#having someone who might *know* about titbits of queer history reaching back farther than the 20th century
queerofthedagger · 2 years
I see and appreciate all the takes on Hob teaching medieval history, but I raise you Hob teaching queer history. Hob teaching about the Thatcher Regime and the police violence of the time, about the rise of the queer scene between both world wars and the steadily rising persecution starting in the 50s, about the Buggery Act, and Section 28, and the wilfully ignorant, actually malicious response to the AIDS pandemic. But not only that; Hob teaching about resistance, about ActUp's die-ins and OutRage's kiss-ins and the alliance with the striking miner's that changed so much. About countless people who lived and loved and resisted regardless all throughout history, and how they—we, Hob still needs to remind himself, some days, that he can say we—have always been there. How it's all about making the right choices even when that is not "how it is done" at the time because what else is history for than keeping us from making the same mistakes, over and over?
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