#hc: giselle meirelles
humangods · 2 years
💞 for whoever!
For a small handful of the many characters I have with you. We’re almost close to having half as many as we used to together. ;’D
The love language my muse receives love in Acts of service. She has a hard time believing other expressions of affection otherwise, especially words of affirmation, because she’s used them -- primarily verbal flirtation -- to her advantage to gain things from others. Adrianne has done this especially as a method to move up in her career. The love language my muse expresses love in Despite being a skeptic when someone uses words of affirmation and physical touch with her as a way of expressing their feelings towards her, it’s how she does so with others along with what little quality time she can give. When she’s ingenuine it’s light touches that never linger more than she must to distract and comments made with a practiced yet forced smile, but when she means it her touch will linger more than it needs to and she’ll be more comfortable about it. The words of affirmation she’ll say with more seriousness as well. Acts of service when she can, but being as busy as she is it’s hard for her to take on more tasks or deviate from her own routine for the sake of someone else if it’s not something small. How demonstrative my muse is with love She can be very open about being with someone so long as the other person is comfortable with it, but she’s not about to be caught making out in public if there a lot of people around. Otherwise she’ll have no objections. One random love-language related headcanon Because she’s always been so busy, first with law school and then taking on a job for some income while in school, then with her career from the start to where she is now, Adrianne has never had much time for romance. This has caused her to have engaged in very few serious relationships, but many flings and one night stands. She prefers a casual relationship to something more serious because of the commitment the latter takes and she wants to be sure about the other person before investing too much emotionally into them.
The love language my muse receives love in Acts of service and words of affirmation in the beginning, but as she eases into the relationship then physical touch more comfortably. However, being rather oblivious means that even if someone were to express affection and feelings in the form of either, until Alexis knows for certain that they have feelings for her she either won’t realize their actions are being driven by that or she’ll be confused as to why they’re being nice and/or physically close to her. There’s a chance she may recoil and/or flinch from physical touch received by someone she’s not close with. Overall, Alexis is likely to brush the other person off as just being oddly nice to her. The love language my muse expresses love in Acts of service, quality time, and words of affirmation. Anything she can do, especially little things, to make the other person’s life easier in some way. Cooking for someone and bringing them a thermos of coffee/tea/whatever their drink of choice is is a seemingly small gesture that she doesn’t expect to be read too deeply into, but will still be significant for her. If she’s able to help lessen the other person’s workload or lighten their emotional burdens in some way she’ll do that too. Alexis also makes the effort to spend time with someone as best she can given her unpredictable schedule, and when she spends time with someone she makes sure to be there fully. How demonstrative my muse is with love Physically, not really in public. She’s private and doesn’t like to draw attention to herself, and she gets shy and self-conscious about it. But she’ll try to compromise and be a little more expressive if that’s what would make the person happy although she will also try to compensate for this by giving more words of affirmation. Alexis is fine with a quick kiss or holding hands, but beyond that and she’ll probably get self-conscious. With acts of service and words of affirmation she’s more openly demonstrative. At home, over time, she’ll become more comfortable with physical touch. One random love-language related headcanon Alexis has never been in a serious relationship before. She’s experienced a brief fling, but because the emotional attachment wasn’t there and Alexis doesn’t typically like being touched in general, without the factor of emotional attachment to them the fling made her very uncomfortable and she ended things.
The love language my muse receives love in Physical touch. She likes words of affirmation and appreciates them, but has a hard time believing them too because of how she perceives herself, which is extremely poorly. The love language my muse expresses love in Physical touch because she doesn’t like touching people outside of the bedroom, so the more physical she is with someone in general the more feelings she has for them. Gift giving is another as she doesn’t like giving gifts to others who don’t mean anything to her. However, she often does this in the form of giving flowers or taking people out to lavish meals unless she happens to think of something more sentimental to give. How demonstrative my muse is with love She’s reluctant to in the beginning of a relationship as she doesn’t want to appear too attention and touch-starved, but once she’s comfortable then she’s much more open about it and doesn’t feel so self-conscious. One random love-language related headcanon Aversa has a difficult time separating physical intimacy with being emotionally vulnerable in that she can’t hide her feelings and inner turmoil behind physical acts of intimacy, so even someone engaging in a meaningless hookup with her will likely be able to tell she’s going through stuff internally. She envies those who can separate the two.
The love language my muse receives love in Words of affirmation so long as it’s not solely about her capabilities with technology as she’ll think nothing of them. She’s awkward with physical touch and squirms a bit when touched because her brain goes into overdrive from confusion. The love language my muse expresses love in Words of affirmation because she’s not good at giving sincere compliments and quality time. She blushes a lot and gets nervous the more she likes the other person, like some schoolgirl. Fiona finds this very embarrassing and annoying. But she’s happy to spend time with the other person whether they’re doing something together or doing their own things in the same space. How demonstrative my muse is with love Sort of. She tries to be, then gets nervous, and will want to extract herself from the situation. As the relationship lasts, however, Fiona will try to make herself endure her nervousness and get over it. One random love-language related headcanon When in a relationship her form of gift giving is developing some kind of software that the other person may find useful and that relates to an issue they may have expressed where software could ease the burden. Her ex did not appreciate it and it’s made her anxious about doing so again, but she’s a computer nerd through and through. Fiona has to mentally prepare herself for dates too in an attempt to alleviate her anxiety.
The love language my muse receives love in Physical touch because she’s received copious amounts of gifts and countless words of affirmation that always felt hollow to her while acts of service comes with having money and fame that others seek to gain from knowing her. Those who have looked at her with admiration have done so because of what she can do, not who she is. Being touched is a very intimate thing for Giselle and because of that she prefers to not be touched by others, often keeping a physical distance from them and will try not to touch others in turn. The love language my muse expresses love in Words of affirmation and physical touch. A lot of what Giselle has to say isn’t kind -- she speaks harshly and with contempt whether intentional or not -- so when she makes the effort be sweeter and isn’t repulsed by touching someone it means she’s developed a fondness for them. How demonstrative my muse is with love Not very, but that can change over time. Because she’s so prominent in Olympic sports and the equestrian world, she has to be careful about the image she maintains. Once she’s loosened up a bit she can be more openly affectionate, but she usually waits for her partner to make the first move. One random love-language related headcanon She likes to be in charge in every aspect of her life possible, but when it comes to romance she’s much more timid and demure though also bratty, but it’s a side she tries very hard to conceal. Though she doesn’t actively seek out romantic partners of a specific type -- largely because she doesn’t have the time to do so -- she does have a preference for more dominant ones.
The love language my muse receives love in Physical touch, and she pays a great deal of attention to a person’s body language and their eyes more so than what exactly they’re saying. She knows better than anyone that people can say anything they wish and pitch their voice however they deem fit to make their words more convincing to others yet not mean it if they don’t want to. But she finds most people have a more difficult time hiding their intentions through physical touch and the expressiveness in their eyes. Acts of service is just as significant because it can give her an idea of how committed someone is to her or not. The love language my muse expresses love in Physical touch and quality time. She uses a little bit of everything to manipulate others to do or believe certain things that she wants them to, so because of this she doubts a potential partner would readily or easily believe when she tries to be genuine through physical touch and words of affirmation as she lies using both for a living, but still turns to physical touch instinctively. Helena also becomes more open to doing acts of service if a request is made of her from someone she has feelings for than anyone else whom she is quicker to brush off. How demonstrative my muse is with love Not at all unless it’s for show, but even then it’s in a restrained way with influence over how others perceive her displays of affection. She wouldn’t reject her partner for being more demonstrative, however, or rebuke their attempts if made to show off their feelings for her. Publicly, however, she’d be uncertain of how to react. One random love-language related headcanon She’s afraid to fall in love because even when she does her best to be honest, Helena doesn’t know how truthful she’s being having a shaky sense of self as it is. Because of this when she does find someone she’s serious about she tends to become more physical and likes to be in closer proximity to them.
The love language my muse receives love in Acts of service because she believes it’s the way a person behaves and treats another that reveals their true feelings towards someone. Also having had suitors to meet as arranged by her father, some have been able to behave in a charming way, but in Isra’s opinion it’s too easy to fake affection in other ways. The love language my muse expresses love in Gift giving and words of affirmation because she doesn’t believe in giving shallow compliments if they aren’t meant. Isra also likes to get little, spontaneous gifts that make her think of someone as well. But to be someone who crosses her mind more than once and mean something to her can be a challenge as she brushes most people off due to suspecting them to be lying or wanting something from her. How demonstrative my muse is with love Somewhere in between of not at all and is very demonstrative. She doesn’t go out of her way to show affection, but she won’t hold herself back when she feels like it either. Sometimes she won’t mind an audience and other times she will. Isra is fickle about public displays, but when alone with her partner she can be much more demonstrative. Sometimes. Or she’ll tease and tempt with the promise of physical touch. One random love-language related headcanon She thinks expensive gifts for the sake of showing off are tacky, but she’s received a number of them from potential suitors. She sold what was of value and threw out what she either couldn’t get away with selling or wasn’t worth anything. Isra also forgot who gave her which gifts.
The love language my muse receives love in She doesn’t really receive love unless she sees a way it can benefit her. Often times the feelings are unrequited as she rarely experiences romantic feelings. That said, Maxine would recognize acts of service more easily and readily than anything else.
The love language my muse expresses love in Quality time and words of... back-handed affirmation. It’s the best anyone will get from her. Maybe a little bit of physical touch, but more like light touches here and there and rarely publicly. If Maxine has feelings for someone she’ll be a little nicer to them and a little more considerate of their values and feelings. But with Maxine “a little” is still noticeable. Maxine can even possibly be swayed to compromise, but that can require coaxing. She 
How demonstrative my muse is with love Not at all. No acts of service, per se, but she’ll be more open to a small request from her partner whereas she doesn’t care what others want if it’s not what she wants as well. Maxine might add in a back-handed compliment (or even a more straightforward one, but rarely) if she’s in a particularly good mood, but it’d be whispered to her partner if they’re in the company of others. If it’s only a physical relationship though, Maxine will be more open to physicality so long as the other person knows not to get attached and she doesn’t want anything more. She will, at the very least, spend a little more time with someone so long as they’re okay with them each doing their own thing.
One random love-language related headcanon Maxine has engaged in flings here and there, but nothing ever serious. She’s had neither the time nor interest in her past (brief) partners enough to take things beyond a physical relationship. Anytime someone wanted more from her she laughed at them and left. During the flings she’s very dominant both in and out of bed and tends to cut right to the chase when she speaks, preferring the physicality above everything else since anything else has more of a chance (in her opinion) of involving emotions later. She’s a dominatrix through and through as Maxine loves her power and being in control all the time.
The love language my muse receives love in Quality time and gifts. Natalia spends a lot of time alone and only interacts with others when she’s receiving a new contract or for other business related reasons. While she’s pretty content or at least accustomed to being alone, she is a little lonely but won’t throw herself at the first person that shows her attention either. Natalia will definitely go for someone who makes time for her and gives spontaneous gifts since it means the person was thinking of her. The love language my muse expresses love in Gift giving in the worst way possible except to Natalia it’s not bad just... Unique. She may steal things from the people she kills if she likes the object or she’ll gift the bullet or other weapon she used to kill someone with. If Natalia doesn’t give a strange (and illegal) gift she’ll get the other person takeout. She can’t cook well, so that’s the closest anyone would get to receiving a meal from her as a form of act of service. She may, however, gift other random things like a stuffed animal, keychain, etc. that make her think of the other person. Or it may not make her think of them at all and they’re simply things she likes that she then feels like giving to someone else whether they’d like it or not if she took the time to consider that. How demonstrative my muse is with love Very. Natalia’s shameless, but she’ll respect the other person’s boundaries. Sort of. She’ll do her best, but she may trip up a little sometimes. One random love-language related headcanon One time while she was still in the training academy for Vanesco, she met a girl whom she liked but had no idea how to express it in a remotely appropriate way. Instead of confessing her feelings or doing something more typical like longing glances and the like to indicate them, Natalia told the girl she was going to kill her because “You’re hot and it throws me off” as the girl was also her competition by virtue of also being apart of the organization. Natalia gifted her a half-drunk coffee of the same kind that the girl favored so she’d know that Natalia liked her, but also was also very annoyed by her too as they were meant to be rivals.
The love language my muse receives love in She’s kind of skeptical of it all, but quality time is the best option to go with. At least if nothing else it gives the other person a chance to try and convince her of their sincerity or at least get her to slowly realize that maybe they’re spending time with her because they like her. Which in turn would make her rethink their interactions in the past. The love language my muse expresses love in Physical touch that is clearly meant to be intimate or shared between romantic partners. Not necessarily sexual, but things like holding hands, playing with the other person’s hair, resting her legs on their lap, etc. Things she’d never do with anyone else. How demonstrative my muse is with love Once she’s confident that the relationship is genuine and she’s not being used for money and/or status by association or to use her as a connection to reach her family then Nevra will become more open about putting her relationship on display. Until that moment she may be more reserved about it. One random love-language related headcanon Once, when she was younger and thought she knew much more about love than she really did, Nevra was convinced she was in love with a boy. He was a classic Bad Boy who took her on joy rides, had her sneak out late at night to meet up with him, etc. Her parents warned her to stay away from him, but of course that had the opposite effect of her wanting to see him more. She gave him all the time in the world that she could and was draped on his arm constantly, but she was blind to how manipulative he was and how he was trying to use Nevra’s status and wealth to so he could get away with petty crimes. She learned later on when they got caught and her parents paid a lot of money to spin the story to be less scandalous for the family’s image and he angrily confessed when she tried to visit him in jail and apologize but wouldn’t help him get out. 
The love language my muse receives love in Physical touch. Rhea loves those light or lingering, gentle touches, which she’ll readily reciprocate, and having her hair played with idly. While she doesn’t hang on to miscellaneous things much, she will hang onto such a gift if there had been sentimental value attached to it when it was given to her. She may not always have a place to display the gift, but she’ll hold onto it nonetheless. On the flip side, if the relationship ends on a sour note she’ll likely get rid of the gift(s). Acts of service is another though something where there’s still a chance Rhea will misinterpret the act as the person simply being nice. The love language my muse expresses love in Words of affirmation. She’s quick to express admiration and praise when deserved or if something comes to mind that she wants to say (i.e. she’s not going to force it and say something for the sake of saying it). When speaking to a partner or someone of romantic interest it’s impossible for Rhea to hide the way her face lights up. Physical touch is a close second. How demonstrative my muse is with love Not overly demonstrative, but it’s unmistakable when she’s in the company of her partner or someone she’s interested in whether or not she’ll admit to it in the case of the latter. One random love-language related headcanon While Rhea threw out many of the things her exes have given her, when her last ex-husband was forced to leave her with Jackal, the dog (it had chosen her in a custody battle) that she’d gotten him as an anniversary gift, Rhea initially wanted to give him up as she didn’t think she’d have the time to take care of him nor had as much motivation to do so as she thought he deserved. What made her change her mind was when she’d brought Jack to the shelter and while she didn’t miss her ex-husband she started crying in her car anyway and Jack tried to cheer her up. She realized the dog didn’t deserve to be abandoned and was already attached to her, plus Jack helped her maintain a routine even when she didn’t want to some days. So she drove back home and while she doesn’t care for the origin of how Jack came to be apart of her life she loves him all the same. Her partner is going to need Jack’s approval as well (in a choice of a partner vs. Jack she’d pick Jack). Although he loves receiving attention from everyone, he’s picky about whom he actually respects and will listen to/obey and accept in his small family.
The love language my muse receives love in They don’t because they’re kind of dumb and if they do realize someone has an interest in them they’ll pretend they’re clueless. The only way to force Severin to face feelings is to be upfront and tell them. It’s sometimes frustrating for others to have to be the one to confess, but Severin is a coward if the feelings are mutual or cruel if they don’t return the feelings. But if someone manages to get Severin to 1) acknowledge that there are feelings involved and 2) get them to realize they reciprocate those feelings then quality time is what they appreciate most. The love language my muse expresses love in Well... They won’t be so quick to try and kill the other person? Severin is horrible at it. They’ll tease and annoy mercilessly, especially with trying to make the other person jealous. It’s all to deflect from their own feelings which they’d rather ignore entirely than address. Severin will engage in more banter, and joke around more, but still pretend they have no idea that they have feelings let alone express them. Despite all of that, Severin won’t sleep with anyone they don’t have an interest in so if they get into bed with someone there’s some degree of interest. However, they’re not gentle in bed either so never expect that. How demonstrative my muse is with love Not at all and very demonstrative in their own way. They’ll be more teasing and seek out the other person’s company more, but they aren’t one for PDA and grand or soft gestures of intimacy and romance. One random love-language related headcanon When they were dating Valdis, a relationship they sort of fell into without really acknowledging it verbally, Severin was rough in bed. It was something Valdis accepted and could easily keep up with given that neither of them had to worry about hurting the other too much, but one time while they were kissing Severin went too far and bit too hard into Valdis’s lip causing it to bleed. Valdis pulled a gun on them. Only one of them found the whole thing humorous and started laughing: it was Severin. They broke up not too long after although for bigger reasons, but Valdis being tired of Severin’s antics and physicality in the relationship were factors.
The love language my muse receives love in Quality time and physical touch. Although she spends much of her time alone since being separated from friends and family in the past, Valdis takes comfort from being physically close with another person and spending time with them. What she’d appreciate the most though is someone who enjoys being out in nature with her: walks, hiking, races/chases through the woods, swimming in lakes, etc. On a side note, while she knows it’s not for everyone and wouldn’t ask someone else to do it with her, Valdis likes to take naps in the woods sometimes. The love language my muse expresses love in Physical touch. She can match however gentle or rough her partner is, but Valdis is instinctively more gentle although that’s not to say she can’t be a little rough in the bedroom (scratching, biting, mostly). She also is a big snuggler in bed. Valdis’s physicality in a relationship isn’t restricted to intimate gestures either, but also a stronger instinct and desire to act as a shield to protect her partner if they’re in physical danger. How demonstrative my muse is with love Moderately. She can be a little reserved as she feels no need to advertise her relationships, but Valdis will seek out physical touch to a degree whether it be hand-holding, shoulders/knees touching, or just being generally close. One random love-language related headcanon Valdis will spend what time she can being around her partner whether they interact or are doing their own individual things while in each other’s company. She’ll often have part of her body close to or touching the other person as well if possible. Additionally, possessing a stronger sense of smell than humans, Valdis likes to be the big spoon in bed so she can nuzzle her face against her partner’s neck or the top of their head and will find falling asleep to being near them and the familiarity of their scent comforting.
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