#have your fav kdrama for your bday!
sandushengshou · 1 month
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happy birthday, @highwarlockkareena!
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klausalvatores · 2 years
hi!! how are you? i was re watching your leonetta/disney LA edits and i come here to say that i miss that era. it was amazing having you part of the disney LA fandom!! ❤
Hiii 💙
I’m sorry I didn’t see this ask until now! I’m not sure i got a notif for it but thank you. This is so sweet. I loved editing Leonetta and the other Disney LA series. It was a fun time. I don’t know if I’ll go back to it because I’ve been into other things since then and I haven’t been editing as much as I used to. I edit occasionally for my fav kpop idols bdays and kdramas now :)
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kyutown · 3 years
Hey! Can I get a ship from Enhypen & Stray Kids?
I’m almost 17 years old (my bday is around the corner) and my MBTI type is ENFJ-T. I love to write, dance, read books and cook (especially desserts). Sometimes I also draw landscapes. I’m a big fan of sunrises/sunsets, dogs (big breeds) and flowers (mostly sunflowers). I really enjoy meeting new people and befriending them, travelling or walking around the nature and sightseeing. I’m a workaholic and when I have to do something important, I always make sure to elaborate it to the tiniest detail. Biology and History are among my favourite subjects at school, but I’m also good at learning new languages. In my free time, I enjoy watching anime, kdramas or even action movies. My aesthetic is dark academia/royal (or at least my friends say so lol). My favourite colour is red and for fav season I’d pick summer/autumn.
I hope I explained things well and what I said is enough😅 Thank you in advance <3.
hi! thank you for responding!
for enhypen, i think jake would be a good match! jake would love dogs like you and i think you and jake would often walk together in the nature, with his dog! it would be one of the ways you guys spend time! he would also be the type who would watch kdrama, action movies and anime with you! he would stick by your side and would do things that would make you happy like take you to a dog café where there are lots of big breeds of dogs!
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for stray kids, i think you would fit well with felix! felix would be the type who would enjoy baking and cooking with you and would always be willing to do new things with you! from trying to bake a new dessert to going to new places to see flowers and sunsets, he would love to do anything for you! he would take you to nature and would watch the sunrise and sunset with you and would enjoy meeting new people with you!
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gimme-a-chocolate · 5 years
Jeez where do I start, Ik I always say this but you and @koreandramafeels are literally my first friends on tumblr lmao. I love your blog and seeing your text posts about kdramas and life in general. You always have funny stories about school and stuff and I love your insights about dramas and movies. You write really well too 🤗 (Also I don’t mean this in a condescending way but I feel like I’ve seen you grow and learn a lot between undergrad and your masters??)
And ofc I love seeing your lovely gifsets, esp your emo ones - those always hit me where it hurts 😭😭😭 in fact my emo gifset was inspired by you and I hope to make more lolol
I feel like we don’t watch the same dramas often but when we do it’s 👍🏼😃😭🤗😅👀👀👀 You’re the kind of person I follow who suddenly starts posting stuff and I’m like “ok they have a new obsession and I have no idea what they’re talking about but I’m loving it” lol. Btw when’s the next makjang a la money flower??
Also your love of pink and face masks? 💯💯💯 And pettiness?? I can only aspire to your level lol jk I kid I kid.
Anyway I’ll stop before I say anything more incriminating lol. To end my long love letter I’ll say never change! You’re my fav and always will be 💕💕💕. Send more oreos btw lol
PS omg sunbin’s bday I think u stan her more than ljk 💖
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cactusdery · 6 years
85 questions tag
rules : answer these 85 questions about yourself + tag some (20) people
tagged by  @wowlele thanks a lot
tagging idk who i sould tag 
1. drink - black tea lemonade 
2. phone - cant remember
3. text message -  to my friend talking about jintro
4. song you listened to - blackpink as if it’s my last
5. time you cried - as i said jintro so today
6. dated someone - yes and i regret it
7. kissed someone + regretted it - yes
8. been cheated on - kind of???
9. lost someone special - yes
10. been depressed - i have been for 3 years
11. gotten drunk + threw up - nope
fav colours
12. black
13. blue
14. purple
in the last year have you …
15. made new friends - yep
16. fallen out of love - nope
17. laughed until you cried - yes
18. found someone was talking about you - no
19. met someone who changed you - yes
20. found out who your friends are - i think so
21. kissed someone on your fb friends list -  yes 
22. how many of your fb friends do you know irl - on one account like half qand on the other one i know all of them
23. do you have any pets - 1 dog
24. do you want to change your name - my  name is too common so yea
25. what did you do for your last bday - i went skating with some friends
26. what time did you wake up today - 9am
27. what were you doing at midnight last night - trying not to throw my laptop out of the window
28. what is something you can’t wait for - finish high school
29. what are you listening to rn - jintrooooo
30. have you talked to a person called tom - no
31. something that gets on my nerves - at the moment tumblr; two faced people
32. most visited website - tumblr  yt and weheartit
33. hair color - brown but i chnged it to a darker brown 
34. hair long or short - long
35. do you have a crush on someone atm - nope
36. what do you like about yourself - i like my hair
37. want any piercings - in my ears 
38. blood type - idk
39. nicknames - skyler sky mochi
40. relationship status - single
41. zodiac - virgo
42. pronouns - she/her
43. fav tv shows - kdramas for life dont make me choose
44. tattoos - no
45. right or left hand - right
46. ever had surgery done - yes
47. piercings - standard ear lobe
48. sports - i used to swim and dance but im taking a break
49. vacation - the entire world uwu
50. trainers - idk
more general
51. eating - i had donuts earlier 
52. drinking - black tea lemonade
53. i’m about to watch - idk
54. waiting for - the food to be done
55. want - new books
56. get married - yes
57. career - game developer or dancer
which is better ?
58. hugs or kisses - both
59. lips or eyes - eyes
60. shorter or taller - taller
61. older or younger - idc
62. nice arms or stomach - arms
63. hookup or relationship - relationship
64. hesitant or troublemaker - troublemaker 
have you ever …
65. kissed a stranger - kinda
66. drank hard liquor - yep
67. lost glasses - no
68. turned someone down - yes
69. sex on the first date - no
70. broken someone’s heart - no
71. had your heart broken - yea
72. been arrested - nope
73. cried when someone died - yuh
74. fallen for a friend - no
do you believe in …
75. yourself - not really only when i drink
76. miracles - no??
77. love at first sight - idk
78. santa claus - nope
79. kissing someone on the first date - not really
80. angels - i think so???
81. best friends name - i got rid of my toxic friend who was my bff
82. eye color - brown
83. fav movie - I CANT CHOOSE
84. fav actor - Matthew Daddario
85. fav thing to do when bored - draw or dance
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kewltie · 8 years
there’s a recurring theme in many of my fics... ok there’s always a recurring them in my fics bc im that predictable but two of them are isolation and loneliness.
this is most painfully obvious in cd wherein donghae spent years locked up and isolated by his own half bro and then later found himself alone in foreign country with no friends or allies (eunhyuk promised him safety abut he can’t find himself to trust eunhyuk yet) even though he constantly around ppl but they’re not his friends, they’re not his anything (the journey in cd has always been donghae finding a home and family in esse). hyukjae carried part of the theme bc he too is surrounded by ppl and they’re his friends, family, and close allies but bc of his position it’s hard for them to cross the line and treat him as somebody equal, somebody normal bc the concept of regis is so ingrained in their society and mores that it’s super hard for them to break it. so for these two their loneliness draw them together even when their politics, philosophy, and doubts pulls them apart. 
another fic that come to my mind is tumblr au (which always been v v personal to me) bc as someone who has anxiety and is petrified in interacting w/ others so prefer to spend her time alone, my social circle is regretfully v v small. anxiety, specifically social anxiety, can drive you to isolation even when you dont want to! like donghae want to make friends, want to go out, want to be ‘normal’!!! but his fear keep him from accepting invitation, from making the first move, so eventually it get so tiring that you give up and accept your fate. it can really cripple your life experience when you rarely leave your home and interact w/ others so life seem to pass you by. i think coming on tumblr is a gateway of a sort for donghae bc even when you open up to ppl and share something personal or of yourself the anonymity of the internet is a powerful thing, you can engage the public and when it get too much you disengage whenever you want. that’s something i think donghae is v drawn to by tumblr bc he can dump his feelings--his resentment, his fears, his sadness, his loneliness--and he will be heard but he doesn't have to respond not if he doesn’t wants to. w/ anxiety i sometime dont feel like i have a voice in the world but tumblr is a tool that amplified it and make me heard even if what i said is unnecessary or useless and i think for donghae it’s very much the same thing. 
but it isnt always such a depressing theme i think! like in regency au after havig his family disgrace and being vilified for marrying a commoner for money , regency!donghae is ostracized and isolated by all his former friends and associates. once he was the life of the party and everyboy would hang on his every words now that he had fallen... he found out he got nothing except his pretty face and prettier smile and at first he got really depressed bc not only did everyone he thought as friends left him bc of his bad rep now even his own husband rather give him all the money and live outside than with donghae!!! that was a serious blow to his pride and eventually he doesn’t give a fuck anymore lmao. not when he’s too busy seducing/wooing hyukjae and to make his marriage a real thing. 
and now we’re getting to the real point of all this nonsense in goong au bc i watch to many historical/costume c/kdramas and goong is one of my fav manhwas i read till this day. im really drawn the idea of here is this fairty tale romance presented to you but it’s all a lie and that the royal family isn’t picture perfect when t’s actually fill with cracks and holes. i mean the things you see on TV and read about in school or in the news are just barely scrape the surface of it. at the end of the day the idea of an ordinary person marrying a prince sounds like a modern day cinderella but than you have to think about them having to separate from their family bc obviously they can’t live in their old home now, their every words and actions are now scrutinized by the entire world, there will be people who make use of them bc of their new position as prince(ss) consort, and just imagine having to uproot your entire life just bc you marry someone and having to give up a lot of  your freedom (things you often take for granted like hey walking out of your home to get milk or something now you cant do it bc of security issue & they have someone to do that for you). and make it even more difficult is that you dont EVEN LOVE THEM so here you are isolated from the world and the life you previously held, the palace that you once dream is now your prison... that’s just a harsh and lonely existence. for donghae is only reprieve is that hyukjae is there with him and that above all else that even though he doesn’t love donghae, hyukjae will support him 100000% bc they’re in this together. 3 years of marriage, 3 years stuck in this awful palace, 3 years he must give himself to this country and hyukjae so he cement his position as heir and donghae will be free, he just need to last that long but 3 years is v v long time and sometimes duty pull hyukjae away from him and that’s when donghae realizes that he thought the palace was cold and empty already but now that’s hyukjae is away... everything seems dead w/o hyukjae. i think about the psychological and emotional toll that donghae suffers and it break my heart bc hyukjae is aware of it and the guilt eats him alive :////. Hyukjae suffers the same ordeal but not to donghae's degree bc he least had an entire life to get used to it. Je doesn't like it but its the only world he has ever known despite the unconventional childhood he must have (to grow up in the public eye, to have ur bday celebrated as a national holiday, to be scrutinized even that young, to be taught duty before personal feelings, and that u are not one person but made up of millions who u bare the symbol for). So hyukjae grew up w/ limited freedom and the expectation of an entire nation of ppl on his shoulders... that kind of pressure is a cross too heavy to bare for most ppl. But hyukjae knew of his situation early on while donghae is thrown into this harsh enviroment and has to quick think on his feet bc if he doesnt adapt the palace will eat him alive. i think goong au may be draw worst on this theme tbh ///o\\\\... even more than cd. 
SO YEA basically my points is i have a lot of thoughts about being isolated and alone. 
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bangtanchantan · 7 years
85 Truths Tag
I was tagged by the wonderful @jiminahkookie​ (sorry this is late)
Rules: anwser 85 statements then tag 20 people
I tag: @maknaelne​ @brieecheesee​ @taetaesbandana​ @validjimin​ @jrae7374​ @cowjimin​ @my-calico-cat​ (Soz i don’t have many people to tag; only if you want to, kinda wanna get to know y’all better ^_^)
1. Drink - Coke
2. Phone call - mum
3. Text Message - cousin
4. Song listened to - Teenager GOT7
5. Time you cried - a couple of weeks ago
6. Dated someone twice - yes
7. Kissed someone and regretted it - yes
8. Been cheated on - yes
9. Lost someone special - yes
10. Been depressed - no
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up - yes
Fave colours:
12. Cherry Red
13. Khaki Green
14. Black 
In the last year have you...
15. Made new friends - yes :)
16. Fallen out of love - no
17. Laughed until you cried - yes
18. Found out someone was talking about you - yes
19. Met someone who changed you - yes
20. Found out who your true friends are - yes 
21. Kissed someone on your facebook friends list - yes
22. How many of your facebook friends do you know irl - all of them
23. Do you have any pets - no
24. Do you want to change your name - no
25. What did you do for your last birthday - i was working
26. What time did you wake up today - 9am
27. What were you doing at midnight last night - playing superstar BTS
28. What is something you can’t wait for - to graduate
30. What are you listening to right now - the tv in the background
31. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom - yes
32. Something that’s getting on your nerves - the humidity
33. Most visited website - Twitter, Tumblr, Youtube
34. Hair colour - Cherry Red Ombre 
35. Long or short hair - medium/long
36. Do you have a crush on someone - Park Jimin? Jung Hoseok?
37. What do you like about yourself - my hair
38. Want any piercings - i have a few already but i want more
39. Blood type - i have no idea
40. Nicknames - Chan Chan, pocket rocket, chatterbox, sleeping beauty
41. Relationship status - in one?
42. Zodiac - Virgo
43. Pronouns - She/her
44. Fav tv shows - too many kdramas to name
45. Tattoos - none but planning my first? maybe?
46. Right or left handed - right
47. Ever had a surgery - yes
48. Piercings - 4 (3 on the left ear, 1 on the right)
49. Sport - tennis, netball, rugby, hockey, basketball
50. Vacation - i’ve travelled to a lot of places, my next will hopefully be Korea
51. Trainers - BTS x Puma Court Stars
More general:
52. Eating - Chinese New Year snacks ( i dunno how to explain this)
53. Drinking - Chandy (pre-mixed beer and lemonade)
54. I’m about to watch - J-hope’s bday vlive with eng subs :)
55. Waiting for - BTS to come to Australia again
56. Want - a new laptop would be nice
57. Get married - in the future yes
58. Career - nurse chan
Which is better?
59. Hugs or kisses - both :)
60. Lips or eyes - lips
61. Shorter or taller - taller?
62. Older or younger - older
63. Nice arms or stomach - both or neither it doesn't matter
64. Hookup or relationship - relationship
65. Troublemaker or hesitant - troublemaker ;)
Have you ever...
66. Kissed a stranger - yes
67. Drank hard liquor - yes
68. Lost glasses - sunglasses? (i don't wear prescription glasses)
69. Turned someone down - yes
70. Sex on first date - no
71. Broken someone’s heart - hurt someone? yeh
72. Had your heart broken - yes
73. Been arrested - no
74. Cried when someone died - yes
75. Fallen for a friend - yes
Do you believe in...
76. Yourself - yes
77. Miracles - yes
78. Love at first sight - kinda
79. Santa claus - no
80. Kiss on first date - depends
81. Angels - yes
82. Best friend’s name - Nadia
83. Eye colour - dark brown
84. Fave movie - don’t have one
85. Fave actor/actress - Song Joong Ki, Nam Joo Hyuk, Lee Sung Kyung
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