libertineangel · 1 year
In Bloom/Blood, for @tes-summer-fest
It was another bright summer's day in Wayrest, in the year 574 of the Second Era, and Edalanne Marquette was sat at the dining table with a modest array of alchemical equipment, various pieces of plants carefully arranged and separated, a collection of small empty bottles with blank labels, and a list. She was working in a comfortable routine, almost a rhythm, as she consulted the list, picked up the proper quantities of necessary plants, combined them and poured the results into an empty jar, then with a tap of her finger on the list then the label she transferred the potion's name from the one to the other.
There was a loud thud, followed by a cry of pain, from the next room, and her routine was brought to a halt. She stood up from the table, slowly drew her fingers through the air with one hand and firmly gripped the slender spike of ice that followed them in the other, and crept toward the disturbance.
The source of the noise, it turned out, was an exhausted and disheveled young boy who let out another cry of pain as he stood up from the floor in front of the open window, and whose leg appeared to be dripping as he stumbled over to the nearest chair and sat down heavily.
Edalanne was mildly relieved and thought she really should've guessed.
"Hastiel, we have a door for a reason, what in the world possessed you to come through the window?"
"Seemed quicker...was running from a dog...big and angry one," the boy panted.
"And you're sure the dog actually was chasing you this time, this isn't like the other week with the bees?" Edalanne asked, more exasperated than concerned as she gently tossed the ice spike out of the window into a soil patch, where it rapidly started to melt.
At this point the street began to echo with determined barking, growing steadily louder and more insistent until culminating in a heavy slam against the front door of the Marquette household.
"Well, I suppose that answers that," Edalanne muttered as she leaned out of the window. "Now you calm down, and go home," she said to the dog as sternly as she could, pointing an authoritative finger at it from which a ray of green light emerged, landing on the dog's head and rendering it perfectly polite and docile. She then turned back to Hastiel, and failed to repress a sigh.
"Alright, so why was the dog chasing- wait, 'Tiel, you're bleeding! Hold on, let me fix that, and then tell me what happened." She knelt down and put her palm over Hastiel's leg wound, spoke a few Aetheric words, then took her hand away to inspect the result - the area was still raw and red, with a noticeable dent, but now at least devoid of holes. She stood up, and motioned for Hastiel to speak.
"Well...you know it's Dancing Day soon?"
"Yes, I do know it's Dancing Day soon," Edalanne answered with a bemused smile.
"Well, Faric wanted to talk to Marielle, the fishmonger's daughter, about...Dancing Day, but he wasn't sure how to bring it up, so Alain suggested he try with flowers, but none of us knew what's in bloom right now..."
"There are flower sellers in the market all the time, couldn't you just buy some from one of them instead of...whatever it is that got you bleeding and chased by - I'll give you that, a very intimidating dog?"
"That's what Alain suggested but Faric decided he really liked the idea of flowers so he didn't want to just get any, he wanted some that would be really good quality, rich fancy people's flowers; Alain said flowers are just flowers and only people who know about flowers could tell the difference, and Marielle probably doesn't, but Faric wanted to be really sure."
"And how, exactly, did this result in you bleeding and getting chased by a dog?"
"Well, we decided to have a look around where the rich fancy houses are, see what flowers they have growing, but the thing is they all have walls around the gardens, so I had to climb up one, and then I fell in the garden and the massive dog happened to also be in the garden so I had to climb back out very quickly, and I slipped and fell back down into the street and cut my leg on the corner of the wall as I went over, and the dog jumped over and chased me, so..."
Edalanne buried her head in her hands for a moment, took a deep breath and tried to keep her voice as level and steady as she could.
"'Tiel, I have told you this many times before and so has the city guard, climbing walls is trespass and it is a crime. Please, love, eventually the town will run out of patience, I know you don't have any bad intentions but that doesn't matter when you're still breaking the law."
Hastiel looked down and let out a small sigh, and was silent for a moment.
"At least I don't think the guard will find out about this one," he eventually replied, his voice a little quieter than before, "only the dog saw me and I can't imagine it's going to tell anyone...and I did see what flowers were there too."
"Well, I suppose a dog getting you home is a step up from a watchman...what flowers were they?"
"They were...sort of blue," Hastiel answered, losing faith in the sentence before he'd entirely finished it.
"...right. Any more details, or any details at all, for that matter?"
"They were really bright, and blue but also sort of purple, and kind of tall. I think, maybe."
"Really? That sounds like wyrdbloom, I wouldn't expect it to be flowering yet, that's interesting, maybe there's a..." Edalanne replied, her gaze drifting away for a moment as she trailed off before blinking and turning back to Hastiel. "It's just as well you got chased off, don't give that to Marielle, wyrdbloom petals crushed into fish oil makes a numbing agent, a day helping in the market and she wouldn't be able to hold the things."
"I will definitely inform Faric of that, and - speaking of the market, that's where we agreed to meet in case I got chased off, can I go over there and let them know the dog didn't eat me?" Hastiel asked tentatively, aware that he might be pushing his luck.
Edalanne thought for a moment, and sighed once more before replying.
"Alright, but be back at a sensible hour - through the door this time - and please, don't get into any more trouble, especially not the sort that might involve the guard."
"I will do my best on all counts, I promise," Hastiel said as he gave his injured leg a stretch, then stood up and headed to the door. "I'll be back later, and hopefully without any animals of any sort chasing me."
"Or any people either, nor any people with swords dropping you back here," Edalanne called after him as he left, then returned to her work at the dining table.
"Hastiel, what happened? Did the dog catch you?" Alain asked loudly as he and Faric spotted Hastiel entering the market square and walked over to meet him.
"No, I managed to get home unscathed and jump through the window, and mum fixed my leg up. She also told me that the flowers in that garden are probably wyrdbloom, and they'll probably make Marielle's hands go numb."
"Oh, well that's no good at all," Faric replied. "I wonder what's in the other gardens?"
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yallemagne · 1 year
'cause I saw you posting about lanyon/utterson a little while ago -- how about them, for the ship bingo?
oh NOOOO... yeah, I also tried this one immediately. @gabrielisdead I'm sorry for tagging you so much brother.
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Lanyon x Utterson... Hastiel?
:( yeah so, I could have cheated and said "haha didn't Lanyon technically die for Utterson" but no that is a stretch and I must admit harsh cold defeat. And he didn't technically die for Utterson, he had a stroke.
Now, Power Couple? That's entirely influenced by my ongoing AU where they are Sibyl Vane's two rational gay dads, which is inspired by my fic: A Pitiable Performance.
Hm. I wonder why all the ships in Strange Case could never possibly be canon... Henry. Can't really hold hands with your boyfriend if you're dead. Lanyon is quite literally Too Good To Be Alive.
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Psychoanalysis Of Castiel and Hannah
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Hannah and Castiel are my favorite characters, I’ve been writing about them for a very long time, and a lot of the time, my stories are a way for me to understand them better. These two characters are the characters I relate to the most for a lot of reasons. Mainly because I think that if they weren’t angels, they would both be on the autism spectrum, so I relate to them on a personal level because I am autistic too.
Hannah is a character that not a lot of people like in the show. She’s unpopular with a lot of fans, and they seem quick to condemn her for her flaws, but to me, she is one of the most misunderstood characters. She did have character flaws and strengths; she was one of the more developed supporting characters on the show. And she complimented Castiel’s personality in many ways.
At the most basic level, Hannah is an angel’s angel. She is bound by heaven’s laws, and she has a strong sense of duty, responsibility, and regulations. For her, everything has its place, and it’s hard for her to understand when people stray from that. She values harmony and order and structure. So the concept of free will was hard for her to wrap her mind around, at least at first. 
But at the same time, Hannah is unusual in that, unlike other angels, she seems to have emotions. She is very empathetic. And she doesn’t always understand feelings, how they work inside of her. Often times, she struggles with intense emotions, which causes her to be impulsive and to lash out when she feels she, or someone she cares about, is being slighted or taunted. 
Hannah was quick to react with anger to Tessa taunting her, to Metatron teasing her, she did provoke Adina into an altercation, and I feel it’s because she doesn’t always handle these sort of emotions well, she acts out what she feels. 
Hannah admired Castiel from the beginning. While other angels blamed him for the fall, Hannah seemed drawn to him as soon as she encountered him, and it didn’t matter to her the reputation he has in heaven. And I think this is an essential strength for Hannah. That even though she values order and rules, she is also somewhat open-minded. She strives to understand things, and Castiel, a rebel, represents everything she’s been taught was wrong. Yet she trusts him anyway.
When she learns about Castiel’s stolen grace, she walked out on him, and a lot of fans seem to get on her case for that, but think of it from her point of view. Stealing another angel’s grace is a pretty abhorrent thing; such a violent act isn’t something Hannah is too familiar with. It goes against everything she’s been taught. And Castiel was someone she admired, she chose to follow despite the chaos he seems to represent, and then to discover what he did, she probably felt betrayed, and she struggled with these feelings of hurt.
But here’s the thing. Hannah has this inherent need to understand. In many ways, she shares that intellectual curiosity with Castiel. If she didn’t, she never would have gone down to that jail cell to talk with Castiel and Gadreel. She wouldn’t have been there if she didn’t want to understand. And as soon as she did understand, she was right back at Castiel’s side.
See, Hannah needs proof. She is an angel who values order, and if someone is to deviate from that order, she needs to understand why she needs proof of why this deviation is necessary. She is an independent thinker in that regard, which again sets her apart from other angels. She is more than just a mindless drone, and I think Castiel sensed that in her, that she has the potential to be more than that.
Also, I don’t think people understand and recall that Hannah endured some trauma. She is a soldier of heaven. And unlike Castiel, she has never been to Earth before the fall. The fall must have been absolutely traumatizing for her. So suddenly fall from heaven, to be on this strange world with all of these strange humans, struggling to find her way in it all. And then, she is tortured by Gadreel.
There is some debate over what happened in that warehouse, but the facts are that Gadreel killed all the angels Hannah was with, and he beat her. When Castiel found her, she was beaten, shaking; she couldn’t even open her eye. She seems to have put up a struggle, but whatever happened, she was in bad condition, and she was left in a room full of dead angels. Angels she probably had to watch be brutally murdered. And at the same time, Metatron had ordered Gadreel to leave one angel alive, and he chose Hannah. Did he pick her at random, was she just the one who fought the hardest, or maybe even he saw something in her. Something valuable.
When Hannah started working on Earth with Castiel, it was clear how quickly she began to evolve. She went from being an angel’s angel who found things like stolen angel grace to be abhorrent, to actually wanting to make deals with Metatron to save Castiel of his fate, a fate that most angels would think he deserved. Including himself, and we will get to Castiel’s issues later.
It’s pretty clear at first that Hannah doesn’t really trust humans. She doesn’t trust Sam or Dean, and she doesn’t think there’s much that can be learned from humanity. But Castiel shows her otherwise, and her fascination with humanity begins to grow. She realizes that there is something more about these creatures. 
And as Hannah spends more time on Earth, her emotions and passions begin to grow. She doesn’t understand, and her feelings are a source of some internal conflict for her. Because as she sees Castiel deteriorate, as she grows to care for him, her emotions tend to get the best of her, compelling her to go against her own moral compass to save him. What she once thought was abhorrent, like making deals with Metatron, or even suggesting that Castiel steal more grace, suddenly become more acceptable to her in her desperation as she watches Castiel get weaker and weaker. And she struggles with this conflict. 
Eventually, though she tries, her emotions turn to compassion for her own vessel. She gives up her vessel, leaving Castiel, and giving up the one thing she wanted. 
Hannah was flawed; she struggled. But she was so brave, compassionate, etc. She was more than just some potential love interest for Cas. She was her own person. She was a leader, and even Metatron once commented that under Hannah’s leadership, heaven had never been so stable. 
Hannah left her mark on Castiel. She inspired him to take an interest in his own vessel, and in Claire Novak. And although in the later seasons he and Hannah were at odds, he valued her. And I think he loved her; he was visibly affected by her death in season 11. Castiel believed in Hannah. Even when he was dying of his stolen grace, he believed she could take his place. 
And now for Castiel. Castiel is a genuine angel, and he seems to be very rare as far as angels go. He cares deeply for humanity, but he also cares about heaven.
In many ways, Castiel and Hannah are very much alike, especially in the beginning. Castiel was an angel’s angel, he believed in obedience, but through his time with the Winchesters, he became the poster child for free will. He took a stand for freedom. Maybe he had it in him all along.
But his stand for freedom has cost him dearly. I think it’s important to understand that for Castiel, he is stuck in between two worlds. His friendship with Sam and Dean has kept him on Earth, but to think that he has turned his back on heaven is wrong. He still cares about angels. But his internal conflict is the fact that it’s hard for him to care for both angels and humans.
Maybe Castiel always was a rebel at heart. As Naomi calls him a ‘spanner in the works,’ he’s never truly done precisely what he’s told. 
Castiel is very genuine, and he has always tried to do good. But he’s made mistakes. I think guilt is Castiel’s constant companion. He puts others before himself, not just because he’s brave, but also because he doesn’t seem to value himself and his own worth. 
Castiel has some trauma that has never really been resolved. From standing against Raphael to the fall, guilt has been his constant companion. All he wanted to do was help heaven and help humanity; he couldn’t do both. He tried to teach the angels free will, and it cost him a massive civil war. He went too far, and it all went so wrong, with the leviathans and such.
And that was probably the beginning of Castiel’s feelings of self-loathing. He truly believes he doesn’t deserve salvation because of the things he did to other angels, and the things he did to the Winchesters. The guilt he feels is so enormous that he no longer seems to value his own life. He will fight for others, but not for himself. 
As if the civil war with Raphael wasn’t terrible enough, Castiel was tricked into Metatron’s trap on the pretense that he would be helping angels. And that’s the thing about Castiel’s personality. He wants so desperately to help others that he tends to be easily led astray by other’s false promises. With the civil war, he thought he was helping angels by teaching them free will, by trying to give him the freedom he had found with the Winchesters. Here, he thought he was helping angels in attempting to bring them peace- Metatron’s peace, only to be duped again, which ended up causing even more angel deaths.
It’s just ironic that Castiel’s need to help angels is what has led to heaven’s present situation. He has been single-handedly responsible for the angels almost being extinct right now. From making deals with Crowley to making deals with Metatron, it’s all been about helping heaven, and it’s all gone so horribly wrong for him.
And now, Castiel is hated by his own kind, and I think that is a pain he has endured through the years, contributing to his depression. I think it hurts him very deeply because he still longs to be an angel. He wants to find acceptance. 
I think that in Castiel’s current mindset, and especially after the fall, he has been depressed- even somewhat suicidal- for a very long time. And I think that is the basis for why he felt uncomfortable with Hannah’s interest in him. Throughout the first few episodes of season 10, Hannah literally begged Castiel to take care of himself. And he shot her down each and every time. 
I think Castiel brushed Hannah’s attempts to care for him away because he was uncomfortable with the notion that anyone valued him. Castiel loves the Winchesters, they are his family, but he knows full well that when it comes right down to it, they would pick each other over him no matter what. 
And here is this other person, another angel no less, who is literally willing to risk the world by letting Metatron free to save him. This just does not compute with him. That someone would be that desperate for him to stay alive, he’s not used to it. 
The Winchesters have both made some pretty potentially world-ending decisions to save each other, but here Hannah is, wanting to do this for Castiel, and at this point, Castiel doesn’t care about his own life. 
And I think Hannah’s death probably reinforced it to Castiel that he was of no value to anyone. Even though she literally died fighting at his side. Castiel is so damaged emotionally and mentally, that when we fast forward to the last couple seasons, his deal with the empty just reinforces that. 
Castiel loves Jack. Jack is the one thing that made him happy; after a long line of devastating losses, he finally has his one happy thing, which is why it was a no brainer that he would make a deal with the empty to save Jack. But it goes deeper than that. It’s not just that Castiel loves Jack and would put him before himself, it’s also that he values himself so little, and has felt that way for so long, that sacrificing himself for others is almost second nature to him. He is almost eager for a chance to die for someone else. 
Castiel is such a kind, genuine person, and he deserves someone who would show him the devotion that he would bestow on them. After everything he’s gone through, after everything he’s endured, he still has this insatiable need to help others, whether it be angels or humans. The Winchesters taught him everything about free will, sacrifice, and standing for what’s right, and it’s cost him so much, but it’s made him stronger, it’s made him a better angel. But I think he really needs a chance to be redeemed. He needs to have one thing in his life succeed.
Castiel and Hannah are so perfect for each other. Through Hannah, Castiel could have learned to value himself. And though Castiel, Hannah could learn to discover her own humanity and embrace the passions that she has within her. They would have been an epic power couple together. They compliment one another so well. They are equals. Neither one overpowers the other. They are both independent thinkers; they are both so strong and brave. 
This is why I value these two characters and why I write about them. A lot of this psychoanalysis forms the basis in all my stories. I like to pick about both characters from their relationship with one another to their relationship with humans, other angels, demons, etc. 
When I write about Hanstiel Squared, and there are four angels instead of just two, I am still learning how to work out the kinks in those relationships, but I think when it comes to Hannah and Hana (male Hannah, face claim Lee Majdoub), Hannah takes the role of the provider. She is the leader. She is level headed, and her relationship with Castiel is about a long-enduring love that grows stronger as time goes on. 
Meanwhile, Hana shares many of Hannah’s personality traits, but he is more spontaneous. He embraces emotions a little easier than she does. He’s playful and patient. He’s the entertainer of the bunch. He’s the listener; he’s extremely patient. 
Hannah is the steadfast, devoted, compassionate lover while Hana is the patient, spontaneous, fun-loving lover. 
When it comes to the two Castiels, there’s Castiel, and there’s Castielle (female Castielle, face claim Jessa Danielson), Castielle still carries the same need to help others that Castiel does. She suffers from the same guilt that he does, but it comes out as a shy, more withdrawn version of Castiel. She tends to doubt herself, is unsure of herself, afraid of making a mistake. And she has more of a desire to be loved and to seek love. 
Castielle sees beauty. She is artistic, creative, and she likes to make people happy by making the world around them beautiful. She loves to nurture, which is something she and Castiel definitely share. 
Castiel is the protector; he puts himself at risk to keep those that he loves save. Hannah is the provider, honed with a logical, reasonable outlook, Hana is the listener, and Castielle is the creator and the nurturer. 
So that is my analysis. Whether its just Hanstiel or its Hanstiel squared, this is the basic framework for my stories. I love to dig into Cas and Hannah’s psyches, figure out what makes them tick. And as an angsty, dark fic writer, I do enjoy playing their flaws against them. I put them through hell often. 
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hannahhostofheaven · 5 years
I love how versatile Hanstiel is
This is Hanstiel.
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This is also Hanstiel
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This is hanstiel too
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And this is Hanstiel too
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And this can be Hanstiel, or as I call it, hanstiel squared, too.
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Drabble: Awaiting
Hastiel gazed over her elder sister. Uncertainty staining her glass features, penetrating into her airy voice despite her efforts to sound indifferent. She was glad her lavish court mask hid her pained expression. “Do you know how much more time you have before the ship arrives?”
“The Kiliktin say that it should be here within two days.” Soriah stoically gazed out the window of the Kiliktin outpost. The horned people had been generous to allow her to take residence with them in their heated station. For that she and her father owed them a huge debt, which they paid in glacial resources.
“Two days and you’re gone forever.”
“It’s hard to say what the future holds. I pray that there is a cure for me somewhere in the vastness, so that I can return and gain the throne when father steps down.”
“What if there isn’t a cure?”
“Then you will be the new Glastier Dynasty Queen.”
The thought was a displeasure to both of the sisters.
Hasteil continued to watch Soriah who was bundled up in lavish white furs. Hidden behind it all Hastiel could see the black lines creeping over her sister’s skin like the ancient fractures in the ice at the Chasms of Calcida. “Do you feel the cold in here?”
“It is not the same as the outside air, but I still shiver. The Kiliktin say that it’s hot in here, I don’t grasp the concept.” Soriah smiled as she turned to Hastiel. Her sister was suited for the lavish court life, comfortable in the role of the second sibling. Hastiel wasn’t destined to rule over anything, she could hardly govern herself. “Come on Hassy, don’t look so sad...”
“Sister!” Spheil shouted, running through the hall to jump into Soriah’s arms. “Papa said that a federation ship is coming to pick you up!”
“Did he now?” Soriah knelt down and held Spheil, her flesh was cold. 
“Is it true?”
“Of course, Father would never lie.”
“Wow,” Spheil leaned back and looked at the marks upon her sister’s face, tracing them with her tiny fingers. “Can I come with you into the vastness? I have always wanted see the moons and the stars up close.”
“Spheil, if you come with me, who will take care of Hastiel?” 
“I can take care of myself.” Hastiel replied, unimpressed at the comment.
Spheil’s nose crinkled. “Your eyes look more yellowey than before.”
“Spheil.”  Hastiel was too slow to silence her younger sister, remorsefully waiting for Soriah’s reaction.
“It’s okay,” Soriah said, forcing a light smile. “I noticed it too, it doesn’t hurt me, so neither of you should worry. The only thing that hurts me is the air of our planet, I am comfortable in here.”
The three sisters hung around in silence. They were unsure of what to say, even Spheil couldn’t think of things to talk about, it was rare for her to be so quiet. Yet there was comfort in each other’s company, just as there always had been. This could be the last time that Soriah was with her sisters. After all, her ailment could be fatal. Even the Dynasty’s top scientists could not tell what was wrong with her, nor could the Kiliktin. 
After awhile, a man dressed in elaborate white silks with true-ice and fur embellishments approached the girls. He was their father, the King of the region. “Hastiel, you will be leaving with your sister and I will hear no complaints on the subject.”
Hastiel was mid-protest before the pointed glance of her father silenced her. 
“Go home to pack your things, say your goodbyes. The ship will be here in two evenings.”  
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Also what is the ship name? Hastiel? Casnnah?
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collegeofwinterhold · 4 years
My 4 OCs are Jamid Haidan, former Ash'abah who travelled to Skyrim to fight the Empire & ended up Dragonborn; Hastiel Marquette, impulsive fool who does pretty much anything anyone suggests & just kinda fell into being the Vestige of prophecy; Mahmud Sahan, middle-aged mercenary who saw the Oblivion Crisis as just one more particularly tough war to fight; and Delam Farano, agent of subterfuge who ended up Hero from Daggerfall to Skyrim and hates it. Happy to elaborate on any of them if you want!
oh my god..... i love them all so much...
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sigil-stone · 4 years
Hope you're OK! My Vestige is an impulsive Breton fool named Hastiel who does pretty much whatever comes into his head at any moment, my HoK is a Redguard mercenary called Mahmud who sees the Oblivion Crisis as just one more war to fight, my LDB is ex-Ash'abah Jamid who travelled to Skyrim to fight the Empire (then realised the Stormcloaks are racist so decided to just fight everyone), and Delam is a Dunmer spy and Hero from Daggerfall to Skyrim (he hates it). Can elaborate on any if you want!
i’m doing a lot better !! thank you!
they all sound hella cool !! delam deserves a break, i fully support jamid deciding to just fight Everyone, mahmud Also Deserves a break, and hastiel is such a cool name
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ao3feed-crowley · 8 years
Please Stay
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2n3GtPI
by CarasaurusWrex
Dean looked at Cas and saw the pain on his face. He shouldn't have asked him to leave. Cas got up and turned to walk away but not before Dean caught his arm. His angel turned and looked at him with a Cas-style head-tilt. Dean couldn't help himself, he took his hand in both of his. "Please... Stay," he muttered.
Note: Spoilers through season 10! This is a Destiel headcanon that "fixes" season 10 by adding additional plot and writing Castiel into existing plot. So if you haven't seen season 10 - MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD!!!
Words: 17223, Chapters: 8/17, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M, F/M
Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel, Sam Winchester, Hannah (Supernatural), Claire Novak, Kate (Supernatural), Crowley (Supernatural), Metatron (Supernatural)
Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Castiel/Hannah
Additional Tags: Headcanon, Alternate Season/Series 10, Canon Dialogue, Meta, Slow Burn, Slow Build, Family Feels, Masturbation, Light Angst, Hastiel, Role Reversal, Depression, Spoilers, Healing, Bisexual Dean Winchester, Mark of Cain, Demon Dean Winchester, Destiel - Freeform, Torture, First Blade, Bisexual Castiel (Supernatural)
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2n3GtPI
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libertineangel · 11 months
The thing about writing Star Wars is that you really can just make up words whenever it's convenient
Like TES is localised to a single continent so when I wrote that piece in the summer about Hastiel looking for flowers I spent fucking ages trawling UESP for one I thought might be fitting, I'm always checking place names and distances and timelines to make sure everything fits together and makes sense, but with a Star Wars thing I just started I am doing none of that because a whole galaxy with tens of thousands of years of history is so much room that as long as you don't involve major characters & events you can say whatever the fuck you want
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Headcanon: The Pimp mobile
I’ve realized that other than Cas himself, Hannah is probably the only other person who has spent the most time in the Pimp mobile. I feel like she would associate it with him and maybe him with her. 
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hannahhostofheaven · 5 years
College AU Long Lost Twins/Castiel muse wanted
(Note this is a Hanstiel Squared RP so you must be willing to play two Castiels. Also, let this get dark and angsty! Hannah and Hana were both raised in foster care, Hannah lives with an abusive family and Hana is homeless and living in a homeless shelter. TRIGGER WARNING!!)
Hannah gazed around at all the lively booths as she wandered through campus towards the cafeteria. She hardly took note of any of the sororities or organizations that were trying to entice her with colorful banners and promises of prizes. 
She was just happy to be here. Because being at school meant she wasn’t at home. She knew it wouldn’t last long, she dreaded her foster mother coming to pick her up later. But at least for now, she was away from all of that.
Meanwhile, across campus, Hana was walking out of his classroom. He counted the coins in his hand, wondering if it would be enough for a bag of chips. His stomach growled. But he had spent his money on bus fare. He still felt guilty about how he managed to get into school in the first place. He just hoped the loans he qualified for would last. 
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will-wait-4-you · 9 years
Not sorry😍😇👼🏻👫 #Hastiel
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rivphoe · 9 years
K guys I don’t ship hastiel for one reason: Hannah, isn’t Dean. But it isn't that bad, because it's totally fluff and cute!
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vinchestore · 10 years
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"It’s hard letting go of the story, the mission. But what of the humans, whose lives we sacrifice in the name of that mission. What of them? We always said the humans were our original mission. Maybe it’s time, Castiel, time to put them first."
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libertineangel · 2 years
It was a bright summer’s day in Wayrest, in the year 574 of the Second Era, and three young boys were whiling away the afternoon among the trees just beyond the city’s northern gate. One of them, by the name of Alain, wondered aloud if a particularly large nearby tree was tall enough to provide a view over the city walls from its highest boughs, and his friend Faric grinned as he spoke those fateful words that so rarely ended well, but so often entertained the trio.
“Hastiel, bet you could find out.”
Hastiel smiled at him and then looked up at the tree, gave his arms and legs a few stretches and then reached for his first handhold on the trunk. This was far from the first tree he’d climbed and it did not take him long to reach the lower branches, where he pulled himself up and sat for a moment to take stock of his height and the layout among the leaves.
“You comfortable up there?” Alain called out.
Hastiel’s reply came clear and bold, as if giving some noble proclamation:
“What?” Faric was stood a little further away, and thought he must’ve missed a word or two.
“Bees,” Hastiel repeated, though now with noticeably less composure, and a moment later he scrambled back down, staggering as he regained his balance before immediately sprinting off toward the city gate.
Alain and Faric were initially confused by this display, but before they could call out or chase after him the source of his alarm became apparent as an angry buzzing began to emanate from the tree; they turned to see the swarm emerge from under the leaves, decided that Hastiel’s reaction was entirely appropriate and reasonable, and likewise chose to hightail it to wherever their legs saw fit to carry them.
The northern gate of Wayrest was rarely a quiet place, and so a boy sprinting through it like a convict on the run was very much not the sort of thing to go unnoticed, not least because sprinting through a crowded street is likely to result in repeatedly colliding with people. Collide with people, therefore, is exactly what Hastiel did, repeatedly, as well as a horse, a donkey and the side of a cart, each time intending to give some cry of apology as he continued his desperate flight but never managing more than the word “bees” accompanied by flailing gestures toward the gate.
Eventually he reached the market square, where he collided with a city guard.
“What in blazes do you think you’re – by the Gods, you again.” Hastiel had failed to retain his momentum, and was now sat gasping on the cobblestones. “You’re that Marquette boy, aren’t you? If I had a Drake for every time...out with it then, what did you – oh, to the Void with it, my shift’s almost over, just get on your feet.”
Hastiel’s attempts to explain still didn’t amount to more than waving his hand to the north and stammering “bees”, but he at least managed to stand as a gauntlet grabbed him by the collar and marched him home. The guard gave a few sharp knocks on the door and left as soon as Hastiel’s mother Edalanne opened it, and it took all her restraint not to bury her head in her hands the moment she saw her dishevelled son dropped off by the law yet again.
“’Tiel, come in, and...tell me what happened this time.”
Hastiel, still out of breath, made his way to the nearest chair and collapsed into it before managing a few more half-hearted northward hand-waves.
“...Bees,” he panted weakly.
“Bees?” Edalanne never knew what to expect when Hastiel arrived in some sort of trouble, but this was not the start of a story she’d have guessed would end in the presence of a guard. “I’ll need more than that, what about bees?”
“Was outside walls...climbed a tree...there were bees...chased...ran into guard in the market.”
“You ran all the way through town because you met some bees outside the gate? Well no wonder you’re out of breath, but...’Tiel, bees wouldn’t chase you that far.” Her expression softened from its previous state of concern, but only enough to replace it with exasperation.
Hastiel paused to consider her words, and the new light in which they cast his actions.
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