venisontransmission · 7 months
@hcllwcnged <3 for a starter
The battle against heaven hadn't gone quite to plan. Along with getting attacked by Adam- the irritated wound still burned his skin- the hotel had been completely destroyed. Not only that, but it seemed Lucifer had saw fit to move into the hotel while the deer demon had been off tending to his wounds.
He's not made mention of anything- Charlie is in high spirits, and for now that is all that matters. He still had that deal up his sleeve as well. For now he just has to put up with the King of Hell's presence- shouldn't be too difficult, right?
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At the sound of footsteps approaching him in the lounge, Alastor turns from his book, his usual pleasant smile greeting the fallen angel.
"Can I help you?"
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hclluvahctel · 7 months
@hcllwcnged replied: Insult
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"NOW NOW, WE WOULDN'T WANT OUR DAUGHTER to see us fighting, would we?"
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micsmasmuses · 7 months
@hcllwcnged replied : And he can keep it in the lust rING //lol
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“Oh c’mon Luci, don’t act like you don’t miss me~”
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Continued from X @hcllwcnged
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Well, Beelzebub wasn't surprised at the reaction she got from Lucifer, along with getting little time to exit as he wasted little time in both counting down, and carrying her out of the study. "Hey, I ain't making fun of your hobby. Just, maybe tone it down a bit is all," the Sin said while facing the other. She wasn't one to judge what people do, though was very much aware the angel wasn't doing it for the healthiest reason.
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"No, I'm here to get you out of your study and to fuckin party," Beelzebub said, swiftly placing her arm around Lucifer's shoulders and starting to walk thus hopefully making him automatically walk with her. "It's just a small little thing with a couple of friends, though should be enough to get you to relax and have some fun."
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originemesis · 7 months
@hcllwcnged cont. xxx
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"...the fuck!? OK, you're going on the watch list now-"
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hotelbitches · 8 months
lilith wakes with what might be the biggest hard on of her life. safe in her nest, she reaches for the warmth next to her, drawing her husband closer, naked skin pressed against his. "i need you," she breathes, opening her eyes and looking up at him with blown out pupils, hands roaming his skin. "i need to be inside you so badly, luci, please."
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voxxcd · 7 months
:0? If it clicks of course ♡
       Send ♡ if you'd be interested in discussing a ship between our muses
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((pushes them together))
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adamsappl · 7 months
@hcllwcnged replied: Let’s keep it that way
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❝ just being around you has a way of making my life shittier, don't worry. ❞
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hellshoard · 7 months
hcllwcnged replied: What's this? A hug? No, he's suplexing Adam.
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Oop. There he goes.
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ofdapperdemon · 7 months
hcllwcnged / @hcllwcnged Yells louder
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Shoves one of his ducks in his mouth, with his shadows. " Ah, quiet."
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waywardsculs · 7 months
@hcllwcnged : Gives her the chocolate candy kiss instead : )
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Well ... It's a kiss at least, so she can't really complain.
" Uh ... Thanks ? " Guess she's got something sweet to much on later now.
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yafucknut · 7 months
@hcllwcnged liked for a starter
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He turns around.
Oh, Satan. Literally.
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arachnaemboss · 7 months
Haven’t interacted but whenever I see you on the dash i inhale your writing and interpretation 🌟 //pos
how's my portrayal?
aww thank you so much! we should interact some time!
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micsmasmuses · 7 months
@hcllwcnged replied : go to BED.
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“I will go to bed WHEN YOU GO TO BED.”
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fizzarollitm · 7 months
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@hcllwcnged sent; Anxious starter ( MEME )
Since dating Ozzy he had gotten use to sharing rooms with people high up in Hell's pecking order. Side eyes and comments from the Sins to blatant offers from an Overlord hungry for a deal. But this was nothing compared to all of them. Actually, he would take a room full of every single being across the greater Rings than be in this one right next too—
" Lucifer, or, Your Highness. " Should he bow? He had a full glass of champagne and it felt rude to chug it and then bow. In his mind, he thought of every joke he had made at Ozzy's about the grand King of hell. Or worse. About his wife. Fuck—
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originemesis · 7 months
@hcllwcnged UM WHAT IS THIS- ??
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Blinking. BLINKING- Oh, he's so alerted. Alert call? ALERT FUCKING CALL! "LUTE! CAWCAWWW-"
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