#have a clinic visit scheduled tomorrow for a general checkup
rhys-ravenfeather · 1 year
Off now.
Had the day off from work...and to be honest, I just kind of felt a feeling of, IDK? Ennui? Throughout most of the day.
Don’t get me wrong, I was able to get some important stuff done, meet with my people...and find a show I wanted to check out on my TV. May or may not check out the rest of it when I’m bored, if only because it has one of my favorite actors.
But my AU blog has been getting like no attention lately...I posted a couple stuff lately, including the latest chapter of Sins of the Fathers, and the only thing that it looks like was seen by anyone was a post I made earlier talking about how I’m ending my BATIM AU.
And I’m just in kind of a weird limbo regarding AU stuff, particularly my AHIT AU, and Oasis to Oakwood--I’m hoping to finish, and post, the last main character tomorrow, and don’t get me wrong, I’m looking forward to making more art for my original story and building up interest, and an audience, for it...but given past experience, I can’t help but feel like I’ll be lucky if two people even notice them. I WANT to create, I have a TON of projects planned...I just want what I make to be seen.
AU stuff, and ESPECIALLY OTO, as I move forward with the latter.
Sorry this was negative, I just had to get that off my chest.
...well, I’ll see you guys when I see you.
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