#have the sickfic i decided to write as projection lol
confirmation bias, and other fallacies
(Friday Night Funkin')
Words: 759
Girlfriend's sick in bed after some (heavily implied) poor decisions she and Boyfriend made on a date. Psychic is left to tend to her and try to understand where she's coming from, when she says this is the boy in whose hands she'd put her life.
i did not mean for this to get so long oops- also i am indeed in the process of finishing the Aldryx birthday fic! i've just been super busy and hit with a bad case of writer's block! apologies for the delay and i'll be sure to get it out as soon as i can!
Psyfic taglist: @y010isaghost, @s0methingmoonlit, @flurriethefox, @hoodiehydra
Let me know if you'd like to be added to/removed from the taglist!
"Sit up straight," Psychic cautions as he sets a tray of bread and tomato soup on the blanket between them, taking a seat on the edge of Girlfriend's bed and letting her disentangle herself from the sheets.
She sneezes. Sneezes again. "Thanks, Psyche," she smiles before sneezing a third time, and that somehow makes the last few hours looking after her worth it. Girlfriend reaches for the spoon and takes a slurp of the soup. "This is nice."
"That's good to hear," he says, tracing the stitching in her maroon comforter. "Next time, don't run the entire perimeter of Newgrounds immediately after swimming in a frozen lake." He can't stop a little bit of snark from entering his tone, even with her.
"It was an accident," Girlfriend mutters defensively. "I already told you that. And I made it out fine. Boyfriend was there to help me."
Boyfriend. Always Boyfriend was there and Boyfriend saved me and Boyfriend was so brave for my sake. Has she forgotten the eighteen years her parents, Psychic spent protecting her, teaching her to protect herself? Scorned, worthless, gone? She's lucky her parents aren't home to hear her.
"It still shouldn't have happened to begin with," Psychic narrows his eyes at her but keeps his tone calm. "And he may have been there this time, but what if someday something does happen and he's not? What if there's nothing he can do? You have to be more careful, Girlfriend. You have to be able to look out for yourself."
She scoffs, blowing a lock of hair out of her eyes and sniffing a little. Psychic gives her the tissue box. "I can," she grumbles, blowing her nose and dropping a wad of Kleenex into the bin by her bed. "I'm not helpless just because he's around to help me, Psychic. I'm just safer because of him. I can rely on him, that doesn't make me weak. I thought you would understand that..." She takes another, smaller sip of soup and stuffs a slice of bread in her mouth, avoiding his gaze. A small, hurt frown creases her face.
Guilt creeps up on Psychic again, frustratingly enough, where it never used to. It's not his place to lecture her.
I wasn't lecturing her, I was only expressing my concerns over her safety and his recklessness—
It's not his place.
That should be enough for him. Boyfriend was there and he wasn't, big deal. Girlfriend is safe, albeit with a fever and cold that she'll recover from overnight. She's a good kid. A strong kid.
She has someone to look out for her now, without the inherent judgement her family has, including him. Psychic's aware of that. Having been around since before her birth, there's no way his devotion hasn't distorted his own view of her. How to protect her. And everyone deserves someone to trust, outside of that echo chamber of assumptions and expectations.
Just because it's Boyfriend doesn't make that any less true. She's right, Psychic of all people should understand.
"I'm sorry." Girlfriend's always preferred for him to say it outright, not hide his feelings behind formalities and language her father would use. "I shouldn't doubt you. I do understand, Girlfriend. But please... remember to stay safe. Both of you. I'm glad things are getting better for you, but it's up to you to keep it that way."
She gives him a tentative grin. "It's okay, Psyche. Does that—" She sneezes. "Does that mean you called Boyfriend?"
Psychic rolls his eyes. "Of course I did." Boyfriend was out of his apartment and dashing across the city before Psychic had a chance to hang up. Possibly the only respectable thing that shrimp's ever done. "He's on his way. Finish your food, Girlfriend. I'll make you some tea."
When she's done, Psychic reaches out with his telekinesis and lifts her tray. "Get some rest," he encourages softly, brushing her bangs out of her eyes. Her forehead is still warm. Psychic lets his magic soothe some of her discomfort. "Your boyfriend will be here soon. I'll come back with your tea in a minute."
He switches off the ceiling light as he leaves but her bedside lamp continues to glow as she snuggles deeper within the covers. She's already asleep by the time he comes back.
Psychic doesn't wake her; the girl needs her rest. He leaves her tea on the nightstand to warm again later, and remains outside her room, resolute to keep her safe and comforted, no matter who he shares that role with now.
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ANOTHER fic question hehehehe....im so interested in ur Joly sick fic actually....did he manage to diagnose himself!! Did no one believe him until he actually started showing clear symptoms and he was like "I told you so!! 🤮🤮"....and...is he gonna get better? 🥺
LKJAFSKJHLSLFHALKJFHSAGLK OKAY YOU'RE GONNA BE IN FOR A RIDE. I have not only one, but multiple (this remains to be known how many) Joly sickfics XD
Once again below a cut because... I'm scared of how many I'm going to find in my drafts- (Sickfics mayyy be my favorite thing to write)
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Even the Darkest Nights will End (I shortened the title significantly here lmao) - The one I talk about the most, and thought was ALMOST done... almost 2k words ago... (Enjolras, Joly, and Grantaire are now bothering Combeferre for stickers, so idek what's happening anymore) The summery is quite old, I think I wrote it 300 words in, and with a 103 degree fever (which is how this whole fic started tbh) XD This has also been one of my pet projects since... uhh... january? so there's a LOT of lore
It starts out with him just sitting in bed trying (keyword trying) to sleep, he's already very clearly ill, He's already home tested himself for several different things, and they all came back negative, so he's very adamantly trying to convince himself that it's just a cold, nothing worse. He's banished Bossuet to a different bed in hopes that he won't get sick (He will. It's inevitable, they share EVERYTHING), and he's feeling very lonely :((
And I've noticed, at least in my experience, that anxiety about these things is SO MUCH worse when it's the middle of the night, and everyone's asleep, and you don't want to wake anyone up to talk you down from thinking it's worse than it really is. This is the really angsty part of the fic if you can't tell already XD
Plus, a little snippet, I don't think I've shared anywhere yet! (do be warned mentions of worrying about throwing up)
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Enter Enjolras: He's working late, and when he sees Joly he's very worried he's getting a lecture on healthy sleep habits (I say as if I know what good sleep habits are) And then as soon as he sees that Joly's been crying he instantly launches into "Oh shit my friend is anxious time to fuss over them" mode"
He and Joly proceed to have a very nice conversation that was surprisingly theraputic to write (I may have projected just a tad), and then Enj decides he's going to get Joly a little something small to eat. at 4am. Leading to one of my favorite scenes here XD
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And now we have Combeferre!! :D And Joly's feeling a bit more cheerful now that he's not alone, left to stew in his anxiety.
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I forgot I wrote this, but now I'm cackling over the mental image of lost duckling Enjy
Combeferre quickly banishes Enjolras because he's hovering, and things get angsty for a minute again (NOT RELATED TO THE BANISHMENT OF ENJ)
And here's Enjolras being autistic about the way Ferre's clothes smell :)
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And then everything is good again, and Joly and Enj manage to convince Ferre to give them a sticker (And then Grantaire comes in to be like "If you give me a sticker too, I won't tell any of the others you gave out stickers")
And that's where this one ends off, so far lol. Joly does in fact get better in this one :D
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AND THEN WE HAVE THIS ONE :D (don't mind the title or summery, I started it after being awake for 30+ hours)
This one is nowhere near as developed as ETDNWE, but it's a Everyone Lives, No One Dies au set in canon era, about ehhhhhh, maybe 3-5 months after the barricades? I'm still researching when Cholera ended there, and I think I found that there was another, very small jump in cases around Nov. 1832 (where all of them died), but don't quote me on that, I haven't looked at those sources in a while, so I could be misremembering.
Joly ofc is very nervous when the symptoms here start, since.. Cholera. But Bossuet keeps trying to gently assure him it's going to be alright/maybe it's just anxiety
But then things are worse by morning, and Joly scares the absolute Crap out of Bossuet by refusing to tell him what he thinks he has. He KNOWS. what it is though, he's seen it enough times for there to be no mistake whatsoever.
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And Bossuet proceeds to leave the house before even getting dressed (Though he does grab his hat on the way out) And heads to go to the house on Rue Plumet to find Enjolras, who ofc will know where Combeferre is, cutting down the search time significantly.
(This is indeed and Enjosette siblings au as well)
And that's about as far as I've plotted for that one. and as for if Joly will be alright... >:3 We will see. *ominous voice*
Ty for the ask!! :D I always love discussing the sickfics XD, and now I'm very workpilled for both of them, so we'll see how that goes-
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eclectic-sassycoweyes · 5 months
Sliding into nice ask week at the last moment! Which of your fics are you the most proud of and why?
Hi Andie, thank you for this nice ask!!
Well hm, I have actually only 5 published works on my Ao3 and they are all from my time in the Stucky fandom.
Anyway, if I’m going to pick from those, it would probably be ‘light a real thing on me’ and the sequel ‘your kisses lift me higher’ just bc I had fun writing them and really let myself be silly and playful in the process and practice writing both smut, crack, dialogue and descriptiveness and I did think parts of them turned out pretty good!
I haven’t been able to finish and publish really for Lone Star yet because my life has been chaotic since I decided to join this fandom BUT I do have some ideas/projects in the works that I am theoretically proud of lol?
They include: - an exploration of Carlos journey with his 🍑 in his relationship with TK, with past-present parallels which include fun and awkwardness and tenderness and difficulties letting go of control along with some shaving kink😳 discovery and open conversations about body hair and possibly douching, and also some angt-related sexual issues that they try to work out. - a little silly wedding anniversary fic/ending-in-sickfic about them fighting about who is the worst snorer, and. - a ‘those can last a while’ fic about them not being able to keep their hands off each other and being in their honeymoon phase for 4 years (or however long they’ve actually been together lol I have no idea now that I think about it😅)
I am very proud of how these fics turn out in my fantasies about finishing them, the only problem is I have to write them first and while I somewhat trust in my abilities to do the ideas justice to some degree at least, I’m bad at accepting that getting really good at writing takes a lot of practice 😅
Anyway, that is my long and rambling answer to this very simple question hehe🙃 thanks again!
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adenthemage · 1 year
tell me about the works in progress you have
Oh shit thanks for indulging me anon!! I've been super busy with work lately, but has that stopped me from starting new projects? No because i am a foole. So I have a decent bunch of them stacked up atm
Seeing as I am in tmnt hell with no end in sight yet, a majority of it has been centered on fanworks for that! In the art department I have:
-draw the rottmnt gang in your outfits
-just. SO many screenshots I wanna redraw
-animating rottmnt boys as youtubers I think are funny (<- this one is VERY CLOSE to being done, I just have a few segments I'm dragging my feet on. I have the boards I just don't wanna liiiinnnne)
-animation sent to a Thriller remix focusing on the 03 villains. This one is heavily inspired by a PHENOMENAL Jojo animation of which I will be plastering all over the promo for when my version is finished. I don't even watch Jjba (yet) but I am obsessed with that video. Part of me is excited to finish just so I can show more people that video. I am stealing so many techniques from it
-I have a TH storage account full of characters I mean to draw as warmups, but I keep forgetting. They're either set to be sold (and adding art gives them more value) or I just don't have anything for them to do yet and they need a little detail (sometimes drawing helps me flesh out a character's personality and backstory, by way of it reflecting in their design)
-Another TOH six fanarts! The video of me speeddrawing the first one went viral on both Youtube and Tiktok, so I had plenty of character requests to fulfill. I've decided on the ones I want to do, but it's been hard getting motivated to work on it-- presumably because I've moved fixations and brain gets very mad when I think about anything else
On the writing side, I've found myself being a bit more engaged with a little community that's made up of a lot of talented fic writers! I've never had the skill or motivation to finish a fic, but recently I've been trying my hand at fixing that, largely because of their influence. I have a few I'm considering polishing and one I'm nearly ready to actually post!!
-Fire and Stones is, I guess a character study, and the one I'm hoping to post very soon. It examines Agent Bishop in phases of life that aren't really represented in the show, with an emphasis on his odd relationship with death and all the different ways he's experienced it (as in every conceivable way except actually dying, himself.) I'm a little iffy on the first chapter because it takes place so early on, there are no canon characters even alive to interact with. I worry it won't be as fun or engaging as the next two, of which I'm actually pretty happy with! (This is rare as I am a very opinionated mfer and my own work is not immune to my strong need to critique.) I guess I'm just overthinking it because I intend to post it publicly and I'm a little nervous about it. I've never shared any of my fanfiction before!
-a new piece that spawned from Fire and Stones is a "sickfic" that begins hitting the usual fluffy beats with a hint of strangeness, and then quickly devolves into angst and political drama as the sick character in question becomes sure they were actually poisoned and this is an attempted assassination. It will be fun, if I can manage to stick with such a long pace.
-There is also a fic set in the 2012 tmnt universe, heavily inspired by another fic out there where Donnie and Mikey run away and start their own life and begin to heal. I absolutely adored it, and after discussing it with a buddy we were like 'what if they hid out in EPF with Bishop lol' and then it spiraled into a found family drama hoorayyyyy. Most of what I have so far is just waxing poetic about utrom Bishop, though, because I like him and am apparently allergic to writing povs in anyone else's voice.
-ok so. Confession time. I like Rick and Morty. During one of the season finales a villain gives Morty the option to join him and escape Rick forever, and genuinely I feel it is ooc that Morty did not take them up on it, because they were RIGHT. Anyway I have the beginning of a canon divergence fic where he does accept the offer. I actually really like what I have so far! It's just one scene, but at the very least I might try finish the one setup chapter. I might never do more, but I really like what I do have and wouldn't mind showing it off.
-I have a little self-indulgent story about Naruto OCs learning the basics in genin training. I have one scene done but it kinda tapered off in the next rip
I love all my projects but I am always so tired from work I just end up not working on them. But I hope I can have some cool stuff to show sooner rather than later! May it bring someone joy
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ohnomybreadsticks · 4 years
Writing Masterlist - Pinned
Decided to finally give in to my urge to do further organization and finally make a masterlist. All of my writing is available on AO3 or under the tag bready’s fic, but under the cut I have links to everything organized by fandom (dbh/witcher/other) and series, as well as brief summaries. 
Pairings are not ordered by top/bottom, they’re just in whatever order my brain decides when I type lol
Please read the tags on each fic on AO3 for warnings. I write a lot of AUs, some kinkfic, and a variety of content with ratings from G to E
All fics are finished unless specifically marked 
Requests are closed except for special occasions - you can check my blog header to see if I’ve opened them!
Witcher Pairings: Geralt/Jaskier, Geralt/Jaskier/Yennefer, Eskel/Lambert, Eskel/Lambert/Cahir, Eskel/Lambert/Cahir/Aiden, Lambert/Aiden, Calanthe/Eist, Triss/Yennefer, Geralt/Everyone, Fringilla/Renfri, Cahir & Fringilla, Jaskier/&Renfri, Aiden & Renfri
DBH Pairings: Reed900, Hankcon, Polycho, Polycho/Chloe, Kam60, Allen60, SiMarkus, Hank/Gavin/Connor/Nines, Kamski/Allen/60, Chloe/North, Ralph/Jerrie(s), Hank & Connor, RK1700, Hank/Kamski, Reed1700, Assorted Rarepairs
Long post ahead - enjoy! :D
The Witcher: Oneshots 
Geralt Has Two Hands - T, 3K, Geralt/Jaskier/Yennefer - Modern AU from Jaskier and Yennefer’s perspectives as they both try to woo a certain stoic idiot.
Witchers Don’t Get Sick - T, 1K, Geralt/Jaskier - Sickfic where Geralt really shouldn’t be allowed to function on his own
More Than Just a Blogger - T, 1K, Geralt/Jaskier - Modern AU in which Geralt realizes just how much Jaskier’s putting on the line by travelling with him
Too Tired to Ask, but Not to Receive - E, 3K, Geralt/Jaskier - What kind of Witcher fic writer would I be if I didn’t write a ‘Jaskier pampers Geralt in a nondescript inn’?
Call in the Cavalry - T, 1K, Eskel/Lambert, Eskel/Lambert/Cahir - Modern AU where two idiots might need a little bit of help escaping an IKEA
Is Kindness a Weakness? - G, 1K, Calanthe/Eist - Modern AU where Calanthe and Eist are both high-powered business owners
Witchers are Bad at Math - G, 1K, Eskel/Lambert - Lambert is a bit of an idiot, but his heart is in the right place
The Benefits of a Broken Ankle - T, 1K, Aiden/Lambert - Modern AU texting fic in which Lambert has a broken ankle and Aiden is comforting in a strange way
Sharing is Caring - E, 4K, Geralt/Jaskier/Yennefer - Modern AU where Jaskier and Yennefer begrudgingly join forces to show Geralt the time of his life
It’s the Little Things that Count - G, 1K, Cahir/Eskel/Lambert/Aiden - Modern AU that explores how people who care a lot about each other resolve the very silly fights that inevitably spring from living together
Sharing the Load - T, 1K, Eskel/Lambert - Non-smutty dom/sub where Lambert takes care of Eskel
You Just Haven’t Earned It Yet - T, 1K, Calanthe/Eist - Modern AU veterinarian Eist falls head-over-heels for fire chief Calanthe
Destiny is Bullshit (Or is It?) - T, 1K, Lambert/Aiden - Finally got to write a modern AU tattoo parlor/flower shop fic!
What’s a Queen to Do? - T, 1K, Calanthe/Eist - Calanthe is thirsty as hell for her husband
Eskel’s Guide to Refereeing - E, 2K, Geralt/Jaskier/Eskel, Aiden/Lambert/Eskel - Eskel does what he has to do to decide a bet between two very horny couples
The Smell of Coffee and the Sound of a Meow - G, 2K, Lambert/Eskel, Lambert/Eskel/Cahir/Aiden - Lambert and Eskel run a coffee shop and fall in love with two ornery regulars
Shattered Like Glass - M, 1K, Cahir/Lambert/Eskel/Aiden - Cahir whump featuring a car crash
The Main Attraction - E, 4K, Geralt/Everyone + Geralt/Jaskier, Triss/Yennefer, Cahir/Lambert/Eskel/Aiden - The gang has a gangbang where everyone has fun with Geralt!
Don’t Shut Up - T, 1K, Geralt/Jaskier - Military AU where Jaskier is a sniper and Geralt is a demolitions expert
Pieces of Silly, Useless Joy - G, 1K, Geralt/Jaskier/Yennefer (offscreen Yennefer), Lambert/Aiden - Jaskier teaches Geralt, Eskel, and Lambert about the joys of stuffed animals
Hungry for More of You - M, 1K, Calanthe/Eist - Calanthe experiments with feeding Eist throughout the day
The Luckiest Woman on the Continent - E, 1K, Triss/Yennefer - Magic tentacle pwp!
A Simple Token - T, 2K, Eskel/Lambert, Cahir/Aiden, eventual Eskel/Lambert/Aiden/Cahir - Cahir takes his best friend who he is also in love with to a Ren Faire to meet his occasional booty calls
Roses Are Just Too Cliche - T, 1K, Fringilla/Renfri, Lambert/Aiden - Aiden is supposed to meet up with a blind date, but identifying each other with a rose might have been a bad idea.
Learning to Trust is Hard (pun intended) - E, 1K, Lambert/Aiden/Eskel - Lambert proposes a little bit of consensual somnophilia
A Fluffy Mystery - G, ~800, Cahir/Eskel/Lambert/Aiden - Lambert and Eskel get sent on mysterious shopping missions by Cahir
A Viper’s Tale - E, 2K, Cahir/Eskel/Lambert/Aiden, Letho & Cahir - Witcher!Cahir AU get-together featuring animal-trait witcher mutagens
Along the Road to Blaviken - T, 2K, gen/pre-slash Jaskier + Renfri - Witcher!Jaskier AU where he and Renfri meet in the woods outside Blaviken
The Witcher: Series
Getting By Together - a Geraskier modern AU featuring self-conscious Jaskier and supportive Yennefer
More Than Enough - E, 5K, Geralt/Jaskier - Jaskier has a hard time believing he deserves Geralt some days, but Geralt has other plans
He’s Not Going Anywhere - G, 1K, Geralt/Jaskier - Jaskier and Yennefer’s first meeting marks the start of a much-needed friendship
Everything’s Going Swimmingly - a modern mermaid AU for my favorite rarepair ship of Lambert/Eskel/Cahir (+ possibly more)
Something Special - T, 1K, Lambert/Eskel + Cahir - Cahir moves to a small fishing town and makes a few very wild discoveries
Love at First Splash - G, 1K, Lambert/Eskel - Lambert falls in love at first sight with a very handsome merman
Full of Love (and Other Things) - E, 3K, Lambert/Eskel/Cahir - it’s just ovi porn!!
Who’s to Blame? - T, 1K, Lambert/Eskel/Cahir - An unfortunate accident has Cahir second-guessing his place in the relationship
Just a Call Away - G, 1K, Lambert/Eskel/Cahir, Geralt/Jaskier - Lambert calls in a favor from his brother, who calls in a favor from his sort of ex, who calls in a favor from...
Testing the Limits of a Charmed Life - E, 3K, Lambert/Eskel/Cahir - more ovi porn, but this time heavy on the belly kink!
How to Woo a Bandit Bird - G, 1K, Fringilla/Renfri - Fringilla is just trying to enjoy life in a small town without getting harassed by birds
Please Don’t Take My Man - E, 3K, Geralt/Jaskier/Yennefer - These three finally fall into bed together, and Jaskier gets pegged!
Cats are Notoriously Lazy Creatures - T, 3K, Eskel/Lambert/Cahir, Fringill/Renfri, Renfri & Aiden - Aiden gets tricked into helping with the task of getting Eskel some magical legs
Grad School Blues - a modern grad school AU focused on Cahir & Fringilla’s friendship
The Only People Who Really Matter - G, 1K, Fringilla & Cahir - Fringilla and Cahir attempt to set up a movie night for the department
The Infinite Problems of Wrangling Faculty Members - G, 2K, Fringilla & Cahir - Our intrepid duo have to wrangle faculty into sitting down for interviews
Detroit: Become Human: Oneshots
The Bottom Alliance - E, 6K, Hank/Connor/Gavin/Nines - Connor and Gavin team up to give their boyfriends a night to remember
Hand in Hand - G, 1K, Markus/North/Simon/Josh/Chloe - A soft and fluffy Valentines fic
On Your Mark, Get Set, Baaaake! - G, 4K, Gavin/Nines - This is just me projecting my love of GBBO onto these two 
Wednesday Evenings - T, 1K, Gavin/Nines platonic or romantic - Gavin realizes he may be spending time with people whose values he no longer shares
Someone’s Gotta Have Standards - T, 1K, Gavin/Nines - Gavin’s cat weighs in on his new boyfriend
Of Bees and Flowers - T, 1K, Ralph/Jerry(s) - Ralph makes some new friends and lives the quiet life he deserves
Love Me Like One of Your French Artists - G, 1K, Markus/Simon - Human AU where Markus hates attending his gallery openings
To Be Here With You - T, 1K, Kamski/Connor60 - just a fluffy day for two people who really need it
To Love and be Loved in Return - G, 1K, Chloe/North + Markus/Simon/Josh/North/Chloe - The girls get snowed in on their way to a family vacation and get to spend some quality time together
August AU Challenge Ficlets - T, 24K, Various Pairings - 33 ficlets, each a different AU and a different pairings. Lots of rarepairs! Index in Chapter 1
Do Dogs Resemble Their Owners? - T, 3K, Hank/Connor, Gavin/Nines, Allen/Connor60 - Three small ficlets in a dog-walker human AU
Making It Festive - E, 4K, Hank/Connor - A little bit of halloween smut with a dash of happy family hankcon
Autumn Winds, Auburn Love - G, 1K, North/Chloe - Human AU where Chloe and North get the cozy life together that they deserve
Learning How to Take Your Time - T, 2K, Gavin/Nines - Human AU where Gavin is forced to take a vacation
Best Laid Plans are Oft in Vain - T, 2K, Kamski/Connor60 - Clyde tries to organize the perfect Valentines Day, but it doesn’t quite work out
What He Deserves - E, 1K, Kamski/Allen/Connor60 - Sixty pushes a bit too far with his bratty behavior and has to deal with the consequences
Shovel Talk - T, 1K, Gavin/Nines - Elijah gets to play the protective older brother role for once
A Question of Size - G, 1K, Gavin/Nines - Tina is a good friend and Nines is a good boyfriend, what more could Gavin ask for?
Markus Manfred Makes Good and Makes Out - E, 12K, Markus/Simon/Josh/North/Chloe, PERMANENTLY UNFINISHED - Human AU where Markus keeps getting lost in the Frankfurt airport
Am I Human or Merely Alive? - G, 2K, Hank & Connor platonic - Connor grapples with the reality of his life post-revolution
Seals are Boyfriend Shaped, Actually - T, 6K, Gavin/Nines - Gavin is a selkie with a really bad attitude
Cyberlife’s Butcher - G, 1K, Gavin/RK900 - Crossover with the Witcher where a very persistent bard convinces a killing machine to let him tag along on adventures
Bitter Lemon - T, 1K, past Gavin/Nines - Gavin struggles after a breakup
The Merits of a Real Thing - T, 6K, Gavin/Nines - Sci-fi AU where Gavin is a bounty hunter who starts to care a bit too much for his latest target
Our Own Little Corner of the World - G, 1K, Gavin/Nines - Just the softest, fluffiest possible snow day you can imagine
Coffee Snobbery and Other Ways to Meet Cute Boys - G, 1K, Kamski/Connor60 - Two hipsters meet in a Starbucks
Hope for an Unromantic Man - G, 1K, Allen60 - canonverse exploration of two rather unromantic people who come together and find something sweet
A Remedy for Too Many Dreams - T, 2K, RK1700 - modern AU where Connor’s new neighbor might not be exactly what he seems...
Wanna Eat You Up - E, 1K, Allen60 - double android AU pwp! Allen has a biting kink and Sixty ties him up
Deep as Wine Red Water - T, 1K, Hank/Kamski - Two tired men find each other after the revolution
Everything’s Gonna Be Fine - T, 1K, Reed1700 - Gavin volunteers to be bait on a dangerous mission, and his partners worry about him
Detroit: Become Human: Series
Of Gods and Their Humans - a very long AU involving old gods of nature and the humans who love them - this series is my baby <3
Existing Masterpost here
What’s It Going to Take - Gavin/Nines post pacifist revolution story, where Gavin has to come to terms with who he loves, and Nines has to figure out how to get it on
What’s It Going to Take for You to Feel? - T, 6K, Gavin/Nines - Nines is just an unfeeling android, why should Gavin care about what happens to him?
What’s It Going to Take for You to Feel Good? - E, 30K, Gavin/Nines - a choose-your-own adventure of first time smut
What Can I Take From You? - E, 1K, Gavin/Nines - A closer look at Gavin’s fears
And Yet I Stay Alive - double android AU where Gavin and Nines both have their own demons to battle
Alike in Both the Heart and Mind - E, 31K, Gavin/Nines - Humanoid GV and monstrous RK couldn’t be more different, but they will need to work together if they want to stay alive
Getting Used to Normal - T, 1K, Gavin/Nines - A look at the domestic life GV and RK have built for themselves
Don’t Let It In - a very very self-indulgent spooky prairie gothic AU
Let Me In (i’ll be good to you, i swear) - M, 1K, Allen/Connor60 -  Allen lives a simple life out on the prairie, but his little house is being haunted
The Full Moon is My Favorite (let me share it with you) - T, 2K, Allen/Connor60 - Allen’s simple life continues on, much the same as it ever was - or was it?
Cold Dead Hearts Club - fluffy modern adventures of vampire!Gavin and werewolf!Niles
Full Moon Date Night - G, 1K, Gavin/Nines - Gavin is a vampire and Niles is a werewolf and they get along just fine
Full Moon Date Night - T, 1K, Gavin/Nines - Gavin and Niles take a roadtrip together
Motorcycle Emptiness - a collaboration with the wonderful @connorssock where the boys are all in motorcycle gangs. Mind the tags on this one!
Rev My Engines - E, 251K, Allen/Connor60, ACTIVELY UPDATING - Allen and Sixty aren’t exactly friends to begin with, but they’re exactly what they both need
It’s You Not Me - E, 38K, Hank/Connor, ACTIVELY UPDATING - Connor hasn’t had a good life, but Hank loves him through it
Stabilizers - E, 45K, Gavin/Nines, ACTIVELY UPDATING - Gavin and Nines are somehow the most reasonable out of all three couples
A Day in the Sun - Transistor, G, 2K, Red & The Boxer - Life in the Country turns out to be quite nice
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lazyfox411 · 7 years
happy birthday keith: a sickfic
so a little while ago, I put out a post asking for suggestions on what to write for keiths birthday. @radiofreekerberos suggested shiro throw keith a surprise party (thank you sm btw), and I tried a lot of different ideas but nothing was coming lol so went to my default which is sicfics. and even then here I present the worst thing ive ever written :P
but the only way i wouldnt write for my boys birthday is if i was dead. 
Fall was a pretty good season. Pretty colours, Halloween, pumpkin spice everything, perfect jacket and scarf weather—usually. Today, Keith had realized too late, was perfect raincoat and boots weather.
He shivered, pulling his sweater tighter around his shoulders. He was already miserable, and now this. Granted, it was just a light rain, but he had also been plagued with a persistent case of the sniffles. After sneezing and shaking all day, suffering through school and work like a braindead zombie, Keith was more than ready to go home and rest, rain be damned.
When he had clocked out of work, he'd felt a nagging in the back of his mind, like he'd been forgetting to do something. But he'd done everything he was supposed to, hadn't he? Clean the tables, sweep the floors, empty the register, lock up. That was it. He'd done it all. Maybe he just felt off because he wasn’t usually the one to lock up he diner. It was Hunk’s diner, and he was usually the last one out, so naturally the one to lock up everyday. But today he'd left Keith in charge for the last hour before closing time, claiming he had some sort of important business to take care of. He refused to say what this business was, which was odd because Hunk usually never kept secrets. It was pretty much physically impossible for him, and even today he'd looked like he was about to burst.
It was odd, Keith thought, Hunk had been avoiding him most of the day. Unlike the odd feeling of a forgotten obligation.
Keith checked his bag. He went over all his possessions, taking inventory. Textbooks, work clothes, pencils and papers. A few assignments his professor had handed back today. Keith was actually pretty proud of those; they’d gotten good marks. Maybe he was forgetting an upcoming college project. He checked his phone, but there were no reminders.
After coming up emptyhanded, he decided to push away the feeling and just focus on getting warm. The rain was freezing, and his teeth were chattering, nose running, fingers numb. He wasn’t sure if it was raining harder now, and that was why he couldn’t see, or if his vision was just going blurry because he was exhausted. He didn't care. He just wanted to be home, in bed. His clothes were soaked now, and his shoes pooled with water wherever he stepped, squelching on the pavement.
There were about two blocks to go until he would be home. Keith tried to focus on that. He plodded along, head down, trying and failing to avoid all the puddles. When he looked up to cross the street, his body couldn’t keep up with his eyes, and the world started spinning much too fast and he was stumbling out into the street.
A flash of headlights and the too-loud sound of a horn, the screech of brakes. The car slammed to a halt just feet away, spraying Keith in a shower of dirty puddle water. The driver screamed at him, but Keith couldn’t make out what was being said over the torrential downpour and the ringing of his ears. He scurried out of the road, trembling even harder because now not only was he freezing, but holy shit he'd almost been hit by a car.
The apartment door was locked. Shiro must not be home, Keith figured. He liked sharing an apartment with Shiro. It was easier on rent, and it was nice to not be alone. Keith had been alone a lot, and while he did like his solitude, Shiro had made him realize that being all alone all the time wasn’t all that great. Keith clumsily wiped the water from his face as he searched for his keys, and he didn't want to admit it, but he wouldn’t be surprised if a few tears had been wiped with it, because now he was thinking about a little raven-haired kid, all alone on the streets, no idea who his mother was, no clue where his father went, scared and hungry and tired and ready to give up. Until Shiro had taken him in and given him a real family, for the first time.
Keith finally found his keys, and as he slid them into the lock he was silently berating himself for getting so emotional all of a sudden. What was wrong with him? Why couldn’t he get a grip? And why was he so cold? Pointless questions swirled in his mind, and the more he thought, the worse it got, until he found the strength to grip the door handle. At least he was pretty sure he did, he still couldn’t feel his fingers, all he wanted to do was get inside and go to bed, but there was still the feeling he'd forgotten something and not knowing was making him feel sick to his stomach—
Keith nearly toppled over backwards from the sheer force of the six voices all screaming in unison. He blinked, trying to take in the scene in front of him. Shiro, Hunk, Lance, Pidge, Allura and Coran were positioned around the room, wearing pointed paper hats and cheering and throwing streamers. Pidge had three kazoos sticking out of her mouth and was violently blowing out a tune that sounded oddly similar to “Here Comes the Bride,” and she was spread out like a starfish, holding a sparkly happy birthday banner that was nearly as big as her. Evidently it had been made by Lance, who was covered head to toe in glitter and waving around a bunch of balloons. Hunk stood behind the kitchen table in front of a cake. The yellow headband he always wore had been replaced by a weave of ribbons.
“Happy birthday, Keith!” Lance shouted. Keith just stared at him.
“You didn't forget your own birthday, did you?” Shiro asked. He had a large red gift box held in his arms.
Keith blinked again. He could see Allura and Coran out of the corner of his eye. Coran had his hands held behind his back. Allura’s were pulled up under her chin, excitedly awaiting Keith's reaction.
Keith continued to stare. The room fell silent. The banner drooped. The gift was set down. The balloons stilled. Keith just stared, at his friends, the decorations, the cake. It was too much. Too much noise, too many sparkles, too many people. Too much for his rain-soaked, pounding head to compute all at once.
He felt his face grow hot. His knees went weak, and he sunk to the floor, and before he could stop himself, he was sobbing.
He didn't process what was being said, but he heard voices, words. They sounded worried.
“Oh, dear.” Allura.
“Perhaps we surprised him too much.” Coran.
“Aw, gee, man, you walked all that way without an umbrella?” Lance.
“Guys, he doesn’t look so good.” Hunk.
Keith felt a pair of tiny hands gently finding his wrists, and he curled his fingers around them. Through a haze of tears, he saw light glinting off Pidge’s glasses. “Hey, Keith, what’s the matter?”
“I-I-I-I’m-I’m ss-sorry,” Keith cried. He wiped furiously at his eyes, fists stilled balled up with Pidge’s teeny little fingers. He could barely talk, his throat felt so tight. How could his face fell so hot when the rest of him was freezing cold?
“Hey, it’s okay, Keith, it’s okay.” Keith felt a strong, warm hand on his back, and he leaned towards it, into Hunk. Hunk was warm, and it helped ease Keith's shaking.
“I’m sorry,” Keith repeated.
Shiro looked down at him thoughtfully. “What’s wrong?”
“I just…don’t feel very well.”
Suddenly there was a hand brushing his bangs from his forehead, blessedly cool on his too-hot face. Keith sighed in relief as Shiro moved closer and shifted the hand to cup his cheek, and press against his brow.
“He’s burning up,” Shiro said. Keith got the feeling Shiro wasn’t talking to him anymore, because everyone else seemed to jolt to attention.
“You mean he’s sick?” Lance asked worriedly.
“Aw, Keith, why didn't you say anything?” Hunk frowned.
“Didn't give me much of a chance,” Keith mumbled, chasing the last traces of tears from his face. He was still shivering.
Shiro wrapped an arm around his shoulders and helped him to his feet. “Let’s get you some dry clothes, huh?”
Keith nodded, and before he could protest Shiro was scooping him up off the ground. There wasn’t really any sense in trying to wriggle free now, Keith figured, was there? He coughed wetly, congestion settling in his lungs. He really should have taken an umbrella.
“We’re terribly sorry, Keith,” Allura said softly. “We thought a surprise party might be a good way to celebrate your birthday. I see now we were wrong.”
Keith shook his head lightly, managing a soft smile. “It’s okay, Allura.”
“Is there anything I can do? Perhaps Coran and I could run to the drugstore to get you some medicine?”
“Ye—” Keith was cut short by a harsh coughing fit.
“That would be great,” Shiro answered for him.
Shiro brought him to his room, helped him towel off his hair, and found him some dry pyjamas. Keith changed, and crawled into bed. The soft enclosure of blankets made him sleepy, and he vaguely thought that this was the most content he'd felt all day.
“You do know it’s your birthday today, right?” Shiro sat next to him on the bed.
“I, uh…might have forgot.”
Shiro sighed. “I’m really sorry, Keith. This whole surprise party was my idea. I know we never really did anything for your birthday other years, but this year I thought you might enjoy it. I'm sorry I've ruined your special day.”
“Shiro, you didn't ruin anything. I'm sorry I messed it all up by getting sick. I—" Before he could say anything more, there was a knock at the door, and Lance, Hunk, and Pidge appeared. Hunk held a steaming mug of tea in his hands, which Keith accepted gratefully.
“How do you feel now?” Lance asked. He sat on Keith's other side.
Keith decided to just be honest. He'd probably already made a fool of himself anyway. “I feel cold.” The rain had somehow seeped into his bones, and now he was chilled all the way through. Shiro put an arm around his shoulders and rubbed the goosebumps that dotted Keith's bicep. Lance found his way to Keith's side, and Pidge spread herself over his legs. Keith felt their warmth, their love and support, and he was pretty sure it was the best birthday present he had ever received. He told them as much.
“Oh, speaking of presents,” Hunk jumped up, “you still haven’t gotten to open yours.” He ducked out of the room and returned moments later with the red box. “From all of us,” he said.
Keith inspected it closely. Nobody had ever really given him a birthday present before, other than Shiro, and that had always been something like a candy bar, or a pair of socks. Not that Shiro didn't care, of course, he just knew that Keith didn't like making a big deal over things like that. This year was different, though. Keith had begun to come out of his shell, and Shiro had noticed, or else he wouldn’t be surrounded by all his closest friends right now.
Keith tentatively tore at the paper.
“Come on, dude, don’t be scared,” Lance grinned. “It isn’t gonna hurt you.”
Keith ripped the rest off, and opened the box. From the folds of tissue paper inside, he produced a thick, leather-bound book.
“Open it, “Shiro encouraged.
Keith flipped open the cover. The paper inside was a warm, off-white colour, thick and grainy. Each of his friends’ signatures were scrawled around the page, around a photo of the seven of them laughing and making silly faces. It was a scrapbook.
He turned the page, nervous under his friends’ expectant eyes. This page was filled with more photos, candid shots of playing video games with Pidge and Lance, him and Hunk with frosting on their noses, Shiro spraying them all with the hose, selfies in bathroom mirrors, sitting at coffee shops, walking down trails. Keith kept turning pages, a smile creeping up his face as he remembered all the days these pictures had been taken. There were other things, too, a movie ticket, a receipt from the hospital when Keith had broken his arm, a fallen leaf from the national park. There was so much, but all of it had one thing in common: every photo, every memory, was of a time when Keith and his friends had all been together.
“Wow, guys, I…I don’t know what to say. Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to me.”
“We’re glad you like it,” Hunk smiled.
“And look,” Pidge’s eyes glowed as she thumbed through the remaining pages, “we left you some blank ones, so that you can add your own stuff.”
Keith couldn’t help the dumb grin that was splitting his face. “Thank you,” he repeated. “I can't believe you guys did all this for me. I'm just so sorry I messed it all up.”
“No way,” Shiro said. He tightened his grip around Keith's shoulder. “You didn't ruin anything. We’re sorry we forced this onto you.”
“Well, if it makes you feel any better, this is one birthday I'm sure to never forget,” Keith said. It was true. Not because he was sick, not because he'd burst into tears—though that would probably haunt him for some time—but because this birthday had been spent with people he cared about. And they, in turn, cared about him. Keith rested his head on Shiro's chest and let his eyes flutter shut. He felt Lance's breathing even out next to him, Pidge on his legs, and Hunk’s warmth by his feet.
By the time Allura and Coran returned with the medicine, the five of them were all asleep.
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