ashipperhere-blog · 6 years
If anyone wishes to read more ChibaHaya drabbles then go to WattPad, and search ohayo-aka for my drabbles.
(ps i wrote them, you can ignore the other books)
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20 Things About You Tag Game
Tagged by @whitleyschn33 which is a pleasant surprise???? I didnt even know you knew I exist xD we should talk sometime!
holy shit the last time someone tagged me for one of these was freaking years ago
 Rules: Tell 20 facts about yourself and tag 20 people
Nickname: Aqua is what I go by on the internet, don’t really like to throw in my actual name in a blog full of trash
Pet Peeves: when people chew with their mouth open, when someone is shaking their leg or tapping something during an exam even though I’m guilty of this sometimes, not taking off shoes before entering a house
Zodiac: Cancer! I was born 2 months prematurely, so maybe I was supposed to be a Leo?
Height: 5′1″ I am short af and apparently don’t possess any mass or existence
Last Movie: Spideman: Into the Spider Verse with with my sister over our winter break! Great movie, it was really fun
Thing you last Googled: “158.8 in feet” because I work my height in centimeters, not in feet but meh ^^;; If that technically doesn’t count, then “Prove that if x > y > z, then xy + yz > ((x + y)(y + z))/2″ Yeah I was doing math and I couldn’t figure it out and If anyone knows how to prove it please help I can do multivariable calculus fine but I can’t prove anything to save my life
Favorite Musicians: AmaLee is what I exclusively listen to daily, she’s great
Song Stuck in Your Head: Right at this moment I have 7 - seven- from Nanatsu no Taizai blasting in my brain and I love it
Other Blogs?: um...so I used to run the @ask-hayamirinka blog...like about 4 years ago? I’ve pretty much abandoned it at this point. 
Do you get asks?: Nope! 
Amount of Sleep: On average is usually 5 during the week for this semester. Usually I would actually get less but this semester I have a couple days where I have no morning classes, hurray! On weekends I don’t even wake up until it’s exam season. I also nap more than I probably should. 
Lucky Number: Don’t really have one??? I’ve never really understood lucky numbers before
What you’re wearing: since I am home and it’s almost 2am you can bet I’m wearing pjs consisting of a gray shirt with a man swimming in a coffee cup saying ‘don’t wake me up’, blue pj shorts and my beige cardigan I use as a house coat. 
Dream Job: Undecided. I don’t know what I’m doing with my life so at this point I’m not even worried about my dream jobs, I just want to get my degree and as much part time job experience as possible to make my resume better
Dream Trip: Japan with my roommates! We decided we’re going to go after we get our degrees and graduate university. I travel a lot with my family, but never really by myself with friends.
Favorite Food: Ox tongue, ramen, pig’s neck....yeah I’m Asian and eat things that others may find weird but meh. 
Instruments: I played piano for most of my life until the second last year of high school when I stopped, and also played flute for a while too! Was in band in highschool, and I still play flute sometimes to de stress. His name is Julian and he is my emotional support instrument 
Languages: English is my first language, and I also speak Cantonese. My canto has gotten a little bit rough since going to university and I haven’t been speaking it to my parents everyday like I used to, but I know enough to work in a Chinese restaurant so that’s bound to count for something. It’s easier if I constantly speak it at work or at home. 
Songs: Have any of yall listened to the PQ2 soundtrack, it’s freaking amazing. Pull the Trigger and Invitation to Freedom are my absolute favorites. Those two tracks helped me plow through my exams I’m telling you. Also Touch Off from The Promised Neverland is my current obsession. 
Aesthetic: so. here’s the thing. I know what an aesthetic is but i’ve never applied it to myself? I guess my colour scheme is all blacks and greys with some purple and burgundy??? I like things that make me comfortable and feeling at home too. 
I’m supposed to tag 20 people but I don’t even have 20 tumblr friends so we’re just going to ignore that ^^; I’ll tag @wrenkos and @nagikitten for now :)
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arinarawrrr · 8 years
Tumblr media
My AssClass team debuted our combat version on AFA SG 2016 Day 2. It was fun and I'm glad people still love this series just as much as we do. :') //some of our members went missing somewhere when this was taken lol 😅 P: Fenestra Works
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aisha-galaxia · 2 years
If you guys have join the AssClass fandom in 2014/2015 on Tumblr then you probably know about the "ask" blog. If you don't know what an "ask blog"is let me explain.
The concept of an ask blog is really simple, you just take your favorite character of an anime,manga, games, etc... and you made a blog dedicated to them.
For example, if your fav character of AssClass is Okuda then the name of the blog should be " ask-okuda-manami". Some anons will ask you questions about the character and you will respond like you were them. Most of the times, the creator of the blog will answered with cute drawings. (Idk if this is clear)
The reason why I posted this is that this make me so sad that most of the AssClass ask blogs don't post anymore or have been deleted 😭. I don't know why but when I thinking abt these ask blogs it makes me sooo nostalgic that I'm almost about to cry. And I'm also thinking abt bringing back the concept of an ask blog in the AssClass fandom so here's the new hashtags #bringbacktheaskblog
Here's the list of every AssClass ask blog :
Deleted blog
ask-akabane (Karma)
askdelinquentginger (Karma)
askunkillableassassin (Koro-Sensei)
askkaedes (Kayano)
thebitchsensei (Irina)
ask-okajima (Okajima)
ask-kanzaki (Kanzaki)
askitona (Itona)
askharasumire (Hara)
ask-isogai (Isogai)
ask-fuwayuzuki (Fuwa)
ask-kurahashi (Kurahashi)
Dead blog or on hiatus
I hope that at least one of the blog that I mentioned will see this post 😔🤞
Ask blogs were really popular among the fan of AssClass on Tumblr. I remember when every fan of a character were waiting for their anime design
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