#having George do the car meme from TikTok
livefastdriveyoung · 7 months
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wolfiemcwolferson · 1 year
Logan, beloved, can i bribe you to write me piarles and 4. "I think you're too far away." pleeeaasseeee 💕
Hi babyyyyyyy
The message that comes through is obviously not meant for him.
Charles reads it and rereads it and is very careful not to type.
Pierre is online but he also knows Charles frequently leaves his phone lying around unlocked and open on a message thread, so as long as he’s not typing, Pierre can’t see that he’s seen it.
But…Charles wants the message to be for him.
He reads and rereads it again and waits for Pierre to send another through to apologize - to say he meant it for the new girl he’s talking to, but that doesn’t happen.
I think you’re too far away.
Charles doesn’t even know what that means, but it feels…
His phone rings.
It’s Pierre. A screenshot Charles took of one of his Alpine TikTok’s taking up his entire screen. He had changed it to make Pierre feel bad about having that meme screenshot as Charles’ contact picture.
Charles answers it only because he knows that Pierre will call again, keep calling until he answers.
“Cha.” Pierre says, a little drunk - Charles can tell because he’s known him his whole life it seems - being in love with him has no bearing on this.
“Hello, Pierre. You are having a cheat day, I see.” Charles pronounces each syllable clearly. Pierre always says “huh” a lot when he’s drunk.
“I think you are too far away.” Pierre insists, ignoring him. “I think you should be here with me. You know that I always want you with me.”
He keeps emphasizing with me, and Charles is on fire.
“Pierrot, where is Ben?” He’s trying to laugh, but Pierre makes a frustrated noise. Like he does when he doesn’t feel heard.
“You should be with me, Charles. Do you understand?”
But before Charles can answer him, the phone goes dead.
A text from Ben three minutes later saying that he is with Pierre is the only thing not sending him into a blind panic.
Okay, take care of him.
Ben sends back a thumbs up and Charles lays on the couch for five hours and stares and the ceiling and tries to stuff it all back inside.
Pierre texts him a link to a kid fundraising for a kart two days later and then they just…go back to normal.
They don’t speak about it, but now Charles has something underneath his skin that feels like…hope maybe.
Pierre obviously doesn’t want to talk about it but it feels like maybe he wants Charles too. Maybe Charles isn’t…
Every touch in the paddock is amplified and every touch outside of the paddock feels like it has the potential to go somewhere even though Charles knows that’s ridiculous, but it feels that way.
Until they’re dancing in the private room of some club, whole place packed full of F1 adjacent people and Pierre is dancing with this girl, one hand on her hip, face in her neck and Charles wonders if he didn’t imagine the entire thing - the phone call, the weirdness after, the touches that linger sometimes.
It’s too hot in here and he needs - he needs air and to not look at Pierre as he decide to take this girl home and so he stumbles out the back door where he knows there will be cars.
He pulls his phone out and texts the group he’s here with - Pierre included.
Going back to the hotel.
And then he gets in one of the cars, tells them where he’s going.
Joris will be pissed, but he’s always pissy about something. Charles cannot make him happy all the time.
He debates a shower, but he doesn’t want to sleep in the bed all damp and disgusting from club sweat, so he goes to shower, plugging his phone in on the charger there so he can play music too loudly and drown out the images of Pierre touching that girl.
He’s the one that packed for this trip so he’s stuck using hotel shampoo and it’s going to wreck his hair, but he’s clean and he’s exhausted and he’s -
Pierre is sitting on the end of his bed, twirling a key card in his hands.
“You should tell the front desk not to give cards out.” He holds it up. “Remember, that’s how that girl got into George’s room. By convincing the front desk she was his WAG.”
Charles wants to snatch it out of his hand and throw it to the ground, but he’s standing with a towel wrapped around his waist and he doesn’t really know what Pierre is doing here.
“I did the same you know? Joris will kill me for making him send that refresher about their NDA, but I batted my eyelashes a bit and told her my super secret boyfriend was up here. Showed her my lock screen.” And then Pierre flips his phone so Charles can see and Charles is having a hard time breathing.
He didn’t even know that photo existed. The two of them in Pierre’s kitchen, Charles looking at the eggs in the pan rather angrily and Pierre smiling - the two of them shirtless and comfortable and smiling obviously in each other’s space.
“Cha,” Pierre whispers. “I do not want to pretend I did not say what I said anymore.”
Charles cannot fucking breathe.
“I think you’re too far away. Do you think you can -“
Charles doesn’t let him finish that sentence, he’s on him, pining him to the bed and hovering over him, feeling the way Pierre’s hands automatically grip his waist, thumbs soothing over her skin.
Pierre is grinning, that soft smile that Charles only sees in moments that Pierre feels safe and happy in. “Don’t want to pretend I don’t want you anymore.”
“Okay,” is all Charles manages to say, but then Pierre is flipping them and Charles is being kissed, being touched, being held.
Pierre misses his flight the next day and Joris comes to find him in Charles’ room.
“The two of you together are going to be such an issue.”
“Especially because you’re here without breakfast.” Pierre grouses. “Also, you will have to start knocking. We are both naked under here so unless you want -“
The door slams and Charles is helplessly giggling into Pierre’s bicep. “Pierre!”
Pierre dips down to kiss him again, again, again. “He will have to start knocking. Now that I have you -“
Charles surges up to kiss him again, taking his hand and guiding it where he wants it. “Now that you have me.”
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one-way-to-do-it · 3 months
Why do you think this is unique to Lewis' fans? In case you haven't noticed this is common with Max / Charles / Alonso / Norris etc, bascially the bigger they are, the more you'll see vocal fans. It doesn't help that Mercedes made a few noticeable mistakes leading up to the sabotage claims (which I don't believe). Sabotage rumors in F1 is nothing new; some GR fans were throwing it around last year when he wasn't performing well, Checo with Red Bull too. They'll always be there when the car / team are in the background yet have so much influence(about 80% resposible vs driver being 20%) of the driver's final result.
so this is just what I've seen and interacted with personally. I've seen a bunch on (mainly) insta and now tiktok all going on about the email and it's just been doing my head in because it's every single post, even the more meme ones.
The main point of my post was that there are d*ath threats being sent to team members (i.e. mainly George in this situation, while also insinuating that they are actively trying to k*ll Lewis). There are also A LOT of comments being made about the social media admin and how they should be sacked (and how the people saying this think their harassment worked in completing this) and it's just maddening to see.
I'm a big fan of the Aston social media but the comments don't seem to go on about how it's sabotage from within the team, and more that it's just the car being shit.
I'm not denying that other teams have small pockets of "fans" that are delusional, because we all know that just isn't true. I totally agree with you here that it's nothing new. Just look at Ferrari with seb and Charles and all the claims back then.
Again, the main point I was trying to make (and I'm genuinely sorry if this wasn't clear!!) was that it's being taken to the extreme with this email and some posts I've seen online.
Please know that I don't actually believe that Lewis fans are actually making the threats and are bullying. If you believe that there is a difference in the cars, then fair enough. The difference is that the genuine fans of a seemingly lovely man aren't then using the differences in performances to bully people in their place of work.
Thanks for the ask, and if there's anything else just send another 💕
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lumosandnoxwriting · 4 years
Call Me When You’re Sober - George Weasley
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Title: Call Me When You’re Sober Pairing: George x Fem!Reader, George x Angelina Johnson (kinda, sorta, not really) Warning: mentions of drug use!! Also some mentions of sexual things like sexting/sending nudes and one mention of a boner. I also use the word tits a few times. Summary: George only seems to have the time for Y/N when he’s high, and that’s just not enough for her anymore. (This is also a modern au where they have cell phones and social media bc why not) A/N: this is for an anon that wanted a fic based off of a tiktok POV they saw and funnily enough that POV ended up on my fyp last week so you can find that here if you want. The only part I was inspired by was Angelina being present, but that part was specifically mentioned in the request everything else is purely from my own brain!! This also includes a bit of Angelina Johnson slander but it does not represent my actual views. Angelina slander is not welcome in this house. Feedback is always welcome and requests are open! Tags: @feltondarling​ @pandaxnienke​ @raerae27​
The first time it happens Y/N answers the phone right away.
“George? What’s wrong?” she asks frantically, already getting out of bed. It’s three am and George never calls even at a decent hour, so she assumes that something has gone wrong and he needs help.
“Hey, Y/N,” George drawls slowly, like his mouth is moving in slow motion.
Y/N pauses in the middle of her bedroom, her hand hovering above her car keys. “What the hell’s wrong with you?” George certainly sounds off, but he doesn’t necessarily sound like he’s in need of her rescuing. When all George does is giggle in response, Y/N groans. “Are you high?”
“High on life!” George responds, prompting Y/N to roll her eyes. She shuffles back over to her bed and climbs back in, snuggling under the covers. “And maybe a little bit of weed,” he adds with a laugh.
Y/N rolls her eyes, but there’s a small smile on her face. George is one of her favorite people in the world, and it’s hard for her to stay mad at him. “A little bit?” she teases. “You sound baked out of your mind.”
George lets out a throaty laugh, and Y/N closes her eyes, making it seem like he’s there in the room with her. They don’t get to see each other often now that they’re both out of school and busy with their lives, and George’s aversion to phone calls means all she has to get her through their periods of time apart are short text messages and stupid memes. Hearing his voice sends shivers down her spine, and if it wasn’t so late she’d be driving to wherever he is to climb into his arms.
“What can I say? Freddie got the good stuff now that we can afford it.” Y/N can hear some rustling, and she figures that he’s laying back onto his bed. “Not like back when we were at Hoggywarts. Remember those days?”
Y/N hums as she lets her mind wander back to their school days. It didn’t happen often, but every once in a while Fred or George would sneak out of the castle down to Hogsmeade to buy off of a guy that works at the Hogshead Inn. They would settle into their dorm along with Lee and after placing some spells on the room and throwing the windows open they’d light up and pass the joint around until nothing was left. The weed was cheap and burned their lungs, but none of them cared. It left them all feeling like they were floating, and they would talk for hours about nothing in particular.
George always got handsy when he was high, and Y/N supposes this is where her feelings for him started. Once the joint burned out George would pull her body close and let his hands roam all over it as he talked with the boys idly. Y/N would run her hands through his hair and scratch at his scalp, her face pressed tightly to his neck. They often ended up falling asleep together wherever they had landed, sometimes it was George’s bed, but it was usually the floor, swaddled in some random blankets and pillows from the common room. Y/N was always the first to wake up, and she’d hug George tightly for one more fleeting moment before sneaking out and back into her own dorm.
“You roll the best joints, Y/N,” George continues when Y/N doesn’t say anything. “Fred is so shit at it. No matter how many times you showed him how to do it.”
“Very sweet of you to say, Georgie,” Y/N laughs. She yawns a moment later, desperately trying to fight off sleep. “Though you were always more fond of smoking from a bowl if I remember correctly.
George yawns too and Y/N can hear him climbing under the covers of his bed. “I am. But smoking joints reminds me of you.”
“George,” Y/N says softly, sitting up in bed. She waits for him to say something, but all she’s met with are his light snores. She rolls her eyes, settling back down into her pillows. “Goodnight, George.” Y/N hangs up her phone and places it on her nightstand before letting memories of George lull her back to sleep.
The next time it happens Y/N doesn’t hear her phone the first time. She’s out of town for work, and after a long day she’d collapsed right onto the bed in her hotel room, formal clothes still on and everything. Y/N had ignored her phone the first time, hoping to fall back asleep. But when it started to ring again only seconds after it stopped she picks up her phone and answers the call without bothering to see who it is.
“Hullo?” she answers sleepily, her eyes barely open. She glances at the clock, noting that it’s only 10 pm and figures that it’s one of her coworkers inviting her to go out with them.
“You sound sleepy,” George responds softly, his voice deep and languid. “Did I wake you up?”
Y/N sits up in bed, rubbing some of the sleep from her eyes. “George?”
George laughs. “Who else would it be?”
“Considering the fact that this is literally the second time you’ve ever called me I figured it would be anyone else besides you,” Y/N teases, shrugging out of her suit jacket.
“Hey,” George whines, and Y/N can practically hear the pout on his face. “I called you on your birthday.”
Y/N rolls her eyes. “Oh, you’re right, my mistake.” She pauses as she walks over to the dresser in the room, starting to take off her jewelry. “How baked are you this time?” she asks playfully.
“What makes you think I’m high?” George laughs.
“For one the sound of your voice,” Y/N explains as she kicks off her heels. “And you only call me when you’re high. Oh, and on my birthday,” she adds when George makes a noise of disapproval.
Y/N hears George shuffle around, and she takes the opportunity to put him on speaker so she can put her phone down and start getting rid of the rest of her clothes. “You can tell by my voice?”
“Mhm,” Y/N hums, fumbling with the buttons of her shirt. “It gets deeper and slower.”
“Really?” George asks, sounding surprised. “Does it sound sexy?”
Y/N laughs as she heads over towards her suitcase, taking off her bra as she goes. She starts to dig through the mess, trying to find her pajamas. “Super sexy,” she responds, hoping George is too high to notice how serious she is.
“What are you doing? You sound too far away.”
Y/N chuckles at George’s dramatics as her hands finally land on her sleep shirt. It’s an old t-shirt of George’s that she stole sometime during their last year and never gave back. Whenever Y/N travels for work she brings it with her as a reminder of home. “I’m putting my pajamas on.”
“So, you’re naked right now?” George’s voice is rough, and it sends a shiver right down her spine.
“Practically,” Y/N responds, pulling the shirt over her head. It’s far too large for her so the hem barely brushes the tops of her thighs, but it reminds her of George, and that’s what matters.
George groans, and Y/N can feel her cheeks heating up as she crawls back into bed. “Wish I was there to see.” Y/N can feel butterflies erupt in her stomach and she has to clamp a hand over her mouth to conceal the noise that bubbles out of her throat. “Send me a pic of your tits,” he continues bluntly when Y/N doesn’t say anything.
“George!” Y/N says, the surprise in her tone evident. The butterflies in her stomach are going wild, and Y/N has to remind herself that it’s the weed talking, not George. “I’m not going to do that George.” Although Y/N would be lying if she said she wasn’t tempted to. “Besides I’m already dressed and in bed.”
“What a party pooper,” George grumbles. “Got me all hard for nothing.” Y/N’s heart feels like it’s going to beat out of her chest. George has never been this lewd with her in all the times they’ve been high together, and she wonders if it’s because of whatever he smoked or because this is one of the only times they’ve been alone while one of them was baked. “What are you wearing then? A sexy little nighty?”
Y/N has to take a few deep breaths, hardly able to believe what she’s hearing. Part of her wants to tell George to knock it off and hang up on him. But the other part has wanted to hear George talk to her like this since their Hogwarts days and she doesn’t know which part should win.
“One of your old t-shirts, actually,” Y/N responds quietly, giving in to her desires.
George groans, and it takes everything in Y/N’s power not to shove a hand down her panties. “That red one? That I let you borrow and never saw again?”
“You remember that?” Y/N asks softly.
“Of course,” George answers. His voice is slower now and Y/N can tell he’s going to fall asleep any second. Smoking always makes him tired and he was often the target of a few pranks since he would be the first to nod off. “That’s like a guys wet dream. Seeing a girl that’s as pretty and sexy as you are in his clothes.”
Y/N bites her tongue as to not say anything, just listening to George through the phone. His breathing starts to slow down, and within a few seconds Y/N can tell he’s fallen into a deep sleep. She listens to him breathe for a moment, before hanging up and tossing her phone down. She cuddles up in the unfamiliar bed, desperately trying to fall asleep.
Every few weeks George’s name pops up on Y/N’s phone usually late at night and he’s always baked out of his mind. Y/N finds it nice the first half dozen times, George’s voice is always calming to her and she basks in the opportunity to get to speak with him. They haven’t seen each other in months, despite the fact that Y/N has tried to catch up with him several times. But he’s always got an excuse ready. At first Y/N understood, the joke shop is his number one priority, but after a while it gets insulting. When George is sober he can barely be bothered to send her a text message but the second he lights up he’s dialing her phone number.
One night when he calls she asks him why he doesn’t just invite her over to smoke. Her flat is only 30 minutes outside of London and he knows that she’d drive to the ends of the earth to see him. But of course he has an excuse. He says that it’s something just for him and Fred, a way to wind down together after a hectic workday. Which makes sense to Y/N, and as much as she wants to push it she doesn’t. If it were any other person she would have given up on their friendship by now. But George isn’t just any average person. He’s the person she cares most about in this world, and Y/N doesn’t want to live without him. So as shitty as it makes her feel to just be someone he calls when he’s too baked to care who he talks to, she puts up with it.
That is until she reaches her breaking point.
The last time it happens Y/N doesn’t answer her phone the first time it rings. Or the second time. She’s just gotten home from having a few drinks with friends and the alcohol has made her brave. She puts her phone on vibrate mode and leaves it on her bed as she gets ready to go to sleep. It takes her 20 minutes to get ready and once she’s finally in bed under the covers she picks up her phone to assess the damage.
“What the fuck George?” she whispers to herself, scrolling through the notifications on her phone. She has 15 missed calls from him and a litany of text messages.
Answer ur phone Y/N Y/N I called again Pls Answer me Y R u ignoring me Need to hear your voice Baby Y/N Im gonna call until u pick up Ill keep txtin 2 Baby please Y/N I need to talk to you I miss u Pls
When George’s name and the stupid photo of him Y/N set as his contact picture pop again Y/N sighs and she reluctantly answers. “What?”
“Oh my god finally,” George groans in his usual slow voice. “Why didn’t you answer me?”
Y/N rolls her eyes. “Because, George. I was busy. I have a life outside of you and your stupid little phone calls.” Her tone is harsh, and George is so quiet for a moment that Y/N has to check to make sure that he hasn’t hung up on her.
“Why are you so angry?” he asks a second later, and Y/N can tell he’s upset. Normally she would just drop the subject, but there’s alcohol thrumming through her veins and she’s tired of keeping it all in.
“Because, George,” Y/N sneers. “You only call me when you’re high. You dodge every attempt I make at seeing you and you barely even text me anymore. I thought we were friends George. But in reality you treat me like dirt. You use me whenever you want and then you cast me aside without another thought until you’re high again.”
“Y/N,” George starts, but he gets distracted when someone in the background starts to giggle wildly.
Y/N’s blood runs cold, immediately recognizing that laugh. “I thought smoking was something for only you and Fred, George?” Y/N asks accusatorily, sadness and hurt starting to mix with her anger. “I can’t believe you. Not only did you lie to me, but you can find the time to hang out with Angelina Johnson and not your best friend?”
“I-I’m here all alone, Y/N. I don’t know what you’re talking about,” George stutters. But before Y/N can say anything, the same voice says something.
“Georgie,” Angelina whines. “You’re too far away, get back over here.”
“Y/N, I can explain,” George starts, but she cuts him off.
“Fuck you, George Weasley.” Y/N spits, before hanging up on him. She turns her phone off and slams it down, before burying her head in her pillow and crying herself to sleep.
When Y/N wakes up the next morning her head is pounding and her throat is dry, and it’s not just from the alcohol she drank. George broke her heart last night, and she has the dry tear tracks on her cheeks to prove it. Y/N avoids her phone, deciding she’s not quite ready for whatever is going to pop up when she turns it back on.
She gets ready for the day slowly, thankful that it’s still the weekend. Y/N stands in the shower for nearly an hour, just letting the hot water sting her skin. When she gets out she brushes her hair slowly, just looking at herself in the mirror. She can’t help but be as mad at herself as she is at George. George may have treated her like shit, but Y/N let him. She let herself become so desperate for his attention that she played right into his stupid game. And as much as Y/N hates to admit it, she doesn’t regret it for a second. All she’s ever craved was George’s undivided attention, and finally getting it felt so good, even if George was higher than a kite each time. Seeing his name pop up on her phone gave Y/N a thrill each time, even though she wanted more – deserved more. Y/N has always been there for George and all she wanted was for him to be there for her too.
Y/N picks out her comfiest lounging outfit, forcing herself not to automatically reach for the old shirt of George’s hanging in her closet. She’s been wearing it more often these days, craving the comfort of his embrace but settling for the cloth of his shirt instead. But now the sight of it makes her want to throw up.
She’s been up for nearly two hours when she settles back into bed, a hot cup of tea in her hands. Y/N’s not sure if she’s actually ready to face whatever mess George put them in last night, but sooner is better than later. She places her mug on her bedside table, reaching over to flip the framed photo she has of her and George over so she can’t see their smiling faces. When her phone finally boots up the screen shows just her background for a moment, before a barrage of texts, missed calls and voicemails show up. George has called nearly 100 times, with almost as many voicemails accompanying them and he’s texted over 200 times to boot.
Y/N scrolls through them, surprised to find that the most recent call and voicemail are from Fred. She can’t remember the last time Fred initiated a phone call with her, since he’s just as hard to get on the phone as George. Fred prefers to communicate through snapchats and tweets, so Y/N knows something big has gone on if Fred bothered to pick up his phone and make a call.
“Uh hey, Y/N. It’s me. Fred. But you probably already know that. Or maybe you don’t. Whatever, not important. I know this is probably the last thing you wanna hear since he’s left you like a thousand messages, but will you please call George? Or text him. Hell send him an email. He’s sorry for whatever it is he did. I’m not really sure what, he was crying a lot when he barged into my room and I was zooted as hell. But what matters is he’s sorry and he really wants to talk to you. So call him, please. Do it for me, at least even if you don’t do it for him. Okay anyway. Bye.”
Y/N sighs, running a hand through her hair. As pissed as she is, she hates to hear that George is upset. She chooses to ignore George’s voicemails for now, since they’re probably a mishmash of words and sobs considering how messy Fred said he was. She clicks on her text message app, scrolling through the messages George had sent, stopping every once and a while to read a few.
Y/N please Im srry Its sending me to voicemail Did u turn ur phone off Talk 2 me Pls y/n pls baby baby baby im sorry I need you to talk to me I need to hear ur voice Pls Let me explain I dnt care abt angie Not like how I care abt u Y/N please. Don’t do this I fucked up I knw I fucked up Let me make it right Please I love you, please
The last text message shocks Y/N, and she rereads it over and over again until its image is imprinted in her brain. George has only ever told her he loves her one other time. It was the last time they got high together, the night before he and Fred left to start the joke shop. Fred, George, Lee and her were all fairly baked, and after Fred and Lee left to sneak down to the kitchens for snacks, George had turned to Y/N and pulled her right into his lap. He had grabbed her face with both of his hands and looked deep into her eyes. I love you, you know that right? His tone was firm and when Y/N nodded he used his grip on her face to pull her into a kiss. It was uncoordinated and messy, but she didn’t care. He had mumbled the word ‘good’ when he pulled away and in a blink of an eye he’d drifted off to sleep. Y/N had snuck back into her own bed, figuring it was best to ignore it, since George surely wouldn’t remember it in the morning anyway.
A knock at her door brings Y/N out of her thoughts and she tosses her phone on the bed to go and answer it. She’s been expecting a package, so when Y/N reaches the door she doesn’t bother to check to see who it is, and just throws it open.
“You look like hell,” Y/N says when her eyes land on George. She certainly wasn’t expecting it to be him, but she’s truly not surprised. His text messages had sounded desperate and it’s very like George to just show up at her doorstep when she doesn’t want him to after he refused to come over for months. Y/N looks him over as he fidgets, taking in his disheveled appearance. His eyes are sullen and dull, his hair is sticking out in a million directions and his skin is ever paler than normal.
“Suppose I deserve that,” George responds, his voice raspy. He lets his eyes rake over Y/N, dumbfounded by how beautiful she looks even in her lounge wear. It’s the first time he’s seen her in person in over half a year and even though he’s spent much of his free time staring at her Instagram photos, she still takes his breath away. “You look good though.”
Y/N rolls her eyes and goes to slam the door, but George puts his hand up to stop it. “What do you want, George?”
“Just let me explain,” he pleads. “Just let me explain everything and then if you want I’ll go. I’ll leave and you’ll never have to talk to me or see me again. You can delete me from your life. But I can’t let you go without explaining myself.”
“Fine,” Y/N resolves, stepping aside and opening the door so George can come in. She leads him over to her couch and motions for him to sit down. Y/N resists her urge to sit next to him, instead choosing to stand in front of him, her arms crossed over her chest and her eyes narrowed. “Talk.”
George clears his throat and starts to fiddle with his thumbs. “I like calling you when I’m high because I say whatever comes to my mind. When I’m sober I think too much about what I’m going to say, and I never end up saying what I want. But when I’m high the words just fly out of my mouth without me thinking about the consequences and I like that. Because there’s so many things I want to say to you that I don’t have the balls to say when I’m sober.”
“Like asking me for tit pics?” Y/N asks with a curt laugh.
“Honestly, yes,” he answers, a blush forming on his cheeks. “But it’s more than that. Like telling you I smoke joints even though I despise them, and Fred can’t roll to save his life because it reminds me of you. Or that just the thought of you not wearing any clothes drives me wild. Or that I find you so ungodly beautiful and so damn sexy, Y/N. And that I love you.” George pauses for a moment so he can just watch Y/N. “Because I do love you, Y/N. So much more and in so many different ways than a best friend should.”
Y/N bites her lip to keep herself from sharing the same sentiment as George. Because holy hell does she love him with every fiber of her being, but he’s fucked up and hurt her in more ways than just his inability to admit his feelings. “Then why keep me at arm’s length, George? You avoid all my attempts to see you, you only ever bother talking to me when you’re baked out of your mind and you lie to me. Out of all the people in the world you had to smoke with it had to be her. You know how I feel about Angelina.”
Despite being roommates and pretty similar personality wise, Y/N and Angelina never really got along. They were always competing with each other, for the best grades in their year, for prefect and head girl, and Y/N is ashamed to admit that they’d fought over a boy or two in their early years at Hogwarts. But by far their biggest competition was for George’s attention. George couldn’t care less about girls during his time at Hogwarts, Fred didn’t either but at least he would sleep with some of the girls that threw themselves at him. George on the other hand didn’t seem to care. The only girl he ever bothered to spend meaningful time with was Y/N, and it drove Angelina up the wall. Angelina did everything she could to vie for George’s attention, including spreading a nasty rumor about Y/N during their 5th year. Much to Angelina’s disappointment it failed miserably, and they pretty much ignored each other from that day on.
“The Angelina thing is not my fault,” George insists. “She came into the shop just before we closed, and Fred invited her up and she accepted. What was I supposed to do?”
“Not let her in your room!” Y/N answers as if it’s obvious. “But this isn’t just about Angelina, I don’t want to talk about her. It’s about the fact that you’ve been treating me like shit, George. I’ve been trying so hard to get through to you and you stop me every time.”
“Because being around you and having to pretend that I don’t have feelings for you is too painful,” George admits honestly. “The only time I’m brave enough to be with you the way I want to is when I’m high. Why do you think I was always grabbing your ass after we smoked? Why I always made you cuddle me? Why I kissed you that night?”
“You remember that?” Y/N asks, clearly shocked. George had never mentioned it again and Y/N figured he was too high to remember what he said and did. It had upset her to no end that George returning her feelings was only a side effect of the weed, but she never brought it up to him in fear of ruining their relationship.
George scoffs. “Of course I do. When I woke up the next morning and you weren’t there I figured you didn’t feel the same way. So, I just never mentioned it, and when you didn’t either I figured you thought I was just being a high idiot like always and brushed it off. I never invited you to smoke after that because I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off of you. And kissing you once is easy to explain away but kissing you every time we get high pretty obviously means something more. So, I would call you instead. And I’d lay in my bed high as hell pretending that you were there next to me until I fell asleep with you on the phone.”
“Oh, for fucks sake,” Y/N mutters. Before she has a chance to regret her actions, Y/N is throwing herself at George. She straddles his waist and kisses him hard, moaning when his hands land on her bum and give it a squeeze. “You’re such a fucking idiot,” she pants, starting to trail kisses across George’s jaw and down his neck. “But you’re my idiot.”
George chuckles before he grabs Y/N’s face so that he can kiss her again. Their lips move together slowly, and George starts to rub Y/N’s back lightly. “I love you,” he murmurs as their kiss breaks.
“I love you too,” Y/N responds, her head dizzy.
“Does this mean I get tit pics whenever I want?” George asks cheekily, laughing when Y/N slaps his chest.
“Only if you promise to only call me when you’re sober from now on,” Y/N bargains.
George grins at Y/N before leaning in to kiss her briefly. “Deal.”
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