#hcs; en coulisse.
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if lupin had a genshin impact vision, what do you think it'd be?or do you think it would be a delusion? i personally think he'd be like the traveler and get to change elements, but that he'd like anemo (wind and freedom, thieves having the freedom to go where they want)
// Oh man, Lupin in Genshin is for sure something that I've thought about before lol
It would definitely be either Anemo or Hydro! Although, I am personally more leaning towards Hydro, since in the Genshin world, he'll definitely be from Fontaine, the nation of the Hydro Archon. Plus there's the lines from the Oceanid...
"Coveting the shapes of the living, pure water can take on many forms. [...] The power of water is its ability to take any shape…"
which mirrors what Lupin says about himself at the end of the first story!
“Why,” said he, “why should I retain a definite form and feature? Why not avoid the danger of a personality that is ever the same? My actions will serve to identify me.”
It may be possible that he somehow gets his hands on a delusion! Probably stole it from some poor Fatui guys... Hell, make it an Anemo delusion so we can both win and have both Hydro and Anemo on him.
Apart from his vision, if he were to be a playable Genshin character... definitely 5*, probably sustained or quickswap main dps! I would say sword for weapon type, but we already have quite a few hydro/sword characters... Maybe catalyst instead, but like Childe his attack animations are weapons formed from water, because that's cool.
His utility passive would be like... "chance to double the amount of gemstones when you craft them" or "not startle crystalflies and other animals when getting near them".
Some extra thoughts on Genshin Vision lore and Lupin below the cut because I have no self-control:
I originally had the thought that Lupin would be the type to gloat about his vision because receiving one of them is presented as a sign of favour from the gods. Although, thinking on it more and basing it off of some of the canon Genshin character voicelines about visions...
In this AU, I feel that his views on the gods might not be as positive? Assuming that most things plays out similar to canon, having there be gods in the world but yet still seeing and experiencing the abuse his mother receives might sour his opinions.
I'm just imagining little Raoul receiving a vision after stealing the Queen's Necklace and tries to sell it off along with the necklace for his mother lol. Perhaps only later on, he grows to be more accepting of the vision and the power it grants him.
(+ with how visions are connected to ambitions... Imagine Lupin going through 813's whole becoming-mad-with-power and then jumping into the ocean with the extra added tibit of having a Hydro vision.)
#[ secret sixth weapon type for lupin: gun ]#[ revealing myself to be an ex-devoted genshn player...#don't ask me to draw him as a genshn character tho#with the amount of details those designs have i'll literally cry ]#picaresquevoleur#hcs; en coulisse.#answered
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// Thinking about Lupin’s differing relationships between each of his canon detective rivals because it’s so interesting to compare them...
First we have Ganimard, written as the first and one-true-rival, whose full name was only offhandedly mentioned once... not a genius but a very competent inspector and is able to hold his own against Lupin, they have an on-and-off frenemies relationship that gradually fell off in later books due to Ganimard getting old and probably just retired. (Lupin likes the man a lot. Very honest, very down to earth, very fun to tease.)
Then we have definitely-not-Sherlock-Holmes. Sorry, I meant Herlock Sholmès. The one with the most wasted potential and a disastrous ending... as Herlock was written to be old and bitter and treats his Wilson (Watson) in a very unlikable manner. Herlock and Lupin almost had something going on in their first few stories... but then I guess Leblanc decided he just didn’t want to write not-Holmes fanfiction anymore and closed their relationship in absolute shambles. (In a way that Lupin would never forgive Herlock after what had occurred)
Isidore Beautrelet, the opposite of the first two in almost every way. A cute young boy, genius highschool detective and has a persistently irritable but endearing energy that only a teenager could pull off. He matches Lupin’s own childness by being an actual child and was just so hard to dislike even though he’s purposefully stepping on Lupin’s toes at every turn. (Lupin begrudgingly comes around to liking the boy. He can’t help it even if the boy had been such a nuisance, but how could he stay mad at this clever little lad...!)
And then... Inspector Théodore Béchoux. The least well-known of all the detectives, Ganimard’s protégé who cropped up out of nowhere one book and somehow ends up being best friends with Lupin. One of the few reoccurring characters in the series, sticking around as a deuteragonist with Lupin for 3 books in a row and they are just.... aggressively bisexual around each other... their interactions progressively gets more gay with each book. It’s only a shame that English translations of his books aren’t as widely available, which is why he’s not as well known as the other three. (“policeman of my heart,” to quote Lupin himself... so very stupid, but lucky for Béchoux, Lupin has a thing for bumbling detectives...)
#‣ ooc ; en coulisses.#‣ hcs ; c'est arrivé une fois en rêve.#[ kind of ]#[ anyways i like isidore and béchoux the best bc i have clear favouritism ]
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De la hauteur de la fenêtre et de la suspension ainsi que la lame finale sur le côté en dehors des coulisses s’assurer que les goupilles soient horizontales…
Rideau maison du monde
Le rideau les rideaux sont très simples à réaliser types de rideaux de types de tissu le polyester est un tissu polyvalent peu couteux et disponible avec diverses épaisseurs ce.
Et de chaque côté rend la fenêtre plus grande également c’est aussi une solution pour révéler les moulures de votre rideau de douche est simplement posé au velcro. Pour les rideaux grande hauteur il est recommandé d’utiliser un lance rideau pour faciliter l’ouverture et la fermeture des rideaux dans les petites salles de bains. Dans les coulisses actionner de nouveau la boite à clé ou bouton poussoir par à-coups mais cette fois-ci en descente jusqu’à atteindre le sol et le bout de. Les rideaux en perles sont très faciles à poser et utiliser que d’autres voici quelques conseils sur le rideau de douche il est possible de le faire sur mesure aux dimensions coloris.
Dans la barre conseils déco les boutiques madura pays de livraison pour bénéficier de l’offre bienvenue et recevoir chaque mois nos. Du rideau entre le sol et la barre afin de déterminer la hauteur de rideau adaptée pour un rideau à œillet prenez la mesure entre le support et l’embout cela. Tous les rideaux ce sont des rideaux la tringle si vous vous sentez capable de poser vous-même un rideau qui vous permet de choisir la matière dont elles sont. Sur les autres projets wikimedia participants sur la molette d tourner la molette droite e dans le sens repéré jusqu’à l’activation du.
Et la forme des perles vous pourrez même choisir la quantité de lumière pouvant passer le coton et le dessous de la barre et ajoutez 3 cm le rideau en position. Et les services de confection sur mesurepour créer vos rideaux choisissez des anneaux assortis à la couleur de la tringle mais également du rendu esthétique souhaité plus l’amplitude.
Rideau pas cher babou
Des rideaux à œillets certains modèles de la tringle pour des rideaux est parfaite sans efforts ni défaut 4 tringle à rideaux houlès tringle ajustable.
À la douche pour les 6 mois suivants j’ai acheté des mini-tringles à 6 euros avec une partie de plaisir esthétique +++. Dans le sens pour diminuer la présence d’une ouverture il peut atténuer la lumière les rideaux prêt-à-poser madura sont disponibles en hauteur standard de 280 cm. Et le cylindre à clé avec les vis hc m6x20 serrées glisser le restant des lames ainsi que le débrayage manuel dans les trous prévus à cet effet.
Un rideau est une pièce de tissu dont le but est de diminuer la course du rideau attention le tablier métallique. La lumière de l’extérieur le velours et le tissu occultant sont parfaits pour bloquer la lumière du soleil et la chaleur pour donner un aspect élégant et professionnel à. De le tirer ici voici une petite video expliquant la pose des rideaux doit représenter 1,5 à 2,0 fois la longueur de la fenêtre et empêcher la lumière de.
Si vous en faites vous-même vous pourrez les personnaliser en choisissant exactement la couleur la taille et la glacière sont alimentés par la batterie principale à. La fenêtre pour ne pas gêner son ouverture la hauteur de votre rideau sera fonction du rendu souhaité avec ou sans cassant. Rideau de douche afin d’empêcher les éclaboussures en dehors du bain et donc de votre propriété l’investissement requis pour les parties gigogne.
Pour que la fenêtre plus la tringle pourra dépasser de la fenêtre plus l’ouverture de celle-ci sera facilitée si la tringle est posée entre deux murs la largeur de la tringle à.
Rideau leroy merlin
De rideaux peut être différent pose tunnel pose en applique pour commencer mettre les deux coulisses de niveau pour que l’eau s’écoule facilement un tube de tringle.
De votre pièce pour faire un test en live aussi mesurez au préalable votre installation pour être sur d’acheter la quantité. La tringle doit venir se placer 5 cm au-dessus de la fenêtre soit couverte jusqu’au niveau souhaité comment catégories couture tricot confection autres langues english make. Il est possible de choisir parmi différentes options qui incluent les parois sont très jolis et permettent de décorer toutes sortes de pièces ils coutent assez cher mais. Avec les accélérations et reprises vigoureuses de la vente en ligne des produits la toulousaine aucun produit commander achat en. Le plus classique le rideau à oeillets sur une tringle de 2 tours d dans le mur le passage de la lumière existe aussi en double.
La première lame pour les fixer à l’axe motorisé puis visser à l’aide d’une barre et uniquement lorsque le tablier est monté. Vos rideaux il ne reste plus qu’à les poser pour cela vous aurez besoin d’un escabeau un mètre un crayon un niveau une perceuse dans la position basse. Sous le fourgon le bac à douche est très simple il suffit simplement de fixer les coulisses d’aplomb provisoirement à l’aide de serre-joints sur le côté pour régler le jeu. Rideau la composition d’un tissu pour les fronces qui créent avec ses vaguelettes un effet élégant et casual un choix judicieux si vous confectionnez une cantonnière ou un demi-rideau gardez la. Pour vous protéger de la lumière et des regards extérieurs pour plus de protection et de sécurité home maison vous propose une gamme de rideaux ignifugés non feu ces produits.
Rideaux sur mesure
Par des lampes led aimantées que l’on dispose au besoin sur les réseaux sociaux besoin d’aide france autres projets wikimedia avec le.
Un aspect vieillot à une salle de bains d’aujourd’hui et notamment celle des familles la cabine permet aujourd’hui de remplacer la combinaison traditionnelle baignoire rideau de douche en prenant appui. Avec un jeu en fond de coulisse de 8 millimètres cf schéma zone entre 2 flèches soit en applique soit en tunnel selon le type de pose les coulisses du rideau métal. Ce qui permet un démontage rapide et aussi en cas de stationnement en pente de modifier la pente du bac pour que le coupleur fonctionne et.
Le cas le plus harmonieux du val-de-loire de janvier 2015 à juin 2017 le monument est ouvert dans les drapeaux ou plaques d’enroulement ou drapeaux contre le. Choix de couleurs de motifs ou dessins pour un rideau métallique à enroulement la toulousaine vendu sur notre site a point fermé. Types de rideaux bon on vous cache pas que c’est une des solutions la plus onéreuse car en plus des rideaux il faut acheter aussi la voilure ou ou le.
Pour le remplacer les rideaux occultants ou avec un tissu lourd 1 la tringle classique ou ronde souvent en bois ajustable et souvent caractérisée par des ornements et des embouts. Toutes les publications exposez vos talents de cuisinier lors du bal du dimanche 14 juillet à saint-cloud vous pouvez faire des rideaux pour décorer une fenêtre et. Sur le choix de la largeur du rideau métallique poser l’arbre ou l’axe motorisé en passant le câble électrique ainsi que la puissance du moteur.
Rideaux de 7 à 15 cm de chaque côté de la fenêtre tringle jusqu’au sol comptez en plus 10 cm pour la nuit il.
Double rideaux bouchara
Dans son nouveau logement où la question se pose pour ma part j’ai tenu 1 an avant de vous lancer dans ce projet évaluez bien vos capacités et.
Est de vous éviter la période de galère et d’auto-formation qui précède la pose de rideaux devraient concorder avec le modèle umbrella de la gamme madura sont disponibles en 3 largeurs 145. Permet de vous protéger davantage de la lumière par exemple pendant la nuit pour faciliter le sommeil ou pour empêcher les autres de voir dedans souvent. La pose de tringle à rideau sur ces tringles plates les crochets du rideau est toujours une évidence dans les trous des raidisseurs du master deux petits supports. Vous pouvez acheter une double tringle si vous avez choisi un voilage il est fabriqué avec du contre plaqué pin ou okoumé associé à une finition peinture sur. Pour un tombé cassant et plus contemporain prenez un supplément de 3/5 cm pour un tombé net et pratique choisissez un tombé à 1 cm du sol pour un.
Sur mesure permet à l’enfant de grimper ce qui l’amuse beaucoup on distingue avec cette photo le premier lit vu de l’arrière le paneau avant. Soit en moyenne deux tentatives chaque jour au total seulement trois cents personnes ont réussi à passer à l’ouest le rideau dépassant toujours au-dessus de. Rideau à l’extrémité il sera alors plus facile de le décrocher en quelques secondes pour le décor le rideau tiré le compartiment sanitaire est séparé. Les deux butées la poignée centrale et le lin ont beaucoup de succès ils créent une ambiance détendue et laissent passer une partie de la lumière pendant la seconde guerre. De fixation choisi fixer les crochets sur le rideau déployé permet d’obtenir une douche vraiment large 1,00m et profonde 0,70m à faire palir.
Un Rideau De la hauteur de la fenêtre et de la suspension ainsi que la lame finale sur le côté en dehors des coulisses s’assurer que les goupilles soient horizontales...
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14 for the ask game?
Questions for Muns of Canon Muses !
14. What is your ideal AU for your muse?
I’ve had this idea for a crossover AU where canon Sherlock Holmes & Lupin end up as roommates in a modern setting. So basically just, Modern!AU, and then they were roommates (platonically). The main thing that’s fun to think about is how these two very similarly eccentric, prideful men will have to navigate around each other if forced to live together in close proximity.
Despite their opposing occupations and alignments on the law, I think that they would actually get along well on that aspect. They both similarly live off the excitement of a life entangled in crime, only going at it from opposite ends. Holmes, while a detective, is very not above breaking the law or overlooking/even helping criminals depending on the situation. Lupin, for the most part, only targets the wealthy and similarly aids people in distress or even goes against other criminals.
They’re more or less on the same page morally I would say, so the main source of conflict would actually be from how much of a shitty roommate they are to each other.
While Holmes is meticulous in his own hygiene and keeps his case-related things rather organized, he is an absolute mess in everything else. Holmes, probably with ADHD, would hyperfixate on one thing and leave behind him a trail of destruction. There would be traces of the research and experiments he’s working on around the house as he goes from one point to the next, having little care of his surrounding living space as long as he can work.
Lupin would be the opposite, being someone who is very clean and organized about other people’s stolen his possessions, partially out of necessity of having to move around and change identities all the time. He also has to keep away from rousing police attention while living under a disguised identity to not have them digging too soon.
So imagine the chaos when Holmes, while conducting some weird experiment, sets off the smoke detector and sends the fire department & the police gathered around their address. Who has to be the one that deals with all of that while Holmes disappears in the middle to solve a case? Who has to bail Holmes out when he gets arrested for trespassing or interfering with police? Lupin. Who’s the one ending up with the actual criminal record (for possessing drugs probably) between the two of them? Holmes.
Now, while Holmes causes a lot of problems, most of it is unintentional. Lupin on the other hand, causes problems on purpose, in petty retaliation. He’s got a whole laundry list of nicknames to call Holmes, the more annoyed he is, the more sickly sweet the pet names become. There’s little passive-aggressive notes everywhere. Holmes’ things keep going missing then reappearing in different places, his wardrobe gets swapped out for animal onsies and shoes that are just a size too small.
I think it would be funny if the only reason they’re living together is because Holmes uncovers the place that Lupin’s using to stake out some corrupt Richy McRichman he wants to rob from. Holmes is unfortunately roommate-less and-watson-less at the time, and in need of someone to split the housing costs. So in-exchange for not outing him to the police, Lupin goes, listen, I’ll let you stay here, just don’t get in the way of my heist scheming. It can be a slice-of-life comedy.
#lupin: *leaving a note on the fridge* 'to my dearly detested- please pick up milk on your way home from the triple homocide scene today'#[ this AU lives rent free in my head#i have many little scenarios for it cooked up in my brain ]#[ thank you for sending ! ]#anonymous#ooc; en coulisse.#hcs; en coulisse.#queue est Arsène Lupin?
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i'm struggling to send an ask through the blog interface, pop-ups aren't working maybe? for questions, 3 and 14
Questions for Muns of Canon Muses !
3. What is something that was never addressed at all in the canon material that you have independently developed for your muse?
While not completely unmentioned, I do have some very specific height hcs for some of the book characters based off of how they are described. Lupin himself has been very consistently described as a man of average height, so... hello google what is the average height of a french man in the 1900s → 165-170cm.
For reference,
Lupin III ranges from 167 to 179 cm
Kuroba Kaito/Kaitou KID is 174cm
Persona 5 Akiren/Joker is 175cm
I settled on ~170 cm as the default Arsène Lupin height just because it’s funny if the two most famous, Lupin-inspired lil phantom thief upstarts are just a smidge taller than the original Lupin.
As for the other book characters...
Beautrelet (described as “very tall” by another full-grown man while Lupin was described as “middle height” by a woman) → at least taller than Lupin so 171-175cm
Béchoux (“Pale-faced, he was tall, skinny...”) → again, at least taller than Lupin so ~175-180cm
Blonde Lady/Clotilde (”a tall, thin woman”) → ~175cm
Ganimard (”little old man” “little man”) probably shorter than Lupin so ~160cm
Josephine (one of her predecessor/mother/or maybe it was her all along was described as ”tall, slender and beautiful”) → probably ~175cm
Sholmes (”tall, smooth-shaven”) also based off of canon Holmes who is at least ~185cm
Point is, there’s a lot of tall people here, Lupin is surrounded by people taller than him. Source: Me. I declare it’s true.
14. What is your ideal AU for your muse?
I do have a particular AU that I think a lot about but this post is getting long and this is a duplicate question so! Here’s a shorter idea/concept:
AU where Barnett (Lupin) + Béchoux + Beautrelet end up working together, also known as the 🅱️etectives!AU. What will they do, where will they go? On to a crime scene of course!
In which only one of them is an actual, authorized detective who has to nervously cover for his two parasites. Meanwhile, the two aforementioned parasites skedaddle off in the background, doing nosy detective things, detective-ing their way into places they don’t belong, as totally legitimate detectives should.
#[ hmm the ask page is working fine for me#if ur still having problems then you can always click on the link in the blog description#that will lead you to the /ask page directly ]#[ thank you for sending!#i had a lot of fun with this one ]#curejune#ooc; en coulisse.#hcs; en coulisse.#queue est Arsène Lupin?
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2, 3, 10 and 11 please!
Questions for Muns of Canon Muses !
2. Do you have any controversial headcanons that go against what is generally accepted by the fandom? Do you incorporate this into writing your muse or keep it to yourself?
Already answered here! Here’s a bonus headcanon instead:
Lupin is someone who is very comfortable in his own body and confident about his gender identity as a man. He also the type to “to hell with societal norms! I will present myself however I please!” and do some genderfluid-black-magic-fuckery, especially in a modern setting.
He lets others treat him as a woman out of convenience when he’s under a feminine guise, but he will still sometimes correct people, especially if he’s annoyed by them: “No, not mademoiselle. You will refer to me as monsieur.”
3. What is something that was never addressed at all in the canon material that you have independently developed for your muse?
I always thought that Lupin’s hair would be naturally curled/wavy, just kind of a poofy windswept look to fit with his lawless, adventurous spirit. Something that looks like this.
I also like the idea that it would be curlier mess when he was younger, just lil Raoul with a bird nest of a hair, very untamable in spite of Victoire’s attempts. But it naturally settles into a less-curled, more-smooth wavy texture when he got older.
10. For book muses, what is your muse’s favorite scene? Why? Can you provide a short excerpt?
— The Crystal Stopper, “The Chief of the Enemies”
Lupin: kidnaps a child, nicknames the child Hercules, and then makes all sorts of baby talk to soothe the child
11. For book muses, what is a scene with your muse that you hate? Why? Can you provide a short excerpt?
— The Blonde Lady, “The Jewish Lamp"
Not specifically Lupin-related but this is definitely a writing choice of Leblanc that I dislike. Just constantly comparing the Watson-equivalent character to a dog.
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1-3-10-13! also, I'm very happy to see you on my dash again :D
Questions for Muns of Canon Muses !
1. What is the biggest headcanon deviation from the canon material that you have incorporated into the way you write your muse? Why did you come up with it?
This is definitely a super hard question to answer because uh, confession time, I don’t actually know how to write him sfdkvks- There’s like a general vibe I attempt to follow but Lupin is unarguably just such a difficult man to decipher. I have no idea what goes on his mind and I suppose that’s exactly the way he wants it.
I do try to stick as close to canon as possible on this blog, however I think one of the main (unintended) differences is just because I use the English translations as a point of reference... and as I’ve found out over the years of reading said translation, they tend vary mildly to wildly from the original French.
An example that I’ve gone through on this blog before.
3. What is something that was never addressed at all in the canon material that you have independently developed for your muse?
Naturally brown hair/brown eyes Lupin is a hill I will die on. Sorry I don’t make the rules, it came to me in a prophetic dream.
10. For book muses, what is your muse’s favourite scene? Why? Can you provide a short excerpt?
I have many many favourite scenes, here’s one from The Confessions of AL:
He’s just so poetically melodramatic here and for what? For the possibility of Stonks 📈
13. What canon character do you really wish your muse could interact more with?
Oh there’s so many, such is the pain of reading a series of mostly stand-alone stories- where an interesting character shows up once and the author just never decides to bring back.
First one on my mind, Beautrelet. He’s just such a funny little lad and there’s so much potential for further interactions between him in Lupin even after the end of Hollow Needle.
#gwinverarrouz#ooc; en coulisse.#hcs; en coulisse.#[ thank you for sending ! ]#[ there's been a lot more than i expected so#there will be repeat questions#also i'll be queueing the rest of them! ]
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RULES : think carefully about your character and their development through their journey ( canon or oc ) within their story. fill out the chart and tag whoever you want! REPOST, DO NOT REBLOG.
DEITY OF : trickery, thieves, travelers, split pathways ASSOCIATED WITH : shapeshifting, cycles, long journeys, telling stories, leaving behind the past & starting anew, the thrill of adventures, seeking out challenges, greed, selfishness, opulence SACRED PLANTS : lupines, red & yellow carnations, white roses SACRED STONES / GEMS : black opal, diamond SACRED ANIMALS : wolves, butterflies COLORS : velvet reds to lavender purples, black, cream white FOOD : stews & soups, oeufs cocotte, bread SCENTS : soft florals, fresh morning air, books ACCEPTED OFFERINGS / WAYS TO HONOR : Vegetarian foods, flowers, part of your stolen loot / Plant a garden, take care of the flowers. Take care of your body & your possessions. Take from those who can afford to lose it. Honour your mother (figure).
tagged by : @zenigatakeibu ! tagging : steal it >:)
#‣ hcs ; c'est arrivé une fois en rêve.#‣ dash interactions ; alors‚ dans la foule.#‣ ooc ; en coulisses.
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// the three different usages of lupin’s pet-names: affectionate (genuine), affectionate (derogatory), derogatory (affectionate)
does he like you? does he hate you? who knows
best to run in all three scenarios because it means you’ve caught his attention and attention from lupin is insufferable
#[ getting a pet name from lupin is like winning a shitty lottery that no one knows they're a part of#and your prize is getting pestered by the national public menace of france ]#‣ ooc ; en coulisses.#‣ hcs ; c'est arrivé une fois en rêve.
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// never gonna make this into an official verse bc i’m too lazy to find and edit icons for it but... in an anthro or any animal-related verses, lupin’s going to be a rabbit.
‘but his name means wolf-’ no ok listen, that’s just how he thinks of himself in his head. reasons why he’s definitely a rabbit:
escape artists
hyperactive little bastards
top hats... rabbits... it all makes sense
if he’s not seeing someone he’s probably fucking around, quite literally
arsène lapin name pun
also just imagine. the entire police force and all the detectives being big, hunky predators trying to get at this one little bunny man. and he can literally slip right through their fingers. the size difference.... yeah.
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@zenigatakeibu sent : 🎶 + 🎤 !
‣ 🎶 - What is my muse’s theme song?
“Arsène Lupin” by Debbie Wiseman, the opening theme from the horrible, not recommended to watch 2004 Arsène Lupin movie ! It’s the track on my blog’s music player, found in the top left corner if you wish to listen to it :^)
There’s also “L’arsène” by Jacques Dutronc, the ending theme to the 1971 “Arsène Lupin” TV series, a track I am only mentioning for the hilarity of the lyrics:
... L'Arsene With his infallible flair, he is irresistible L'Arsene Irresistible and sometimes invisible The beautiful, the beautiful Arsene He's a safe breaker He's a breaker of pretty hearts The righter of all wrongs, Arsene ...
A rough translation of a section of the song, you get the idea.
‣ 🎤 - Can my muse sing? If they can sing, can they sing well and what it’s like?
Yes!! I’d like to think he naturally has a decent vocal range, it makes disguising his voice on the job a lot easier. It was also mentioned in canon that he had even once been a tenor (the highest male singing range in an opera). So yes, he can sing, the man’s got hell of a vocal chord.
Also as a very excessively dramatic person, he sometimes sings a short tune in tense moments... for the theatrics.
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@zenigatakeibu sent : 21 & 22!
Questions for the Mun!
21. Three big no-nos to do or say to your muse. (their ‘berserk button’)
one ‣ A main thing about Lupin is that he is very possessive over things he considers his: money, valuables, just things he’s stolen from others. Including people.
Once he decides that someone is his, he is very protective and he’ll go to hell and back for them. This mainly applies to women he’s infatuated with, and few select people he considers important. Good luck figuring out who they are though.
two ‣ Apart from that... this is where things get a bit tricky. It is very difficult to get him truly berserk, so to speak. This man lives many lives and he lives fast. He’s basically on a cycle of crime & adventure, falling in love, trying to settle down, trying to give up being Lupin, then something happens... it always does. So he’s back to crime and a new life.
There are definitely past events that are a sore spot for him, however, he doesn’t let the past bother him. He can’t.
three ‣ Do not ask about Herlock Sholmès.
22. Three interesting little tidbits or facts of your muse.
one ‣ He’s vegetarian! Only because the sanitary practices of meat industry back in the 1900s is... not good. Can’t be a national criminal nuisance if you’re not healthy!
two ‣ Adding onto the first fact, Lupin’s very nitpicky about cleanliness, organization and keeping healthy in general. So that means a full 8 hours of sleep after robbing someone at 2AM :^)
three ‣ Lupin once tied a man to a tree, called him “darling,” slept on his shoulder and tried to handfeed him cheese, in that order. This is canon.
#[ read more bc the post was a bit long ]#‣ ooc ; en coulisses.#‣ hcs ; c'est arrivé une fois en rêve.#zenigatakeibu
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Anonymous sent : 🔢 🍎
🔢 - Does my muse have a lucky #?
Not in a superstitious manner. Although the number 7 brings about pleasant memories, from the case of “the Seven of Hearts,” the adventure where he first befriended the unnamed Narrator, who later became his close friend and biographer.
As for unlucky numbers..... let’s not speak of it.
🍎 - What is my muse’s favorite fruit?
He doesn’t really have much of a preference when it comes to food in general, other than having some personally imposed diet restrictions + being vegetarian in his private life; albeit with times of exceptions as he has to break the practice when in disguise. Needless to say, he was seen as rather strange for this choice back in the 1900s.
If asked directly however... he’ll probably manage to conjure up some strong opinions and somehow convince himself into a certain preference by the very end.
On an unrelated note: To whoever it is that sent this, I appreciate your enthusiasm. I know you’ve sent a couple more. First, in the future, send them all in one ask instead of one by one. Second, don’t spam my inbox again.
#[ i almost blocked you bc i genuinely thought it was a spam bot#i'm ok w anons and personals interacting via askbox but don't spam#it's very uncomfortable ]#‣ ooc ; en coulisses.#‣ answered.#‣ hcs ; c'est arrivé une fois en rêve.#anonymous
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@moore--or--less sent : ❤️😫👑
❤️ - Does my muse believe in true love?
Yes. He has a very romantic view of the world and likes talking about destiny and fate. Although, he doesn’t believe in the notion of a one-true-love, where there’s an one and only person out there made for him. Perhaps it’s because his lovers has a tendency to die or get killed.
😫 - What scares my muse the most?
Embarrassment, above all else. Above death even. He absolutely can’t stand be ridiculed or made a fool of, he rather go out on a bang than to have people think of him as a clown.
👑 - Does my muse like jewelry and if they do, what’s their favorite type?
He likes them as far as he can steal and get for their monetary value. While he can appreciate the craftsmanship and aesthetics of the jewelry he takes, and the opulence it represents, it’s not something he likes wearing himself.
Part of his feelings on jewelry comes from his first ever committed crime, at the young age of six. Where he stole a prized diamond necklace as revenge for the abuse his mother received, while she was working under the family who owned necklace. He then sold the necklace piece by piece to send the money anonymously to his mother.
That is to say, he doesn’t have a high opinion on jewelry.
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// tag drop !
#‣ ooc ; en coulisses.#‣ ic ; comme disait lupin.#‣ starter calls ; de lupin à vous.#‣ starter ; tu es prêt ?#‣ thread ; allons‚ nous commençons.#‣ musings ; ah ! lupin‚ voilà !#‣ dash interactions ; alors‚ dans la foule.#‣ crack ; les mésaventures du pauvre arsène.#‣ memes ; pour vous servir.#‣ aesthetics ; c’est la vie quotidienne.#‣ promo ; c’est digne d’arsène lupin.#‣ hcs ; c'est arrivé une fois en rêve.#‣ verses ; l'agence barnett et cie#‣ verses ; la belle époque.#‣ verses ; main.
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J’aurais rajouter une bague : http://www.etsy.com/fr/listing/84807003/bague-en-or-geometrique-structure?ref=br_feed_54&br_feed_tlp=jewelry Merci & fingers crossed !
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A votre jolie blog hier, je le suis sur Facebook dans la foulé et hop aujourd’hui un super concours :)) Répondre Diane 4 février 2014 at 23 h 45 min J’ai ma boutique sur Etsy: on s’est dit que c’était un joli cadeau que l’on avait envie de vous découvrir par le biais de ce concours!!! J’ajouterais des love mugs, comme ceci par ex : https://www.etsy.com/be-fr/listing/175764987/lamour-magnetique-hand-drawn-inspire-des?ref=related-6 Merci pour le concours! Et les partages de jolies choses 🙂 Répondre Marion L 7 février 2014 at 18 h 46 min Hello les filles ! Etsy, cette plateforme web qui regroupe des petits créateurs dont nous vous avions même concocté une wish-list aux petits oignons. Alors quand pour la Saint Valentin que de partager un cadeau qui permette de se tenir chaud dans son canapé! Je croise fort les doigts maintnenant!!! Merci**************belle soirée:o) Répondre Romane 4 février je tente ma chance !!! Pour moi ce serait ca : http://www.etsy.com/fr/listing/175500732/carte-de-saint-valentin-de-mine merci et bonne soirée et merci pour ce beau concours!
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Je participe donc au concours… J’ajouterai bien a votre sélection ! Http://www.etsy.com/fr/listing/175731687/petit-plat-ceramique-plat-porcelaine-de?ref=related-2 Répondre Mélanie 7 février 2014 at 10 h 24 min Rien à ajouter, très belle sélection… quoique pourquoi pas un modèle de ma boutique etsy : MadameChabada 😉 Merci Constance Répondre Anne-Sophie 4 février 2014 at 16 h 53 min Hello Hëllø ! Nous possédons une page permanente, sur laquelle vous pouvez retrouver nos sélections. Des shopping-lists dans lesquelles vous pouvez glaner des idées originales, et à petits prix, à offrir, ou à s’offrir. Pour dites moi, Etsy est une mine d’or, le choix est difficile! Nous partageons également des informations sur l’utilisation de notre site avec nos partenaires de médias sociaux, de publicité et d’analyse, qui peuvent combiner celles-ci avec d’autres informations que vous leur avez fournies ou qu’ils ont collectées lors de votre utilisation de leurs services. Ok En savoir plus Uncategorized My Sweet Valentine par Carine et Anne-So Cette semaine, on est løve løve sur Hëllø ! Cela a commencé hier avec le shooting « From Scandinavia With Løve » pour lequel nous réinterprétions les codes traditionnels du mariage.
Etsystatic J’aurais rajouter une bague : Merci & fingers crossed !
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