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planningforburial · 8 months ago
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21 July 2024. end of tour + additional friends. Boston MA.
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pinkdagger06 · 2 years ago
adios instagram, hola transformice
chaaao punks 🤟🤟
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discos-e-pensamentos · 2 years ago
Deathconsciousness-Have A Nice Life
1-A Quick One Before The Eternal Worm Devours Connecticut
3-The Big Gloom
6-Who Would Leave Their Son Out In The Sun?
7-There Is No Food
8-Waiting For Black Metal Records To Come In The Mail
9-Holy Fucking Shit: 40,000
10-The Future
11-Deep, Deep
12-I Don't Love
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whorewideweb · 8 months ago
the girl im flirting w sent me carseatheadrest its only sex on a playlist im gonna send her haveanicelife i dont love and together we are aroace t4t
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pwblogarchive · 8 months ago
July 2006
July 1, 2006
“sex and the city (the part theyll never tell you)”
its strange here this time of year. because the weather never changes.it is always summer here. so it doesnt feel like the same desperate love of these three pages on the calendar. or at least not what i am used to.patrick and i wrote a song yesterday. not a hit single or maybe anything that would even turn your head.noone knows how it goes.sometimes the worst wishes are the ones that come true.yellow and white lines to the coast.you can learn to love anything if its around enough.some people learn to love their mistakes.shakes hands. "thank you, our time is up".what keeps you coming back?i got a long rap sheet.(the statute of limitations is running out on you pretty fast).the powders wet. the sparks arent coming.the hammer isnt hitting. its spinning.you can learn to love anything.posted by xo @ 11:22 PM
July 5, 2006
the last thing i think of before i fall asleep and the first thing i think of when i wake
regardless of what stars i end up under- for the best and for the worst- you have made me who i am. and i try to make myself more decent and better only because of you.
Posted by xoat 6:06 AM
June 5, 2006
Stick around long enough and everyone becomes parody of themselves 
you dont hate me, you hate the part of you that is like me. i cant sit here and ride my flaws until the end because the truth is i live the charmed life because of you and them. we are a gang. maybe its time to disband. im not sure i am thinking clearly but i just want you to know that i waited on you guys calls all night- they never came. i just wanted to say i miss you or im sorry or you know something that would have meant something to you. i would have made it poetic and memorable or at least something you could laugh at while drifting off to sleep. always trying to relive the glory days.
i dont care how poorly these sentences were constructed or how in the light of day i will wish i had not written them- right now i can only curse the fucking light off of this stupid western city because it wont ever get dark enough for sleep but otherwise how could you guide your way back here?
my head always feels warm right before i pass out, i always worry that there is something wrong and i wont wake up or you know i will. promise me that you wont take anything i ever say too seriously.
July 7, 2006
“his and hers”
sometimes i cant wait to be forgotten.i wish i could put up an away message in real life and just go to sleep forever.posted by xo @ 3:10 AM
July 7, 2006
“im so sorry, but not really. ('straighten up and die right’)”
i said i want to be rebuilt like a frank lloyd wright only without all of the water damage. or painted over like a monet only less blurry. she said “no, youre something different”. like what? “something better”. it gave me the rush of warm blood like you see in cartoon dogs right before their eyes pop out and all of the bells go off. my head is spinning like a car off of an icy guardrail. show me what you are made of. your eyes were always rolling but youd tilt your head so they were somehow always still stuck on me (have your cake and eat it too). i feel safe but not like a bet more like the way mothers feel when the lock the car doors in bad neighborhoods. i am blue waves across the red rootlike veins in the bodies drawn flat in medical books. i wonder at the way that someone can write thousands and thousands of pages about my insides. when i met you i gave you a name- not your own- but in my head so i wouldnt ever mix you up with anyone so ordinary- i cant tell you- but to me it meant salvation. you only wanted reaction. but i cant be bothered. not anymore. ill see you in the spring. first pew on the left. wear your white veil and dont forget the words. warped tour. sun drenched days. bestfriends. new roads. so long salvation. dont worry your pretty little heads. i am sleeping safe tonight.
July 8, 2006
“the fraternal order of the handsome boy”
ive been watching you from afar
my breath on the inside window as you walk in from the car
candy caned lies in red and white against clashing patterns bending in and out of understanding.
"youre the stranger ive been dreaming of", stranger than any ive ever known.
love through a telescopic lens. when the air is clear i can see how perfect you are for me.
late at night when the city sleeps i cast a spell on you
to make you think of me the very same way i think of you.
i only love how the words feel in my head when i write them.
fireworks over the valley. how can i tell you i gut people for a living.
that everything you say is likely to end up as evidence when i rewrite history.
over and over again.
how everything you do reminds me of something else, someone else.
how im humble and arrogant at the same time,
chased and never caught.
that i just want to stay up late and wake up early to talk to you.
that i want to show you all of my jealousy and insecurity and have you not care.
youre like a light switch and i just want to turn you on and watch them all shrink away.
the words come out of my fingertips on impulse. it is instinct. my head cant keep up.
i envy the comatose. i admire the bedridden.
i am addicted to the way i feel when i think of you.
"im blowing smoke rings around the moon...."
i wish i was the exact opposite of how the world knows me.
Posted by xoat 2:36 AM
July 11, 2006
we used to talk on the phone every single day (nooneknowshowitreallygoes).
its strange the way people will window shop on your life or score it for style and grace.
my personality and everything about me is just a carefully constructed collage of magazine articles and flashy pictures.
i am (not) real.
sometimes the days spent all by myself in my head are the scariest.
its enough to make you want to pack it up and call it a day.
all i can do is read and write and wait.
Posted by xoat 6:32 PM
July 14, 2006
a little life, alot of death (i want to be known for my hits not my mrs.)
i should probably not be typing in this mood. i wish there was a lock on the keyboard. it is too enthralling in a state like this. just like all of this has always been. the world around me has changed as if overnight. "for someone so smart you are acting pretty stupid". i cant focus on but like three thoughts in my head but i am compeltely wrapped in them. they keep me warm at night. i pray for something to crash into me and smash me back to something more simple. i pray for fistfights so i cant be knocked out and wake up in the e.r. i wish for disaster so i can be razed. im telling you if i could do any of it again, im pretty sure i wouldnt.
fuck your life under the microscope.
fuck your conclusions.
you have no idea.
it never got me anywhere but here.
over and over again.
every single time.
i wish for five months ago. and not in the way you would imagine either. "you are unfixable". my eyes are washed out but they dont feel clean. they are strong you know not the athletic type, but could definitely used to carrying heavy bags. im guessing in any real light i will delete this, apologies in advance. whatever caption is written next to the picture is the exact opposite of me. i am mapless. you are caught. lets go out and get forgotten.
bad news travels fast. and i am the worst of it.
i will always remember the day i met you.
"leave you feelings in your heart boy".
Posted by xoat 12:57 AM
July 22, 2006
“my phone cuts out in the same place every single day ("the gospel of gossip").”
it feels like there is so much to say.but it can only be said in songs.please dont go so quickly."The city with fires of night seemed an archipelagoWomen asked the love and for the dulieBut in my eyes of male horror I rememberThe busy ones of the evening were never prettyThen the day returned but sometimes without sunTo draw up the houses coast at coast at the edge of streetsWhere our lives with the other smilar lives are mislaidLives trailing their shade while passing in the streetIntercalated in the year they was widowed daysBloody and slow Fridays of burialsWhite and whole blacks come from the skies which cryWhen the woman of the devil beat her lover"guillame appolinairesend me a flashlight. i cant seem to find my faith.iwishicould.posted by xo @ 2:17 PM
July 23, 2006
“we used to talk on the phone every single day (nooneknowshowitreallygoes)”
its strange the way people will window shop on your life or score it for style and grace.my personality and everything about me is just a cerfully constructed collage of magazine articles and flashy pictures.i am (not) real.the puppy is purple after spilling a grape soda on himself. he then ate the tropic of cancer by miller. paperback, so i guess it went down easier.sometimes the days spent all by myself in my head are the scariest.its enough to make you want to pack it up and call it a day.all i can do is read and write and wait.ihavecodedmessagesforyou.aretheygettingthrough.posted by xo @ 8:32 PM
July 26, 2006
you spend every waking moment and many sleeping ones thinking of one heart, one person. you let it slip, they let it slip. who knows where it all begins or ends. but as it falls to pieces you keep grabbing them and collecting them less like for a museum of things that used to matter and more like you are going to keep putting it back together. except there are akways a few pieces missing each time. deep breaths. slow your heart beat. the road winds. there was a time before you always felt like this. try to remember pete. you are being pulled in every direction. everything is bigger under the microscope. you want it to be simple. you make it complicated. "hey, pete- i am middle ground. how come we've never met before". sometimes i wish i could re-engineer the path from my heart to the tip of my tongue and let my head have a shot at it. i dont got bigdreams, i just want to be okay. it comes down to my word versus your word versus the worlds word and i dont think i want to anymore. im worn out. my head is full, my eyes are empty. the dog loves the salt in the corners of my eyes and on my cheeks- i am nervous about cutting it from his diet. and i could and should be, and jealous of it, from the children on the street walking hand in hand with their mothers to the homeless man content with his world of a bench. and noone knows the way i spend my nights counting the individuals grains in the tiles in the bathroom, the coolness of the floor the only comfort- or if anyone does they dont want to ehar it, i cant blame you... i dont even want to hear it anymore. in the mornings the world is blurry. it comes in and out of focus. this is when im the worst. when i awake from a dream to realize that none of it was real possibly ever.one of the things stranger than realizing you are alone in this world is realizing that you are not.pupils the size of baby worlds.every bad decision is put on file for later viewing. mapquest your way back to me, take a turn for the worse and then continue for .5 miles.i want to file a restraining order against myself.and i want to be myself again looking at my reflection in your eyes from the first time i failed you. i am nostalgic for disaster. i want it back.he sleeps sound. he has no care for what buzzes and changes in the world around him.because of this i envy him.run away from a city because of one single heartbeat. it doesnt make sense.its not that i dont trust you, actually it is. and i dont trust myself when i think of you. i sell myself out.i wish you were awake right now. i just want to let myself be happy.posted by xo @ 3:53 AM
July 28, 2006
as i run away from everything i have ever known. just whisper in my ear."and the tears come streaming down your facewhen you lose something you can't replacewhen you love some one but it goes to wastecould it be worse?Lights will guide you homeAnd ignite your bonesAnd I will try to fix youHigh up above or down belowWhen you're too in love to let it goBut if you never try you'll never knowJust what you're worthLights will guide you home"so obvious. so much more brilliant than i could ever imagine to be.be bright and shine. its dark. im sorry ive come so off course.tell the pilot to clear us to land in your backyard.posted by xo @ 11:02 PM
July 30, 2006
regardless of what stars i end up under- for the best and for the worst-you have made me who i am. and i try to make myself more decent and better only because of you.happybirthday.posted by xo @ 3:05 PM
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6txndrunks · 11 months ago
haveanicelife mentioned
and iveeeee replaced my heartttt with meeeetalll partss
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estevanoriol · 2 years ago
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Happy 45th Birthday to my Homie @murs316 . It’s cool when you get to make some art with people it’s even cooler when you become friends with some of those people. For those that don’t know , I shot the cover of “Fornever” Murs & @9thwonder and we @sastudiosglobal did the album layout, directed “The Problem Is” video, shot the Cover of “Have a Nice Life” and the latest cover “Take it Easy My Brother Murs” throughout the years we’ve worked on other projects as well but aside from that we are Friends . Nothing but love for you homie , thank you for the friendship, the work we did and all you did for L.A. and Hip Hop. #HappyBirthday #Murs #EstevanOriol #HipHop #losangeles #thisislosangeles #losangelesphotographer #blackandwhitephotography #lareynastacos #Fornever #HaveaNiceLife #9thwonder Shout out to the homie @richieabbott (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp4HFSvOuFO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dviiidviiii · 3 years ago
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“Deathconciousness” Have A Nice Life (2008)
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fruitydemogorgon · 3 years ago
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yall literally-
i turned up the brightness andd
his eyes are OPEN
thatatat is not a straight man right there.
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stransciende · 5 years ago
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yestheydo · 6 years ago
from Sea of Worry (2019)
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mugabe940 · 6 years ago
Goodbye tumblr. It hasnt been very fun, or very productive but some people do shit for no reason. And i doubt anyone will see this but if you are reading this rn i hope y’all have a nice life. Gn tumblr
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pylonangel · 6 years ago
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Parents,,,, • • • • • #venomfanart #venommovie2018 #venomsymbiote #eddiebrock #symbrock #veddie #eddiexvenom #venomxeddie #sleepersymbiote #sleeper #haveanicelife https://www.instagram.com/p/BtNH8JjgmoA/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=14xua92ldvb45
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iamdb7 · 6 years ago
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#keepmynameoutyamouth #icankeepitthesame #iamdb7 #haveanicelife #peaceoutbitch ✌️ https://www.instagram.com/p/ByGc8pGgv43/?igshid=1dqslc059zymc
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cherylprime · 6 years ago
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Have A Nice Life performing Deathconsciousness at @roadburnfest. I have just about recovered. #haveanicelife #deathconsciousness #roadburnfestival #roadburn (at Roadburn Festival) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwe-fDiJCXB/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=c1kqjwndvhir
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m-ir-a-nd-a · 2 years ago
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