charity thought she was planning to leave her. Ding, ding, ding. 
I don’t think Vanessa will tell Tracy. She’s pregnant after all. But I am curious whether she’d tell Rhona. I don’t think she will have but I bet Charity will assume she knows and go storming over looking for answers.
I am curious though if Vanessa will actually be with her mum or on her own entirely...I am leaning towards on her own entirely. And it won’t shock me if she sends Johnny back to Charity once she gets confirmation from Tracy or Rhona or Sarah that it’s safe. It won’t shock me if he is home for Christmas because I don’t think Vanessa wants to take him away from his family. She just wants him with her for a bit and she wants to make sure Charity is stable enough to take care of him. 
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Three Soldiers and a Baby | Part Fourteen
summary: Three handsome bachelors find their day to day operations disrupted when an unexpected new roommate (who comes complete with a diaper and a pacifier) shows up at their doorstep. How will they deal with this new and baffling responsibility without losing their minds or killing each other in the process?
pairings: Bucky x Reader featuring Steve Rogers & Sam Wilson
warnings: none
a/n: Here it is, darlings! My beloved little series has finally come to an end! There’s still the epilogue, which I will post this Thursday because ain’t nobody wanna wait a week for the conclusion amirite?! Thank you all so much for reading along and leaving me some love and feedback on the series. You have no idea how much I appreciate each and every one of your comments, they always make my day. Love y’all!
*warning to mobile users, the “keep reading” tab may not work so apologies in advance*
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 |
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| previously |
After talking to Tony and practically ripping Nick Fury a new one, the three men were in a car and speeding off to the airport. Tony said he would do what he could, but stopping a commercial airline from taking off wasn’t exactly something that could be done without raising alarm amongst the passengers. Bucky was sure that he was ready to shoot the former S.H.I.E.L.D. Director between the eyes for spying on his relationship with you, and worse, for practically scaring you to death and taking away his baby. When Fury mentioned national security and just trying to protect the Avengers or some other bullshit, not even Steve was willing to listen anymore. He assured them that the girl was always perfectly safe and it was just her paranoia that had caused her to make up all this drama. Bucky punched the computer monitor and effectively cut off the video call.
Now they were on a race against time, trying desperately to catch up to you before this whole misunderstanding went any further. They raced through the terminals, practically flying through the crowds of people who were diving out of the way of what they assumed to be Avengers business. They knew where they were headed, but they just couldn’t make it there in time. It was too late. When they reached the right gate they were just in time to see it taxiing down the runway and off into the air. Dejected and broken hearted, the adrenaline slowly died down as they all stood there motionless. Watching you fly away and out of their lives.
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It was late in the evening by the time they got back. On the ride home, it was Sam who tried his best to keep their spirits up. “Hey man, look at it this way. We know where they’re going and what the situation was all about now. We could get them back!”
Steve saw the reason in Sam’s words and tried his best to share the enthusiasm, but he was still feeling pretty beaten down. Losing Ellie was one thing, but seeing the way it was tearing apart his best friend was just making it so much harder.
Bucky could hear the words and thought that maybe some of them made sense, but nothing could lift the darkness he felt consuming him as they entered the elevator up to their apartment. He figured he had failed to protect you, to make you feel safe. Maybe it would be right to leave you alone as much as it hurt him to admit so. He decided he would give you some time, but still let you know that the situation had been handled. Perhaps then you would see reason on your own and come back to him. For now, he just wanted to crawl into bed and not get up until the pain in his chest wasn't knife sharp.
As the elevator doors opened, the three men walked out with their heads hanging, but raised them the second they saw who was standing by their front door. You and Ellie were sitting on the floor, waiting for them to come home. Standing up slowly, you shifted Ellie from one hip to the other while she gripped onto her favorite Bucky Bear and slept peacefully in your arms. 
“I don’t know what I was thinking.” You had been crying, but now you were determined to show them how wrong you had been. “I couldn’t make the same mistake again. Taking her away from you, from all of you, I would have regretted it for the rest of my life. With everything happening and so much changing over the past year I’ve felt like I’ve been losing my mind and I just panicked.” You were babbling on at this point and Bucky had heard every word, but all he cared about in this moment was marching forward and wrapping you and your baby in his arms again. This time he really wasn’t going to let go.
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“Okay Barnes, you can let her go now. It’s my turn!” Sam whined as Bucky swung Ellie up in his arms and laughed along with her. After Bucky let you go in that cab, you were sure you would never see him again once you got on that plane. Then you looked down at Ellie and saw the way she looked back at him, clutching her Bucky Bear almost as if she could pick up on something being wrong. She didn’t smile or laugh like she usually did and you knew it was because she missed her father. Even a baby as young as her, she was capable of feeling the sadness of being torn apart from her family. You would have never forgiven yourself if you got on that plane, but by the time you realized all this you were already at the airport. If only you had known that while you were struggling to keep it together, trying to hail down another cab, the man you had walked away from again was already on his way to you. 
During that ride back to the apartment, Ellie began to fuss and cry, enough that the only thing you could think of to calm her down were the videos you played for her all the time. They were of you and Bucky while you were together. It tore you apart not to be with him, but you were gonna make damn sure that your baby would know who her father was. The videos were random and nonsensical, some were of Bucky serenading you, others were just of the two of you being together, laughing and talking. So throughout your pregnancy and those early months with Ellie, you would play them for her hoping that one day she would be able to recognize her daddy’s voice in the real world. You knew you would always regret that Bucky wasn’t there for her birth, that’s why you knew you couldn’t do this to him again. Whatever fears you had faced during the last few months were nothing compared to the feeling of tearing your daughter away from her father. You knew she would always be safe with him and that you could trust him to protect you. You just hoped it wasn't too late.
When you finally reached his apartment again, finding that there was no answer at the door, that didn’t stop you from taking a seat right there and waiting for him to return. You were determined to make this right and show the man you loved that you wanted to be with him. To be a family. It was once you were inside the apartment, and after each of them had had a turn holding Ellie, that they told you about Nick Fury's misguided plans. There was no sinister plot with faceless villains out to get you. Just a warning from a very paranoid man. You were furious.  A little spitfire like yourself, you were ready to find the man and make him sorry for ever putting you through all that hell.
“None of that shit matters now.” Bucky begrudgingly handed Ellie to Sam to hold and came over to you, giving you a turn of lifting you up in his arms. “You’re both here and I’m never letting you go again. I love you and Ellie so much. I want us to be a family.”
You had been laughing while he swung you around, but stopped as soon as he said those words. After so much time feeling emotionally ravaged, here stood Bucky Barnes revealing his feelings for you and your daughter. What else could you do, but admit your love for him as well. Of course, you’d fallen in love with the man back when you were together, but with him being an Avenger, you just didn’t know what could possibly come out of it. You knew he had a job to do and it was scary and risky. It had made sense at the time to you that you thought the future for your love would be bleak, but Bucky was ready to prove to you otherwise.
“I can retire.” Bucky said as if it was the easiest choice in the world. “The world has enough superheroes now. What’s one less?”
“Bucky, I can’t ask you to do that.” You tried reasoning with him. Even looking over to Steve and Sam, but they both just smiled.
“You’re not asking me, babe. I’m saying it.” Bucky cradled your face in his hands, pulling your lips to his and finally kissing you with all the passion he could find. You felt your knees give way and Bucky wrapped his arm behind your back to keep you from falling. He pulled you up, breaking away for air and resting his forehead against yours. Your heaving breaths mingled together and you finally felt that bliss you had once known come back into your heart. “The most important thing in my life is making sure that little girl is safe and taken care of. And you. I need you both in my life more than anything. Please. Please stay.”
You smiled as more irritating, yet happy, tears scrolled down your cheeks. Relishing in the feel of Bucky’s soft lips kissing the trails away. “Of course, we’ll stay.”
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a/n: And there we have it! The last part! Hopefully you enjoyed it, loves. I really loved working on this series and I can’t wait for you to read the epilogue in just a couple of days! Again, thank you thank you thank you so so much for reading along. I have a little something something planned for the future so stay tuned. 😉
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maddie-grove · 5 years
Little Book Review: Princess of the Silver Woods
Author: Jessica Day George.
Publication Date: 2012.
Genre: YA fantasy.
Premise: Princess Petunia of Westfalin was once cursed to dance nearly every night with her eleven older sisters in a bleak underground kingdom ruled by an ancient evil wizard. When she was still little, the wizard was slain and the curse was broken, allowing her to live a (more or less) normal life. Now she’s sixteen and staying at a beloved family friend’s remote estate, but something doesn’t feel right. She’s having nightmares, dark shadows are creeping into her room, and her maid keeps leaving the window open. Also, there’s a cute guy near the estate who’s leading a band of robbers for sympathetic reasons.
Thoughts: Princess of the Midnight Ball, the first installment in Jessica Day George’s “The Twelve Dancing Princesses”-inspired trilogy, is one of my favorite fairy tale adaptations. Rose, the overburdened eldest sister, and Galen, a gentle war-haunted gardener, are lovable protagonists with a sweet romance. The minor characters are all well-drawn--no small feat in a story about twelve sisters! The plot is exciting, with enough flourishes to add charm and depth of feeling, but never enough to slow things down. The King Under Stone’s lair is enchanting and disturbing, and the use of magic has a tangible quality that really grounds the most fantastical parts of the story. What particularly impresses me, though, is how George handles the non-magical aspects of the setting. The trilogy is set in Ionia, an obvious stand-in for Europe, during a time that reads like an amalgamation of the sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, and early nineteenth centuries. Although the plot isn’t based on specific historical events, there’s a surprising amount of political realism. The fallout of a decades-long war, the mounting class resentment towards the royal family, the power struggles between church and state, and the paranoia over witchcraft are familiar to anyone interested in early modern European history. By drawing from this well, George adds texture and sophistication to the story.
The second book, Princess of Glass, continues to borrow profitably from history and use magic in an interesting way; unfortunately, it’s weighed down by an irritating heroine who has relatively little stake in the drama (spunky middle sister Poppy) and a bland romance. In most ways, Princess of the Silver Woods is better. Petunia isn’t the most colorful heroine, but she’s pleasant, with a specific youngest-child personality and some skin in the game. Her romance with Oliver, a moody but goodhearted outlaw, has a nice spark, although it dissipates as the book goes on. In some ways, though, the last book is the weakest. Too much of the plot is taken up by Oliver’s trip to Petunia’s family’s palace, during which he meets many of her older sisters and their various romantic partners. A less charming flaw is the hostility towards Petunia’s female servants, Maria and Olga. Classism was a problem in Princess of Glass, but at least George was trying to make a point about Poppy’s insensitivity towards her bitter lady’s maid. Here, Maria’s just a screeching ninny, and Olga’s just stupid (and kind of evil) for making a deal with an evil-wizard-prince-thing so she can be a princess. Which is easy to say when you’re already a preternaturally brave princess.
Going back to the positive, I like how George depicts the lingering trauma from the events of the first book. The sisters have a wide variety of reactions, and they aren’t always what you’d expect. Petunia, too young to fully appreciate the danger and horror of her situation at the time, only started having nightmares after the fact. She also chafes at others’ expectations of how she should react (for example, she doesn’t fear dancing). I also liked that Jonquil, a sister who didn’t seem especially affected in the first book, is by far the most troubled twelve years later, while extremely sensitive Hyacinth has adjusted fairly well. 
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mobius-prime · 5 years
64. Sonic the Hedgehog #42
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Oh Jesus! Sally, are you okay? Somebody call an ambulance! She's simultaneously falling and breaking her spine!
In Every Kingdom There Must Exist a Little Chaos!
Writer: Kent Taylor Pencils: Art Mawhinney Colors: Barry Grossman
This issue opens with Sonic and Knuckles in the middle of fighting each other, because of course it does.
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Sonic wants Knuckles' spare emerald to try to cure the king, while Knuckles refuses to give it up due to paranoia from Robotnik's most recent attack on his island. Tails diplomatically tries to break them up and explain about the king, but even after hearing of King Acorn's condition Knuckles refuses to part with his shiny, forcing Sonic to leave.
Back at Knothole, everyone discusses how to proceed in curing the king. Apparently the rings' power didn't work, pretty much rendering a lot of the plot of the previous miniseries instantly useless, but Uncle Chuck is still certain that a magical artifact must be the key.
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Interestingly, they mention the "Crown of Acorns," which is implied to be the king's crown that was first mentioned aaalllllll the way back in Sonic Miniseries #2, but it's heavily retconned in appearance with no mention of the Freedom Emeralds, as well as apparently now being lost while in the original story Sally recovered it in the end, effectively rendering the old story noncanon. It's one of the first major retcons we've encountered so far, and there are more in the future, as the comics attempt to handle constructing more serious and interesting storylines from the base of the original slapstick issues.
Anyway, with the powerful Crown of Acorns missing, the team suddenly reveals that apparently rings can grant knowledge as well as power. This has never been mentioned before, and seems like it would have come in very handy in the past, but meh. They head out to the Lake of Rings that Bunnie and Antoine discovered within the forest to grab one, since apparently a ring is spat out once an hour, but while they're there, Sleuth Dawg shows up and reveals his true colors as a traitor, with his fellow spy Fly Fly Freddy having been captured and roboticized. (Remember these two extremely minor background characters? Feel any strong emotions about this betrayal? Yeah, me neither.)
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During the battle, a ring is ejected from the lake and Sonic makes a grab for it, nearly getting bullseyed by the roboticized Freddy, but at the last second Knuckles appears and creates enough of a distraction to let Sonic get the ring and dismantle the rest of the bots, including Freddy, allowing them to win the battle. Even better, Knuckles has apparently thought better of his selfishness and brought his spare emerald!
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Side note, this is the last time we ever see Freddy, lying on the ground in roboticized pieces. Apparently someone much later on asked Ian Flynn about it, and his response was that they were never able to reassemble Freddy successfully. This means that for all intents and purposes, Sonic caused the death of his old friend. Ouch.
Ah well. With the ring acquired and the traitor arrested, the team returns once more to Knothole, where they try to first use Knuckles' emerald to cure the king. However, this is rather disastrous and briefly results in the crystallization spreading across the king's entire body before the effort is abandoned, with the crystallization effects luckily only being temporary. With no other choice, Sonic grabs onto his newly acquired ring and uses it to go into some kind of weird trance which gives him some brief trippy visions about… the king's sword.
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Great, so now we have to find a sword, which will then let us find a crown, which will then let us cure the king? What kind of Zelda-esque fetch quest is this? Knuckles, being the treasure hunter he is, vows to Sally that he'll make it his personal mission to find that sword, as he doesn't want her to lose her father like he did his - and we don't have to wait long to see how he goes about this, as it begins on the very next page!
Knuckles' Quest!
Writers: Ken Penders and Kent Taylor Pencils: Art Mawhinney and Brian Thomas Colors: Barry Grossman
So turns out that Tails is very eager to help Knuckles on his little quest. He's already put some pieces together - they'll need magical help to find the sword, and who else is magical and has otherworldly knowledge than the Ancient Walkers? Both he and Knuckles have already met them, and furthermore, Tails knows someone who knows them - Athair, Knuckles' great-grandfather, living in the crater in Downunda. Surprisingly, Knuckles doesn't appear even slightly fazed that his great-grandfather is alive and just chilling in the middle of nowhere on the opposite side of the planet, despite apparently still having believed himself the supposed last of his kind, a title which is becoming more and more inaccurate by the issue. Indeed, when they meet, Knuckles seems downright pissed.
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Whoa, drama! I guess before he disappeared Knuckles' father told him about Athair, and made him out to be some great family disappointment. Tails is surprised at the amount of vitriol Knuckles has despite him and Athair never having met before, and despite Knuckles' rudeness, Athair still deigns to help them out by calling forth the Ancient Walkers. As they always do, the Walkers decide to put Knuckles and Tails through a few trippy, useless visions before they actually tell them what they need to know.
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Knuckles, now having the faces of all these random magical people seared into his head, insists to Tails that from here on he's going alone, still trying to play the loner game despite now having an entire entourage on his island. Guess we'll see how that quest goes for him, huh?
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brendanmoviedate · 5 years
Yer fond of me lobster ain’t ye?
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Another year, another broken promise that I’d write more often. I’m not going to fool myself going forward and expect I’ll be able to keep up with reviewing every movie I see. However, I’ll continue to write my year-end movie review and perhaps a couple here and there when I feel inspired. 
Looking back to last year’s post, I wouldn’t make too many changes, though I would certainly move Into the Spider-verse slightly higher up. I would also consider adding Upgrade to the list for how brazen it is.
Most of the films I called out as ones to watch for 2019 ended up being either on my list or in the composite image, which goes to show that it’s worth getting excited for new films more often than not.
Vancouver being the way that it is, sometimes we don’t get timely releases of films when other cities do. As a result, I haven’t had a chance to see 1917 and Uncut Gems yet. The latter of which I’ve been dying to see for months and would probably feature on this list. 
Here’s the 10 best films I’ve seen from 2019:
10. John Wick: Chapter 3: Parabellum
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Whereas John Wick: Chapter 2 was the perfect escalation of its pared down predecessor, Chapter 3 is merely an excellent continuation of the newly minted franchise. However, while not bringing anything entirely new to the world of John Wick, it is still an intensely entertaining film. The first 20 minutes is some of the best fight choreography in the series to date and enough to secure a spot on this list.
9. Long Day’s Journey into Night
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From director Bi Gan, Long Day’s Journey into Night is a noirish drama about a man (Huang Jue) returning to his hometown following the death of his father to track down his lost love (Tang Wei). The film is a slow burn that jumps between past and present before descending into a surreal 60 minute single take shot filmed in 3D. Regretfully, the only screening I could attend was entirely 2D, but nonetheless, the sequence was still enthralling. This is the type of film that proves that spectacle doesn’t necessarily need to be tied to tentpole movies.
8.  Booksmart
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Olivia Wilde’s directorial debut suggests she has an effortless understanding of comedy. Written by a quartet of female writers, Booksmart feels like Superbad for a new generation (I can’t believe that film came out 12 years ago). Interestingly, Jonah Hill’s sister, Beanie Feldstein stars, alongside Kaitlyn Dever (daughter of the guy that voiced Barney the Purple Dinosaur). While it would be easy to say it’s “the female Superbad,” Booksmart is in fact much more than that. Replacing the misfits trying to get laid story with one about a pair of overachievers realizing almost too late that there’s more to life than good grades lets the film be looser and allows the comedy to happen more naturally. 
7. Midsommar
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Ari Aster’s follow-up to 2018′s Hereditary began filming almost immediately after wrapping post-production on his previous film. As a result, Midsommar has that extra layer of a director exhausting himself by putting everything on the screen. Midsommar is a much more mature work than Hereditary and one that took a while to grow on me. My initial reaction was less enthusiastic than it is now, but it’s one of the films from 2019 that has stuck with me the most. I imagine a second watch or the extended director’s cut might raise my appreciation of it even more. 
Florence Pugh gives a knockout performance that when combined with her roles in Little Women and last year’s Little Drummer Girl prove that she’ll be a star in no time.
6. Knives Out
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Rian Johnson’s first post-Star Wars film sees him reinvigorated and working with a bigger name cast than he has in the past. Essentially a whodunnit along the lines of Agatha Christie, Knives Out follows Daniel Craig’s southern-fried detective Benoit Blanc as he investigates the murder of a wealthy publisher (Christopher Plummer). In addition to playing with a few plot twists, Johnson includes a couple of structure twists as well that turn the film on its head. 
In addition to Craig’s hammy performance, other standouts include Ana de Armas and Chris Evans as the publisher’s caregiver and grandson, respectively. 
Johnson has hinted at the possibility of more Benoit Blanc mysteries, and as long as Daniel Craig is onboard, I’ll gladly watch them.
5. The Lighthouse
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In Robert Eggers’ followup to The Witch, Willem Dafoe and Robert Pattinson play a pair of lighthouse keepers in isolation. As would be expected, The Lighthouse is a paranoia-fuelled chamber piece, with Dafoe’s gruff experienced lighthouse keeper getting on the nerves of the younger Pattinson. And while this setup allows the two leads a chance to really dig into the 19th century dialects, the film takes the occasional departure into the eldritch for a very unsettling film. 
As with Black Philip in The Witch, there’s a standout animal character in The Lighthouse - fittingly, a seagull.
4. Once Upon a Time ...in Hollywood
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Quentin Tarantino’s presumably penultimate film is perhaps his most mature work, ruminating on the idea of legacy and the film industry as a whole. Once Upon a Time ...in Hollywood is almost a Tarantino hangout movie reminiscent of parts of Jackie Brown and Pulp Fiction. A lot of time is spent on scenes that don’t necessarily lead to the film’s climax, but allow the characters room to breathe and feel real. Other than the historical event hinted at throughout the movie, the film doesn’t seem to have a particular direction, which allows you to live in the lives of these characters more than if it was purely plot driven.
The main cast of Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, and Margo Robbie is great, but it’s Pitt who puts in a career best performance. There’s a quietness and a sadness to his character that brings some added depth to an otherwise bold cast.
3. Ad Astra
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Brad Pitt’s other great performance this year is in James Gray’s Ad Astra. Having seen Gray’s The Lost City of Z and purposefully avoiding trailers and reviews, my expectation for this film was a reflective voyage centred around the ideas of obsession, loss, and family. All of these ideas were present in Ad Astra, but the real surprise was how seamlessly a space opera was added into the story. I never thought I’d see a lunar shuttle chase, but I’m glad I did.
The amount of casual sci-fi world building in the film is staggering, with entire premises treated as banal. We get to see Pitt’s Clifford McBride travel from Earth to the Moon mundanely on a commercial flight. Most films would take the opportunity to spoon feed to the audience why this is odd, but Ad Astra treats it as normal as the characters do, making it all the more fascinating.
2. The Farewell
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Starring Awkwafina, who has quickly shot to stardom after featuring in Crazy Rich Asians, The Farewell gives the actress the chance to stretch her dramatic muscles playing Billi, who returns to China to visit with her grandmother who has cancer. Billi’s family insists on keeping the grandmother’s illness a secret from her so she can live out her life in happiness, while Billi struggles with the morals of lying to her grandmother. This premise allows for not only the comedy of misunderstanding, a staple in comedy, but also emotional tension and the devastation of preparing to send off a loved one. 
The comedy-drama balance is handled expertly by director Lulu Wang, making The Farewell the movie I both cried at and laughed at the most this year.
1. Parasite
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Had you told me a couple of months ago that my picking Parasite as the best movie of the year could be considered a safe choice, I would have scoffed. Yet here we are, and Parasite has widely been hailed as the best film of the year. I suppose in hindsight it’s not hard to see why. It’s both a crowd-pleasing film and a film that’s deeply disturbing and thrilling.
After having seen Bong Joon-ho’s last five movies, one would be forgiven for expecting a linearity in Parasite. Most of his films tend to have a point A to point B element with an expected (though often subverted) outcome. Heck, Snowpiercer is about a group of people moving from the back of the train to the front, one car at a time. Yet Parasite is different. The film sets up a premise you only find out about as it happens and is quickly overturned once you’re comfortable with it.
I saw this movie the same day I saw Joker and the difference in how the subject matter of class is treated is stark. Whereas Joker wanted to go all dark and Taxi Driver with the theme, Parasite had fun with it and let the elements of drama, comedy, and horror slide along the theme of class.
Like Bong’s Memories of Murder, Parasite will be one of those films I endlessly revisit.
Honourable Mentions
Films that almost cracked the Top 10 that I wanted to shout out here are Us and Doctor Sleep for being really solid, exciting, horror-thrillers. As well as The Irishman for being a classic Scorcese film that gives De Niro and Pacino ample time to with each other. Finally, I wanted to applaud Avengers: Endgame for not only managing to pull off such an ambitious finale, but to make it so goddamned fun.
This year I’m looking forward to new blockbusters from two of my favourite directors, Christoper Nolan and Denis Villeneuve - Tenet and Dune, respectively. 
Despite the stumble with Spectre, I’m extremely excited for Daniel Craig’s last outing as Bond with No Time to Die, by auteur Cary Fukunaga. I can’t wait to see how his style meshes with the Bond template. 
Also of great interest are the new films from David Fincher and Edgar Wright - Mank and Last Night in Soho.
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mountphoenixrp · 5 years
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We have a new citizen in Mount Phoenix:
                                    Shion, who is known by no other name;                                                      a 25 year old son of Inari.                                        He is a front-end clerk at Sombra Muerte.
FC NAME/GROUP: Kim Woosung / The Rose CHARACTER NAME: Shion AGE/DATE OF BIRTH: 25, 13th of October 1993 PLACE OF BIRTH: Kyoto, Japan OCCUPATION: Clerk, Sombra Muerte HEIGHT: roughly 5’8 WEIGHT: 63kg DEFINING FEATURES:
fox ears and tail, grey fur speckled with orange/red, left ear damaged. His tail is usually hidden for sake of convenience.
currently has sandy blonde hair
a mole under his left eye
four tattoos: a crown, an angel, a rose, and a fox
PERSONALITY: Shion likes to tease, whether it be in a flirtatious way or a cheeky one; he likes to see how people react to him. There’s a slyness about him but not a malicious one as such, he’d never purposely hurt anyone if he can help it.
He’s a generally laid-back guy who leaves others to their own devices, preferring to watch rather than meddle. But he does enjoy a little drama now and then just to break up the mundanity of his everyday life. He’s a big lover of trinkets and can be easily distracted by snow globes especially.
He has a slight tendency to keep his distance emotionally, out of self-preservation, but once he gets attached there’s no getting rid of him.
HISTORY: Shion spent most of his life travelling.
His mother was a paranoid woman, at times with good reason but mostly without. She kept her son hidden from outsiders, worrying that his fox-like ears and tail would attract unwanted attention. The two never stayed in one place for very long. They traveled at night and used aliases when names needed to be exchanged. Going from country to country was risky, but it was something Shion’s mother thought necessary in order to keep her son safe.
What Shion didn’t know was that his ears and tail weren’t the only things fueling his mother’s paranoia. He was the eldest of triplets, kept in the hospital at birth due to respiratory issues. She was the nurse tasked with taking care of him until he was strong enough to leave, only he never returned to his family. Unable to have children of her own, the nurse took it upon herself to care for Shion instead. She figured there was nobody better suited to look after the child than her, but with such a unique baby came problems she wasn’t equipped to handle.
Growing up with so many limitations made Shion somewhat rebellious. He’d continuously break the one rule his mother set in place: don’t leave the house. Donning a hat to hide his ears, Shion would leave whichever place they lived in that week to go out into the world. He made friends, none of whom ever suspected he was any different, but as happy as that made him those bonds were only ever temporary. Never staying in the same place for longer than a few months put quite a toll on him. At some point saying goodbye began to hurt too much, so he distanced himself. Enough to still reap the benefits of friendship but without getting attached.
He always questioned why he was different, even as a young child, but his mother never had an answer good enough to satisfy his curiosity. “You’re special,” she’d tell him, then swiftly change the subject. When he was old enough to be trusted, he was allowed a computer and with it came access to the internet. Thus, a bottomless pit of information was suddenly available right at his fingertips.
Shion spent so many nights secretly looking at websites about Japanese deities, finding out all manner of things. The possibility of there being others like him out there made him incredibly restless. He desperately wanted to find them, but he couldn’t imagine leaving his mother. They’d had only each other for such a long time, and although there were days when they fought bitterly, Shion still loved her.
It took until his 24th birthday for the fox to finally decide it was time. As the two of them sat eating lunch one day he announced his plan; it didn’t go over too well. His mother couldn’t understand why he’d want to leave. What could possibly be out there for him aside from prejudice and dirty looks? He told her about his findings on the internet, about a friend he’d made online who was like him. They had told him about an Island off the coast of South Korea, where he could unabashedly be himself.
PANTHEON: Japanese CHILD OF: Inari POWERS: He has the ears and tail of a fox. The latter is usually out of sight, but his ears are always on display. Like the animal he resembles he has an excellent sense of smell and heightened hearing. He can shift into full fox form but only for short periods of time.
Very agile
Can talk/charm his way out of uncomfortable situations
Good at giving advice (although not so great at following it)
Sensitive to sound and smell, and stubborn enough to expose himself to them as a form of exposure therapy, which has given him many headaches.
A hoarder when it comes to trinkets.
After shifting into fox form he’ll feel quite fatigued and lethargic afterwards.
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