#have you actually looked at the current tour schedule?
faithlesslovee · 2 years
if I see one more person suggest that taylor fix this mess by adding more shows I'm going to do something drastic
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alienzil · 2 months
Nanny Danny
“That is a whole ass baby,” was the only thought running through Lex Luthor’s head when the scientist proudly showed him the tube containing Project KR. It was not remotely the sort of thing he would normally think and most definitely not what he had expected to be thinking the first time he saw the clone.
He’d been pleased when he’d read the reports indicating the success of KR after years of failures. Lex had poured millions of dollars and literally his own blood into ensuring a clone of the alien could be made, one that would be under his total control instead of the unknown aspirations of Superman.  He’d wanted to see the fruits of his labors personally but this…
It. No, not an it. He scrunched his tiny face and smacked his lips and…did he smirk? Was that HIS SMIRK on that baby’s face?! No. No. Babies this small didn’t smile or smirk. They passed gas and their sleep deprived and addled parents mistook it for an intelligent response. He’d heard enough inane conversations in the Lexcorp office about the various progeny of his employees to pick up on that but still. This child had Kryptonian DNA, not to mention his own contribution. Surely, he was far more advanced than the dribbling potato shaped lump of an infant whose pictures he’d been forced to smile and nod over when Mark from accounting had rudely shoved them in his face at the last quarterly budget meeting. Yes, that was definitely a smirk. His, that was his smirk.
“So as you can see its growth is well within expected parameters and we’re planning to start phase one of accelerating the maturation process tomorrow once the testing is do-”
“Take him out.”
“Sir? The testing can all be accomplished while it remains in the tube. There’s no need to-”
“I said, take him out. The project is cancelled.”
“What?! Mr. Luthor you can’t!”
“I think you’ll find I can. Now get me my son.”
Two years later
“Call them again”
“Sir, I’ve called them seven times. They won’t answer.”
“Then call another agency!”
“There isn’t another agency, Sir”
Lex glared at his assistant who stared back at him impassively. Mercy stood by the door staring off into the distance and pretending she didn’t notice him being bested by his own secretary.
He stopped himself from shouting again and took a deep breath before asking, “Then what, exactly, do you propose I do Mrs. Anderson? Adjust my entire schedule around naptimes? Find a toddler size lab coat and safety goggles and bring my son with me to tour the new clean energy project on Thursday? Perhaps buy a tiny business suit while I’m at it for the next board meeting?”
“I’m not suggesting anything of the sort, Mr. Luthor. I’m telling you that no childcare agency in Metropolis will return my calls anymore. Most won’t even answer.  You’ve gone through 27 nannies in the last 3 months. You need someone better suited to your son’s…special needs.”
Lex snorted. “Special needs might be a bit of understatement. He can lift a car over his head and his favorite word right now is No.”
He sighed and rubbed his forehead. “Thank you for…clarifying the situation, Marjorie. If there’s nothing else, you can leave.”
His secretary didn’t move. She looked at him like she was waiting for something and now that he was paying attention, he saw she was holding a file.  “Did you have a suggestion?”
Looking pleased with herself she responded, “Actually, yes, I did.”
She set the file on his desk and flipped it open. He looked down at the first page and raised an eyebrow, “What am I looking at here?”
“This,” she responded pulling out the top set of papers and spreading them out, “is the employee file and background check for Daniel J. Fenton, an intern that started in our engineering department about 4 months ago. He has one sibling, two parents and several close friends he regularly meets with. His current supervisor has nothing but good things to say about him and reports he gets along well with all his coworkers.”
She set out the next set of papers, neatly arranging them on the desk to be easily seen. “These are newspaper articles and screenshots of social media posts regarding a small town vigilante locally known as Phantom. The same small town, Mr. Fenton is from coincidentally. Also coincidentally, Phantom made his first appearance only a few weeks after Mr. Fenton was involved in a minor accident in his parent’s home laboratory when he was 14, the medical records for the incident are included.”
“Hmm,” Lex said observing several photos of Phantom and a younger Fenton arranged in order of similar poses and facial expressions and printed out side by side.
“Finally,” she said handing him the last set of papers directly, “this would be a report from the lab Mr. Fenton works in from an incident that happened yesterday. A test with a new protype went wrong and started a fire. Everyone evacuated per protocol when the alarms went off but one of the other interns was working on a programming issue off to the side of the lab while wearing headphones and didn’t hear the alarm or notice the fire. Mr. Fenton noticed his absence and returned to the lab to get him out.” She stopped talking and let him look at the last several pages in the file, a series of photographs of the lab.
“Is this ice?”
“Yes, it is. It’s several inches thick and covers half of the lab. It completely put out the fire leaving minimal damage.”
“This machine was moved?”
“It was. It was very close to the flames and would have required replacement if exposed to extreme heat or cold. That particular piece of equipment also weighs several thousand pounds and was bolted to the floor.”
Lex read through everything in detail then clasped his hands under his chin and stared at the photo of Daniel Fenton for several moments before turning back to his waiting secretary.
“Have HR send Mr. Fenton up. I’d like to offer him a promotion.”
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signedkoko · 8 months
Oo could I request romantic Vees with a reader who's this famous singer/idol in Hell? (Think, way more than Fizzarolli-level famous)
Valentino | Velvette | Vox [Romantic]
In which you are one of the most popular performance artists in all of hell. Reader is female.
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Your name was more than just 'known'; it was plastered along buildings and chanted by millions
He was always scouting for personalities, following trends in people to see who he could drag down into his vicing grip
But you were untouchable, the first thing he couldn't command to their knees before him
Even so, if Val wanted to meet you, he could, and it was extremely new to the overlord to have to go out of his way to meet someone, but he felt it was worth it
He claims it was because you had possible talent, but those closest to him know he had a bit of a celebrity crush
Valentino is not one to be nervous; he would be direct when telling you that he wanted you, again and again, until you eventually granted him at least one night out, just the two of you
Once he has his chance, he'll pull out every stop just to hear you say that you'd like to see him again
He gets so distracted with you that he forgets the part about getting you into his company, eventually brushing it off by saying you 'didn't suit what he was looking for'
Avoiding being under his contract meant he could never command you, which meant he never had anything to be angry with you about
According to him, you were a role model for all the demons he owned
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Famous stars require famous stylists, and who better than Velvette?
You'd actually reached out to her personally, since a lot of her work inspired your current stylists, and you wanted an upgrade for your tour of hell
Idol's like you were the exact thing people like Velvette dreamed of having in their portfolio, and she insisted on meeting you so she could see what you were looking for
In all her years, she'd never met an idol so genuine—most were snobbish, greedy, or just told her to 'do whatever'
You came in with photos of things you liked, hell, even fabrics you preferred, and a set list of what your songs would look like in order
She was already in love
You get her personal creations, and she insists on being the one to tailor you herself
" Only the best for the best, right? "
She can feel her bitchy attitude melt, and though she gets extremely bothered when anyone interrupts your sessions together, you ground her
It's not long before you two become official, and while she can't follow you into the deeper rings of hell, she will always be sure to watch your performances in the background while she works
She constantly calls you 'doll', because she's always dressing you up
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Influences, aristocrats, idols—none of it was new to the king of social media
Everyone contacted him for their social management, or his team, at least
He didn't do much of the personal work himself; he had far too much on his plate, but he always checked on who was requesting his services
Mostly for the ego boost, knowing the image of so many self-proclaimed "stars'' relied on him
But there was also a list of people he wanted to work for, a list that brought his ego back down and told him he hadn't met his goals yet and had to try harder
You were at the very top
He'd seen a plethora of your performances recorded and reuploaded: best takes, most underrated performances, and unforgettable sets
But he'd never had the chance to see you live until he got a PR package regarding your newest album release
Him? It was certainly interesting to...no shot, you sent him hidden tickets for 'friends only'
He is not fangirling except maybe a bit; he's already cleared his schedule that evening so he can get there and making sure his outfit is cleaned up and ready
Your performance was out of this world, and he is beyond pleased when he is invited backstage to speak with you
There you were, taking off your earrings in your dressing room, smiling at him as if you were old friends
" How was the performance? I'm so glad you came. "
For a moment, hes almost worried you have the wrong person; he seems uncertain of what to say until you continue
" I heard you are hard to win over, so I figured I'd go all out before I ask if you'd consider running my new album compaigne? "
He acts cool, but when he gets home that evening, he is pumping his fist in the air and screaming
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Author's Note - I was thinking lilith-level famous, you are THAT girl... Thank you for requesting! I went for a fem! reader because it was no specified
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sktrhoon · 2 months
en- hyung line ; scenarios based off songs that remind me of them
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boyfriend!hyung line x fem!reader
warnings: just a whole lot of fluff, guess you could say jake's is suggestive ???? (not really, it just alludes to it)
wc: 1082
synopsis: all of this is just cutesy banter or member telling reader they adore them
a/n: if these sound repetitive i'm sorry-- OH and it's very obvious what inspired jake's
always, i’ll care by jeremy zucker 
You sighed as your phone finally went off, the time reading 2:11am. You knew the time zones wouldn’t be easy to adjust to, Heeseung’s schedule not helping in the slightest, but that doesn’t mean you were prepared for it to be this exhausting mentally. 
“Hey doll, sorry if I woke you,” Heeseung’s voice rang through the phone. 
“No- no you’re fine. I was up,” you murmured, not having it in you to speak at a normal level. 
Heeseung’s only been on tour for two weeks and it’s testing your relationship in ways you didn’t think was possible. The constant traveling, concerts, and additional schedules thrown in has made it difficult for the two of you to communicate the way you did when he wasn’t on the road. Some days you would go all day without even a text from your boyfriend until the night (for him), which you can’t fault him. You try not to. You’ve talked about it with him and he explained his situation, so you try to be understanding. 
“You know I love you and I care about you, right?” 
Hearing those exact words with your current mental state felt like a knife to the chest and you didn’t know how to respond.
“I know right now isn’t great, these additional schedules and very little downtime isn’t helping and I know that shouldn’t be an excuse,” before you could even cut him off saying he doesn’t need to apolgoize, he beat you to it, “and no, I need to say this. So don’t say ‘don’t worry about it’, ‘it’s fine’, it might be at times, but not every day.” 
“I’m always going to be here even if I’m the most busy man alive and on the other side of the planet, no matter what. I never want you to be afraid to text or call me. I’m always going to care.” 
wherever you are by one ok rock
You looked over to Jongseong, him strumming on a guitar that he found in one of the various practice rooms. His voice was filling the silence with a subtle humming while his hands danced around the frets, but he never actually strummed the guitar.. 
“What are you thinking, bub?” 
He looked up to you with a small grin on his face before shaking his head, almost as if he didn’t want to say what was on his mind, “Making sure I remember something.”
“And what is that lover boy?”
“First of all, never call me that again. Second of all, you know that song you kept talking about last week?” 
“Wherever you are by ONE OK ROCK?” 
“Mhm,” he smiled before looking down at the floor as he started strumming the chords of the song you gushed about to him just a few days prior. 
You won’t lie, but you thought the song was very him. Vocally, the instrument, even just the tone of song, it all reminded you of your boyfriend. You also happened to just enjoy the song, so you showed it to him when he came back from a schedule one day. You did not expect him to use his freetime to learn the song for you, let alone this quickly. 
“Before I start singing, sorry if I mess up any lyrics. More importantly though, I mean every lyric of the song and I’m grateful you showed it to me. I’m always by your side, yea?”
“Now look who’s being fucking corny!” 
nonsense by sabrina carpenter 
Spending the evening with Jake running around like children at a random arcade is exactly how you would want to spend your Friday night, so that’s what you two did. Jake won’t admit, but the stuffed animal you’re carrying back up to your apartment right now? You won it and before you could grab it from the machine, Jake lunged for it, all so he could be the one to “give” it to you. You know damn well the photo he took of you with it is going to be set to the rest of the boys with some sort of caption claiming, “look what I won for my girl.”
“Jake, are you sure you don’t want to carry the stuffed animal? Since it looks like I won it for you and all?”
“Now why are we lying baby?” 
“Oh looks like we’re at your place,” he smiled as he waited to the side of the door as you grabbed your keys. 
As you opened the door you paused in front of Jake and looked at him, waiting for either some sort of response or action. All he was doing was leaning against the wall, so you had no idea if he was going to kiss you goodbye, follow you inside, or give you another witty remark.
You sighed before letting out a small laugh, “Do you want to come inside?” 
A faint smirk fell upon Jake’s face as he, oh so not subtly checked you out, before reaching to shut the door behind you. 
feels like by gracie abrams
“Hoon, you’re spacing out a bit bub…”
“Hm, sorry,” he shook his head slightly at your words before refocusing his gaze on you rather than the iced coffee on the table. 
“Do I even ask what you were thinking about?”
“Mm.. that you bring me peace.”
“Huh?” You were caught off guard by Sunghoon’s words. It wasn’t often he would express himself like that, but in Sunghoon fashion when it did happen it was random one-liners at the most odd times, “Sorry- that sounded harsh didn’t it?”
Sunghoon laughed lightly before replying, “No, love, it didn’t. But, I mean what I said. We could be doing anything, be anywhere, and I feel, calm? Everything else doesn’t matter for a bit.” 
“You’re such a fucking dork Hoon,” you paused for a brief second gauging his reaction to your words. A smile lit up his face as he raised an eyebrow at you, encouraging you to keep talking. “I hope you know I could say the same to you, but randomly telling me this in a coffee shop? Very Sunghoon of you.” 
“I know, thank you – And you love me for it anyway.” 
“Always and forever.” 
Sunghoon looked between the two of your now empty drinks before looking up at you, “So… movie at yours now?” 
“We do this every week Hoon, you know my answer is always yes.” 
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steddieas-shegoes · 6 months
"so you're telling me that you helped them find all the eggs on the bus?" steve asked, arms folded across his chest.
"yes! they couldn't even reach a few of them. you hid them too high," eddie unwrapped another chocolate egg and shoved it in his mouth.
"yeah, the goal was to keep some hidden so we wouldn't have them bouncing off the walls while we're stuck on here for another six hours."
eddie stopped chewing his candy, looking over at their two daughters who were currently arguing over who got to keep the $1 bill and who got to keep the four quarters from one of the eggs.
"i thought the goal was to find them all?"
"yeah, eventually. all the obvious ones were for today and then tomorrow one of us would 'find' the last handful of them and give out the candy over the course of the day." steve snapped his fingers at the girls and gave them his 'you better chill out' look. "now they're all in a mood and probably want to run around, but can't."
"yeah, oh." steve sighed. he gestured to their son, who was too young to care about money, but definitely not too young to care about candy, shoving a handful of jelly beans in his mouth. "how do you plan on entertaining him?"
"he can play my guitar or something."
"and what do you suggest we do with the girls?"
"pawn them off on jeff and his wife on the next stop? they need practice anyways."
steve snorted. it wasn't a bad idea necessarily. but there was no way they'd be on their best behavior and steve wouldn't put anyone else through that.
"how about we stop for some food to help soak up some of that sugar?" steve suggested, knowing they still had about two hours before they were scheduled for a stop. bribing the driver would be pretty easy, especially if they let him pick where they went. "one of us can hide the rest of the candy while they're off the bus."
"fine, but they'll be mad when they get back."
"and they can stay mad," steve laughed. "but they can stay mad at you for it. i was the bad guy yesterday when i said no to ice cream. it's your turn."
eddie's jaw dropped. "but i'm never the bad guy!"
"yes, my point exactly." steve turned to grab bottles of water for the kids. maybe flushing it all out of their system would help. "i'm taking the title of cool dad for the day."
"robin would be so disappointed in you," eddie grumbled.
"robin's been trying to get me to loosen up for years. she'll be proud of me."
eddie wrapped his arms around steve, ignoring the sudden screech from their oldest daughter for another moment.
"i'm proud of you too. i can be the bad guy more often if you want."
"nah. i kinda like what we have." steve leaned in to kiss him quickly. "but i'm gonna soak it in today. might get a little worked up seeing you be the guy doling out discipline today, though."
"you're ridiculous. i discipline you plenty."
"dad! she took both of the dollars!"
"i found both of them!"
"actually, i found both of them," eddie said as he turned to the girls. "and if there's arguing, i get to keep them both."
the girls looked back at him with wide eyes, chocolate around their mouths, and sticky fingers from whatever taffy they'd gotten into first.
"but you already have all the money! you're an adult!"
steve covered his mouth to hide his laughter, turning to their son, who was a little too quiet for the amount of peeps he'd eaten an hour ago.
he wasn't at the table anymore.
"alright, maybe we'll both have to be the bad guys today," steve sighed. "luke! where'd you go?"
"how does he disappear on a moving bus?" eddie asked as he made his way to the couch to figure out the money situation with the girls.
it was their first, and probably last, easter on the tour bus. they normally spent all holidays at home.
but as steve tugged luke's legs from under steve and eddie's bed, giggling along with his three year old son, he couldn't help smiling at the chaos.
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Sweet Like Sugar (Tattoo Artist!Geto x Black!Bimbo!Reader 18+ One Shot)
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Pairing: Geto Suguru x Black!Fem!Reader
Synopsis: In which Geto gets paid a pleasant surprise at his tattoo shop when his favorite, cute little bimbo client comes to visit one night on his birthday to cover her ex's tattoo.
Warnings: Smutty Smut; 18+ (MINORS GTFO); Dom!Geto; sub!Reader; Bimbo!Reader; Reader is Black & Fem; Sexual Tension; Stripping; Oral; Deepthroat; Multiple Positions (Doggystyle, Fucking Standing Up; One Leg Up; Cowgirl); Body Worship; Dick Piercing; Mild Pain Kink; Unprotected PIV; Cum on Ass
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned in this fic. However, as this is my writing, I do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other sites that are not from my own accounts. Thank you!
Writer’s Note: A very happy birthday to my BABYYYYY!! I wrote this as a quick something to celebrate the special day & because tattoo artist!Geto has been burning a hole in my head AND my p*ssy. Enjoy! -Jazz
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It’s his birthday and he’s working late. 
Not that he would’ve chosen differently. Geto doesn’t mind working late. Anything he can do to increase the popularity of his beloved tattoo shop, he’ll do it. He’s had this shop for over six years now ever since he graduated from art school and claims it as the reason for his career. Plus, celebrity popularity. 
Ever since he tattooed Rihanna on one of her world tours, he’s tattooed many other popular figures in music which gained him more traction. He can’t be happier with the booming business, even when it is on his birthday. He’s never been the type to make a big deal about the day he was born, so working on inking up people’s bodies and scheduling appointments never bothered him. It does, however, bother Gojo. 
“C’mooon, Sugu,” he whines, using the nickname he’s called Geto since high school. “You’ve been in this sad little shop since 8 in the morning! Let’s go out for drinks. It’s your birthday, after all.” 
Geto, currently bent over his station cleaning off his ink needles and machinery in time for the next appointment at 8 PM (the shop closes at 9, but he lets the guy squeeze since it means more money), rolls his eyes. “7, actually,” he says. “And you know that the bars are packed tonight, Satoru. It’s Saturday. We can go during the week though.” 
Gojo whines again as he shrugs on his coat and pops on his glasses that Geto thinks make him look like one of the three blind mice. “You’re so boring,” he sighs. “Why do I hang out with you?” 
Shoko exits her post at the front desk, putting on her leather trench to hide one of her arms roped in ink. “Because he gave you a job out of college and lets you smoke weed on your breaks,” she mumbles as she pops an unlit cigarette into her mouth. Gojo glares at her while Geto laughs. He gave Gojo a job as a tattooer, along with Shoko (who is also the receptionist), because of how good their skills are. However, he would do it anyway because of their work ethic and the fact that they’re such good friends. 
“I’ll go with you ‘cause I need a drink,” Shoko huffs as she shimmies between the tattoo stations to the front door.” “We’ll drink in honor of you, Sugu.” Before she leaves, she bends over and pecks Geto on the cheek, leaving a ring of red lipgloss. “Happy birthday,” she chuckles. 
“Thanks,” he chuckles, wiping off her lipstick stain. “Have fun.” Shoko heads out into the chilly night, holding the door so Gojo can hurry up and join her outside. His blue-eyed friend stops and pats Geto on the shoulder, nearly knocking Geto’s cleaning rag and his ink machine out of his hands. “Don’t stay too long, alright? You need to sleep.” 
He gives Geto a serious look as he says this. It’s no secret that his friends think that Geto overworks himself to the point of exhaustion, but when you’re a business owner, you have to make sacrifices. “Satoru, my appointment is only askin’ for an outline,” he chuckles. “Those only take me twenty to thirty minutes, tops. But I appreciate your concern.” He puts a hand on Geto’s, giving him a smile. “As soon as I’m done, I’ll hop on my motorcycle and head out of here, okay?” 
Gojo nods, looking satisfied with that. “And let us know if a hot girl comes in,” he says with a smirk. “Maybe even that sweetheart you’ve got your head in a tizzy over.” He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively at Geto who rolls his eyes, but his body tingles at the mention of you, the “sweetheart” in question. 
“Not head’s not in a tizzy,” he scoffs, standing up from his leather seat to get a drink, but mostly to escape his friend’s teasing. “Whatever the fuck that means. And she hasn’t been here in over two weeks.” Gojo watches Geto’s muscular back as he walks away, the dragon tatted on his back flexing along with his muscles. “You miiiiiss her,” he teasingly sings. 
Geto cuts his eyes sharply at his friend, about to tell him off, but Shoko peeks her head through the front door. “Cut it out,” she criticizes Gojo. “Now let’s go before we can’t find a seat.” She nods at Geto with a smile, giving him a wink. “Take it easy, Suguru.” Geto hums in agreement and waves as he moves behind the front desk to their mini fridge. 
“Remember what I said!” Geto calls as he heads out the door. “Let me know if she comes! I want details!” Then he’s off with Shoko into the city, leaving Geto alone in his shop. “Lock the door on your way out!” Geto calls, but they leave before his order reaches them. Sighing, he takes an ice-cold water bottle out of the fridge and takes a gulp of it before walking over to lock the door. 
Though he loves his friends, he was counting on them leaving tonight since they’re heavy drinkers and Gojo is a partier. It gives him time to be alone with his thoughts and, though he will never admit it, he is hoping to see you tonight. He’s been staying late for just that reason, making the excuse to ink people for later appointments, count cash, and clean up shop. He’s been hoping one day that you’d pop up on his schedule or that you’d call so he can hear your sweet, sexy voice, but to his utter disappointment, you haven’t. 
Ever since you entered his shop a month ago to get your belly button pierced, he hasn’t been able to get you out of his mind. It was a chilly but sunny day when he met you and he had just returned from lunch to get started with his next appointment. Gojo and Choso, one of his other skilled yet young tattooers, were working that day. Geto had walked in, positively pissed, in his wool trench after parking, locking, and hopping off of his motorcycle. 
The bell above the door rang as he stomped in wearing his boots, wanting to stomp someone. “You won’t believe this shit,” he scoffed to no one in particular but knew that his coworkers would listen. “I almost ran over this guy’s dog who ran out into the street without a leash. The dude tried to blame me for it even though he’s an irresponsible dog owner! Then, the idiot was threatening to sue for…” 
He immediately stopped complaining the moment he got a look at you checking in at the front desk along with your friend. 
You turned around at the same time as his coworkers when he stomped through the door, giving him an eyeful of your pretty, brown skin and eyes highlighted by the pink you wore: a pink trench with flurry sleeves and neckline; a pink cropped sweater that exposed your tummy and juicy cleavage held up by your push-up bra; pink nails he wanted to feel wrapped around him; juicy, glossy, pink lips that chewed on some strawberry mint gum he could smell from the door. 
The only things that weren’t pink on you were the black boots that didn’t make him any taller than you and your hip-hugging, low-waist jeans that flared out at the bottom of your ankles and hugged your waist and thighs something wicked. Geto was silenced, his heart thundering in his ears and blood immediately rushing to his cock. He was disgusted at that, but he couldn’t help it! It was like you stepped out of a man’s wettest dream. You were the perfect mix of adorable and sexy. 
Shoko smirked at Gojo from across the room before clearing her throat to fill the awkward silence. “Your 3 PM is here, Geto,” she announced. You gave him a big, blinding, warm smile and he wore he nearly popped a nosebleed. “Hi!” you greeted him. “That’s me! I booked it online on your website.” 
Realizing he looked like an idiot just standing there, Geto quickly recovered and cleared his throat, ignoring Gojo’s soft sniggers. “Uh, yeah,” he said. “Yes, my 3 o’clock. I’m Suguru.” He stuck out his hand to you which you took, your hand so much smaller and softer than his. “I’m Y/N,” you said in that sweet voice. “This is my friend. She introduced me to your shop ‘cause Ariana Grande got her tattoo done here.” 
“Oh, yeah, Ms. Grande!” he chuckled. He had to take a moment to think about that because his brain was too busy focusing on how good you smelled and your pretty smile. “Yeah, she was very nice. Are you here for some ink? I don’t think you said anything about what you wanted for your appointment.” 
You giggled, sheepishly so. “You guys do piercings, right?” you asked, blinking those big, doe-like eyes and doll-like lashes up at him. He nodded, afraid to speak. “I was hoping if maybe I could get a belly button ring. A pink one, please! Or one shaped like a heart!” 
Your friend nudged you the wider and more excited your gorgeous eyes got. “Y/N,” she whined. “Don’t be so pushy.” But Geto chortled to himself, thinking it was adorable. “It’s cool,” he chuckled. “Well, follow me to my station and I can show you what we have.” 
While your friend waited in the waiting area where snacks and drinks sat, you followed Geto to his workstation where a stool for himself, a retractable chair for his clients, and a large mirror plastered against the wall sat. He presented you with a glass case of rings to choose from, each one becoming more expensive due to the kind of metal used and whether the diamond in it is real. “Oooh, I’ll take this one!” you cooed, pointing at the fuschia pink diamond stud with a butterfly charm hanging off of it. “It’s so pretty!” Geto smirked, knowing that you’d pick that. “Lemme just sit up real quick,” he told you and you nodded before shedding your coat. 
When you did, he watched as you bent over to toss the coat over your chair, getting an eyeful of your back and your ass in your jeans. He has never had a client make it so hard to work before. His cock practically became his head, throbbing intensely. He tried to distract himself by putting on his latex clothes and cleaning the piercing needle. Once done, he took out the earring and dangled it in front of you. “You like pink?” he asked, smirking. 
You gave him a sheepish, shy smile. “Is it that obvious?” you giggled. “I just love the color. I think it makes me look cuter.” He didn’t tell you that he agreed. You then began to look around the store aimlessly, gaping at the sketches hanging up behind him. “Wow, did you draw that?” you gasped, pointing at a blue dragon emerging from a bed of water lilies. “That’s sooo beautiful! You design your own stuff?” 
He nodded, flushing at the compliment. “Thank you, and yes, I do. I’m a tattoo artist who just so happens to own their own shop.” He patted the chair, giving you a warm, comforting smile. “Go ahead and get comfortable. Lie back for me.” You did so, sitting down and lying back against the leather cushion, but you looked tense. “How long have you owned your shop for?” you asked. “That’s gotta be hard. I’m going to college now, so I know how it feels to be so overwhelmed. Classes are cool. I hate math classes though. I mean, what do we need to learn calculus for? It’s pointless! I wanna be a teacher, not…” 
You stopped, looking embarrassed. “Sorry. I talk a lot when I’m nervous.” He raised an eyebrow at you as he set out some anti-bacterial wipes and soothing cream. “Nervous?” he asked. “I can see you’ve gotten piercings before though.” He nodded at your ears and diamond nose ring. 
“Yeah, but those weren’t for my body!” you argued. “But then again, I do wanna get my nipples done too, so I guess I’ll have to get used to needles.” 
Geto didn’t tell you how much the idea of you having nipple rings turned him on. Maybe they would be pink too. “I have tattoos too,” you added. He once again quirked an eyebrow at you, happy to get to know you more to ease your nerves…and also because he was so intrigued by you. “Do you now?” he prompted, curious. “Lemme see.” 
You first showed him one––a tiny purple butterfly on your right arm. “I got this one two years ago for my birthday,” you explained. You then rolled down your pants slightly, making Geto blush and think very naughty thoughts, to show him the name inked on your left thigh. “And this one is my boyfriend’s name.” You stated this so proudly. 
Geto tried not to wither at the fact that you were taken. Of course, you would be! You were too damn cute to not be with someone. “Boyfriend, huh?” he asked. “How’d you meet him?” He hated how bitter he sounded, but you didn’t seem to notice. “We go to the same school together. Funny enough, he was my weed plug and he asked me out. We’ve been together for two years now.” 
You gave him a crooked smirk as you pulled your pants back up. “I know it’s silly,” you sighed. “That’s what my friend said: to get a guy’s name tattooed on your body.” Geto felt a pang of guilt because he was thinking it. “I didn’t say that,” he protested. “You’d be surprised how many people come in here wantin’ their significant other’s name tatted on them.” 
“Well, there’s the whole logic behind it that if you break up, you’ll have their name on you forever!” you stated. “But I know that’s not gonna happen. We’re doing great and he’s got my name tatted on him in the same spot!” you sounded so certain that Geto couldn’t dare argue. 
“I’m happy to hear that,” he said, giving you a smile before fetching an alcohol swap. “I’m just gonna clean your belly button first and then you’ll feel a pinch. There will be blood, but not a lot.” 
You nodded and braced yourself by squeezing the chair before he began to wipe at your belly button. “That tickles!” you laughed, endearing, hysterical giggles leaving your mouth as Geto did his thing. He smiled, loving the sound. He wanted to make you laugh always. Once done, he took the needle and gave you a soothing smile. “So tell me what you go to school for.” 
You were happy to tell him and he found that the more he talked to you, the less tense and nervous you were. You talked the whole time he took the needle and pierced your belly button, trying not to laugh at your squeal of pain. You were just the sweetest thing ever. He also found that the more he talked to you, the more he wanted to know you. Once finished and your stomach was clean, you admired your piercing in the mirror. “Thank you so, so much, Suguru!” you squealed. “It’s so, so cute!” 
Geto watched you shake your hips in the mirror, agreeing that the tiny charm looked so damn cute hanging from your belly. He tried not to stare too much, instead, spraying and sanitizing the chair for the next client. “Do you have an IG that I can tag you in?” you asked, taking out your phone with a Hello Kitty case. God, how cuter could you possibly get?! He just wanted to scoop you up and put you in his pocket! 
“Yeah, and I’ll give it to you when I ring you up,” he stated, loving how sweet you were. Once he finished cleaning up and giving you the solution to clean your piercing with, he walked you to the front desk to pay and totaled it, telling you something completely lower than the actual price. “Oh…but that’s not the price on your website,” you stated, confused. 
“I know,” he chuckled, looking down at you adoringly. “A college girl like you needs to save.” Realization flickered in your eyes. “That’s so sweet!” you cooed and, after you finished paying, surprised him by putting $20 in the tip jar. “For doing such a good job on me,” you giggled. “I’ll make sure I visit here again for a tattoo.” 
Geto shared your smile, feeling his heart thud at the thought of you coming back. He wanted you to come back. “I look forward to it, Y/N,” he said, not realizing how deep and sultry your voice sounded. But you did and your friend had to come get you because your legs suddenly forgot how to function. You looked back at him over your shoulder before you finally left, making Geto wonder if he’d see you again. Gojo was more than excited to be nosey and leaned against the front desk while Geto counted change. “What?” he grumbled, not even looking up. 
“Dude, you should’ve copped that,” Gojo sighed. “I would’ve definitely slid that cutie my digits.” 
Geto glared at him as he dropped the coins in the register. “She said she has a boyfriend, in case you’re hard at hearing,” he pointedly said. 
Gojo clucked his tongue against the roof of his mouth. “That don’t matter! You could’ve given her your card for…business purposes.” He smirked suggestively, ever the perv.  “Why would I need to do that if she has my IG?” Geto scoffed, rolling his eyes. “Da fuck I look like givin’ this girl my card with my number on it? She would’ve thought I was trying to pick her up. And besides, she’s probably not even gonna show up again.” 
But you did. You showed up the whole month of January to pick up new solution or to get a cleanup on your butterfly tattoo. Geto always took you and if he wasn’t there to do so, you came back when he was on his shifts which made his heart flutter. You learned more about him and he about you during all of your sessions which became his favorites. You had become his favorite client because of how sweet you were to everyone. Your personality and presence seemed to brighten his shop a little more. He looked forward to the days you’d come in. 
Until suddenly, you stopped. He hasn’t seen you in over a week and though he had your number in the system, he refused to call you. He didn’t want to overstep boundaries, so he just left it be, but he can’t deny that his heart aches every time the bell above the door rings and you’re not standing there. 
After fifteen minutes of cleaning up and humming to the music blasting from his phone, it begins to drizzle outside which means that his appointment may be cancelled. Many clients cancel or don’t show up when the weather is nasty. No more than five minutes later, he gets a call on the shop’s phone which goes right to voicemail. “Hi there!” his appointment, an older man, says. “This message is for Geto Suguru. I apologize, but I have to cancel because of my work hours. I’ll reschedule for an opening next week. Have a good night!” 
“Shit,” Geto cusses, not happy to have wasted his time, but also glad that he’ll be able to go home early and chill on a rainy night. So he busies himself with putting up the closed sign on the door before taking a Clorox wipe and wiping down the front desk. With his back to the door, he hears the bell make its tinkling sound behind him. 
“Hey, sorry, but we’re closed,” he announces without looking behind him. “Oh, sorry!” your sweet, familiar voice says. “I wanted to…” Geto immediately stops cleaning to turn to face you. You stand there frozen with an umbrella dripping in water and wearing a cropped pink tracksuit and matching pants bedazzled with your name on them. You both stare at each other for a minute, completely silent and transfixed, before you manage to smile at him. “Hi,” you greet him. 
God, how he’s missed that smile. “Hi,” he parrots, still in awe. “What brings you here tonight, stranger?” 
Your smile grows wider, a little brighter than before but still slightly…off. You don’t have that light to them. “I had come to get something, but I can come back. I thought y’all closed at 10 PM.” 
“We do,” Geto replies, already putting away the cleaning products, “but my client cancelled, so I was gonna shut down shop early…but I can still take you depending on what you need.” You look relieved at that and he wants to know why. “Thank you, Suguru,” you sigh. “I’m so sorry to interrupt your night.” 
“Nonsense,” he chuckles, walking you over to his work station. “My night was gettin’ boring anyway, so I’m glad you walked in. Hop up.” He pats the seat to which you hop up on, your legs dangling from the seat. The sound of SZA swells around the shop, filling the silence. Usually, you’re so chipper and singing along to the tunes, but tonight, you’re completely quiet. 
“So I’ve got ask,” Geto says, giving you a warm smile. “Where have you been at all this time? I haven’t seen you around the shop lately.” He begins to take the cleaning products for piercings and tattoos out to make it the conversation seem casual, but in reality, he is dying to know where you disappeared to. You shrug, looking everywhere but at him. “Just dealin’ with classes, you know,” you answer softly. “Exams, tests, papers…” He nodded understandably and rolled towards you on his stool. “So what are you lookin’ for tonight?” he asks. 
And he doesn’t know what in that question gets to you, but you immediately burst into tears. A sob-like exhale breaks through that chest and sobs begin to escape those pretty lips as you weep into your hands. Geto is taken aback, not sure what to do. “Uh…did I say something wrong?” he asks. 
You vigorously shake your head, your cheeks now coated in tears. “No, no,” you sniffle. "I’m so sorry, Suguru. I just…” You sigh, shaking your head. “My boyfriend broke up with me,” you confess. “The one whose name I got tattooed on my fucking thigh! TMI, but I caught him fucking another girl in his dorm when I went over to celebrate his birthday with a cake I made.” 
Geto crumbles at the sight of you looking so low; so down; so insecure. He hates seeing you like that and he hates that your bitch ass ex caused this. “I came to get his name covered,” you admit. “Maybe with a flower or another butterfly. Something pretty to cover this ugliness. I’m sorry to spring this on you so late, but–“ 
You abruptly stop because Geto is looking at you in a way that he has never looked at a client. His gaze his hooded but fierce and serious, one of his hands gripping the chair arm and nearly brushing against your arm. “You don’t have to be sorry about a thing, Y/N,” he says in a gentle, sweet voice that soothes you and makes you feel safe. “I’d be happy to do this for you. And if it’s any consolation, a girl as sweet as you deserves much more than someone that hurts you.” 
You stare at him for a moment, your eyes big and glassy from crying. He gives you a smile that you mirror, flashing him something he has been aching to see. “And plus, my birthday couldn’t get more exciting,” he chuckles. At this, you gasp. “It’s your birthday?” you coo. “Oh, that makes me feel even worse!” 
Geto laughs, patting your hand comfortingly, ignoring the sparks that fly as he does. “It’s cool, really. I don’t celebrate my birthday like that.” He goes to roll away so he can get some designs for you, but you stop him by placing a hand on his arm. He turns, finding you staring him down with an unreadable, hot expression. “Well…is there any way I can repay you?” you ask, but there is a purr to it. It is soft and low, but Geto hears it. And suddenly, he feels as if you aren’t just here for the ink. 
The air shifts to something less than professional and friendly. Though Geto should ignore it, he doesn’t, too distracted by your lips and thick thighs in those track pants. “Well, what did you have in mind?” he asks, his voice dipping an octave. To you, it sounds like dripping honey and makes you feel a way that your ex never did. 
You suddenly slip off of the chair and stand in front of him while he sits. He wheels closer to you so you stand between his thick, muscular thighs in his jeans, looking up into your eyes. “I don’t want you to take this the wrong way,” you say, your tone sultry and sweet. "I don’t want you to think you’re rebound ‘cause you’re not. I’ve always liked you, Suguru, but I didn’t want to ruin things with my ex...but now that we’re done, I’d like to take our relationship somewhere else.” You give him a shy smile that nearly makes him bust. “If you’re down for it,” you add, batting those pretty lashes at him. 
Seconds later, his control flying out the fucking window, Geto finds himself snatching you down to kiss him, causing you to fall into his lap. He swallows your surprised mewls and soft moans as he kissed your lips, making his sticky with your gloss. He gives you those moans right back, desperate and yearning, as you straddle him. He can feel how warm you are the more he kisses and touches you, especially between your thighs. You grind against his crotch as your hands stroke up his chest and his squeeze and mold the thick, soft globes of your ass in your tracksuit pants. 
“Finally,” he murmurs through your kiss. “I’ve been wanting you…wanting you for so fuckin’ long.” One hand trails up your back to caress your spine while the other rests on your ass, coaxing you to continue to grind your hips into him. “Me too,” you whimper as he nipples gently on your plump, pillowy-soft bottom lip. “I have too.” 
He smiles through the kiss, happy to know that you’ve been aching for him even when you were with someone already. This is insane! He was so sure he would go home after locking up the shop, take a ride on his motorcycle, and smoke a blunt to end the night off. He doesn’t expect anything that happens tonight to go the way that it does. 
He doesn’t expect to find himself stripping for you while you strip for him, laughing as you help each other with your clothes and steal hot, breathless kisses in between. He snatches down the zipper to your tracksuit while you snatch down your pants, leaving you in just your pink Hello Kitty bra and panties. He laughs at your undies, making you smack his arm. “I think they’re cute,” he coos, pressing a kiss to your lips. 
You strip off his baggy, black sweatshirt while he takes off his tank top underneath, revealing his toned body and tatted arms to you. He never likes to brag about himself, but the way you’re looking at him like he’s a long-haired Adonis makes him want to. 
“You’re so, so pretty, Sugu,” you mewl, dragging your long, pink, pretty nails across his skin. You run your hands over every part of him: his arms; his hips; his chest and pecs; his toned stomach that leads down to his V-line smooth with skin and inked with a lipstick mark. You giggle at the tattoo, running your thumb over it. “It ain’t someone’s lips in particular,” he explains, shivering at your touch. “But I wouldn’t mind if they were yours.” 
“I’d hope you wouldn’t,” you purr before bending down to press your lips to the tattoo, leaving a stain of your gloss there. He returns the same action when he takes down your bra straps to expose your pretty titties and hard, tight, brown nipples to him that he pepper in kisses and suckles that make you moan and toss your head back. 
He doesn't expect you to bend over the chair for him when he demands it: “Bend over for me,” he says in his deep, smooth voice that makes you shiver. You look back at him, presenting your ass to him to take for himself. Geto feels like a wild animal the way he moves your panties down to your knees and stuffs his face in your pussy. His hands mold and smack your ass, loving the way it jiggles and how you gasp every single time his hand comes down to hit one of your jiggly, soft asscheeks. 
He doesn’t expect his lips and tongue to be in your pussy, licking, sucking, and lapping up your juices which you allow by pressing your ass further into him. “Fuck, Sugu!” you moan, moving one arm back to run your fingers through his long, black locks. “You’re so, so good at this!” You make sounds and move in a way that makes him feel as if your ex hasn’t been treating you right. 
He wants to make up for all of it, so he continues to lap at your sweet, pretty little cunt and moan as he does it, drunk off of the taste of you. He’s drunk in love with the way your skin contrasts with his, wanting to see his cum dripping down it; the way your sobs and whines of pleasure bounce off of the walls; the way your nails massaging his scalp as you grip his hair; the way your ass and hips whine and grind into his mouth like a little slut in heat. 
“You’re so good to me, mama,” he murmurs against your clit. “So sweet…like sugar.” You whimper at his words, sneaking your hand down to rub your clit while he tongue-fucks you against the leather chair. 
He doesn’t expect to switch with you and have his long, thick cock wrapped in your soft lips, your tongue lapping at the pre-cum bubbling from the head. He loves the way you ogle his dick once you get his pants off, letting the appendage spring to life. He is thick, veiny, girthy, and has a stud piercing in the bulbous head that makes him blush.
"Aw, baby!" you coo happily, gently poking at the studded earring. "You have a dick piercing! That's so fucking hot." You settle on your knees, naked, your pretty eyes and doll-like lashes staring up at him while you stroke and gag on his cock like it’s your profession.
“Oh, fuck,” he groans, tossing his head back at the sensations. He wants so desperately to keep looking at you, but the sight and the feeling is almost too much. 
Your mouth is just so wet and your throat is so tight. When you release him, your mouth and lips are coated in spit and pre-cum, your lash line slightly glittering in tears. “You taste so good, Sugu,” you moan, biting your lower lip as you watch your hand stroke his wet cock up and down. He’s just as hypnotized, loving how your nails look wrapped around his thick, veiny dick. 
“Am I doin’ a good job?” you teasingly ask. “Am I makin’ you feel good?” You dip back down to take him deeper down your throat, gagging and choking along his length. Geto grunts, one hand gripping your hair while the other digs into the leather cushion beneath him. “God, yes!” he moans. “You’re doin’ so fuckin’ good for me, sugar. Such a good girl for me.” 
You giggle, drunk off of him, and continue to eagerly take him, your soft lips sliding along his shaft as your mouth goes up and down, up and down, giving him throat like he has never experienced in his life…and in his place of business, no less! 
And he certainly doesn’t expect you to be bent over the chair again and him behind you, his hands on your ass and his cock sliding inside of you. Of course, he pauses to ask if this is still okay and that you can say no at any time. But you look back at him with a giddy smile and a need in your eyes that almost makes him cum. “I want this, Sugu,” you softly say, your hand pressing against his stomach just to feel him up. “Please fuck me.” 
And when you toss that ass back into him, he just about loses it. He grips your hips and begins slowly rocking his hips into your wet heat, letting you get used to the feeling. He pays attention to your sounds and the way your body moves, your knees wobbly and body shaking. “You okay?” he asks, comfortingly stroking your back. You nod, panting heavily as his cock internally strokes your clit as it slides in and out of you. “You’re bigger than my ex, is all,” you shakily say. “But I can take it.” 
Geto doesn’t tell you how happy that makes him. It gives him the chance to really fuck you like you’ve never been fucked before. “You’re so tight for me, sugar,” he moans, continuing to give himself to you nice and slow. “So wet too. You must be feening for this dick, aren’t you?” He takes you by the back of the neck and angles himself in a way that makes your moans grow louder when he fucks you. 
“Faster, Sugu!” you beg. “Please fuck this pussy faster! Harder!” He can’t deny the way his cock swells and twitches inside you at the sound of your pleas. 
He grabs your hips and gives you exactly what you want, fucking you so roughly that your knees begin to buckle and your moans echo with the music playing on his phone. His own sounds of pleasure mingle with yours, mixing with the sound of his cock lewdly swirling in your squelching, wet pussy that grips him tighter than a vice. “Take it,” he demands. “Take it like a good girl. You wanted this shit, right?” 
He smacks your ass in time with his thrusts, causing sharp sounds of his hand connecting with your cheeks and your moans to bounce off of the shop’s walls. Your ass is just too perfect and he can't get enough of the way it bounces and jiggles so enticingly against his stomach as he drills you. He wouldn’t mind seeing his name tatted on one of your delectable cheeks or as a tramp stamp across your lower back or even on your thigh. He sees you now as his own. You are his. 
“That feel good, hm?” he teasingly asks, continue to hold your neck as he pistons into you. “You like that, sugar? Y’know, this pussy is almost sweeter than you.” He pauses and slowly holds your leg up, waiting for your consent to continue. You nod, pushing back into him as if you can’t get enough of his cock. 
For a while, he fucks you just like that with one hand holding your leg up and the other gripping your neck, holding you steady as he strokes that G-spot again and again, his heavy balls hitting that clit and making you tingle all over. But he doesn’t just fuck you from behind. He does it in any way you want and are comfortable with doing. 
He turns you around, picks you up, and fucks you stand up, you dangling from his waist. You just about scream and sob with pleasure as his cock pounds into you like a jackhammer, your arms and legs wrapped around him like a koala bear. “F-Fuck, Sugu!” you babble into his neck and hair. “Oh, my God, you’re so fuckin’ good!” He pulls you away to stare at the pleasure in your eyes and then kiss you, moaning hotly into your mouth. It only makes him fuck you harder, making you bounce against his cock. 
When you finally cum is when he lies on his back on the floor and has you ride him. You do so with vigor and eagerness, bouncing up and down on his dick like the cutest little rabbit. He lies under you, his big hands gripping your hips and ass as you do your thing. “God, baby,” he groans. “You’re gonna make me cum soon.” 
He can feel his balls tightening and that knot in his stomach threatening to snap the more your pussy slams down onto him and the more those precious titties jiggle and bounce in front of him. “Cum with me, Sugu!” you beg in that sweet voice, your nails digging into his pecs. “Give it to me please! I’m so close!” Ever the vixen, you randomly slow down and begin to giggle like a damn villain when Geto groans at the edging, your wet walls just too much to not fuck up into. 
And that’s what he does. He takes a hold of you and grips you to him before slamming himself up into you again and again, his moans and grunts of pleasure mixing with yours as your mixed juices drip down his balls, making your cunt wet enough to fuck with vigor. “Cum with me,” he demands as you whine into his ear, his cock too much. “Cum on this dick, baby. Do it! Give it to me!” 
It doesn’t take long for you to cum all over his cock, your pussy squeezing him tight enough where he can hardly move. When you do, it triggers his own orgasm. He quickly pulls out of you and fucks his fist until his cum spurts all over your ass and pussy, drenching you in it. His lips find yours, his moans and heavy pants mixing with yours as your tongues swirl with one another. You giggle into the kiss, causing him to laugh too. “Fuck,” you sigh against his mouth. “That was so good.” 
“Mm,” he hums in agreement. Exhausted, you roll off of him and onto your back to stare up at the ceiling. Beads of sweat roll down Geto’s toned body and forehead as he heavily pants, recovering from the sex. Feeling your hand sneak into his, he smiles and interlaces your fingers. 
“I expect you to be comin’ back regularly now,” he chuckles. 
“If I can look forward to this, sure,” you hum. “That was fantastic! Way better than my bitch ass ex!” Geto turns over to look at you, loving how you look in the afterglow after getting your gorgeous brains fucked out. “Speakin’ of which, you wanna get back to the tattoo or just continue this?” he asks, nodding down at your thigh where your ex’s name still sits. “I'm with either, sugar. It’s all up to you.” 
You look up at him with those eyes and inch closer to his body to wrap your arms around him. “In a bit,” you sigh, making him laugh as you squeeze him to you like a teddy bear. He embraces you back, pressing a kiss to your forehead and breathing in the scents of your sweet-smelling body spray and sex on your skin. He loves how small you are, how warm and soft you feel against him. He feels like you belong there with him and he with you. 
After a couple of minutes of soft kisses and drawing shapes on each other’s naked bodies, you each get dressed and get back to business. After Geto fetches you some water and a snack, yu sit up in the chair and lay back while he puts on some gloves and moves your pants down to show the flesh of your thigh. When he fetches the tattoo gun, your eyes grow wide like a cartoon character’s. 
He snorts at your reaction as he dips the needle in some red for your new tattoo. You chose a nice rose to cover your ex’s name. “Still scared of needles?” he chortles. You nod, focusing on the needle. “Just grab my hand and breathe, okay?” He puts out his hand for you to take, but you stop him from plugging in the gun. 
“Oh, wait!” you exclaim and begin digging in your purse. You then pull out a bedazzled weed pen and take a hit, the smoke billowing from your soft, glossy lips that he wants to kiss again. The way they form an O makes his cock twitch. “Want some?” you ask and he leans in to take a hit. The smoke fills his lungs and he holds it as you lean in, prompting him to blow the smoke into your mouth. 
Once relaxed, you nod, silently telling him to continue. “Here we go, sugar,” he gently announces. He plugs in the gun and it begins to muzzle. “Just breathe.” You do so, holding his hand and looking away as the needle gets closer to your skin. Once the first pricks come, you tense and squeeze his hand, but you still breathe. “Good girl,” he coos. “You're doin’ so, so well for me.” 
You give him a wobbly smile, but the fear in your eyes has wained…mostly because he starts rubbing your clit. “S-Sugu,” you whimper, closing your trembling thighs around his hand. 
“Just focus,” he instructs you as his thick fingers stroke your needy clit. “Focus on my fingers, sugar, okay?” You nod, giving him a cute expression that makes him want to fuck you all over again. 
You do and all that is heard throughout the shop are the buzzing of the tattoo gun, the music, and your sweet moans. 
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mbappeslover · 2 years
écoute chérie // kylian mbappé | part one.
kylian mbappé x f! reader.
saw this edit on tiktok, they edited mbappé to écoute chérie by vendredi sur mer and… i fell in love. the song is sooo mbappé.
y/n got the job as kylian’s personal assistant. his previous assistant fired for unknown reasons. y/n had heard about kylian mbappé and his terrible attitude. she wasn’t excited to work with him. but, turns out.. he’s actually not that bad.
read part 2 here.
read the finale here.
credits to the editor: strkvoid on tiktok, they did such an amazing job <3, my favorite mbappé edit.
“y/n y/l/n, you’ve been accepted!” the notification pinged and appeared at the top of your screen. you clicked on it so fast.
one week ago.
“y/n, have you seen this? kylian mbappé’s management is looking for a new personal assistant.” your friend tells you during a phone call.
“oh really?” you ask.
“yes… and, you qualify for it! like a 100 percent. wait, i’m gonna send you the link.”
you received the message and clicked on the link, it was indeed an exclusive offer/application to becoming the footballer’s new personal assistant.
“y/n, you should really go for it. the pay is amazing and i’m sure it’ll be an awesome experience.”
you skim through the countless pages and listing of requirements and benefits the job offered. plus, you were indeed qualified for the job.
“mmm… i don’t know. everyone talks about how much of an asshole kylian mbappé is. how he’s a jackass with a shitty attitude and an unbearable ego, bigger than the universe.” you explain, iffy about this whole thing.
“oh please, it’s not like you’re gonna be all lovey dovey with the guy. imagine how much money you’ll be making. you want to quit your current job right now anyway.” your friend says, trying her hardest to convince you.
you laugh. “okay, you’re right. i’ll call you back, i’m gonna read through all the paper work, submit my résumé and update you on it.”
you weren’t too serious about it, you doubted that you’d actually get the job.
everything just got real. definitely serious.
you got the job, you were on call with the footballer’s management, and you were now getting familiarized with his schedule.
“alright, ms. y/l/n, we’ve spoken through all the things you’ll be needing to do for kylian. i’ve sent you an email of a file that lists all the things you must do for him. now, all we need is for you to sign a few things. it’ll take you about ten minutes. it wasn’t much before but… some things went down. so, we had to make a few arrangements.” kylian’s manager stated.
you just nod taking everything in and trying to process it at once.
you heard the ping from your phone, signaling you got the email.
“okay, perfect. today, i’ll show you around psg and tomorrow you’ll be meeting kylian.”
a tour guide took you around the stadium, briefly explaining different areas and rooms in the building to you.
it was a long day. you were now in bed, aimlessly scrolling on instagram because you couldn’t sleep.
you’re nervous. why?
the athlete you’ll be attending to is possibly the biggest asshole in paris, france and you’re gonna have to deal with it.
you decide to go on his instagram.
“k. mbappé, 94.1m Followers, 389 Following, 1204 posts.”
you click on the first photo presented and begin scrolling down.
in almost all photos he’s smiling, with a caption full of emojis and empowering words.
he looks so… sweet?
is this the same guy with the so-called “bad attitude?”
you fell asleep.
after scrolling through all one thousand, two hundred and four posts by kylian mbappé.
your alarm rang, loudly.
you groaned, getting up to prepare yourself for the day.
after getting dressed, you received a call from kylian’s manager.
“good mornin-“ you tried greeting politely, before cut off.
“good morning dear, i need you here in ten minutes.”
“it’s only 9:00, i was told to be there at 9:30. did something happen?” you ask, exasperated.
“yeah, well, kylian decided to come earlier than we thought and right now, he wants an organic green juice from le juice. it has to be from juicerie.” the manager explains.
“le juice is like fifteen minutes from where i am right now, how will i be able to make it in ten?” you say, slightly panicking.
“well, find a way. mbappé cares about his health, a lot. all that stuff about nutrition and good food is the key to health. if you didn’t know, now you do. be here in ten, please darling!” the managers says in a cheery voice before hanging up.
first day on the job and they were already trying to make the impossible, possible.
you quickly go on the website for le juice and order and paid online for a medium organic green juice for pick-up.
you catch a taxi and head over to le juice. it was a five minute drive because it was still a bit early and the streets hadn’t start to fill yet, luckily.
you ask the taxi driver if they could wait for a quick second while you grab the order from inside.
the taxi driver fussed a bit yet ultimately decided to wait.
again, you were able to swipe up the juice since the shop just opened and customer didn’t pile up in the juice bar.
you hop back in the taxi and make your way to the stadium.
“tsk, your first day on the job and you’re seven minutes late. you better hurry up and get in there.” the manager scolds you once you arrive, outside the office room of psg.
“well, you should’ve told me i would have to be here earlier, you cunt.”
you didn’t actually say that, you thought it, but, you didn’t say it.
you quickly enter the room, with a little a stumble, almost tripping on your own feet. you quickly laugh at how much of a mess you are.
the room is packed, there’s people everywhere, most likely other staff members. you see at the corner of the room, there’s a small crowd of people surrounding something.
you squeeze in between people, trying to find a way through.
“excuse me. yea, sorry. my apologies. let me just squeeze in. i’m sorry.” you murmur out while gliding through the people in the packed room.
that’s when you were faced with him.
he’s exactly like those photos on the internet, a vibrant face, smiling while the people around him asks him questions like how’s his morning, would he like anything to drink, trivial things to simply make conversation. 
the infamous kylian mbappé.
you cleared your throat, put on your most brightest smile and polite voice.
“mr. mbappé, this is your organic green juice.” you say, putting your hand out to give the drink.
the area becomes quiet as the attention shifts on you.
you briefly look around confused.
and the smile that was once on kylian’s face had disappeared.
it was replaced with a hard stoned, cold glare.
“the fuck?” you thought.
he grabs the drink from your hand, not even thanking you before continuing the small talk with staff around him.
you try your hardest not to make a face at his rude behavior.
you brush it off.
brushing yourself off, taking a deep breath. putting on a polite voice again, you introduce yourself.
“hello, my name is y/n. i’m sure your manager already told you about me, i am your new personal assistant. if you ever need me, for anything, feel free to let me know. that’s my job, of course.” adding in a little humor to lighten the atmosphere, reaching your hand out.
once again, the area of the room goes silent. his smile falls once again and he slowly turns to look at you.
“d'accord. où est ma paille?” (okay. where is my straw?)
the crowd laughs.
you reach out your bag, handing him the straw before walking away.
“the rumors are true. he’s insufferable. literally an asshole. a two-faced scum? who even treats someone like that? no wonder his old assistant left. who’d want to deal with that.” you were now on the phone with your friend who encouraged you to apply.
“y/n, calm down. i know it was frustrating, but, it’s just your first day. at least quit after you get your first check.” your friend said, trying to comfort you.
yea, that’s right. y/n cried. cried very hard. today was extremely difficult.
you followed kylian everywhere, attempting to tend to his needs, but, all he did was be rude or downright ignore you.
“sir, how are you feeling? would you like for me to schedule a massage for you, in case you are feeling tense?” you ask.
“do i look tense to you?”
“mr. mbappé, your manager has informed me that you have a meeting on friday at 3pm.”
“who makes meetings on friday? i’m not going, you’re going. i have to relax.”
“mr. mbappé-“
“please stop bothering me. aren’t you my assistant? why must you keep calling out my name, you��re here to handle my business.”
“i don’t even know what i did to him? why should i get treated like this? it makes no sense.” you complain to your friend.
“i’m sure it’ll get better eventually… hopefully.”
“yea, hopefully.”
it’s been two weeks, working as kylian mbappé’s personal assistant.
to say y/n felt drained would be an understatement.
fourteen endless days of talking to a brick, solid wall.
a brick, solid wall with snarky remarks and a stinky attitude.
“mr. mbappé, your driver is outside waiting for you. he has the specific refreshments you asked for.” y/n says.
“alright, walk me to the car.” he says.
y/n’s concerned because he usually just nods and walks to the car himself.
as the two makes their way to the car, kylian starts conversation.
“your name, y/n, right?”
this is weird.
so weird.
“yes, sir. y/n y/l/n.”
“alright y/n, can you cook?”
“yes, i can cook, why?” y/n questions.
“génial. je veux que tu cuisines pour moi. (great. i want you to cook for me).” kylian says nonchalantly.
y/n stops dead in her tracks as kylian continues to walk.
“so, now i have to cook for this man? really?
well, it is your job…
oh, shut up. i know that!
just saying…” you internally battle with yourself.
he turns around, “well are you coming? i don’t have all day and i’m starving.”
you snap out of it, speed-walking to catch up.
“why are you standing by the door?”
you were in your bosses house. well, it’s not out of the ordinary because you are his personal assistant.
however, this is a drastic jump from a few days ago, when he didn’t even want you near him.
“are you okay, mr. mbappé? it looks pretty bad. i can go get you some soothing gel!”
he hurt himself pretty badly while trying to perform a trick during practice.
“no! i’m fine. don’t touch me, move!”
he spat out, stumbling to get up by himself.
you back up in utter shock.
other staff runs up to offer him support as he limps away.
mbappé’s pov:
his new personal assistant stood at the door, looking like a lost puppy that was left for dead on a rainy night.
kylian knew he was being hard on her, harsh to her. but, he couldn’t let his guard down.
he refused to let history repeat itself.
“why are you standing by the door?” he asks.
y/n seemed to be lost in her thoughts when he said that because she snapped up and made her way into the house after taking off her tory burch sandals.
kylian observed the woman as she subtly looked around the place before making her way to the kitchen.
he couldn’t lie. she was beautiful. she could be on the cover of a makeup magazine because of how natural and pretty her features were.
he wishes he could see her smile. most of the time she wears a frown on her face, sometimes a pout that kylian finds endearing. he wouldn’t show that though. or.. say it, ever.
her hair looked so soft, her voice was so nice on the ear. she had a nice figure, ones of a dancer, delicate, light on the feet.
“mr. mbappé? did you hear what i said? i asked, what exactly would you like for me to cook?” she said. he loved her voice, utterly. like a bee, wanting to drown in honey. he wanted to drown in her voice, listen to it forever.
“call me kylian.”
for some reason, he finds himself wanting to get to know her. get closer to her.
y/n’s pov:
‘oh God, he’s staring.’ you think to yourself.
y/n has made her way to the kitchen after taking in the penthouse. it was so nice and luxurious. she wondered how much or how long she’d have to work before ever living in a place like this.
she began looking in the cabinets, taking out a few pots and pans before realizing her boss didn’t even tell her what he wanted to eat.
“mr. mbappé, what exactly would you like for me to cook.” y/n says, an attempt to ease the tension.
‘he’s still staring. what the hell is wrong with him?’
“mr. mbappé? did you hear what i said? i asked, what exactly would you like for me to cook?” she repeats.
he looks you straight in the eye.
“call me kylian.”
you two continue making eye contact, you thought you’d feel uncomfortable, but, it’s rather… nice? it feels nice. it’s the first he’s ever actually acknowledged you.
you break the eye contact, clearing your throat.
“alright, if you don’t have anything set in mind, i’ll just cook and try to make do with whatever you have here.” you say.
it’s been about 50 minutes and you’re finally done cooking. you made steak & farfalle pasta with creamy tomato sauce.
kylian went into his bedroom since you began cooking and hadn’t come out. but, you did hear faint music coming from his room.
you begin to plate his food nicely, setting it on the kitchen island with a glass cup of ice water.
luckily, you clean along the way while cooking so there wasn’t a mess. you were tired, you wanted to get home and unwind.
you walk up to his bedroom door, about to knock, when the door swings open.
“oh! i was just about to knock. the food is ready.” you say slightly surprised.
he doesn’t say anything.
but, you could care less. your attention shifts to the song being played in the background.
“is that écoute chérie by vendredi sur mer? i love that song so much.” you say excitingly, completely forgetting that you’re at work. technically.
“yeah, it is. i love that song too.” he replies with a small chuckle.
‘did he just chuckle? with me? did kylian mbappé, my rude ass boss. chuckle… with me?’
you smile, looking at the small smile that adorned his face as he chuckled.
you won. you’re winning mbappé over.
mbappé’s pov:
he was in his room, sipping on some expensive red wine from a brewery that gifted him some.
he felt at peace, moments like these to himself. drinking something, listening to music, letting loose.
not only that, but, most likely, he could smell the aroma from the food his personal assistant, y/n was making for him.
its been a little while, he was gonna go check on the food.
his favorite song comes on.
“partir, venir, mourir, courir.”
what a lovely song. he sings to himself, along the chant before making his way to the door.
opening it, there she was.
“oh! i was just about to knock. the food is ready.” she says, obviously a little spooked.
he doesn’t care about that, though. the more he looked at her, the more time he spent around her, the harder it got to suppress his obvious attraction to the woman.
he visibly sees something click in her head as she moves from his sight to get a better hearing of what was being played.
“is that écoute chérie by vendredi sur mer? i love that song so much.” she says.
‘God, she’s so cute.’ he thinks to himself.
“yeah, it is. i love that song too.” he says, trying to hold back the ‘awe’ he wants to say so bad.
she smiles.
kylian felt like his heart could explode.
without absolutely zero exaggeration, she has got to have an award for having the most beautiful smile in the universe.
that smile right there—convinced kylian that he would make it his mission to always see that smile as long as y/n’s around him.
y/n turns around, leading him to his meal.
his stomach grumbles as he lay eyes on the food. it looks delicious. better than any five star michelin restaurant he’s been to. would probably taste better as well.
he’s confused, though. there’s only one plate of food.
he turns to y/n.
“where’s your food?”
“oh, i only made food for you, sir-“
“kylian, call me kylian.”
“yes, i’m sorry, kylian.”
“i’m gonna wait here for you to finish your food so i can wash your plate, then i’ll be out your hair, if that’s fine with you, kylian.”
he knows he can’t just let her leave like that.
he doesn’t know what he’s doing, but he thinks he knows what he wants.
“that’s fine. come sit down.” he says, pulling out the chair next to him.
y/n hesitantly makes her way and gets seated. kylian slides over the glass of ice water to her.
“no, it’s for you.” y/n explains.
“i know, but, just drink it. i have some wine in my room.”
“okay, do you want me to go get it and pour some out for you?” y/n says, about to make her way there when kylian gently pulls her down.
“no, no, it’s fine. relax.” he says.
kylian begins eating, almost scarfing the food down.
y/n takes a sip of the water while looking at him eat.
“is it good?” y/n asks.
he stops for a second, chewing and swallowing what’s in his mouth.
“very. best meal i’ve had in a long time, y/n. thank you.” he says with a genuine smile on his face.
y/n smiles back before bringing the glass cup up to her lips and drinking some more water.
“so, y/n, how old are you?” he says, finishing up his food.
“i turned 24 a few months ago.” y/n says.
“really? i turned 24 a few months ago as well.”
“i know that, you’re the star of france.” y/n says with a small smile on her face.
he smiles at her again.
y/n couldn’t take it.
‘this is awfully weird. why is he being so… nice. it was concerning.’ she thinks to herself.
silence takes over the room and the only sound being the fork hitting against the glass plate as kylian takes a bite of the pasta.
“kylian, why are you so mean to me?”
“y/n, i know i haven’t been the nicest to you…”
they say at the same time. they both laugh.
“you go first.” kylian offers to y/n.
“alright, i was asking. why are you so mean to me? did i do.. something.”
kylian sighs deeply, “no y/n, you did nothing wrong, but, a lot happened before that’s making me like that towards you. just know i don’t mean it.” he explain.
“well, what happened?”
“i’ll tell you later.” kylian says finishing the food.
y/n took the plate and glass cup, made her way to the sink and began washing the dishes.
y/n wondered, what was on his mind. what was he thinking about.
too deep in thought to not see her boss, kylian. staking right next to her, leaning on the countertop.
she finishes cleaning the plate and cup.
she turned to her left, her soul jumping out her chest.
“kylian! why are you always sneaking up on people.” y/n said, laughing off the remaining shock with a hand over her heart.
“sorry, sorry, i just like looking at you.” he laughs.
y/n laughs too.
“oh really?”
“OH? REALLY?” she says backtracking because it registered to y/n what he said.
“yes. you’re beautiful.” he says, stepping a teeny closer to the beautiful woman in front of him.
y/n blushes.
“the food was really good as well. i really wish you would’ve ate with me.” he says.
“i’m just your assistant. i don’t want to break any of your boundaries. i respect you.” y/n says.
“i respect you.” kylian replays it in his head.
he already had a slight crush on y/n, but, this was different.
he has a crush on y/n.
“wow, you’re making me feel like shit for treating you the way i did. i respect you, too. say, come over again tomorrow. if you make me something to eat again, i’ll tell you what happened.” he says with a smile on his face.
y/n remains silent. she was thinking.
‘is kylian mbappé flirting with me?’
there’s no way.
yes there is! look at the way he’s looking at you. he wants you!’ you weigh out to yourself.
kylian think it’s adorable. the way y/n constantly looks like a lost puppy.
he bends down a bit, leveling himself to y/n’s height to get her attention.
“everything alright in there?” kylian says.
y/n seems to still be in deep thought when kylian giggles.
he takes his index finger, placing it underneath y/n’s chin, lifting it up.
he looks her in the eye.
he wants to kiss her, her lips look so soft. he’s 100% sure if their lips were to simply graze across one another, he’d still love it. be addicted to it.
y/n looks back into his eyes, feeling her heart beat and her stomach start to flutter.
“deal or no deal?” kylian says as he tilts his head to the side.
y/n eyes drops to kylian’s lips. they were the perfect size and naturally protruded out.
she imagined how it’d feel. probably like a pillow, or, maybe a marshmallow.
y/n eyes make its way back to kylian’s.
she made up her mind.
“deal.” she says before gently removing his finger from her chin. she gathered her bags and made her way to the door, kylian following right behind.
she slipped on her sandals as kylian unlocked & opened the door.
y/n walks out, before turning to kylian who stood by the door.
they say together.
the two laugh.
“till next time then, goodnight mr. mbappé.” y/n says.
“it’s kylian and i’ll call you tomorrow. make sure you answer. goodnight, y/n.” he says, smiling.
a/n (author’s note):
i am confident in this at all.. i feel like it could be way better but i wanted to hurry and publish something to whoever’s waiting. i’ve been so busy and tired with school :,(. it was supposed to only have one part but i didn’t wanna rush the plot too much.
i tried something new with the whole “pov” thing. and, i hope it’s not too confusing because i switch from 2nd point of view to 3rd a lot.
i guarantee part 2 will be more exciting than this. thanks for reading!
1K notes · View notes
sofs16 · 10 months
perceval shark
charles! fake photographer x singer!reader
HEY! i know that may sound alarming as he is a fake but its quite silly… i think… im about to write it so enjoy <3
— just finished writing; not proofread at all
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liked by charles_jpg, and 10,484,393 others
yn.yln hi friends! im currently looking for a photographer to join me on tour for the next month since my cousin (usual photographer) got injured and can’t travel:( send me a message or email in my bio and ill send more deets:) thanks a lot!!! 💌
view all 2,484,393 comments
ynsphoto will she acc reply to like millions of people tho 😭
⤷ yn.yln i really am trying but my instagram dms are glitching now 🫠 my team and i have replied to most of the emails tho:))
july 31, 2023
— mail app, you’ve got 16,483 inbox!
From: Charles Perceval >
To: Yn Yln >
July 31, 2023 at 4:18
Hello, Yn!
If you are still in need of a photographer, I would love to help out!
Though I have no real experience aside from taking pictures of my friends, I have a large passion for music as you do.
I hope to hear from you:)
P.S Here is a link to some of my work. Have a good day:)
All the best,
Charles Perceval
To: Charles Perceval >
From: Yn Yln >
Subject: reply asap pls :))
July 31, 2023 at 11:01
Hey, Charles!
I’ve really spent quite a while being mesmerized at your photos and I would loveeee if you could come with us on tour this month!!
The notice is quite short but the schedule would be August 4 to August 28 with us circling Europe. Let me know if there’s any issues and we could work around it:)
Hope to hear from you as well.
All the love,
Yn Yln 🤍
To: Yn Yln
From: Charles Perceval
July 31 at 16:22
Hello, Yn!
I am so glad! There may be a minor issue but could maybe we could talk about it on Instagram.
Would that be alright?:)
All the best,
Charles Perceval
charles_jpg • Instagram
12 Followers • 83 Posts
Following you since 2017
yn 💌
i must say, the 12 followers and private account is very sketchy, perceval 🤷🏻‍♀️
Charles Perceval
Hello Yn! Why are you judging me on my followers 😂
im just saying i hope you dont rob me when we meet in real life 😔
Charles Perceval
Thank you for the trust in me. But I would not do that to you😁
yn 💌
sigh.. i guess it’s my fault if i end up dead in a ditch… ANYWAYS!
are you free to meet tomorrow 😁
Charles Perceval
Where exactly?
Where are you now?
Charles Perceval
you’re.. in a spa?
Charles Perceval
No! Spa, Belgium
that one was NOT on me! But perfect the first stop there is actually Belgium! I can go there if it’s not a problem for you?
Charles Perceval
It is no problem for me:)
Charles, don’t take this personally or rudely, but how old are you?
Charles Perceval
26 This October
alright! just making sure youre not an old man😁
Charles Perceval
Aw, thank you.
my manager will send more details, thanks charles and see you tomorrow:)
Follow Requests
f1babes + 5,383,292 others
yn.yln has requested to follow you. 1m
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liked by charles_jpg, and 8,018,382 others
yn.yln i may look fine but i have been hiccuping for the last 2 hours i fret i am getting a six pack
view all 1,198,292 comments
ynsbabe i bet if u turned it to a sing, it’d be a bop
⤷ yn.yln too emotional to turn it into a song
august 2, 2023
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liked by 2,483 others
yn.updated yn.yln just landed in Belgium where she will be performing for the first time this Friday!
view all 318 comments
liviesyn streets say she went to dinner with a guy 💔😭😭😭😭😭😭
⤷ ynsday chill. she can have guy friends
⤷ author not this one 😅
august 2, 2023
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liked by oliviarodrighoe, and 16 others
view all 10 comments
oliviarodrighoe cant believ u didnt know charles leclerc THATS SO SO SUTPID IM LAUGJGING
⤷lauflaufey if he said leclerc would you have known anyway😭
⤷ ynshit 🙂
⤷ oliviarodrighoe how did you even find out
⤷ ynshit HE TOLD ME BCUZ HE’S LIKE A SHIT LIAR (thank you very much)
reneewrap did you hire him anyways
⤷ oliviarodrighoe HAHAHAHAHAHA
⤷ ynshit fuck you
⤷oliviarodrighoe or…
⤷ ynshit STOP
august 3, 2023
yn.yln has requested to follow you. 4d
confirmed | decline
— instagram notification!
• yn.yln has followed charles_jpg and charles_leclerc!
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liked by yn, lando.jpg, and 7 others
charles.jpg Thank you, Lewis for the camera 😘
view all 10 comments
lewis.jpg Anytime mate! yn yes, thank you lewis hamilton
[liked by charles.jpg]
august 3, 2023
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liked by 10,483 others
ynswife what do you MEAN yn followed charles leclerc on his main AND jpg acc which NO ONE ELSE BUT THE GRID AND HIS FAMILY FOLLOWS. view all 3,485 comments
ynsferrari bro has been liking all of yns posts since 2015 with that acc 😭😭😭😭
august 3, 2023
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tagged: charles_leclerc liked by charles_leclerc, and 14,393,292 others
yn.yln belgium 🤍 got a special guy with us too
view all 3,696,607 comments
charles_leclerc Sooo excited for this month! ⤷ yn.yln bring it on, perceval;)
maxverstappen1 🎉
taylorswift Gorgeous! ⤷ yn.yln i told u guys that song was abt me
august 3, 2023
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tagged: yn.yln liked by yn.yln, and 2,293,596 others
charles_leclerc London 😎📷
view all 583,797 comments
yn.yln youre so talented, perceval:,) you make me like my smile
⤷charles_leclerc Haha thank you, ynn. You have an pretty smile to begin with! ⤷ lestappen1661 I can hear the church bells
charles1166 no because the way charles always captures her best moments like the happiness in the first slide and how she’s literally a star on the 2nd 😭
august 6, 2023
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liked by 3,282 others
FERR4RI.YLN “you make my like my smile” “you have a pretty smile to begin with” OH ITS OVER FOR US
view all 27 comments
ylnleclerc MOM AND DAD
august 6, 2023
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tagged: charles_leclerc
liked by charles_leclerc, scuderiaferrari, and 7,383,494 others
yn.yln my turn to jpg 🤭
view all 3,585,922 comments
charles_leclerc Loving the first slide ❤️
⤷ yn.yln thanks!
oliviarodrgio ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🩹❣️❤️💗💟😘
⤷ yn.yln fuck off. f1rraris yn sitting with charles on the plane😭 his whipped smile😭 them eating together😭 the heart emoji😭
august 8, 2023
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liked by 18,493 others
yn.updated yn sings unreleased song “slut” at monaco soundcheck today?!?! some lyrics :
• “got love struck, went straight to my head”
• “and if they call me a slut you know if might be worth it for once”
• “everyone wants him that was my crime”
• “i break down then he’s pulling me in. in a world of boys, he’s a gentleman”
view all 4,586 comments
chleclercs bye. august 10, 2023
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liked by charles_leclerc, and 9,193,492 others
yn.yln monacoooo!!! thanks for being so kind to me and charles:,)
august 10, 2023
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liked by charles_leclerc, and 11,737,292 others
yn.yln a day in shark lerklerk’s life
view all 4,697,922 comments
lewishamilton shark lerklerk
⤷ maxverstappen1 shark lerklerk
⤷ fernandoalo_oficial shark lerklerk
⤷ pierregasly shark lerklerk
⤷ landonorris shark lerklerk
charles_leclerc 🤦‍♂️
⤷ yn.yln💆🏼‍♀️
cru3lsumma entering gf yn time.
august 11, 2023
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liked by oliviarodrighoe, and 8 others
ynshit this isnt funny im ac down bad. ITS BEEN LIKE 10 DAYS
view all 6 comments
oliviarodrighoe MATCHMAKER ERA 🙋‍♀️
august 11, 2023
sharkie !!❤️
sharkie! wana dinner 2nite 🎉
sharkie !!❤️
Of course! Where should I pick you up? :)
my my what a gentleman
at the hotel we’re staying in🤷🏻‍♀️
sharkie !!❤️
see you:)
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liked by 11 others
ynshit HE LET ME EAT IN HIS CAR. …… 🙂
view all 32 comments
laufey oh she’s whipped! oliviarodrighoe LALALALALALAL HELLO?
august 11, 2023
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liked by 7,282,595 others
view all 1,201,833 comments
charlec11 the random an posting no caption is so bf
yn.yln wait. why do i look snatched here.
⤷ charles_leclerc You most certainly are ;)
⤷ f1111zoom HOLD TH E PHONEZ
august 15, 2023
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liked by charles_leclerc, and 15,393,393 others
yn.yln little ep out now:)
august 22, 2023
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liked by 21,383,696 others
charles_leclerc Might as well be worth it for once❤️
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yn.yln thanks for the last pic, love 🧘‍♀️
⤷ charles_leclerc you could always come to the pasdock😘
august 25, 2023
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nebulousbrainsoup · 1 year
business attire
PAIRING: fashion designer/director!kim hongjoong x assistant!reader GENRE: smut with feelings, lil bit of fluff TAGS/WARNINGS: non idol au, neutral pronouns used for reader, reader wears a dress (but in true joong fashion clothes have no gender), balmain!joong AND strawberry!joong, mentions of anxiety, hongjoong is a simp, pov shifts a lil, ash's questionable editing; lmk if you find anything else! WORD COUNT: 4.5k A/N: so, we were trying to figure out when the outlaw red hair concept photos may have been taken and sky might've mentioned that the cut looks like what he had before the european leg of tour and paris and balmain and... things escalated. tagging my enablers: @hwaightme @jaehunnyy @justhere4kpop
nsfw tags under the cut ; masterlist | join my taglist | buy me a coffee?
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NSFW TAGS/WARNINGS: language, they're both switches, reader has female anatomy, mildly public sex (locked conference room), brief dom/sub undertones, sex with your boss is kind of its own form of power play, mentions of punishment, use of pet/nicknames (babe, Balmain Boy, sweetheart, love), hair pulling, marking, joong is possessive, dirty talk, lil bit of degradation, oral (fem receiving), unprotected sex (wrap it b4 u tap it homies), piv, finger sucking/fingers as a gag, creampie; lmk what i missed
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You were so late. It wasn’t like you in the slightest, so you were hoping against hope that your boss would let it slide this once, but… fifteen minutes behind and counting for the monthly investors’ meeting was certainly pushing your luck and probably his patience. You wish you could say it was entirely not your fault, but you were the one who had both forgotten to set your alarm last night and postponed laundry long enough that, when you spilled your coffee down the front of you this morning, you were left with only two options; either your pyjamas, or the unreleased piece currently hanging on the back of your door, reserved for S(e)oul Monde’s summer release show next week. The wave of anxiety over Hongjoong’s reaction took an extra five minutes to tamp down, and by the time you’d finally figured out the clasps and sashes—having been reminded why models had dressers—you had five minutes to get out the door if you were going to catch your train. You managed it, if barely, yanking on your boots and snagging your workbag from by the door, barely stopping to lock it behind you. 
And, of course, you’d made it into the station in time to watch the damned thing pull away. Of all the days for it to be actually on time, of course it was today. Fantastic. The bus had been the only option, and between the walk back up to the street and the distance between the nearest stop and S(e)oul Monde headquarters… You’d known this would be the outcome. It didn’t stop you from trying to close as much of the gap in time as possible, though. The moment you were seated, leg bouncing feverishly, you’d sent a message to your boss, apologizing and letting him know you were on your way. 
You’d known it would go unread, but that didn’t stop the irritation that bubbled up at the sight as the bus pulled into your stop. Flying through the doors and up the stairs as quickly as you could, you gave tight smiles and murmured apologies to the coworkers you nearly trampled in your rush to the elevator. The disgruntled sounds of its occupants and those waiting echoed as you wormed your way in, a quick, scathing glare around quietling them as you pressed the button for the tenth floor. With only two stops between you and your destination, you were slipping into the conference room seventeen minutes behind schedule, tablet clutched to your chest as all eyes turned from the man speaking to the door. You immediately dropped into a ninety degree bow, apologizing profusely as you shuffled toward your seat, dropping your bag into it and taking your place. 
Hongjoong, like everyone else in the room, had looked at you the moment you entered the room, but unlike the investors, he couldn’t seem to drag his gaze away from you. His surroundings faded to a blur as you made your way to stand next to him, the breath having been knocked from his lungs. The dress was perfect, exactly as he knew it would be—a little short for a traditional office, certainly; he’d seen a few eyebrows raise at your entrance—and on you, of all people, it looked immaculate, like it had been designed specifically with you in mind. Which, well…
Every artist has a muse. Hongjoong wouldn’t be apologizing, especially not when you looked that good in his work. 
It was your voice that pulled Hongjoong out of his stupor. 
“I’m sorry for my lateness and the interruption, sir. Please, continue.”
He snapped back into himself, blinking rapidly and offering you a soft smile. “Right.”
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When he had finished with his presentation and you both sat back down, Hongjoong at the head of the table and you to his left, you finally let yourself relax. The way he’d stared you down over the tops of his glasses as you made your whirlwind entrance hadn’t slipped past your notice, leaving anxiety coiling in your gut, alongside something entirely more exciting. It was no secret to either you or your boss that you each found the other wildly attractive, and the combination of his intense gaze on you earlier and the way he looked today had memories flashing through your mind that were entirely inappropriate for the workplace. He always dressed up a bit more for these meetings, but today, he’d really gone above and beyond. The custom, black velvet Balmain suit he wore made his freshly dyed red hair look even brighter, and it took a stunning amount of self-control to keep from leaning over and taking the chain connecting his lip ring to one of his many earrings between your teeth. All in good time, you supposed, if the way he was looking at you earlier was any indication. Sure enough, as he slid his chair under the conference table, a warm hand settled on your knee, and the chill of the various rings adorning it nearly made you jump. Feeling you twitch, Hongjoong peeled his eyes from the man speaking to flash you a slightly worried glance. You returned it with a slight smile and a nearly imperceptible nod, earning a quick squeeze to your leg. The touch had your shoulders relaxing further, a silent sigh passing your lips—he wasn’t mad at you. Wearing the dress had been a gamble, and if the intensity in his gaze hadn’t been anger, then it was something not entirely different but far more fun. You smiled to yourself as you turned back to face the man speaking once more. All of that anxiety, for nothing.
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Or, maybe not, because the second your eyes left the woman who had, at this point, been speaking for fifteen minutes straight, running an increasingly frustrated Hongjoong in circles, you felt his grip tighten. Your jaw twitched, and you carefully brought your gaze back to hers, feigning interest to the best of your ability as his fingers danced lightly up the inside of your thigh. 
“Y/N, could you run Ms. Lim through the timeline one more time, please,” he sighed, a tight smile on his face. 
“Of course,” you agreed with a similar look, only slightly less obvious in your annoyance, once again flipping your tablet open. Clicking through a few things, you cast your sceen to the TV on the wall and stood, making your way to stand beside it. Hongjoong’s eyes followed you the whole way, eyes wandering over the bits of skin his work left deliciously exposed. He couldn’t wait to kiss his way up your thighs, to tug the sashes criss-crossing over your back free and run his hands across the plane of it, to sink his teeth into the curve of your shoulder and make you look that much more his. You once again caught his narrowed gaze over the invisible frames of his glasses, a smirk tugging at his lips that nearly had you weak in the knees. You knew that look all too well; it was both a threat and a promise. 
Maintaining an air of complete professionalism with Hongjoong staring at you like he was ready to devour you was a feat you’d be thanking some god or another for later, but right now, you simply bowed and took your seat once more as you finished your quick presentation and returned to your place next to your boss, standing over his shoulder rather than taking your seat. 
“If something is still unclear, feel free to send me an email, but we are a bit over time and Mr. Kim has another appointment over his lunch,” you stated with a polite smile, pointedly ignoring the confused look Hongjoong momentarily shot you. “I think it would be best if we wrapped up for the day, in interest of everyone’s time.”
God, he could kiss you. He would kiss you, he decided; he’d kiss you breathless the moment he got you alone for this.
Ms. Lim pursed her lips, but the look in your eyes left no room for argument. After all, who knew the S(e)oul Monde director’s schedule better than his assistant? She nodded, pushing her chair back, and the rest of your restless company followed. “I certainly will.”
“As always, thank you all for your continued support of S(e)oul Monde, and I hope my work continues to exceed your lofty expectations,” Hongjoong offered as he stood. “Thank you for your time. I hope to see you all at our showcase next week.”
The men and women in the room murmured their own parting pleasantries, phones returning to hands and bluetooths returning to ears as they filed into the hall, leaving you and your boss alone. Only a beat of silence passed before he turned to you, heat burning behind his eyes as they flicked over you hungrily. 
“Lock the door and close the blinds.” Your low-burning nerves and arousal were both lit ablaze again at his direction, and you stuttered. He raised an eyebrow, tongue darting out to toy with the lip ring you so desperately wanted a taste of. “Don’t make me ask twice.”
The warning snapped you out of your stupor in a moment, and you paused only to set your tablet on the table before rushing to comply. His gaze was warm on the back of your neck as you moved through the room, first clicking the lock shut, then moving to drop the shades on the frosted windows that faced the hall, and finally crossing the room to do the same with the exterior windows. When you reached for the controls, Hongjoong clicked his tongue disapprovingly, the noise pinning you in place. 
“Leave those. Look at me, Y/N.” 
Swallowing thickly, you did as you were told, chin held high. “Yes?”
“You were late this morning,” he commented off-handedly as he stood, and you dropped your eyes to the floor.
“I’m sorry, everything just—” you started, only to be cut off.
“Was this little number,” he gestured to the dress, using the chance to give you another once-over, “the reason?”
“Part of it, but—”
This time, it wasn’t his words that cut you off, but his lips as he lifted your chin and dragged you into a kiss that told you exactly how long he'd been waiting to do this. You squeaked in surprise and quickly melted into him, one hand clutching at the asymmetrical neckline of his suit tightly as the other grasped at the base of his skull in an attempt to pull him impossibly closer. With a sigh, your lips parted against his, tongue darting out to finally get a taste of the brand new jewelry you'd been eyeing the entire meeting. The metallic tang pulled a pleased hum from you as you took it between your teeth, shifting to catch more of his lip than the jewelry itself as you pulled away.
“This is so not business attire, babe,” he breathed against your lips, and you laughed quietly into his mouth as he captured them again.
“Are you telling me I can’t—mm—wear your designs to the office?” You teased between kisses, finally pressing him away from you. 
Hongjoong rolled his eyes heartily, his own half-smile giving away the feigned nature of his annoyance. “Not all of them, no,” he sighed, hands coming to rest over your ass, pulling you into him and groping at it lightly. “You know better than that. And one that isn’t even released yet?” He clicked his tongue again. “I was going to forgive you for being late since you look this good, but maybe I should punish you after all.”
You frowned, pulling away from him slightly as your earlier anxiety washed over you again, and Hongjoong wanted nothing more than to take his words back. “It… This was the only thing I had clean, I spilled coffee on myself this morning and I—”
“Y/N, it’s okay, I promise,” he soothed, shifting closer to you and squeezing at your hips in a way he hoped was reassuring. “If it weren’t, I could’ve asked you to change. It’s not like we don’t have clothes in every size you could ever need.” 
“That’s… true,” you muttered, tugging your lower lip between your teeth.
Hongjoong hummed in distaste of the action, reaching up with one hand to pull the skin free and immediately planting a chaste kiss where his thumb had just been. “You just look… too good,” he murmured, grip on you tightening. “This may be my best work yet.” It was your turn to roll your eyes, scoffing as you tried and failed to push him away from you. “And yours may be getting me out of that meeting.”
“How do you know you don’t have an appointment over lunch?” You grinned, ever unable to pass up a chance to tease him. “I know you haven’t checked your schedule since this morning and—mmph!” 
For the second time in the past five minutes, he cut you off with a heated kiss. “Oh, I know I have a lunch appointment,” he shot back, spinning you and guiding you backward until your hips hit the edge of the table. “And we both know it’s with you. Up,” he directed, tapping your thigh twice. 
With a little hop and loose guidance from Hongjoong’s hands, you boosted yourself up onto the edge of the table, your boss following behind quickly to spread your knees with his own body. He couldn’t get enough of your lips today, it seemed, wrapping one arm around your waist as the other came to rest on the surface behind you, forcing an arch into your back. You let out a pleased hum against him, reaching up to card a hand up over his scalp and give his hair a light tug. The action pulled a groan from his lips as he leaned back into the contact, and when his eyes blinked back open, the predatory look he pinned you with sent electricity coursing through your veins. 
You met his fire with a burning challenge of your own, tugging harsher on your fistful of red and grinning wickedly as a throaty groan left the man’s mouth. “You,” he hissed, grabbing ahold of your wrist and tugging it free from its home, “drive me fucking insane.”
“Ditto, Balmain Boy,” you shot back, and you reveled for a moment in the shine of the smirk on his face, before it disappeared into the crook of your neck.
Little pleased sounds fell freely from your mouth as his worked its way down your throat, kissing and nipping at the skin, never enough to mark—although, you knew if you let him, Hongjoong would jump at the opportunity, jealous as he was—and he closed his eyes, basking in every single one. The hand around your waist shifted to splay out against your back, the warmth of his palm in contrast to the cool metal of his rings making you shiver again, and you felt him grinning against your skin for a beat before sinking his teeth into your shoulder. You choked back a sharp cry at the sudden action, grasping at his velvet suit.
“Hongjoong,” you hissed in warning, the last syllable coming out whinier than you would have liked. In your regular attire, anything below the neck was fair game for him to mar as he pleased. But between the safety pins holding together the strap on the side he was currently working over and the mesh of the other, you were working with far less coverage than usual. He let out a low noise akin to a growl at your protest, pulling a choked-off yelp from you, before soothing over the angry skin with his tongue. 
“Joong,” you tried again, and this time let it be a whimper. “Careful.”
“Who cares,” he muttered, pressing a quick kiss to the blooming mark before letting his lips trail across the collar of your dress. “Let them know.”
You squirmed, a quiet whine leaving you as heat struck through you at his words. “We… we can’t,” you protested weakly.
Hongjoong let out a low, dark giggle. “You don’t sound sure, sweetheart. You want people to know you’re fucking your boss?” Another whine, this one more frustrated than the last. “Nasty,” he chastised, but you could hear the grin in his voice. He got off on the thought more than you did, the possessive shit.
Straightening up, he pressed one more quick kiss to your lips before just as abruptly dropping to his knees in front of you. The action made you wince—not for the man in front of you, but for the pants he was wearing. You carded a hand into his hair again as you groaned in protest, tugging on it to force him to look up at you. “You’re gonna wear out the knees on th—”
“Worth it,” he shrugged, fingers immediately sliding under the hem of your skirt, kneading at your thighs. The moment they found the hem of your underwear, his hands slid smoothly from the outside of them in, fingertips dancing teasingly over your clothed core. He smiled up at you as you squirmed under his attention, the expression spreading to his signature smirk as he pressed harder and pulled a low moan from you.
“Get on with it, we don’t have all day,” you breathed, tugging lightly on his hair again. The sight of his eyes rolling back in his head—an exaggeration, sure, but you wouldn’t be complaining—sent heat rushing to your core again, the muscles in your thighs twitching as they tried to close around Hongjoong’s hands. 
The look he gave you was one you immediately wanted to wipe off of his face. “We do if you’ll clear my schedule,” he quipped back, earning a harsher yank to his hair, this time in the direction of your body.
“Put your mouth to better use, Kim Hongjoong.”
The second the words left your mouth, his fingers were hooking into the waistband of your underwear, and you lifted your hips off the table. In one fluid motion, he’d tugged the fabric free from your legs and left your skirt bunched around your waist, exposing you to his increasingly hungry gaze. Tossing his glasses onto the table beside you and throwing your legs over his shoulders, he pressed kisses up the inside of one of your thighs, breath barely ghosting over your center as he switched to the other. Annoyed, you tried to pull him where you wanted him, earning a breathy little laugh for your efforts. 
“Ask nicely, babe,” he muttered, pausing his work just long enough to properly look up at you.
His dick twitched in his pants at the sight. You stared down at him with half-lidded, pleading eyes and parted lips, lust clouding over your face. The neckline of your dress was still askew from where he’d pulled it aside, the skirt hiked up and now balled in your hand to give you a better view of him. And just as his eyes drifted lower, landing on your glistening heat, you breathed out a quiet, breathless, “Please.”
Who was he to deny his muse when they looked so breathtaking?
A weak, weak man. Weak for you, for everything you gave him and everything you let him take from you. Weak for the way you looked in his designs, in your own clothes, in a burlap sack, probably. Weak for the way you looked commanding the office—the whole operation would fall apart without you, and if Hongjoong were being honest with himself, he’d go with it. Weak for the way you tasted—your lips, your skin, your cunt; he’d drown in you if you would let him. 
And now, mere minutes after you’d saved him from the most boring meeting of his life; a few short hours after you’d strutted into the office in the piece he’d made for you, he was going to try whether you let him or not.
Biting back your moans while he ate you out like a starved man was a feat you didn’t think possible until you achieved it, muffling all but the quietest little whimpers and gasps as your orgasm coiled in your core. The closer you got, the harder it became, and the hand in Hongjoong’s hair left it in favor of clamping over your mouth. He growled against you in protest, the sensation making your thighs twitch, and wrapped his lips around your clit. With a few harsh sucks and practiced flicks of his tongue, you were clamping down around him, muffling the squeaks of pleasure he so desperately wished to hear.
You tugged him up off of the ground and he was weak for you, so of course he followed, palms hitting the table on either side of you as your lips crashed against his. When you pulled away again, he could only hope—fruitlessly—that you didn’t hear the way he whined.
Smiling softly, you tugged him in again briefly, gracing his lips with a chaste kiss before breathing a quiet “Fuck me,” against them.
Hongjoong was so, unbelievably, undeniably weak for you. Weak for the way you felt pressed up against him, the way he knew you would feel around him—and with that thought, he was scrambling to unfasten his pants, suddenly desperate and so, so weak. He hadn’t noticed how constricting the fabric had become until you shoved his pants and boxers down to his knees in one go, the release of pressure pulling a low moan from him. 
Reaching between your bodies, you wrapped your fingers around his length, delighting in the way it twitched in your hand at the same time his breath hitched. He shifted forward, bracing his hands further behind you and crowding into your personal space, slowly guiding you back down onto the table. You stroked him slowly for as long as you could reach, until finally, with a whine of protest, he pressed your shoulder back against the wood. Bracing himself with an arm beside you, he leaned down to catch your lips in a heated kiss, his free hand busying itself with lining his cock up at your entrance. His tip brushed your folds once, twice, before he pushed into you in one fluid thrust, hips falling flush with your own. 
The feeling of him filling you and the sound of the breathy moan that left Hongjoong had your walls fluttering around him, and the pause he took was as much for himself as it was for you, you could tell. So, you gave him his moment, taking the opportunity to drink in his form above you. He looked as desperate as you felt, so before he’d opened his eyes, you rolled your hips, pride swelling in your chest as his eyes shot open and he cursed under his breath. 
“You’re not the only one who doesn’t like repeating themself. Fuck. Me,” you demanded, punctuating it with another grind of your hips against his.
His gaze darkened, and electric arousal warmed your body. You saw him fight for words for a split second and quickly give up, electing instead to drape your knees over his arms and start fucking into you at a brutal pace. The suddenness punched a small yelp out of you at first, and you clapped a hand over your mouth, turning to look anywhere but at the man grinning devilishly down at you. He clicked his tongue and the rough grip he had on one of your thighs disappeared, his hand shifting instead to your chin. You were nearly folded in half as he reached for you, and the shift in angle had his length dragging over all the right places.
Securing your face between his fingers, he yanked you back toward him, forcing eye contact as he pounded into you. “Watch me, sweetheart. Watch me make you come undone again. I want you to remember this.” His rough handling had dislodged your hand from your mouth, and as a drawn out keen began to bubble up from your throat, he shoved two fingers past your lips to silence you. 
Some combination of the intimacy of looking into his eyes and the way he knew your body so well—shifting and adjusting until your legs were shaking—had your high building rapidly, and your teeth closed lightly around his knuckles as you felt the coil tightening in your gut. He tilted his head at you, a weak grin gracing his sweat-coated face as you sucked at the digits, pulling a breathy sigh from him. 
“Close?” he uttered, and you nodded rapidly, one hand snaking between your bodies to rub tight circles over your clit. “Cum with me then, love.” 
Whether it was the pet name or his permission that sent you over the edge, you weren’t quite sure, but just like that, the tension lacing your body snapped, and you clamped down around his cock. Hongjoong did his best to fuck you through it, quickly toppling from his own height and pressing his hips flush you yours as he spilled into you.
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When you had both caught your breath, he leaned down, pressing his lips to yours in a soft kiss and lowering your hips back onto the table. You whined as he slipped out of you, pouting at the low chuckle your reaction received. Before he could walk away to search aimlessly for paper towels or a tissue box you knew weren’t there, you kicked him lightly and pointed to your workbag. “Tissues in there.”
“Mind reader,” he hummed, a lilt of faux annoyance in his tone. 
“‘S why you hired me, Joongie.”
Another quiet laugh and a private smile graced your eyes and ears as he cleaned you both up, tucked himself back into his pants and handed you back your underwear. 
Most days, this was it—he’d be waiting by the door to make a clean exit and you’d see each other when you finally made it back to your desk. So today, when you finished dressing yourself and found him still staring at you, you turned your eyes to the ground bashfully. “Don’t you have work to do?”
Most days, he’d quip back something along the lines of “I don’t know, do I?” Today, he tilted his head at you and smiled.
“That piece was made for you. I think I should work that way more often.”
With another quick kiss to your lips and one to your cheek, he left the room, and you with it, heat rising to your cheeks. “And maybe I should wear ‘not business attire’ more often.”
You weren’t sure what had just happened, exactly, or why, or how serious he was about the dress being made for you—but one thing was certain; you were as weak for Kim Hongjoong as he was for you.
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© June 2023 nebulousbrainsoup | all rights reserved. reposting and translating of author’s work is prohibited.
357 notes · View notes
earthtoharlow · 8 months
Flashing Lights
14) In The Moment
Jack Harlow x Singer!OC
Series Masterlist
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“Maryse Monet, are you listening to a word I’m saying?”
Maryse continued chewing on the end of her ink pen nervously. It’s been two days since she’s spoken to Jack. All she could think about was how they ended things. The longer they went without talking the worse the situation was going to get especially with them both going on tour on opposite sides of the world.
Her thoughts were broken when CoCo started snapping her fingers in her face. “Huh?”
She watched as her manager just sighed before pulling up a chair and sitting right beside her. “Alright girl, what’s going on? You’ve been staring into space for an hour now looking like a sad puppy left on the porch.”
Maryse just groaned and put her head into her arms on the table in front of them. “Do you think I prioritize work over my personal relationships?” She muttered into her arm.
“Girl, you have gotta speak up.”
She sat up looking CoCo in the eyes and repeated herself. “Do you think I prioritize work over my personal relationships? And be honest with me.”
“Yes.” Coco said quickly without hesitation, making Maryse gasp softly.
“What the hell—“
CoCo held up her hand to stop her, “Look you know I’m always going to be honest with you so listen to me alright.”
Maryse sat back in her seat with her arms around herself as CoCo continued.
“I’m going to start out by saying that you’re a very hard worker, you eat, sleep, and breathe this studio. I always know I can find you here. As a manager I love that about you…” Maryse watched as CoCo tried to gather her thoughts
“But as a friend and someone who cares about you, sometimes I think you forget that you’re allowed to have fun, not everything needs to be work work work.”
Maryse couldn’t help but stop her there. “I know I’m allowed to have fun but my career is very important to me, it could go away any second.”
CoCo let her finish before speaking again. “Your career won’t be in jeopardy if you take a break from the studio, and hang out with your boyfriend or travel to see him for a couple of days.”
She knew Maryse wasn’t going to like what she said next. “Nate has unfortunately done a number on you.” Maryse immediately narrowed her eyes at her manager. “What do you mean by that?”
“You forget that I was around when things got really bad. I remember him telling you that you’d never amount to anything in this industry, and that he would make sure of it. When you guys eventually broke up for good you threw yourself into work because you felt like music was the only thing you had, but Maryse that’s not the case anymore.”
Maryse’s eyes started watering as CoCo put everything in perspective. “You have someone who loves and supports you. This relationship won’t survive if you both don’t prioritize each other and actually open up to one another. You have to find that balance between work and your relationship. I know you said that Jack hasn’t been himself lately. You guys need to have a lengthy discussion that doesn’t involve snapping at one another.”
Maryse knew everything CoCo was saying was right, she always tried to push everything Nate put her through to the side but now it was starting to affect her current relationship. Jack didn’t deserve that all. She needed to talk to him asap.
“Thank you, CoCo.” Reaching out and giving her manager and long time friend a hug. She needed this eye opening conversation more than anything. CoCo squeezed her tight before letting go.
“Anytime, now you don’t have anything scheduled for the next couple days. Go surprise that man!” CoCo told her.
Maryse nodded before rushing out the studio to go home and pack. Once she got in her car she texted Urban letting him know she was getting the first flight to France and not to say anything to Jack.
Jack was having a hard day or rather a hard week. It’s been days since his argument with Maryse and they still haven't made up. The weight of the situation pressed heavily on his mind.
The longer they went without talking the harder it was to concentrate on his performances. He kept replaying the argument in his head wondering if he said too much or too little. The distance both physically and emotionally was eating at him, the ache in his chest getting worse with each passing moment.
He was in the city of love with some of his favorite people and he couldn’t even enjoy it because he wasn’t with the love of his life. An overwhelming sense of loneliness started to creep around him. He was yearning for a chance to see Maryse and hold her.
Jack knew he needed to apologize to Maryse, the weight of the negative reviews hung heavy over his head like a dark cloud. Frustration had been bubbling within him and without realizing it he let criticism seep into his interactions.
His thoughts were cut short momentarily when his phone buzzed in his pocket. He sighed in disappointment as it was just Nemo wishing him a good show and to keep his foot on necks and not let the world forget him.
Jack stood as Neelam knocked on his trailer door letting him know he was to be on stage in 15. 15 minutes suddenly felt like 5 minutes, and before he knew it he was on stage. The roar of the fans masked the turmoil within him. Music flowed from him but his only thoughts were of Maryse. Their argument still lingered casting another shadow over his performance as he tried to be as present as possible.
As Jack looked out into the sea of faces, he desperately wished that she was there. The cheers suddenly felt distant, the applause hollow as he continued yearning for the comfort of Maryse's presence.
When the crowd started singing the lyrics of Poison; a song he wrote for Maryse back at him, he found himself silently pleading for a chance to make amends. In that moment the spotlight felt more isolated than ever, even the cheers couldn’t distract him from wanting to seek forgiveness.
Jack almost felt bad for ending his set a few minutes early but he needed to get back to his hotel room. As he stepped off stage the adrenaline was still running through his veins. Lost in his thoughts he was taken aback when he turned the corner and found Maryse standing there, a hopeful look in her eyes. A mix of surprise and relief washed over him as the noise from the crowd faded into the background as they continued to stare at each other.
“I couldn’t spend another day without talking to you.” Maryse admitted, a small smile playing on her lips. Jack walked closer to her, almost not believing she was standing there in front of him. He felt speechless as he opened his mouth to figure out what to say. All he could do was pull her into a tight hug, daring anyone to pull them apart.
“I missed you.” Maryse whispered into his chest, her voice mixed with sincerity and longing. Jack hugged her tighter, the warmth of her presence eased his mind as he was plugged with his thoughts the whole performance. “I missed you more.” He admitted almost desperately. He needed her to know that he missed her more than anything.
Jack couldn’t stop himself as he pulled her into a kiss, he didn’t care that they were still standing backstage with people around. This kiss was a silent promise to set aside the argument for the time being. Breaking away, Maryse gave him another small smile. “Let’s talk after you’ve showered, okay? I just want to be with you right now.” Jack nodded as he held her hand as they headed back to his trailer to grab his things and make their way to his hotel room.
When they got back to the hotel room, Jack immediately hopped in the shower promising not to take long. Maryse got comfortable taking off her shoes and jacket while she waited for him. She was nervous to have this conversation scared it would turn into another disagreement.
As promised Jack was out of the shower soon and sat next to Maryse on the bed. It was silent for a moment before Maryse spoke first. “I want you to know how sorry I am.” She began, sounding genuinely regretful.
Jack sat and listened. “Sometimes, it feels like you prioritize your career over us.” He admitted, his vulnerability laying bare. Maryse took a deep breath and grabbed his hand gently, “I never want you to feel that way. My career matters, but so do you. I’ll work on finding a better balance.”
Wanting to apologize for his behavior he opened up to Maryse as well. “This is all so different to me. I’m not used to dating someone who’s just as busy as I am. In the past, it was easier – plans could change on the fly. But with our schedules, it’s challenging.”
Maryse listened, already sensing he was mentally struggling trying to figure out how they were going to balance work and their relationship. “I get it, we’re going to figure it out, okay. We can find a middle ground.”
Jack nodded, already feeling a lot better after talking it over with her. He already felt lighter, but he knew there was one more thing he needed to apologize for. They were cuddling in bed now, “I owe you an apology.” He began, remorse in his eyes. “Before our argument, I had been distant and that wasn’t fair to you.”
He watched as she nodded. “I understand, but can you help me understand why?”
Jack glanced at her, contemplating whether to open up. Now was the perfect time and yet, the words seemed locked behind a wall of pride. The desire to shield her from his struggles battled with the need for support. He didn’t want to share the weight of the criticism of his album onto her, the pressure to maintain a facade of strength held him back.
He hesitated before talking again, “It’s been a crazy few months with appearances after appearances and I let it affect us. I’m sorry for not communicating that sooner and pulling away.”
Maryse appreciated the apology but couldn’t shake the feeling that there was more to the story. Choosing to be patient, she decided to ignore the subtle signs for now, hoping that in time he would feel comfortable enough to open up and share the feelings he was holding back.
After the heartfelt apologies they decided to break free from each others arms and explore Paris as it was now dark outside. They walked the streets catching up while indulging in greasy fast food at a corner bistro, sharing fries with one another. The laughter they shared replaced the tension that had been created over the last couple weeks. Their eyes met, exchanging a silent acknowledgment that the storm had passed.
Making their way to the Eiffel Tower, Jack couldn’t help but marvel at the breathtaking sight. Almost captivated by the glow surrounding her, it was like Maryse outshone everything. A smile spread across his face as he gazed at her, realizing just how fortunate he was to have her by his side.
Unable to contain his emotions, he gently cupped Maryse’s face and gave her a lingering kiss beneath the sparking lights. “No matter what happens, I want you to know that I will always love you.” Jack whispered, a promise that they could get through anything. Maryse shared the sentiment by pulling him into another kiss.
Pulling away she tugged on his arm as they walked closer to Eiffel Tower. “Babe, you have to take photos of me in front of it!” Maryse practically begged. All he could do was chuckle back, enjoying her enthusiasm and took out his phone. After he snapped a couple shots, Maryse smiled down impressed.
“Watch out, Urban Wyatt! You should quit being a rapper and become a photographer!” She teases, a playful glint in her eyes.
“Nothing I want more than to get paid to just take pictures of how beautiful you are.” Maryse as always couldn’t help but playfully gag and cringe. Jack grinned, enjoying her reaction. He missed this.
With a mischievous grin, he swept her off her feet and lifted her over his shoulders, playfully spinning her around. Maryse squealed in surprise, laughter bubbling up as she wrapped her arms around his neck. They ignored the bemused looks from strangers as they enjoyed their night, happy to be spending time together again.
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liked by urbanwyatt, lifeofmonet, dojacat, yungskylark, saweetie, cozane, thomaschristmas, and 678,568 others
jackharlow: Trying to compete with the Eiffel Tower in the ‘Who Shines Brighter’ contest. Spoiler alert: she wins every time.
view all 9,567 comments
user: oh to have Jack Harlow be in love with me
user: please tell me y’all are looking for a third
urbanwyatt: mom & dad 🥹
user: this post just told me how single I was in 30 different languages
user: adopt me
user: this post murdered me and dragged me all over slaycity with how much it served
lifeofmonet: just developed lactose intolerance from how cheesy this was 🧀
AN: rewrote the ending so many times before deciding to make our bbs happy but I wonder how long this will last 🤫 as always let me know your thoughts 💋
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aziraphales-library · 10 months
Hello or good evening
First of all thank you so much for all your work this blog is life saving <3
Second of all, do you have any fic that is about one of them being famous (preferably Crowley but anything is fine) and the other not ? A bit like this fic : https://archiveofourown.org/works/45591769/chapters/114720613
Thank you again for everything you do and I hope you have a lovely day<3
Hi! You can check our #famous crowley tags (and also #famous aziraphale) for fics like this. Here are some more fics in which Crowley is famous for you...
The Underground by miraworos (G)
Crowley has to take the Tube for the first time since he became uber-famous, and he happens across the one person in all of London who has no idea who he is.
In Heaven by AppleSeeds (T)
Famous radio DJ Crowley takes to Twitter to share the fact that he's just encountered the most gorgeous man he's ever seen in his entire life on the train. When he receives a tweet from someone saying that her friend has just told her that he's sitting near to Crowley, Crowley's followers begin to speculate that they might both be talking about the same person, and Crowley finally summons the courage to talk to him.
Rumor Has It by Arielavader (E)
Anthony Crowley is a famous singer, currently on tour and happily married. However, a scheduled tour stop in Las Vegas leads to rumors and a huge confession.
A rockstar's love by The_boxhead (G)
Crowley had a lot of problems finding someone to have a relationship with as the famous rockstar that he is. But that day when he entered that coffee shop and saw that blond haired man behind the counter, he didn’t want more than to get to know that beautiful angel with that cute smile.
Remain Forever Yours by TawnyOwl95 (E)
Seven years ago Aziraphale Device was persuaded out of accompanying his dearest friend to Egypt. Now a famous explorer, Anthony Crowley is back in London and looking for a wife. Aziraphale is determined to be happy for him, despite his own breaking heart.
in the study with the lead pipe by paradoxicalpockets (T)
The year is 1845, and Aziraphale, a rare books dealer, would like to retire early. His plans are scuttled when a mysterious letter is dropped on his stoop - a threat of blackmail from one Lord Gabriel, a wealthy American living out in the English countryside. An already tense dinner with 5 other blackmail victims (one of which is the famous actor Anthony J. Crowley) takes a turn for the worse when their host reveals that they are locked in the mansion, the blackmail materials are in the mailbox outside, and the police are set to arrive in 24 hours. The only way to truly protect your secrets is to send them to the grave. Aziraphale and Crowley must find the front door key and escape...or die trying.
And he one you mentioned...
Release Me by AppleSeeds (E)
When a mysterious man with a rather unique appearance comes into Aziraphale's bookshop and purchases a book written by an escapologist from hundreds of years ago, he asks Aziraphale not to tell anyone about it. Aziraphale wouldn't dream of it - mostly because he has no idea who the man actually is. After Aziraphale learns that Anthony Crowley is in fact a famous escape artist putting together a comeback show following a disastrous performance six years ago, he offers the use of his bookshop to help with Crowley's research. As they get to know each other better and become close friends, Crowley exposes Aziraphale to things he had never even thought of, bringing exciting new experiences into his life and giving him the courage to take risks. But as Aziraphale's affection for Crowley grows, he realises there's one thing he wants that might be too big a risk to take.
- Mod D
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airaibunny · 1 year
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momo x reader - “drunken mistake” (warnings: angst with happy ending, intoxication, cheating[not really], arguing)
a/n: requested! i’ve never written angst before, pretty please give me feedback.
word count: 1.6k
with all of the current concerts, traveling, rehearsing, and such, you and your members haven’t gotten much free time at all. so of course when your managers told you guys there was a break in the schedule for entire weekend, you jumped at the opportunity to let loose a bit.
you normally can’t drink at all when you’re on tour because there’s so many things you have to do, but a weekend is the perfect amount of time to do so.
after your concert on friday, you all showered and met up in one of your hotel rooms. you decided to buy drinks and sit around, talking about random things. this is what’s happening right now. most of the members are very drunk, but you still haven’t had any drinks, and neither has your girlfriend, momo.
you and momo’s relationship isn’t exactly new. you’ve been dating for about a year or so and all of the members have been nothing but supportive.
momo is not normally responsible, so the fact that she’s not shotgunning beers with jihyo right now is impressive. you’re guessing her reason is entirely perverted though. she keeps staring at you with ‘fuck-me’ eyes. you can tell what she wants, but you’re not going to give in just yet.
“pass me one.”
you point at the cooler in the corner of the room and jihyo passes you a beer. you open it and drink it all at once, earning a few ‘woos’ and claps.
“guys! you know what she should do?”
jeongyeon stands up, snapping to get everyone’s attention.
“we should play never have i ever! we haven’t played in forever.”
everyone immediately jumps to their feet and walks to the middle of the room, sitting in a circle.
“can i start, please?”
tzuyu throws her hands in the air and pleads with you guys to let her go first. you all let her of course, given as she’s basically twice’s baby and gets whatever she wants.
“never have i ever told someone i would share a room with them but then actually stayed with someone else.”
she asks while looking at dahyun the entire time, definitely a targeted question. the game continues with relatively innocent questions and jabs at certain people, until it gets to sana’s turn.
“never have i ever fucked someone in this room.”
she stares you and momo down, obviously waiting for you both to put a finger down, so you do. you both roll your eyes at everyone who’s sarcastically gasping and just expect the game to move on.
“hey, why isn’t one of your fingers down, nayeon?”
you sit, half in shock at this revelation, until you realize what chaeyoung is referring to with that question.
a few months ago, while you were still in korea, you all went out to celebrate the new tour and got a little too carried away with the drinks. the j-line was busy preparing for their debut since they’d be on tour shortly and wouldn’t be able to shoot, so momo couldn’t join you. when the night was over, chaeyoung offered to take you and nayeon home with her since you both drunk way more than everyone else. you said yes and chaeyoung drove everyone to her apartment. in a drunken, sexually frustrated haze from not seeing momo in so long, you let nayeon kiss you bit. that was it, just kissing.
when you woke up the next morning, chaeyoung told you both what you did and how she stopped it before it went any further than kissing. you felt horrible, but begged nayeon and chaeyoung not to tell momo. you figured she’d never find out, and you and nayeon didn’t actually do anything, so hurting her by telling her wasn’t worth it.
“chaeyoung, i’ve never done anything with anyone here.”
nayeon tries to play it off and move the conversation along, but chaeyoung just won’t let it go.
“no, remember that one time at my house? you and y/n?”
momo awkwardly giggles beside you, hoping she heard it wrong or chaeyoung was just too intoxicated to know what she was saying.
“chaeyoung, you’re drunk. stop talking.”
you snap at her, looking at nayeon for help.
“stop gaslighting me. i saw what you two did.”
momo’s smile is completely faded, she’s just staring at you and nayeon with heavy eyes.
“what is she talking about?”
the room is completely silent, all eyes are on you and momo. her nose is rosy and you can tell she’s holding back tears. you open your mouth to deny everything, to explain, or even just to apologize, but nothing comes out. a tear streams down her cheek and she abruptly stands up, running to the door and out of the room.
“momo!” you yell and run right after her, glaring down at chaeyoung on your way out.
you reach the door of your dorm right before she shuts it, pushing it back open and locking it behind you. momo is standing at the foot of your bed with her hands on her hips, eyes glossy with tears.
“momo, i didn’t sleep with her. chaeyoung is drunk, she didn’t know what she was saying.”
your hands are shaky and your face feels hot even though the air around you is icy. momo’s silent sobs shatter you entirely, how could you hurt her like this?
“momo, please talk to me.”
she wipes her tears as more fall down, crossing her arms in front of her.
“what do you want me to say? you’ve been keeping this from me for god knows how long, and i didn’t even find out from you.”
her voice breaks at the end of her sentence.
“i thought telling you would just cause unnecessary pain-“
she interrupts you before you finish.
“don’t fucking say that. if you had told me when it happened, i would have been angry and upset, and maybe i would have needed some time; but i would have understood. right now, i don’t know what i need or feel. i genuinely don’t.”
her face is completely flooded with tears, it’s destroying you to see her like this. how could you be so stupid? you’re crying along with her now, choking back loud sobs.
“please don’t say that. i know what ‘i don’t know what i want’ means, and i can’t do that momo. please don’t make me.”
you walk closer to her, putting your arms around her neck. she stands there for a second with her face turned to the side, then she steps back, removing your arms from around her.
“you don’t get to ask me for that.”
her expression turns cold, there’s no trace of sadness or anger. she wipes her tears away one last time and they don’t come back, which just makes yours grow stronger.
“no, don’t do that. be angry at me, yell at me, even hit me if that’ll make you feel better. but don’t be apathetic, please.”
“you betrayed me, y/n. nayeon betrayed me. fuck, even chaeyoung betrayed me. this would have never come out if she didn’t get drunk. where were your emotions all this time? you didn’t seem upset at all, why should i be?”
her words cut deep because she’s entirely right. you felt guilty for maybe a week, but you quickly forgot about it. nayeon and chaeyoung never brought it up again, which likely means they also forgot. none of you felt any sort of way about it after it happened, so why should momo? fuck, you were so dumb. this is all your fault, you should have told her, why didn’t you just tell her?
“you’re right, i did betray you. but i love you hirai momo, only you. all i did was kiss her, that was it. i’m so sorry.”
your stomach sinks as she stands in front of you without saying anything. you have nothing else to say, no more defense. all you can hope for is that she’ll take some time and come back to you. you can’t lose her, you refuse to.
you feel ashamed of how distraught you are in front of her. you’re the one who wrong her, yet here you are; in uncontrollable tears while she looks at you completely somber.
“why didn’t you just tell me? if it was really just a kiss, why not just tell me?”
there’s a few seconds of silence while she waits for you to formulate an answer.
“because i was drunk, and i was weak. i missed you so much, i just needed to feel someone; i didn’t care who it was. i didn’t want to tell you that, momo, because i realize i sound like a whore.”
you can see her eyes glaze over again and you feel relieved in a strange way. this means she cares. she steps closer to you, wiping away your tears as her her own fall down once again.
“don’t call yourself that. you’re not a whore. i left you alone, this was basically my fault.”
you put your hand over hers, still on your cheek.
“no, don’t blame yourself, please. i already feel bad for doing it, i don’t want to feel worse because you’re taking the blame.”
your foreheads press together and you just stand there, crying for a few of minutes. she presses her lips against yours, not letting go for a couple of seconds.
“i love you, so much, and i know you love me back. this is a big bump in the road, but we’ll get over it.”
momo pulls away to reassure you that everything will be fine, kissing you once more before fully pulling you into her arms and embracing you tightly.
“thank you. thank you so much for not immediately breaking up with me.”
“don’t thank me. just trust me when you make a mistake, please.”
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buckevantommy · 2 months
Arranged marriage and online friends au! 😊
Buck realises after two months of emailing back and forth that he doesn't actually know what Tommy looks like. And it's bugging him.
It's not like he wasn't aware of it before; Tommy has been a faceless presence across the digital void, features interchangeable with B-role actors and strangers on the street until Buck had given up trying to put someone else's likeness to someone unlike anyone he's ever met. Still technically hasn't.
After this long, he considers Tommy a friend. Buck just wishes he could put a face to the words.
There have been context clues helping piece together an image of what he might look like - brown hair (at least no one noticed the mud in my hair. I'll have to make sure to schedule time for a shower next time I want to take Annie for a jog in the park before a work event), defined muscles (not that lugging around spare car parts isn't its own workout, but I do have a standing appointment with my trainer to get to. I'm sorry I have to cut this short), tall (Granted, it's easier to get a good look at an engine when you have the height to bend over and not lose your footing) - but no descriptions and definitely no photos (unless you count the pics of his rescue dog Annie and a cameo appearance of his sneakers, which Buck wants to but they don't exactly fill in the blanks).
It probably doesn't matter. It's not like they're ever going to meet in person - Buck is on the west coast and Tommy's on eastern time. They can't just casually meet up for coffee when there's a dozen states between them.
He's not sure Tommy would even want to. Because while Tommy has tossed a few crumbs of his appearance Buck's way over the past eight and a half weeks, Tommy doesn't have to wonder about Buck in return. Because Buck had linked his insta account in his second email. It was the quickest way to show Tommy the state of his beloved Wrangler Renegade given he was at work and it was currently taking up space in Eddie's yard. Tommy sure knows his engines, even from photos that likely didn't show the whole story. With Bobby and Eddie's help (and with Chris being more help than Eddie) they managed to pinpoint the problem thanks to Tommy - something multiple mechanics couldn't nail down let alone fix, instead giving Buck the same excuse of how an old engine with that many miles was bound to give up the ghost sooner or later.
Buck took the jeep up the coast for the first time on his recent 48 off - the first time since his cross-country tour led him to the 118 and a few weeks in she'd stalled out and hadn't been the same since. But there was no sputtering, no chugging fits, no weird noises. Just miles of highway being eaten up under her wheels.
And he couldn't even picture the face of the person he wanted to thank. Maybe it was silly, or petty, but Buck couldn't shake his annoyance at Tommy having never sent him a photo of himself. He totally gets the anonymity of the internet, especially with forums, but he really thought they were becoming friends. Thought they'd keep emailing even if they managed to fix the Renegade.
He also hadn't heard from Tommy in over a week, so maybe that was adding to his irritation. And worry. As soon as they got her running smoothly, Buck posted a video of the jeep to insta and sent Tommy the link. He posted a few more pics of her on the road north and thanked him in the caption:
couldn't have done it without your help T 🌅🚙💻🛠️
Tommy knows how much this jeep means to him, and the more Buck thinks about it the more certain he is that the radio silence isn't like Tommy. He was looking forward to an update! It was the last thing he wrote: Keep me updated!, exclamation mark and all. Maybe he had to go away suddenly for work. Or his computer died. Or his email got hacked. Maybe something happened to him - he could be hurt, or sick, or worse. Maybe he read your emails and saw your posts and knows he fixed the problem so now he's done with you.
Buck stews in that thought longer than he should. It's not impossible, it just. Hurts. He likes Tommy. And screw distance - he wants to keep emailing and getting to know each other. Maybe Buck will get called out east for a nautral disaster (okay, not a great reason) or some kind of specialty training program. Or Tommy will travel out west for work.
Work which he's been pretty vague about, come to think of it. Buck doesn't actually know what he does - some kind of office-type job, going by the mentions of suits and gladhanding. Tommy knows Buck is a firefighter in L.A., but the nature of Tommy's work has been left mostly up to Buck's imagination. Maybe he's a special agent. Or a criminal. Or in witness protection. Or maybe the thought of a secretive existence helps soothe the ache of his abandonment issues; Tommy would reach out if he could but extenuating cirumstances are stopping him.
It happens to be a q-word shift which means no calls to distract him. Pocketing his phone, Buck sinks into the couch and turns on the tv desperate for something to take his mind off Tommy. Taylor Kelly is reporting from the studio these days, no longer chasing stories with a cameraman in a shady white van.
"..And now to political news. Vice President Kinard today announced the long-awaited engagement of his son to the eldest daughter of prominent Senator Olivia Ortiz. Thomas Kinard is the Vice President's only child, and the union is expected to strengthen ties.."
As Taylor talks, photos overlay on-screen: a professional family portrait complete with closed-mouth smiles; a young man - Thomas Kinard - in a khaki flightsuit standing in front of a military chopper; a college graduation gown.
"..Thomas Kinard minored in Mechanical Engineering.."
Another image: tall and broad and now with a mop of brown curls competing in a marathon and helping someone cross the finish line with their arm slung over his shoulders.
It's a minor detail. He doesn't even know why he notices. But Buck's eyes are drawn to his sneakers: Thomas is wearing a black pair with white half-trim and a reflective trapezoid on the heel. Not anything unusual, except that the guy he's helping is wearing a neon yellow pair that somehow didn't catch Buck's attention.
The next image shows an animal shelter and a small crowd of volunteers in candid and posed photos. In one of the candid shots, Thomas can be seen crouching to pet a familiar looking dog.. Annie.
No fucking way.
doing this thing
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waytooinvested · 1 month
Forgotten, Not Forgiven - Chapter 25
This and previous chapters are also on AO3
‘Ten minutes Ms Luthor.’
Lena acknowledged the warning with a nod, and skimmed through her note cards one more time before heading to wait by the stage door, Jess following at her heels.
It was the final event on their tour schedule before they flew back to National City tomorrow morning, and it was a big one. Representatives from just about every newspaper and media station in the state and beyond would be there, ready to spread the word about the emissions converter far beyond the realms of tech and business executives to (hopefully) inspire the hearts and minds of the public on a global scale.
It was understandable therefore that when her phone rang with six and a half minutes to go until she was due to step out onto that stage, she didn’t pay it much attention.
Lena got dozens of phone calls most days, and while the majority of them were important matters demanding the attention of L-Corp’s CEO, very few were anything that couldn’t wait a couple of hours, especially during a major press event. Still, just to be safe she had given her phone to Jess and asked her to answer and triage anything that came through, and give her any urgent messages. There were only two numbers that she had told Jess to hand over to her directly, and the owners of both knew her itinerary for the week and would never dream of calling her right now unless there was a serious emergency, so it was safe enough to ignore-
‘Ms Luthor, I’m sorry but it’s one of your priority numbers. What would you like me to do?’
Lena’s attention snapped to Jess, and she held out her hand for the phone.
Oh well, she had probably just got her times mixed up, and thought that the press event was just ending, rather than just starting. She glanced at the time – still six minutes to go before she was due on stage, she could make this quick.
‘Alex, this isn’t really a good time, can I call you back in a couple of hours?’
Alex’s voice sounded strange. Choked up and shaky, and nothing like her usual self. Adrenaline surged through Lena’s system and she clutched her phone, her mind instantly leaping to worst case scenarios.
‘What is it?’
‘It’s Kara.’
Lena closed her eyes.
Of course it was Kara.
‘She got picked up by our ambulance diversion alert about half an hour ago, and now she’s in the med bay. She’s stable, but…’
Alex broke off with another small, strangled sound, and Lena’s stomach twisted.
‘What happened to her?’
‘I don’t know. She was unconscious when they brought her in, and she hasn’t woken up yet. Apparently someone found her in an alley looking pretty badly beaten up and called 911, but no one saw what actually happened. Lena... can you come?’
Lena glanced over at the stage door and the assembled stakeholders, journalists and investors she knew were waiting beyond it, then turned her back on them all.
‘I’m still out of town, but I can be there within a couple of hours. Less if you can arrange clearance for my helicopter to land directly on the DEO helipad.’
‘Consider it done. I’ll have someone waiting to meet you there.’
‘See you soon.’
Lena terminated the call.
She allowed herself precisely four seconds to feel the wave of emotions the news had brought on:
Then on the fifth second she put them aside, and turned her focus entirely on what she needed to do next.
‘Jess, we’re going to have to cancel. I have to leave.’
Her assistant gaped at her, shaking her head in disbelief.
‘Cancel? Ms Luthor, we can’t. You’re due on stage in four minutes. Everyone’s here, everyone’s waiting. If we cancel now the whole launch will be impacted – there’s been so much build up, and we won’t be able to reschedule, not with the same reach we have now.’
Lena wanted to scream that she didn’t care, because the woman she loved was currently unconscious and if things took a turn for the worst and she wasn’t there, she would never forgive herself. But she knew that Jess was right. Cancelling now would put a black mark on L-Corp’s reputation that would be hard to overcome, and would doubtless irreparably damage several important client relationships. She couldn’t cancel.
But she couldn’t stay either.
‘Okay… okay, you’re right. So... what if you did the speech?’
‘Me?? But I’m not a scientist, I’m just your assistant, I can’t do it!’ Jess protested.
‘I know. I’m sorry to put this on you, and I wouldn’t if there was any other option, but there isn’t time to get anyone else here and brief them. You’ve been practising this speech with me for days, you know it as well as I do by this point, and you’d have the notes. There are some expected questions and answers on the back, but if anyone asks something you don’t know the answer to just explain you’re here filling in due to an unavoidable emergency and don’t know all the details, but that we will gather any questions and answer them in a press release within the week. And of course you’ll have Raj and Amanda to do the actual product demonstration so you won’t be alone up there.’
‘But what would I tell everyone when they ask why you’re not here?’
‘Tell them I have a burst appendix and had to go to hospital.’
Jess’s eyes widened in alarm, looking her up and down as if wondering whether she should be dialing 911.
‘DO you have a burst appendix?’
‘No. But I promise you this is as much of an emergency as if I did, and it’s easier to explain.’
Jess swallowed hard, looking pale beneath her layer of foundation.
‘Ms Luthor I want to help you but I’m really not sure I can do this…’
Lena put her hands on her assistant’s shoulders and looked into her eyes, trying to steady the desperate tremble in her hands to convey rock-solid confidence in her proposed plan.
‘Okay. Jess, I know I’m asking a lot of you and this is not in your job description. If you really don’t feel you can do the speech then that’s fine, I’ll just cancel and take the hit on the launch. But if you can do this for me, you will get a twenty thousand dollar bonus before the week is up, a ten percent ongoing pay rise, and my undying gratitude.’
It was a lavish promise, but likely only a fraction of the amount it could cost L-Corp if she cancelled the whole event, and right now money was the last thing Lena cared about.
Jess bit her lip, then Lena felt her shoulders straighten under her hands, resolve stiffening her spine.
‘… So I guess I’m making a speech.’
She let out a breath.
‘Thank you Jess. Seriously, thank you. I don’t know what I’d do without you. Okay, I have to go.’
‘Good luck Ms Luthor.’
‘People who have done me favours this huge call me Lena.’
Jess smiled faintly at her and nodded.
‘Good luck… Lena.’
‘Good luck to you too Jess.’
And then she ran.
The journey in the helicopter was agonising, but at least she knew that with every wumph of the rotor she was getting closer to National City and the DEO. For once she didn’t even think about the possibility of crashing. All she thought about was Kara, and what the hell had happened to her to leave her beaten and unconscious in an alley.
Whoever had done this she hoped it had been worth it for them, because Lena was going to track them down, and if Kara didn’t come out of this one hundred percent recovered she was going to kill them. Slowly.
She was about 30 minutes out when she got a text from Alex:
Alex: She’s awake
Relief swept through her, and Lena read the short text five or six more times to convince herself that it was really real and she wasn’t just seeing what she hoped to see. She wanted to grill Alex for more details of exactly how Kara was and what had happened to her, but she clenched her hands into fists to quell the urge to type out her string of questions.
If Kara had only just woken up she would need some time before they started interrogating her, and Alex would want to focus on her sister right now.
Lena would get her turn.
Still, she kept her fists clenched tightly for the remainder of the journey against the temptation, so that by the time she arrived she had tiny, crescent shaped gouges across each palm.
As soon as they touched down she was out and running again, the agent who had been sent to meet her barely keeping up as she dashed past him to the elevator. Now she was so close she found every second of delay unbearable.
The interminable time it seemed to take for the elevator door to close.
The slow descent through the layers of the DEO building that made her want to dash out and take the stairs instead, even though she knew logically that standing still in an elevator would get her to the med bay faster than her own legs could.
But she wasn’t moving, and that left too much space for her to imagine what would be waiting for her when she finally arrived.
Kara, beaten and bruised and barely conscious.
Kara vomiting blood onto her sheets from internal injuries that her body would never normally have been capable of sustaining.
Kara relapsing from a brain bleed and seizing, or slipping into a coma.
Kara broken and in pain and…
At long last the doors opened and Lena burst into the med bay at a run, to find-
Kara, sitting propped up against several pillows, one leg in plaster, a bandaged wrist, and a large white dressing pad on her forehead. Her face was scraped and a little swollen, but she seemed fully alert, and the worst of Lena’s worst case scenarios unravelled and evaporated as she moved swiftly to her bed side.
‘Kara! Oh thank god. Kara.’
It was all she could manage as she drank Kara in, reassuring herself once and for all that she was alive, and alert, and showing no immediately obvious adverse affects from being knocked out.
‘Lena, hey! You came to see me! You didn’t have to do that, aren’t you meant to be giving a big speech right now?’
‘Never mind my speech. Are you alright? Kara, what happened? Did someone do this to you? Who do I need to kill.’
Kara chuckled, clearly not taking the question as seriously as Lena had meant it.
‘No, no I’m fine honestly. Nobody did anything to me, I just-’
She glanced up at Lena and bit her lip, then winced when her teeth met the split, swollen skin there.
‘Ouch! I keep forgetting about that.’
‘Kara, you just what?’
‘I just… fell.’
‘You fell.’
‘Down the stairs?’
‘Not exactly…’
Kara wriggled awkwardly against her pillows, as if she thought she might be able to hide from Lena’s stern gaze if she burrowed down deep enough.
‘You’re not allowed to be mad at me when I’m hurt, okay? Alex already gave me the lecture.’
Lena absolutely did not agree to that. She folded her arms and used her very best do-not-mess-with-me tone.
‘Kara Danvers, what did you do? Did you try abseiling by yourself? You promised you would wait until we’d done the safety research!’
‘I wasn’t abseiling!’
‘Really really.’
But Kara didn’t quite meet her gaze, and Lena’s eyes narrowed in suspicion.
‘So what were you doing?’
‘I just… well, I happened to see this video of a guy doing parkour on Youtube, and I thought it looked really fun. I just wanted to try it, it was going really well and I was so sure I could make the jump between those two buildings. It wasn’t even that big of a gap!’
‘You- are you seriously telling me that you got hurt because you literally jumped off a roof. For fun. Without any kind of harness. I’m not missing a subtlety here.’
‘Um… maybe a little bit?’
Lena sat down on the hard plastic chair at the bedside, her legs suddenly unable to support her own weight any longer, and took hold of Kara’s uninjured hand. How was it that she had made Kara promise not to abseil on her own, only for her to do something even more dangerous by essentially doing the same thing but without the rope?
‘Kara. Please. For the sake of my blood pressure, please promise me, no more extreme sports that don’t involve a proper safety harness and a qualified instructor.’
Kara grimaced.
‘Parkour’s not really extreme extreme.’
‘Okaaaay. It’s not like I’ll be up to jumping off any buildings for while anyway – it’s going to be weeks before the plaster comes off. I’m going to lose my mind.’
Lena relaxed a little at the promise, and allowed her expression to soften from stern to sympathetic, though she still couldn’t quite take in the fact that the beating she had been so sure had happened all the way here was actually entirely self inflicted.
‘Good. It’s going to take at least that long for me to recover from the shock of you almost dying because you “saw a guy do it on Youtube”. You almost gave me a heart attack.’
‘I’m sorry…’
The apology sounded so genuinely woebegone that Lena didn’t have the heart to stay angry with Kara, despite the fact that she richly deserved it (she jumped off a roof. For fun). She sighed, and stroked a consoling thumb across the back of her hand.
‘You won’t lose your mind. You might be stuck in one place for a while, but I’m sure we can find other ways to keep you entertained while you’re recovering. I’ll help you.’
Kara brightened instantly.
‘Does that mean you’ll do karaoke with me?’
‘What? No!’
‘Pleease? We can do a duet. It would make me feel better.’
She was giving Lena a full on puppy dog eyes look now, complete with as much of a pout as she could manage with a swollen lip and gravel-grazed cheek, and even though adrenaline was still coursing through her system and she absolutely shouldn’t be this easily won over after the shock Kara had given her, Lena couldn’t help laughing.
‘I know exactly what you’re doing, and yet somehow it still works. I will think about it.’
Kara grinned.
‘Yay! Oh this is going to be so much fun.’
‘I didn’t say yes!’
‘Yes you did.’
And, well, she wasn’t wrong. It looked like Lena was going to be taking part in karaoke night.
She could practically feel the entire Luthor line turning in their graves.
‘Okay, okay, you have exacted all the promises from me that you’re getting for right now. What do you feel like doing next? I think I still have a pack of cards in my purse if you want to play a game, or I could probably find a laptop we can borrow to watch netflix. Or do you need to sleep? Are you hungry?’
‘A game sounds nice. And if you’re offering I could go for some jello. That’s what people always eat in hospital shows, and being here is making me crave it even if this isn’t a proper hospital.’
‘Alright, I’ll be right back.’
Lena touched her lips briefly to the uncovered part of Kara’s forehead in a quick kiss that she hoped might just about pass for platonic, then slipped out the room to find Alex waiting for her in the hallway.
Her friend looked pale and haggard, as if she had been awake for two days straight, even though it had only been a few hours at most since Kara had been hurt. She looked almost worse than Kara did, and about how Lena herself felt.
‘She told you what happened?’ Alex asked.
‘Yes. I can’t believe she did that.’
‘It’s a bad sign, isn’t it?’
Lena glanced back at the closed med bay door and beckoned Alex away down the corridor. Kara might have lost access to her super hearing, but she still had sharp ears, and there was no point taking chances. Even once they were well out of range of any possibility of being overheard, she kept her voice low.
‘It’s not good. Without powers it’s sheer luck that a fall like that didn’t kill her, and even that wasn’t enough to overcome the fear barrier and let her fly. If she can’t break through it even to save her own life, I’m not sure she will for anything.’
All the time they had been working together to get Kara’s Supergirl memories back Lena had never seen Alex break down, but now tears spilled down her cheeks and she let out a shaky sob.
Physical affection between them was mostly limited to the odd shoulder squeeze interspersed with minor acts of violence, but at the sight of her tears Lena pulled Alex into a tight hug without a second thought.
‘Hey, it’s okay! Kara’s going to be fine, and we’ll work this out. Lex may be a devious shit, but you and I can beat him, I know we can. We just need to find a way to give Kara more help to face her fears than we have been so far. We can do this Alex.’
Alex hugged her back, hard, and allowed herself a few hearty sobs against Lena’s blazer before straightening up and wiping her eyes.
‘You’re right, we are a kick ass team. I’m really glad you’re here Lena, I don’t know how I’d get through this without you. Whatever happens, you belong here now, you know? You always will. Even after all this is over.’
Lena felt a warm glow at Alex’s words, and hoped that she was right. She wanted to belong with them. But she wiped her own eyes quickly, and tried to stay practical – it was what they both needed right now.
‘So I’ve been thinking about what’s going to happen when Kara’s ready to leave the med bay. With a sprained wrist and a broken leg, she’s not going to be able to manage by herself for a while.’
‘Oh, yeah, well I figured I’d go and stay at her place for a bit. We’ll drive each other nuts, but it’ll be fine. We lived together as teenagers without killing each other.’
‘Yes, that’s one option. Or… Kara could come and stay with me.’
‘Wait, seriously? Don’t you think that might be too much for you given… you know…’
Alex made a vague gesture that Lena knew was somehow meant to encompass her unspoken feelings for Kara, Project Atlantis, their complicated history, and the more recent hiccup over William and his investigation.
‘I can handle it. Besides, it makes the most sense. Kara’s apartment has all those stairs, she’d be practically trapped in her own home once she made it up there, and yours only has one bed, plus there’s Kelly to think of. I have a private elevator to the penthouse and a spare bedroom, and anyway, my job allows much more flexibility to work from home than yours does, so I can be there with her 24/7 until she’s well enough to start doing some things for herself.’
‘I… yeah. Yeah, if Kara’s on board that does sound like a good solution. Thanks Lena.’
‘Of course. Now, next problem: do you have any idea where I could get hold of some jello around here?’
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ana-chronista · 2 months
35 bojere 🥹🙏
Thanks for the prompt! And a special mention to Ruisrock bringing out all of the fluff and all of the angst all at the same time... Prompts are still open: Fic request list! 35. Dreams/Nightmares
There’s a game they like to play every now and then. One of them will mention something in passing only for the other to chip in well, that’s going in the house, and by the time their spiralling conversation has unravelled they’ll have ten new additions to this dream home they’ll have one day. It's been a running joke (can it be a joke, even in those moments when Bojan looks at him so softly and he feels like his heart will burst) for so much of the past year that there’s a list of features as long as Jere’s arm that he can rattle off at any given moment. The sauna he’d refused to do without. The soundproofed music room Bojan had wanted for work (“Or some other things,” Jere had said, flipping Bojan to pin him to the mattress and revelling in his delighted smile). The plants that Jere has warned Bojan his grandma will insist they take even though neither of them has the first idea about keeping one alive. The mirror with the weird ornate frame that’s hanging in Bojan’s living room and that he showed him one time during a video call. Sometimes, when he finds it difficult to drift off at night, he traces the familiar images in his mind, worn with use but comforting. And he has to keep reminding himself of it all because, for now, comforting is all it can be. there’s always something in the way: a tour, an album, promo work, interviews, events. They knew this was how it would be, whether they choose to stay as friends or try to be something more, way back when they first started talking about where any of this could go. Meeting each other had been unbelievable in more ways than one, but then so had his career taking off so rapidly.
He doesn’t regret any of it, not a single moment. This has been his dream for so long, and to suddenly have it come true still feels unbelievable a lot of the time. Even the downsides – the hate-filled comments and the cameras in his face even when he just wants to get to the shop – melt away when he’s on stage in front of a cheering crowd. It's just... There’s another dream that’s sprung up over the past few months (since last year, a little voice whispers in the back of his mind, since you saw him again in Liverpool and he was so glad to see you, remember?) in place of the one he’s currently living. One where there’s a bright laugh in the room with him, strong arms that can actually wrap around him and pull him close, competing for the bathroom in the morning and jostling in the kitchen in the evening and cuddling up on the sofa to make fun of shitty movies and pretend not to be as invested in trash TV as they are. Jere has never done long distance before. Loyalty comes naturally to him, as easy as breathing, but scheduling and planning every possibility for communication? Not so much. It’s exhausting and straining and more often than not he can feel every centimetre of those two thousand kilometres stretching out between them. He doesn’t regret any of it, and he knows Bojan doesn’t either. They both know that when one of them says you mean everything to me there’s an unspoken but that they both feel. But not yet. But not now. But there are other things that I want to achieve first. It doesn’t take away what they feel (and how lucky, really, to find someone who understands so well), but still, it’s bitter, this delay of a happily ever after. He stays hopeful because he has to. Because, really, what else is there? To not have Bojan in his life? Sometimes he struggles to remember what it was really like before they met, even if weeks and months go by filled mostly with texts and photos and endless planning for whatever five minutes they can carve out for themselves. Jere’s never been a quitter and he’s not about to start now, not when his heart still swells every time he gets a picture of what seems to be the world’s most hideous dish with thought you’d like this for the house and can fire back yeah, your mum said it’s too ugly for her home and knows that somewhere out there Bojan will be laughing. Not when his every nerve sparks with excitement when he sees Bojan's name lighting up the call screen. Not when his breath still catches at the sight of Bojan coming through arrivals with a bag over his shoulder, grinning from ear to ear, ready to make the most of what little time they have until the day there’s a final greeting in an airport and they go home together. There’s still time, he tells himself as he squeezes Bojan tight and feels him bury his face in the crook between his neck and shoulder. They have this for now. Happily ever after can wait a while.
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juceynightmare · 1 year
dating 101 (18+) part 1 - cody rhodes x reader
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dating 101 (18+) masterlist
pairing(s): cody rhodes x reader, roman reigns x reader
warning(s): swearing
genre(s): college!au, slow burn, fluff
|| next part ||
moving in to a new place is scary, especially when that new place is your new college dorm. at least y/n didn’t need to worry about messy roommates or just terrible roommates in general, deciding to opt in for a single room instead. luckily, her room was adjacent to the communal bathroom and… no one else. the only neighbors y/n had to be worried about were whoever was going to be across the hall from her and all those people adjacent to that room.
she had already moved in the day prior, said her farewells to her parents, and was currently spending the day at her desk setting up her google calendar. school wouldn’t start for another week or so, the first initial week being full of multiple move-in days for students to get settled as well as an orientation day where students got put into groups to take a tour of the campus.
y/n kept her door wide open, utilizing the magnet attachment to keep it open so she didn’t need to prop up anything against it. the sounds of people moving in down the hall were used as background noise and, honestly, although y/n wasn’t one for actually putting herself out there, she liked hearing the noises of people talking: it made her feel as if she were part of the community.
a knock on the wall caught her attention, and y/n turned to greet whoever was at her door. that was another perk to having her door open when she wanted it too: if people wanted to say hi to her and befriend her, she happily would!
“hello there, couldn’t help but introduce myself once i saw your door was open. i’m ted, i live right across the hall from you. mind if i join you in here? my roommate is about to move in and i don’t want to be in the way but don’t really have anywhere else to go.” the boy at her door sheepishly asked.
he looked nice enough, definitely not serial killer vibes, and if he was going to be living across from her, why not?
she smiled warmly, nodding her head. “nice to meet you ted, i’m y/n! uh, i don’t really have a place for you to sit right now-”
“oh! i’m, just across, let me go get my chair and i’ll roll it on over.” ted cut her off, already turning around to head back to his room.
y/n peered out the door, noting how tidy ted’s side of the room seemed to be: his door also being held wide open. she also noted that there was only one other desk from what she could see from her area, noting that ted seemed to only have one other roommate. she only hoped that his roommate would be just as kind as ted.
she laughed as she watched him roll his chair over to her room, sitting on it and using his legs to walk it over. he had his macbook in his lap, and joined y/n at the table.
“so, are you always going to be keeping your door open?” he questioned, setting his macbook down on the part of the table that y/n had cleared for him.
“yeah, probably. i’d love to make friends, you know. with me being in this single room, as you can see, i’m already very solitary. i also am far too busy to always constantly be out, so i figured that if i kept my door open that someone might just stop by and finally say hi and: look! it already worked out!” y/n mused, looking over at ted and smiling, which the boy reflected.
ted shook his head in amusement, finding it hard to believe that he had already fallen for y/n’s “friend trap” as he dubbed in his head. “well then, y/n, i don’t mind being friends with you if it means i get to come over here and chill out. my roommate’s a random and we’ve only emailed each other and exchanged instagrams so i don’t know too much about him. some party hungry guy so i’m just hoping he doesn’t bring over too many girls.” he said, glancing over at y/n’s screen and staring at her jam-packed schedule. “holy shit, are you trying to kill yourself? why is your schedule so packed?” he questioned.
y/n groaned at the mention of her schedule, switching her attention from ted’s face to her screen. she sighed, “yeah, let’s not mention it. another reason why i can’t go out and socialize as much as i probably should. my major’s absolutely killer but the money is worth it.”
“what’s your major?” ted asked, pulling up his own google calendar that he had already finished setting up for the quarter.
“materials science and engineering, you?” she replied, fighting back a laugh at ted’s bewildered expression.
“holy shit, yeah ok i see what you mean. and i’m majoring in managerial economics. here, let’s compare schedules. we should go get dinner together.” ted pushed his macbook closer to hers, as the two scanned for when their free times lined up.
“looks like dinner at 7 everyday would be reasonable. ok, next question. pineapple on pizza?” y/n questioned, turning her attention back to ted, and letting out an exasperated gasp at ted’s disgusted expression.
“don’t fucking tell me you like that horrid combination.” ted groaned out, which earned him a loud “what the fuck are you talking about? it’s the most amazing pizza topping ever!” in response.
the two continued to converse in those: “let’s get to know each other!” icebreaker type questions. eventually, the two were doubled over in laughter, their laughs traveling out the rooms and down the halls for others to hear. they were sharing stories of their high schools back at home, and embarrassing stories about themselves in those high school years.
y/n was glad that ted lived across from her, the two hitting it off almost instantly. eventually, a knock was heard on the wall followed by someone clearing their throat. ted and y/n looked towards the doorway, ted standing up with a smile and walking over to the man while y/n stared at him as if she was seeing a ghost.
the man looked familiar, but y/n couldn’t put her finger on it. it was right on the tip of her tongue too, and it bothered her.
“hey! you’re cody right? oh, i see you’re already moved in. sorry i wasn’t there to greet you, i was hanging out with our neighbor across the hall, this is y/n! y/n, this is my roommate cody.” ted introduced the two after shaking cody’s hand. he stepped out of the way so cody and y/n could look at each other.
“hey, did we go to high school together?” cody and y/n’s rang out in sync, catching the two of them by surprise. this caused y/n to laugh, her mood already brightened from her recent conversation with ted.
“wrestling star, right?” y/n questioned, which earned a cocky smile from cody as he raised his arm up to flex his bicep.
“you already know it, sweetheart.” cody mused, laughing at the way y/n’s nose scrunched up in disgust - although he hoped she was simply faking it. he didn’t want to ruin his, well official, first impression on his and ted’s neighbors, especially since it seemed ted and y/n were already well on their way to become good friends. he brought his arm back down to his side, “and you’re that one smart girl that can sing really well, right?” cody shot back.
y/n nodded her head, a blush rising to her cheeks in embarrassment. “nice to actually get to meet you… cody?” she greeted, worrying that she got his name wrong. she smiled triumphantly when he nodded his head, confirming that she got his name right.
“same to you, y/n.” he smiled back. “now, i’d love to sit and talk but is it cool if i steal ted for a bit? we need to talk about some rules for our room.” cody asked, to which y/n nodded at. ted walked over to y/n’s desk, grabbing his macbook and sitting down on his chair. the two men grinned, waving farewell to y/n before walking off to their own room, or well cody walked back and ted rolled his way over to the room.
y/n watched as they closed the door behind them, cody waving once more before the door was shut. she smiled and leaned back in her chair, satisfied that she managed to meet not one, but two people on her first official day at college without counting the full day she had spent moving in and exploring the town with her parents.
just as she was about to turn her attention back to her macbook to continue preparing for her classes, she heard ted and cody’s door open. “let’s grab dinner tonight at 6! downtown or the dining commons, you decide!” she heard ted’s voice.
y/n yelled out a response, “dining commons!”
“see you then, sweetheart!” was yelled out in response before the door shut close once more.
cody. she thought ,as she rolled her eyes in amusement.
she wondered how the two men would get along. she could tell ted was outgoing, and knowing cody’s high school reputation, he mirrored that same eagerness to put himself out there. the two were different from her in that sense, considering y/n wouldn’t exactgly call herself introverted, but she was most definitely more reserved than others.
while speaking with ted, she knew that he would be joining many clubs for his major to branch out. his schedule was already full of a multitude of club meetings, interviews, socials, you name it. although she hoped that he’d swing by her room often.
as for cody, y/n could only imagine that the man would probably be out partying and breaking hearts on most nights, much like he did in high school if she remembers it correctly. she knew of cody because of the rumors being passed around campus, but never really knew him like that. now that she’s met him, she can confirm that cody is just as flirty as the rumors call it.
if those two boys were going to be her main friends during her years in college, then y/n was certain she’d have quite the interesting college life.
|| next part ||
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