#hay box
fuckyeahilike · 2 years
Use heat retention to cook without spending money on gas or electricity
If you’re trying to save on gas or electricity, one thing you can do is to use heat  retention to cook your meals. 
The basic idea is that you kick things off by cooking your food in a lided pot for a short amount of time. Then you quickly stick the lided pot inside a box lined with towels or clothes or hay, something that functions as insulation, you cover the pot with some more towels, and leave it there for a few hours. The heat it retained will do the rest of the cooking without the need to actively apply any more heat to it.
It’s a similar principle to a slow cooker/crock pot... only for free. 
These videos explain how, and provide you with a few recipes that you can try to test this method for yourself.
Frugalgreengirl - All About Heat Retention Cooking!
COOKING IN A COOLER?!?  Yep!  Heat retention cooking is an important skill that I think everyone should have.  It can drastically help save on electric or propane, help with disaster preparedness or even just help keep heat out of the house.  Plus it's easy and does not require any special items to buy!  Most everyone has everything they need right now!  Plus it is super eco friendly!
FGG Survival Stew Recipe: 1 Pound dry green lentils 1 Cup Augason Farms Vegetable stew blend 1 Can Diced Tomatoes 2 Tsp. Parsley 1 Teaspoons EACH: Garlic Powder, Coriander and Cumin 1/2 Tsp. Salt (or to taste) 1/4 Tsp. Black Pepper About 10-11 Cups Water (or stock/ broth, if you prefer) Add all ingredients to large heavy pot, cover and bring to a boil. Continue to boil for 2-4 minutes. Place in HRC and leave there for about 1 1/2 (or up to 2) hours. Do not open to stir or check on it, as this will allow valuable heat to be lost. Enjoy!
emmymade - Save $ Cooking in a CARDBOARD BOX | 1909 Fireless Cookery Recipe
This old method of cooking conserves fuel by using insulation to trap in heat which slowly cooks your meal. So, let's build a haybox, cook a meal, and see how it tastes.
Sorted Food - 2 Chefs Test THE WONDERBAG: A Non-Electric Slow Cooker!
Every now and then, we come across a gadget that really catches our eye. Whether it’s a stylish design, a functional purpose, amazing craftsmanship, sustainably made or has life changing benefits. And in today’s episode, we’re reviewing a gadget which ticks all of these boxes... Behold, the WONDERBAG!
This handy gadget has helped to improve the lives of many communities, particularly those in developing countries who spend endless hours collecting firewood and charcoal. We’ve decided to use our platform to raise some money so that more wonderbags can be made for those who really need it.
RoseRed Homestead - Make a Wonder Bag and Bake Bread
Need to bake bread when the power is out?  Here's your answer--a Wonder Bag!  Make a Wonder Bag from pillow cases, an old sheet, or any fabric you wish.  Then use your favorite bread recipe to make  tasty loaves of crustless bread.  You will need an off-grid burner of some kind to boil water for 10 minutes and that is all the power required.  The rest is just wait time.  Be prepared!
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lulu2992 · 1 day
Greg Bryk was in episode 25 of Podcast141, co-hosted by Marwen Heni, Mars Lipowski, and Jim Boeven, to talk about his acting career in general, but also and mostly his role as Joseph Seed in Far Cry 5.
Since he’s already shared a lot of anecdotes in interviews and live videos on Instagram, I thought I wouldn’t learn anything new... but I did, so here’s a summary of what he said about his experience playing the Father.
We knew that the dev team (he specifically mentioned Dan Hay and Drew Holmes) had struggled to find the “right” actor for the role, but what I don’t remember ever hearing before is that, after two years of unsuccessful search, the project was almost cancelled for this reason!
Thankfully, that was when Greg Bryk auditioned. He had already said the script they gave him (and that he thought was “amazing”) was what became Joseph’s monologue in the mission “We Must Be Strong”, but he gave more details about what was originally in it. In this early version of his backstory, Joseph was 23 years old and working two jobs to support his family. One night, exhausted, he fell asleep on the couch as his pregnant wife went out to get ice cream. He was then awoken by a knock on the door, told she had been in an accident, and taken to the hospital. The rest of the story is what he says in Far Cry 5: when he arrives, his wife is dead, their premature daughter is “stuffed with tubes”, he hears God’s calling, and understands he has to make this sacrifice.
So he got the role, and when they called him again to record a sermon (my guess is it was this one, but I’m just speculating), he saw what the game looked like and thought everything and everyone was “incredible”. Over time, as they got to know him, they even changed the character and partly rewrote the Father specifically for him.
The team was also very accommodating. For example, the scenes are usually shot in the huge performance capture studio, but for the Heralds’ eulogies, which are much more intimate, they built a small room so he felt like he actually had something around him instead of a big, empty space.
A day before the game came out, the cutscenes were already available online and he watched some of them. He was very impressed by the last eulogy (or, as he calls it, “snot monologue”) in particular because of how “vivid” and “human” it felt. It brought tears to his eyes and he recalls his wife was “blown away”; it was “special”.
As for the fans, he thinks they’ve been very supportive and welcoming. Some have told him they felt heard and seen by Joseph, and he believes it’s because he’s a character who loves people for who they are. At this point, he and the co-hosts agreed that being an actor was a gift because it gives an opportunity to make people’s lives better, especially in video games because there’s a unique connection that doesn’t really exist in movies or TV series.
Marwen Heni mentioned that, while most villains want you to hate them, Joseph, on the contrary, wanted you to reflect and think that he might be right. Greg Bryk admitted that he believed everything he said, especially about family and technology. Sometimes, people are isolated or only have online connections, so having someone tell them, “I see you and I love you for what you are” is powerful. In his opinion, this message resonated with a lot of players because it’s a simple truth and we all want to be part of a family.
Joseph doesn’t control his followers with fear, Marwen Heni commented, but with devotion, and that too makes him compelling. As he was playing Far Cry 5, he started questioning whether or not he (as the Deputy) was right for opposing the Father, which is something Greg Bryk says he saw a lot in comments. He believes there’s “an intimacy to the relationship” between Joseph and the player, a “seduction” in the sense that we all want to belong. He’s humbled by the impact his work had on people.
When asked if he would be open to reprising the role, this time, he answered, “Absolutely”. In fact, and this is news to me, he revealed there were discussions about turning Far Cry into a TV show, and the different games would have been standalone seasons. That said, he added that, at a certain point, it’s necessary to let characters go and that he was grateful for what he had already experienced playing the Father.
Marwen Heni then asked if Joseph, who is very complex, was entirely fictional or if it was Greg talking through him. He answered his characters are always him, to a degree, because he wants to connect with the material so he never lies and can work from things that matter to him. He never judges them and tries to think about what he wants to express through them. He’s interested in their humanity and what motivates them. “We’re all broken,” he said. “Some are much more broken than others, and sometimes those broken pieces are very sharp and jagged, and they lash out.”
He also revealed he had “very specific rituals” to help him become a character and then let them go. He mentioned a few prayers that one of his friends, who is a Wiccan, taught him. In fact, and all the co-hosts agreed, it can be very hard to “disconnect” from a character sometimes because actors aren’t just pretending; they’re using real emotions.
He had already said his son Dempsey had done the mocap for John and Jacob in the Collapse DLC and that he felt carrying Ethan’s body in New Dawn was a way for him to honor his “boy”, his dead dog Lucky, since he deeply regretted that he couldn’t be there to take him to the veterinarian the day he passed. What I didn’t know, however, is that it was Greg himself who had asked if Joseph could carry Ethan, and the team made it happen. He also explained that, when it was time to play this scene, he tried to imagine what it would be like to actually lose his son.
But who is Greg Bryk’s favorite Far Cry villain? Well, when he auditioned and started researching the franchise, he was interested in Vaas because of Michael Mando’s performance. He still doesn’t know him personally but has a friend who worked with him and who spoke about “how electrifying his talent was”. There’s something “unhinged” and “primal” to him as a performer; he’s a “wild” and “special” actor.
Finally, when told he was born to play Joseph, he confessed he felt he was indeed “called” to play this part but wants to give credit to Dan Hay, Drew Holmes, and Jean-Sébastien Décant for creating such a “terrifyingly human” antagonist in the first place.
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bedazzledpiss · 9 months
hi i mentioned bribery in your comments on the pronouns poll. i am here to bribe you with it/its lim life scar.
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(this is all /lh ofc dont feel pressured to do anything, write whatever you want! i just wanted to be silly and wanted an excuse to draw lim life scar)
I do love a good bribe
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its-a-me-mango · 14 days
happ birth mangohorse have a ...horse. 🎂
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oh god oh lord get that doctor outta there he's a pony now what the freak!!!
i would've drawn but if i have to pick up a pencil at 8 in the morning i WILL commit atrocities /silly
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enjoy your big ass cake you horse /pos
I have my own ponytown Mango he's nowhere near as cool as yours though, ignore the cigarette he canonically can not smoke it will actually kill him lmao.
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dontbelasagnax · 3 months
Lasagna, I wish to see a wonderful piggy 🥺 if it's not too much trouble
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Live piggy cam!!!! Ziggy came out of his house briefly for hay after some convincing
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spindle-and-nima · 6 months
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Did a big pen clean so you know I gotta take pics to enjoy it because it won't last
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steddie-there · 2 years
"Eddie, I need you," Steve says over the phone, a very un-Steve-like tremor in his voice.
That's all Eddie needs to hear before he's shouting to Dave that he has a family emergency, he'll be back later, and booking it out of the record store and across town to the veterinarian. He's never been so grateful to have such a chill boss.
Steve is pacing in the empty lobby when he gets there, one hand shoved in his pocket and the other running incessantly through his hair. He doesn't stop until Eddie touches his shoulder and then Eddie has an armful of Steve, his face buried in Eddie's neck.
He's shaking so Eddie holds him close, buries a hand in his hair, waits for his trembling to stop.
"What happened, Stevie?" he asks and his voice is gentle, as gentle as he can make it, but Steve still curls inward. Eddie rubs soothing circles into his back.
"The hay bag," Steve finally whispers. "I heard it fall, thought it was far enough away from his cage. So I didn't check. But when I walked past, he'd chewed a hole in it and I don't know if he swallowed any and oh god what if he did what if he has a blockage what if -" he breaks off, his breath hitching.
Eddie presses a kiss to his forehead, pulls him over to the chairs. Tucks his hands into Steve's, lets him hold them bone-crushingly tight, lets him fiddle with his rings. Presses their foreheads together and whispers soothingly.
They wait.
It feels like hours but can't be more than 45 minutes before they're called back to a room. Paul is staring up at them from the doc's arms, calmly chewing a piece of hay into his mouth.
The doc smiles, tells them he's fine, no blockage, and Eddie lets out a breath of relief, feels Steve sag against him.
"So he's okay?" Eddie asks.
"Perfectly healthy," she confirms. "Although maybe the tiniest bit heavier than he should be. How many treats is he getting a day?"
Steve furrows his brow. "Just two hay treats. Three every once in a while."
Eddie doesn't say anything, glances down at the floor, scratches at the back of his head. Steve turns his head to look at him. Eddie breaks.
"...he's good at begging, all right? He rattles the cage and then he looks up at me and. He's just. Really cute. And sometimes I give him a couple extras."
Steve bites his lip and his shoulders start shaking again.
"Steve, what... are you okay...?"
Steve bursts out laughing. It's relief and joy and amusement all wrapped into one and it's infectious and soon Eddie is laughing, too, and even the doc is chuckling and Paul is staring at them all with big black bunny eyes.
"Just, maybe lay off the treats a little," she says when they're all just grinning at each other.
"Yes, ma'am" Eddie promises, crossing his heart.
"Will do," Steve grins as he takes Paul from her arms, puts him in his little pink travel kennel.
He turns to Eddie, a gentle smile on his face. "Let's go home."
Later, curled up on the couch, Paul flopped over their laps and the tv low, Steve leans his head on Eddie's shoulder. "Thanks for putting up with my freak out. For being there."
Eddie turns to Steve, kisses the side of his head. "Sunshine, I'd do anything for you. And for this little bastard, too," he says, tapping the white spot on Paul's head. He flicks an ear in Eddie's direction but otherwise doesn't move.
"Even stop giving him extra treats?" Steve asks, a smirk in his voice.
"Yeah, even that," Eddie says as they both dissolve into quiet giggles.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 7
ao3: And Rabbit Makes Three
My real life inspiration behind Paul the rabbit
Also, credit for this idea goes to my roommate @steddiehawkins, who also inspired Eddie giving Paul extra treats since she definitely doesn't give my rabbit extra treats because of how cute he is and how much she loves him. She would neeeeeeever do that 😉😜
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stclli · 4 months
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bareillyki-barfi · 4 months
sorry but everytime I look at ur url my mind goes
"bareilly wale dhumke pe jiya lalchaaye kamar lachkaaye toh laakho gir jaaye"
Kaahe maare re taana, Kyun banta hai sayana
Na main teri gujariya,Na tu mera deewana…
Sweety tera..
Hoye.. Sweety tera drama macha de humgama
Ladayein jo nazaraiya julam hoyi gawa
Haan tere hain deewane, Tu maane ya na maane
Arey sun le gujariya balam hoyi gaya
( 2am pe vibe krne vala gaana hai mast 😋🤝 @iluvthesky c'mon will vibe together)
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akalegos · 5 months
rvb19 coming out when i should be grinding for my convention THIS WEEK is gen so bad for my work ethic cause all i can think is "i want to make rvb merch"
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mangjeolie · 5 months
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+ SUMARIO, de izquierda a derecha / arriba a abajo:
Noche anterior al vuelo tomado hacia Berna, para empezar el programa de la academia. Había ido al cine con amigues.
Algunas prendas que usaría para una fiesta benéfica organizada por amigues de su familia paterna.
Cachorritos que se encontró en la calle.
Inguk, su mejor amigo, un día cualquiera después del gym. Se conocieron cuando Inguk era cadete.
Selfie, una mañana libre cualquiera.
Haciendo bouldering.
Para una cita a ciegas que le organizó Inguk (salió mal).
Un atardecer cualquiera en el cuartel de hwaseong.
Foto tomada el día que tuvo un reencuentro con una amiga de la infancia. Fuero a un museo y más tarde a una cafetería.
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Compagnia e\o giochi negli ask? Rispondo appena riesco! ✨✨
(stasera mi annoio e la voglia non aiuta!😭)
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candyn-gutz · 3 months
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want u to know i saw this picture and thought of u (hope you're doing well today btw :3)
HELP IM CRYING... thank you<3 this is literally what i look like tbh. saving this for. future use <.<
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okayto · 2 years
Momiji the rabbit: hay
Me: there is hay in your feeder. there is hay on your litter box. there is hay in a box right next to your food and water.
Momiji, attempting to jump five feet up to the 25-pound box on top of a table: hAY
Me: you have so much hay already. straight from that box. it is the exact same.
Momiji, scrabbling desperately at cardboard: HAY MOTHER HAY
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television-overload · 10 months
Okay okay yes I got distracted from writing the Boxed In chapter of Tiva In Every Episode but IN MY DEFENSE
I am here to inform you that the plot of the Bollywood movie Tony and Ziva find in the crates in the box is about a man who becomes a father and loses his wife in the same day!!! And then flashes forward to him as a single dad with an 8 year old daughter!!
Anyway I'm not thinking of any parallels or anything. Why would I do that, doesn't sound like me
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churchofsatannews · 19 days
The Metro #740
This week on The Metro, Rev. Jeff Ivins brings you the following artists to please your 80s fix: Spandau Ballet, Glass Tiger, Living in a Box, China Crisis, Shriekback, Wall Of Voodoo, Waterboys, ABC, Colin Hay, Simply Red, Q-Feel, The Cult, Jackson Browne, Daryl Hall and John Oates, and finishing up with Phil Collins. Stream The Metro #740. Download The Metro #740.
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