#he READS like hes definitely maltas peer age-wise and then the text is like 'and he was this much older than her' and im like o.O what
dontgofarfromme · 2 years
Actually to be fair a lot of the romance in these books drives me up a wall but I really do like Althea and Brashen. They've developed so much from where they started at the beginning of book 1 where Althea was sort of ambivalent or mildly irritated with Brashen and he liked her well enough but primarily saw her as the Captain's daughter, to now having this strong friendship and mutual respect based on actual shared interests and goals, which is also just fraught with tension bc they both clearly have feelings but are unable to completely accept them bc of social pressures and their own character traits and very personal baggage surrounding being in a relationship. It's good!!!
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