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dailykhabar20 · 19 days ago
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ਕੈਨੇਡਾ ‘ਚ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਨੌਜਵਾਨ ਦੇ ਕ ਤ ਲ ਮਾਮਲੇ ਸਬੰਧੀ ਪੁਲਿਸ ਨੇ ਦੋ ਲੋਕਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਕੀਤਾ ਗ੍ਰਿਫ਼ਤਾਰ��� - Daily Khabar
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straycatboogie · 2 years ago
2023/03/08 English
BGM: Phil Collins - Another Day in Paradise
Today was a day off. Recently I am going back to choose the style of reading Haruki Murakami's books simply. Today I read "Haruki Murakami Miscellaneous Writings". In this book, I was interested in the episode of a person who had been isolated by a religious cult. That person had had "Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World" secretly, therefore he/she could survive that situation by reading that book. Me, as I always wrote again and again, I have gone through a few event which might be a kind of "brainwashing" (Indeed, I even tried to adapt that situation). But since now, I can stay in this world because my inspiration said to me "something must be wrong". I guess that is because the books I had read one by one worked as a balancer. These novels taught me that I should keep on staying in this world and find the reason of living this life. I guess it can be so even since now.
In Japan, we can use "Inochi No Denwa". it's a telephone group of saving the people from various mental problems. Once I was a college student, I didn't have any people who I could ask for help (now I think that I should call my elder brother who had lived in Tokyo), so I used that "Inochi No Denwa" again and again. But I had already been a heavy drinker and called the person with drunken state, therefore they must get troubled. I am sorry for that. And I can remember that I have lived many times of the darkness with saying "my life is over". At that time, I read books for curing myself immediately. Haruki Murakami, V. E. Frankle... reading them, and spending time quietly. Then I could find the way to go on or the situation changed strangely, and I could go over. Or I could choose the courageous answer I already had in me. That is also a lesson this life gave me.
In Haruki's "Murakami Radio 2", Haruki writes about his 20s. I think about my 20s, but all I can say is just "a terrible decade". The AUM incident, which Haruki wrote in other books, happened and it made me think "how I can do to keep my normality?". I am never being the person who have any strong mind like a stone. For example, even recently I almost went into a conspiracy about covid-19 and vaccination, and I had tried to believe that alcohol healed my health and mind when I was a heavy drinker. Thinking like this, I guess that it would be the decade that I faced myself one by one, and also tried to find the "faith" or "policy" of mine if I had 20s. And at last, I got an attitude of living with important "certain happy pieces" as Haruki says, and the anarchism of believing the life without any fighting spirit. Even now, that anarchism is alive.
This evening, I went to the "danshu" meeting and confessed the "dust of my mind" completely. My personal completer wouldn't work more, and I always get sleepy well because of the warmth of spring season. Another member said his opinion quoting my diary, and it made me feel thankful for his reading. Once my mind became up and down because of the number of accesses. It was from esteem needs. But since I had started joining this meeting and confessing my stories, those needs certainly vanished from me. Of course, I would be glad if many people read my diary, but I don't want to treat the current state, the trustable readers exactly read my ones, roughly. Indeed, once I dreamed that my entries would be recorded by hatena bookmarkers and become hot entries. But now, I don't have that crooked desire. I want to keep the current life which is full of "certain happy pieces". And this blog goes on.
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dopingconsomme · 5 years ago
  —cis@株 先物 FX 仮想通貨 リネレボ on Twitter: "イギリスは銀行の配当金支払い停止 世界的に家賃猶予の流れから これから資本を投資してると吸われる流れになりそうな・・・ おそらくアメリカが配当停止したら日本の銀行も右へならえで無配にするだろうからアメリカがそうなったら逃げ時" B!
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tururinkou-blog · 4 years ago
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trusthunters · 2 years ago
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And I had never considered that, in the coming human - robot conflagration, robots might take over simply by expertly manipulating us into letting them win." "It seemed almost cruel to design a robot that could play on a young kid's emotions. The goal is to choreograph movements and expressions that will induce genuine emotions in the toy's owner."
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Their animation software is hooked up directly to sample robots: The animators create new ways to show that Cozmo is, say, frustrated, and play them back through its body to see how people interpret the robot's actions. "Should children form emotional bonds with robots?" "Anki has hired animators from Pixar and DreamWorks to design some 1,200 little movements for the robot to make. I think in 10 or 20 years this will be very common, especially if maintaining and feeding cats and dogs becomes prohibitively expense. I'm yet to determine if that's a good thing or not. Most of the web browsers of late are looking a lot more like Chrome. In the meantime, the Firefox version on my other two PCs will be staying at version 56, until I get that sorted. I've been tempted to swap to Opera again, but I'll wait and see just which addons get updated soon. Instead I removed the addon and continued to use Google Calendar instead. I almost left using Thunderbird at that point, but the alternatives I was perpared to entertain - Evolution, Claws, and The Bat, all had issues. Of course most - in time - will be updated but it's just plain annoying.Ī while back Thunderbird was updated and unlike their usual updates, it automatically added a mandatory calendar addon with the update. Therational behind this is that there's a "budding addon standard" which is all very good, but half the reason I've stayed with Firefox was the useful addons. Apparently everything's changed, and about half of my addons are either gone or no longer work. I never knew there were so many social media thingamies that you can post to before!įirefox has updated to version 57, also known as "Quantum". It also allows you to post a link to: Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, Email, LinkedIn, Reddit, Tumblr, WordPress, Google Gmail, WhatsApp, StumbleUpon, AIM, Amazon Wish List, AOL Mail, Balatarin, BibSonomy, Bitty Browser, Blinklist, Blogger Post, BlogMarks,, Box.net, BuddyMarks, Buffer, Care2 News, CiteULike, Delicious, Design Float, Diary.Ru, Diaspora, Digg, diHITT, Diigo, Douban, Draugiem, DZone, Evernote, Facebook Messenger, Fark, Flipboard, Folkd, Google Bookmarks, Google Classroom, Hacker News, Hatena, Houzz, Instapaper, Jamespot, Kakao, Kik, Kindle It, Known, Line, LiveJournal, Mail.Ru, Mendeley, Meneame, Mixi, MySpace, Netlog, Netvouz, NewsVine, NUjij, Odnoklassniki, Oknotizie,, Papaly, Pinboard, Plurk, Pocket, Polyvore, Print, PrintFriendly, Protopage Bookmarks, Pusha, Qzone, Rediff MyPage, Refind, Renren, Segnalo, Sina Weibo, SiteJot, Skype, Slashdot, StockTwits, Stumpedia, Svejo, Symbaloo Feeds, Telegram, Threema, Trello, Tuenti, Twiddla, TypePad Post, Viadeo, Viber, VK, Wanelo, WeChat, Wykop, XING, Yahoo Bookmarks, Yahoo Mail, Yahoo Messenger, Yoolink, YouMob, and Yummly. A lot simpler for me that way, as I can share serendipity stuff I find, without breaking my focus. Check to make sure the unifi container is running: docker container ls.I've only been posting to Facebook via a Firefox addon called AddtoAny, rather than going to Facebook itself. You'll see a little bit of output in the terminal and see that unifi is starting. Run the Docker container: docker-compose up -d. Press CTRL+O to save the file and then CTRL+X to exit back to the terminal.
You can find a list of TZ timezones here.
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FYI, I can make a connection perfectly between the UDM Pro and Win10 LTSC build 17763, iPhone and Android devices, but any OEM Windows10 build just won't play.
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I have followed this and dozens of other tutorials for over two days and I have yet to make a L2TP VPN connection connect between a UDM Pro and Windows Pro Build 19043.
Then open File Station and create a folder under docker called. Then go to Synology Control Panel and choose Terminal & SNMP and tick the box to turn on ssh port 22, you can turn this off again later.
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Choose pducharme/ unifi-video- controller and download it. Once installed open Docker and click Registry and type " unifi-video " in search box.I started with just a couple of Ac Pros, running the UniFi software in a docker container on my Synology NAS, using the supplied POE injectors into. Three are the disc APs and two are in-wall APs. Here's the resulting setup and choices I made, as viewed in the UniFi Controller Software: I have the Gateway, the Switch with PoE, and five APs.
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onlineeagle · 3 years ago
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Farkle Rules PDF - Free Printable Farkle Game Rules - How to Play Farkle. To gain the favour of the pharaoh and win the game you will. Qwixx+Score+Sheet+CT.jpg 1.131×1.600 pixels. 5 Download Qwixx Block Pdf Download Starting Out With Python 4th Edition Pdf Watch The Ladykillers Putlocker Now, you can play GTA 4 for Android on your. If the dice dont show the right building blocks for you, the quarry is there to help you out. You can download my summary of Qwixx rules in PDF 97 Ko. Adobe Photoshop And Premiere Elements 12 Download. Qwixx Block Pdf Download The active player adds the pips of the two white dice and says their total aloud. Hatena Bookmark - Cours Autocad Gratuit En Pdf. To upload the required model just click 'DOWNLOAD/DOWNLOAD FREE'.Īlso, on our website you can find a lot of useful information and trainings in the field of architecture, design and software. Lucisart Pro 6.0 Plug-in Free Download Norinco 56s Serial Numbers Lookup Serif Movie Plus X6 Voigtlander 28mm 1. Enjoy all the easiness and simplicity of using our DWG files library. Our DWG database contains a large number of free DWG models, CAD blocks, AutoCAD drawings, assemblies, diagrams, symbols, city plans, famous architectural objects that are compatible with an AutoCAD platform. High-quality CAD – is a big DWG FILES library for architects, designers, engineers and draftsman.
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10to1-travel · 3 years ago
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pennyjomma · 3 years ago
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dailykhabar20 · 1 month ago
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ਦਰਬਾਰ ਸਾਹਿਬ ਤੋਂ ਅੱਜ ਦਾ ਹੁਕਮਨਾਮਾ ਸਾਹਿਬ (22-11-2024)… - Daily Khabar
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dopingconsomme · 5 years ago
  —中野TRFが閉店の危機、人件費削減のため店長も4月いっぱいで退社。ニコニコチャンネル登録とフリーパス購入による支援を呼びかけ : チゲ速 B!
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esclarecerdahumanidade · 4 years ago
Poder 360 RIO GRANDE DO NORTE Governadora Fátima Bezerra (PT) pretende comprar Coronavac para o Rio Grande do Norte. 13/12/2020 Difícil até para nós esboçarmos alguma coisa quando se trata de PT. Cada dia que passa, vai ficando mais claro o quanto eles querem de qualquer forma colocar de todo jeito as tais vacinas sem comprovação. Falam tanto em respeitar a medicina, a ciência, mas parece que agora vale tudo, topam tudo por dinheiro. Enfim! Quem sou eu para dizer algo, mas fico indignada sim, de ver que temos tratamento precoce, mas ele é barato, não compensa fazer isso, não compensa lutar pela saúde da população. Seguem informações: Serido 360. A governadora do Rio Grande do Norte, Fátima Bezerra (PT), negocia com o governo do São Paulo a aquisição de doses da vacina Coronavac para imunização da população do Rio Grande do Norte. informação foi confirmada pela assessoria da governadora. O número de doses que seriam compradas, no entanto, não foi divulgado. A vacina ainda está na terceira fase de teste, em que a eficácia precisa ser comprovada antes de ser liberada pela Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (Anvisa). Fátima participa de reunião do Fórum de Governadores com o Ministério da Saúde, nesta terça-feira (8), e conversou com o governador João Dória sobre o assunto – o encontro foi em formato virtual. A governadora ainda deverá ir a São Paulo para ter uma reunião com o presidente do Instituto Butantan, Dimas Covas. De acordo com a assessoria do governo, pelo menos 9 estados já apresentaram interesse na aquisição da vacina. Após a confirmação da assessoria, a própria governadora se pronunciou sobre o assunto através de suas redes sociais. Compartilhe Recomendado para você: Tags coronavacFátima BezerraRNVacina Michele Luz Website http://www.politicadaluzbrasil.com.br Read more articles PREVIOUS POST Árvore de Mirassol em Natal é acesa sem festividades. DEIXE UMA RESPOSTA Conectado como Michele Luz. Sair? Comentário Veja Também: Árvore de Mirassol em Natal é acesa sem festividades. Apuração de votos – eleições 2020 Natal (RN) ANÚNCIOS AUTISMO (TEA) Mãe de Gêmeos Autistas buscando ajuda para continuar o tratamento de forma digna. Essa é a história da Daniela de Divinópolis (MG), Mãe dos gêmeos (Miguel e Rafael - autistas). Chegamos ao caso… Leia Mais… → Harmonização de Energias para Autistas! Acredita que somos um corpo físico trocando energias o tempo todo? E estamos o tempo todo emanando e recebendo energias,… Leia Mais… → Anjos Especiais com Famílias Especiais. Uma coluna muito especial para quem merece atenção e carinho. Essa nova coluna trará uma espécie de acalanto para familiares… Leia Mais… → ANÚNCIOS ANÚNCIOS ANÚNCIOS ANÚNCIOS copyright 2020. Política da luz Brasil. Todos os direitos reservados Proudly powered by WordPress | Theme: Matina News by Mystery Themes. Voltar ao topo Facebook Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Copy Link Diaspora Douban Draugiem Facebook Messenger Google Classroom Kik Papaly Refind Skype SMS Trello Viber Threema Telegram Email Reddit Float it Google Gmail GentleReader Google Bookmarks Digg PrintFriendly Print Tumblr Vkontakte Evernote Amazon Wish List WordPress Whatsapp Diigo Hacker News Box.net AOL Mail Yahoo Mail Instapaper Plurk AIM Viadeo Pinboard Blogger Post TypePad Post Buffer Flipboard Pocket Fark Fintel Yummly App.net Balatarin BibSonomy Bitty Browser Blinklist BlogMarks Bookmarks.fr BuddyMarks Care2 News Diary.Ru Folkd Hatena Jamespot Kakao Kindle_It Known Line LiveJournal Mail.Ru Mendeley Meneame MeWe Mix Mixi MySpace Netvouz Odnoklassniki Outlook.com Protopage_Bookmarks Pusha Qzone Rediff MyPage Renren Sina Weibo SiteJot Slashdot StockTwits Svejo Symbaloo_Feeds Tuenti Twiddla Webnews Wykop Xing Yoolink
Governadora Fátima Bezerra (PT) pretende comprar Coronavac para o Rio Grande do Norte. – POLÍTICA DA LUZ BRASIL
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sukebandekai · 5 years ago
1:2019/11/09(土) 19:31:51.43ID:m1bziRrf9 公明代表、2閣僚辞任で苦言 「そもそも問題ありそうな人」 2019年11月09日00時35分 twitter facebook hatena-bookmark LINE ranking comment  公明党の山口那津男代表は8日、BS朝日の番組収録で、菅原一秀前経済産業相と河井克行前法相の相次いだ辞任について「異常な事態で、国民に申し訳ない。内閣は身を引き締めて、立て直していく必要がある」と述べた。<下へ続く>
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imyschooll77 · 5 years ago
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awsexchage · 6 years ago
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TwitterのツイートにURLがあったら「はてなブックマーク」にブックマーク追加する仕組みをPythonで実装してAWS Lambdaで動してみた http://bit.ly/2MlSNeZ
はてなブックマークがIDコール廃止。外部サービス連携も順次終了 – Impress Watch https://www.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/news/1150477.html
はてなブックマークを #API で追加する #python スクリプトの例 – Qiita https://qiita.com/YumaInaura/items/0641702719fef0260d8e
はてなブックマーク ブックマーク API – Hatena Developer Center http://developer.hatena.ne.jp/ja/documents/bookmark/apis/rest/bookmark#post_my_bookmark_parameter_comment
OAuth認証を利用するにはConsumer key を取得する必要がありますので、下記ドキュメントを参考にします。
Consumer key を取得して OAuth 開発をはじめよう – Hatena Developer Center http://developer.hatena.ne.jp/ja/documents/auth/apis/oauth/consumer
APIを利用して自分のアカウント情報にアクセスするにはOAuth認証でアクセストークンを取得する必要があります。 下記ライブラリでさくっと取得できそうでしたがエラー発生したため、公式にあるRuby実装サンプルを利用してアクセストークンを取得しました。
はてなブックマーク Web APIを手軽に使えるgemを作った – Qiita https://qiita.com/t__nabe/items/7918b6c6232eb14c248e
> gem install hatena_bookmark_client_for_ruby > get_hatebu_access_token <YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY> <YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET> /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.3.0/gems/oauth-0.5.4/lib/oauth/consumer.rb:197:in `request': parameter_rejected (OAuth::Problem) from /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.3.0/gems/oauth-0.5.4/lib/oauth/consumer.rb:214:in `token_request' from /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.3.0/gems/oauth-0.5.4/lib/oauth/consumer.rb:155:in `get_request_token' from /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.3.0/gems/hatena_bookmark_client_for_ruby-0.1.3/exe/get_hatebu_access_token:27:in `<top (required)>' from /usr/local/bin/get_hatebu_access_token:22:in `load' from /usr/local/bin/get_hatebu_access_token:22:in `<main>'
> touch oauth_consumer.rb # 公式の「サンプルコード Ruby版」をコピペ # YOUR_CONSUMER_KEYとYOUR_CONSUMER_SECRETを書き換える > gem install sinatra > ruby oauth_consumer.rb [2019-05-18 14:07:10] INFO WEBrick 1.3.1 [2019-05-18 14:07:10] INFO ruby 2.3.7 (2018-03-28) [universal.x86_64-darwin18] == Sinatra (v2.0.5) has taken the stage on 4567 for development with backup from WEBrick [2019-05-18 14:07:11] INFO WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=29898 port=4567
http://localhost:4567 にアクセスして、はてなブックマークでアクセスを許可してトークンを取得します。
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Twitter APIを利用してツイートを取得する
Twitter APIの利用に関しては下記を参考にしました。
Pythonでサクッと簡単にTwitterAPIを叩いてみる – Qiita https://qiita.com/ogrew/items/0b267f57b8aaa24f1b73
Twitter APIを利用するために必要となるアプリ登録とアクセストークン取得については以前に行って��ので今回はスキップします。下記が参考になります。
Twitter REST APIの使い方 https://syncer.jp/Web/API/Twitter/REST_API/
以前にもTwitter APIを利用したことがあり、ツイートを検索する際に、since: とuntil: を利用して期間指定できることを知ったので、それを利用して取得するツイートを絞り込みます。日時のフォーマットを2019-05-18_12:34:56_JST と指定することで秒単位まで指定可能です。
Twitterの検索で時間を含む期間指定をする方法 – Qiita https://cloudpack.media/45665
ユーザーを指定するにはfrom: が利用できるので、こんな感じのクエリで検索します。
Twitter検索:特定のユーザー、アカウント内を指定して検索する方法 https://appbu.jp/twitter-search-from-specific-user
from:k_aik_ou since:2019-05-18_12:34:56_JST until:2019-05-18_13:45:01_JST
はてなブックマーク APIとTwitter APIが利用できることと必要となるキーが取得できたので、雑にPythonで実装します。consumerKey 、consumerSecret 、accessToken 、accessTokenSecret は各自のに置き換えてください。
import json import requests from requests_oauthlib import OAuth1 from requests_oauthlib import OAuth1Session import datetime,time,sys import re def tweet_to_hatebu(): # はてなブックマーク hatena_auth = OAuth1( "consumerKey", "consumerSecret", "accessToken", "accessTokenSecret" ) # Twitter twitter_session = OAuth1Session( "consumerKey", "consumerSecret", "accessToken", "accessTokenSecret" ) # APIのエンドポイント bookmark_api_url = "http://api.b.hatena.ne.jp/1/my/bookmark" twitter_api_url = "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/search/tweets.json" # ツイート取得する期間を指定する # from_atは定期実行する間隔に合わせて調整する now = datetime.datetime.now() from_at = now - datetime.timedelta(minutes=10) from_at_str = from_at.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S_JST") to_at_str = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S_JST") # 取得件数は適当に指定(最大100ツイート) params = { "q": "from:ツイッターのユーザー名 since:" + from_at_str + "until:" + to_at_str, "lang": "ja", "result_type": "recent", "count": 100, } # 指定した条件のツイートが取得できるまでAPIを叩く statuses = [] while True: res = twitter_session.get(twitter_api_url, params = params, verify=True) res_text = json.loads(res.text) if len(res_text["statuses"]) == 0: break # Twitter APIの利用制限を超えたらヤメ if res.headers["X-Rate-Limit-Remaining"] == 0: break statuses.extend(res_text["statuses"]) next_max_id = res_text["statuses"][-1]["id"] - 1 params["max_id"] = next_max_id # ツイート時間でソートするなど statuses = sorted(statuses, key=lambda x: x["created_at"]) for tweet in statuses: # 画像を含むツイートは無視 if "media" in tweet["entities"]: print("media") continue # ながいつぶやきは無視 if tweet["truncated"]: print("truncated") continue # ツイートテキストからURLを取得する text = tweet["text"] url_pattern = r"(https?)(:\/\/[-_\.!~*\"()a-zA-Z0-9;\/?:\@&=\+\$,%#]+)" matchOB = re.search(url_pattern, text) # URLを含めずにブックマークにコメントする comment = re.sub(url_pattern, "", text) # リツイートだったらコメントは無視 rt_matchOB = re.search(r"RT ", text) if rt_matchOB: comment = "" # URLがあったらコメントを添えてブックマーク追加する if matchOB: bookmark_url = matchOB.group() print(requests.post(bookmark_api_url + "?url=" + bookmark_url + "&comment=" + comment, auth= hatena_auth).content) tweet_to_hatebu()
> pip install requests requests_oauthlib > python main.py
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AWS Lambdaを利用して定期実行させる
実装できましたがこのままだと手動でスクリプト実行しなきゃいけないので、AWS Lambdaに関数を登録して定期実行させます。
AWS Lambda関数作成権限がある
AWS Lambdaで実行できるように実装を手直しします。tweet_to_hatebu メソッドの実装は変わらずです。
> mv main.py lambda_function.py
import json import requests from requests_oauthlib import OAuth1 from requests_oauthlib import OAuth1Session import datetime,time,sys import re def lambda_handler(event, context): tweet_to_hatebu() return { "statusCode": 200, "body": json.dumps("Hello from Lambda!") } def tweet_to_hatebu(): (略)
こちらを参考に必要となるライブラリと実装をZIPにまとめてアップロードしてAWS Lambda関数を作成します。
【Python】AWS Lambdaで外部モジュールを使用する – Qiita https://qiita.com/SHASE03/items/16fd31d3698f207b42c9
> pip install requests requests_oauthlib -t ./ > zip -r tweet2hatebu.zip ./*
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このままだとdatetime.datetime.now() で日時を取得したときにUTC時間となるので関数の環境設定にTZ 変数を追加します。値はAsia/Tokyo です。
AWS Lambda��タイムゾーン変更 – Qiita https://qiita.com/nullian/items/39ecf1f6d0194b72e8e6
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Amazon CloudWatch Eventを利用して定期的に関数が実行するようにします。ルールはお好みで。
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調査から実装してAWS Lambdaで動かせるようにするまで2時間くらいでできました。 安定稼働させるには各APIの利用制限などを考慮した実装にする必要があるかと思いますが、個人で利用する分にはこれくらい雑な実装でも良いかなと思います。
はてなブックマークがIDコール廃止。外部サービス連携も順次終了 – Impress Watch https://www.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/news/1150477.html
はてなブックマークを #API で追加する #python スクリプトの例 – Qiita https://qiita.com/YumaInaura/items/0641702719fef0260d8e
はてなブックマーク ブックマーク API – Hatena Developer Center http://developer.hatena.ne.jp/ja/documents/bookmark/apis/rest/bookmark#post_my_bookmark_parameter_comment
Consumer key を取得して OAuth 開発をはじめよう – Hatena Developer Center http://developer.hatena.ne.jp/ja/documents/auth/apis/oauth/consumer
はてなブックマーク Web APIを手軽に使えるgemを作った – Qiita https://qiita.com/t__nabe/items/7918b6c6232eb14c248e
Pythonでサクッと簡単にTwitterAPIを叩いてみる – Qiita https://qiita.com/ogrew/items/0b267f57b8aaa24f1b73
Twitter REST APIの使い方 https://syncer.jp/Web/API/Twitter/REST_API/
Twitterの検索で時間を含む期間指定をする方法 – Qiita https://cloudpack.media/45665
Twitter検索:特定のユーザー、アカウント内を指定して検索する方法 https://appbu.jp/twitter-search-from-specific-user
AWS Lambdaのタイムゾーン変更 – Qiita https://qiita.com/nullian/items/39ecf1f6d0194b72e8e6
「TwitterのツイートにURLがあったら「はてなブックマーク」にブックマーク追加する仕組みをPythonで実装してAWS Lambdaで動してみた」
June 03, 2019 at 12:00PM
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school-uae · 6 years ago
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businesschicstyle · 6 years ago
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My bookmarks - 22 via /r/u_bestnewssite https://ift.tt/2J5usF5
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