#hazeldomain's book
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orchids-library · 7 months ago
Compilation of advice, ideas, and miscellaneous that I've stumbled across and thought was neat and the original poster.
Key-📝- Link to original post, be sure to give it some love!
*still adding to this list!*
If you don't follow me or have stumbled across this page, please refer to my pinned post -> 📌(This pin here😂)
Creating Black Characters (Full list post) by @creatingblackcharacters 📝
If you can’t think of anything to say about a fic, writers also like to know... by @hazeldomain 📝
So you're stuck trying to solve a writing problem. By (Deactivated)
Types Of Writer’s Block (And How To Fix Them) By @byoldervine 📝
Reblog your own work by @messydiabolical 📝
Ao3 Coding Advice/Ideas linked by @rosemoonweaver 📝
How to make your readers Feel emotions for Dummies by @the-ellia-west 📝
How to write Romantic Attraction for Dummies by @the-ellia-west 📝
Some Things I Wish I Knew as a Baby Writer by @chaoschaoswriting 📝
Habits and quirks for characters by @writing-with-sophia 📝
HOW I TAG ON AO3 - A BEGINNER’S GUIDE by @lullabyknellficlets 📝
words to use when writing by @ladynephthyss 📝
words and phrases to describe a character in pain by @maccreadysbaby 📝
Words to use instead of ____ by @literaryvein-reblogs 📝
Commonly Confused Words by @literaryvein-reblogs 📝
Other words to use (Emotions) by @literaryvein-reblogs 📝
Other words to describe your characters instead of by @literaryvein-reblogs 📝
Colors list by (Deactivated)
Fear Elements by @writers-potion 📝
Hurt/Comfort Dialogue compiled by @pookie-and-cereal 📝
List of “sweet and intimate actions which make me go feral and have me folding like a folding chair” prompts by @dumplingsjinson 📝
"đ™šđ™©đ™–đ™ź đ™Źđ™žđ™©đ™ 𝙱𝙚 đ™©đ™€đ™Łđ™žđ™œđ™đ™©â€Š" 𝙛𝙡đ™Ș𝙛𝙛 đ™„đ™§đ™€đ™ąđ™„đ™©đ™š by @delusionisaplace 📝
Sweet words by Firefly-(Deactivated)
Nonverbal Love prompts by @thelonelyempath 📝
How to write a Kiss scene by @youneedsomeprompts 📝
Misc. &Text Posts
Feed your writers by @frownyalfred 📝
How to make text in captions gradient or multicolored by @pixxiesdust 📝
My Ship in Five Minutes by Rosenkow (Deactivated)
Reblog vs Repost by @jplupine 📝
Write by @concerningwolves 📝
How to move your fics from Google Docs to Word by @evilwriter37 (Can't find original post to attach key)
casual intimacy by @elainiisms 📝
Yandere “MBTI” by @ddarker-dreams 📝
Writers Helping Writers books by Deactivated
Turn off AI in Microsoft by @meret118 📝
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t1gerlilly · 1 year ago
I kinda sorta never saw this when I originally got tagged. But I saw it and it seemed like a good way to usher in a new decade. So here goes 1) birdsong 2) sunshine 3) warm water - the weight of it, the weightlessness, the silken glide over your skin, the unburdening. 4) the presence of a happy animal that loves and trusts you. Felt in a head butt or a wagging tail or a purr or a ducking head and shuffle towards you. 5) a healthy and delicious meal. Pro tip, self-hatred is practically impossible if you make it for yourself and nothing tastes as good as when it's made with love for you. 6) the smell of an old book - like old leaves and ink and safe, enclosed spaces with mysteries in darkness 7) a caring touch - a hug, a bump of arm or shoulder. Far too infrequent for me these days, but always treasured. 8) the laughter of children - my neighbors or my neice and nephew - or any children. Such a beautiful sound. 9) a new vista - traveling to a beautiful place I've never seen before. Knowing I'll likely end up blind in the next decade gives this a bittersweet wonder. 10) good news - finding out my sister's cancer was removed by surgery and wouldn't need chemo therapy. That I'll be full time in the job I like next year (hopefully). It's pretty rare that something comes as a completely unpredictable, positive surprise. 11) generosity of spirit - like when I saw the 60 year old men at the Brokeback Mountain matinee, who clutched their wives and wept at the end. Because love is universal, and people have bigger hearts than we give them credit for. 12) hawks I saw one on the first day of the last year and two on the last day of the year. I've been fascinated with them since I was a child. Looking at them feels like flying. 13) creating - words and images and code and anything that can catch me up in a problem so interesting that I lose time and am filled with purpose. 14) Soft, fuzzy, sparkly, shiny, pretty things. In color palettes that are not just elegant, but sometimes jarring or childishly feminine or dark. Things that can be clutched in the dark and wondered at. 15) gifts- tis a gift to be simple, tis a gift to be free. And it's a joy to give something to someone that makes their face light up. That makes them feel seen and remembered. That makes their life easier or warmer or more fun when you can't be there to do that for them. And I'll add a sixteenth - and that's Tumblr, because it has brought me joy for more than a decade.
I tag...
1 @lezarus 2 @book--wyrm 3 @simordentmordetisretro 4 @postmodernmulticoloredcloak 5 @elizaisthetruehero 6 @hazeldomain 7 @snowlantern 8 @fireintheimpala 9 @potentialmixtape 10 @tunsoffestivepuns 11 @nkjemisin (because, I don't know you and I doubt you'll answer, but you have to admit, it's kind of a nice question to be asked) 12 @arsoniswarm - someday remind me to tell you about Pyro products by the Bad Idea Supply Company and how I almost accidentally burned down my house...but got to meet cute firefighters. And the last three I'll leave as ghost spots for anyone who sees this and wants to respond. That means YOU!
I was tagged by newtmasdoesthedo ‹‹and so there it is (a week later because shh.)
So, list 15 things that make you happy and then tag 15 people. 
1. watching movies/tv shows with my parents 2. when my brother actually talks to me 3. my best friends 4. books 5. tv shows 6. movies 7. fanfics 8. dreaming about dylan o'brien (best nights ever trust me) 9. money 10. ice cream 11. harry potter 12. my co-mods on the newmas network (love you all so much guys) 13. not worrying 14. music 15. chocolate milk
newtmasdoesthedo already tagged half the people i know on tumblr so uhm let’s see

i tag bradlayjames, adonisnewt, captaingally, t1gerlilly, pctercapaldi, dhmfm, captainfeatherlostinsea, assbuttsofasgard, casandhisboys, angelwingkink, wesgxbbins, carelessdean, gallyslydia, wickedmaze and bengally
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ywhiterain · 4 years ago
on wincest
"Why do all these people think we're gay?" The fans ate it up, and they CW quickly realized they had a problem.
Legacy, Hazel Domain
That was a season two episode, on the WB, you fake fan. And in season one, Dean slapped Sam on the ass and pretended they were together when they were mistaken as a couple. You absolute fake nerd, Supernatural went on the air just as Angel was cancelled, and it continued the tradition of same sex ship baiting that Buffy and Angel were masters at. They shared some of the same writers, you absolutely lazy historian. They were on the same network as Smallville, where Clark and Lex could show Dean and Castiel actual sexual chemistry between two men who were supposed to be straight look like.
They were becoming "that show about the gay brothers?" and something had to be done.
Legacy, Hazel Domain
Source this, please.
[Hot topic promotes a Destiel shirt]
Legacy, Hazel Domain.
Does the CW or any of the people in charge of Supernatural have any sort of say on what hot topic promotes?
Queer fans were constantly called 'delusional' for pointing out the things they'd seen. It became an ongoing battle, as the "subtext" and "jokes" appeared on episodes once or twice a month, adding to a constant, unbroken pattern that fans were also consistently mocked for discussing.
Legacy, Hazel Domain
That's because you took obvious jokes and read it as foreshadowing. You took shit wayyyyy out of context to prove that Dean was sexually attracted to men. You cut out Sam's head from the narrative and pasted Castiel's face on his body and were angry when no one was fooled and that the writers didn't suddenly change the show from The Love Story of Sam and Dean to Cas/Dean OTP.
Jensen and Jared seemed unwilling to address the ever-growing elephant in the room, outside of innuendo and jokes.
Legacy, Hazel Domain
Why the fuck would Jared care about Cas/Dean shippyness? Jared was open to playing Sam as bisexual was fine with fans seeing Sam as nonbinary. What more could he, as an actor, really do? I mean, I guess he could have pushed for Sam-as-bi behind the scenes...
Again, fans are told they were "delusional" and "needed therapy" for thinking the spell breaking "I love you" was a romantic trope.
Legacy, Hazel Domain
And that's why it was changed, because Dean/Cas was never meant to be romantic.
"One thing is for certain: no one who worked on set is willing to clarify [destiel jokes - ed] either way."
Legacy, Hazel Domain
Yes. They were. Over and over, they were told it wasn't canon. It wasn't happening. It wasn't intended. They were jokes. Canon Destiel shippers just ignored that.
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laf-outloud · 4 years ago
That Fan Book
I mentioned this in a comment, but I thought I'd put it out there. I know a lot of people are looking at HazelDomain's book as a very unscientific, biased opinion of SPN fandom (and she refers to fandom as if we all feel that way), as do I. I was tempted to leave a more accurate review on Amazon, but had to pause. I think if I did that, or other people start doing that, it just gives her more publicity and might embolden the destihellers to rally and make more noise. So, I recommend we just ignore it. Let them have their book. Eventually, it will just fade away.
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silver9mm · 4 years ago
I'd NEVER laugh at this writers ask game, I want to know it all!! đŸ„ș 2, 5, 8, 12, 21, 27 (yes I'm being greedy tonight, I just am) đŸ–€ - alexa, xoxo
oooh i’m happy to share with you especially <333
What fandoms do you write for and do you have a particular favourite if you write for more than one? i’ve only written for two fandoms, supernatural and top gear (but man if i could i would def. write for more!!!) i didn’t mean to write for top gear, though... i didn’t even know fandoms and fan fiction existed when i wrote it *stares out across the sea, rasps* that was a long time ago... haha but i’m laughing at myself bc i’m writing top gear fan fiction again right now a decade later.  i don’t know about favourites bc it’s all...hard. every story i’ve written and all the ones i will write and could for other fandoms, i’d put just as much effort into as i do any other one but part of writing for a fandom is about...well, the other fans and while i’ve really never had a bad interaction, i’ve been witness to some horrible shit in several different fandoms and it taints the whole experience no matter what. basically, fuck groups but individuals are all right.
5) If you had to choose a favourite out of all of your multi-chaptered stories, which would it be and why? i answered this differently in another post but i’ll give you my other definition of “favourite” for me and that’s something that i read every last word of. I consider a lot of books “read” that i didn’t read all the words of, but i consider books “good” if i read them twice and actually looked at all the words and i’ve read every bit of Something To Share many many times <3
8) Where do you take your inspiration from? what inspires me most are moments. things that my brain takes a snapshot of and is like, oh let’s look at this moment and the little details and dissect them....and then build a story around how we got this tiny bit of information, the background for that frown or that glance or whatever. also just sex...either sex i’ve had or that i want someone else to have >.> and music lyrics, i’m not special. 
12) Who is your favourite character to write for? Why? I gotta go with Sam, just and only because of Dean’s vocabulary; while i understand it and adore it, i am not as clever as a team of writers taking weeks to come up with his one-liners and pop culture references that make him sound like he does, which is why i end up drugging him and putting him in positions where he can’t act like himself :) I love writing both the boys but Sam is easier which makes it fun, but it’s just as fun figuring out how to fuck Dean up so he’s not himself~*~*~ i am having a lovely time writing for my smol crazy son right now too, however. the whump factor is so so high
21) Tell me about another writer(s) who you admire? What is it about them that you admire? holy crap okay i could go on and ykw i will @hellhoundsprey everything about her style feels like worship (and on a personal note, she’s also an answer to question 8;) @saltandbyrne there are some writers that make me happily want to fling my computer into the sun and never write again (however she is also one of the biggest influences on me as a writer) @zmediaoutlet because she gets those moments too  @oddsocksandstuff is the kind of writer that...you worry about, like why do you know so much about such horror ?? @ohwhoopsok I WILL READ ANYTHING MY CHILD WRITES OKAY *chef’s kiss* @omgbubblesomg @zoycitem @hazeldomain (listen you guys know why you’re all grouped together here and i love your giddy dark brains ever so) 27) Do you make a general outline for your stories or do you just go with the flow? i generally start just wherever, with a scene (usually smutty) and then figure out how to make it happen, how did they get there and what happens next. Once that happens, then I definitely start taking notes. my WIPs on google are a mess of bullet points by chapters with comments to links/gifs/info/music to remind myself. I think every single story over 1k words has started with a scene somewhere in the middle, and then was woven together by notes as it expanded. 
fanfiction writer asks
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diminuel · 7 years ago
Reading List: April
I missed archiving fics I read in March, but I’m back for April. Some of the fics I might have read in March. I’m still not very good at keeping track of what I read when! But the important part is that you get some fics to read! ;D
I’ve added the archive warnings in the brackets in case there were any, but didn’t include the tags. So make sure to read them.
Enjoy! ♄
bring it on home by xylodemon (2.4k)
"She ─" Sam grimaces again. "She likes tea, right?"
Dean hesitates. He pictures their old kitchen in Lawrence ─ the floral wallpaper, the walnut cabinets, the pots and pans hanging on hooks. Sheer, white curtains had hung in the windows, and Mary had left them open because she'd liked plenty of sunlight. It had smelled like coffee in the mornings. Dean had always lined his army men up on the table before eating his Cheerios.
"I don't know," he admits. "She ─ maybe."
Soft and gentle, but also slightly melancholy coda fic for 12x02
The One: Supernatural Edition by motorbike_on_the_avenue (73k)
The One is America's #1 dating show!
Twenty contestants will spend six weeks competing in tasks, to show the American public they should be picked to marry the suitor. Over the six weeks, they'll be voted down till just The One remains...
Dean Winchester is this year's suitor. A 34 year old firefighter from Kansas he isn't entirely sure why he applied to a dating show where he has to get married at the end.
Especially since he'll never have met (or seen) anything about his future lawfully wedded whatever.
But just who will be voted The One?
This is such an enjoyable fic! Dean and Cas don’t even meet each other until the very end, but the premise is so captivating and I constantly was nervous and rooting for my faves *lol*
Kitchen Overhaul by Powerfulweak (Explicit, 20k)
For Dean Winchester, his family’s bakery is his life, even if business is tanking. When his brother volunteers them for the reality show “Kitchen Overhaul”, Dean is less than enthusiastic with changing anything about his beloved bakery. He is even less enthusiastic to deal with the infamously icy host, Chef Castiel Novak.
Just like the previous fic on the list, this fic also has a TV show format as the premise of its story, but it’s more in the background. I loved this a lot! I got frustrated because of Dean, then because of Cas, but it’s all very rewarding!
Peak Homosexual by K_K_TiBal (3.7k)
You know that thing that happens where you hear something really homophobic in public so you gay it up as much as you can? This is that story.
Cute, pretend relationship fic! ♄
Neighborly Behavior by Annie D (scaramouche) (1.8k)
Cas and Dean at a neighborhood potluck, in an AU where they're both kinda assholes.
It’s hilarious and always good for a re-read!
Dean's Table by through_shadows_falling (4.9k)
On Castiel’s first day waiting tables at the Roadhouse Diner, his co-worker tells him to save a spot for Dean, a young veteran with a cane who sits in the same corner booth every day. Dean doesn’t talk, but Castiel’s charm soon works its magic until Dean reveals that he’s there to reconnect with his brother after a painful falling out. Castiel hopes Dean will succeed, even as Castiel's roommate, Sam, visits the diner one morning.
Lovely story about Cas easing Dean out of his lonely shell. And it also includes a happy reunion.
The Glen by Annie D (scaramouche) (3.2k, Explicit)
Dean's run out of excuses to not claim Cas, so he finally does. Better late than never, right?
This is actually set after a previous story, which focuses on Sam and Kevin. It might be slightly confusing without the previous part but I think still an interesting read, especially with the following part!
The Shop on the Corner by CasCase (18.6k, Mature)
Two years ago Castiel left behind his job and his past to fulfill his dream of opening a neighborhood bookshop. Now, his shop is popular and he’s finding himself fitting in with his new community. He’s perfectly happy with his quiet life among the books.
Perhaps the only thing that could make it absolutely perfect would be the attentions of Dean-the-Delivery-Guy. But, of course that means Castiel will have to work beyond his own insecurities to find a way to see the gorgeous man more than once a week.
Maybe he should stick to the books after all.
This was fun and lovely and even though there’s a bit of angst and pining involved, Dean’s gentle patience were lovely!
In Someone Else's Life by blue_morning (4.5k)
Cas never believed in love at first sight, but when he accidentally crashes a wedding trying to keep his brother out of trouble, it happens to him. Happy ending, right? Yeah, except that the man he falls for just happens to be the groom.
Light-hearted misunderstandings (mostly Gabriel’s fault) and an absolutely hilarious ending!
The Return Policy by aileenrose (12.9k, Explicit)
"Most of his visitors are academics. They come from universities all over the nation, sometimes beyond. Others write books. The man in the Reading Room today is neither. He’s a tall, irritated man with a federal badge."
The federal agent's partner is usually the one who does the research. And even though Cas doesn't think this man is a real federal agent, he's happy to help where he can.
A great read, close to canon, with lovely atmosphere!
Do You Need a Stepdad? by supernatural9917 (1.8k)
When Claire Novak tweets a picture of her dad cooking, she didn't expect to go viral, or for everyone to be quite so hot for her dad.
Based on a photo prompt: Teenager Claire posts a snarky tweet about her single dad Cas, and gets this response. She says ‘LOL no he’s gay’ so Dean tweets to ask if she needs a stepdad!
It might be short but it’s incredibly delightful! 
How to Keep Time by aileenrose (6.6k, Mature)
Dean's just beginning to learn that some times are more precious than others.
Very touching fic, featuring homeless Cas making beautiful things and Dean having to (re) learn what’s truly valuable.
The Neighboring Perspective by aileenrose (12.7k, Mature)
Dean's newly single, in a new house, and a brand-new father to boot.
Dean's also got this weird thing where some stranger is leaving baby clothes on his porch at night.
A very lovely fic with Cas breaking my heart with his softness and his sadness...! ;w;
Best You Ever Ate by darkforetold (1.7k, Explicit)
Cas sucks—under a table at Ma's Diner.
For Science by shiphitsthefan (6.1k, Explicit)
“Think of it like an experiment," says Dean. "You’re testing a hypothesis as to whether or not a desirable response can be achieved through the stimulation of the anus via the application of a willing volunteer’s muscular hydrostat.”
Cas raises an eyebrow. “Are you actually trying to use the scientific method to talk me into letting you lick my asshole?”
It might sound like a cracky PWP, but it’s not! It features ace!Cas and Dean figuring out their sexual relationship. It’s sweet and funny~
Remarkable by shiphitsthefan (3.7k)
It’s only Castiel’s first day as a teacher at All City Elementary in Sioux Falls, and he’s already been warned by four teachers, the guidance counselor, the principal, and the librarian to watch out for Ben Braeden’s father. Unluckily for Castiel, Dean turns out to be just as “helpful” as everyone’s said, bringing in stacks of literature and just as many ideas for how Mr. Milton can encourage his students to be more socially conscious. Castiel dismisses him every time with hardly a second thought.
When Ben brings in his Patriot Day essay assignment, Mr. Milton can't help but change his mind.
I love how passionate and insistent Dean is about social issues. And the way the other teachers speak about Dean makes me sad, but at least Cas makes an effort and the whole fic is very sweet and uplifting!
Made Manifest by schmerzerling
Wherein Castiel defied God for Dean before Dean even knew his name.
I was craving trans!Dean fic and this was recommended to me. It’s really good, focusing on Dean up until Cas pulls him out of hell and recongizes Dean for who he is. Dean, not Deanna.
Low Battery Blues by destielonfire (4k)
Wherein a dead phone battery ruins an otherwise perfectly good and well-intended joke and causes Cas to think Dean broke up with him.
Misunderstanding with a happy ending!
Parent's Weekend by Piper_Halliwell1979 (1.7k)
Claire needs a "dad" to come meet one of her professors during Parent's Weekend at college. She can't get hold of Cas so Dean steps up to help her out. Turns out Claire wouldn't mind if she had two dads.
Dean and Cas both pretend to be Claire’s dads!
This Is Gonna Have Consequences, Kid by omgbubblesomg (Explicit, 3.6k)
Modern AU. Dean is looking for someone to spend the night and Cas is working the streets
PWP with sex worker Cas, featuring younger!Cas and older!Dean.
The Ritual by HazelDomain (Explicit, 9.6k // non-con cw)
The Winchesters were used to being outnumbered. They weren’t too worried about taking on humans, numerous though they may be. It was the ritual’s mystery guest that concerned them. 
Their intel wasn’t good. They knew the cultists needed the participation of some incredibly powerful being in order to complete the summoning. “Powerful” and “being” were both very loosely translated, as was “participation.”
I was on a hurt!Cas kick and this story has plenty of it. Cas was abducted by a cult and then found by the Winchesters once it’s been mostly completed. See the archive warnings (graphic violence and rape) and further tags!
Finding Courage by DarkHeartInTheSky (26.3k)
By allowing Lucifer to use him as a vessel, Castiel helped eliminate the Darkness and saved the World. But it may have been at the cost of Sam and Dean's friendship. Deciding he has nothing to live for without that, Castiel plans to end his life on his terms and be at peace---if only a certain ghost of an archangel would leave him alone. Meanwhile, Dean needs to learn to use his words.
A Supernatural "It"s A Wonderful Life" AU
More hurt Cas. Dean reacts very negatively once Cas is free of his possession, sending him away. As a consequence Cas tries to commit suicide and is given the chance to either die or return to life once more. It takes a while to convince him that he hasn’t lost everything. It’s sad but it has a good ending.
Specimen Two Eighty Five by HazelDomain (Explicit, 8k // non-con cw)
Prompt: Cas gets taken prisoner by the MOL or some other people. They lump angels in with all the other supernatural creatures, and believe they’re little better than animals. They keep Cas restrained and burn or tattoo warding on him. They talk about him like he can’t understand them. They strip him, examine him, make him manifest his wings. He can’t escape, and every day brings new mistreatment and misery.
Hurt!Cas and tortured Cas seems to be the theme of my reading at the end of April. What I particularly like about this is the non-linear narration!
Womb Kindred by Annie D (scaramouche) (Explicit, 33k)
It was probably too much to hope for that Castiel's once-betrothed, Dean of Winchester, never found out that they had a child together.
I adore this fic and the last chapter was recently posted. So it’s on my to re-read list! It’s got a very interesting setting and there’s constant tension between all the characters. Cas has been hurt in the past and while he is fierce in guarding Claire, there’s a sad resignation about him. And about Dean as well. They’re pretty much walking on eggshells around each other all the time and then they get flung into troubles which readjusts their relationship. While it has a good ending, it’s clear that it’s not a perfect happy ever after. 
Pining Sickness; Or, Murder With One Stone by athaclena, iraeim (Explicit, 57.8k)
New York, 1895. The rigid customs of the old century are beginning to fall away, allowing access to the professions for more people than just Omega men and Alpha women. Dean Winchester, the city’s first Alpha male Detective, uncovers evidence that a mysterious new illness killing mated couples might have its origins is the criminal rather than the medical.
Castiel Novak is a respectable Omega doctor who has started to see patients dying cruelly of something he cannot cure or even effectively treat. Approached by the Detective to once again give his medical expertise, he is eager to work towards finding a cause and, he hopes, a cure for the unfortunate sufferers. But both men harbour a secret attraction towards the other, and the quest for the truth will stretch their relationship beyond its limits.
A historical murder mystery set against a backdrop of a non-traditional Omegaverse.
I absolutely adored this fic! It’s got a historical setting and a very interesting world building which, as the summary advertises, features a non-traditional distribution of roles, with omega men at the top of society. The case itself is interesting and you just get a massive dose of pining between Dean and Cas, but it’s a quiet, resigned kind of pining, that really pulls at your heart.
Take On Me by Powerfulweak (Explicit, 46.4k)
Alpha Dean Winchester figured the closest he’d get to the apple pie life and fatherhood was a one-shot, “wham-bam-thank-you-mam” trip to a sperm bank. That is, until he comes face-to-face with the omega carrying his pup on a fateful trip to the grocery store. When the the omega runs off without a word, though, Dean learns the situation is far more complicated than he expected. Can an anonymous sperm donation and the favor of a lifetime help two complete strangers find everything their life was missing?
A fic with an unusual premise that just promises a “it’s complicated” kind of situation! There’s plenty of very intriguing angst, but there is a fluffy happy ending!
Marry Him by ProLazy (2.9k)
Jimmy is sick and asks Castiel to do him a favour. This results in Dean mistaking Cas for Jimmy and explaining that he wants to marry Cas.
A cute sort of mistaken identity fic!
Left Behind by Aini_NuFire (6.6k)
Sam and Dean saved Lucifer from Amara. They just assumed that meant they’d saved Cas too

(Author needs to vent some angst, but there’s still a happy ending)
That last part of the summary pretty much describes this fic. It’s a gen fic, addressing the fact that Cas often gets forgotten or left behind, especially in this whole Lucifer and Chuck fiasco. ;w;
Captured by bobertsmallismydad (6.2k)
On a day when he is taking a break from Heaven Castiel is captured by the order of the Royal Court aka King "Dickbag" John Winchester. He is forced into servitude as a . . . nanny?
This has a very interesting premise! An enslaved angel having to work as a nanny? Great! Castiel is captured by king John (a douchebag) and tasked to watch over Dean, which he does, over the years. Until Dean himself becomes king.
Choice and Precious Vessels by justabrain (11.2k)
In a world where angels wear collars to suppress their powers and are subservient to humans, a young Castiel finds himself serving a family with two young boys, Sam and Dean. He soon befriends the older of the two, yet all good things must come to an end.
Another gen, Cas whump one. It’s a sad story in which angels are slaves and even though Castiel’s situation improved when he is being bought by the Winchester family, Cas still isn’t treated with dignity. And while the story promises a happy ending and it does have a happy ending, my soul wasn’t quite soothed. ;w; All the damage had been done and nobody makes reparations for it. But despite the sadness I do think it’s a great read!
the worst week of dean's life by jhoom (1.7k)
Dean’s son is driving him crazy.
Super cute, poor Dean is so frustrated because he can’t get his son to call him dada.
Moonlit Sky by hollyblue2 (1.1k)
They'd been busy on their actual anniversary, so Dean decides to make it up to Castiel.
A soft and fluffy story, good for the heart!
Dean's Carol by BurningTea (17.9k)
Dean has learned that a hunter can't have close friends or loved ones, not without being ready to lose them, so he decides it's safer for Cas not to be around.
Can the traditional visits from three ghosts change his mind?
Dean has to learn an important lesson! I love how it takes the story of the christmas carol and putting it into a canon compliant universe, where Dean is aware of what’s happening because he knows the story.
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ywhiterain · 4 years ago
fanon derangement syndrome
"when every other time [Cas]'s died, dean has gone off the rails to find him and get him back, felt horrible."
Hazel Domain, quoting a traumatized fan, Supernatural
Oh I can explain. You are confused Cas with Sam. It's an extremely common problem in the Destiel fandom. I hope someone comes up with a treatment, it's such a common problem.
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laf-outloud · 3 years ago
If you're interested, this is a very good Twitter discussion about HazelDomain's book and the way people use Supernatural as some kind of crutch for their mental health. See the thread here: x
Tumblr media
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destielficarchive · 3 years ago
Hope you don't mind me jumping on (hi, it's unforth) -
I keep a list too - mostly based on the list destielfanfic has, which is here, but I've expanded to it as I've spotted other stuff! Here are a few more I know of, and links to the above - all of these started life as Destiel fics to the best of my knowledge except the Hazel Domain one:
Me and Mine by Sarah Goodwin (AlreadyPainfullyGone)
Point Pleasant by Jen Archer Wood (chainedtoacomet)
Finding His Voice by Benjamin Hamilton (earth-heart)
A. J. Lange, known as lastknownwriter in Destiel circles, who as ltleflrt mentions is amazing, and also wrote a number of my own personal favorites, many of which you can find here: https://www.amazon.com/AJ-Lange/e/B07Z3Y9J3V (including "Free Fall," "Past, Present," "Small Town Charmer," "Lost Souls," and "Unlimited Potential") (stg "Past, Present" is literally the only amnesia fic I've read and truly enjoyed, it's so good y'all.)
Stay and Sweaters and Cigarettes, both by Mika Fox (lemonoclefox)
Running on Empty by M. K. Hunter (mkhunterz, the fic was called "Tramps Like Us"), as anon mentioned
Bombora by Mal Peters (nanoochka, the fic was called "Carry On Up This Broken Tide")
The Time of the Singing by Louise Blaydon (Obstinatrix, the fic was called "The Voice of the Turtledove")
A Century Divided by Silvia Hildebrandt (silvie111 - which I didn't have on my list!)
Going Down by Hazel Domain (hazeldomain - which I also didn't have on my list!)
Tamryn Eradani has published a few books, though I don't know precisely which of their fics these correlate to (iirc at least some of them are the Dean Smith series.)
I know of two others that WERE published but aren't, as far as I know, still available: "A Moment to Be Real" by AlreadyPainfullyGone and "Ancillary Stroke" by Nanoochka.
A few are also in the process of being adapted, that I know of:
Exonerated by thecouchcarrot
La Hantise by quiettewandering
Lessons from a Master by jhoom
Wayward Sons by MatildaMavis
Also, while they haven't "directly" ported any of their work, it's worth noting a few others - these are authors who've published original works, and who are also well known for writing Destiel fanfiction. I'm sure there are tons more than this, but these are the ones I personally know and can think of off the top of my head.
C. S. Pacat (cautionzombies; best known in Destiel fandom for "300 Things" and outside fandom for the "Captive Prince" trilogy)
C. L. Polk (ceeainthereforthat, probably best known for "Appoggiatura" and outside fandom for "Witchmark," which won a World Fantasy award and has been licensed for a live action adaptation)
Foz Meadows (sysrae, probably best known for "Orpheus" or "Get Some," and outside fandom for "An Accident of Stars")
A. L. Heard (jhoom, probably best known for their many tumblr ficlets, and has self-published their book Hockey Bois)
Nina Waters (...it's me, unforth, I've published a novel, a few short stories, and I also run a small press which entirely functions to help fanauthors with publishing original stuff, some of which are ports. I'm also tentatively planning on pulling my Destiel fic "An Assembly Such As This" in maybe a year so I can edit it for publication.)
(and if anyone reading this knows of more and/or other authors and/or other works in the process of being adapted into original fic, please do let me know!)
On the Masterlist for the archive, there's a sheet called "Published Stories" where I keep all the ones I know of.
Hello! I hope this is not a weird question (if so please ignore this), but I was wondering if you know if there is a list of books that were born as Supernatural fanfiction and were later reworked for publication? (Provided the authors are ok with it being known of course). I ask because I read Running on Empty after seeing it mentioned by you and LOVED it so very much, and it made me curious about how many novels with a similar origin are out there. Thank you, in any case!!
Hi my friend! Not a weird question at all! I don't know of A List per se, but @destielfanfic tries to update their fic rec posts with the links to published versions if they know of them.
The ones I know about are:
Running on Empty by MK Hunter
Point Pleasant by Jen Archer Wood
Free Fall by AJ Lange
Past Present by AJ Lange
Lost Souls by AJ Lange
Small Town Charmer by AJ Lange
A Century Divided by Silvia Hildebrandt
Going Down by Hazel Domain
Those are all originally Destiel, except for the last one which I think might have been J2 RPF... I never read the fic, but the book is great!
There's a bunch more by AJ Lange, but I don't remember reading them as fic, so I'm not sure if they're fic or original. They're such a good writer tho, everyone should check them out. Past Present and Small Town Charmer are FAVORITES of mine. (Back when I was a new writer, someone once accused me of ripping her off because I used the common USA lingo "Houston, we have a problem" and I had a "He's a little bit gay" running joke in my fic Kiss the Baker, and I'm like wow that is actually the highest compliment ever, thank you 😄)
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oddsocksandstuff · 7 years ago
I was tagged by @silver9mm. Nine things to get to know someone better, tag game thing. 
Relationship status: very single.
Favourite colour: Purple. Or turquoise. I don't like picking favourites okay.
Lipstick or chapstick: I use chapstick more but I love a good lipstick
Last song: Apparently I fell asleep last night listening to Heroes and Songs by Brandi Carlile.
Last movie: What happened to Monday, which is a Netflix made thing. It's kinda a head fuck and super gorey in places but I loved it. Think Orphan Black but dystopian.
Top 3 shows: Gilmore Girls, Scrubs, and seen as Supernatural has taken over my blog/life I guess I have to include it.
Top 3 ships: Wincestiel, Sastiel, Destiel. Just gimme Cas loving everyone 
Top 3 bands: Frank Turner, Brandi Carlile, Missy Higgins (I went with singers. Hush)
Three favorite foods: Toast, Ice Cream, Granny Smith apples
Currently reading: 700 fan fics give or take. My True Love Gave to Me - a collection of short stories, and somewhere I started a giant tome of a book about the origins of colours used for paints. It's too heavy to bother with most of the time.
tagging: @robotsnchicks @samanddeaninpanties @coconutice22 @kisahawklin @trisscar368 @endversetrash @chiisana-sukima @majesticduxk @hazeldomain
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nancylou444 · 3 years ago
Hold on. @sam-cordell-walker hasn't done shit. Anon is talking out of their ass.
You think hazeldomain's book is a blessing?
The harasser is sam-cordell-walker. Pretty sure this behavior from them is common knowledge.
Okay we got a name. I’d now like proof. I’m actually not that knowledgeable about the comings and going’s or individuals in spn fandom beyond my friends and hazel domain (bless her book).
Wait is @sam-cordell-walker the one who has a troll who makes new accounts to harass her? Because if that’s you and you have proof she’s sent rape accusations to people she disagrees with, there are better ways to spread the word.
But if you do have proof and it did happen, I’ll block and move on. But I will say, as a rape victim, if your making shit up or bending the truth to make her look worse, than I’ll be pretty annoyed.
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durenjtmusings · 8 years ago
Tumblr Tag game #239
Rules: Always post the rules, answer the questions given to you, then write 10 questions of your own, and tag 10 other people.
I was tagged by @awed-frog - thank you for thinking of me! What a lovely way to further avoid the writing I am not doing. As a screw rules student of @thayerkerbasy, I chose to modify your questions to suit me (I liked some of the questions you got to answer).
1) Eternal summer or eternal winter? EW ick to both. Eternal summer, I guess, but only because we'd have more food that way.
2) Would you rather have a dragon or a direwolf? I'd like a Pern firedragon please.
3) Time travel: would you go in the past or the future? Given my hobby? The past. But only if you can guarantee me safe passage back to MY present (unchanged).
4) If you had to pick a superpower, which one would you rather have? Batman's superpower - stupidly wealthy. That seems to get the most things done in this world right now.
5) Favorite superhero? At the moment? Daredevil. But I am also partial to the Spiderman, Scarlet Witch, Starlord, Dr. Strange, and Cloak (from Cloak and Dagger). Guilty pleasure is Deadpool.
6) Demon!Dean or Soulless!Sam? For one night? Either? Both...both is good.  Long term? RUN AWAY!
7. How many countries have you visited? Four - In order, Canada-1983, Chile-1984, Norway-1988, and England-2001 & 2005 (London, Plymouth and York).
8. Do you prefer to write (or read) angst or fluff? Intriguingly, I clearly prefer angst for reading. Also, while I have a couple of dozen angst-ridden WIPS, the fluffy/cheerful stuff is what has gotten finished & published.
9. What is your introductory fic to SPN fandom, or fic that drew you in? The 1st authors I explored were, in order, @persephoneshadow (Let It Be), @ameliacareful (The Real Thing & Heart's Needle), and then @hazeldomain (It was on Sale) who recommended Strong Black Vine. Then it all went downhill from there.
10. Comments versus kudos - which do you prefer, both leaving and getting for a fic? Getting: At this point, I still get excited over each HIT. Kudos and comments both make my day (if not my week). Leaving: I leave kudos if I finished the fic and am even lightly pleased/intrigued/impressed. I try to comment on everything over 1500 words that attempts a plot. Sometimes the comment is just a hearfelt "Thank you."
Tagging a random selection of folks I've messaged lately (many are very new friends) @woahthisguy  @quiescentcastiel  @annagarny  @bluevanillapizza @goodfemalecharacters  @jadejabberwock   @oh-lord-let-there-be-destiel
1. What prompted you to join Tumblr? 2. What SPN character do you hate most (not including temporary states/possessions)? 3. Exothermic or endothermic (or just right)? 4. Do you prefer print/paper or e-books? 5. What is your fanfic guilty pleasure (writing or reading)? 6. What is your Quest? 7. Current music genre interest? 8. Favorite fandom OTHER than SPN? 9. [Write your own question here.] 10. Please share a current SPN fanfic recommendation:
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trisscar368 · 8 years ago
Tag thingie, or ‘oh my chocolate what the heck’
Both @hyrulehearts1123 and @fucktional-slytherpuff tagged me to do this thing (a week ago)... that is 115 questions long.  Holy heck.  I can’t make that many answers into jokes you guys.
1. What is your nickname?
Trissy, Ry, Becs
2. What is your zodiac sign?  
3. What is your favorite book series?
Discworld.  Definitely Discworld.
4. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts?
... I find aliens to be a mathematical probability while at the same time the odds of their ever interacting with earth are a mathematical improbability.  Ghosts... jury is out on ghosts.
5. Who is your favorite author?
Terry Pratchett
6. What is your current favorite song?
Rain, by Breaking Benjamin
7. What is your favorite word?
8. What was the last song you listened to?
... youtube tells me it was Sugar by Maroon 5.  I have no memory of this.
9. What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch?
Good Eats
10. What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down?
I don’t have one of those.
11. Do you play video games?
I used to play quite a bit more than I do now.  Skyrim is the best.
12. What is your biggest fear?
Waking up to someone else having died while I was asleep.
13. What is your best quality, in your opinion?
My capacity for empathy
14. What is your worst quality, in your opinion?
Lack of ambition/drive?
15. What is your favorite season?
Spring, fresh flowers and soft grass
16. Are you in a relationship?
17. What is something you miss from your childhood?
My grandpa
18. Who is your best friend?
I... don’t have a straightforward answer for that.  I have a handful of people I’m really good friends with, that I’d put in the ‘best friends’ category, but none of them is that exclusionary “we are each others best friend” level. 
19. What is your eye color?
20. What is your hair color?
21. Who is someone you love?
Ma Belle
22. Who is someone you trust?
My sister
23. Who is someone you think about often?
Cas?  Does Cas not count?
24. Are you currently excited about/for something?
25. What is your biggest obsession?
26. What was your favorite TV show as a child?
Stargate SG1
27. Do you have any unusual phobias?
Talking to strangers on the telephone
28. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it?
Behind it
29. What is your favorite hobby?
Coming up with random non-sequitors somehow related to another hobby.  For example, I take utter delight in commenting on my latest crochet projects in such terms as “TIME FOR THE BRAINS” and “where did I leave my eyeballs.”
30. What was the last book you read?
The Light Fantastic (Terry Pratchett.  Are you sensing a theme)
31. What was the last movie you watched?
Toy Story
32. What musical instruments do you play, if any?
33. What is your favorite animal?
Dragons.  Scales and wings.  Give.  Me.
34. What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow?
Euclase, Mittensmorgul, Hazeldomain, Elizabethrobertajones, William-Snakespeare
35. What superpower do you wish you had?
Freezing time.  I have too many things to read lol
36. When and where do you feel most at peace?
In my closet?  I’ll be honest, I feel calmest when it’s quiet and there’s no bright lights, which often means small spaces; but leave me alone in a room full of books, or in a forest (on a good day).
37. What makes you smile?
38. What sports do you play, if any?
Not a one
39. What is your favorite drink?
Prickly Pear Lemonaid.   Or cherry limeaid.
40. Are you afraid of heights?
Heights I’m good with, I find depths a bit disturbing.  (I am good with planes, but the ocean?  Bit creepy)
41. What is your biggest pet peeve?
People that don’t do research or provide primary sources.  Or listen to the actual argument going on and rail off defending something that never came up.
42. Have you ever been to a concert?
Yup.  Many.  Trans-siberian is awesome.
43. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I actually categorized things as “I don’t want to be this when I grow up.”  So young me’s reasoning was: I don’t want to be a doctor because I don’t want to cut people open, I don’t want to be a lawyer because I don’t want to lie, I don’t want to work in an office because I hate boxes.  (Funny how that last one has changed...)
44. What fictional world would you like to live in?
... One with dragons where they don’t want to eat me
45. What is something you worry about?
My snake escaping his cage.
46. Are you scared of the dark?
Nope.  I’m more comfortable in dark spaces than I am in bright ones.
47. Do you like to sing?
Yeah, when I’m happy
48. Have you ever skipped school?
To go off and do other fun random things?  No.
49. What is your favorite place on the planet?
Philadelphia is nice
50. Where would you like to live?
The Bunker.  Or a hobbit hole.
51. Do you have any pets?
One, a cornsnake. 
52. Are you more of an early bird or a night owl?
I am not a morning person.
53. Do you like sunrises or sunsets better?
Sunrises, because it’s quiet and no one else is awake to bug you
54. Do you know how to drive?
I actually have been a chauffeur, professionally.
55. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones?
56. Have you ever had braces?
57. What is your favorite genre of music?
58. Who is your hero?
.... *blank stare*
59. Do you read comic books?
60. What makes you the most angry?
Deliberate cruelty.  Prideful arrogance.
61. Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book?
Real books.
62. What is your favorite subject in school?
Myth, Magic, and Folk Religion.  Also the random divergences into linguistics.
63. Do you have any siblings?
64. What was the last thing you bought?
...  *think think think* OH batting for amigirumi
65. How tall are you?
66. Can you cook?
By certain definitions, yes
67. What are three things that you love?
Chocolate, books, starry nights
68. What are three things that you hate?
Bad writing in professional publication, politics, people that assume things about me
69. What is your sexual orientation?
70. Where do you currently live?
71. Who was the last person you texted?
My mom
72. When was the last time you cried?
73. Who is your favorite YouTuber?
... who what now?
74. Do you like to take selfies?
75. What is your favorite app?
76. What is your relationship with your parent(s) like?
Good with my mom, my dad... not as good.
77. What is your favorite foreign accent?
..... noooo idea....
78. What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit?
79. What is your favorite number?
80. Do you find outer space of the deep ocean to be more interesting?
The ocean.  There’s critters.
81. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil?
Not... really...
82. Are you allergic to anything?
83. Can you wiggle your ears?
84. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something?
Fairly often?
85. Do you prefer the forest or the beach?
Sea shelllssssss
86. What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you?
Learn how to swear in every language; not only is it fun, it can help you defend yourself from people that think they can pull one over on you.
87. Are you a good liar?
I do not think so?
88. What is your Hogwarts House?
I’ve been told Ravenclaw
89. Do you talk to yourself?
I do.  I taught myself fingerspelling when I was young, and I’d practice by talking to myself, and I just got used to it; so I kept doing it with french and russian and it just happens in English.
90. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
Definitely an introvert
91. Do you keep a journal/diary?
... Sort of?  I have a handful of journals I use, but I’m not a daily diarist
92. Do you believe in second chances?
Depends.  Most of the time I’ll say yes, but the thing is... when people are asking for second chances verbally, they’re probably already on their third or fourth.
93. Do you believe that people are capable of change?
... yes and no, people are capable of change if they want to change, but the number of times they have the proper motivation to change?  It’s rare.
94. Are you ticklish?
God yes, it’s a problem.  You can tickle the palms of my hands. 
95. Have you ever been on a plane?
Yeah... for extended periods.  Don’t do the 30 hour flights kids.
96. Do you have any piercings?
No, though I’ve been debating ear piercings recently.
97. What fictional character do you wish was real?
Harry Dresden
98. Do you have any tattoos?
Nope.  Though I keep debating...
99. What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far?
Watching SPN.
100. Do you believe in karma?
That there’s some kind of inherent balance to the way things work, what goes around comes around?  In a fashion... I believe that a lot of what we put out into the world comes back to us, but things are not fair.
101. Do you wear glasses or contacts?
Glasses.  I am a blind old bat, who gets around in the world by means of ridiculously acute hearing if I can’t find my glasses.
102. Do you want children?
Not a prayer.
103. Who is the smartest person you know?
My sis.
104. What is your most embarrassing memory?
I appear to have blocked most of them... Or recontextualized them.
105. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter?
Ha.  Hahaha.  Ha.  Yes.  Frequently.
106. What color are most of you clothes?
... surprisingly less black than there used to be (I’m from a family of musicians it’s not a goth thing).  There’s a lot of blue.
107. Do you like adventures?
I’m a Bilbo.  I enjoy adventure, but I insist on having a hobbit hole with tea
108. Have you ever been on TV?
Technically yes, my choir broadcast on the local news one year
109. How old are you?
110. What is your favorite quote?
“There is no justice.  There’s just us.”
111. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods?
Sweets.  Cookies.  Fruit.  Yes.
112. Have your friends ever badly disappointed you?
A few times.  Often, the friendship didn’t live past that.
113.  What is your favorite scent?
114. Random fact you know?
Nords believed that trimming the nails of the dead would postpone Ragnarok, because Hel would sail to the final battle in a ship made of human nails.
115. What is your opinion on long distance relationships?
That’s... hmm... define relationship.  If you mean romantic, then... long distance is a heck of a strain, and they can work but it takes a LOT of work.  If you mean friendship, then.... all my friends are online...
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mayalaen · 8 years ago
yours mine his
Written for @spnpolybingo Title: Yours Mine His Pairing(s): Sam/Lucifer, Dean/Castiel, Sam/Hannah, Dean/Zachariah, Sam/Gabriel, Sam/Dean Word Count: 1.2k Rating: R/Mature/Semi-Explicit Tags: poly relationships, crack, anal sex, vaginal sex, mutual pining @spnpolybingo Square: Castiel Dean Lucifer Sam Link: AO3
Summary: Dean and Sam keeping walking in on each other in compromising situations, but is that all this is?
A/N: Thanks to @hazeldomain for the prompt on this one!!
It had gone beyond simply accidental years ago, and by the time they moved into the bunker, privacy was something other people had.  It just wasn't a thing.
Dean jerking himself off in the showers wasn't unusual, and Sam didn't even miss a beat because how many times had Dean walked in on him tugging himself in a motel room when he thought Dean would be out all night but instead came back after only an hour or two?
In other words, neither of them really gave a fuck.  Basic bodily functions and needs and blah blah.  Whatever.
That changed drastically when Dean came back to the bunker late one night with a pizza, a six-pack, and a hankering for a violent movie only to find Sam draped over the war room table and Lucifer pounding his ass.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" Dean yelled, the beer and pizza safe only because Dean had a steady hand after all those years of dealing with monsters and demons and the end of the world.
Sam looked up, eyes wide, but Lucifer didn't even slow down.  If anything, he sped up, the sound of skin-on-skin obnoxiously loud in a room with no carpeting and high ceilings.
"Uhm, fucking?" Sam said, then grinned at him.  Shameless, really.
Dean took the pizza and beer to his room.  No way in hell was he going to share with Lucy.
Sam had been up all night researching with no luck.  Whatever was causing the brownouts in Louisiana had to be supernatural in origin, given the strange markings left on the power plant's front doors, but Sam found nothing.  Nobody else had a clue either.
"Okay, I gotta take a break," Sam said out loud to nobody.  He left all the books on the table in the library and closed his laptop before heading for the kitchen.   He was hungrier than he thought.
As he got closer and closer to the kitchen, the hair on the back of his neck raised, and he frowned.   Scraping and... something that might have been a sigh or maybe the refrigerator was needing some repair.
He flipped on the lights and immediately squeezed his eyes shut.  "Dude, what the fuck?!" he yelled as he turned around.  "This is where we cook our food!"
Dean chuckled, and it was one of those dirty little laughs that always grated on Sam's nerves.  "Sorry," he said, but he wasn't really sorry.
"Just... clean up when you're done," Sam said, "and I'll try to forget that Cas had his ass all over the countertops."
Dean chuckled again.  "My balls have kinda-"
"SHUT UP!" Sam roared as he stormed out of the kitchen.
"Really?!" Dean said, then sighed.
Sam grinned, getting a better grip on Hannah's thighs, still fucking her against the far wall in the warm room.  "Oh, didn't hear you coming."
"Fine!" Dean yelled.  "You wanna play it like this, we'll play it like this."
"Why is your brother so upset?" Hannah asked as Dean stomped up the steps and out the door.
"No," Sam said, letting his jaw hang open as his eyes grew impossibly wide.   Lucifer and Hannah both tensed, and Sam wasn't sure which one gasped, but he had a feeling it was Lucifer.
Dean had the biggest grin to have ever grinned, but the disgust in his eyes was what made Sam slip from horrified to very much amused as Zachariah slapped Dean's ass and fucked him so hard Dean's sweaty body slid across the library table.
"See!  I can do it too!" Dean said, clearly confident he'd one-upped his brother.  "You fuck  my brother, I'll fuck yours," he said to Lucifer and Hannah.
Hannah covered her mouth and ducked her head, shoulders shaking with laughter.  Cas was standing in the doorway, and the look on his face said if he had an excuse to be anywhere but here, he'd take it.
"You two are priceless," Lucifer said, shaking his head.  "You still don't get it."
"Let them figure it out themselves," Hannah said, smacking Lucifer's chest as she walked by, heading for the doorway and getting the fuck out of the library.
"Figure out what?" Sam asked, frowning.
"Wait until I'm finished," Zachariah said.  "I'm close, and if you tell him, he'll pull some shit like drawing an angel banishment symbol in jizz.   It really ruins my orgasm when that happens."
"What haven't we figured out?" Sam asked, turning to Lucifer and pinning him with a no-nonsense scowl.
"I don't know what's going on here," Lucifer said, grinning even as he backed out of the library, then grinned and was suddenly gone.
"Cas?" Sam nearly barked at the poor angel.
And then Cas was gone too.
Zachariah grunted, grabbing the back of Dean's neck and holding him down as he fucked him even harder.  Sam decided it was time to leave.
"Okay, we need to stop this," Dean said, throwing up his hands in defeat.
Gabriel groaned, settling on Sam's lap instead of riding him like a mechanical bull as they sat on the couch.  There was a movie playing on Sam's laptop, but it was obvious they couldn't care less about it.
"Stop what?" Sam asked, craning his neck to look up at Dean.
"Last time I fucked Cas, I got it out of him," Dean said.
Sam grimaced.  "Eww, I don't want the details."
"Says the guy who fucked Cas last night," Dean said as he rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, and I made him come so hard he lost control of his wings," Sam said with a grin.
"You guys are adorable," Gabriel said, lifting himself off Sam's cock and standing up, fully nude, hard, and flushed with arousal.  "If you figured it out, then I guess I'll just be leaving."
"No!" Dean said, but it was too late.  Gabriel was gone, and Dean was left alone with Sam.
Sam, who was sitting on the couch with his jeans and boxers around his ankles, cock hard and leaking.  "So what did you figure out?" he asked.
Dean pulled his shirts off, then unbuckled his belt, Sam's eyes going wide as he watched.  "That little game of 'you fuck my brother so I'll fuck yours' had nothing to do with any of those angel dicks."
Sam gulped, cock twitching as Dean pushed his jeans and boxers off along with his boots and socks.  "No?"
"No," Dean said as he straddled Sam's lap and wrapped his right hand around Sam's cock.
"Oh," Sam moaned, head dropping back onto the couch.
"Yeah," Dean said with a smirk before grabbing the bottle of lube Gabriel had left on the couch cushion and using it to open himself up.
"Can't wait to see you taking Lucifer's dick," Sam said.
Dean snorted.  "Yeah, well, I can't wait to see Hannah riding your face while I fuck you."
Sam laughed until Dean positioned his cock and sank down onto it.
Tagging: @samanddeaninpanties @wanderingcas @buckybee
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chiisana-sukima · 8 years ago
The Eldritch Bunker
***Collaboration Welcome. Add Your Headcanon Too***
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...because we are going to continually expand these characters                    -Jerry Wanek (thanks, @hazeldomain, for the production shorts!)
@chiisana-sukima (that’s me!) wrote, in a post that didn’t work for adding, because reasons: I think the Bunker is a Good Puppy, and loves Dean, Cas, and Sam all. But because it is a Smart Puppy, it tries really hard for each of them, but sometimes the outcomes aren’t quite what a Human might expect.
Cas and the Bunker understand each other the best. Cas understands about the Bunker being a deeply, weirdly inhuman creature whose existence is too large for mortals to fill. And the Bunker knows Cas gets bored and lonely at night while his human friends are sleeping. So when Cas wanders through the Bunker at night, the Bunker lets him explore its maze-like recesses and dimensions full of wonders and magic that Dean and Sam will never see. When morning is approaching, Cas has to gently remind the Bunker that it’s time for him to go back up to the surface levels where Sam and Dean live, so that the Bunker can lead him out, because even Cas can’t find his way back on his own.
For Dean, there’s an alcove off the garage, full of tools and parts for all the classic cars. And sometimes when its in an especially helpful mood, the Bunker leaves parts for Baby around too, or a better brand of oil than Dean usually buys, and Dean feels suspicious, because how could the MoL have had any of those things, but maybe Sam picked them up, but Sam’s not really into cars
. sometimes it’s best not to question. 
And also for Dean, the way to the dungeon is a little straighter, the corridor a little wider, the locks a little stronger, the soundproofing perfect. The holy water is always well-stocked and the salt never runs out. In the shooting range, the targets are far enough back that they’re right on the edge of Dean’s ability, so he doesn’t just keep getting useless bullseyes over and over. The bunker makes no judgements; it was built for war.
For Sam, one might think the library would be perfectly organized, all the information Sam could want catalogued and easy to find. But the Bunker knows Sam better than that. Sam likes a challenge, and the Bunker likes to learn. It scatters things around for Sam. There are always cluttered new storerooms, another archive, more magical tools to sort. That way Sam will have things to occupy his mind. He’ll make new connections, figure out things the Bunker didn’t know itself. 
And Sam’s room- the Bunker is still angry that Lucifer managed to find it. It’s the best warded room the Bunker has, radiating a false nonexistence so strongly, that from the outside it’s barely there at all. But Cas had been to it too many times already before Lucifer occupied him, and Lucifer was determined.
The Bunker is determined too though. It won’t happen again. When Sam walks through the library, sometimes books fall off the shelves and land open to pages on complex warding patterns. If he’s not paying attention as he walks to his room, there will occasionally be an ancient clay jar of holy oil in the hall that he’ll somehow fail to notice until he’s already kicked it over and broken it. By now there’s a solid wall of holy fire soaked into the floorboards outside Sam’s door, just waiting to be set alight, and a fire spell has etched itself into the wood of the door frame.
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@trisscar368  wrote: Sam’s room - yes PLEASE, because your idea of it being warded like that works perfectly with the fact that it keeps changing location.
The Bunker decided not long after the boys moved in that Sam would be safe when he slept; there were too many nights when Sam would still wake up breathless, the names of lovers and lost friends and tormentors alike all dying unspoken on his lips.  Too many nights where he refused to sleep until it was almost dawn, choosing to distract himself because the memories are just a little too close at hand.  So the Bunker cocoons his room away every night in the depths of the maze; it makes sure to have him back before morning, though it doesn’t always quite put him back in the same place, not after Dean snuck in that one morning to play music on full blast.
It hasn’t quite forgiven Dean for what happened under the Mark.  Oh, it doesn’t blame him particularly for destroying doors when he was a demon; he was a demon, he was barely the same creature.  The Bunker treated him as such - it has no eyes after all - trying to protect Sam by weaving extra passages between the two of them, only letting Dean find Sam when Castiel was close enough to help.  But since that last day with the Steins, with what happened in the library, Dean’s room has a habit of being slightly
 misplaced in the morning.  Dean hasn’t said anything.  He still hasn’t forgiven himself, so why would the Bunker?
It wishes Cas would stay more.  It quite agreed with Kevin (oh, the Bunker tried to commune with Kevin’s ghost, but he just couldn’t hear the Eldritch being the way Cas can) that Winchester pity sessions are annoying.  Dean tends to be happier when Cas is around, and, well, the Bunker grew rather attached itself when Cas stayed those few weeks when he was ill.  It tries to feel more like home, this weird amalgamation of ideas and memories of all the people who’ve stayed inside its walls, but it doesn’t quite know what Cas wants; austere hallways of light?  Or dimly lit rooms smelling faintly of whiskey and leather and gunpowder.  Cas doesn’t know what he wants either.
The six weeks when the boys were gone were hard on both Cas and the Bunker.  He had a habit of forgetting the lights, wandering the halls in pitch black, losing himself in the grief and the guilt, trying to hide from the shadow of Lucifer.
Lucifer, now it hates Lucifer.  It hates the scent of rust that trails in his wings.  It hates how Sam stopped sleeping again when the boys knew Lucifer was free.  It hates how Cas sometimes wanders into the kitchen expecting to see a television on the counter, and stands there staring while he remembers where he is.
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@floralmotif  wrote: Follow me below if you want to engage with headcanon speak dabbling in the idea that the bunker is an eldritch abomination. It’s just fun:
I’m actually not sure if it would like people in the same sense as a dog would. It would probably allow Cas a bit more reign just cause he can perceive it a little better and may be able to handle the concepts it presents without his brain shorting out. He may also be unaware of its nature on a conscious level. If this thing were actually a being, it would be pretty powerful even as presented. Amara needed Cas to find Dean in the bunker. This would mean that the bunker theoretically is more powerful than Chuck or Amara or is at least capable of hiding from them. It is no creature of creation. It just kind of settled there, perhaps drawn by the MoL or maybe it manifested on its own and they found it. They may be the only perception of human things its ever experienced. The Winchester’s found it after and it still had the same appearance. It’s possible it looks that way because the MoL were the first to meet it and the Winchesters don’t do anything to tell it any different. It may just be a void in reality with no perception that there is an outside at all. It’s like a computer display. It can display coffee as much as it wants but it doesn’t know what coffee is.
That being said, it’s a lot more fun to imagine it has a personality that can enjoy things and can create easy passage for sleepy Winchesters when it’s 3am and they have work to do. So Dean can find the kitchen easily even when it took him 3x as long when he was a demon. He doesn’t question it, neither of them do. It’s weird sometimes but they wave it on and the Bunker doesn’t mind that its unknown. It’s rather glad of it. No one has ever known it. The closest is maybe Cas but if Chuck didn’t notice the massive being of the cosmos, he probably wouldn’t either. Sometimes though, the bunker opens places for him. It wants to see how far it can go and Cas is a calm and curious being himself.
Perhaps it can sense intent or longing, or fear. It carefully arranges itself for whatever situation feels comfortable for it. The emotions of humans are perplexing but it isn’t a violent creature, it tries to avoid it.
                       (some shorter headcanons below the cut)
 @somekindofsaviour asked: Sam said in ep 12x12 that he has uploaded the Bunker library to an online archive. Don't you think that's really unrealistic? There must be thousands of articles and books in the library. The keywords alone would be a nightmare.
@grey2510 answered: I agree that it’s unrealistic. That kind of job would take FOREVER to do properly on one’s own, even if that’s ALL Sam were doing (and not ya know, hunting and making sure the world doesn’t end). (...)
Who knows. The Bunker already seems to have magical tech capabilities. Maybe it has magical digital archiving. Bonus feature!
@floralmotif​ (in response to a gifset where Mary is walking, and the corridors are going a different direction than usual): Now I’m thinking of an instance where the bunker gets Mary lost. She wanders around until finally getting to the kitchen and Sam and Dean think she’s slept in and she’s like “I got lost. This place makes no sense” and they both look at each other and offer her coffee in concern and confusion because they don’t perceive the Bunker’s nonsense most of the time.
@eruthiawenluin wrote:  #but what about when demon/MoC!dean is roaming the halls?    #and the bunker is //confused//    #because it can sense that there’s something wrong with him but this is //dean//  #but it tries to give sam some reaction time when dean’s after him    #and sam is almost killed for it and stays away from certain areas of the bunker   #and it kind of
 panics?    #sam’s already hesitant to call him ‘home’ because of his history (and lack thereof) with 'home’  #so he’s always careful to create detours for sam   #the bunker is a bitter sam boy    
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ywhiterain · 4 years ago
on dean's bisexuality
"When pressed to tell a secret he would never, ever reveal to another person, Dean relates a story in which his teenage girlfriend made him try on panties - and he liked it."
Legacy, Hazel Domain
Is this a case for trans Dean? Because I got news for you, men liking and fetishizing women's panties is not generally a sign they're attracted to men.
As the seasons go by, this reading is legitimized as Dean grows less insecure and owns more and more of his real desires.
Legacy, Hazel Domain
Dean is not going to apologize for loving Finding Dory.
Over the seasons there are a lot of jokes whose punchline seems to be "Dean and Castiel are bisexual."
Excuse you, Sam has also been called Castiel's lover. He, unlike Dean, seems interested in fans shipping him with Cas. And, also, Dean and Sam have way more jokes about them being married to the point that there's a running gag of Sam being the female partner in heterosexual duos (Mikey and Mallory, Mulder and Scully, Bonnie and Clyde).
Queer fans are left standing alone, seeing their own struggle in Dean's fear of judgment, but unable to say so without criticism and condemnation.
Us malewife Samgirls are just as likely to see themselves in Sam's character. But we don't get as much criticism, in general, because Sam's never openly said he's straight like Dean. Dean is Word of God multiple times over, straight. Fans who go 'lalala can't hear you' are often mocked because people who refuse to acknowledge facts are easy to mock. And it's really fucking annoying to keep seeing over and over. Read Dean as bisexual! There's a long history of reading characters being intended as straight as queer. But that's not the intent and intent matters when you're arguing about what's gonna happen in canon.
And here's the rub, Sera Gamble wanted to make Sam bi, but she was shut down for homophobic reasons. This, right here, is a case of a character and a writer being shut down. But I don't see these LGBT activists arguing that Sam was silenced, despite that actually being a thing that happened.
Because it's about a ship. People wanted Dean/Castiel to be canon. The supposed erasure of Dean's bisexuality is just another cannon they can use in their ship war.
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