ruthimages · 1 year
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priitikana · 2 years
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Bazen bir ses, bazen de bir görüntü çağırır beni geçen zamanın sisli puslu anılarına. Akçay, çocukluğumun coğrafyasında unutulmaz anıları saklıyor hala... Pazar sabahları erken kalkıp babamla yaptığımız deniz kıyısı ziyaretlerimizin unutulmaz balık kokusu... Martı sesleri eşliğinde, balıkçı motorunda kısacık hayatlarının son dakikalarını ağlarda çırpınarak geçiren balıkların gözlerine takılan gözlerimle çırpınıyor çocuk yüreğim. Ve bir hatıranın resmi, Haiku ile çiziliyor şu an'ın içinde... Fnurkayral #haiku #haikudefteri #haikuyazarı #japonşiiri #haikum #haikupoetry #haikuyaz #haykuu #hayku #yazmasamolmaz https://www.instagram.com/p/CnopBKhMWxG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nightmare-dreamt · 1 year
Hi could i pleace get a Matchup for Assasination Classroom,One Piece,Future Diary,Haykuu,My Hero academia and Sailor Moon.
Im around 5'6.8"(1,69,7cm) my name is Dana (Dana Marie),im 24 ,a Woman/she/her,Bi curious but i usaly prefer mans and i was never in a Relationsship with a Woman,from Germany,pale skin,pear shaped figure with curves(i hate my legs i think they too chubby)i have a extremely small waist ,long curly/wavy(they can't decide😅sometimes it's even almost straight,without me doing something) gold blonde/dirty blonde hair (usaly in a bun) and fluorite greenish eyes(sometimes they are even Aquamarine,sometimes there very intense Green),i have dimples and wear glasses. I have scars on my left arm. And a small light pink 3D Butterfly tattoo on the inside, below of my right calf.
Infp-t,i have a mild form of autism but it's not really noticeable,ambivert,Im open minded(my friends say they can always be themself around me) caring and very nice(sometimes to nice that i get hurt) i always try to help someone and be always there for someone,insecure,usaly im calm but i can talk like a Waterfall sometimes, my parents say that i'm a bumpkin and sometimes speak a little loudly when I'm excited or angry😅, forgiving,kinda stubborn,a little hotheaded sometimes,dreamy, tolerant,im very muddle-headed(but not stupit i have an IQ from 135)and very clumsy,im humorous,i can be very quick-witted sometimes and everyone is surprised,i hate to hurt people(in any way)but if someone hurt my family/friends im very Protectiv. Lovingly sassy/a little tease sometimes. Sometimes i'm to honest and just say very blunt what i think but my friends/family know that i never mean what i say in a mean way and i don't even notice that it could be misunderstood/hurt someone. Im very loyal. I am sometimes very emotional but can also come across as very emotionless sometimes even if I am not (I cry about simple things sometimes in a movie but i have trouble to cry infront of someone by emotional stuff,i don't like if someone see that i cry i even hide behind my hair). I can good empathize with other people's feelings if I want to. I often complain about my physical health like an old woman but everyone thinks that it's funny and old people feel young in my presence😅. I know how i get what i want(it can be in a very Smart and creative way or I annoy a person until I get what I want😅).
My best friend once said I look like an aggressive stubborn hamster going to War if im angry, but as soon someone hurt my Family im a fiery Tiger. I don't often have arguments,it's very rare.
I am an open book and you can ask me anything, if I am comfortable with a person. For someone at my age i have a big fantasy (i don't mean in a Pervert way, and not in a childish way i think).Im also slithly "scared"of doing something wrong and try to do everything right,and ask often questions to make sure. I tend to over do it with presents. I tend to be a perfectionist with my drawings but with everything else i try only half-heartedly unless i do something for someone i like.If someone is hurt i will take care of them like a Nurse/Mother.
Im very supportive. If i give Hugs it's something special,i do that very rare,because...i feel awkward (Not in a relationship)..i never got many hugs or stuff like that in my live,i like them but im not used to them.
I hate/don't like(or im scared of): crowds,heights, the darkness, clowns and grasshopers and to be somethere i never be there alone,im not the biggest fan of sports (except for soccer, swimming, badminton, dancing and a game that you play with a basketball it's called 24 i think),to Run(I don't really have much stamina).Sticky stuff,Sand/Dirt, My sense of direction is as good as that of a potato. I hate if something is unfair or someone ignoring me. I hate arrogant narcissistic people. I don't like sudden changes that much, sometimes it's hard for me to deal with them.
Hobby's/I like: to Sleep/Daydream,to draw (Anime or i try realistic)to listening to music sometimes i forget myself if i draw or daydream and i start to sing or dance. I love to play board games. i can play the piano and can draw,i love roses (i'm a bit obsessed with everything that has to do with roses😅),i like stargazing,i like to eat strawberrys and Chocolate and meat,i like trampolin jumping and to listening to music when im on it,to swim,movies/Games(i can watch the same movie 100,000 times and still find it exciting and even laught at the same part i always laugh or cry),to read english,to learn languages,i like dogs i have one a crazy bishon frise girl named Elli,teoreticaly i can cook and bake kinda good but im to Lazy to do it or to do it alone, i like almost any Music besides of havy Metal and other exceptions,i also like classic Music but it makes me sleepy😅
Love Language/how im in a Relationsship: first im kind of shy about skin ships but i like them (how much depents on the day,on one day it's only small skin ships but on another day/Minute I could tackle the person with cuddles and kisses and rave about the person like a crazy woman,but usaly only in privat and after we are togehter for at least 2 Months, after more time i also show my "weird" side)and if im tired or sick i get cuddly (but i don't like to cuddle when i want to sleep,unless its extremely cold),i like to messing up the hair of someone i like or playing with them (it's relaxing to me,but i only do that than i know the person longer, i also like if the the person do the same with me, i feel small and i get sleepy when someone play with my hair),i love forehead kisses, i tend to spend too much money on the person i like or are in a relationship with and overdo it with gifts. Im always there for the Person and Support them no matter by what. After i know the person longer i tend to be very honest and im also a big tease in any way. Im also very  patient in a relationship. Im kind of Motherly and pemper the person i love.
What is important for Me about the Person: The Person must be Loyal,should have humor and be patient with me should accept me as the person i am,must not be violent/rude against me (When someone angry yells at me, I may reflexively cry sometimes), should support me. If he can tease me sometimes a bit. A bit Banter.
(I have a little soft spot for gentlemanly actions, like if someone holds the door open for me or give me his jacket because he sees im freezing...,i get a light crush right away for a short amount of time)
My goal: is to have many childrens and to get Married, to finally find someone who loves me for who I am and doesn't lie to me and is loyal.I also hope that People like my Drawings. (I have an almost 3 years years old Son and i have a few weeks old little baby girl, if this info makes it difficult to match me you can ignore it)
I hope i did nothing wrong or forgot something, and thank you very much in advance😊
Matchup for Dana!
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One Piece: Ace
When the two of you met, Ace fell in love with your beauty loving every single thing about your looks and body. His favorite part is your legs and he's always there to tell you how amazing they are even if you don't think so.
There's been times when you've caught him staring into your eyes and when you call him out for it he doesn't deny anything and keeps staring. He also loves your hair, brushing a hand through it seeing the different strains and how each of them are unique in their own way. When the two of you are sleeping, he'll poke gentle at your dimples waiting for you to wake up and smile at him right where your dimples are that he was poking at.
When Ace is around his friends and strangers, he puts this brave acrup knowing that he has a reputation to hold, but when he's around you he feels like he can be nis best part, the true him. He loves your smile and laugh, always trying to find ways to make you smile or to hear the angelic laughter.
When the two of you are out, Ace takes the two of you to flower fields just so he can watch you draw and there's been times when he tries and draws you, but it doesn't come out as well. When you drew him for the first time, Ace cried and kept the picture hanging up in his room and when he goes out for a long time, he brings it with him as a memory of his love.
You're his passion, the fire within him that will always be blazes and he uses that fire to-in battles always winning knowing someone was back at home, waiting for him. He has brothers 50 he would love to have children, but he might be a little too reckless with them letting them do whatever they want. He might even try to give them devil fruit.
If Ace had a daughter, he would be there by her side 24/7 always checking up on her and making sure she is doing fine. If someone made her cry, he would threaten them, even a kid, he doesn't care who did it, no one makes his daughter cry.
If Ace had a son, he would take him on adventures and the two would go sword - battling with each other until the day came that Ace was actually beaten. If his son wanted to be a pirate Ace would try to talk him out of it, but deep down he knows he can't. If his son ever was in need of some help, Ace would be there ready to help and protect his family.
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Assasination Classroom: Tadaomi Karasuma
You were one of the children's parents and when a parent teacher conference was needed, the two of you met. He enjoyed your company and the rest is history between the two of you. He loves your personality from your stubbomness to your kind heart, he feels like he can open up to you and show a side he doesn't show to most people.
Karasuma isn't much of an affectionate person, but when you're upset he's there to comfort and be by your side. His favorite thing to do is cuddle and hug, he loves being close, especially after a long day at work.
When the two of you are out he gets worried very easily because of his job, so he makes sure to stay close in case something were to happen. One time, you had gotten lost and he ran around everywhere looking for you only to find you in an empty place by yourself. He never felt so worried in his life.
Quiet nights at home, he likes to listen to you play the piano and sit beside you humming along to the music. He cooks a lot for the two of you, always making your favorite foods, if you're in the mood for something he's always up to making it.
Karasuma isn't much to crack a joke, but from time to time if you're upset he'll try to make you smile even if that means making a fool of himself. This man definitely holds the door for you, whether it be a car door or an actual door, he is holding it open. When wirter occurs, he's carrying another jacket in his car or bringing one with him in case you get cold, always looking out for you.
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vannahfanfics · 2 years
Hi its me again, could i pleace get a  Haykuu Matchup
Im around 5'7(169cm-170cm (1,69,8cm) my name is Dana (Dana Marie),(im 24 but if its ok for you you can match me with anyone),a Woman/she/her,Bi curious but i usaly prefer mans and i was never in a Relationsship with a Woman,from Germany,pale skin,pear shaped figure with curves(i hate my legs i think they too chubby)i have a extremely small waist ,long curly/wavy(they can't decide😅sometimes it's even almost straight,without me doing something) gold blonde/dirty blonde hair (usaly in a bun) and pale greenish eyes(sometimes they are even Aquamarine,sometimes there very intense Green),i have dimples and wear glasses. I have scars on my left arm. And a small light pink 3D Butterfly tattoo on the inside, below of my right calf.
Infp-t,i have a mild form of autism but it's not really noticeable,ambivert,Im open minded(my friends say they can always be themself around me) caring and very nice(sometimes to nice that i get hurt) i always try to help someone and be always there for someone,insecure,usaly im calm but i can talk like a Waterfall sometimes, my parents say that i'm a bumpkin and sometimes speak a little loudly when I'm excited or angry😅, forgiving,kinda stubborn,a little hotheaded sometimes,dreamy, tolerant,im very muddle-headed(but not stupit i have an IQ from 135)and very clumsy,im humorous,i can be very quick-witted sometimes and everyone is surprised,i hate to hurt people(in any way)but if someone hurt my family/friends im very Protectiv. Lovingly sassy/a little tease sometimes. Sometimes i'm to honest and just say very blunt what i think but my friends/family know that i never mean what i say in a mean way and i don't even notice that it could be misunderstood/hurt someone. Im very loyal. I am sometimes very emotional but can also come across as very emotionless sometimes even if I am not (I cry about simple things sometimes in a movie but i have trouble to cry infront of someone by emotional stuff). I can good empathize with other people's feelings if I want to. I often complain about my physical health like an old woman but everyone thinks that it's funny and old people feel young in my presence😅. I know how i get what i want(it can be in a very Smart and creative way or I annoy a person until I get what I want😅).
My best friend once said I look like an aggressive stubborn hamster going to War if im angry, but as soon someone hurt my Family im a fiery Tiger. I don't often have arguments,it's very rare.
I am an open book and you can ask me anything, if I am comfortable with a person. For someone at my age i have a big fantasy (i don't mean in a Pervert way, and not in a childish way i think).Im also slithly "scared"of doing something wrong and try to do everything right,and ask often questions to make sure. I tend to over do it with presents. I tend to be a perfectionist with my drawings but with everything else i try only half-heartedly unless i do something for someone i like.If someone is hurt i will take care of them like a Nurse/Mother.
Im very supportive. If i give Hugs it's something special,i do that very rare,because...i feel awkward (Not in a relationship)..i never got many hugs or stuff like that in my live,i like them but im not used to them.
I hate/don't like(or im scared of): crowds,heights, the darkness, clowns and grasshopers and to be somethere i never be there alone,im not the biggest fan of sports (except for soccer, swimming, badminton, dancing and a game that you play with a basketball it's called 24 i think).Sticky stuff,Sand/Dirt, My sense of direction is as good as that of a potato. I hate if something is unfair or someone ignoring me. I hate arrogant narcissistic people. I don't like sudden changes that much, sometimes it's hard for me to deal with them.
Hobby's/I like: to Sleep/Daydream,to draw (Anime or i try realistic)to listening to music sometimes i forget myself if i draw or daydream and i start to sing or dance. I love to play board games. i can play the piano and can draw,i love roses (i'm a bit obsessed with everything that has to do with roses😅),i like stargazing,i like to eat strawberrys and Chocolate and meat,i like trampolin jumping and to listening to music when im on it,to swim,movies/Games,to read english,to learn languages,i like dogs i have one a crazy bishon frise girl named Elli,teoreticaly i can cook and bake kinda good but im to Lazy to do it or to do it alone, i like almost any Music besides of havy Metal and other exceptions,i also like classic Music but it makes me sleepy😅
Love Language/how im in a Relationsship: first im kind of shy about skin ships but i like them (how much depents on the day,on one day it's only small skin ships but on another day/Minute I could tackle the person with cuddles and kisses and rave about the person like a crazy woman,but usaly only in privat and after we are togehter for at least 2 Months, after more time i also show my "weird" side)and if im tired or sick i get cuddly (but i don't like to cuddle when i want to sleep,unless its extremely cold),i like to messing up the hair of someone i like or playing with them (it's relaxing to me,but i only do that than i know the person longer, i also like if the the person do the same with me, i feel small and i get sleepy when someone play with my hair),i love forehead kisses, i tend to spend too much money on the person i like or are in a relationship with and overdo it with gifts. Im always there for the Person and Support them no matter by what. After i know the person longer i tend to be very honest and im also a big tease in any way. Im also very  patient in a relationship. Im kind of Motherly and pemper the person i love.
What is important for Me about the Person: The Person must be Loyal,should have humor and be patient with me should accept me as the person i am,must not be violent/rude against me (When someone angry yells at me, I may reflexively cry sometimes), should support me. If he can tease me sometimes a bit. A bit Banter.
(I have a little soft spot for gentlemanly actions, like if someone holds the door open for me or give me his jacket because he sees im freezing...,i get a light crush right away for a short amount of time)
My goal: is to have many childrens and to get Married, to finally find someone who loves me for who I am and doesn't lie to me and is loyal.I also hope that People like my Drawings. (I have a 2 years old Son and im currently pregnant with a little girl, if this info makes it difficult to match me you can ignore it)
I hope i did nothing wrong or forgot something, and thank you very much in advance😊
Hi, Dana! Thanks for commissioning more match-ups from me; it’s very appreciated. I hope you enjoy these as much as you did the first one! To start off, here is your match-up for Haikyuu!! All of this is in a post-timeskip context, of course :p
I match you with...
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Daichi Sawamura from Haikyuu!!
There are lots of wonderful and interesting belles and beaus in Haikyuu!!, but upon reading all of your information, Daichi instantly jumped to mind! Overall, you two have a lot in common, and I feel that he embodies a lot of the characteristics you look for in a partner. :) Not to mention that you have a lot of qualities that I believe he would find attractive! So let’s dive into it:
Starting with looks, I think Daichi would find you to be the cutest little thing (even though he’s only a couple inches taller than you, haha); he loves everything about you, of course, but I totally believe that he’d be especially weak for your dimples. You can bet that whenever you smile and he’s around to see it, forget whatever he’s thinking at the moment because it is gonna be replaced with the overwhelming need to just give them a little peck. <3 Don’t let this man hear you talking bad about your “chubby legs,” though, or you’ll find yourself sitting in the living room watching him give a 100+-slide PowerPoint presentation on why you’re perfect from head to toe!
That being said, your personality is also a big draw for Daichi! He’s a lot like you: open-minded, caring, dependable, loyal, honest, empathetic... The list goes on! He’s not thin-skinned nor is he lacking in wit, so he’s definitely the type to playfully banter with you. Daichi’s got that feisty side to him, too, but it probably doesn’t come out as often as yours; that aside, he’ll find your tendency to be a spitfire amusing. He’s definitely the type to sit back with a beer and cheer you on while you’re verbally destroying someone who slighted someone you cared about! Of course, if you’re ever the receiving end on an insult, you can bet that Daichi is jumping up and rolling up his sleeves to deliver a smackdown. Ain’t nobody gonna insult you and get away with it! 
Seriously, though, this guy is the biggest hype man. Any time that your perfectionism makes you feel like you’ve messed up or not done good enough, he’s right there to shower you in praise! In the same vein, he’s so comforting. No matter what, Daichi is gonna be there for you, whether you need reassuring words or just a warm hug! He always knows the right things to say. Honestly, though? Even if you’re just fine, he’s still gonna hype you up because he thinks that you’re just so amazing!
Daichi’s definitely a cuddly guy, and he’ll probably be ready to wrap you up in his arms from the get-go, but he’s totally understanding about your need for boundaries. He’ll definitely wait for you to grow comfortable with being with him and always check to ensure you’re in a cuddly mood! Touch is a big love language for him, so he’s always down for snuggles, kisses, holding hands, etc. He’ll always get flustered when you spend money on him, though; it’s not because he doesn’t like it, but rather that he’s so happy that he doesn’t know what to do with himself! He’ll shower you in just as many presents, too. :) Whenever he sees something that makes him think of you, the impulse to get it is just too strong to ignore! Oh, and he’s such a gentleman—opening doors for you, pulling out your chair, giving you his jacket when you’re cold. It’s enough to make anyone swoon, the way he practically worships the ground at your feet!
Daichi’s the oldest of five siblings, so you best believe he is amazing with kids! And he loves them! He thinks they’re so gosh darn funny. Being around kids definitely brings out Daichi’s own inner kid. He loves playing with them, he loves taking them places and doting on them, and he loves talking with them—and he is a natural at taking care of them, having so much experience with his siblings! You could leave your kids with Daichi for a day, and when you come back, he’ll be so attached to them already that it’s enough to make you feel guilty about taking them away! Oh, and he’ll adore your doggo, too! Daichi makes a sight walking around a little bichon frisé on a leash, haha. He will absolutely spoil that dog rotten!
You mentioned that you like swimming; Daichi’s an athletic guy, obviously, so I could see him enjoying that, too! So here’s some headcanons about you two sharing a love of the water: 
Like I said, Daichi’s an athletic guy. Volleyball is his favorite, obviously, but I bet you could get him to play almost any sport. So, I can easily see him as somebody who likes to get in the water and swim!
Seeing as you don’t particularly care for sand, a public pool would probably serve you better. It’s Daichi’s preference, anyway; he can do laps for exercise or have some fun flipping off the diving board. Bonus if it’s an indoor pool where the sun won’t be an issue! You can bet that if there’s a public pool close by, you’ll be there several times a month. 
Daichi’s a planner, so you can bet he’s got it all figured out: towels, snacks, plenty of hydrating drinks, and, whether the kiddos are involved or not, pool toys and floats! He’ll even insist on getting one of those little doggy life jackets so the pooch can be in on the fun, if possible. And he’ll take care of it all! You don’t have to lift a finger.
Daichi definitely isn’t the type to relax in the pool. Either he’s gonna be doing his own thing like swimming laps while you lounge on a float or on a pool chair, or he’s gonna be playing up a storm! Seriously, get a pool noodle in this man’s hands, and suddenly he’s like some kind of water Jedi Knight, whacking at everything that gives him the opportunity. Unfortunately, that may mean you! I hope you’re ready to fight back! And pool games, he loves pool games: Marco Polo, chicken, racing, and, of course, pool volleyball! You can easily spend hours at the pool with him; he’s got energy to burn and all kinds of ways to occupy the time!
Of course, if your kids are there, then all of Daichi’s attention is gonna be on them. He’ll make sure they’re safe, constantly keeping an eye on them and staying close enough to act if anything happens. Daichi’s for real got the Dad Reflex, haha; he could be in the middle of a conversation on the clear opposite side of the pool, but if your son is toddling around the side of the pool and slips in, Daichi’s moving like lightning before you can even think to react! And, of course, Daichi loves playing with the kids in the water! As I mentioned before, he’s got tons of games and pool toys at his disposal. Of course, the kids’ favorite will be Daichi grabbing them and launching them across the pool, as all little kids love to be flung like ragdolls. Daichi loves it just as much as they do, LOL. 
Of course, even he gets exhausted, at which point he’ll join you on a pool float or chair to snuggle. Don’t be surprised if he drifts off to sleep, though. Man plays hard!
And, since this is a Tier III match-up, it includes a little drabble. You mentioned that you like stargazing, so I decided to write a little blurb about you two on a stargazing date:
“How many do you think are up there?” 
You pull your gaze away from the starry night sky above to turn your head and look up at Daichi. The two of you are currently sprawled across a plush blanket in the grass of your backyard, relaxing after enjoying a nice outdoor picnic date; you’re snuggled close to each other with your head resting in the crook of Daichi’s shoulder. You had just been lounging in comfortable silence until Daichi had asked the question out of the blue, hence your slight bewilderment. His eyes are still on the inky black heavens, but when he feels your gaze on him, he shift to look at you and smile. 
“Hmm,” you answer with a small shrug, turning your eyes back to the star-studded sky. You love to stargaze and do it often, but there are far too many to count, even if you ever wanted to—not to mention so many that you couldn’t even see. You could be honest, but you feel like being a little cheeky. So, with a sly grin, you say, “If I had to guess, I would say... eleven.” 
“Eleven?” Daichi snorts in laughter. “I think there might be a bit more than eleven.” 
“If you’re gonna tell me that I’m wrong, then why ask?” you counter playfully, and when you turn your head to him again, your expression is a taunting sneer. It makes Daichi’s own expression morph into one of roguish glee, and you know he's about to do something to try and one-up your little jibe. Before you could try and guess what that might be, Daichi flips onto his side, grabs you around the middle, and rolls back over, easily dragging you on top of him.
“Hey!” you laugh. Giddiness wells up inside of you, making you smile so big that the dimples appear in your cheeks. With a contented hum, Daichi leans up to give each of them a little peck. “Oh, you don’t have a smart comeback, so you try to woo me instead?” you joke, but your voice is a soft sigh, all the playful edge gone. His wooing is working, all right. 
“I just asked because I wanted to see what you’d say,” he chortles. Then, his eyes grow hooded, making heat rise to your cheeks. “There could be only eleven stars in the sky, or there could be eleven million, for all I know. I wouldn’t really care either way,” Daichi responds, his voice low and rumbling. 
“Why’s that?” 
“Because I’m down here, and more importantly, down here with someone more beautiful than any star,” he answers, then lifts his head again to nuzzle into your neck. 
You gasp at that, equal parts embarrassed and charmed. Daichi always had romantic things like that to say, but even after hearing so many, his compliments still take your breath away. His glittering eyes peer up at you, and when you smile, he smiles back. 
If you're a star, then so is Daichi. But not just any star—no, he’s a sun, because he’s established himself as the center of your universe. Someone could hand you a ticket to the moon right this instant, and you’d say no, because there’s no place you’d rather be than down here on Earth, in Daichi’s arms. 
Interested in a commission? Check out this post!
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baevi · 2 years
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I'm starting to get these obv scam account posts on my dash from time to time, and it seems like their new strategy is to just tag their posts with the wildest un-related (many times fandom-adjacent) stuff, just to have a chance to end up on random people's dashes when they follow these specific tags. It's equal parts annoying and absolutely hilarious, because just look at it
Where else would I see the tags "baekhyun lockscreens", "haykuu mafia au" and "geology" all in one post. Beautiful.
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milyjc · 4 months
♡favorite cartoons♡
Steven universe
Tmnt (2003 2012 2018 MM)
Gravity falls
Mob psycho 100
Black clover
Over the garden wall
Adventure time
Fiona and cake
Ed edd n eddy
Invader zim
Big bang theory
2 broke girls
Fullmetal alchemist
Rick and morty
Moral orel
Hazbin hotel/hellava boss
Camp camp
Metal family
The cuphead show
Demon slayer
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michiru96 · 6 years
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looks like after work at the phantomhive manor, bard goes to see a haykuu match XD
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corvidcantina · 4 years
I think you all should know I'm 4 ft 8 because I think this says very much about me as a person
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frogwies · 3 years
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ANIME: haykuu!
𝗺𝗈𝗈𝗱 ##_¡!でそきく  ʢᴗ.ᴗʡ がぁあ🎸〢ガギク%//私は悲しいこと¿?ではなく、ただ考えてい&るだけで🍙愛、悲しみ、そして破壊 恐ろしい組み合わせ
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priitikana · 2 years
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Pazar günlerini yaratıcı eylemlerde bulunmak için iyi bir gün olarak düşünmüşümdür hep. Ama yine de pazar günleri boş boş da geçirebilirim. Boş boş da geçirsem, yaratıcı bir eylem için de kullansam tek başıma olmanın en iyi fikir olduğunu biliyorum. Kafamın ve duygularımın içinde gezinmek, saçmalamak, yürümek, ağlamak ya da düşünmek için epey zamanım da var üstelik. Tek başıma kalmak o kadar kolay değil ama. Yalnızlıkla birbirine karıştığı zaman ayırmakta zorlandığım zamanlarım oldu. Yalnızlık hissinde, hemen birşeylerle veya birileriyle meşgul olmak için can atmaya başladığımda ne'den kaçtığımı anlamak için biraz durup dinlenmem gerekiyor. Mesela dostları arayıp bir etkinlik planlamak ya da bitmeyen ev işleri ile durup dinlenmeden uğraşmaya ara vermek gibi. Bu konuda Rollo May "Yaratma Cesareti" isimli kitabında bu konuda çok güzel yazmış: s:86 "Şüphesiz, bir birey usdışından korkuyorsa, sürekli meşgul kalmaya, çevresinde en yoğun 'gürültüyü' muhafaza etmeye çabalar. Tek başınalığın kaygısını, sürekli kışkırtılan oyalanma ile önlemek, Kierkegaard'ın güzel bir teşbihle belirttiği gibi, geceleri tencere tava çalıp kurtları uzak tutmak için yeterince patırtı çıkartmaya çalışan ilk Amerikan göçmenlerinin tavrıdır. Bilinçdışımızdan gelecek kavrayışları yaşamımıza alabilmek için, kendimize tek başına olabilme yetisini kazandırmak zorunda olduğumuz açık. " Elbette çocukluğumda tek başınalığı pek yaşayamamış biri olarak bu tavrımı geliştirmeye çalışıyorum hala. Bir de güzel şeyler yazmak, yaratmak için bu dünyada da güzel şeylerin olmasına ihtiyacım var, iyiliğimizi arttırmaktan ziyade, kötülüğümüzden vazgeçmemize ihtiyacı var dünyanın. Kötülük çok fazla yaşadığımız yüzyılda. Savaşlar, silahlanma, terör ve bozduğumuz ekosistemin bizi dize getirme yollarının sonuçları elbette. Tüm bunlardan bıkmayan, usanmayan ve tek başınalığının tadını sonuna kadar çıkaran kaç kişi kaldı aramızda? Haiku'm da böylece geldi işte. Güzel bir Pazar günü olsun... Fnurkayral #haiku #haikudefteri #haikuyazarı #japonşiiri #haikum #haikupoetry #haikuyaz #haikuyazarı #fatmanurkayral #afrodityoga #şiirimgeldi #pazaryazısı #pazarsabahı #yazmayıseviyorum #haykuu #hayku https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnb8oTXs5uW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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darkunionandtea · 3 years
I think last time I was here I formally submitted my suggestion to watch Demon Slayer because it slaps, but I'm just now realizing BNHA is not on your list of animes and I would also like to submit that, as well as Sk8 the Infinity
Also if you know where to find more than the first two episodes of Sk8 the Infinity please tell me where I can get them without paying for them because I've only seen the first two and I am INVESTED but Funimation has the rest of the episodes locked :/
heyo friend
okay okay im pretty sure BNHA is Boku Not Hero right? im not sure what the A stands for but it's the todoroki anime isn't it?
yeah I've also heard about SK8 the infinity but unless is actually about some bros skating (just like haykuu? haikyuu? is just some bros playing voley) i have no idea what it is about
I've never watched any of those but my friend passed me her crunchyroll account so i don't have to worry about where to watch them ^-^
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dudeboyyyy · 4 years
hey dude, heard you were bored so: convince me to watch haykuu (is that how it's called?)
okay I’m gonna screw this up bc I don’t know how to Actually explain things, only ramble.
FIRST OF ALL no matter how much you WANT to hate this show, you will love it. How do I know this? Well,,, I went into hq WANTING to hate it bc my old friends made fun of me for watching anime 😀 HOWEVer::: about three or four episodes in I said to myself “oh okay so it’s actually good”
SECOND OF ALL:: you WILL fall in love with the characters. Like literally all of them. ALSO their friendships with each other?????? Literally so great I want that kind of friendship in my life.
THIrd OF ALL: no matter how much you hate watching sports.
You WILL care way too much about those volleyball games. you might even catch a glimpse of why cishet men like watching sports so much. 
I kid u not the ADRENALINE???? And my HEART RATE??? Went SWOOSH 📈
Anyways idk if I have any more coherent thoughts about hq but U SHOULD DEF WATCH IT but I’m sleeby rn and brain is meltingg so. GN 💛🧡💛🧡 ily Mika!!!!!
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crieslikeafool · 4 years
i’m fucked
i started haykuu
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nunopds · 7 years
No Bandas Desenhadas, temos noticiado algumas das colaborações entre as autoras Catarina João e Daniela Viçoso, tal como a organização da antologia Luna Nova. Presente no Artists’ Alley da Comic Con, é a oportunidade de divulgarmos algumas das obras de Catarina João à venda durante o evento:
Forget-me-not, banda desenhada baseada no anime Haykuu!! Clique nas imagens apra as visualizar em toda a sua extensão:
1899, um fanbook de Harry Potter. Maioritariamente de ilustração, apresenta também algumas páginas de banda desenhada. Clique nas imagens para as visualizar em toda a sua extensão
Monparnasse, um fanbook d’Os Miseráveis com banda desenhada, prosa, ilustração e esboços. Clique nas imagens para as visualizar em toda a sua extensão:
Os leitores interessados que não visitem este ano a Comic Con, podem entrar em contacto com a autora através do e-mail [email protected].
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Novidades de Catarina João #bandasdesenhadas No Bandas Desenhadas, temos noticiado algumas das colaborações entre as autoras Catarina João e Daniela Viçoso, tal como a organização da antologia…
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watching haykuu!! and just... LOOK AT IS FACE 
that is the face I made when I accidentally opened the boys changing room door.. 
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hkazesh · 9 years
#Haikyuu #animeAMV You can find the full video on YT like ‘haikyuu first meeting of hinata and the king’
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