#have smth 2 talk abt but it's a lil personal BUT i don't mind people knowing so like here i am
sapsolais · 1 year
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hey babe!! i have a qaf question for u
ok so ive heard ppl in this (very small) fandom talk abt hal sparks really negatively either because of his character (understandable, micheal sucks ass) or because of his political views/beliefs/whatevers
i have never understood the second part and was told that u are quite the qaf historian so i was wondering if u could give me a lil summary of what those beliefs/views of his are because i would really like to know!!
ty in advance 🖤
well hello there, nice to know that my reputation in qaf fandom is still alive and well lol
so. here's the thing: if we're talking politics overall he didn't say anything questionable as far as I know (he has a podcast on youtube or smth where he trashes trump and other republican politicians (I'm not american so my knowledge of american politics is pretty basic so don't quote me on this one lol) so it's fine with me lol)
if we're talking the show though 👀💀
he did say some things back in the day that made people dislike him (but mind you now everything is cool between everyone involved in the show at least public wise so we're going to talk about the times when the show was airing and some time after it ended)
1. the most questionable™️ thing that he's ever said was comparing kissing a man (a costar on screen) to kissing a dog and people thought he meant that it was disgusting or smth BUT he did clarify later that people misinterpreted him because he meant that he's not attracted to men so kissing male costars on set during filming did nothing for him (it was an answer to some interviewer's question what it's like to kiss a man so take it as it is 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️)
btw interviewers AND fans had no decorum back in the day asking the whole cast all sorts of personal questions (poor randy still has ptsd bc of this 😭💀)
2. now it's tea time!!!! hal used to have a beef with gale and randy that led to him being hated by their fans. so. before the show aired hal was the most famous actor in the cast (except for sharon gless obviously) and he thought (was promised ?????) that he'd be the lead man™️ of the show. but after qaf aired everyone fell for gale (obviously sorry not sorry lol) because he served and ate everyone up. and also everyone focused on britin. hal didn't like that (considering it was basically gale's and randy's first roles on tv) and he started saying some stuff about them (publicly). for example, he said that actors' work is doing what's written in the script no questions asked. that was a clear dig at gale and randy as they were famous for constantly questioning/criticising the writers/showrunners/producers, disliking their plotlines and basically voicing their opinions on set (they did nothing wrong, should've complained more, look at s5 🥲). also hal did say one time that he would never work with gale again but didn't elaborate why. and as far as I know he did say more shady stuff about gale and randy during different interviews but I don't have any more specific examples (i think he was also constantly pointing out that he's straight while gale didn't say much about his own sexuality and hal was speculating about it). moreover, I remember reading somwhere that hal didn't like people who drank/did drugs bc he himself was against this stuff and gale and peter smoke some weed before some s1 promotion event and hal had a problem with it. the last thing: he also did complain about gale staying in character (whatever that means in regards of gale) during filming but no one else complained so 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️.
(I lied last thing fr fr I wanted to point out that gale and randy NEVER said anything back about hal so that kinda makes you think)
hope this helps, if someone has something to add or wants to correct me, feel free to do so
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otomes-and-tears · 2 years
Hello,I hope you had a good day! I have an OL2 request if that's alright!!
In step 2,with Qiu,GN-Reader,Best Friend status with both Qiu and Tamarack and Qiu is just pining over their best friend,MC. How would Qiu realize their crush on MC? How would they act around MC who shows their love thru physical affection towards their neighbors?
Basically what im asking is 'the brooding,pining one x the oblivious,affectionate one' but it's with Qiu and MC :D!! (A LIL SIDE NOTE/ASK ADDITION : Maybe MC is also insecure abt themselves,thinking that they're not that lovable or smth,maybe cuz of their looks if u know what I mean?? THANKS FOR WRITING FOR OL2 BTW IT MEANS A LOTTT <3)
(side note 2 : sorry if this isn't that understandable,english isn't my first language 🙇‍♀️)
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♦ Qiu having a crush on a physically affectionate and oblivious GN!MC ♦
► tags and warnings: -
► words: 861
► A/N: Please don't apologise! Your english is great, anon ♡ I'm also not a native English speaker!
► Masterlist
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I think they’ve always been aware that MC was different from their other friends;
As a kid, they remember other friends complaining about Qiu’s giving MC special treatment, and as someone preoccupied with fairness it used to annoy them to no end;
Because they knew it was true, they just didn’t understand why they felt so compelled to treat them this way;
As they grew up and the idea of romantic love became a less threatening, more concrete concept, it didn’t take them too long to piece it together;
MC was always there for Qiu, always ready to show them support and kindness and to look out for them, when Qiu was used to other people relying on them to be like that;
They’d watch them laughing at something Tamarack said and would just feel this… warmth in their chest;
Like this was something they’d need to protect;
The world could be a cruel place, but MC’s kindness and their laughter was the one thing Qiu wanted to preserve;
I don’t think Qiu had this grand moment of realisation;
It happened one night, right at the beginning of autumn, when the leaves started falling and the nights grew colder;
They both agreed to meet in Qiu’s backyard in the early hours of the evening to look at the stars through a telescope together;
Mc managed to bring their favourite tea in a thermos, and gave Qiu the biggest hug once they saw them;
They were just… so happy. Being awake at odd hours of the night trying not to be too loud to not wake Qiu’s parents from their slumber;
Watching the stars and talking about mythology;
Mc started rambling about something they had read and stopped in the middle of it, apologizing about speaking too much;
And Qiu found that they didn’t mind it;
Not only that, they welcomed it. They loved how passionate MC was, how happy and comfortable they had been all night;
Qiu didn’t want them to stop at all, and they realized that they wanted to be the person that MC went to when they wanted to talk about these things;
Well… when people described love it always seemed so overwhelming, and in some aspects it was;
But it mostly just felt right;
Their name is Qiu, their friends call them Autumn, and they are in love with MC;
It’s been a part of them for a long time, and was just nice to finally understand that part of themselves;
Not too much changed after that, only that perhaps their affection and special treatment became more blatant;
In their teens, MC is one of the few people Qiu can stand to be around, and after they’ve realised their feelings they started relying on MC a bit more;
Because Qiu trusts them with that!;
Honestly? MC’s affection is one of the things that keep Qiu going;
MC, despite their obliviousness, ends up noticing and making sure to support them whenever he needs it most;
When Qiu is having a bad day MC will just… Wrap them in a hug and stay there for as long as Qiu needs;
If MC noticed how fast Qiu’s heart beats when they hug, they never mention it;
There are also more subtle types of affection;
Like linking their arms together while walking, grabbing their hand to lead them somewhere or just leaning against Qiu when they’re tired;
Even with all their angst, MC’s affection is always a sure way to soften them;
Qiu will often pinch their cheeks or pat them on the head and lightly tease them for being touchy;
I’m pretty sure Qiu’s love language is acts of service, but knowing how important physical affection is to the MC, Qiu will make sure to initiate it too;
Honestly, I don’t see Qiu as a very jealous person, and knowing Tamarack for years and being close to her, I don’t think that they’re jealous about MC showing her affection too;
Instead, it makes them happy that MC is surrounded by good people that care about them as much as Qiu does;
Tamarack ends up noticing their crush eventually;
I mean… I’m sure everyone knows about it except MC themselves;
And even if she seems a little too invested in it and will sometimes give Qiu a hard time about it in private, she’s very supportive;
And it means a lot to them to have MC’s other best friend support them like that;
In regards to MC being insecure… Qiu doesn’t get it at all;
How can someone that amazing be insecure about themselves? How can they worry about not being loveable enough, not interesting enough? Not beautiful enough?;
And they’re fucking pissed at anyone who would ever make MC feel that way;
MC is a person that Qiu cares about deeply, even if they’re colder at that age, there’s no way they just let them think so little of themselves if they can help it;
So… MC is one of the few people that Qiu will make a big effort with;
They make sure MC knows how special they are, and how beautiful of a person both inside and out!
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2, 15, and 21?
2. what's your favorite horror subgenre?
I do clearly like slashers- I simply do like having a character to study, while still being mildly goofy/not so deeply deeply upsetting that its too upsetting 2 do!!! A lot of slashers work rly well for that. In general I love surreal/weird movies so I think if I found more horror like that I would immediately fall in love !!!
15. would you rather have a whimpering leatherface inch his chainsaw up your thigh or have billy lenz call you at all hours of the day moaning obscenities?
YELLS AKDJSK neither.... but ok lets see. Billy Lenz calling me. I don't mind it. I hate my thighs so I don't want people to touch them, anddd yeahh Lenzes calls are props a lil less dangerous inherently at the moment compared to a chainsaw on ur skin ; . ;
I am however like. A person who. Rly. Rly. Rly does not like when their sleep is interrupted and i sleep very passionately. And I get like. Famously deeply mean & cruel when someone wakes me up when im not ready to wake up. I'm afraid I would say something very rude to mr Lenz :( i feel bad just talking abt it. I wouldn't mind talking w him i just wish he texted or smth.
21. is there a scary story that really frightens you or that just really stuck with you? a legend, a myth, something purely fictitious?
DEFI TED THE CAVER. Kinda in general in-depth-creepypastas like that are kinda hurtful to my brain.
As a kid one of my friends told me a story about a doll coming to life and killing its owner, and I definetly. I h. I have a fear of dolls, a bit. I love them, I do, but They Also Scare me a lil
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aizawa-needs-coffee · 3 years
Hi!! Could I have a matchup please? I'm 18, pronouns she/her, I'm fine w any gender though I have a preference for males
If its of any relevance, physically I'm about 5'8 tall and on the chubby side, green eyes, brown hair (with blonde streaks) and I wear glasses
If you're into astrology/ mbti, I am a Sagittarius w both moon and rising in Cancer and I'm INFP
So I'm quite emotional lol. Usually very in touch with my emotions and quite perceptive of other's feelings as well. I have a huge saviours complex especially when it comes to feelings (i love helping others figure out their feelings, being a shoulder to cry on or even offering comforting hugs) but I try my best to keep it control cause I don't wanna be suffocating
On the outside I'd say I'm fairly organized, I keep my room clean and all of that, I'm a lil bit of a perfectionist but mentally I'm all over the place. I tend to get carried away by thoughts and emotions and end up procrastinating a lot; anxiety makes it all worse. In short, I suck at time management
To most people I may seem quiet and reserved but I actually really enjoy talking to people; I'm really insecure about not being funny or interesting enough tho. Around my friends I'm more relaxed but still have moments of self doubt
I can also be quite obsessive. If something really catches my interest I won't stop until I search all there is to know about it. For example I watched bnha, read the manga, the spin offs etc all in less than a month and now I'm indulging in fanart and fanfics because I need m o r e c o n t e n t hsbsb. I'm also that kind of person that listens to a new song they like on repeat until they hate it. Speaking of music, I can't say I have a taste lol. My fave genres are rock, pop and indie but I hear smth I like, I listen to it, whether its "high quality" music, basic or weird. Lately I've been listening to a lot of epicore which is literally the type of music thats used in fantasy and sci fi movies askfkdk
I like expressing myself through writing, singing and dancing but I really can't say I'm talented at either of those, it's all in good fun. I also enjoy reading (fiction, non-fic books bore me like hell; my fave genres are fantasy, sci fi and crime) but I haaate literature in school. I'm actually a bit of a math nerd and this year I'm starting uni, studying computer science!! Oh! I've also taken drama classes for 2 years (despite the fear I loved being on stage and plan on starting again once I'm done w the baccalaureate), I love playing D&D and while I woulnd't quite call myself a gamer, I love role playing video games. I'm also almost always down for any kind of multiplayer video games w friends although I have no experience
I'm not a sportive person, I go on walks or do a few exercises every now and then at home but I'm willing to try stuff out like a new sport or going to the gym w an s/o. I do plan on starting self defense classes soon and maybe taking up sword fighting (I love swords hehe)
Tbh I've never been in a relationship so I'm not really sure how I would act w an s/o, nor what I'm exactly looking for. I best express my affection through physical touch tho and that includes my friends so I'd like someone who isn't bothered or can get used to that (s/o would still receive the most hugs/ cuddles etc). I'm not that comfortable w the other love languages for friends and family, but I think I'd be a lot more eager to express my love through them for s/o. If I'm on the receiving end, my weakness is still physical touch :)) but I also need words of affirmation every now and then cause insecurities 🌠 and while I wouldn't ask for anything, especially objects, I am a hoarder and I'd keep any kind of gift like its a national treasure simply bc its from someone I love.
In addition, it doesn't really matter if s/o is more on the emotional or rational side a long as they dont invalidate my feelings; it angers me a lot and makes me feel even more insecure. I tend to isolate when I'm really really upset about something so I need a lil bit of pushing to talk abt it; I'm open to talk abt my feelings but I need the verbal confirmation that they care and wanna help, its not just cause they're being nice
Wow that is a lot of rambling jeez ajsjsjs sorry. Thank you so much if you've read throught that all and ty for the match up!!
Me and my wife literally having a ten minute debate on who we’d pair you with before I made my choice. Thanks for all the details and I hope you enjoy the match up!
I match you with Sero
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I feel he’s outgoing and extroverted enough to help you with your anxiety and always reassure you that you are good at things and he does love you, he’s also so chill and laid back that even if you were clingy he’d not mind, he’d embrace it, his chill nature would help balance you. He would help you feel grounded and have a ‘you don’t have to do it all now’ attitude but would happily help you out. You need help going to the store? He remembers the list you wrote, having trouble fitting in lunch while you study? He’ll come to your door with pizza.
He’s determined and outgoing but isn’t aggressively positive and loud either which I think is why I picked him over Kirishima for you.
“Hey babe, whatcha reading?” Sero asked sitting next to you on the sofa, he handed you a soda which you gratefully took, not looking up from your laptop screen.
As soon as he was sat down comfortably your hand grabbed his, clasping your fingers together as you managed to tear your gaze away from the Wikipedia page which was still open. You blinked up at him and shook your head.
“Oh just something I learned about today and wanted to do some.. extra reading” you explained.
He nodded his head and drank his soda watching as your face lit up as you started to ramble about the topic, he didn’t really know much about it but the way you told him about everything, the way you happily expressed your interest towards the topic made him happy. He gave you his big grin when you finished.
“Sorry, I rambled..” You felt bad, you always felt nervous when you info dumped on people.
“Nah, it’s cool, I didn’t mind at all” he brought your hand up to his face and gave it a kiss, your face flushed at the gentle gesture which caused Sero to laugh playfully.
“Well, if your sure… I just wanted something to take my mind off chores”.
“It’s the weekend, you don’t have to rush anyway.. and if you don’t feel better by tomorrow I can help, you can wash the dishes and I’ll dry?” he suggested still peppering kisses on the back of your hand before you set your laptop down and crawled closer to him.
You nodded softly, that sounded a lot more manageable, you felt your anxiety settle down from a raging nagging feeling to something easier to tolerate. He was such a good influence on you. Sero set down his drink and wrapped his arm around you, pulling you closer to his chest.
“The guys want to come over and say hi later, maybe get pizza… but I can tell them not tonight if you aren’t feeling it… maybe you can play that new game you got? I liked watching you play the other night” He suggested as he nuzzled your head, enjoying how your hair felt on his face.
“Maybe… can I give you an answer later?”
“Yeah, no rush babe”
You smiled softly feeling the lanky boy kiss the side of your head and listened as you carried on talking about the trivia of your current interest.
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