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Unsere neue „ Cat Edition“ ist ein Muss für alle Katzenmamas und Tigerdaddys da draußen. Unsere farbenfrohen Motivshoodies sind dass perfekte Geschenk für alle Tierliebhaber. Wenn wir dich Neugierig gemacht haben, Solltest du einmal auf stonedrockz.de vorbei schauen.😉 #style #catlover #catfriends #cathoodie #katzenhoodie #hoodiestyle #hoodiedesign #süßekatze #ilovemycat #ilovemypet #haustieremachenglücklich #haustier #hoodieofinstagram #styleinfluencer #label #humor #hoodie #tshirtloversofinstagram #hoodielove #katzenmama #katzenpapa #katzenhoodie https://www.instagram.com/p/CIHD-PJn7T6/?igshid=1v2qpg98m9p2h
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While Chico the day gecko has already enjoyed much of your attention, this nameless young leopard gecko lady has kept very hidden until now. Along with Chico, she is one of the three geckos I adopted two months ago. Unfortunately, the previous owner was not in the mental state to offer them species-appropriate accommodation. He kept two leopard geckos in a terrarium together with a day gecko. Actually, his supervisors should have taken care of it, whether that's okay. The surprise was big, because my friend and I didn't know anything about the leopard geckos. But the good thing is that I have 22 years of experience keeping this species. At first there was a huge shock because it seemed like only one leopard gecko was alive. Both were in a large sea shell, looking out. But this girl looked like she'd been dead for weeks. To play dead believably, she shut her eyes tight, opened her mouth a little, and contracted her body. When I got the male out of the sea shell, she authentically fell inside and disappeared. When I first heard a noise, I thought I had just imagined it. Dead geckos don't make sounds! What a feeling when she suddenly looked alive and beautiful out of the sea shell! Like all my animals, she is a very beautiful sight. Nothing is known about her age and origin, but she looks to me like a young animal of about one or two years. As soon as I have a few nice photos of the male, I will of course also show him to you. 🥰 --------------------------- ↪ FOLLOW ↩ 🙎 #megagroundsloth 🦎 #megapetsloth --------------------------- #talesfromthecrypt #geckosmile #petphotography #babyanimal #leopardgecko #leopardgeckos #geckoleopard #lizards #lizardsofinstagram #geckolove #süß #reptile #playingdead #hessen #reptilekeeper #homejungle #haustieremachenglücklich #tierlieb #eublepharis #taunus #petlizard #haustier #cutepet #tierbabys #petcare #terrarium #meinhaustier #scalesandtails (hier: Oberursel) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm3ozUkNuPb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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#inktober #inktober2022 Tag 2 #scurry ist das heutige Wort. Gar nicht so einfach #animalart #painting #artwork #animals #pet #drawing #kunst #art #auftragsmalerei #auftragskunst #haustieremachenglücklich (hier: Baden-Baden, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjN9GDHLaUa/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Wild at heart + The call of nature = Result: The cat stuck behind the furniture 😂 #cat #cats #katzenliebe #katze #kot #petstagram #petsofinstagram #petstagram #petfluencer #haustier #haustieremachenglücklich #zwierzęta #zwierzak #zwierzaki #lolcats #garden #garten #ogród #gardin #naturephotography #naturelover #naturelovers #naturephotos https://www.instagram.com/p/CH3Fx0cAuWJ/?igshid=f63u3at8g2y
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Der #kater pennt bereits während ich noch arbeite. Im nächsten Leben werde ich auch #katze #katzenliebe❤️ #katzen #katzenfoto #katzenbild #katzenliebe #katzenbilder❤️ #katzenbilder #schlafendekatze #schlafendekatzen #schlafendekatzensindsüss #katzenliebhaber #katzenliebhaberin #haustiere #haustieremachenglücklich #haustiereaufinstagram #haustieresindfamilie #sphinxliebe #sphinx #sphinxkatze #sphinxcat https://www.instagram.com/p/CFDReLQqE_N/?igshid=j2txvtreehxo
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Katerchen hilft im Büro Ordnung schaffen ... 😉 #büro #ordnung #ordnungsliebe #kater #katzen #haustiere #haustieremachenglücklich (hier: Spirit & Marketing) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDJujADHqRb/?igshid=137h8n60v5krq
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#katzen #katzenauge #katzenliebe #instacat #catstagram #catsofinstagram #catlover #cats #fellnasenliebe #fellnase #haustiereaufinstagram #haustier #pets #petphotography #rosa #nase #cute #niedlich #haustierfotografie #haustieremachenglücklich #katzennase #katzenfotografie #katzenglück #cats https://www.instagram.com/p/CCGFiJ5Khl2/?igshid=1uy10za2buodc
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Auf ein grandioses Jahr 2020 mit eurem Liebling ✨🐕🐈🐎🦜🐓🦩🐇🦨🐁🐠 . . #frohesneuesjahr 🎉🍾🥰 . . #tierfreunde #neuesjahr #tiere #tierfotografie #haustiere #haustieremachenglücklich #hundeportrait #hundeportrait #tierliebe #tierportrait #tierporträt #tierportraits #reisenmachtglücklich #Tier liebe (hier: Landau, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6yIJnZHDJH/?igshid=wcwm0awsavr7
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Important Information: Animals are fascinating, many can be kept as pets. Each animal has its own requirements, beyond the species-typical requirements, each individual has its own characteristics that need to be recognized and taken into account. This applies to dogs as well as to horses, scorpions and geckos and all other animals. You have to have enough time and interest for that. Some animals like to interact with humans, others are just there to watch. Because I show my animals here, this can of course create an incentive to get such animals as well. However, the fact that almost all of my animals have been adopted by me proves that such purchases are often made imprudently. I'll still share my joy in animals with you, but I'm concerned that this will give off harmful impulses. Please do not only inform yourself, but also consider whether you can and want to be there for the animals in the long term (lifelong). And please also make provisions for what happens to the animals if something happens to you (accident, illness, death). ----------------------------- ↪ FOLLOW ↩ 🦥 #megagroundsloth 🦎 #megapetsloth ----------------------------- #tierliebe #animalsandnature #petstagram #animallove #exoticpets #terrarium #haustieremachenglücklich #petfluencer #tierwohl #verantwortung #haustiere #petfluencers #petsofinstagram #huisdier #naturegram #lebewesen #petsmakelifebetter #tiere #petcare #animalesgraciosos #dignity #insects #reptiles #spiders #mammals #birds #invertebrates #homejungle (hier: Frederic Hilpert - Media & Marketing Solutions) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmqMW3eIlhg/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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#inktober #inktober2022 jeden Tag im Oktober gibt es ein einziges einfaches Bild. Heute ist es ein Gargoyle #animalart #painting #artwork #animals #pet #drawing #kunst #art #auftragsmalerei #auftragskunst #haustieremachenglücklich (hier: Baden-Baden, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjLi4ulrzkM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Good Morning #instaworld ♡ #goodmorning #gutenmorgen #dziendobry #hello #helloworld #catsofinstagram #catslover #cats #cat #love #gay #gaylife #haustieremachenglücklich #haustiereaufinstagram #instacat #relaxmood #cute #vollsüß #katzenfoto #katzenliebe #katzenleben #catslife #happy #gayguy #gayboy #follow4follow #like4like #catlove #boys
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Ne kleine #idee von meiner #bestenfreundin und mir. Die #witzigsten #gesichtsausdrücke unser #katzen in meinen #spreadshirtshop zu laden. https://www.spreadshirt.de/shop/user/120421585/ #katze #katzengesicht #katzenbild #katzenbilder #katzendedigns #tier #tiere #haustiere #haustieremachenglücklich #lustigehaustiere #witzigehaustiere #sphinx #sphinxkatze #sphinxliebe #sphinxkatze #motivdruck #motivideen #eigenedesigns #eigenefotos #eigenesdesign #eigenesbild #spreadshirtart #spreadshirtdesign #spreadshirtonlineshop #spreadshirtonlineshops @speardshirt @spreadbrands @spreadshirt_coole_shirts @spreadshirt_castle @spreadshirtkreativ @spreadshirt @spreadshop https://www.instagram.com/p/CEtEx73qPlV/?igshid=4mvrehs62v9c
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#hunde #australienshepherd #red #einherzfürtiere #nature #haustieremachenglücklich #haustiere
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#katzen #katzenauge #katzenliebe #katzennase #katzenaufinstagram #catstagram #cat #catlover #catsofinstagram #cats #catseyes #pets #petphotography #petstagram #haustiereaufinstagram #haustier #fellnase #fellnasenliebe #haustieremachenglücklich #haustierfotografie https://www.instagram.com/p/CAI1e8YK0BL/?igshid=lo64k5zg4tw5
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Das ist die Antwort auf die Frage: soll n wir mal langsam aufstehen? 🤔#seelenhunde #haustieremachenglücklich #heutemorgenso (hier: Drensteinfurt)
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[Balou] Home is wherever I'm with you! 💕😻 . . . #sofluffyandwonder #royalcatsholes #playtime #petsofinstagram #pounce #cutepetclub #catsuit #pamperedcats #catsoftheday #catsoftheworld #kat #9gagnoticeme #topcatphoto #pleasantcats #animalsco #cats_of_instworld #igcutes_animals #meowbox #cutecatcrew #balousfriends #catboolove #animalsaddicts #miau #haustieremachenglücklich #tabbycats #catsrule #igcats #petsofinstaworld #picneko #fluffycatcrew (hier: Hamburg, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2GzBeyIB96/?igshid=xk3wxxqx6mco
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