#hashtag never let aran in the 100 ft vicinity of a vehicle ever again
bazooka-overkill · 4 months
aran ryan's driver's license: a post
this was inspired by when i was fucking around in @wallet6464 's adopt and raise a punch out game. this all spawned from me in an aran ryan png morph driving around in a fuck ass car
aran ryan's license is currently suspended (and has been for seven months) until further notice. "but bazooka, why?" you may be asking. "why is aran ryan, the cleanest boxer ever, have a suspended license?"
well, dear reader, aran ryan is the shittest driver known to man-fucking-kind and i question every day how he has not died. today i will be sharing the events-- albeit in a tl;dr-- that led to his license being suspended.
has 27 points on his license
tried to run over super macho man
mental conditions.
somehow ran seventeen red lights in under 30 minutes
carrying several people in a two-person jeep
had one (1) bottle of popinski's soda in the car
was caught doing donuts on the lawn of super macho man's mansion
flipped off a few cops while driving
had three crates full of beer in his trunk (no one knows where he got them from to this day)
left the scenes of crashes (11 crashes and counting. im one of these 11)
speeding (this is separate from points bc he was doing 171 mph in a school zone in a stolen van)
if anyone wants clarification on any of these i will gladly elaborate
-- bazooka b. overkill, super macho man's lawyer
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