#hc that vinny calls garmadon garms
amalsoappickle · 2 years
I have no title for this survivalshipping fic I made
Note ahead of time: this was all written at 1am at night after watching the Christofern episode, and I don’t write often   Garmadon lays awake on the couch, Christofern on a table next to him. He was trying to sleep, but he never really rested unless he severely needed it. But with the lifestyle he's been going with while living with Vinny, he's gotten more used to it. He's been trying his best to be good for a while, and he thinks he's improved quite a lot. Some part of it was getting used to sleeping, especially so he didn't keep his roommate up. Vinny with his infinite wisdom has helped him, little by little, and he feels he's truly learning to understand the words Vinny said on that day they first met. He hears the door open to Vinny's room, and he seems exhausted after his work. "Vinny you seem tired." You say to him in your usual simple and straightforward voice. "Yeah... Ninjago's being attacked again, as usual, the news is getting a WHOLE lot harder with gale always going straight into the chaos." Vinny says exasperated, flopping onto the couch next to Garmadon. His eyes reach Garmadons and then onto the TV. Garmadon seems to have been watching NGTV News, which he watches often, just because Vinny works there. Vinny smiles a little and he straightens his position on the couch. "Vinny, do you need 'pizza'? From what I've learned, pizza is a great source of energy. And it would be doing something good." Garmadon says, leaning in and looking at Vinny like a child curious about something, but really that's just Garmadons typical look. "Haha sure g-garms, I think I could do with some pizza right now..." Vinny does a mix of a panicked and shy expression. Garmadon opens up his phone, which Vinny got him as a gift to teach him about giving gifts. He opens an app for Buddy's Pizza and orders the meatiest pizza. He's learned that Vinny's favorite pizza is the one with ALL the meat, while personally, he prefers Hawaiian. He ordered his own box of Hawaiian as well. While Garmadon was ordering, Vinny accidentally snuggled up on Garmadons arm. Not realizing it's Garmadon, Vinny snuggles in even more since Garmadon was actually quite soft and warm, contrasting his stare. Eventually, Vinny ends up hugging Garmadon fully, and his oni companion is getting more and more confused. "Vinny... what is it you're doing?" "Is this some sort of... attack? Or some strange... ritual or binding?" Garmadon is SUPER fucking confused. But he seems to enjoy it the longer it lasts. "O-OH GOD- sorry garms I didn't even notice I hugged you-" Vinny stutters out before getting cut off. "No no, I wish to know more about this... "hug", it makes me feel... nice.. inside." Garmadon uses his four arms to wrap around Vinny and pull him closer. Vinny not pulling back and even snuggling in further. "W-well... this is like.. a friendship thing! O-or love, like I mentioned before haha." "Hugs are more... advanced and i-intimate compared to holding open doors, and smiling at people." "Y-you do it with your friends... or family, people you like! A-and care about." Vinny tries his best to explain with his "endless wisdom". "...friends?" "Y-yeah! Like companions... people who are always there for each other... like the ninja! O-or like what we are. I mean I care about you and want to help y-you and I like you!" "Friends... yes... I think I understand." "I like you too, Vinny." The small cameraman's face goes red after hearing that. Something about the way Garmadon said that it was definitely more than friendship. "...what about love? What is that? A disease? It feels familiar." Garmadon asks with genuine intrigue. Oh boy, he did NOT know how to explain this one to Garmadon. "Love? It's a feeling, like... when two people feel... close, it's when you care a lot for someone! Like how you care for Christofern, but with another person. A-and it's more intense, and you stay with that person forever. And sometimes you desire their affection..." Vinny tries to explain this abstract concept to Garmadon. "Hm. I see. You are so wise Vinny of NGTV News." "Is this... hug, affection?" "Y-Yeah it is!" "...I like your affection." "I desire it more." Vinny blushes even more while Garmadon pulls him into his lap and hugs him closer. This causes the smaller man to relax on top of Garmadon’s chest. Garmadon speaks up again. His deep voice accidentally making Vinny get more flustered. "I..." "Can we stay like this forever?" "..." "Yes." "Yes we can garms."
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