#he and abigail were already married in the dream so there was no other choice LOLL but
bobmckenzie · 2 months
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- ̥۪͙۪˚┊❛ Welcome to Sapphire Falls - New Years Special #1 ❜┊˚̥۪͙۪◌
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Basketballer!Chris Evans x Abigail Syverson (plus size!ofc) & Farmer!Syverson x Livia Darmandi (Asian ofc)
Summary: How is Livia doing a year later?
Word count: 1.8k
Warnings: None
A/N: Surprise surprise - a little sneak peak in the life of Livia! Be on the look out for the other three in the upcoming three days!
The Advent Calendar (a.k.a. the masterlist)
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A year has gone by, however this time around we are not graced with a white Christmas. While I am a little disappointed, there is something so beautiful about a typical Sapphire Falls Christmas: no snow, a little colder than usual and every night Sy and I sit outside with a blanket wrapped around us, to look at the beautiful sky.
‘Are you sure you don’t want my help?’ I ask Sy, who is standing on a ladder, decorating the house. I feel so useless, standing here at the bottom of the ladder, craning my neck to look at him. ‘I can help out.’
He looks down to glare at me. ‘No ma’am,’ he tells me in a stern voice. ‘You are carrying precious cargo, I don’t want you on this ladder. Besides, I’m almost done.’
I look at my buff Sy, whose ass looks formidable in those jeans. It’s been a year since we’re officially together and it has been such a wonderful one. Sometimes I thought it was a dream, but later on I realized: this is my magnificent reality. No pinching my arm and waking up to a life so dull. 
Around Valentine’s Day, Sy and I decided on a whim we would get married and thanks to Abigail, we had the most beautiful wedding pictures. It wasn’t a very big thing, but it was perfect for me and Sy.
My book ‘Multiple Choice Love’ was one of the easiest books I’ve ever written and in September it hit the New York Times Bestselling List. That same month, I went on my book tour. The first part of the tour, Sy was with me, and when he had to go back to the ranch, Chris joined me and for the last few stops, Abigail and I spent our time together. It was nice to be with my sister-in-law. We had an absolute blast, despite the fact I felt a bit off the last few stops. Abigail joked that maybe I was pregnant.
That joke turned into us taking it seriously when we bought three tests and they were all positive. 
Meaning one thing: I was pregnant.
Sy and I weren’t even planning for a baby. Sure, we would’ve liked it, however it was something for the future, not the present. I felt a bit hesitant and nervous about telling Sy, but I was quickly reminded that we were talking about Sy. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so ecstatic as I did when I told him.
And since then, he has been watching me like a hawk, making sure I’m not overworking myself. He always did most of the work at the farm, simply because he loves working and he is a billion times stronger than I am, however now he just tells me that I have to sit there and be pretty.
Sy gets down from the ladder after he hung the last few lights up and wraps his arm around my shoulders. ‘Looks good, doesn’t it?’
I nod. ‘It does,’ I agree.
Life with him is never dull, despite us being around each other almost twenty four seven. Being around him is never dull, mostly because we work so well together. We always did and we still do.
Sy and I walk inside of the ranch and he helps me out of my coat.
‘So, everything is ready?’ I ask him. ‘We really can’t screw this up, Sy.’
‘I know, I know,’ he says, non verbally telling me I have to sit down on the couch. He walks to the kitchen and comes back with some water and chocolate. Goodness gracious, he knows me way too well. ‘We won’t screw up.’
He sits down in front of me on the coffee table, one he built with his dad when he was younger. 
‘This is a once in a lifetime thing,’ I say to him. ‘At least, for Abigail it is. Chris already has some practice in.’
Sy shoots me a look. ‘You cannot tell him you said that.’
That takes me by surprise. ‘Since when do you care about his feelings?’
He opens the chocolate bar, before he says: ‘Since you’ll break Abigail’s heart when you say that. The B-word is strictly forbidden here on the ranch when she’s here, directly or indirectly.’ He holds out some chocolate for me, which I’ll happily take. ‘So, what are you not gonna talk about?’
‘The B-word,’ I say. ‘I know that.’
I can tell that since Abigail went her own way, the twins have been closer than ever. I sometimes catch Sy calling his sister or he takes a picture of the demonic goat gang and sends it to her. While he’s not gonna express out loud how much he loves her, I think his actions speak volumes and Abigail knows and appreciates it. 
She often tells me to thank him for the pictures, the reminders of Sapphire Falls he sends them to her, not wanting to be too sentimental.
He leans in closer to press a kiss on my lips, not caring I have a mouth full of chocolate. ‘How’s the little one treating you?’ he asks, placing his hands on the outsides of my thighs.
I wrap my arms around his neck and say: ‘Little one is being good. Who do you think they’ll resemble?’
‘You,’ he says without missing a beat. ‘One thing is gonna be clear: saying no to them is gonna be impossible, especially because I already can’t say no to their momma.’ 
While I can tell he has been softening up ever since I moved back to Sapphire Falls, the whole ‘I’m becoming a dad’-thing has turned him into a mushy pile of human. He doesn’t want anyone to know (though I already sent Abigail and Chris a few videos of it), but whenever he has the chance, he’s talking to the baby. Sometimes leaning over to say a few things against my stomach (because he wants them to know and recognize his voice) and other times when he is working and I’m sitting close by as I write, he shares valuable lessons. 
But that softness, that sweetness to him, that’s reserved for at the ranch. When we’re out and about–to do groceries or something–Sy makes sure everyone knows I’m with him, a heavy arm draped around my shoulders and a peck on the temple every once in a while.
He has turned a lot more protective, which was expected, because we’re talking about Sy. While I know his tiny heart doesn’t match his brutal appearance, I am already envisioning how he’s gonna be when he holds the little baby in his arms.
I just know he’ll be a magnificent dad.
In a few days, Chris and Abigail will arrive and since Chris needs our help, we’ve been secretly texting for quite some time now. They’ll leave in a private jet (Chris is that rich, I love him for it). I can’t wait to have them around again. It’s always nice to have our own found family in the same house. 
That night, Sy and I get ready for bed, after we did a little check around the entirety of the property. Sy’s never cold, I’m always cold, so he hands me one of his long sleeved shirts, that is more like a dress for me and he then hands me the thick socks. I slide underneath the blankets and after he shreds himself of his shirt and pants, leaving him in only his underwear, he gets underneath the blankets too.
My husband sure has the hottest body in the entirety of Sapphire Falls, if not beyond. 
After I moved in last Christmas, we slowly redecorated the house a little, made it a little less minimalistic and a bit more Livia. Because Abigail couldn’t bring all of her plants with her, I am head of watering plant duty, the only chore Sy doesn’t like and all he lets me do nowadays. 
I twist my hair up in a bun and I turn to the side, only to see Sy with a goofy grin on his face, looking at me. ‘What?’ I ask him.
‘You’re so beautiful.’
‘You are disgustingly sweet,’ I note. 
He presses a kiss on my lips, placing his calloused hand on my cheek. But the kiss tells me enough, I know where this is leading–him being insatiable and obsessed with me, preferably sans clothing, it’s how I ended up pregnant–but I don’t mind. Instead, I lean in closer and with a certain expertise, he pulls me on his lap. 
Before he can slip his hands underneath my shirt, I stop him. ‘Will there be a day where you’ll get enough of me?’
He scoffs. ‘Come on,’ he says. ‘We’re talking about me, you know I could never.’ He presses a kiss on my nose. ‘If I ever get enough of you, shoot me, please.’
I pinch his arm and he lets out a chuckle. ‘Are you sure?’
‘You’re gonna be the mother of our child, Liv. No way I’ll ever get enough of you.’ He places his hands on my lower back and after a short peck on my lips, he whispers: ‘I’ll show you how much I love you.’
Sy wraps his arm around my waist, after he helped me back in his shirt and as he presses his chest against my back, he whispers: ‘Good night, sweetheart.’
His hand slips underneath the fabric and places it on my bump. Engulfed in his embrace, I whisper a good night back, and I can feel Sy drifting off in a deep sleep instantly. I can’t help but smile, realizing how soft my big bear of a man is becoming. He works so hard, oftentimes I think he is overworking himself, especially now I can’t help him out like I did before, however he never complains.
Every morning, he gets up at an ungodly hour, while I sleep in, a habit I’ve only picked up since the first weeks of my pregnancy. It was draining, especially because I was so nauseous around ninety percent of the time and in one week, I puked more than I had in a lifetime. 
Sy starts to work and at around eight in the morning, he has prepared breakfast for me. Sometimes he brings it to bed, other times when I’m already up, he sets the table.
I’m impressed with the hard and efficient way he works. He never complains, is always ready and willing to help out, even before you finish the question. I see so much of his dad in him and I can tell that the older he gets, the more chill he becomes. 
I know Dottie and Bernie are looking down on us and they are proud of him, I’m sure of it. I really hate how he has to miss both of his parents and sometimes I regret the fact that me and my parents have no bond at all. Part of me thinks that a kid needs grandparents, but I realize we have something so much better.
We have the entirety of Sapphire Falls. We have Abigail and Chris, the greatest aunt and uncle you can ever imagine. 
And that’s all we need.
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whencallstheheart · 3 years
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We’ll find out tonight if our predictions are correct! 
Responses to the written questions are under the cut.
Where is Ned and what is he doing?
No idea
Business trip
Dealing with some financial issues.
Doing business in UC or Hamilton. Nothing major
He stayed behind next episode and will be back in the finale.
I think planning something for Florence, maybe expansion for the mercantile?
I don't know
I have no idea, wth!?!?
Yo i have no idea. I'm gonna take a wild guess and say he's trying to contact Florence's daughter who wasnt there for the wedding
Maybe he's visiting his daughter? Or expanding the Mercantile somehow
With Mike. Oil pipeline
It sure
I have no clue honestly, maybe planning a surprise for Florence?
Perhaps...expanding his store? Or ordering something new to begin to be shipped to his.
something related to factory
Sussing out suppliers
Maybe something to do with the Wyman guy?
visiting his daughter
Buying a new house or a surprise for Florence
Visiting Abigail
Planning something special for Florence
He is doing something with his daughter
No clue
With his daughter
Planning to expand the mercantile to include deliveries (Hope Valley Amazon) lol
Not sure
I really dont know!
Made out a Will since he now is married to Florence
Business in Union City
Business, but he’ll be back
I don’t Know
I dont know. This one threw me!
Literally have no idea
maybe he will come back with his daughter who will come to live at HP
some sweet surprise/gift for Florence
He is involved im some growth in HV.
Taking care of business.
He's making a business deal somewhere
I have no idea. I think it was a weird to put in o.O
Making purchases for the store.
Business stuff somewhere
I don't know
i don't know
ned things
He just took the long way home...
Adopting Flo's son
He is picking up a surprise order gift for Florence, and it’s taking longer than expected.
Fighting attempt to take over mercantile
Talking to a divorce lawyer. Or putting a pillow over Abigail's mom's face so she can bury her already and come back to Hope Valley for his buddy Henry's sake.
Honestly I’m not sure but interested to find out!
Idk honestly. Probably actually doing something sweet for Florence but she doesn't know it.
What's up with the Pinkertons?
Not sure
A storyline to bring a change of pace to the show.
I really Don’t know
Not sure, but I don’t think it will be resolved this season, maybe it’s the cliffhanger?
I don't know
They’re hired thugs like they were in S1, just there to show Walden is a bad guy despite appearances
Factory related
Up to no good! Don’t trust them.
Yo i dont even know. They look totally sketch but they are probably the good guys actually. I'm predicting they are after someone who's been wanted for a long time. I think it may be too easy to link them with the guy who took Jesse and Clara's money
Not sure yet
Working for Waldon
Sneakily buying land
I couldn't care less about them
Perhaps something is in the cabin/someone they don't want found.
No idea
Something to do with the mine disaster (even though it's been ages).
we will see in season 9
Setting up a good storyline for season 9
Not sure maybe something to do with the new factory that might be built
Maybe it has to do with Henry
I have no idea, but I do not like them!
No good
Buying all the land
They have Jesse. Someone wants to reopen the mine and seek revenge on Elizabeth for his son going to jail (Spurlock).
Looking for some kind of hidden good
Shady dealings going on
Guarding the future factory site. But something extra at the cabin connected with Spurlock.
An even bigger I dont know on this one. Like, what in the world???
Holding Jesse captive
I think they kidnapped Jesse because he found out what they were up to but I have no idea what that is
stumped on this one
That is difficult. He is apparently connected to S1 Spurlock. Is he there for revenge? Or, just a heavy hand like his relative?
Revenge? They want to take over Hope Valley.
Something sketchy, probably bigger than just whatever is going on with the cabin though.
Land grab
No clue but they'll be one of the big bads next season
They are probably the goons of the Industry dude
They are working for somebody bigger.
They want to take over the town
I don't know
i'm worried about Nathan
idk they are the bad daddys of the season
they can only be there to cover up a crime, or some valuable find
No clue
They’re wanting to uproot Hope Valley for better business by destroying the town.
Keeping identity of mastermind safe from townspeople.
Maybe looking for Ned, who alternatively is a serial killer and now on the run. Possibly for the murder of Abigail's mother?
I’m so confused lol
Creating a monopoly & doing some villain nonsense (as it would seem the show is hinting).
Any other thoughts going into the finale?
There will be at least one surprise- not sure what
There are too many loose ends to tie up in one episode and I just want Elizabeth and Nathan together (and perhaps quickly married in this episode!)
I’m honestly really nervous, I’m rooting for Nathan but I have a feeling she’ll go for Lucas, I really don’t mind Lucas as a character but like what storylines can they do with them as a couple? The manuscript is finished, they’ve gone on every sort of date at this stage and she’s been in his office. What else can they do? With Nathan they can do the being scared because of his job again but making it different, there’s children involved now, it’s not just Elizabeth. Jack won’t understand but Allie will 100% feel worried for him. Also Allie having a mother figure, especially at this stage in her life, how could you not want it! The blended family as the main family would be so nice for this show, I know it’s been done before but they will be fairly front and centre in the show. Sorry for the rant, I love your blog so much! I don’t have tumblr so I can’t leave comments or like your gifs but I thoroughly enjoy all your theories and opinions!!
Just ready for this stupid love triangle to be over!
I’d love to actually see Henry meet up with Abigail, but doubt it. I hope they have Clara do something heroic for Jesse, but also doubt it. Henry will definitely be putting Hickam in charge at least temporarily. I think Ned will return but we won’t get a full explanation yet. And the dramatic ending won’t be the triangle choice, it’ll be Elizabeth losing the school.
Allie’s adoption finalized and reaction to Elizabeth choosing Nathan is something we should see.
Glad the triangle will be DONE!!
I hope that Elizabeth follows her heart and not pick someone who is a safe option.
I wish Faith were leaving instead of Carson. Also, I think there will be lots of set up for problems with the school board and Elizabeth. Also, I want more little Jack scenes but i don't think we'll get much since child acting laws and covid combined make that difficult
Excited for Elizabeth to move on from her past and enter a new adventure with either of the two men and really just everything else (Rosie and Lee, Fiona, Henry.)
I hope Faith doesn’t end up with whoever doesn’t get chosen by Elizabeth.
hopefully the finale will clear up the drawn out love triangle
The triangle was waaaaay drawn out. Be done and choose.
Nathan and Faith......would be great......
No matter who Elizabeth chooses I'm SOOOO READY to get this over with!
Kindness matters - no matter who she chooses. Isn't that why most of us watch the show
I am so over the love triangle and just want to know who Elizabeth picks.
Worried about the fandom more than anything
Elizabeth please pick Nathan
It's just a TV show and no matter what , it's there for our entertainment. I do think they're setting things up for the return of Abigail in some way.
The must be a Season 9!!!
I hope Fiona does not get involved with Mike.
Hopefully things get back to normal for Elizabeth and Rosemary
Interested to see the other storylines. I want Elizabeth to choose Nathan but I think JT will throw us off. From the promo pic, it looks like they will try to put Faith with Nathan.
- I just want Elizabeth to chose so that this storyline can come to an end and we can finally get to see her marriage and functioning has a wife. - Wonder what will become of Lucas once her choice is made. - I would like Lucas to have a proper storyline that doesn't involve Elizabeth or the love triangle. - I would love to see Rosemary and Lee finally become parents however that may happen. I feel like the writer just left them in limbo about it and keep teasing but never delivering on anything.
Hopefully will end with Nathan but the very last minute. I would prefer more romance before the finale
Elizabeth will have to decide on what’s important with school.
Jack might make an appearance in a dream scene?
So excited! I hope I don't wake up my kids while watching.
I hope they don’t pick Lucas
Just excited for this to be over. I know we needed it and I think overall it was handled decent enough, but I'm glad to finally move on.
Why is everyone so scared?
The whole season has been about getting over your fear. Elizabeth doesn’t have to deal with her emotions or real life with Lucas because school is out for the summer and she is working on her book. She needs to make up with Rosemary and get over the loss of Jack and fear to be with Nathan.
this season has been totally not what I expected...I thought the hug at end of season 7 was definitive and we'd get at least some Nathan courtship, not a complete U-turn to Lucas (with hopefully a turn to Nathan at the very end). I now think Season 9 will be what I expected season 8 to be, and I am very much looking forward to that.
Something sudden will allow Elizabeth to bring her feelings to light for everyone...Nathan. I think she will have decided by the time she takes of the rings, but will not have the opportunity to share with the man until later. Until she faces the prospect of him being in danger again? Full circle from the end of S7.
I need Elizabeth to really apologize to Rosemary. Rosemary has always been there for Elizabeth.
I’m so afraid :(
Hated the triangle
I am so ready to finally move on from this triangle!
They put waaaay too many storyline in the last 2 episodes, they will never manage to conclude them all and we'll have another weird random cliffhanger which will not tie in with the Christmas episode (If we're getting one ?)
I hope the guy who loses, has a good life in later seasons
The annoying love triangle will finally end. Elizabeth/Nathan are endgame, unless Jack suddenly comes back from the dead. But, I doubt it. I hope Lee/Rosemary are pregnant, or decide to adopt children. I just want Lee/Rosemary to have children. Can't wait to see how this season ends. Hopefully, it won't be a cliffhanger.
Nervous as hell
Elizabeth and Nathan get married
i kinda hope someone dies tbh it would make everything more interesting
Elizabeth was so tiresome this season, they could have told her story of overcoming grief in a much more relatable way. Why did they not just have her talking to Rosemary about how sad or exhausted or numb or angry she feels all the time? You know, something a widow would actually go through. At the very least she could have been stoic, instead she was just kinda bitchy.
Faith and Nathan will have some sparks; Elizabeth will choose Lucas and they will kiss twice one being at bridge one being at her home inside with baby jack present.Carson will leave; Jessie will be found; Ned will come back safely.
Lucas endgame, Nathan and faith have sparks, Rosemary paper, Jessie and Clara make up.
I think Henry will take his own advice and leave to find Abigail to see if there is still any hope for them. Though I like his character, I want him to finally be happy, and if that means staying with Abigail, then that’s what it means. I don’t think TPTB will bring back Lori soooo.... that means Henry would be the one possibly leaving. I also think some scare will happen with Nathan between him and the Pinkertons. Then it may come full circle at the end where Elizabeth runs to him like she did last season, but instead of hugging him, she’ll kiss him instead.
Hallmark execs dictated ending and will cut salaries to bring back Abigail, hence Paul leaving.
My condolences to whichever guy gets to look forward to being bored by Elizabeth for the rest of his life. Are we sure Jack's death wasn't a suicide?
Ready to see how it ends and already looking forward to next season!
I will be really disappointed if she chooses Lucas but I’m afraid that’s where it’s headed. Either way I don’t understand how they’ll end in “the healthy place” they’ve said it will be with so much left for one episode.
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VI - the nighttrain part I
Hi! Been a bit busy lately but here is the next chapter of my stardew fanfic :D This time I added a bit more drama and tension for our adventurers. Hope you’ll like it!
Only a few mornings back Daya stood on the perron with Elliott. Now, she was leaving the valley with Sebastian on her side. It being well into autumn the days were short and nights long. So they waited for their train to arrive under the stars. To Daya it felt so fitting. The autumn sun that made her husbands hair glow fiery red, and now the moons soft light on Sebastians dark hair. The men and their characters could not have been more different from each other, and still each had been important parts of her life in their own way. While Sebastian leaned against a pillar and texted with Sam, Daya texted Elliott. “I miss you.” Almost immediately she gets a heart emoji back. “And I you dear. Can’t wait to come home, this hotelroom feels empty without you.” Daya smiles but her heart sinks when she thinks about the task ahead. She didn’t want to worry Elliott so just never mentioned her plans to help Sebastian in saving Abigail. And with keeping him in the dark, it felt like she was doing something wrong. It would have been so much different if he were home... “The train is here, Dy.” 
And indeed, as she looks up a modern looking train silently glides over the tracks towards them. Its colors are peculiar, turquoise windows and a purple body, the exact combination of a piece of iridium. When it stops, a low hissing sound from its engine make it sound like a living breathing creature. “So this monster is going to take us where we need to be?” Sebastian looks at the vehicle with apprehension. He mentioned his preference for his motorcycle multiple times, even though they where both set on following Rasmodius instructions to the letter. When the purple doors open to show a cozy coupé, Sebastian gently pushes Daya inside and follows her closely. The interior of the train is completely different from the exterior. Retro cubicles with gold and wood finish, dark red velvet chairs and blood red wallpaper give the train a classical look. Wall sconces and ornaments on every wall add to the mysterious atmosphere as does the faint smell of cinnamon. “Madam, Sir.” An employee in a spotless purple uniform with golden trimming takes them to their places. When they are seated the man gives Sebastian a golden key with a tag. “This is for the sleep cabin, we are here if you need anything. We hope you’ll have a pleasant journey!” After that the man disappears into another coupe. Sebastian whistles between his teeth. “Rasmodius didn’t spare any expense.” “Its important to him we succeed.” “True, and the rest of our journey will probably be less comfortable.” Daya nodds and picks up her phone again to text with Elliott. When Sebastian notices he scoffs. Daya tenses immediately and looks him straight in the eye. “What is it?” “I don’t suppose you told your husband about this adventure of ours?” “No.” Daya admits, blushing. Sebastian scoffs harder now. “Do you think he wouldn’t approve?” “I can make my own choices, its not that. Though you made sure it would be hard for him to trust you, didn’t you Sebastian?” “What is that supposed to mean?” Sebastian mumbles, his face pointed towards the window instead of her. “I meant what happened in the bar..” thinking back on what happened in the bar the night before the wedding still makes Sebastian cringe. It was a beautiful autumn night, and a lot of the villagers gathered in the saloon to cheer to the engaged couple. Sebastian happened to be in town to hang out with Sam and visit his mother. At first he was set on staying inside, moping and playing videogames with Sam and a couple of beers . It sounded like the perfect way to forget. But he didn’t forget, and the more hours past the more angry he got at everything that happened between him and Daya. And that anger redirected itself towards Elliott as always. He still though if the handsome poet hadn’t shown up he would be in her life. They would be getting married. “Hey, if you feel that way. Why don’t you tell her? Maybe she feels the same?” Sam said. Sam was sweet and supportive as always, and slightly slurring after three beers. Sebastian decided he would do just that. Tell her. Which he did, in front of everyone in the saloon. In the middle of Elliotts ode to his love he walked up to her and started to tell her everything he didn’t say before. The alcohol gave him the courage but the words where his. How sorry he was, and how much he loved her. All she did was sit there, frozen. Elliott stopped talking, everybody did. And then, well, he picked a fight. It wasn’t pretty, and it ended fairly quick. Elliott trew him off and when sebastian tried to lunge at him again Daya smashed a beerglass on the counter so hard that it made the whole of the valley shudder. 
 “You already up your mind that night.” He said, when his mind moved back to the train and the present, and turned to look at her. How furious she was that night. But now a sadness showed in her eyes. “I did.” She nodded, tears glistening in her eyes. “Then why are you crying?” “Because I loved you. I did, so so much. But you didn’t open up to me, and I couldn’t deal with your silence anymore... I was just never really sure how you felt about me.” Sebastian stayed silent but nodded. He wanted to touch her hand, but wasn’t sure that was appropriate. So he just listened. “And I waited for you to do the right thing for so long. Even after we broke up and you left for Zuzu. I was sad for weeks... But eventually I picked up the pieces, and focused on the farm. I healed for a year and that was when I connected with Elliott.” A smile glistened through her tears. “He was very passionate about his writing, and as soon as we became closer he started showing that same passion for me. We connected in a way you and I never did Sebastian, I can say that even though I missed your company.” 
Daya stares past Sebastian, at the scenery thats moving past the window. Afraid to look him in the eyes. “And right now, I just don’t want him to worry, thats all...Elliott’s bookdeal is important to him, and I want this tour to go well instead of him worrying over me wrestling shadowbrutes.” “I get that.” When Daya refuses to look at him Sebastian decides to stare out the window as well. They sit in silence for another hour when Daya asks for the keys. “I want to go to bed.” “Sure.” He puts the key in her hands but holds on to them. “Am I allowed to join you later? Or do you want me to sleep here?” Daya looks at the small bench and prays the cabin is spacious. “Sure, I won’t force you to sleep on the floor or this uncomfortably small bench.” “Thanks, I appreciate that. I won’t be late, just need to process this day a bit.” Daya nodds. “Take your time, I’ll leave the door open.” 
The corridor with the sleeping cabins is long and small. On Daya’s left the rooms and her right windows that now show the vague outlines of the mountains, shrouded by the night. “Found it.” She turns the key of the cabin and then texted Sebastian the location before she closed the door behind her, leaving the lock off. She takes in the room and curses. Its as she feared. The room is as cozy and romantic as the rest of the train, and one big matras stuffed in between two wall closets. There even is a fairy rose positioned on the bedspread. Her favorite flower. There is a little space between bed and door to walk and on both sides of the door a small rack for shoes. Above the door the luggage space, and thats it. Daya quickly stores her bag and takes of her shoes and clothes to get into her sleeping t shirt and leggings. 
After that she seats herself on the bed, leaving the curtains open and a bedlight on. She picks up the fairy rose and smiles. The blue variation is her favorite, and even in de dim lamplight its extraordinary aray of blue tintes shine through. It takes her back to the time she would visit her Grandpa’s farm in autumn. There would be fields filled with them, and she was allowed to pick one to keep in a vase in her bedroom during her stay. She always picked a blue one. Gently Daya puts the flower in the open closet space behind her head. Her phone is lying besides it, and shows a new message. Its from Elliott “Traveling gave me new inspiration. I’m thinking of a story inspired by a train. There is an idea for a chapter in the link under this message. I can’t wait to talk through concepts again from the comfort of our home. Missing you, mind and body.” Daya smiles softly, and let’s her feelings for Elliott wash over her as she reads the chapter he send. She falls asleep with the memory of his face and the low rumbling sound of the train engine, dreaming of the day of their reunion.
Meanwhile, a few coupes back, Sebastians night is less peaceful. He’s a nightowl, used to writing and programming till deep in the night, fueled by caffeine and sushi. It pushed his sleeping schedule to an, as his mother would call it, ungodly 3 am. That combined with the excitement of this journey made him sit on the train bench with a restless mind. His eyes wander off to the mountains outside. It started to snow, and ice crystals would get pressed onto the glass before melting and forming tears on the window. Sebastians mind is wavering between rescuing Abigail and a deeply uncomfortable set of feelings towards Daya. He knows she is the most skilled swordswoman in the whole valley, and if anyone could help him succeed its her. But he felt frustration when he saw her again after years apart. Living in Elliott’s cabin, content with harvesting snails and living in the shadow of the writer. He knew her as a fierce warrior that would stay in the mine till late and defeat monster after monster, gaining the respect of the adventurers guild and the rest of the valley. She used to approach Sebastian with a similar attitude, passionate about their relationship and doing whatever it took to remove the obstacles in their path. It still feels like a stab to the heart to realize he couldn’t keep that flame awake. All she needed was for him to open up, and let go of that shroud of anger he used to shield him. But he couldn’t see it, and it drifted them apart. He moved to Zuzu city and only kept contact with Abigail and Sam, while Daya got closer to Elliott every day. Elliott wasn’t particularly brave or outspoken, but his love for Daya was unquestionable and it made her bloom in ways Sebastian could not achieve. Staring at the pattern of melting snow he clenches his wrist and pushes it against the cold glass. As it hits him harder than ever before he mutters “I’m still in love with her.” “Sir?” The employee with the purple costume is back, a notebook in hand. Sebastians bewildered look doesnt scare him off in the least, and set on giving travelers the best experience possible he repeats his question. “Would you like something to drink sir?” Sebastian eyes the cart behind him, filled with bottles and glasses. It would be nice to turn of his thoughts for a bit.. but he shakes his head “No thank you.” Alcohol wouldn’t help him, he learned that the hard way. He just had to be brave. Brave in rescuing Abigail, and brave in allowing himself to have feelings for both her and Daya. He had to allow them to exist untill they faded. His feelings for Daya where eventually going to fade he reassured himself. Sebastian sights and checks his phone for the time. 1.30 pm. 
As his eyes move from the window to his phone he notices a glimpse of a shadow by the door but when he looks again its gone. It could have been the shadow of the man with the cart, but he wasn’t sure. “Yes, time for bed. I’m starting to hallucinate.” He mutters, and gets up to find the sleep cabin.
All the coupes Sebastian passes on his way are empty. The other passengers retired to their sleeping cabins, and he tries to find his own with Daya’s text as his guide. “Number 230, okay, that should be the next corridor.” As he moves into the corridor something immediately feels off. He notices movement in the back of the wagon, but can’t make up if there is someone standing in the shadows or if it looks like that because of the movement of the train itself. Cabin 230 is in the middle of the wagon and the door is slightly opened. “Daya?” Silence. He pushes the door open and feels something crush beneath his boot. As he bents over to pick it up and hold it to the light it seems to be a fairy rose, only its petals aren’t any of the usual colors. Instead of its vibrant blue or purple the flowers are black as coal. A sense of dread fills him when he touches the rosebuds. Its a feeling he remembers from some of Rasmodius relics, magic.. He walks back into the corridor, all the way to the end. There is no one there... when he returns to the cabin he locks the door behind him. Then he notices Daya’s, lying still on one side of the matras. “Daya, are you okay?”
He moves onto the matras and turns her around, positioning her head on his lap. When she stays silent he slides one hand into her neck to support her head and holds the other in front of her mouth. The soft pulsating motion of her heart is noticeable in the veins in her neck and her breath is warm on his fingertips. “Yes, dear.” She murmurs in a sleepy voice and wraps her arms around his body, burrowing her face into his lap. “Oh thank Yoba.” Sebastian whispers with shaking breath. He strokes her head gently. She tightens her grip around him in her sleep, unaware of the tenderness in Sebastians voice. Unaware she his touching him instead of her husband. “Well, your grip is still firm as ever.” He jokes, looking down on the sleeping woman. Its tempting to let her sleep like this, but apart from all the moral reasons not to, he also realizes he can’t get any sleep this way. Especially with all his clothes still on. So he softly wriggles her arms loose to take of his jacket and his shoes. His jeans he quickly switches for his sweatpants and climbs back into the bed. In the meantime Daya is still talking in her sleep. When he lays next to her she is murmuring about shadows. She reaches out to him with her hand and touches his chest right above the neckline of his t-shirt, resting her fingers there. “Saw one on the station today. A friend from the shadows. Linus...” That didn’t make any sense, why would Linus follow them? “Don’t worry about him now.” He whispered, as much to Daya as to himself, because the dark rose is still on his mind. “I think he is in the cabin with the blue ones, Elliott.” She then continued her riddle. In the back of his mind Sebastian had hoped she knew it was him when she held him close, and would have wispered his name but he pushes back that though and tries to go to sleep instead.
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squidproquoclarice · 5 years
So you said Charles was done dirty in the epilogue. What do you mean by that?
So let me start off: I think Charles’ character development is a little more understated than some others, but it’s there.  Arthur, John, and Sadie in particular have incredibly huge changes of character from when we first meet them as the violent yes-man who only cares about loyalty, the immature brat who’s shirking his responsibilities to his family, and the deeply traumatized and catatonic widow.We meet Charles as a man who pretty plainly states he’s with the VDL gang mostly so he doesn’t have to be out on his own.  It’s clear he’s a competent survivalist who can take care of himself.  But dude’s a lonely man.  He’s the child of a black father and a native mother who’s never really belonged anywhere.  He also seems a half-hearted outlaw.  He’s an essentially good dude who’s hanging out with these people because they’re also outcasts, not because he’s super into chugging Dutch’s cult juice, or jazzed about train robbing.All Charles really, really wants is somewhere to belong, and people who love and cherish him.  That aligns him with the Morgan faction, true.  That’s all Arthur really wants–home, love, and family–and instead being used as an outlaw is causing his moral conflicts and self-loathing.  That’s all Sadie wants too, because she obviously mourns the happy, quiet life and deep love that she had.  That’s all Abigail wants, talking about the farm she hopes to have someday, and how she hoped she’d have that life by now.  It’s what John eventually discovers he wants in 1907.In Chapter 6 we see Charles start to obtain that.  He’s withdrawing heavily from the gang, and instead focusing his efforts on helping Rains Fall and the Wapiti.  Like Arthur, he’s finding a father worth respecting and following, but unlike Arthur, he does it to the point where he completely says “Peace out” to all of Dutch’s bullshit, the Marstons, and all of it, and leaves.  He’s found his people, his purpose, and his home.  These people, a ragtag remnant that’s “more a collection of families” than a true tribe by this point, need him, and clearly have a place for him.  The implication that he’ll go to Canada and become a son to Rains Fall (and maybe Arthur was starting to be considered that also), particularly after Eagle Flies is killed, makes for a pretty satisfying ending for Charles.  We could leave him there and assume he’s made a life, possibly had a family, and he’s happy.But then the Epilogue takes that development away from him.  Because Arthur is gone, and Beecher’s Hope needs a big strong dude to help build it, Charles is awkwardly pulled in.  He’s left Canada, he’s a wandering loner again, prize fighting in St. Denis, with no sense of belonging or place.  So what the hell happened?  We’re never told.  There’s that, and the fact that Charles is literally taken out on Mt. Hagen within like twenty seconds of their arrival, and plays absolutely no part in the final confrontation with Micah.  Cool story, bro, why bother dragging him along at all if you were going to so obviously nerf him and not enable him to be part of the final triumph over Micah?  Sadie gets half-disemboweled and still makes it up the mountain, so Charles sitting this one out was deliberate.After all that, his dream is to go back to Canada, get married, and have a family, and it’s never explained exactly WTF happened that he was so unhappy in Canada that he hit the road again, but now everything’s peachy and he just wants to go back and pick things up from where they were presumably left in 1899.I don’t really see that Charles gains anything for himself from his role in the Epilogue. He and Arthur already said goodbye, and Charles knew and accepted he wouldn’t see him again.  He pretty much said “bye, mofos” to all the VDL gang BS by turning away from it, so it makes little sense he’d choose to embroil himself in it again so deeply, and for John, who he really wasn’t that close to as a person.  If it was Arthur as the POV char of the Epilogue, maybe, but it still feels off.  Overall, it feels like Charles just gets awkwardly cheated out of his closure just so he could be a plot device, and an underutilized one at that.And for Charles, as a POC, him getting yanked right out of his logical happy ending post-1899 to be available solely for enabling a white man’s emotional growth and domestic bliss, kind of has some uncomfortable implications of a long history of POC being only allowed as supporting players in enabling white narratives rather than people allowed their own stories.The more I think about the choice to kill Arthur and the Epilogue, the more it feels like the absolute weakest part of the game from a storytelling and char perspective.  And while y’all already know I am firmly #ArthurMorganDeservedBetter and #SadieAdlerDeservedBetter, I’m definitely also #CharlesSmithDeservedBetter
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rpgexperience · 3 years
My servant Devil - session 26
Abigail’s sleep is tormented by horrible dreams once again after a while of peaceful sleep. She is back at the ship, this time Lucian is by her side, guiding her through the smoke but then suddenly he sees someone else in the smoke, calls out to them and disappears. She wanders through the smoke trying to find him but he’s gone. She wakes up distressed and hugs her knees. Oh Lucian, where are you? Maybe it is all just a misunderstanding, maybe you could explain if you were here… She gets up and gets her book about demons, listing the description of the summoning ritual. 
She takes a chalk and draws a circle with a pentagram and several  runes on the floor, lights candles around it and says the indentation precisely like the book says. But nothing happens. Abigail checks everything again, in the end she sighs. It’s not working. Maybe she’s pronouncing it wrong? But she needs Lucian to tell her the correct pronunciation and she can’t get Lucian without knowing how to pronounce it… 
There’s a knock on the front door. She lies the book down and looks up surprised, wrapping herself in a dressing gown and running to the door, could it be…? She opens the door and Ambrose is standing outside, handing her pure white rose. She looks at him surprised, feeling disappointed inside. 
She takes the rose, thanking him. “Yesterday you declined my proposal because you said I haven't given you a reason to say yes. So I am here to give you one. And I will give you another one every day from now on until you say yes,” he explains and gives her a cute smile. She smiles back at him and leans up to give him a soft kiss. “I didn't just bring you the rose. As you mentioned, I do owe you a few dresses. So I thought I would escort you to town to get you few.” She looks at him even more surprised and invites him to wait inside while she gets dressed to go to the town. It’s hard without any maids and she ends up looking horribly. She gives up and walks downstairs, not wanting to let Ambrose wait for too long, He frowns a bit when he sees how untidy she looks. “It's not my fault that Lucian is gone…” Abigail explains and apologies. Ambrose offers to send two of his maids over later. He leads her to the carriage waiting outside. He sits down close to her softly strokes her thigh but doesn’t do anything too inappropriate.
They walk to the shop where Abigail used to come with Lucian. The shop keeper greets her with a smile but stops when she notices that she hasn’t arrived with Lucian but with a new man. She quickly masks her emotion and gives Abigail a fake smile and shows her all their dresses. Ambrose glances at them and very quickly dismisses all the dresses, deciding that they should go to a different shop and drags Abigail outside. 
They ride into a different part of the town to a much bigger store. The moment they come in, a seller is at their side, leading them to their best collection of dresses. Ambrose goes through them together with Abigail, rejecting many for various reasons. Abigail gets two of the dresses which Ambrose decided to be suitable. He looks at her surprised that she is getting only two and picks six more for her, then he pays and the seller carries the dresses inside the carriage. They leave and ride back home.
Ambrose helps Abigail out of the carriage and bids her a goodbye with a smile. As soon as she enters the mansion, Bart is at her side, excitedly announcing to her that he has prepared a dinner for her, all her “favourites” as she hasn’t been eating properly recently. He gives her no chance to protest and drags her to the dinning hall. Kathy is already waiting there. She is also worried that Abigail hasn’t been eating much recently, so she decided to order food from a nearby pub, to have another option, besides Bart’s cooking. They stare at her as she sits down and starts to eat, starting with the dishes from the pub, trying to avoid Bart’s burnt…something. Suddenly, she starts feeling sick, so she quickly gets up and makes her way to the bathroom, Kathy and Bart right behind her, concerned. She doesn’t make it to the bathroom and throws up in the corridor. This makes Kathy and Bart only more worried.They take her to her bedroom and Bart leaves to fetch a doctor. 
The doctor arrives soon and makes all sorts of checks on her, while Kathy and Bart are watching. Abigail gives Kathy a cue to shove Bart out of the room when he’s too oblivious to realise it himself, as the doctor continues the examination. At the end, he announces to Abigail (and by-standing Kathy) that she is about three months pregnant. He promises to not tell anybody but advices her to get married soon to avoid any problems in the society. He bows and leaves. 
Abigail sits at her bed, shocked. It makes sense of course but… “Whose…?” Kathy asks out loud the question which has been going through Abigail’s head, and sits down next to her. Abigail looks up at her and shrugs, not knowing the answer. “Do you mean it could be his?! Is that even possible?!“ Kathy hisses. Abigail doesn’t know either. Kathy grabs her chest: “The Antichrist… We should kill it!” Now Abigail looks at her mortified: “No! Lucian is not evil! And maybe it’s not even his… But… maybe it would be better if I wasn’t pregnant…”  she sighs. Kathy shakes her head in disbelief: “But what are you planning to do? You won't be able to hide it forever. Your best option would be to accept Lord Whitlockes proposal…” Abigail nods sadly: “Yeah… I know…” But do I really want to? Ambrose? I wish Lucian was here and I could just marry him but… he’s not here… he’s gone. Maybe gone for good. Not to mention that he probably wouldn’t even want to marry me. Who would even let us get married? I don’t have much of a choice, do I? Kathy eventually leaves the room and Abigail hits her head with a pillow. 
She decides to get some sleep but struggles to fall asleep for quite a while, thoughts running through her head. In the end, when she finally manages to, her sleep is haunted by nightmares. She’s running through the smoke, trying to find Lucian. She opens a door and finds him there, naked, his beautiful wings out and fucking some other girl, her hands dug into his wings.
She wakes up feeling incredibly sick again, throwing up. Kathy brings her a letter from the Queen - invitation for a tea to discuss an urgent manner. 
Two maids sent by Ambrose arrive and help Abigail get dressed. She then spends the rest of the day in the office, going through the books, trying to find some information about pregnancy and children. The best she finds is a book explaining pregnancies of several various species such as dwarves, elves, fauns and merpeople and comparing them to humans, hence also briefly talking about humans. 
Eventually, it’s time to go see the Queen, so she gets Bart to prepare a carriage and drive her to the palace. The Queen is waiting in the Winter garden, as always, nursing her cup. Two people have come to speak to Abigail. She hasn’t even noticed them standing in the room until the Queen pointed them out. They are two bearded man, wearing very nice suits, however their hair seems wild, long and untamed and very not fitting their fancy clothes. It has a strange teal colour and their eyes are a bright blueish green. They introduce themselves as Seirus and Aenon, and need to speak to her about urgent matter and had to call her to the palace because it’s difficult for them to travel. They want to speak in private and invite her to come as quickly as possible to Canary Wharf. They bow and walk over to a little pond inside the Queen’s winter garden and jump into the water. The Queen continues nonchalantly drinking her tea during the whole conversation. The Queen releases Abigail and advices her to bring a towel. She bows and leaves. 
Abigail gives Bart instructions on where to go and along the way they stop to buy a towel. No time to loose by going home. Eventually they reach a river shore. The Themes is grey and restless. As Abigail approaches the water, she notices two heads pop up from the grey water and swim towards her. It’s Seirus and Aenon. They thank her for coming so quickly and ask her to follow. She hesitates but eventually gathers courage and jumps into the water. It's freezing cold, her entire body tenses up in a shock, making it hard to breathe. While Abigail tried not to panic,  the two men have disappeared. She looks around confused and scared, when suddenly something grabs her leg and pulls her down into the water. She screams and her lungs are filled with ice cold water, nothing but darkness around her. She immediately starts panicking, getting flashbacks to the night she died. 
Inside her head, she hears a voice, asking her to stay calm and breathe. She protests that she cannot breathe under water while  she is still held firmly underwater. She tries and surprisingly, the water runs through her lungs like air, allowing her to breathe. Next Seirus asks her to take his hand and something touches her hand. She takes his hand, feeling webbing between his fingers. They hold her tight and pull her further down into the darkness of the water. 
It’s getting darker and colder and Abigail is getting scared. Maybe she shouldn’t have trusted them so blindly. They descend until eventually there is a little greenish light at the ground of the river, breaking through the darkness. After a while they reach a dome, looking like a giant bubble resting on the ground of the lake. Her two guides pull her through the skin of the bubble and pull her upright. As they enter the bubble, the temperature suddenly rises to a cosy level and she is pulled down to the ground so she can walk and stand, like on land. She can also speak normally now. There is a little stones path, everything looks foreign, tainted in a faint green light coming from “torches”, illuminating the way. The way is decorated with shells and bushes made out of seaweed. They lead the way to a temple decorated with gold and seashells, which faintly resembles ancient greek. Sierus and Aenon stop right in front of it and instruct her to go inside, the ringmaster is waiting for her. 
Abigail is confused but walks inside, climbs up some stairs and reaches a big portal surrounded by white pillars, which opens as she gets closer, inviting her in like a big mouth. Behind the portal is another long path, illuminated by the same strange green torches, at the end of which stands an altar underneath a dome, which seems to be illuminated from above. Next to the altar stands a man, watching her, waiting for her. Abigail is surprised that the ring master is not an old grandpa but instead a young, very handsome man with the same wild teal hair like the other two and very bright blue eyes. He has only a very faint stubble instead of an unruly beard like the other two. As soon as she approaches him, he falls to his knee and bows his head in front of her. Abigail makes  a curtsey in a response. 
He introduces himself as Kaerion and says it’s an honour to finally meet her. He explains why he has called her: “I am sure you are aware of what is happening. All across the globe Maglockes have been attacked and murdered, including your parents. I knew the views of your father, unfortunately this situation now proves me right - he should have educated you about your heritage. This would have surely helped in your situation now. I wanted to give you more time to adjust, but time is running out. I know you have been investigating the cases of missing children, you have talked to the dwarves. However this is much greater than you might be aware of.” He walks around the dome, Abigail following him, listening carefully. 
The dome is divided into seven sectors, with seven empty altars, all in front of different coloured murals. “It's the task of you, Maglockes, to protect the portal separating the two worlds. Your staff gives you the ability to seal the barrier. It needs a very strong magical power to break it, nonetheless I think that someone is trying to collect a task force with magical powers strong enough to do precisely that, to open up the portal between the two worlds.” Abigail isn’t too surprised to hear this… It has always been one of the options on what’s happening. But who would want to do such thing? Kaerion doesn’t seem to have the answer to that question either.
He continues explaining: “Of course for opening the portal to work, the most important thing would be to make sure the portal won't get sealed again right away. As today, you are the last Maglocke still alive, I have to tell you that you are in grave danger. So far my servants, and yours too, have managed to make sure nothing bad has happened to you, but current circumstances make me worried.” Abigail asks about what circumstances he means to which he simply replies: “Your servant has left you.” It…hurts. Why does he say it so nonchalantly? Right, because that’s exactly how it happened. He just… left. Kaerion never minds Abigail’s inner disruption and continues: “I am sure it hurts you to hear this, but I don't think you are strong enough to withstand the attacks without his help.” Abigail cannot argue with that assessment. If the attackers attack again, she will be dead in a minute without Lucian. The only solution which Kaerion sees is to start making moves. He urges her to travel to the barrier and stop them. She must attack soon, for the enemies are growing stronger with every minute. It won’t be easy but there’s no other choice.
He further explains that he is the secret barer and will now grant her the full powers of the Maglockes to make her stronger. He asks for Abigail’s staff which she hands him. He holds it up and walks into the centre of the room, then closes his eyes and starts chanting in a strange deep voice in a language she cannot understand. Then, one by one, a light comes out from a gem stone in the centre of each mural and instead is being sucked into her staff. Abigail watches it in awe. 
After he is finished, Kaerion falls down to his knee again and holds the staff up to Abigail, now the gem stone at its top shines in every colour of the rainbow. “Seirus and Aenon will guide you back to the shore. Bart will know where you have to go. The rest, is up to you.” Abigail takes the staff and asks too many questions, still trying to wrap her mind about what just happened. Kaerion gives her an encouraging smile: “You will know what to do. And for the rest, just read the instructions inside your book.” She thanks him and makes a curtsey. He cannot come with her - his place is there but he recommends her to take Fin along, suggesting that he might remember something. “I know this is not an easy burden, but I trust you. I believe that you will safe our world.”
0 notes
hopevalley · 6 years
Is Jack really going to die??? Really??? The rumour mill is working overtime and I don’t know what to believe! I am worried for the fate of the show. Love your blog and detailed analysis of the episodes and show itself. My fav post is the one about the miner’s dance in season 1!!
Thank you! I’m hoping to get back to S1 after S5 wraps up so that I can talk more about the earlier parts of the show, especially the episodes and characters people originally fell in love with. Maybe I’ll even attempt detailed posts for each of the earlier episodes (though perhaps not quite as detailed as, you know, the current ones). I’m glad you enjoyed that post; it was fun to put together.
As far as Jack’s fate goes, I’ve mentioned it before, but for clarity’s sake, here’s my opinion of the situation, starting with the position the showrunners and writers have found themselves in. (I don’t think we can pretend these are the same people; writers are given parameters to work within and the showrunners, a catch-all term for the people who make The Decisions, are the ones who more or less set those parameters.)
If we assume Dan would like to end his time with When Calls the Heart, and in fact, Hallmark in general, the showrunners are given a few options. Here are the basic outlines for what those are:
They beg Dan to return for a cameo episode for each season/for the special each season and limit Jack’s role to just those episodes/films.
They end the series.
They write Jack and Elizabeth off the show.
They recast for the role of Jack Thornton.
They write Jack off the show.
To talk about these a bit further, let’s get into details.
1.) They beg Dan to return for cameos. They’re kind of already doing this, and it’s not working. Imagine if he had just one episode or a few scenes in the Christmas special per season! Yikes. Jack’s role is too big and too important in the series (as part of the main couple) to reduce him to a guest star. It forces his relationship with Elizabeth to stalemate and get dull. Too, if Dan wants off the show, he probably isn’t willing to tie himself down by any definition, which would include filming even for cameos. So even though this is an option for us to consider, it may not actually be in the cards for the showrunners’ consideration.
2.) They end the series.  A solid option, but clearly not one the showrunners want to take right now. They have an active fanbase for the show; the fans are dedicated; it’s making money… And hey, theoretically, anyway, they have tons of characters; it feels silly to end the show because just one character needs to be removed.
3.) They write Jack and Elizabeth off the show. WAIT. HEAR ME OUT! This would be the smoothest route because they could still appear for cameo scenes or films if the actors were up for it. It would also allow for a happy ending for Jack and Elizabeth. The best part is that they could easily write it in as Jack gets a more permanent posting further north and Elizabeth, who is now his wife of course, has to go with him. Well, that’s what being married to a Mountie is usually like! The problem is that this, you know, takes away Elizabeth, too, and I doubt Erin wants her role reduced that drastically. There’s also a middle ground, here, I think, where Jack is reassigned and Elizabeth “finishes up the school year” or “stays on in Hope Valley until a new teacher is found” or something like that, to buy time to go through another season. Jack is gone, yes, but that leaves room for letters and other correspondences, which could be lovely for the fans. It would give Elizabeth fun things to talk about with Abigail, too. And time to say her goodbyes. Also, after she leaves to be with Jack (maybe on a prettier parcel of land in another great community that her time in Coal/Hope Valley has prepared her for), she can still send correspondences and/or appear for scenes/come back to Hope Valley to visit. Abigail sharing Elizabeth’s letters with others in town (or Rosemary doing this) would be pretty sweet. I mean, it would suck without Erin on the show much, but I think it would be a very kind end to the ship and characters. We can at least imagine they’re living their best life and having a good time.
4.) They recast for the role of Jack. Now, this one’s a risk. On the plus side, it lets the relationship pick up where it left off and lets it move forward at full speed. No more stalling, no more boring blahs. Just Jack and Elizabeth doing their best to make a life together out in Hope Valley. No, it’s not Dan, and for most people Jack will always be Dan, but…let’s be real: isn’t it better than losing Jack entirely? I think so. That said, there are two downsides to this: the first is that the fans might not take too kindly to a recast of their darling, and the second is that Jack Wagner, who actually seems to enjoy his time on the show, yet, wouldn’t have much of a role as Bill if the character of Jack stuck around and, you know, took his job back. Neither would deter me from making the call to recast, but they are worth considering.
5.) They write Jack off the show. This is the easiest route by far. The actor wants off? Let’s take the character off, too. It’s not like it’s new on this series. We’ve had characters disappear without an explanation or mention (Cat, Gabe) and a few others weakly written off (Rev. Anderson, Shane, Frank). It’s an easy option to get rid of a character the showrunners don’t want to deal with anymore, or to dispose of a character when the actor decides to call it quits with the series. The problem is that they can’t be cheap with Jack’s write-off. He can’t just disappear, and the reason the character leaves for good has to make a lot of sense to avoid upsetting the fans. Since a break-up would enrage them, the only option left is to kill him.
Look, Jack’s been written poorly for a while now. It’s unfortunate, but it also makes me doubt they’d do any better with, you know, a recast of Jack. Besides, the fans probably wouldn’t take to a new person playing their favorite. It makes sense that they’d veto that idea first. The next-best idea is to write Jack and Elizabeth off together, but it has to happen reasonably (she needs to go at the end of S6), and I doubt Hallmark wants to write off two of their three main characters; they’d be lucky if they had a show left at that point. I also doubt their ability to write plots that don’t somehow center on the main characters; so far they’ve proven they’re in it for the cheese and drama and no real character development. I mean, for goodness’ sakes, Bill is bitten by a rattlesnake and almost dies and he’s supposed to have come to trust AJ’s motivations as being genuine, and yet we know he won’t mention her again for the rest of the season, and we’ll be lucky to see her in the first half of S6. To think after her sentence, which is to be less than Gowen’s, at least as far as Bill knows, she might return to Hope Valley to start her life over (as per her own wishes) is almost impossible for me to imagine happening—not because the character wouldn’t do it, but because the writers won’t. Or, you know, maybe Josie won’t. For another example: Carson the brain surgeon? Is that going to ever mean anything outside of the episode it’s featured in?
Again, losing Jack and Elizabeth limits them to Abigail as the lead character for S7+, and they’d rather not limit their options I guess.
With ending the series & begging for cameos from Dan out of the question, that really only leaves killing Jack.
Again, hey…I get it! I’m a writer and I know sometimes to make something work you have to do something kind of drastic. However, this is a betrayal of the trust of your audience, at least in terms of pacing.
I know what they were trying to do with the wedding. The fans don’t get to keep Jack, but at least they can give Jack and Elizabeth a lovely, beautiful, more or less perfect wedding. Heck, even her father shows up! And on the whole the fans were excited for the wedding and loved every bit of it.
My irritation doesn’t stem from what I feel are genuine attempts to do something good for the fans, to get them as close to something nice as they can manage, circumstances considered. Fine, get them married! And let it be OOC for half of the characters in the process. It’s not my problem.
But I’m not going to quietly ignore the fact that while they wrote in that stupid fire plot to force the town to “come together” (in an OOC way) to help Jack and Elizabeth achieve their dream wedding (that they could have had anyway if just they’d elected not to write that plot), they should have spent their time keeping the threshold scene. Or a longer father/daughter dance. Or a longer dance with Jack. We all know they had sex afterward, it’s not like showing them stepping over the threshold is going to give the audience the wrong idea. C’mon. Most people have sex on their wedding night.
And what about all of these previews, and silly ways of trying to force the audience to feel secure in believing in Jack’s safety? Have you ever trained 50 idiots who have never held a gun before? Or did much horseback riding? Let’s be real, it’s not that safe. Better than an all-out war, but my point still stands.
Listening to Elizabeth say, over and over, “Just a few weeks,” “I can’t wait to be in your arms again,” is patronizing and cruel, mostly because it feels a little more aimed at the audience than it does a natural part of her character.
Again, I’m not here for Jack or Elizabeth (I don’t relate to either of them at all), but this is ridiculous. The fans have a right to be upset, not because the showrunners felt pushed into a corner where they have to make a choice to either eliminate Elizabeth and Jack for a kind ending OR just eliminate Jack with a tragic one, but because it feels like the audience is being unfairly baited with these stupid in-show attempts to convince them that Jack’s Totally Fine (when all it makes me think is that he’s Dead Meat). I felt from the start of this season that it was very possible Jack would die. It didn’t come out of nowhere at all! Which makes the “He’s Totally Safe” lines uttered by various characters, especially out of context in previews, really aggravating.
Anyway, again, I’m also angry on behalf of those fans because the writers (or showrunners, whoever Made the Decision) wasted time putting roadblocks in Jack and Elizabeth’s way when we could have had a couple of small honeymoon scenes instead. I mean, honestly…just show them eating a dinner together talking about the day they had. The land dispute? Stupid. Skip straight past it or let it happen while they’re gone and send them to Chicago. Abigail could have dealt with the land dispute. And oh. HEY. SHE DID ANYWAY. It was a waste of time for the audience and the characters. The dancing in the cafe scene was sweet but I think most fans would have preferred to see them on their honeymoon having dinner or going to a play instead—a hint that they had the honeymoon they wanted. Then, before they came back, Bill could have spoken to the NWMP officer about Jack’s new placement/promotion. Bill being kind of excited for Jack would have been really nice, too, and a quiet kind of proof to the audience that this truly is an honor, not just Jack trying to reassure Elizabeth…or, you know, THE AUDIENCE under the guise of reassuring Elizabeth.
Even in this make-believe scenario I’ve constructed, it’s still sad that Jack gets sent away, especially in the event that he dies. But it would feel less sudden than our canon, which has him getting sent away the day after his wedding even though Bill took care of a full escort for him the day before and of his wedding! Two weeks after would make more sense. And then Elizabeth could have just stayed in Hope Valley. 
I typed all of this to say that I think it’s very likely Jack is going to die. Unfortunately the other options just…weren’t in the cards, perhaps due to the lack of time in which to figure something out (and the fact that they didn’t bring me on board to write the show). 
My giant ego aside, if Jack dies, he dies. There’s nothing that can be done about it, now. Be angry if you want to be, if you feel that way; I think anger is a valid emotion to be feeling right now, if not at the direction the story felt it needed to take, but at the bogus wastes of time plots we had to endure when we could have had something more reasonable.
In the end it boils down to: with Jack off the show, will you keep watching it? And I know for a lot of fans, the answer is no. Or…they’ll tentatively watch the S6 Christmas Special and see how it reads before they make up their mind fully. That’s very reasonable, I think.
And for the record, I’m also worried about the direction the show will take. If the Duncan + Greta storyline was anything to go by, it’ll be the Abigail & Elizabeth Show, where we watch their new club (“Minding YOUR Business”) debut at full capacity. I pray that’s not the case. I don’t think I’d enjoy watching anymore.
To add to my bummed-out feelings, the way they’ve written Abigail lately has been nearly intolerable, and I say that with a heavy heart; she was pretty much my favorite character in S1/2/3. She feels different now, and not in a lovely she-had-character-development sort of way.
Like so many other good characters, she’s just a flimsy plot vehicle. And sadly, the plots she’s used for aren’t even good. There is a lot to her they could utilize, but just the same as with others who are like that (Frank, Jesse, Clara, Laura, the kid characters), they ignore it in favor of doing whatever fits the plot.
As a writer, it’s kind of your job to construct plots that are built around your existing characters, but I guess that’s not something most writers understand.
At this point in the show, it’s very frustrating, and made worse now by the mere idea of Jack dying. Like great, now with the last of the old structure of the show gone, what are they going to do with their ragdoll characters next? 
I mean, maybe they’ll surprise me, but you’re not gonna catch me holding out hope for Hope Valley.
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hannibalcreative · 7 years
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Hannibal Creative’s #EatTheRare Fic Roundup
A thousand thanks to @breannadolly for the wonderful banner! 
Special Dreams by Edge_sama
Summary: Set after the kiss scene from Fromage (S1E8). Both Will and Alana felt their decision to have a professional relationship was a good one, but they couldn't help but think in each other after that kiss.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Will Graham, Alana Bloom
Waste a Moment by 11Mydesign11 and Destinyawakened
Summary: Nigel wakes in the United States in a hospital bed. The FBI want answers for a few things, but Nigel's more interested in the guy down the hall with a smile carved into his belly.
Graphic Depictions of Violence
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, Alana Bloom, Nigel
Will Graham/Nigel
Hunting Scene by Cinnamaldeide
Summary: Their light steps betrayed the solitary nature of their selective pack, which likewise included no more than two individuals; much like a lone predator instructing its progeny.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, Garrett Jacob Hobbs
Gen ( no pairings)
Where Is It? by TigerPrawn and victorine
Summary: Hugh takes revenge when he sees Mads is sharing clothes with other co-stars. Well, if Mads is going to wear Ben's jacket instead of his cute leather one, Hugh will just keep the damn thing!! Part of the Mad Bear & Little Pup Madancy AU Series - Neither Mads or Hugh are married but have been in a secret casual relationship since King Arthur. As both their careers were taking off they didn't want it all foreshadowed by a relationship and the celeb gossip that goes with it. Both remain single and they see each other when they can on and off over the years. Feels and hilarity ensue.
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Hugh Dancy, Mads Mikkelsen
More Interesting Than the Average Conference by hchannibloom (bleepin_ufo)
Summary: Bedelia Du Maurier attends a conference and chances upon a bright, delicious young Alana Bloom
No Archive Warnings Apply
Alana Bloom, Bedelia du Maurier
Bloomdelia (Alana Bloom/Bedelia Du Maurier)
A Necessary Lie by starkaryen, FlyingRotten
Summary: Adam Towers is investigating what could be the article of the year if the rumors about Evelio Thanatos' experiments happen to be true. What he didn't expect, though, was to find a distraction in the Thanatos house, but that's exactly what he finds in Elias... Or, at least, that's what he thinks.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Adam Towers, Elias
Basic Chickens
A Flexible Arrangement by Hannibalsimagopurplesocrates
Summary: Allan is trying to rebuild his life on his return from the Hague and has been told he needs to take yoga classes as part of his anger management. Begrudgingly he agrees but soon is distracted by a man wearing pink shorts who seems even more broken that he is. Allan needs to know more about this ellusive man but can't seem to catch him to talk to him. That is until they crash into each other and have no choice but to get to know each other.
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Lucas, Allan Fischer
Allan Fischer x Lucas
And So the Flamingo Fell in Love With the Wolf by CarpeDiemForLife
Summary: When Chilton shows up on Will's doorstep, bloodied and desperate, Will has every intention of turning him over to the FBI. But then he hears something that changes his mind. Canon divergence 2x07. My take on what could have happened if Will had chosen to harbor Chilton rather than call Jack.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Will Graham, Frederick Chilton
Chilly Willy
Once upon a dream by 11Mydesign11 and You_Are_As_Alone_As_I_Am
Summary: A young pop star - Prince Charmont - is being stalked by a dangerous, threatening fan, and is compelled to hire a personal bodyguard, a well respected man named Draco. As they get to know each other, sparks fly, and the hunt is on for Char's stalker.
Graphic Depictions of Violence
Charmont, Draco
Clash Enchanted
One Night in Miami by vix_spes
Summary: Being back in Miami was hardly how Luke had envisaged it but a mysterious man in black might just turn things around.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Le Chiffre, Luke Brandon
Le Chiffre x Luke Brandon
A certain liquidity of the eye by levi163
Summary: War is not the place for love, and yet, a gaze held a moment too long changes everything.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett, Citron/Jørgen Haagen Schmith
Lonely Soldiers
Lead Me Home by Firuflies and starkaryen
Summary: After the difficulties both Lucas and Joe had to overcome in their past, they decide it's time for a new beginning. It turns out, they end up teaching in the same school in Copenhagen.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Lucas, Joe Connor
The Overthrown Prince by AlexandraCole
Summary: Amidst the civil war in Kyrria, Prince Char is captured and taken prisoner in a foreign land. He knows he will have to escape if he is ever to return to Frell and reclaim his throne, but his only hope is a child and a mute, one-eyed man Char isn’t sure he can trust.
Graphic Depictions of Violence
Charmont, One Eye
Valhalla Enchanted (Charmont/One Eye)
Time and Death by FrostyLee
Summary: More talks of death and time, maybe something in between.
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Hannibal Lecter, Lee Fallon
Lee Fallon/Hannibal Lecter
The Fair Lady's Game by shiphitsthefan
Summary: Dr Hannibal Lecter has enjoyed a casual long-distance relationship with Bedelia Du Maurier for years. As an opera diva and popular starlet, Bedelia’s rendezvous with him are typically short, whirlwind affairs. Hannibal fell in love with Bedelia the first day they met, but respects her wish to remain an independent woman, though it pains him to do so. Only Hannibal’s friend and adventuring companion, consulting detective William Graham, can solve the case for romance. His methods for doing so, however, remain as unusual as ever.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, Abigail Hobbs, Bedelia du Maurier, Jack Crawford, Chiyoh
Infamous by Ruby BakeNeko
Summary: Nigel is at a bar, looking for someone to pick up. He meets Will, a man who is both antagonistic and irresistible. Unbeknownst to Nigel, he looks a lot like someone Will knows.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Will Graham, Nigel
DogsDogs (Will x Nigel)
Putting the Pieces Back Together by vix-spex
Summary: A year ago, Lucas built a new life for himself away from Denmark. The start of the new school year brings him something that he hadn't realised he wanted.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Lucas, Joe Connor
Of magic and love by FhimeChan
Summary: A normal wednesday afternoon in the life of Char and Draco. Since they live in an enchanted kingdom, how can a day pass without a magical emergency?
No Archive Warnings Apply
Charmont, Draco
Clash Enchanted
A fleeting taste of freedom by hchannibloom (bleepin_ufo)
Summary: In a post-apocalyptic world, Hannibal and Alana are left alone. They decide to take a few precious moments of freedom.
Major Character Death
Hannibal Lecter, Alana Bloom
Death and Time by FrostyLee
Summary: Talks of teacups and time were over, now there needs to be talks of death and time.
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, Lee Fallon, Tobias Budge, Cathy Jamison
Hannibal Lecter/Lee Fallon
Thunder Follows Lightning by QueenofLit
Summary: Gideon is speaking words his soul knows. Instead of moving to speak of Alana Bloom, however, he mentions Garret Jacob Hobbs. Will's life shatters to pieces as the waves rear up in response to the ferocity of lightning's strike, but warm hands lead him up and away to safety in the clouds of the storm. He can hear the thunder of an oncoming storm, and it is soothing to know that the lightning will never leave him.
No Archive Warnings Apply, Dubious consent
Will Graham, Abel Gideon
Will Graham/Abel Gideon
stay with me under these waves tonight by MargaretKire
Summary: Elias responds to a desperate mayday during a storm. He finds a ship-wrecked Adam.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Adam Towers, Elias
Basic Chickens
Ghosts of the past by hchannibloom
Summary: After the events at the Verger Estate, Alana reflects on her relationship with Hannibal.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Hannibal Lecter, Alana Bloom, Margot Verger
Map of the Problematique by 11Mydesign11, Destinyawakened and Identically_Different
Summary: Lucas is on the hunt for a new life in California, what he doesn't expect to find is an Omega who pulls so hard at his heartstrings that he can't live without him, even through the ups and downs, and the trials of trust.
Major Character Death, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics
Lee Fallon, Lucas
Better Things by whatkindofcrazy
No Archive Warnings Apply
Tonny, Roberto Bellini
Craving by hannibalsbattlebot
Summary: "You realize those candidates thought we were having an affair. Why didn't we?" "You were already having an affair." This fic assumes that the affair Hannibal was already having was with Donald Suttcliffe. It explores a possible past which may have lead to them working together to deceive Will Graham about his encephalitis. Donald Suttcliffe and Hannibal Lecter meet in medical school and have a long tangled relationship which leads them to the scene in Suttcliffe's office in Buffet Froid
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Hannibal Lecter, Donald Sutcliffe
Hannibal Lecter/Donald Sutcliffe
Pumpkin Spice by Llewcie
Summary: Le Chiffre is in need of a bodyguard. No, not that bodyguard.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Le Chiffre, Buddy Wittenborn
Royale Evening (Le Chiffre/Buddy)
Moonlight by starkaryen
Summary: Char decided to go on a little trip with the royal doctor, Johann.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Johann Struensee, Charmont
Charmont/Johann Struensee
Leaf Piles by Llewcie
Summary: Lucas takes his new dog for a walk. She's not as good on a leash as she could be, and she gets away from him, right into his cute neighbour's newly raked leaf piles.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Lucas, Joe Connor
#Hannictober: Pumpkin Spice by shiphitsthefan
Summary: #Hannictober: Pumpkin Spice [Bedelia/Will/Hannibal college AU]
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, Bedelia du Maurier
Bedannigram (Bedelia x Will x Hannibal)
Luck Against Wisdom by creepypastaprimavera
Summary: When her son asks for a bedtime story, Alana adapts a Jewish folktale to tell the story of how she met Margot.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Alana Bloom, Margot Verger
Pile of Leaves by shiphitsthefan
Summary: Bedelia/Will/Hannibal college/dancer AU
No Archive Warnings Apply
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, Bedelia du Maurier
Bedannibal, Willdelia, Bedannigram
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swanqueeneverafter · 7 years
11. What Happened to Frederick, Pt.1
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The Enchanted Forest. Past. Night on a misty lake. (Snow White rows a boat to a small dock. She gets out of the boat and begins mooring it.) Rumplestiltskin: (Suddenly sitting in her boat:) “How much for this?” Snow White: “Excuse me?” Rumplestiltskin: “Your boat. Exquisite craftsmanship.” Snow White: “It's not for sale.” Rumplestiltskin: “Of course it is, dearie. No one comes to see me without a deal in mind.” Snow White: “So you're Rumplestiltskin.” Rumplestiltskin: “Indeed, I am. I've been looking forward to meeting you. (He disembarks and approaches her:) Ah. (Touching her face:) You really are the fairest of them all, aren't you? What can I do for you?” Snow White: “I need a cure.” Rumplestiltskin: “What ails you, child?” Snow White: “A broken heart.” Rumplestiltskin: “Ah, the most painful of afflictions. Well, I'm afraid if you want me to make him love you, no can do, and nothing can.” Snow White: “No, that's not the problem. We can't be together.” Rumplestiltskin: “Well, that I can help you with.” (Removes a vial from his pocket and fills it with water from the lake. In his hand, the water turns a cloudy white.) Snow White: “That'll do it?” Rumplestiltskin: “Not yet. No two loves are... exactly alike. We must make this... (Pulls some hair from her head:) Personal!” Snow White: “Aah! (Rumplestiltskin fiddles with the hair and the bottle:) So, if I drink that, I'll no longer love him?” Rumplestiltskin: “The next time you see the object of your grief, you won't even remember who he is.” Snow White: “I won't remember him?” Rumplestiltskin: “Love is the most powerful magic. So the cure must be... extreme.” Snow White: “ ‘Extreme’ sounds like an understatement.” Rumplestiltskin: “Don't doubt yourself now, dearie. Love makes us sick, haunts our dreams, destroys our days. Love... has killed more than any disease. This cure is a gift.” Snow White: “What's your price?” Rumplestiltskin: (Holding up strands of her hair:) “These'll do.” Snow White: “What do you need of my hair?” Rumplestiltskin: “What do you need of it now it's been plucked from your head? Do we have a deal? (She takes the vial:) Ohh. I thought so. Drink it in good health... Snow White.” (Snow White looks shocked. He turns and walks away into the fog.) Storybrooke. Present. The Mills House, exterior. (Thunder rumbles. A Stranger works on his motorcycle as Henry Mills walks up.) Henry: “What are you doing here?” Stranger: “Fixing my bike.” Henry: “No, I mean in Storybrooke.” Stranger: “Just visiting.” Henry: (Looking at a large case on the back of the motorcycle:) “What's that?” Stranger: “A box.” Henry: “What's inside it?” Stranger: “Just something I need to do what I came here for.” (Regina exits the house and pauses upon noticing Henry talking to the Stranger, who gets on his motorcycle.) Henry: “I thought you were just visiting.” Stranger: “Doesn't mean I don't have something to do.” (Thunder rumbles and the Stranger starts his motorcycle.) Regina: “Henry?” Stranger: “You better get to school. (Regina starts down the path to the sidewalk:) Looks like a storm's coming.” (Drives off.) Regina: “Henry, who was that?” (Henry shrugs.) The Enchanted Forest, Road outside a Castle. (A carriage with palace guards brings Abigail to King George. She steps down from the carriage.) King George: “Princess Abigail. Your beauty grows with each passing day. It is an honor to have you join my family.” Abigail: “Thank you, Your Majesty.” Guard: “Let's go!” (Cavalry gallops away.) Abigail: “Is everything okay?” King George: “Just the excitement of the royal wedding. We want to ensure the safety of our guests. So, if you'll excuse me. (Bows. Approaches guard and speaks to him:) Find him.” (Guard nods.)
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The Enchanted Forest, Road. Past. (Prince Charming bursts from a group of trees and rides as fast as he can.) Prince Charming: “Hyah! (Guards on horseback erupt from the trees and follow him:) Hyah!” (One guard fires bolts at him from a crossbow. With a grunt, Prince Charming jumps a fallen tree in the road. The horsemen behind him pull up short, unable to do the same.) Guard: “Go around! Go! (They do. When they get to the other side, Prince Charming is nowhere to be found.) Split up!” (Prince Charming, already dismounted and standing off the road, watches the party take both forks and turns around. Two men in purple cloaks capture him.) Storybrooke, David Nolan's House. Present. (He and Kathryn Nolan eat together.) Kathryn: “David, there's something we need to discuss.” David: “Okay.” Kathryn: “I applied to law school.” David: “That's amazing! Why didn't you ever tell me?” Kathryn: “I don't know. Maybe because I didn't think I could actually do it? But I did. (Hands David a letter:) I got this today. (He opens it.) I got in.” David: “It—it's... in... Boston.” Kathryn: “I know things have been hard between us. But maybe a fresh start is what we need? Maybe we've been fighting too hard to recapture old memories when—we should have been making new ones instead.“ Storybrooke. Granny's diner. (Ruby hands Mary Margaret Blanchard her coffee. The door opens and David Nolan walks in, sees Mary Margaret, then promptly walks straight out again. Mary Margaret follows after him, while Ruby gives a sidelong glance. Mary Margaret follows him down the street.) Mary Margaret: “What are you doing?” David: (Turns around:) “Well, I'm trying not to see you!” Mary Margaret: “Well, I am trying not to see you.” David: “Well, how do we stop seeing each other?” Mary Margaret: “Apparently we can't.” David: “This is a problem.” Mary Margaret: “We're not being honest. I know it's hard, but—we have to tell her the truth! About everything: about us...” (David has stopped walking; Mary Margaret turns around to look at him.) David: “I don't know if I can.” Mary Margaret: (Pause:) “You have to. If we can't be honest with other people, how can we be honest with each other?” David: “Is it really the best plan?” Mary Margaret: “What's your plan? (David shrugs. They continue walking:) The only way no one gets hurt here is if we don't want to be together. Is that what you want?” David: “No.” Mary Margaret: “Then we have to stop hiding and do something. It's better she hears it from you than from someone else. (David nods:) You have to make a choice.” David: (Sighs:) “I choose... you.” Mary Margaret: (Nods:) “Then it's time to tell Kathryn.” (They kiss, but it is revealed that Regina Mills is watching them from her car.)
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The Enchanted Forest, Road. Past. (Prince Charming's captors unmask him.) Prince Charming: “Who are you? (Man lifts his dagger:) What are you waiting for? Do you think I fear you? (Man cuts Prince Charming's bonds. Princess Abigail leads a horse to the man:) Abigail? What are you doing here?” Princess Abigail: “I wanted to get my hands on you before your father ripped you to shreds.” Prince Charming: “How did you know I was going--” Princess Abigail: “Because I have ears in the king's court. And despite everyone's best efforts to shield me from it, I know the truth. You love Snow White... and you have no intention of marrying me.” Prince Charming: “I won't marry someone I don't love... or give that despot the satisfaction that I helped him. If that means suffering the consequences, so be it.” Princess Abigail: “You're prepared to lay down your life. How charming. But I didn't come here to see you die. I came here to help you escape.” Prince Charming: “Why would you do anything to help me?” Princess Abigail: “Because I don't wanna marry you either.” The Enchanted Forest. Past. Dwarves' Cottage. (Grumpy barges through the front door.) Grumpy: (To Doc:) “Where's Snow? Where is she? (Doc points:) Snow! Snow! The royal wedding! The kingdom's abuzz! It's off, Snow, he left her! James left Abigail! (Snow White looks confused:) Did you hear me? Your Prince Charming isn't getting married.” Snow White: (Vacantly:) “Who?” (Grumpy's face drops as he sees an empty vial on her bedside table.) Storybrooke. Present. David and Kathryn's house. (Kathryn is on the computer.) Kathryn: “David? David, come take a look, I found a whole bunch of great apartment options. (Enter David:) I have no idea which neighborhood to look at, but... have you ever been to Boston?” David: “No, No, I've never been.” Kathryn: “Maybe we should ask the Sheriff, Emma. She's from there, she could probably help--” David: “Kathryn. I can't go to Boston with you.” Kathryn: “Can't... or won't?” David: (Kneels beside her:) “I am sorry. I'm so, so sorry. (Shakes head:) I don't know what to say.” Kathryn: “Try the truth. (Looks at him:) David, is there something going on that I don't know about?” David: “No! No, something happened. I don't know what it is! But there is something that's preventing me... from connecting—and it's not fair to you to let that screw up your life. You're right, you need a fresh start. It's just not with me.”
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Storybrooke. Present. The main street. (Emma Swan loads supplies into her cruiser as the Mayor watches.) Emma: "You know you could help me instead of standing there checking out my ass." Regina: (Distractedly:) "What?" Emma: (Smirks:) "I said you look upset, what's wrong?" Regina: "I need you to look into something, Sheriff. Someone's in town— someone new." Emma: “What's the big deal? Who is he?” Regina: “I don't know. I asked around but no one seems to know anything. There's something about him—something familiar.” Emma: "He must be one of the untold millions you cursed.” Regina: “What?” Emma: “Oh, you know, the Curse. Henry's whole thing.” Regina: “Sheriff, I need you to find out who he is, what he wants, and what he's doing here.” Emma: “You know, there's no one else around, you can use my name. And as hard as you tried to find one in my case, there is no law against visiting Storybrooke.” Regina: “This isn't about the law, Emma. You're gonna do this because I asked you to and because you'll see it's the right thing to do.” Emma: (She closes the trunk of the cruiser:) “And why is that?” Regina: “Because he was in front of my house, taking a particular interest in the one thing we both care about — Henry.” Emma: "All right, I'll look into him. For a kiss." Regina: (Looks around:) "Emma..." Emma: "Come on... nobody is gonna see." Regina: (Sighs, steps forward and kisses her:) "Now go do your job, Sheriff." Emma: (Salutes:) "Yes, Ma'am." (Emma walks toward the front of the vehicle and thunder rumbles.)
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I’d take it all back, take it all back just to have you
           Somehow over night she’d slightly popped. The little person inside was beginning to try and make itself known and she had this round shape to her abdomen that asserted itself in tight fitting clothing. Something that she knew Eliot would be proud over yet something that was going to make it a while lot more difficult to hide from Abby sooner rather than later.
           It had only been when she’d heard the door click that she’d felt comfortable enough to walk out of her room in just the thin formfitting tank top without a bluky sweatshirt over it.
“Alright mouse, how’s food sound?”
           She’d gotten in the habit of talking to it lately, something that had been difficult at first, reminding her of that first time. Of the daughter she’d held in her arms for the briefest of time.
           Padding out of her bedroom she headed for the kitchen, her hand resting against the roundness as she walked. Eliot had a point, as much as she hated to admit it. She missed sleeping beside him at night. Sure, it was something that she hadn’t done consistently in years, but it was something that by now she probably should have been doing.
           It wasn’t as if she could get away with it for too much longer. What was she supposed to do? Have the baby and then keep it from him just to keep up a charade that she have a relationship with him for Abby? Corie and Eliot never would have let that fly.
“I guess we should probably go see daddy this morning too.”
           It was a Monday, which meant that the bar wouldn’t be open tonight, which meant that he would give her even worse of a time about going back to the apartment. Not exactly what she wanted to deal with for the day, she already dreaded that conversation.
           She’d been standing in front of the fridge with a hand resting over the slight lump in her middle as she examined the contents when the door had open and left her no time to dodge out of the way or hide it. Apparently that conversation that she’d been so dreading was going to happen sooner rather than later.
“Are you talking to yourse…”
           Abby’s words stopped as she finally looked at her roommate. Atlee didn’t try to hide, instead she carefully closed the fridge and turned to face the other girl who looked both shocked and horrified. She bit her lip in reaction, this was going to be a long morning, a very long morning.
           Pulling out one of the chairs at the breakfast nook she motioned for the seat across from her.
“I think it’s time we talked Abs”
           If this had to happen at some point it was probably better just to get it over with and be honest about it all.
“Are you pregnant?”
           Why did this feel like she was lying to a significant other? Her guilt rose in her throat for a moment. This was all because of the Evie thing. Because in all honesty she didn’t feel any guilt about taking Eliot back like she probably should have. Her guilt only stood in the fact that Evie was dead and she felt like that was her fault. Just not in the area of which meant that this baby belonged to Evie’s ex fiancée.
“Who did you sleep with? Why haven’t you said anything?”
           The other girl questioned and she bit her lip again looking down at her hands for a moment before looking back up at Abby who was anxiously waiting for her to answer that question.
           Atlee prepared herself for dramatics. There was no way that dramatics weren’t going to happen with this.
“Eliot actually.”
           Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear she watched as Abby’s dark eyes grew wide before narrowing at her. There was a bubbling of anger growing within Abby that Atlee could see.
“You slept with our best friends boyfriend? How could you? Why didn’t you tell me? He was going to marry her… he was supposed to love her. Christ, she’s hardly been gone a year…”
           Yeah, this was exactly what she’d expected from this conversation. It would have been so much worse if she’d been sitting here telling Abby the whole truth, like the truth that the night Evie died he’d made the blatant choice to let her die. Now that was just truths that she’d happily keep to herself rather than sharing.
“Would you have slept with Xavier if it was me?”
           She held her tongue back from yelling. When it really came down to it Abby could say whatever she wanted, Atlee would give her some time to cool down before actually trying to apologize. As if an apology was really something she owed anyone.
“Abby don’t be dramatic.”
           Those were words she probably shouldn’t have said. She should have known that the anger that was already rising in the other girl who have only been made worse. She wasn’t wrong as she watched Abby turn her back to her and head back for the door.
           The other girl seemed to forgot who got up with her night after night when she screamed about bad dreams and memories flooding her mind.
“I can’t believe you would do something so stupid. I can’t even look at you right now.”
           With her final words, Abby slammed out of the door, the apartment shaking as she did so. The neighbors were going to love that just about as much as they loved Abigail’s screaming night after night.
           She hadn’t expected the conversation to go much better though. Really, if she was being honest part of her felt completely relieved that she was no longer keeping the secret of the baby. At least it meant that she didn’t totally have to hide herself when it was sweltering outside.
           In a few weeks she’d make an attempt to talk to Abby again, to try and et her friendship back. But for now, she really didn’t feel like hearing about how she’d hurt Evie or any of the other bullshit that came along with all of that.
           Dramatics were too exhausting on top of the pregnancy that was already sucking out most of her energy.  
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ikagrp · 6 years
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Welcome, Lix! You’ve been accepted as your first choice of Abigail Cowen as Narcissa Xenos. Please send in your account within the next 24 hours.
Also, please follow these tags: ikag starter, Ikag social, ikaghh, ikag important, ikag task, ikagfollow, ikagunfollow and   ikag event
Lix, she/her, 25, EST.
I work a physically hard job 3 days a week, so the other 4 I’m resting, stalking this website that’s about to get f'ed up in 3 days from now and keeping up with my people irl so it totally depends on my mood how active I am? Can be dead for days but also be on whenever, really!
Dang 9 years, time flies when you have fun.
FACECLAIM: Abigail Cowen. Secondary choice: N/a.
NAME: Narcissa Aphrodite Xenos.
AGE: 20.
BIRTHDAY: February 18th, 1998.
OCCUPATION: Vlogger & studying online.
HOMETOWN: Papingo, Greece.
PETS: 2 baby turtles named Celia & Melani.
TW: 9/11 & death.
It was a forbidden love type of situation, Ashley Johnson, raised by a single mother, and Darius Xenos, raised by a big family, met in college when the student exchange program struck. Ashley, from Australia, got sent to Greek with a few other fellow students she had no connection with whatsoever. But with the boy who came sitting next to her one day in English class, she did. His English was anything but close to okay, but it entertained Ashley to no end. And that entertainment he provided her with meant they’ve got to hang out more, she got to teach him English and he taught her Greek in return. Except, you’re guessing it already, their little masterclasses outside of class didn’t remain just that. Languages weren’t the only things exchanged. But feelings and innocent physical contact were too. All kept very secret, for he wasn’t allowed to bring any girls home, especially not the foreign kind. And by the time Ashley had to fly back to Australia again, their crush had bloomed into love - a big flame that wasn’t easy to be put out, so they promised to write each other letters until they were able to see each other again. Ashley would save up to earn enough to visit him next summer, until then; they were limited to writing. To being faithful, patient and trustworthy of each other. 
But letters were uneasy to keep secret, especially not in Darius’ big household full of siblings and parents that were on top of him all the time. They found out about his long distance relationship and forbid him to write any letters to Ashley any longer. For months Ashley didn’t give up writing though, feeling hopeful, she even saved enough to take the plane to Greece the very same day she graduated college. Knowing his whereabouts, she showed up at the Papaevangelou Hotel and like a movie with a happy ending, it was love at first sight all over again. By the end of that same Summer, he proposed to her and they got married before the end of the year. A year later, a baby was on the way - and they moved to Greek, for the sake of Ashley’s visa and so Darius’ family could take care of the baby when it was born. 
Narcissa Aphrodite Xenos, that was their daughter’s name, as Darius’ family business is a hotel where mainly daffodils grow and it was the kind of flowers he always gave to Ashley, stuck in her fiery red hair behind her ear and was the first word he taught her to his girlfriend-now-wife. Ashley had always been fond of the Goddess Aphrodite, and that’s how her middle name came to a stand. For three years they lived in a tiny apartment, Darius worked at the hotel, Ashley was an accountant who mainly worked at home, taking care of their daughter they both loved so dearly. There wasn’t a day they couldn’t live without her - but when a business opportunity for the hotel came up, a big company from New York willing to invest in the business, it was their job to travel over from Europe to the United States. Which meant Narcissa had to stay over at her father’s family for a week or so, depending on how long the meetings were going to last. 11 September, that was the day they were supposed to land in the city of dreams - but the plane never landed. On that day it was when Narcissa lost both her parents to a horrible terrorist attack.
The business opportunity got retracted a month after, her grandparents never got back to them as their heads were filled with grief and worry. Ashley’s mother had taken them to court on top of the loss, fighting over the custody of Narcissa - which she terribly lost due to both lack of money and the fact Narcissa was born in Europe. She was granted visitations, but Narcissa remained to live in the Papaevangelou Hotel with her father’s parents and his of age three siblings. Two brothers and a sister, who were leaving the house over the years as she grew up bouncing and running all over the place. Never has she ever had time enough to run around, even without sugar she had energy like a puppy, always wanting attention - always wanting to play! She barely cried, nor was she a difficult child. She grew up bilingual, as her grandfather was a well-spoken Greek man who threw himself into learning English from a young age, for the tourists that came into the hotel ever since he was a young child. He continued to teach her what Ashley already had started, both in honor of her and the fact he thought it was never too early to learn as much as possible. By the time she was supposed to go to kindergarten, her grandparents made the decision to home-school her, as her aunt was a teacher herself.
As she grew up she helped around the hotel throughout the days and worked on school during the evenings and the weekends. And when her teenage years hit, she could be found outside the gates of the hotel, hanging around with others that were around her age. Narcissa made lots of friends, both tourists and the locals she made her impression with. She’s a true goof that likes to be loud and attract attention, isn’t shy about anything and speaks whatever’s on her mind. This caused her to be in an argument with any of her family members at least once a week - which was typical Greek behavior, or so she got told. Especially when she started to mature she clashed with her family often enough, leaving her to wander around Papingo, either on her own or with the friends she’s made in town. She often even hung around with customers of the hotel, showing them around town - and finding interest in the women especially. At the age of sixteen, she got her drivers license for a motorbike - after often enough stealing her grandfather’s for a ride throughout town illegally. And when she got her own vehicle, she drove her friends around, some of them a bit older than her own age. They were the kind that weren’t from Greek, and had no intention in sticking around - which gave Narcissa the opportunity to start exploring her sexuality. 
It was no secret Narcissa had a likings for the ladies as well, her family found out when she came home on her eighteenth birthday with a girl, kissing her in the front yard, not having a single idea there was a surprise birthday waiting for her. A small shock for the family - that wore off over time and even started to accept when they learned she was interested in both genders and could still marry a man someday, as old-fashioned they were. When she started visiting bars, she came to discover a show that often played on one of the TVs, an MTV show called I Kissed A Girl. It definitely pulled Narcissa’s attention, but she was too naive to even think of joining when she was still eighteen. But two years later, and watching the show non-stop just as talking about it to her friends, she got nudged to finally audition for the show - it was in Europe after all. Not too far away from her family, which she could visit anytime. 
Half niece to Izzy Hallow.
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swanqueeneverafter · 7 years
06. The Shepherd, Pt.3
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Storybrooke. Present. (In his room at Granny's Bed and Breakfast, David paces his room. He looks out his window and sees that the clock tower reads 7:45.) Enchanted Forest. Past. (In King Midas' castle, King George and Prince Charming present King Midas with the dragon's head, which has been turned to gold.) George: “He has done it. Everything you asked for and more. My son battled the dragon and prevailed.” King Midas: “Bring it to the palace. Put it between the chimera and the mapinguari.” (The knights carry the dragon head away.) King George: (Whispering to Prince Charming:) “We did it. We pulled it off.” Prince Charming: (Also whispering:) “Yes. Now how much longer before I can return home?” King George: “That's a discussion not for now.” King Midas: “From this day forth, may that beast's head be a reminder to us, of the valiant warrior who killed it. The bravest, most noble Prince I have ever met. You have earned my utmost respect.” King George: “We treasure that respect, King Midas, just as we respect your treasure.” King Midas: “Yes, yes. You were promised gold, and gold you shall have, but I did not get to where I am by thinking small. I stand before you now because I dared to dream big. I was not just looking for a dragon slayer. I was looking for the strongest warrior in the land, a hero. Someone who could unite the kingdoms. Someone I would be proud to call family. Bring her! (Princess Abigail enters the room:) Gentleman, may I present my daughter Abigail? Beyond gold, beyond anything, I value her most. I promised her I would only give her hand in marriage when I could find a companion worthy of her, and now I have.” Princess Abigail: “He killed the dragon? (King Midas nods:) I guess he'll do.” King Midas: “And so, Prince James, I offer you my daughter's hand in marriage.” Prince Charming: “King Midas, I am humbled by your generous offer, but I can't honestly say I'm-” King George: (Cutting in, chuckling:) “My son. Always so humble. (He pulls Prince Charming in and whispers in his ear:) If you say anything but yes, you will be responsible for the destruction of everyone and everything in our kingdom. You will marry this girl. Or I will kill you. I will kill your mother. I will turn that farm to ash. Do you understand me? I'll take your silence for wisdom. Follow it. I know you'll make the right decision.” Storybrooke. Present. (David walks along the sidewalk, looking at a map. He appears to be lost.) Regina: “Mr. Nolan?” David: “Oh!” Regina: “Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you. I was just heading home from work and I saw you. Are you lost?” David: “Yeah. Yeah, kind of. I'm looking for the toll bridge.” Regina: “Ah, where you were found.” David: “Yeah.” Regina: “Trying to jog your memory?” David: “No, I'm meeting someone.” Regina: “So you made your choice.” David: “Yes.” Regina: “Well, I don't suppose I can convince you to change your mind?” David: “I can't change what I feel.” Regina: “No, of course not. Walk down the street to Mr. Gold's pawnshop. You'll find a fork in the road. Go left. It will take you to a hiking trail that leads directly to the bridge.” David: “Thank you, uh, for understanding.” (Starts to walk away.) Regina: “Good luck, David. I hope you find what you're looking for.” (David nods and jogs away.) Cut To: (Mary Margaret waits for David at the toll bridge.)
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Cut To: (David is searching for the toll bridge. He enters Mr. Gold's pawnshop for directions.) David: “Hello? Hello?” (He spots the mobile that hung over Emma's crib in the Enchanted Forest and goes over to look at it.) Mr. Gold: “Charming.” David: (Sees Mr. Gold:) “I'm sorry?” Mr. Gold: “The mobile. Isn't it charming? Exquisitely designed. Masterfully crafted. I could get it down if you like.” David: “No, no, no. I mean, it's very nice, but actually I'm looking for the toll bridge. The mayor said there was a fork in the road by your shop, but...” Mr. Gold: “It seems Ms. Mills has led you astray.” David: “Yeah. Yeah, you'd think the mayor would know her own town.” Mr. Gold: “One would think. Out of the door, turn right, two blocks, you'll find the trail. Can't miss it.” David: “Thank you.” (He starts to leave but spots the windmill that used to be on the front lawn of his house.) Mr. Gold: “See something you like?” David: “Where did you get that?” Mr. Gold: “That old thing? That's been gathering dust for forever.” David: (Spins the windmill:) “I think this belonged to me.” Mr. Gold: “Really? Are you sure?” David: “Yes. I remember.” Enchanted Forest. Past. (Prince Charming rides a horse onto his mother's farm.) Prince Charming: (Dismounts the horse:) “Mother.” Ruth: “Oh, you're back. You're alive.” Prince Charming: “Yes.” Ruth: (Hugs Prince Charming:) “Oh. Oh.” Prince Charming: “I did it.” Ruth: “Are you hurt? I've been so worried.” Prince Charming: “I'm fine, mother, really.” Ruth: “Oh, look at you. Look at you. You... you look like a... like a... oh, you look like a Prince! Come inside, I'll make us some supper. You should see the house, the farm. The king is going to take care of us. He's already started. (She starts for the house but realizes that Prince Charming isn't following:) What? What's wrong?” Prince Charming: “Midas wants us to unite the kingdoms. By marrying me to his daughter.” Ruth: “What?” Prince Charming: “It makes the grain merchant's dowry look like sheep dung.” Ruth: “No. You were right to turn down that offer as you must this one too. Every day you've been gone has shown me it was shameful of me to ever encourage you otherwise. Your freedom to choose is more important than anything. I'll give up the farm.” Prince Charming: “No.” Ruth: “They can't force you.” Prince Charming: “Yes they can, and because of our ruse Midas can never know who I am, which...” Ruth: “We can't ever see each other again.” Prince Charming: “Yes.” Ruth: “Then don't do it. Run away.” Prince Charming: “I can't. They will kill you.” Ruth: “I lose you either way. At least I'll know you'll be happy.” Prince Charming: “I already accepted Midas's offer. I didn't come here for advice, Mother. I came here to say goodbye. There was too much at stake. I couldn't let the kingdom suffer on my account. I couldn't let them hurt you. You know, you were right about one thing. I can't have everything.” Ruth: “Oh, my boy. My sweet, sweet boy. (She takes off her wedding ring:) Give this to your wife to be.” Prince Charming: “No, mother. I don't love her. I don't even know her. I can't take this.” Ruth: “Just because you don't know her doesn't mean you won't grow to love her. True love follows this ring wherever it goes, my son. I had it with your father. I've had it as your mother. Now you will have it. Take it.” Prince Charming: “No. No.” Ruth: (Puts the ring in his hand:) “Take it, and I'll know, even if I never see you again, I'll know you'll find love. I'll know you'll be happy.” Storybrooke. Present. (Mary Margaret waits for David at the toll bridge, twisting the same ring Ruth gave Prince Charming around her finger.) David: (Runs up to her:) “You came.” Mary Margaret: “You sound surprised. In fact, you almost sound a bit disappointed.” David: “I remember.” Mary Margaret: “Kathryn?” David: “Everything.” Mary Margaret: “And you love her?” David: “I don't know. But I know I did. I remember how I felt, and I think I have to honor that.” Mary Margaret: “And everything that you said to me-” David: “Is true. I do have feelings for you. Intense feelings. Feelings I don't quite understand.” Mary Margaret: “You're going back to her.” David: “It's the right thing to do.” Mary Margaret: “The right thing to do was not to lead me on.” David: “I know.” Mary Margaret: “So you've made your choice.” David: “I'm sorry.” Mary Margaret: “That's okay. I guess it just wasn't meant to be.” (Walks away, heartbroken.)
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