#have a horrible starter falls gomen
shortlivedlove · 10 years
Rᴀɪɴ, ʀᴀɪɴ ɢᴏ ᴀᴡᴀʏ { batcarrier }
                         ;—{ ✽ } The usual bright blue sky was covered in grey clouds. Most parts of the sky were covered, blocking the ray's of sun from reaching the ground. However there was no sign of rain. That was a good start too a bad situation. Banging on the door Haru hoped her roommate was home. Bang! bang! bang! Nothing. Just her luck. Letting out a sigh the girl rummaged through her bag and pockets in search of her key. Leaning her back on the door she let out a sigh. "Great..." glancing at the sky once again Haru decided to trace her steps. She must have left it somewhere. Pondering on the thought for a moment, finally she remembered. She had put her keys in the pocket of her uniform at work. Jeez, what a stupid idea. By the looks of it Haru would have to make a trip back to the Sunflower  café. They had closed early, but if she was lucky someone would still be there.
                         ;—{ ✽ } While walking every so often she would look up at the overcast sky. Still no sign of raining. "What a relief." She murmured to herself. She was about half way between Mocha Valley and the Sunflower café. She was making good time. Progressing a little further, a loud crackle from the sky startled her. Looking up once more, the sky had turned a dark shad grey without a spec of sunlight breaking through. Pattering at the pavement was ringing in her ears when she felt the rain hitting her body. Wearing nothing but her usual clothing, not even a jacket or runners. "E-Eh!? B-..But just a second ago--" Before being able to finish her thought, the rain was pouring down on her uncovered head. Soaking her with cold water. Instead of looking for cover Haru ran the rest of the way to the Sunflower café. 
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                         ;—{ ✽ } Arriving at the door out of breath she realized the lights were down and the sign was flipped to closed. "N-No way..." She banged on the door a few times before giving up. Now what? Standing in the pouring rain dressed like this much longer wasn't a good idea. Thinking quick Haru ran to a large tree beside the café waiting for the rain to calm. Shivering, the girl rubbed her hands together trying to warm herself up. It had been so hot the past few days, what on earth was it so cold all of a sudden? For now she was stuck in her soaking wet clothing, only able to wait under a tree. "..How longs it gonna last?" She complained to herself.
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