#hcs. haineko
senboago · 5 years
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None of these gals have any class... You gotta make them work for a peek. tag dump
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rangikuxmatsumoto · 3 years
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headcanon/meta; these two
The Tenth Division has such a unique and well-developed partnership; the main aspect of that partnership being that their team is unlike any other division. In no other division do we see a situation like theirs, where a subordinate leapfrog a superior officer to be their commanding officer. We see on rare occasions the optics being addressed in some context, but it is usually when an officer would transfer divisions to accept a higher seated position – not within the same company.
Since there isn’t any clear-cut explanation or timeline as to when Rangiku took on the mantle of vice-captain within the Tenth, it can be left up to personal interpretation. The first instance we see of Toshiro and Rangiku’s interactions is prior to Toshiro joining the academy, since it is well documented that Toshiro graduated within a year, it’s safe to assume that this is automatically prior to him joining – one, because it isn’t within Toshiro’s character to drag his feet now that he is aware that his spiritual pressure is harming his grandmother, who he is deeply devoted to, and two, their reappearance within the TYBW flashback are nearly identical. It could be argued that at the time of Toshiro and Rangiku’s first interaction, Rangiku is already the fukutaichou of the Tenth, the only counter point (that doesn’t really matter) is that she isn’t wearing her badge, like she does in the TYBW flash-back. This could have been simply overlooked, or as I assume, she’d in the first district on leisure (and yet she’s carrying Haineko). The other possibility is that at the time of Toshiro and Rangiku’s first interaction is that Rangiku is currently the third seat of the Tenth and her promotion happens in the year in which Toshiro is within the academy, leaving the officer’s position vacant and open for Toshiro to fill upon his graduation.
Now, with that being said, we only know the that the events of TYBW flashback take place 20 years out from the start of Bleach – however, I can’t see those previous events having happened within only a few years of Isshin’s disappearance. There had to have been length of time between Toshiro graduating, joining the Tenth and then Isshin’s disappearance because the dynamics of all three of them is well developed and clear – even in the few short panels we get. Rangiku and Isshin display a certain level of understanding, playfulness – at the core, a friendship/partnership. This isn’t a new dynamic, this isn’t a new officer coming into her own, she knows her place, she knows her role, she knows her captain and she knows her division. The same can be said about Toshiro, even as a third seat, he is displaying a level of confidence that is just so him.
But this brings me back to my original point, Toshiro and Rangiku show a level of sibling-like bond in the TYBW arc. An older sister/younger brother dynamic (and honestly throw in Isshin as older brother because the only one who is an adult in this group is TOSHIRO), they annoy one another, bully and tease but they still respect each other. This is shown when Rangiku wants to rush off (the ever dutiful and loyal fukutaichou she is) to follow Isshin, but Toshiro pulls back on the reins. She is his superior at the moment, she doesn’t have to listen, she could command him to follow or go off on her own – but she doesn’t because she respects his opinion and insight. They already trust one another.
Once Isshin’s disappearance happens and the Tenth’s captain position is open, Toshiro would ultimately fill this void. And that base foundation of Rangiku and Toshiro’s partnership, understand, trust all come into play. Rangiku could have been salty over the fact that she was the previous superior officer and not promoted (girl get your bankai and then we can talk), but that isn’t Rangiku, nor do I even remotely see this as a possibility. I have always personally headcanon’ed that Rangiku supported the notion of Toshiro being promoted, even as far as nominating him herself (to respect Isshin’s wishes).
This is why their bond continues to work. That sibling-like bond, their friendship, their trust and respect (even if Rangiku annoys Toshiro to no end when it comes to work), is shown time and time again. They look to one another in times of need. I always found it remarkable that Toshiro continued to ask, time and time again during the events of the Soul Society arc, if she was alright – because he was in tune to the position Rangiku was in revolving around Gin. He checks to make sure that she’ll be okay, that she can handle whatever is thrown her way (or whatever task she is given). He looks to her during the events of TYBW, training and fighting alongside her (in the most adorable fashion, sweet, flustered Toshiro is a blessing to us all). And she is loyal, protective and caring towards him. She has never treated him differently, which is such a point in Toshiro’s character development – that he was never understood and teased and disliked, but Rangiku showed him kindness (after she called him a brat and a crybaby and screamed at him) and continues to do so throughout their partnership.
Toshiro could have gone to any division when he graduated, he could have even probably gotten the vice-captain position in the 13th at the time, but he went to the Tenth – you can’t tell me that Rangiku didn’t have a little something to do with that.
But now comes the angsty part you’ve all been waiting for – Toshiro is the youngest captain and the newest by all accounts at the beginning of Bleach, and he faces so much. Throw Isshin’s disappearance into the mix, and the grief of knowing he was harming his grandmother as a child, the boy got trauma. However, he carries the mantle and the burdens of leading and commanding a company, knowing his orders could ultimately get his members killed, or hurt (he’s seen his fukutaichou come close to death twice) with grace and authority. He is mature beyond his years, and it shows in his actions, but it doesn’t mean that he doesn’t struggle.
And in this, Rangiku carries a burden as well, seeing as how her advice lead him down this path. Toshiro had no interest in joining the academy when Momo was thrilled at her acceptance. He didn’t follow Momo when she left, but once Rangiku told him what he was doing and how if he became a Shinigami, he’d learn to control his spiritual pressure he was off running. She set about that journey for him, but there was no way of knowing what the future would hold for him. What trials he’d face, what struggles he’d see, and there are times Rangiku knows it was due to her actions (suggesting the academy; and hc – nominating him for the captaincy) that he has to go through these terrible events. Which is why she stays close, why she is loyal and protective. She tries to help shoulder his burdens however she can (so like do your paperwork girl), and remain at his side for however long the universe will allow.
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senboago · 4 years
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So I’m not sure if the age groups of my muses is obvious...? I know quite a few it is, but others it’s kind of... a guess. Thus here is a list of my muses and their estimated age groups (going by human age). Bleach muses, both oc and canon, only here.
Amaterasu Mochizuki: She actually died when she was in her late teens. However, her age now would be estimated to her early to late 20′s.
Candice Catnipp: Unfortunately a character who’s age was never revealed. If I had to guess, she’s another woman who appears in her 20′s, at the very least late 20′s. As for her actual age... I’ll have to get back on that in a later headcannon.
Chinatsu Yamamoto: Between 40′s and 50′s. She has some youthfulness still about her, but there are still a few wrinkles to reveal her age. And honestly, we can live with that.
Elsabeth Morgenstern: So Elsa here is a bit tricky. I imagine her in her mid to late 20′s. However, like the mun, she appears much younger. Like ten years younger. It’s a blessing and curse...
Haineko: Late 20′s to early 30′s. At least that’s how old I imagine Rangiku is, and her zanpakuto would reflect that too.
Kaede Shiba: Antoher late 20′s to early 30′s. She’s about the third eldest of my muses, but still surprisingly younger in comparison to Chinatsu or Unohana.
Leith Lister: Mid to late 30′s. Let’s be fair, he’s based off of Worick Arcengelo who’s also in his 30′s, so it only feels fitting.
Minako Kita: I know I had said early 20′s somewhere early in her development, but I feel that needs changed. I’m gonna claim her to be about mid to late teens. 
Mizuiro Kojima: Okay so! This one. This one is such an area I gotta be cautious of. While I do play the og high school Mizuiro, I do welcome roleplays of him in the time skip. So if it’s pre-time skip, in his teens (15-17) obviously, but post-time skip he’s coming to his late 20′s (27 specifically).
Naomi Mori: Late 20′s (29).
Retsu Unohana: My eldest muse currently. Let’s place her at about 60′s to 70′s.
Yachiru Kusajishi: Definitely 10, maybe younger. She is baby and an actual child.
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senboago · 4 years
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so my muses if they were an era;
Amaterasu & Minako : probably the Meiji period. Minako’s a bit earlier than that.
Chinatsu, Kyoka, & Unohana : definitely feudal Japan, anywhere between the 12th to 17th century.
Elsabeth : uncertain, but possibly 16th century western Europe.
Kaede, Dina, Haineko, & Naomi : either 90s or 2010s/modern, or anywhere in between. 80s possibly for Dina.
Leith : obviously the 1920s, as that is the era he grew up so...
Candice : the 1930s- 1940s, WWII era. the US specifically.
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senboago · 5 years
bold = yes or always applies
italics = conditional, partner-dependent, or verse-dependent
strikethrough = hard limit/no or never applies
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submissive   |   dominant   |   prefers to top |   prefers to bottom   | likes to switch |   heterosexual |   heteroflexible  |   gay   |   lesbian   |   bisexual |   pansexual   |   asexual   |   demisexual   |   enjoys sex with men   |   enjoys sex with women |   enjoys sex with genderfluid, agender, demigender or nonbinary individuals    |   enjoys sex with all genders regardless of how they identify | enjoys sex with multiple people at a time |   enjoys intimacy with women |   enjoys intimacy with men |  enjoys intimacy with genderfluid, agender, demigender or nonbinary individuals   |   enjoys intimacy with all genders regardless of how they identify  |  initiates   |  waits for partner to initiate |   spits   |   swallows   |   morning sex |   night sex   |  sex any time |   no sex drive |   low sex drive |   average sex drive  |  high sex drive |   hypersexual   |
slender build   |   medium build   |   athletic build |   muscular build  |   curvy build   |   voluptuous build   |   chubby build |   wears boxers  |   wears boxer-briefs   | wears lingerie  |   goes commando  |   shaves   |   trims   |   waxes  |   does not shave   |  cup size a-c  |   cup size d-f  | 1–5” in length |   6–9” in length |   10” or over in length   |
silent   |   quiet  |   loud  |   grows in volume over time |   bites hand/partner to muffle |   pillow to muffle themselves |   calls out partner’s name |   curses   |    fakes   |   exaggerates   |   prefers a quiet partner   |   prefers a loud partner  |   prefers a partner who grows in volume over time | turned on by dirty talk |   turned off by dirty talk   |
having their hands pinned   |   pinning their partner’s hands | having their hair pulled |   pulling their partner’s hair |   being watched (by their partner)   | being watched (by a third party) |   watching their partner |   receiving oral |   giving oral |   giving praise |   receiving praise |   biting   |   marking   |   being bitten   | being marked | spanking   |   being spanked  |   teasing   |   being teased |   having toys used on them   |   using toys on their partner   |   giving anal  |   receiving anal   |   choking |   being choked | dirty talk  |   being tied up |   tying their partner up   |   being worshiped   |   worshiping their partner |   humiliating   |   being humiliated |   degrading   |   being degraded |   knife play  |   blood play  |   being pegged   |   pegging their partner   |   whipping   |   being whipped   |
bedroom   |   shower   |   bath |   pool   |   ocean   |   kitchen  |   home bathroom   |   public bathroom    |   car |   tent   |   alleyway   |   field   |   forest   |   school   |   empty or abandoned building |  library   |   rooftop   |  terrace |   dressing room |   elevator  |   parking lot  |   museum   |   cemetery   |  beach |   closet   |   hospital  
𝚃𝙰𝙶𝙶𝙴𝙳   𝙱𝚈   :   stole it
T𝙰𝙶𝙶𝙸𝙽𝙶   :   just steal it
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