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cottonbook · 7 years ago
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Ready for autumn~! Also, don’t forget to vote on your favorite sticker designs on the KS page!! http://kck.st/2MkrJMb https://www.instagram.com/p/BnAGjiDhrXy/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=twkyk96k8n6h
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empresstress13 · 7 years ago
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Drawing in my style of this original #hazelmagicwords for the upcoming Zine! I’m super excited for the upcoming Hazel zine! Check out @cottonbook !
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cottonbook · 7 years ago
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September is here, autumn is on its way! #magiccat #catwitch #hazelmagicwords #illustration #cat #catillustration https://www.instagram.com/p/BnUo4ECB8sn/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ntdzttkum4nx
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cottonbook · 6 years ago
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How many times do you think I have drawn teacups have so far? They are such relaxing imagery, I have to think it’s good for my health to work on them, haha ☕️ I made another spell card as a thank you gift to my backers, and this was the illustration for it. I hope y’all are having a nice chill Thursday evening - I’m watching Japanese Style Originator with a cup of rose mint tea~ #hazelmagicwords #illustration #cuppa #teacup #tea #relaxingwatercolors #illustragram #drawing #watercolor https://www.instagram.com/p/BnZlZFkh0Xc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1h3xq9cx16uka
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cottonbook · 6 years ago
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With Anime NYC right around the corner, I’m so excited to announce the launch of a stationery line from Cottonbook! The first pieces are notebooks featuring our first two prints with a dot pattern on the inside pages. We will also be releasing all of the Hazel-themed stickers for purchase, so keep an eye out! Tomorrow afternoon, all the new pieces will be up in the Cottonbook store, and all of these will be available at ANYC on the weekend of the 16th! #illustratorsofinstagram #cottonbook #hazelmagicwords #hazelzine #stationery #notebooks #raleighillustrator #magicalstationery #morigirl #morikei #morigirllifestyle #witchy #witchyaesthetic #woodland #woodlandaesthetic #artistgoods https://www.instagram.com/p/Bpu-rxCnLjN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=18kuf9joig7x5
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cottonbook · 7 years ago
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Keeping the interviews going, the next creator conversation is up today on the Kickstarter page updates, with @ninapedia , Nina Morales! This was such a fun discussion to have with Nina, and I always am surprised and enlightened by her insights into the wonderful genre of magical girls. Check out the full story there, and find her work at the Instagram tagged above! #hazelmagicwords #hazelzine #magicalgirls #artistspotlight #illustration #drawing #mangaart #mahoushoujo https://www.instagram.com/p/Bmy8M7mB7rA/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=f1q6wl201qaf
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cottonbook · 6 years ago
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I hosted a launch party for Hazel issue three with the Philadelphia lolitas on Saturday, and it was so much fun!!! I need to appoint a photographer, because I never remember to take pics - I worked so hard on the goody bags, too! Thank you to everyone for coming out, and I can’t wait to see you all again! I hope we get to have another fun party like this soon!!! I love everyone so much!!! 💕 #eglcommunity #hazelmagicwords #classiclolitafashion #frilladelphia #lolitafashion https://www.instagram.com/p/BnjyQxqhiIT/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1nljs5srh70zg
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cottonbook · 7 years ago
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We‘re getting down to the last weeks of the Hazel issue three Kickstarter campaign, and we’ve had a lot of fun goodies added and interviews made, but there’s still time to join in if you haven’t already! Today we added a new wooden pin collector tier, and announced the addition of coloring pages for the digital tiers. This weekend, we’ll have a new interview with a creator, too, and we’re going to keep bringing them until the end! What was your best takeaway from the interviews so far? #hazelmagicwords #hazelzine #witch #witchsona #witcheslifestylezine #watercolor #illustration #drawing #illustragram #magic https://www.instagram.com/p/BnKXi7-huEz/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=rbjz391slaac
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cottonbook · 6 years ago
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Exhausting week! Thanks again, everyone, for backing Hazel this year! I‘m still figuring out how to do the backer surveys, but I will be getting those out this week, so we can start getting the packages together to send out mid-October. The digital copies will go out around the beginning of October, along with all the digital extras. I had a great time at SPX seeing a lot of familiar faces as well as some new ones, and I’m so ready for my table at Anime NYC now!! Well, emotionally, not physically, since I still have a long to-do list for that. I hope I can get you guys those possum wooden or enamel pins in time! #hazelmagicwords #magiccat #catillustration #illustration #watercolor #cats #drawing https://www.instagram.com/p/BnzZflzBmb8/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1qrj8jpz2gtjz
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cottonbook · 7 years ago
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I’m excited for the third in our interview series tomorrow, with Koda from Goatspell! I also had a great time doing some farmers market shopping and some cooking this evening, and Koda’s Hazel piece this issue is about kitchen witchery! I really hope we get up to the next stretch goal of $2200, and so you guys can let me know which of the sticker designs you want to turn into pins - comment anywhere, here, campaign page, wherever to tell me which ones are your favorites! ❤️ 🍞 🥕🥔🥑🍅 #hazelmagicwords #illustration #witch #hazelzine #watercolor #drawing #illustragram #smallpress #zines #minimagazines https://www.instagram.com/p/Bm4Pto_BbcT/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=mp4xy6i8syyk
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cottonbook · 7 years ago
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Wow, you guys blew me out of the water! I’m so happy for all of the support and excitement around Hazel, and we’re not finished yet! Today on the updates page, I shared a tour of books one and two, and tomorrow, I will have a digital wallpaper for all your devices. There’s lots more coming, and I have to get my stretch goals up - I didn’t expect to need them ready so soon, but you guys surprised me with your amazing energy and friendship!!! Just seeing how far we’ve come means so much to me, and I can’t wait to see how far we’ll go! https://www.instagram.com/p/BmgviqLh4qb/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=7ip2jqfw8dtu
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cottonbook · 6 years ago
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Today we got to have a really lovely Hazel launch party, but first I’m really excited to share my interview with Nina from @mintandapple ! Check it out on the Kickstarter updates page, since this will be one of the last interviews before we wrap it up - only four days left! #hazelmagicwords #mintandapple #artistspotlight #artistinterview #sketch #drawing #illustration #portrait #sketchportrait https://www.instagram.com/p/BnfE6TYBFId/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1oo2vd9kyi78o
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cottonbook · 7 years ago
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We‘re catching up with the milestone rewards, and today was the downloadable wallpapers. Check out the latest campaign update to get yours, and tomorrow, we’ll have a live Q&A around 7 PM EST. I’ll be doing some painting, and answering your questions on Kickstarter Live, so swing by and say hello! I also can’t wait to bring you the stretch goals, but those should be announced next week! Early bird tiers are disappearing, so if you want the whole set or know someone who does, now is the time to grab them! The week is almost up, so I hope you’re having an amazing Thursday! #hazelmagicwords #hazelzine #witch #illustration #drawing https://www.instagram.com/p/BmjgCQIhZPx/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=a60f9fyvbzxo
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cottonbook · 7 years ago
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For the creator interview series, I got to interview Koda of Goatspell! It was really cool to hear about the ways that Koda uses magic practices and connects to the world around her, so I hope you all check it out on the KS updates page and get inspired, too! Very excited to check out her recommended readings! Thanks, Koda! @juniper_witch #hazelmagicwords #illustration #drawing #sketch #portrait #witch #hazelzine https://www.instagram.com/p/Bm67zcHBpTa/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=39uh8kmzmru
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cottonbook · 7 years ago
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The proof is here!!! This issue, we went with a new type of paper - the cover is not quite as stiff as the previous books, and the interior pages are still that beautiful texture, but off-white for a more of that wonderful antique book feel. We’ve also just hit our second stretch goal! I’m giving us a few more hours to vote on your top 3 sticker designs to be turned into wooden pins, so comment your faves, and they’ll be up soon!! #hazelmagicwords #hazelzine #smallpress #minimagazine #zines https://www.instagram.com/p/BnHp48IBLpH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=138mv05zoyksb
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cottonbook · 6 years ago
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Thanks, everyone, for such an amazing KS campaign!! I was so blown away by all your support, and I’m so happy to bring Hazel to new witches~ I’ll be at Anime NYC selling in person, walking around SPX this weekend, and selling in our online shop at cottonbookclothing.com! It’s been such a crazy 30 days for me, but I’m looking forward to bringing you tons more content and fun in the future~
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