#hbc music eras monday
jobean12-blog · 4 years
Just like Heaven
Pairings: Bucky x reader
Word Count: 1,641
Summary: Bucky beard is a beautiful distratction when he catches you rockin’ out to 80s music. 
Author’s Note: This is for the HBC’s @the-ss-horniest-book-club continuation of drunk drabbles and the amazing prompt sent in below (that was literally written for me because BEARD!) and Music Era Monday! I was listening to my 80s playlist the whole time I wrote this and I still can’t stop smiling. I hope you enjoy this and it makes you smile! Thank you all for reading and much love always! ❤❤❤
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Warnings: Fluffy fun, lots of singing, awesome 80s music, A TRUE LOVE FOR BUCKY’S BEARD! 😁
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Bucky stands at your door, knocking for a second time. He can hear your very loud music and knows you most likely can’t hear him knocking.  Your singing rings out over the music and he chuckles, giving the door one more hard knock before opening it up.  
“She drives me crazy; I can’t help myself…” Your body moves in rhythm to the music, your hand grasping an incredibly old wooden spoon as you belt out the lyrics. Your ponytail is swinging back and forth while your head bops and your socked feet slide across the floor. “I can’t get any rest; people say I’m obsessed.” You haven’t looked up in who knows how long, shaking your hips as you move across the kitchen.
“AHHHHHHHHHHH!” You let out a shrill scream when your back hits something hard, spinning so fast you whip Bucky with your hair and throw the spoon in his face. His very hairy face. “Oh Bucky! HOLY CRAP! I’m sorry, I didn’t hear or see you and then you were just there.” You’re yelling over the music, eyes wide.
Your focus moves back to very fluffy looking beard he has going on and you find your thoughts wandering. “Can we lower the music, doll?” Your eyes shoot back to his, your forehead creasing in confusion. “What?” Bucky just smiles and walks around you, hitting the power button on your speakers.
“I said. Can we lower the music?” he laughs. “Oh, yea, of course, thanks for shutting it, I couldn’t hear a damn thing.” Giving you a very “duh” look he holds up your wooden spoon. “Great mic! I think it might be older than me.” You stalk over and take it from his hand, “oh shut up. You mean you never sang into a spoon when you were little?”
Bucky watches your eyes flick back down to his beard. “Something on my face, doll?” Your cheeks warm and you pretend to fix your socks. “No, no. Um, anyway. Did you need me?” Bucky looks like he wants to say more but instead asks, “what were you listening to? It’s really fun!” Your whole face brightens as you grab your phone and show him your 80s playlist. “It’s all music from the 1980s and it is really fun! I’m glad you like it!”
He scrolls through your phone, stopping at ‘Take on Me.’ “There is a band with the name ‘A-ha’?” he questions, making a funny face at your phone. You take the moment to study his face again, his dark beard covering most of his cheeks, your fingers itching to touch it. “I wanna hear this one,” he says, pressing play and handing you back your phone.
Your eyes flick to his beard one last time before the synthesized piano kicks in.  Bucky smiles, tapping his foot to the music. You start singing, once again dancing around your room. Bucky takes your hand and twirls you. “Woooooo! Today's another day to find you shying away, I'll be coming for your love, okay?” You sing into your spoon much to Bucky’s amusement and delight.
He pulls you into his chest, circling one arm around your waist while his metal hand holds yours. “Oh my gosh, Buck, this is like the waltz. Not at all for the 80’s!” You laugh and throw your arms around his neck. “What am I supposed to do then, huh? You show me,” he asks before picking you up and spinning around. Your laughter rises over the music as you cling to him. “Not this either but it’s so fun!”
When he finally puts you down the next song has started, and you start to jump in happiness but quickly stumble from dizziness. “Woah, doll.” Bucky catches you in his arms, “sorry. Too many spins, huh?” You giggle and right yourself, your face now awfully close to his. Your hand inches up his chest and just as you’re about to stroke his beard you hear Steve’s voice over the AI.
“Bucky, what the hell. We were supposed to go for a run 20 minutes ago!” Bucky lets out an exasperated sigh. “All we do is run!” You laugh and go to lower the music again. “Did you need something?” Bucky’s phone buzzes and he picks it up, shouting into it, “I’m coming Steve, one sec!” He abruptly hangs up and smiles, “yeah actually. Do you have headphones I can borrow? I hate running without music and I can’t find mine anywhere.”
“Sure! I can send you my 80s playlist too, if you want, so you can give it a listen on your run?” He steals the spoon from your hand, saying, “only if I can bring this to sing.” Rolling your eyes you take his phone, setting up the playlist and handing him the headphones.
“All set! Enjoy your run. And gimme back my mic!” Holding out your hand you wait until he gives it back, running over and turning the volume back up. “Won’t you come see about me, I’ll be alone dancing, you know it baby” You give him a wave as he walks to the door, smiling the whole time. “See you later, doll.” Flipping your hair around you sing to him, “don’t you forget about me.”
With one final laugh he shuts the door and you put down your spoon. Leaning against the counter you take a long drink of water, your thoughts drifting back to how good he looks with the beard. “Shit,” you mutter, just as “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun,” starts to play.
Later that night you head to the common room, excited to find it empty. You plug in your phone, scrolling through your 80s playlist. You’ve been listening to it all day, loving it even more now that you shared it with Bucky. You decide on ‘Invisible Touch’ by Genesis and head to the kitchen. Since you don’t have your wooden spoon handy you grab one of Tony’s fancy spatulas, one you’re sure he’s never actually used before.
“And now it seems I’m falling, falling for her. She seems to have an invisible touch.” You whip around like Allison in The Breakfast Club, throwing your hands up. Wiggling over to the fridge you start pulling out the necessities for a sandwich. “Hey, wanna make me one while you’re at it?” You feel his presence more than hear his question, whipping around to find Bucky standing at the island.
Dancing over you lean into him, “did you say something?” He takes your phone and lowers the volume, smirking when he sees your playlist. “Invisible Touch, huh? I really like that one. The lyrics to these songs are great. I’ve been listening to your playlist nonstop today!” You squeal in happiness! “That’s awesome Bucky. I’m glad you’re enjoying it. And what did you say before?”
“Oh yea, do you mind making me a sandwich since you’re making one?” Picking up your spatula mic you dance back to the counter. “Not at all. Ham, cheese and mayo, right?” He gives you a thumbs up, turning the volume louder. ‘Hungry like the Wolf’ comes on and you give a loud whoop. “I LOVE THIS ONE!”
“Dark in the city, night is a wire,” you sing into your spatula. Bucky grabs a whisk and starts singing along, “woman, you want me, give me a sign. And catch my breathing even closer behind.” You can’t stop smiling as you sing together, the music moving through your body like the very blood in your veins.
When the song ends you finish up the sandwiches, placing Bucky’s down in front of him. “Let’s eat!” He grabs the sandwich and holds it up to his mouth but not before saying, “good, because I’m hungry like the wolf.” You almost spit out your bite at his corny line, grabbing your water to take a drink. “Wow, I’ve converted you in one day! Awesome!”
You eat while listening to Heart’s ‘These Dreams.’ You notice Bucky has some mayo on his beard. Reaching over the island you brush your thumb over the soft hair, your mouth parting at the contact. “There’s still more.” His tongue darts out to lick it off but he doesn’t get it all. “Gone?” he asks, his voice suddenly much deeper.
Shaking your head, you swipe your thumb over the spot once more, this time getting it all. You close your mouth to stop the moan that almost escapes and your thighs clench together as your mind once again races with thoughts of how good his beard would feel on your body. “Doll?” His voice pulls you from your thoughts and you sit down with a plop. ‘Crazy for You,’ comes on and Bucky’s eyes sparkle.
He rounds the island and gently picks you up off the stool, taking you in his arms and holding you close. “It’s all brand new, I’m crazy for you.” You laugh, loving that he already knows some of the lyrics. “So, am I crazy or are you a big fan of the beard?” You suck in a breath, surprised and a little embarrassed that he picked up on your (all too obvious) weakness over his facial hair.
“Soon we two are standing still in time. If you read my mind, you'll see, I’m crazy for you.” You sing the words quietly, hoping your meaning gets across. Bucky gets the message. His lips meet yours, softly at first and the light brush of his beard over your soft skin makes you moan into his mouth. ‘I'm crazy for you. Touch me once and you'll know it's true, I never wanted anyone like this. It's all brand new. You'll feel it in my…’ The lyrics fade away just as Bucky’s hand cradles the back of your neck, pulling you impossibly closer to deepen the kiss and it feels just like heaven.
@aesthetical-bucky @auro-ora @azurika-writes @book-dragon-13 @buckys-broody-muffin @bugsbucky @bucky-on-my-mind @eurynome827 @hiddles-rose @hailmary-yramliah @hawksmagnolia @ikaris-whore @itsunclebucky @imgaril-lindru @jhangelface0523 @jewels2876​ @loricameback​ @littledarlinhavefaithinme​ @littleredstarfish​ @mushyjellybeans​ @marvelandotherfandomimagines​ @marvelgirl7​ @nano--raptor​ @nerdypinupcrystal​ @randomfandompenguin​ @sallycanwait68​ @the-wayward-robot​ 
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book-dragon-13 · 4 years
HBC Music Era Monday
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Okay, so we know that Bucky would enjoy 40s big band music, jazz, and singers like Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra.
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Bucky would also enjoy Disney music. I believe Bucky and Steve would be major Disney nerds and enjoy all the movies!
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For modern music, Bucky would enjoy Michael Bublé (because he reminds Bucky of the 40s music) and Panic! At the Disco (not sure why, but I think @eurynome827 would like that!)
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Hal would enjoy country music, that we all know. He’s the total country boy, so country music would be a part of that! But I would also say that Hal would enjoy:
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Gene Kelly. Hal would enjoy the dancing, the singing, and the romance of Gene’s musicals. And I think that Hal would aspire to be like the type of leading man he sees in Gene-cool, suave, and charming.
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HBC Schedule Week of 6-22-20
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Welcome Summer!
We hope you enjoyed the Summer Loving 24 Hour Drabble Challenges! 🌞
HBC on Quarantine continues with HBC Drunk Drabbles. The standard message applies: have a prompt - send an ask, want to write - send a DM. Starting Week Fifteen everyone!
Monday 6-22-20: a suggestion from @jobean12-blog - HBC Music Eras Monday! Take your favorite characters and tell us about an ideal music experience. This fun Drabble by @sallycanwait68 will set the mood for you.
Thursday 6-25-20: HBC Date Night - a suggestion from @book-dragon-13 and similar to Dream Weddings... Tell us about your ideal date!
Drabbles, posts, moodboards, art, headcanons, you name it for this week's theme days. Be creative! And as always, thanks for playing with us.
Love, The HBC 💋
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Monday 6-22-20: a suggestion from @jobean12-blog - HBC Music Eras Monday! Take your favorite characters and tell us about an ideal music experience. This fun Drabble by @sallycanwait68 will set the mood for you.
Drabbles, posts, moodboards, art, headcanons....go wild and have fun!
Love, The HBC 💋
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hawksmagnolia · 4 years
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For Music Era Monday challenge by @the-ss-horniest-book-club
Destroyer!Chris x Dropkick Murphys (at Fenway Park)
Straight from my bucket list. Not even going to lie. I’ve seen Dropkick several times and they always put on an incredible show. And with his tattoos and bad boy look, Chris would fit in perfectly. 
@nano--raptor @cchellacat @eurynome827 @jobean12-blog@book-dragon-13 @aesthetical-bucky @marvelgirl7@sallycanwait68 @buckys-broody-muffin @softpeachbarnes@godofplumsandthunder @azurika-writes @ikaris-whore @this-kitten-is-smitten @randomfandompenguin @daughterofsteven @bugsbucky @littleredstarfish
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hawksmagnolia · 4 years
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For Music Era Monday challenge by @the-ss-horniest-book-club
Bucky Barnes x Warped Tour
Warped Tour has a special place in my heart- I went to the first ever one in 1995 when it came to Atlanta and it was held in a tiny outdoor music park that was torn down several years ago. In the years it ran I went 18 times, including a couple times while pregnant - including with my twins! I have so many good memories from those concerts and I think being around that kind of energy that Bucky would be the perfect companion.
@nano--raptor @cchellacat @eurynome827 @jobean12-blog @book-dragon-13 @aesthetical-bucky @marvelgirl7 @sallycanwait68 @buckys-broody-muffin @softpeachbarnes @godofplumsandthunder @azurika-writes @ikaris-whore @this-kitten-is-smitten @randomfandompenguin @daughterofsteven @bugsbucky @littleredstarfish 
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Masterlists of The HBC
HBC Candy Hearts Club Masterlist
HBC Winter Wonderland Masterlist
HBC Kinky Halloween: Days 1-10 - Days 11-20 - Days 21-31
HBC Back to School Masterlist
HBC August Theme Days Masterlist
HBC July Theme Days Masterlist
HBC June Theme Days Masterlist
HBC Regency Day Masterlist
HBC Drunk Drabbles: Quarantine Edition Masterlist
HBC Lucky In Love Masterlist
HBC Bucky Barnes Appreciation Days Masterlist
HBC Week of Love 2021 Masterlist
HBC Home For The Holidays Masterlist
HBC Kinktober 2020 Masterlist
HBC Drunk Drabbles 2020 Masterlist - Part 1
HBC Drunk Drabbles 2020 Masterlist - Part 2
HBC Special Drabble Days & Challenges Masterlist - Part 1
HBC Special Drabble Days & Challenges Masterlist - Part 2
HBC Special Drabble Days & Challenges Masterlist - Part 3
HBC Character Appreciation Days Masterlist
HBC Week of Thanks Masterlist
HBC Second Chance Drabble Challenge Masterlist
HBC Back To School Week Masterlist
HBC Drabbles Masterlist
HBC Drunk Drabbles Masterlist
HBC Author Spotlight Masterlist
HBC In Depth Analysis: “In This Essay I Will” by @marvelandotherfandomimagines
HBC In Depth Analysis: Sebastian Stan TED Talks by @cametobuyplums
HBC Week of Kinks Masterlist
HBC Macho Man Monday Masterlist
HBC WHALITC Wednesday Masterlist
HBC Way Back Wednesday Masterlist
HBC Formal Friday Masterlist
HBC Daddy Monday Masterlist
HBC Wicked Wednesday Masterlist
HBC Love Your Fanfic Authors Week Masterlist
HBC Manic Monday Masterlist
HBC What Order Wednesday Masterlist
HBC Summer Meet Cute Masterlist
HBC Song Week
HBC Masterlists: Behind The Scenes Wednesday, Ship Saturday, Fic Friday
HBC Writer Challenge Wednesday - Seven Minutes In Heaven Masterlist
HBC AU Seb Friday Masterlist
HBC 1k Celebration Week Masterlist
HBC Birthday Boy Tuesday Masterlist
HBC Seb Quotes Saturday Masterlist
HBC What’s Next Wednesday & Funny Friday Masterlist
HBC Moodboard Monday Masterlist
HBC Drabble All Day Wednesday Masterlist
HBC Back To School Tuesday Masterlist
HBC Favorite Character Thursday Masterlist
HBC Man Bun Monday Masterlist
HBC Fashion Friday Masterlist
HBC Masterlists: TIFF Tuesday & Throwback Thursday
HBC Masterlists: Meme Monday & Work Out Wednesday
HBC Masterlists: Dream Role Monday & Fanart Friday
HBC Masterlists: Tongue Tuesday & Facial Hair Friday
HBC Masterlists: Tiny Role Tuesday & Philanthropy Friday
HBC Masterlists: Tease Tuesday & Cookie Crumble ™️ Thursday
HBC Trope Thursday
HBC Masterlists: Social Media Saturday, TED Talk™️ Tuesday, TV Roles Tuesday, Magazine Monday, Falcon and The Winter Soldier Friday
HBC Thankful Thursday
HBC Masterlists: Tom Holland Is A Problem Tuesday, Doggo Day, Lazy Sunday
HBC New Year’s Resolutions
HBC 1.5k Celebration: Your Favorite Characters Week
HBC Masterlists: Moanday, Game Day: This Or That, The Last Full Measure Friday, Headcanon Wednesday, HBC TGIFF, Theatre Day & Cat Day
HBC Muse Monday & Photoshoot Monday Masterlist
HBC Week of Love Masterlist
HBC Dream Costars Thursday & Happy Birthday Bucky Day Masterlist
HBC Masterlists: Game Day - This Or That, Birthday Week ‘20 - Soft Seb Monday & Hump Day Wednesday, Wednesday Wisdom, Tasty Tuesday, What Character Wednesday & Frank Friday!
HBC Masterlists: Virtual Getaway, Dad AU Day, Dream Roles Tuesday, Crafts Day, Hogwarts Day & Dream Weddings
HBC 2k Celebration: Week of Kinks Masterlist
HBC Masterlists: Memorial Day, Cowboy Day, Music Eras Monday & Date Night!
HBC Masterlists: Bucky & Steve Saturday, Game Day FMK(iss) Plus More!
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