#have i mentioned i love them smmmmmm
yuutsaria · 1 year
their eden || twt
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kni ain't reading!!! who is the bro looking at?!!!!
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evaxoxoblog · 7 months
Hello literally non existent people (i'm pretty sure no one is seeing these posts which is quite comforting tbh). I just had the weirdest experience with my bsf. We haven't spoken in a few months because she has been ill. she has also been a bit possessive over various kpop groups we both like (its dumb ik, but she was just constantly trying to one-up me in everything, whether it was pinterest boards, comments on insta posts, etc, (this didn't really bother me, but the next bit did) and recently she unfollowed me on literally every social media platform you could think of.) it was really fking weird. we met up today to talk about it and I kind of (?) have all my questions answered. i think we are on good terms and I think I handled it well. i won't go into the details because its personal, and I'm kind of scared she would see this even though she doesn't have tumblr lol, but I think I'm just gonna deal with it as it happens.
i'm meeting up with my other friends tomorrow and we are going to watch a horror film (that's what we always do together) and open the Christmas presents we got for each other, which we intended to give around xmas but we didn't make plans back then lmao. we also just gossip a lot bc we are all in different friendship groups so we can just dump everything to each other and it doesn't really matter. i love hanging out with them, though we only manage to meet up every two months haha.
another funny thing that happened was i got a voicemail notification from an unknown number. it was a recording of the felix 'wakey wakey' meme and I was actually terrified bc either my friend was pranking me or someone was stalking me haha. luckily it was the former option haha. she better prepare herself lol. i think I will send her a chan one bc he's her bias.
i have been listening to so much p1harmony recently, as well as skz. i love them both smmmmmm. i really want to get the Killin It album but I hate spending a lot of money at a time, so I'll wait a few months. currently watching the waterpark ep. of run bts rn which is banging as always. idk if I've already mentioned it but I really recommend guccitae.
back to school in three days, which I'm not mad about as I'm alright at school and I like seeing my friends. i started reading the book by Meiko Kawakami which is so good. I've almost finished my journal which feels weird too, but I'm excited. i got a new notebook for Christmas which will prob be my next one; exciting.
x eva
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mrvlbimbo · 2 years
hello i'm such a huge fan of your works, you're absolutely one of my favorite writers here (。・//ε//・。). my request is : where reader secretly leaves romantic notes/messages at eddie's locker to show him that people like them admires him so much. then eddie caught them in the act of leaving another poem and you can go beyond your imagination after that. thank you so much and i hope you're having an amazing day !!!
Ughhhhhh I love this smmmmmm.
Not rlly any warnings it’s pretty fluffy, one or two mentions of masterbation, cliffhanger (pt 2 maybe)
pt 1/2/3/4
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Pt2 here
It started out innocent enough, Eddie finding a heart shaped post it note in his locker with romantic song lyrics scribbled on the back of it.
He had assumed someone left it in the wrong locker, considering his was mostly unmarked and unused.
Then there was another note the next day. A pinkish cream piece of paper, the kind someone would buy at a specialized stationary store. It was tied with a red ribbon and the writing was the same color.
A sweet and only slightly creepy letter written about how pretty he was, stamped with a sparkly pink lipgloss kiss and doused in perfume.
He would be lying if he said he didn’t jerk off to the thought of it later, the sweet floral scent of the paper invading his mind all day and night.
The notes continued, each more personal than the last, always packaged so prettily. But they never gave any sort of clue about who she might be.
After a few weeks he finally came up with a plan. He would leave a letter in his locker for her to find, that way they could communicate.
Snatching a random notebook from one of his classmates, he ripped out a sheet and scrawled a note on it.
Dear secret admirer person,
Uh hi. I don’t know how to write letters. Who are you? Wait no that’s rude, first of all thank you. But I do really want to know who you are because your handwriting is so pretty and your notes are so sweet and I like the way your perfume smells. Ok bye. Do you say bye in letters? Whatever, goodbye anyways. P.S. your notes make me really horny.
He scribbled a messy heart at the bottom and signed the letter with his signature, slipping it into his locker when he left school for the day.
The next day he opened an empty locker, finding no note inside. This trend continued for the next three days, no response to his letter. He feared he had scared his admirer away.
The weekend came and went and when he returned to school that morning he didn’t bother to check his locker. The whole school was ushered into a pep rally before he even had time to bother with it.
The band played an upbeat congratulatory melody as the cheerleading team rushed in. “Give a warm welcome back to our very own Hawkins Cheer team,” someone announced.
They had been gone for the better half of the last week, at some regional competition. Bam lightbulb moment! His admirer was one of the cheerleaders.
And sure enough when he checked his locker later that day there was a brown paper package tied neatly with a red bow. It was addressed with a heart shaped sticker.
For Eddie (open in private)
It was signed with only a heart, much more carefully drawn than the one on his own note.
He didn’t bother to finish the day, leaving school with a hurried excuse so he could open his gift in the privacy of his home.
And it was worth it. Wrapped in the paper, was a small vial of sweet smelling perfume, a cassette tape, and a pair of cute pink panties.
Attached was another note.
For when you’re thinking of me
He had to know who this girl was, it was driving him insane. He figured maybe if he never left his locker he would catch her leaving the note.
Later that week, after his DnD session, he camped out infront of his locker. First he checked for a note to see if she had already struck. The locker was empty.
He waited all night, dozing off at about 3 in the morning.
He ducked behind the corner, watching intently to see who it was. Sure enough it was his girl, she hummed a song he didn’t recognize while she carefully looked around. One hand clutched a note while the other played with a heart locket around her neck.
“It’s you,” he whispered, stepping out from his hiding place.
“Jesus fucking hell-“ she yelped, jumping slightly at the sound of his voice.
“What brings you here so early?” He asked, stepping closer and effectively caging her between him and the lockers.
“I’m always here early. Cheer practice,” she explained, her eyes searching the empty hallway for an escape.
“Good to know.” One of his hands came down to cup her waist, sliding her closer to him. His other hand gripped her chin, tilting her face up to look him in the eyes.
“Yep. Yeah. Good to know,” she agreed, flinching slightly when the first bell rang. People started to filter into the hallways and they broke apart.
“Meet me in the woods behind school during lunch,” he whispered, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear and kissing her cheek quickly.
“O-ok,” she stammered, but he was long gone, not having bothered to wait and hear her answer.
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fe-fictions · 3 years
Heyyy ! Do you have MAYBE something with Dimitri ? I love his relationship with Byleth smmmmmm
(Maybe Byleth being sick and Dimitri being the worried husband he is ;;; _ ;;; )
Basically, you scared him half to death.
You were a bit off and out of focus for most of the day, which he noticed when you seemed a bit unbalanced when you got out of bed, this morning.
You mentioned a headache, off hand, but after that you assured him nothing was wrong. Then you started nodding off, you shivered despite the fact it was spring, and you seemed to have trouble holding a conversation.
His anxieties and mild paranoia came to a forefront, though, when he turned around and found you crumbling to the floor, your legs giving out.
He couldn’t have moved fast enough. He practically lunged at you, catching you with a grunt when he realized you were practically dead weight.
When he got a good look at you, he realized your face was flushed and you had broken out in a cold sweat. As hard as he fought not to immediately go into panic mode, the hoarse shouts for healers and his rush down the corridor would make one assume otherwise.
He burst into your chambers and rushed you to the bed, a bevy of healers coming in behind him to try and help their queen.
It was all he could do to let them work, gripping your hand tightly as he waited for some sort of explanation.
It would be a few hours before he received a proper diagnosis.
You had contracted a nasty flu, and you were going to need at least a week of rest and close attention from healers. Dimitri cursed to himself; the flu was no joke in Fhaergus.
To think your first spring would be spent bedridden for days and feeling absolutely miserable.
He looked at you sadly, staying by your side while the healers worked their literal magic. At the very least they could ease the headache that was most likely pounding, and they could help you have a deeper sleep.
Dimitri knew he should go back to his duties, and that this would pass, and yet…he couldn’t bring himself to leave your side.
He weaved his fingers through your hair, frowning softly as he thought about all that he needed to do…yet felt no desire to do.
Somewhere, deep in his core, he felt this paralyzing fear of losing you. He couldn’t bear the idea, and he was tired of it echoing around in his mind. Seeing you in such a weakened, fragile state truly hurt him.
You continued to sleep, looking far more peaceful than you had when they first started healing you. He in turn kept his gaze locked on your face, waiting for some sign of you to wake. If he could at least see you conscious and understandable, he could leave you to rest peacefully while he went back to his work.
After a little while, there were some inklings of your waking.
Dimitri had been thumbing through one of the novels Ashe had lent you, when he felt your hand shift in his. He turned his attention to you instantly, clapping the book shut as he leaned forward, waiting for your eyes to open.
And open, they did. Slowly, your eyelashes fluttered, glassy eyes sliding open to find your husband sitting beside you, practically on the edge of his seat watching you wake up. It was a little disarming, to say the least.
“You’re awake.” Dimitri breathed, sounding as relieved as though you had just come back to life. He squeezed the hand he held, smiling at you brightly. “You have a terrible habit of collapsing whenever I’m around.”
“Wh…what happened?”
“You’ve fallen ill, unfortunately.” He told you in a softer voice, mindful of how sensitive you likely were. “It appears Fhaergus’ weather isn’t something you’re quite accustomed to, yet. That…or you’ve been overworking yourself.”
“I never-”
“I recall you giving us few to no rest days during our time at the monastery. It’s not outside of the realm of possibility that your constant work has led to you contracting something to force yourself to stay down.” He reasoned.
You shrugged as you sank down into the pillows, playing with Dimitri’s fingers as you lazily considered his point.
“I mean…we did sort of get married in the middle of rebuilding a wartorn continent…”
“I suppose.”
“That’s a lot of pressure we put on ourselves. I-I just didn’t expect me to fold, first.”
“Yes, well…I suppose we can blame the cold, then.” He smiled at you, “I suppose I ought to return to work, seeing as you’re awake. They said you’ll be resting for at least a week, so I will be visiting you often. But…”
“It’s funny. I can’t seem to tear myself away.” He thought aloud, tracing your palm with his finger. “I would much rather stay here with you than go back to work. I don’t like to leave you in such a state…it worries me.”
“My love,” You beamed at his fragile confession, “It’s just a cold.”
“It’s the flu.”
“…So it’s slightly worse than a cold.”
“I really shouldn’t leave you alone, beloved.”
“You just don’t want to because you’re…a worrywart.” You joked weakly at his grimace, “I’ll be fine if you go back to work…I’ll just be sleeping, probably…”
“I understand.” Dimitri nodded, and you opened your eyes again when you heard how dejected he sounded. You peeked at him, and he looked just like a kicked puppy.
You didn’t know how he managed to make you feel things other than awful since you were sick…yet here you were.
“Oh…all right. You can stay for a little while.”
You closed your eyes again, just as Dimitri moved forward and pressed a chaste kiss to your forehead.
“I’ll stay as long as you wish.” He murmured, sounding a lot happier than he probably should’ve. You giggled, “Would you like me to read to you while you recover? At least until you fall asleep, again.”
“I would like that very much.” You replied with a soft smile, inviting him to sit beside you on the bed and shifted as much as you could to allow him some space.
Dimitri unclasped his cloak and slipped off his shoes, carefully moving in beside you and helping you to sit up some, beside him.
You leaned against his chest as he took out one of Ashe’s books, a new one you hadn’t the chance to read, yet.
Dimitri, naturally, read the book with much vigor, his arm looped around you while he narrated an enchanting story that lulled you to sleep.
You weren’t sure how long Dimitri ended up staying after you fell asleep, but you vaguely remember Annette swatting him out of the bedroom so you could properly rest. There was another kiss on your cheek, and then you fell asleep once more.
Whatever ended up happening…you rested knowing you were loved and cared for.
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oftenderweapons · 4 years
yeeeheh i was gonna say i feel like they would somewhat act like that in the beginning like when the relationship hasn’t been shaped so definitely yet so before love talk (where i remember u mentioned their fourth date!) i love them smmmmmm like if they don’t get married ..... 😢😭
Oh yessssss, that they would. I’ve been thinking about writing that date. I think it’s a seesaw (fnjdlshgs) between being great friends, discussing art and different cultures and experiences, like real adult talk and then at a certain point one of the two is talking about something that they’re really passionate about and the other one is like...,.,,,, completely enraptured. And on the other side of the seesaw is the most non-platonic thoughts they have about each other as they talk, or as they move around the room. So yeah, there’s all this tension mostly on the brain, like standing awkwardly but also longingly next to each other, feeling that as they talk they need to reach out. Namjoon’s body language is very strong, so I think he’d start to feel the need for physical closeness matching the intellectual one pretty early in the relationship. The moment Namjoon realises Vixen is okay with him casually touching her while they talk is the moment the situation starts spiralling out of control (hence, date four). 
And about the marriage situation hagfishgujeiardshe,,.,.,.,.,.,,,,,, There’s so much you don’t know yet dfjfhjfhdhbfdhbfhjdf. Too much! I’ve been doing some planning and maths and BLESS ME LORD I’ll be writing these couples all the way to 2036 LOL 
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