#have to get back to the everything soon though
fastandcarlos · 2 days
My Little Graduate : ̗̀➛ Max Verstappen
summary: you're all prepared to graduate with your family by your side, and an unexpected extra sneaking into the crowd
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“There she is...my little graduate!” Max cheered as he watched you walk through the crowd of people, opening his arms up and inviting you straight into the room. 
You were lifted up of your feet as soon as Max’s arms wrapped around you, your hand reaching up to keep a hold of your cap that was on the top of your head. Max pressed a gentle kiss to your cheek before pulling away, studying you closely. His hand slipped into yours as he twirled you around, his eyes drawn to the wide smile on your face. 
It was everything that Max wanted to see, after watching you stress and suffer for so many months, he was finally seeing the proper you in front of him again. 
“You’ve got no idea how proud I am of you,” Max smiled, taking both of your hands into his, “you’ve worked so hard to get that moment today.” 
He was in awe of how hard you’d worked, relentlessly researching, typing, proofreading, whatever you needed to do in order to get yourself your degree that you’d dreamed of for so long. Max was hardworking himself, but nothing could compare to how hard you’d pushed yourself. 
Little did Max know the part that he had played though. The constant late night visits, dashes to the shop to help you, offers to read over what you’d written to make sure that it made sense in your sleep state.  
“Graduation suits you too,” Max complimented, taking a closer look at you. 
The slight breeze blew your gown up slightly, showing off the dress that you wore underneath. The finishing touch for Max though was the cap that you wore on top of your head, the one thing you’d talked about wanting to wear for so long, and at last it was finally yours. 
“I can’t believe I’m dating a graduate,” Max smiled, keeping his eyes firmly on you. “How does it feel to finally receive the recognition that you deserve?” 
“This is the moment I dreamt of when I sent that application in all those years ago,” you chuckled, smoothing down your gown. “There were plenty of moments too when I was sure that I wasn’t actually going to see the end of this degree.” 
There had been many conversations between you and Max when you felt like giving up. He was there every time though, reminding you of how hard you’d worked and how rewarding it would be if you saw it through to the end. 
He wasn’t sure at the time whether you truly believed him, but now as you celebrated your moment, he was relieved that you had listened and stuck it out, no matter how many times you wanted to turn around and say no. 
“I always knew you’d get here,” Max shrugged, as if it was the easiest thing in the world that you’d achieved. “There was no doubt in my mind with that incredibly smart mind of yours.” 
Your hands rested against Max’s chest, tilting your head back to look up at him. “I don’t think I’d have got to this moment without you, you’ve always been my biggest cheerleader.” 
As your eyes met Max’s, you couldn’t help but smile, reaching up and taking your cap off. You twirled it in your hands before placing it on top of Max’s head instead, taking a step back so that you could admire how well it suited him. Although your degree was yours, Max had played a huge part in it too. His smile turned up as he positioned the cap so that it was straight, allowing you to pull your phone out and take a picture of him. 
Once he had it, Max didn’t want to take it off, finding himself quite comfortable with a graduate cap on his head. He knew it was never going to be his, but he didn’t take for granted how appreciative you were of everything that he had done for you over the past couple of years. 
“You deserve to wear that for a moment,” you told him, handing it back as Max went to take it off. “It probably doesn’t compare to all those fancy trophies that you win on a podium, but that to me is probably the biggest trophy I’ll ever earn. So, I want you to hold it, like you tell me to do with yours.” 
“This is all yours,” Max protested, taking the cap and popping it back onto the top of your head. “I’m just enjoying the fact that there’s so many graduates around here today, and yet I’m dating the best one.” 
“I’m emotional enough as it is today without you getting soppy.” 
You hit hard against Max’s chest as his arms snaked back around your frame. He pressed a kiss against the top of your head, blocking out everything that was going on around you. Despite the hundreds of names that had been read as people walked across the stage, there was only one that meant anything to him. 
A hand poked against your side, dragging you out of your daydream. “What’s the plan now that you’ve got a super official degree to your name?” 
“I guess I have to go and get a job now,” you chuckled, “I can’t study and travel the world supporting you forever, as nice as it’s been for the past couple of years.” 
“You’ll still come to some races though, won’t you? Even though you’re going to be busy?” Max nervously asked you. 
It didn’t matter how career driven you were, there was no way you were going to stop going to races completely. Depending on what direction you were about to go in, you knew every race would be impossible, but if there was any chance that you could get there, then you absolutely would. 
“Wherever you go next, I’ll be supporting you,” Max assured you, “and wherever that place is, I know you’re going to go on and do absolutely amazing things too.” 
“I should probably go and collect a few more degrees to try and match all your world championships.” 
“Yours is a lot more impressive than mine,” Max grinned. 
Your eyes narrowed back at him, “millions of people get degrees, but there’s only one champion of the world, and that just so happens to be you.” 
Although you had a point, Max was still far more impressed by what you achieved then what he had. He was at the top in his field, and he knew now that the world was your oyster that you were absolutely going to rise to the top of your field too. 
“I really am proud of you,” Max told you once again, kissing against your forehead. 
“I know you are,” you giggled, “it’s taken a lot of blood, sweat and tears to get to this moment, but I’m so happy that we’re finally here.” 
“I’m just looking forward to having you back, without the stress, the late trips to the library,” Max couldn’t help but joke, “it’s just going to be you again, with that big, beautiful smile on your face.” 
Your eyes widened as Max spoke, “are you suggesting that I’ve been stressed and stroppy over the past few months?” You challenged. 
“Love, you’ve been an absolute nightmare.” 
˗ˏˋ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ! ´ˎ˗
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naughtyjjk · 2 days
just a massage (pt. 2)
characters: nanami x fem reader warnings: 18+, smut, massage, sexual tension, dirty talk, fingering, masturbation, a bit of exhibitionism/voyeurism notes: if you haven't already, make sure to read part 1 here first!
it’s been a week and nanami hasn’t been able to stop thinking about you. it’s terrible for him mentally, for his day-to-day living in general. every time he closes his eyes, you’re there in his mind. you with your naked body and perfect curves and smooth skin… the way you were so vocal and reactive to his touches…
he’s thought about you more than he’d ever admit, especially at night, after a long day of work, when he’s finally able to take off his clothes and lie down in bed and wrap a hand around his aching cock. yes, he’s jerked off to the thought of you—multiple times. he can’t seem to stop, addicted to the fantasy that he conjures. and it’s bad, it’s so bad of him, but he’s also never come so hard before and you make him irrationally horny.
today, nanami gets to the massage parlor and opens up his schedule. that’s when he sees your name there, a session booked for 1:30 pm. he blinks, wondering if it’s a dream. it’s not. he moves through the whole morning on autopilot, speaking politely to clients who are not you. they’re all irrelevant and he’s both looking forward to and dreading the time of your appointment.
he promised that he wouldn’t repeat what happened last time. it had been far to inappropriate, far too unprofessional, and he could easily get fired if anyone found out. but… his cock has other ideas. he doesn’t know if he would be able to hold back once he sees you again, in person, there to tempt him with your hot, sexy body. at the same time, a part of him wants to find out how far he can push you, test the limits to see how much you’re able to endure. it had been obvious that you were into it just as much as he was last time.
inhaling, nanami looks at the clock. it shouldn’t be long now before you get here. he has to tame his thoughts so that he doesn’t get himself all worked up over nothing.
but fuck, he wants you. he wants you so fucking bad.
“you booked a longer session this time,” nanami greets you as you walk into the room. he’s shirtless again, of course. at this point, you can probably guess that it’s a deliberate choice, as if he’s testing your resolve from the very start. like last time, the only piece of clothing he has on is a pair of shorts that barely does anything to hide what he’s packing down there.
you divert your eyes before you end up staring for too long. everything about the massage parlor looks exactly the same as it had when you visited last week, with its white walls and minimalistic decorations and the different bottles of oils all lined up on the counter which, as nanami has proved previously, can be used for more than their intended purposes. but there is something that changed, though, and you sense it as soon as you see nanami.
“well,” you reply eventually, “we left off with some unfinished business.”
there’s no beating around the bush anymore. neither of you bother to keep up pretenses this time because it’s inevitable where this will lead. and this is something you both clearly want. you know that you’re not the only one who had been looking forward to today, that nanami wants it just as much as you.
“right. but you know,” nanami drawls, “last time, while you were in the changeroom after our session, i think i heard some… noises. any idea what that could be?”
flushing, you feel your entire body heating up with embarrassment. you curse yourself for not being quieter at the time and you clear throat, glancing away. “i have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“hm.” nanami looks at you unconvinced. he takes a step closer. “it couldn’t have been that you were doing anything naughty in there, right?”
“o-of course not,” you say, hating how guilty you sound.
thankfully, nanami doesn’t press you any further. “good. i mean, no one else heard you… but it would’ve been bad if someone did.” he grabs a few of the items from the counter and walks over to the bed. “now, where would you like me to massage this time?”
sitting back, you make a vague gesture. “just—continue where we left off. same as before.”
nanami raises an eyebrow. “come on, now. let’s be a bit more honest,” he says, pausing to lick his lips. “we both know what you’re really here for.”
“everywhere,” you blurt out, arousal hitting you without warning. “my whole body… the front this time, too. make me feel good.”
eyes darkening with desire, nanami nods, pleased with your answer. “much better. we’ll start with you lying down on the bed again.”
you position yourself the same as last time, on your stomach with your face down and legs spreading apart instinctively. you hear nanami chuckle at your eagerness.
soon, oil is poured over your back, warm hands spreading it all over. your muscles relax at once and you’re reminded of how skilled nanami is. along your spine, he applies pressure to his palms, drawing out soft sounds from you. nanami runs his hands parallel, gliding them down all the way to your legs, then back up again, and repeating the process until heat starts to coil inside you.
after a moment, nanami asks, with just a hint of amusement in his voice, “what are you thinking about?”
“nothing,” you mumble. a lie, obviously. there’s only one thing that could be occupying your mind while nanami is touching you like this, rubbing your body sensually, and that’s—
“hm.” nanami says. “want to know what i’m thinking about?”
“how much i want to fuck you.” nanami’s voice is low and he uses both hands to squeeze your ass over the towel. in response, you moan, arousal hitting you hard. “how horny you make me. i've been thinking about it since our last session…”
breath hitching, you feel a rush of heat spreading throughout your body like wildfire, a wetness starting to soak your pussy. it’s no secret that you’ve been imagining the same scenario for the past few days, every second that you’ve been apart.
“how long has it been since you’ve had sex, darling?”
“ah—i don’t know. weeks, maybe,” you say, exhaling. you’re losing himself to the sensation of nanami’s hands as he moves them again, this time drawing circles on your inner thighs. “months.”
skirting along the edge of the towel, nanami’s fingers slip under just for a second to brush against your ass. “and how are you feeling? pent up from all those months without relief?”
“y-yeah.” you swallow hard. you’ve been more on edge than you’d like to admit, more irritable in general the longer you go without getting laid. sometimes, you’ll be flooded with dirty thoughts at the most inappropriate times, often waking up to wet dreams and an ache in your pussy to be filled.
“mm, and do you miss it? having sex?” nanami’s hot breath is right by your ear, a low whisper when he asks, “getting fucked?”
shuddering, you can’t help but moan softly. “yes.”
“it’s not enough to satisfy the craving by yourself, is it? it’s been so long…” nanami murmurs. “you want someone there with you, someone to touch you, someone to make you feel good.”
“kento… oh…”
last time, this was the point in the massage when he had stopped. but nanami shows no signs of slowing down, and even when his hands lift from your body, he makes sure that you know he’s not done yet.
“don’t worry, i’ll take good care of you today,” nanami tells you, and you’re hit with another wave of arousal. “now, turn around for me.”
you do as you’re told, flipping over on the bed to lie on your back, facing up at the ceiling. your heart hammers away in your chest as nanami eyes you up and down. you expect him to start working down from your shoulders, but he seems to have other plans when his hands move directly to untie the towel around your waist.
“w-wait, i—”
pausing, nanami glances at you, a smirk on his face. “what’s wrong? are you embarrassed that you’re wet already?” he slides the towel lower just a little. “have you forgotten how you were begging for it last time?”
nanami doesn’t wait for you to reply before unwrapping the towel all the way. like this, you can’t hide your desire anymore. and you’re more than aware of how wet you’ve gotten, pussy dripping and soaking the bed. you see nanami’s gaze flicker down, pausing in his actions to admire your body. you feel so exposed like this, naked on the bed while presenting yourself to him, and the tension between you grows thicker by the second. it’s all so arousing.
taking the bottle of oil, nanami holds it over you and pours out the liquid directly so that it leaves a trail from your chest all the way to your stomach. you can’t help but flinch slightly, feeling it tickle as it drips. a few drops fall directly onto your pussy, causing it to throb, and your breath hitches as you bite back a moan. nanami licks his lips and then his hands are on you again.
first, he runs a single finger down the center of your body, between your breasts, over your stomach, stopping just before touching your pussy, above your clit. the process is slow. slow and sensual. spreading the rest of the oil evenly across your skin, nanami takes his time in feeling you all over, making the anticipation build and build inside you.
next, your breasts are the main area of focus as he draws large circles on both sides, dipping near your armpits, along the underside, and trailing back up the center. slowly, the circles get smaller with each round, closing in on your nipples. but as soon as he’s about to come into contact with those hardened nubs, nanami retreats and starts all over again. he does it three more times—large circles spiraling closer, closer, closer. tracing just around it. caressing the sides. and you always think that this time, this time, he’s going to finally reach your nipples.
he never does. you groan, frustrated. it’s the first time you’ve experienced something like this; the first time you’ve ever wanted your nipples to be touched so badly. the worst part is that it’s really getting to you, turned on from barely anything. your pussy begs for attention, leaking more of your arousal as you mentally curse nanami for being such a fucking tease.
at that moment, nanami leans in so that his mouth is hovering just above one of your breasts and your heart pounds at the possibility of what’s to come. but all he does is blow against it gently and chuckle. 
“your nipples are so hard…” his tongue pokes out, swirling it in the air just above your skin, exactly like how he would if he were to suck and lick at the sensitive nub. he holds your gaze but never makes contact with his tongue. still, you can feel the phantom sensations there, and you want so badly for him to take you in his mouth. “want me to touch you?”
god, yes. you let out a whine. all of this teasing is going straight to your pussy, so wet with desire. but nanami’s mouth retreats and he goes back to using his hands, circling your breasts with his fingers.
when you don’t think that you could take it anymore, you feel it—a single finger brushing across both your nipples, just grazing them, the lightest of touches. you’re so turned on at this point, the anticipation having built up inside you, that you gasp, squirming on the spot as you try to adjust to the sudden, unexpected jolt of pleasure.
“look at you. so sensitive, so riled up from barely anything,” nanami says, waiting for you to regain your composure.
it’s not your fault. nanami made sure that your body would be extra responsive by taking it slow, making you crave it, and one barely-there touch is hardly enough to satisfy you. but that’s all you get for a while as nanami repeats his actions with the sole mission of making the experience as agonizing as possible for you.
eventually, when you least expect it, the pattern changes. nanami flattens his hands over your nipples and rubs them, going from palms to fingertips, the oil adding a delicious glide to every movement. he grabs both your breasts and fondles them, massages them. cupping them with his palms and squeezing with his large hands.
“ohh…” you moan, arching into the touch. soon, nanami switches to grasping your nipples between his fingers, pinching the delicate nubs with the perfect amount of pressure, and it sends a rush of sensation throughout your body. you whimper. “fuck, k-kento…”
“does it turn you on when i play with your nipples?” nanami asks, hyperattentive, watching every reaction that your body makes. “such a naughty girl.”
fuck, it’s only your second session here but nanami has already figured out your body’s weaknesses, all of your most sensitive areas, the erogenous zones, and how to take you apart. you shouldn’t be falling for every one of nanami’s tricks. you shouldn’t be this easy. but you gave up control the moment you laid down on this bed, and nanami just seems to have that effect on you.
having gotten the reaction he wanted, nanami moves on. he had spent so long playing with your nipples that you almost forgot the feeling of those tantalizing hands on the rest of his body. but you’re quickly reminded when he travels down to your stomach, your lower abdomen, purposely avoiding your pussy and going straight to your legs.
it’s the assault on your inner thighs that eventually ruins you. because nanami is running his hands up your thighs, stopping right at your pelvis, and doing it over and over and over—repeatedly, for what seems like forever. occasionally, his fingertips will brush against the outside of your folds, but the touch is fleeting and never goes any further than that, only serving to taunt you.
you groan, wishing nanami would just get on with it. when you express this, you only get an amused chuckle in response.
“so impatient. and you’re all wet for me already…” nanami says, those words making you even more aroused. “that’s it, let your body crave it. i would love to eat you out and taste you on my tongue.”
you certainly wouldn’t complain if he did just that. but nanami only spreads your legs and runs a finger past your pussy, spreading your wetness there. he circles your clit once, and you moan. then he goes further down until he finds your entrance but doesn’t push inside. he continues to do that—playing with you, teasing you, turning you into a writhing mess on the bed.
oh, you want him so bad. you’ve never wanted a man this fucking bad before. your body is burning, the need and desire growing exponentially by the second.
“there are so many things i want to do to you.” nanami swallows, looking like he wants to devour you but is doing everything he can to hold himself back. “but i’ll keep it simple for today. you look like you won’t be able to last much longer, anyway.”
without warning, nanami slides his hand back up to your clit, pinching it between two fingers, slick with oil. your entire body jolts as you feel pressure being applied there, a choked out moan escaping your lips. nanami rolls the pads of his fingers around the sensitive nub and you throb at his touch, breathing significantly harder now.
it had already been overwhelming before, but now your whole body burns with pleasure, with desire—wild and untamed. heat sears through you, fast, hot, making you somewhat delirious. you lose control of yourself as you buck up and circle your hips, trying to feel more of it.
“remember, this is still a massage,” nanami says, voice low, and you’re not sure who he’s trying to fool. he pinches you again, the perfect amount of pressure, and you arch off the bed with a whimper. “all i’m doing is giving you a massage…”
his hand flattens and he rubs your clit up and down, then in circles, slow at first and gradually increasing in speed. there’s no pattern to his movements; nanami is completely unpredictable, leaving you guessing, never allowing you to adjust to the sensation at any given moment. all you can do is lie there and take it, at his mercy, chasing after whatever he’s willing to give you. but you can’t exactly complain, though, not when it feels this fucking good.
“k-kento—” you cry out as all your nerves ignite at once, tingles of pleasure spreading all throughout your body.
“is this how you touched yourself in the changeroom last time?” the pace quickens, nanami drawing tight circles around your clit. “did you imagine that i was the one touching you? getting you closer and closer?”
moaning, you try to reply but your head is swimming with pleasure and it’s infinitely more arousing now that nanami is really here, playing with your pussy. it’s not just a fantasy anymore.
and then—it hits you fast, hard, entirely by surprise. one minute nanami is changing up his rhythm and the next, you find yourself bucking into the air uncontrollably, moaning loud and needy, and fuck, you’re—oh god, you’re going to come, you’re going to come—
“not yet, baby,” nanami says, voice low and stern. a command. his hand immediately withdraws from your body, keeping you right on the edge but never tipping over, and instead moves to hold your hips in place as you convulse on the bed, helpless to ride it out as your orgasm ebbs away. your pussy throbs and throbs, aching, dripping with your wetness. you’re left painfully unsatisfied. fuck, it’s not fair.
chest heaving, you whimper, having been denied your release. your whole body is on fire, and you’re so fucking turned on. you need to come. you need to come so fucking bad.
“kento,” you plead, willing to do anything to get his hands back on you. if this gets drawn out any longer, you’re not sure if you’ll survive. “kento, please—i’m—i can’t—please—”
almost idly, nanami trails a hand around the outside of your pussy, keeping his touch gentle like he has all the time in the world. it’s only a single finger grazing against you, but your hips flinch, moaning at the feeling of it. “do you really want it to end that quickly? i would love to see how desperate you can get. it won’t take much more for you to come, will it?”
you’re trembling and your pussy throbs every time nanami makes contact with it. you’re still unbelievably close to the edge despite calming down a bit now, and you’re sure that all it’ll take is a bit more stimulation from nanami before you reach your climax.
“can you—oh,” you start, words dissolving into a moan as nanami touches you again, fingers prodding at your entrance this time. it takes deliberate effort for you to gather your thoughts and finish the sentence, but you’ve become shameless, too aroused and horny to maintain any sense of dignity. “c-can you fuck me instead? i wanna—hah—wanna come on your cock.”
“mm, tempting. really tempting. but i don’t think so,” nanami tells you. his fingers latch onto your clit again, circling around it faster than before, and it’s so fucking good, so distracting that you’re barely able to hang on to his words. “i won’t fuck you today. i want to get you really desperate for it, let the tension build up until it makes you lose control. and when i finally give you what you want—tomorrow, or the next day, or even a week from now—i’ll break you apart slowly and leave you writhing under me. think of how good it’ll feel to finally have my cock in you after all this time, hard and aching inside you, filling up that tight little pussy.”
whimpering, you’re not even able to formulate a reply. that has to be the hottest proposal you’ve ever heard, like nanami has somehow figured out all of your dirtiest fantasies and is making them a reality. your mind is clouded with an arousal so strong that you’re struggling to process everything. but nanami isn’t even done yet.
“eventually, if i fuck you… when i fuck you, i’m going to take you apart slowly and push you to your limits until you show me just how badly you need it. you’ll be shaking under me, begging to have my cock in you. god, darling, i’ve wanted to ruin you since our first session together.”
you moan brokenly, hips thrusting wildly on the bed in response to his words. holy shit. nanami knows exactly how to get you all worked up. what’s worse is that every word he says is a cruel reminder that his cock isn’t inside you, isn’t fucking you, isn’t even out of those tight, tight pants yet.
“hah—fuck, your cock—n-need your cock—”
“i’ll give you something just as good.” nanami is watching you intensely, taking in the way your body responds. he bends your legs, hands sliding almost innocently across your entrance. “i can massage your insides. how does that sound?”
it sounds incredibly fucking hot, that’s what. and suddenly, you’ve never desired anything so badly before. “y-yeah—ngh, please—”
“spread your legs for me, baby,” nanami tell you. doing as you’re told, you follow his guidance to expose your pussy even more, aroused and horny beyond belief. “good girl. you’ve been waiting for this, haven’t you?”
a finger runs along the outside of your pussy, slick with oil, and you choke out a moan, lifting your hips to try and feel more of it. thankfully, it goes in soon enough, not wasting any time, and nanami sinks a finger into you, the slick oil helping to ease his length inside. you let out a startled gasp as he goes deeper and deeper, past the first and second knuckle, all the way until his whole finger has been swallowed up.
once he’s all the way in, nanami groans at the tightness that envelopes him, the way you clam down as if refusing to let him go. but he starts pulling back out, inch by inch, and you’re helpless to it; all you can do is moan at how good it feels. he pumps it in and out a few times almost experimentally, taking in how quickly you’re falling apart on the bed before him.
“you can imagine that it’s my cock fucking you if that helps,” nanami whispers in your ear and the suggestion has you whimpering. “but of course, my cock is bigger than this. think you can take another?”
“Y-yes—ah—yes, yes, more—”
“look at me,” nanami says, waiting until you turn your head before adding a second digit, stretching you open. you gasp, panting as soon as he starts to thrust into you properly. “see how hard i am because of you? my cock feels like it’s going to burst out of these pants.”
and it’s true; your gaze falls on nanami’s bulge, so hot and obscene within the confines of his pants. the fabric shifts every time it twitches, pulsing like it’s trying to break out, wet and damp where the tip is. nanami’s free hand moves to touch himself, hips rolling into his palms, giving himself some relief for the very first time.
god, you swallow. you would do anything to have him pull out his cock already.
but nanami’s only goal seems to be to get you as worked up as possible, bringing you right to the edge with his dirty words. “mm, yeah. think about how fucking good it’ll feel to have my cock throbbing inside you. thrusting into your tight little pussy, nice and deep.”
his fingers curl, sending an unexpected jolt through your entire body. you cry out, back arching off the bed, head thrown back as an intense wave of pleasure overtakes you. “a-ah—! shit, kento—o-oh my god—”
grinning, nanami makes sure to aim for the same place again. “is this the spot? does it feel good here?”
“hah—fuck—y-yeah, good—hng, so fucking good—”
nanami hums, but the next few thrusts he makes purposely avoids your g-spot. each one is shallower than the last and you can’t help but squirm as you get increasingly frustrated, until he pulls out altogether.
“that’s a good look on you. it seriously turns me on to see how desperate you are now,” nanami says, licking his lips. his eyes are dark and full of desire as he takes in the sight of you, running his hands along your thighs and watching your pussy throb. “it’s almost a shame we have to end things here today.”
you take a few seconds to process what he’s saying, and once you do, all you can think is, no, no. not again. you didn’t get to come yet. you need more, need your release, need those fingers back in you. need to—
“th-that’s it?” you ask in disbelief when it becomes clear that nanami isn’t going to continue. the towel is wrapped around you once again. your pussy aches in protest at how abruptly things ended, still dripping and dripping and dripping with unresolved arousal.
fuck. you refuse to let nanami leave him like this again; you’re determined to get a better outcome, unlike last time when you had to get yourself off in the changeroom. you’ll break down and beg if you have to. you want to come on nanami’s cock, on nanami’s fingers, and you know that nanami wants it, too. but whenever it seems that he’s about to go further, he always stops, right when you’re most anticipating it.
it’s especially frustrating because he’s gotten you all worked up, so fucking horny that you can hardly even think straight, but it never goes far enough for you to be fully satisfied. you’re kept on the brink of release, never allowed to come. it’s so cruel. it only works to turn you on more, to an unbearable degree.
but nanami doesn’t even acknowledge it. he only looks at you innocently. “our time is up for today,” he says, then leans in close, voice lowering to a whisper. “did you really think that i would let you come so easily? you’ve been a very naughty girl.”
fuck, that shouldn’t sound as hot and sexy as it does. it definitely shouldn’t be making you even more turned on.
“i—” shit, you think. you glance down at nanami’s very obvious erection, the desire he clearly has, too. i want your cock—want you to fuck me. but it’s clear that he doesn’t plan on going any further today, so you only manage to stammer out, “i don’t think i can go out like this.”
because you’re in arguably a worse state than nanami. despite the towel doing the bare minimum of hiding your arousal, your legs are still trembling slightly and the wetness between your legs isn’t going away.
“ah.” nanami’s eyes flicker down as he licks his lips. “you’re right, we can’t have you leaving like that. why don’t you take care of yourself now?”
you stare at him. when nanami only meets your gaze expectantly, you ask, “you mean… right here?”
“yes. we pride ourselves on customer satisfaction, you know. i can’t let you go when you clearly still have… unfinished business.” nanami smirks, evidently smug for getting you to such a state. “and don’t mind me. there’s still some time before the next appointment, so i’ll just be cleaning up the room.”
and you can’t believe it. what nanami is essentially asking you to do is masturbate, get yourself off, while you’re being watched.
the idea of it is crazy. but it’s undeniably hot, too. so fucking hot.
a few steps away, nanami is busying himself with setting up the equipment, but it’s obvious that he never strays too far. he’s still paying attention, making sure to keep you in his peripheral vision, intent on not missing out on anything.
hesitantly, you unwrap the towel around your waist until you’re fully naked once more. you sigh and glance down at yourself. it’s almost embarrassing because it’s far too noticeable just how fucking horny you are, with the way your pussy is swollen and so, so wet, making a mess on the bed.
across the room, nanami’s movements have stopped. he’s openly staring at you now, taking in the sight of you greedily. there’s hunger in his gaze as he grips the counter next to him, transfixed on the way your pussy is fully exposed, practically begging for attention.
you make eye contact, and a charge of tension passes between you before nanami nods once. “go on. show me how you make yourself feel good.”
so, you get comfortable again on the bed, hyperaware that your every action is being watched. it makes you more excited than you’d ever admit as the shame and embarrassment and humiliation all mix together with intense arousal, clouding your mind. you run your hands over your own body, starting with your breasts, cupping them and teasing your hardened nipples. just like nanami did earlier. soft moans escape you, pleasure surging throughout as you turn your head to look at nanami with half-lidded eyes.
nanami remains silent, but his expression gives him away. there’s no mistake that this is turning him on too, and you swear that you see him twitching in his pants, the fabric shifting over his bulge. but still, he’s far too composed, and you want to break down his self-control, get him so worked up that he can’t resist coming over and fucking you anymore.
traveling down your chest, across the planes of his stomach, your hands come to a stop at your hips. you spread your legs, bending your knees so that your feet are planted flat on the bed, giving you easier access to your aching pussy.
you’ve waited long enough. the slow tease of nanami’s massage and the beyond erotic proposal of masturbating in front of him have all caught up to you and you can’t delay this any longer. trailing a hand down to your entrance, you push a finger inside and immediately moan at the feeling of being filled again.
“fuck… yes,” you breathe out, eyes fluttering shut as you give yourself over to the sensation. you’ve only just touched himself, barely even started at all, but you’re already feeling it.
it’s hot and wet inside your pussy, the oil helping to loosen you up. you drag your finger, moving in and out of yourself, feeling how needy and pent-up you are as your hips roll slightly, growing impatient. you squeeze a second finger inside. moaning, you scissor them apart and pleasure floods through you.
and then you begin to thrust, going at a fairly slow pace. but still, it’s enough to have your thighs shaking, so fucking sensitive. you can feel yourself falling apart.
your fingers curl, angled just right, and your nerves come to life, firing jolts all the way up your spine. “o-oh—ngh, shit—kento—”
at the sound of nanami’s name slipping past your lips, mixed in with a moan, you hear the hitch of a breath to your side. opening your eyes again, you blink to clear your vision, and see that nanami has made his way over to the bed, standing right beside you. something about him being this close, watching over you with his cock hard and bulging in his pants, has your arousal spiking.
suddenly, you can’t stand the slow buildup anymore. your speed increases, thrusting into yourself faster before you even realize it, pushing as deep as you can go. the rush of pleasure is immediate, and your head falls back, breaths growing ragged. there’s a moan but this time it doesn’t come from you; nanami is the one who made the sound, low and strained. he looks like he’s at his limit just by being there as a bystander, watching you on display.
“fuck, that’s it,” nanami encourages you, fingers twitching like he wants to reach out and touch. replace your fingers with his own. “in and out, steady thrusts. just like that…”
receiving instructions from nanami only makes you more turned on. your hips lift off the bed involuntarily and you can’t help staring at the twitching erection in his pants. “ah, feels—feels so good—"
“i bet it does,” nanami says. “look at how much you’re getting off on this. you secretly like being watched, don’t you?”
“f-fuck,” you break off into a moan. the answer to his question is evident in the way you’re dripping from your pussy, walls clenching around your own fingers.
and nanami must notice it too because he tells you, “don’t forget about your clit, baby. i know you like it there.”
reaching down with your other hand, you circle around your sensitive clit, body jerking at the added stimulation. and this is going to be your undoing, you know, because you feel the familiar buildup of your orgasm reaching a peak inside you, the crescendo of something bigger. already, you feel like you could come at any moment.
on top of that, nanami is relentless. “good girl,” he murmurs. “faster now. get yourself real close for me.”
you obey because you have no choice, because nanami has always been the one in control here. it’s getting dangerous now as you finger yourself faster, drawing tight circles around your clit, whining at the pure pleasure that’s accumulating in your stomach, between your legs. and you’re squirming, unable to contain the sheer amount of arousal inside you.
“shit—hah—o-oh my god, fuck, fuck—” you moan brokenly. then you use all of your willpower to force yourself to stop, both hands pulling away. your hips buck up in the air desperately, but you don’t want to come yet. you look over at nanami, chest heaving, and plead, “i-i want you, kento…”
growling, nanami grips onto the side of the bed, fingers digging into it to physically restrain himself. you can see the way the muscles of his arms contract, so strong, so tense. holding himself back.
“trust me, i want to fuck you so damn bad,” nanami says, and his voice alone is enough to make you more aroused. “you have no idea how hard it’s been to keep my hands off you. if it weren’t for my next appointment, i would bend you over right here and have my way with you until you’re screaming.” he swallows, gaze dark and filled with desire. “but today, it’s enough for me to just watch your pleasure. so, be a good girl for me and use your fingers to fuck that pretty pussy of yours and get yourself off properly this time.”  
holy fuck. you’re throbbing hard just from those words alone, before you even touch yourself again. you can’t possibly resist; your hand moves automatically to do as you’re told, two fingers sinking into yourself again, pumping in and out with urgency. your other hand resumes its assault on your clit, gasping and moaning, overwhelmed.
there’s no buildup this time—you go fast and hard right away, too fucking turned on to make yourself wait any longer. beside you, nanami hums with approval, always watching.
“hah—hah—ah—yes, k-kento—kento—”
“god, you’re so fucking hot,” nanami says. “find your g-spot for me. come on, baby. i want to see you make yourself come.”
you cry out when you do exactly what nanami tells you, applying pressure to the most sensitive nerves inside you. your hips are thrusting wildly, out of control, and all of the stimulation combined is bringing you closer and closer to the edge.
“oh fuck, o-oh fuck—” you choke out a moan, sounding wrecked. “i-i can’t—ngh, can’t take it anymore—i’m—hah—i’m gonna—”
nanami groans. “yeah, let it out. make yourself come.” his voice is strained, eyes transfixed on your body. “that’s it, such a good girl… make a mess of yourself and come for me.”
god. god. the dirty talk has your pussy throbbing, throbbing, clenching tight around your fingers, preparing for your release. you’re trembling, so close to being pushed past the limit. so fucking close. there’s no way you’ll last much longer now.
“hng—fuck—” once again, your eyes land on nanami’s cock in his pants, bulging out, stretching the fabric thin, and it’s the thought of his cock—touching it, sucking on it, fuck, having it inside you, stretching you open and filling you up—that eventually tips you over. you moan loud. “ah, c-coming—i’m coming—”
your release hits you less than a second later. you pump your fingers, curling to your g-spot, other hand rubbing your clit urgently, and that does it for you, back arching beautifully off the bed as your orgasm crashes through your body. your mouth falls open in a silent cry. it’s mind-numbing, absolutely filthy, pussy pulsing and pulsing. you ride out the pleasure in waves, panting, feeling like you might lose consciousness from how good it is.
in you half-delirious state, slowly coming down from your orgasm, you look up at nanami. you’re both impressed and extremely frustrated at his level of self-control. throughout the entire session, he never touched himself even once, despite the fact that you know he must be aching for it, so hard that it has to be painful. and he’s gotten no relief at all, his cock still locked away in the confines of his pants this whole time, occasionally twitching and throbbing without any stimulation.
maybe it’s because the timing just didn’t work out for the two of you. maybe nanami really does have to prepare for his next client. but if your positions were reversed and you happened to be the one watching nanami masturbate, such an erotic and filthy sight at your place of work, you has no doubt that you would’ve succumbed long ago.
you wonder, what would it take for nanami to finally give in? this is the second time that you’ve had to get off using your own hands at the massage parlor. and you just came, which felt good, incredible, but you’re still left somewhat unsatisfied because what you really wants is for nanami to fuck you already.
getting up from the bed, you brush a hand against the bulge between nanami’s legs. nothing more than a graze of your fingers. but that alone is enough to make him gasp, swallowing back the moan rising in his throat.
you asks, “can you really go back to work like this?”
nanami swats your hand away, cursing. he shuts his eyes to even out his breathing before settling his gaze on you again. “fuck, are you still that horny?”
grinning, you lick your lips. “if i say that i am, will you finally fuck me?”
nanami sucks in a breath, glancing over at the clock. “you really should go now. i wasn’t lying when i said that the next client will be here any minute.”
it’s not exactly the answer you were looking for, but you know when to accept your loss and drop the subject. for now, at least.
“i’ll go for today, but you’ve teased me twice already,” you say. then you lean forward, whispering into his ear, “next time i come, i won’t be leaving until i get what i want.”
part 3 will be the last part! also tumblr has been buggy recently and won’t let me tag some people... i’m sorry if your name is here but you didn’t get a notification :(
tag list: @megumisdivinedogs @urlilwhore @l0rdgeosupport3rr @purple-obsidian @l0rdgeosupport3rr @minni-creations @fos-tis-zois @the-reas0n-is-y0u @cantfeelherface @rxmbzzz @lysaray @zelzablues @str4wbrrycandy @that-goth-bisexual @simping4u @iminlovewqr0w @sharks31 @pseudowho @jisoonunn @outkasti @anathemaspeaks @fushigur0slut4 @barryatsumu @d0nk3y-k0ng @shasaaa15 @wil10wthetree @maskedpacific @genshingeeksworld @itsnotmelo
(comment to be added!)
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webism · 13 hours
KINKTOBER DAY THREE: bondage with nanami.
kinktober masterlist
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Nanami, your other half, is meticulous and an overbearing perfectionist on the best of days. You love it about him, love the way that when it comes to you, everything has to be perfect to no fault. You love his dedication to the simplest of things, his attention to detail, you love his patience.
You don't love it when he's using said perfectionism to prolong your time being tied up. You see it in his pretty eyes, that knowing look—he's not taking his time for the sake of perfection, he's taking the time to perv on those frustrated whines that you let out the longer he takes.
Your wrists are bound at your front, a soft shibari rope wrapped around your skin. He had picked it out himself, opted for a more expensive option as it was less likely to irritate your skin—after all, you're being bound to further enjoy yourself, not to decorate your skin with marks he'd much rather leave with his mouth.
Still, he works on the rope around your waist with no sign of eagerness or a rush towards completion. Instead, he continues to watch your body in what looks like a clinical examination, hands working gracefully as he knots the rope against your skin and builds a harness, no doubt good to hold onto so you can't start to shift away once thinks become overbearing. You sit on your shared bed, eyes heavy and stuck on his face as he works—calculated ministries become just a little quicker as you pout.
"Ken," you whine, subconsciously trying to pry your wrists apart to grab at your lover. Your fingers find nothing but air, your arms bound, rendering you useless.
"I'm almost done," he says calmly, a small smile playing at the corner of his lips. He finishes before any other complaints can leave your lips, though you suspect he could have been finished fifteen minutes ago if the sight of rope against your bare skin didn't send blood right down to his cock.
He stands back from where he's working with satisfaction, a pleased look in his eyes that makes you want to squirm, wanting to crawl into his lap and beg forgiveness for whatever you might have done wrong in your past life if it means he'll just fuck you already. But you keep your head up, eyes set on his.
Your legs are bound thigh-to-calf, your throbbing cunt forced onto display by your bindings—if Kento were a worse man he'd leave you like this, bound with a vibrator against your pretty clit for hours on end as he files some paperwork or catches up on the novel he's been reading.
And although the thought is enticing, turning your moans and drawling orgasms into ambient music for the house you share, he's a selfish man at heart and could never deprive himself of you—not when you're like this.
"I think you're beautiful, my love," he leans over you, brushing a cool knuckle over your warmed cheek. A flush spreads across your cheeks, warmth blooming in your belly. His touch doesn't last long, his hand trailing off your shoulder and dipping down to tug at the rope that twists around your torso.
"You're perfect, you know that?" He tries again, and pulls so hard on your rig that your back meets the mattress and, all of a sudden, your Kento is hovering over you, cock hard against his slacks. "And you know that I love you."
"I know," you nod.
His hands fumble for his belt, and he's hooking his cock out of his pants in the same breath—too eager to fully undress. "I appreciate your trust in me," he tugs at a rope around your thigh to get you just that little bit closer to him; you can feel the heavy weight of his length against your stomach—and he can see just how deep inside of you he will be soon enough, "Though I fear seeing you tied up like this… it makes it hard to be gentle with you, love."
You lean up to kiss his jaw, his lips, anything you and reach while bound so intently. "I don't need you to be gentle with me. I am at your disposal."
Something in your lilt breaks the band of resistance that holds your lover still—he groans as he presses forward, pushing into you without any preamble. You're beyond wet, he hardly feels bad for not prepping you on his tongue beforehand. He has plans of ruining you with his mouth once he's fucked you full of him. "How can I possibly deny you?"
As he bottoms out inside of you, Kento grabs the rope that binds your wrist and lifts them above your head, pressing them into the sheets and rendering you completely motionless. Try as you might, you can't move an inch—you're entirely at his lust-glossed mercy. "That's better, hm? Much easier now, yes?" He pushes deeper into you, grunting out as he fills you in. "You don't have to think, don't have to move, you don't have to anything but take me."
The words are familiar to you—you've heard them hundreds of times before. In the throes of ecstasy, they sound like a lullaby to you—though this time there's some truth to his words. A genuine lack of need to move, to speak, to try and keep your hips at pace with his. As Nanami pulls back, drags his aching cock out of you before rutting right back into your tight core, you're able to completely relinquish control.
And god is it narcotic. The ruthless pace that he sets, muscles that cord his arms keep you in place as he bullies his cock into you. His mean thrusts are occasionally broken up with an open-mouthed kiss to your waiting lips, though the world is spinning too fast for you to register much other than raw, undiluted pleasure. You barely have the voice to announce your orgasm, let alone ask for permission to cum, so when your orgasm wracks through you like tropical waves against a cliffside, your lover can't help but bite at your exposed neck in feigned disappointment.
"Oh, love," he coos, but doesn't slow the roll of his hips even slightly. "You know I don't like it when you don't use your words."
You can't, not with the way he's fucking a second orgasm into you before you've even recovered from your first. Not when you're bound so tight that you know you have no way out of his ministries, not that you want one. You haven't felt so blissed-out in a long time, and there is no place safer to lose your mind than in Kento's arms. Though there's a dangerous lilt to his voice when he leans own, thrusts sharp into your overstimulated pussy, and whispers against your ear. "You're going to wait, and you're going to cum alongside me, love."
It's all too much, your vision is near-white with hot pleasure and you worry that you'll never think a straight thought again if he keeps rendering you dumb like this. You try desperately to climb up the bed, away from his overwhelming size, but he's got an iron-wraught grip on your bindings. "Ah," he chides. "Don't run, take me- I know you can."
The moans that rip from your throat are made for porn, especially in conjuncture with his groans and bitten praises. It's not long before his ruthless pace starts to falter, and the slap of skin against bruising skin starts to stutter as your lover reaches climax.
"With me," he chokes, the hand that had held your wrists up finally falling down to rub relentless circles over your sensitive clit. You're overwhelmed, orgasm cresting almost painfully as your mind blanks and you come harder than you think you ever have before. Nanami releases inside of you, his free hand holding you as close as humanly possible through your bindings.
And once he's cum, stolen a few breaths to steady himself enough to lift himself up and look down at you, Kento Nanami fears he might be a bad man. Because with the way you look, tear stained cheeks and complete lack of freedom, he can't help the words that slip from his lips.
"You can handle another, can't you, love?"
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tags: @medusamara5 @echodead @aliisinwonderland @curiositykilledthecatx3 @hirainne
@plinkuro @sooouth @megumiiiswife @nyxiswrites1200 @yveiscringe
@sharks31 @lenahathunger @aydene @dreamyokai @n0tviv
@chiiinglebells @timetoletmyimaginationfly @nayely45 @waffless-simp-blog
@zoozvie @gothicchildofthenight @repnights @flwerie @soundofraindropss
@ushijimas1simp @aliidarling @aeswin @peachygelic @silvermet
@rinadisapproves @theshxaverse @cipher00 @milkkteary @snackeyalleyjuice
@cvipped @toadtoru @keiette @satosugu4-ever
@sugurubabe @wickedpoison6 @simp-plague @tojis-ball-sack @ventila98
@xxbookdrunkdemigodxx @oikawasthirdleg @yogichi @theycallmesia
@kdrama-anna @vurelliex @anonnieghost @tadabzzzbee
@luvofbows @crywolfix @hhonaoin @gigiiiiislife @aviesnapkindoodles
@ninikrumbs @bijuu-naginata @baekhyunsbestie @grimmshold @dalnimmie
@domainexpansionmypants @5tarx @1depressedsimp @beachaddict48 @jadeis0nline
@sukunasbbygrl @luna-v-roiya @sukunaspillow @starsval @vamqyx
@laaalaaaloooppppsiiieeeee @mermaid-jewels @sugusmonkeyy @sammywo @noyaskneepad
@astrideverstar @lordchula-thagrandrula @chuuminn @angel1of-death @flooftoof
@rumi-rants @dysphoricsanity @coolcephalopod @satoruslxt @xoxo1mira
@whosmarjj @kikosaidbye @iceddragonfruit @amisuh @lotties-ashwagandha
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luminiamore · 3 days
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ex husband eren yeager (he's really ur husband tho) x black babymomma reader
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warnings: ur pregnant, yay! softttttt fluffly cute shit., smut
a/n; ultimately decided to release this one first, love u guyssss
pt. 1 (can be read as a stand alone though)
You honestly should’ve seen this coming. Pregnancy wouldn’t be any easier the second time around, you should have known that. You can feel the pain in your back brewing with each moment that passes in the stiff chair you’re sitting on. The doctor still hasn’t called your name yet, and that’s adding to your already sour mood. Your husband sits beside you, his right hand rubbing on your growing baby bump as he tries to comfort you.
“Just a little longer, mama.” The sound of Eren’s cooing soothes your nerves a little. It’s not enough to make you feel better, though.
You wince, tugging on the ends of your braids to distract yourself after feeling a piercing cramp in your lower abdomen. “Ren.. I’m tired and in pain. Can we please leave?”
You figured you should hate your husband for putting you in this predicament. Pregnant. In pain. And craving toothpaste for some reason. But you can’t find it in yourself to feel that way.
Not when he’s been so attentive and patient with you on those days you feel like death. Not when he buys you gifts almost every week for even carrying his child, just like he did the first time. Not when he’s such a loving partner right now, as every part of you wants to scream and go home.
“No, baby, we can’t keep rescheduling.” He presses a soft kiss to your head, his left hand rubbing circular motions on your knuckles. As he looks down, he can’t help but think about how beautiful the contrast his pale skin has against yours.
Everything about you is so alluring to him, from how you carry yourself down to the melanin coating every inch of your body. It’s no wonder you’re pregnant again. He thinks it would’ve happened soon had you two never gone through that break. He reminds himself to focus. This isn’t what you need right now.
“Just lay your head on me and think about how happy you’ll be when you find out if we’re having a boy or a girl. Raqi’s gonna love her new sibling.”
The baby. This is all for the baby, you reassure yourself. He’s right. Eren can feel the tenseness leave your body, slowly but surely. A smile graces his face when he feels the weight of your head on his shoulder. Though he can’t read your mind, he knows you’re thinking about the baby, listening to his exact words.
That’s another thing he noticed about you. How pliant you’ve been lately. He’s not concerned, really. It’s not as if you constantly banter or argue with him for the fun of it. But recently, it’s as if you trust him to guide you completely without complaint. You don’t question him when he tells you anything. You don’t even protest with a better idea of your own.
It could be your hormones, he considered that to be a factor. It could also be because he kept his promise of being there for you and cutting back on work, so your trust in him increased tenfold. He wonders if he should address it. Talk to you and see if you’re even aware you’ve become more like that.
His forest eyes glance down to peek at your face. While your eyes may be closed, he can still tell you’re not sleeping. You’re pretty close; the cute pout forming on your two-toned lips as you breathe gives it away. You’re not wearing any makeup, just your natural self. Your lash extensions still sit gorgeous on you, but you last went for a refill about 3 weeks ago. He makes a mental note to book an appointment once you both get home.
Your beauty is unmatched. A sight for sore eyes is what you are.
Eren decides you didn’t need to know anything.
“𝜗𝜚, Yeager?” The doctor was ready for you both, shaking him out of his thoughts. He hates to move you from your position. You look so peaceful. So, why not carry you? He eyes the woman who called your name before he responds for you, “Right here.”
You’re shaken awake when you feel a large arm snake around your knees and another on your mid back. You almost have a panic attack when you feel yourself being lifted up abruptly before you start moving. Instinctively, your arms wrap around your husband’s neck before snuggling into him deeper. God, you’re so cute.
The walk to the doctor’s room was short, and Eren made quick work of laying your body down on the examination table once you had made it inside. You’re awake now. Eren watches you settle into the examination table, your tired eyes fluttering open as you adjust to the cool surface beneath you. You groan softly as you adjust, the cool paper crinkling beneath you.
The sterile scent of the doctor’s room is familiar yet unwelcome as it blends with the lingering discomfort in your body. You really didn’t wanna be here. Despite your exhaustion, you muster a faint smile at your husband.
“You okay, mama?” Eren whispers, crouching beside you, his thumb stroking your cheek softly. He wants to ensure you’re as relaxed as possible, knowing the upcoming scan would stir a mix of emotions for both of you. “Mmhm,” you hum, still too groggy to give much more than a nod. Though your body aches, the idea of seeing your baby gives you a soft nudge of excitement. Fuck, you’re really pregnant. Again. Somehow, the idea is still so surreal to you.
The doctor returns with a warm smile, already prepping the ultrasound machine. “Alright, let’s take a look and see how your little one is doing.”
Eren’s grip tightens slightly on your hand, a silent reassurance as the cold gel touches your belly, sending a shiver through your body. When the doctor presses the scan on you, the black-and-white image immediately shows up on the screen before you. It’s not your first ultrasound, but every time you see your baby, you can’t help but gasp.
You watch as your husband’s eyes are locked onto the screen. His face softens as he watches the baby’s small movements, his mind already racing with the list of gifts he’s gonna spoil your child with. He squeezes your hand again, this time more firmly as if trying to ground himself in the reality of the moment. “There’s our baby,” he whispers, his voice filled with wonder.
The doctor’s voice breaks through the trance you and Eren are in. “Everything looks great so far. Baby’s healthy, growing well.”
You feel a wave of relief wash over you. It’s a familiar feeling, this mix of overwhelming joy and nervousness that pregnancy brings. Every scan and every check-up feels like a small victory. You think about your daughter, Raqi, and how she will react when she finds out if she’ll have a little brother or sister. The thought makes you smile a bit wider.
“Are you ready to find out the gender?” the doctor asks, glancing between you and Eren.
Your heart skips a beat. You turn your head to look at your husband, who’s already looking at you with that boyish grin you fell in love with. You nod, “We’re ready.”
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Laying down on your king-sized mattress, you hear Love Island playing on your TV at a low volume. The room feels cozy, warm, and peaceful—a stark contrast to the discomfort you’d dealt with earlier at the doctor’s office.
Your thoughts are absent, and you’re attempting to distract yourself enough to avoid thinking about the pain you’re experiencing. Eren sits at the foot of the bed, gently massaging your soft feet and softly kissing your painted white toes.
He’s not paying attention to anything but you and the little girl growing inside you. “Should I start spoiling her now?”
You giggle, the sound making his heart swell and his dick jump in his sweats, “Ren, she won’t be due for another 5 months at the very least.”
His movements start to slow as he answers, “Does it matter?”
You don’t notice how Eren is looking at you, eyes hooded and intensely staring at your lower body. He has to remind himself to be gentle with you and take things slow. But how can he? You’re not even doing anything remotely sexual, just existing. And yet, he can’t help but want to defile you in every way possible.
“Oh please, you spoil her already by talking to her every night like she’s listening,” you tease, your eyes half-closed as you sink deeper into the plush mattress. Oblivious to the unwavering gaze your man is sending your way.
Eren hums, not stopping his foot massage. “I told you, mama. She’s always listening, you’ll see. She’ll come out knowing everything I’ve told her.”
His words make you chuckle, but you know he means it deep down. The care and devotion Eren show to your unborn daughter remind you just how lucky you are to have him by your side. You sigh pleasantly when his fingers rub a sore spot on your soles.
“You know,” Eren begins, his voice low and thoughtful, “I was thinking about what I said earlier about Raqi and how she’s gonna react to the baby. I think she’s gonna go crazy.” He pauses, his hand now moving to rub slow circles on your stomach. “She’s been asking for a sibling for months now.”
Your daughter hasn’t noticed a change in your belly yet. It’s not easy to blame her for her hyperactive mind at her age. You think she has a superstition or a really good gut feeling because she sometimes hugs your belly. Not you. Just your belly. A small smile tugs at your lips as you think about it, “Yeah, I think so too. You think we should tell her when she gets back from her sleepover tomorrow?”
You think Eren is thinking about a response when he stops speaking for a moment. That is until you let out a yelp when you feel him place a kiss on your thigh, inching close to where your panties are. “Let’s make it a surprise?” A shiver runs down your spine as you feel his lips brush against your skin, the sensation so thrilling.
“Baby...” Your body heats up as you whine and react to his touch. At that point, Eren knows he doesn’t have to do much more to make you pant underneath him. He feels that you are deserving of this. Your pretty pussy deserves to be taken care of. You deserve to lie down and let your body fill with pleasure that only he can give you. I mean, you’re carrying his baby. A few mind-numbing orgasms are the least he could give you.
He isn’t one to beat around the bush, “I wanna make love to you, mama. Will you let me?”
“Ren... I can’t-” You try to explain that you can’t really move that much. But as he continues to press gentle kisses closer to your panties, the thought starts to leave your mind. He hasn’t fucked you in about two weeks, out of consideration for you. The sexual frustration finally catches up to you.
“You don’t have to do anything. Just breathe and let Daddy take care of you, yeah?” he murmurs, brushing his lips against the fabric of your panties. The warmth spreads through you, making it hard to think straight. Nevertheless, you nod. Your breathing becomes slightly heavier when his fingers finally hook into your panties and pull them down your brown legs.
Eren keeps his promise. He doesn’t let you move a muscle, his tatted arm taking your ankles and pulling them over his shoulders. He didn’t have a shirt on, causing you to feel his bare skin against yours, and it’s nothing short of electric. “Words, mama.”
Eren is hungry, desperate for a taste of you, when his green eyes unwaveringly lock onto your leaking hole. Fuck, you’re dripping. His lips are drooling with your lower ones. He feels his mouth salivating, and honestly.. he thinks he’s falling in love with you again. You, the mother of his child. You, his perfect wife. Is he dreaming?
When he hears you let out a pathetic whimper at the sensation of the cool air on your sensitive clit, he answers his own question. This is real.
You’re getting restless, your body aching for your husband to just do something. Anything. “Yes... Yes, Daddy. Please.”
His wet mouth hurriedly attaches to your twitching clit. Eren hums approvingly against your sensitive folds, his hot breath fanning across your clit. He traces the swollen bud with the tip of his tongue before sucking it between his lips, flicking it rapidly with the tip of his tongue.
You’re mewling, your eyes rolling back each time he dips his long tongue teasingly inside of you. You’re overflowing into his mouth, and Eren doesn’t hesitate to devour everything you’re giving him with pleasure.
What lies between your legs should be criminal. It’s making a mess of him. His hair already inching to fall out of his lazy bun, and his pink lips are glistening with your arousal, so much so that he can hear little drops falling onto your shared bed.
“Taste so sweet, baby.” His words are muffled. Eren never once removes his face from your cunt, though you can still make out his words. “Look so pretty, too. My wife. My perfect wife.”
You’re babbling, mindless nodding at his words. “Fuck- Ren!” You can’t help but cry out when Eren slowly eases two thick fingers inside your messy mound, quickly curling them to reach his favorite spot. His pace is deliberate and careful as he penetrates you with his digits.
Regardless, the intense pressure is still there. You couldn’t arch your back at it even if you tried. You’re stuck. Forced to take everything being given to you by your lover.
His eyes snap up to you, and what a sight it was. Your bonnet was halfway slipping off your head, your eyebrows scrunched so cutely, and your mouth open in a perfect ‘O’ shape out of pleasure.
He watches a line of drool slowly cascading down your glossed lips. One of your tits was hanging out, bouncing slightly with every pump of his fingers. Shit, he could cum at just the sight of you.
“I love you so much, mama. I’m so grateful for you. For our little family.” The swirling on your clit is still ongoing, and you’re starting to wonder if the man below you is even breathing properly as he speaks. You can’t dwell on it for long before you begin to feel a familiar fire pooling in your lower abdomen. You’re so sensitive.
You can tell your husband feels it, too. “Swear I’m the happiest when I’m with you.” His fingers don’t speed up; rather, he fucks them inside your warm walls with more purpose. More conviction.
“I- I love you, t-too. I - Ah! M’gonna cum Rennie!”
The obscene slurping of your dripping cunt only increases at his following words, “Yeah? Give it to me, baby. Give Rennie everything.”
Who are you to deny your husband? Your brain short circuits when you finally release all over Eren’s mouth, your mouth opening even wider to release a silent moan. You would’ve been bucking uncontrollably if a large palm hadn’t been gripping your soft hips. He groans when the essence of you impales his taste buds.
Eren pulls his fingers out of you slowly. That seems to be the theme tonight, not that you’re complaining. You let out a weak cry as he continues to softly suckle on your clit because the taste of you is simply addicting. He can never get enough.
Your eyes are pleading when you call out to him. “Ren- Baby.. I need you.”
His eyes roll back into his head when those words leave your panting mouth. He pulls away from you with a resounding pop! Watching your legs plop down on the mattress just to slowly crawl up to the top of the bed next to you.
“You need me, mama?” He carefully turns you on your side, facing him as you both cuddle into each other. You didn’t even notice when he took his sweats off, but that’s honestly the least of your concerns when you feel his fat tip leaking with pre-cum press against your folds.
You’re nodding so fast you think it might give you whiplash. “Put it in, plea- Oh!.”
Eren is pushing his leaking cock inside of you before you can finish your sentence, “Anything for you, baby.”
And he means that, beyond just fucking you. Your husband would do anything for you.
You’re soaking, so there isn’t much resistance for Eren. You both let out a desperate groan when you feel his tip pressing right where your cervix is, deliciously grazing your sweet spot in the process. He pulls his back delicately before slapping against you harshly, creating a wet, squelching sound.
Your cries are heaven to his ears. Your lips look so plump and perfect he wants to bruise them. So, he does. Eren grants you a deep kiss that knocks the breath out of your lungs as you struggle to return his vigor.
How your hands scramble to reach for his to ground yourself is so adorable to him. He couldn’t imagine himself being in love with anyone other than you. Couldn’t imagine himself being with anyone but you. He continues his onslaught on your poor pussy, whispering sweet praises of,
“You’re so perfect, mama.”
“I’m so in love with you, baby.”
“Fuck, you and this pretty pussy were made for me.”
Eren’s gaze never once left your face as he snakes his hand to softly rub your clit. Watching every scrunch, every contort, into pleasure all because of him. The panting of your breath as you simply lie down and let him have his way with you... Fuck. Eren knows that he won’t last long inside your tight warmth.
You’ll never get used to the feeling of being so.. stuffed.. so full... His slow strokes never once falter inside of you. The sounds you both were making were nothing short of lewd; with each stab to your womb, he was bringing you closer and closer to your second orgasm of the night.
“Augh! Daddy- I love you, I love you so much-”
“My pretty girl, I love you so much more. Cum for me, mama. You deserve it.”
You’re trembling, your body violently shaking as it listens to your husband outside of your own will. You’re creaming all over him, a sticky white paste forming at the base of his cock the more he thrusts into you. You’re crying, he notices. Light tears slip down your puffy cheeks, and he can’t tell if it’s due to the pleasure or all the emotions you’re feeling right now.
Your pussy has him in a tight grip, refusing to let go of him. Eren isn’t far behind you, your release naturally triggering his own. His heavy breathing accompanies his soft moan as he dumps his thick seed past your puffy lower lips.
Both of you stay there, sweating and soaking up the afterglow. After a moment, Eren kisses your forehead tenderly, his lips brushing softly against your damp skin. His arms wrap protectively around you, pulling you even closer if that were even possible. You can do nothing but nuzzle into his hot chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.
“You okay, mama?” His voice is low and soothing, breaking the comfortable silence as he strokes your back gently.
Your response is a hum, too blessed to form words, but the way you melt into him reveals everything. He chuckles softly, placing another kiss on your head. Eventually, he makes a slight shift, but his hand remains on your waist. “You’re everything to me, you know that?”
You lift your head to look at him, seeing the sincerity in his eyes. “And you’re everything to me, too, Rennie,” you whisper back, smiling softly.
For a minute, you just gaze at each other, and there is no need for further words. Everything he needed to say had already been told in the way he touched you, held you, and cherished you tonight. You really couldn’t ask for anything more.
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check out my wig store if u guys wanna cop some fire wigs!!!!
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mintwithchoco · 3 days
What You Need
tripleS Yooyeon x Male Reader
Word Count: 3260 words
Categories: smut, oral, facial, dom-ish!yooyeon (?) idk, she's just desperate to get that d
Inspired from;
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“My go— Yooyeon! We’re still filming, we can't do this!”
“Shut up.”
There's nothing that can stop Kim Yooyeon from getting what she needs. She may seem cold and calm on the outside, but once an interest is sparked within herself, she'll do whatever it takes to reach it, no matter the situation. 
You know that you’re fucked all around when she sends you that look from afar a few minutes ago. Might as well blame it all on her at first for wearing that pink top, showing off her tight figure so well, forcing you to never peel your eyes away from her. She's bold and relentless, and it shows by the way she’s metaphorically fucking you with her eyes while filming, and you can only curse silently behind the camera, catching the secret message. It can only get worse from here on out (or better actually) as once she gets out of the frame, she walks past you quickly while whispering, “Fuck me, now.”
She slams the door shut as soon as she gets you inside the cramped bathroom. Before you can do anything to resist, she forcefully closes the distance between your lips by wrapping her arms around your neck. If you wanted to, you could just break out of her embrace and run out of the door. Instead, you have been poisoned by the emanating warmth of her body, the softness of her skin touching yours, and the sweetness of her lips, making you fall deeper and harder into her.
“Yooyeon—” She doesn't let you speak in the downtime of the makeout, dragging you back in as soon as she gets air in her lungs. “We can’t—”
“Don’t fucking lie. I know you’re craving for me too.”
You recoil at her undeniable statement—that voice is dripping with way too much arousal. “What if someone hears us?”
“I know, but, please,” Yooyeon’s hands rest on your shoulders. “Just for a while. I really need you.”
Fuck, she really knows how to make you submit. Those bright brown orbs, begging for her needs are crumbling your morals apart, inviting you to commit this wicked act that can potentially end everything you have in life. But if it does come to an end, I guess ruining your career with a pretty lady such as her isn't as bad as it seems, right?
“Damn it,” She shrieks when your hands scoot over her butt and squeeze them gently. “Let's make it quick, and quiet.” 
You overlook her cute little smile as your lips crash into hers again. The tides have now turned around with hunger filling you up almost immediately, overpowering the girl’s lust, evident by the way you’re aimlessly caressing every single part of her. Fear runs through your veins due to her moaning resoundingly into your mouth, afraid that the muffled noise would alarm anyone close by. Though, it was quickly diminished by her delicate fingers groping the raging tent on your lower half.
“Mmm, you’re so fucking hard already.” Her tone is now deeper than before, and it arouses you even more.
You try your best to control your ragged breaths as the pressure is building up in your bulge. “You’re the one to blame. God, you look so pretty.” 
Another thing’s for certain is that you are addicted to leaving your marks all over Yooyeon. You generously land kisses on her neck nonstop while slowly sliding the straps off her shoulders. She giggles away, but also does the equivalent to you by slipping her hand down into your pants and continues her massage through the fabric of your boxers. Unfazed by this, you yank down her top to reveal a white bra, and you waste no further time to knead the covered breasts. Her soft gasps are like a muse to your ears, enthralling you more. Yooyeon is obviously weakening under your touch as her attempt to pull down both your pants and boxers fails as it only comes off halfway. 
Yooyeon’s expressions are fucking up your whole self entirely. You eventually finish off what she wanted to do, letting your cock feel the humid air in the bathroom. She feels the warm shaft throbbing in between her thighs, already leaking out with precum. While you reach behind to release her boobs from its fancy confines, her fingers are quick to wrap around your shaft and stroking it to full hardness. The white undergarment then drops to the tile floor, joining in the built up pile of your clothes.
Her husky voice rings in your ear once again. “Sit down. I wanna taste you.” 
The toilet is turned into a makeshift seat as you oblige to her request, sitting down on the cold surface. She quickly kneels down in between your legs, the raging shaft is now right in front of her breathtaking visual. You can never imagine that this innocent goddess would be a vixen in disguise, the one who triggers your hormones into this sexual overdrive. The contrasting thought has been completely erased however, as Yooyeon begins her oral teasing on your tip, drawing small circles while collecting your precum on her tongue.
“Holy shit—” is all you can utter when Yooyeon wraps her lips around the cockhead, finally getting a feel of her warm mouth. She starts slow and small, only taking in your tip momentarily before building herself up to take you in deeper. With her hands stroking your thighs, your sensations are heightened, the extreme pleasure shivering down your spine forces your head to unwillingly fall backwards.
And if that wasn't enough, she draws you in with her words. “Keep your eyes on me.”  
You muster up the will to look down, and you have never been more than grateful to witness Yooyeon doing wonders to your cock. Showing no signs of slowing down at all, this girl is filling up her wet cavern with the entirety of your length, her cheeks puffing up whenever she brings it to the sides of her mouth. You find it rather cute somehow, but it doesn’t falter the groan that leaves your lips every time she sucks you hard, and releases you by the tip. 
Her tongue rests on the underside of your shaft, vigorously licking it up to the head, and down to the base. She takes you in for the second time, and this time she's not holding anything back. Her head bobs furiously at a gradual pace on your shaft, making it fully covered with her saliva. The way her mouth perfectly envelopes with the shape of your cock is agonizingly pleasurable and mysteriously fascinating, as she never seems to gag whenever you hit the back of her throat, only leaving a great amount of spit when she disappointingly leaves your shaft.
“I can suck on this all day. It's so perfect.” The unexpected compliment compels your cheeks to turn slightly red.
Your eyes are blessed with the sight of Yooyeon’s handiwork; fingers delicately running up and down your lubricated shaft and her oral fixation; swirling her tongue around the swollen cockhead. While your whole soul is tearing apart when her dazzling orbs lock upon yours, pairing it with that small smirk and nose scrunch, her visuals clearly contradicting the sinful work she's doing. It goes to show how much she's enjoying herself, the desire that has been building up for the past couple of days finally breaks apart, thanks to her resilience.
You couldn't handle it anymore, plus your time is getting much thinner. Your hand creeps up to her chin, and you lean over to catch her lips amidst her strokes, sharing multiple kisses. As you suck on her lower lip, you slowly guide her into your lap. Your cock brushes against her midriff, which in return emits a low moan from Yooyeon, realizing that her clothed vagina is in the close proximity of the pulsating length. 
“Get this off me please.” 
Easier said than done. You’re too busy leaving kisses all over her neck, taking in all of her floral scent and having a hand full from squeezing her tits and tweaking her nipples. Nonetheless, the free hand manages to remove her shorts by pulling down on different parts of it. You didn't bother taking off her matching panties however, as it is deemed essential in her disheveled look. 
You let out a satisfied breath. “Fuck, I can't get enough of you.” 
With a steady grip on her waist, you dive your face into Yooyeon’s chest and engulf her right nipple into your mouth. Your hardness throbs upon the whine she lets out while your tongue does its best to stimulate the brown nub. The left side deserves some love as well, and a set of fingers playing around it is enough to induce an effect. Her small moans are being played into your ears directly, and it motivates you to worship this goddess to the fullest. You feel her hand pressing your head further in as you switch sides of your gratifying assault, this time attacking her left nipple in a similar way. 
“Mmmh, fuck! More, I nee— ohh yes, you’re so fucking good.” God, everything that she does never fails to make you swoon.
The heat in between her thighs could not be ignored anymore, and you know just the right way to deal with it efficiently. By bringing her body closer to yours, your cock makes contact with her crotch, and it drives the both of you to cloud nine. You soon realize how soaked her panties really is—it wasn't hard to make her grind against your shaft. The slickness from earlier’s blowjob really adds to the mixture of pleasure, as each sway of her hips is met with audible squelches. The dopamine courses quickly throughout both of your bodies, and it intrigues you to fall deeper into her sinning.
Yooyeon shrieks when your fingers pull her panties to the side, exposing her glistening pussy to you at long last. Even through the really tight space in between your bodies, your eyes manage to send the image of her lips fully covered in her juices, and dripping down on your cock to your brain. Continuing her hips rhythm onto yours is her breaking point of being discreet, as the skin-to-skin sensation makes her shamelessly spit out every curse words that she knows. 
“Please, please, please, just— oh!” Yooyeon’s desperation is cut off when you tease the opening to her hole with your tip. 
You really want to break her apart furthermore, but your rational thought comes forward in the heat of the moment, as you automatically place a finger on her lips. “Lower your voice, don’t want anyone to hear us.” 
Yooyeon snarls, “Fuck that, let them hear us if they want to. All I need is you inside me. Now.”
There's not a single resistance, let alone purity nor innocence left. Sinners are what both of you are, drowning into the depths of eroticism, unable to rise back up to the risks of reality. You grab the base of your cock steadily, carefully letting it glide on her lips to slightly spread them apart. Holding onto your shoulders, Yooyeon prepares herself mentally and physically to take in all of you, although her body is trembling just from your teasing. It didn’t take long for you to penetrate her pussy with just the first few inches, and it sent both of you to heaven in an instant.
“Fuuuuck…” Yooyeon cries out as her tightness surrounds you the lower her hips descend. Halfway inside her walls renders you to bury your head in her neck, its wetness and warmth is truly remarkable. The pleasure elevates when you feel her fluids leaking onto your crotch once you’re fully buried deep in her.
“You’re so fucking tight, oh my god.” You moan into her ears, before your hands familiarize itself with her slim waist. “Fuck me like you mean it.”
Enchanted by your words, Yooyeon grinds her hips as much as she can, squealing in delight even in the smallest of motions. Her walls continue to constrict you with all its might, yet the pain only drives you into wanting more. And that’s exactly what the goddess did, as she began bouncing onto your lap in a slow rhythm. Gripping on her thighs and planting both feet harder to the floor, your hips began to move in a different wavelength than hers, forcing her to take a considerable amount of your length inside.
“You're— fuck, so big, so fucking big! Harder!” 
If it wasn’t for the loudness, it's possible that someone may have noticed the suspicious amount of time this room has been occupied. That thought wasn’t in any of your heads whatsoever—breaking it off right now would be meaningless. The risk of being caught in this moment is rather thrilling, and it certainly helps the pressure that’s been building inside you to grow.
“Yesyesyesyesyes!” Her screams resonate within the tile walls. Immediately, you muffle them with a passionate kiss before she gets even more vocal.
Yooyeon has truly lost herself. She doesn't even notice the way her hips are driving faster and harder, her filled pussy continuously seeping out her juices. It’s a breathtaking view from any angle that you can catch with your eyes. Looking up from her ethereal yet depraved expressions, down to her divine body jiggling with each thrust, to the point of impact on both of your crotches—it would be a shame for you to not let out your deepest groans to make her truly understand how you feel.
A sense of dominance comes across your mind. You own her as a whole, and no one deserves her more than you. “Don’t stop. Don’t you dare stop. Fucking cum for me.”
You don’t intend to slow down. As your hips begin pushing up into her roughly, Yooyeon tightens the embrace around your shoulders while profusely moaning into your ears. Eventually, your tip hits deep inside a certain area in her pussy, prompting her body to jerk violently. You stay there for a while before fucking into the same spot once again, this time with much more intensity, sending multiple streams of pure dopamine into the angel who has been tainted with lust.
“Fuck, please, please, make me cum! I wanna cum all over you!” 
Your shirt is now soaked in sweat, but that doesn’t deter your adrenaline in the slightest. The force of your thrusts continues to rock Yooyeon’s petite frame, and you gratify her need to reach her climax by latching your lips on her erect nipples anew, the right one being the first. You expertly divide your attention on both tits, and your tongue swirls around them swiftly, letting you taste the saltiness of her sweat. The mix of slick friction on her lower half, the tenacious teasing on her chest and the wordless groans she lets out is enough to lead her into the well-deserved orgasm.
“I’m cumming, oh god, I’m cumming!”
One powerful thrust followed by a high pitched scream, and she explodes on contact. The massive gush of her nectar washes all over your crotch and thighs instantly, while her pussy torturously contracts around your cock, releasing everything that she has. As her body becomes weaker throughout her peak, your thrusts into her haven't died just yet—you’re yearning for the same high that she reached. The wetness escalates, as her squirting prolongs itself to stain your shirt and your seat below. 
Still shaky from her climax, Yooyeon struggles to speak up, but her point was acknowledged. “A-Are you c-close?”
You simply nod, and in some way, she manages to come back to her senses to get off from your lap and sink down on her knees, just like earlier. Without any warning, she shoves your cock into her mouth once more, taking away your breath and compelling you to lean against the toilet tank. Her head bobs with precision, not going too deep nor too shallow, but close enough to keep you on this euphoric flow. The unanticipated head is proven to be the consequent snap to your own release, apparent by the excessive heaving of your chest and the twisting tension in your stomach.
“Oh my god, Yooyeon!” You groan out loud just as Yooyeon stuffs you deep in her orifice, her spit drenching you all over and your tip hitting the back of her throat. She withdraws from you with a gasp, and strings of drool trails itself from her lips to your shaft. Her fingers wrap around you straight away, moving back and forth expertly, assisted by the tormenting slurps on its underside. 
“Fuck, you look so adorable moaning away like that.” She means it well, given by the increased pace at her strokes, licks and sucks on your member. 
There’s nothing that can turn both of you away now. She’s getting what she needs, and you’re on the brink of manifesting it to reality. “Shit, Yooyeon, I’m gonna cum!”
“Cover my face, please? I want it all over me.”
Her gaze full of admiration and wonder is the last thing you see before your vision becomes a blurry mess and your vocal cords let out a shattered grunt, marking it as the last step over the edge to your release. In a split second, long streaks of white cum spurt out of your cock, painting all over the godly facial features of Kim Yooyeon. The hot semen marks its territory on her sharp nose, her flushed cheeks, her closed eyes and most importantly, her slightly ajar mouth.  
As the last few drops land upon her chin, you take in the beautiful mess that you have created. You wish that you could save this deep memory—or rather, engrave it into your brain somehow of Yooyeon’s gorgeous look, completely covered in a coating of your semen, and it eventually drips down to her breasts and shoulders. It is truly a magnificent sight to behold, and you can never ask for anything better.
“Wow…” you weakly mutter while Yooyeon sucks the remains of your cum out of your tip. On top of that, she swipes some of the mess on her face with her fingers and licks it off cleanly to get a proper taste of you.
“Delicious.” Yooyeon responds with a hearty giggle. “Thank you, darling. This is what I really need.”
The cleanup didn’t take very long, as the essentials for it are already arranged in the room. Yooyeon quickly settles herself, so in order to avoid any suspicions, you ask her to join in with her members first. She agrees, and leaves you with a sweet kiss on your cheek before going outside.
Although Yooyeon is able to sneak out the door silently, a tall figure creeps up behind her unnoticed.
“What were you doing in there?” Yooyeon jumps in shock and looks behind towards the well-known voice.
Her nervousness was blatant. “Uhh, I had a really bad stomach ache—”
“I saw everything unnie. You didn’t lock the door.”
Yooyeon sighs and facepalms herself for her recklessness. “Shit. Don’t tell anyone please! I’ll do anything!”
“Don’t worry, I won’t.” She smirks. “But you need to keep a secret for me too!”
“What are you— Hey!” She runs off into the bathroom before Yooyeon could say anything further. “Aish, this girl…”
While you take your sweet time in cleaning up and recovering yourself, the door suddenly opens up. 
“Excuse me, is this where I get to fuck?”
Your eyes widen upon the unexpected encounter. “X-Xinyu?!”
note; now THIS is a fucking BFH. goodness gracious, yooyeon fucked me up in so many ways with these pictures.
i did kept my promise of having a longer story this time, even though this was definitely not in the plans LMAO but yeah, next one will be much more longer, more epic and definitely, more seggs. shoutout to @chunksworld for the quick beta read!
like always, thank you so much for reading, hope you guys enjoyed this one, and have a flawless day! <3
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2amriize · 3 days
˚⟡˖ pepero/pocky challenge - RIIZE
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ᡣ𐭩 masterlist genre angst pairing riize x reader
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"Should we try doing the... what was it called?"
Shotaro and you were resting after filming a few dance videos, snacking on some treats, including some Pepero. Shotaro was looking at you while you were eating one, a bit confused.
"Ah! The Pepero challenge, have you ever done it?" When you heard it, you shook your head several times.
You had heard about it and seen it a few times in videos, but you had never played it with anyone. Then, Shotaro grabbed a Pepero while looking at you, sitting in front of you. He set up the camera to the side to record you both, thinking it could be good content for your social media.
"We have to make it as small as possible. Are you ready?" He asked to make sure, and you nodded.
Shotaro put one end of the Pepero in his mouth while he moved closer to you with a smile, placing his hands on your arms to pull you a little closer. You leaned into the other end, and both of you quickly started nibbling while laughing. It wasn’t even a second before your lips met, and you both pulled away quickly, a little embarrassed. You couldn’t help but burst into laughter when you saw that only a crumb was left.
Eunseok and you were at a picnic organized with your friends by a lake. You had just finished eating when they brought out the sweets. You couldn’t resist grabbing the Pepero box when you saw it since it’s one of your favorite snacks.
Most of your friends suggested going into the lake for a swim, but you decided to stay a little longer, relaxing and taking some pictures and videos for memories.
Eunseok was in the water for a few minutes, but when he saw you were left alone, he came over, standing in front of you while asking for one of your Pepero sticks, which you handed to him.
"Want me to show you a trick?" He said with a small smile as he crouched down a bit, getting to your level. "Look, put the Pepero in your mouth like this." He put the Pepero he grabbed in his mouth, biting one end, then removing it when he saw you copying him.
Without warning, Eunseok grabbed your cheeks and quickly moved in, biting down the Pepero until he reached your lips, leaving a small kiss on them, making you blush. Before you could say anything, Eunseok pulled away with a small laugh and ran back towards the water.
Sungchan couldn’t help but get nervous around you, and it was something everyone noticed. He would say random things, laugh at everything you said, and you often caught him staring at you at any moment.
Even though everyone knew he had a crush on you, he had never asked you out, not even on a date, which you found a bit strange. Still, you got along too well with him, and you loved teasing him, making him nervous whenever you could.
When you saw that the store was selling Pepero, you couldn’t resist buying a box of your favorite flavor, as you loved them. You both sat at a table after buying your snacks.
"Can I have one?" Sungchan asked as soon as you opened the box, and you laughed while shaking your head. "Please, I want to try them."
"Okay, then take it," you said, putting a Pepero in your mouth, signaling him to come closer.
Sungchan’s expression changed quickly, looking at you with a mix of surprise and excitement. After hesitating for a few seconds, he nervously laughed and started biting the Pepero as you watched him. When he was almost at the end, you moved slightly so that your lips could touch for a few seconds. You couldn’t help but laugh as you saw how nervous Sungchan got, noticing his ears turning completely red.
"Thank you..."
"Can you give me one? Please, Wonbin?" You asked while Wonbin looked at you with a slightly raised eyebrow, arms crossed.
He had bought a pack of Pepero, and honestly, you were really eager to try them, especially since you hadn’t eaten anything in a few hours and were quite hungry. But as always, Wonbin didn’t like to make things easy for you, loving to tease you a little bit.
"Hmm... Let me think." After a few seconds, Wonbin's face lit up, and he let out a small laugh. "I’ll give you the whole pack if we do the Pepero challenge and make it less than 1 centimeter."
You let out a small sigh when you heard Wonbin’s proposal. He knew perfectly well that you had a crush on him, and he loved teasing you in this way, always making you nervous. In any other situation, you would have just gotten shy and refused, but at that moment, you were so hungry that you didn’t hesitate for even a second to accept (which surprised Wonbin).
You grabbed one of the Pepero sticks and put it in your mouth, moving closer to Wonbin and placing your hands on his shoulders. He smiled and put his hands on your waist, then began biting the Pepero. It didn’t take even two seconds for the Pepero to disappear, and your lips met for a few seconds.
"So, did I win the whole pack?" You asked while Wonbin looked at you, surprised, with a little color in his cheeks.
"Please, y/n, I’ve always wanted to try it..."
"But Seunghan, it’s silly..."
You never imagined seeing Seunghan beg you for anything, let alone to do the Pepero challenge. You had bought a box because you felt like it, but when Seunghan saw it, the thought crossed his mind that he’d like to try it with you, as he had never done it before.
At first, you refused because it seemed silly to you. It was just both of you biting the Pepero until it was gone—what was fun about that? But seeing how much Seunghan begged, you eventually gave in.
"But just one, okay?" You said as you grabbed a Pepero, putting it in your mouth.
Seunghan nodded several times before moving closer to you, placing his hands on your arms. You both looked at each other for a few seconds before Seunghan started biting the Pepero at the same time as you, finally closing the distance between your lips and giving you a small kiss. When you pulled away, you saw Seunghan's face light up with the happiest expression you had ever seen, making you laugh.
"If you wanted a kiss, you could’ve just asked, Hannie..."
It surprised you how Sohee could be very introverted about some things, but extroverted about others. He was usually very reserved when it came to physical contact in public, but that day he was feeling extra energetic.
You had spent the day at a friend's house, who had invited you both along with a few more people. You weren’t sure if it was because you had a few drinks too many, but Sohee and you kept exchanging looks, occasionally flirting with each other.
At one point, you went to the kitchen with Sohee, craving something sweet to eat. When you found the Pepero box, your eyes lit up.
"Oh god, I love these too much..." You said as you quickly opened it, with Sohee coming closer to see what you were talking about.
Seeing how fast you were eating the Pepero, Sohee couldn’t help but let out a small laugh, surprised at how quickly you were finishing them. At one point, he stopped your movements, placing his hand on your wrist.
"Wait, slow down... How about we share this one?" He murmured before quickly moving closer to the Pepero, starting to bite it until he reached your lips. Your lips stayed together for a few seconds until Sohee pulled away. You felt your cheeks heat up, probably completely red, which Sohee noticed right away and let out a small laugh.
"What’s the Pepero challenge?" Anton asked, a bit confused.
You were all sitting in a circle, and one of your friends suggested doing the Pepero challenge with everyone. Anton didn’t know what it was at first, but after explaining it to him, he recognized it immediately. You decided to spin the bottle, and whoever it landed on could choose who they wanted to do the challenge with.
You couldn’t stop thinking about how much you wanted the bottle to point at you. You had known Anton for a few months, and for the past few weeks, you had started to have feelings for him. So, this moment seemed like an opportunity to get closer to him, though this wasn’t exactly how you imagined your first kiss would be.
You thought you might have manifested it after thinking about it so much when the bottle pointed in your direction. Everyone looked at you, waiting to see who you would choose, and without hesitation, you pointed at Anton, who seemed a little surprised.
Both of you stood up, moving closer as you grabbed a Pepero from the bag. Anton looked a bit nervous, letting out a small, nervous laugh as he heard the others saying things about the two of you. You couldn’t deny that you were a little nervous too, but you managed to hide it better than Anton. You put the Pepero in your mouth, and you both looked at each other for a few seconds.
"I hope this doesn’t make you uncomfortable..." Anton whispered before starting to bite the Pepero. You felt his hands on your waist, pulling you a little closer to him with each bite. After a few seconds, you felt your lips connect for a few moments before pulling away, both of you looking at each other with flushed cheeks.
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ᡣ𐭩 masterlist taglist: @regularsuh @gacktsa @totheseok @kkumistars @taroddori @enhacolor @ladylilith @electric-hearts @astrobymarwa
182 notes · View notes
remlionheart · 2 days
hiii !! may seem a bit basic, but chuuya picks up reader after a stressful day at work with his motorcycle fluff and smut 👾.
thank you, u're the best !!
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୨ৎ❀ hey, there’s nothing wrong with simple! i appreciate you sending me a suggestion ♡ it's been awhile since we've visited my fave ill-tempered redhead anyway and he deserves all the attention ୨ৎ❀ fluff. smut. deep throating. praise. rich-boyfriend!chuuya x fem!reader. quick lil 1.9k word drabble. lemme know whatcha think, luv u ୨ৎ❀
♡ MDNI ♡
Me 'n My Girl 。˚☽
so proud to be in your world, just me and my girl ⋆.˚
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅
A warm mid-evening breeze swept through your hair as you stepped out of large doors of your office building and let out a sigh. The smell of petrichor bounced off of the pavement while a light rain cascaded over downtown Yokohama.
Under normal circumstances, it would’ve been your favorite weather, but the stillness of it was just another reminder of the unrelenting storm of anxiety that’d been plaguing your mind all day.
Nothing had really happened. Work went okay. Your commute there was okay. Your coworkers were okay. Your lunch was okay. Everything was seemingly okay, but that's what made it worse. You couldn't pinpoint the source of your discomfort. Couldn't place the blame on any one single thing for making you feel so off. It was a phantom annoyance. A problem that didn't seem to exist to anyone else besides you.
"Shit." you mumbled, feeling your purse slip from your shoulder as it, along everything it was holding, fumbled out of your reach and spilled out into the middle of the sidewalk.
You were halfway down the stairs, your pumps clicking against the concrete when your hand suddenly reached for the railing. The heel of your shoe breaking clean off, almost knocking you completely off balance.
It wasn't the time to cry. You'd made it so far - managed to hold it together for your entire shift and you were finally at the finish line, but your capacity to handle any more minor inconveniences was well beyond its limit. You swallowed down the lump in your throat, unable to fight back the hot, frustrated tears that streamed down your cheeks while you took both of your shoes off and you gathered up your belongings in defeat.
Chuuya rounded the corner not a second too soon, the loud vroom of his engine coming to a gradual halt as he kicked his foot out to put the motorcycle in park before stepping off.
He smoothed down his disheveled hair, his smirk quickly fading the closer he got to you.
"Baby..." he said softly, looking at broken pair of shoes in your hand and the haphazard way your bag had been slung over your shoulder. "What happened?"
"Nothing," You lied, shaking your head. "It's fine."
He knew you too well though. Knew that if he simply nodded and waited a minute, it would pour out of you without him having to pry. He put a hand on your shoulder, letting you avoid his stare until you finally caved.
"Today was just stupid," You sulked, "Everything was horrible for no reason and then my fucking heel snapped and now," You were fighting an uphill battle against your emotions. More tears pricking at your eyes as your gaze caught his. "And now I can't even ride on the back with you because I'm barefoot and everything is ruined."
Even though he hated seeing you get this worked up, he couldn't deny that there was something so fucking cute about how pouty and helpless you became when things didn't go your way. He took pride in knowing that you needed him, that he was the one you relied on to pick up the pieces when life got too stressful.
"Stay here," he said, taking his leather jacket off and draping it around your shoulders. "I'll be right back, okay?"
You nodded at him, watching him tuck his hands into his pockets as he crossed the street. It was easy to forget who he was sometimes. How merciless he could be with other people when he was so gentle and attentive with you. He was a Port Mafia executive who doubled as a golden retriever boyfriend when no one was looking. Calloused and feared by some of the scariest people in Yokohama and yet for some reason, physically incapable of saying no to you.
You wiped your tears away watching him flick his cigarette onto the sidewalk, an unexpectedly large Chanel bag hanging from his wrist.
"C'mere," he said, taking your hand as he led you to the Ducati.
You plopped down on its leather seat with both legs dangling off to one side while he knelt down and opened the bag, sliding a gorgeous pair of black open-toed suede heels onto your feet.
"Gimme the broken ones."
You pulled them out of your purse with a small smile, letting him throw them away in a nearby trashcan before returning back to you. "Better?" he asked.
"You know there's an Adidas store right around the corner?"
He smirked, placing both hands at either side of you, his mouth grazing yours with a whisper. "My girl had a terrible day at work and you expect me to make it worse by buying her cheap shit?"
Your heart fluttered, another slight grin tugging at the corners of your mouth as you breathed in the comforting smell of his cologne. "Your girl is really lucky to have you."
"Yeah, well…" he mused, "I have a feeling she'll be makin' it up to me later.”
⋆.౨ৎ˚.⟡˖ ࣪
The ride back to his house was peaceful with hardly any traffic for a Thursday night.
There was something about being on the back of his motorcycle that made you feel so indescribably close to him. From the way your body pressed against his to the way he'd tell you to hold onto him tighter. You loved the looks people would flash the two of you as you'd speed past them. The butterflies that flooded your stomach each time he'd start to go faster than he should've. Even if he had a bad habit of occasionally breaking the speed limit, you still trusted him entirely. He was well aware of the difference between having a little bit of fun and being reckless and he'd never cross that line when he was with you.
You felt infinitely better by the time you pulled into the garage, carefully letting your legs fall as he shut off the engine. Your bad day felt like a distant memory - your mind now comfortably occupied with the thousand-dollar shoes that were decorating your feet and the way his eyes lit up as he helped you down.
It was hard to process sometimes that he'd been waking up next to you almost every day for the last year and still looked at you like you had put the stars in the sky.
You grabbed his arm before he could make it inside the house, gently pushing him back onto the seat of his bike. He raised an eyebrow, but didn't stop you as you hovered above him and began undoing his belt.
"You always make me feel so good." You whispered, reaching up to let your lips catch his while your hands continued to unbutton his pants. "I wanna return the favor."
You could feel him growing hard as his tongue swirled against yours with fervor. A gloved hand resting on the back of your neck to pull you in closer while you reached for his zipper and freed him from the fabric that was separating the both of you.
He let out a low groan when your palm met the base of his cock, delicately wrapping your fingers around it as you started to move uppp and downnn at just the right pace, earning even prettier noises from him.
His grip tangled into your hair, moving your head to the side so that he could descend down your neck. Kissing and nipping away at your soft skin while you continued to stroke him. His movements were getting harder to control the faster you went, squeezing him so fucking perfectly that he nearly ripped the front of your shirt open.
You let out a small yelp as he roamed across your chest, lightly slipping your nipple between his teeth while his blue eyes travelled up to yours. "Get on your knees for me."
You nodded, keeping your stare locked with his. Your hand still going in the same motion as you repositioned yourself, kneeling in front of him so that your face was front and center with where he wanted you. You pulled his pants down further, your core aching as you obediently slid your tongue along his base.
"Fuck," he hissed, his mouth dropping open at how tantalizingly thorough you were, "God, that feels – hah – that feels… so.... good."
You took your time, coaxing more heady praises out of him as you made your way up his length, letting a generous amount of spit trail down his shaft while your hand held him in place. His pink tip was practically dripping with pre-cum by the time you reached it, begging to have your pretty little mouth wrapped around it.
You smiled against him, looking up at him with doe-eyes before giving in to his body's needs. "It's all mine, right?" You asked, causing him to twitch in your hand.
"All yours." He groaned, doing everything he could to stop himself from shoving your head down onto him. He wanted you so bad it hurt, but even in the midst of his clouded thinking, he was still more concerned about you. If you needed to hear him say it, then that's exactly what he'd do.
"It's all yours, baby." He exhaled. "I'm all yours… Every inch of me is all – fucking...your...s"
His words were quickly taken from him though, stolen by the way you’d flattened your tongue and pressed it firmly against his tip.
You watched his eyes roll back as his hand gripped your hair, the two of you working to find the perfect rhythm.
You loved the breathy noises he made for you. The way his hips thrusted forward while he buried himself into the warmth of your mouth. The feeling of him getting harder with each slurp and squelch that echoed across the garage as you struggled to take the whole thing.
"Keep going." He grunted, still fighting the overwhelmingly feral urge to slam into you. "Doin' so good f'me."
You went as deep as you could, easing him into the back of your throat while your tongue continued to glide across his shaft.
His movements became more frantic, his voice breaking the faster you went. "God – damn..."
You kept up the same unrelenting pace, drool spilling down your chin as your eyes locked with his again.
"Fuck," his moans turned into guttural whimpers, his body thrusting desperately in search of release. "Just like that," he choked out, "just like that, don't – fucking stop, please baby... don't stop, I'm –"
He looked lost, completely entranced by the hold you had over him as a lewd warmth coated the back of your throat. More carnal obscenities pouring from his lips as he slowly regained control over his breathing and pulled out of you.
"Next time –" he panted, helping you to your feet before leaning in to kiss you. "I'm buying you the whole fuckin' store."
⋆.౨ৎ˚.⟡˖ ࣪
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noira-l · 2 days
𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 "𝐘𝐞𝐬"!
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⋆ ★ '𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞' - 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬
chapter summary: Satoru has finally found a way around the bureaucracy! Simple, ingenious, and by the way… he proposed marriage to you! Countless times...
pairing: gojo satoru x f!sorcerer reader
warnings: fluff, annoying Satoru, a compilation of attempts to convince you to marry him.
author's note: I don't need to explain to anyone how stubborn Satoru can be when he wants something c;
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The end of school was approaching and you were both busy with exams, missions and the overwhelming responsibilities of your sorcerer lives.
But then things started to get complicated with the adoption of Tsumiki and Megumi. Bureaucratic complications, delays in paperwork and constant questions from officials about living conditions. It wasn't that you didn't want to care about the children - on the contrary, they were the ones you were now focusing on the most. But with each passing day, the adoption process became more and more difficult, and the legal bureaucracy was a tangle you couldn't unravel.
You were met with the undeniable truth, you couldn't live on school grounds with the children. Yaga had been firm, his face as unreadable as ever when he told you it simply wasn’t an option. They were too young, he had explained, for the things they might see here. You hated to admit it, but he was right.
Satoru had flat-out refused to house the kids at his clan’s headquarters. His words were sharp, unbending, like an iron door slamming shut - 'No way, I’m not dragging those kids into that mess."
And you? You didn’t have a home anymore. Not really. You had never planned for this, for the sudden responsibility of two children to rear and protect. Not like this.
There was an overwhelming shame creeping in, the thought of overstaying your welcome at the school. Yaga had said you could stay for as long as necessary, but you couldn't help but feel the weight of it. The image of yourself lingering at the school grounds - post graduation, older, with two children in tow - haunted you. You needed to find a place of your own, a real home, somewhere for Megumi and Tsumiki to grow without the specter of danger hanging over them.
And then, there was the reality of your financial situation. It was almost laughable. Though Satoru, as you soon learned, was disgustingly rich, that wealth was locked away behind the vaults of the Gojo clan. For now, all he had access to was his paycheck, and though his salary as a special-grade sorcerer far outstripped yours, it was still nowhere near enough to cover what you needed - housing, legal fees, everything. And you still wanted to share expanses.
It had been a moment of desperation when you tried to adopt them yourself first. The government official had glanced over your file and turned you down almost immediately, barely glancing at your credentials. The sting of that rejection lingered, a bitter taste in your mouth.
When Satoru tried, things seemed to move a little more smoothly, but the gears of the system were still grinding too slowly. Every day felt like another step backward, and you couldn’t shake the feeling that the longer this dragged on, the greater the chance the Zen'in clan would swoop in and take Megumi. The thought made your blood run cold.
After one particularly gruelling meeting with a government official, during which your status and living conditions were questioned, Satoru first threw out the idea.
It had been late, the sky above painted in shades of pink and gold as the sun sank below the horizon, the last rays of daylight casting long shadows across the school grounds. You both sat on the steps outside, staring out at the sprawling campus before you. Despite the breathtaking view, your mind was a tangle of frustration and helplessness, the weight of the situation settling heavily in your chest.
Satoru leaned back, resting his elbows on a stone, and looked at you with a thoughtful expression on his face that didn't quite match the playful gleam in his eyes.
"You know." Satoru said suddenly, his voice calm, almost too casual for the gravity of the moment "If we got married, all this paperwork would be easier. Like, a lot easier."
For a second, you blinked, not sure if you had heard him correctly. You turned to him, incredulous, your mind scrambling to catch up.
"What?" you said raising a brow to him.
"Marriage." he said again, shrugging as if it were the most natural thing in the world "On paper, of course. It’d make the adoption process smoother. We present ourselves as a couple, and everything falls into place."
You laughed, the sound escaping your lips more out of disbelief than amusement "That’s… the stupidest idea I’ve ever heard, Satoru." you shook your head, standing up and brushing the dust off your pants "Are you even listening to yourself?"
He grinned, leaning in closer with that mischievous look you’d seen so many times before.
"Oh, I’m listening. And I’m making sense. It’s logical. Think about it- everyone loves a married couple. It’s easier for them to trust us, easier to approve everything. We get the kids and we make sure they’re not stuck in some bureaucratic limbo, and it’ll all work out."
You rolled your eyes, starting to walk away from him, but the absurdity of the idea lingered in the back of your mind.
"You’re insane." you muttered, glancing back over your shoulder.
"Think about it!" his voice echoed after you, still playful, but you could sense the genuine offer buried beneath it "It’s a great plan!"
★ --
One late afternoon, the sun hung low in the sky, casting long golden rays across the campus as the two of you sat on the stone steps outside the dormitory. The warmth of spring had just begun to settle in, and everything felt fresh, except the familiar topic Satoru decided to bring up once more.
"Y’know." he said, not even bothering to look at you this time, staring up at the clouds instead "It’s a nice day for a wedding."
"Can you please drop this?" you groaned, burying your face in your hands as if that might somehow make his persistence vanish.
Satoru shifted slightly, turning his head to face you. His grin, as usual, was irrepressible, but there was a softness in his eyes "Why would I? You still haven’t given me a good reason not to do it. Every time I bring it up, all I hear is how practical it would be."
"Because it’s ridiculous!" you snapped, frustration bubbling to the surface as you stared back at him "We’re not... we’re not even a real couple, Satoru. Why would we pretend to be something we’re not?"
Satoru’s grin didn’t waver. If anything, it seemed to widen as though he had been waiting for this moment.
"Why not?" he teased, his voice filled with amusement but also with something deeper, something that unsettled you "We already plan to raise two kids together. We've sleept in the same bed sometimes, when it was cold, or we’ve had a bad day. Face it - we already act like a married couple."
The words hung between you, settling into the quiet air around you like the last piece of a puzzle clicking into place. You opened your mouth to argue, but the sharp retort you had prepared never left your lips. Instead, you found yourself speechless, staring at him, because- damn it - he wasn’t so wrong.
Still, you shook your head, more to convince yourself than him "This wasn't the same, and you know it."
But he only shrugged, a look of confidence lingering in his expression as if he knew you’d eventually come around.
★ --
There were the quieter moments of persistence, when Satoru’s usual teasing faded into something more subdued, but no less determined. Like one evening, after a particularly long day, you found him sitting in the common room, flipping through paperwork related to the adoption process. You collapsed beside him, your body heavy with exhaustion, the weight of everything pressing down on you.
Without even looking up, Satoru’s voice broke the silence "Did you know that married couples get fast-tracked for adoption approval?"
"Satoru, please." you groaned, sinking deeper into the cushions as though you could physically melt away from the conversation.
He glanced over at you, his grin widening as he waved the papers slightly "I’m just saying. It’s an option. A very practical one."
You covered your face with a pillow, muffling your exasperated groan. "Why are you like this?"
"Because I’m right." he said, smug as ever "And deep down, you know it."
★ --
A lazy Sunday afternoon, and you were sitting in your dorm, relaxing with a book.
Satoru entered the room, hands behind his back, humming some ridiculous tune. You glanced up warily, immediately suspicious of the way he was grinning.
"What now?" you asked, already bracing yourself.
"Nothing." he said innocently, though his eyes sparkled with mischief "Just thought I’d bring you something." he pulled his hands from behind his back, revealing a bouquet of flowers - wild, messy, clearly picked from somewhere nearby.
You blinked "What is this?"
"Just thought I’d bring you some flowers." he said, sitting down beside you on the bed and handing them over "Consider it a peace offering."
You raised an eyebrow, skeptical "For what?"
"For being so annoying." he said with a smirk, though his eyes were unusually soft "But also… as a wedding gift, in advance."
You groaned, shoving the flowers back at him "I’m not marrying you, Satoru."
He chuckled, taking the flowers back, but not looking deterred in the least "You say that now, but wait until you see the cake I have planned."
★ --
It was the middle of the night when you went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. You were going to bed. The mission had been exhausting, and all you wanted was to get back and rest. Of course, Satoru had already managed to find you and follow you to your room.
"Soooo~" Satoru began, his tone almost sing-song as he glanced over at you.
You immediately knew where this was going "Don’t even start."
He ignored you completely "I’ve been thinking - again - and I’ve come up with the perfect reason for us to get married."
You sighed, rubbing your temples "I’m really not in the mood, Satoru."
"Hear me out." he said, his voice teasing but somehow more serious this time "We’re already spending all our time together. We're friends. Like really close ones. Hell, we even know each other’s bad habits. It wouldn’t be that different from what we’re already doing."
You looked at him, exhaustion settling into your bones "Satoru- "
"I’m just saying." he cut you off, his tone gentler now, but still carrying that playful edge "I’d be a great husband. I’d let you win every argument. I’d let you pick the TV shows we watch. I’d even give you the last slice of pizza."
Despite yourself, you laughed "The last slice? That’s a big deal for you."
"See?" he grinned, clearly pleased with himself "I’m already husband material."
★ --
Of course, there were days when Satoru’s persistence was anything but quiet. One afternoon, he tried to enlist Shoko in his scheme. The two of you were sitting in her office, discussing an upcoming mission, when Satoru barged in with his usual dramatic flair.
"Hey, Shoko!" he said, all smiles as he leaned against the wall "Don’t you think we’d make a great married couple?"
Shoko didn’t even glance up from the papers she was reviewing "Are you still going on about that?" she asked, her tone dripping with disinterest.
Satoru shrugged, his grin never faltering "What? We both know she’d love to marry me."
You glared at him, your patience wearing thin "Satoru, I swear- "
But Shoko snorted, finally looking up with an amused smirk. "Honestly, I don’t know who’s worse. You for asking, or her for tolerating you."
"Hey!" you both said in unison, but even you couldn’t help the small chuckle that escaped.
★ --
Time passed, and the teasing evolved. Satoru wasn’t just bringing it up in private anymore - oh no, now it was a full-blown spectacle. One afternoon, you were walking across the school grounds, arms full of paperwork, when Satoru suddenly appeared in front of you, out of nowhere, blocking your path.
"Will you marry me?!" he asked loudly, his grin wide, as if he were proposing in front of an audience.
A group of students nearby turned to stare, whispering and giggling among themselves.
Your face flushed with embarrassment, and you shot him a death glare "Are you out of your mind? People are watching!"
Satoru shrugged, unfazed by the attention "Let them watch. I’ll give them a show." he winked at one of the students who was clearly gawking at the scene "She’s playing hard to get."
You groaned, exasperated, and pushed past him "I’m going to murder you in your sleep."
"Ah, see? That’s marriage talk already." he called after you, his laughter trailing behind.
★ --
And then there were the days when Satoru’s persistence crossed over into full-blown ridiculousness.
It was a bright, sunny afternoon, and you were heading to a café to grab lunch. Satoru, as always, had found a way to tag along, much to your annoyance. You both sat at an outdoor table, sipping drinks while you waited for your food to arrive.
As you absentmindedly check your phone, Satoru leaned across the table and placed a small velvet box right in front of you. You froze, staring at it like it was a bomb ready to explode.
"What… is this?"
He waggled his eyebrows in a dramatic fashion "Open it."
You hesitated, but finally flipped open the box, revealing… a plastic ring, the kind you’d get from a toy vending machine.
"Satoru." your voice was flat, unimpressed.
"Hey, it’s a placeholder." he said with a grin, leaning back in his chair, looking entirely too pleased with himself "We can get the real one when you say yes."
You stared at him, utterly speechless for a moment, before you closed the box and shoved it back toward him "Get out of my sight."
"But you didn’t say no!" he teased, picking up the box and twirling it between his fingers.
"I hate you."
"You love me." he said, beaming "But, seriously, think about it. The kids would get off welfare immediately, and we wouldn’t have to deal with all the bureaucracy."
You sighed, rubbing your temples. "You’ve been asking me this for months."
"And I’ll keep asking," he said, his tone light but his eyes serious now "Until you see that it makes sense. For Megumi and Tsumiki, for you… for us."
★ --
Eventually, after months of playful persistence, logical reasoning, and over-the-top proposals, you found yourself sitting next to him on the bed, in his room.
Should you do it?
You stared at the ceiling, your mind running through the endless logistics of what would come next: the paperwork, the explanations, the questions from friends and colleagues. It felt surreal, and yet, a small part of you - one you weren’t quite ready to acknowledge - wasn’t entirely uncomfortable with the idea of marrying Satoru. If anyone could navigate this strange situation, it was him.
He was, after all, your closest companion.
Satoru shifted beside you, and you could feel his eyes on you. He hadn’t moved to push or tease you like he normally would; instead, there was a softness, a strange patience that you weren’t used to from him.
"You're thinking too hard." he said, his voice quieter now, lacking its usual playful edge.
"Satoru." you said quietly, not looking at him.
"Hm?" He glanced over at you, waiting.
You turned to look at him then, studying the way his expression softened just enough to remind you that underneath the bravado and charm, he cared. Maybe more than he let on.
"If I agree to this... stupid marriage thing." you said slowly, weighing every word carefully "You- "
"No strings, no weirdness. I promise." he leaned in closer, interrupting your serious tone with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
You shot him a look, warning him not to get too cocky, but there was something a little infectious about the way he smiled at you.
"You better keep that promise." you muttered, shaking your head as you lay down on his bed.
"Oh, trust me." he said with a wink, "I'm a man of my word."
You sighed, the weight of your decision settling in "I can’t believe I’m agreeing to this."
Satoru chuckled, reaching out to lightly pat your shoulder.
"Hey, look at it this way - we’ll make a great team. Plus, you get to say you’re married to the most charming guy in the world."
"Don’t push it, Gojo." you shot him a tired look.
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© noira-l 2024 | all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, modify, or redistirbute my work without permission
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tl (open): @kalopsia-flaneur
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wonderjanga · 2 days
Marvel Lying
One day, Billy realizes he can just lie. To press, to the JL (only when they really ask about his identity), and to world. And the best part is that almost no one can prove him wrong, because what’s Black Adam or someone else going to do? Prove him wrong? (I kinda already talked about this but meh) Like here’s something I can see Billy maybe doing because one time and one time alone, a reporter asked and he quotes:
Reporter: “Captain, I’m sure many people are speculating, and I’m sure it’s a question asked often, but who is your Missus Marvel?” *holds mic to Billy’s face*
Marvel: “…Huh?” *Has confused expression* “Can you repeat that?”
Reporter: “Who is your Missus Marvel?”
Marvel: “Uh… Ma’am, there is no—” *Does air quotes* “—Missus Marvel.”
Reporter: “Then who is the mother of Captain Marvel Junior and Mary Marvel?”
Marvel: “Uuuuh… Me? Technically? They’re both made from parts of me, but not parts *gestures to his lower region* of me, no.” *He shook his head.* “If I remember correctly Mary was made about 10000 years ago when one of my arms were chopped off. (He’s lying through his teeth right now. The only reason he hasn’t been caught is because of Achilles allowing him to bullshit his was through without blinking.)
Reporter: “I- I see.” *stunned*
Marvel: “And then Junior’s a…” *snorts* “…leg.” *Muffles a laugh into his hand not realizing no one will get his joke besides Freddy and Mary*
Reporter: *confused by Billy laughing but doesn’t say anything* “Interesting… Are Mary Marvel and Marvel Junior your only children? Spawn? Wards?”
Marvel: “Oh, yeah. I could more though. Like, watch this.” *Literally breaks off his ring finger, splintering the bone and everything without a single flinch. Then drops the finger on the ground and it morphs into what looks like a four year old Marvel. Billy picks him up and holds him like a parent would their toddler.* “It’s super easy.” *He’s even doing the slight bouncing that parents do when they hold their kids.* “But I don’t know… now that I’m holding this one, I’m starting to get attached. We might keep him.” *looks down at the mini Marvel, who in turn looks back at him.*
Reporter: *still horrified she watched a man, if he even is one, snap one of his fingers off like nothing. Said man’s finger nub is also still exposed to the world in all its disgusting glory. Safe to say she’s looking a little green* “O- Oh really?”
Marvel: *moves Mini Marvel around in his grip, and then suddenly throws the toddler like a paper airplane. Thankfully, instead of falling on the ground and splattering like meat pie, Mini Marvel takes to the skies is flying over the nearby crowd and such. Marvel turns back to the reporter.* “Yeah, but before that happens, he’ll have to develop a consciousness and personality. It took a bit for Mary and Junior to develop their own. Now they have their own likes, dislikes, and feelings. Who knows how long it’ll take the little guy.” (Again, he’s bullshitting this completely. He’s mishmashing Solomon’s wisdom on golems with things he makes up on the fly)
Reporter: “That’s… amazing.” *looks greener now. Looks to cameraman and motions for him to cut the feed. As soon as he does, her hand moves to her mouth.* “Oh my god, I’m going to be sick.” *runs over to nearest trashcan*
Marvel: “I guess that’s my cue to leave.” *starts to float off the ground* “Thanks for having me, miss!” *Marvel then whistles and Mini Marvel immediately stops entertaining the crowd and flies over to Billy and they fly off into the sunset.*
Elsewhere… Mary’s working an odd job for some money when she sees a tv on the news channel. She nearly has a heart attack because for three brief seconds she thought her dad was holding a young Billy in his arms like he used to. Then she blinked a couple times and realized it was just Billy as Marvel with four year old dressed like him. Fawcett kids really love Captain Marvel, huh?
(Oh yeah, and as for how he made Mini Marvel, he’s my hypothesis. When he broke off his finger, he destabilized its form and it reverted back to a part of living lightning for a brief couple of moments. Then, in an effort to not return back to the rock, as it could sense part of itself still nearby, it stabilized itself once more and forced itself to take the form of a miniature Marvel) (and if anyone makes sense of that, I’ll be darned)
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pretzel-box · 24 hours
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[Including Sebs VA and Fanart]
CHAPTER 7: A bottle full of confidence
Tags: Romance, Apologies, Painter
Words: 2,6k
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The rain started softly, a misty drizzle that clung to the air, but soon it picked up, the droplets heavier, more insistent. They drenched Sebastian, soaking through his clothes, chilling him to the bone. He hadn’t brought a jacket—hadn’t even thought about it when he stormed out. Now, he was at the mercy of the weather, as if it were punishing him for everything that had gone wrong.
God, he couldn’t go back to Painter’s shop. Not after what happened. The image burned into his mind—the sight of Allison in that expensive red dress, Painter standing beside her in his fine suit, the camera focused on them, ready for a confession that wasn’t meant to be his. The scene felt like a knife to his chest, twisting deeper with every thought.
Sebastian felt his stomach turn, a wave of self-loathing washing over him. He had been on the edge for too long, teetering between anger and regret, and now... now it was all unraveling. The rain didn’t bother him, not compared to the storm inside. It pained him to admit it, but he hated himself for letting things get this far. For not saying anything when he should have. For letting you drift away.
He turned around abruptly, his hands curling into tight fists, his nails digging sharply into his palms. The sting felt almost good, a distraction from the ache in his chest. But he knew it wouldn’t last. Nothing would, until he found you.
Because you were the only one who mattered.
He had to look for you. He had to find you before it was too late. Before everything he feared became reality. The rain pounded harder, but it didn’t matter. He’d face the storm, he’d face anything, as long as it led him back to you.
Meanwhile, Painter stood face to face with Allison, an uncharacteristic smug grin curling on his usually soft lips. His gaze, once neutral, now held a new edge—disgust, pride, and something darker. In that moment, he unknowingly mirrored his father, a sharpness in his demeanor that felt foreign but fitting.
"You probably want to leave," he said coolly, his voice cutting through the tension like a blade. "Or do you have anything else to say?" There was a hidden venom in his words, a quiet power that made even Cordelia, standing silently at his side, flinch. It was a side of him no one had seen before.
Allison blinked, her face a mixture of shock, fury, and utter defeat. She hadn’t expected this, hadn’t expected Painter to stand up to her with such cold confidence. She looked like she wanted to scream, to tear him apart with words, but all that came out was a feeble, angry attempt.
"I—I will sue you. All of you," she shouted, her voice breaking as she stormed toward the door, rain already pouring down outside.
Painter didn’t flinch, didn’t move to stop her. He simply watched, his expression unchanging as she stepped out into the storm, swallowed by the rain. The shop fell into silence, leaving him alone with Cordelia, who looked at him with wide eyes, still processing what had just happened.
For a moment, Painter felt the weight of it all—the shift in himself, the control he’d just taken back. And though it felt strange, there was also a sense of liberation, of standing taller, of being more than just what others thought of him.
After a few seconds of standing still, Painter moved with a quiet determination, walking around the corner to rummage under the counter. From the shadows of the cramped space, he pulled out an old bottle, dust gathering on the glass. It was some alcoholic drink, a leftover from the last store anniversary that he’d all but forgotten. Normally, he wasn’t the type to drink—he preferred keeping his mind clear—but today, after everything, he felt like he deserved a little indulgence.
He twisted off the cap and took a long, satisfying sip, the burn spreading through his chest in a way that felt oddly comforting.
"You have alcohol here?" Cordelia asked, her eyebrows raised in surprise as she eyed the bottle.
Painter didn’t respond right away. Instead, he took another sip, savoring the moment, letting the weight of the day slowly ease from his shoulders. Finally, he glanced at her, his expression still cool, but the sharpness in his eyes had softened.
“Mind lending me your phone?” he asked, his voice calm as ever. “Mine’s dead.” He stretched out his hand, still holding the bottle in the other, as if this was the most natural thing in the world.
Cordelia blinked, a little taken aback by his nonchalance, but after everything that had just happened, she wasn’t about to argue. She fished her phone from her pocket, handing it over without a word, watching him with quiet curiosity. It was rare to see Painter like this—so unbothered, so confident in his control. And though she didn’t fully understand what was going on, she couldn’t help but feel a strange admiration for the man standing before her.
She gave him her phone and he instantly started tapping on the screen before lifting the device up to his ears.
You stood at the bus stop, drenched by the relentless downpour, your clothes clinging to your skin as the cold seeped in. The sky above was a solid sheet of grey, no break in the clouds, no sign of the rain letting up anytime soon. You sighed, tilting your head back to watch the rain for a moment, lost in thought.
Suddenly, your phone rang, pulling you out of your trance. The screen lit up with an unknown caller ID. For a moment, you hesitated, but curiosity won over, and you answered.
“Hello?” you said cautiously.
“Hi! Uhm—this is Painter, the tech guy! The one from the store with your laptop? I hope you remember.” His familiar voice rang out, soft and a little nervous, the same cute, nerdy tone that you remembered instantly.
A smile tugged at your lips despite the rain. “Hey! Of course, I remember,” you replied, your voice warm. “I’m surprised you're calling so soon. Is everything okay with my laptop?”
There was a brief pause on the other end, and you could almost imagine him pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose, a habit you'd noticed the first time you met him. “Yeah, yeah, your laptop is fine. I just… I wanted to check in. You know, see how you're doing,” he added, sounding almost shy, as if calling you wasn't planned.
The rain continued to fall around you, but suddenly, it didn’t feel as cold anymore.
“Checking on me? Because I don’t have a laptop?” you asked, a confused smile forming as a soft giggle escaped you. It wasn’t often someone checked in on you, let alone for something like this. You could hear Painter shifting on the other end, as though fighting off a wave of nerves. There was a sound in the background—a faint slosh, like liquid passing through a bottle.
“Well, not to get too personal… but apparently, I accidentally discovered your identity, Jelly.”
Your heart froze, the rain momentarily fading into the background as his words sank in.
You stayed silent, the weight of what he said hanging in the air.
“And I figured you haven’t seen it yet, but… all you need to know is…” He paused, the sound of liquid again. “Listen, now that everything is sorted out, you don’t need to be on edge anymore. I’ve got your back, and Sebastian does too. No, no—don’t thank me. I’m just helping a friend in need—”
The line went dead. Just like that.
You stared at your phone, still processing what had just happened. He knew. Painter had discovered your identity—probably from your laptop. The same secret you’d fought so hard to keep hidden. Your pulse quickened, a mixture of panic and confusion swirling inside you.
But there was more. He said Sebastian had your back now, too. What did that mean? How did Sebastian get involved? And why did Painter end the call so abruptly, just when you had a thousand questions racing through your mind?
You stood there in the rain, more lost than ever, the cold creeping back in as the drops pelted down on you. What did Painter know? What had he done? And most importantly—what did Sebastian have to do with any of this?
Suddenly, you heard footsteps behind you, before someone pulled roughly on your shoulder, forcing you to turn around.
"Listen. Listen!" It was Sebastian. He stood there, completely drenched, his hair sticking to his face, and his eyes were wide with desperation, on the verge of tears. "I can explain."
His voice cracked as he continued, "I was so stupid, and there's no excuse for it." His hands trembled slightly as he spoke. "I should have known it was you. Not Allison."
Before you could respond, he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you tightly against his chest. His body shook with quiet sobs, his face buried in your shoulder, and for the first time, you heard a raw, unfamiliar sound of pain coming from him. The roommate you used to find so irritating, the streamer you secretly had a crush on, was now just a man crying in the rain, completely vulnerable in your arms.
"You can hate me all you want," he whispered, his voice breaking. "God, you can even hit me if that'll make it better. Jelly, please, listen."
Sebastian, the one who always seemed so self-assured, was apologizing. Genuinely. Desperately.
"You’ve grown so important to me during these months," he continued, his words choked with emotion. "And I can’t lose you. Not again. Please, forgive me."
His arms tightened around you, holding you as if you might slip away any second, disappear into the rain. You could feel his fear, the way his body clung to yours like you were the only thing keeping him from falling apart completely.
"I love you too much," he whispered, his voice barely audible over the rain, but heavy with all the feelings he had been holding back. "I love you more than anything."
The rain kept falling, but all you could focus on was the man holding onto you like his life depended on it.
You only managed to nod, your voice caught somewhere between your heart and throat, unsure if you were ready to forgive him. Yes, you felt something for him—deeply—but it was a chaotic mix of love, hate, anxiety, and paranoia. Sebastian had cut a gaping wound into your emotions, and now he seemed to believe he could mend it with a simple apology and a half-baked confession.
“Let’s talk about it at home,” you mumbled quietly, your voice barely above the sound of the rain. “Not here. Not yet.”
You didn’t reject him outright, no. But you weren’t ready to offer forgiveness either. You simply pushed the conversation to another time, another place—somewhere quieter, where your thoughts might stop racing long enough to sort through the mess he’d made of your heart.
But the confusion lingered, heavy and overwhelming. What had really happened? How had things spiraled so far out of control between you two? You glanced at him, his grip on you tightening as though he feared you’d slip away, but you couldn’t meet his eyes, not yet. There were too many questions, too much hurt and uncertainty.
As the rain continued to pour, you wondered if there was a way forward—or if this was the beginning of an even greater storm between the two of you.
“I'll meet you at home.” That's what you told him. He let go with a nod, wiping away his tears with his wet arm. “You're not coming?” You could hear the pain in his voice, scared of your answer.
“I will, but…I forgot something. Promise I will come back.”
Sebastian took your answer while the bus pulled up, he gave you one last glance before stepping in, leaving you in the rain.
Then you were alone again, ready to face Painter to soothe your confusion. Whatever had happened was something that Painter knew off. And you hoped to catch the man before he would leave the store.
Painter had reached the bottom of the bottle, and it hit him harder than he anticipated. The dull buzz in his head drowned out not just his anxiety and nervousness but also his usual sharp, logical thinking. Cordelia had left earlier, convinced he was sober enough to handle himself, unaware that he had drained the last of the bottle like it was water. Now, he leaned heavily against the counter, the world around him tilting slightly.
When you appeared, rushing toward the glass door, knocking with urgency, he blinked, momentarily disoriented. Your drenched figure stood outside, hair soaked and confusion written all over your face.
He stumbled forward, the empty bottle quickly hidden behind the counter as he fumbled with the lock. Opening the door, his gaze softened the moment he saw you.
“Ah, Jelly,” he hummed, his voice slurred ever so slightly. His cheeks flushed with warmth, not just from the alcohol but at the sight of you standing there, even in the rain, looking adorable despite the circumstances.
He smiled, a little too wide, his usual calm demeanor slipping as he tried to maintain his composure. “You… you look good, even like this,” he added, his words coming out with a surprising level of affection. The alcohol had loosened his tongue, and he wasn’t entirely in control of what he was saying anymore.
But there you were, drenched and confused, and he couldn’t stop himself from admiring you even in this chaotic moment.
“What happened?” you asked, though your mind was partially distracted by how he looked. The expensive aftershave lingered in the air, and his fine suit clung to his frame. The first few buttons were undone, offering a glimpse of his chest that made it hard to focus on anything else.
Painter, a bit dazed but composed, reached for your cold hand, gently pulling you behind the counter. “Let me show you. I fixed your laptop,” he said softly. His hand lingered in yours a moment too long before he led you to a small chair. He stood behind you like a shadow, his presence warm and heavy, as he clicked a few keys.
The screen lit up with a rewind of today’s stream, every moment captured in perfect clarity. You watched in silence, the weight of what happened sinking in. The confession, the setup—everything clicked into place in a way you hadn’t expected. When the video ended, the two of you stood there, caught in the stillness of the moment. Painter didn’t say anything at first, waiting for your reaction, but you just stared at the screen, processing.
“Honestly speaking,” he started, breaking the silence, “Sebastian doesn’t deserve you. You’re funny, sweet, caring, and witty.” His voice was laced with sincerity as he spoke, listing your traits as though he were describing something sacred.
He hesitated, but continued, “He’s my friend, you know? But he was never the smart one.”
You slowly turned in your seat, meeting his gaze as he continued to speak.
“It probably sounds stupid, but I’m jealous of my own best friend.”
That’s when you noticed it—the empty bottle on the floor, hidden just behind the counter. The faint smell of alcohol mixed with the aftershave. You leaned in closer, trying to confirm your suspicions, inhaling the scent to be sure.
But before you could fully piece everything together, his lips were on yours.
The kiss was unexpected, soft and lingering, filled with all the words he hadn’t said, the ones he was too afraid or too drunk to admit outright. His hand cupped your face gently, as if you might pull away any second, but he couldn’t stop himself from leaning in, letting every feeling he’d bottled up pour out in that one impulsive moment.
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euthymiya · 18 hours
knight wriothesley and princess reader is literally everything 2 me. he takes the duty incredibly serious but still has snarky quips to make you laugh. always by your side. rolls his eyes at your haughty suitors. protects you with everything he is and you know it. plays with the ribbon of your corset while you walk in front of him. makes you ride horses with him behind you and his arms around your waist and when you’re in your carriage his horse walks next to your door. watches the moon with you and let’s you place a flower behind his ear. UGHHHH 😩😩😩♥️
He’s given the specific duty of keeping an eye on your safety, too. It’s why he’s always by your side. At first, he’s strict and serious to his responsibilities, but slowly, you worm your way into his heart. He gives into your whims all the time—he tells himself that it’s because you don’t have a chance to see outside the palace doors often. If he can indulge you in a moment or two, well, what’s he to lose?
The first time, you insist he teaches you to fight.
“Show me how to hold a sword, Sir Wriothesley,” you beam, a mischievous glint.
“I don’t believe His Majesty will appreciate knowing I’ve taught you how to carry on my responsibilities, your highness,” he grins.
But he teaches you anyway, a gentle hand on top of yours as he shows you the best way to grip the handle, the other on the small of your back as he fixes your posture. You’re cunning, too—pull at his heartstrings with a soft pout and fearful eyes that make him pause to take it easy on you. (Of course, he was already going easy, but he slows his movements even further.)
“Aha,” you grin, holding the blade to his throat. He pauses, blinking before he realizes the theatrics he’s fallen for to give you the upper hand. “Perhaps my father will be displeased to know his most trusted knight has been bested with but one lesson.”
“Mercy, your highness,” he chuckles, “I shall be sent to the dungeons if word gets out.”
The second time, you beg him to take you past the gates.
It’s a risk, he knows it better than you do—it’s not uncommon for kings to have the heads of knights who cannot do their duties. Taking you outside the gates is the first and most important rule.
You are to stay in the palace at all times.
But you’re so precious when you pout, and the pitch of your voice turns a touch melodic when you’re whining. Wriothesley isn’t sure when he became so weak to someone he’s merely been meant to watch over.
“The grass is much greener here than in the gardens of the palace,” you murmur, settling down on the blanket you’ve set on the hill. His horse lets out a satisfied grunt when you pull out an apple from your basket for him to enjoy.
Wriothesley’s heart almost feels like it’s at risk of being shot through—even through his armor.
“I believe you’re imagining it,” he chuckles, “The royal gardens are but the most grande display of nature that I’ve seen.”
“The sun doesn’t shine as brightly there, though,” you hum. “Come, my dear knight,” you pat the space beside you, I’ve had the maids fetch me freshly baked goods from the kitchen.”
He thinks you’re right—the sun is brighter here, he’s never seen the rays highlight your skin like that before.
The third time is through a kiss. One you press briefly to his lips in a secret, hidden moment that belongs to you both only.
A suitor has come for your hand. Wriothesley doesn’t like it—doesn’t think this pompous man who comes from a family of royal simpletons belongs with your hand grasped in his.
It’s obvious to you—the tension in his jaw and brows is hard to miss.
“My knight is not happy,” you muse, pulling him to a corner of the halls as he grits his jaw.
“You are expected in the dining hall soon, your highness,” he avoids your knowing stare. “They will begin dinner soon. I must not escort you late.”
“Do you think him to be unfitting for me, Sir Wriothesley?”
“Perhaps,” he says stiffly, “I have seen skeletons in the dungeons possess better charm than him.”
You giggle, eyes fond and lips curling into a sweet smile that almost feels like wind in his hair from dodging your practice sword and sun in his eyes from the picnic spot you’ve chosen. Every corner of this palace, every inch of this kingdom now reminds him of you. You have consumed him.
Wicked, he thinks. You’re utterly wicked.
“I’ve only met one gentleman with enough charm in my time to consider courting me,” you murmur.
He grunts, jaw settling in a tighter clench. “Is that so?”
“Yes,” you nod earnestly. And then, with an unexpected, swift motion, your hands cup his cheeks and pull him in for a fleeting kiss. His breath hitches—he just barely gathers his composure and reciprocates for but a moment before you pull away. “Perhaps you know him. He is a rather well trusted knight. Trusted enough that my father allows him the honor of protecting my life.”
“I see,” he fights back a grin. “You’ll have to introduce me after dinner, your highness.”
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Sorry gray idk what possessed me
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kingofthecotas · 2 days
part time soulmate full time problem
soulmate au, indonesia 2022 | ~ 1.6k
fun little au where everyone has a romantic and a platonic soulmate. all the mess happened but Worse because vale has an added level of neurosis about choice etc
(this does mention marc’s crash but no details)
The message comes among a flurry of others, from a number Marc hasn’t saved but can’t bring himself to block.
Don’t die. Faded marks are very unattractive.
He doesn’t read it until he’s through the other side, until they’ve run every test possible and decided he’s not concussed, he’s not dying, and he can have his phone back. It makes him—not laugh, but a sharp exhale that’s almost a laugh.
You’re such a dick, he replies, and does the mental maths behind the drumbeat headache. It’s almost five in the morning in Italy, so he has some time—
His phone buzzes. Not a message tone, but insistent. Fuck.
Despite himself, he answers.
“Marc?” Valentino’s voice is sleep-rough, unpolished in a way Marc hasn’t been privy to in years. His breath catches; the silence stretches on. “Unless you’ve let Álex loose with your phone.”
“No,” Marc says simply. “It’s me.”
“Hi,” Valentino breathes, and he sounds—
Marc swallows down something he can’t quite name.
“Are you flying back soon, or waiting for the plane you had booked anyway?”
“I’m not flying until after the race.”
“You’re not racing.” Valentino’s voice drops dangerously.
“They cleared me. I’m fine.” His head hurts like a motherfucker, but Valentino doesn’t have to know that. He doesn’t get to know that.
“No—no, no. Have they tested for everything?”
“Like what?”
“I don’t know,” Valentino snaps. “Everything. How can they clear you that quickly?”
“They said I’m fine,” Marc repeats, then, because his head hurts and he’s feeling snippy with it, “Why do you care?”
He knows what’s coming by now, the usual litany of destiny is such bullshit, I can decide my own life, I hate having you on my body, but unfortunately we’re linked for the rest of fucking time. He’s surprised Uccio sticks around, to be honest, if he’s getting something similar thrown at him.
That doesn’t come. Instead, Valentino exhales down the phone, shaky.
“It woke me up,” Valentino says finally, like the words are being pulled from his throat one by one. “I woke up, and I felt—I felt it. And for a second, the mark—” He breaks off. “Just a second. And you were back.”
“Sorry to disappoint,” Marc mutters.
“Don’t say that!” It’s sharp, cracking like a whip. It’s more than he’s had from Valentino for years.
“I—I didn’t mean that,” Marc whispers. “You’re right, that was—I’m sorry.” As if he’s the one who crossed the line first, as if he’s the one who sent a jokey little text about losing his mark. About losing his soulmate.
Because if Valentino isn’t lying—and he doesn’t sound like it—then Marc flickered, faded, even if for a split second. For a fraction of a moment, he was dead.
(Álex hadn’t said anything; but Álex would have had his leathers on. He might have felt something, but he wouldn’t have seen, wouldn’t have pulled up his shirt to an ashy smudge.)
That doesn’t help his throbbing headache.
“Please don’t race,” Valentino says after a long moment. “I—I can’t do that. It felt like I was dying.” More uncertain, more off-centre than he ever allows himself to be.
It’s nice he cares, Marc thinks, fighting down a burst of hysterical laughter, even if it’s to avoid himself suffering. He’ll probably add this to the long list of reasons he hates having soulmates—just another way for someone to hurt you. In the end, he snorts. “For me as well.”
“You are—such a dick.”
Now Marc laughs. “I know. You told me a lot.” Not for a while; now, they just don’t talk. Sometimes Marc presses his fingers to his mark—still intact, despite it all, despite the twist of scars—and remembers. Just like always, the bad follows the good, and he stops that line of thought before it becomes too painful.
He’s doing it now, though, tracing one finger over it, again and again. Still dark and clear, despite it all. It hurts, but his arm always does, more when he pushes down on his soulmark.
“Marc,” Valentino says again, and just that, just his name, makes him close his eyes. “I know—I do not have any right to ask this—”
Marc hums.
“—and I know I spent so long telling the universe where to stick her soulmates, but please. Please do not get on the bike.”
“You didn’t call after Jerez,” Marc says instead of any promise.
Valentino makes a pained noise. It’s costing him a lot; it will have cost him to even pick up the phone, to roll over and show Marc his weakness. And yet Marc just wants to prod the wound a little more, to make Valentino run his fingers over his mark and feel the old throb of a bruise.
“After the first operation, when I woke up, I asked the surgeon.” Fine. If Valentino is going to offer him something, he can have something back. Give and take. Blood for blood. That’s how they do it. “He was so—shocked I was even asking, that I thought—but I couldn’t think straight, you know. All the drugs.” He smiles despite himself. “I didn’t want it to be gone.” I didn’t want you to be gone. “But you—you would give anything to get rid of it, no?”
It’s quiet for so long Marc wonders if his phone has died. Then—a slight hiss, a crackle in his ear. A breath.
“You don’t get to do this,” Marc says. “You don’t get to—you can’t tell me what to do. Not after everything.”
“You never listened anyway.” Valentino sounds—God. “I don’t—I don’t want to get rid of it.”
“Hm. Changed your tune.”
“Marc,” Valentino says. His name again. “It’s five o’clock in the fucking morning. I’m watching the Moto3 race because I’ve been awake since the middle of the night, and I can’t go back to sleep, because for half a second my mark faded.”
It used to be a little joke between them, whispered across sheets and pillows in the grey of early mornings in all their languages. My mark, mi marca, my Marc.
“I think—I cannot do that again. And…” A pause. Consideration. “You wouldn’t do that to Álex.”
“Bastard,” Marc growls. Low blow. Unfortunately, it’s working. He blinks, and his vision blurs, just for a second. To take his mind off it, he picks at the scab again. “Uccio must be thrilled. How many years has he had you telling him you don’t want soulmates?”
“Uccio knows what I mean when I say it.”
“Yeah?” It’s an old argument, familiar veins of hurt wound around it. Familiar pain, like pressing on a bruise.
“I want the choice. I would be friends with Uccio anyway, and I want that to be my decision. I wanted—” Valentino sighs. “I wanted to choose you. I would have anyway, back then.” Give and take. He’s never offered honesty like this, not for free.
Marc balls his fist, presses his knuckles against his forehead. It helps a little. “Do you think we would have ended up here still?”
“I think so.” It’s almost sad. “And at least then—”
“You don’t have the reminder. I know.”
“But without it—well, I would not be woken up at three o’clock in the morning. And I would not have called.”
Marc moves his hand back to his arm, presses the tip of a nail in. Traitorous thing, really, his soulmark. He understands Valentino in a way he was too hurt to, back then, back when it was unravelling like a cut thread. “That’s something.”
“Is it?”
And a hot flash of irritation, over quickly; even at their lowest he could never stay angry for long. “Not for you, then.”
Another silence—Marc is getting good at living in them—before Valentino says, “I am going to make coffee. The machine is loud. Just warning you.”
“It’s nearly five o’clock.”
“You keep saying.”
“If you are going to wake me up, you can wait while I have my espresso.”
You. As if Marc is the one etched into his skin.
(He is.)
“Now you avoid the conversation,” Marc mutters under the sound of beans grinding.
“Nothing.” He pulls his phone away just to check the time, and—they’ve been on the call for eleven minutes. It should feel earth-shattering.
It doesn’t.
And Valentino wants Marc to wait.
He could hang up now. He could. It would be easy, easy as pressing down on his mark. One finger.
He doesn’t.
“Are you trying to distract me?” he says when the machine stops groaning. “Keep me on the phone so I miss the race?”
“That wasn’t the plan, but now you mention it…”
“You have a few more hours.”
“I can manage that.”
“Yeah?” And then, because he can’t just leave it the fuck alone, “Been a while, no? Lots to catch up on.”
“Marc.” It’s a wrecked noise this time, his name. “I am trying—”
Marc doesn’t apologise this time. Valentino hasn’t apologised at all, but that’s—
He expects that.
With a sigh, he closes his eyes again, accepts the white flag. “Can’t, anyway. They have to get me in a helicopter to get back to the circuit. No phones in there.”
“Ah. Thought I had convinced you.” There’s resignation now.
“You know me.”
“Yes.” He does. They do. But—they all know the deal with soulmates. You can’t be selfish with your life, not when you live on somebody else’s skin. They know that too.
“It’s not fair,” he says, half to himself into the silence that, for once, means Valentino is listening. “This was—this year, everything was supposed to be done. Start over.”
“Without me there?”
“Not everything is about you.” It’s too late when Marc realises that he’s smiling, and that there had been a laugh curled around Valentino’s words.
“This is.” More certain now. Putting his foot down. “Do not race.”
“And why is it about you?”
This time, in the quiet, he wonders if he’s pushed too far.
Until Valentino says, “Marc,” on a breath, like he’s pressing hard enough to draw blood. Like he’s feeling Marc for the first time without wanting to rip him out of his skin.
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churinzie · 3 days
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Much Needed Rest. .
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SYNOPSIS: wouldn't it be lovely to just finally get the rest you were so deprived of?
CHARACTERS: dan heng x reader ╱ established relationship
A/N: mwah i conjured this up at 11pm cuz i keep seeing my boy sleeping in every single bit of fanart god bless
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It was an almost cultural shock when Dan Heng had stepped foot off of the Express as soon as Pom Pom had announced that they were making a stop at the Xianzhou Luofu. You initially had no idea why your boyfriend  was acting so weary and suddenly seemed a bit more cautious than usual. But now, after learning everything, you can’t say that you were surprised.
It made sense that someone would be anxious about returning to their home after initially being banished there due to their past life.
Once you were actually aware of what Dan Heng had been through, you simply felt nothing but sympathy and remorse. It was definitely horrible to have been constantly referred to and compared to his past when he wasn’t that same person anymore. You couldn’t imagine how stressful it might’ve been for Dan Heng and..
Wait, has he even slept properly?
Dan Heng hadn’t slept not once when he returned to the Express. In his new form, appearing to be as irritated and bothered as ever. Which definitely sent alarm bells ringing inside your body as soon as you took a peek at his simmering teal eyes that seemingly glowed a lot brighter than usual as he spoke to Mr. Yang. You just assumed that his eyes were in fact glowing. Taking a closer look, you realized that there was the slightest hint of dark circles appearing underneath your boyfriend’s eyes. No one else seemed to notice it though. Was it just you being a bit too observant? You didn’t know but what you did know was that Dan Heng seemed to just be a bit drowsy. No matter how hard he tried to hide it, you could sense it from a mile away.
However, just how in the world were you supposed to get a vidyadhara in bed? A vidyadhara that barely slept in the first place much less?
It was a difficult mission but you knew that it had to be done eventually so why not start now as soon as everyone else was asleep as well? It couldn’t hurt to try. Unfortunately, Dan Heng wasn’t too on board with the way that you kept intensely staring at his face as if you were scrutinizing him in a way throughout the entire day of him coming back to the Express. He couldn’t exactly help it when on the Luofu, the first thing that people did once they gave him a good look was to either be scared of him or try to kill him.
So, it was very understandable why he was a bit weary but he couldn’t be too irritated. He was dating you after all. He knew better than anyone that you had no malicious intent towards him. But what he really didn’t expect was for you to appear on the other side of the Archive’s closed door in the middle of the night. Dan Heng had mentally decided that he’d only appear in this form at night just so nothing would feel suppressed and so he could, unfortunately, get used to it.
A knock, followed by another one, and then a few others soon followed before he mentally facepalmed. He found the relentless sounds a bit tedious in the dead of the night. “Enter,” Dan Heng had soon said, watching the door open to reveal your half awake form on the other side. He should’ve known that it was you and not March after all. March probably would’ve had a way more annoying announcement of her presence.
No matter how annoyed he probably (most likely) seemed, he enjoyed the visit and couldn’t hide just how softer and quieter his tone had gotten.
“Did you need something?” It was nothing but a soft murmur that had left from his lips as soon as the door had closed behind you.
“A certain someone looked a bit too tired as soon as he returned,” You said, albeit slightly accusatory, as one of your hands came up as a half hearted attempt at rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. Rooming with March was quite the adventurous idea to say the least. She wasn’t a light sleeper by any means but she snores. Heavily.
The accusation only earned a blank look from your boyfriend that soon became a look of something unidentifiable as one of his eyebrows lifted once he fully took in the words. Dan Heng was trying his hardest not to fall into the trap (that honestly sounded amazing in his mind) but he couldn’t help how exhausted his body felt. He turned his back towards you as his skilled hands turned through pages of a book that he was definitely not reading anymore. He had an even better distraction now. “Is that why you were staring me down throughout the entire day? Which was a bit. . concerning from my perspective by the way.”
“Precisely. You need actual sleep instead of just these small power naps.” You shot back almost immediately as Dan Heng swiftly glanced over his shoulder towards you silently for a moment, his longer hair moving in sync with the head turn.
“I feel as though you have an ulterior motive with this.” He accused this time around. But, you knew that he wasn’t upset by any means. If anything, this was just his way of playing along. However your eyes kept staring slightly at the dark circles under your boyfriend’s eyes.
“And so what if I do? I see nothing wrong with rooming with you instead of March for the night. Besides,” You trailed off as you took a couple steps closer towards Dan Heng, his gaze unwavering but still appeared to be softer the closer you had gotten. Now, your tired eyes can finally take a good look at him. You more so became a bit close towards his back so you could be face to face.
“Just who are you to deny me anything without you eventually giving in?” You finished saying but this time in a quieter tone. That earned a slight chuckle and smile to emit from him.
“I suppose I have no choice but to indulge, do I?” He said, only in amusement this time. However the more he spoke, he definitely had a more of a drowsy tone than earlier when he spoke. All of this distracting was actually making his system realize just how much sleep he wanted— no, needed is the better word to use.
You only nodded and slowly slipped the book out of Dan Heng’s hands, closing it and putting it down on a nearby desk before taking one of his hands and practically dragging him towards the bed. It was big enough, surely it could fit both of you. Meanwhile, Dan Heng was still reeling about how he basically agreed to something as intimate as this. He had never done something even remotely close to this before you came into his life so it made just a small hint of blush appear on his otherwise stoic face.
The idea of cuddling in the beautiful night sky— or well, space felt a bit too romantic for him but if it made you happy then Dan Heng wouldn’t fully disagree with it. He would be okay with it. So when you had laid down first, he didn’t hesitate to accompany you right beside you. Dan Heng couldn’t deny how odd and awkward this was a first. You took the lead and eventually sought him out and brought him closer and into your arms, which you tell that surprised him heavily from how his breath hitched in your ear. Both of your legs tangling themselves with Dan Hen’s legs. It was awkward at first but, after a bit of shifting around, a comfortable position and spot was found for the both of you.
“Tense,” You noted out loud. He practically side eyed you with a half hearted attempt of relaxing his tense body and soon genuinely sinking into your embrace and returning it. Dan Heng buried his face into your chest and wrapped his arms around your lower half tightly just so you wouldn’t leave. He wouldn’t dare let you leave when he had just become comfortable. It would crush him. “This better?” He muttered quietly. To which you responded with a small nod and a happy hum.
You could feel the earlier drowsiness overtaking your body and, without thinking much, one of your hands came up to the top of Dan Heng’s head. Your fingers slowly carding through the longer black hair, deliberately avoiding his horns to not cause any discomfort. This repeated motion felt as if you were petting him a sense and, unfortunately, Dan Heng loved it. He huffed quietly as he, unfortunately, felt himself leaning into the touch. He had never been like this before so this was definitely a new one for him but he couldn’t help the way that a content noise emitted from him.
The noise that followed soon after was nothing short of a quiet and embarrassed purr.
“Did you just—”
“Let’s not talk about it.” He immediately interrupted and you didn’t even have to completely look at him to know that he was definitely embarrassed and wouldn’t be looking at you any time soon to save his pride. You just dismissively shook your head but otherwise continued to seemingly pet your boyfriend. You could feel his body relaxing even further in your hold and that just made you even more drowsy. You yawned quietly which alerted Dan Heng that you were in the same boat as him. He subconsciously snuggled a bit closer and all of a sudden you felt a weird long and scaly thing wrapping around your waist.
One glance down and you realized that weird sensation that you were feeling was due to the teal and slightly translucent dragon tail that was connected to Dan Heng. You didn’t mind it though but it did spook you at first since it had happened with no warning. Besides, you were too tired to object to it even if you truly wanted to. You just closed your eyes and eventually, your movements came to a halt as your body practically went lax and your breathing had evened out. You were asleep while Dan Heng was still slightly awake. He noticed it immediately and took a small glance towards your sleeping face, ultimately deciding to be a bit brave for this small gesture, and leaned in to press the tiniest but softest kiss upon your forehead. It was as if he was silently saying “Goodnight.” since he hadn’t had the chance to before you fell into dreamland.
After doing that, Dan Heng felt a bit more comfortable with trying to fall asleep now. His head was still filled with an onslaught of swarming thoughts and anxieties but maybe, just maybe, he could put his worries aside for now and just allow himself this one time chance of freedom. He felt relieved when he finally fell asleep.
Dan Heng would have to definitely thank you for your constant insistence. He really needed it. And, most importantly, he needed you.
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thank you for reading <3 have a good day, reblogs & comments are much appreciated !
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© churinzie 2024. ノ all rights reserved
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bootsukki · 1 day
AITA for telling my girlfriend I want to be with her for the rest of my life over the phone?
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aita series masterlist
I (22M) have been dating my girlfriend (22F) for 4 years more or less. Ever since I’ve known her, I have known that she would do great things in life and she’s currently in the USA working on a huge project — a book about educational methodologies. I’m really proud of her but she’s gone for a few months now and I’ve been missing her a lot more than a thought I would. I am in my last year of university and the stress of exams, deadlines and such is making me kind of sensitive towards things. Now, I’m not the most emotionally expressive person. I don’t do the whole "sharing feelings" thing easily, but the distance has been harder than I expected, and I realized I don’t want to keep feeling like this when we’re apart. I just… want her here with me. So, last night, while we were on the phone, I told her straight up that I miss her, and then (kind of out of nowhere) I said that I want to be with her for the rest of my life. This was a big deal for me because, like I said, I don’t really say stuff like that. AITA for telling my girlfriend I want to be with her for the rest of my life over the phone?
It had been a few months since (Y/N) left for the States, diving headfirst into a research for the book she’d been working on alongside some professors, a project she was incredibly passionate about: new educational methodologies that could revolutionize Japanese education towards learning a second language. She needed to spend 4 months in the US and then continue research at their university and other parts of Japan. Tsukishima admired that about his girlfriend: she was passionate and never had any problems throwing herself into work with so much heart.
But the truth is that being halfway accross the world from her was taking a toll on him. He was grateful for having his other friends around but being in his last year of university without her by his side was making it really hard and he found himself missing her more than expected. Over the years they had been together, he had his own way of expressing his affections towards (Y/N) — kissing the top of her head whenever she walked past him, making her favourite breakfast whenever she stayed at his apartment, quiet I love you’s before going to bed… He didn’t need many words to express how much he loved her. Yet, in her absence, all those things felt incomplete. Her empty side of his bed, the silence in the apartment whenever Yamaguchi was out, dinners eaten alone, sushi for one…
He missed the sound of her voice (even though they spoke on the phone two times a day and sent several voice notes during the day), the feeling of her body moving around his sheets and the gossip she would come home with everyday.
Tsukishima sighed, getting ready for bed and (Y/N)’s morning call. That was another big thing: the 16-hour difference that came between them.
As soon as he got into bed, his phone started ringing and he picked it up without hesitation.
“Hi Kei!”
Tsukishima smiled, noticing her still sleepy voice.
“Good morning, baby.”
He could tell she was tired but her voice was still warm. He laid on his bed, phone pressed to his ear, room dimly lit as he listened to her talk, telling him about the congress she had to attend and her outfit problems.
Usually, Tsukishima would offer snarky remarks towards her comments but she noticed something was wrong.
“Love, you still there?” She asked, voice gentle and soft in case he had fallen asleep.
"Yeah, I'm here," he muttered. His voice sounded lower, softer than usual.
There was a pause. (Y/N) knew him well enough to recognize when something was on his mind.
"Everything okay? You sound… different." He let out a sigh, one hand rubbing the back of his neck. It wasn't like him to be vulnerable, but these past few months had chipped away at his defenses. He didn't like it, but there was no escaping the truth of it. He missed her in a way that felt overwhelming.
"I…" He hesitated, the words feeling foreign, heavy. But he knew he couldn't hold it in any longer. "I miss you. A lot."
(Y/N) was quiet on the other end, probably taken aback by his honesty. Tsukishima wasn't one to openly admit his feelings, but tonight, something in him had cracked open.
"I miss you too," you said softly. "I’ll be back soon, you know that. Only 20 days.”
He nodded, though she couldn’t see him. His heart pounded against his chest as if urging him to say more, something deeper, something he hadn’t quite put into words before. And then, before he could stop himself, it slipped out.
"I want to be with you," he whispered, his voice barely audible. "For the rest of my life." The silence that followed felt like an eternity. His heart raced, and he almost regretted saying it. (Y/N) let out a shaky breath, and her shaky voice came through the line,.
"Kei… you really mean that?"
“Baby…” Tsukishima moved around his bed, his back now leaning into his headboard. “Are you crying?”
“Yes, sorry.” (Y/N) sniffed. “Sorry, I…”
Tsukishima felt his heart break and sighed, feeling like a complete asshole for saying something that big on the phone.
“No, I’m sorry.”
“Kei, no… I’m happy, I swear, I just—“ Tsukishima heard the soft knocking on the other side on the line. “I need to go. I’ll call you as soon as you wake up?”
“Text me, okay?”
“Yeah.” Tsukishima bit his lip. “I love you, have a great day.”
“I love you too and I miss you like crazy. I love you, love you, love you. Can’t wait to see you. Sweet dreams.”
“I can’t wait. Love you.”
There was no way he was going to sleep that night.
Baby: look at how cool this building is! Baby: the classrooms inside were insane lol, they showed me a lot of new material look! Baby: *photo attachment* Baby: *photo attachment* Tsukki<3: that is cool Baby: :o it’s 3 am!! what are you doing up? Tsukki<3: can’t sleep, moved to the living room to watch something on netflix Baby: *photo attachment* Baby: go to sleeeeeeeeep (◞‸◟) Tsukki<3: hmmm you are so beautiful Tsukki<3: not that tired, have a lot of my mind Baby: my love Baby: you need to sleep Tsukki<3: are you free? want to see you Baby: no :( i’m about to meet with a linguist rn Tsukki<3: okay Tsukki<3: have fun and take a lot of notes Tsukki<3: *photo attachment* Baby: babyyyyusdksjsnsmwkskc Baby: my handsome baby Baby: miss you miss you miss you Baby: ttyl muack muack *****
After a few restless hours watching a film he was clearly not interest in and trying to write an essay, Tsukishima dozed off, only to be woken up by his phone vibrating next to his ear.
He groggily reached for it, fixing his glasses he had forgotten to take off before sleeping, squinting at the bright screen.
His eyes widened at the big photo of (Y/N)'s contact photo he took and he sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he answered.
“Kei…” (Y/N)'s voice was soft, and it already soothed some of the anxiety that had built up since their last conversation. Suddenly, her face appeared on his screen and he smiled warmly at the sight of her. She was back in the hotel room she was staying at during these past days before she had to go back to the "teacher" residences at the university she was conducting her research. "Were you asleep?"
"Yeah." He yawned. "Sorry, I didn't see your texts."
"It's okay." (Y/N) placed her phone on the bedside table and walked around the room, trying to find a clean blouse to change into. "Give me a minute, I just need to change my shirt."
"That's fine."
(Y/N) took off her black t-shirt, the sight of her back and the blue bra she was wearing sending shivers down Tsukishima's back, as if he was a teenager seeing his girlfriend shirtless for the first time. He coughed a little bit as (Y/N) put on the clean blouse and picked up the phone again. "Sorry."
"It's nothing."
"No, no. I'm sorry for crying earlier. I... I got my period this morning and I was overwhelmed."
"Yeah, couldn't even concentrate during the long meeting. Thank God Fujimoto-san was with me the whole time, he took a lot of notes."
"You don't have to apologize for that," Tsukishima said, running a hand through his messy hair. "I... I wasn't expecting to say it out loud. It just... I've been thinking about it."
There was a pause for a second and (Y/N) smiled. "I couldn't stop thinking about it, you know? My not-so-mushy boyfriend Tsukishima Kei saying those big words... It was completely unexpected."
"Yeah, I know."
"But..." Her voice came through, quieter now. "I feel the same. Well, I guess I've always felt it, especially this last year where we have had so many changes. It feels like we have grown so much this past year."
"Yeah, totally."
"I just didn't expect to hear it when I'm halfway across the world from you. And I totally thought I was going to be the one to say it."
Tsukishima let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. He needed that confirmation from her. He needed her to say that she felt the same way so he could let his insecurities go away. So that he couldn't finally go to sleep not feeling alone and worried about her and how this stupid distance was slowly killing him inside.
He smiled, leaning back into the couch, suddelny finding comfort in it. "The timing could have been better."
(Y/N) laughed softly, looking at her boyfriend on the other side of the screen. "Maybe. But our relationship is like that and hearing you say it was what I needed."
Tsukishima focused his eyes on her once again, a silence forming between the couple, a silence filled with understanding, love and care for each other.
"I miss you."
"Counting the days to see you."
In typical (Y/N) fashion, she leaned her head on her hand and sighed. "So... was that your way of proposing, or are you saving the big question for when I get back?"
Tsukishima groaned, shaking his head as she laughed.
"Why do you always have to do that?"
"Do what, exactly?" She teased, voice more playful. "I'm just asking. I need to be prepared."
"You're insufferable, you know that?" he muttered a smile tugging at the corners of his lips now.
"Hey, that totally sounded like a proposal, you know?" she replied, clearly enjoying herself.
Tsukishima rubbed his eyes, trying to hide the fact that he was smiling now. “For the record, I’m not proposing over the phone. I have more class than that.”
“Oh?” She giggled softly. “So you’re saying it’s coming, then? Noted.”
He let out a tired chuckle, the tension completely gone now. "You’re impossible. Before even proposing, we should finish university and move together."
"I wouldn't mind that."
Tsukishima smiled widened. "Moving with me?"
(Y/N) shrugged, blushing slightly.
"It would be..."
"Nice, right?"
"Tsukishima Kei, this isn't a proposal but are you asking me to move in with you?"
“I want you to move in with me when you get back,” he said, the words rushing out before he could second-guess them.
There was a beat of silence on the other end of the line, and his heart thudded in his chest. But then the silence was broken by a quiet, disbelieving laugh.
“Wait… are you actually serious?” (Y/N) asked, voice shaky with surprise.
He let out a long breath, raking his fingers through his hair, trying to sound casual even though his heart was racing. “You heard me. I want you to move in with me. This whole long-distance thing... I hate it. And I don’t want to spend another day apart when you come back. So, move in.”
For a moment, there was nothing but quiet breathing on the line, and he felt his stomach twist. But then, through the screen, he saw her face light up, eyes wide with disbelief and joy. And before he knew it, she was on her feet, jumping up and down in the hotel room like she couldn’t contain herself.
“Are you serious?!” she squealed, still bouncing around, a huge grin plastered across her face. “Kei, are you serious right now?!”
Tsukishima leaned back on the couch, watching (Y/N) through FaceTime with a grin that he couldn’t quite hold back. She looked so ridiculously happy, practically glowing, and it made his heart swell in a way he hadn’t felt in a long time. He chuckled, shaking his head. “I’m not joking, am I?”
She was still jumping, excitement overflowing as she let out a little scream of happiness as tears ran through her cheeks, throwing her hands in the air. “Oh my God! Kei! Yes, of course, I’ll move in with you! I am crying because... because you just made me the happiest woman in the world."
He couldn’t stop the laugh that bubbled up from his chest as he watched her practically bouncing off the walls. “You’re going to break something at this rate,” he teased, his voice lighter than it had been in weeks.
“I don’t care!” she shot back, grinning ear to ear as she finally stopped jumping, catching her breath. “I’m so happy right now, I could scream it from the window! Oh my God, we are actually going to live together, what the hell? We need to plan a lot of things."
Tsukishima smirked, shaking his head again, but the warmth in his chest remained. “Yeah, yeah. Just don’t get too excited. I don’t have that much closet space.”
"Are we going to live in your apartment? Or should we share mine? Well, we have to think about your future work at the museum and Yamaguchi and Yachi. Oh, also the fact that I'll spend another year at uni trying to complete the book. Maybe we should look for one-bedroom apartments around the area, right? Actually, one-bedroom apartment may be small for us, something with at least two bedrooms. Oh! We can use that second bedroom to do a office space for both of us! Yamaguchi is leaving the apartment anyway, right? Well, we'll see." She laughed, rambling already about future plans, her joy so contagious that it made Tsukishima's heart feel lighter than it had in months. “While we look for apartments, you better clear out some drawers for me. I'm not moving from your apartment the second I get back in Japan!”
He couldn’t help but smile, the sound of her laughter filling the empty apartment through his phone. For once, the distance didn’t feel so suffocating.
The idea of her being with him, of her sharing the same space every day, made the months apart seem worth it. It made the wait bearable, knowing that soon, she’d be coming home not just for a visit, but to stay with him forever, he hoped.
“I miss you, Kei,” she whispered, voice almost breaking through the distance between you. “I can’t wait to come home to you”
“I miss you too,” he said, the words easier now. "I always do."
User 1.
YTA. Sorry but saying that while she's away is just going to hurt both of you. I feel like you should have waited until she's back home.
User 2.
I feel like I'm missing some context here. What did she say after you mentioned it? Btw, when are you proposing? that totally sounded like a proposal, do you have any idea? haha
(OP) tsuk113_: I'm getting to answer this after she's finally back home, sorry haha. Well, she started crying. I got really stressed about it because we couldn't talk that much afterwards but she called as soon as she could and we talked about it. Some big changes are happening in our lives at the moment but they are really good and I'm excited about them.
About the proposal... We'll see. Soon? haha
User 2.
Cool! Happy for you, man! YTA-ish at the beginning but not now lol
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three coffees please - verstappen / ricciardo
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(gif not mine @maxgovroom)
pairing: max x fem driver!reader x daniel
summary: Max, Daniel, and you. Inseparable. Their bond from childhood rivals to best friends to lovers.
themes/warnings: alcohol, no smut, domestic, fluff, some angst, hint of daniel being possessive, daniel's tattoos, no use of y/n THIS IS FICTION
wc: 1.8k
a/n: craving maxiel x reader that isn't straight up smut so enjoy this completely self indulgent fic. also trying to get back into writing so if you have request pls put them through <3
read on ao3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/59444749
You and Max grew up racing together in karting. Your families weren’t friends but you two gravitated towards each other after a few years of hard racing and a fair share of head butting. Your shared love of cats really began your relationship. 
You were usually the only girl at the track so you were subject to endless teasing from the other boys about many things, including your close friendship with Max. It didn’t really matter though, you or Max ran them off track eventually and the comments and snide remarks stopped. 
Your relationship with Max never grew from more than a friendship, except for that one time when you were thirteen and you shared each other’s first kiss behind a building behind a building before a race, for good luck of course. You and Max ended up sharing a 1-2. 
Max ended up joining the Red Bull Driver Academy whilst you joined the Mercedes Driver Academy. The rival academies were of no concern to either of you and had long ago figured out how to manage your relationship on and off track. 
Max ended up making his Formula 1 debut a year earlier than you. This was when he properly made Daniel’s acquaintance. 
Daniel. Charming. Loud. Handsome. Cheerful. The Australian had the motorsport world wrapped around his tattooed fingers, including Max. Many of your phone calls with Max that year involved a funny anecdote about Daniel’s antics that week. 
You joined the grid a year later, driving for Williams and wanting to prove yourself for the Mercedes seat. No one was more excited than Max, eager to have his childhood best friend and now F1 best friend in the same place for twenty something weekends a year. 
You finally met Daniel that year. He was everything you thought and more. His kindness and genuine nature surprised you, having pulled you aside for coffee and a quick chat during pre-season testing. After all, it wasn’t long ago that he was a young, nervous rookie. 
You were sucked into the shiny whirlpool of Daniel Ricciardo soon after. Hangouts with Max in his Monaco apartment on off weeks turned into the three of you spending hours on each other’s living room floors. On the days where distance separated the three of you, Facetime calls and gaming sessions were the norm. 
You and Daniel started seeing each other three years into your F1 career. At this point, you had lost the last of your baby fat and had grown into a beautiful young woman. Daniel had always thought you were beautiful, but recently, you had become something otherworldly. 
It started after someone’s birthday celebration in some Monaco nightclub. You and Daniel danced together as you always had, but Daniel’s grip on your hips was tighter and the way he leaned down on your neck was closer than he had ever been. He eyed off other men, daring them to try and take a piece, knowing he’d come out on top. 
Max was oblivious to the entire situation, too blind drunk to notice the lingering touches as you and Daniel helped him into bed at the end of the night.
A light hand on your hip, a longing glance in the dim light of the kitchen ended with you in the guest room, wrapped in Daniel’s arms as he worshiped you until the early hours of the morning. 
Daniel greeted you with a cup of coffee, an old Red Bull shirt he kept at Max’s, and a joke that you looked good in the red and dark blue. 
You two started up a breakfast in the kitchen, bringing out a hungover and bleary eyed Max from his room. Max didn’t catch the look shared between yourself and Daniel, a silent agreement to not tell Max about the night before. Max ignored the Red Bull shirt with the giant 3 on the back, chalking it up to not wanting to wear alcohol ridden clothes, rather than a sign of Daniel’s claim on you. 
You and Daniel continued seeing each other for the next year. Well, “seeing” each other in loose terms. You kept it casual, aware of the challenges of romance as an F1 driver, more so between two drivers and even more so when you’re the first female F1 driver in what felt like forever. Still, for what it’s worth, both of you never saw another person. 
Max began catching on soon enough. A flash of pink fabric behind a closing door of Daniel’s room, much too small for one of Daniel’s loud shirts. Fading bruises on your chest, only noticeable up close on yacht days in the summer. Max seeing Daniel going into your room late Saturday night and seeing you two walk into the paddock together the next morning. 
Safe to say, Max was confused. He wasn’t upset that you and Daniel were hanging out without him. It would be more weird if you two weren’t. But the nature of your relationship was confusing to him, enough for him to begin digging. 
Now, Max wasn’t one to snoop, but he’s known you long enough for you not to care. You were in the shower after some shared training which was good enough an opportunity for him. Your password remained the same, but Max scrolled past the games he’d play on your phone to your photo album. Nothing out of the ordinary, some dumb selfies and pictures from the paddock and Monaco.
Two photos caught his eye. The first, a dark room illuminated by the flash from your phone. You were lying against your sheets, hair messy on the pillow behind you. You were smiling, eyes tired, but there was an unmistakable hand with a rose tattoo around your neck - Daniel. The second, less obvious but still recognisable to Max. The morning light was streaming through your window and a man sat on the edge of your bed, his back to the camera. The defining curls were definitely Daniels and the muscles on his back were the same ones Max had been admiring for years. 
Max put the phone back where he found it. He had the confirmation he wanted but it didn’t settle the heavy pit in his stomach. Both you and Daniel were attractive people, there was no denying that. He’d even caught himself looking at you both several times throughout the years. Sometimes he was delusional enough to think the looks were reciprocated, but that would be in his wildest dreams. 
The feeling was no longer confusion. It was a strange myriad of emotions he’d only felt in fleeting moments, quickly shut down by his brain. The dam is open now. A feeling longing for his best friends, the people he loved most and could never define his relationship with. Jealousy, not directed at a single person, but perhaps at both of you in a way Max could not understand yet. Betrayal, for not being told or trusted enough with this information, when Max could tell the both of you anything. 
You could tell something was bothering Max, but you never pushed. He’d come to you when he was ready. Years of knowing Max has taught you enough of his emotional processing. Still, you brought it up to Daniel one night in bed. He assumed it was stress at Red Bull, but you thought otherwise. 
It came to a boil at Daniel’s apartment one night. The three of you organised a casual homemade dinner. You answered the door with dishevelled hair, blaming it on training earlier in the day but if anything, it was from certain activities prior to Max’s arrival. 
All three of you had a few drinks that night. Max was sober enough to know what was happening but had enough alcohol to count as liquid courage. 
Max sat on a beanbag on the floor, eyeing you and Daniel on the couch. You sat on the end with a glass of wine, Daniel right next to you, thighs touching yours despite the spacious couch. 
I know you two have been hooking up. 
Shock. Panic. Backs against a corner. Words stuck in a clogged throat. 
Apologies streamed out, from you and Daniel. Your hand ended up in Max’s hair, your other holding his hand. Daniel on Max’s other side, holding his hand and arm. Tears came from all three of you. 
Max sat there, almost numb and resigned. He was hurt, but he also hated seeing you and Daniel like this. Maybe it was the alcohol, maybe the heightened emotions or the unholy combination of both. 
Consequences be damned. The three of you will emerge from the aftermath later, like always. Max just needed his people. 
Max leaned in to you and cut you off mid sentence with a hard kiss. Another round of shock, then confusion from which emerged a feeling of familiarity. These were the same lips that touched yours all those years ago. This was Max, who always had your back. Your Maxie. You kissed him back and the grip he had on your hand tightened. 
Max pulled away, breathless and eyes wide. But breathing was you, and breathing was Daniel so he pulled Daniel in by the curls on the back of his head. Daniel pressed in as much as he could because this was Max. His Max, and when he had no one, he always had Max. 
They had each other that night, making up for emotions and lost time, where nothing else mattered but the three of you. 
Max lay in between you and Daniel in the sobering dawn light. You leaned on your forearm, running your fingers through Max’s hair. Daniel lay half asleep, cuddled into Max’s side. 
I need you. Both. 
Max spoke those words into the ceiling. A crossroads, that would forever change the trajectory of your lives. 
Daniel blinked sleepily at you. Another silent communication, that perhaps Max was the missing piece between the both of you; the catalyst for the next step. 
We’ll have you.
You layed back down, tucking yourself into Max’s side. Daniel tightened his grip around Max’s waist and drifted off into sleep. 
Life became a little simpler after. You all kept your own apartments, but every night was a sleepover with your best friends. Things eventually started migrating between places; toothbrushes in mugs, each other’s hobbies and crafts and everyone’s favourite snacks having a permanent stash in each other’s apartments. 
Daniel liked to begin mornings by bringing in coffee for the three of you. He blamed the Italian in him when Max protested one early morning and tried to bury himself further into the sheets and you. 
He was an extrovert and a lover at heart, so it wasn’t a surprise when Daniel’s personal team found out about the relationship first. The public would never know, they were long ago used to seeing the three of you out and about, even when the catch ups turned into dinner dates. 
Daniel was a giver, proven to him on the night Max won his first championship. A quiet moment on the balcony of his hotel room, watching you and Max slow dance, the lights of the city reflecting on your slinky black dress. He realised he would give anything for you and Max. 
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idyllcy · 2 days
tomfoolery - professor!simon riley x professor!reader
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Professor Riley has a tradition that is kept nicely under wraps by his previous students. No one warns for it, no one tells you for it.
His voice changes every April first.
He shows up in class, opens his mouth, but as soon as he speaks, it is not his voice. It's the sound of someone else, a voice that most classes do not recognize. Yet, as if it were all some puppet show, he articulates the whole lesson, most classes frazzled when he pauses to ask if there are any questions.
The worst part? The voice answers the questions raised too. Perfectly, as though this whole thing were truly some play.
He doesn't end class early. He doesn't wrap the class up.
He stays behind to chat with the students, the different voices still smooth with each answer he gives, and only at the very end when the rest of the class disappears does the voice disappear and his original one return.
Most students assume he just uses a voice changer under the mask he wears in his day to day.
He knows, though, that there's a decade worth of time spent together and a deep sense of being loved as being known, all in the form of a small speaker in his mouth and on his throat. You understand all of his habits and his movements while you're tucked in the back of the classroom dressed as a student, winking at Simon when his eyes meet yours.
Everything, you know.
And in turn, your class gets the pleasure of being dismissed early as Simon pretends there's an emergency you have to attend to, mask off and face bare in security gear as you try your best to hold back a laugh.
"Faculty said they need you."
"I have class?"
Said emergency being to have you both stub your toes from all the furniture in your shared office being moved one inch to the right on your side, and one inch to the left on his side.
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