#having no insurance fucking sucks why did my dental and vision end before life insurance?
madnessismylover · 2 years
Tw: negative
Wish you could like... sue your depressed for all the time and money it costs to take care of it and anything else that results from it.
I never wanted depression so why do I need to pay for the things that make me not want to off myself? (Pills/therapy/etc.)
For the rest of my life I'll need to pay for the things that are gonna keep me alive because of something I cannot control. I can't just tell my brain 'hey, work properly so we don't wanna fucking die'
If I hadn't been depressed in school I would've planned ahead, I would have been better than where I am today.
I never thought I'd get to 18 and I'm gonna be 26 in April. I don't blame past me because they weren't doing well. Unmedicated. I don't wanna go back to that. It was scary. Actively thinking it's easier to die is fucking terrifying.
Living is so fucking expensive.
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