#have to go thru a long period of mourning and acceptance before calling themsleves disabled for lots of complex reasons
horce-divorce · 2 years
ppl have a lot of poignant stuff to say about long covid but is it just me or is there like. this frequent separation of "I'm NOT disabled, I have long covid. Here is the long covid experience:" or "this is what us long covid folks have to go through!" And then they go on to describe the precise, exact same things MOST PEOPLE with a disability or chronic illness goes through.
like I know the ableism we've all internalized demands quite a lot of scrutiny before you feel safe to use ~the D word,~ but you're literally taking about. ableism. even if You Aren't Disabled, the reason doctors won't help you is the same reason they won't help people like me.
I have a "welcome to the club" to issue you but I guess you might not want it..............
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