#hawks wings disappearing???? the freedom being taken away from him??
exvelovly · 9 months
lowkey just read 410 rn and i gyat some questions
guys i can’t DO THIS ANYMORE
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falling-pages · 3 years
A bird? A bird: Hikaru x Haruhi
in which drunk Hikaru is a mood.
Hikaru Hitachiin x Haruhi Fujioka
Enemies to lovers, non-host club au, aged up au.
TW: Drinking
The disgust lingered in the back of his throat like iron, like a bad pill you swallow but not fast enough. He fumbled the chaser to his liquor, and now he was stuck with the gross aftertaste. The refuge of his office, where he gulped down air like water, could only last so long. He couldn’t even go out in the common area, break room or restroom without having to see her--and for that, for taking away his freedom and social butterfly antics, he hated her.
Every time he saw her cute little snarl and tight little bun and stiff black skirts enraged him, filling his blood with a heat he didn’t know how to deal with. Despite her short height, she held her nose in the air as she worked, the only way she could look down on everyone like she so desperately craved. Always propping up her law degree, well this and actually that, ruining any jokes he made with a deadpan stare. She messed with his head, distracted him from his work, and for that she must go.
As much as he had tried to get her fired--and he had tried--nothing made the boss budge. He tried pulling rank, as the head of the software department; he tried using his parents’ names; nothing worked.
She’s doing a stellar job, the bossman had said. And, she’s our lawyer. If we did fire her for no reason, she would sue us into the ground.
I do have a reason, Hikaru retorted. She annoys me.
It wouldn’t hold up in court, but it seemed good enough for him.
Hikaru inhaled deeply through his nose, grounding himself by gripping his desk. Surrounded by all his trophies and achievements, he still could only think of her. He had to handle this, or else he’d go insane, but he had no idea where to start.
Kaoru. Kaoru would know what to do.
He rose from his chair, taking one last look behind him at the stained glass city through his clear glass window. Despite it only being mid-afternoon, the city was pulsing and alive with color, birds dive-bombing for food, vendors hawking at passersby, tourists mixing and bumping into natives. Tokyo was loud, and crazy, and alive, where he knew he belonged and longed to be. Even nature was straining at its leash for the workday to end, eager to celebrate the Friday night.
He turned back and shut the lights off in his office, stuffing his hands in his pockets as he walked. His department was rather quiet, having given his employees the afternoon off. If Haruhi knew, she would chide him, but they were so far ahead of schedule that he couldn’t risk them burning out.
Once up the stairs and around the corner, he heard his brother’s voice laughing and chatting and speak of the devil, she’s here.
It shouldn’t have surprised him. Karou and Haruhi were surprisingly great friends; he tended to mellow her out, help her unwind from the stick up her ass. He just had that calming effect on people.
As soon as he saw her, Hikaru spun a 180 and turned right back around the corner, and Haruhi would have let him, but Karou intervened.
“Hika! Come over here!” he waved, a bright smile splitting his face. “Haruhi was just telling me how much she liked you!”
Haruhi seethed, switching to a guarded pose as soon as she saw him. “I certainly was not.”
“Oh, right, my bad, she was telling me how much she liked your latest game patch,” Kaoru apologized, but it was the furthest thing from sincere. “Tell us about how you came up with it. Haruhi would love to pick your brain.”
Hikaru smirked, testing the waters as he approached. “Is that true, Fujioka?”
She frowns, pushing her bridge up her glasses up her nose. God, those glasses. She looked so dumb in them, making her eyes seem so wide, so innocent, so...pretty. All he wanted to do was pluck them off her face and laugh as she jumped for them, reaching and whining.
“I mean, it’s original, for sure,” she said. His cheeks warmed at the praise, even as she squirmed. “And it should market well, and you didn’t infringe on anyone’s copyright this time.”
That wasn’t my fault. He took the compliment with a grain of salt, biting back, “Still in the whole get-up, I see. Not much for casual Fridays?”
As amber eyes raked down her body, Haruhi concealed the shiver that ran down her spine. “No, actually, because I didn’t go to law school to wear jeans every day at work.”
“You didn’t go to law school to become a smartass, either, but here we are.”
“OKAY!” Kaoru exclaimed, jumping up between them. “Friday afternoon, yeah? Any big plans for the weekend?”
Both instigators ignored him. “That’s the uniform, you know. We tend to be pretty laid back around here.”
“Lawyers can’t be laid back. Laziness and a laissez-faire attitude is how we get sued.”
Hikaru stretched, rolling his eyes. “Woah, woah, pardon your French.”
Haruhi shook her head, and a few mismanaged strands of hair fell from her bun to brush against her neck. Her pink lips perched in contempt, and she looked so fragile, squinting behind her thick-framed glasses, that he couldn’t help but notice how tight her shirt was, tucked into a pencil skirt that hugged so tastefully over her--
“Hika!” Kaoru suddenly exclaimed. “Honey wants to know if we’re still down for drinks tonight.”
His saving grace. “Oh, my God, yes,” he moaned, salivating already at the thought of tequila burning down his throat. Washing the week away was just what he needed, especially with the way this conversation was going.
And then Kaoru did the unthinkable: With his award-winning smile, he turned to Haruhi and asked, “Would you like to come?”
Hikaru could have strangled him.
But God heard his prayers, and the resident buzzkill shook her head. “Thank you, but sorry. I don’t drink.”
“No surprise there,” Hikaru murmured.
Kaoru definitely heard that, but if Haruhi did, she didn’t react. He shot his twin a look, a be polite etched into the lines of his brow.
“Sad,” Kaoru said. He bent over to pick up his work bag, stuffing his bento within and waving to Haruhi. “Maybe next time? We can go out for boba or something.”
Haruhi smiled--Hikaru didn’t think he had ever seen that before. It did something to him; suddenly, he felt as if his body was shaking, like his throat was full of needles, like he had taken one too many to the head.
“Yeah, I’d like that,” she said, and the smile disappeared when she looked at him. She gave them both a quick nod. “Have a great weekend.”
“See you Monday!”
Hikaru waited until they were out the door before punching his twin in the arm, hard enough to make him yelp.
“Dude, watch it,” Kaoru snapped, brushing over the mussed fabric of his cardigan sleeve. “It’s cashmere.”
“Stop flirting with her.”
Kaoru stopped in his tracks. A cloudy sky obscured the smirk on his face. “Woah, what’s got you so worked up?”
Hikaru kept stomping towards their subway stop, too lost in his own anger to notice who he had left behind. “‘M not worked up,” he retorted. “But you’re dating Kyoya. You shouldn’t be flirting with a girl.”
Kaoru skipped to catch up, joining him as they descended the stairs. “Kyoya said it’s fine if I flirt, as long as I come home to him every night.”
It took everything in Hikaru to keep him from shoving his brother into the sad, drab gray stone walls. He couldn’t put a finger on the irritation nettling just below his skin, or why the first layer of his heart seemed to simmer whenever he caught them talking to each other. All he could figure out was that it burned, and it made him hate her even more.
When he stayed silent, Kaoru knew he was right. He preened as he dug around for his subway card. “Boba isn’t a date.”
“Of course it is.”
“Then maybe you should ask her out on one.”
By then they were at the platform, waiting for their train. As the whistle signaled its approach, Hikaru very seriously considered pushing Kaoru onto the tracks.
“Tch. Over my dead body.”
“Then you can’t be jealous.”
“I’m not--”
Hikaru threw a punch when the train approached, distracting him and allowing Kaoru to live to see another day. As they hurried on, Hikaru couldn’t get his mind out of the gutter--or off her.
Jealous. Pshhh.
-- - -- -- - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“I dunno, senpai, she just….she makes me feel something. Whenever she talks to me it’s like my hands are on fire, and my head hurts, and I feel like….like she’s stabbing me. There’s something going on in my chest, like a, like a--a bird. There’s a bird or a butterfly or something with wings in my stomach, and I don’t like it.”
Hikaru knocked back a shot and signaled for another one, eyes bleary as he tried to find the bartender. There were three of them, or maybe that was just how blurry his vision was, but he didn’t care; as long as one of them saw him and passed him another round, he’d tip them the moon.
Mitsukuni watched his friend wave to no one, the effect of one too many fireballs in the span of just two hours. He hadn’t seen Hikaru this hammered since college--and now, at 27, it just looked more like a cry for help than an occasion to let loose. And without Kaoru, who had already gone home with Kyoya and the rest of their friend group, on babysitting duty, Mitsukuni was the one left to make sure he got into a cab.
“A bird?” he asked, watching as Hikaru swung his head in confirmation.
“A bird.” A bartender came back with another shot, handing it to the redhead and giving Mitsukuni a questioning look. He waved at him, confirming he was the babysitter, and the waiter turned back around.
“Tell me about that.”
Hikaru gripped his cup, tonguing at the rim like a sippy cup. “It’s fluttering around, Honey. It’s--hiccup--like, moving. Whenever I see her or talk to her my heart just begins to pound.”
Mitsukuni bit back a smile. His vodka cran lay forgotten on the bar, but this experience was just too amusing to violate with alcohol. “And what do you think that means?”
“Means she’s gonna kill me.”
“Kill you?” His eyebrows shot up. “Why is that?”
Hikaru slurped the shot, spilling some down his chin, and Mitsukuni was fairly sure it was just plain water. “Because. She’s mean, senpai. She looks at me like she’s studying, like she’s gonna slice me in half. Like...I dunno. Like I mean something to her.”
Mistukuni twisted his wedding ring, inching closer to the discovery. He’s almost there, almost recognizing what the rest of the friend group has known for months. “And if you mean something to her, why does your heart flutter?”
“Acid reflux.”
“No, Hikaru.” He gently swatted the other man’s hand down before he could ask for another drink. “It sounds like the beginnings of love, to me.”
Hikaru gaped, not a thought behind those eyes, until it hit him like a wrecking ball. His fist fell to the bar, thudding, but he felt no pain. Only existential dread and a rocketing realization.
“Oh, fuck.”
If you like what I write, please considering buying a coffee :)
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burntmcnuggies · 4 years
Effectively Trained (2/2)
Yandere! Hawks x Reader
Warning: this story contains non-consensual touching, forced sex, mentions of serious harm and abuse, kidnapping, and excessive use of strong language! 18+ only please <3
Part One
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Today was finally the day that the young malnourished woman was finally going to get a taste of freedom. She forgot what it even tasted like after a year of being locked up. She wore a beautiful white sundress, something Hawks had gotten her for a date in the house. Her head peeked out from the bathroom, no make up whatsoever on her face remembering rule 13. There luckily wasn’t a rule about styling her hair. She had a cute braided bun with a shiny feathery pendent Hawks got her to keep it up and neat. She had a small leather brown purse to accompany her, the pro hero’s credit card snuggly tucked away in a small wallet. Excited was an understatement, she was ecstatic to go off in her own. Sort of.
“K-Keigo? I’m ready.” She called out for him, awaiting his approval on her outfit. The messy haired hero sent a feather through the door, the barbs poking lightly at her back to get her to move towards the door. She quietly and quickly obeyed and walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen where he had a toothbrush between his teeth, only clad in a pair of grey boxers. His wings were droopy against the floor, utterly relaxed in the comfort of his own home. His avian eyes peered up to approve of her attire. He frowned. “That outfit was only meant for my eyes, dove. Buuut...” He trailed off and scratched at his chin. She spent a year studying his body language, and immediately knew he was considering letting her go with the dress. His feathers fluffed up and rose from their droopy state back to life against his back. “Alright. Think of this as an apology for fucking you unconscious last night.”
“Th-Thank you Keigo...” She voiced her gratefulness and walked over towards him, slowly placing a chaste kiss onto his soft lips. He smirked and cooed in approval of her actions. A scarlet red feather drifted from his wings and he nestled the feather within her hair neatly, luckily it was one of his smallest feathers. “I’ll be a bit more lenient today with some of the rules. Gotta try and act as normal as possible or else people will get suspicious you’re some drug dealer or somethin’ like that.” He chuckled and ran his hands down her sides, admiring the way she looked in the dress he’d gotten her. He stared down at her seriously and his eyes glinted in warning. “Now don’t forget the rules though, dove. It would be a shame if you never saw a lick of light ever again.”
Her face paled. She nodded anxiously and hugged him tightly, burying her face deeply into his chest, almost as if she was trying to merge herself with him. “Glad you understand, dove.” He pried her off of him and smiled down at her with a careless smile, perceived as a ‘you better not fuck up today’ from his lover. He tilted her chin up and stared into her eyes, admiring their lovely color. “Your eyes are still so beautiful. Even when you’re scared out of your pants. Get going before I change my mind.” She quickly obeyed his orders, scrambling out of the apartment and to the elevator. Her heart was hammering harshly against her chest being away from Hawks. It was almost like a dream. ‘Why am I so anxious? Shouldn’t I be happy to be away from him? Why do I feel this way...’
His abuse had beaten her down. She now even felt uneasy without him by her side. Yes he went on hero business regularly and she would be alone in the house, but she would be locked up in his bedroom, everything that smelled like him, gave her comfort. She was crazy for missing him, but after a year of only having contact with him, no matter how bad it was, she was now terrified of the outside world. She even forgot how to use an elevator. Her sweaty hands clenched onto her purse, her body trembling a bit. ‘I thought... I wanted to go out, but I want to go back home! I want to go back to Hawk-‘ She stopped her inner thoughts once the red feather nestled in her hair came out neatly and nuzzled against her cheek.
He could sense her nervousness. Hearing her heartbeat, feeling the vibrations of her shaking body. When she obeyed, he treated her like an angel. Just like now, while she was scared to death, he comforted her with a small feather. Her fingers gently touched the soft yet sharp barbed object, smiling softly at his comforting act. ‘I... like when Hawks is like this. Sweet and caring, and not like... his really possessive side...’ She shivered and gently pushed the feather back into her hair as soon as the elevator doors opened. Her mouth hung open seeing the bright and beautiful lobby. Hawks always flew her out to events, so she’d never gotten to see the lobby. She looked around nervously and quickly exited the building before someone could speak to her.
Once she was outside, for the first time actually being free, she felt her heart speed up a bit at the sight. Birds were flying cheerfully in the sky. So blue, so beautiful, and the sun kissed her face, welcoming her to the true beauty of the world. The wind blew gently against her face, and the smell of spring whisked through her nose, urging her to venture more. She stepped out and smiled genuinely, looking around the city at all of the lively people, the shops, the busy streets, leisurely heroes on patrol. So normal, so peaceful to her. A part of her still wanted to go home however, but she pushed that thought away and pushed on.
First stop, grocery grocery store.
She grabbed the small metal cart and began to push it slowly through the store, examining all the foods stocked up on the walls everywhere. Her stomach growled hungrily seeing all the food. ‘Only take what you need...’ She thought to herself. By the end of her journey she had three bags of chips, four packs of chicken tenders, three packs of ground chuck, two loaves of bread, enough coffee for Hawks, some coffee for her, tea, soda, candy, gum, feminine products, Plan B, crackers, bananas, apples, vegetables, eggs, and even a cake. People looked at her as if she was crazy. Her cart was stacked as high as possible. ‘Oops... I went over board... at least we won’t have to go to the store anytime soon.’
“Okay ma’am. The total today is 436.35.” Her face paled drastically. She went WAY overboard. She didn’t make eye contact or even look up at him while she pulled Hawks’ thick black credit card out, silently handing it to him. “Uhm, you just insert it there ma’am.” Her face lit up in embarrassment and she put the card in the small slot. It was backwards. “You have to put that yellow chip in.” She nodded quietly, putting the chip inside the slot. She watched as the small reader lit up and asked for her pin. It was Hawks’ card, and she didn’t know the pin. She began to panic. They would know it wasn’t her card and think she stole it, especially from the number two hero. It was like her lover read her mind. The short feather drifted from her hair and drifted over the reader, carefully pushing the pin in and pressing enter.
The cashier’s jaw was dropped all the way to the floor. There was no mistaking the signature red feather that floated as if it had a mind of its own. The clerk looked up at the woman and saw her slowly whisper to the feather. In a flash, more feathers came bolting into the store, careful to avoid people and whisk to grab the bags of groceries. “Th-Thank you, Hawks... s-Sorry...” she whispered softly to the feather in front of her. Of course it didn’t respond and went back into her hair. She smiled softly at the card and took it, putting it back into her wallet. People were staring at her, all eyes focused on the feathers surrounding her. They all slowly disappeared once she stepped out of the store.
Second stop, book store.
Because Hawks had taken her phone and didn’t allow her to have one, all she could do was read books. If anyone knew the lazy hero at all, they would know what a glutton he is. He likes to eat, sleep, and go on leisurely patrols that he never gets. The only book he had in his possession was an autobiography by Destro, a villain. She had already read the book cover to cover. It was an enjoyable read, but she couldn’t completely understand the stuff mentioned. She picked out a couple of sweet romance books, fantasy, thrillers, and cooking books. Once she was at check out, she reluctantly put the romance books back, worried Hawks would be angry. Once she check out, she once again asked if Hawks would kindly take the books to their home.
He obliged, even though he was all the way on the other side of town. Luckily they were only small bags of books and not a trunk full of groceries. As a break before going to the park, she stopped by a small little café for a coffee and a snack. Once she had received her items she went to sit at a table outside. Her body was slowly getting used to being free again, and having the luxury of being her own person once more. “Excuse me.” She recognized that voice. Her head jerked up to see the number one hero standing tall above her. His intimidating gaze was fixated on the feather stuck neatly in her hair, showing off to him that this indeed was Hawks’ lover. “Can I sit here?”
She only slightly nodded, instantly regretting her decision once she felt the feather begin to vibrate. The quickly shook her head in disapproval to his actions, but it was already too late. He had sat across from her with his arms crossed. His posture perfect, gaze intimidating, muscles flexing underneath his tense demeanor. “I’m actually glad I found you, I have a couple questions for you.” She didn’t meet his gaze whatsoever. He huffed in annoyance and started to question her. “I’d like to know your real relationship with Hawks. You were acting very skittish at the event last night. Why is that?”
No answer.
“You know it’s rude to ignore someone. Maybe you are Hawks lover. Taking on his childish ways.” Her head slowly raised, and the pro hero was shocked to see tears spilling from her eyes. Terror stricken down to the core of her body, her hands now shaking in the small cup of coffee she had in her fingers. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you. Let me-“ he reached his hand out awkwardly trying to offer a bit of comfortable support. He’s been trying to become a better hero ever since he became number one, so fan service and reassuring people were all new to him. Why not start with Hawks’s girlfriend? “DON’T TOUCH ME!!!” She shrieked unexpectedly. Everyone was now looking at her and the pro. The next words that fell from her mouth sealed her fate. “HE’LL HURT ME AGAIN!!!”
Hurt her? Again?
Endeavor narrowed his eyes. “Again? What do you mean again? Is Hawks hurting you?” (Y/N) snapped her hand to her mouth quickly, realizing she had fucked up. She jerked her head around and saw everyone staring at her. She stood quickly, starting to back up as tears streamed down her face. Endeavor stood and reached out for her again, but in a flash of red, Hawks was in between them, making a loud thump on the ground alerting everyone of his presence. The look in his eyes held pure rage, his wings outstretched wide, showing a dominant stance over Endeavor, feathers fluffed to the brim displaying his anger. His eyes suddenly focused on civilians and he gave a cheeky smile.
“Baby bird!! You okay? Nobody hurt you did they?” He asked with worry, turning to face her. The woman lunged into his arms, sobbing into his chest and muttering a sloppy slur of apologies. Hawks’ arms immediately went around her waist, holding her deathly close, his thick gloved fingers digging into her sides as punishment. She only cried harder and shouted apologies, causing a huge scene. The winged-hero smiled warmly and rubbed her back soothingly. “It’s alright dove, I’ve got ya now.” Even though his voice was warm and reassuring to everyone, the woman in his arms understood the hidden emotion behind them. Utter rage. He looked at Endeavor and waved his hand lazily. “Sorry about that folks! Didn’t mean to interrupt you! Endeavor, could I talk to you?”
“Good. I need to talk to you too, Hawks.” Endeavor spoke, a bit of venom dripping off his voice. ‘Could Hawks really be hurting this woman? Judging by her actions, it seems that way.’ His cyan eyes followed Hawks’ movements, watching carefully as the number two hero whispered into her ear. He took great note of how the feathers of his wings fluffed up more, standing on edge almost. A pair of harsh, angry, possessive, golden avian eyes collided with a sea of turquoise, wings spreading further towards the sky in warning. “Come to my agency later. We can talk then.” He turned around and held his woman close to him, wings lowering slightly as he was about to take off. Before he did, he turned with the angriest face Endeavor had ever seen on him. “And don’t you dare... reach for my beautiful angel ever again.”
‘If he just wanted me to meet him here he should’ve said that instead of sending me on a wild goose chase.’ The flame hero stood in front of the number two hero’s door, knocking three times. After he received no answer he knocked harsher. He could slightly hear scrambling coming from the other side, followed by the flapping of wings and a deep laugh. Hawks was the one who opened the door, only in a pair of sweatpants and covered in sweat. “Nice of you to finally join us, Endeavor. You’re a bit late.” The flames around his face glowed brighter, displaying his irritation with Hawks’ lazy behavior. He huffed and pushed passed. “Can’t even fix yourself to greet a guest. How-“
He stopped immediately once he saw the damage Hawks had caused. There on the floor laid his lover, in her beautiful sundress covered in hickeys and love bites, her head dizzy with her legs shaking. Hawks smirked smugly and feigned his surprise. “Oh man! Sorry Edneavor, just couldn’t keep my hands of her ya know?” The winged man walked closer towards his lover and pulled her up by the hair, smirking and giving her a small kiss. The woman winced and lowered her head obediently awaiting the next order. “Go clean up, we’ve got a guest. The number one! Don’t wanna look bad and ruin my reputation do you?” She shook her head desperately and stumbled up, rushing to the bedroom, small drops heard as she ran with her dress on. Hawks snickered and grunted. “Makin’ a bigger mess now. Droppin’ all of my cum outta her loose pussy. Guess I gotta teach her better, huh Endeavor?”
“What the hell is this Hawks? Some kind of sick joke?” Endeavor became angry at the way Hawks was just treating this random woman he didn’t know like some useless toy. Hawks only blinked, his wings fluffing up, but his face showed a fake cheeky smile. “Nope, that’s my beautiful baby bird. She likes to be beat, have her abused cunt full of my fuckin’ cum til she can’t move anymore.” Endeavor wasn’t believing that lie one bit. Hawks’ aggressive behavior earlier revealed enough that he was purely jealous. The number one hero knew about abuse, he’d done it, and regretted it ever since. His family hated him, he killed one of his sons, or so he believes. Seeing Hawks take such a path, it was disappointing and disgusting. “I want to talk to her.”
Hawks’ feathers were standing on edge now, fluffing more and more, his anger overflowing, but he still displayed that stupid smile. “Sure thing! Lemme go get ‘er for ya.” He turned around, back littered with painful scratch marks, feathers missing from the bottom of his large wings. A few feathers came off, floating to life, but he didn’t get too far before Endeavor stopped him. “Let her clean up, I’ve already canceled plans for this.” Hawks smirked and turned back towards him, shrugging his shoulders and using the feathers he sent to clean up the mess on the floor and couch. Soon the winged-hero’s lover returned all cleaned up and everything. “Come ‘ere dove.” He offered his hand out to her, to which she quickly took and went straight into his arms.
“Can I talk to you privately miss (Y/N)?” She shook her head quickly, but Hawks was quick to intervene. His wings possessively came around her, shielding her from his suspicious gaze. “Awe come on Endeavor. We’re a pair here, whatever you gotta say to her you can to me too.” (Y/N)’s eyes slowly peeked out, and she finally met Endeavors gaze. That look, he’d seen it before. It screamed, ‘help me!’ And that’s just what he was going to do. “I just want to talk to her.” He glared at Hawks, demanding he leave them both alone. The hero’s feathers fluffed, but he shrugged passively. “Alright. Don’t make any moves on my girl ya here?” He joked and walked away, his wings twitching occasionally.
The two sat in silence.
Her eyes were locked on Endeavors, hoping to convey her message through sight. However, any move she made, murmur under her breath, nothing would go unnoticed by Hawks. He was listening. A scarlet red feather was carefully hidden under the couch, where her eyes could barely even see. Her eyes moved in a quick motion, indicating she wanted him to look down. Cyan eyes moved down to lay on the feather on the floor. He understood the situation very clearly now. A bold move was made, he grabbed her hand and stood. “Let’s chat some other time.” She smiled softly and mouthed a soft thank you. Her eyes stared at the hero before her in admiration. Someone willing to help her.
Maybe she would finally be free?
“Be careful until then. Don’t let him do that anymore. I know a thing or two about what he’s doing. It cost me everything.” He knew Hawks was listening. It was a threat. The feather shook under the couch, displaying a hidden anger. (Y/N) nodded gratefully. Her heart rate was already accelerating at the thought of having a normal life again. Sure it would take time to adjust not being near Hawks, but she would eventually have an ordinary life again. Endeavor was hesitant to leave her by herself with the presumed hero. Worry settled in his gut, and he ultimately turned and walked out the door, his fists clenched. ‘She’ll be alright until tomorrow. I’ll bring back up if I need it, something tells me Hawks isn’t going to let her go anytime soon.’
Once that door was closed, feathers came and harshly jabbed into her back, shoving her down to the ground. She cried out in pain as blood poured from the wounds, and the stinging pain ached in her chest. “You fucking slut.” He calls out darkly, wings spread menacingly, feathers fluffed, pupils shrunken as he approached her. Her body was still aching and weak from his lustfully powerful assault on her before Endeavor got there. “You let him touch you, you fucking looked at him with those beautiful eyes that were only meant for me. ME!” His voice wasn’t as angry as she expected it to be, sure it sounded furious, but there was desperation evident. She looked back and was horrified by what she found.
He was crying.
Though his eyes showed complete and utter rage, salty tears still cascaded down his soft cheeks, hurt by her continued disobedience and want to get away. “Why... why do you continue to fuckin’ disobey me?! Don’t I do everything for you? I’m your favorite hero remember?! You’re my angel! My beautiful dove! MY MATE!!” Her eyes were wide, pupils shrunk in fear, her body stiff as a board. He brought a feather blade up in his hand, and without even thinking he began to take out his rage. Hawks had snapped. His hand moved repeatedly, shouting angrily and hurling insults. “ALL YOU HAD TO DO WAS LISTEN!! BUT ALL YOU WERE WAS A DISOBEDIENT LITTLE BITCH!!! YOU FUCKIN’ UNGRATEFUL SLUT!!!!” Her screams fell upon his deaf ears, too blinded by rage and sadness to even acknowledge anything else. He continued to shout, bringing the feather down again, hot liquid splattering onto his abdomen. “WHY DO YOU CONTINUE TO HURT ME?! YOU’RE ALL I HAVE LEFT!! I-I DO EVERYTHING AND YOU STILL DON’T LOVE ME?!?! WHY!!!! TELL ME WHY!!!!”
He stopped. His wide terrified eyes casting downwards to look at the horrific sight before him. There on the floor laid his lover, his baby bird, his angel, his dove, his everything. Multiple stab wounds were present in her stomach, arms, legs, and feathers had stuck harshly to her arms, hands, and feet, keeping her pinned to the ground while he assaulted her. Those beautiful eyes he loved, were now dull and lifeless, slowly losing color. “(Y-Y/N)? H-Hey dove... get up. Come on baby bird. Come ‘ere.” He opened his arms with a reassuring smile. She didn’t move. His eye twitched, tears welling up. “Baby? Come on, let’s just go to bed. I’ll tuck ya in, get you some chicken. I promise I won’t hurt you again okay? How does that sound?”
No response.
He was beginning to lose it now. What had he done? “Get up.” He ordered sternly, his teeth grit tightly, his fists shaking while his wings slowly began to lose their strength and slump against the floor. He reached down and grabbed her shirt she’d put on, pulling her up and angrily glaring. “I said; get up.” He demanded. Once again she didn’t move. Accepting what he’d done, he fell to his knees in front of her lifeless body, his avian eyes wide with tears streaming down his face. He’d fucked up. He hurt her really bad this time. He killed her. His feathers couldn’t even pick up the soft thumping of her heart. It was gone. “No... what have I done...? I’m sorry... come back... please come back...”
“COME BACK!!!!!”
“Isn’t this Hawks’ place?”
“Yeah, a couple neighbors said they heard loud yelling and crying last night, along with a bunch of banging.”
The two officers assigned to check out Hawks’ apartment were lazily conversing while they debated whether to actually go in or not. They believed the number two hero would defend himself easily, that this was probably nothing. One officer raised his hand and knocked on the door, only to discover the door was already unlocked. They both immediately looked at each other and pulled their weapons, slowly opening the door. Blood was splattered all over the floor, feathers evident everywhere. There was the faint sound of laughing coming distantly from the bedroom. The officers carefully explored the house, making their way to Hawks’ bedroom. As soon as they arrived and saw him, they went to his aid.
“Hawks! Are you alright? What happened?!” The pro hero was sat slumped in front of his closet with a dreamy smile on his face. The whole right side of his face was abused and dripping blood. His pants and shirt were stained completely, the irony spell infecting his nose and numbing his body. Once the officer got to him, his stomach churned in terror. A sharp feather was held in the hero’s shaking hand, covered in blood. His right eye was missing, lazily laid on the floor beside him. In place of his eye was a sloppily positioned beautiful lifeless (E/C) one. “What... what happened?” Hawks didn’t even acknowledge the man, only continued to stare into his closet. The officer slowly looked up to the closet, and froze in horror.
There in his closet, stained in blood and littered in feathers was the pro hero’s lover, (Y/N) (L/N). Her right eye was also missing, revealing to the officer that Hawks was the one that killed her, carved her eye out and placed it in himself. “She... is with me forever.” He announced weakly, his lips stretching into a sadistically terrifying grin. His hands shook and his wings rose up shakily, spreading them wide as if he was still trying to impress her. “She’ll always be with me... can you see angel? Can you see what I did for you?” The officer called out for his partner and pinned Hawks to the ground, bringing his radio to his mouth and calling for an ambulance and back up. The hero still kept his eyes on his woman, smiling at her while blood continued to gush from his wounds.
“We’re together forever angel~”
Endeavor slowly opened the door to Hawks’ room. Dressed in black with two guards beside him. Guilt bubbled in his stomach and he felt like he was going to vomit. If only he had stayed with her and not left her alone with Hawks, maybe this wouldn’t have happened. He read reports about the carnage he had caused. He still couldn’t believe Hawks was even capable of such a thing. His cyan eyes rose to meet the crazed figure laying in a bed, scarlet wings absent from his back. The former pro hero’s head was wrapped, a patch covering the eye he had torn out himself. His wings tightly wrapped and stripped of the feathers, preventing the growth of anymore deadly weapons sprouting. Hawks smiled and waved.
“Heya Endeavor! Thanks for joining us!” He carelessly removed the wrappings from his head, his face swollen and damaged. His idol stood before him, visiting him and his lover, he wanted to look his best —and show off his beautiful lover. “(Y/N) says hi too.” He slowly opens both his eyes, a golden eye in the left, a (E/C) eye in the right, fully functional. The doctors had made a drastic decision to go ahead and replace Hawks’ eye with the one he forcibly replaced. The sight would forever haunt Endeavor to the core. He would always be remembered of his mistake. His mistake that cost an innocent girl her life. “We’re glad you came to visit. There’s so much we wanna talk about!”
‘I’ve learned my lesson, (Y/N). I’ll never take my anger out on you again. Now we’ll live together, forever, and no one can separate us!’
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vixenpen · 4 years
Caged Hearts
((Hawks x Miku(OC))
Chap. 28 The Price You Pay
(Ok first of all, I want to thank y’all for sticking with me through this hot ass MESS of a fic between Keigo x Miku. I can’t believe how many people actually really loved Miku and enjoyed their story. The next 2 chaps will be the Last and then we’ll be moving on to another love story between our favorite avians. Until then, I appreciate and love y’all so much for the support you’ve shown me as I wrote this. Love you guys)
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Keigo cleared the narrow hallway in seconds, and still the flames pierced through his coat.
“I missed this, Tweety,” Dabi laughed. “The way we used to play.”
The entire corridor boiled with heat so intense it made Keigo dizzy. He wanted to take off his jacket, but he couldn’t afford to let down his guard with the manic turquoise eyes of his ex lover piercing him.
His feathers assessed the situation, and it wasn’t great.
Not many ways out.
He didn’t know where the hallway behind Dabi lead to—not that he would take that chance anyway.
There was a door on his end of the hall that lead to a stairwell beside an elevator. Konan and Miku had taken the stairs while Dabi had been distracted, but the man certainly wouldn’t let Keigo get that far.
Another blast of fire came his way.
Keigo pressed against the side of the walls to dodge it.
“Know what I regret most, Keigo?”
The avian narrowed his eyes as the smoke cleared and blue flames danced around the edges of his vision. His lungs burned. He suppressed a cough.
Gotta at least try to escape...
Keigo flew for the doorway as fast as he could, detaching a few feathers ahead of him.
The large, dimly lit stairwell spiralled up several floors. Keigo’s counted at least five.
“I regret that I didn’t get to have more fun with your little girlfriend. Her voice is beautiful. I would have loved to hear her scream more.”
The raspy, taunting voice echoed behind him.
We’re on the Fourth floor from the bottom.
Keigo deducted. He flew upwards and heard the heavy thumping of Dabi’s boot clad feet stomping up the stairs after him.
“Shes expressive like you. High pitched little moans and screams and her wings flutter when she struggles.” Dabi continued.
Ignore him. He’s just trying to get under your skin. He always talks too much when he needs to recover.
Keigo concentrated on keeping his breath even.
“She’s a screamer isn’t she? Cries if you’re too rough, but it’s cute. Bet the two of you break the sound barrier in bed.”
Keigo felt a sudden and overwhelming urge to rip out his feather blade and slice through Dabi’s tracheae, but he wouldn’t waste his ammo that way.
He sensed the heat coming his way before he even felt it. Keigo expanded his wings, flying higher through the echoing stairwell.
“What’s the matter, Birdie?! Don’t feel like talking?”
The thudding of Dabi’s boots disappeared.
Not good.
Keigo thought.
Not good at all...
When he turned around he understood why.
Dabi was using Endeavor’s hovering move to keep himself in the air and he was eye level with Keigo, hands braced for an attack.
Flames shot at him, so fast the man barely had time to dive out of the way.
“Come on, kid!” Dabi laughed. “Let’s talk about us. Let’s talk about what happened. How you sold me out.”
It was much darker and cooler on the bottom floors of the stairwell. Shit! He needed to get back in the air...
But Dabi left him no choice. His flames pummeled Keigo back down, licking at the man’s feathers. Searing them. A short, sharp scream rose from Keigo’s throat. The fire felt as if it had settled into the edges of his mind.
“How you told me you loved me, and wanted to tear down hero society with the rest of us. When you betrayed dear old dad to the public, I actually finally started to believe you.”
Dabi landed on the first floor in front of him.
Boots hitting the concrete with a thud.
Keigo squared up, bracing himself for an attack.
“But you lied, Keigo,” the man rasped. “You lied and you let me down. Poor, Angel, you’ll do the same to her soon, won’t you?”
It was the first time Keigo had really gotten a good look at his ex in long time-not counting their rooftop encounter. Dabi’s handsome, patchwork face was haggard in the places where his normal flesh was still intact, and blood trickled from the dirty staples in his face. Red trails of blood snaked from his eyes like tears and dripped from his jawline.
He sounded rough too. His voice had always been scratchy thanks to the side effects of his quirk and his chain smoking, but now? There was barely a trace of the old Dabi left in his tone.
Keigo gathered himself together as Dabi stepped closer to him and spoke.
“You look like shit.”
A flaming fist came his way, Keigo ducked, grabbing the forearm and flipping Dabi easily to the ground. He weighed nothing anymore. He had never been a big guy to begin with, but jeez.
Dabi sneered, unleashing a dry, humorless chuckle.
“This is your handy work, Tweetie.” The man replied, slowly climbing back to his feet.
He had gotten better as a fighter. Or better at taking hits. Keigo wasn’t sure which.
“What did you think would happen?” Dabi continued as Keigo withdrew a feather blade, and swiped at his stomach. “You got the closest thing I had to a family killed or imprisoned, you left me alive to run. Living with this face as a fugitive of the law.”
Keigo’s stomach clenched. Dammit. No! He couldn’t let Dabi get to him.
Keigo stretched his wings, shooting to the air as Fire engulfed the darkened stairwell in neon blue light. The heat carried him higher, but fuck did it burn.
“You know what your problem is, Keigo?!” Dabi screamed. “Aside from being a liar? You’re a coward.”
Focus on a plan. The avian thought, tightening his grip on his feather blade.
He landed on the fifth story, hiding on the steps. Keigo quieted his breathing and listened. Waiting for Dabi to follow. To strike. To do anything.
“You can’t commit to anything but your duty. You’re so committed to your hero work, that you can never have anything of your own. Love, freedom, money—nothing. Jin may have been a nut case, but he had more autonomy and freedom over his life than you’ve ever had. I’m a screw up, but I live life on my own terms. You? Have you ever chosen yourself, Hawks?”
Keigo froze, grip becoming unbearably tight around his blade.
Don’t freeze! Attack!
“If it came down to it,” Dabi continued, you would compromise Miku for the sake of Japan too, wouldn’t you? Even your precious Angel wouldn’t be good enough.”
Everything happened in a flash of motion.
The blade slipped from Keigo’s hand.
He launched himself from the stairwell in the direction of Dabi’s voice.
The rush of his ex’s flames met his ears as Dabi used his fire to launch himself into the air.
The men were face to face mid-air.
Sweat dripped in Keigo’s eyes, yet and still his glare and bared teeth were focused on Dabi’s twisted grin. The fire wielder snatched Keigo into a tight hug.
The man’s body was boiling hot. It was unbearable even through the hero’s well insulated clothes.
Dabi’s arms locked around him in a vice grip, fire still emitting from his feet to keep them in the air. His burning hands grabbed on to Keigo’s wings and squeezed.
It burned. Fuck—it burned deep in the man’s feathers. It ignited in his head. Made his thoughts foggy.
The villain began to heat up like a furnace, his body heat climbing steadily. Keigo knew this level of heat was too much for Dabi’s body. He was going to take them both out. The man was on a suicide mission.
Textured lips pressed against Keigo’s ear as Dabi taunted: “If you had committed to what you started two years ago and killed me, you wouldn’t be about to die now.”
A humorless huff escaped the avian. His eyes shut against the pain in his head and radiating through his wings.
“You’re right,” a sharp pain stabbed through him.
He felt Dabi’s grip go slack just enough for the avian to push him away.
Dabi’s eyes were wide with shock.
And suddenly everything screeched to a stop.
Keigo’s long, crimson feather was pierced through the man’s gut. Dabi’s ripped undershirt was stained with the blood of his wound and spreading fast.
He gawked at the avian, the flames on the soles of his feet petering out as the life drained slowly from his body.
Keigo’s head pounded, his canines were sharp and bared in a nasty, open mouthed sneer. Something primal swam in his head. Urged him to do his worse to the villain. And with a quick, nasty thought, the avian hero twisted the blade in Dabi’s gut, slicing through his organs.
Dabi coughed out blood; The light in his turquoise eyes fading as his life slipped away right before Keigo.
Finally, a dead Dabi fell, and it felt as if it were happening in slow motion.
Keigo’s breaths rocked through him as he watched Dabi’s lifeless body slam into the cold, concrete floor at the bottom of the stairwell with a nasty, wet crack; body twisting in an awkward position.
Keigo swallowed the bile in his throat as his golden eyes fixated on the sight.
“I’ll never make that mistake again.”
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Devil’s Temptation pt14
Warning: Mob styling warlords
Chapter 14 – Visiting Hours
The thick leather glove felt a little cold on his skin. Over the years of use, it had become soft and supple, yet it was still thick enough for his pet not to puncture it with her lethal talons. Haguro hopped happily from her perch in the small aviary space he had designed for her in his private garden to his gloved hand. Her wings flapped a little as she settled flashing glimpses of her barred body. With dexterous fingers, Nobunaga laced the ankle jesses of the bird around his hand to keep her securely in place.
As Japanese sparrow hawks went Haguro was darker then most he had seen. She was no less beautiful for her uniqueness, in fact, it was something that drew him to her in the first place. She represented the spirit of what he wished for, freedom. She could cast out her wings and fly high over the world below. It must have been a wonderful feeling to know that you could travel so far and not have a care in the world.
Her ability to take down other birds in flight reminded him of the nature of things but it was her eyes. Those yellow orbs staring at him that reminded him he could just as easily be that prey. Maybe not by her claws, but he was always reminded of balance and the fact that someone might come along that was a bigger bird in his cerulean sky. I cannot let that happen.
Nobunaga took out a chicken portion from a bowl of fresh meat he brought with him for the hawk. She sunk her beak into it, yanking it from his fingers and placed it in one of her taloned feet so she could begin tearing parts from it to eat.
“Good girl Haguro.” Nobunaga cooed softly at his pet. The sound of the doors opening into the garden was followed by the heavy footfalls on gravel of someone entering.
“What is it Hideyoshi?” Nobunaga called out as loudly as he dared without scaring the hawk. It didn’t take long for the other man to join him by the bird enclosure.
“I’m sorry Sir but I thought you would like to know that [Name] has left her room.” Hideyoshi announced sounding relieved. It was no secret that he tended to treat everyone around him like family. He was always more than ready to step in and be that big brother figure someone needed. When it came to [Name] it was no exception. There was no denying that she had been liked by all of his men for one reason or another, Nobunaga knew he was also no exception to that rule. She is certainly an interesting one.
“Fascinating. However, she was not a captive here so she is free to do as she wishes.” Nobunaga replied lazily without taking his eyes from his pet, handing it another piece of raw meat.
“Of course, sir. But that was not why I came.”
“Mitsuhide has left and taken her with him.” Hideyoshi’s concerned voice gave Nobunaga pause.
“Has he now? What an entertaining girl she is.” Nobunaga smiled as he witnessed Haguro devour the last of her meal. It was true he had visited [Name] and told her something of Mitsuhide’s past but he didn’t expect such fast results. That would only happen if she still felt a connection strong enough to run to his side. Ignore her own pain enough to show empathy for someone who had done her wrong. What a soft-hearted… No, it’s not just her it's him as well. Could a brief encounter really result in such an unbreakable bond?
“You don’t seem surprised by it.” Hideyoshi had been studying Nobunaga in an effort to try to work out what was happening. It was something he prided himself on, reading between the lines and getting what was wanted for his boss. But since his return, it had been harder to read past the text and the margin for error seemed to cast foreboding shadows everywhere around them.
“At this point Hideyoshi I would say I have larger concerns than Mitsuhide and his pet. There is a decided lack of action being taken.” Nobunaga bent down with Haguro and released her jesses from his gloved hand. She happily hoped back to her low perch on the ground and began preening.
“We are doing all we…” Hideyoshi defensively began to protest but was cut off quickly by Nobunaga.
“Not action on our part Hideyoshi. On theirs. We have not received any kind of real movement against us and I have to wonder why. Apart from that press announcement, there has been nothing.” Nobunaga explained with mild frustration as he left the aviary and slid the catch back into place on its door.
“I did notice that myself. What do you think they are doing?”
“If I knew I could counter it but as I don’t, I can only play the different possibilities over and over in my head.” Nobunaga was irritated. It was one thing to be patient it was another thing entirely to sit and wait without knowing if anything was going to happen at all. And the one man who would be able to tell him definitively if something was headed their way was now AWOL. Mitsunari might know at least where his left hand had disappeared to in such a rush. I could ask if he knows where the girl might be. Then if anything is said I was only looking for her, not Mitsuhide.
“Do you think Mitsuhide took the girl to try to get information?” Hideyoshi’s question almost made Nobunaga wonder if Mitsuhide’s mind reading abilities had rubbed off somehow. No, it’s far more likely he came to that idea himself. He has always been focused on keeping an eye on the resident trickster. Personally, I would just like it if Mitsuhide was settled enough to be useful again. It really interferes with business when one of the tools isn’t working properly.
“For all, I know he could have taken her and eloped.” Nobunaga shrugged as he turned to walk away. The light-hearted joke of his caused Hideyoshi to audibly gasp and that reaction caused a little rush of pleasure to rise up in Nobunaga.
“Eloped!? You think they still? But she hates…”
“The older you get Hideyoshi, the more you realise love and hate are two sides of the same coin.”
Takahiro moved with all the grace and agility of an agitated cat. He wasn’t exactly jumpy but he was on edge. Time was ticking and he knew it was moving closer and closer to the time where he had to answer for his latest actions. If he couldn’t find her before the time came, his time was up in every possible way.
He pushed open the private room’s door quietly and stepped in. The smell of disinfectant assaulted his nose worse than it had when he came into the hospital, small confined spaces just seemed to help intensify the lingering smell of things even with ample ventilation.
“The doctor just left. They say he’s stable enough to start bringing him out of that coma.” Shin’s words did nothing to alleviate his worried thoughts. Takahiro had hoped that with the other medical condition the man had that it would complicate things enough to give him the bonus of more time. Damn you and your ability to somehow be strong enough to fight back old man.
“I suppose you already cast out the bait?” Takahiro stared at Shin as he asked. We don’t have time now… I don’t have time.
“Of course, I did. I just don’t know how long it will take to attract attention or if it will get the right attention. We still don’t know who or if someone has her.” Shin put a reassuring hand on Takahiro’s shoulder as he tried to comfort him without smothering. It would have been easier to do in the privacy of their own home but in public it was a lot more difficult. Besides Takahiro had never reacted well to people attempting to comfort him.
“Someone has her. If they didn’t, she would have been found by now.”
“There would be logic in that.” Shin nodded in agreement. He had been sitting there silently observing the man in the bed thinking about just that. If she had simply run, they would have found her fast. The fact it had been so long now meant she was hiding somewhere. Either that somewhere was with someone she trusted or it was someone who had taken her.
“As long as it brings her here, I don’t care. I do not lose what is mine.”
For the city that never sleeps there was also a hospital caring for its inhabitants. The main city hospital was as busy as ever when Mitsuhide swung his car into the parking lot. It was the largest medical facility in the city and also served as a training centre for medical students hoping to gain a future in medicine.
The ride hadn’t been as uncomfortable as he thought it would. She remained silent for the majority of the journey but it wasn’t unpleasant. She had surprised him. Why had she come to me like that? Attempted to talk to me and smooth things over a little? Was it her naivety and innocence that did that or was it something else? I can’t deny I still fell a strong pull in her direction. Did she feel the same? Could she? I have hurt her. Maybe that would be too much to hope for. The pain in her eyes crushed his heart in his chest when she stormed off. He couldn’t blame her.
Mitsuhide didn’t care for hospitals much. He liked the cleanliness and could appreciate the sense of order they had. But he always thought they were rather boring. All these interesting and fun little toys and all they are used for is to heal… something seems wasteful about that. It was no surprise that when they got hurt on the job, they were usually treated at HQ by Ieyasu. They couldn’t avoid having to go to the hospital at times when things were more than even he could handle. When that happened it usually involved paying a high price to keep it from the authorities.  
After going through a side door on the building they went straight to a desk that seemed like it was little more than a hole in the wall.
“Name?” A rather bored looking desk clerk asked in a lacklustre fashion. They had obviously caught them somewhere between the end of a night shift and hand over for whoever was their replacement for the morning shift. Can’t say I blame you for looking less than energetic given the hole they have you working in.
“Professor Saito, I’m with the University. This is my secretary. I received a call from someone here requesting I see a patient who was asking for me.” The shift in Mitsuhide was impressive, his tone and way he adjusted his gestures it was like he had morphed into a totally different person.
“I see. And does this patient have a name?” The clerk clicked around on what looked like a fairly out of date computer system in front of them on the desk.
“Well, I would assume so.” Mitsuhide’s little joke earned him a rather impressive unamused glare from the clerk which caused him to chuckle slightly. “My apologies, you see the patient I believe is suffering temporary selective amnesia and whilst they can remember some aspects of their life, they have very limited capacity on personal details. It was thought that if they knew who I was I might be able to help with identification.” [Name] stood frozen in awe at the performance. He made it all seem so natural and totally believable.
“Ah. Ok well, that makes sense. Your ID Professor?”
“Certainly.” Mitsuhide took out a card wallet that had several rather official looking laminated ID cards in it. Selecting one he handed it over easily. The clerk took it and clicked around on his computer for a few minutes, pausing to compare the image on the card with the man before them.
“Well, it all looks to be in order. Did you know where you are going?” The clerk inquired as they handed back the card.
“I think so… where was it, Miss Arai?” Mitsuhide’s natural performance had her so enraptured she nearly forgot she was involved in this too. Secretary… right I’m meant to be the secretary.
“I’m sorry Sir. I failed to make a note of that. The patient was recently brought here and…”
“You just can’t get the help these days it would seem.” Mitsuhide interrupted her before she could go so far as to blow her own cover in her panic. He gave a small eye roll with a tiny click of his tongue before turning to the clerk once more. “I’m sorry I do believe I might require a room number after all. A recent patient, one that is marked as a John Doe.”
“Of course, no problem” The clerk gave [Name] a sympathetic look as they searched for the required information. It was a look of a fellow office drone who was all too aware of what it was like to have a boss demanding so much you are bound to forget something minor at some point in the sea of requests.
After leaving the desk they made their way through the passages that were used by the hospital staff to shift patients between wards and treatment rooms without disturbing the rest of the hospital corridors. They weren’t as brightly lit as the rest of the hospital and they were cold. Heating the area was seen as pretty pointless as it wasn’t a place for people to congregate it was just a transition space, all the same, it was like someone had left the door to a large freezer open.
“You could have warned me you were going to pull that.” [Name] pouted as she walked next to him. He hadn’t expected her to seek him out back at HQ he certainly didn’t expect her to insist on coming along. In all honesty, even he didn’t know how he was going to get her in with him. It was her insistence of joining him that meant he had to formulate a viable plan as he drove to their destination.
“And miss you giving such an admirably flustered performance my dear? I wouldn’t dream of it.” Mitsuhide flashed her a playful smile and was pleased to see her cheeks turning pink. She was such an unusual creature she easily captured his attention. You are anything but boring my dear.
“Hey, those ID things.” [Name] spoke up full of curiosity.
“It is probably best if you don’t ask too many questions about tools of the trade my dear. All you need to know is I have need to enter and exit buildings sometimes and these allow me to do that without drawing attention to it.” Mitsuhide deflected her easily. The less she knew of the details the better it would be for her later. She didn’t need to know things like that.
“But if they check and call the university?”
“They will indeed find a Professor Saito on the faculty list. I do not teach classes I am a consultant and liaison between the university and its benefactors. After a long and distinguished career, I was given the honour of such a position.” Mitsuhide answered her as if he was talking about something as normal as the weather.
“Long and distinguished? How long exactly?” [Name] stopped walking.
“As long as it took me to gain access to their system and input some data, my dear.” Mitsuhide who had been checking markers and signs as they walked reached out and pulled open a connecting door to the private wards. “After you my dear.”
“You are terrible.” [Name] shook her head as she passed by him.
“Flattery will get you nearly everything in life my dear however at present we have work to do. I believe this is the room.” Mitsuhide compared the number to the print out he was given and after checking there was no one around and that the only person in the room was the patient he opened the door and went inside.
It was a few moments before he realised, she was not next to him.
“[Name]?” She was frozen in place looking into the room at the bed. Has she never seen someone ill like this before? “Something wrong little mouse?”
“It’s… that’s…” She looked as pale as the white sheets on the bed. What is it? Mitsuhide was acutely aware that this was not a normal reaction. Did she know this guy? If it is someone from Esshu then she might have seen him when she was with the CEO. Concerned Mitsuhide began moving back to her side. The sound of someone approaching reached his ears.
“So nice of you to join the party.”
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elaizaelric · 4 years
Typetober Day 8
Many wishes to have immortality because many, if not all, fear death. What they dont realize....its nothing but a curse. When you have an unending life span you could see alot of things...things that you wished you have never seen. It hurts actually, to see people make the same mistakes over and over and over again and sadly they never learn. Love ones gone before you, and here you are...alone. So tell me....is having immortality worth it? Nothing but an endless cycle, you walk through this earth while things take a turn much more worst than it did in the beginning?
They never realize that there are fates much worse than death... So why wish you could live long when you can live your life as it is and never see the horrors life could show you?
Living my life without it being torn away from me...have made me numb that even pain and suffering has dried up. Oh how I could wish death could take me away from this cruel cruel world, but alas even death can't do anything to this cruel fate of mine.
Amidst these days that are just an endless cycle of encounters and partings...
I lost hope, this world of mine that I'm living will be nothing but black and grey. Can't hear the sounds of living not even a faint whisper. I am nothing but a walking empty husk aimlessly wondering to see who could give me a reason to live this spiteful fate of mine. But no one did.
So here I am standing on a ledge, hoping that in this attempt I could finally be free. A frequent task of mine, and many others, I do ever since I learned that I cannot die. Quirks do have their limitations do they not?
I met him.
Red. So bright, easily seen and you can never miss it out. He came swooping down like an angel, so fast that all you can see were red and gold. Maybe a fallen one...what angel have red wings? Then there he was smiling like an idiot asking if I was okay. I never really answered, busy wallowing in depair for I get to see and live another day in this wretched fate of mine. He becomes worried and I don't care for all I did was walk away and disappear amongst the crowd.
By longing to have light, I was bestowed with warmth...
Hero. That winged man is a hero. I never really cared about heroes and villains. Heroes can't help me, they believe that savings lives doesn't mean taking it away. If only they knew how much I will be greatful if they have taken my life. Villains well...its complicated.
Being a hero have its perks they say it can get you anywhere and have anything you want, well I guess that's true because here he is standing in front of my door. Wish it was a villain they might help more than this hero. I asked him what he was doing here and had the audacity to grin and have told me he was checking up on me to see if I'm still alive. Turns out all of my attempts for freedom, as I liked to call it, were not so secretive after all. Damn it. Then again its not like someone would care, I mean people die every die whats one more?
Its foreign to me, this warmth, it such been a long time since I felt it. Tell me has it always been like this?
He became a constant presence in this dreary life of mine. A pest you can't get rid of easily. He never shut ups, always have something new to tell me every time we saw each other. I never really care, after all this is just another cycle of encounters and partings. You would be gone while I will still be here. Wandering and waiting till death has finally found a way to claim me. He shut ups when I finally told him my quirk. It was unnerving really, I never knew he could be really quiet and have him staring at you like that. He truely lives up to his name, Hawks, with a stare like that.
"My quirk is Immortality and thats just it. Nothing special. Just have the ability to live long and never die. Tried a lot of ways to kill myself but nothing happens. One time I tried to kill myself by poisoning, it was painful that I passed out then the next day I woke up like nothing happened", I said while giving him a lighthearted smile, like I was just taliking about the weather. He keeps quiet and stares at me listening intently like it was the secret to All Mights power. "You should just leave me be you know? Less hassle for both of us. Many will be gone before me and always has been from the beginning. It will never change not ever, believe me I tried all ways that I can but it never works. So its best if you don't waste your time on a cursed person like me and live you life to the fullest, you do have limited time on your life so live with no regrets ok? Take this advice from the person who seen it all."
He never left. He never did no matter what I do or say to him. What a stubborn bastard. He still stayed even though he knew what would happen when the time comes. He even become more insistent on seeing me. How Annoying. Every time he has free time he always goes to me. How irritating. What really had thrown me for a loop is that he keeps on insisting to take pictures together. How baffling. Sadly enough, fighting against his annoying feathers is a lost cause when all you have is your feeble strength. In the end I have no choice but to comply lest I waste more energy than I should.
I'm getting close this is bad. I really had enough of it. I don't get it why he was still here with me, insisting to stay in my presence. You'll just die and leave me anyway why bother. So I attempted to stab my heart with a knife, not the first time I done that. I had enough of this, whatever this is, because it won't last. It never does. NEVER. Live long enough to see that. Unfortunately, like he always does, he caught me and have stopped me. It was the first time we fought and shouted at each other. He was angry, his face so red like his feathers which are bristling. I never saw him angry before.
So I finally have asked him why. Why waste your perfectly good life on a cursed person like me? Why stay? Why? Why? WHY?
"Your eyes. They were shouting for help, how can I ignore that. You need some one to save you and I can't just ignore that. I'm not saying this as a hero but as a person who saw beyond what you let others see. You may hide behind a lighthearted smile but your eyes tells a different story", he says while holding the knife I attempted to stab my heart with. "For the pictures well... so that you can't forget. You may think that your life may be a curse but it can have a some silver linings in it. Every encounters and partings you had, you will have good memories of it that I wish I'm part of it. So, don't forget me ok?" Then he gave me a melancholic smile while I stood their dumbfounded.
A knife is stuck to my chest, and I leave it as it is for a long long time now. For the moment I pull it out the tears won’t stop overflowing...
I cried. HARD. I thought I have no tears left to cry. Been doing that alot every failed attempt to seek freedom I longingly wish. Now I am numb. All this time I just swallow up my loneliness and pain but here I am crying in his arms enclosed in his wings. Warm. I feel warm. And. It. Feels. Good. I missed feeling this. Living for so long I felt nothing but the cold arms of despair of another failed attempt. Now its nothing but warmth. I love it.
I already lost the place that I’d considered as home...
Keigo. Takami, Keigo. I never knew I could love to say a name over and over again and necer get tired on saying it. I love what it means, it fits perfectly for you. You've become someone special. You have asked me to live with you. Easy to make more memories. Here we are making memories on your high rise and expensive apartment. Typical. You have now become my home. When you're wondering all over the place its really hard to name a place your home. Home is where you can come back to, a place where you are safe and happy. Now, you Keigo are my home. Someone I could go back to even for this short fleeting moment. I know you loved it too, seeing that when you got home you always have that smile on your face after a long day of doing hero work and hearing your soft whisper, I'm home.
You gave me a reason to live.
I'm not naive, I could see how much your work affects you. Being a hero was never easy. Sometimes you must give up some part of you to help the people in need. You told me that you needed to go somewhere and that you'll be gone indefinitely. I understand, I really do. I'm not naive, been living long enough to know certain things. So I asked you to make a promise and that you fulfill it the best you can. You sealed it with a sweet kiss. Told me that you will come back for there are more memories to make, the both of us. That night we gave ourselves to each other, it was a bittersweet moment we had together. I never imagine that I would give myself to someone as special as you. When morning came you were gone, leaving a single red feather on your pillow.
"Promise me that you and I would make more memories. Will take alot of pictures so that when the time comes I have something to look back to. Proudly say, this man gave me a reason to live and gave me hope that this life has a meaning."
Today is the day when heroes confront that villain organization, Liberation something. Is the first thought that comes to me after waking up from a really bad dream. Never really remember what that dream was, only the feeling of BURNING. Something was burning and I felt it all over my back. You see when you have live for a long time death becomes familiar. People all around you dies, they have lived their life while you just walked on to find a way to die. I feel sick, and I dont like it. Keigo, its been so long. You never called or even left a message. I don't like this, at all.
Could I be selfish for just this life time? Just this once. There's a man, a man I have fallen in love with. He is the reason I am living right now, truly living. He shown me the color of life and let me hear its wonderful music. Please let him come back to me. There's alot more memories we hade to make. I beg you...let him come through that door and let me hear him say...I'm home.
My life is an endless cycle of encounters and partings...but he is an encouner that I have made that I am not ready to part with.
(A/N: I'm sorry for this long and nonsense story. Its my first time writing a story.
This is a story inspired by ohbab and memos written by @alkhale
@alkhale forgive me if i have not given it justice.)
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