#hayden and steve are fucking robots
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Other End of the Line - Damien x MC
Summary: After the late night search with Nadia, Kai feels scared and alone, so turns to the only person they know will be on their side— Damien.
Pairing: I wrote this as Damien/MC (I used the generic name, Kai, and no pronouns) but this could technically still be Gen
Warnings: some strong language I guess?
Word Count: 1,626 oops!
Author’s Notes: Ahh! This is the first time in 6 years I’ve posted any writing online and the first time ever on Tumblr! I couldn’t get this out of my head, and it’s part of the reason I made this sideblog haha. Even though I’m drakewalkerstan, I still LOVE Damien, so this was born!
"Hello?" Damien blearily answered his phone, half-awake and blinded by the glare of the screen.
"Damien," he heard Kai hiss on the other end. "Shit, Damien, help..."
Damien was now wide awake, he sat up in his bed and switched on the lamp on his bedside table, jamming the phone against his ear nervously.
"Kai, are you okay? What's going on?"
"I... I sound fucking crazy. I think... I think Hayden's a robot. Steve too. I swear to god, Damien, please."
"Okay, what happened," Damien asked. He was half afraid that Kai was on something right now, but he didn't want to laugh the call off just in case. Kai was silent for a moment, concentrating on the sound of Damien’s breathing on the other end in order to calm down.
"Okay, I don't know if Nadia told you, but we were in a car crash an-"
Damien’s heart stuttered for a moment, then raced back to action double-time.
"WHAT? Okay, hold up! A car crash? Are you okay? Jesus, Kai, oh my god!"
"Don't worry, I'm fine, we're all okay."
"Thank god,” Damien mumbled under his breath, his eyes squeezed shut in relief. “What happened?"
"We were driving back from the waterfall- Nadia, Steve, Hayden and I- and a deer jumped in front of the car, so Steve swerved and we crashed."
"Oh my god..."
"I’m fine, but... but Hayden tore open the car door and pulled me out."
There was a moment of complete silence, and Damien could only hear the sound of Kai's soft breathing on the other end of the line.
"Yeah. I came to and I tried to get out of the car, but the door was totally smashed up and I just couldn't open it. Hayden was able to pry the car door open and get me out of the car. Nadia said it was adrenaline, but..."
"No, yeah, that's weird."
"Plus I asked about it, and Hayden has no memory of it because of a concussion."
Damien turns over this information in his head, but no matter how he approaches it he can’t think up a logical explanation for the insane feat of strength. Kai, silent for a moment, can almost hear the gears in his mind turning on the other end of the line.
"Okay," Kai begins, "other weird things: the fact that Steve has no memory of how to get around his town?"
"We asked him to take us to the local waterfall where he used to hang out as a teen and he had absolutely no idea where to find it- he was barely able to comment on anything unless we prompted him."
"What do you mean prompting?"
"Okay, so originally Steve just talked about the tourist attractions in town, and didn't even bring up the waterfall until Nadia mentioned that someone told her about it. And then he didn't know how to find it- even though he said he'd been there a few times- until Nadia had to remind him again."
"Kai, it was a while ago, maybe he honestly forgot about it."
"Okay, get this, we visited his house today and he was acting super weird."
Damien, though now more skeptical about the conspiracy theory, opens his mind once again to Kai.
"Weird how?"
Kai takes a deep breath and tries to recollect exactly what was so unnerving about what happened in that little farmhouse.
"When we got there, his dad Robert was joking around about how he was a rascally kid and he used to ride his horse Moonlight. Steve laughed and told his dad to stop messing with us, and he honestly didn't remember that he'd ever mentioned- or even had- a horse named Moonlight!"
Kai waited for any sort of reaction, but was once again met by Damien's silence.
"Okay," Kai snarked.
"Sorry, I'm just thinking," Damien murmured. "Wasn't he concussed?"
"If he was, he didn’t mention it. I don't think that's how concussions work though!"
"Hmm, okay. Is there anything else?"
"So his dad went to the kitchen and Steve showed us a picture of him as a teenager at a football game. When Robert got back-"
"Is Robert Steve's dad?"
"Yeah, sorry." Kai said. "So Robert walks back in and sees us with the picture and gets really mad. He calls Steve into the kitchen with him, so I eavesdrop-”
“That’s my Kai,” Damien interjected proudly. Kai could hear the grin in his voice, and chuckled for a moment before continuing on. In fact, while Kai was deciding whether or not to listen in on the conversation, Damien was a key factor in motivating the eavesdropping, but that’s definitely something Damien would get cocky about, so there’s no way he’s being told that.
“Robert is really mad at Steve for showing us this picture. He tells Steve, and I quote, ‘Our personal lives are our business.’ This is apparently a regular occurrence between the two of them, too.”
“That’s strange, I’ll grant you that, but maybe Robert is really private, or senile or something,” Damien said
Despite everything, Kai snorted at the suggestion.
“I doubt he’s senile, but it gets worse. Okay, fast forward to like an hour or two ago. We are all in the bed and breakfast and I wake up and hear Nadia shouting. Steve’s fucking gone.”
“WHAT? He left?”
Damien is filled with righteous anger on behalf of his friend and it makes Kai feel stupidly warm inside. Even though, both Kai and Nadia know that their friend is a little standoffish and cynical, but any show of caring from him never fails to put a goofy smile on Kai’s face.
“His suitcase is gone,” Kai continues, ignoring Damien’s outburst, “and neither Robert nor Steve are picking up their phones. Hayden calls the police then instructs us to stay in the bed and breakfast instead of joining the search, which…is weird?”
“Kind of, yeah. Hayden insisted you stay in the room instead of all searching together?”
“Yeah! Before even trying to call Robert or the police, it was just ‘I’ll search all of Cedar Rest, I won’t stop until I find him.’ So then Nadia and I say ‘Fuck it,’ and we decide to go searching too. We head out to the waterfall, and we decide to split up-”
“-to search for clues. It’s a dinky old town, what’s dangerous about splitting up?”
“Shut up. So I find the picture that Steve showed us, which for the record is of him and his dad standing together at a football game. He also doesn’t look any younger than he does now, but whatever. You know what I notice?”
Kai waits for Damien to chime in with a ‘What?’ but he is silent.
“Okay… The matchmaker from Eros is IN THE BACKGROUND OF THE PHOTO.”
“What? Are you sure?”
“Positive! This is the exact same lady, sitting in the crowd at the football game, like… at least 5 years before he’s even supposed to be connected with Eros!”
Damien is, again, completely silent, but Kai can tell that he’s thinking about the new information. On the other end of the line, Damien runs his hand over his face, trying to think of any logical explanation of this connection, but his mind is blank.
“Yeah, that’s fishy. I believe you, something’s not right there,” Damien concedes.
“So I showed Nadia the picture, and when we came back to the bed and breakfast, I found a goodbye note from Steve right by the doormat of their room!”
“So he left of his own volition,” Damien said.
“Allegedly! Nadia went back to her room, she’s freaking out, and Robert, Steve and Hayden are all MIA.”
“So what’s happening now?”
“I’m in my bed, in case Hayden comes back,” Kai says, lowered to a whisper after realizing that the conversation had gotten way too loud. “It’s just- they’re both so perfect, and they’re both exactly in line with what we told to Eros, and with Steve’s weird past and Hayden’s fucking superstrength? Something’s not right and I’m freaked out.”
"Okay, everything’s extremely suspicious. I still don’t think they’re robots, but I’m honestly leaning towards them being a cult or something. I’m going to do some more digging into Eros, and into Steve and Hayden, okay? I’ll use some connections, try to find out how far back their records really go. You just need to stay safe and take care of you and Nadia for now.”
"Yeah. Thank you for believing me. I didn't know what else to do."
"It's no problem, I'm always here for you, Kai."
Kai sighed deeply and flipped over on the bed.
"I know I should have listened to you about Eros. Ugh, I'm so stupid..."
"No. Just because I was paranoid doesn't mean you should have been. It's good that you-"
"Shit shit I think Hayden's coming shit bye Damien"
"Wait, Kai, I-"
The sound on the other end of the line cut out and Damien pulled the phone away from his ear. Shit. He knew he wouldn’t be able to sleep now, so he got out of bed and opened his blinds, letting the early morning sun in before turning on his computer and starting his search.
On the other end of the state, Kai was stuffing the phone under the pillow and pretending to be asleep, as Hayden pulled back the covers and snuggled into bed. Kai’s heartbeat was racing, and the only comforting thought was that Damien was back home, looking for an answer. Kai felt kind of guilty, thinking about Damien like this while Hayden was curled up in the same bed, but Damien would not leave Kai’s thoughts or heart, no matter how much Kai tried.
#this is so bad but I didn't know what else to do with it ugh#I never know how to end a story#or name it lmao#ALSO IT WAS INSANELY HARD AVOIDING ALL PRONOUNS OR MENTIONS OF GENDER?#I'M PROUD OF MYSELF FOR THAT#playchoices app#playchoices fanfic#choices fanfic#choices app#perfect match#perfect match fanfic#playchoices perfect match#Damien x MC#Damien Nazario#Damien Nazario x MC#team hayden's a robot#hayden and steve are fucking robots#playchoices
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Hi, can I please request Hayden (whichever gender you're more comfortable with writing) x Damien, "I won’t let anyone hurt you, you’re safe with me."?
Pairing: Damien x M!Hayden
Prompt: “I won’t let anyone hurt you, you’re safe with me.”
Word Count: 1k+
Summary: Hayden is hurt during an excursion with Eros and Damien takes it upon himself to take care of Hayden while Helena and Sloane get out for the night to breathe. But, feelings and emotions run high during the tension with Eros in Hayden’s bedroom.
A/N: Whew it’s been awhile, I know you requested this ten years ago lmao. On that note, I’ve deleted a lot of requests because I knew I was never going to do them, so I’m sorry about that to anyone whose requested anything and I deleted it lmao. But thanks for the support I appreciate you a lot!
Thanks for reading! I hope you like it!
Damien brushes Hayden’s black hair off of hisforehead, his eye heavy with worry and need to sleep as he looks down at theunconscious robot in his arms. He was left in charge of watching over Hayden,he saw that Sloane and Helena needed a break and sent them off to do their ownthing while he waited for Hayden. Nadia and Steve joined them as well, he hopedthey were doing okay.
Hayden stayed lifeless for hours, he wanted tostorm Eros and destroy them all right now. Everything they did always left consequencesnobody could predict or harmless and Damien, already fed up before, couldn’t dealwith this much longer. He wondered about Khaan’s search with Alana to dig upinformation was going; he couldn’t believe he was even missing Alana fuckingKusuma at this point. He continued to stroke Hayden’s hair, his face peacefuland angelic, waiting and waiting for Hayden to wake up.
After a few hours, Damien’s eyes began toflutter shut sleep falling over him. His eyes shut trying to find sleep when asquirm in his arms made his eyes shoot open defensively lifting his arms toblock any attack should an intruder be interrupting them. To his delight, Damienturned his attention back to Hayden realizing they were safe, as Hayden’s headrolled backwards. His lips parting with life curling his back apart from thebed. A heavy cough left his lips before his eyes shot open, his system bootingback to life. Damien sighed a breath of relief reaching instinctively forHayden’s hand taking it into his watching the robot come back into himself.
“Damien? Where am I?” his groggy voicedripping with confusion trying to fully come back into his mind. Damien brushesa few loose strands of hair off of Hayden’s face, tucking them into his messyhair.
“You’re okay, Hayden,” Damien whispers softly.
“What happened? Is Sloane okay? Helena?” Hisconsciousness coming back to him, holding onto Damien’s hand for supportunrealizing the interaction between the pair. “Are…you okay?” His voicecroaked with worry looking at Damien through his fluttering eyes noticing his stubblybeard and a cut on his cheek.
“I’m fine, Sloane’s fine, Helena’s fine, we’refine.” Damien reassured, “You scared the shit out of me back there Hayden.”Damien struggled with his words, sincerity in this type and vulnerability washard for him especially with everything that happened between him and Eros. Hiseyes were building with tears, he didn’t realize how much he cared for therobot in front of him or when it happened, but it felt like the weight of acollapsing building.
Hayden stayed quiet internally processing theinformation, pressing his eyes closed taking a deep breath to himself trying tocalm his shot nerves and malfunctioning platform. Damien brings his hand to hislips kissing the back of his hand gingerly, a flush of scarlet coloring hislips. Hayden smiles despite himself, moving to brush his fingers Damien’s jaw,following the well-defined shape to his cheek stroking his skin rough with stubblyhairs from his beard.
Hayden brushes the tip of his finger againstDamien’s lip, Damien nuzzling into the comforting touch of his friend. This felt freeing,Damien longed to be touched and loved and Hayden the same and finding eachother in this mess made them feel slightly less alone. His eyes spoke a thousand words as they met Hayden’s, their chests moving slowly in sync both of them wanting to close the gap between them unable to trick themselves into it.
“I’ve never felt more like a human than whenyou touch me, Damien,” Hayden whispers. He draws himself up in the bed to situp straight beside Damien’s, allowing himself to move closer to Damien theirthigh flush against one another. “You make me feel alive.”
“Hayden…” Damien’s voice a hoarse whisper.“You’re driving me fucking crazy here.”
“I know.” Hayden chuckles, his face closer toDamien’s than before. “I just don’t want you to catch feelings when I could break down at any given moment.” Sadness laced his voice, his eyes heavy with tears that threatened to spill. Damien pressed his lips against one another trying to calm himself.
“I won’t let anyone hurt you, you’re safe withme.” His concerned demeanor melting into a mix of love and comfort, reachingout to cup Hayden’s own cheek, pressing his forehead to his own. “I promise youthat much.”
Hayden smiles drawing Damien closer, feelingthe warmth of one another on each other. Their lips barely brush against one another when a knock on the door breaks them apart,Damien’s hand dropping Hayden’s as the door pushes completely open Sloane andHelena rushing in.
“Hayden!” Sloane yells launching herself ontohim without hesitation.
“We couldn’t enjoy ourselves.” Helena mentionsapproaching Damien, pulling him into her arms. Despite the comfort of his best friend, he missed the weight of Hayden’s body on his own, the solidness of his form, the low rumble of his breathing against Damien’s body. “Thank you for all you’ve donefor us, Damien. And for taking care of Hayden. I never thank you enough for everything, I’d give you the world if I could.” She brushes her hand againstthe back of his head comforting him. Damien tightens his armsaround her body drawing out some of the nerves in his chest.
“Next time, I do the drop everything for you,make it a simple Starbucks run.”
“Shut up, oh my god.” Helena laughs pullingaway from him, shoving his shoulder playfully. “God, you try to thank yourfriend for epic heroism and he turns around and stabs you in the back. However, will I go on. Et tu Sloane?” Helena reigns horror a playfully smile pulling ather lips that she can’t hide getting Damien to roll his eyes at her. Sloanegiggles at her display, shaking her head with a happy smile on her lips.
“Whatever, tend to your Hayden, he needs you.”Damien tosses at her with a smile. She squeezes his hand one more time beforeturning back to the bed plopping down beside her girlfriend cuddling into theembrace between her and Hayden. Damien watches them a gnawing pulling at hisstomach to join them and hold Hayden close which he decides against for hisdecorum. He stands awkwardly at the door. “Get better, Hayden.”
“Thanks, Damien.” Hayden beams at him, a blushon his cheeks. Damien gives him a joking salute before exiting the room leavinghim with a sad boner and a desire to hug Hayden until he feels better.
#hayden young#damien nazario#damien x hayden#playchoices#perfect match#pm#hayden x damien#sloane x mc#sloane washington#my writing#request#fic#sapphovonchat
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CCAs 2018 Afterparty (Choices fanfiction)

Book: Most 2018 Books
Genre: Comedy
Words: about 2800
Summary: A look to the party held for the winners and others of the CCAs 2018. Read along to follow the adventure of the party hosts, Pax and Eos Elara as they go around interviewing people like the gorgeous Annabelle Parsons or even the grumpy Thomas Hunt. Witness even a dance performance by Kamilah Sayeed.
Note: This story i based on the results of the CCAs 2018. If you haven’t read it yet you may find yourself to be a little confused. So I definitely recommend reading about the results, here first.
"This is Pax and Eos Elara reporting live from the CCAs 2018 after party where our fellow winners and losers alike, " said Pax to the camera.
"We will be your host for next hour or so as we talk to the gathered personality and others. So if you have a question you really want your favourite stars to answer it, twat it to us on Twatter with the hashtag #CCAask, " smiled Eos.
"Can we cut this part please. Ugh why is that social media called Twatter, it feels really gross, " complained Pax.
"We are live right now, we can't edit stuff now. Anyway here is Miss Parsons, the winner of the Best Female LI category. Let's go and hear her mind out, " said Eos as he dragged Pax towards where Annabelle was talking with Hana.
"Miss Parsons, Miss Lee. Good afternoon. We hope that you are having a good time, " smiled Eos.
"We are doing good thanks, what are you two doing?" Asked Annabelle.
"We could be doing better since our book didn't get nominated in any category at all, so that’s why we are charged of filming with after party. We are live say hi to your fans!" Said Pax as she waved into the camera.
"So what could the two winners of the same category be talking about like this, " asked Eos.
"I was just complimenting Miss Parsons for her beautiful speech. Sure we, women are currently better treated than during her era, but there is still a lot that is left to be done for men and women to be truly equal, "
explained Hana. "That is very true. It is because of men like Eos right here that our society is still so horrible to women, " agreed Pax.
"Wh-what did I do? I have been respectful to everyone who deserved it, " replied the elder Elara.
"I wouldn't call constant flirting respectable personally, " added Annabelle.
"That's a personality trait!" Complained Eos.
"Sure whatever. Let's go talk to Damien and Hayden now before my brother has an emotional breakdown. Let's head over to the mini-lounge area, " said Pax as she started walking towards where Damien and Hayden were chatting.
"Hey there winners are you enjoying the party?" Asked Pax.
"Parties are not really my thing but hey a party to celebrate my victory is nice, " said Damien.
"Plus free drinks!" Added Hayden.
"Yes and free drinks, " smiled Damien before taking a sip of his drink.
"Anyway where is the rest of your crew? It is a little odd to see just the two of you like this, " asked Eos.
"Sloane was really sad that she could not win her category and so Kai, Nadia and Steve went to console her. Khaan could not come due to Hamza and Alana is busy on a job overseas, " explained Hayden.
"Talking about Kai, here they are, " said Damien.
"I knew Nadia was a little cray but wow she is quite extreme. We could not console Sloane so Nadia just got her so drunk that she passed out. Then because it was make out time, she dragged Steve under a table and god knows what she could be doing right now. Oh hey, Pax and Eos, " said Kai as they settled between Damien and Hayden.
"She sure us a handful, " said Damien when a buzzer could be heard.
"What is that sound, " asked the robot.
"That means that it is time to answer a question from your fans on Twatter. Let's choose a random one that involves either of you three, " said Eos.
"Here's one. By @wescott-imogen . Let's see what it says:
“ Hey Damien I love you. Anyway I would just like to ask you whether you are Bi. I know you are, but some people still believe you are straight so I just want you to say it with your own mouth to confirm it.”
" read Pax.
"Oh, well I'm most definitely bisexual. I hope this suffice you, " said Damien.
"Thats not enough. We need confirmation that you truly are bi. You need to kiss a guy right here," added Pax.
"If so, I volunteer," smiled Kai.
"Hold on you can't. Since you are a girl in some playthroughs and for the same reasons i can't too. So that just leaves Eos," explained Hayden.
"Do I really have to?" Asked Damien.
"Well it's just a kiss. It's not a big deal," smiled Eos.
"You better kiss as good as you claim to," said Damien as he reluctantly kissed the elder Elara.
Their kiss seemed rather awkward at first but eventually they both fit together like pieces of a puzzle, much to the disgust of Kai.
"Whoops, we should probably stop the kissing for now. This is supposed to be a family friendly show, " said Pax as she pulled her brother away from Damien.
"That kiss was actually really good. Like people who boast about this stuff are not really good but you Eos... whoa, " said Damien with a smile.
"I hope you believe me now Pax. My kisses are just the best, " winked Eos.
"Yeah yeah okay. Anyway we better and go take a look at some other people before we witness a murder live on camera, " said Pax as she pushed her brother away after noticing Kai's murderous gaze towards Eos.
"Anyway time to go and find someone else. We won't find anyone in such a recluse corn-What the hell!" yelled Eos as he turned around and nearly bumped onto Skye Crandall.
"What are you doing here? Where are your friends?" Asked Pax.
"Bailey could not get the permission to come, Rory had to check on their mother, Ajay was bickering with Thomas Hunt the last time I saw him and Bailey's twin came to take Erin for a consolation date, " explained the goth.
"Ah...okay. Still aren't you lonely here? Wouldn't it be better if you stayed at home, no offence ?" asked the younger Elara.
"Anywhere is better than my house, " replied Skye coldly.
"Well anyway we've been wanting to have a talk with you, so will you answer a few questions for us?" Asked Eos.
"If I say yes will you stop bothering me?" Asked the red head.
"Yes? Anyway how are you feeling Miss Skye Crandall? You scored 2 nominations and despite being the underdog in the Best Female LI category you still scored a brilliant 3rd. So what are your thoughts?" Asked Pax.
"Cool... I guess?" Said Skye plainly. "Okay...Do you have anything you'd like to say for your family?" Asked Eos and Skye just gave her middle finger to the camera.
"We will have to censor that in editing, " said Pax.
"Again, this is live. We can't blur this out. Anyway anything to say to your friends that are at home?" Asked Eos.
"You guys are definitely not as uncool as you seem to be, especially you Bailey, " smiled Skye.
"Aww that is so sweet. Looks like our goth baby is actually a goth teddy bear, " smiled the elder Elara earning the two a scowl from the redhead.
"Well we should probably be moving on now. Oh wait look at the time, it's time for the dance performance, " said Pax as the two reporters moved away from Skye.
"Pax is right! Kamilah and her best friends have been willing to celebrate the event by offering us a dance performance. It might seem a little out of season, but that is mostly due to the CCAs being postponed so many times. Let's give our glorious performers a grand applause, " said Eos as the camera panned onto the central stage.
The stage curtain lifted up and Kamilah, Priya and The Baron appeared on stage in their Halloween Santa outfit with a Christmas backdrop.
"Are you sure the dance is worth being performed anymore? It's no longer Christmas, " whispered The Baron to Kamilah.
"We can't let our efforts be wasted. We worked hard on this performance and so everyone will have to watch it, " explained Kamilah.
"Also this is all just for fun and it will be a nice excuse to show off our Halloween outfits again hehe, " smiled Priya.
"Anyway... Nova Elara! Bring on the music! Give us Jingle Bell Rock!" Ordered Kamilah and Nova, the ATV MC! launched the soundtrack.
"Stroke em, Like em, Suck on my -" the soundtrack went on when our duo of reporters noticed the music and rushed on stage.
"Stop the sound!" Ordered Eos and the soundtrack stopped.
"What the fuck where you thinking Nova! This is not Jingle Bell Rock!" Yelled Pax.
"Shut your trap, Pax! This is a fucking family friendly show! You can't curse!" Yelled back Eos.
Realising what they both did, they both fell limp until suddenly Pax's phone started ringing. She glanced to take a look at the name and just accepted the call before shoving it into Eos' hands.
"This is for you, talk!" Ordered Pax who started sweating nervously.
Eos slowly brought the phone to his ears and said a small hello, before an stream of insults flowing from the phone. The person at the other end was so mad that their voice could be heard a few metres away from the twins. After a few minutes of berating the call finally ended.
“So what did Piper say?” said Pax, anxious as she took back her phone.
“She berated me the whole time before saying something like ‘The two of you are never getting hired again’” sighed Eos.
“Hmm, can we continue our performance?” asked Priya.
“No way. Your time slot is over. It’s now Maxwell’s time with his jokes,” replied Pax.
“This is unfair! The two of you crashed our performance!” complained the Baron.
“Listen. I don’t care that you are a super old and powerful vampire. We just got fired and we don’t want to anger that woman again, so please,” said Eos as he walked away, his sister in tow before passing Maxwell the microphone.
“I could use a drink,” said Pax.
“Same...You know what let’s just have fun and keep reporting. Who knows maybe she will take us back? Anyway dear audience, Eos and Pax Elara are back in business and we are headed towards the buffet table to show you all the delicious snacks on the menu,” smiled Eos.
“Let’s go and see if these food are as wig snatching as people have been claiming all over their Twatter accounts. I mean seriously, our fellow winners have been posting more about the food than themselves,” continued Pax as the two siblings started heading towards the snack table where Elliot Vance and his sibling Harper Vance were having an eating competition.
“Hey there, mind giving us five minutes? We would like to interview you two about your awards,” said Eos.
“We...ant...eed...eaf....fafter” Said Elliot while munching into his food with fervour.
“What did you say? I don’t understand?” said Pax, confused.
“eaf...ing...con...fe...fifon...I...wiff...win,” mumbled Harper in between bites.
“I think they are doing an eating competition. Probably to settle their rivalry with this,” said the elder Elara.
“In that case.... Wooo go Elliot! You were the best!” cheered on Pax.
“Nonsense, Harper had the best performance. If you knew the amount of tissues I cried in watching their acting,” argued Eos as he wiped a tear from his eye.
“Maybe yes, but Eliot’s growth was one of the best part of the book. Uncultured swines like you can’t tell the difference,” voiced out Pax before the siblings started bickering among themselves.
Noticing the fight, Elliot tapped his sibling on their shoulder and said, “We don’t sound like this do we?”
“Nah, our banters are better. Let’s just leave them at it,” said Harper after they finished their food before leaving.
“They should value their kinship more,” mumbled Elliot as he walked away with Harper, however the two Elara could not hear him and just kept fighting among themselves about who had the best performance. It was only when a certain man appeared that they had to stop.
“Can I pass please? You two can bicker elsewhere,” said the man who was none other than Thomas Hunt.
“Ah Mr.Hunt, we are very sorry. Anyway Elliot, Harper can you lend us a word now?” said Pax.
“Welp, they are gone. I guess that means you will have to answer our questions now Mr.Hunt,” said Eos.
“I don’t get a say in this, do I?” asked the director.
“No you don’t. You know we will be annoying until you give us your time,” replied Pax.
“I knew I shouldn’t have come here. First that high school director wanna be and now paparazzi wanna bes. Begin your questions already,” grumbled Hunt.
“Well, as a director, do you agree with the winners of this year’s CCAs?” asked Eos.
“The winners are more or else deserved, although I believe Veil Of Secrets should have won the best atmosphere category though,” said the director when the buzzer suddenly rang.
--BE WARNED: The following section is not safe for work nor suitable for minors, read at your own perils or you can skip it till the next time you see bold text.--
“Looks like its time to search a question for our amazing director to answer, Eos will you do us the honour,” said Pax.
“Of course, here is one by @teamtomsato:
“Hiya Hunty :3333 Have you read my fic yet? Here’s the link! I’m really proud of it! *link to their ao3 fic* *gazillions of heart emojies* “
Aww how sweet. They want to ask you if you read their fanfiction, so have you done so Mr.Thomas,” said Eos
“I do not have time for such nonsense. I’m also having a bad feeling about this,” shuddered the director.
“Come on, it is just a story. What’s so bad about it? I know! How about we read just a page of it right now. Choose a page!” proposed the younger Elara.
“Ugh, let’s see then. Page 84. I don’t think that person’s fanfiction would be that long,” growled Hunt.
“Well you are wrong Hunty. This person’s story is 169 pages long. Here, I already put it on page 84,” said Eos as he handed the grumpy director his phone.
“I guess I should play along just so that this martyr ends quickly,” said Hunt as he started reading off that page.
Additional warning: This is the time that i recommend you to skip to the next bolded sentence once again as the following part is heavily nsfw and definitely not suited for minors.
“Hunt’s rough hands find their landing on Jessica’s shoulders, holding her tightly as his fluid movements against her body cause her to scream out in pleasure.
“Harder Daddy, hARDER!” Jessica’s pants, the grumpy marshmallow picking up his momentum inside of her slick caverns, overflowing with her love juice.
“You like that princess?” Hunt growls into her ear, “You like daddy’s big dick?”
“I love your big dick daddy!”
“read Thomas, astonished.
“Wh-why...” stammered the director, aghast.
“Oh no, this is bad...We thought we passed through the worst earlier but this is nothing compared to this,” muttered Pax.
“Let’s just walk away like nothing happened,” said Eos but as they tried to go away, the director stopped them.
“Hold on. I’ve got a message for you @teamtomsato . I’ve called the police. They are coming to get you. You going to jail. You hear me. JAIL,” yelled Hunt as he grabbed the camera and focused it onto him.
--You my now continue read. The nsfw part is now over-
“Alright let’s see who we can talk to now...” smiled Pax.
“Hopefully it won’t be someone indecent. Wait, Rye? What are you doing here?” asked Eos after he noticed Rye hanging around.
“What are you doing here, its not your book’s year yet,” said Pax.
“I’m just here to observe. This way It will be perfect when we get win the awards,” smiled Rye.
“Cocky aren’t we?” teased Eos.
“Well I have a reason to be so sure of myself. Our book is doing really good right now and Eris and Tillie have a good shot at winning the best Female LI category. The only real opponent we have are the Desire and Decorum team and also if another It Lives comes out,” explained the conman,
“Interesting. What about your teammates? It is odd to see you all alone, especially without even Eris or Lee,” asked Pax.
“Well they are kinda on a job right now...” smiled Rye and as if on cue, an explosion occurred in the hall they were gathered in.
“The escape route has been formed, let’s go go go!” ordered Eris as members of her crew started running towards the hole she made with jewellery and trophies in hand.
“Well, this is a good bye. See you at the CCAs 2019 and remember to vote us when the time comes,” smiled Rye as he also disappeared through the hole.
“Arggggh I’m not letting them get away! Zekei! Deimos! Parker! Naomi! Let’s catch those thieves!!!” roared Eos as he pulled out his ray gun.
“Well I guess this little report is ending right here. We hope you had a lot of fun and we can’t wait to see you again for the CCAs 2019!!!” smiled Pax before the program ended.
Phew finally finished this fic and with it concludes the 208 round of the CCAs. This fic came in impromptu in my mind so to prevent it from also getting inside the endless cycle of never being written I decided to rush it and I got it right,
IF you enjoyed the fanfiction, please leave a like or a comment/reblog, I like hearing other’s opinions. If you really like my style, please do check my masterpost (in my bio or press the masterpost word) which features all of my written work.
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I know you guys are all busy freaking out about The Elementalists but I haven’t played it yet because I am a loyal bitch who saved her key for Perfect Match.
I’m just gonna throw all my feels out here...
- Loving that Damien is canonically in his 30s. Hooray for dating someone my own age!
- I love how much Hayden loves to shop. I’m a total sucker for spending diamonds on outfits for him. He’s just so cute...plus the steamy little make-out was surprisingly hot (crying out his name when we were supposed to be undercover...omg)
- Brad the Creep trying to get my number and saying I’ll be moaning his name later...”I’ve got enough names to moan already, thanks.” This MC is iconic.
- What do you guys think the legislation Cecile is yelling at someone about is? I assume it’s related to next week’s chapter description (”a government declaration calls you home...”) and I’m a bit stumped about it. If it’s something anti-AI I wonder if there’s an urgent need to return to protect Steve? I seriously have no idea. Sidenote: love the casual mention of a female president, but I hope she’s not going to take my robot away.
- Sloane’s trash talk is somehow the purest thing I’ve ever heard.
- Snarky slacker Damien = me
- Our muscle gym AI was a nightmare lol how did that piece of shit win
- The creepy fucking helmets...I thought for a minute that Hayden implying they’d used it on him in the past while conscious was going to be a reason that he was different from the other matches...I guess we’ll see. More likely that bit of info was just for Sloane to warn us about the danger of putting one on a conscious Match.
- That Match straight-up snapping Khaan’s arm, jesus christ! Apparently matches have some serious abandonment issues??? Remind me not to break up with Hayden...
- As soon as “upload progress: 94%” came up I knew shit was about to go down.
- What did Khaan swipe from the Eros computer??
- HARLEY!!!! I’m as uncomfortably attracted to you as ever.
- I thought Hayden killed that guy for a second. YIKES. And then him refusing to fight afterwards 😥
- THE HELMET ON MY BABY BOY’S HEAD HOLY FUCK CHILLS. Stop traumatizing my LIs, Cecile! I swear to god if she tries to fuck with Sloane next I will kill her with my bare hands.
- The action in this book is wild. I’m obsessed. I’ve been replaying PM1 this week and it’s so crazy that this silly little romance book turned into THIS.
- I’m guessing based on next week’s chapter description that we escape from Eros pretty quickly...hopefully WITH Hayden. I assume Cecile is downloading his brain which is...troubling. But at least it means she won’t really have any further use for the gang? I wonder if Khaan is coming with us back to New York.
#perfect match#choices#playchoices#hayden young#damien nazario#sloane washington#i will never stop screaming about this book
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Bionic Hearts Break Too (PM, Hayden x MC)
As I promised, here the Hayden POV fanfic set right after last week PM chapter. Hayden storms off Khaan’s apartment and wanders around the city until she finds herself at the docks. It’s night and she (in my book Hayden is female and MC/Jordan male) finally lets her mind take in what’s happened. An insight on Hayden’s viewpoint, vulnerability, anger...and feelings towards the gang.
As for the “bionic hearts”...I’m not sure if Hayden or Steve actually have bionic/artificial hearts but I used it as a tribute to another VN I was fond of, “Bionic Hearts”, that also portrayed a AI robot x human romance.
Hope you guys like it! As requested, I tag @cocomaxley and @sazanes! :D
Word count: 5000 words (yeah, it came out longer than I expected…)
Warnings: minor occurences of bad words
After storming off Khaan’s apartment, Hayden wandered around aimlessly through the alleys of the city. She walked and walked all day until there was nowhere else to go. The ocean finally appeared in front of her: she’d reached the docks. It was dark and a cold yet gentle breeze blowing from the bay caressed her face. She took a seat at the edge of a quay and inhaled the scent of the sea.
She took a deep breath to calm herself down, but it didn’t work. So many feelings were fighting inside her like a wild storm threatening to rip away all the sanity in her.
She forced herself not to think when she was walking: she ran from her own thoughts and feelings like vampires run from sunlight, but now she couldn’t run anymore. Sure, she could dive in the ocean and keep going, but Hayden knew that it would have been pointless. What was haunting her could not be dismissed so easily.
As the city noise slowly faded away, she gave in. She recalled the way Khaan looked at her when Sloane said, beaming with pride, "she's a Match". When later he casually asked her about her programming “and he even had the guts to ask Steve too! He really couldn’t see how rude he was?! He acts high and mighty, as if he was so different from Cecile and Rowan, but drop the act, jerk, you’re fucking not: we’re nothing but things to you too. Robots with feelings but still robots. Cables and wires.” Hayden’s hands immediately clenched in fists and her eyes glowed with anger.
“And what about Sloane? My dear friend Sloane!” Hayden clenched her jaw as a tear formed in her eye. “She showed me to her crush as if I were a science fair project. Look Khaan, she can sing, she can dance, she can break a wall with her superstrenght and know what? Thanks to the amazing update I installed in no time while we were on the run from some mob guys she can even fly a helicopter! You serious, Sloane? She didn’t even catch my sarcastic line “and it even makes toasts” because she was so wrapped up in impressing Khaan! My friend, my best friend who kept telling me how much she cared about me…when I opened up and said that I was uncomfortable because I never had a sleepover, all she could think was “oh gosh, I forgot to include one to your memories!”. As if that was the problem. God, so smart yet so oblivious, huh? I have memories of a sleepover, but are they real? Are they MINE? NO, SLOANE THEY’RE FUCKING NOT”.
“I don’t care about Nazario, he has always looked me up and down because I’m a robot. An alien, an enemy. I don’t care what he says now, I’m not sure I believe him because apparently everyone thinks I’m just a thing, right? A full-body Savi, what else? But I thought Sloane would have understood, she claimed to be my friend from the very beginning.” Hayden took a shaky breath. “I was a fool. The only one who truly got it was Dames and now he’s gone. I’ve never felt so lonely, Dames.”
Rage tears turned into sorrow tears.
“How could they know? They’re humans. They don’t know, they can’t even start to imagine how it feels. They have their memories, their lives to go back to in times like this. They can get strength or reassurance from that. They don’t realize it, but, thanks to that, they know they had a past, they are real. What about us, Dames? We didn’t ask for any of this and one day they brought us to life and planted someone else’s memories in our brain. Or they could have created them from scratch. We have no past, we just started existing and took over someone else’s life, fake lives that felt so real to us until we found out the hard truth: everything is a lie. Our childhood friends, our mom reading us bedtime stories, our dad beaming with pride when we got our diploma, that day we landed our first job…none of this is real, just a hollow script. We’re hollow, we’ve been played.”
Hayden winced in pain as another thought crossed her mind. “And Jordan…he’d been fooled too, but I’ve never felt a robot with him. He thought I was real, but even when the truth came out he said that it didn’t change a thing. That he loved me no matter what. He…he’s my harbour: the only memories, REAL memories that I have are with him. But he’s human too”. She tried and failed to suppress a sob. “He tried though. I sensed that he knew something was off with me and did his best. He cracked some jokes, squeezed my hand reassuringly, pulled me into a hug but it didn’t work, love. Not this time. You will never understand me, and I will always have these issues, because this is what I am, what they made me. Yet I’m not a puppet on a string, I want to be like Jordan, Nadia, Sloane, Damien…I want to be alive, to be real. I want something real, but can I trust my friends? Can they see behind my cables and wires? I-I don’t know, I don’t it anymore. And how can I be with Jordan if I-I don’t even know who I am because I have nothing? I love him but is this even right?” Tears streamed down her face. “I-I am so sorry Jordan, you’re surely better off without me”
Heartbroken, Hayden hung her head and allowed herself to shed all the tears she held back.
“Who knew that bionic hearts break too”.
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Indescribable (Damien x MC)
My take on what happens after the Perfect Match finale featuring my MC Kai Park. Spoilers ahead, you’ve been warned!
Feel free to drop prompts or asks into my ask box
Kai stared at him for a few moments that dragged on for what felt like a millennium. She watched him stammering over his words, struggling to get his thoughts straight, to prove to them both that whatever was happening wasn’t happening, that everything was okay.
Holding on almost painfully tight to her hand, he dragged her from painting to painting, desperation causing him to stare up at each piece of art, tears in his eyes, trying to glean any amount of emotion from what he saw, but there was nothing.
“I can’t, Kai,” he said quietly, eyes turning to meet hers, “I can’t.”
Her heart was in her throat as she stumbled away from him, her hand slipping from his grasp. This couldn’t be happening. He reached for her, begging her to say something but she stepped further back, tears in her own eyes.
“I… I need some air,” she finally choked out before she turned on her heel and ran. She sprinted through the winding halls of the museum, ignoring his shouts behind her that were soon joined by that of her friends as they heard the commotion. She finally found a door that led outside, but as she burst out into the cool Paris air, her legs kept moving, urging her to keep running.
She didn’t stop until her muscles were aching and her lungs were burning for need of air. She collapsed onto a bench on a busy street, the sounds of the city drowning out her ragged breaths. Around her, life went on, even as her own life was spiralling out of control.
Damien was one of them. One of the Eros robots, designed to think that it was human. Had the past four years of her life been a lie? How had she lived not knowing that her best friend, the man she loved, wasn’t real?
It wasn’t possible. It couldn’t be possible. She had seen the other ‘bots. She had seen how Steve and Hayden had begun to react and glitch in the real world. Damien couldn’t have possibly have lasted that long, not without something noticing something weird.
But then that begged the question, if he hadn’t been a robot the whole time, but he was a robot now… when did they make the switch? And more importantly; why? Eros had no need to spy on her, they had already turned Alana against them and it would have been more effective to use Hayden rather than replacing someone who was already human. It didn’t make sense. None of it made sense.
She needed answers.
Wiping the tears from her cheeks with the cuff of her sleeve, she took a deep breath and pulled the phone from her pocket.
We need to talk. My hotel room. 15 minutes.
She was pacing around the hotel room, left hand nervously tugging at the faded purple ends of her long hair. She told him that she needed to talk, but if she was being honest with herself; she had no idea what she was going to say. She had questions, but she knew deep down that he wasn’t going to give her the answers she was looking for. Whoever this Damien was, he thought he was her Damien. But until she could get the son of the bitch who had done this within her grasp; she had to settle with this.
The knock at the door was faint, but she heard it, calling to him to come in. He stepped into her room, looking worse for wear in the short time they’d been apart than he had during this whole ordeal. He opened his arms, reaching for her, but she took a step backwards.
“I’m sorry, I…” she began to say but he shook his head.
“No, don’t you apologise,” he sighed, arms dropping to his sides, “I can’t say I wouldn’t react the same in your position.” He took a seat on the edge of the bed, looking up at her, “You said you wanted to talk.”
“I…” words failed her as fresh tears filled her eyes.
“C’mon, Peanut-”
“Don’t call me that.”
“Why not?”
“I just… Just don’t.”
“It’s been my nickname for you for over three years now,” he reminded her, “Kai Park; KP, that British nut brand you like so much, and you’re not much bigger than a peanut.”
“Stop it,” she said quietly.
“It’s me, just talk to me.”
“But it’s not you!” she snapped, “Stop pretending that you’re him because you’re not!”
“No! Those bastards took my Damien and replaced him with you. To spy on me, or to taunt me, or to punish me, I don’t know, but they took the man I love and put a fucking robot in his place.”
His eyes went wide, “The man you what?”
She shook her head, “Don’t.”
“You love me?”
“I love him. Not you. Him.”
“I am him… Me… I…” he stammered over his words, standing up, “Whatever Eros has done, I’m still me; your Damien, your best friend, the Holmes to your Watson, the man who made love to you on top of the Eiffel Tower last night.”
She choked back a soft sob, “I had sex with you thinking it was him, thinking you were human. If I’d known, I never would have.”
A heartbroken expression crossed his face, “You… You didn’t have those regrets after you slept with Hayden.”
“Because Hayden wasn’t a replacement. He was a person all of his own… Do you know why I broke up with him? Even when I still didn’t think I’d have a shot in hell with you?”
“Because he’s not human?”
“Yes. But not because I didn’t think he was a real person with real feelings and the potential to build his own life, but because we could never have a life together. We would never be able to grow old together, or have a family. And I know that you and I are still working things out, and I don’t even know if that could have been our future one day, but that possibility has been stolen and replaced with you.”
“Oh Kai,” he said softly, meeting her eyes.
“I don’t even know where my Damien is, how long he’s been gone, what they’ve done to him… I’ve been with you every second of every day since this whole shit show began. I don’t know when they could have possibly…” she trailed off, events clicking in her head, “We were only separated at the Eros facility. They could have made the switch then. We even got separated during the fight, and then…”
“What is it?”
“What if he was still in the facility when we destroyed it?” her hands began to shake as the reality of the situation hit her with the force of a freight train, “What have I done?”
“You don’t know for sure that’s what happened,” he pointed out.
“It’s the only timeline of events that makes sense. They created the copy once they had us in custody, then they made the switch in the chaos of the fight for whatever reason. He had to still be in there, there wasn’t enough time, or enough reason for them to take him somewhere else… He was all alone. He died alone and scared and it’s all my fault.”
He reached for her, but again she pulled away as tears rolled down her cheeks. She headed for the door, desperate to get away from him. Damien, her Damien, was gone, and yet his exact copy was standing in her room. A ghost to taunt her for playing with fire and thinking that she wasn’t going to get burned.
She slammed the door behind herself, striding down the corridor, needing to put as much distance between them as possible until she could think straight, but instead she bumped straight into a familiar figure.
“Kai?” Hayden frowned down at her, “What’s going on?”
There were no words for her to get out and instead she fell into his arms, held tight against his lean figure as he knelt with her on the floor as she began to sob and scream into his chest. He stroked her hair gently and told her that whatever it was, that it was going to be okay.
Behind them, Damien watched from the doorway, heart aching at the sight of the woman he loved mourning his death.
#writing#perfect match#choices perfect match#damien x mc#kai park#damien x kai#damien nazario#choices came for my soul#perfect match spoilers
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The Third Park (Damien x OC (Ellie)) - Part 3
Summary: Damien Nazario’s is about to turn upside down when he meets Eleanor Zhou.
Note: (most) characters belong to Pixelberry Studios. Damien is 100% human in here and Male!MC (Allen). Damien’s fc (Santiago Cabrera) gifs by @flynnomalleys and Ellie’s fc (Ni Ni) by @ivywrites (the gif used in Part 2 is @ileftthebuilding’s creation). Has anyone noticed that Ellie shared her surname with Aiden (HSS)? Yep, they’re cousins too (and Ellie is from Cedar Cove) Link to previous parts
Pairing: Damien x OC (Ellie)
Rating: PG-13 (language/alcohol)
Tagging: @flynnomalleys @boneandfur @damienazariostan @client327 @never-ending-choices @dangerous-capri15 @goirishsunshine @walkerismychoice @laniquelove @parkerattano @bluediamondsapphire @wa-reva @her-imperial-hangman-s @endlesswoods @confessionsofabrokegirl @odetomars @suckmydestielobsessedassbutt If you would like to be tagged, tell me!
Word count: 2780
“Uh...” – Damien looked back at her, a little surprised by her sudden bluntness. – “I beg your pardon?”
But he would be lying if he said that he didn't like listening to her cursing. Oh, he liked it, and more than he should. Seeing the swear word coming out of that pretty mouth of hers was hot.
God dammit, Damien. Get ahold of yourself, man.
"I mean, I've always known that they were both a little crazy. But not crazy enough to marry…" - she quickly glanced around, making sure no one could hear her. - "...robots."
"Oh." - he simply said. - "Don't ask me. I don't understand it either." - Eleanor let out a low sigh, looking above her shoulder to the newlyweds outside, laughing about something.
"I just hope they know what they're getting into." - she muttered, a worrying expression on her face.
"Don't worry. Hayden and Steve are great people. And they truly care and love your cousins." - she nodded, but he could see that she was not fully convinced yet.
“I believe in you. It all just sound too surreal to me. I don’t know, what if they turn into evil robots?” - Damien snorted. - “Hey, this is serious!” - the woman had an angry expression on her face and their eyes locked for a moment, before they both burst off laughing. - “Okay, this sounded a little silly, I confess.”
"Yeah, it sounded.” - he agreed, still chuckling. “But I assure you that you have nothing to worry about. They're their Perfect Matches, after all." - he said the last sentence with bitterness in his voice.
Ellie stopped laughing instantly as her eyes suddenly shined mischievously:
"Someone sounds a little hurt..."
"I'm not." - he stated, frowning.
"Well, your behavior says exactly the opposite." - she said with a sly grin spreading through her red lips.
"What do you mean?" - he crossed his arms and stepped back.
"This. First, drinking as if there was no tomorrow and now acting so defensive."
Damien was wordless. That was one of those rare times that he didn't know what to say. Who was this woman who had just met him but could read him like an open book? Why he felt like he was under some kind of spell?
But before he could say or do anything, they heard Nadia calling for her:
"Ellie?! Where are you?! There's someone that I want you to meet!"
Eleanor shouted back to her cousin saying that she was coming, before turning back at him.
"It was a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Nazario."
And then, Eleanor Zhou turned around and Damien watched - still paralyzed by her - the woman in red walking outdoors to where her cousin was waiting for her.
...Jeez, he needed another drink.
Damien spent the day after the double wedding on his bed, completely hangover. After Allen's and Nadia's cousin had left him alone, he decided to leave the party. He knew that he was supposed to stay until the end - as their Best Man -, but it was being simply torture watch Allen all happy in Hayden's arms.
But of course he couldn't leave before saying goodbye to him. So he wished Allen and Hayden a safe honeymoon and told his best friend that he was happy for him one more time (and he truly was), before excusing himself. He left before Nadia had the opportunity to complain his early departure - thankfully, she was too busy introducing her cousin to one of her artists friends. Eleanor didn't see him left the party too, thank God - and Damien went to his favorite pub, Archer and Hopps. And he spent the rest of the night there drinking. He wasn't sure how he got home, but he suspected that his good old friend Flynn helped him to come home.
As soon as he felt a little better and less dizzy, on Sunday night, he took a quick shower and ordered Thai food for dinner. Damien opened his drink cabinet and pulled out a Bacardi before settling down on his couch and turning the TV on to watch the news while he ate (and drank some more).
He passed out on the sofa, wasted again.
Although she was on vacation from her work, Eleanor woke up bright and early on Monday. She was in New York and she would enjoy every single minute while she was there. She had already gone to Central Park the day before, reviving some of her childhood memories - Nadia's mom would always take the three of them to spend a whole day there when she came to the Big Apple on holidays with her parents - and today she would go shopping!
...After she took Dipper on her morning stroll.
That was another reason why she took that one week vacation. Allen asked her to take care of his dog while he was away. Usually, he asked Nadia to take care of the dog, but she had her own honeymoon too, so he had to ask this favor to his other cousin. And Ellie gladly accepted it, since she herself had a 4 year old yellow Labrador Retriever, Freddie. She considered bringing him to NY, but he and Dipper could not get along and that would be a problem. Freddie didn't like to share, especially Ellie’s love and attention. So she left him home in Northbridge, under the care of her best friend, Lucy.
Eleanor had just came back to Allen's apartment in Brooklyn after taking Dipper for a walk, when she received an email. It was her boss asking her the layouts of the pages with the photoshoot pictures that Poppy sent the week before.
"Shit!" - she cursed, before running to her cousin's bedroom to grab her laptop. She kept swearing, calling her boss names (she was on vacation after all!) as she tried to connect to Allen's Wi-Fi…
...But she didn't know his password. She searched for it throughout the whole apartment, any sign of what could be his password, but she found nothing. She tried a lot of combinations, but none of them worked.
Ellie cursed again and texted Allen (and Nadia) asking for it, but she knew that he wouldn't answer her. He was on his god dammit honeymoon! He was busy. He wouldn't be looking through his phone.
"Fuck!" - she yelled, after almost an hour trying to log on.
Then, she remembered something. She grabbed her phone again and scrolled through the contacts, stopping by a new name, listening to Allen's words inside her head:
"If you need any help, Damien is the man! He'll help you with anything! All you need to do is call him."
And, without thinking twice, she pressed "call".
Damien woke up with a terrible headache. He slowly sat up, rubbing his hand on his sore neck. He slept on the couch, again. And he was wearing the clothes from the day before and the TV was still on. He turned it off, realizing that the reason why his head seemed that it was going to explode was because someone was trying to knock his door down.
"Ugh… what time is it?" - he thought to himself, wobbling towards the door of his apartment. - "Is it Nadia? Why didn't she simply came in? She has my key anyway..."
But the woman outside wasn't Nadia.
"Finally!" - she yelled when he opened the door. It was Allen's and Nadia's cousin. The Third Park. And then he remembered that his friends were away on their honeymoons. Fuck. - "Oh my God, are you hangover?!"
"Uh… what? What are you doing here? How do you know where I live?" - he asked Eleanor, who looked disapprovingly at him, her arms crossed.
"Unbelievable." - yep. She definitely was a Park. Her reaction was the same as Nadia’s. - "Don't you have a little of self-love, Nazario?"
"You didn't answer my questions. What--"
"Allen told me to call you if I needed any help so, just in case, he gave me your number and address. And I need help right now, so here I am." - she shrugged. He didn't move a muscle. - "Are you going to stand there and look at me the whole day or what?"
He gave her space to enter his apartment. She quickly glanced around. It looked… not a completely mess.
"But what are you doing here? In New York, I mean?" - he asked, still acting a little defensive.
"Allen asked me to take care of his dog while he's away, so I'm living on his apartment this week." - he opened his mouth to say something, but she interrupted him: - "Listen, if I knew that you were too busy sleeping, I wouldn't have come here. But I really need your help. Of course I tried to contact him, but he won't pick up, obviously. And I need your help, Damien."
They looked at each other's eyes for a few seconds, before he let out a sigh, crossing his arms.
"Alright. What can I do to help you?"
"I need Allen's Wi-Fi password."
Damien blinked a few times.
"...Do I look like someone who knows this?"
"No. But you've been to his house before, so I bet you have his Wi-Fi saved on your phone. All you need to do is come with me so, as soon as we get there, your phone will automatically connect and you'll tell me what his password is."
"...This actually makes sense." - he confessed after a few seconds staring back at her. Eleanor rolled her eyes.
"Of course. I have a brain too, Nazario. And mine is not drowned on alcohol." - she answered him, before opening the apartment door. - "Now, shall we?" - she said, with a grin.
As Eleanor said, as soon as they stepped on the hall of Allen's apartment, Damien's phone connected to his Wi-Fi. Dipper happily greeted them when they entered, the woman quickly typing the password on her laptop.
"YES!" - she yelled when it connected and soon opened her email.
The man looked around the apartment, feeling a little uncomfortable. It was strange being there with no sign of Allen.
"Uh… so I guess I better go now..."
"And drink until you pass out again? No! Stay here!" - Ellie said, her eyes glued on her computer. - "Make yourself comfortable, I know that's what Allen would have said."
Shit. She knew exactly what to say to convince him.
Hesitantly, he sat down on Allen's couch, with Dipper following him, her tail wiggling.
"Hey girl, calm down." - he awkwardly patted her on the head as she licked his hand. Damien never cared much about pets, but Dipper was a good dog.
He watched Ellie working on her computer sitting by the dinner table, speaking to herself, cursing her boss.
And then, Damien slowly fell asleep.
“Finally! Now I’ll see it only next Monday, when I go back to work!” - Eleanor spoke to herself as she turned the computer off. It took more time than she expected, but at least she was finally free.
And then, she remembered that Damien was there. He had been so quiet that she almost forgot about him.
She looked over her shoulder and saw the man sleeping on the couch, his neck on a strange angle, with Dipper sleeping on his feet. Ellie admired the view for a few seconds.
Yes, Damien Nazario definitely was handsome, even hangover and sleeping.
She carefully sat on the couch next to him. Dipper immediately woke up, her tail wiggling at the woman, who stroked her fur.
“Uh… hey, Damien…” - she said softly, trying to not startle him. - “Damien…?” - she gently squeezed his arm, finally waking him up. He blinked a few times, getting on his surroundings and then his sleepy dark brown eyes fell on her. She smiled. - “Hey. You fell asleep.”
“I… uh…” - he still was tongue tied. It was not every day that he was awakened so gently by a beautiful woman next to him. Eleanor stood up, walking around the living room.
“Why don’t we go grab something to eat? It’s 2 p.m. already and we still haven’t eaten.” - she grabbed her purse. - “Let me pay for your lunch. You know, for helping me. And I feel that we started off on the wrong foot. So consider this my redemption.”
He stood up too and walked towards her.
“You don’t need to; it was the least I could do. And I’m sorry if I was a little rude to you.”
“It’s okay, I was being a little rude myself. Showing at your house like that and demanding for your help. I would be in a bad mood too if I were I your shoes. But I thought Allen would at least had told you about helping me…”
“Well, he was head over heels because of the wedding. I bet he just forgot.” - he saw that mischievous grin on her lips again. - “What?”
“You do like him, uh?”
Damien said nothing, but the shade of red that suddenly raised on his face spoke to him. He simply turned around and opened the apartment door.
“Lunch. Let’s go grab some lunch.” - he said, stepping out on the hallway. Ellie let out an evil laughter before following him.
Damien took them to eat some kebab from a food cart.
“I love how you can find every piece of the world here in New York.” - Eleanor said, eating her own lunch. - “Especially on street food!”
“If you haven’t eaten something from a food cart, then you didn’t have a full New Yorker experience.” - Damien said, feeling satisfied. The kafta was great. - “Thanks for the lunch by the way. I forgot my wallet at home when someone came and kidnapped me.”
Eleanor giggled. He liked the sound of her laughter.
“I’m sorry, okay?!” - he chuckled back. - “But you’re not from here, are you?”
“No. But I’ve been living here for almost seven years. I’m Puerto Rican. And you… you’re not fully Korean, are you? Because of your surname.”
“No, I’m not. My father is Chinese, so this is why my surname is different from Nadia’s and Allen’s. Their fathers are my mom’s brothers.”
“So you’re half-Chinese and half-Korean.” - she nodded. - “Interesting. Nadia is mixed too. Only Allen is fully Korean. Although his parents met each other here.”
“That’s right. What an amazing thing is the globalisation, uh? I love it. Getting to know new places, new cultures, new people.”
They walked down the street, and Damien couldn’t hold back a smile listening to Ellie’s excitement. The more he knew her, the more he was intrigued by Eleanor Zhou, as he first felt when he met Allen and Nadia, six years ago... And the more it was confirmed that she was a Park. She had that cheerful view of life that he always admired on the Parks, even though she seemed more down to earth than her cousins.
“So. Where are we heading to now?”
“I’m going to work.” - he answered her. Those cases weren’t going to solve by themselves.
“I thought you were going to give me a fully New Yorker experience!” - she pouted.
“And I just did. You ate from a food cart. You should go eat a bagel next.”
“Jerk.” - she said and they shared a laugh. Damien felt like it’s been a while since he laughed this much. - “Alright, I guess I’ll have to carry my bags alone. Sigh.”
“You didn’t just said ‘sigh’. Who does it?”
“I do, when I am frustrated. Sigh.” - he chuckled. Eleanor was a little weird, but she was cute too.
Was it another Park trait? How could all of them be so adorably weird?
He hesitated for a second, wondering. Should he do it?
Damien knew that he should turn around and go away.
Don’t get involved with another Park.
“But, uh… maybe we could… go drink tomorrow night. If you feel up to a night out in New York, I mean.” - the words simply came out of his mouth before he could hold them back.
And then, he saw that sly grin on her face again.
“I don’t see why not. Pick me up at nine? On Allen’s apartment.”
“Okay. Uh, I better go now. You have fun shopping.”
“Wait, I better give you my number. Just in case, right?” - she said, stepping closer to him, before he walked away. Her brown eyes shined mischievously.
“Oh. Yeah, sure.” - he grabbed his phone and she told him her number. - “Okay. Uh… you have my number, right?”
“Yeah. See you tomorrow night, Damien.”
And he watched her walking towards the nearby subway station.
He looked down to his hand, her number still glowing on the screen of his phone.
Damien Nazario knew that he was screwed up.
#the third park#damien nazario#damien x oc#perfect match#playchoices#perfect match fanfic#perfect match au#pm#choices fanfic#choices fanfiction#long post
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The Third Park (Damien x OC (Ellie)) - Part 2
Summary: Damien Nazario is having the worst day of his life, because today is Allen's wedding and he is his Best Man.
Note: (most) characters belong to Pixelberry Studios. Damien is 100% human in here. Part 1
Pairing: Damien x OC (Ellie)
Rating: PG-13 (language/alcohol)
Word count: 2050
Tagging: @flynnomalleys @boneandfur @damienazariostan @client327 @never-ending-choices @dangerous-capri15 @goirishsunshine @walkerismychoice @laniquelove @parkerattano @suckmydestielobsessedassbutt If you would like to be tagged, tell me! If you don’t want to be tagged, also tell me!!! And if your tags are acting like little punks like mine, tell me too lol
Damien Nazario walked out of the restroom a few minutes later, his bow tie undone.
“Uh, I might need some help with this.” – he said. Allen chuckled and stepped closer, tying his bow tie skillfully.
Damien felt his cheeks getting hotter with the sudden approximation. Fuck. Allen was looking fantastic on his own tuxedo.
And he couldn’t help but remember the sensation of his lips against his. He would never forget it.
But it would never happen again. Because Allen was marrying somebody else.
“Done.” – Allen said, tapping his shoulder affectionately. – “If I hadn’t see you before, I’d never think that you walked here looking like a drunkard.”
“Shut up.” – Damien said again, making Allen giggle. – “Where’s Steve?”
“He’s in another room. Hayden too.” – Allen’s smile widened and Damien felt his heart cracking a little. – “As Nadia. But I bet she’ll come here soon...”
Suddenly, the door from the adjoining room flied open and a small figure in white walked in.
“D! You freshened up good!” – Nadia exclaimed, holding a plate full of chocolates. Yeah, she was stressing eating.
“Famous last words.” – Allen chuckled.
“Oh my God...” – Damien muttered, his eyes watering. – “I usually don’t cry in weddings... But because of you I might. You look splendid, Nadia.” – and he hugged her.
“No! Get off me! I swear, if you cry on my dress, I’ll kill you!” – she punched him in the arm.
“Have I already told you how cute you look when you’re angry?”
“Oh my God, you didn’t just do this.” – Allen said.
“I’m not cute!” – Nadia protested, making both men laugh.
The double wedding happened that evening at the same time in the Terrace Room, a breathtaking view from New York on the back. It was a sunny and beautiful day of June.
Steve cried when Nadia appeared and Allen shedded a tear too when he saw Hayden. He smiled the whole time.
They had already eaten the formal four-course dinner and were mingling now. There wasn’t much for Damien to do. He had already greeted some guests before the weddings – mostly Parks, since neither Hayden and Steve had a family, and artists friends of Nadia and some college friends of both cousins. People that he didn’t know or had met just a couple of times before that evening – and that was it. Sloane came all the way from Washington D.C. (she was working at Nasa now) just to be their maid of honor. They exchanged a few words and he easily concluded that Sloane was still the same. Feeling a little out of place with that event – he didn’t blame her, he was feeling the same way –, but super excited and happy for all of her friends.
After a super boring chit chat with one of Nadia’s eccentric friends, Damien went to the restroom to freshen up. He might have drunk a few too many champagne flutes already.
When he walked outdoors, he found Nadia and Allen talking to a woman in a red dress, her back turned to him. He casually leaned against a wall, eavesdropping the conversation.
Bad habits die hard and he was a detective, after all.
“We thought you couldn’t make it!” – Nadia shouted, a little altered because of the alcohol.
“Almost! My train delayed. But I got here just a few minutes before the ceremony, so I had to sit on the back. I’m sorry I didn’t come to talk to you both earlier. Grandma already scolded me for being almost late.”
“That’s okay, what matters is that you’re here. And where’s your father?” – Allen answered her.
“He didn’t come. I guess the trip all the way here would exhaust him. He always says he’s too old to do anything now. Oh, but he sent you gifts!” – they all shared a laugh. Damien suspected that she was their cousin. They might have said that they had another one...
“So you came alone?!” – Nadia shouted again, her jaw dropping.
“Well, yeah.”
“Didn’t you bring... a partner?”
“Girl, after all that shit my last girlfriend put me through… I’ve quit dating for a while.”
“Oh yeah, I remember when you told us about her! But you’ve been single since then?! It’s been like decades ago!”
“It’s been just two years, Nadia. Besides, if I weren’t single, you wouldn’t be looking at the new Art Editor of the Mortif Magazine!”
“Ooooh!” – the cousins beamed together, clapping to the strange woman, who bowed to them.
“Oh, and let me say this: a double wedding?! Be honest with me, you both did this just to make us spend twice with the gifts, didn’t you?” – the three of them shared a laugh when Nadia spotted Damien.
“D, come here!” – she gestured at him to come closer. He grabbed himself another drink from a passing waiter and approached the trio. Allen welcomed him with a warm smile. That smile that always made him feel happy and special. – “I guess you’ve never met another cousin of ours! Damien, this is Ellie. Ellie, this is our great friend and Best Man, Damien Nazario!”
And then, the woman turned to him and he finally saw her face.
The woman looked at him, a sympathetic smile on her face. She extended her hand.
“Nice to meet you, Damien. I’m Eleanor, but you can call me Ellie.” – he greeted her, still feeling a little numb.
Fuck. She was gorgeous.
“The ‘third Park’, as we like to say.” – Allen chuckled.
“Although I’m not a Park technically. My surname is Zhou.”
Eleanor Zhou.
“Details. You still have Park blood running in your veins!!” – Nadia said. – “Ellie, D is that friend of ours that we told you about! Do you remember him?”
Her brown eyes were back to his, looking at and through him with new interest, head to toes. He felt himself getting hotter.
“Oh my God. You’re the one.”
Damien cleared his throat, trying to act more normal. As if he wasn’t desperately attracted to the woman right in front of him.
“I hope this is a good thing.” – he said, that charming smile he always used to get information from some suspects back on his lips.
He saw a side smile tugging on the corner of her lips, red like the dress she was wearing, when Nadia said:
“You know us, D! We always say good things about you! Unless when we don’t say it.” – his friend definitely was too drunk, by the way she giggled with her own joke.
“Alright, Nadia, I guess you should stop drinking for today!” – Allen said, taking the glass from his cousin’s hand. Nadia tried to grumble something unintelligible as Steve and Hayden approached the group.
Eleanor greeted her cousins’ partners. Damien felt like someone punched him in the stomach when he saw Allen’s face lighting up by just seeing Hayden, who leaned and kissed him on the cheek. He drank all his champagne in one go.
“Uh, I’ll get myself another drink.” – he quickly excused himself before walking away, desperate to be free of those “love’s in the air” vibes.
He stopped by the restaurant bar, asking for an Old Fashioned. There were a few people indoors, mostly still on their tables, chatting. He drank it while looking through the East River. That was a great view of Lower Manhattan at night.

He heard a few light steps approaching and a voice he knew asking for a red wine. When Damien turned to the person standing next to him, her dark brown eyes were already on him, staring back, catching him by surprise. He even stopped breathing, his eyes locked on hers.
“Damien Nazario, right?”
“Yep. Eleanor Zhou?” – he saw a smile tugging in the corner of her red lips. She nodded. – “Uh... I thought you were talking to the happy couples?”
“Yes, but they have newlyweds duties, such as talking to all their guests and not spend the whole time with their cousin who they can text every day. So here I am.” – she shrugged. He nodded, not knowing what to say and drank the rest of his drink.
He rarely acted like this, especially around someone he would find attractive. But there was something inside his head telling himself to keep his distance from Eleanor.
Well, it probably was because she was a Park. Well, sort of.
“So...” – she kept saying softly. – “You’re the hot detective friend who helped Nadia with that creepy stalker dude. The one who helped Allen and Nadia bring that evil Corporation down, and saved their...” – the woman hesitated for a second. – “...partners.”
...And the one who Allen left for a robot.
Damien cursed himself mentally. He had promised himself that he would stop thinking about that. That he would stop feeling sorry and pity for himself. He was a grown man, dammit.
He was the one who told Allen, two years before, that he would understand if things wouldn’t work between them, when Allen told him he was on an open relationship with Hayden after they found out their true nature. And it didn’t.
But, yes, he couldn’t help but feel disappointed and broken hearted when Allen chose to be with Hayden. Damien kind of knew that it would have happened anyway. Allen (and Nadia) brought Eros down because of their “Perfect Matches”. Of course he was going to choose them.
And, even though Damien was very aware about it, it hurted like hell, anyway.
“...Yep, that’s me.” – he answered and asked for another drink to the barman.
Yep, he knew he was abusing on the alcohol again and that he had promised Nadia that he would behave, but that was not being his favorite day. The person he had been in love for six years had just married. And he was his Best Man.
He deserved that drink. And all the drinks.
“Hey... hey, are you okay?” – Eleanor asked the man beside her. Damien turned down his second drink and she’s been there for, like, just five minutes.
“I’ve never been better.” – he answered, putting the glass down on the counter a little too hard.
Oh God. She had promised herself that she would stop taking care of stupid drunkards who weren’t able to know their alcohol limitations. She always ended up listening to unwanted confessions and her clothes smelling like vomit.
But hey. She had eyes. And that was a very attractive man. Her cousins didn’t lie when they told her he was handsome and hot (although Eleanor always felt a little suspicious about Nadia’s taste in men)...
But Damien Nazario was hot. There was no doubt about it.
...And he looked like someone who wanted to drown himself on whiskey.
The man was going to ask for another drink, when Ellie suddenly grabbed him by his elbow and pulled him away from the bar. She threw a fifty to the surprised bartender, not caring how much it cost for their drinks, and dragged the drunk man to the restroom. She shoved him inside, and ordered him to wash his face. Damien thought that she was stronger than she looked. Was it a Park trait? Be stronger than they look?
He could have refused following her bossy ways. But that was a kind of turn on. He liked when they were more dominant.
He ended up doing what she instructed him, with Eleanor watching him from outside the toilet, that was too small for both of them, like a hawk.
“Feeling better?” – she asked as she watched him drying his face with a towel.
“I guess so.” – the woman rolled her eyes to his answer. – “Uh, thanks...?”
“You’re welcome.” – she said as he walked out of the restroom, untying his bow-tie. – “So. You look like a reasonable guy, when you’re not trying to get drunk.”
“Thank you.” – he answered sarcastically, but she just ignored him and took a small step towards him, her face just inches from his, and kept talking:
“....So maybe you can tell me. What the fuck is going on here?”
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The Third Park (PM AU/Spin-off)
Get to know the main characters - Eleanor x Damien
Summary: Damien Nazario had just three rules to follow:
1. Don’t date coworkers (something he learned after Alana broke his heart);
2. Stop getting involved with clientes (something he learned after he met the Park cousins and started spending time with them. Too much time);
3. Don’t fall in love with a Park (something he learned after Allen).
And yet, here he was about to break all these rules at the same time because of Ellie.
Note: A spin-off of Perfect Match. The story takes place two years after they brought Eros down we don’t know if this is going to happen, but I believe so. I hoped that Damien and Nadia would become a couple (since I am such a hard Namien stan), but then I realized that Steve Tennyson is a total sweetheart and pure soul and that he would do anything for Nadia because he loves her so much, so... Yep, that was PB’s way of saying “stop trying to make Namien happen, it’s not going to happen”. And I felt sorry for my favorite skeptical Puerto Rican detective, because I love my robot girlfriend Hayden and I decided that my PM MC Allen will choose her in the end. So, I had this headcanon... What if there was another Park cousin? And now we have my OC Ellie. Aaaaand I really shouldn't be doing this because I have like 20934302 more things to do, but... here I am. And I already wrote three parts. Fuck. Someone save me from myself, please! JK I regret nothing. Yet.
Tagging some people who might be interested: @flynnomalleys @boneandfur
Main characters:

Eleanor Zhou
Nickname: Ellie
Face claim: Ni Ni
Age: 28
Birthday: April 19
Star sign: Aries
Height: 5’7”/1,70 m
Hair color: dark brown, almost black
Eye color: brown
Sexuality: Pan
Status: single. Lives in Northbridge (MS) with her 4 year old yellow Labrador Retriever Freddie (named after Freddie Mercury). Works as an Art Editor at Mortif Magazine.
Family background: single kid of a Korean mother and a Chinese father. She grew up far from her maternal cousins, Allen and Nadia (their fathers are her mother’s brothers. This is why she doesn’t have the Park surname), since she used to live in Cedar Cove (WS), although they have a good relationship, especially after her mother’s death (during her senior year in college), when the Park cousins were the first to help her. Aiden is her younger paternal cousin (his father is her father’s younger brother).
Education: Oliver M. Berry High School (aka Berry High) and Hartfeld University (Hartfeld, MS) – Graphic Design Major
Best childhood memory: she liked going to the big city of New York to visit her cousins. Her aunts would take them to Central Park and they would spend the whole day playing there.
Dating history: she had her first boyfriend when she was in high school, but they broke up before they graduated. She had some new experiences during college. After she graduated, she dated a guy for a few months but he cheated on her with her neighbor. She briefly dated Eva, but they broke up when Eleanor found out that her girlfriend was stealing her money. She had just random hookups and one night stands during the last two years. She doesn’t care much about being single or with someone; she enjoys both.
Best friend: Lucy James, her college roommate. She goes out drinking with Poppy, a co-worker, sometimes. She doesn’t have many friends, just a lot of acquaintances. She’s pretty independent.
Love interest: Damien Nazario obviously
What initially attracted her to him: Damien is hot duh. And he's a skeptic after her own heart.
Her PM personality: Champion (outgoing, rebellious, humorous, impulsive)
Describe her in a few words: skeptic, bold, witty, impetuous, impatient.
One random headcanon: Eleanor has a high alcohol resistance and never gets too drunk. She gets more talkative and daring when drunk (like her cousins), but she’s very aware of what is happening and of her surroundings (and this is why she usually ends up taking care of her drunk friends). She had an emo-punk phase when she was a teenager.
Damien Nazario everybody knows who he is but—
Nickname: D (by Nadia), Big D (by himself)
Face claim: Santiago Cabrera
Age: 33 (I've always imagined he was a little older than Allen and Nadia, like a couple of years older. The Park cousins are both 30 here)
Birthday: September 8
Star sign: Virgo
Height: 6 feet/1,83 m
Sexuality: Bi
Status: single. Lives in Brooklyn, NY. Works as a private investigator.
Family background: his family is from Puerto Rico. He has four sisters, one older (Hope) and three younger (Isabela, Carina, Lucilla).
Dating history: Damien dated a girl during high school and a guy during college, but briefly in both cases. Alana was his most serious and longest relationship. After her he had just random hookups and one night stands. When they were bringing Eros down, he confessed to Allen and they had an “open relationship”, but Allen decided to go serious with only Hayden. He’s more of a monogamist.
Best friend: Allen and Nadia Park
Love interest: Eleanor Zhou
What initially attracted him to her: Damien always admired the Parks' cheerful personalities and Ellie has it too, although she’s more down to earth than her cousins. And Eleanor has those features that he liked on Alana: confident and fierce.
Describe him in a few words: skeptic, cynical, broody, protective, charming
His PM personality: Joker (mysterious, rebellious, humorous, logical)
#the third park#damien x oc#damien nazario#perfect match#playchoices#eleanor zhou#character information#original character#perfect match fanfic#pm#choices fanfic#choices fanfiction#kinda long post#long post
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