#hdship: mariana x charlotte
hadesdarkness · 7 years
nick to carter: 'i don’t know which fork to kill myself with.’ althea to gigi: ‘pink wine makes me slutty.’ nick to gigi: ‘i’m like a mailman, except instead of mail, it’s hot sex that i deliver.’ charlotte to mariana: ‘i don’t mean to be laughing, but are you okay?’ odessa to ryan: ‘i think you need me too much.’
nick to carter: ‘i don’t know which fork to kill myself with.’ 
With a heavy sigh, Carter shook his head and popped the grape he’d been eyeing for the past few seconds into his mouth. The drama that went on during these brunch events was ridiculously petty and his brother’s comments usually didn’t make situations any better. “I don’t know, Nick. Why not just use all the forks? That will probably make the process of killing yourself go faster,” he said absentmindedly, reaching for his second glass of scotch. 
althea to gigi: ‘pink wine makes me slutty.’ 
“Just the pink wine?” Gigi replied with a smirk while grabbing a glass of wine for herself as well. “I’m sure white and red would have the same effect. Have you ever had a drink with my brother though?” she asked in reference to Carter who was across the room, arm in arm with Caroline. If there was one thing that she could always bond over with when it came to Althea it was their very intense dislike towards Caroline. “Just look at her…it’s so sad how hard she has to try to make it seem as if she isn’t trying at all. Pathetic.”
nick to gigi: ‘i’m like a mailman, except instead of mail, it’s hot sex that i deliver.’
Nick never failed to show up whenever there was some type of fun to be had. It was one of her favorite things about her brother; he always came through and today was no exception. “That’s my favorite kind of delivery,” Gigi smiled, taking his hand and pulling him with her towards her bed, not bothering to close the door behind them. She took a seat and wasted no time in undoing his belt and zipper, slipping her hand through the opening of his boxers. 
 charlotte to mariana: ‘i don’t mean to be laughing, but are you okay?’ 
This wasn’t anything new to Mariana; it was as if she was cursed or something. She couldn’t remember the last time she had a decent time with any guy that wasn’t Nick Langley. Then again, a decent time with Nick usually just consisted of sex which was always satisfying but there had to be someone out there that could hold her attention where sex wasn’t involved. “I’m fine,” she shrugged, taking her heels off before walking past her step-sister. “It’s not the first time I come home without the guy I left with. Laugh all you want, it’s really nothing to me.”
odessa to ryan: ‘i think you need me too much.’
Wherever this conversation was going, it wasn’t headed anywhere that seemed to be pleasant. They had been over it times before but they would always end up on square one. That’s how things always seemed to go for them despite the fact that they’d basically been in love with each other since high school. “Maybe,” Ryan exhaled unable to keep his eyes on her. He’d been the fool all this time anyway. He’s the one that should have just made the move instead of pretending like the feelings weren’t there; he shouldn’t have run off to New York and married someone that wasn’t her. “But, can you blame me?”
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