holyshitthisstuff · 2 years
Imagine telling someone what makes you feel sad and they use it against you.
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tsuyoung · 1 year
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#fuckit #sadgirl #lonely #goaway #hatepeople #whatever
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Fanculo le persone.
Ti fidi di loro e ti fottono.
Gli confidi i tuoi più intimi segreti, li dicono in giro.
Gli chiedi aiuto, spariscono.
Ci sono solo quando si tratta di loro e dei loro problemi.
Perció, andassero a fanculo.
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xbexhixndx · 4 years
Szkoda, że nawet nie wiesz, że złamałeś mi serce.
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satanskidd666 · 5 years
Wir leben in einer generation die so sehr geliebt werden will aber das lieben verlernt hat....
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lifeisshitshityy · 5 years
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zweibiervorvier · 5 years
Wir haben null Bock, dafür ein Alkohol-Problem. Aber alles ist okay, solang der Mittelfinger steht. Und er steht.🖕🏻
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"Fúj. Nem szeretem az embereket"
Mondta a 3 éves kisfiú a vonaton
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deepblueoceane · 5 years
With Class
Consider yourself lucky that I am a women with class
Consider yourself saved for if, I did not want to maintain my image of being calm and collected, turning a blind eye to drama , all while handling my business
I could very easily snap
You like to push my buttons from a distance 
You like to pick and prode till , I become deeply ikred and can’t take it anymore
But I highly suggest you find something better to do with your time
Than try to manipulate peoples lives, your life must be very hard
After all, you spend so much time trying to make mine harder
Do you dislike that I have the attention of someone you love?
Well we are adults are we not?
Why don’t you grow up and accept it for what it is?
We will cross paths eventually so I hope you stay true to the insipid, conniving , possesive bitch that you make yourself out to be!
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mystical-raven · 5 years
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moonchildx666x-blog · 5 years
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school sucks
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xbexhixndx · 4 years
Uważaj na ludzi.
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skylyknightly · 5 years
I didn’t know I had to drink, work with you and party to be recognized as a friend? Guess we aren’t friends then?
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universelifes · 5 years
I just need to get outside this mental prison
Nothing Nowhere - Ruiner
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fi-delius · 6 years
I gotta start looking up at the night sky more...
So I can remember how big and beautiful the universe is out there, and how insignificant my problems and the people around me that contribute to them are...
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